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Principles And Methods For FoodPreservation
The meaning of the word “preserve” is to keep safe, retain quality and prevent decomposition or
fermentation. Food preservation can be defined as:- A process by which certain foods like fruits and
vegetables are prevented from getting spoilt for a long period of time. The colour, taste and nutritive
value of the food is also preserved.
Preservation of foods is done during the months when food is available in large quantity and therefore at
low cost. Reasons for food preservation is:
1. One of the important reasons for preserving foods is to take care of the excess produce.
2. The second reason for preserving foods is that they add variety to our meals. Eating some chatni,
papad or pickle along with the meals adds to the variety. Preserving foods when they are in
season makes this possible.
3. Reaches areas where the food item is not grown. In some areas of Rajasthan which are desert
areas and in Himalayan regions that are covered with snow most of the time, very few foods can
be grown. Availability of some preserved foods can add to the variety and nutritive value of
meals. For example inclusion of dehydrated peas, green leafy vegetables, canned fruits etc, in the
meals is a good idea in such areas.
4. Makes transportation and storage of foods easier. Preservation of foods usually reduces bulk. This
makes their transportation and storage easier since it requires less space. For example, if you dry
green leafy vegetables such as mint, methi, corriander, etc, their weight and volume reduces, thus
making their storage easy.
A good method of food preservation is one that slows down or prevents altogether the action of
the agents of spoilage. Also, during the process of food preservation, the food should not be
damaged. The principles of food preservations are:
1. Removal of micro-organisms or inactivating them: This is done by removing air, water
(moisture), lowering or increasing temperature, increasing the concentration of salt or
sugar or acid in foods. For the preservation of green leafy vegetables, the water should be
removed from the leave so that micro organisms cannot survive. This is done by drying
the green leaves till all the moisture evaporates.
2. Inactivating enzymes: Enzymes found in foods can be inactivated by changing their
conditions such as temperature and moisture. One of the methods of preservations of peas
is to put them for a few minutes in boiling water. This method inactivates enzymes and
thus, in preserving the food.
3. Removal of insects, worms and rats: By storing foods in dry, air tight containers the
insects, worms or rats are prevented from destroying it.
Foods can be preserved at home by the following methods-
a. Dehydration
b. Lowering temperature
c. Increasing temperature
d. Using preservatives
The dried food items like potato chips, sevia (vermicilli), methi, cauliflower, papad, ginger are foods
which have been preserved by the dehydration method. The word dehydration means removing water or
moisture from foods. The home method of dehydration is sun drying. Some foods are dried as they are,
eg, green leafy vegetables (methi, pudina, coriander etc.) cauliflower, grapes, amla, onion, raw mango,
etc. Some foods are cooked and then dried. For example potato chips, papad, banana, chips, wadis, etc.
The most appropriate weather to dry foods is when the air is dry and there is strong sunshine.
 Step 1: Clean all tins, plates, etc, to be used to dry and store the food. Dry in sun. Storage
tins should have airtight lids.
 Step 2: Wash the vegetables/fruits to be dehydrated. Cut, if required. Remove the stem,
seeds, skin. Remove any decaying portions.
 Step 3: Blanch vegetables, i.e., put them in boiling water. Time for blanching varies with
hardness of fruit/vegetables. Remove when the food is soft (blanching reduces enzyme
 Step 4: Put vegetables in cold water containing salt and potassium metabisulphite(kms)
for 5-10 minutes. This prevents blackening of foods. Green leafy vegetables and other
dark vegetables should not be put in this solution.
 Step 5: Spread on a clean cloth in the sun. Cover with a thin cloth to avoid dust and flies
getting into the food.
 Step 6: When the food is dry, (test by looking at hardness), cool to room temperature.
Store in an air tight container. When you want to use dehydrated fruits and vegetables,
wash and soak in water for some time.
Dehydrating methi
 Wash methi and remove the stems.
 Put on a cloth in the sun, cover it.
 Cool to room temperature and store in air tight tins.
Making Potato chips
 Wash and peel potatoes. Cut in thin round slices.
 Put in boiling water for 3-4 minutes.
 Make a solution in cold water with 4 tsp salt, ¾ tsp potassium metabisulphite (for 4 kg
 Put the blanched potato chips in this solution for 10 minutes.
 Spread each chip separately on a plate in the sun. Cover with a thin cloth.
 When dry, cool and store in air tight containers.
So, even if the basic principle of dehydration remains the same, you have to adapt the method
depending on the food you are preserving.
Using low temperature to preserve foods works on the principle that low temperature slows
microbial and enzyme action. The food is thus prevented from spoilage. Foods can be preserved
at low temperature by:–
(1) Refrigeration 40 C to 70 C
(2) Cold storage – 10 C to – 40 C
(3) Freezing –180C or below
The duration for which the food can be preserved by using low temperature varies with the type
of food and the temperatures. The lower the temperature, longer is the duration for which food
can be preserved
Freezing of Peas
 Step 1: Select about half a kilogram of fresh, tender peas and shell them.
 Step 2: Take enough water in a stainless steel pan in which the peas can be completely immersed.
Add 1 teaspoon of salt for half liter of water,dissolve and bring the solution to boil.
 Step 3: Completely immerse the peas in the boiling solution for about 2 minutes.
 Step 4: Drain the peas immediately on to a stainless steelsieve and let it cool for 10-15 minutes.
 Step 5: Pack the peas in polythene bags, remove the air by pressing and sealthe bags.
 Step 6: Put the packets of peas into a freezer.
Note: Similarly other vegetables such as cauliflower, beans,carrots etc can also be frozen.
Using Frozen Vegetables
1. Take out the frozen packet from the freezer one and a half hours or two hours before use and
let it thaw to room temperature. Put peas in a sieve and keep under tap water for a few minutes.
Drain and use.
2. Frozen vegetables can be stored up to six months in a freezer.
Precautions while freezing Fruits and Vegetables
1. Packaging material, that is, polythene bags should be strong enough to withstand
expansion of food material on freezing.
2. The food once brought out of the freezer and up to room temperature should not be
3. Small packets should be prepared, as food once thawed must be consumed. So there is
less chance of the unrequired food material being spoilt. This also helps to avoid
refreezing of the unutilized food material.
4. Exclude the air carefully and completely from the package before sealing.
5. The freezer should not be opened too frequently.
Thaw: A process by which something frozen is brought to room temperature without applying
artificial heat.
By increasing the temperature, enzymes and micro organisms are destroyed, leaving the food
safe from spoilage. There are some micro-organisms which do not get destroyed at high
temperature. If these organisms are not killed, they can spoil food items once the temperature is
lowered. There are mainly two methods of preserving foods by using high temperature-
1) Pasteurization
2) sterilization
(1) Pasteurization: We have often heard about pasteurized milk packets. In this method food is
heated to a high temperature and then quickly cooled. The micro-organisms are not able to
withstand the sudden change in temperature and are destroyed. However, some organisms still
survive this method.
(2) Sterilization: Sterilization means free from any living organism. The high temperature used
in this method destroys all the microorganisms in the food. The foods are exposed to high
temperature for longer time and in some cases under pressure. When a pressure cooker is used to
cook, the food lasts longer because most microorganisms get destroyed. You can also sterilize
bottles and other equipments used in preservation.
Any substance that is added to foods to make it last for a longer time is called a preservative. The
concentration of salt, sugar or acid in a food prevents its spoilage. Therefore, salt, sugar or acid
are substances which act as preservatives. There are two types of preservatives:-
(1) Natural Preservatives: Salt, sugar, lemon juice, vinegar, oil and spices are natural
(2) Chemical preservatives: Potassium metabisulphate, citric acid and sodium benzoate are
chemical preservatives.
a) Salt: When you make pickle at home, salt is one of the ingredients used. Besides adding
to taste, salt has a specific function, i.e., to act as a preservative. If the proportion of salt
in pickles is less, it can get spoilt after sometime. Increasing the quantity of salt in the
food changes its composition. Due to the presence of salt in the food, osmosis takes
place. As a result, watercomes out of the food. When there is no or less water in the food,
the micro organisms are not able to grow and the food becomes safe. Salt also reduces the
activity of enzymes, thus preventing the food from getting spoilt. Salt is used as a
preservative in pickles, chatni, sauce, canned food, etc. Salt is rubbed on fish which helps
to preserve it.
b) Sugar: Sugar is added to foods like jams, jellies, murabbas, squashesnot only for taste
but also as a preservative. The proportion of sugar has to be correct to protect them from
spoiling. The sugar dissolves in the water available in the food item. This results in less
water being available for the growth of micro-organisms. Hence the food becomes safe.
c) Acids: Lemon juice, vinegar, citric acid, etc. sour food items used as preservative.
Vinegar is used to preserve onions, tomato ketchup; lemon juice is used in pickles; citric
acid is used in squashes. Acids increase the acidic content of food items, thus preventing
the activity and growth of micro-organisms.
d) Oils and spices: These are used as preservatives in pickles. Mustard powder is a spice
which is commonly used as a preservative. It prevents the growth of micro organisms,
thus preventing spoilage. When pickle is made at home oil is poured to cover the mango,
lemon or other vegetables which are being pickled. The oil acts as a protective cover and
has two advantages-
(i) Prevents contact of micro-organisms with the food, hence they can not spoil
the food.
(ii) Prevents contact of air with food, hence the micro organisms can not grow and
spoil the food.
Apples: 1 kg
Sugar: 750 gms
Citric Acid: 1 teaspoon
Water: 250 ml
 Step 1: Select firm apples and wash them thoroughly by rubbing them clean.
 Step 2: Cut them into small pieces. While cutting remove the core and hard seeds, but do not
remove skin or peel.
 Step 3: Cook in water till apple pieces are tender. (you can also pressure cook them for 1 whistle
 Step 4: Sieve the pulp carefully.
 Step 5: Add sugar and citric acid with constant stirring.
 Step 6: Cook till the mixture has done the plate test.
 Step 7: Pour hot jam into wide mouthed, sterilized bottles and cool.
 Step 8: Store in a cool place.
 Plate Test: Put a spoonful of the cooked mixture on a plate. Let it cool slightly. Tilt the plate. If
the jam is ready, the mass moves together as a lump. If liquid separates and pulp remains, it needs
more cooking.
Orange juice: 1 litre
Sugar: 2 kgs.
Water: 1 litre
Potassium Metabisulphite: Half teaspoon
Orange Essence: 1 teaspoon
Citric Acid: 30 gms
 Step 1: Squashes are prepared from juicy fruits. Select juicy oranges and extract the juice.
 Step 2: Take water,sugar and citric and boil the mixture till the sugar is completely dissolved.
 Step 3: Add orange colour, essence and juice.
 Step 4: Dissolve the potassium metabisulphite in a little juice and mix it into the prepared
 squash.
 Step 5: Pour it into sterilized bottles. Seal it or close it tightly.
 Step 6: Store the bottles in a cool place and away from the sun.
Some tips which will be useful for taking care of the preserved food items are.
 Take care of hygiene while preparing the food and storing it. The utensils and containers
used to cook and store food items should be thoroughly cleaned and dried in sun. The
containers should have air tight lids.
 While preserving pickles take care that a layer of oil is above the vegetables, so that these
do not come in contact with the air.
 While using the preserved food items, take care to use clean spoons. Close the lid
immediately after removing the required quantity.
 For foods like sauces and squashes, the bottles should be sterilized and kept in hot water
till they are needed. You could first put the preserved food in the bottles and then sterilize
the bottles by heating them in water for 30-40 minutes.
Prepared By
Amjad Khan Afridi
Date: 24th
April, 2017

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Principles And Methods For Food Preservation

  • 1. 1 Principles And Methods For FoodPreservation FOOD PRESERVATION The meaning of the word “preserve” is to keep safe, retain quality and prevent decomposition or fermentation. Food preservation can be defined as:- A process by which certain foods like fruits and vegetables are prevented from getting spoilt for a long period of time. The colour, taste and nutritive value of the food is also preserved. NEED FOR FOOD PRESERVATION Preservation of foods is done during the months when food is available in large quantity and therefore at low cost. Reasons for food preservation is: 1. One of the important reasons for preserving foods is to take care of the excess produce. 2. The second reason for preserving foods is that they add variety to our meals. Eating some chatni, papad or pickle along with the meals adds to the variety. Preserving foods when they are in season makes this possible. 3. Reaches areas where the food item is not grown. In some areas of Rajasthan which are desert areas and in Himalayan regions that are covered with snow most of the time, very few foods can be grown. Availability of some preserved foods can add to the variety and nutritive value of meals. For example inclusion of dehydrated peas, green leafy vegetables, canned fruits etc, in the meals is a good idea in such areas. 4. Makes transportation and storage of foods easier. Preservation of foods usually reduces bulk. This makes their transportation and storage easier since it requires less space. For example, if you dry green leafy vegetables such as mint, methi, corriander, etc, their weight and volume reduces, thus making their storage easy. PRINCIPLES OF FOOD PRESERVATION A good method of food preservation is one that slows down or prevents altogether the action of the agents of spoilage. Also, during the process of food preservation, the food should not be damaged. The principles of food preservations are: 1. Removal of micro-organisms or inactivating them: This is done by removing air, water (moisture), lowering or increasing temperature, increasing the concentration of salt or sugar or acid in foods. For the preservation of green leafy vegetables, the water should be removed from the leave so that micro organisms cannot survive. This is done by drying the green leaves till all the moisture evaporates. 2. Inactivating enzymes: Enzymes found in foods can be inactivated by changing their conditions such as temperature and moisture. One of the methods of preservations of peas is to put them for a few minutes in boiling water. This method inactivates enzymes and thus, in preserving the food.
  • 2. 2 3. Removal of insects, worms and rats: By storing foods in dry, air tight containers the insects, worms or rats are prevented from destroying it. METHODS OF FOODS PRESERVATION Foods can be preserved at home by the following methods- a. Dehydration b. Lowering temperature c. Increasing temperature d. Using preservatives (a) DEHYDRATION The dried food items like potato chips, sevia (vermicilli), methi, cauliflower, papad, ginger are foods which have been preserved by the dehydration method. The word dehydration means removing water or moisture from foods. The home method of dehydration is sun drying. Some foods are dried as they are, eg, green leafy vegetables (methi, pudina, coriander etc.) cauliflower, grapes, amla, onion, raw mango, etc. Some foods are cooked and then dried. For example potato chips, papad, banana, chips, wadis, etc. The most appropriate weather to dry foods is when the air is dry and there is strong sunshine. METHOD OF DEHYDRATION  Step 1: Clean all tins, plates, etc, to be used to dry and store the food. Dry in sun. Storage tins should have airtight lids.  Step 2: Wash the vegetables/fruits to be dehydrated. Cut, if required. Remove the stem, seeds, skin. Remove any decaying portions.  Step 3: Blanch vegetables, i.e., put them in boiling water. Time for blanching varies with hardness of fruit/vegetables. Remove when the food is soft (blanching reduces enzyme activity).  Step 4: Put vegetables in cold water containing salt and potassium metabisulphite(kms) for 5-10 minutes. This prevents blackening of foods. Green leafy vegetables and other dark vegetables should not be put in this solution.  Step 5: Spread on a clean cloth in the sun. Cover with a thin cloth to avoid dust and flies getting into the food.  Step 6: When the food is dry, (test by looking at hardness), cool to room temperature. Store in an air tight container. When you want to use dehydrated fruits and vegetables, wash and soak in water for some time. Dehydrating methi  Wash methi and remove the stems.  Put on a cloth in the sun, cover it.  Cool to room temperature and store in air tight tins.
  • 3. 3 Making Potato chips  Wash and peel potatoes. Cut in thin round slices.  Put in boiling water for 3-4 minutes.  Make a solution in cold water with 4 tsp salt, ¾ tsp potassium metabisulphite (for 4 kg potato)  Put the blanched potato chips in this solution for 10 minutes.  Spread each chip separately on a plate in the sun. Cover with a thin cloth.  When dry, cool and store in air tight containers. So, even if the basic principle of dehydration remains the same, you have to adapt the method depending on the food you are preserving. (II) LOWERING TEMPERATURE Using low temperature to preserve foods works on the principle that low temperature slows microbial and enzyme action. The food is thus prevented from spoilage. Foods can be preserved at low temperature by:– (1) Refrigeration 40 C to 70 C (2) Cold storage – 10 C to – 40 C (3) Freezing –180C or below The duration for which the food can be preserved by using low temperature varies with the type of food and the temperatures. The lower the temperature, longer is the duration for which food can be preserved Freezing of Peas  Step 1: Select about half a kilogram of fresh, tender peas and shell them.  Step 2: Take enough water in a stainless steel pan in which the peas can be completely immersed. Add 1 teaspoon of salt for half liter of water,dissolve and bring the solution to boil.  Step 3: Completely immerse the peas in the boiling solution for about 2 minutes.  Step 4: Drain the peas immediately on to a stainless steelsieve and let it cool for 10-15 minutes.  Step 5: Pack the peas in polythene bags, remove the air by pressing and sealthe bags.  Step 6: Put the packets of peas into a freezer. Note: Similarly other vegetables such as cauliflower, beans,carrots etc can also be frozen. Using Frozen Vegetables 1. Take out the frozen packet from the freezer one and a half hours or two hours before use and let it thaw to room temperature. Put peas in a sieve and keep under tap water for a few minutes. Drain and use. 2. Frozen vegetables can be stored up to six months in a freezer. Precautions while freezing Fruits and Vegetables 1. Packaging material, that is, polythene bags should be strong enough to withstand expansion of food material on freezing.
  • 4. 4 2. The food once brought out of the freezer and up to room temperature should not be refrozen. 3. Small packets should be prepared, as food once thawed must be consumed. So there is less chance of the unrequired food material being spoilt. This also helps to avoid refreezing of the unutilized food material. 4. Exclude the air carefully and completely from the package before sealing. 5. The freezer should not be opened too frequently. Thaw: A process by which something frozen is brought to room temperature without applying artificial heat. (III) INCREASING TEMPERATURE By increasing the temperature, enzymes and micro organisms are destroyed, leaving the food safe from spoilage. There are some micro-organisms which do not get destroyed at high temperature. If these organisms are not killed, they can spoil food items once the temperature is lowered. There are mainly two methods of preserving foods by using high temperature- 1) Pasteurization 2) sterilization (1) Pasteurization: We have often heard about pasteurized milk packets. In this method food is heated to a high temperature and then quickly cooled. The micro-organisms are not able to withstand the sudden change in temperature and are destroyed. However, some organisms still survive this method. (2) Sterilization: Sterilization means free from any living organism. The high temperature used in this method destroys all the microorganisms in the food. The foods are exposed to high temperature for longer time and in some cases under pressure. When a pressure cooker is used to cook, the food lasts longer because most microorganisms get destroyed. You can also sterilize bottles and other equipments used in preservation. (IV) USING PRESERVATIVES Any substance that is added to foods to make it last for a longer time is called a preservative. The concentration of salt, sugar or acid in a food prevents its spoilage. Therefore, salt, sugar or acid are substances which act as preservatives. There are two types of preservatives:- (1) Natural Preservatives: Salt, sugar, lemon juice, vinegar, oil and spices are natural preservatives. (2) Chemical preservatives: Potassium metabisulphate, citric acid and sodium benzoate are chemical preservatives.
  • 5. 5 a) Salt: When you make pickle at home, salt is one of the ingredients used. Besides adding to taste, salt has a specific function, i.e., to act as a preservative. If the proportion of salt in pickles is less, it can get spoilt after sometime. Increasing the quantity of salt in the food changes its composition. Due to the presence of salt in the food, osmosis takes place. As a result, watercomes out of the food. When there is no or less water in the food, the micro organisms are not able to grow and the food becomes safe. Salt also reduces the activity of enzymes, thus preventing the food from getting spoilt. Salt is used as a preservative in pickles, chatni, sauce, canned food, etc. Salt is rubbed on fish which helps to preserve it. b) Sugar: Sugar is added to foods like jams, jellies, murabbas, squashesnot only for taste but also as a preservative. The proportion of sugar has to be correct to protect them from spoiling. The sugar dissolves in the water available in the food item. This results in less water being available for the growth of micro-organisms. Hence the food becomes safe. c) Acids: Lemon juice, vinegar, citric acid, etc. sour food items used as preservative. Vinegar is used to preserve onions, tomato ketchup; lemon juice is used in pickles; citric acid is used in squashes. Acids increase the acidic content of food items, thus preventing the activity and growth of micro-organisms. d) Oils and spices: These are used as preservatives in pickles. Mustard powder is a spice which is commonly used as a preservative. It prevents the growth of micro organisms, thus preventing spoilage. When pickle is made at home oil is poured to cover the mango, lemon or other vegetables which are being pickled. The oil acts as a protective cover and has two advantages- (i) Prevents contact of micro-organisms with the food, hence they can not spoil the food. (ii) Prevents contact of air with food, hence the micro organisms can not grow and spoil the food. (1) METHOD OF MAKING APPLE JAM USING OF NATURAL PRESERVATIVE Ingrdients: Apples: 1 kg Sugar: 750 gms Citric Acid: 1 teaspoon Water: 250 ml Method:  Step 1: Select firm apples and wash them thoroughly by rubbing them clean.  Step 2: Cut them into small pieces. While cutting remove the core and hard seeds, but do not remove skin or peel.  Step 3: Cook in water till apple pieces are tender. (you can also pressure cook them for 1 whistle only.)  Step 4: Sieve the pulp carefully.  Step 5: Add sugar and citric acid with constant stirring.
  • 6. 6  Step 6: Cook till the mixture has done the plate test.  Step 7: Pour hot jam into wide mouthed, sterilized bottles and cool.  Step 8: Store in a cool place.  Plate Test: Put a spoonful of the cooked mixture on a plate. Let it cool slightly. Tilt the plate. If the jam is ready, the mass moves together as a lump. If liquid separates and pulp remains, it needs more cooking. (2) ORANGE SQUASH USING CHEMICAL PRESERVATIVES Ingredients: Orange juice: 1 litre Sugar: 2 kgs. Water: 1 litre Potassium Metabisulphite: Half teaspoon Orange Essence: 1 teaspoon Citric Acid: 30 gms Method:  Step 1: Squashes are prepared from juicy fruits. Select juicy oranges and extract the juice.  Step 2: Take water,sugar and citric and boil the mixture till the sugar is completely dissolved.  Step 3: Add orange colour, essence and juice.  Step 4: Dissolve the potassium metabisulphite in a little juice and mix it into the prepared  squash.  Step 5: Pour it into sterilized bottles. Seal it or close it tightly.  Step 6: Store the bottles in a cool place and away from the sun. SOME USEFUL TIPS Some tips which will be useful for taking care of the preserved food items are.  Take care of hygiene while preparing the food and storing it. The utensils and containers used to cook and store food items should be thoroughly cleaned and dried in sun. The containers should have air tight lids.  While preserving pickles take care that a layer of oil is above the vegetables, so that these do not come in contact with the air.  While using the preserved food items, take care to use clean spoons. Close the lid immediately after removing the required quantity.  For foods like sauces and squashes, the bottles should be sterilized and kept in hot water till they are needed. You could first put the preserved food in the bottles and then sterilize the bottles by heating them in water for 30-40 minutes. Prepared By Amjad Khan Afridi Date: 24th April, 2017