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Promoting Independence for
Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
I am glad that is taken care
of. Now I can get back to my
other work.
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Partner Cher: What do some of these
detrimental effects look like in your
neck of the woods?
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Independence is Precious
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
If we are not careful we can have…
 A preschooler who can write all of their letters but does not know how to ask for help
 A first grader who can read at a third grade level but can’t transition to another part of
the classroom without holding on to an adult’s hand
 A second grader who can multiply double digits but can’t turn in papers to the teacher
 A fifth grader who knows the periodic table but can’t navigate the lunch line
 A high schooler with basic computer programing skills but is unable to handle
unexpected change
What Are We Doing To Our Kids?
 Opening the door
 Holding their hand while navigating school
 Telling them to say please and thank you
 Opening their food for them
 Telling them what is next
 Giving only 2 seconds for them to respond to a direction before providing
 Getting out their supplies for them
When focusing on independence, one must
ask themselves “what shouldn’t I be doing
for my student” just as much as one asks
“what should I be doing for my students.”
Fact: Independence increases self
esteem, decreases the reliance
on adults, and increases
opportunities beyond public
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
A Shift in Mindsets to Support Independence
For Students with 1:1 Paraeducators in General Education
General Education Teacher
Old Mindset
The paraeducator is here to
manage the student. The
student’s success will be
measured by what they are
able to do with their
paraeducator’s help.
New Mindset
The paraeducator is here to
support the student in
accessing my instruction. The
student’s success can be
measured by what they are
able to accomplish with
minimal help.
Old Mindset
My role is to do things for the
teacher and make sure my
student does not disrupt
learning. I am the student’s
primary instructor.
New Mindset
My role is to connect the
student with the rest of the
classroom and with their
primary instructor, the teacher.
Old Mindset
The paraeducator is mine. I go
to them for help or to strike up
a conversation. They are my
friend. They must follow me
wherever I go.
New Mindset
The paraeducator is a helper in
the classroom. I go to my
peers for conversation and my
teacher for help, though the
paraeducator might assist the
teacher in helping me.
Less Familiar Teacher
Old Mindset
The paraeducator will lead me
in teaching the student. They
will tell me if I need to do
something specific for the
New Mindset
I will lead in teaching the
student, and the paraeducator
will help me with the follow
Other Students
Old Mindset
I shouldn’t bug the
paraeducator or their student.
They want to be left alone.
New Mindset
I can ask the paraeducator for
help if they are free and I can
talk to their student if it is
Case Manager/Special Education
Old Mindset
Since the student has a
paraeducator I do not need to
worry about their program
because someone else is
overseeing it.
New Mindset
I should have ongoing
collaboration with other
building staff, including
therapists when applicable, on
how we can help this student
be more independent. I then
need to share that planning
with the paraeducator.
Old Mindset
The paraeducator is in charge
of making sure my student
gets their work done. I am
concerned if I feel they are not
doing enough.
New Mindset
The paraeducator helps my
student have access to the
general education curriculum
and progress in their IEP goals
with minimal help. I am
concerned if I feel they are
doing too much.
Old Mindset
School staff can focus on
promoting independence for
students with 1:1’s, regardless
of how difficult their
caseload/situation is.
New Mindset
School staff can focus on
promoting independence to
the degree that they have
capacity and have support
from administration.
Old Mindset
 The child is “fine/covered”
because they are now taken
care of by the para, allowing
the teacher to resume their
teaching responsibilities. In
turn, the child is not
welcome unless they have
the para accompanying
New Mindset
 The child is a member of the
classroom who should be
practicing skills of
independence as well as
gaining equal access (with
supports) to their teacher-
the same as other children.
The Independence Minded Educator
The Independence Minded Educator
Every time I do something for
my student, I deny them an
opportunity to do it on their
own. Each time I deny them a
chance to do something at
least partially on their own, I
rob them of a more
independent future.
The Independence Minded Educator
I make a difference by
fading assistance!
The Independence Minded Educator
I bring kids power
when I seem just like
a wallflower!
The Independence Minded Educator
I am here to spread
the “can do” glitter,
not be a baby sitter!
The Independence Minded Educator
Here comes the
BOOM of my student
being independent in
this room!
The Independence Minded Educator
I do the wave when at
school I am not your
The Independence Minded Educator
Giving too many cues
and too many clues
only lights the
dependent fuse!
The Independence Minded Educator
I raise the roof when
my student fixes their
own goof!
The Independence Minded Educator
Despite all your quirks,
get ready for fireworks!
Somehow, someway, I
will make this your
Independence Day!
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
A prompt involves adding supplemental
antecedent stimuli, which makes the response
occurrence more likely.
Challenges we run into
Need to allow for
processing time..
Challenges we run into
Our patience for
processing time varies,
making our
Challenges we run into
We let an SD just go on
its own. Make sure you
mean what you say and
say what you mean.
Challenges we run into
The student only learns
to attend to the
prompt and never the
Discriminative Stimulus.
Challenges we run into
We create kids who
only can function and
respond with the
prompts, thus creating
“prompt junkies.”
Not all Prompts are created equal
 Full Physical
 Partial Physical
 Full Model
 Partial Model
 Full Verbal Model
 Partial Verbal Model
 Gesture
 Positional
 Visual
Physical Prompts
Full Physical Partial Physical
The teacher uses hand over
hand guidance to make sure
the student demonstrates
the correct response.
The teacher uses only partial
physical assistance so that
the student demonstrates
the correct response.
Ex. Hand over hand washing
Ex. Tapping elbow to raise
*May not be appropriate for large motor
activity, like going to lunch.
Modeling Prompts
Full Model Partial Model
The teacher fully
demonstrates the correct
The teacher only
demonstrates part of the
correct response.
Ex. Showing where to get the
Ex. Walking in the direction
of where to find the door.
*May not be appropriate for those who are
unable to sustain attention.
Verbal Modeling Prompts
Full Verbal Partial Verbal
The teacher clearly
communicates what the
desired response is step by
The teacher communicates
only part of the desired
Ex. Explaining how to use the
Ex. Touching on key details
of directions to the office
*Be aware of those who can’t look and listen. ”I
can look at you or listen to you, but I can’t do
Gesture and Positional Prompts
Gesture Positional
The teacher makes some
kind of gesture to prompt
the desired response.
The teacher places an
item/object in a specific
position/place that prompts
the correct response.
Ex. Nodding head toward
the pencil sharpener
Ex. Putting the correct
choice of two closer to the
Visual Prompts
An arrangement of the
physical environment that
prompts the correct
Ex. A visual reminder to raise
a hand to ask questions.
 Full Physical
 Partial Physical
 Full Model
 Partial Model
 Full Verbal Model
 Partial Verbal Model
 Gesture
 Positional
 Visual
Most to Least Prompting
is used when first
teaching a new skill, and
then the prompt is faded.
 Full Physical
 Partial Physical
 Full Model
 Partial Model
 Full Verbal Model
 Partial Verbal Model
 Gesture
 Positional
 Visual
Least to Most Prompting
is used when working on
a skill that has been
previously mastered.
Student taking longer or
working harder to get
the right answer with
less help
Student more quickly
getting the right
answer with help
A little Smaller
A little lighter
A little Softer
A little less
Partner Share- One thing that you do
for your students that you probably
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Teaching a Child to Work
by Him or Herself –Nancy Rosenburg
 Start with a short task that is reasonably preferred, has a clear end point,
and the student has the capability of doing alone (even though he’s not).
You can make the task even shorter by presenting it already mostly
completed (e.g., give a puzzle with all the pieces in but one, or give a math
worksheet with all the problems completed but the last two).
 Identify a reinforcer that child can have when he/she completes his work.
Teaching a Child to Work
by Him or Herself-Nancy Rosenburg
 Tell child, “It’s time to work by yourself. When you finish <task>, you get
<reinforcer>.” Then pretend to be doing something else. You may need to
start by standing near the child, but don’t give any prompts or respond to
bids for attention. Look busy doing other things
 When the child finishes the very short task, give lots of social praise for
“working by yourself!”as well as the reinforcer. If you end up having to
help, do so, but they don’t get the reinforcer. Have him try again by
Strategies for Promoting Independence for
Students Who Have a 1:1 Paraeducator in General
1. Use Visuals!
Strategies for Promoting Independence for
Students Who Have a 1:1 Paraeducator in General
2. Task Analyze It!
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators
Strategies for Promoting Independence for
Students Who Have a 1:1 Paraeducator in General
3. Watch Your Prompts!
Strategies for Promoting Independence for
Students Who Have a 1:1 Paraeducator in General
4. Use Peers!
Strategies for Promoting Independence for
Students Who Have a 1:1 Paraeducator in General
5. Promote Self-
Don’t Limit Me!
Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators

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Session #48 Promoting independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators

  • 1. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Promoting Independence for Students with 1:1 Paraeducators VANESSA TUCKER PH. D., BCBA-D. LBA PATRICK MULICK BCBA NBCT
  • 8. I am glad that is taken care of. Now I can get back to my other work.
  • 12. Partner Cher: What do some of these detrimental effects look like in your neck of the woods?
  • 21. If we are not careful we can have…  A preschooler who can write all of their letters but does not know how to ask for help  A first grader who can read at a third grade level but can’t transition to another part of the classroom without holding on to an adult’s hand  A second grader who can multiply double digits but can’t turn in papers to the teacher  A fifth grader who knows the periodic table but can’t navigate the lunch line  A high schooler with basic computer programing skills but is unable to handle unexpected change
  • 22. What Are We Doing To Our Kids?  Opening the door  Holding their hand while navigating school  Telling them to say please and thank you  Opening their food for them  Telling them what is next  Giving only 2 seconds for them to respond to a direction before providing help  Getting out their supplies for them
  • 23. When focusing on independence, one must ask themselves “what shouldn’t I be doing for my student” just as much as one asks “what should I be doing for my students.”
  • 24. Fact: Independence increases self esteem, decreases the reliance on adults, and increases opportunities beyond public education.
  • 27. A Shift in Mindsets to Support Independence For Students with 1:1 Paraeducators in General Education
  • 28. General Education Teacher Old Mindset The paraeducator is here to manage the student. The student’s success will be measured by what they are able to do with their paraeducator’s help. New Mindset The paraeducator is here to support the student in accessing my instruction. The student’s success can be measured by what they are able to accomplish with minimal help.
  • 29. Paraeducator Old Mindset My role is to do things for the teacher and make sure my student does not disrupt learning. I am the student’s primary instructor. New Mindset My role is to connect the student with the rest of the classroom and with their primary instructor, the teacher.
  • 30. Student Old Mindset The paraeducator is mine. I go to them for help or to strike up a conversation. They are my friend. They must follow me wherever I go. New Mindset The paraeducator is a helper in the classroom. I go to my peers for conversation and my teacher for help, though the paraeducator might assist the teacher in helping me.
  • 31. Less Familiar Teacher Old Mindset The paraeducator will lead me in teaching the student. They will tell me if I need to do something specific for the student. New Mindset I will lead in teaching the student, and the paraeducator will help me with the follow through.
  • 32. Other Students Old Mindset I shouldn’t bug the paraeducator or their student. They want to be left alone. New Mindset I can ask the paraeducator for help if they are free and I can talk to their student if it is appropriate.
  • 33. Case Manager/Special Education Teacher Old Mindset Since the student has a paraeducator I do not need to worry about their program because someone else is overseeing it. New Mindset I should have ongoing collaboration with other building staff, including therapists when applicable, on how we can help this student be more independent. I then need to share that planning with the paraeducator.
  • 34. Parent/Guardian Old Mindset The paraeducator is in charge of making sure my student gets their work done. I am concerned if I feel they are not doing enough. New Mindset The paraeducator helps my student have access to the general education curriculum and progress in their IEP goals with minimal help. I am concerned if I feel they are doing too much.
  • 35. Administrator Old Mindset School staff can focus on promoting independence for students with 1:1’s, regardless of how difficult their caseload/situation is. New Mindset School staff can focus on promoting independence to the degree that they have capacity and have support from administration.
  • 36. Administrator Old Mindset  The child is “fine/covered” because they are now taken care of by the para, allowing the teacher to resume their teaching responsibilities. In turn, the child is not welcome unless they have the para accompanying them. New Mindset  The child is a member of the classroom who should be practicing skills of independence as well as gaining equal access (with supports) to their teacher- the same as other children.
  • 38. The Independence Minded Educator Every time I do something for my student, I deny them an opportunity to do it on their own. Each time I deny them a chance to do something at least partially on their own, I rob them of a more independent future.
  • 39. The Independence Minded Educator I make a difference by fading assistance!
  • 40. The Independence Minded Educator I bring kids power when I seem just like a wallflower!
  • 41. The Independence Minded Educator I am here to spread the “can do” glitter, not be a baby sitter!
  • 42. The Independence Minded Educator Here comes the BOOM of my student being independent in this room!
  • 43. The Independence Minded Educator I do the wave when at school I am not your fave!
  • 44. The Independence Minded Educator Giving too many cues and too many clues only lights the dependent fuse!
  • 45. The Independence Minded Educator I raise the roof when my student fixes their own goof!
  • 46. The Independence Minded Educator Despite all your quirks, get ready for fireworks! Somehow, someway, I will make this your Independence Day!
  • 49. Prompts A prompt involves adding supplemental antecedent stimuli, which makes the response occurrence more likely.
  • 50. Challenges we run into Need to allow for processing time..
  • 51. Challenges we run into Our patience for processing time varies, making our expectations inconsistent.
  • 52. Challenges we run into We let an SD just go on its own. Make sure you mean what you say and say what you mean.
  • 53. Challenges we run into The student only learns to attend to the prompt and never the Discriminative Stimulus.
  • 54. Challenges we run into We create kids who only can function and respond with the prompts, thus creating “prompt junkies.”
  • 55. Not all Prompts are created equal  Full Physical  Partial Physical  Full Model  Partial Model  Full Verbal Model  Partial Verbal Model  Gesture  Positional  Visual
  • 56. Physical Prompts Full Physical Partial Physical The teacher uses hand over hand guidance to make sure the student demonstrates the correct response. The teacher uses only partial physical assistance so that the student demonstrates the correct response. Ex. Hand over hand washing hands Ex. Tapping elbow to raise hand. *May not be appropriate for large motor activity, like going to lunch.
  • 57. Modeling Prompts Full Model Partial Model The teacher fully demonstrates the correct response. The teacher only demonstrates part of the correct response. Ex. Showing where to get the towels. Ex. Walking in the direction of where to find the door. *May not be appropriate for those who are unable to sustain attention.
  • 58. Verbal Modeling Prompts Full Verbal Partial Verbal The teacher clearly communicates what the desired response is step by step. The teacher communicates only part of the desired response. Ex. Explaining how to use the locker Ex. Touching on key details of directions to the office *Be aware of those who can’t look and listen. ”I can look at you or listen to you, but I can’t do both.”
  • 59. Gesture and Positional Prompts Gesture Positional The teacher makes some kind of gesture to prompt the desired response. The teacher places an item/object in a specific position/place that prompts the correct response. Ex. Nodding head toward the pencil sharpener Ex. Putting the correct choice of two closer to the student.
  • 60. Visual Prompts Visual An arrangement of the physical environment that prompts the correct response. Ex. A visual reminder to raise a hand to ask questions.
  • 61.  Full Physical  Partial Physical  Full Model  Partial Model  Full Verbal Model  Partial Verbal Model  Gesture  Positional  Visual Most to Least Prompting is used when first teaching a new skill, and then the prompt is faded.
  • 62.  Full Physical  Partial Physical  Full Model  Partial Model  Full Verbal Model  Partial Verbal Model  Gesture  Positional  Visual Least to Most Prompting is used when working on a skill that has been previously mastered.
  • 63. Student taking longer or working harder to get the right answer with less help Student more quickly getting the right answer with help
  • 64. A little Smaller A little lighter A little Softer A little less
  • 65. Partner Share- One thing that you do for your students that you probably shouldn’t?
  • 72. Teaching a Child to Work by Him or Herself –Nancy Rosenburg  Start with a short task that is reasonably preferred, has a clear end point, and the student has the capability of doing alone (even though he’s not). You can make the task even shorter by presenting it already mostly completed (e.g., give a puzzle with all the pieces in but one, or give a math worksheet with all the problems completed but the last two).  Identify a reinforcer that child can have when he/she completes his work.
  • 73. Teaching a Child to Work by Him or Herself-Nancy Rosenburg  Tell child, “It’s time to work by yourself. When you finish <task>, you get <reinforcer>.” Then pretend to be doing something else. You may need to start by standing near the child, but don’t give any prompts or respond to bids for attention. Look busy doing other things  When the child finishes the very short task, give lots of social praise for “working by yourself!”as well as the reinforcer. If you end up having to help, do so, but they don’t get the reinforcer. Have him try again by himself.
  • 74. Strategies for Promoting Independence for Students Who Have a 1:1 Paraeducator in General Education 1. Use Visuals!
  • 75. Strategies for Promoting Independence for Students Who Have a 1:1 Paraeducator in General Education 2. Task Analyze It!
  • 77. Strategies for Promoting Independence for Students Who Have a 1:1 Paraeducator in General Education 3. Watch Your Prompts!
  • 78. Strategies for Promoting Independence for Students Who Have a 1:1 Paraeducator in General Education 4. Use Peers!
  • 79. Strategies for Promoting Independence for Students Who Have a 1:1 Paraeducator in General Education 5. Promote Self- Management!

Editor's Notes

  1. The tough reality about being an educator is that there are no days off. High expectations are put on every educator in the schoolhouse, especially the classroom teacher.
  2. The expectations are high because what we do in each and every day have a cumulative effect on our students. The adults that our students are going to become, they are becoming today. In order to maximize our student’s futures, we must maximize the smallest of moments in a day and repeat that over and over. One drawback from this reality is that high expectations met with challenges from students in the classroom often leave a teacher feeling like this…..
  3. (insert laugh here)
  4. From students who may be acting inappropriately towards others…….
  5. Or a student completely disengaging…..
  6. Sometimes educators are working with a particular student amongst many other that need a little bit more of support. And sometimes with these students, despite the best efforts of the school staff to support the student, things go from bad to worse. And in some of these cases it is identified that a paraeducator is needed to help carry out a more detailed plan for the student for the time being.
  7. One problem that often comes when such a high level of support is provided is that the overseeing teacher tends to think this way (see slide). Through no ill will of their own, they may feel the need to not worry about the student with a targeted paraeducator for the time being because someone else has “got them” and they can get back to working with the rest of the students.
  8. Another problem that arises is that paraeducators are in most places are provided little to no training on how to do their job before they begin. They may work from a big heart and what they believe is the right thing to do, but through no fault of their own they may end up working with their student in such a way that would cause unintended consequences. (See next slide)
  9. This is just one example of what may come up, one of many (see next slide)
  10. While this is title calls out the paraprofessional, I like to think that this really could be anyone in the schoolhouse who is working with the student. Anyone could be excessive in the way that they support. “Limited Access to Competent Instruction” doesn’t jive well when we think about our paras who are out there pouring their hearts out for kids each day. But it does go back what is the system to support paras as they come in from the get go and providing competent training from the beginning. It also speaks to the relationship that needs to be valued between the student and classroom leader, which we will talk about in a moment. For the moment though…………..(next slide)
  11. Give 5 minutes, and then ask for volunteers to share out to the whole group.
  12. When we think about small group or whole group instruction, we can take for granted the sacred relationship that exists between the classroom teacher and student. The teacher is the professional whose prescribed multiyear teacher-prep program has prepared them to teach many kids of varying abilities simultaneously. The are the multi tasking ninja. The student is the learner whose sole responsibility is to engage, benefit, and learn from this highly trained professional.
  13. In this relationship an invisible force field, a sacred channel of focus if you will, exists. It is in this channel that the teacher provides instruction to the student, the student responds and asks questions , and the teacher responds back. And it is in this channel that much can be disrupted when……
  14. You put another adult in it. When not utilized correctly, a paraeducator can inadvertently create a distraction for the targeted student that would turn their attention away from the primary educator, the classroom teacher.
  15. Looking at the whole class, it is not just one student who has this sacred channel….
  16. It is everyone. And it is for that reason that sometimes when paraeducators are at their best, they are respecting that channel and only jumping in to provide help when needed and not pulling up a chair next to the student for ease. Sometimes, when a paraeducator is at their best, they are sitting in the back of the class looking like they are doing nothing at all (all the while respecting that sacred channel of every student). And this is just one small practice that we must be paying attention to when thinking about the field of education because this is one of those many small things done right over time that will impact a student’s future. It will impact their independence, something we don’t often talk much about.
  17. Annual study by Autism Speaks, looks at what adults with autism across the U.S. are doing after they leave public education. This is just a small snapshot with it being just one disability, but it does speak to work that still needs to be done. Yes, this does not all land on the schoolhouse and we do need to advocate for “disability friendly” opportunities and resources beyond public education, but we must ask what our part is in all of this.
  18. This is hard because we all got into education in the first place because we love kids. And when we talk about kids whose needs are so great they require the support of a 1:1 paraeducator, our hearts grow even bigger because we find ourselves working with someone who often has not been give a fair lot in life. We are rooting for the underdog. But sometimes we do too much for kids because we care so much them, we can end up teaching them how to do fewer things on their own.
  19. 45
  20. Yes, there are times in which we do need to provide help to our students…………..
  21. But our students are really talented at getting us to provide more help than what is needed since we are already there. As skilled we think we are at shaping their behavior, some of our students are even more skilled at changing ours. Which really calls into question the type of help that we provide and really warrants deep conversation about how we provide prompts to students.
  22. Explain what a prompt is
  23. We can give the SD, but don’t give them the chance to process the SD, and se we repeat the SD or provide and unneeded prompt.
  24. Think about how patient we are with students when they walk in each day. The adults are well-caffeinated, class hasn’t officially started, we have nice calming music in the background, all is right in the world and we give kids as long as they need. Compare that to the end of the day, the busses are here, it is time to go, and the adults haven’t peed in four hours. Our patience in how long it takes them to respond to an initial SD can vary based on the circumstances of any moment in the day.
  25. Most to least does not mean the number of prompts
  26. Big picture, we should always work to make our support is this….
  27. Volunteer share out again, after a few minutes
  28. Some of our reflections beg the question, what is the uniform way all students who work with a given student will prompt in the same manner and how will be that well communicated. I really like this as an example: The 3 point prompt. It is not for every student or even most students, but notice how you can sum up a prompting procedure for a student in a simple way that can be shared amongst staff in one single cheat sheet.
  29. Another example of how to promote a student’s independence-simply explained.
  30. 3:00