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Kingdom ProtistaKingdom Protista
• Protists are a diverse group ofProtists are a diverse group of
eukaryotic organisms, most of which areeukaryotic organisms, most of which are
• Not a really valid “Kingdom”Not a really valid “Kingdom”
Few real evolutionary relationshipsFew real evolutionary relationships
• ContainsContains
AlgaeAlgae: “plant-like” protists: “plant-like” protists
ProtozoaProtozoa: “animal-like” protists: “animal-like” protists
Slime & Water moldsSlime & Water molds: fungal-like: fungal-like
Protista pcc revised
What Are Protists?What Are Protists?
• ““Dumping ground”Dumping ground”
• EukaryoticEukaryotic
• HeterotrophicHeterotrophic and/orand/or
• SingleSingle oror
• Ancestors toAncestors to
animals, plants,animals, plants,
Animal-like ProtistsAnimal-like Protists
• Called Protozoans
• Unicellular
• Require water (live in
water or moist soil)
• Most heterotrophic
• Some photosynthetic
• Most are free-living
• Some parasitic
All Life Functions in Just One CellAll Life Functions in Just One Cell
• Have food and wasteHave food and waste
VACUOLESVACUOLES for storingfor storing
and digesting food &and digesting food &
• Many are capable ofMany are capable of
environment – someenvironment – some
have light sensitivehave light sensitive
All Life Functions in Just One CellAll Life Functions in Just One Cell
• MaintainMaintain
• Contractile VacuolesContractile Vacuoles
pump out excesspump out excess
• FormForm Protective CystsProtective Cysts
when food or water iswhen food or water is
scarce (dormant stagescarce (dormant stage
with hard covering)with hard covering) Contractile VacuoleContractile Vacuole
Plant-like ProtistsPlant-like Protists
Red Algae
Golden Algae
• Photosynthetic
• No true roots, stems,
Plant-like ProtistsPlant-like Protists
Green Algae
Red AlgaeBrown Algae
Golden Algae
• Photosynthetic
• No true roots, stems, leaves
Fungi-like ProtistsFungi-like Protists
• Heterotrophic
• Decomposers
• No cell walls
Slime Molds
Water Molds
• ReproductionReproduction
Asexual:Asexual: fissionfission
Sexual: produceSexual: produce gametesgametes (specialized sex(specialized sex
• Advantage: new combinations of genesAdvantage: new combinations of genes fromfrom
both parents (Red Queen Hypothesis)both parents (Red Queen Hypothesis)
• All reproduceAll reproduce
• Binary FissionBinary Fission --
divides into 2divides into 2
• RapidRapid
reproductive ratereproductive rate
Some Reproduce SEXUALLYSome Reproduce SEXUALLY
ConjugationConjugation -- Opposite mating strains pairOpposite mating strains pair
and exchange genetic material (DNA)and exchange genetic material (DNA)
General CharacteristicsGeneral Characteristics
• EukaryoticEukaryotic
• UnicellularUnicellular
• Some may live in coloniesSome may live in colonies
• May be Autotrophic orMay be Autotrophic or
Heterotrophic or BothHeterotrophic or Both
• Some are motileSome are motile
• Appeared about 1.5 BYAAppeared about 1.5 BYA
Classified into Three Main GroupsClassified into Three Main Groups
• Animal-likeAnimal-like… heterotrophs… heterotrophs
capable of locomotioncapable of locomotion
• Plant-likePlant-like… photosynthetic… photosynthetic
• Fungus-likeFungus-like… decomposers that… decomposers that
reproduce by sporesreproduce by spores
• Some protistsSome protists may exhibit bothmay exhibit both
animal-like & plant-likeanimal-like & plant-like
Sizes of ProtistsSizes of Protists
• UnicellularUnicellular organismsorganisms
• ColoniesColonies
loosely connected groups of cellsloosely connected groups of cells
• CoenocytesCoenocytes
multinucleate masses of cytoplasmmultinucleate masses of cytoplasm
• MulticellularMulticellular organismsorganisms
composed of many cellscomposed of many cells
can get very large – some brown algae (thecan get very large – some brown algae (the
giant kelps) can be 100 feet in lengthgiant kelps) can be 100 feet in length
• Protozoa used to be classified accordingProtozoa used to be classified according
to how they move.to how they move.
Ciliates use fine “hairs” calledCiliates use fine “hairs” called ciliacilia
Flagellates use longer, whip-like hairs calledFlagellates use longer, whip-like hairs called
Amoebas and their relatives useAmoebas and their relatives use pseudopodiapseudopodia
• Pseudopodia are also used to capture foodPseudopodia are also used to capture food
Sporozoans (apicomplexans) don’t have anySporozoans (apicomplexans) don’t have any
ability to move (ability to move (non-motilenon-motile))
• Importance of ProtistsImportance of Protists
HeterotrophicHeterotrophic protists =protists = protozoaprotozoa
• Consume bacteriaConsume bacteria and other protistsand other protists
Components of aquatic and soilComponents of aquatic and soil food websfood webs
help withhelp with recycling nutrientsrecycling nutrients
• Some causeSome cause diseasedisease
Sleeping sicknessSleeping sickness
• Protists are free-living orProtists are free-living or symbioticsymbiotic
• Symbiotic relationships range fromSymbiotic relationships range from
mutualismmutualism toto parasitismparasitism
Classification of Selected MedicallyClassification of Selected Medically
Important ProtozoaImportant Protozoa
Four groupsFour groups
• Mastigophora - flagellatesMastigophora - flagellates
• Sarcodina - amoebaeSarcodina - amoebae
• Ciliophora - ciliatesCiliophora - ciliates
• Apicomplexa – aka SporozoansApicomplexa – aka Sporozoans
Based on:Based on:
• Method of motilityMethod of motility
• Mode of reproductionMode of reproduction
• Stages in the lifecycleStages in the lifecycle
classified byclassified by
method ofmethod of
Phylum RhizopodaPhylum Rhizopoda
(formerly Sarcodina) : ex.(formerly Sarcodina) : ex. AmoebaAmoeba
TheThe AmoebaAmoeba usesuses
pseudopodiapseudopodia for locomotion.for locomotion.
TheThe AmoebaAmoeba in 3D – noticein 3D – notice
the pseudopodsthe pseudopods
Protista pcc revised
AmoebaAmoeba surround and engulf theirsurround and engulf their
food… the process is calledfood… the process is called
AnAn AmoebaAmoeba eating aeating a
• all use cilia for movementall use cilia for movement
• have many specialized structures,have many specialized structures,
including mouths, anal pores,including mouths, anal pores,
contractile vacuoles, and two nucleicontractile vacuoles, and two nuclei
(a large macronucleus and small(a large macronucleus and small
• Ex. –Ex. – ParameciumParamecium andand StentorStentor
Phylum Ciliophora: ex.Phylum Ciliophora: ex. ParameciumParamecium
3D view – taken by a3D view – taken by a
electron microscopeelectron microscope
A closer look at the Cilia….A closer look at the Cilia….
its means of locomotionits means of locomotion
Protista pcc revised
Protista pcc revised
another Ciliate:another Ciliate: StentorStentor
• have flagellahave flagella
• some species ofsome species of
have mutualistichave mutualistic
• ex.-ex.- TrichonymphaTrichonympha
digests cellulosedigests cellulose
in the guts ofin the guts of
Others are parasites, likeOthers are parasites, like
TrypanosomaTrypanosoma, which causes, which causes
African Sleeping Sickness (coma).African Sleeping Sickness (coma).
Tsetse Fly: carries Trypanosoma to
humans; in other words, it’s a Vector
White Blood Cell
Red Blood Cells
Protista pcc revised
Phylum SporozoaPhylum Sporozoa
• are parasitesare parasites
• have no means of locomotionhave no means of locomotion
• form spores that are dispersedform spores that are dispersed
by one or more hostsby one or more hosts
• ex.ex. PlasmodiumPlasmodium, which causes, which causes
Portions of the Life Cycle ofPortions of the Life Cycle of
Plasmodium vivaxPlasmodium vivax
Plasmodium vivax
Red Blood Cells
Protista pcc revised
Pathogenic Flagellates:Pathogenic Flagellates:
• Giardia lambliaGiardia lamblia
• Trichomonas vaginalisTrichomonas vaginalis
• GenusGenus TrypanosomaTrypanosoma
T. bruceiT. brucei causes sleeping sicknesscauses sleeping sickness
T. cruziT. cruzi causes Chagas diseasecauses Chagas disease
• Fecal-oral route of infectionFecal-oral route of infection
recreational water, water, fomites, contaminatedrecreational water, water, fomites, contaminated
uncooked fooduncooked food
• Symptoms normally begin 1 to 2 weeks (average 7Symptoms normally begin 1 to 2 weeks (average 7
days) after becoming infected.days) after becoming infected.
• SymptomsSymptoms
Gas or flatulenceGas or flatulence
Greasy stools that tend to floatGreasy stools that tend to float
Stomach or abdominal crampsStomach or abdominal cramps
Upset stomach or nauseaUpset stomach or nausea
• May lead to weight loss and dehydrationMay lead to weight loss and dehydration
• Symptoms of giardiasis may last 2 to 6 weeks.Symptoms of giardiasis may last 2 to 6 weeks.
Trichomonas vaginalisTrichomonas vaginalis
A flagellate - causesA flagellate - causes
Trichomoniasis, a sexuallyTrichomoniasis, a sexually
transmitted diseasetransmitted disease
• Clinical Features:Clinical Features:
Trichomonas vaginalisTrichomonas vaginalis infection in women isinfection in women is
frequently symptomatic. frequently symptomatic. 
Vaginitis with a purulent discharge is theVaginitis with a purulent discharge is the
prominent symptom, and can be accompanied byprominent symptom, and can be accompanied by
vulvar and cervical lesions, abdominal pain, dysuriavulvar and cervical lesions, abdominal pain, dysuria
and dyspareunia. and dyspareunia. 
The incubation period is 5 to 28 days. The incubation period is 5 to 28 days. 
In men, the infection is frequently asymptomatic;In men, the infection is frequently asymptomatic;
occasionally, urethritis, epididymitis, andoccasionally, urethritis, epididymitis, and
prostatitis can occur.prostatitis can occur.
Protista pcc revised
Tsetse fly
(flagellates) in blood(flagellates) in blood
Kissing bugKissing bug
Tsetse FlyTsetse Fly
25 µm
Red blood
with undulating
Figure 5.27
T. cruzi causes
Chagas disease
East Africa West Africa
African Sleeping Sickness
African Sleeping SicknessAfrican Sleeping Sickness
• Bite reactionBite reaction
• ParasitemiaParasitemia
attacks of fever which starts 2-3 weeksattacks of fever which starts 2-3 weeks
after the biteafter the bite
• CNS StageCNS Stage
changes in character and personalitychanges in character and personality
• Terminal stage is marked by wasting andTerminal stage is marked by wasting and
• Death results from coma, intercurrentDeath results from coma, intercurrent
infection or cardiac failureinfection or cardiac failure
Protista pcc revised
SarcodinaSarcodina (Amoebas)(Amoebas)
• PseudopodsPseudopods
• Some have flagellated reproductive statesSome have flagellated reproductive states
• Asexual reproduction by fissionAsexual reproduction by fission
• Two groups have an external shellTwo groups have an external shell
• Mostly uninucleateMostly uninucleate
• Usually encystUsually encyst
• Most free-livingMost free-living
• ExamplesExamples
Figure 5.24
Infective Amoebas:Infective Amoebas: EntamoebaEntamoeba
• Amoebiasis caused byAmoebiasis caused by EntamoebaEntamoeba
• Fourth most common protozoanFourth most common protozoan
infection in the worldinfection in the world
• AkaAka amoebic dysenteryamoebic dysentery
Figure 5.28
Entamoeba histolytica
Entameoba histolytica
Causes amoebic
dysentery (diarrhea)
and can enter the liver,
lungs, and brain
Naegleria fowleri
Protista pcc revised
Cyanophora paradoxaCyanophora paradoxa - has no- has no
chloroplasts; contains anchloroplasts; contains an
endosymbiotic cyanobacterium.endosymbiotic cyanobacterium.
PelomyxaPelomyxa has nohas no
mitochondria; thismitochondria; this
amoeba depends onamoeba depends on
aerobic bacterialaerobic bacterial
symbionts to carry outsymbionts to carry out
More support for the theory:More support for the theory:
Living organisms that containLiving organisms that contain
endosymbiotic bacteria that carryendosymbiotic bacteria that carry
out vital functions in the cell.out vital functions in the cell.
CiliophoraCiliophora (Ciliated)(Ciliated)
• Trophozoites mobile by ciliaTrophozoites mobile by cilia
• Some have cilia in tufts for feeding andSome have cilia in tufts for feeding and
• Most develop cystsMost develop cysts
• Both macronuclei and micronucleiBoth macronuclei and micronuclei
• Division by transverse fissionDivision by transverse fission
• Most have definite mouth and feedingMost have definite mouth and feeding
• Show relatively advanced behaviorShow relatively advanced behavior
• Majority are free-living and harmlessMajority are free-living and harmless
Protista pcc revised
Protista pcc revised
Balantidium coliBalantidium coli
• Only known ciliate that is pathogenic inOnly known ciliate that is pathogenic in
• Affects humans, other primates, and pigsAffects humans, other primates, and pigs
which are the reservoirwhich are the reservoir
• Lives in the large intestine and causesLives in the large intestine and causes
• Trophozoites can also be detected in tissue.Trophozoites can also be detected in tissue.
• Collect a tissue specimen from the largeCollect a tissue specimen from the large
intestine, by sigmoidoscopyintestine, by sigmoidoscopy
• Most cases are asymptomatic. Most cases are asymptomatic. 
Clinical manifestations, whenClinical manifestations, when
present, include persistentpresent, include persistent
diarrhea, occasionally dysentery,diarrhea, occasionally dysentery,
abdominal pain, and weight loss. abdominal pain, and weight loss. 
Symptoms can be severe inSymptoms can be severe in
debilitated persons.debilitated persons.
• Diagnosis is based on detectionDiagnosis is based on detection
of trophozoites in stoolof trophozoites in stool
specimens or in tissue collectedspecimens or in tissue collected
during endoscopy. during endoscopy. 
• Repeated stool samplesRepeated stool samples
• TreatmentTreatment
Tetracycline with metronidazoleTetracycline with metronidazole
and iodoquinol as alternativesand iodoquinol as alternatives
Protista pcc revised
ApicomplexaApicomplexa (Sporozoa)(Sporozoa)
• Most not motile except male gametesMost not motile except male gametes
• Complex life cyclesComplex life cycles
• ProduceProduce sporozoitessporozoites following sexualfollowing sexual
• Important in transmission of infectionsImportant in transmission of infections
• Most form oocystsMost form oocysts
• Entire group is parasiticEntire group is parasitic
• ExamplesExamples
PlasmodiumPlasmodium sppspp..
Toxoplasma gondiiToxoplasma gondii
Cryptosporidium parvumCryptosporidium parvum
Protista pcc revised
Mosquito - transmits theMosquito - transmits the
malaria parasitemalaria parasite PlasmodiumPlasmodium
vivaxvivax (a sporozoan)(a sporozoan)
Malaria parasite inMalaria parasite in
red blood cellsred blood cells
Parasites breakingParasites breaking
out of red bloodout of red blood
• Parasite causes eye and brain damage in aParasite causes eye and brain damage in a
baby, if untreated.baby, if untreated.
• Acute infection in older children and adultsAcute infection in older children and adults
may be without symptoms, cause flu likemay be without symptoms, cause flu like
illness or enlarged lymph glands.illness or enlarged lymph glands.
• Latent parasite occurs very commonly inLatent parasite occurs very commonly in
people infecting approximately a third to apeople infecting approximately a third to a
half of all humans.half of all humans.
Can cause active disease if a person becomesCan cause active disease if a person becomes
immune compromisedimmune compromised
Protozoan Identification andProtozoan Identification and
• Shape and size of cellShape and size of cell
• Type, number, and distribution ofType, number, and distribution of
locomotor structureslocomotor structures
• Presence of special organelles or cystsPresence of special organelles or cysts
• Number of nucleiNumber of nuclei
• Can be cultivated on artificial media orCan be cultivated on artificial media or
in laboratory animalsin laboratory animals
Toxoplasma gondiiToxoplasma gondii
• Clinical FeaturesClinical Features::
Generally an asymptomatic or mild self-limitingGenerally an asymptomatic or mild self-limiting
infection. infection. 
Immunodeficient patientsImmunodeficient patients
• brain lesionsbrain lesions
• pneumonitispneumonitis
Pregnant women/infantPregnant women/infant
• miscarriage; still birthsmiscarriage; still births
• cerebral palsey; seisurescerebral palsey; seisures
• mental retardationmental retardation
• eye infections; impairedeye infections; impaired
• enlarged liver and spleenenlarged liver and spleen
CryptosporidiumCryptosporidium can be a problem incan be a problem in
municipal water supplies.municipal water supplies.
CryptosporidiumCryptosporidium affectsaffects
humans, dogs, and cattlehumans, dogs, and cattle
Intracellular parasite
Causes diarrhea
Affects humans, cattle,
sheep, dogs
No effective drug
treatment for
Antibiotics are
supportive care only
Protista pcc revised
Protista pcc revised
Important Protozoan PathogensImportant Protozoan Pathogens
Phylum ForaminiferaPhylum Foraminifera
• have a protective shell or TEST, usuallyhave a protective shell or TEST, usually
made of calcium carbonatemade of calcium carbonate
• layers of tests can deposit on the oceanlayers of tests can deposit on the ocean
these can form limestone and chalk, likethese can form limestone and chalk, like
the White Cliffs of Doverthe White Cliffs of Dover
Some species of forams are good indicatorsSome species of forams are good indicators
of oil deposits belowof oil deposits below
Cliffs ofCliffs of
Plant-like ProtistsPlant-like Protists
are classified byare classified by
Plant Like ProtistaPlant Like Protista
• Importance of ProtistsImportance of Protists
AutotrophicAutotrophic protists =protists = algaealgae
• Photosynthetic algae are the most importantPhotosynthetic algae are the most important
primary producersprimary producers of the world’s freshwaterof the world’s freshwater
and marine ecosystemsand marine ecosystems
Many are microscopicMany are microscopic
Some are huge: kelpSome are huge: kelp
• Few cause diseaseFew cause disease
Toxic blooms of dinoflagellates causeToxic blooms of dinoflagellates cause
• Red tidesRed tides
• shellfish poisoningshellfish poisoning
Giant Kelp
Photosynthetic ProducersPhotosynthetic Producers
6 CO2 + 6H2O 6 C6H12O6
Lake Trophic LevelsLake Trophic Levels
Algae - producersAlgae - producers
Phylum ChlorophytaPhylum Chlorophyta
• have both chlorophyllhave both chlorophyll aa andand bb (so they(so they
are green)are green)
• have cellulose cell wallshave cellulose cell walls
• store carbohydrates as starchstore carbohydrates as starch
• have many types of sexual reproductionhave many types of sexual reproduction
• exhibit many types of organizationexhibit many types of organization
--Are thought to be the ancestors of--Are thought to be the ancestors of
Variations in SexualVariations in Sexual
• IsogamousIsogamous= both sperm and egg= both sperm and egg
are motile and equal in sizeare motile and equal in size
• AnisogamousAnisogamous= both sperm and= both sperm and
egg are motile and differ in sizeegg are motile and differ in size
• OogamousOogamous= large, nonmotile egg= large, nonmotile egg
and small, motile spermand small, motile sperm
Variations in SexualVariations in Sexual
Phylum ChlorophytaPhylum Chlorophyta
1. Unicellular1. Unicellular
2. Filamentous2. Filamentous
3. Colonial3. Colonial
4. Bi-layer4. Bi-layer
Unicellular Green AlgaeUnicellular Green Algae
Filamentous Green AlgaeFilamentous Green Algae
has spiral-shaped chloroplastshas spiral-shaped chloroplasts
another filamentous Green Algaeanother filamentous Green Algae
2 Star-shaped chloroplasts per2 Star-shaped chloroplasts per
a colonial Green Algae …a colonial Green Algae … VolvoxVolvox
Mother colony with DaughterMother colony with Daughter
Mother Colony
Daughter Colony
a bi-layered Greena bi-layered Green
UlvaUlva (sea lettuce)(sea lettuce)
Protista pcc revised
Harvesting UlvaHarvesting Ulva
• brown algaebrown algae
• multicellularmulticellular
• flagellated spermflagellated sperm
• Ex.:Ex.: FucusFucus & Kelp& Kelp
Phylum Pheaophyta:Phylum Pheaophyta:
Brown Algae… Laminaria… KelpBrown Algae… Laminaria… Kelp
Air Bladders:
Used to take blades
to the surface for
Phylum Rhodophyta:Phylum Rhodophyta:
Red AlgaeRed Algae
• are
• contain red
pigments called
• gametes do not
have flagella
• formerly known as Pyrrophyta or fireformerly known as Pyrrophyta or fire
• have two flagellahave two flagella
• some are bioluminescent, producingsome are bioluminescent, producing
• others produce nerve toxinsothers produce nerve toxins
dinoflagellates are collected anddinoflagellates are collected and
concentrated in filter-feedingconcentrated in filter-feeding
Phylum DinoflagellataPhylum Dinoflagellata
Phylum DinoflagellataPhylum Dinoflagellata
ex.ex. PeridiniumPeridinium
Red Tide-Red Tide-
results from a bloomresults from a bloom
ofof PeridiniumPeridinium
Phylum Bacillariophyta:Phylum Bacillariophyta:
Diatoms… have tests (shells) thatDiatoms… have tests (shells) that
contain silica (SiOcontain silica (SiO22), or glass), or glass
Diatom StrewDiatom Strew
Diatoms - a SEMDiatoms - a SEM
Phylum EuglenophytaPhylum Euglenophyta
• have one to three flagella at theirhave one to three flagella at their
leading (apical) endleading (apical) end
• have thin protein strips calledhave thin protein strips called
pellicles wrapped over theirpellicles wrapped over their
• have an eyespot that permits themhave an eyespot that permits them
to swim toward lightto swim toward light
• can become heterotrophic whencan become heterotrophic when
there is no lightthere is no light
EuglenaEuglena (arrow indicates anterior(arrow indicates anterior
The Euglena uses a flagella asThe Euglena uses a flagella as
means of locomotion.means of locomotion.
• Are golden yellowAre golden yellow
• Have one or two apicalHave one or two apical
Examples of AutotrophicExamples of Autotrophic
Protists (Algae)Protists (Algae)
Giant Kelp Forest
Desmids – a type ofDesmids – a type of
green algaegreen algae
Green and goldenGreen and golden
TabellariaTabellaria - a diatom Note the sheets- a diatom Note the sheets
of rectangular cellsof rectangular cells
AsterionellaAsterionella - a diatom- a diatom
A chrysophyte algae – Early SpringA chrysophyte algae – Early Spring
Gonyaulax (another
flagellate) and view of
red tide
Fungal LikeFungal Like
• Most protists live inMost protists live in
freshwater pondsfreshwater ponds
• Parasitic protists live in body fluids ofParasitic protists live in body fluids of
Phylum Acrasiomycota:Phylum Acrasiomycota:
Cellular Slime MoldsCellular Slime Molds
• have both fungus and protist characteristicshave both fungus and protist characteristics
• spores germinate into amoebas that feed onspores germinate into amoebas that feed on
• When food is depleted,When food is depleted, cyclic AMPcyclic AMP is released,is released,
causing amoebas to aggregate into one unitcausing amoebas to aggregate into one unit
• the crowd of amoebas form a slug that migratesthe crowd of amoebas form a slug that migrates
• cells from the slug form a stalk with a capsule,cells from the slug form a stalk with a capsule,
which makes sporeswhich makes spores
• spores are released, and the cycle repeatsspores are released, and the cycle repeats
Acrasiomycota Life CycleAcrasiomycota Life Cycle
Phylum AcrasiomycotaPhylum Acrasiomycota
colony &
fruiting body
Phylum Myxomycota: PlasmodialPhylum Myxomycota: Plasmodial
Slime MoldsSlime Molds
• grow as a single, spreading mass or plasmodiumgrow as a single, spreading mass or plasmodium
• feed on decaying vegetationfeed on decaying vegetation
• when the environment becomes unfavorable (nowhen the environment becomes unfavorable (no
food or water), they form stalks and spore-food or water), they form stalks and spore-
producing capsulesproducing capsules
• haploid spores germinate into amoeboid orhaploid spores germinate into amoeboid or
flagellated cellsflagellated cells
• these cells fuse to form a new diploid plasmodiumthese cells fuse to form a new diploid plasmodium
Myxomycota Life CycleMyxomycota Life Cycle
Phylum OomycotaPhylum Oomycota
• are parasitic and saprophyticare parasitic and saprophytic
• form filaments, orform filaments, or hyphahyphae (like fungi)e (like fungi)
• secrete enzymes into surroundings &secrete enzymes into surroundings &
absorb nutrients (like fungi)absorb nutrients (like fungi)
• filaments lackfilaments lack septasepta oror cross wallscross walls
resulting in many nuclei in a cell, they areresulting in many nuclei in a cell, they are
• have cell walls made of cellulose, nothave cell walls made of cellulose, not
• water moldswater molds
• downy mildewsdowny mildews
• white rustswhite rusts
Life CycleLife Cycle
Powdery Mildew
Phylum OomycotaPhylum Oomycota
• potatoes are native to North Americapotatoes are native to North America
• they were introduced to Europe andthey were introduced to Europe and
became a staple of the dietbecame a staple of the diet
• during the summer of 1846 most ofduring the summer of 1846 most of
the potato crop was destroyed bythe potato crop was destroyed by
PhytophthoraPhytophthora (an oomycota)(an oomycota)
• nearly 1,000,000 Irish people died, andnearly 1,000,000 Irish people died, and
1,500,000 emigrated to other1,500,000 emigrated to other
countries, like the U.S.countries, like the U.S.
Protista pcc revised
Pfiesteria piscicida.Ulcers on fish caused by
Note the long flagella
Evolutionary ConsiderationsEvolutionary Considerations
• One group of flagellates, theOne group of flagellates, the
choanoflagellates, is thought tochoanoflagellates, is thought to
have given rise to the simplesthave given rise to the simplest
animals, the sponges.animals, the sponges.
Protista pcc revised

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Protista pcc revised

  • 2. KEY CONCEPTSKEY CONCEPTS • Protists are a diverse group ofProtists are a diverse group of eukaryotic organisms, most of which areeukaryotic organisms, most of which are microscopicmicroscopic
  • 3. ProtistaProtista • Not a really valid “Kingdom”Not a really valid “Kingdom” • Few real evolutionary relationshipsFew real evolutionary relationships • ContainsContains • AlgaeAlgae: “plant-like” protists: “plant-like” protists • ProtozoaProtozoa: “animal-like” protists: “animal-like” protists • Slime & Water moldsSlime & Water molds: fungal-like: fungal-like protistsprotists
  • 5. What Are Protists?What Are Protists? • ““Dumping ground”Dumping ground” kingdomkingdom • EukaryoticEukaryotic • HeterotrophicHeterotrophic and/orand/or autotrophicautotrophic • SingleSingle oror multicellularmulticellular • Ancestors toAncestors to animals, plants,animals, plants, fungifungi
  • 6. Animal-like ProtistsAnimal-like Protists • Called Protozoans • Unicellular • Require water (live in water or moist soil) • Most heterotrophic • Some photosynthetic • Most are free-living • Some parasitic
  • 7. All Life Functions in Just One CellAll Life Functions in Just One Cell • Have food and wasteHave food and waste VACUOLESVACUOLES for storingfor storing and digesting food &and digesting food & wasteswastes • Many are capable ofMany are capable of MOVEMENTMOVEMENT • RESPONDRESPOND toto environment – someenvironment – some have light sensitivehave light sensitive eyespoteyespot Amoeba Paramecium
  • 8. All Life Functions in Just One CellAll Life Functions in Just One Cell • MaintainMaintain HOMEOSTASISHOMEOSTASIS • Contractile VacuolesContractile Vacuoles pump out excesspump out excess waterwater • FormForm Protective CystsProtective Cysts when food or water iswhen food or water is scarce (dormant stagescarce (dormant stage with hard covering)with hard covering) Contractile VacuoleContractile Vacuole PumpingPumping
  • 9. Plant-like ProtistsPlant-like Protists Red Algae Golden Algae • Photosynthetic • No true roots, stems, leaves
  • 10. Plant-like ProtistsPlant-like Protists Green Algae Red AlgaeBrown Algae Golden Algae • Photosynthetic • No true roots, stems, leaves
  • 11. Fungi-like ProtistsFungi-like Protists • Heterotrophic • Decomposers • No cell walls Slime Molds Water Molds
  • 12. ReproductionReproduction • ReproductionReproduction • Asexual:Asexual: fissionfission • Sexual: produceSexual: produce gametesgametes (specialized sex(specialized sex cells)cells) • Advantage: new combinations of genesAdvantage: new combinations of genes fromfrom both parents (Red Queen Hypothesis)both parents (Red Queen Hypothesis)
  • 13. ReproductionReproduction • All reproduceAll reproduce ASEXUALLYASEXUALLY • Binary FissionBinary Fission -- divides into 2divides into 2 identicalidentical individualsindividuals (clones)(clones) • RapidRapid reproductive ratereproductive rate
  • 14. Some Reproduce SEXUALLYSome Reproduce SEXUALLY ConjugationConjugation -- Opposite mating strains pairOpposite mating strains pair and exchange genetic material (DNA)and exchange genetic material (DNA)
  • 16. General CharacteristicsGeneral Characteristics • EukaryoticEukaryotic • UnicellularUnicellular • Some may live in coloniesSome may live in colonies • May be Autotrophic orMay be Autotrophic or Heterotrophic or BothHeterotrophic or Both • Some are motileSome are motile • Appeared about 1.5 BYAAppeared about 1.5 BYA
  • 17. Classified into Three Main GroupsClassified into Three Main Groups • Animal-likeAnimal-like… heterotrophs… heterotrophs capable of locomotioncapable of locomotion • Plant-likePlant-like… photosynthetic… photosynthetic autotrophsautotrophs • Fungus-likeFungus-like… decomposers that… decomposers that reproduce by sporesreproduce by spores • Some protistsSome protists may exhibit bothmay exhibit both animal-like & plant-likeanimal-like & plant-like characteristicscharacteristics
  • 18. Sizes of ProtistsSizes of Protists • UnicellularUnicellular organismsorganisms • microscopicmicroscopic • ColoniesColonies • loosely connected groups of cellsloosely connected groups of cells • CoenocytesCoenocytes • multinucleate masses of cytoplasmmultinucleate masses of cytoplasm • MulticellularMulticellular organismsorganisms • composed of many cellscomposed of many cells • can get very large – some brown algae (thecan get very large – some brown algae (the giant kelps) can be 100 feet in lengthgiant kelps) can be 100 feet in length
  • 19. LocomotionLocomotion • Protozoa used to be classified accordingProtozoa used to be classified according to how they move.to how they move. • Ciliates use fine “hairs” calledCiliates use fine “hairs” called ciliacilia • Flagellates use longer, whip-like hairs calledFlagellates use longer, whip-like hairs called flagellaflagella • Amoebas and their relatives useAmoebas and their relatives use pseudopodiapseudopodia • Pseudopodia are also used to capture foodPseudopodia are also used to capture food • Sporozoans (apicomplexans) don’t have anySporozoans (apicomplexans) don’t have any ability to move (ability to move (non-motilenon-motile))
  • 20. ImportanceImportance • Importance of ProtistsImportance of Protists • HeterotrophicHeterotrophic protists =protists = protozoaprotozoa • Consume bacteriaConsume bacteria and other protistsand other protists • Components of aquatic and soilComponents of aquatic and soil food websfood webs • help withhelp with recycling nutrientsrecycling nutrients • Some causeSome cause diseasedisease • MalariaMalaria • DysenteryDysentery • Sleeping sicknessSleeping sickness • othersothers
  • 21. InteractionsInteractions • Protists are free-living orProtists are free-living or symbioticsymbiotic • Symbiotic relationships range fromSymbiotic relationships range from mutualismmutualism toto parasitismparasitism
  • 22. Classification of Selected MedicallyClassification of Selected Medically Important ProtozoaImportant Protozoa • Four groupsFour groups • Mastigophora - flagellatesMastigophora - flagellates • Sarcodina - amoebaeSarcodina - amoebae • Ciliophora - ciliatesCiliophora - ciliates • Apicomplexa – aka SporozoansApicomplexa – aka Sporozoans • Based on:Based on: • Method of motilityMethod of motility • Mode of reproductionMode of reproduction • Stages in the lifecycleStages in the lifecycle
  • 24. Phylum RhizopodaPhylum Rhizopoda (formerly Sarcodina) : ex.(formerly Sarcodina) : ex. AmoebaAmoeba
  • 25. TheThe AmoebaAmoeba usesuses pseudopodiapseudopodia for locomotion.for locomotion.
  • 26. TheThe AmoebaAmoeba in 3D – noticein 3D – notice the pseudopodsthe pseudopods
  • 28. AmoebaAmoeba surround and engulf theirsurround and engulf their food… the process is calledfood… the process is called phagocytosisphagocytosis..
  • 29. AnAn AmoebaAmoeba eating aeating a ParameciumParamecium..
  • 30. CiliophoraCiliophora • all use cilia for movementall use cilia for movement • have many specialized structures,have many specialized structures, including mouths, anal pores,including mouths, anal pores, contractile vacuoles, and two nucleicontractile vacuoles, and two nuclei (a large macronucleus and small(a large macronucleus and small micronuclei)micronuclei) • Ex. –Ex. – ParameciumParamecium andand StentorStentor
  • 31. Phylum Ciliophora: ex.Phylum Ciliophora: ex. ParameciumParamecium
  • 32. 3D view – taken by a3D view – taken by a scanningscanning electron microscopeelectron microscope
  • 33. A closer look at the Cilia….A closer look at the Cilia…. its means of locomotionits means of locomotion
  • 37. PhylumPhylum ZoomastigophoraZoomastigophora • have flagellahave flagella • some species ofsome species of zooflagellateszooflagellates have mutualistichave mutualistic relationshipsrelationships • ex.-ex.- TrichonymphaTrichonympha digests cellulosedigests cellulose in the guts ofin the guts of termitestermites
  • 38. Others are parasites, likeOthers are parasites, like TrypanosomaTrypanosoma, which causes, which causes African Sleeping Sickness (coma).African Sleeping Sickness (coma).
  • 40. TrypanosomaTrypanosoma Tsetse Fly: carries Trypanosoma to humans; in other words, it’s a Vector White Blood Cell Red Blood Cells Trypanosoma
  • 42. Phylum SporozoaPhylum Sporozoa • are parasitesare parasites • have no means of locomotionhave no means of locomotion • form spores that are dispersedform spores that are dispersed by one or more hostsby one or more hosts • ex.ex. PlasmodiumPlasmodium, which causes, which causes malariamalaria
  • 43. Portions of the Life Cycle ofPortions of the Life Cycle of Plasmodium vivaxPlasmodium vivax It’s Vector: Anopheles Mosquito Plasmodium vivax Red Blood Cells
  • 45. Pathogenic Flagellates:Pathogenic Flagellates: TrypanosomesTrypanosomes • Giardia lambliaGiardia lamblia • Trichomonas vaginalisTrichomonas vaginalis • GenusGenus TrypanosomaTrypanosoma • T. bruceiT. brucei causes sleeping sicknesscauses sleeping sickness • T. cruziT. cruzi causes Chagas diseasecauses Chagas disease
  • 47. GiardiasisGiardiasis • Fecal-oral route of infectionFecal-oral route of infection • recreational water, water, fomites, contaminatedrecreational water, water, fomites, contaminated uncooked fooduncooked food • Symptoms normally begin 1 to 2 weeks (average 7Symptoms normally begin 1 to 2 weeks (average 7 days) after becoming infected.days) after becoming infected. • SymptomsSymptoms • DiarrheaDiarrhea • Gas or flatulenceGas or flatulence • Greasy stools that tend to floatGreasy stools that tend to float • Stomach or abdominal crampsStomach or abdominal cramps • Upset stomach or nauseaUpset stomach or nausea • May lead to weight loss and dehydrationMay lead to weight loss and dehydration • Symptoms of giardiasis may last 2 to 6 weeks.Symptoms of giardiasis may last 2 to 6 weeks.
  • 48. Trichomonas vaginalisTrichomonas vaginalis A flagellate - causesA flagellate - causes Trichomoniasis, a sexuallyTrichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted diseasetransmitted disease
  • 49. TrichomoniasisTrichomoniasis • STDSTD • Clinical Features:Clinical Features: • Trichomonas vaginalisTrichomonas vaginalis infection in women isinfection in women is frequently symptomatic. frequently symptomatic.  • Vaginitis with a purulent discharge is theVaginitis with a purulent discharge is the prominent symptom, and can be accompanied byprominent symptom, and can be accompanied by vulvar and cervical lesions, abdominal pain, dysuriavulvar and cervical lesions, abdominal pain, dysuria and dyspareunia. and dyspareunia.  • The incubation period is 5 to 28 days. The incubation period is 5 to 28 days.  • In men, the infection is frequently asymptomatic;In men, the infection is frequently asymptomatic; occasionally, urethritis, epididymitis, andoccasionally, urethritis, epididymitis, and prostatitis can occur.prostatitis can occur.
  • 51. Tsetse fly TrypanosomesTrypanosomes (flagellates) in blood(flagellates) in blood smearsmear Kissing bugKissing bug Tsetse FlyTsetse Fly
  • 53. Figure 5.27 T. cruzi causes Chagas disease
  • 54. East Africa West Africa African Sleeping Sickness
  • 55. African Sleeping SicknessAfrican Sleeping Sickness • Bite reactionBite reaction • ParasitemiaParasitemia • attacks of fever which starts 2-3 weeksattacks of fever which starts 2-3 weeks after the biteafter the bite • CNS StageCNS Stage • changes in character and personalitychanges in character and personality • Terminal stage is marked by wasting andTerminal stage is marked by wasting and emaciationemaciation • Death results from coma, intercurrentDeath results from coma, intercurrent infection or cardiac failureinfection or cardiac failure
  • 57. SarcodinaSarcodina (Amoebas)(Amoebas) • PseudopodsPseudopods • Some have flagellated reproductive statesSome have flagellated reproductive states • Asexual reproduction by fissionAsexual reproduction by fission • Two groups have an external shellTwo groups have an external shell • Mostly uninucleateMostly uninucleate • Usually encystUsually encyst • Most free-livingMost free-living • ExamplesExamples • EntamoebaEntamoeba • ForaminiferaForaminifera • RadiolariansRadiolarians
  • 59. Infective Amoebas:Infective Amoebas: EntamoebaEntamoeba • Amoebiasis caused byAmoebiasis caused by EntamoebaEntamoeba histolyticahistolytica • Fourth most common protozoanFourth most common protozoan infection in the worldinfection in the world • AkaAka amoebic dysenteryamoebic dysentery
  • 61. Entameoba histolytica Causes amoebic dysentery (diarrhea) and can enter the liver, lungs, and brain
  • 65. Cyanophora paradoxaCyanophora paradoxa - has no- has no chloroplasts; contains anchloroplasts; contains an endosymbiotic cyanobacterium.endosymbiotic cyanobacterium. PelomyxaPelomyxa has nohas no mitochondria; thismitochondria; this amoeba depends onamoeba depends on aerobic bacterialaerobic bacterial symbionts to carry outsymbionts to carry out respirationrespiration More support for the theory:More support for the theory: Living organisms that containLiving organisms that contain endosymbiotic bacteria that carryendosymbiotic bacteria that carry out vital functions in the cell.out vital functions in the cell.
  • 67. CiliophoraCiliophora (Ciliated)(Ciliated) • Trophozoites mobile by ciliaTrophozoites mobile by cilia • Some have cilia in tufts for feeding andSome have cilia in tufts for feeding and attachmentattachment • Most develop cystsMost develop cysts • Both macronuclei and micronucleiBoth macronuclei and micronuclei • Division by transverse fissionDivision by transverse fission • Most have definite mouth and feedingMost have definite mouth and feeding organelleorganelle • Show relatively advanced behaviorShow relatively advanced behavior • Majority are free-living and harmlessMajority are free-living and harmless
  • 71. Balantidium coliBalantidium coli • Only known ciliate that is pathogenic inOnly known ciliate that is pathogenic in humanshumans • Affects humans, other primates, and pigsAffects humans, other primates, and pigs which are the reservoirwhich are the reservoir • Lives in the large intestine and causesLives in the large intestine and causes diarrheadiarrhea • Trophozoites can also be detected in tissue.Trophozoites can also be detected in tissue. • Collect a tissue specimen from the largeCollect a tissue specimen from the large intestine, by sigmoidoscopyintestine, by sigmoidoscopy
  • 73. • Most cases are asymptomatic. Most cases are asymptomatic.  • Clinical manifestations, whenClinical manifestations, when present, include persistentpresent, include persistent diarrhea, occasionally dysentery,diarrhea, occasionally dysentery, abdominal pain, and weight loss. abdominal pain, and weight loss.  • Symptoms can be severe inSymptoms can be severe in debilitated persons.debilitated persons. • Diagnosis is based on detectionDiagnosis is based on detection of trophozoites in stoolof trophozoites in stool specimens or in tissue collectedspecimens or in tissue collected during endoscopy. during endoscopy.  • Repeated stool samplesRepeated stool samples • TreatmentTreatment • Tetracycline with metronidazoleTetracycline with metronidazole and iodoquinol as alternativesand iodoquinol as alternatives
  • 75. ApicomplexaApicomplexa (Sporozoa)(Sporozoa) • Most not motile except male gametesMost not motile except male gametes • Complex life cyclesComplex life cycles • ProduceProduce sporozoitessporozoites following sexualfollowing sexual reproductionreproduction • Important in transmission of infectionsImportant in transmission of infections • Most form oocystsMost form oocysts • Entire group is parasiticEntire group is parasitic • ExamplesExamples • PlasmodiumPlasmodium sppspp.. • Toxoplasma gondiiToxoplasma gondii • Cryptosporidium parvumCryptosporidium parvum
  • 77. Mosquito - transmits theMosquito - transmits the malaria parasitemalaria parasite PlasmodiumPlasmodium vivaxvivax (a sporozoan)(a sporozoan) Malaria parasite inMalaria parasite in red blood cellsred blood cells Parasites breakingParasites breaking out of red bloodout of red blood cellscells
  • 80. ToxoplasmosisToxoplasmosis • Parasite causes eye and brain damage in aParasite causes eye and brain damage in a baby, if untreated.baby, if untreated. • Acute infection in older children and adultsAcute infection in older children and adults may be without symptoms, cause flu likemay be without symptoms, cause flu like illness or enlarged lymph glands.illness or enlarged lymph glands. • Latent parasite occurs very commonly inLatent parasite occurs very commonly in people infecting approximately a third to apeople infecting approximately a third to a half of all humans.half of all humans. • Can cause active disease if a person becomesCan cause active disease if a person becomes immune compromisedimmune compromised
  • 81. Protozoan Identification andProtozoan Identification and CultivationCultivation • Shape and size of cellShape and size of cell • Type, number, and distribution ofType, number, and distribution of locomotor structureslocomotor structures • Presence of special organelles or cystsPresence of special organelles or cysts • Number of nucleiNumber of nuclei • Can be cultivated on artificial media orCan be cultivated on artificial media or in laboratory animalsin laboratory animals
  • 82. Toxoplasma gondiiToxoplasma gondii • Clinical FeaturesClinical Features:: • Generally an asymptomatic or mild self-limitingGenerally an asymptomatic or mild self-limiting infection. infection.  • Immunodeficient patientsImmunodeficient patients • brain lesionsbrain lesions • pneumonitispneumonitis • Pregnant women/infantPregnant women/infant • miscarriage; still birthsmiscarriage; still births • cerebral palsey; seisurescerebral palsey; seisures • mental retardationmental retardation • eye infections; impairedeye infections; impaired visionvision • enlarged liver and spleenenlarged liver and spleen
  • 83. CryptosporidiumCryptosporidium can be a problem incan be a problem in municipal water supplies.municipal water supplies. CryptosporidiumCryptosporidium affectsaffects humans, dogs, and cattlehumans, dogs, and cattle
  • 84. Cryptosporidium Intracellular parasite Causes diarrhea Affects humans, cattle, sheep, dogs No effective drug treatment for cryptosporidiosis Antibiotics are contraindicated; supportive care only
  • 88. Phylum ForaminiferaPhylum Foraminifera • have a protective shell or TEST, usuallyhave a protective shell or TEST, usually made of calcium carbonatemade of calcium carbonate • layers of tests can deposit on the oceanlayers of tests can deposit on the ocean floorfloor • these can form limestone and chalk, likethese can form limestone and chalk, like the White Cliffs of Doverthe White Cliffs of Dover • Some species of forams are good indicatorsSome species of forams are good indicators of oil deposits belowof oil deposits below
  • 90. Plant-like ProtistsPlant-like Protists are classified byare classified by CCOOLLOORR
  • 91. Plant Like ProtistaPlant Like Protista • Importance of ProtistsImportance of Protists • AutotrophicAutotrophic protists =protists = algaealgae • Photosynthetic algae are the most importantPhotosynthetic algae are the most important primary producersprimary producers of the world’s freshwaterof the world’s freshwater and marine ecosystemsand marine ecosystems • Many are microscopicMany are microscopic • Some are huge: kelpSome are huge: kelp • Few cause diseaseFew cause disease • Toxic blooms of dinoflagellates causeToxic blooms of dinoflagellates cause • Red tidesRed tides • shellfish poisoningshellfish poisoning
  • 93. Photosynthetic ProducersPhotosynthetic Producers 6 CO2 + 6H2O 6 C6H12O6 Photosynthesis Respiration Energy Energy
  • 94. Lake Trophic LevelsLake Trophic Levels ZooplanktonZooplankton 11oo consumersconsumers BluegillBluegill 22oo consumersconsumers Algae - producersAlgae - producers BassBass 33oo consumersconsumers OspreyOsprey HumansHumans 44oo consumersconsumers
  • 95. Phylum ChlorophytaPhylum Chlorophyta • have both chlorophyllhave both chlorophyll aa andand bb (so they(so they are green)are green) • have cellulose cell wallshave cellulose cell walls • store carbohydrates as starchstore carbohydrates as starch • have many types of sexual reproductionhave many types of sexual reproduction • exhibit many types of organizationexhibit many types of organization --Are thought to be the ancestors of--Are thought to be the ancestors of plants--plants--
  • 96. Variations in SexualVariations in Sexual ReproductionReproduction • IsogamousIsogamous= both sperm and egg= both sperm and egg are motile and equal in sizeare motile and equal in size • AnisogamousAnisogamous= both sperm and= both sperm and egg are motile and differ in sizeegg are motile and differ in size • OogamousOogamous= large, nonmotile egg= large, nonmotile egg and small, motile spermand small, motile sperm
  • 97. Variations in SexualVariations in Sexual ReproductionReproduction
  • 98. Phylum ChlorophytaPhylum Chlorophyta organizationorganization 1. Unicellular1. Unicellular 2. Filamentous2. Filamentous 3. Colonial3. Colonial 4. Bi-layer4. Bi-layer
  • 99. Unicellular Green AlgaeUnicellular Green Algae ChlamydomonasChlamydomonas
  • 101. Filamentous Green AlgaeFilamentous Green Algae SpirogyraSpirogyra has spiral-shaped chloroplastshas spiral-shaped chloroplasts
  • 102. another filamentous Green Algaeanother filamentous Green Algae ZygnemaZygnema 2 Star-shaped chloroplasts per2 Star-shaped chloroplasts per cellscells
  • 103. a colonial Green Algae …a colonial Green Algae … VolvoxVolvox Mother colony with DaughterMother colony with Daughter coloniescolonies Mother Colony Daughter Colony
  • 104. a bi-layered Greena bi-layered Green AlgaeAlgae UlvaUlva (sea lettuce)(sea lettuce)
  • 107. PhylumPhylum PhaeophytaPhaeophyta • brown algaebrown algae • multicellularmulticellular • flagellated spermflagellated sperm cellscells • Ex.:Ex.: FucusFucus & Kelp& Kelp
  • 108. Phylum Pheaophyta:Phylum Pheaophyta: Brown Algae… Laminaria… KelpBrown Algae… Laminaria… Kelp Air Bladders: Used to take blades to the surface for photosynthesis
  • 109. Phylum Rhodophyta:Phylum Rhodophyta: Red AlgaeRed Algae • are multicellular • contain red accessory pigments called phycobilins • gametes do not have flagella
  • 110. • formerly known as Pyrrophyta or fireformerly known as Pyrrophyta or fire algaealgae • have two flagellahave two flagella • some are bioluminescent, producingsome are bioluminescent, producing lightlight • others produce nerve toxinsothers produce nerve toxins • dinoflagellates are collected anddinoflagellates are collected and concentrated in filter-feedingconcentrated in filter-feeding Phylum DinoflagellataPhylum Dinoflagellata
  • 112. Red Tide-Red Tide- results from a bloomresults from a bloom ofof PeridiniumPeridinium
  • 113. Phylum Bacillariophyta:Phylum Bacillariophyta: Diatoms… have tests (shells) thatDiatoms… have tests (shells) that contain silica (SiOcontain silica (SiO22), or glass), or glass
  • 115. Diatoms - a SEMDiatoms - a SEM picturepicture
  • 116. Phylum EuglenophytaPhylum Euglenophyta • have one to three flagella at theirhave one to three flagella at their leading (apical) endleading (apical) end • have thin protein strips calledhave thin protein strips called pellicles wrapped over theirpellicles wrapped over their membranesmembranes • have an eyespot that permits themhave an eyespot that permits them to swim toward lightto swim toward light • can become heterotrophic whencan become heterotrophic when there is no lightthere is no light
  • 117. EuglenaEuglena (arrow indicates anterior(arrow indicates anterior end)end)
  • 118. The Euglena uses a flagella asThe Euglena uses a flagella as aa means of locomotion.means of locomotion.
  • 119. PhylumPhylum ChrysophytaChrysophyta • Are golden yellowAre golden yellow • Have one or two apicalHave one or two apical flagellaflagella
  • 120. MOREMORE Examples of AutotrophicExamples of Autotrophic Protists (Algae)Protists (Algae)
  • 122. Desmids – a type ofDesmids – a type of green algaegreen algae
  • 123. Green and goldenGreen and golden algaealgae SummerSummer
  • 124. TabellariaTabellaria - a diatom Note the sheets- a diatom Note the sheets of rectangular cellsof rectangular cells
  • 125. AsterionellaAsterionella - a diatom- a diatom
  • 126. DinobryonDinobryon A chrysophyte algae – Early SpringA chrysophyte algae – Early Spring
  • 129. HabitatsHabitats • Most protists live inMost protists live in • oceanocean • freshwater pondsfreshwater ponds • lakeslakes • StreamsStreams • SoilSoil • Parasitic protists live in body fluids ofParasitic protists live in body fluids of hostshosts
  • 130. Phylum Acrasiomycota:Phylum Acrasiomycota: Cellular Slime MoldsCellular Slime Molds • have both fungus and protist characteristicshave both fungus and protist characteristics • spores germinate into amoebas that feed onspores germinate into amoebas that feed on bacteriabacteria • When food is depleted,When food is depleted, cyclic AMPcyclic AMP is released,is released, causing amoebas to aggregate into one unitcausing amoebas to aggregate into one unit • the crowd of amoebas form a slug that migratesthe crowd of amoebas form a slug that migrates • cells from the slug form a stalk with a capsule,cells from the slug form a stalk with a capsule, which makes sporeswhich makes spores • spores are released, and the cycle repeatsspores are released, and the cycle repeats
  • 133. Phylum Myxomycota: PlasmodialPhylum Myxomycota: Plasmodial Slime MoldsSlime Molds • grow as a single, spreading mass or plasmodiumgrow as a single, spreading mass or plasmodium • feed on decaying vegetationfeed on decaying vegetation • when the environment becomes unfavorable (nowhen the environment becomes unfavorable (no food or water), they form stalks and spore-food or water), they form stalks and spore- producing capsulesproducing capsules • haploid spores germinate into amoeboid orhaploid spores germinate into amoeboid or flagellated cellsflagellated cells • these cells fuse to form a new diploid plasmodiumthese cells fuse to form a new diploid plasmodium
  • 136. Phylum OomycotaPhylum Oomycota • are parasitic and saprophyticare parasitic and saprophytic • form filaments, orform filaments, or hyphahyphae (like fungi)e (like fungi) • secrete enzymes into surroundings &secrete enzymes into surroundings & absorb nutrients (like fungi)absorb nutrients (like fungi) • filaments lackfilaments lack septasepta oror cross wallscross walls resulting in many nuclei in a cell, they areresulting in many nuclei in a cell, they are coenocyticcoenocytic • have cell walls made of cellulose, nothave cell walls made of cellulose, not chitinchitin
  • 137. Examples:Examples: • water moldswater molds • downy mildewsdowny mildews • white rustswhite rusts OomycotaOomycota Life CycleLife Cycle
  • 139. Phylum OomycotaPhylum Oomycota • potatoes are native to North Americapotatoes are native to North America • they were introduced to Europe andthey were introduced to Europe and became a staple of the dietbecame a staple of the diet • during the summer of 1846 most ofduring the summer of 1846 most of the potato crop was destroyed bythe potato crop was destroyed by PhytophthoraPhytophthora (an oomycota)(an oomycota) • nearly 1,000,000 Irish people died, andnearly 1,000,000 Irish people died, and 1,500,000 emigrated to other1,500,000 emigrated to other countries, like the U.S.countries, like the U.S.
  • 141. Pfiesteria piscicida.Ulcers on fish caused by Pfiesteria Note the long flagella
  • 142. Evolutionary ConsiderationsEvolutionary Considerations • One group of flagellates, theOne group of flagellates, the choanoflagellates, is thought tochoanoflagellates, is thought to have given rise to the simplesthave given rise to the simplest animals, the sponges.animals, the sponges.