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Collaborative development of a
          Forensic Secure
     Integrated Care Pathway:
towards a reduction in length of stay and an
  improvement in the patient experience

     Colin Doyle & Debra Moore


St Andrews – service background
• challenging behaviour
• secure care pathways

• mental health
• learning disability, autism
• brain injury

• adolescents
• men, women
• older people


Service Background
                                    The Therapeutic Milieu

                                         Relational                Person      Positive
Security       Procedural                              Cultural
                                          Security                 Centred   Behaviour
                Security                               Values &
                                                                  Approach     Support

  A charity leading innovation in mental health


Debra Moore Associates
•   Organisational Development
•   Strategic Planning
•   Service improvement and redesign
•   Business development
•   Training including blended learning
•   Networks and forums


A partnership on many levels
              • Between two
              • Across different sites
                and services
              • Across professionals
              • BETWEEN PEOPLE WHO
                USE OUR SERVICES,
                THEIR FAMILIES AND


• Policy Context – high quality,
  safe, person centred care
• Increased user involvement
• Need to articulate the Care
  Pathway or ‘patient journey’
• Regulation CQC


Common conundrums for health services
•   How to evidence the care pathway and delivery of timely and effective
•   How to ensure staff have basic knowledge and understanding of care
    pathway, assessments, interventions, tools etc
•   How to ensure all staff are working to national and organisational policies
    and procedures
•   How to ensure all staff are aware of and acting in accordance with good
    practice guidance and research
•   How to ensure all paperwork is the right paperwork!
•   How to inform staff development – knowing where the needs and
    strengths lie within the workforce
•   How to increase user involvement and promote ‘choice and voice’
•   How to create a easy to use system that can manage knowledge and
    provide relevant data to measure performance


What can happen?

•   Confusion
•   Variable quality
•   Not person centred
•   Dehumanising


Using appreciative inquiry
  – taking a strengths based approach
• When health care is patient
  centred – what does it look

• How does it feel?

• Need to create a compelling
  picture and move towards it


Tell me about a time……
•   Ask all stakeholders
•   Interview each other
•   Take a ‘slice’ of the organisation
•   Hear the patient and their carer


Understanding the patient’s journey

Pre- admission   Admission            Person centred
                                      care planning


Understanding the patient’s journey

Treatment        Pre Discharge        Post Discharge
phase            Planning             Support


3 BIG phases

Moving     Moving       Moving
  in       through       out


• A dynamic process
• Bespoke to the service
• Captures the ‘real’ patient
  journey (care pathway)
• Version for staff
• Version for patients and carers
• Contains local and national
• Blended learning


• Using new techniques to
• Reduce ‘ring binder’ culture


• Puts the patient and their
  experience at the centre;
  improving patient experience
• Clarifies the care pathway
  and works towards a
  reduction in length of stay
• Supports the ‘frontline’ with
  tools, resources and learning


Any questions?


More information

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Integrated Care Pathways

  • 1. Collaborative development of a Forensic Secure Integrated Care Pathway: towards a reduction in length of stay and an improvement in the patient experience Colin Doyle & Debra Moore
  • 2. St Andrews – service background • challenging behaviour • secure care pathways • mental health • learning disability, autism • brain injury • adolescents • men, women • older people
  • 3. Service Background The Therapeutic Milieu Physical Relational Person Positive Security Procedural Cultural Security Centred Behaviour Security Values & Approach Support Behaviour A charity leading innovation in mental health
  • 4. Debra Moore Associates • Organisational Development • Strategic Planning • Service improvement and redesign • Business development • Training including blended learning • Networks and forums
  • 5. A partnership on many levels • Between two organisations • Across different sites and services • Across professionals • BETWEEN PEOPLE WHO USE OUR SERVICES, THEIR FAMILIES AND STAFF
  • 6. Drivers? • Policy Context – high quality, safe, person centred care • Increased user involvement • Need to articulate the Care Pathway or ‘patient journey’ • CQUINS • QIPP • Regulation CQC
  • 7. Common conundrums for health services • How to evidence the care pathway and delivery of timely and effective interventions • How to ensure staff have basic knowledge and understanding of care pathway, assessments, interventions, tools etc • How to ensure all staff are working to national and organisational policies and procedures • How to ensure all staff are aware of and acting in accordance with good practice guidance and research • How to ensure all paperwork is the right paperwork! • How to inform staff development – knowing where the needs and strengths lie within the workforce • How to increase user involvement and promote ‘choice and voice’ • How to create a easy to use system that can manage knowledge and provide relevant data to measure performance
  • 8. What can happen? • Confusion • Variable quality • Not person centred • Dehumanising
  • 9. Using appreciative inquiry – taking a strengths based approach • When health care is patient centred – what does it look like? • How does it feel? • Need to create a compelling picture and move towards it
  • 10. Tell me about a time…… • Ask all stakeholders • Interview each other • Take a ‘slice’ of the organisation • Hear the patient and their carer
  • 11. Understanding the patient’s journey Pre- admission Admission Person centred care planning
  • 12. Understanding the patient’s journey Treatment Pre Discharge Post Discharge phase Planning Support
  • 13. 3 BIG phases Moving Moving Moving in through out
  • 14. DMA INSIGHT Programme • A dynamic process • Bespoke to the service • Captures the ‘real’ patient journey (care pathway) • Version for staff • Version for patients and carers • Contains local and national resources • Blended learning
  • 15. DMA INSIGHT - ONLINE • Using new techniques to engage • Reduce ‘ring binder’ culture
  • 16. Summary • Puts the patient and their experience at the centre; improving patient experience • Clarifies the care pathway and works towards a reduction in length of stay • Supports the ‘frontline’ with tools, resources and learning