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A Career in Public Health Essay examples
There is no doubt, with the advances in technology as a population we are continuing to live longer;
yet with the cost of medical care constantly on the rise, is it any wonder an industry would develop
out of the concept of "preventative" maintenance? We are all too aware of this concept. Everyone
from large corporations who strive to maintain their expensive equipment in an attempt to secure the
bottom line, to the local neighbor who would rather afford the costs of preventative maintenance
over the expense of replacing a broken down vehicle. To that effect, automobile manufacturers have
even begun to include major necessary "preventative maintenance" items in owner's manuals. For
instance, I have to replace the timing belt and water...show more content...
There is another level of association that is as equally important in the role. Within the umbrella of
public health it be described as "...a system of governmental agencies at the national, state or local
level. These agencies fulfill a legal responsibility to protect and promote the health of the citizens in
a given jurisdiction."(2)
Overall, these professionals try to "prevent problems from happening or re–occurring through
implementing educational programs, developing policies, administering services, regulating health
systems and some health professions, and conducting research."(1) As an educator and as someone
within the health profession, the Public Health Specialist will embark on opportunities to play an
important role in the lives of those whom they serve or come in contact with either at local schools,
work places, neighbors and/or within their community. And, unlike the medical
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Public Health Principles
Section 1: Public Health and Public Health Practices/Investigations
Public health is the discipline and skill for preventing diseases and injuries, extending the lifespan
and endorsing wellbeing through structured public work, the control of communicable diseases, the
union of medical and nursing facilities for the prompt identification and disease prevention, teaching
individual health and to make sure a standard of living suitable for the conservation of health
(Breslow et al, 2002).. Public health focuses the health of the people completely than the treatment of
individuals (Beaglehole et al, 2004).
The public health principles are meant for the public and other institutions that have a public health
mission. Individuals and...show more content...
Preventing diseases needs various methods at each level. Some consist of education, awareness
campaigns, legislation and modifying the surroundings. Disease/injuries need to be addressed at
more than one level, and time and again all three. It is essential to recognize which prevention
strategies are shown effective in order to have the utmost effect on your chosen program (Christoffel
& Gallagher, 2005).
Public health should predominantly address the vital causes of disease and necessities for health
which in turn aims to avoid adverse health consequences. For instance, the handling of treatable
infections is essential to the deterrence of transmission of infection. Public health must reach
community health which compliments the rights of those in the public. This Principle recognizes
the mutual need in public health to ponder the concerns of the individual and the public. An ethical
principle does not exist to deliver an explanation or answer to this constant pressure in public health.
Public health guidelines, programs, and priorities ought to be established and assessed over to
guarantee an opening for feedback from the public. The capability for the community to offer this
contribution and intellect is dire in the progress and preservation of communal trust in the society.
Public health must sponsor and work for the authorizations of subjugated fellows, pointing to make
sure that the wealth
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Public Health Assessment Essay
The purpose of this essay is to define public health and compare it to personal health, also a
discussion of benefits and disadvantages of public health. The following questions will also be
answered: What are the benefits of public health assessments? What are the disadvantages, if any?
Give an example of a potential conflict within the community that could arise as a result of public
health assessments. How can public health advocates and policy makers prevent and/or manage
such a conflict? How can public health assessments be used to form public policy? Additionally,
this paper will debate the how the community has or will be affected by the smoking in public
places laws.
Definition and comparison
According to Schneider (2006)...show more content...
When recalling completing the census for 2010; there were many questions on health and
smoking. It left a question as to how this data would be used. In more recent times there has
appeared to be an increase in surveys from medical, corporations, and sales. All of the data gathered
is used to assess how they are doing and are needs being met, the same is true for health assessments.
Disadvantages and Benefits One of the big disadvantages is the potential for misuse of the
information. An example of misuse is the Breach of HIPAA policies. While working in the
military health environment in Spain, there were many times that someone I knew socially was a
patient in the clinic. One such encounter netted a good friend's whose husband was treated for an
STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) and was prompted to notify all his sexual partners. His wife
did not come in for a visit; which caused a moral dilemma, questioning what to do; I spoke with the
treating physician and voiced my concerns. The physician took charge and the appropriate action
was completed, thereby avoiding a HIPAA violation. In the wrong hands medical information can be
abused. The stringent punishment for HIPPA violations has curtailed the misuse of information and
limited the public outcries for help. According to the AMA a person can be charged with both "civil
and criminal
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Public Vs. Public Health Essay
In this essay, I will conduct an examination of the topic public versus private health care
institutions, in regards to each of their political ideologies, and beneficial ideals. A concern amongst
citizens is whether private or public health care is more beneficial for them, while also yielding the
most cost effective, regulated, and controlled standards of care for patients. Political ideologies
relating to health care, diverge into two conflicting sets of principles: neo–conservatism and welfare
state liberalism in relation to this essay. Although, health care has many ideologies that are not
explained in this essay, there are ideals that correspond to similar doctrines held by different political
groups. Neo–conservatism (private) and welfare state liberalism (pubic) are the two common
principles associated with health care, and often lead into complex debate. After critically examining
both options, in my opinion, it is evident that public health care under welfare state liberalism will
benefit more citizens according to their needs, and provide equality throughout the state. In this
essay, with regards to public and private health care, specific issues have emerged into society as to
whether a person should select private health care as their primary option versus public health care. I
will advocate for public health care due to private health care having many faults within their system
using three main arguments. Moreover, private health care, often related to
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Public Health Research Paper
Public health is the science of protecting the safety and improving the health of communities through
education, policy making and research for disease and injury prevention (publichealth.pitt.edu). The
definition could mean different for every person. According to our reading, it is a course of action
adopted and pursed by a government, party, statesman, or other individual or organization. Public
health incorporates the interdisciplinary approaches of epidemiology, biostatistics and health service.
The government is a key player in any policy field, and it is true that decisions by the government
entities represent public policy. However, private policy, such as insurance companies, private
employers, influential individuals, and others who can all be part of health...show more content...
Furthermore, just because a problem is identified as a public policy does not necessarily mean the
only solution is government intervention. An example is the shortage of influenza vaccine. Although
there are government–oriented solutions to this problem such as expanding public research and
development or creating production incentives to encourage private manufacturers to produce more
vaccine, other solutions may rely solely on private actors. Private companies may decide to invest
in the research and development of new ways to produce vaccines, or to build new plants to increase
production capacity, because they believe they can make a profit in the long run. The role of public
health is to improve health and quality of life through the prevention and treatment of disease and
other physical and mental health conditions, through the promotion of healthy behaviors. The focus
of practice is to preserve the health of individuals, families, and to improve the overall health of the
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Master In Public Health
Master in Public Health with a Specialization in Environmental and Occupational Health
Just a couple months I lost sight of all the things I hoped to accomplish as a public health
professional. Recently, my family had suffered the loss of my grandmother. A month later my
mother unexpectedly passed away. Losing my grandmother was hard but losing my mother was
tragic. Everything I once knew to be true was gone. At that time, I began to turn my back on my
hope for the future. My mother played a great role in my life. A significant role that no amount of
money or time afforded would be enough to show my appreciation. My mother would shine brightest
in moments like this when I felt lost and confused. She would breathe confidence and reassure me
...show more content...
As the CDC states simply "Public health connects us all", years past, present and future. Public health
is an all–encompassing field that does not just merely concern itself with diagnosing and treating
patients. It observes, studies, researches, and mitigates the cause and effect relationships we have
within our environments as well as the rest of the world. It is a field devoted to improving the
lives of all. I have developed a passion and appreciation for public health because it does not
merely observe end results and compute them into statistics, but reaches back in time to
understand how and why. Coming from a single parent household, of a low economic status I was
affected by what we as public health professionals understand to be the social determinants of
health. I myself did not realize that these "determinants" existed in my personal life, nor did I
understand the way they shaped the lives of everyone. Public health has played a vital role in my
life since I can remember. From getting my vaccinations at the health department as a child, to the
implantation of sidewalks in my neighborhood, to the banning of cigarette smoke in restaurants, to
the seatbelt campaign "click it or ticket", to the free HIV education and testing offered on my
college campus. Public health is fascinating and I would be honored to give to others what was so
freely given to
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Public Health Entrance Paper
In this case, social media can be not just for entertainment or universities, but also for public health
because, without this medium, it will be hard for people to know what is going about health from
the article by Velasco et al. (2014). Velasco et al. state that the health events occur in across the globe
as the conditions go on to the government and international health agencies that seek out for
improving those diseases (pg. 8). Velasco et al. also state thatpublic health surveillance has used for
decades for putting more information about any issues about someone's health (pg. 8). Velasco et al.
found two types of surveillance systems, one is an indicator and the other one is an event. The
indicator–based system has been used for many...show more content...
News about health that really occurred online at social has been a mandatory choice for event–based
surveillance and the source itself has been proved as to be focused part for those systems (pg. 19).
It does all of supervising features that scientists will see in there to find more news and many brand
new contents (pg. 15). The systematic review of event–based surveillance using the disease
surveillance and to search what data has been collected. The Institute of national science have indeed
look into the process of the health policy decision to help them decide if they are willing to take
action of finding new ways to create new methods the that transforms into the complete programs
designed for the surveillance that contains the data that is the old–fashioned type of surveillance (pg.
13). There is approximately seventeen thousand and six hundred peer–reviewed articles and eight
thousand and ninety websites from the surveillance systems when their diagnosis of the diseases
especially in a matter of life and death situation (pg. 13). In social media, the epidemiological–based
surveillance has analyzed health warnings and as well as process (pg. 25). Those contents are
found directly to social media and as well as other sources of the
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The Ethics Of Public Health Essay
"Public health practitioners by virtue of our role have special responsibilities for ethical conduct and
ethical practices that go beyond meeting minimum legal and regulatory standards." – American
Public Health Association adopted a code of ethics developed by the Public Health Leadership
APHA's code of Ethics identifies: o Values and beliefs that are key assumptions underlying a public
health perspective of health, community, and bases for action o Principles of the ethical practice of
public health based on these explicit assumptions
Even under normal circumstances public healthcare professionals continually encounter ethical
issues and challenges, emergencies and disasters intensify ethical challenges for several reasons
including timing, timing is usually limiting, disasters require immediate responses. Resources –
essential resources might be overwhelmed. Thinking might also be disturbed because fear can alter
people perceptions and reactions. Scope – many people are likely to be effected at one time and the
emergency many proceed over a long period of time.
Numerous organizations have formulated preparedness plans for various types of disasters including
influenza pandemics around the world. These plans guide respond efforts because too often plans do
recognize ethical issues or address moral assumptions. Organizations examples include: o World
health organization (WHO) o Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) o Various nations
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Global Public Health Essay
After 150 years of public health research and intervention, there are bound to be many lessons to
draw upon which can provide the insight to guide public health professionals and institutions as they
design and implement specific strategies, policies, and measures to increase global resilience for
"complex health emergencies". Identifying both the modifications to public health systems and
looking closely from the history of managing environmental and other threats to the public health
sector increases the world's adaptive capacity to more effectively cope and manage with public
health emergencies. Major advances have been made during the past decade in the way the
international community responds to challenges of complex emergencies. The...show more content...
The purpose of this paper is to take what we as public health opportunist have learned and harvest
over the years and make inform efforts to prevent obesity across all ages.
As a nation...moreover, as a globe we currently are experiencing an epidemic of obesity that is
unprecedented in its magnitude. Overweight and obesity not only plagues the majority of adults in
developed nations, but children are become increasingly overweight, corresponding with a
diminished quality of life and health status. According to the Obesity Society of America, fifty of the
fifty–one states had a current average body mass index (BMI) greater than 20%. ("Obesity
Society") While the problem clearly exists, there is little clarity about the relative importance of
possible causative factors such as changes in dietary patterns, increase in portion size, increase in
television viewing, increased fast food and soft drink consumption and a decrease in physical
activity are the debatable causes of this growing epidemic. In the absence of fully understanding the
cause of the problem, it may be useful to look at the lessons learned from other public health
campaigns to help determine if these lessons learned have any relevance for the prevention of
obesity abroad.
The declaration in 1980 that smallpox had been eradicated sparked interests in disease eradication as
a public health strategy. It must be kept in mind this was not the
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Public Health Nursing Essay
The roal of public health nursing is to promote and protect the health of the population. This
proactive approach does not limit their scope of practice to health concerns of individuals but also to
developing and implementing programs and policies that help enhance the health of populations.
The role of public health nurses is to focus on population centered care with the outcome of
promoting health, preventing disability and disease, and improving the quality of life. An effective
public health nurse is able to evaluate assessment data to define population diagnoses and set
priorities accordingly. They can also serve as advocates for individuals and families in the
population to develop policies, access resources, and protect their...show more content...
This in turn can facilitate population involvement and assist in development of a plan and its
expected outcomes.
When public health nurses collaborate with individuals, the focus is on promoting awareness,
behaviors, and values that maintain and improve health, with the ultimate goal being of bettering the
overall health of the population. These actions are also essential when interacting with families and
communities, where the aim is in promoting family and community standards, attitudes, knowledge,
and behaviors that improve their overall health. So in order to have positive outcomes the public
health nurses need to also consider how essential it is to work with clients as equal partners. (p Book
8). The public health nurse's actions must enhance understanding and the need for widespread health
planning in collaboration with communities and populations, focused upon the perceptions,
priorities, and values of the population.
Public health nurses should be competent in analyzing community health problems classified in the
community nursing diagnoses and established priorities accordingly, set goals and objectives, and
identified intervention actions that will be able to accomplish these objectives. Each problem
identified as part of the assessment process must be ranked by highest priority to determine its
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  • 1. A Career in Public Health Essay examples There is no doubt, with the advances in technology as a population we are continuing to live longer; yet with the cost of medical care constantly on the rise, is it any wonder an industry would develop out of the concept of "preventative" maintenance? We are all too aware of this concept. Everyone from large corporations who strive to maintain their expensive equipment in an attempt to secure the bottom line, to the local neighbor who would rather afford the costs of preventative maintenance over the expense of replacing a broken down vehicle. To that effect, automobile manufacturers have even begun to include major necessary "preventative maintenance" items in owner's manuals. For instance, I have to replace the timing belt and water...show more content... There is another level of association that is as equally important in the role. Within the umbrella of public health it be described as "...a system of governmental agencies at the national, state or local level. These agencies fulfill a legal responsibility to protect and promote the health of the citizens in a given jurisdiction."(2) Overall, these professionals try to "prevent problems from happening or re–occurring through implementing educational programs, developing policies, administering services, regulating health systems and some health professions, and conducting research."(1) As an educator and as someone within the health profession, the Public Health Specialist will embark on opportunities to play an important role in the lives of those whom they serve or come in contact with either at local schools, work places, neighbors and/or within their community. And, unlike the medical Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. Public Health Principles Section 1: Public Health and Public Health Practices/Investigations Public health is the discipline and skill for preventing diseases and injuries, extending the lifespan and endorsing wellbeing through structured public work, the control of communicable diseases, the union of medical and nursing facilities for the prompt identification and disease prevention, teaching individual health and to make sure a standard of living suitable for the conservation of health (Breslow et al, 2002).. Public health focuses the health of the people completely than the treatment of individuals (Beaglehole et al, 2004). The public health principles are meant for the public and other institutions that have a public health mission. Individuals and...show more content... Preventing diseases needs various methods at each level. Some consist of education, awareness campaigns, legislation and modifying the surroundings. Disease/injuries need to be addressed at more than one level, and time and again all three. It is essential to recognize which prevention strategies are shown effective in order to have the utmost effect on your chosen program (Christoffel & Gallagher, 2005). Public health should predominantly address the vital causes of disease and necessities for health which in turn aims to avoid adverse health consequences. For instance, the handling of treatable infections is essential to the deterrence of transmission of infection. Public health must reach community health which compliments the rights of those in the public. This Principle recognizes the mutual need in public health to ponder the concerns of the individual and the public. An ethical principle does not exist to deliver an explanation or answer to this constant pressure in public health. Public health guidelines, programs, and priorities ought to be established and assessed over to guarantee an opening for feedback from the public. The capability for the community to offer this contribution and intellect is dire in the progress and preservation of communal trust in the society. Public health must sponsor and work for the authorizations of subjugated fellows, pointing to make sure that the wealth Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 3. Public Health Assessment Essay The purpose of this essay is to define public health and compare it to personal health, also a discussion of benefits and disadvantages of public health. The following questions will also be answered: What are the benefits of public health assessments? What are the disadvantages, if any? Give an example of a potential conflict within the community that could arise as a result of public health assessments. How can public health advocates and policy makers prevent and/or manage such a conflict? How can public health assessments be used to form public policy? Additionally, this paper will debate the how the community has or will be affected by the smoking in public places laws. Definition and comparison According to Schneider (2006)...show more content... When recalling completing the census for 2010; there were many questions on health and smoking. It left a question as to how this data would be used. In more recent times there has appeared to be an increase in surveys from medical, corporations, and sales. All of the data gathered is used to assess how they are doing and are needs being met, the same is true for health assessments. Disadvantages and Benefits One of the big disadvantages is the potential for misuse of the information. An example of misuse is the Breach of HIPAA policies. While working in the military health environment in Spain, there were many times that someone I knew socially was a patient in the clinic. One such encounter netted a good friend's whose husband was treated for an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) and was prompted to notify all his sexual partners. His wife did not come in for a visit; which caused a moral dilemma, questioning what to do; I spoke with the treating physician and voiced my concerns. The physician took charge and the appropriate action was completed, thereby avoiding a HIPAA violation. In the wrong hands medical information can be abused. The stringent punishment for HIPPA violations has curtailed the misuse of information and limited the public outcries for help. According to the AMA a person can be charged with both "civil and criminal Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 4. Public Vs. Public Health Essay In this essay, I will conduct an examination of the topic public versus private health care institutions, in regards to each of their political ideologies, and beneficial ideals. A concern amongst citizens is whether private or public health care is more beneficial for them, while also yielding the most cost effective, regulated, and controlled standards of care for patients. Political ideologies relating to health care, diverge into two conflicting sets of principles: neo–conservatism and welfare state liberalism in relation to this essay. Although, health care has many ideologies that are not explained in this essay, there are ideals that correspond to similar doctrines held by different political groups. Neo–conservatism (private) and welfare state liberalism (pubic) are the two common principles associated with health care, and often lead into complex debate. After critically examining both options, in my opinion, it is evident that public health care under welfare state liberalism will benefit more citizens according to their needs, and provide equality throughout the state. In this essay, with regards to public and private health care, specific issues have emerged into society as to whether a person should select private health care as their primary option versus public health care. I will advocate for public health care due to private health care having many faults within their system using three main arguments. Moreover, private health care, often related to Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 5. Public Health Research Paper Public health is the science of protecting the safety and improving the health of communities through education, policy making and research for disease and injury prevention (publichealth.pitt.edu). The definition could mean different for every person. According to our reading, it is a course of action adopted and pursed by a government, party, statesman, or other individual or organization. Public health incorporates the interdisciplinary approaches of epidemiology, biostatistics and health service. The government is a key player in any policy field, and it is true that decisions by the government entities represent public policy. However, private policy, such as insurance companies, private employers, influential individuals, and others who can all be part of health...show more content... Furthermore, just because a problem is identified as a public policy does not necessarily mean the only solution is government intervention. An example is the shortage of influenza vaccine. Although there are government–oriented solutions to this problem such as expanding public research and development or creating production incentives to encourage private manufacturers to produce more vaccine, other solutions may rely solely on private actors. Private companies may decide to invest in the research and development of new ways to produce vaccines, or to build new plants to increase production capacity, because they believe they can make a profit in the long run. The role of public health is to improve health and quality of life through the prevention and treatment of disease and other physical and mental health conditions, through the promotion of healthy behaviors. The focus of practice is to preserve the health of individuals, families, and to improve the overall health of the Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 6. Master In Public Health Master in Public Health with a Specialization in Environmental and Occupational Health Just a couple months I lost sight of all the things I hoped to accomplish as a public health professional. Recently, my family had suffered the loss of my grandmother. A month later my mother unexpectedly passed away. Losing my grandmother was hard but losing my mother was tragic. Everything I once knew to be true was gone. At that time, I began to turn my back on my hope for the future. My mother played a great role in my life. A significant role that no amount of money or time afforded would be enough to show my appreciation. My mother would shine brightest in moments like this when I felt lost and confused. She would breathe confidence and reassure me ...show more content... As the CDC states simply "Public health connects us all", years past, present and future. Public health is an all–encompassing field that does not just merely concern itself with diagnosing and treating patients. It observes, studies, researches, and mitigates the cause and effect relationships we have within our environments as well as the rest of the world. It is a field devoted to improving the lives of all. I have developed a passion and appreciation for public health because it does not merely observe end results and compute them into statistics, but reaches back in time to understand how and why. Coming from a single parent household, of a low economic status I was affected by what we as public health professionals understand to be the social determinants of health. I myself did not realize that these "determinants" existed in my personal life, nor did I understand the way they shaped the lives of everyone. Public health has played a vital role in my life since I can remember. From getting my vaccinations at the health department as a child, to the implantation of sidewalks in my neighborhood, to the banning of cigarette smoke in restaurants, to the seatbelt campaign "click it or ticket", to the free HIV education and testing offered on my college campus. Public health is fascinating and I would be honored to give to others what was so freely given to Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 7. Public Health Entrance Paper In this case, social media can be not just for entertainment or universities, but also for public health because, without this medium, it will be hard for people to know what is going about health from the article by Velasco et al. (2014). Velasco et al. state that the health events occur in across the globe as the conditions go on to the government and international health agencies that seek out for improving those diseases (pg. 8). Velasco et al. also state thatpublic health surveillance has used for decades for putting more information about any issues about someone's health (pg. 8). Velasco et al. found two types of surveillance systems, one is an indicator and the other one is an event. The indicator–based system has been used for many...show more content... News about health that really occurred online at social has been a mandatory choice for event–based surveillance and the source itself has been proved as to be focused part for those systems (pg. 19). It does all of supervising features that scientists will see in there to find more news and many brand new contents (pg. 15). The systematic review of event–based surveillance using the disease surveillance and to search what data has been collected. The Institute of national science have indeed look into the process of the health policy decision to help them decide if they are willing to take action of finding new ways to create new methods the that transforms into the complete programs designed for the surveillance that contains the data that is the old–fashioned type of surveillance (pg. 13). There is approximately seventeen thousand and six hundred peer–reviewed articles and eight thousand and ninety websites from the surveillance systems when their diagnosis of the diseases especially in a matter of life and death situation (pg. 13). In social media, the epidemiological–based surveillance has analyzed health warnings and as well as process (pg. 25). Those contents are found directly to social media and as well as other sources of the Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 8. The Ethics Of Public Health Essay "Public health practitioners by virtue of our role have special responsibilities for ethical conduct and ethical practices that go beyond meeting minimum legal and regulatory standards." – American Public Health Association adopted a code of ethics developed by the Public Health Leadership Society. APHA's code of Ethics identifies: o Values and beliefs that are key assumptions underlying a public health perspective of health, community, and bases for action o Principles of the ethical practice of public health based on these explicit assumptions Even under normal circumstances public healthcare professionals continually encounter ethical issues and challenges, emergencies and disasters intensify ethical challenges for several reasons including timing, timing is usually limiting, disasters require immediate responses. Resources – essential resources might be overwhelmed. Thinking might also be disturbed because fear can alter people perceptions and reactions. Scope – many people are likely to be effected at one time and the emergency many proceed over a long period of time. Numerous organizations have formulated preparedness plans for various types of disasters including influenza pandemics around the world. These plans guide respond efforts because too often plans do recognize ethical issues or address moral assumptions. Organizations examples include: o World health organization (WHO) o Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) o Various nations (UK, Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 9. Global Public Health Essay After 150 years of public health research and intervention, there are bound to be many lessons to draw upon which can provide the insight to guide public health professionals and institutions as they design and implement specific strategies, policies, and measures to increase global resilience for "complex health emergencies". Identifying both the modifications to public health systems and looking closely from the history of managing environmental and other threats to the public health sector increases the world's adaptive capacity to more effectively cope and manage with public health emergencies. Major advances have been made during the past decade in the way the international community responds to challenges of complex emergencies. The...show more content... The purpose of this paper is to take what we as public health opportunist have learned and harvest over the years and make inform efforts to prevent obesity across all ages. As a nation...moreover, as a globe we currently are experiencing an epidemic of obesity that is unprecedented in its magnitude. Overweight and obesity not only plagues the majority of adults in developed nations, but children are become increasingly overweight, corresponding with a diminished quality of life and health status. According to the Obesity Society of America, fifty of the fifty–one states had a current average body mass index (BMI) greater than 20%. ("Obesity Society") While the problem clearly exists, there is little clarity about the relative importance of possible causative factors such as changes in dietary patterns, increase in portion size, increase in television viewing, increased fast food and soft drink consumption and a decrease in physical activity are the debatable causes of this growing epidemic. In the absence of fully understanding the cause of the problem, it may be useful to look at the lessons learned from other public health campaigns to help determine if these lessons learned have any relevance for the prevention of obesity abroad. The declaration in 1980 that smallpox had been eradicated sparked interests in disease eradication as a public health strategy. It must be kept in mind this was not the Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 10. Public Health Nursing Essay The roal of public health nursing is to promote and protect the health of the population. This proactive approach does not limit their scope of practice to health concerns of individuals but also to developing and implementing programs and policies that help enhance the health of populations. The role of public health nurses is to focus on population centered care with the outcome of promoting health, preventing disability and disease, and improving the quality of life. An effective public health nurse is able to evaluate assessment data to define population diagnoses and set priorities accordingly. They can also serve as advocates for individuals and families in the population to develop policies, access resources, and protect their...show more content... This in turn can facilitate population involvement and assist in development of a plan and its expected outcomes. When public health nurses collaborate with individuals, the focus is on promoting awareness, behaviors, and values that maintain and improve health, with the ultimate goal being of bettering the overall health of the population. These actions are also essential when interacting with families and communities, where the aim is in promoting family and community standards, attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors that improve their overall health. So in order to have positive outcomes the public health nurses need to also consider how essential it is to work with clients as equal partners. (p Book 8). The public health nurse's actions must enhance understanding and the need for widespread health planning in collaboration with communities and populations, focused upon the perceptions, priorities, and values of the population. p.358–359 Public health nurses should be competent in analyzing community health problems classified in the community nursing diagnoses and established priorities accordingly, set goals and objectives, and identified intervention actions that will be able to accomplish these objectives. Each problem identified as part of the assessment process must be ranked by highest priority to determine its Get more content on HelpWriting.net