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Procedures on Acceptance, Inspection and Recording of Deliveries
Phase 1   Phase 2   Phase 3
Role of Supply Officer / Property
1. Shall accept all deliveries found in
    accordance with technical specs

All items to be inspected shall be accepted first
by the Property/Supply Officer, as the case may
be (Section 114, COA Circular 92-386)
The above provision pertains only to the receipting/signing on the
delivery receipt (DR) and temporary recording of the deliveries upon
arrival of goods or articles. The deliveries are still subject to
inspection for conformity with specifications on the
Role of Supply Officer / Property
2. Signs Inspection and Acceptance Report (IAR)
3. Records all deliveries/issuances for proper
4. Prepares Issuance Document
5. Maintains Property Card/Stock Card
6. Conducts inventory taking
7. Prepare Semi-Annual and Annual Report
  of inventories as required by COA
8. Prepares Delivery Report (per DepED Order
  No. 45 s. 2006) (DepEd Order No. 19 s. 2007)
  using Form 1
Procedures on Acceptance, Inspection and Recording of Deliveries
The delivery of supplies, materials and equipment must
be made by the supplier/Manufacturer/contractor :

                                    In accordance with the
                                    specifications, terms and
                                    conditions provided in the
                                    Contract/Purchase Order

  Within the stipulated period
  and at the place/s indicated
  in the PO or contract
Failure to deliver within the
prescribed period, the
supplier / manufacturer /
contractor shall be liable for
penalty, usually in the form
of :


                              Once the accumulative amount of
                              Liquidated damages reaches 10%
                             of the contract, the procuring entity
                                   can rescind the contract
Extension of time to deliver may be
granted for the following reason:

1. Force Majeure
2. Fortuitous Event
3. Beyond the control of the contractor
4. Delay is attributable to the purchaser
   or the like
“All supplies shall be adequately………”

    Contained                                      Cased
     Packed              RA 7394                  Bundled
      Crated                                      Wrapped

                Consumer Act of the Philippines


 Shall be done      A                        C      In case of
 on weekdays                                       calamities or
between 8am –                                     deliveries can
                            Delivery             be accepted by
                                                  nearby school
                                                 for safekeeping
   Right quantity       B                D    Stipulated
     and right                               period / place
Supply Officer/Designated
Property Custodian
forwards Original DR &
Copy 2 of Approved PO to
Inspection Committee for
inspection of deliveries
Procedures on Acceptance, Inspection and Recording of Deliveries
Inspection and Acceptance
Of the Items
            INSPECTION -
            The examination (including testing) of
            supplies and services (including raw
            materials and component) to determine
            whether the supplies and services
            Conform to contract requirement which
            include all applicable drawings,
            specifications and purchase description
   BY ITEM                 SAMPLING
Individual item is     Sampling is a process
checked for            of obtaining info
conformity of          about a group of data
every requirement      having similar
stated in the          purpose or function,
specification          usually 10% of it

                     Sampling Techniques :
                            1. Random Sampling
                            2. Interval Sampling
The Head of Office shall
         constitute an
Inspection Committee to inspect
     and validate deliveries
  (DepED Order No. 5, s. 2010)
Regular Members:
a.   Team Leader – who is at least a
     second (2nd) ranking permanent
     official of the school.
b.   One (1) school personnel designated
     by the principal who has
     knowledge/technical expertise
     relevant to the goods delivered.
Provisional Member:
a.   One (1) representative from PTA or
     NGOs (for textbooks and school

               3 things to remember


        Physical      Brochure        Physical
        Condition                      Count
Inspection Procedures on
Computer Packages
  1. Upon receipt of the Request for Inspection,
     see to it that all required documents are
     attached like the original copies of the
     perfected Purchase Order/Contract, Delivery
     Receipt/Sales Invoice, and others.
  2. Check the documents submitted as to
     completeness and authenticity prior to
  3. Take note of any cases of alterations,
     erasures or other modifications in the
     perfected Purchase Order/Contract. These
     modification must be verified and duly
     authenticated by the authorized approving
Inspection Procedures on
Computer Packages

  4. Take note of the receipt of the Property/Supply Unit, the
     place and date of delivery.
  5. If there’s a required sample mentioned in the perfected
     Purchase Order/Contract, ask for the approved sample for
     purposes of comparison/verification. In cases of
     inconsistencies between sample and the Purchase
     Order/Contract, specification on the perfected Purchase
     Order/contract shall prevail.
  6. After all the documents have been evaluated, proceed to
     the delivery site specified in the perfected Purchase
     Order/Contract and conduct inspection and testing
     procedures if necessary.
Inspection Procedures on
Computer Packages

  7. Conduct physical inspection of the items delivered. Count
     the items delivered and check with the required quantity

  8. Check the packaging, labeling, markings and other means
     of identification that meet specifications; or if not
     specifically called for, conform to the best commercial
     practices for protecting the items during transportation,
     storage, handling and distribution.

  9. Determine whether it is brand new, reconditioned or rebuilt.

  10. Take note of the serial number, product number, point of
      origin, specifications in accordance with the brochure and
      accessories that go with the equipment.
Inspection Procedures on
Computer Packages
11.   Take note for obvious damage or defects in the
      equipment, accessories, connectors, plugs,
      sockets etc. for any discoloration, rust, stains and
      decays due to exposure to heat, chemicals or

             Ensure that flexible cords are effectively
             anchored to equipment, plugs and sockets.

12.   Perform trial and operational test on the
      equipment delivered.

             Request the supplier to demonstrate the operation
             of the equipment in the presence of End-User and
             observe its actual performance.
Inspection Procedures on
Computer Packages
    13. Hearing is essential in the detection of defects indicated by
        unusual sounds or noises audible when observing the
        operation of equipment such as knocking, squeaking,
        sputtering, cracking, breaking, scratching, etc.

    14. Consider the characteristics which may be determined by
        touch or feel, in the inspection of different equipment,
        include such common, qualities as heat, cold, flexibility,
        hardness, softness, thickness, firmness, etc.

    15. Check the inclusion of warranty certificate and
        instructional manual.

    16. Prepare the Inspection and Acceptance Report immediately
        after inspection for submission to the Supply Officer for
Inspection and test for compliance to its features shall
at all times be done in accordance with the following

                                            Compare the brand, model, power
                                    1       rating of the delivered units vis-à-vis
                                            the contract

                                            If the contract indicates the brand and
                                            model, then, request for a copy of the
                                    2       brochure or technical manual that will
                                            serve as the basis for inspection

                                            Intagible features of a computer may
                                            be verified by operating the computer
                                    3       or by looking into its inside component
Random & Interval Sampling is not
applicable for this type of delivery
                           1           Serial Number

                           2            Brand Name
     accessories or
     tools that go         3               Model
     with the
     have to be             4          Point of Origin
                            5          Patent Number
HARDWARE                                  SOFTWARE
The frame, wires,                         is everything else,
chips, screws and                         instruction codes
all other physical    At its most basic   and all non-
components           Level, a computer    physical, symbolic
                     System is made up    parts of the
                       of 2 elements:     electronic system
Procedures on Acceptance, Inspection and Recording of Deliveries
Procedures on Acceptance, Inspection and Recording of Deliveries
Procedures on Acceptance, Inspection and Recording of Deliveries
Procedures on Acceptance, Inspection and Recording of Deliveries
The Inspectorate Team and the Supply
Officer / Designated Property Custodian
shall prepare and sign the Inspection and
Acceptance Report (IAR)

                            Note: Distribution of IAR shall be as follows

                            1. Original – Supplier (to be attached to the

                            2. Copy 2    – Property Inspector/Inspection

                            3. Copy 3    - Property & Supply Unit File
Procedures on Acceptance, Inspection and Recording of Deliveries
Procedures on Acceptance, Inspection and Recording of Deliveries
The School inspection
Committee shall sign
the Inspection and
Acceptance Report
prior to the
acceptance by the
Property Custodian.
Property Custodian
returns original
copy 1 of IAR to the
supplier for
payment purposes
For Secondary/Tech Voc Schools with Book of

     The School Head accepts the transfer upon
     acceptance of deliveries by the Inspection
     Committee and the Supply Officer or
     designated Property Custodian

For Secondary/Tech Voc & Elementary Schools without Book
of Accounts:
     The Schools Division Superintendent accepts
     the transfer thru the Invoice Receipt of Property
     (IRP) upon acceptance of deliveries by the School
     Inspection Committee and final acceptance of the
     Division Supply Officer

                              The School Property Custodian provides
                               copy of the IAR to the Division Office –
                                   Supply Office for Booking-Up
The Division ICT Coordinator
shall facilitate the signing of
Certificate of Final Acceptance and
Invoice Receipt of Property (IRP)
for signature of the Division Supply
Officer and Schools Division
Republic of the Philippines
                                 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
                                          National Capital Region
                                           Division of Las Piñas
                                              Las Piñas City


               This is to certify that I have accepted the following equipment delivered by Columbia
Technology Inc. (CTI) under the DepED Multimedia Classroom Package for Elementary Schools.

 Contract     Item    Quantity     Unit                       Description                    Unit Cost
   No.         No.

              1.      18          Units       Host PC Monitor: Acer Veriton M4610G,        P38,536.00
                                              Intel Core i5 – 3.3GHz, 6MB L3 Cache,
                                              Number of cores: 4; w/ Acer 19” LCD
                                              Monitor w/ 2 way VGA splitter; w/ 500 watt
                                              AVR; with software

              2.      108         units       Access Terminal Ncomputing U170                 3,685.00

              3.      108         units       19” LCD Monitor, Acer Veriton V193              4,976.00
                                              LCD Monitor w/ 500 watt AVR

              4.      108         units       Keyboard & Mouse, Acer USB Keyboard &             588.00
                                              USB Mouse

              5.      18          units       Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)-               1,480.00
                                              Emerson Liebert PS-500PH

              6.      18          units       3 IN 1 Inkjet Printer, Brother DCP-J125         5,009.00

              7.      18          units       Projector, ACER X1220H w/ 70” x 70”            22,075.00
                                              Tripod Screen

              8.      18                      Face to Face Lectures & Hand-On Training        1,884.00

                                                           Received by:

                                                           (Signature over printed name)
                                                              Division Supply Officer
Procedures on Acceptance, Inspection and Recording of Deliveries
Procedures on Acceptance, Inspection and Recording of Deliveries
Supply Officer /
Designated Property
Custodian record all
deliveries in the
Property Card
        NF (001)
Procedures on Acceptance, Inspection and Recording of Deliveries
is the act of transferring
           the custodianship of
Issuance   property from one person
           to another
Activities in Property Utilization

 1. Preparation of Issuance Documents

              Requisition and Issue Slip
                                          Department of Education

Division :          Responsibility Center                           RIS No.          Date
Office              Code                                            SAI No.          Date
                       REQUISITION                                            ISSUANCE
        Stock No.    Unit                Description                Quantity Quality    Remarks

Purpose :

Requested By:               Approved By:                            Issued By      Received By:

Signature                   Signature                               Signature      Signature
Name                        Name                                    Name           Name
Designation                 Designation                             Designation    Designation
Date                        Date                                    Date           Date
Activities in Property Utilization

 2. Issuance and acknowledgement of items

   Receipt of Equipment

 IT Equipment
 Office Equipment              Inventory Custodian Slip
 Library Books etc.
                              Non-Consumable Supplies
                              School Furniture
Procedures on Acceptance, Inspection and Recording of Deliveries
Preparation of ARE shall be on per item

 Desktop #1
 Ms. Dela Cruz                                           IT-003
                        Desktop #2
                        Ms. Dela Cruz
                                                Desktop #3
                                                Ms. Dela Cruz

           Desktop #4
           Mr. Alano             Desktop #5
                                 Mr. Morales
Note: (For Issuance)

1.   Textbooks
2.   School Furniture
3.   Non-Consumable Supplies
Department of Education
                                     DepED Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City

                   REPORT ON DELIVERIES (Textbooks / Desk and Armchairs / Equipment)
                      Received Procured by Central Office / DBM-Procurement Service
Name of School
Complete Address of School
Division / Region

   Date            Supplier                 Description               DR # Unit Cost         Total Cost   Remarks
 Received                     Qty

                    This form shall be used by the
                   Recipient school in preparing the
                          Report of Deliveries

Prepared By:                                                         Certified Correct By:

      Property Custodian                                                  School Head / Principal
At the School   School Property Custodian
    Level           accepts delivery

                 School Property Custodian
                forwards delivery receipt to
                  the School Inspectorate

                School Inspectorate Team
                 conducts inspection and
                   signs Inspection and
                 Acceptance Report (IAR)
                    upon completion of
                  installation and testing

                School Property Custodian
                  signs the acceptance
                    portion of the IAR
Supplier conducts required
     hands-on training

  School Head/Authorized
Representative signs Training
checklist upon completion of

School Head affix initial in the
  Invoice Receipt of Property
   (IRP) to be signed by the
        School Division

  School Property Custodian
  returns original signed DR,
IAR, Training Checklist to the
     supplier for payment
purposes while the IRP will be
   retrieved by Division ICT
Division ICT Coor
                                                   Division ICT
                    facilitates signing of
                                              Coordinator transmit
                   Final Acceptance and
At the Division                              original signed IRP and
                  IRP to be signed by the
 Office Level                                 certificate of final to
                  Division Supply Officer
                                                the Central Office
                   and Schools Division

                                                Division Supplier
                                             Officer records delivery
                                              in the inventory and
                                               prepare transfer of
                                             accountability (ARE) to
                                                  the School ICT

                                             Division Supply Officer
                                              provides copy of the
                                              inventory to Division
                                                 Accountant for
Procedures on Acceptance, Inspection and Recording of Deliveries

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Procedures on Acceptance, Inspection and Recording of Deliveries

  • 2. Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
  • 3. Role of Supply Officer / Property Custodian 1. Shall accept all deliveries found in accordance with technical specs All items to be inspected shall be accepted first by the Property/Supply Officer, as the case may be (Section 114, COA Circular 92-386) The above provision pertains only to the receipting/signing on the delivery receipt (DR) and temporary recording of the deliveries upon arrival of goods or articles. The deliveries are still subject to inspection for conformity with specifications on the order.
  • 4. Role of Supply Officer / Property Custodian 2. Signs Inspection and Acceptance Report (IAR) 3. Records all deliveries/issuances for proper inventory 4. Prepares Issuance Document 5. Maintains Property Card/Stock Card 6. Conducts inventory taking 7. Prepare Semi-Annual and Annual Report of inventories as required by COA 8. Prepares Delivery Report (per DepED Order No. 45 s. 2006) (DepEd Order No. 19 s. 2007) using Form 1
  • 6. The delivery of supplies, materials and equipment must be made by the supplier/Manufacturer/contractor : In accordance with the specifications, terms and conditions provided in the Contract/Purchase Order Within the stipulated period and at the place/s indicated in the PO or contract
  • 7. Failure to deliver within the prescribed period, the supplier / manufacturer / contractor shall be liable for penalty, usually in the form of : “LIQUIDATED DAMAGES” Once the accumulative amount of Liquidated damages reaches 10% of the contract, the procuring entity can rescind the contract
  • 8. Extension of time to deliver may be granted for the following reason: 1. Force Majeure 2. Fortuitous Event 3. Beyond the control of the contractor 4. Delay is attributable to the purchaser or the like
  • 9. “All supplies shall be adequately………” Contained Cased Packed RA 7394 Bundled Crated Wrapped Consumer Act of the Philippines
  • 10. Reject deliveries E Shall be done A C In case of on weekdays calamities or between 8am – deliveries can 5pm Delivery be accepted by nearby school for safekeeping only Right quantity B D Stipulated and right period / place quality
  • 11. Supply Officer/Designated Property Custodian forwards Original DR & Copy 2 of Approved PO to Inspection Committee for inspection of deliveries
  • 13. Inspection and Acceptance Of the Items INSPECTION - The examination (including testing) of supplies and services (including raw materials and component) to determine whether the supplies and services Conform to contract requirement which include all applicable drawings, specifications and purchase description
  • 14. INSPECTION INSPECTION BY BY ITEM SAMPLING Individual item is Sampling is a process checked for of obtaining info conformity of about a group of data every requirement having similar stated in the purpose or function, specification usually 10% of it Sampling Techniques : 1. Random Sampling 2. Interval Sampling
  • 15. The Head of Office shall constitute an Inspection Committee to inspect and validate deliveries (DepED Order No. 5, s. 2010)
  • 16. SCHOOLS Regular Members: a. Team Leader – who is at least a second (2nd) ranking permanent official of the school. b. One (1) school personnel designated by the principal who has knowledge/technical expertise relevant to the goods delivered. Provisional Member: a. One (1) representative from PTA or NGOs (for textbooks and school furniture).
  • 17. Equipment 3 things to remember INSPECTION Physical Brochure Physical Condition Count
  • 18. Inspection Procedures on Computer Packages 1. Upon receipt of the Request for Inspection, see to it that all required documents are attached like the original copies of the perfected Purchase Order/Contract, Delivery Receipt/Sales Invoice, and others. 2. Check the documents submitted as to completeness and authenticity prior to inspection 3. Take note of any cases of alterations, erasures or other modifications in the perfected Purchase Order/Contract. These modification must be verified and duly authenticated by the authorized approving officials.
  • 19. Inspection Procedures on Computer Packages 4. Take note of the receipt of the Property/Supply Unit, the place and date of delivery. 5. If there’s a required sample mentioned in the perfected Purchase Order/Contract, ask for the approved sample for purposes of comparison/verification. In cases of inconsistencies between sample and the Purchase Order/Contract, specification on the perfected Purchase Order/contract shall prevail. 6. After all the documents have been evaluated, proceed to the delivery site specified in the perfected Purchase Order/Contract and conduct inspection and testing procedures if necessary.
  • 20. Inspection Procedures on Computer Packages 7. Conduct physical inspection of the items delivered. Count the items delivered and check with the required quantity 8. Check the packaging, labeling, markings and other means of identification that meet specifications; or if not specifically called for, conform to the best commercial practices for protecting the items during transportation, storage, handling and distribution. 9. Determine whether it is brand new, reconditioned or rebuilt. 10. Take note of the serial number, product number, point of origin, specifications in accordance with the brochure and accessories that go with the equipment.
  • 21. Inspection Procedures on Computer Packages 11. Take note for obvious damage or defects in the equipment, accessories, connectors, plugs, sockets etc. for any discoloration, rust, stains and decays due to exposure to heat, chemicals or moisture Ensure that flexible cords are effectively anchored to equipment, plugs and sockets. 12. Perform trial and operational test on the equipment delivered. Request the supplier to demonstrate the operation of the equipment in the presence of End-User and observe its actual performance.
  • 22. Inspection Procedures on Computer Packages 13. Hearing is essential in the detection of defects indicated by unusual sounds or noises audible when observing the operation of equipment such as knocking, squeaking, sputtering, cracking, breaking, scratching, etc. 14. Consider the characteristics which may be determined by touch or feel, in the inspection of different equipment, include such common, qualities as heat, cold, flexibility, hardness, softness, thickness, firmness, etc. 15. Check the inclusion of warranty certificate and instructional manual. 16. Prepare the Inspection and Acceptance Report immediately after inspection for submission to the Supply Officer for acceptance.
  • 23. Inspection and test for compliance to its features shall at all times be done in accordance with the following procedure: Compare the brand, model, power 1 rating of the delivered units vis-à-vis the contract If the contract indicates the brand and model, then, request for a copy of the 2 brochure or technical manual that will serve as the basis for inspection Intagible features of a computer may be verified by operating the computer 3 or by looking into its inside component
  • 24. Equipment Random & Interval Sampling is not applicable for this type of delivery 1 Serial Number The 2 Brand Name accessories or tools that go 3 Model with the equipment have to be 4 Point of Origin checked carefully 5 Patent Number
  • 25. HARDWARE SOFTWARE The frame, wires, is everything else, chips, screws and instruction codes all other physical At its most basic and all non- components Level, a computer physical, symbolic System is made up parts of the of 2 elements: electronic system
  • 30. The Inspectorate Team and the Supply Officer / Designated Property Custodian shall prepare and sign the Inspection and Acceptance Report (IAR) Note: Distribution of IAR shall be as follows 1. Original – Supplier (to be attached to the DV) 2. Copy 2 – Property Inspector/Inspection Team 3. Copy 3 - Property & Supply Unit File
  • 33. The School inspection Committee shall sign the Inspection and Acceptance Report prior to the acceptance by the Property Custodian.
  • 34. Supply Officer/Designated Property Custodian returns original copy 1 of IAR to the supplier for payment purposes
  • 35. For Secondary/Tech Voc Schools with Book of Accounts: The School Head accepts the transfer upon acceptance of deliveries by the Inspection Committee and the Supply Officer or designated Property Custodian For Secondary/Tech Voc & Elementary Schools without Book of Accounts: The Schools Division Superintendent accepts the transfer thru the Invoice Receipt of Property (IRP) upon acceptance of deliveries by the School Inspection Committee and final acceptance of the Division Supply Officer The School Property Custodian provides copy of the IAR to the Division Office – Supply Office for Booking-Up
  • 36. The Division ICT Coordinator shall facilitate the signing of Certificate of Final Acceptance and Invoice Receipt of Property (IRP) for signature of the Division Supply Officer and Schools Division Superintendent
  • 37. Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION National Capital Region Division of Las Piñas Las Piñas City CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE This is to certify that I have accepted the following equipment delivered by Columbia Technology Inc. (CTI) under the DepED Multimedia Classroom Package for Elementary Schools. Contract Item Quantity Unit Description Unit Cost No. No. 1. 18 Units Host PC Monitor: Acer Veriton M4610G, P38,536.00 Intel Core i5 – 3.3GHz, 6MB L3 Cache, Number of cores: 4; w/ Acer 19” LCD Monitor w/ 2 way VGA splitter; w/ 500 watt AVR; with software 2. 108 units Access Terminal Ncomputing U170 3,685.00 3. 108 units 19” LCD Monitor, Acer Veriton V193 4,976.00 LCD Monitor w/ 500 watt AVR 4. 108 units Keyboard & Mouse, Acer USB Keyboard & 588.00 USB Mouse 5. 18 units Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)- 1,480.00 Emerson Liebert PS-500PH 6. 18 units 3 IN 1 Inkjet Printer, Brother DCP-J125 5,009.00 7. 18 units Projector, ACER X1220H w/ 70” x 70” 22,075.00 Tripod Screen 8. 18 Face to Face Lectures & Hand-On Training 1,884.00 Received by: _________________________ (Signature over printed name) Division Supply Officer
  • 40. Supply Officer / Designated Property Custodian record all deliveries in the Property Card
  • 43. is the act of transferring the custodianship of Issuance property from one person to another
  • 44. Activities in Property Utilization 1. Preparation of Issuance Documents Requisition and Issue Slip
  • 45. REQUISITION AND ISSUE SLIP Department of Education Division : Responsibility Center RIS No. Date Office Code SAI No. Date REQUISITION ISSUANCE Stock No. Unit Description Quantity Quality Remarks Purpose : Requested By: Approved By: Issued By Received By: Signature Signature Signature Signature Name Name Name Name Designation Designation Designation Designation Date Date Date Date
  • 46. Activities in Property Utilization 2. Issuance and acknowledgement of items Acknowledgement Receipt of Equipment IT Equipment Office Equipment Inventory Custodian Slip Library Books etc. Non-Consumable Supplies School Furniture Textbooks
  • 48. Preparation of ARE shall be on per item IT-001 IT-002 Desktop #1 Ms. Dela Cruz IT-003 Desktop #2 Ms. Dela Cruz Desktop #3 Ms. Dela Cruz IT-004 IT-005 Desktop #4 Mr. Alano Desktop #5 Mr. Morales
  • 49. Note: (For Issuance) 1. Textbooks 2. School Furniture 3. Non-Consumable Supplies
  • 50. Department of Education DepED Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City REPORT ON DELIVERIES (Textbooks / Desk and Armchairs / Equipment) Received Procured by Central Office / DBM-Procurement Service Name of School Complete Address of School Division / Region Date Supplier Description DR # Unit Cost Total Cost Remarks Received Qty This form shall be used by the Recipient school in preparing the Report of Deliveries Prepared By: Certified Correct By: Property Custodian School Head / Principal
  • 51. At the School School Property Custodian Level accepts delivery School Property Custodian forwards delivery receipt to the School Inspectorate Team School Inspectorate Team conducts inspection and signs Inspection and Acceptance Report (IAR) upon completion of installation and testing School Property Custodian signs the acceptance portion of the IAR
  • 52. Supplier conducts required hands-on training School Head/Authorized Representative signs Training checklist upon completion of training School Head affix initial in the Invoice Receipt of Property (IRP) to be signed by the School Division Superintendent School Property Custodian returns original signed DR, IAR, Training Checklist to the supplier for payment purposes while the IRP will be retrieved by Division ICT Coordinator
  • 53. Division ICT Coor Division ICT facilitates signing of Coordinator transmit Final Acceptance and At the Division original signed IRP and IRP to be signed by the Office Level certificate of final to Division Supply Officer the Central Office and Schools Division Superintendent Division Supplier Officer records delivery in the inventory and prepare transfer of accountability (ARE) to the School ICT Coordinator Division Supply Officer provides copy of the inventory to Division Accountant for booking-up