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Project Design and
Andrew Zolnai
Kuwait City & Cambridge UK
Project Definition                 - Find a Client
                                               - Select a Topic

            Find Work               Quality
                                               - Develop Initial Project

          Proposal Development

          Project Implementation

           Project Performance,
          Monitoring and Closure
Getting Started
• Select with a reasonable and manageable scope of work
• Select a reasonably sized project work area
• Know your data requirements and standards
• Know the data available and its quality including metadata
• Know what types of analysis you intend to perform and how
• Determine whether the analysis is static (one time) or
  dynamic (repetitive)
• Determine what type of application or tools you could
• Determine if the data or application should be published on
  the Web
• Identify the risks and finding contingencies
SWOT Analysis

                Environmental Scan
         Initial Analysis         External Analysis
                /                         /
 Strengths Weaknesses             Opportunities Threats
                         SWOT Matrix
•   Patents
•   Strong brand names
•   Good reputation among customers
•   Cost advantages from proprietary know-how
•   Exclusive access to high grade natural resources
•   Favorable access to distribution networks
•   Lack of patent protection
•   A weak brand name
•   Poor reputation among customers
•   High cost of structure
•   Lack of access to the best natural resources
•   Lack of access to key distribution channels
•   An unfulfilled customer need
•   Arrival of new technologies
•   Loosening of regulations
•   Removal of international trade barriers
•   Shift away from the firm's products
•   Emergence of substitute products
•   New regulations
•   Increased trade barriers
SWOT Matrix
                        Strengths                    Weaknesses

Opportunities   S-O Strategies                W-O Strategies
                opportunities that are a      weaknesses to pursue
                good fit to the               opportunities
                companies strengths

Threats         S-T Strategies                W-T Strategies
                identify ways that the        establish a defensive plan
                firm can use its strengths    to prevent the firm's
                to reduce its vulnerability   weaknesses from making
                                              it highly susceptible to
                to external threats
                                              external threats
Example Workflow Process Diagram
                                   Enter Camera
  Aerial Photo    Load MDSD                            Set-up DEMs and
                                  Calibration Report
   Inventory       Software                                 DOQQs

                                       Digitize                           Apply AML Tools
                  Select Point                         Append Linework
                                  Delineations from                      to Refine the Final
                  Registration                            and Clean
                                       Photos                                Linework

                 Create Polygon      Create QC          Linework and      Final Sliver and
                    Attributes       Hardcopies         Attribute QC     Attribute clean-up

                                                                         Deliver .e00 files
• Resource Requirements
• Required Level of Effort
• Risk Analysis and Contingency Planning
Business Case Development
• Staff responsibilities, tasks performed, and staff structure
• Data used, produced, and maintained in the course of
  business activities
• Current use of data, analysis practices, and application
• Any necessary training to employ your completed MIP at the
  client site
Data Analysis
• Data Analysis and Inventory
• Conceptual Database Design
  • Model the Client's View
  • Model the Client's View
  • Identify Representations of
Application Development Process
• Avoid Classic Mistakes
  • People-Related Mistakes
  • Process-Related Mistakes
  • Technology-Related Mistakes
• Develop Fundamentals
  • Management Fundamentals
  • Technical Fundamentals
Project Origin
•   RFP
•   RFB / RFQ
•   ROM
•   Spin-off work (sole-source proposals)
•   Unsolicited proposals
•   Advertising
•   Trade shows
•   Personal relationships/contacts
Selecting Opportunities
•   General Information
•   Technical Specifications
•   Contract Terms and Conditions
•   Proposal Specifications
Contract Types
•   Firm, Fixed Price (FFP)
•   Fixed Price Level-of-Effort (FPLOE)
•   Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF)
•   Cost Plus Award Fee (CPAF)
•   Time and Materials (T&M)
•   Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (ID/IQ)
•   Ordering Agreement (BOA)
•   Order (P.O.)
•   Letter Contract
•   Letter of Intent
Prime Contracting
• Pros
  • Prime contractors maintain control of the project.
  • Prime contractors retain larger revenue share.
  • Prime contractors receive larger exposure for the program.
• Cons
  • Prime contractors are responsible for the cost and effort
    associated with assembling the proposal document.
  • Prime contractors assume all of the risk
• Pros
  • In a non-exclusive role, the subcontractor can participate on
    many teams, thus increasing the chances of being on the winning
  • Less risk for the subcontractor means less liability.
• Cons
  • Subcontracting nonexclusively generally requires putting together
    several scopes of work, thus increasing the costs and resources
    expended in developing the proposal.
  • Subcontractors have little or no control of the program.
  • Subcontractors usually have less input into the proposal process
    (less effort and less cost).
  • Subcontracting usually means less project revenue.
Quality assurance
•   Acceptance Criteria Specifications
•   QA/QC Workflow
•   Automated Quality Control Checks
•   Visual Quality Control Checks
•   Sampling
•   Process Monitoring and Documentation
Assembling Proposals
• Questions
  •   What you intend to provide for them
  •   How you intend to do the job
  •   What the time frame for completion is
  •   How much it will cost the client
• Roles
  •   Proposal Manger
  •   Proposal Coordinator
  •   Technical staff
  •   Contracts Administrator
  •   Cost Estimator
Typical Sections of a Proposal
•   Executive Summary
•   Solution Overview
•   Scope of Work
•   Schedule
•   Qualifications
•   Costs
•   Exceptions and Comments
•   Appendixes
Task Definition
•   Common Design Tasks
•   Common Application Design Tasks
•   Common Database Development Tasks
•   Scope of Work Development
•   Schedule development
•   Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
•   Costing
Project                               Quality
Management      Project Definition     Assurance

             Proposal Development

             Project Implementation

              Project Performance,
             Monitoring, and Closure
Project Implementation
• Components
  • Project Initiation
  • Project Planning
  • Project Execution
• Performance, Monitoring, and Closure
  • Controlling the Project
  • Project Closeout
Project Phases
             Project Management Phases

         Initiation              Planning

         Control                 Execution

Project Phases
•   Project Initiation
•   Project Planning
•   Project Execution
•   Project Monitoring and Control
    •   Scope of Work
    •   Schedule
    •   Budget
    •   Quality
Level of Effort



                   Initiation                           Closeout

                  Project                                    Project
                   Start                                     Finish
Project Initiation
• WBS Element Review
• Project Manager Selection
• Project Staff Roles
  • Provide a clear definition of skills and responsibilities required for
    specific project roles.
  • Be known as a proactive project manager who appreciates the
    development team.
  • Hold out for the most qualified staff, even if lesser qualified personnel
    are available immediately.
  • Identify staff interested in the project domain.
  • Recognize the need for training team members who lack specific
    competencies, and include staff training in the project plan, if needed
Project Staff Roles
• Project Manager            •   Lead Software Engineer
• Senior Management /        •   Technical Lead
  Senior Consultant          •   Database Analyst
• Consultants                •   Quality Assurance Mgr.
• Solution Architect         •   Quality Assurance Lead
• Domain Experts / Subject   •   Quality Assurance Analyst
  Matter Experts             •   Release Management Team
• Database Architect

                                                                  Senior Advisor
                               Project Manager                                 ,

                                                                                          Quality Assurance

                 Technical                                                Lead Database
Domain Experts                 Solution Architect   Lead Developer
                 Consultants                                                 Architect

                                                      Software              Database      Quality Assurance
                                                     Developers             Developers      Staff Testers
Building the Project Team
• Obtain Qualified Project Staff
• Schedule Staff Deployment During Project Stages
• Maintain Positive Team Dynamics
Develop the Project Plan

•   Project Overview
•   Scope of Work
•   Assumptions and Deliverables
•   External Dependencies and Constraints
•   Resource Requirements
•   Project Organization and Structure
•   Key Contact Information
•   Work Flow Process
•   Project Schedule
•   Communication and Reporting
•   Risk Management
Example Work Flow Chart
RCTLMA trail                      Conduct needs           Design                           Develop terrain
                                                                                                                   Digitize trails
 mapping                            analysis            Geodatabase                           model

 Develop                            Review              Finalize project
                                                                                            Client review    Yes
methodology                       methodology           documentation

               Edit methodology                                                Edit                                Deliver final
                                       No         Yes                                            No
                    process                                                documentation                            product
Example Project Schedule
Defining the Quality Assurance Plan
•   Quality audits and process analysis
•   Statistical sampling
•   Application testing
•   Inspection
•   Edit review

Change Control Process
Project Execution Process
ACTION                      ACTOR
• Requirements Definition   • Executive sponsor
• Analysis                  • Department managers
• Design                    • Technical users
• Development               • Development
• Testing                   • IT staff
• Deployment
Project design and management
Requirements Collection
• Inputs                    • Operational requirements
• Task descriptions         • Security
• Outputs                   • Maintenance and system
• Hardware / software         administration
  platform / architecture   • Quality requirements
• Data requirements         • Documentation
• Development environment     requirements

• User interface
Requirements Documentation
•   User involvement
•   Completeness
•   Managed change control
•   Describe the "what" not the "how“
•   Testable requirements
•   Client-mandated implementation methodology
•   Internal organizational standards
•   Nature of the work
•   Complexity and duration of the project
•   Waterfall Methodology
•   Evolutionary Prototyping
•   Staged Delivery
Waterfall Methodology
• Requirements, product specifications, and technology environment
  are well known
• Quality requirements are more important than cost or schedule
• Staff is inexperienced
• The project scope is small and short term
• The project is complex, but well understood
Evolutionary Prototyping
• Rapidly changing requirements or the application area is not
  well understood by developers or the client
• Project needs to show visible progress throughout
• End user driven application
• Schedule and cost constraints are not a primary concern
Staged Delivery (Incremental
• Requirements are well defined, but a framework is needed to
  accommodate some changes including changes in implementation
• The project is complex with a mid- to long-term implementation
  timeframe and has different modules with considerable variability
  in terms of implementation priority.
• Showing continued progress in the form of production ready
  software components is important.
• Project management and technical staff are experienced, especially
  at the planning level.
• The project can absorb the overhead that comes with added
  planning and software release activities.
• Tracking Project Progress      • Dealing with Project Problems
  including                      • Contract Amendment Process
   • Deliverables                • Project Closure including
   • Hours                         • Final Steps
   • Budget                        • Follow-Up
• Performance Assessment         • Project Acceptance including
• Monitoring Staff Performance     • Acceptance Criteria
• Monitoring Subcontractor         • Acceptance Process
  Performance                      • Technology Transfers
• Managing Client Expectations   • Obtaining Payments from
• Effective Communication with     Client
  Clients                        • Project Presentations
Project design and management
Tracking Project Progress
•   Tracking Technical Performance
•   Tracking Schedule Performance
•   Tracking Cost Performance
•   Performance Assessment Methodologies
•   How to Obtain Status Information
Example of Project Tasks and Their
Project Monitoring and Control

                              Project Planning

 Project Monitoring                                Project
      and Control                                Execution
      Scope                                      Requirements
      Quality                                    Analysis
      Schedule                                   Design
      Cost                                       Development
      Human Resources                            Deployment
      Customer/ Stakeholder
•   Scope             • Customer/Stakeholder
•   Quality             Management
•   Schedule          • Analysis inputs
•   Cost              • Analysis based on standard
                        methods and tools
•   Risks
                      • Analysis outputs
•   Human Resources
• Original scope of work from the project plan including work
  packages (i.e., work breakdown structure [WBS])
• Information on project performance including, for example,
  completed tasks, defect statistics, cost and resource utilization,
  and status of scheduled activities in the scope of work
• Approved change requests including changes in priorities that
  may lead to re-planning
•   Quality audits and process analysis
•   Statistical sampling
•   Software testing
•   Inspection
•   Review of defect fixes
• Analysis inputs typically identify which target dates have been met
  and the extent to which target dates
• To track schedule performance, project managers can then
  generate a number of reports to assess the current status of work
• A planned versus actual schedule comparison can be effectively
  illustrated graphically through bar charts.
• Key outputs from the analysis include reports that document the
  status of the schedule as determined through performance
  measures and recommended corrective actions
• Typical corrective actions may include mechanisms for expediting
  work to allow completion within schedule or, at the least, to reduce
• Analysis inputs such as information on expenditures obtained
  from the appropriate business systems.
• Many times, only cost overruns are considered of interest in
  project performance reviews because of their negative effect on
  project profitability
• Results of the earned value analysis and forecasting effort
• Recommendations on corrective actions, if variances are
Risk                              Mitigating Strategy
Insufficient resources      Explore various channels to secure resources,
available to perform         including hiring new staff or involving
the work                     subcontractors, or consider training staff who
                             currently lack sufficient skills.
                            Consider alternative implementation approaches
                             or rescheduling and reprioritizing work.
                            Hire top talent.
High turnover on the        Investigate reasons for turnover and provide
project team                 feedback on possible corrective measures to
                            Improve team cohesion through proactive
                            Work to establish a project environment for
Poor team dynamics          Involve interactive team management to identify
                             issues and act as facilitator to resolve team issues.
                            Implement processes to escalate conflict
                             resolution to senior management if needed.
Friction between the      Establish clear lines of communication between the
project team and the       project team and the customer.
customer                  Proactively manage communication.
                          Develop issue logs and plans to track and resolve issues.
                          Follow up on action items.
                          Ensure all project status information is accurate and up-
Contractor failure        Check references.
                          Assess abilities prior to hiring.
                          Provide a scope of work that clearly identifies
                          Actively manage the contractor relationship.
Overly optimistic         Incorporate adequate time for planning, design, testing,
schedule                   bug fixing, retesting, changes, and documentation, and
                           properly account for nonworking time such as weekends,
                           holidays, and staff vacations.
                          Solicit feedback from the technical team when
                           scheduling work.
                          Properly account for schedule dependencies including
                           stakeholder dependencies that are not directly
Poorly defined         Develop clear, complete, detailed, cohesive, attainable,
requirements            and testable requirements that are agreed to by all
                       Use prototypes to help nail down requirements.
                       In "agile"-type environments (fluid, changing
                        continually), frequent coordination with customers/end
                        users is necessary.
Scope creep            Work closely with customers when developing
                       Use issue logs for customer communication.
                       Implement change control and configuration control
                        mechanisms that identify the processes and approvals
                        needed to implement change.
                       Be prepared to defend against excessive changes and
                        additions once development has begun, and be
                        prepared to explain consequences.
                       Use incremental development practices.
Inadequate design      Insist on approved requirements prior to initiating
                       Provide specifications on design standards.
                       Allow sufficient time for design activities.
                       Conduct design reviews.
Poor software         Insist on validating requirements and design
quality                specifications.
                      Require walk-throughs and inspections when
                      Initiate review and testing early on; retest after
                       fixes or changes.
                      Plan for adequate time for testing and bug
                      Analyze the causes of errors with the objective
                       of implementing process improvements.
                      Use formal tools to track software discrepancies
                       including their resolution.

Base                  Explore alternate implementation approaches.
technology/tools      Incorporate cost and schedule contingencies
not ready for          into the project baseline.
Human Resources
• Staffing assignments and team roles and responsibilities,
  project performance reports
• Active participation in key project activities and continued
  interaction with the team
• Project Performance Appraisals
• Conflict Management
Customer/Stakeholder Management
• Communication methods
• Issue logs
Balance Between Client
Expectations and a Financially
Successful Project
Client Communication
• Provide information in the form of a question, rather than just say
• Use the team approach
• Avoid bringing in contract officers early
• Do not pass the buck
• Be informed on all relevant communication with the client

Managing Client Expectations
Dealing with Project Problems
•   Contract Problems
•   Insufficient Project Plan
•   Lack of Control Over the Product Dev. Process
•   Staffing Problems
•   Excessive Optimism on Budget and Schedule
•   Poor Control of Subcontractors
• Contract Problems
  •   Ambiguous definition of project deliverables
  •   Incomplete view of a product development approach
  •   Uncertainty regarding the client's involvement
  •   Unclear acceptance criteria
• Staffing Problems
  • Inappropriate staff assignments (staff not matched to a task that best
    fits their skills)
  • Not enough staff assigned to a project (understaffing)
  • Too many staff assigned to a project, making them difficult to manage
  • Poor communication between team members
  • High staff turnover (trained team members leave, and costs associated
    with training new staff negatively impact project)
  • Poor training of staff
• Poor Control of Subcontractors
  • Fail to make scheduled deliveries
  • Provide poor quality deliverables
  • Have communication problems
Mitigating Project Problems
•   Unrealistic Promises Have Been Made to the Client
•   Client Is Disinterested and Detached
•   Client Breaks Established Lines of Communication
•   Client Will Not Pay
Best Practices for Dealing with
Project Problems
•   Open Communication
•   Evolution of Problems
•   Correcting Budget Problems
•   Correcting Schedule Problems
•   Managing Client Expectations
•   Involving Clients in the Development Process
•   What to Do When the Client Project Team Changes
• Correcting Budget Problems
  •   Reduce overall staffing levels.
  •   Reassign existing staff to different tasks.
  •   Replace existing staff who are not performing up to expectations.
  •   Improve the development methodology.
  •   Make more efficient use of computing resources
• Involving Clients in the Development Process
  •   Provide for client reviews of intermediate deliveries.
  •   Conduct training programs.
  •   Plan for technology transfer.
  •   Have clients assist in resolving issues that arise
• What to Do When the Client Project Team Changes
  • Organize a meeting between both project teams.
  • Have a joint review of project requirements, goals, and
  • Review management structure, responsibilities, and channels of
  • Identify any new perceived requirements of needs and weigh
    them against the project budget and schedule.
Project Closure
• Returning Client Materials
• Hard-Copy Archiving
  •   Reports
  •   Correspondence
  •   Data samples
  •   Plots
  •   Meeting notes
  •   Copies of invoices
  •   Subcontractor's files
  •   Original correspondence between you and the client
Project Acceptance
• Acceptance Criteria
  • Examples
  • Database Products
  • Software Products
• Technology Transfer Plan
• The Acceptance Process
• Acceptance examples
  • Conformance to database design specifications.
  • Meeting a minimum error rate (i.e., 95% of addresses will be
  • Applications will have specific functionality.
  • Meeting a specific delivery schedule.
  • Readability of transfer media.
Administrative Closure
• The client has formally accepted all delivered products.
• The client has been invoiced and has paid in full.
• If subcontractors have been utilized for a project, ensure that all
  subcontractors have invoiced in full for their services and have been
• All material transfers have taken place.
• No one else is charging to the project
• ESRI, 2004, Managing a GIS. Redlands, California, ESRI Press: 133.
• McConnell, Steve, 1998, Software Project Survival Guide. How to
  Be Sure Your First Important Project Isn't Your Last. Redmond,
  Washington, Microsoft Press: 288.
• McConnell, Steve, 1996, Rapid Development, Taming Wild Software
  Schedules. Redmond, Washington, Microsoft Press: 646.
• Project Management Institute, 2004, A Guide to the Project
  Management Body of Knowledge, 3rd Edition. Newton Square,
  Pennsylvania, Project Management Institute: 388

With permission from
University of Redlands, CA, International Master of Science, 2005
Full text for GIS class available upon request (Appendix list follows)
• Glossary                            • Example of Workflow Diagram
• Example Business Case               • Example of an Executive
  Documentation                         Summary from a Proposal
• Example Data Analysis and           • Example One of Workflow
  Inventory Form                        Diagram
• Example Request for Proposal        • Example of Task Definition and
  (RFP)                                 WBS Structure
• Example of Proposal Submittal       • Example of Blank Work
  Information for a Request for         Breakdown Structure (WBS)
  Proposal (RFP)                        Spreadsheet
• Example of Technical                • Project Plan Template
  Specifications for a Request for
  Proposal (RFP)                      • Example of Quality Assurance
• Example of Contract Terms and
                                        (QA) Plan Template
  Conditions from an RFP              • Example of Test and Acceptance
                                        Plan Template
• Example of Evaluation Criteria
  from a Request for Proposal (RFP)   • Corrective/Preventive Action
• Example of an Executive               Plan
  Summary from a Proposal             • Project Completion Report

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Project design and management

  • 1. Project Design and Management Andrew Zolnai Kuwait City & Cambridge UK blog.zolnai.ca
  • 3. Project Definition - Find a Client - Select a Topic Project Find Work Quality - Develop Initial Project Concepts Assurance Proposal Development Project Implementation Project Performance, Monitoring and Closure
  • 4. Getting Started • Select with a reasonable and manageable scope of work • Select a reasonably sized project work area • Know your data requirements and standards • Know the data available and its quality including metadata • Know what types of analysis you intend to perform and how • Determine whether the analysis is static (one time) or dynamic (repetitive) • Determine what type of application or tools you could develop • Determine if the data or application should be published on the Web • Identify the risks and finding contingencies
  • 6. SWOT Analysis Environmental Scan / Initial Analysis External Analysis / / Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats I SWOT Matrix
  • 7. Strengths • Patents • Strong brand names • Good reputation among customers • Cost advantages from proprietary know-how • Exclusive access to high grade natural resources • Favorable access to distribution networks
  • 8. Weaknesses • Lack of patent protection • A weak brand name • Poor reputation among customers • High cost of structure • Lack of access to the best natural resources • Lack of access to key distribution channels
  • 9. Opportunities • An unfulfilled customer need • Arrival of new technologies • Loosening of regulations • Removal of international trade barriers
  • 10. Threats • Shift away from the firm's products • Emergence of substitute products • New regulations • Increased trade barriers
  • 11. SWOT Matrix Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities S-O Strategies W-O Strategies opportunities that are a weaknesses to pursue good fit to the opportunities companies strengths Threats S-T Strategies W-T Strategies identify ways that the establish a defensive plan firm can use its strengths to prevent the firm's to reduce its vulnerability weaknesses from making it highly susceptible to to external threats external threats
  • 12. Example Workflow Process Diagram Enter Camera Aerial Photo Load MDSD Set-up DEMs and Calibration Report Inventory Software DOQQs Specifications Digitize Apply AML Tools Select Point Append Linework Delineations from to Refine the Final Registration and Clean Photos Linework Create Polygon Create QC Linework and Final Sliver and Attributes Hardcopies Attribute QC Attribute clean-up Deliver .e00 files
  • 13. Planning • Resource Requirements • Required Level of Effort • Risk Analysis and Contingency Planning
  • 14. Business Case Development • Staff responsibilities, tasks performed, and staff structure • Data used, produced, and maintained in the course of business activities • Current use of data, analysis practices, and application requirements • Any necessary training to employ your completed MIP at the client site
  • 15. Data Analysis • Data Analysis and Inventory • Conceptual Database Design • Model the Client's View • Model the Client's View • Identify Representations of Entities
  • 16. Application Development Process • Avoid Classic Mistakes • People-Related Mistakes • Process-Related Mistakes • Technology-Related Mistakes • Develop Fundamentals • Management Fundamentals • Technical Fundamentals
  • 18. Project Origin • RFP • RFB / RFQ • ROM • Spin-off work (sole-source proposals) • Unsolicited proposals • Advertising • Trade shows • Personal relationships/contacts
  • 19. Selecting Opportunities • General Information • Technical Specifications • Contract Terms and Conditions • Proposal Specifications
  • 20. Contract Types • Firm, Fixed Price (FFP) • Fixed Price Level-of-Effort (FPLOE) • Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) • Cost Plus Award Fee (CPAF) • Time and Materials (T&M) • Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (ID/IQ) • Ordering Agreement (BOA) • Order (P.O.) • Letter Contract • Letter of Intent
  • 21. Prime Contracting • Pros • Prime contractors maintain control of the project. • Prime contractors retain larger revenue share. • Prime contractors receive larger exposure for the program. • Cons • Prime contractors are responsible for the cost and effort associated with assembling the proposal document. • Prime contractors assume all of the risk
  • 22. Subcontracting • Pros • In a non-exclusive role, the subcontractor can participate on many teams, thus increasing the chances of being on the winning team. • Less risk for the subcontractor means less liability. • Cons • Subcontracting nonexclusively generally requires putting together several scopes of work, thus increasing the costs and resources expended in developing the proposal. • Subcontractors have little or no control of the program. • Subcontractors usually have less input into the proposal process (less effort and less cost). • Subcontracting usually means less project revenue.
  • 23. Quality assurance • Acceptance Criteria Specifications • QA/QC Workflow • Automated Quality Control Checks • Visual Quality Control Checks • Sampling • Process Monitoring and Documentation
  • 25. Assembling Proposals • Questions • What you intend to provide for them • How you intend to do the job • What the time frame for completion is • How much it will cost the client • Roles • Proposal Manger • Proposal Coordinator • Technical staff • Contracts Administrator • Cost Estimator
  • 26. Typical Sections of a Proposal • Executive Summary • Solution Overview • Scope of Work • Schedule • Qualifications • Costs • Exceptions and Comments • Appendixes
  • 27. Task Definition • Common Design Tasks • Common Application Design Tasks • Common Database Development Tasks • Scope of Work Development • Schedule development • Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) • Costing
  • 29. Project Quality Management Project Definition Assurance Proposal Development Project Implementation Project Performance, Monitoring, and Closure
  • 30. Project Implementation • Components • Project Initiation • Project Planning • Project Execution • Performance, Monitoring, and Closure • Controlling the Project • Project Closeout
  • 31. Project Phases Project Management Phases Initiation Planning Control Execution Closeout
  • 32. Project Phases • Project Initiation • Project Planning • Project Execution • Project Monitoring and Control • Scope of Work • Schedule • Budget • Quality
  • 33. Level of Effort Execution Planning Initiation Closeout Control Project Project Start Finish Time
  • 34. Project Initiation • WBS Element Review • Project Manager Selection • Project Staff Roles • Provide a clear definition of skills and responsibilities required for specific project roles. • Be known as a proactive project manager who appreciates the development team. • Hold out for the most qualified staff, even if lesser qualified personnel are available immediately. • Identify staff interested in the project domain. • Recognize the need for training team members who lack specific competencies, and include staff training in the project plan, if needed
  • 35. Project Staff Roles • Project Manager • Lead Software Engineer • Senior Management / • Technical Lead Senior Consultant • Database Analyst • Consultants • Quality Assurance Mgr. • Solution Architect • Quality Assurance Lead • Domain Experts / Subject • Quality Assurance Analyst Matter Experts • Release Management Team • Database Architect
  • 36. Customer Senior Advisor Project Manager , Consultant Quality Assurance , Release Management Technical Lead Database Domain Experts Solution Architect Lead Developer Consultants Architect Software Database Quality Assurance Developers Developers Staff Testers ,
  • 37. Building the Project Team • Obtain Qualified Project Staff • Schedule Staff Deployment During Project Stages • Maintain Positive Team Dynamics
  • 39. Develop the Project Plan • Project Overview • Scope of Work • Assumptions and Deliverables • External Dependencies and Constraints • Resource Requirements • Project Organization and Structure • Key Contact Information • Work Flow Process • Project Schedule • Communication and Reporting • Risk Management
  • 40. Example Work Flow Chart RCTLMA trail Conduct needs Design Develop terrain Digitize trails mapping analysis Geodatabase model Develop Review Finalize project Client review Yes methodology methodology documentation Edit methodology Edit Deliver final No Yes No process documentation product
  • 42. Defining the Quality Assurance Plan • Quality audits and process analysis • Statistical sampling • Application testing • Inspection • Edit review Change Control Process
  • 44. Project Execution Process ACTION ACTOR • Requirements Definition • Executive sponsor • Analysis • Department managers • Design • Technical users • Development • Development • Testing • IT staff • Deployment
  • 46. Requirements Collection • Inputs • Operational requirements • Task descriptions • Security • Outputs • Maintenance and system • Hardware / software administration platform / architecture • Quality requirements • Data requirements • Documentation • Development environment requirements • User interface
  • 47. Requirements Documentation • User involvement • Completeness • Managed change control • Describe the "what" not the "how“ • Testable requirements
  • 49. Definitions • Client-mandated implementation methodology • Internal organizational standards • Nature of the work • Complexity and duration of the project • Waterfall Methodology • Evolutionary Prototyping • Staged Delivery
  • 50. Waterfall Methodology • Requirements, product specifications, and technology environment are well known • Quality requirements are more important than cost or schedule constraints • Staff is inexperienced • The project scope is small and short term • The project is complex, but well understood
  • 51. Evolutionary Prototyping • Rapidly changing requirements or the application area is not well understood by developers or the client • Project needs to show visible progress throughout • End user driven application • Schedule and cost constraints are not a primary concern
  • 52. Staged Delivery (Incremental Implementation) • Requirements are well defined, but a framework is needed to accommodate some changes including changes in implementation priorities. • The project is complex with a mid- to long-term implementation timeframe and has different modules with considerable variability in terms of implementation priority. • Showing continued progress in the form of production ready software components is important. • Project management and technical staff are experienced, especially at the planning level. • The project can absorb the overhead that comes with added planning and software release activities.
  • 54. How-to • Tracking Project Progress • Dealing with Project Problems including • Contract Amendment Process • Deliverables • Project Closure including • Hours • Final Steps • Budget • Follow-Up • Performance Assessment • Project Acceptance including • Monitoring Staff Performance • Acceptance Criteria • Monitoring Subcontractor • Acceptance Process Performance • Technology Transfers • Managing Client Expectations • Obtaining Payments from • Effective Communication with Client Clients • Project Presentations
  • 56. Tracking Project Progress • Tracking Technical Performance • Tracking Schedule Performance • Tracking Cost Performance • Performance Assessment Methodologies • How to Obtain Status Information
  • 57. Example of Project Tasks and Their Status
  • 58. Project Monitoring and Control Project Planning Project Monitoring Project and Control Execution Scope Requirements Quality Analysis Schedule Design Cost Development Risks Testing Human Resources Deployment Customer/ Stakeholder Management
  • 59. Start • Scope • Customer/Stakeholder • Quality Management • Schedule • Analysis inputs • Cost • Analysis based on standard methods and tools • Risks • Analysis outputs • Human Resources
  • 60. Scope • Original scope of work from the project plan including work packages (i.e., work breakdown structure [WBS]) • Information on project performance including, for example, completed tasks, defect statistics, cost and resource utilization, and status of scheduled activities in the scope of work • Approved change requests including changes in priorities that may lead to re-planning
  • 61. Quality • Quality audits and process analysis • Statistical sampling • Software testing • Inspection • Review of defect fixes
  • 62. Schedule • Analysis inputs typically identify which target dates have been met and the extent to which target dates • To track schedule performance, project managers can then generate a number of reports to assess the current status of work packages • A planned versus actual schedule comparison can be effectively illustrated graphically through bar charts. • Key outputs from the analysis include reports that document the status of the schedule as determined through performance measures and recommended corrective actions • Typical corrective actions may include mechanisms for expediting work to allow completion within schedule or, at the least, to reduce delay.
  • 63. Cost • Analysis inputs such as information on expenditures obtained from the appropriate business systems. • Many times, only cost overruns are considered of interest in project performance reviews because of their negative effect on project profitability • Results of the earned value analysis and forecasting effort • Recommendations on corrective actions, if variances are excessive
  • 64. Risk Mitigating Strategy Insufficient resources  Explore various channels to secure resources, available to perform including hiring new staff or involving the work subcontractors, or consider training staff who currently lack sufficient skills.  Consider alternative implementation approaches or rescheduling and reprioritizing work.  Hire top talent. High turnover on the  Investigate reasons for turnover and provide project team feedback on possible corrective measures to management.  Improve team cohesion through proactive communication.  Work to establish a project environment for success. Poor team dynamics  Involve interactive team management to identify issues and act as facilitator to resolve team issues.  Implement processes to escalate conflict resolution to senior management if needed.
  • 65. Friction between the  Establish clear lines of communication between the project team and the project team and the customer. customer  Proactively manage communication.  Develop issue logs and plans to track and resolve issues.  Follow up on action items.  Ensure all project status information is accurate and up- to-date. Contractor failure  Check references.  Assess abilities prior to hiring.  Provide a scope of work that clearly identifies responsibilities.  Actively manage the contractor relationship. Overly optimistic  Incorporate adequate time for planning, design, testing, schedule bug fixing, retesting, changes, and documentation, and properly account for nonworking time such as weekends, holidays, and staff vacations.  Solicit feedback from the technical team when scheduling work.  Properly account for schedule dependencies including stakeholder dependencies that are not directly controllable.
  • 66. Poorly defined  Develop clear, complete, detailed, cohesive, attainable, requirements and testable requirements that are agreed to by all players.  Use prototypes to help nail down requirements.  In "agile"-type environments (fluid, changing continually), frequent coordination with customers/end users is necessary. Scope creep  Work closely with customers when developing requirements.  Use issue logs for customer communication.  Implement change control and configuration control mechanisms that identify the processes and approvals needed to implement change.  Be prepared to defend against excessive changes and additions once development has begun, and be prepared to explain consequences.  Use incremental development practices. Inadequate design  Insist on approved requirements prior to initiating design.  Provide specifications on design standards.  Allow sufficient time for design activities.  Conduct design reviews.
  • 67. Poor software  Insist on validating requirements and design quality specifications.  Require walk-throughs and inspections when appropriate.  Initiate review and testing early on; retest after fixes or changes.  Plan for adequate time for testing and bug fixing.  Analyze the causes of errors with the objective of implementing process improvements.  Use formal tools to track software discrepancies including their resolution. Base  Explore alternate implementation approaches. technology/tools  Incorporate cost and schedule contingencies not ready for into the project baseline. deployment
  • 68. Human Resources • Staffing assignments and team roles and responsibilities, project performance reports • Active participation in key project activities and continued interaction with the team • Project Performance Appraisals • Conflict Management
  • 71. Balance Between Client Expectations and a Financially Successful Project
  • 72. Client Communication • Provide information in the form of a question, rather than just say “No” • Use the team approach • Avoid bringing in contract officers early • Do not pass the buck • Be informed on all relevant communication with the client Managing Client Expectations
  • 73. Dealing with Project Problems • Contract Problems • Insufficient Project Plan • Lack of Control Over the Product Dev. Process • Staffing Problems • Excessive Optimism on Budget and Schedule • Poor Control of Subcontractors
  • 74. • Contract Problems • Ambiguous definition of project deliverables • Incomplete view of a product development approach • Uncertainty regarding the client's involvement • Unclear acceptance criteria
  • 75. • Staffing Problems • Inappropriate staff assignments (staff not matched to a task that best fits their skills) • Not enough staff assigned to a project (understaffing) • Too many staff assigned to a project, making them difficult to manage (overstaffing) • Poor communication between team members • High staff turnover (trained team members leave, and costs associated with training new staff negatively impact project) • Poor training of staff
  • 76. • Poor Control of Subcontractors • Fail to make scheduled deliveries • Provide poor quality deliverables • Have communication problems
  • 77. Mitigating Project Problems • Unrealistic Promises Have Been Made to the Client • Client Is Disinterested and Detached • Client Breaks Established Lines of Communication • Client Will Not Pay
  • 78. Best Practices for Dealing with Project Problems • Open Communication • Evolution of Problems • Correcting Budget Problems • Correcting Schedule Problems • Managing Client Expectations • Involving Clients in the Development Process • What to Do When the Client Project Team Changes
  • 79. • Correcting Budget Problems • Reduce overall staffing levels. • Reassign existing staff to different tasks. • Replace existing staff who are not performing up to expectations. • Improve the development methodology. • Make more efficient use of computing resources
  • 80. • Involving Clients in the Development Process • Provide for client reviews of intermediate deliveries. • Conduct training programs. • Plan for technology transfer. • Have clients assist in resolving issues that arise
  • 81. • What to Do When the Client Project Team Changes • Organize a meeting between both project teams. • Have a joint review of project requirements, goals, and deliverables. • Review management structure, responsibilities, and channels of communication. • Identify any new perceived requirements of needs and weigh them against the project budget and schedule.
  • 82. Project Closure • Returning Client Materials • Hard-Copy Archiving • Reports • Correspondence • Data samples • Plots • Meeting notes • Copies of invoices • Subcontractor's files • Original correspondence between you and the client
  • 83. Project Acceptance • Acceptance Criteria • Examples • Database Products • Software Products • Technology Transfer Plan • The Acceptance Process
  • 84. • Acceptance examples • Conformance to database design specifications. • Meeting a minimum error rate (i.e., 95% of addresses will be geocoded). • Applications will have specific functionality. • Meeting a specific delivery schedule. • Readability of transfer media.
  • 85. Administrative Closure • The client has formally accepted all delivered products. • The client has been invoiced and has paid in full. • If subcontractors have been utilized for a project, ensure that all subcontractors have invoiced in full for their services and have been paid. • All material transfers have taken place. • No one else is charging to the project
  • 86. References • ESRI, 2004, Managing a GIS. Redlands, California, ESRI Press: 133. • McConnell, Steve, 1998, Software Project Survival Guide. How to Be Sure Your First Important Project Isn't Your Last. Redmond, Washington, Microsoft Press: 288. • McConnell, Steve, 1996, Rapid Development, Taming Wild Software Schedules. Redmond, Washington, Microsoft Press: 646. • Project Management Institute, 2004, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, 3rd Edition. Newton Square, Pennsylvania, Project Management Institute: 388 With permission from University of Redlands, CA, International Master of Science, 2005 Full text for GIS class available upon request (Appendix list follows)
  • 87. Appendices • Glossary • Example of Workflow Diagram • Example Business Case • Example of an Executive Documentation Summary from a Proposal • Example Data Analysis and • Example One of Workflow Inventory Form Diagram • Example Request for Proposal • Example of Task Definition and (RFP) WBS Structure • Example of Proposal Submittal • Example of Blank Work Information for a Request for Breakdown Structure (WBS) Proposal (RFP) Spreadsheet • Example of Technical • Project Plan Template Specifications for a Request for Proposal (RFP) • Example of Quality Assurance • Example of Contract Terms and (QA) Plan Template Conditions from an RFP • Example of Test and Acceptance Plan Template • Example of Evaluation Criteria from a Request for Proposal (RFP) • Corrective/Preventive Action • Example of an Executive Plan Summary from a Proposal • Project Completion Report