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Koetlisi Theko Elliott
Ts’iliso Ramohloai
in the
Cyclic groups are common in our everyday life. A cyclic group is a group with an element that
has an operation applied that produces the whole set. A cyclic group is the simplest group. A cyclic
group could be a pattern found in nature, for example in a snowflake, or in a geometric pattern we
draw ourselves. Cyclic groups can also be thought of as rotations, if we rotate an object enough
times we will eventually return to the original position. Cyclic groups are used in topics such as
cryptology and number theory. In this paper we explore further applications of cyclic groups in
number theory and other applications including music and chaos theory. If someone can recognize
a cyclic group they could use the generator to find the fastest simple circuit for use in other real
world applications and in pure mathematics.
2. Introduction
A group G is called cyclic if there is an element than generates the entire set by repeatedly
applying an operation [8]. The universe and mathematics are made up of many cyclic groups. One
can think of cyclic groups as patterns that repeat until returning to the beginning.
Figure 1. Geometric shapes and designs that are generated by the shape of design
repeating until it gets back to the origin. This shape is a knot that is being repeated three times until
it gets back to the original point.
Figure 2. natural objects that are cyclic
Figure 3. A jelly fish and urchin test that exhibit radial symmetry
Cyclic groups can be created by humans using shapes and designs. Cyclic groups are common in
the natural world. Some examples of cyclic geometries in nature are a test of an urchin, a
snowflake, a bell pepper, and flowers (Figure 2). Any organism that has radial symmetry is cyclic.
Animals are generally symmetric about an axis from the centre. Animals exhibit radial symmetry in
the phyla cnidaria (jellyfish) and echinodermata (sea stars, sea cucumber, urchin)(Figure 3). Plants
and flowers have radial symmetry(Figure 2. The petals radiate around the centre of the flower
until the centre is entirely surrounded by petals.
Cyclic groups can be thought of as rotations. An object with rotational symmetry is also known
in biological contexts as radial symmetry.
Figure 4. 90 degree rotations of a square
We can draw a square moving 90 degrees 4 times (Figure 6). For a polygon with n sides, we can
divide 360/n to determine how may degrees each rotation will be to return to the original position.
Not all shape rotations are considered cyclic. The rotation of a circle is not cyclic. It is not like
the infinite cyclic group because it is not countable. A circle has an infinite number of sides. We
cannot map every side to the integers therefore a circle’s rotations are not countable. Rotations are
one of the common applications of cyclic groups. Cyclic groups can be used in fun puzzles such as
the Rubik cube or in protecting sensitive information such as through cryptography. Number theory
has many applications in cyclic groups. This paper will explore applications of cyclic groups in the
division algorithm and Chinese remainder theorem, bell ringing, octaves in music, and Chaos
3. Background Materials
Definition: A group (G, ) is a set G, closed under a binary operation *, such that the following∗
axioms are satisfied: For all a, b, c, G we have associativity (a b) c = a (b c).There is an∈ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
identity element for all x G. e x = x e = x. The inverse of every element exists in the set.∈ ∗ ∗
a a’ = a’ a = e.∗ ∗
Example 3.1. The set of integers Z
Definition: Let G be a group, and let H be a subset of G. Then H is called a subgroup of G
if H is itself a group, under the operation induced by G.
Definition: Commutative is changing of the operations does not change the result.
Example 3.2. An example of an the commutative property is 2 + 3 = 3 + 2
Definition: A function f from A to B is called onto if for all b in B there is an a in A such
that f (a) = b. All
elements in B are
Example 3.3.
Definition: A function f from A to B is called one-to-one if whenever f (a) = f (b) then a = b.
4. Applications of Cyclic Groups
.1. Number Theory. Cyclic groups are found in nature, patterns, and other fields of mathematics. A
common application of a cyclic group is in number theory. The division algorithm is a

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This document discusses the probability that a group element fixes a set and its application to generalized conjugacy class graphs. It begins with background on commutativity degree and graph theory concepts. It then reviews previous work calculating the probability for various groups and defining generalized conjugacy class graphs. The main results calculate the probability for semi-dihedral and quasi-dihedral groups as 1/2 and 1/3 respectively, and determine that the corresponding generalized conjugacy class graphs are K2 and Ke (empty graph).


This document discusses the probability that an element of a metacyclic 2-group fixes a set. It begins by providing background information on metacyclic groups and related concepts such as commutativity degree. It then summarizes previous works that have studied the probability of a group element fixing a set. The main results presented calculate the probability for various metacyclic 2-groups of negative type with nilpotency class of at least two. In particular, it determines the probability for metacyclic 2-groups of negative type with nilpotency class of at least three. It also calculates the probability for other specific metacyclic 2-group structures.

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1) The document discusses fixed point theorems for mappings in fuzzy 2-metric and fuzzy 3-metric spaces. 2) It defines concepts like fuzzy metric spaces, Cauchy sequences, compatible mappings, and proves some fixed point theorems for compatible mappings. 3) The theorems show that under certain contractive conditions on the mappings, there exists a unique common fixed point for the mappings in a complete fuzzy 2-metric or fuzzy 3-metric space.

fundamental tool for the study of cyclic groups. Division algorithm for integers: if m is a positive
integer and n is any integer, then there exist unique integers q and r such that
n = mq + r and 0 ≤ r < m.
Example 4.1. Find the quotient q and remainder r when 45 is divided by 7 according to the
division algorithm. The positive multiples of 7 are 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49 · · ·
45 = 42 + 3 = 7(6) + 3
The quotient is q = 6 and the remainder is r = 3.
You can use the division algorithm to show that a subgroup H of a cyclic group G is also cyclic.
Theorem 4.2. A subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic.
Proof. Let G be a cyclic group generated by a and let H be a subgroup of G. If H = e, then
H =< e > is cyclic. If H 6 = e, then a n H for some n Z + .Let m be the smallest integer in Z +∈ ∈
such that a m H. C = a m generates H. H = <a^m > = <c>.∈
We must show that every b H is a power of c. Since b H and H ≤ G , we have b = a n∈ ∈
for some n. Find a q and r such that
(4.3) n = mq + r and 0 ≤ r < m.
(4.4) a n = a mq+r = (a m ) q a r ,
(4.5) a r = (a^m )^−q*a^r .
Since a^n H, a^m H and H is a group, both (a^m )^−q and a n are in H. Thus (a^m )^−q n H,∈ ∈ ∈
then a r H. Since m was the smallest positive integer such that a^m H and 0 ≤ r < m, we must∈ ∈
have that r = 0.
Thus n = q^m and
(4.6) b = a^n = (a^m ) q = c^q , So b is a power of c
Definition: Let r and s be two positive integers. The positive integer d of the cyclic group
(4.7) H = rn + ms|n, m Z∈
under addition is the greatest common divisor of both r = 1r + 0s and s = 0r + 1s are in H. Since
d H we can write∈
(4.8) d = nr + ms
For some integers n and m. We see every integer dividing both r and s divides the right hand
side of the equation, and hence must be a divisor of d also. Thus, d must be the largest number
dividing both r and s.
Example 4.3. Find the gcd of 24 and 54.
The positive dividers of 24 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 24. The positive dividers of 54 are 1,
2, 3, 6, 9, 18, 27, and 54. The greatest common divisor is 6. 6 = (1)54 + (−2)24. A different result of
congruences in number theory is the Chinese remainder theorem. The Chinese remainder theorem
determines the number n that when divided by some given divisors leave given remainders.
Theorem 4.4. The Chinese remainder theorem . The system of congruences.
(4.9) x ≡ ai (mod m i ), i = 1, 2, 3, . . . k where (m i , m j ) = 1 if i 6 = j, has a unique solution
modulo m 1 m 2 m 3 . . . m k .
Proof. We first show by induction, that system (1) has a solution. The result is obvious when
k = 1. Let us consider the case k = 2. If xa1 (mod m1 ), then x = a 1 + k1 m1 for some k1 . If in
addition x ≡ a 2 (mod m2 ), then
(4.10) a1 + k 1 m 2 ≡ a 2 (mod m 2 )
(4.11) k1*m1 ≡ a2 − a1 (mod m2 ).
Because (m2 , m1 ) = 1, we know that this congruence, with k 1 as the unknown, has a unique
solution modulo m 2 . Call it t. Then k 1 = t + k 2 m 2 for some k 2 , and
(4.12) x ≡ ai (mod mi ), i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , r − 1.
But the system
(4.13) x ≡ s(mod m1 m2 m3 . . . m r−1 ),
(4.14) x ≡ a r (mod m r )
Has a solution modulo the product of the moduli, just as in the case k = 2, because (m 1 m 2 m 3 . . .
mk−1 , mk ) =
1. This statement is true because no prime that divides mi . The solution is unique. If r and s are
both solutions to the system then r ≡ s ≡ ai (mod mi ), i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , k,
So mi |(r − s), i = 1, 2, . . . , k. Thus r − s is a common multiple of m1 m2 m3 . . . mk , and because
the moduli are relatively prime in pairs, we have m1 m2 m3 . . . mk |(r − s). Since r and s are least
residuals modulo m1 m2 m3 . . . mk
(4.15) −m1 m2 m3 . . . mk < r − s < m1 m2 m3 . . . mk
hence r − s = 0.
4.2. Cyclic Groups in Bell Ringing. Method ringing, known as scientific ringing, is the practice
of ringing the series of bells as a series of permutations. A permutation f : 1, 2, . . . , n → 1, 2, . . . ,n,
where the domain numbers represent positions and the range numbers represent bells. f (1) would
ring the bell first and bell f (n) . The number of bells n has n! possible changes
Plain Bob Minimus permutation
The bell ringer cannot choose to ring permutations in any order because some of the bells con-
tinue to ring up to 2 seconds. Therefore no bell must be rung twice in a row. These permutations
can all be played until it eventually returns to the original pattern of bells.
A common permutation pattern for four bells is the Plain Bob Minimus permutation (Figure 8).
The Plain Bob pattern switches the first two bells then the second set of bells. They would start
the bell ringing with 1234. The first bell would go to the second position and third would go to
the fourth; therefore the next bell combination would be 2143. The next bell switch would be the
two middle bells. Therefore the bell 2143 would turn to 2413. The bell ringers would repeat this
pattern of switching the first two and second two, followed by switching the middle until about 1/3
of the way through the permutations. At the pattern 1324, we cannot switch the middle two. If
we switched the middle two, we would get back to 1234. Therefore, the bell ringers figured out to
switch the last two bells every 8 combinations. Then after 24 moves (4!) we get back to the bell
combination of 1234. Since we made rotations of the bells and generated every combination of the
set and are now back at the beginning, we can say that the bell ringing pattern is cyclic.
Permutation of 4 bells

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Permutation of 6 bells
There are other ways to cover all of the permutations without using the Bob Minimus
method(Figure of 4 bells). Bob Minimus method is used because it is easy for bell ringers to
accomplish because they do not have sheet music. Another common permutation method is
following the last bell and moving it over one space to the left each ring then after it is on the left
moving it back over to the right(figure of 6 bells). You can create a cyclic group with any number of
bells. However, the more bells you add the longer the cycle will take. Assuming that each bell ring
takes 2 seconds, someone can complete a set of three bells in 12 seconds. If we have 9 bells it could
take up to 8 days and 10 hours [4].
Hamiltonian graph of the permutation of 4 bells
Hamiltonian graph of the permutation of 4 bells
The bell permutations can be expressed as a Hamiltonian graph. A Hamiltonian path is a
undirected or directed graph that visits each vertex exactly once [6]. The Hamiltonian circuit can
be drawn as a simple circuit that has a circular path back to the original vertex. Hamiltonian circuits
for the symmetric group S n mod cyclic groups Z n correspond to the change ringing principles on
n bells
4.3. Clock Arithmetic. On a clock the numbers cycle from one to twelve. After circulating
around the clock we do not go to 13 but restart at one. If it was 6 o’clock, what would it be in 9
hours? 6am + 9 = 3pm. The set of the numbers on a clock are C = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
This set of numbers is a group. The identity element is 0 what we will think of as 12. If we add 12
hours to anywhere on the clock we will end up in the same position.
twelve hour clock
5. Conclusion
Human minds are designed for pattern recognition and we can find algebraic structures in common
objects and things around us. Cyclic groups are the simplest groups that have an object
that can generate the whole set. The object can generate the set by addition, multiplication, or
rotations. Cyclic groups are not only common in pure mathematics, but also in patterns, shapes,
music, and chaos. Cyclic groups are an imperative part of number theory used with the Chinese
remainder theorem and Fermats theorem. Knowing if a group is cyclic could help determine if
there can be a way to write a group as a simple circuit. This circuit could simplify the process of
generation to discover the most efficient way to generate the object for use of future applications
in mathematics and elsewhere.
Fraleigh, J. 2003. A first course in abstract algeabra. Pearson Education.
Fraleigh, J. 1994. A first course in abstract algeabra. Addison Wesley.
Guichard,D.R. 1999. When is U(n) cyclic? An Algebraic Approach. Mathematics Magazine.
Polster,B.Ross,M.2009.Ringing the changes.Plus Magazine.http://plus.maths.org/content/ringing-
White,A.T.1988. Ringing the cosets 2. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 105:53-65.
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Mathematics. 122(1-
[7] Dougal,C.R.2008. Chaos chance money. Plus Magazine.http://plus.maths.org/content/chaos-
[8] Hazewinkel,M.2001. Cyclic group.Encyclopedia of Mathematics

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  • 1. 1 APPLICATIONS OF CYCLIC GROUPS IN EVERYDAY LIFE By Koetlisi Theko Elliott & Ts’iliso Ramohloai 3rd NUMERICAL ANALYSIS MINI PROJECT BACHELOR OF SCIENCE in MATHEMATICS in the FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY at NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LESOTHO 1.Abstract Cyclic groups are common in our everyday life. A cyclic group is a group with an element that has an operation applied that produces the whole set. A cyclic group is the simplest group. A cyclic group could be a pattern found in nature, for example in a snowflake, or in a geometric pattern we draw ourselves. Cyclic groups can also be thought of as rotations, if we rotate an object enough times we will eventually return to the original position. Cyclic groups are used in topics such as cryptology and number theory. In this paper we explore further applications of cyclic groups in number theory and other applications including music and chaos theory. If someone can recognize a cyclic group they could use the generator to find the fastest simple circuit for use in other real world applications and in pure mathematics. 2. Introduction A group G is called cyclic if there is an element than generates the entire set by repeatedly applying an operation [8]. The universe and mathematics are made up of many cyclic groups. One can think of cyclic groups as patterns that repeat until returning to the beginning.
  • 2. 2 Figure 1. Geometric shapes and designs that are generated by the shape of design repeating until it gets back to the origin. This shape is a knot that is being repeated three times until it gets back to the original point. Figure 2. natural objects that are cyclic Figure 3. A jelly fish and urchin test that exhibit radial symmetry Cyclic groups can be created by humans using shapes and designs. Cyclic groups are common in the natural world. Some examples of cyclic geometries in nature are a test of an urchin, a snowflake, a bell pepper, and flowers (Figure 2). Any organism that has radial symmetry is cyclic. Animals are generally symmetric about an axis from the centre. Animals exhibit radial symmetry in the phyla cnidaria (jellyfish) and echinodermata (sea stars, sea cucumber, urchin)(Figure 3). Plants and flowers have radial symmetry(Figure 2. The petals radiate around the centre of the flower until the centre is entirely surrounded by petals. Cyclic groups can be thought of as rotations. An object with rotational symmetry is also known in biological contexts as radial symmetry.
  • 3. 3 Figure 4. 90 degree rotations of a square We can draw a square moving 90 degrees 4 times (Figure 6). For a polygon with n sides, we can divide 360/n to determine how may degrees each rotation will be to return to the original position. Not all shape rotations are considered cyclic. The rotation of a circle is not cyclic. It is not like the infinite cyclic group because it is not countable. A circle has an infinite number of sides. We cannot map every side to the integers therefore a circle’s rotations are not countable. Rotations are one of the common applications of cyclic groups. Cyclic groups can be used in fun puzzles such as the Rubik cube or in protecting sensitive information such as through cryptography. Number theory has many applications in cyclic groups. This paper will explore applications of cyclic groups in the division algorithm and Chinese remainder theorem, bell ringing, octaves in music, and Chaos theory. 3. Background Materials Definition: A group (G, ) is a set G, closed under a binary operation *, such that the following∗ axioms are satisfied: For all a, b, c, G we have associativity (a b) c = a (b c).There is an∈ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ identity element for all x G. e x = x e = x. The inverse of every element exists in the set.∈ ∗ ∗ a a’ = a’ a = e.∗ ∗ Example 3.1. The set of integers Z Definition: Let G be a group, and let H be a subset of G. Then H is called a subgroup of G if H is itself a group, under the operation induced by G. Definition: Commutative is changing of the operations does not change the result. Example 3.2. An example of an the commutative property is 2 + 3 = 3 + 2 Definition: A function f from A to B is called onto if for all b in B there is an a in A such
  • 4. 4 that f (a) = b. All elements in B are used. Example 3.3. Definition: A function f from A to B is called one-to-one if whenever f (a) = f (b) then a = b. 4. Applications of Cyclic Groups .1. Number Theory. Cyclic groups are found in nature, patterns, and other fields of mathematics. A common application of a cyclic group is in number theory. The division algorithm is a
  • 5. 5 fundamental tool for the study of cyclic groups. Division algorithm for integers: if m is a positive integer and n is any integer, then there exist unique integers q and r such that (4.1) n = mq + r and 0 ≤ r < m. Example 4.1. Find the quotient q and remainder r when 45 is divided by 7 according to the division algorithm. The positive multiples of 7 are 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49 · · · (4.2) 45 = 42 + 3 = 7(6) + 3 The quotient is q = 6 and the remainder is r = 3. You can use the division algorithm to show that a subgroup H of a cyclic group G is also cyclic. Theorem 4.2. A subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic. Proof. Let G be a cyclic group generated by a and let H be a subgroup of G. If H = e, then H =< e > is cyclic. If H 6 = e, then a n H for some n Z + .Let m be the smallest integer in Z +∈ ∈ such that a m H. C = a m generates H. H = <a^m > = <c>.∈ We must show that every b H is a power of c. Since b H and H ≤ G , we have b = a n∈ ∈ for some n. Find a q and r such that (4.3) n = mq + r and 0 ≤ r < m. Then (4.4) a n = a mq+r = (a m ) q a r , So (4.5) a r = (a^m )^−q*a^r . Since a^n H, a^m H and H is a group, both (a^m )^−q and a n are in H. Thus (a^m )^−q n H,∈ ∈ ∈ then a r H. Since m was the smallest positive integer such that a^m H and 0 ≤ r < m, we must∈ ∈ have that r = 0. Thus n = q^m and (4.6) b = a^n = (a^m ) q = c^q , So b is a power of c Definition: Let r and s be two positive integers. The positive integer d of the cyclic group (4.7) H = rn + ms|n, m Z∈ under addition is the greatest common divisor of both r = 1r + 0s and s = 0r + 1s are in H. Since d H we can write∈ (4.8) d = nr + ms For some integers n and m. We see every integer dividing both r and s divides the right hand side of the equation, and hence must be a divisor of d also. Thus, d must be the largest number dividing both r and s. Example 4.3. Find the gcd of 24 and 54. The positive dividers of 24 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 24. The positive dividers of 54 are 1,
  • 6. 6 2, 3, 6, 9, 18, 27, and 54. The greatest common divisor is 6. 6 = (1)54 + (−2)24. A different result of congruences in number theory is the Chinese remainder theorem. The Chinese remainder theorem determines the number n that when divided by some given divisors leave given remainders. Theorem 4.4. The Chinese remainder theorem . The system of congruences. (4.9) x ≡ ai (mod m i ), i = 1, 2, 3, . . . k where (m i , m j ) = 1 if i 6 = j, has a unique solution modulo m 1 m 2 m 3 . . . m k . Proof. We first show by induction, that system (1) has a solution. The result is obvious when k = 1. Let us consider the case k = 2. If xa1 (mod m1 ), then x = a 1 + k1 m1 for some k1 . If in addition x ≡ a 2 (mod m2 ), then (4.10) a1 + k 1 m 2 ≡ a 2 (mod m 2 ) or (4.11) k1*m1 ≡ a2 − a1 (mod m2 ). Because (m2 , m1 ) = 1, we know that this congruence, with k 1 as the unknown, has a unique solution modulo m 2 . Call it t. Then k 1 = t + k 2 m 2 for some k 2 , and (4.12) x ≡ ai (mod mi ), i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , r − 1. But the system (4.13) x ≡ s(mod m1 m2 m3 . . . m r−1 ), (4.14) x ≡ a r (mod m r ) Has a solution modulo the product of the moduli, just as in the case k = 2, because (m 1 m 2 m 3 . . . mk−1 , mk ) = 1. This statement is true because no prime that divides mi . The solution is unique. If r and s are both solutions to the system then r ≡ s ≡ ai (mod mi ), i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , k, So mi |(r − s), i = 1, 2, . . . , k. Thus r − s is a common multiple of m1 m2 m3 . . . mk , and because the moduli are relatively prime in pairs, we have m1 m2 m3 . . . mk |(r − s). Since r and s are least residuals modulo m1 m2 m3 . . . mk (4.15) −m1 m2 m3 . . . mk < r − s < m1 m2 m3 . . . mk hence r − s = 0. 4.2. Cyclic Groups in Bell Ringing. Method ringing, known as scientific ringing, is the practice of ringing the series of bells as a series of permutations. A permutation f : 1, 2, . . . , n → 1, 2, . . . ,n, where the domain numbers represent positions and the range numbers represent bells. f (1) would ring the bell first and bell f (n) . The number of bells n has n! possible changes
  • 7. 7 Plain Bob Minimus permutation The bell ringer cannot choose to ring permutations in any order because some of the bells con- tinue to ring up to 2 seconds. Therefore no bell must be rung twice in a row. These permutations can all be played until it eventually returns to the original pattern of bells. A common permutation pattern for four bells is the Plain Bob Minimus permutation (Figure 8). The Plain Bob pattern switches the first two bells then the second set of bells. They would start the bell ringing with 1234. The first bell would go to the second position and third would go to the fourth; therefore the next bell combination would be 2143. The next bell switch would be the two middle bells. Therefore the bell 2143 would turn to 2413. The bell ringers would repeat this pattern of switching the first two and second two, followed by switching the middle until about 1/3 of the way through the permutations. At the pattern 1324, we cannot switch the middle two. If we switched the middle two, we would get back to 1234. Therefore, the bell ringers figured out to switch the last two bells every 8 combinations. Then after 24 moves (4!) we get back to the bell combination of 1234. Since we made rotations of the bells and generated every combination of the set and are now back at the beginning, we can say that the bell ringing pattern is cyclic.
  • 9. 9 Permutation of 6 bells There are other ways to cover all of the permutations without using the Bob Minimus method(Figure of 4 bells). Bob Minimus method is used because it is easy for bell ringers to accomplish because they do not have sheet music. Another common permutation method is following the last bell and moving it over one space to the left each ring then after it is on the left moving it back over to the right(figure of 6 bells). You can create a cyclic group with any number of bells. However, the more bells you add the longer the cycle will take. Assuming that each bell ring takes 2 seconds, someone can complete a set of three bells in 12 seconds. If we have 9 bells it could take up to 8 days and 10 hours [4]. Hamiltonian graph of the permutation of 4 bells
  • 10. 10 Hamiltonian graph of the permutation of 4 bells The bell permutations can be expressed as a Hamiltonian graph. A Hamiltonian path is a undirected or directed graph that visits each vertex exactly once [6]. The Hamiltonian circuit can be drawn as a simple circuit that has a circular path back to the original vertex. Hamiltonian circuits for the symmetric group S n mod cyclic groups Z n correspond to the change ringing principles on n bells 4.3. Clock Arithmetic. On a clock the numbers cycle from one to twelve. After circulating around the clock we do not go to 13 but restart at one. If it was 6 o’clock, what would it be in 9 hours? 6am + 9 = 3pm. The set of the numbers on a clock are C = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. This set of numbers is a group. The identity element is 0 what we will think of as 12. If we add 12 hours to anywhere on the clock we will end up in the same position.
  • 11. 11
  • 12. 12 twelve hour clock 5. Conclusion Human minds are designed for pattern recognition and we can find algebraic structures in common objects and things around us. Cyclic groups are the simplest groups that have an object that can generate the whole set. The object can generate the set by addition, multiplication, or rotations. Cyclic groups are not only common in pure mathematics, but also in patterns, shapes, music, and chaos. Cyclic groups are an imperative part of number theory used with the Chinese remainder theorem and Fermats theorem. Knowing if a group is cyclic could help determine if there can be a way to write a group as a simple circuit. This circuit could simplify the process of generation to discover the most efficient way to generate the object for use of future applications in mathematics and elsewhere. References Fraleigh, J. 2003. A first course in abstract algeabra. Pearson Education. Fraleigh, J. 1994. A first course in abstract algeabra. Addison Wesley. Guichard,D.R. 1999. When is U(n) cyclic? An Algebraic Approach. Mathematics Magazine. 72(2):139-142. Polster,B.Ross,M.2009.Ringing the changes.Plus Magazine.http://plus.maths.org/content/ringing- changes White,A.T.1988. Ringing the cosets 2. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 105:53-65. White,A.T.1993.Treble dodging minor methods: ringing the cosets, on six bells. Discrete Mathematics. 122(1- 3):307-323 [7] Dougal,C.R.2008. Chaos chance money. Plus Magazine.http://plus.maths.org/content/chaos- chance-and-money [8] Hazewinkel,M.2001. Cyclic group.Encyclopedia of Mathematics