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   Unit 10:
The Gas Laws
The Atmosphere is all around us

    an “ocean” of gases
       mixed together


nitrogen (N2)………….. ~78%

oxygen (O2)…………… ~21%

argon (Ar)……………... ~1%

carbon dioxide (CO2)… ~0.04%   Trace amounts of:
                                He, Ne, Rn, SO2,
water vapor (H2O)……. ~0.1%       CH4, NxOx, etc.
Elements that exist as gases at 250C and 1 atmosphere
Properties of Gases
Gases have mass.
• Gases seem to be weightless, but
  they are classified as matter,
  which means they have mass.
• The density of a gas – the mass
  per unit of volume – is much
  less than the density of a
  liquid or solid, however.
Gases have mass.
 It’s this very low density that allows
us to be able to walk through the
room without concerning ourselves
with air resistance.
 Since it is so easy to “swim” across
the room we don’t put much thought
into the mass of a gas.
 Really it is only noticeable if we
have a large collection of gas in a
Physical Characteristics of Gases
• Gases assume the volume and shape of their containers.
• Gases are the most compressible state of matter.
• Gases will mix evenly and completely when confined to the
  same container.
• Gases have much lower densities than liquids and solids.
Gases  can expand to fill its
 container, unlike solids or liquids
The reverse is also true:
 They are easily compressed, or
  squeezed into a smaller volume
 Compressibility is a measure of
  how much the volume of matter
  decreases under pressure
Variables that describe a Gas
There are FOUR variables used to
 describe gases:

            1. pressure (P)
             2. volume (V)
          3. temperature (T)
             4. amount (n)
1. Pressure of Gas
Pressure  results from the collisions
 between gas molecules and the walls
 of the container they are in. More
 molecules means more collisions
 which means more pressure.
Gases naturally move from areas of
 high pressure to low pressure,
 because there is empty space to
 move into – a spray can is example.
Units of Pressure
The  standard unit for pressure is
 Other units include:
  kPa = kilopascal
  mmHg = millimeter of Mercury
  torr = Torrricelli
  psi = pounds per square inch
Convert between Pressure units

       1 atm equals...
        101.325 kPa
         760 mm Hg
          760 torr
          14.69 psi
2. Volume of Gas
In a smaller container, the
 molecules have less room to move.
The particles hit the sides of the
 container more often.
As volume decreases, pressure
 increases. (think of a syringe)
 Thus, volume and pressure are
  inversely related to each other
Units of Volume

The standard unit for
volume is the...

          LITER or L

*There are 1,000 mL in 1 L
3. Temperature of Gas
 Temperature   is a measurement of the
  amount of Kinetic Energy the gas molecules
 Raising the temperature of a gas increases
  the pressure, if the volume is held constant.
  (Temp. and Pres. are directly related)
   The molecules hit the walls harder, and
    more frequently!
 Should you throw an aerosol can into a fire?
  What could happen?
Units of Temperature

The standard unit for temperature
          Kelvin or K

Other units include:
 Degrees Celsius =   oC

 Degrees Fahrenheit =   oF
Absolute Zero
The theoretical temperature at
which all kinetic motion
completely stops. Equal to 0 K
or -273 oC

         K = °C + 273
         °C = K – 273
4. Amount of Gas
When    we inflate a balloon, we are
 adding gas molecules.
Increasing the number of gas
 particles increases the number of
 thus, the pressure increases
 The standard unit for the amount
 of gas molecules is the: MOLE (mol)
And now, we pause for this
    commercial message from STP
                       OK, so it’s really not THIS kind
                                   of STP…
                        STP in chemistry stands for
                        Standard Temperature and

Standard Pressure =    STP allows us to compare
       1 atm           amounts of gases between
                        different pressures and
Standard Temperature          temperatures
   = 0 oC or 273 K
Kinetic Molecular Theory

 The theory states that the tiny
particles in all forms of matter in
all forms of matter are in
constant motion.
 This theory is used to explain
the behaviors common among
 There are 3 basic assumptions
of the KMT as it applies to gases.
Kinetic Molecular Theory of
Three basic assumptions of the kinetic
 theory as it applies to gases:
 #1.   A gas is composed of small,
 particles that have mass- usually
 molecules or atoms. They have...
 Insignificant volume; relatively far apart
  from each other
 No attraction or repulsion between
Kinetic Molecular Theory of
#2. Particles in a gas move rapidly
in constant random motion
Move   in straight paths, changing
 direction only when colliding with one
 another or other objects
Average speed of O2 in air at 20 oC is
 an amazing 1700 km/h!
Kinetic Molecular Theory of

#3. Collisions are perfectly
elastic- meaning kinetic energy is
transferred without loss from one
particle to another- the total
kinetic energy remains constant
Summary of The Kinetic Molecular Theory
      -- explains why gases behave as they do

1. …are so small that they are
      assumed to have zero volume
 2. …are in constant, straight-line motion
 3. …experience elastic collisions in which
      no energy is lost
 4. …have no attractive or repulsive forces toward
      each other
 5.…have an average kinetic energy (KE) that is
      proportional to the absolute temp. of gas
      (i.e., Kelvin temp.)    as Temp. , KE
Kinetic Molecular Theory of
Gas Pressure – defined as the force
exerted by a gas per unit surface
area of an object
 Due  to: a) force of collisions, and b)
  number of collisions
 No particles present? Then there cannot
  be any collisions, and thus no pressure
  – called a vacuum
Kinetic Molecular Theory of
Atmospheric   pressure results from
the collisions of air molecules with
 Decreases    as you climb a mountain
  because the air layer thins out, meaning
  less particles, as elevation increases
Barometer is the measuring device
for atmospheric pressure, which is
dependent upon weather & altitude
Atmospheric pressure changes with altitude:

        As altitude   , pressure   .

              barometer: device to measure
                         air pressure


              mercury                     air
               (Hg)                    pressure
Measuring Pressure
The first device for
measuring atmospheric
pressure was developed
by Evangelista Torricelli
during the 17th century.

The device was called a
  Baro = weight
  Meter = measure           Torricelli
An Early
The normal pressure
due to the atmosphere
at sea level can
support a column of
mercury that is 760 mm
Kinetic Molecular Theory of
Whathappens when a substance is
heated? Particles absorb energy!
 Some    of the energy is stored within the
  particles- this is potential energy, and
  does not raise the temperature
 Remaining energy speeds up the
  particles (increases average kinetic
  energy)- thus increases temperature
Kinetic Molecular Theory of
Anincrease in the average kinetic
energy of particles causes the
temperature to rise.
 As  it cools, the particles tend to move
  more slowly, and the average K.E.
 Is there a point where they slow down

  enough to stop moving?
Kinetic Molecular Theory of
Theparticles would have no kinetic
energy at that point, because they
would have no motion
 Absolute    zero (0 K, or –273
                             oC)  is the
  temperature at which the motion of
  particles theoretically ceases
 This has never been reached, but about
  0.5 x 10 -9 K has been achieved
describes the mixing
of gases. The rate of
diffusion is the rate of
gas mixing.

•Molecules move
from areas of high
concentration to low
Effusion: a gas escapes through a tiny
hole in its container
 -Think of a nail in your car tire…

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Properties of Gases

  • 1. Chemistry Unit 10: The Gas Laws
  • 2. The Atmosphere is all around us  an “ocean” of gases mixed together Composition nitrogen (N2)………….. ~78% oxygen (O2)…………… ~21% argon (Ar)……………... ~1% carbon dioxide (CO2)… ~0.04% Trace amounts of: He, Ne, Rn, SO2, water vapor (H2O)……. ~0.1% CH4, NxOx, etc.
  • 3. Elements that exist as gases at 250C and 1 atmosphere
  • 5. Gases have mass. • Gases seem to be weightless, but they are classified as matter, which means they have mass. • The density of a gas – the mass per unit of volume – is much less than the density of a liquid or solid, however.
  • 6. Gases have mass. It’s this very low density that allows us to be able to walk through the room without concerning ourselves with air resistance. Since it is so easy to “swim” across the room we don’t put much thought into the mass of a gas. Really it is only noticeable if we have a large collection of gas in a container.
  • 7. Physical Characteristics of Gases • Gases assume the volume and shape of their containers. • Gases are the most compressible state of matter. • Gases will mix evenly and completely when confined to the same container. • Gases have much lower densities than liquids and solids.
  • 8. Compressibility Gases can expand to fill its container, unlike solids or liquids The reverse is also true: They are easily compressed, or squeezed into a smaller volume Compressibility is a measure of how much the volume of matter decreases under pressure
  • 9. Variables that describe a Gas There are FOUR variables used to describe gases: 1. pressure (P) 2. volume (V) 3. temperature (T) 4. amount (n)
  • 10. 1. Pressure of Gas Pressure results from the collisions between gas molecules and the walls of the container they are in. More molecules means more collisions which means more pressure. Gases naturally move from areas of high pressure to low pressure, because there is empty space to move into – a spray can is example.
  • 11. Units of Pressure The standard unit for pressure is ATMOSPHERE or atm  Other units include:  kPa = kilopascal  mmHg = millimeter of Mercury  torr = Torrricelli  psi = pounds per square inch
  • 12. Convert between Pressure units 1 atm equals... 101.325 kPa 760 mm Hg 760 torr 14.69 psi
  • 13. 2. Volume of Gas In a smaller container, the molecules have less room to move. The particles hit the sides of the container more often. As volume decreases, pressure increases. (think of a syringe) Thus, volume and pressure are inversely related to each other
  • 14. Units of Volume The standard unit for volume is the... LITER or L *There are 1,000 mL in 1 L
  • 15. 3. Temperature of Gas  Temperature is a measurement of the amount of Kinetic Energy the gas molecules contain  Raising the temperature of a gas increases the pressure, if the volume is held constant. (Temp. and Pres. are directly related) The molecules hit the walls harder, and more frequently!  Should you throw an aerosol can into a fire? What could happen?
  • 16. Units of Temperature The standard unit for temperature is... Kelvin or K Other units include: Degrees Celsius = oC Degrees Fahrenheit = oF
  • 17. Absolute Zero The theoretical temperature at which all kinetic motion completely stops. Equal to 0 K or -273 oC Conversions K = °C + 273 °C = K – 273
  • 18. 4. Amount of Gas When we inflate a balloon, we are adding gas molecules. Increasing the number of gas particles increases the number of collisions thus, the pressure increases  The standard unit for the amount of gas molecules is the: MOLE (mol)
  • 19. And now, we pause for this commercial message from STP OK, so it’s really not THIS kind of STP… STP in chemistry stands for Standard Temperature and Pressure Standard Pressure = STP allows us to compare 1 atm amounts of gases between different pressures and Standard Temperature temperatures = 0 oC or 273 K
  • 20. Kinetic Molecular Theory The theory states that the tiny particles in all forms of matter in all forms of matter are in constant motion. This theory is used to explain the behaviors common among gases There are 3 basic assumptions of the KMT as it applies to gases.
  • 21. Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases Three basic assumptions of the kinetic theory as it applies to gases: #1. A gas is composed of small, particles that have mass- usually molecules or atoms. They have... Insignificant volume; relatively far apart from each other No attraction or repulsion between particles
  • 22. Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases #2. Particles in a gas move rapidly in constant random motion Move in straight paths, changing direction only when colliding with one another or other objects Average speed of O2 in air at 20 oC is an amazing 1700 km/h!
  • 23. Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases #3. Collisions are perfectly elastic- meaning kinetic energy is transferred without loss from one particle to another- the total kinetic energy remains constant
  • 24. Summary of The Kinetic Molecular Theory -- explains why gases behave as they do 1. …are so small that they are assumed to have zero volume 2. …are in constant, straight-line motion 3. …experience elastic collisions in which no energy is lost 4. …have no attractive or repulsive forces toward each other 5.…have an average kinetic energy (KE) that is proportional to the absolute temp. of gas (i.e., Kelvin temp.) as Temp. , KE
  • 25. Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases Gas Pressure – defined as the force exerted by a gas per unit surface area of an object Due to: a) force of collisions, and b) number of collisions No particles present? Then there cannot be any collisions, and thus no pressure – called a vacuum
  • 26. Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases Atmospheric pressure results from the collisions of air molecules with objects Decreases as you climb a mountain because the air layer thins out, meaning less particles, as elevation increases Barometer is the measuring device for atmospheric pressure, which is dependent upon weather & altitude
  • 27. Atmospheric pressure changes with altitude: As altitude , pressure . barometer: device to measure air pressure vacuum mercury air (Hg) pressure
  • 28. Measuring Pressure The first device for measuring atmospheric pressure was developed by Evangelista Torricelli during the 17th century. The device was called a “barometer” Baro = weight Meter = measure Torricelli
  • 29. An Early Barometer The normal pressure due to the atmosphere at sea level can support a column of mercury that is 760 mm high.
  • 30. Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases Whathappens when a substance is heated? Particles absorb energy! Some of the energy is stored within the particles- this is potential energy, and does not raise the temperature Remaining energy speeds up the particles (increases average kinetic energy)- thus increases temperature
  • 31. Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases Anincrease in the average kinetic energy of particles causes the temperature to rise. As it cools, the particles tend to move more slowly, and the average K.E. declines. Is there a point where they slow down enough to stop moving?
  • 32. Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases Theparticles would have no kinetic energy at that point, because they would have no motion Absolute zero (0 K, or –273 oC) is the temperature at which the motion of particles theoretically ceases This has never been reached, but about 0.5 x 10 -9 K has been achieved
  • 33. •Diffusion: describes the mixing of gases. The rate of diffusion is the rate of gas mixing. •Molecules move from areas of high concentration to low concentration.
  • 34. Effusion: a gas escapes through a tiny hole in its container -Think of a nail in your car tire…