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Private Education in Comparison to Public Education Essay
A. Many of us in this room attended a private high school or some form of private schooling, what if
I were to tell you that the number of private schools in America are decreasing as well as their
B. Thesis: Environment plays a role in our learning, and the environment found in private schools
are much better when compared with public schools.
C. Reason to listen: We are all students. And education past, present, and future has an impact on us
all. In our future when it comes time to choosing schools for our kids we'll want to have the option
to send them a private school since there environment is better suited for academic success. But if
nothing is done to keep private schools around, we may not have that option.
D. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
2. Due to a difference in testing and scoring levels among private schools and public schools, there
is a difference in the graduation rate.
a. The graduation rate of private schools is much higher compared to public schools
i. According to About.com: About 62–67% students who attend a public school will graduate high
school ii. According to About.com: The range of private school students who will graduate high
schools ranges from about 90–95%.
B. Preparation in Private Schools for College
1. There is seen to be a difference in the grades between private and public school and this can lead
to how much aid or scholarship a student can receive when applying to colleges.
a. Scholarship amounts and aid given to students who attended private schools was higher than
public schools.
i. According to the SmartStudent Guide to Private Schools: Students who attended private schools
received higher private scholarships, institutional grants and total merit based scholarships.
2. How well students score on AP tests can not only effect entrance into colleges but can help earn
credits towards their major (in score is high enough).
a. Private school scores on AP tests were ranked nationally higher than public schools.
i. According to CAPE: 70% of private school students taking the AP in 2001 received a 3
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Education In Public Education
Education has undergone many rhetorical and definitional changes since its creation; the explicit
purpose of teaching the masses, particularly in the framework of public schooling, has varied from
culture to culture. At its core, though, the aim is simple: to efficiently construct productive members
of a society. This effort has to encompass so much of the values of said societies that it becomes
impossible for educational institutions to avoid the influence of larger institutions. Within these
constraints comes the effect of social reproduction. This institutional byproduct of education rooted
in societal values guarantees that students who come from lower income backgrounds are fated to
experience this existence as adults, whereas students from higher income families have the
advantages to follow in the footsteps of their parents. Without deeply studying and working to
reverse social reproduction, our current educational system is the story of history repeating itself.
In the humble beginnings for early American understandings, public education was designed to
create productive citizens in part by mollifying any potential class conflicts. According to Horace
Mann's conceptions of public schooling for the country, providing a uniform education meant
providing equal opportunity for all. If the lower class thought that their students had the opportunity
to succeed like the rich did, they would be much less likely to rebel against the systems currently in
place (Brick 2005).
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Homeschooling And Public Education
Is your child at the age where they need to begin their education? Are you conflicted with the many
options of where to educate your child? When it comes to the issue of education, many people––
from educators to students to parents to administrators to politicians–– have different ideas as to
what makes for the best education. According to Samantha Moore, in her evaluation essay titled
"There's no place like home," she argues that homeschooling provides a better educational
experience for students over the public school system. Specifically she states that "evaluating
homeschooling through aesthetic, moral, and practical criteria favors homeschooling over public
school" (Moore, 2017, p. 2). In other words, she expresses that homeschooling is better morally, is
cheaper and more convenient, and is safer. While I agree that for some students faced with certain
situations, homeschooling is the better option, I disagree with Moore's overall claim that
homeschooling is the best option for students over public education. By examining the examples
from her evaluation essay in a different way, it will become clear that the American public school
system is actually the best option when it comes to students' education. Although Moore makes a
point that homeschooled students are often involved in various activities outside of their home,
allowing them the social skills that the majority of people believe they lack, her argument is flawed
in the sense that those activities allowing
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Public Education Flaws
Possibly one of the most critical issues the nation is faced with is public education in the United
States. One time declaring the United States as a "Nation at Risk", the educational commissions
started to carry out one reform policy after another. With attempts to improve education, there have
been reformers have modified class sizes, graduation requirements have been revised, and
standardized testing implemented. Proponents of the policy feel that America's public education
system has improved, children are receiving the best instruction from the most qualified teachers,
because of the increase in funding students receive extra help and parents now have a choice in what
is best for their students education.
According Public Education ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Teachers devote more time to getting students ready for tests in basic skills, which determine which
determines whether or not their school will remain open. No Child Left Behind requires that
students be proficient in both reading in math by 2014. Schools that are not on the pathway to meet
this unrealistic goal would face a sequence of penalties, ending in staff being laid off and schools
closing. Prior to NCLB, public schools were rarely closed for performing poorly on standardized
tests. School administrators and districts understood that inadequate student performance reflected
the social and economic surroundings of their students. It does not make sense to punish schools on
the account of their students that are living in poverty. This particular policy allows the government
to enforce regulations that are out of reach and many schools do not dispute it because they need the
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
The Education Of The Public Education
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) curriculum in schools is undergoing a
revolution in public education. This revolution is sparked by an increase in federal funding over the
last decade. Between the years of 2011 and 2015, the federal government alone invested between
three and 3.7 billion dollars yearly for STEM education (Johnson, 2012) (White House Office of
Science and Technology Policy, 2014) and new STEM educational instructional strategies (Bruce–
Dacis, Gubbins, Gilson, Villanueva, & Foreman, 2014). Despite these new investments and changes,
many students are neither enrolling nor excelling in STEM programming, particularly students of
color (Museus, Palmer, Davis, & Maramba, 2011). Concurrently, many of the areas of greatest
economic opportunity exist in STEM related fields (National Research Council, 2011). In order to
overcome the opportunity gap that exists between White students and students of color, it is essential
for schools and districts to research and implement best practices related to STEM in classrooms.
The practices must not only be based in strong pedagogy and professional awareness, but also
include culturally responsive practices both within the classroom and the building (Johnson, Peters–
Burton, & Moore, 2016)and development of STEM mentors both in and out of the classroom (Ware
& Stein, 2013).
Chapter 1 Introduction
Background of the Problem
Science and math related education has been in an ongoing state
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
The Public Education System Essays
The Public Education System As we know that the examination system has come to be the main
theme of modern education. Every one from his early child–hood should take endless examinations
and succeed in passing them, before he could graduate from a college or university. As much
importance has been attached to it in school education, it has been subjected to mounting criticism
as to its validity. People in favor of it praise this system to great extent; and those oppos–ing to it
maintain that such a system should be abolished. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Let's clarify some things first. Take Thomas Edison and Marie Curie for instance. Edison stayed at
school for only three months when he was young. Because he always asked strange questions that
his teachers thought he was a fool. So they sent him away from school. Little poor Tom had to teach
himself to learn. But he made more than 2,000 inventions years later. Marie Curie went to Paris to
study when she was young. She got first degree in Physics after two years arriving in Paris. Then
she dis–covered Radium and Polonium. And she was given two Nobel Prizes for her determination.
She was the first woman who got two Nobel Prizes during that time. Today she is remembered and
admired not only as a famous scientist, but also for her determina–tion and courage, her willingness
to share her knowledge with the whole scientific world, her interest in woman's rights, and her
medical service during the war. Did they succeed because of hav–ing no exam system? No,
absolutely not! First of all, they had a great interest in learning. And then, they work very hard
toward this purpose. That is what I firmly believe. There are many more great people like this, such
as Hua Luogeng, Chen Jingrun, etc.
From what I listed above, it should be clear that it was not the exam system that makes people
successful. It is not, and it will not be. It depends on one's mind. Lastly, I have noticed a
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Public Education Budget
Curiosity seems to be one of the greatest assists possessed by human kind, there seldom seems to be
a child who doesn't ask the question "why?" frequently, but so often school as the innate ability to
limit children's curiosity. Public education tends to be overlooked, most people don't see it for what
it is, a way of nourishing and expanding the developing minds of youth, and a way of passing down
culture and traditions. The education children receive is a toolkit to help them solve problems later
in life, but the majority of the time students do not obtain the well–rounded education they need to
prosper. Due to a multitude of different reasons, mostly attributed to budget, art programs are being
cut out of curriculum. The reduction of budget ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The brain is divided into two separate bisections, the left and right hemisphere, children need both
sides of the brain innervated in order to learn properly. The left hemisphere is responsible for
perceiving information more logically and analytically, it is the side that processes things math,
science, and writing. Whilst the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for more imaginative
creative thinking, the importance of developing both segments of the brain is not something that
should be overlooked. With the aid of the arts, children see there are an infinite set of different
perspective, each complexity is in the eye of the beholder, this shapes how kids view and react to
problems. Every child is different, and art can be compromised to each child's individual personality
in a way math and science cannot. This results in separate individuals and a diverse society where
no one is the same. Since the beginning, humans have naturally been innovative and found
experimental ways to negotiate through life. Creativity is valued in any career path, just as much as
logic, employers are looking for fresh new ideas rather than regurgitated information. For example
in his article Anthony Fasano, a internationally known inspirational speaker who specializes in
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Private Education Vs. Public Education
It is often said that private education is superior to public education. I attended a private Christian
school from grades Kindergarten through eighth. My father believed a private education would be
the best option for me. Our class sizes were very small. Each grade level had around forty students,
but we were split equally into two individual classes. The majority of the eighth grade class
consisted of the same students that we started Kindergarten with. We had grown up together and
helped one another grow. A few months into my eighth grade year, I transferred into a public middle
Although I attended a costly private school, my family was considered to be living under the
poverty line. The other parents who sent their children to this school were typically professionals
who were much wealthier. Throughout the years there were many activities that I wanted to
participate in, but couldn't afford to. These activities included: band, choir, sports, and girl scouts.
This made me the student who didn't necessarily fit in. My classmates often attributed my
noninvolvement to me being "weird" and stopped hanging out with me. It appeared that after nine
years, I was eventually left out of everything. Around seventh grade, I started being bullied by the
students that I had spent my entire educational career with.
When my grandpa picked me up from school one chilly day in eighth grade, I told him I wasn't
going back to that school. The bullying had been going on for over a
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Public Education Essay
Public Education
Governor Jeb Bush initiated the nation's boldest voucher experiment in June of 1999 when he signed
into law his Opportunity Scholarship Program. Florida is the first in the nation with a statewide plan
allowing state–paid tuition for children in "F" graded schools to attend private schools or other non–
failing schools. Opponents claim that giving parents the choice to use state education funds at
private schools could end up bankrupting the public education system so many children rely upon.
Proponents of vouchers argue the voucher program will give parents a way to help children trapped
in failing schools. Matthew Berry, a staff attorney with the Washington, D.C. based Institute for
Justice, believes, "As ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Students must pass the FCAT in order to graduate from high school. Also, by 2002, school boards
must adopt a merit system for instructional personnel and administrators. Employees rated as
outstanding will receive a 5% pay increase. This aspect is subject to collective bargaining. The law
includes a new system involving truancy, discipline, and safety (Voucher and Accountability). Social
promotion has been eliminated and school districts must consider alternative placement for students
retained two or more years. Teachers and administrators disagree with many aspects of this plan.
Last summer, two schools, A.A. Dixion and Spencer Bibbs Elementary, were the first schools to
qualify for the voucher program. These two schools are located in Pensacola, Escambia County ––
my hometown. I was shocked to find out that out of the entire state of Florida, both "F" schools
were located in Escambia County. I cannot believe that the Escambia County Schools are the worst
in the entire state of Florida including the south Florida counties that are full of immigrants who
speak English as their second language. When I questioned Charles Ladner, the director of education
in Escambia County, he said, "Well, all I can say is we played by the rules."
Gene Pettis, Escambia's assistant superintendent for curriculum said that the
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Public Schooling And Public Education
With the many diverse characteristics of the Unites States, perhaps the most troubling is the rising
gap in the distribution of wealth. As the wealth gap in the United States rises exponentially, the gap
in the quality of public schooling rises with it. For a country that prides itself in prestigious outlets
of education, the system of public schooling seems to be miserably failing. Public education, a
system that some fight to destroy while others fight to preserve, is perhaps the only source of
academic opportunity for many individuals living in this country. The fact that someone can live in a
certain area and receive a higher quality of public education than someone else living in a different
area in the same country–even in the same state–is a problem that should not trouble a 'progressive'
democratic society. Unfortunately, areas of lower socioeconomic status receive much less funding
than areas of higher socioeconomic status, where property taxes account for 45% of funding in
public school districts. Naturally, the impoverished residents of poor neighborhoods pay a harsh
price in this situation, sending their children to an underfunded school with little to no resources,
where sometimes teachers must supply the classroom from their own pocket. As Rogerson and
Fernandez note, "a system that allows the accidents of geography and birth to determine the quality
of education received by an individual is inimical to the idea of equal opportunity in the
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Public Education In Mexico
Public and Private Education in Mexico
The theme is played today between parents it is which is the best option for their children education.
Public or Private? Which of the two educational systems in Mexico is better? There are several
things that parents should consider when the best choice for the education of their child is picked up.
Each educational system is very different; the quality of teaching, especially the costs and resources
of each varies greatly. Today, there is the idea that in Mexico you have to pay a lot to get a good
education. The question is, which option is better, send your child to a public or private school?
Nowadays, Mexican's education is a controversial topic when parents need to select the best school
for their children. Exist two different types of education, public and private. In the first place, public
schools in Mexico are free of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Hard to find someone who really believes that public schools can give as good results as private
schools. Is it true? Our public education can give as good results as private, and also fulfils a social
function without public funding, it would be impossible to achieve: to serve the entire student
population and allow gaps in educational inequality begin to be reversed.
Every year, high school results seem to confirm the supremacy of private education: high school
average of note who come from private schools is much better than those who come from public
schools. From high school students to make the average marc achieved by those who come from
public schools is 69.2, while those who come from private schools get an average of 79.9. (La
Nacion Opinion, 2013)
True is, the average private note is higher than the public, and rightly so. What is surprising is that a
huge number of students from both public schools get higher grades than those studying in private
Teachers are the backbone of education in
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Public Education : Pros And Cons Of Public Vs. Public Schools
On the other side, public school has their own advantages and disadvantages. Public have larger
class size and more students than private. The students would have more diverse culture. Public
school don't charge tuitions and aloud every kids to have educations for their future. Public receive
Federal funds from the government. Teachers are pay much better than private school and this give
them better investment in their careers. Students are also provided with transportation and all
teachers are certified educational instructors (Elizabeth 1). Public school gives students a free bus
transportation that parents won't have to pick them up.They also have more curricular activities and
programs (Pros and Cons School Attendance 1). Disadvantages are that they have follow
government rules for teaching the students. The public school cannot make their own decisions for
the student what they want to learn. The government keeps a lot of information from the parents,
students, and teachers to know about. There are harder choices to which you can hang out with
(Elizabeth 1).
Private and Public schools are very good place for teachers to teach and develop students education.
My opinion about teaching is that private schools have strong teaching for students' needs. There are
many options that are available for a teacher to teach in public schools. To teach at public school, a
person must have college degree, license to teach, and must be state– certified. The teacher must
have teaching experience (Pros and Cons School Attendance 1). On the other side, you do not need a
certificate to teach. There is more control over what you can teach to the class. The teachers are
more comfortable with the environment (CAGS 1). Public have to follow the government teaching
curriculum. Teachers are looking forward into administrative roles and find more opportunity in the
public schools systems. On the other hand, private schools can offer greater flexibility to teachers.
Private institutions make their own budget and staffing decisions so working part time or sharing a
position can be an option. Those entering teaching as a second career find it much easier to move
into the profession. This also means that private school teachers do
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Essay on The Purpose of a Public School Education
As an educator, living in a country where public schools are not as praised, or in the eye of the
public, are not as strong as they are in other countries, I constantly ponder about the question: what
is the purpose of public school education? Lots do not contemplate about the purpose of public
schools, forgetting that this question is probably at the base of all schooling.
As I started to dig deeper into this topic and really think about the purpose of public school
education, I took to my fellow colleagues to ask them what they think it is. The results of our
discussions and conversations were astounding, and I realized that many teachers never really took
the time to think about this. Their definitions about education in itself, as ... Show more content on
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Unfortunately, many believe that what it means to educate is to train students in the main subjects,
such as Math, Science, English, and History.
However, I believe that our society is much more complicated than what is covered in these
subjects. I also believe that it is not only ineffective to force students to learn, but it is also unjust.
Most people believe that the need for a strong public school system is for social justice. They
believe that the system molds citizens into democratic citizens. Indeed, all that was mentioned are
wonderful goals, but the reality of the public school system does not reflect this "ideal school
system". Once we delve into the depths of most public school systems we do not find a system that
promotes democracy. Instead we find an organization that is outdated, constructed on social
hierarchies, that disregards everything we know about effective organizations and cognitive
development. We find an institution that disempowers people, forcing them to do things against their
will; all while stressing that it is for their own good. If a "modern–day" democratic society is a
society in which people are collectively in control of their lives and of their community, then our
"modern–day" public school system is indeed anti–democratic. (Loder, 2006)
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Education : The Problem Of Education In Public Schools
Millions of children are enrolled into American public schools every year and rely on it to direct
them down the right path. These schools are dire to the survival of America and its infrastructure.
However instead of valuing its importance, the governments on state and federal levels are cutting
their funding, up to 1.5 million dollars in Tulsa county (Willert), leaving the schools to scavenge for
every drop of money and help they can get. This is causing severe damage to the education that
children enrolled into public schools are entitled to. Instead of a quality learning facility with plenty
of educators, teachers and the schools do not have enough money or space and have turned into
glorified daycares. Only a low percentage of Americans can afford the high price of private schools
which leaves the rest of the population to public school. If there is not a change in the funding of
public schools, the majority of Americans will be left without a basic education which would be
disastrous to the American society. The financial cutbacks public schools are receiving is causing
problems in quality of students' educations and Americans need to do something.
The American public–school system is receiving less and less money causing teachers to flee to new
higher paying jobs. Teachers cannot live a healthy lifestyle with the payment they receive. The
average salary teachers in Oklahoma receive is $44,373 annually ("Oklahoma Teacher Salary"),
which is $3725 less than the national
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Pursuing An Education For Public Policy
During an economics lecture the professor said to my class " I do not know whether the increasing
income inequality is an issue or not". I was perplexed. I thought the goal of Economics, as a social
science, was to achieve the maximum welfare of people while efficiently using resources. So how is
income inequality that renders many people worse off, not an issue? By not stating his opinion, he
wished to remain unbiased. However, if everyone were to keep their understanding of justice and
inequality to themselves without meaningful dialogues, no societal issue would gain attention or
I felt my theoretical background required training in practical applications to conceive working
solutions to some of the most pressing problems of our time. Realizing I want to be equipped with
the tools necessary to take appropriate measures when the welfare of individuals is compromised, I
knew I should seek an education in Public Policy. With my interdisciplinary academic background, I
aspire to contribute to the field of Public Policy by bringing a transnational–feminist perspective to
the socio–economic policy discourse. Therefore, there is no better place for me to pursue my
doctoral degree in Public Policy than at Chicago Harris School of Public Policy.
My experiences in research and community service have molded my policy interests and prepared
me for my graduate education in policy formulation and analysis. My joint research paper on the
lives of women veterans in the U.S.
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
The Goal Of Education And The Goals Of Public Education
The goals of public education revolve around three main areas that include; the political goals of
schooling, the social goals of schooling, and the economic goals of schooling. These goals were
placed with the idea that all children should receive public education whether you were poor or rich
and schools focused on teaching about political views and the law to avoid conflicts. Schools were
the focus of many hopes for political, social, and economic improvement.
A persistent educational goal of school was to give everyone the same chance to pursue wealth,
which is known as equality of opportunity. Equality of opportunity is the idea that individuals
compete with one another with all participants starting at the same point, which Horace Mann
referred to as the, "great balance wheel of society" (Spring, 2016, p. 66). Schools provide everyone
with an equal opportunity to pursue an education and wealth; however, I believe there are factors
that alter that equilibrium. Mann believed that equality of opportunity would reduce tensions
between the rich and the poor. It allowed the poor to believe that regardless of their circumstance
their children had an equal chance to compete with children of rich families (Spring, 2016 p. 67).
However, there are factors that will contribute to your opportunity to succeed, but schools give
students the opportunity to all start on the same path that end in different destinations.
The debate about equality of opportunity is centered on three
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Public Education : Pros And Cons Of Public Vs. Public Schools
On the other side, public school has their own advantages and disadvantages. Public have larger
class size and more students than private. The students would have more diverse culture. Public
school don't charge tuitions and aloud every kids to have educations for their future. Public receive
Federal funds from the government. Teachers are pay much better than private school and this give
them better investment in their careers. Students are also provided with transportation and all
teachers are certified educational instructors (Elizabeth 1). Public school gives students a free bus
transportation that parents won't have to pick them up.They also have more curricular activities and
programs (Pros and Cons School Attendance 1). Disadvantages are that they have follow
government rules for teaching the students. The public school cannot make their own decisions for
the student what they want to learn. The government keeps a lot of information from the parents,
students, and teachers to know about. There are harder choices to which you can hang out with
(Elizabeth 1).
Private and Public schools are very good place for teachers to teach and develop students education.
My opinion about teaching is that private schools have strong teaching for students' needs. There are
many options that are available for a teacher to teach in public schools. To teach at public school, a
person must have college degree, license to teach, and must be state– certified. The teacher must
have teaching experience (Pros and Cons School Attendance 1). On the other side, you do not need a
certificate to teach. There is more control over what you can teach to the class. The teachers are
more comfortable with the environment (CAGS 1). Public have to follow the government teaching
curriculum. Teachers are looking forward into administrative roles and find more opportunity in the
public schools systems. On the other hand, private schools can offer greater flexibility to teachers.
Private institutions make their own budget and staffing decisions so working part time or sharing a
position can be an option. Those entering teaching as a second career find it much easier to move
into the profession. This also means that private school teachers do
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Public School Education
Education inside and outside public schools differentiate in several points of interest. The education
and skills learned in public schools is shrouded by other individuals talents and ignorance. Public
schools are inherently difficult to develop the individual skill set. Outside of public schools, such as
scholarships, the individual development is specialized. This development is typically a slow
process that trains the individual for certain skill sets and education. Both education types contribute
to the learning process of students. My observations and experiences from public school education
may vary from another student's perspective. In public schools, I have educated myself in basic and
advanced levels of math, history, science, and English courses. The obstacles I have encountered in
this type education would mainly be the learning capacity and time efficiency. During my classes, I
am constantly interrupted, restricted, or completely stopped of my education by other students. Even
in an honor's course, I encounter students that lack the motivation, or decency to do classwork,
maintain silence, or simply impede the class in some disrespectful way. Occasionally, the whole
class of students decide for themselves to postpone assignments, or constantly ask questions that
have previously been discussed in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Scholarships can develop students at a personal level to achieve their aspirations. I am involved in
the New Century Scholar program. This program targets a select group of students of high morals,
education, and determined career path. The program allows the student to develop skills of
leadership, management, social skills, teamwork, and other necessary skills for employment. I
volunteer at Communities In Schools. This is a mutual relationship, where I develop transferable
skills, and Communities In Schools receives a helping
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Public Education And The Education System
In today's day and age, public education is outweighed on the scale. Young people don't see the
necessity of moving onto higher education and why should they when they know that a college
degree doesn't guarantee a job in the end. You have a greater chance of being employed if you do
indeed have your degree. And sure, you know your stuff but do you have the experience? Do you
have the skill to actually do your job? Public education systems are becoming more and more
concerned about college and career preparedness and there are already reformations in motion. The
current education system is ineffective in preparing today's students for higher education and their
careers and reformation and innovation is necessary to accommodate today's students to take their
places in the real world. First and foremost, there are several issues that are the leading cause of the
ineffectiveness of today's schooling. Sir Ken Robinson made a point of explaining that the current
education system was "... conceived in the intellectual culture of the enlightenment and in the
economic circumstances of the industrial revolution" (para 2). We are obviously passed the
enlightenment and industrial revolution. In fact, we might be in a new enlightenment completely as
well as a technological revolution as compared to an industrial one. It is common sense to realize
that methods used then may not and probably will not work now. Children have been brought up
differently and knowledge has been expanded from
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Public Education In Public Schools
Kids in America have been educated in public schools for years. Public education most certainly is
not cheap though, as in 2017 the education budget was approximately $69.4 billion(). Many believe
this is a little extreme and wish to lower the education budget, but that would only make things
worse. Education is one of the most important things in a civilization, and it is vital that its well
funded. However, much of the funding is going towards all the wrong things and America, despite
spending more on education than most other countries, is only slightly above average when it comes
to student performance(). The education system needs to be fixed by increasing the budget and
putting it towards more practical things. With the large amount
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Public Education Trends
seven to twenty points higher than public school students among three different age groups on
standardized exams. Thus, the score gap among Catholic and public school students has widened ten
points since 1978 (NCES 2012:43). Evidently, these statistics indicate that while public schools
have made significant gains with racial and gender gaps over time, they continue to achieve at lower
rates than private schools. In order to further analyze educational trends over time, I examined the
percentage of students taking Algebra and Calculus as compared to the past. The data indicates that
the percentage of thirteen year olds who are enrolled in Algebra has doubled since 1986 (NCES
2012:47). Additionally, thirteen year olds who elect to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 2015, the U.S. Department of Education announced that the overall graduation rate peaked at
eight–two percent during the 2013–2014 school year. (Kamenetz 2015:1). According to Arne
Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education, graduation rates have been steadily improving since a tracking
system was adopted to monitor it. This rate can also be attributed to the fact that initial warning
systems have been adopted to ensure that students remain on track to graduation. Additional
diploma tracks have also been offered to protect graduation rates. This can also be paralleled to the
fact that the high school dropout rate among those aged sixteen to twenty–four has decreased from
10.9 percent in 2009 to 6.8 percent in 2013 (NCES 2015:4). Nonetheless, if more students are
graduating from high school than in the past, it is important to examine where they are going
afterward. In the fall of 2015, 20.2 million students enrolled in American colleges and universities.
This data illustrates that there has been a 4.9 million increase in students attending American
colleges and universities since 2000 (NCES 2015:5). Furthermore, 65.5 percent of students enrolled
in a college or university immediately after graduating from high school in 2013. Thus, most
students enrolled in public schools graduate and attend college, unlike in the past. These rates may
be attributed to the fact that it is much more vital to possess a high school diploma and college
degree than in the past, regardless of the state of public education. However, these rates still indicate
the emergence of positive academic and social outcomes in public
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Persuasive Essay On Public Education
It is no secret that the public school system, especially in urban parts of the community, nationwide
has struggled with many things such as funding, lack of supplies, lack of jobs for public education,
etc. Many students who are a part of this type of environment may lack the type of exposure that
other students from private or charter schools may encounter every day. The number one thing that
the public school system is missing as far as exposure to students is arts being taught in schools. In
order to alleviate the increasingly enormous rate of public schools having low test scores as well as
the problem of not being as diverse as better privileged children and adolescents (even teens), is to
expand the horizons of these public schools and public school systems by adding more fine art
classes and fine art lesson plans to the curriculum as well as show students first–hand about how
public art such as graffiti, murals, and other forms can be recreational to them. This tactic may also
help with the rise of test scores, and even the overall better status of that particular school and many
more public schools nationwide.
Academic standards are held high by all people. These people include the state, the government, and
even smaller levels of people such as communities, parents, and all people. Education and its values
are what fuel this world. Granted, some communities value education more than others. However,
the reason that this is so is that of the lack of money that
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
The Importance Of Education For Public Schools
In Diane Ravitch Article she claims that the essentials of a good education is for public schools to
keep away from the standard testing because if takes time away from students furthering their
knowledge into learning, that not involves math or learning. Ravitch then continues into pointing
that the public system doesn't have the best educational learning system, which especially involves
minorities like black and Latino students. Ravitch proceeds into say that those types of minorities
haven't had any progress, because of the low income neighborhoods they live in. While she argues
that low– income communities don't have the same resources as private schools. Ravitch is refuting
privatized schools as the "answer" to bridging the gap between the educational scores of middle–
class whites and low–income minorities. Ravitch tells readers, "We know what works. What works
are the very opportunities that advantaged families provide for their children. In homes with
adequate resources, children get advantages that enable them to arrive in school healthy and ready to
learn". In contrast, children who are from disadvantaged homes are more likely to experience stress
and disruptions to their lives; be homeless; live in dangerous neighborhoods with inadequate
housing; have asthma; be exposed to lead; have untreated vision, hearing and dental issues; and have
an incarcerated or uneducated parent. They are "dragged down by the circumstances into which they
were born, through no fault of
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Limitations Of Public Education
Empowered or Limited When it comes to the topic of education, most of us will readily agree that
receiving an education is necessary and important to daily life. Where this agreement usually ends,
however, is on the question of limitations. Whereas some are convinced that public education limits
it students, others maintain that it empowers them. My own view is that public education limits
students because there is a lack of autonomy, a focus on segregation, and a very real pressure to
succeed. The standard way of thinking about education is to believe that it empowers students,
however some argue that it actually limits a student's individuality. In his essay "Against School",
John Gatto demonstrates how the public educational system places limitations on its students. Gatto
is an award–winning educator and has taught in public schools for almost twenty years. According
to Gatto, "We could encourage the best qualities of youthfulness.... simply by being more flexible
about time, text, and tests....and by giving each student what autonomy he or she needs in order to
take a risk every now and then. But we don't do that." (Gatto p. 115). In other words, public
education has the ability to empower students, but because of the strict structure, focus on testing,
and lack of autonomy, it is more restricting than empowering. Many people assume that students
going to an IVY league school are the brightest of their peers when it comes to academics. When
given an inside look at these prestigious, best of the best institutions, we encounter something
different than what we expect. William Deresiewicz attended Columbia University and was a
professor at Yale, and he sates, "most of them seemed content to color within the lines that their
education has marked out for them. Very few were passionate about ideas." (Deresiewicz p. 203).
Deresiewicz's point is that IVY League students aren't very willing to go beyond that which they
have been taught in the classroom. What's the purpose of separating these students from their peers,
who may not be as gifted academically, if they do not take their education beyond what they are
formally taught. Segregation does not happen just at the college level, but also at
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
The Value Of Public Education
In Thomas Jefferson's legislative bill for the state of Virginia in 1776, he outlined a need for the
establishment of "...a school for teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic...and every person is
entitled to send their children three years gratis, and much longer as they please, paying for it,"
(Smith). Jefferson stressed the need for a public–school system, in which every student had a right
to a basic education. Although having gone through modifications, the basic public school system is
still in place to this day. To fully take advantage of one's public education, one must take an active
and responsible role in their education. This means that one must be accountable, diligent, and
productive in their work as well as contribute to the classroom ... Show more content on
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One might take up the popular vote that dedication to school can lead to excessive hours of study
and a lack of sleep. Per a study by Eaton, Ph.D. et al., about 68.9% of questioned high school
students got an insufficient (less than 7 hours) of sleep per night, of which about 6% claimed to have
gotten less than 4 hours of sleep (2). However, I argue back that the diligence the students should
not lead to excessive, long nights, but rather to good study habits and time management. This will
prevent late nights of strenuous work, as the work would have been divided among several days or
weeks to spread out the workload. Some might then argue back that sometimes the students do not
have control over their workload and spontaneous assignments that interrupt their schedule;
sometimes it is the teacher's spontaneous and strenuous assignments that cause the students to stay
up so late working on projects. However, to counteract that statement, I claim that problems like
these should not be occurring in a supportive public school system. The teachers should be
supportive of the children for whom they are providing a public education for. Others might also
argue against spreading ideas in class, especially with ideas of religion,
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Public Education In The 1800s
The idea of education has advanced throughout history, constantly shifting by societal ideals and
human evolvement. This change is especially prominent during the 1800s and continues to alter to
this very day with education policies. Public education first began during the Industrial Revolution.
During this crucial time in history, many children were required to get an education in order to learn
the trades of the growing economy and business as opposed to getting hurt in from hazardous
machinery. These skills were limited reading, writing, and math. Ultimately, from this concept,
public education was founded and from then, our society has grown into a well–educated
community in which every individual has a role into making an impressive, ... Show more content
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These singular pieces must match and intertwine to create a scenic picture. Individuals must realize
that they are part of something bigger than themselves, for the wellbeing of society. Education,
along with a diploma, is physical proof that you can succeed in your profession as a functional
being, fitting perfectly in an operative society. Moreover, with education, the idea of a good society
will be further enforced. A good society as defined by Draper and Ramsay (6), is a society that can
prosper by giving its citizens basic physical rights such as security and health. Furthermore, a good
society should lend its citizens a political voice and give its people access to education that will help
they make their own conclusions. To emphasize the last point, the essay states, "People who are
illiterate are said to be 'blind'", which is an interesting allusion to Plato's allegory. By stressing
individualism through education, a student can access their toolbox of senses and resources as they
adventure as a puzzle piece of society. Some people who do not pursue higher education are
therefore not as well equipped. As Plato (306) would say, "I think that he would rather suffer
anything than entertain these false notions and live in this miserable
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Traditional Public Education
Imagine if only one size of pants were sold in stores and government regulations wouldn't allow any
other size to be made available to consumers. This may sound crazy but it's much like what's
happening with the education of our nation's children. As Americans we enjoy a wide range of
personal choice, and thankfully it includes our ability to select the pants that fit us best. But think for
a moment about traditional public education. For decades the public school system has offered a one
size fits all approach to educating our nation's children. As we approached the 21st century, the
public school system began to show its age. More and more children began to fall behind in a
rapidly changing environment marked by the introduction of personal computers and later the
internet. Sensing a need for change, many people began to push for new educational models that
would keep up with the times. This marked the beginning of the school choice movement. Both
charter schools and school voucher programs are collectively referred to as "school choice"
initiatives, in that they allow parents freedom to choose individualized education options for their
children that are outside of the traditional "one size fits all' public school system. A school voucher
program provides parents with certificates that are used to pay for education at a school of their
choice, rather than the public school to which they are assigned. Charter schools on the other hand
are publicly funded schools that have been freed from inefficient public school system rules and
regulations in exchange for accountability to produce positive, measurable results. These agreed to
results are set forth in each school's Liles 2 charter. The ability for parents to choose an education
path that is best for their children is an exciting opportunity currently revolutionizing public
Considering the importance of public education, it's understandable that many people would be
hesitant to make changes to the system. Those opposed to school choice site concerns that public
schools would be traded in for profit based education corporations that care more for financial profit
than the individual education of students. Others site concern for what appears to
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Public Education in Texas
Public Education In Texas
High quality education is a must in U.S. since it means that today's youth will be prepared with the
knowledge needed to tackle our nations issues. When looking from state to state, you will notice
how various states differ in how well they are able to educate students. Maryland was ranked
number one in the nation by having a high grade point average amongst students and an equally
high graduation rate. Texas on the other hand had the worst grade point average and graduation rate.
The reason for this is the amount of funding that goes into public schools. Maryland puts a lot of
funding into their public schools which helps raise grade point averages. Meanwhile Texas puts little
funding into public schools and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
That view still stands today as many senators and representatives hold hold mainly conservative
The conservative view of education extends to the parents of the students as well. Salaries for public
school teachers and administrators come primarily from state taxes which has been an issue for them
for years. School faculty has been fighting the state for years to have an increase in pay but that
would mean an increase in taxes as well. So when the parents of the students weigh in they often
side with the legislature since a pay raise for teachers would mean a raise in taxes for them. This is
sadly the same case for funding school equipment such as computers, books, playground equipment,
ect.. Since parents are unwilling to have their taxes raised to pay for all of that, our schools will
always fall behind, leaving teachers unable to properly teach our students.
Another challenge is how often Texas changes its statewide testing regiments. So far it has changed
four times over the past century, TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills) was one of the
regiments lasting from 1999 to 2011. The system currently in use and that will end by next year is
the STARR exam (State of Texas Academic Readiness). The testing regiments change constantly
because they do not accurately gauge a students performance. Also the fact that the main goal of the
curriculum is religious and ideological control further hinders the academic performance of
students. For example,
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
The Education System And Public Education
"'The whole people must take upon themselves the education of the whole people and be willing to
bear the expenses of it. There should not be a district of one mile square, without a school in it, not
founded by a charitable individual, but maintained at the public expense of the people themselves'"
(Strauss). Our founding fathers wanted our nation to be an educated nation. There were many who
believed that only a chosen should be educated, but there were those who saw education to be more
pervasive. During the 1800s Horace Mann revolutionized the ideas with public education; however,
today we now face an education system lacking in religious classes, group projects, and outside
stimulation. In 1848 Horace Mann focused on the preservation of humankind, both physically and
mentally, through physical and religious education. As proposed in the report Horace Mann explains
"that it is the duty of all the governing minds in society to diffuse the knowledge of these beautiful
and beneficent laws of health and life through the length and breadth of the State... by providing
public baths, public walks, and public squares... a religious observance of all those sanitary
regulations with which modern science has blesses the world." People were dying prematurely due
to their lack of education on modern sciences. With these provisions added, Horace Mann presents a
society most beneficial to the well–being of the population. With increased knowledge exercise and
hygiene people would be
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
The Importance Of Education In Public Education
Education in schools today is very important to a student's success. From reading a particular
passage, I read about a particular student who was denied as school valedictorian for the simple fact
that she was black. To fully understand what role integration plays, or should play in public
education today, there are some key components that one must understand. The first component
addresses how much it really matters to see that schools are pretty much segregated as they were in
1968. To my intellect, it's colossally noteworthy. In case you think approximately the two principal
purposes of open instruction, it's to advance social portability so that a child, no matter the
circumstances, can, through a great instruction, go where their abilities would take them. The reason
is to reinforce our popular government by making cleverly and open–minded citizens, and related to
that, to construct social cohesion. We are a country where individuals come from all corners of the
world so it's imperative that the open schools be a place where children learn what it implies to be
an American, and learn the values of a majority rule government, one of which is that we're all
social. Isolation by race and by financial status essentially undermines both of those goals. To my
mind this issue of segregation, which gets talked about very little, is central to undermining the twin
rationales for public schooling in the first place. The second component addresses race. Parents of
children argue
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Illich's Contributions Of Education In Public Education
Illich has cited three ways to improve the education of the poor despite more costly treatment – 1.
Three billion dollars are insufficient to improve the perform–ance of six million children by a
measurable amount; or
2. The money was incompetently spent: different curricula, better administration, further
concentration of the funds on the poor child, and more research are needed and would do the trick;
or 3. Educational disadvantage cannot be cured by relying on education within the school.
Illich has questioned our assumptions about schooling and left us with a gateway to start thinking
about our question, " Is public education necessary.?" A critical thing to mention here is that he
made a distinction between education and schooling. Illich has made a distinction between the two
ways of distributing chances, one is based on certification of passage through a curriculum for a
length of time whereas another is based on demonstration of a particular skill i.e. acquisition of
knowledge and experience. I agree with the Illich's distinction between education and schooling.
According to Illich, education should be an intellectual endeavor to better oneself by obtaining a
greater knowledge base, while schooling, is institutionalized education which deters the mind from
relying on oneself for knowledge and being more dependent upon the system to go further in life. I
totally agree with Illich that schooling does institutionalize education. I think that schooling on the
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Public Education : Private School Vs. Public School
Being a seventeen–year–old boy from savannah, I have been raised within the walls of government,
and tax funded schools, all my life. And it is at this point that I notice that it has not had any impact
on my success thus far. I have attended Marshpoint Elementary, Coastal Middle School, And Islands
High School. These schools are not only all public, but also within a one–mile radius of my house.
My parents believed in the public–school system to help extend my growth into the college scene.
And I have done exactly that. I came from a middle–class house whose income was well into the
triple digits, and both my Mother and Father were both very religious. So, it seems that the arrow
would have pointed in the private school direction at one point, right? Well it never did. My parents,
as well as myself, never believed that private school would ever benefit me more than public school
would. And I still stand by this today.
Raising a kid cannot possibly be an easy task. With the responsibility of raising a child, there comes
a point in every parent/guardian's life that they much choose between the two forms of schooling
offered, public or private. This can be a challenging task for parents, or on the contrary a very
simple task. All parents have their own thought process on why one is better than the other but by
far public school has the most to offer over private school. While choosing between the two, parents
may be faced with economical, physical, religious barriers that
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
The Importance Of Public Education
Since the beginning of public education, the responsibility of schools falls to the states. Through the
eighteenth century, public education was only for the wealthy due to the belief that poor children
were not worthy of being educated. "In 1852, however then secretary of state of Massachusetts
Horace Mann urged that states be obliged to offer public education to all children. The revolutionary
idea behind this plea was that all individuals could and should be educated irrespective of economic
class" (School Discipline History). During the mid–nineteenth century, European models were being
studied to suggest kindness and encouragement towards students rather than corporal punishment.
By 1910, it was mandatory for all children to attend school. Teachers noticed an increase in
absences, most likely due to parental direction, which led the teachers' role to become parental
disciplinarians; "teachers functioned in loco parentis, meaning in the place of parents" (School
Discipline History). Good discipline was shown as students sitting quietly as lessons were being
taught from teacher to students. After World War II, Dr. Benjamin Spock criticized these harsh
techniques and encouraged parents and teachers to be affectionate and flexible. Critics however
would claim that Spock's theories would lead children to become selfish, lazy, and unresponsive. In
the end of the twentieth century, "healthcare professionals and educators became more informed
about how student misbehavior
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Role Of Civic Education In Public Education
"Civic Education in a democracy is education in self–government that is essential to sustain our
constitutional democracy" (Branson, 1998). Civic education is not inherited as a family trait; it is
taught. The task of the education system is to produce responsible citizens in the world who are
equipped with the same skills and trades with other people across the globe. Lack of communicating
about development issues with the public and how little people understand the structure or
responsibilities of the various government agencies working on key policy issues that affect them
directly and indirectly because of the limited civic knowledge, poor civic dispositions, and
dysfunctional political landscape.
Media is everywhere, and it has become a part of our daily life. The media plays a dominant role in
the learning process. "Media corporations have a civic responsibility not only to prevent fraud and
financial abuse, but also to not corrupt or degrade our culture" (Pickering, 2017). The government
has always played a major role in the decision making of how students are educated in schools and
prepared as citizens to take part in civic life amongst other people. Media has the potential to shape
personalities, change the way we perceive and understand the world and our immediate reality. Even
though civic education in a democracy is education in self–government, the media serves as a great
means of communication
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Public Education System For Education
It is every child's right to have access to a public education system that will provide quality
education for success in life. Yet far today far too many children, especially those from poor and
minority families, are limited to at risk by school systems with a lower quality of education while
students in a low poverty community receive a higher quality of education. It is frustrating that even
when socio–economic statuses are rapidly merging and changing that an educational achievement
gap still exists between low–income minority students in inner city schools and their white higher
income counterparts who live in the suburbs. Educators, policymakers, and researchers all attest to
the fact that a large number of schools, particularly in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There is a very strong correlation between race and poverty. There have been many studies that have
explored the relationship between poverty and quality implementation. A principal that participated
in a study summed up the effects of poverty eloquently stated, 'The students don't have school
supplies. Some don't have clothing appropriate for the weather. Some don't have a place in their
home that's well–lit. Very few have their very own books. When it rains, if their sneakers get wet,
they don't have another pair of shoes to wear to school the next day. Poverty is the pits, I mean, it's
terrible (Cooper, 1998)."
In past studies the responses from teachers, principals, and district personnel in interviews, however,
produced unanticipated findings regarding the relationship of poverty and quality implementation.
The data suggest that regardless of the additional social and cultural barriers that high poverty
schools encounter in implementing school–wide reform, school poverty level does not appear to
obstruct the application method. Although high levels of poverty do create exclusive challenges to
the effective replication and scaling up of programs in areas such as parental involvement, student
mobility, attendance rates, quality of instruction, and basic implementing the program (Cooper,
In high poverty schools, the challenges that many students face are not always
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
The Fallacy Of Public Education
The Fallacy of Public Education
"Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds,
so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each." –
For the last several decades, there has been a great return to homeschooling. Many families have
seen the need to remove their children from the public education system for a variety of reasons: for
religious grounds, because of a decline of morals in the public system, or to give their children an
education where they are not held back from reaching their potential. When homeschooling, a child
can work at their own pace – often learning 2 years or more of material in one year and allowing
them to fully explore topics that interest them. Their intellectual curiosity can be fulfilled and they
can be the best they can possibly be. Students in the public school system are subjected to teaching
that is repetitive, biased, and falls short of academic success. In the past, students that were failing
coursework, but were getting older, were pushed on to higher grades even though they were not
ready for the more advanced coursework. In the 1980's there was a great number of graduates who
could not even read. How can the proponents of the public education system even make claims that
to be successful today, children need to attend their institutions? Today's formal, public educational
system of schooling is not necessary because it is a system
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Public Education
There are many fundamental factors of our public education. I think that teachers are the most
fundamental factors of our public education because teachers teach us thing we need to know for the
future and that helps us get a better career. Technology that we have now is also important. I also got
information from other students of what they thought was the most fundamental factor of our public
education. Students I asked mostly all of them said the same thing I did. They said, "Teachers are
the most important part of school because they are the ones that are educating us." and "The teachers
because they help you and affect your future." Other students I asked said, "If you don't get an
education you don't get a job, a house, pay bills, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
With technology we have more resources we could use and find more information from, otherwise
without Chromebooks we would have to get information from the textbooks and they don't have a
lot of information in them. If we didn't have Chromebooks, we would have to write more on paper
which is bad because our hands would hurt a lot after writing stuff in seven different classes. Also,
we would be using a lot of paper which is bad because people are cutting down trees for paper.
Having Chromebooks is also beneficial because if we are absent any day we could go one Google
Classroom and do the assignment or we could email our teachers so they could tell us what they did
in class. We are lucky that we get an education. Other kids around the world don't get an education.
In 2013, an estimated 110 million kids around the world don't go to school or can't go to school. Out
of those 110 million kids, 60 percent are girls. In some places, only boys get to go to school and
girls just help at home. In other places, kids can't go to school because they have disabilities, child
marriage, child labourers, or they can't afford it and here it's free to go to school.
There are a lot of fundamental factors of our public education. To me, teachers are the most
fundamental factor of our public education. Students I asked helped support my opinion.
Technology is also important for our education. Those are my opinions of the most fundamental
factors of our public
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
Role Of Education In Public Education
"Media corporations have a civic responsibility not only to prevent fraud and financial abuse, but
also to not corrupt or degrade our culture" (Pickering, 2017). Society has always had an interest in
how students are educated in schools and prepared for citizenship to take part in civic life since the
late 1800's. Because of the limited civic knowledge, poor civic dispositions, and dysfunctional
political landscape, it was the job of the schools to produce responsible citizens in the world. Civic
Education in a democracy is education in self–government that is essential to sustain our
constitutional democracy because it is not inherited. Citizens are expected to be responsible and to
make thoughtful decisions in regards to the issues in their communities and the elected officials
voted into office to lead our nation. Back in the 1800's, according to physician and founder
Benjamin Rush, schools should "convert men into republican machines" fitting them "to each other
by means of education" so that as well–crafted civic gears, they could "perform their parts properly
to produce regularity and unison in government" (Johanek, 2012). Even though civic education in a
democracy is education in self–government, media plays a significant role in today's society, in
strengthening and shaping our world into a global village by reducing the communication gaps
amongst people living in other areas of the country.
The media is
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay
The Purpose Of Public Education
Public education has many purposes in contemporary society. One purpose should be to teach kids
basic skills that they need throughout life; this includes basic math, reading, writing. Along with this
on a broader level I believe that schools should teach children to have a growth mindset. A growth
mindset is important for everyone to have throughout life as it will allow them to be more open to
new experiences and it will teach them to question what they are told. The ability to question the
status quo is what allows people to express themselves and their ideas, it prevents people from being
oppressed. Finally I believe that public education should teach kids to be excited about learning.
Kids should not dread going to school, instead it should be a positive experience and kids should
understand that learning happens throughout life and does not stop after K–12 education. To instill a
love for learning is to ensure that children become lifelong learners. Public schools in the US today
have strikingly different purposes than these but I believe that if these were to become our purposes
then we would have a more educated and more aware society. These purposes are important to
students, families, and societies in multiple ways. They are important to students because it helps
them grow as individuals. With a growth mindset they are able to think more critically of different
situations and they are able to continue to be learners. Without this they would stay in the same
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Private Education In Comparison To Public Education Essay

  • 1. Private Education in Comparison to Public Education Essay A. Many of us in this room attended a private high school or some form of private schooling, what if I were to tell you that the number of private schools in America are decreasing as well as their enrollment? B. Thesis: Environment plays a role in our learning, and the environment found in private schools are much better when compared with public schools. C. Reason to listen: We are all students. And education past, present, and future has an impact on us all. In our future when it comes time to choosing schools for our kids we'll want to have the option to send them a private school since there environment is better suited for academic success. But if nothing is done to keep private schools around, we may not have that option. D. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2. Due to a difference in testing and scoring levels among private schools and public schools, there is a difference in the graduation rate. a. The graduation rate of private schools is much higher compared to public schools i. According to About.com: About 62–67% students who attend a public school will graduate high school ii. According to About.com: The range of private school students who will graduate high schools ranges from about 90–95%. B. Preparation in Private Schools for College 1. There is seen to be a difference in the grades between private and public school and this can lead to how much aid or scholarship a student can receive when applying to colleges. a. Scholarship amounts and aid given to students who attended private schools was higher than public schools. i. According to the SmartStudent Guide to Private Schools: Students who attended private schools received higher private scholarships, institutional grants and total merit based scholarships. 2. How well students score on AP tests can not only effect entrance into colleges but can help earn credits towards their major (in score is high enough). a. Private school scores on AP tests were ranked nationally higher than public schools. i. According to CAPE: 70% of private school students taking the AP in 2001 received a 3 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Education In Public Education Education has undergone many rhetorical and definitional changes since its creation; the explicit purpose of teaching the masses, particularly in the framework of public schooling, has varied from culture to culture. At its core, though, the aim is simple: to efficiently construct productive members of a society. This effort has to encompass so much of the values of said societies that it becomes impossible for educational institutions to avoid the influence of larger institutions. Within these constraints comes the effect of social reproduction. This institutional byproduct of education rooted in societal values guarantees that students who come from lower income backgrounds are fated to experience this existence as adults, whereas students from higher income families have the advantages to follow in the footsteps of their parents. Without deeply studying and working to reverse social reproduction, our current educational system is the story of history repeating itself. In the humble beginnings for early American understandings, public education was designed to create productive citizens in part by mollifying any potential class conflicts. According to Horace Mann's conceptions of public schooling for the country, providing a uniform education meant providing equal opportunity for all. If the lower class thought that their students had the opportunity to succeed like the rich did, they would be much less likely to rebel against the systems currently in place (Brick 2005). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Homeschooling And Public Education Is your child at the age where they need to begin their education? Are you conflicted with the many options of where to educate your child? When it comes to the issue of education, many people–– from educators to students to parents to administrators to politicians–– have different ideas as to what makes for the best education. According to Samantha Moore, in her evaluation essay titled "There's no place like home," she argues that homeschooling provides a better educational experience for students over the public school system. Specifically she states that "evaluating homeschooling through aesthetic, moral, and practical criteria favors homeschooling over public school" (Moore, 2017, p. 2). In other words, she expresses that homeschooling is better morally, is cheaper and more convenient, and is safer. While I agree that for some students faced with certain situations, homeschooling is the better option, I disagree with Moore's overall claim that homeschooling is the best option for students over public education. By examining the examples from her evaluation essay in a different way, it will become clear that the American public school system is actually the best option when it comes to students' education. Although Moore makes a point that homeschooled students are often involved in various activities outside of their home, allowing them the social skills that the majority of people believe they lack, her argument is flawed in the sense that those activities allowing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Public Education Flaws Possibly one of the most critical issues the nation is faced with is public education in the United States. One time declaring the United States as a "Nation at Risk", the educational commissions started to carry out one reform policy after another. With attempts to improve education, there have been reformers have modified class sizes, graduation requirements have been revised, and standardized testing implemented. Proponents of the policy feel that America's public education system has improved, children are receiving the best instruction from the most qualified teachers, because of the increase in funding students receive extra help and parents now have a choice in what is best for their students education. According Public Education ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Teachers devote more time to getting students ready for tests in basic skills, which determine which determines whether or not their school will remain open. No Child Left Behind requires that students be proficient in both reading in math by 2014. Schools that are not on the pathway to meet this unrealistic goal would face a sequence of penalties, ending in staff being laid off and schools closing. Prior to NCLB, public schools were rarely closed for performing poorly on standardized tests. School administrators and districts understood that inadequate student performance reflected the social and economic surroundings of their students. It does not make sense to punish schools on the account of their students that are living in poverty. This particular policy allows the government to enforce regulations that are out of reach and many schools do not dispute it because they need the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Education Of The Public Education Abstract Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) curriculum in schools is undergoing a revolution in public education. This revolution is sparked by an increase in federal funding over the last decade. Between the years of 2011 and 2015, the federal government alone invested between three and 3.7 billion dollars yearly for STEM education (Johnson, 2012) (White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, 2014) and new STEM educational instructional strategies (Bruce– Dacis, Gubbins, Gilson, Villanueva, & Foreman, 2014). Despite these new investments and changes, many students are neither enrolling nor excelling in STEM programming, particularly students of color (Museus, Palmer, Davis, & Maramba, 2011). Concurrently, many of the areas of greatest economic opportunity exist in STEM related fields (National Research Council, 2011). In order to overcome the opportunity gap that exists between White students and students of color, it is essential for schools and districts to research and implement best practices related to STEM in classrooms. The practices must not only be based in strong pedagogy and professional awareness, but also include culturally responsive practices both within the classroom and the building (Johnson, Peters– Burton, & Moore, 2016)and development of STEM mentors both in and out of the classroom (Ware & Stein, 2013). Chapter 1 Introduction Background of the Problem Science and math related education has been in an ongoing state ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. The Public Education System Essays The Public Education System As we know that the examination system has come to be the main theme of modern education. Every one from his early child–hood should take endless examinations and succeed in passing them, before he could graduate from a college or university. As much importance has been attached to it in school education, it has been subjected to mounting criticism as to its validity. People in favor of it praise this system to great extent; and those oppos–ing to it maintain that such a system should be abolished. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Let's clarify some things first. Take Thomas Edison and Marie Curie for instance. Edison stayed at school for only three months when he was young. Because he always asked strange questions that his teachers thought he was a fool. So they sent him away from school. Little poor Tom had to teach himself to learn. But he made more than 2,000 inventions years later. Marie Curie went to Paris to study when she was young. She got first degree in Physics after two years arriving in Paris. Then she dis–covered Radium and Polonium. And she was given two Nobel Prizes for her determination. She was the first woman who got two Nobel Prizes during that time. Today she is remembered and admired not only as a famous scientist, but also for her determina–tion and courage, her willingness to share her knowledge with the whole scientific world, her interest in woman's rights, and her medical service during the war. Did they succeed because of hav–ing no exam system? No, absolutely not! First of all, they had a great interest in learning. And then, they work very hard toward this purpose. That is what I firmly believe. There are many more great people like this, such as Hua Luogeng, Chen Jingrun, etc. From what I listed above, it should be clear that it was not the exam system that makes people successful. It is not, and it will not be. It depends on one's mind. Lastly, I have noticed a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Public Education Budget Curiosity seems to be one of the greatest assists possessed by human kind, there seldom seems to be a child who doesn't ask the question "why?" frequently, but so often school as the innate ability to limit children's curiosity. Public education tends to be overlooked, most people don't see it for what it is, a way of nourishing and expanding the developing minds of youth, and a way of passing down culture and traditions. The education children receive is a toolkit to help them solve problems later in life, but the majority of the time students do not obtain the well–rounded education they need to prosper. Due to a multitude of different reasons, mostly attributed to budget, art programs are being cut out of curriculum. The reduction of budget ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The brain is divided into two separate bisections, the left and right hemisphere, children need both sides of the brain innervated in order to learn properly. The left hemisphere is responsible for perceiving information more logically and analytically, it is the side that processes things math, science, and writing. Whilst the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for more imaginative creative thinking, the importance of developing both segments of the brain is not something that should be overlooked. With the aid of the arts, children see there are an infinite set of different perspective, each complexity is in the eye of the beholder, this shapes how kids view and react to problems. Every child is different, and art can be compromised to each child's individual personality in a way math and science cannot. This results in separate individuals and a diverse society where no one is the same. Since the beginning, humans have naturally been innovative and found experimental ways to negotiate through life. Creativity is valued in any career path, just as much as logic, employers are looking for fresh new ideas rather than regurgitated information. For example in his article Anthony Fasano, a internationally known inspirational speaker who specializes in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Private Education Vs. Public Education It is often said that private education is superior to public education. I attended a private Christian school from grades Kindergarten through eighth. My father believed a private education would be the best option for me. Our class sizes were very small. Each grade level had around forty students, but we were split equally into two individual classes. The majority of the eighth grade class consisted of the same students that we started Kindergarten with. We had grown up together and helped one another grow. A few months into my eighth grade year, I transferred into a public middle school. Although I attended a costly private school, my family was considered to be living under the poverty line. The other parents who sent their children to this school were typically professionals who were much wealthier. Throughout the years there were many activities that I wanted to participate in, but couldn't afford to. These activities included: band, choir, sports, and girl scouts. This made me the student who didn't necessarily fit in. My classmates often attributed my noninvolvement to me being "weird" and stopped hanging out with me. It appeared that after nine years, I was eventually left out of everything. Around seventh grade, I started being bullied by the students that I had spent my entire educational career with. When my grandpa picked me up from school one chilly day in eighth grade, I told him I wasn't going back to that school. The bullying had been going on for over a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Public Education Essay Public Education Governor Jeb Bush initiated the nation's boldest voucher experiment in June of 1999 when he signed into law his Opportunity Scholarship Program. Florida is the first in the nation with a statewide plan allowing state–paid tuition for children in "F" graded schools to attend private schools or other non– failing schools. Opponents claim that giving parents the choice to use state education funds at private schools could end up bankrupting the public education system so many children rely upon. Proponents of vouchers argue the voucher program will give parents a way to help children trapped in failing schools. Matthew Berry, a staff attorney with the Washington, D.C. based Institute for Justice, believes, "As ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Students must pass the FCAT in order to graduate from high school. Also, by 2002, school boards must adopt a merit system for instructional personnel and administrators. Employees rated as outstanding will receive a 5% pay increase. This aspect is subject to collective bargaining. The law includes a new system involving truancy, discipline, and safety (Voucher and Accountability). Social promotion has been eliminated and school districts must consider alternative placement for students retained two or more years. Teachers and administrators disagree with many aspects of this plan. Last summer, two schools, A.A. Dixion and Spencer Bibbs Elementary, were the first schools to qualify for the voucher program. These two schools are located in Pensacola, Escambia County –– my hometown. I was shocked to find out that out of the entire state of Florida, both "F" schools were located in Escambia County. I cannot believe that the Escambia County Schools are the worst in the entire state of Florida including the south Florida counties that are full of immigrants who speak English as their second language. When I questioned Charles Ladner, the director of education in Escambia County, he said, "Well, all I can say is we played by the rules." Gene Pettis, Escambia's assistant superintendent for curriculum said that the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Public Schooling And Public Education With the many diverse characteristics of the Unites States, perhaps the most troubling is the rising gap in the distribution of wealth. As the wealth gap in the United States rises exponentially, the gap in the quality of public schooling rises with it. For a country that prides itself in prestigious outlets of education, the system of public schooling seems to be miserably failing. Public education, a system that some fight to destroy while others fight to preserve, is perhaps the only source of academic opportunity for many individuals living in this country. The fact that someone can live in a certain area and receive a higher quality of public education than someone else living in a different area in the same country–even in the same state–is a problem that should not trouble a 'progressive' democratic society. Unfortunately, areas of lower socioeconomic status receive much less funding than areas of higher socioeconomic status, where property taxes account for 45% of funding in public school districts. Naturally, the impoverished residents of poor neighborhoods pay a harsh price in this situation, sending their children to an underfunded school with little to no resources, where sometimes teachers must supply the classroom from their own pocket. As Rogerson and Fernandez note, "a system that allows the accidents of geography and birth to determine the quality of education received by an individual is inimical to the idea of equal opportunity in the marketplace" ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Public Education In Mexico Public and Private Education in Mexico The theme is played today between parents it is which is the best option for their children education. Public or Private? Which of the two educational systems in Mexico is better? There are several things that parents should consider when the best choice for the education of their child is picked up. Each educational system is very different; the quality of teaching, especially the costs and resources of each varies greatly. Today, there is the idea that in Mexico you have to pay a lot to get a good education. The question is, which option is better, send your child to a public or private school? Nowadays, Mexican's education is a controversial topic when parents need to select the best school for their children. Exist two different types of education, public and private. In the first place, public schools in Mexico are free of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hard to find someone who really believes that public schools can give as good results as private schools. Is it true? Our public education can give as good results as private, and also fulfils a social function without public funding, it would be impossible to achieve: to serve the entire student population and allow gaps in educational inequality begin to be reversed. Every year, high school results seem to confirm the supremacy of private education: high school average of note who come from private schools is much better than those who come from public schools. From high school students to make the average marc achieved by those who come from public schools is 69.2, while those who come from private schools get an average of 79.9. (La Nacion Opinion, 2013) True is, the average private note is higher than the public, and rightly so. What is surprising is that a huge number of students from both public schools get higher grades than those studying in private schools. Teachers are the backbone of education in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Public Education : Pros And Cons Of Public Vs. Public Schools On the other side, public school has their own advantages and disadvantages. Public have larger class size and more students than private. The students would have more diverse culture. Public school don't charge tuitions and aloud every kids to have educations for their future. Public receive Federal funds from the government. Teachers are pay much better than private school and this give them better investment in their careers. Students are also provided with transportation and all teachers are certified educational instructors (Elizabeth 1). Public school gives students a free bus transportation that parents won't have to pick them up.They also have more curricular activities and programs (Pros and Cons School Attendance 1). Disadvantages are that they have follow government rules for teaching the students. The public school cannot make their own decisions for the student what they want to learn. The government keeps a lot of information from the parents, students, and teachers to know about. There are harder choices to which you can hang out with (Elizabeth 1). Private and Public schools are very good place for teachers to teach and develop students education. My opinion about teaching is that private schools have strong teaching for students' needs. There are many options that are available for a teacher to teach in public schools. To teach at public school, a person must have college degree, license to teach, and must be state– certified. The teacher must have teaching experience (Pros and Cons School Attendance 1). On the other side, you do not need a certificate to teach. There is more control over what you can teach to the class. The teachers are more comfortable with the environment (CAGS 1). Public have to follow the government teaching curriculum. Teachers are looking forward into administrative roles and find more opportunity in the public schools systems. On the other hand, private schools can offer greater flexibility to teachers. Private institutions make their own budget and staffing decisions so working part time or sharing a position can be an option. Those entering teaching as a second career find it much easier to move into the profession. This also means that private school teachers do ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Essay on The Purpose of a Public School Education As an educator, living in a country where public schools are not as praised, or in the eye of the public, are not as strong as they are in other countries, I constantly ponder about the question: what is the purpose of public school education? Lots do not contemplate about the purpose of public schools, forgetting that this question is probably at the base of all schooling. As I started to dig deeper into this topic and really think about the purpose of public school education, I took to my fellow colleagues to ask them what they think it is. The results of our discussions and conversations were astounding, and I realized that many teachers never really took the time to think about this. Their definitions about education in itself, as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Unfortunately, many believe that what it means to educate is to train students in the main subjects, such as Math, Science, English, and History. However, I believe that our society is much more complicated than what is covered in these subjects. I also believe that it is not only ineffective to force students to learn, but it is also unjust. Most people believe that the need for a strong public school system is for social justice. They believe that the system molds citizens into democratic citizens. Indeed, all that was mentioned are wonderful goals, but the reality of the public school system does not reflect this "ideal school system". Once we delve into the depths of most public school systems we do not find a system that promotes democracy. Instead we find an organization that is outdated, constructed on social hierarchies, that disregards everything we know about effective organizations and cognitive development. We find an institution that disempowers people, forcing them to do things against their will; all while stressing that it is for their own good. If a "modern–day" democratic society is a society in which people are collectively in control of their lives and of their community, then our "modern–day" public school system is indeed anti–democratic. (Loder, 2006) I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Education : The Problem Of Education In Public Schools Millions of children are enrolled into American public schools every year and rely on it to direct them down the right path. These schools are dire to the survival of America and its infrastructure. However instead of valuing its importance, the governments on state and federal levels are cutting their funding, up to 1.5 million dollars in Tulsa county (Willert), leaving the schools to scavenge for every drop of money and help they can get. This is causing severe damage to the education that children enrolled into public schools are entitled to. Instead of a quality learning facility with plenty of educators, teachers and the schools do not have enough money or space and have turned into glorified daycares. Only a low percentage of Americans can afford the high price of private schools which leaves the rest of the population to public school. If there is not a change in the funding of public schools, the majority of Americans will be left without a basic education which would be disastrous to the American society. The financial cutbacks public schools are receiving is causing problems in quality of students' educations and Americans need to do something. The American public–school system is receiving less and less money causing teachers to flee to new higher paying jobs. Teachers cannot live a healthy lifestyle with the payment they receive. The average salary teachers in Oklahoma receive is $44,373 annually ("Oklahoma Teacher Salary"), which is $3725 less than the national ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Pursuing An Education For Public Policy During an economics lecture the professor said to my class " I do not know whether the increasing income inequality is an issue or not". I was perplexed. I thought the goal of Economics, as a social science, was to achieve the maximum welfare of people while efficiently using resources. So how is income inequality that renders many people worse off, not an issue? By not stating his opinion, he wished to remain unbiased. However, if everyone were to keep their understanding of justice and inequality to themselves without meaningful dialogues, no societal issue would gain attention or action. I felt my theoretical background required training in practical applications to conceive working solutions to some of the most pressing problems of our time. Realizing I want to be equipped with the tools necessary to take appropriate measures when the welfare of individuals is compromised, I knew I should seek an education in Public Policy. With my interdisciplinary academic background, I aspire to contribute to the field of Public Policy by bringing a transnational–feminist perspective to the socio–economic policy discourse. Therefore, there is no better place for me to pursue my doctoral degree in Public Policy than at Chicago Harris School of Public Policy. My experiences in research and community service have molded my policy interests and prepared me for my graduate education in policy formulation and analysis. My joint research paper on the lives of women veterans in the U.S. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Goal Of Education And The Goals Of Public Education The goals of public education revolve around three main areas that include; the political goals of schooling, the social goals of schooling, and the economic goals of schooling. These goals were placed with the idea that all children should receive public education whether you were poor or rich and schools focused on teaching about political views and the law to avoid conflicts. Schools were the focus of many hopes for political, social, and economic improvement. A persistent educational goal of school was to give everyone the same chance to pursue wealth, which is known as equality of opportunity. Equality of opportunity is the idea that individuals compete with one another with all participants starting at the same point, which Horace Mann referred to as the, "great balance wheel of society" (Spring, 2016, p. 66). Schools provide everyone with an equal opportunity to pursue an education and wealth; however, I believe there are factors that alter that equilibrium. Mann believed that equality of opportunity would reduce tensions between the rich and the poor. It allowed the poor to believe that regardless of their circumstance their children had an equal chance to compete with children of rich families (Spring, 2016 p. 67). However, there are factors that will contribute to your opportunity to succeed, but schools give students the opportunity to all start on the same path that end in different destinations. The debate about equality of opportunity is centered on three ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Public Education : Pros And Cons Of Public Vs. Public Schools On the other side, public school has their own advantages and disadvantages. Public have larger class size and more students than private. The students would have more diverse culture. Public school don't charge tuitions and aloud every kids to have educations for their future. Public receive Federal funds from the government. Teachers are pay much better than private school and this give them better investment in their careers. Students are also provided with transportation and all teachers are certified educational instructors (Elizabeth 1). Public school gives students a free bus transportation that parents won't have to pick them up.They also have more curricular activities and programs (Pros and Cons School Attendance 1). Disadvantages are that they have follow government rules for teaching the students. The public school cannot make their own decisions for the student what they want to learn. The government keeps a lot of information from the parents, students, and teachers to know about. There are harder choices to which you can hang out with (Elizabeth 1). Private and Public schools are very good place for teachers to teach and develop students education. My opinion about teaching is that private schools have strong teaching for students' needs. There are many options that are available for a teacher to teach in public schools. To teach at public school, a person must have college degree, license to teach, and must be state– certified. The teacher must have teaching experience (Pros and Cons School Attendance 1). On the other side, you do not need a certificate to teach. There is more control over what you can teach to the class. The teachers are more comfortable with the environment (CAGS 1). Public have to follow the government teaching curriculum. Teachers are looking forward into administrative roles and find more opportunity in the public schools systems. On the other hand, private schools can offer greater flexibility to teachers. Private institutions make their own budget and staffing decisions so working part time or sharing a position can be an option. Those entering teaching as a second career find it much easier to move into the profession. This also means that private school teachers do ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Public School Education Education inside and outside public schools differentiate in several points of interest. The education and skills learned in public schools is shrouded by other individuals talents and ignorance. Public schools are inherently difficult to develop the individual skill set. Outside of public schools, such as scholarships, the individual development is specialized. This development is typically a slow process that trains the individual for certain skill sets and education. Both education types contribute to the learning process of students. My observations and experiences from public school education may vary from another student's perspective. In public schools, I have educated myself in basic and advanced levels of math, history, science, and English courses. The obstacles I have encountered in this type education would mainly be the learning capacity and time efficiency. During my classes, I am constantly interrupted, restricted, or completely stopped of my education by other students. Even in an honor's course, I encounter students that lack the motivation, or decency to do classwork, maintain silence, or simply impede the class in some disrespectful way. Occasionally, the whole class of students decide for themselves to postpone assignments, or constantly ask questions that have previously been discussed in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Scholarships can develop students at a personal level to achieve their aspirations. I am involved in the New Century Scholar program. This program targets a select group of students of high morals, education, and determined career path. The program allows the student to develop skills of leadership, management, social skills, teamwork, and other necessary skills for employment. I volunteer at Communities In Schools. This is a mutual relationship, where I develop transferable skills, and Communities In Schools receives a helping ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Public Education And The Education System In today's day and age, public education is outweighed on the scale. Young people don't see the necessity of moving onto higher education and why should they when they know that a college degree doesn't guarantee a job in the end. You have a greater chance of being employed if you do indeed have your degree. And sure, you know your stuff but do you have the experience? Do you have the skill to actually do your job? Public education systems are becoming more and more concerned about college and career preparedness and there are already reformations in motion. The current education system is ineffective in preparing today's students for higher education and their careers and reformation and innovation is necessary to accommodate today's students to take their places in the real world. First and foremost, there are several issues that are the leading cause of the ineffectiveness of today's schooling. Sir Ken Robinson made a point of explaining that the current education system was "... conceived in the intellectual culture of the enlightenment and in the economic circumstances of the industrial revolution" (para 2). We are obviously passed the enlightenment and industrial revolution. In fact, we might be in a new enlightenment completely as well as a technological revolution as compared to an industrial one. It is common sense to realize that methods used then may not and probably will not work now. Children have been brought up differently and knowledge has been expanded from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Public Education In Public Schools Kids in America have been educated in public schools for years. Public education most certainly is not cheap though, as in 2017 the education budget was approximately $69.4 billion(). Many believe this is a little extreme and wish to lower the education budget, but that would only make things worse. Education is one of the most important things in a civilization, and it is vital that its well funded. However, much of the funding is going towards all the wrong things and America, despite spending more on education than most other countries, is only slightly above average when it comes to student performance(). The education system needs to be fixed by increasing the budget and putting it towards more practical things. With the large amount ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Public Education Trends seven to twenty points higher than public school students among three different age groups on standardized exams. Thus, the score gap among Catholic and public school students has widened ten points since 1978 (NCES 2012:43). Evidently, these statistics indicate that while public schools have made significant gains with racial and gender gaps over time, they continue to achieve at lower rates than private schools. In order to further analyze educational trends over time, I examined the percentage of students taking Algebra and Calculus as compared to the past. The data indicates that the percentage of thirteen year olds who are enrolled in Algebra has doubled since 1986 (NCES 2012:47). Additionally, thirteen year olds who elect to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 2015, the U.S. Department of Education announced that the overall graduation rate peaked at eight–two percent during the 2013–2014 school year. (Kamenetz 2015:1). According to Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education, graduation rates have been steadily improving since a tracking system was adopted to monitor it. This rate can also be attributed to the fact that initial warning systems have been adopted to ensure that students remain on track to graduation. Additional diploma tracks have also been offered to protect graduation rates. This can also be paralleled to the fact that the high school dropout rate among those aged sixteen to twenty–four has decreased from 10.9 percent in 2009 to 6.8 percent in 2013 (NCES 2015:4). Nonetheless, if more students are graduating from high school than in the past, it is important to examine where they are going afterward. In the fall of 2015, 20.2 million students enrolled in American colleges and universities. This data illustrates that there has been a 4.9 million increase in students attending American colleges and universities since 2000 (NCES 2015:5). Furthermore, 65.5 percent of students enrolled in a college or university immediately after graduating from high school in 2013. Thus, most students enrolled in public schools graduate and attend college, unlike in the past. These rates may be attributed to the fact that it is much more vital to possess a high school diploma and college degree than in the past, regardless of the state of public education. However, these rates still indicate the emergence of positive academic and social outcomes in public ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Persuasive Essay On Public Education It is no secret that the public school system, especially in urban parts of the community, nationwide has struggled with many things such as funding, lack of supplies, lack of jobs for public education, etc. Many students who are a part of this type of environment may lack the type of exposure that other students from private or charter schools may encounter every day. The number one thing that the public school system is missing as far as exposure to students is arts being taught in schools. In order to alleviate the increasingly enormous rate of public schools having low test scores as well as the problem of not being as diverse as better privileged children and adolescents (even teens), is to expand the horizons of these public schools and public school systems by adding more fine art classes and fine art lesson plans to the curriculum as well as show students first–hand about how public art such as graffiti, murals, and other forms can be recreational to them. This tactic may also help with the rise of test scores, and even the overall better status of that particular school and many more public schools nationwide. Academic standards are held high by all people. These people include the state, the government, and even smaller levels of people such as communities, parents, and all people. Education and its values are what fuel this world. Granted, some communities value education more than others. However, the reason that this is so is that of the lack of money that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. The Importance Of Education For Public Schools In Diane Ravitch Article she claims that the essentials of a good education is for public schools to keep away from the standard testing because if takes time away from students furthering their knowledge into learning, that not involves math or learning. Ravitch then continues into pointing that the public system doesn't have the best educational learning system, which especially involves minorities like black and Latino students. Ravitch proceeds into say that those types of minorities haven't had any progress, because of the low income neighborhoods they live in. While she argues that low– income communities don't have the same resources as private schools. Ravitch is refuting privatized schools as the "answer" to bridging the gap between the educational scores of middle– class whites and low–income minorities. Ravitch tells readers, "We know what works. What works are the very opportunities that advantaged families provide for their children. In homes with adequate resources, children get advantages that enable them to arrive in school healthy and ready to learn". In contrast, children who are from disadvantaged homes are more likely to experience stress and disruptions to their lives; be homeless; live in dangerous neighborhoods with inadequate housing; have asthma; be exposed to lead; have untreated vision, hearing and dental issues; and have an incarcerated or uneducated parent. They are "dragged down by the circumstances into which they were born, through no fault of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Limitations Of Public Education Empowered or Limited When it comes to the topic of education, most of us will readily agree that receiving an education is necessary and important to daily life. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of limitations. Whereas some are convinced that public education limits it students, others maintain that it empowers them. My own view is that public education limits students because there is a lack of autonomy, a focus on segregation, and a very real pressure to succeed. The standard way of thinking about education is to believe that it empowers students, however some argue that it actually limits a student's individuality. In his essay "Against School", John Gatto demonstrates how the public educational system places limitations on its students. Gatto is an award–winning educator and has taught in public schools for almost twenty years. According to Gatto, "We could encourage the best qualities of youthfulness.... simply by being more flexible about time, text, and tests....and by giving each student what autonomy he or she needs in order to take a risk every now and then. But we don't do that." (Gatto p. 115). In other words, public education has the ability to empower students, but because of the strict structure, focus on testing, and lack of autonomy, it is more restricting than empowering. Many people assume that students going to an IVY league school are the brightest of their peers when it comes to academics. When given an inside look at these prestigious, best of the best institutions, we encounter something different than what we expect. William Deresiewicz attended Columbia University and was a professor at Yale, and he sates, "most of them seemed content to color within the lines that their education has marked out for them. Very few were passionate about ideas." (Deresiewicz p. 203). Deresiewicz's point is that IVY League students aren't very willing to go beyond that which they have been taught in the classroom. What's the purpose of separating these students from their peers, who may not be as gifted academically, if they do not take their education beyond what they are formally taught. Segregation does not happen just at the college level, but also at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. The Value Of Public Education In Thomas Jefferson's legislative bill for the state of Virginia in 1776, he outlined a need for the establishment of "...a school for teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic...and every person is entitled to send their children three years gratis, and much longer as they please, paying for it," (Smith). Jefferson stressed the need for a public–school system, in which every student had a right to a basic education. Although having gone through modifications, the basic public school system is still in place to this day. To fully take advantage of one's public education, one must take an active and responsible role in their education. This means that one must be accountable, diligent, and productive in their work as well as contribute to the classroom ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One might take up the popular vote that dedication to school can lead to excessive hours of study and a lack of sleep. Per a study by Eaton, Ph.D. et al., about 68.9% of questioned high school students got an insufficient (less than 7 hours) of sleep per night, of which about 6% claimed to have gotten less than 4 hours of sleep (2). However, I argue back that the diligence the students should not lead to excessive, long nights, but rather to good study habits and time management. This will prevent late nights of strenuous work, as the work would have been divided among several days or weeks to spread out the workload. Some might then argue back that sometimes the students do not have control over their workload and spontaneous assignments that interrupt their schedule; sometimes it is the teacher's spontaneous and strenuous assignments that cause the students to stay up so late working on projects. However, to counteract that statement, I claim that problems like these should not be occurring in a supportive public school system. The teachers should be supportive of the children for whom they are providing a public education for. Others might also argue against spreading ideas in class, especially with ideas of religion, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Public Education In The 1800s The idea of education has advanced throughout history, constantly shifting by societal ideals and human evolvement. This change is especially prominent during the 1800s and continues to alter to this very day with education policies. Public education first began during the Industrial Revolution. During this crucial time in history, many children were required to get an education in order to learn the trades of the growing economy and business as opposed to getting hurt in from hazardous machinery. These skills were limited reading, writing, and math. Ultimately, from this concept, public education was founded and from then, our society has grown into a well–educated community in which every individual has a role into making an impressive, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These singular pieces must match and intertwine to create a scenic picture. Individuals must realize that they are part of something bigger than themselves, for the wellbeing of society. Education, along with a diploma, is physical proof that you can succeed in your profession as a functional being, fitting perfectly in an operative society. Moreover, with education, the idea of a good society will be further enforced. A good society as defined by Draper and Ramsay (6), is a society that can prosper by giving its citizens basic physical rights such as security and health. Furthermore, a good society should lend its citizens a political voice and give its people access to education that will help they make their own conclusions. To emphasize the last point, the essay states, "People who are illiterate are said to be 'blind'", which is an interesting allusion to Plato's allegory. By stressing individualism through education, a student can access their toolbox of senses and resources as they adventure as a puzzle piece of society. Some people who do not pursue higher education are therefore not as well equipped. As Plato (306) would say, "I think that he would rather suffer anything than entertain these false notions and live in this miserable ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Traditional Public Education Imagine if only one size of pants were sold in stores and government regulations wouldn't allow any other size to be made available to consumers. This may sound crazy but it's much like what's happening with the education of our nation's children. As Americans we enjoy a wide range of personal choice, and thankfully it includes our ability to select the pants that fit us best. But think for a moment about traditional public education. For decades the public school system has offered a one size fits all approach to educating our nation's children. As we approached the 21st century, the public school system began to show its age. More and more children began to fall behind in a rapidly changing environment marked by the introduction of personal computers and later the internet. Sensing a need for change, many people began to push for new educational models that would keep up with the times. This marked the beginning of the school choice movement. Both charter schools and school voucher programs are collectively referred to as "school choice" initiatives, in that they allow parents freedom to choose individualized education options for their children that are outside of the traditional "one size fits all' public school system. A school voucher program provides parents with certificates that are used to pay for education at a school of their choice, rather than the public school to which they are assigned. Charter schools on the other hand are publicly funded schools that have been freed from inefficient public school system rules and regulations in exchange for accountability to produce positive, measurable results. These agreed to results are set forth in each school's Liles 2 charter. The ability for parents to choose an education path that is best for their children is an exciting opportunity currently revolutionizing public education. Considering the importance of public education, it's understandable that many people would be hesitant to make changes to the system. Those opposed to school choice site concerns that public schools would be traded in for profit based education corporations that care more for financial profit than the individual education of students. Others site concern for what appears to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Public Education in Texas Public Education In Texas High quality education is a must in U.S. since it means that today's youth will be prepared with the knowledge needed to tackle our nations issues. When looking from state to state, you will notice how various states differ in how well they are able to educate students. Maryland was ranked number one in the nation by having a high grade point average amongst students and an equally high graduation rate. Texas on the other hand had the worst grade point average and graduation rate. The reason for this is the amount of funding that goes into public schools. Maryland puts a lot of funding into their public schools which helps raise grade point averages. Meanwhile Texas puts little funding into public schools and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... That view still stands today as many senators and representatives hold hold mainly conservative views. The conservative view of education extends to the parents of the students as well. Salaries for public school teachers and administrators come primarily from state taxes which has been an issue for them for years. School faculty has been fighting the state for years to have an increase in pay but that would mean an increase in taxes as well. So when the parents of the students weigh in they often side with the legislature since a pay raise for teachers would mean a raise in taxes for them. This is sadly the same case for funding school equipment such as computers, books, playground equipment, ect.. Since parents are unwilling to have their taxes raised to pay for all of that, our schools will always fall behind, leaving teachers unable to properly teach our students. Another challenge is how often Texas changes its statewide testing regiments. So far it has changed four times over the past century, TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills) was one of the regiments lasting from 1999 to 2011. The system currently in use and that will end by next year is the STARR exam (State of Texas Academic Readiness). The testing regiments change constantly because they do not accurately gauge a students performance. Also the fact that the main goal of the curriculum is religious and ideological control further hinders the academic performance of students. For example, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 57. The Education System And Public Education "'The whole people must take upon themselves the education of the whole people and be willing to bear the expenses of it. There should not be a district of one mile square, without a school in it, not founded by a charitable individual, but maintained at the public expense of the people themselves'" (Strauss). Our founding fathers wanted our nation to be an educated nation. There were many who believed that only a chosen should be educated, but there were those who saw education to be more pervasive. During the 1800s Horace Mann revolutionized the ideas with public education; however, today we now face an education system lacking in religious classes, group projects, and outside stimulation. In 1848 Horace Mann focused on the preservation of humankind, both physically and mentally, through physical and religious education. As proposed in the report Horace Mann explains "that it is the duty of all the governing minds in society to diffuse the knowledge of these beautiful and beneficent laws of health and life through the length and breadth of the State... by providing public baths, public walks, and public squares... a religious observance of all those sanitary regulations with which modern science has blesses the world." People were dying prematurely due to their lack of education on modern sciences. With these provisions added, Horace Mann presents a society most beneficial to the well–being of the population. With increased knowledge exercise and hygiene people would be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 59. The Importance Of Education In Public Education Education in schools today is very important to a student's success. From reading a particular passage, I read about a particular student who was denied as school valedictorian for the simple fact that she was black. To fully understand what role integration plays, or should play in public education today, there are some key components that one must understand. The first component addresses how much it really matters to see that schools are pretty much segregated as they were in 1968. To my intellect, it's colossally noteworthy. In case you think approximately the two principal purposes of open instruction, it's to advance social portability so that a child, no matter the circumstances, can, through a great instruction, go where their abilities would take them. The reason is to reinforce our popular government by making cleverly and open–minded citizens, and related to that, to construct social cohesion. We are a country where individuals come from all corners of the world so it's imperative that the open schools be a place where children learn what it implies to be an American, and learn the values of a majority rule government, one of which is that we're all social. Isolation by race and by financial status essentially undermines both of those goals. To my mind this issue of segregation, which gets talked about very little, is central to undermining the twin rationales for public schooling in the first place. The second component addresses race. Parents of children argue ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 61. Illich's Contributions Of Education In Public Education Illich has cited three ways to improve the education of the poor despite more costly treatment – 1. Three billion dollars are insufficient to improve the perform–ance of six million children by a measurable amount; or 2. The money was incompetently spent: different curricula, better administration, further concentration of the funds on the poor child, and more research are needed and would do the trick; or 3. Educational disadvantage cannot be cured by relying on education within the school. Illich has questioned our assumptions about schooling and left us with a gateway to start thinking about our question, " Is public education necessary.?" A critical thing to mention here is that he made a distinction between education and schooling. Illich has made a distinction between the two ways of distributing chances, one is based on certification of passage through a curriculum for a length of time whereas another is based on demonstration of a particular skill i.e. acquisition of knowledge and experience. I agree with the Illich's distinction between education and schooling. According to Illich, education should be an intellectual endeavor to better oneself by obtaining a greater knowledge base, while schooling, is institutionalized education which deters the mind from relying on oneself for knowledge and being more dependent upon the system to go further in life. I totally agree with Illich that schooling does institutionalize education. I think that schooling on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 63. Public Education : Private School Vs. Public School Being a seventeen–year–old boy from savannah, I have been raised within the walls of government, and tax funded schools, all my life. And it is at this point that I notice that it has not had any impact on my success thus far. I have attended Marshpoint Elementary, Coastal Middle School, And Islands High School. These schools are not only all public, but also within a one–mile radius of my house. My parents believed in the public–school system to help extend my growth into the college scene. And I have done exactly that. I came from a middle–class house whose income was well into the triple digits, and both my Mother and Father were both very religious. So, it seems that the arrow would have pointed in the private school direction at one point, right? Well it never did. My parents, as well as myself, never believed that private school would ever benefit me more than public school would. And I still stand by this today. Raising a kid cannot possibly be an easy task. With the responsibility of raising a child, there comes a point in every parent/guardian's life that they much choose between the two forms of schooling offered, public or private. This can be a challenging task for parents, or on the contrary a very simple task. All parents have their own thought process on why one is better than the other but by far public school has the most to offer over private school. While choosing between the two, parents may be faced with economical, physical, religious barriers that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 65. The Importance Of Public Education Since the beginning of public education, the responsibility of schools falls to the states. Through the eighteenth century, public education was only for the wealthy due to the belief that poor children were not worthy of being educated. "In 1852, however then secretary of state of Massachusetts Horace Mann urged that states be obliged to offer public education to all children. The revolutionary idea behind this plea was that all individuals could and should be educated irrespective of economic class" (School Discipline History). During the mid–nineteenth century, European models were being studied to suggest kindness and encouragement towards students rather than corporal punishment. By 1910, it was mandatory for all children to attend school. Teachers noticed an increase in absences, most likely due to parental direction, which led the teachers' role to become parental disciplinarians; "teachers functioned in loco parentis, meaning in the place of parents" (School Discipline History). Good discipline was shown as students sitting quietly as lessons were being taught from teacher to students. After World War II, Dr. Benjamin Spock criticized these harsh techniques and encouraged parents and teachers to be affectionate and flexible. Critics however would claim that Spock's theories would lead children to become selfish, lazy, and unresponsive. In the end of the twentieth century, "healthcare professionals and educators became more informed about how student misbehavior ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 67. Role Of Civic Education In Public Education QUESTION: WHAT ROLE DOES THE MEDIA PLAY IN PUBLIC CIVIC EDUCATION? "Civic Education in a democracy is education in self–government that is essential to sustain our constitutional democracy" (Branson, 1998). Civic education is not inherited as a family trait; it is taught. The task of the education system is to produce responsible citizens in the world who are equipped with the same skills and trades with other people across the globe. Lack of communicating about development issues with the public and how little people understand the structure or responsibilities of the various government agencies working on key policy issues that affect them directly and indirectly because of the limited civic knowledge, poor civic dispositions, and dysfunctional political landscape. Media is everywhere, and it has become a part of our daily life. The media plays a dominant role in the learning process. "Media corporations have a civic responsibility not only to prevent fraud and financial abuse, but also to not corrupt or degrade our culture" (Pickering, 2017). The government has always played a major role in the decision making of how students are educated in schools and prepared as citizens to take part in civic life amongst other people. Media has the potential to shape personalities, change the way we perceive and understand the world and our immediate reality. Even though civic education in a democracy is education in self–government, the media serves as a great means of communication ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 69. Public Education System For Education It is every child's right to have access to a public education system that will provide quality education for success in life. Yet far today far too many children, especially those from poor and minority families, are limited to at risk by school systems with a lower quality of education while students in a low poverty community receive a higher quality of education. It is frustrating that even when socio–economic statuses are rapidly merging and changing that an educational achievement gap still exists between low–income minority students in inner city schools and their white higher income counterparts who live in the suburbs. Educators, policymakers, and researchers all attest to the fact that a large number of schools, particularly in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is a very strong correlation between race and poverty. There have been many studies that have explored the relationship between poverty and quality implementation. A principal that participated in a study summed up the effects of poverty eloquently stated, 'The students don't have school supplies. Some don't have clothing appropriate for the weather. Some don't have a place in their home that's well–lit. Very few have their very own books. When it rains, if their sneakers get wet, they don't have another pair of shoes to wear to school the next day. Poverty is the pits, I mean, it's terrible (Cooper, 1998)." In past studies the responses from teachers, principals, and district personnel in interviews, however, produced unanticipated findings regarding the relationship of poverty and quality implementation. The data suggest that regardless of the additional social and cultural barriers that high poverty schools encounter in implementing school–wide reform, school poverty level does not appear to obstruct the application method. Although high levels of poverty do create exclusive challenges to the effective replication and scaling up of programs in areas such as parental involvement, student mobility, attendance rates, quality of instruction, and basic implementing the program (Cooper, 1998). In high poverty schools, the challenges that many students face are not always ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 71. The Fallacy Of Public Education The Fallacy of Public Education "Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each." – Plato For the last several decades, there has been a great return to homeschooling. Many families have seen the need to remove their children from the public education system for a variety of reasons: for religious grounds, because of a decline of morals in the public system, or to give their children an education where they are not held back from reaching their potential. When homeschooling, a child can work at their own pace – often learning 2 years or more of material in one year and allowing them to fully explore topics that interest them. Their intellectual curiosity can be fulfilled and they can be the best they can possibly be. Students in the public school system are subjected to teaching that is repetitive, biased, and falls short of academic success. In the past, students that were failing coursework, but were getting older, were pushed on to higher grades even though they were not ready for the more advanced coursework. In the 1980's there was a great number of graduates who could not even read. How can the proponents of the public education system even make claims that to be successful today, children need to attend their institutions? Today's formal, public educational system of schooling is not necessary because it is a system ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 73. Public Education There are many fundamental factors of our public education. I think that teachers are the most fundamental factors of our public education because teachers teach us thing we need to know for the future and that helps us get a better career. Technology that we have now is also important. I also got information from other students of what they thought was the most fundamental factor of our public education. Students I asked mostly all of them said the same thing I did. They said, "Teachers are the most important part of school because they are the ones that are educating us." and "The teachers because they help you and affect your future." Other students I asked said, "If you don't get an education you don't get a job, a house, pay bills, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With technology we have more resources we could use and find more information from, otherwise without Chromebooks we would have to get information from the textbooks and they don't have a lot of information in them. If we didn't have Chromebooks, we would have to write more on paper which is bad because our hands would hurt a lot after writing stuff in seven different classes. Also, we would be using a lot of paper which is bad because people are cutting down trees for paper. Having Chromebooks is also beneficial because if we are absent any day we could go one Google Classroom and do the assignment or we could email our teachers so they could tell us what they did in class. We are lucky that we get an education. Other kids around the world don't get an education. In 2013, an estimated 110 million kids around the world don't go to school or can't go to school. Out of those 110 million kids, 60 percent are girls. In some places, only boys get to go to school and girls just help at home. In other places, kids can't go to school because they have disabilities, child marriage, child labourers, or they can't afford it and here it's free to go to school. There are a lot of fundamental factors of our public education. To me, teachers are the most fundamental factor of our public education. Students I asked helped support my opinion. Technology is also important for our education. Those are my opinions of the most fundamental factors of our public ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 75. Role Of Education In Public Education WHAT IS THE ROLE OF THE MEDIA IN PUBLIC CIVIC EDUCATION? "Media corporations have a civic responsibility not only to prevent fraud and financial abuse, but also to not corrupt or degrade our culture" (Pickering, 2017). Society has always had an interest in how students are educated in schools and prepared for citizenship to take part in civic life since the late 1800's. Because of the limited civic knowledge, poor civic dispositions, and dysfunctional political landscape, it was the job of the schools to produce responsible citizens in the world. Civic Education in a democracy is education in self–government that is essential to sustain our constitutional democracy because it is not inherited. Citizens are expected to be responsible and to make thoughtful decisions in regards to the issues in their communities and the elected officials voted into office to lead our nation. Back in the 1800's, according to physician and founder Benjamin Rush, schools should "convert men into republican machines" fitting them "to each other by means of education" so that as well–crafted civic gears, they could "perform their parts properly to produce regularity and unison in government" (Johanek, 2012). Even though civic education in a democracy is education in self–government, media plays a significant role in today's society, in strengthening and shaping our world into a global village by reducing the communication gaps amongst people living in other areas of the country. The media is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 77. The Purpose Of Public Education Public education has many purposes in contemporary society. One purpose should be to teach kids basic skills that they need throughout life; this includes basic math, reading, writing. Along with this on a broader level I believe that schools should teach children to have a growth mindset. A growth mindset is important for everyone to have throughout life as it will allow them to be more open to new experiences and it will teach them to question what they are told. The ability to question the status quo is what allows people to express themselves and their ideas, it prevents people from being oppressed. Finally I believe that public education should teach kids to be excited about learning. Kids should not dread going to school, instead it should be a positive experience and kids should understand that learning happens throughout life and does not stop after K–12 education. To instill a love for learning is to ensure that children become lifelong learners. Public schools in the US today have strikingly different purposes than these but I believe that if these were to become our purposes then we would have a more educated and more aware society. These purposes are important to students, families, and societies in multiple ways. They are important to students because it helps them grow as individuals. With a growth mindset they are able to think more critically of different situations and they are able to continue to be learners. Without this they would stay in the same ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...