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Primary & 2°
By: Eshwar Kumar
BSc-BCG 2nd


 Any definable shape/fabric in a rock body.
 It is a large scale feature.
 easily noticed.
 Divided into :-
 1)Primary structures
 2)secondary structures
What is a structure?


 Structures that are developed during formation of
rock, or shortly after formation.
 Non tectonic forces (exo genetic forces are
 Mainly show the direction of flow of the forming
agent.( wind, water, ice etc )
Primary structures


 Beds
 Lamination
 Cross bedding
 Graded bedding
 Ripple marks
 Mud cracks
 Rain prints
 Trail and tracks
 Concreations
 Unconformity
Sedimentary primary structures


 According to law of uniformitarianism, sediments will
accumulate horizontally while getting deposited.
 Bedding is a planar arrangement of particles which can be
easily distinguished by difference in color, composition and
 ≥ 1cm in thickness.
 Lamination is a term used if particles arrange themselves
same as bedding but their thickness is less than 1 cm.
Bedding and lamination


Primary  structures geology


 It is formed on tilted surface during deposition by
crossing a bed to another one.
 It is in between topmost bed and fore set bed.
 Indicates the direction of the paleocurrents.
Cross bedding


Primary  structures geology


 It is bedding in which the particles are sorted
according to density, size and shape.
 Particles in water settle at different rates depending
on size, density and shape. forming "graded bed"
with layers of coarse material deposited first and
finer grains deposited later.
 Normal and reverse grading are the types.
Graded bedding


Primary  structures geology


 Are wavy undulating features formed by wind, wave
or current.
 Indicate the ancient and modern sedimentary
 Formed in shallow waters.
 Also show the direction of flow.(Asymmetric ripples)
 Divided into :- symmetric and asymmetric.
 Ancient ripple marks preserved as casts.
Ripple marks


Primary  structures geology


 Mud cracks are often found in the fine grained
sedimentary rocks that has been exposed to drying
under subaerial conditions.
 They form a network of fissures enclosing polygonal
 Indicate once present water body.
 Ancient mudcracks preserved as casts.


Primary  structures geology


 A rain print is a slight shallow depression rimmed by
a low ridge which is raised by the impact of rain
 It is formed when a brief rain shower falls on a
smooth fine grained sediment.
Rain prints


 Trails and tracks are the markings indicating the
passage of some animals over the soft sediment.
Trails and tracks


 Are variously shaped masses or nodules of mineral
matter found within a sedimentary rock.
 They are formed by the deposition of the perlocating
mineral solution.


 Major breaks in sedimentation is called unconformity
 Simply put any observable difference indicating the
gap in sedimentation.
 hiatus
 4 types:-
 Angular unconformity
 Disconformity
 Non conformity
 paraunconformity


Primary  structures geology


 Dykes
 Sills
 Batholith
 Laccolith
 Lopolith
 Phacolith
 Pillow lava
 Ropy lava and blocky lava
 Pyro clastic flows
 Columnar joints
 Vesicular and amygdaloidal
Igneous primary structures


 Dyke (dike) is discordant, or cross cutting, tabular
intrusion, usually igneous in origin, Vertical or nearly
vertical, having pushed the country rock way and
generally harder than them.


 Sills also called sheet, flat intrusion of igneous rock
that forms between preexisting layers of rock
generally concordant with the bedding planes of the
surrounding rocks.


 A batholith is a large mass of intrusive igneous rock,
larger than 100 square kilometres in area, that forms
from cooled magma deep in the Earth's crust.
Batholiths are almost always made mostly of felsic or
intermediate rock types, such as granite..


 A laccolith is a lens shaped(mushroom shaped)
intrusive igneous body which causes the overlying
bed to arch in the shape of a dome.


 A lopolith is a saucer shaped(bowl shaped) igneous
body which is bent in downward into a basin like


 Phacoliths are the crescent shaped igneous bodies,
they occupy the crests and troughs of igneous strata.
 Phacoliths are formed whenigneous material invaded
the folded strata.


 Pillow lavas are lavas that contain characteristic
pillow-shaped structures that are attributed to the
extrusion of the lava under water, or subaqueous
extrusion. Pillow lavas are commonly of basaltic
Pillow lava


 Ropy or pahoehoe lava is a  lava marked with smooth
wrinkles resembling rope.
 Blocky or Aa lava has solid chunks formed due to rapid
flow and rapid cooling.
Ropy and blocky lava


 Volcanic products form these
 Volcanic breccia: >4mm and angular clasts.
 Agglomerate: rounded fragments >4mm
 Tuff : <4mm
 Ash flows or ignimbrite: Very very fine.
Pyroclastic flows


Primary  structures geology


 Columnar jointing is a geological structure where
sets of intersecting closely spaced fractures, referred
to as joints, result in the formation of a regular array
of polygonal prisms, or columns.
 These form when igneous material comes out from
restricted zones and cools down.
Columnar joints


 Gas cavities which are formed due to escaping of
volatiles in a igneous rock manifests vesicular
 When these vesicles get filled with secondary
minerals ,it forms Amygdaloidal structure.
Vesicular and Amygdaloidal


 structures which are formed after the formation of
 Mainly Tectonic forces (Endogenetic forces) are
 Folds, faults, joints, lineations.
 Obviously I wont explain, our friends will explain this
secondary structures.
Secondary structures


 Eat well
 Do regular exercise
 Invest time in studies
 Strict hand washing is compulsory.
 Follow the precautions issued by government.
 As we are living through a historic moment ourselves lets
stand united and stay home.
Hope everyone is taking care of

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Primary structures geology

  • 1.  Primary & 2° ………….Structures By: Eshwar Kumar BSc-BCG 2nd year
  • 2.   Any definable shape/fabric in a rock body.  It is a large scale feature.  easily noticed.  Divided into :-  1)Primary structures  2)secondary structures What is a structure?
  • 3.   Structures that are developed during formation of rock, or shortly after formation.  Non tectonic forces (exo genetic forces are responsible)  Mainly show the direction of flow of the forming agent.( wind, water, ice etc ) Primary structures
  • 4.   Beds  Lamination  Cross bedding  Graded bedding  Ripple marks  Mud cracks  Rain prints  Trail and tracks  Concreations  Unconformity Sedimentary primary structures
  • 5.   According to law of uniformitarianism, sediments will accumulate horizontally while getting deposited.  Bedding is a planar arrangement of particles which can be easily distinguished by difference in color, composition and texture.  ≥ 1cm in thickness.  Lamination is a term used if particles arrange themselves same as bedding but their thickness is less than 1 cm. Bedding and lamination
  • 7.   It is formed on tilted surface during deposition by crossing a bed to another one.  It is in between topmost bed and fore set bed.  Indicates the direction of the paleocurrents. Cross bedding
  • 9.  It is bedding in which the particles are sorted according to density, size and shape.  Particles in water settle at different rates depending on size, density and shape. forming "graded bed" with layers of coarse material deposited first and finer grains deposited later.  Normal and reverse grading are the types. Graded bedding
  • 11.   Are wavy undulating features formed by wind, wave or current.  Indicate the ancient and modern sedimentary environment.  Formed in shallow waters.  Also show the direction of flow.(Asymmetric ripples)  Divided into :- symmetric and asymmetric.  Ancient ripple marks preserved as casts. Ripple marks
  • 13.   Mud cracks are often found in the fine grained sedimentary rocks that has been exposed to drying under subaerial conditions.  They form a network of fissures enclosing polygonal areas.  Indicate once present water body.  Ancient mudcracks preserved as casts. Mudcracks
  • 15.   A rain print is a slight shallow depression rimmed by a low ridge which is raised by the impact of rain drops.  It is formed when a brief rain shower falls on a smooth fine grained sediment. Rain prints
  • 16.   Trails and tracks are the markings indicating the passage of some animals over the soft sediment. Trails and tracks
  • 17.   Are variously shaped masses or nodules of mineral matter found within a sedimentary rock.  They are formed by the deposition of the perlocating mineral solution. Concretions
  • 18.  Major breaks in sedimentation is called unconformity  Simply put any observable difference indicating the gap in sedimentation.  hiatus  4 types:-  Angular unconformity  Disconformity  Non conformity  paraunconformity Unconformity
  • 20.  Dykes  Sills  Batholith  Laccolith  Lopolith  Phacolith  Pillow lava  Ropy lava and blocky lava  Pyro clastic flows  Columnar joints  Vesicular and amygdaloidal Igneous primary structures
  • 21.   Dyke (dike) is discordant, or cross cutting, tabular intrusion, usually igneous in origin, Vertical or nearly vertical, having pushed the country rock way and generally harder than them. Dykes
  • 22.   Sills also called sheet, flat intrusion of igneous rock that forms between preexisting layers of rock generally concordant with the bedding planes of the surrounding rocks. Sill
  • 23.  A batholith is a large mass of intrusive igneous rock, larger than 100 square kilometres in area, that forms from cooled magma deep in the Earth's crust. Batholiths are almost always made mostly of felsic or intermediate rock types, such as granite.. Batholith
  • 24.   A laccolith is a lens shaped(mushroom shaped) intrusive igneous body which causes the overlying bed to arch in the shape of a dome. laccolith
  • 25.   A lopolith is a saucer shaped(bowl shaped) igneous body which is bent in downward into a basin like shape. lopolith
  • 26.   Phacoliths are the crescent shaped igneous bodies, they occupy the crests and troughs of igneous strata.  Phacoliths are formed whenigneous material invaded the folded strata. Phacolith
  • 27.   Pillow lavas are lavas that contain characteristic pillow-shaped structures that are attributed to the extrusion of the lava under water, or subaqueous extrusion. Pillow lavas are commonly of basaltic composition. Pillow lava
  • 28.  Ropy or pahoehoe lava is a  lava marked with smooth wrinkles resembling rope.  Blocky or Aa lava has solid chunks formed due to rapid flow and rapid cooling. Ropy and blocky lava
  • 29.   Volcanic products form these  Volcanic breccia: >4mm and angular clasts.  Agglomerate: rounded fragments >4mm  Tuff : <4mm  Ash flows or ignimbrite: Very very fine. Pyroclastic flows
  • 31.   Columnar jointing is a geological structure where sets of intersecting closely spaced fractures, referred to as joints, result in the formation of a regular array of polygonal prisms, or columns.  These form when igneous material comes out from restricted zones and cools down. Columnar joints
  • 32.  Gas cavities which are formed due to escaping of volatiles in a igneous rock manifests vesicular structure.  When these vesicles get filled with secondary minerals ,it forms Amygdaloidal structure. Vesicular and Amygdaloidal
  • 33.   structures which are formed after the formation of rocks.  Mainly Tectonic forces (Endogenetic forces) are responsible.  Folds, faults, joints, lineations.  Obviously I wont explain, our friends will explain this secondary structures. Secondary structures
  • 34.   Eat well  Do regular exercise  Invest time in studies  Strict hand washing is compulsory.  Follow the precautions issued by government.  As we are living through a historic moment ourselves lets stand united and stay home.  #STAY HOME STAY SAFE# Hope everyone is taking care of themselves