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Vascular plants
Taxonomic position
Division : Psilophyta
• It is commonly called as
whisk fern ( because it is
without fern and stem
perform all function)
• Found in humus rich soil ,
in tropical and sub tropical
• Some species grows as
epiphytes ( tree trunk)
Vegetative morphology
Plant Body:
It is sporophyte and contains following parts
1. Rhizome
2. Aerial branch
3. Sporangia
• The horizontal portion is rhizome
• Buried in soil or humus.
• Dichotomously branched
• 2 celled rhizoids are present near the
apices of the younger branches
• These rhizoids absorb water and
nutrients from soil for aerial
Aerial branch
• Rhizome bears aerial branches
• The branches are green,
cylindrical and dichotomously
• The leaves are small, scale like
and are scattered over these
• The sporangia are borne in
• They have very short stalks.
• They are borne in the axils of
small bifid leaves on the aerial
• This triad of sporangia is called
a synangium.
• The two lobes of the leaf are
closely united with the
psilotum as a pteridophytes living fossils.pptx
Stem Anatomy
It is circular in outline from base,
pentagonal near the first dichotomy
and triangular between successive
dichotomies .
It has following parts.
1. Epidermis
2. Cortex
3. Steler system
1: Epidermis
• There is a single layer of epidermis
present outside
• It is heavily cutinized
• Stomata are also present on
epidermis , situated at the grooves
2: Cortex
Cortex of Psilotum is divided into following
a) Chlorenchymatous cortex
It is the outermost part of cortex and has 2 to
5 layers of cells.
The cells are thin walled and are
parenchymatous .
They are photosynthetic as they contained
b) Seclerenchymatous cortex
Below the parenchymatous cells there are 2-
4 layers of sclerenchymatous cells .
The cells are thick walled and provide
c) Parenchymatous
They form the major portion of the stem.
The cells are thin walled and no inter cellular
spaces in them
Steler system
The stele of Psilotum consists of following
parts a, while pericycle and pith are usually
1. Endodermis
There is well developed endodermis
between the stele and the cortex. These cells
has casparian bands on their radial walls
2: Xylem :
The xylem is actinostelic and radial in outside
in 6 rays, the protoxylem is located at the tip
of the rays. In the center the metaxylem xore
is present
The cells of xylem are thick walled and their
main function is transport of nutrients
Steler system
4: Phloem
Between the endodermis and the xylem
there is phloem.
It is of thin walled cells
It consist of sieve cells and sieve areas in
their oblique end walls. Nuclei disintegrate at
Anatomy of rhizome
In rhizome the epidermis is inconspicuous
and all the cells of outermost layer of cortex
extend into rhizoids.
The cortex is thin walled and cells contain
The endodermis is conspicuous
The stele in rhizome is protostele (xylem is
surrounded by phloem)
The pith is absent
And xylem occupies center of the axis and
surrounded by the phloem
• It is characterized by alternation of
• Both spore producing and gamete
producing regeneration are
• Sporophyte reproduces by asexual
• Gametophyte reproduces by sexual
Asexual reproduction (
the sporophyte )
Sporophytes reproduces by formation of
asexual reproductive units ,
Called as spores , produced in complex
trilobed structure synangium
Structure of
Each synangium is trilobed , stalked structure
borne at the apex of short lateral branch .
A bilobed appendage is present at the base
of each synangium that curve and surround
the stalk of synangium
Nature of synangium
There are different views
1. The trilobed synangium is formed by fusion of
two or more sporangia
2. One sporangium with 3 chambers ( trilocular
sporangium )
3. Synanium is cauline ( developed at the apex of
stem) in nature and it is actually modified
trilocular sporangium present on lateral branches
4. This concept was suggested by Bierhorst (1956)
according to him each unit in synangium
represents a condensed fertile axis. The
synangium in Psilotum can be considered as
homologus to fertile portion of ( Rhynia) where
one arm is fertile and other is sterile . The
condensation of fertile arm is modified into
synangium .the bract modified to surround the
Structure of
It coinsist if three chambers or locules.
1. Wall of synangium is 3 – 4 layers
2. Thick outer wall forms the epidermis
3. Inner wall separates the three locules
4. Each locule is filled up with large number
of spore. And these are homosporous in
5. Synangium splits up from 3 lines along
the epidermis and dehiscence occurs.
psilotum as a pteridophytes living fossils.pptx
Sexual reproduction (
gametophyte )
The gametophyte lives underground as a
saprophyte, sometimes in a mycorrhizal
association. When the gametophyte is
mature, it produces both egg and sperm
cells. ... The gametophyte of Psilotum is
unusual in that it branches dichotomously,
lives underground and possesses vascular
The gametophyte of Psilotum is called as
Prothallus .
It contains parenchyma cells and there is
strand of tracheids extending back from the
psilotum as a pteridophytes living fossils.pptx
psilotum as a pteridophytes living fossils.pptx
psilotum as a pteridophytes living fossils.pptx
Video links
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dv7LEuR522w
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sxpAzwomsE

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psilotum as a pteridophytes living fossils.pptx

  • 2. Taxonomic position Division : Psilophyta Class: Order: Family: Genus: Psilotopsida Psilotales Psilotaceae Psilotum
  • 3. Occurrence • It is commonly called as whisk fern ( because it is without fern and stem perform all function) • Found in humus rich soil , in tropical and sub tropical regions. • Some species grows as epiphytes ( tree trunk)
  • 4. Vegetative morphology Plant Body: It is sporophyte and contains following parts 1. Rhizome 2. Aerial branch 3. Sporangia
  • 5. Rhizome • The horizontal portion is rhizome • Buried in soil or humus. • Dichotomously branched • 2 celled rhizoids are present near the apices of the younger branches • These rhizoids absorb water and nutrients from soil for aerial branches
  • 6. Aerial branch • Rhizome bears aerial branches • The branches are green, cylindrical and dichotomously branched • The leaves are small, scale like and are scattered over these branches.
  • 7. Sporangia • The sporangia are borne in triads. • They have very short stalks. • They are borne in the axils of small bifid leaves on the aerial branches. • This triad of sporangia is called a synangium. • The two lobes of the leaf are closely united with the synangium.
  • 9. Stem Anatomy It is circular in outline from base, pentagonal near the first dichotomy and triangular between successive dichotomies . It has following parts. 1. Epidermis 2. Cortex 3. Steler system
  • 10. 1: Epidermis • There is a single layer of epidermis present outside • It is heavily cutinized • Stomata are also present on epidermis , situated at the grooves
  • 11. 2: Cortex Cortex of Psilotum is divided into following parts. a) Chlorenchymatous cortex It is the outermost part of cortex and has 2 to 5 layers of cells. The cells are thin walled and are parenchymatous . They are photosynthetic as they contained chloroplast.
  • 12. Cortex b) Seclerenchymatous cortex Below the parenchymatous cells there are 2- 4 layers of sclerenchymatous cells . The cells are thick walled and provide support
  • 13. Cortex c) Parenchymatous They form the major portion of the stem. The cells are thin walled and no inter cellular spaces in them
  • 14. Steler system The stele of Psilotum consists of following parts a, while pericycle and pith are usually absent. 1. Endodermis There is well developed endodermis between the stele and the cortex. These cells has casparian bands on their radial walls 2: Xylem : The xylem is actinostelic and radial in outside in 6 rays, the protoxylem is located at the tip of the rays. In the center the metaxylem xore is present The cells of xylem are thick walled and their main function is transport of nutrients
  • 15. Steler system 4: Phloem Between the endodermis and the xylem there is phloem. It is of thin walled cells It consist of sieve cells and sieve areas in their oblique end walls. Nuclei disintegrate at maturity
  • 16. Anatomy of rhizome In rhizome the epidermis is inconspicuous and all the cells of outermost layer of cortex extend into rhizoids. The cortex is thin walled and cells contain fungus The endodermis is conspicuous The stele in rhizome is protostele (xylem is surrounded by phloem) The pith is absent And xylem occupies center of the axis and surrounded by the phloem
  • 17. Reproduction • It is characterized by alternation of generation • Both spore producing and gamete producing regeneration are independent • Sporophyte reproduces by asexual reproduction • Gametophyte reproduces by sexual reproduction
  • 18. Asexual reproduction ( the sporophyte ) Sporophytes reproduces by formation of asexual reproductive units , Called as spores , produced in complex trilobed structure synangium
  • 19. Structure of synangium Each synangium is trilobed , stalked structure borne at the apex of short lateral branch . A bilobed appendage is present at the base of each synangium that curve and surround the stalk of synangium
  • 20. Nature of synangium There are different views 1. The trilobed synangium is formed by fusion of two or more sporangia 2. One sporangium with 3 chambers ( trilocular sporangium ) 3. Synanium is cauline ( developed at the apex of stem) in nature and it is actually modified trilocular sporangium present on lateral branches 4. This concept was suggested by Bierhorst (1956) according to him each unit in synangium represents a condensed fertile axis. The synangium in Psilotum can be considered as homologus to fertile portion of ( Rhynia) where one arm is fertile and other is sterile . The condensation of fertile arm is modified into synangium .the bract modified to surround the synangium
  • 21. Structure of synangium It coinsist if three chambers or locules. 1. Wall of synangium is 3 – 4 layers 2. Thick outer wall forms the epidermis 3. Inner wall separates the three locules 4. Each locule is filled up with large number of spore. And these are homosporous in nature 5. Synangium splits up from 3 lines along the epidermis and dehiscence occurs.
  • 23. Sexual reproduction ( gametophyte ) The gametophyte lives underground as a saprophyte, sometimes in a mycorrhizal association. When the gametophyte is mature, it produces both egg and sperm cells. ... The gametophyte of Psilotum is unusual in that it branches dichotomously, lives underground and possesses vascular tissue. The gametophyte of Psilotum is called as Prothallus . It contains parenchyma cells and there is strand of tracheids extending back from the apex.