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Promoting international
collaboration in wheat
Matthew Reynolds1, Jeff Gwyn2,
Senthold Asseng3, Victor Kommerel1,
Hans Braun1
Enhancing Global Collaborations in Crop Science
GPC Symposium, 4th Nov. 2018
CSSA/ASA Annual meetings, Baltimore
• Background –need for international collaboration-
• International Wheat Improvement Network
• International Wheat Yield Partnership
• Agricultural Model Intercomparison and
Improvement Project (AgMIP)-Wheat
• The Wheat Initiative
• Heat & Drought Wheat Improvement Consortium
• Lessons learned
Global yield projections until 2050
Ray DK, Mueller ND, West PC, Foley JA (2013) Yield Trends Are Insufficient to Double Global Crop
Production by 2050. PLoS ONE 8(6): e66428. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066428
---2.4% growth required to double production by 2050
Linear growth starting 1970
60% increase
Challenges to global crop production
• Climate unpredictable,
warmer, drier, etc.
• Depleting water resources
• Emerging diseases and
pests and their new biotypes
• Energy and fertilizer costs
• Declining agricultural
research capacity in LDCs
• Soil degradation and
Photo: Jalal Kamali,
14 April16. Dezful,
Khuzestan province, Iran
• 30% of the world’s arable land lost to
erosion or pollution in the last 40
• Erosion rates from ploughed fields
averages 10-100 times greater than
rates of soil formation.
• It takes about 500 years to form 2.5cm
of topsoil under normal agricultural
University of Sheffield’s Grantham Centre for Sustainable Futures, 2016
Soil loss: an unfolding global disaster
• Today more people are hungry than entire population of
South Asia at beginning of Green Revolution (1970)
• No. people living on <$2 /day same as in 1981 (~0.7 billion)
• 180 million children <5 years malnourished – in Africa 40%
of all children <5
Statistics on hunger
Source: Hans Braun/World Bank
Impact of a 1% GDP growth from agriculture and non-
agriculture on overall expenditures of the poor
Poorest 10% Poorest 11-20 Poorest 21-30%
1 % GDP growth from Agriculture
1% GDP growth from non-Agriculture
Source: Ligon and Sadoulet, 2007 in
Worldbank 2008 : World Development Report
Wheat Improvement
Importance of wheat as calorie source (2010-12)
Source: FAO-Stats, 2015
20% of all calories in
human diet globally
Most widely grown
crop globally
International Wheat Improvement Network (IWIN)
Coordinated by CIMMYT since 1960s
Source: Kai Sonder & Hans Braun
• IWIN germplasm increased productivity for >100m farmers in LDCs
(Lipton, Longhurst 1989; Evenson, Gollin 2003; Pingali et al., 2012)
• MVs saved >20 m ha land from cultivation (Stevenson et al., 2013)
• IWIN-related varieties cover over half wheat area in LDCs, giving
additional value of US $2.2-$3.1 billion p.a. spread among both
resource poor farmers and consumers (Lantican et al., 2016)
• The benefit-cost ratio of this investment is over 100:1
(without considering avoidance of devastating disease pandemics)
• IWIN has also amassed a database of over 11 million data points
IWIN cost benefit
China EU + other
high income
ex-USSR Latin
S-Asia Sub-Saharan
W-Asia and
Unknown Variety
CGIAR Ancestry
CGIAR Parent
Spring bread wheat releases by region and origin 1994-2014
Yellow & Leaf Rust
Spot blotch
Karnal Bunt
Multiple Disease Resistance
Fusarium, Septoria, Leaf Rust
Green= Operational
Red= Planned
Phenotyping Platforms
• Hubs for generating high quality phenotypic data, under defined good practices, and
promoting training and sharing of the generated knowledge.
• Some sites represent future climate analogues, others are hotspots for specific diseases.
Winter Wheat
Heat Drought
Yellow rust (Izmir)
Wheat blast
Yield (IN+PK)
Heat Dry (IN)
Heat Humid+
Wheat Blast (BD)
Drought (IN)
Global phenotyping network for wheat improvement
A Model for Using Collaborative
International Research and
Development to Address
Important Global Problems
International Wheat Yield Partnership
The Problem – Urgent Need to Increase Wheat
Yields to Feed 9+ Billion People by 2050
Will require a
60+ % increase
in wheat
production to
meet food
demands by
 By deploying a new model for funding and conducting a
coordinated international research program
 By combining the best ideas internationally
 By making scientific breakthroughs
 By being focused on delivery
Discoveries Delivery Development Impact
Increase the genetic yield potential of wheat
by 50% by 2035
IWYP Goal and Strategy
Harvest Index
Traited Germplasm
Elite Lines
(via IWIN, others)
Sorting and Assembling the
Trait / Marker / Tool Outputs
for yield
Energy Use
Grain size
IWYP HUB – Validation and Development
HUB Platform approach for
 Brings all discoveries into a single central
source to compare and combine to seek
synergies and generate added value
Trait validation
Precision phenotyping
Field evaluation
Trials and distribution (via IWIN, directly)
Testing sites for progeny of physiological trait (PT)
based crosses (~ 50 sites)
Pre-breeding nurseries distributed via IWIN
• WYCYT: Wheat Yield Collaboration Yield Trial
Reynolds M.P., Pask A.J.D., Hoppitt W.J.E., Sonder K., Sukumaran S., Molero G., Saint Pierre C., Payne T., Singh R.P.,
Braun H.J., Gonzalez F.G., Terrile I.I, Barma N.C.D, Hakim A., He Z., Fan Z., Novoselovic D., Maghraby M., Gad
K.I.M., Galal E.G., Hagras A., Mohamed M.M., Morad A.F.A., Kumar U., Singh G.P., Naik R., Kalappanavar I.K.,
Biradar S., Sai Prasad S.V., Chatrath R., Sharma I., Panchabhai K., Sohu V.S., Mavi G.S., Mishra V.K., Balasubramaniam
A., Jalal-Kamali M.R., Khodarahmi M., Dastfal M., Tabib-Ghaffari S.M., Jafarby J., Nikzad A.R., Moghaddam H.A.,
Ghojogh H., Mehraban A., Solís-Moya E., Camacho-Casas M.A., Figueroa-López P., Ireta-Moreno J., Alvarado-Padilla
J.I., Borbón-Gracia A., Torres A., Quiche Y.N., Upadhyay S.R., Pandey D., Imtiaz M., Rehman M.U., Hussain M.,
Hussain M., Ud-Din R., Qamar M., Kundi M., Mujahid M.Y., Ahmad G., Khan A.J., Sial M.A., Mustatea P., von Well E.,
Ncala M., de Groot S., Hussein A.H.A., Tahir I.S.A., Idris A.A.M., Elamein H.M.M., Manes Y., Joshi A.K., 2017.
Strategic crossing of biomass and harvest index—source and sink—
achieves genetic gains in wheat. Euphytica 213:257-80
Funding Metrics to Date – Target US$100M
IWYP Private Partners (9)
AgMIP-Wheat 4: Extreme high yielding wheat
Senthold Asseng, Pierre Martre & Frank Ewert
R.P. Rötter, G. O’Leary, G. Fitzgerald, C. Girousse, M.A. Baber, M.P. Reynolds, F. Giunta,
R. Motzo, A.M.S. Kheir, P.J. Thorburn, K. Waha, A.C. Ruane, P.K. Aggarwal, M. Ahmed,
J. Balkovic, B. Basso, C. Biernath, M. Bindi, D. Cammarano, A.J. Challinor, G. De
Sanctis, B. Dumont, E. Eyshi Rezaei, E. Fereres, R. Ferrise, M. Garcia-Vila, Y. Gao, S.
Gayler, G. Hoogenboom, R.C. Izaurralde, M. Jabloun, C.D. Jones, B.T. Kassie, K.C.
Kersebaum, C. Klein, A.K. Koehler, B. Liu, S. Minoli, M. Montesino San Martin, C.
Müller, S. Naresh Kumar, C. Nendel, J.E. Olesen, T. Palosuo, J.R. Porter, E. Priesack, D.
Ripoche, M.A. Semenov, C. Stöckle, P. Stratonovitch, T. Streck, I. Supit, F. Tao, M. Van
der Velde, D. Wallach, E. Wang, H. Webber, J. Wolf, P. Woli, Z. Zhang, and Y. Zhu
Research questions:
1. Can crop models simulate extreme H-yielding wheat (EHYW)?
2. What climate characteristics are required for EHYW?
3. What crop management is required for EHYW?
4. What crop traits are required for EHYW?
AgMIP-Wheat Phase 4 (2018-2020)
Extreme high yielding wheat
CIMMYT, 4 locations, 2 cvs, 2 yrs, GY, GY-components
NZ, detailed measurements, singl cv, 2 years
France, x years, cvs
Extreme high yielding wheat data
CIMMYT, El Batan, Texcoco, Mexico
June 1921, 2013
PD Alderman, E Quilligan, S Asseng,
F Ewert and MP Reynolds (Editors)
AgMIP – Wheat publications
Open Data Journal for
Agricultural Research
Endorsed by G20 Agriculture Ministries in 2011, WI provides framework for
strategic research priorities encompassing developed and developing countries.
Expert Working Groups:
• Adaptation to wheat abiotic stress (included HeDWIC)
• Control of wheat pathogens and pests
• Durum wheat genomics and breeding
• Global wheat germplasm conservation and use community
• Improving wheat quality for processing and health
• Nutrient use efficiency in wheat
• Wheat Agronomy
• Wheat breeding methods and strategies
• Wheat information systems
• Wheat phenotyping to support wheat improvement
• Wheat Plant and Crop Modelling
Heat and Drought Wheat
Improvement Consortium
Prioritized by WI-ICC (Jan 2016)
Source: Nature Climate Change, 1793: (13 Jan) 2013
+ 60C
+ 4.0C
+ 2.0C
Change in spring wheat productivity by 2100 in 5 scenarios
varying from 2C to 6C global average temperature increase
Response of farm yield to minimum temp
NW Mexico
HeDWIC Development
Broad consultation (370 people, 77 institutes, 32 countries):
 Determine most promising/necessary research areas
 Arrange traits/gene research into a rational framework
 Develop an organizational structure that facilitates
translational research to breeding
 Develop a bioinformatics cyber-infrastructure to support
research and delivery
Research Priorities
Priority of heat & drought
• Poll conducted on relative priorities for EWG AWAS
• Heat and drought stress, i.e. HeDWIC clearly the top priority
Resource Capture and Utilization Efficiency
Maximize the potential for biomass production at warmer ambient
temperatures and with less predictable rainfall/reduced irrigation :
 Root systems - function, architecture & biotic interactions
 Thermostability of membranes and enzymes
 Metabolic adaptations to heat and drought (including
osmotic adaptation, and cellular tolerance of stresses)
 Respiration, oxidative stress, & photo-protection
 Transpiration efficiency, gas exchange and carbon balance
 Canopy architecture, development and senescence
 GxExM
Reproductive Growth & Resource Partitioning
Maximize partitioning of biomass to HI and nutritional quality:
 Optimising floret fertility
 Stress perception and signalling
 Carbohydrate storage and partitioning to grain filling
 Effects of stress on end-use quality
 Crop architecture for yield stability
 Phenology for stress avoidance
Understanding genetic basis of the phenotype
Setting up international collaborations
• Clear focus and targets
• Pre-existing informal network
• Survey literature & current research portfolios
• Develop a proposal but don’t overly prescribe
• ‘Theory of change’
• ‘Business case’
• Be prepared for a lot of leg work
• Expect grey hairs!

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Promoting international collaboration in wheat

  • 1. Promoting international collaboration in wheat Matthew Reynolds1, Jeff Gwyn2, Senthold Asseng3, Victor Kommerel1, Hans Braun1 CIMMYT1, IWYP2, AgMIP3 Enhancing Global Collaborations in Crop Science GPC Symposium, 4th Nov. 2018 CSSA/ASA Annual meetings, Baltimore
  • 2. Outline • Background –need for international collaboration- • International Wheat Improvement Network • International Wheat Yield Partnership • Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP)-Wheat • The Wheat Initiative • Heat & Drought Wheat Improvement Consortium • Lessons learned
  • 3. Global yield projections until 2050 Ray DK, Mueller ND, West PC, Foley JA (2013) Yield Trends Are Insufficient to Double Global Crop Production by 2050. PLoS ONE 8(6): e66428. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0066428 http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0066428 ---2.4% growth required to double production by 2050 Linear growth starting 1970 60% increase
  • 4. Challenges to global crop production • Climate unpredictable, warmer, drier, etc. • Depleting water resources • Emerging diseases and pests and their new biotypes • Energy and fertilizer costs • Declining agricultural research capacity in LDCs • Soil degradation and erosion….. Photo: Jalal Kamali, 14 April16. Dezful, Khuzestan province, Iran
  • 5. • 30% of the world’s arable land lost to erosion or pollution in the last 40 years. • Erosion rates from ploughed fields averages 10-100 times greater than rates of soil formation. • It takes about 500 years to form 2.5cm of topsoil under normal agricultural conditions. University of Sheffield’s Grantham Centre for Sustainable Futures, 2016 Soil loss: an unfolding global disaster
  • 6. • Today more people are hungry than entire population of South Asia at beginning of Green Revolution (1970) • No. people living on <$2 /day same as in 1981 (~0.7 billion) • 180 million children <5 years malnourished – in Africa 40% of all children <5 Statistics on hunger Source: Hans Braun/World Bank
  • 7. Impact of a 1% GDP growth from agriculture and non- agriculture on overall expenditures of the poor 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Poorest 10% Poorest 11-20 Poorest 21-30% 1 % GDP growth from Agriculture 1% GDP growth from non-Agriculture Source: Ligon and Sadoulet, 2007 in Worldbank 2008 : World Development Report
  • 9. Importance of wheat as calorie source (2010-12) Source: FAO-Stats, 2015 20% of all calories in human diet globally Most widely grown crop globally
  • 10. International Wheat Improvement Network (IWIN) Coordinated by CIMMYT since 1960s Source: Kai Sonder & Hans Braun
  • 11. • IWIN germplasm increased productivity for >100m farmers in LDCs (Lipton, Longhurst 1989; Evenson, Gollin 2003; Pingali et al., 2012) • MVs saved >20 m ha land from cultivation (Stevenson et al., 2013) • IWIN-related varieties cover over half wheat area in LDCs, giving additional value of US $2.2-$3.1 billion p.a. spread among both resource poor farmers and consumers (Lantican et al., 2016) • The benefit-cost ratio of this investment is over 100:1 (without considering avoidance of devastating disease pandemics) • IWIN has also amassed a database of over 11 million data points IWIN cost benefit
  • 12. - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 China EU + other high income countries ex-USSR Latin America S-Asia Sub-Saharan Africa W-Asia and N-Africa World Percentageofreleases(%) Unknown Variety Non-CGIAR parents CGIAR Ancestry CGIAR Parent CGIAR Line Spring bread wheat releases by region and origin 1994-2014
  • 13. Yield Heat Drought Yellow & Leaf Rust Fusarium Septoria Spot blotch Karnal Bunt Multiple Disease Resistance Fusarium, Septoria, Leaf Rust Septoria (T.durum) Heat Ug99 Green= Operational Red= Planned Phenotyping Platforms • Hubs for generating high quality phenotypic data, under defined good practices, and promoting training and sharing of the generated knowledge. • Some sites represent future climate analogues, others are hotspots for specific diseases. Rust Septoria Winter Wheat Heat Drought Yellow rust (Izmir) Wheat blast Yield (IN+PK) Heat Dry (IN) Heat Humid+ Wheat Blast (BD) Drought (IN) Heat Drought H-Fly LR-DW Yield Fusarium Yield Yield Global phenotyping network for wheat improvement
  • 14. www.iwyp.org A Model for Using Collaborative International Research and Development to Address Important Global Problems International Wheat Yield Partnership
  • 15. www.iwyp.org The Problem – Urgent Need to Increase Wheat Yields to Feed 9+ Billion People by 2050 Will require a 60+ % increase in wheat production to meet food demands by 2050
  • 16. www.iwyp.org  By deploying a new model for funding and conducting a coordinated international research program  By combining the best ideas internationally  By making scientific breakthroughs  By being focused on delivery Discoveries Delivery Development Impact Increase the genetic yield potential of wheat by 50% by 2035 IWYP Goal and Strategy
  • 17. www.iwyp.org Harvest Index Biomass Photosynthesis IWYP Hub(s) Traited Germplasm Markers Tools Methods Delivery Elite Lines (via IWIN, others) Phenology Spikelet Fertility Sorting and Assembling the Trait / Marker / Tool Outputs Technology ArchitectureMakers/QTL for yield components Energy Use Efficiency Grain size
  • 18. www.iwyp.org IWYP HUB – Validation and Development HUB Platform approach for Translation  Brings all discoveries into a single central source to compare and combine to seek synergies and generate added value Trait validation Precision phenotyping Field evaluation Prebreeding Trials and distribution (via IWIN, directly)
  • 19. www.iwyp.org Testing sites for progeny of physiological trait (PT) based crosses (~ 50 sites) Pre-breeding nurseries distributed via IWIN • WYCYT: Wheat Yield Collaboration Yield Trial Reynolds M.P., Pask A.J.D., Hoppitt W.J.E., Sonder K., Sukumaran S., Molero G., Saint Pierre C., Payne T., Singh R.P., Braun H.J., Gonzalez F.G., Terrile I.I, Barma N.C.D, Hakim A., He Z., Fan Z., Novoselovic D., Maghraby M., Gad K.I.M., Galal E.G., Hagras A., Mohamed M.M., Morad A.F.A., Kumar U., Singh G.P., Naik R., Kalappanavar I.K., Biradar S., Sai Prasad S.V., Chatrath R., Sharma I., Panchabhai K., Sohu V.S., Mavi G.S., Mishra V.K., Balasubramaniam A., Jalal-Kamali M.R., Khodarahmi M., Dastfal M., Tabib-Ghaffari S.M., Jafarby J., Nikzad A.R., Moghaddam H.A., Ghojogh H., Mehraban A., Solís-Moya E., Camacho-Casas M.A., Figueroa-López P., Ireta-Moreno J., Alvarado-Padilla J.I., Borbón-Gracia A., Torres A., Quiche Y.N., Upadhyay S.R., Pandey D., Imtiaz M., Rehman M.U., Hussain M., Hussain M., Ud-Din R., Qamar M., Kundi M., Mujahid M.Y., Ahmad G., Khan A.J., Sial M.A., Mustatea P., von Well E., Ncala M., de Groot S., Hussein A.H.A., Tahir I.S.A., Idris A.A.M., Elamein H.M.M., Manes Y., Joshi A.K., 2017. Strategic crossing of biomass and harvest index—source and sink— achieves genetic gains in wheat. Euphytica 213:257-80
  • 20. www.iwyp.org Funding Metrics to Date – Target US$100M
  • 23. AgMIP-Wheat 4: Extreme high yielding wheat Senthold Asseng, Pierre Martre & Frank Ewert R.P. Rötter, G. O’Leary, G. Fitzgerald, C. Girousse, M.A. Baber, M.P. Reynolds, F. Giunta, R. Motzo, A.M.S. Kheir, P.J. Thorburn, K. Waha, A.C. Ruane, P.K. Aggarwal, M. Ahmed, J. Balkovic, B. Basso, C. Biernath, M. Bindi, D. Cammarano, A.J. Challinor, G. De Sanctis, B. Dumont, E. Eyshi Rezaei, E. Fereres, R. Ferrise, M. Garcia-Vila, Y. Gao, S. Gayler, G. Hoogenboom, R.C. Izaurralde, M. Jabloun, C.D. Jones, B.T. Kassie, K.C. Kersebaum, C. Klein, A.K. Koehler, B. Liu, S. Minoli, M. Montesino San Martin, C. Müller, S. Naresh Kumar, C. Nendel, J.E. Olesen, T. Palosuo, J.R. Porter, E. Priesack, D. Ripoche, M.A. Semenov, C. Stöckle, P. Stratonovitch, T. Streck, I. Supit, F. Tao, M. Van der Velde, D. Wallach, E. Wang, H. Webber, J. Wolf, P. Woli, Z. Zhang, and Y. Zhu
  • 24. Research questions: 1. Can crop models simulate extreme H-yielding wheat (EHYW)? 2. What climate characteristics are required for EHYW? 3. What crop management is required for EHYW? 4. What crop traits are required for EHYW? AgMIP-Wheat Phase 4 (2018-2020) Extreme high yielding wheat
  • 25. CIMMYT, 4 locations, 2 cvs, 2 yrs, GY, GY-components NZ, detailed measurements, singl cv, 2 years France, x years, cvs Extreme high yielding wheat data
  • 26. CIMMYT, El Batan, Texcoco, Mexico June 1921, 2013 PD Alderman, E Quilligan, S Asseng, F Ewert and MP Reynolds (Editors) AgMIP – Wheat publications Open Data Journal for Agricultural Research 3x
  • 27. Endorsed by G20 Agriculture Ministries in 2011, WI provides framework for strategic research priorities encompassing developed and developing countries. Expert Working Groups: • Adaptation to wheat abiotic stress (included HeDWIC) • Control of wheat pathogens and pests • Durum wheat genomics and breeding • Global wheat germplasm conservation and use community • Improving wheat quality for processing and health • Nutrient use efficiency in wheat • Wheat Agronomy • Wheat breeding methods and strategies • Wheat information systems • Wheat phenotyping to support wheat improvement • Wheat Plant and Crop Modelling
  • 28. HeDWIC Heat and Drought Wheat Improvement Consortium Prioritized by WI-ICC (Jan 2016)
  • 29. Source: Nature Climate Change, 1793: (13 Jan) 2013 + 60C + 4.0C + 2.0C Change in spring wheat productivity by 2100 in 5 scenarios varying from 2C to 6C global average temperature increase
  • 30. Response of farm yield to minimum temp NW Mexico
  • 31. HeDWIC Development Broad consultation (370 people, 77 institutes, 32 countries):  Determine most promising/necessary research areas  Arrange traits/gene research into a rational framework  Develop an organizational structure that facilitates translational research to breeding  Develop a bioinformatics cyber-infrastructure to support research and delivery
  • 33. Priority of heat & drought • Poll conducted on relative priorities for EWG AWAS • Heat and drought stress, i.e. HeDWIC clearly the top priority
  • 34. Resource Capture and Utilization Efficiency Maximize the potential for biomass production at warmer ambient temperatures and with less predictable rainfall/reduced irrigation :  Root systems - function, architecture & biotic interactions  Thermostability of membranes and enzymes  Metabolic adaptations to heat and drought (including osmotic adaptation, and cellular tolerance of stresses)  Respiration, oxidative stress, & photo-protection  Transpiration efficiency, gas exchange and carbon balance  Canopy architecture, development and senescence  GxExM
  • 35. Reproductive Growth & Resource Partitioning Maximize partitioning of biomass to HI and nutritional quality:  Optimising floret fertility  Stress perception and signalling  Carbohydrate storage and partitioning to grain filling  Effects of stress on end-use quality  Crop architecture for yield stability  Phenology for stress avoidance
  • 36. Understanding genetic basis of the phenotype
  • 37. Setting up international collaborations • Clear focus and targets • Pre-existing informal network • Survey literature & current research portfolios • Develop a proposal but don’t overly prescribe • ‘Theory of change’ • ‘Business case’ • Be prepared for a lot of leg work • Expect grey hairs!