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Presented by
 The Management OfThose FactorsThat
Could LeadTo Disease So AsTo PreventThe
OccurrenceOf the Disease.
 - Mosby dictionary
Different level of
 Definition:
 It is the prevention of emergence of
risk factors in populations, in which they have
not yet appeared .
 The main intervention in primordial
prevention is through individual and mass
health education.
 Primary prevention can be defined as
action taken prior to the onset of
disease,which removes the possibility that a
disease will ever occur .
 Population (mass) Strategy
 High- risk Strategy:
 Population (mass) Strategy:
 It is directed at the whole population
irrespective of an individual risk levels.
 High- risk Strategy:
 It aims to bring preventive care to
individuals at special risk.This requires
detection of individuals ar high risk by the
optimum use of clinical methods.
 General Health promotion
 Specific protection:
General Health promotion
 Health education
 Environmental modifications
 Nutritional interventions
 Lifestyle and behavioural changes.
General Health promotion- ct,d
 Health education to improve healthy habits and
health consciousness in the community.
 Improvement in nutritional standards of the
 Healthful physical environment (Housing,
watersupply, excreta disposal,etc.,)
 Good working condition
 Mariage Counselling
 Periodic Selective examination of risk population.
Specific protection:
 Use of Specific immunization (BCG, DPT,MMR
 Chemoprophylaxis (tetracycline for Cholera, dapsone
for Leprosy, Chloroquine for malaria,etc.,)
 Use of specific nutrients (vitamin A for Children, iron-
folic acid tablets for Pregnant mothers)
 Protection against accidents (Use of helmet,
 Protection against occupational hazards.
 Avoidance of allergens.
 Protection from air pollution.
The action which
halts the progress of a
disease at its incipient
stage and prevents
Objectives of secondary
 Complete cure and prevent the progression of
disease process.
 To prevent the spreads of disease by curing all the
known cases.
 To prevent the complications and sequel of disease.
 To shorten the period of disability.
 Individual and mass case-finding measures.
 Screening surveys(urine examination for
 Selective examination
 All meaDefinition:sures available to
reduce or limit impairments and disabilities,
minimize suffering caused by existing
departures from good health and to promote
the patient’s adjustment to irremediable
 i) Disability limitation
 ii)Rehabilitation
Disability limitation:
 Disease
 Medical rehabilitation: (restoration o
 Bodily Function).
 Vocational rehabilitation:( restoration of
 the capacity to earn a livelihood)
 Social rehabilitation: (restoration of family
 and social relationship).
 Psychological rehabilitation: (Restoration
 of personal dignity and confidence)
 Establishing schools for the blind.
 Prevention of aids for the crippled.
 Reconstructive surgery in Leprosy.
 Change of profession for a more suitable one
and modification of life in general in the case

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Prevention ppt

  • 1. LEVELS OF PREVENTION IN HEALTH Presented by Ms.sandhya.M,
  • 2. DEFINITION OF PREVENTION:  The Management OfThose FactorsThat Could LeadTo Disease So AsTo PreventThe OccurrenceOf the Disease.  - Mosby dictionary
  • 4. PRIMORDIAL PREVENTION  Definition:  It is the prevention of emergence of risk factors in populations, in which they have not yet appeared . INTERVENTIONS:  The main intervention in primordial prevention is through individual and mass health education. 
  • 5. PRIMARY PREVENTION:  DEFINITION:  Primary prevention can be defined as action taken prior to the onset of disease,which removes the possibility that a disease will ever occur .
  • 6.  Population (mass) Strategy  High- risk Strategy:
  • 7.  Population (mass) Strategy:  It is directed at the whole population irrespective of an individual risk levels.  High- risk Strategy:  It aims to bring preventive care to individuals at special risk.This requires detection of individuals ar high risk by the optimum use of clinical methods.
  • 8. INTERVENTIONS:  General Health promotion  Specific protection:
  • 9. General Health promotion  Health education  Environmental modifications  Nutritional interventions  Lifestyle and behavioural changes.
  • 10. General Health promotion- ct,d  Health education to improve healthy habits and health consciousness in the community.  Improvement in nutritional standards of the community.  Healthful physical environment (Housing, watersupply, excreta disposal,etc.,)  Good working condition  Mariage Counselling  Periodic Selective examination of risk population.
  • 11. Specific protection:  Use of Specific immunization (BCG, DPT,MMR vaccines)  Chemoprophylaxis (tetracycline for Cholera, dapsone for Leprosy, Chloroquine for malaria,etc.,)  Use of specific nutrients (vitamin A for Children, iron- folic acid tablets for Pregnant mothers)  Protection against accidents (Use of helmet, seatbelt,etc.,)  Protection against occupational hazards.  Avoidance of allergens.  Protection from air pollution.
  • 12. SECONDARY PREVENTION: Definition: The action which halts the progress of a disease at its incipient stage and prevents complications”.
  • 13. Objectives of secondary prevention:  Complete cure and prevent the progression of disease process.  To prevent the spreads of disease by curing all the known cases.  To prevent the complications and sequel of disease.  To shorten the period of disability.
  • 14. INTERVENTIONS:  Individual and mass case-finding measures.  Screening surveys(urine examination for diabetes,etc.,)  Selective examination
  • 15. TERTIARY PREVENTION   All meaDefinition:sures available to reduce or limit impairments and disabilities, minimize suffering caused by existing departures from good health and to promote the patient’s adjustment to irremediable conditions
  • 16. MODES OF INTERVENTION:  i) Disability limitation  ii)Rehabilitation
  • 18. REHABILITATION:  Medical rehabilitation: (restoration o  Bodily Function).  Vocational rehabilitation:( restoration of  the capacity to earn a livelihood)  Social rehabilitation: (restoration of family  and social relationship).  Psychological rehabilitation: (Restoration  of personal dignity and confidence)
  • 19. EXAMPLES FOR REHABILITATION:  Establishing schools for the blind.  Prevention of aids for the crippled.  Reconstructive surgery in Leprosy.  Change of profession for a more suitable one and modification of life in general in the case ofTB,etc.,
  • 20. V