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Public Policy Essays
Writing an essay on the topic of "Public Policy Essays" can present a unique set of challenges.
The difficulty lies not only in the depth of understanding required but also in the multifaceted
nature of public policy itself. This subject demands a comprehensive exploration of
governmental decisions, their implications, and the impact on society.
Firstly, researching public policy issues can be a daunting task. The field is dynamic, with
constant changes, new legislations, and evolving societal needs. Keeping up-to-date with the
latest developments is crucial to crafting an informed and relevant essay.
Secondly, analyzing public policies involves delving into various disciplines such as economics,
political science, sociology, and law. This interdisciplinary approach adds complexity as it
requires a broad knowledge base to address the multifaceted aspects of public policies
Crafting a coherent and persuasive argument is another challenge. Public policy essays often
involve presenting and defending a particular viewpoint. This requires the ability to synthesize
diverse information and communicate complex ideas effectively.
Moreover, understanding the historical context and the cultural nuances surrounding public
policies is crucial. Policies are not created in a vacuum; they are shaped by historical events,
cultural values, and societal norms. Failing to account for these factors can result in an
incomplete analysis.
Finally, addressing the ethical dimensions of public policies can be intricate. Many policies
involve trade-offs, and evaluating these ethically requires a nuanced understanding of moral
principles and their application to real-world scenarios.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Public Policy Essays" requires a deep understanding of the
subject matter, the ability to synthesize information from various disciplines, and the skills to
present a compelling argument. It is a task that demands diligence, analytical thinking, and a
commitment to staying informed about current events and policy changes.
For those seeking assistance, it's worth noting that HelpWriting.net provides a platform where
similar essays and much more can be ordered.
Public Policy EssaysPublic Policy Essays
The Light at the End of Hell
The Light at the End of Hell
It so happens that everyday people quit their jobs, quit school, leave their families,
or sadly end their lives. People tend to give up on dreams as soon as someone
closes the door on them which leaves them with no hope. What one has done over
the years, all the work and sweat, the sacrifices that person has made are gone in an
instant because he can no longer endure the pain. People face challenges and
sometimes hardships, but all of this is a part of life. One nags and bitches about how
bad their life is but never takes the time to think about the great outcome that may
occur once they get through the suffering. People believe that they are the victims and
they will never get anywhere because of all the ... Show more content on
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Without suffering and pain, life would not mean anything. One would live in a
perfect world with a perfect family and in perfect harmony. Life would be
meaningless if the world were a utopia. There would not be balance between good
and bad and it would not be worth to live since there would be no challenges or
fears.de Botton gives us a quote explaining what one would face if they chose the
easy way out of tough times and what they would face in the end. He says:
What if pleasure and displeasure were so tied together that whoever wanted to
have as much as possible of one must also have as much as possible of the other...
you have the choice: either as little pleasure as possible, painless in brief...or as much
displeasure as possible as the price for the growth of an abundance of subtle pleasures
and joys that have rarely been released yet? If you decide for the former and desire to
diminish and lower the level of human pain, you also have to diminish and lower the
level of their capacity for joy (215).
Pleasure and difficulties are tied together and they work like a scale. On one side,
we have pleasure and on the other difficulties. If one cheats in life and has too
many pleasures, one will suffer hardships. However if one faces the hardships and
goes through difficulties in order to be successful, one will be happy in the end.
People end their joys if they choose to cheat and take the short cuts. It is important
for people to understand why
A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings Analysis
Throughout life, many become familiar with good versus evil. Whether the idea is
familiar because of social media, fairy tales, or everyday life, almost everyone
becomes exposed to the concept. Both good and evil can come to life in countless
forms, specifically in literature. Good versus evil is one theme that is explicitly
displayed throughout A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings . Throughout the story,
the feelings of good and evilrebound numerous times. Through the setting, motifs,
and the very old man with enormous wings, himself, the reader is clearly able to
identify the fact that evilhas corrupted the town; not even an angel can save them
from the vices of evil. The story takes place in the village of Macondo. The setting of
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Crabs symbolize the growing weaknesses of the town. In addition, the crabs display
that the signs of weakness show up everywhere and in abundance. However, motifs
that symbolize good were also present in the story. Pelayo and Elisenda s child at the
beginning of the story symbolized innocence. As a result, the evil remanence in the
story corrupts the good, innocent child by making the child ill. In turn, Elisenda
shows motherly traits by putting compresses on the sick child (Marquez, 590). Both
good and evil motifs clash in the short story, making the meaning and underlying
details of the story more interesting for the reader. The angel, himself, symbolizes
one of the only good forces in the story. At first, the angel is something to admire, but
as the story goes on the citizens start to disrespect him. Throughout all the problems,
the angel continues being a positive force in the town. The angel was the only one
who took no part in his own act (Marquez, 592). In the end, the innocence of the angel
helped him escape. He was quite careful that no one should notice them that no one
should hear the sea chanteys that he sometimes sang under the stars (Marquez, 594).
In conclusion, the angel continuously showed graciousness and patience, which in the
end helped the angel on his journey away from the evil forces of the town of
Macondo. In conclusion, good versus evil was a theme showed continuously
throughout the short story in the form of
Waterboarding Research Paper
Waterboarding is defined as an interrogation technique in which water is forced into a
detainee s mouth and nose so as to induce the sensation of drowning (Merriam
Webster). Today, waterboarding has become a very controversial topic, especially in
the United States when it comes to both foreign policy and the moral dilemma of
whether waterboarding should be legal. In the United States today, current foreign
policy on waterboarding is that it is not legal. In 2008, President Obama signed an
executive order banning the use of waterboarding by both the U.S. military and CIA.
The Obama administration chose to ban waterboarding due to the new interpretation
by the administration that constituted waterboarding as torture and therefore
waterboarding... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
leaders and those voting on waterboarding legislation have personally experienced
waterboarding, there truly is no one hundred percent accurate way to define
waterboarding as torture. Even if that were to occur and waterboarding were to be
defined with full accuracy as torture, there is again such conflicting legislature in
place, that it can be rationalized as both legal and illegal. Perhaps the largest part of
the controversy additionally is the U.S. s ever changing position on waterboarding
from president to president, that is especially circumstantial based. For example, after
the 9/11 attacks the Bush administration used loopholes to allow for waterboarding to
legally be conducted. The strength therefore of implementing this alternative policy
and leaving that policy in place is that there is not this continuous change in the U.S.
s stance on waterboarding in circumstances where it is essentially beneficial to our
interests. Policy such as waterboarding should not be changed on situational basis if
we wish to have a respectful and consistent
Pharmacy Board of Australia (AHPRA) and The Pharmacy
Case study of human life and pharmacy organizations rule
This case study about a Mrs. Freda Jenkins, a sixty eight year old pensioner visits
her General Practitioner (GP). Her blood pressure has been rising steady over the
years, and therefore the (GP) gave her a medicine (script was in handwriting), at that
time Mrs. Freda Jenkins went to a local pharmacy, the main story began from here,
the pharmacy assistance gave a wrong medication to Mrs. Jenkins as the pharmacist
was very busy on the phone with a Busy day, additionally the printer in the pharmacy
wasn t operating.
After sometime while Mrs. Jenkins visited her friend, Mrs. Jenkins remembers that
she is a little low on the tablet and went to a different pharmacy where the same
thing happened, she got the wrong medicine, Mrs. Jenkins began to feel unwell,
dropped again to the General Practitioner, doctor sees blood pressure is not under
control and asked to double her daily dose of coversly 5mg tablet to 10mg.
Then few days later Mrs. Jenkins felt very unwell and called an ambulance and went
to the hospital emergency. They did all necessary checks when the error was
Case study of two organizations; Pharmacy Board of Australia (AHPRA) and The
Pharmacy Guild of Australia
Pharmacy Board of Australia:
Registration Notifications Compliance Accreditation
Registering pharmacists and students.
Developing standards.
Handling notifications, complaints and investigations.
The Pharmacy Guild of
Good vs. Evil
Good Vs. Evil
In Beowulf, the conflict between good and evil is the poem s main and most
important aspect. The poet makes it clear that good and evil doesn t exist as only
opposites, but that both qualities are present in everyone. Beowulf represents the
ability to do good or to perform acts selflessly and in help of others. Goodness is
also showed throughout this epic as having the ability to cleanse evil. Even though
evil is presented by Grendel, Grendel s mother, and the dragon, who are filled with a
desire to act against people and ultimately destroy them, even pride, a human quality,
is presented in Beowulf as a sign that evil exists. This story might even be considered
a classic because it mainly talks about the old fashion ... Show more content on
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He often talked about his accomplishments saying, They had seen me bolstered in
the blood of enemies when I battled and bound five beasts, raided a troll nest and in
the night sea slaughtered sea brutes. (Beowulf 419 422), which shows how good can
also be a bit proud. In the end, though, most of the time good will always defeat evil
but good won t always stay alive. For example, in the end of Beowulf, although
Grendel was killed by Beowulf as well as his mother, Beowulf still dies. In other
words, just because evil is defeated doesn t mean good will always live.
On a different but similar note, is Grendel s mother, who is seen as vengeful.
Different, because she isn t the same type of evil that Grendel is, but similar
because she is still an opponent to both men and the society of man at the time that
Beowulf was written, or rather, spoken. Also, Grendel s mother is tainted in the
opposite way that Grendel is; while Grendel is given a humanistic point of view,
people try to dehumanize Grendel s mother. While she is indeed just as evil as
Grendel was, she does not represent the utter evil that man must fight to achieve
immortality. She is a symbol of defiance of man, but she can be seen as more of a
neutral symbol. Grendel s mother doesn t attack Heorot because she doesn t like it.
She attacks it because Beowulf killed her only son, But now his mother had sallied
forth on a savage journey, grief racked and
Cyntoia Brown Murder Essay
Mia Hudson Mrs. Varnado English II 24 April 2015 Thesis: Cyntoia Brown should
not have been guilty of murder because of negative childhood experiences, being
tried as an adult without parole, and shooting out self defense. I.Negative childhood
experiences. A.Her biological mother and family have psychological disorders.
1.Disorders in the family include bipolar, personality disorder, and suicidal.
Grandmother shot herself in the face when biological mother Georgina Mitchell was
in the 2nd grade, aunts have killed themselves from suicide or has tried, Cyntoia s
great grandfather shot himself, and mother of Cyntoia has tried suicide also.
2.Biological mother Georgina Mitchell became pregnant with Cyntoia at the age of
six teen. Abused... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This case was prolonged for one reason to try her as an adult. 1.The timeline of this
case starts the night of the murder and Cyntoia is sent Juvenile Justice System and
stayed there until her transfer hearing; she was put her because she was only six
teen at the time. During questioning from the detectives Brown states a full
confession of the crime without legal representation; not knowing the meaning of
the right to remain silent she talked. November 4, 2004 Brown has a transfer
hearing at Davidson County Juvenile Justice center, this hearing determines whether
she will be tried as a juvenile or an adult; she is still six teen at the time. 2.On
August 21, 2006 Cyntoia s trail begins and lasted for five days by this time she is
legally an adult meaning she s eighteen. Finally on she is guilty of three counts: first
degree murder, felony murder, and suspicious aggravated robbery that resulted with
life in prison without parole. B. The critical point is that adults and teens think
differently, but why charge them the
GROUP 2137
Marriott USA is a leader in the global lodging industry in that area. With numerous
properties in USA and countless achievement awards, they are not only a wellknown
but also a well liked brand. The global financial crisis hit the hotel and lodging
industry hard because of a sharp drop in business and leisure travel. Regardless of
the steep drop in profitability over recent years, Marriott USA has plans to focus on
driving incremental revenue by cutting costs at the property level. It also addresses
opportunities Marriott USA has to further capitalize on ... Show more content on
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Economic factor are concern to Marriott, because they are influenced on demand,
cost, prices and profits. One of the most influence factors on the economy are
acquisition, merger and demerger. In last year, Marriott USA was increased its stake
by 4.9%,from 40.58% to 45.48% at a cost of ВЈ42 million. From there financial
report their earning objective is so good around the year.
Socio Cultural factor:
Current situation indicate that Marriott USA provide good service for customer
they using 7 language through the online and graphics and maps also adding value
to booking experience, which is due to variety of social changes. Demographic
changes such as the aging population and an increase the female worker because
the company believes that men and women at the heart of its strategy. The
company also focus on their employer and to make an increased efforts more and
more training place and of social advancement. Marriott USA also provide
franchises with added value and HR services and helping earth people they are
involve in the Earth Guest programme with ECO and EGO and also developed
corporate sponsorship for child aid, local aid, health, and cultural. In future Marriott
USA will continue to respect generation, cultural and professional differences.
Technological factors:
Technology is the major
Speed Art Museum
The Speed Art Museum, originally known as the J.B. Speed Memorial Museum, now
commonly referred to as the Speed by locals in the Louisville area, is the oldest,
largest, and the primary museum of art in Kentucky.
In 2013, the museum decided to conduct a three year renovation. The new North
Building includes an unprecedented 9,000 square foot gallery dedicated to the
display of the Speed s contemporary art collection. The museum hired architect,
Kulapat Yantrasast. The architect decided to add multiple new additions to the
museum, to a state of the art cinema from and re imagined Art Sparks to an outdoor
Art Park, the Bangkok native added new exciting additions to the museum.
The Speed includes five levels: A lower, upper, first, second and... Show more
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Including artwork from the fourth millennium BC to today s world, the museum truly
holds a collection to see. From incredibly large painting created in the thirteen
hundreds to marvelous detailed sculptures built in the early seventeen hundreds the
museum s eight collections holds a variety of items to see.
Each of the exhibits are done very well, including a variety of items for each
collection. Each exhibit includes art pieces that fit in their category. For example, my
favorite art piece of the museum, the fifteen foot painting of ancient dutch
philosophers would fit in the category, Dutch and Flemish .
My overall view of the museum is very positive. I truly enjoyed visiting the museum
and observing all of the various art pieces the museum holds. It was very interesting
to see the large paintings in the Dutch and Flemish collection because I personally
have always been a painting type of person rather than sculptures and drawings.
I would most definitely recommend the museum to others. I would mostly
recommend it to those individuals who enjoy to see artwork and are interested in
historical paintings and
Batman And Superman Similarities
To people that have comic book illiteracy, Batman and Superman would seem like
they would be pretty similar to each other, which is true but only to a degree. They
have similar names, outfits, and both live two different lives, etc. On the other hand,
when it comes down to what makes these two men special, they are polar opposites.
They have differences in backgrounds, powers, motivations, and in what makes them
popular among fans. Despite their similarities in outward appearances, Batmanand
Supermanare exceedingly distinct from one another. Batman and Superman are
poles apart, but, when it comes to certain aspects of their lives, they can be found to
be similar. Both Batman and Superman are extremely popular comic book
superheroes who have had multiple television shows and movies made about them.
Batman and Superman show up at similar times in the comic book world and are
published in the same comic book brand: DC Comics. Moreover, they both have
superherocostumes and despite the color themes, the costumes follow the pattern of
having their logo on their chest followed with a cape in the back. They are also alike
in terms of their secret identities. Batman is actually Bruce Wayne and Superman is
actually Clark Kent and they both live normal lives when they are not out saving
them. Both of these characters have childhoods where both men did not know their
parents very well because their parents died when they were young, making both of
them orphans. When they start
The Effects Of Music Therapy On Anxiety Of Patients
This paper will conduct a critical appraisal of research over Effects of music therapy
on anxiety of patients with breast cancer after radical mastectomy: a randomized
clinical trial by Li, Wang, Yan, Zhang Zhou published in July 2011.
Introduction: Authors, Qualifications, Title, Abstract
Xiao Mei Li, Hong Yan, Kia Na Zhou, Duo Lao Wang and Yin Ping Zhang are the
researchers who worked together to create the clinical trial being discussed. Li,
Zhou, Yan, Wang, Zhang all possess either PhDs or Master level degrees. Li, Zhou,
and Zhang work as Associate Professors or Research Assistants in the Department
of Nursing and College of Medicine at the Xi an Jiatong University in China. Yan is
a professor in the Department of Public Health at the Xi an Jiatong University in
China. Wang is a professor in the Department of Medical Statistics and faculty of
Epidemiology and Population Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine in the United Kingdom. It is not stated if the researchers work in the field
of cancer research. Each of the researchers has previously published numerous
research studies. They do hold the educational preparedness and the expertise in order
to conduct the study. The title Effects of music therapy on anxiety of patients with
breast cancer after radical mastectomy: a randomized clinical trial allows the reader
or appraiser to immediately understand what variables are being studied, what
population the study is being performed on and the
Essay on General Revelations of God
A question that has perplexed humans through the ages is if we have the ability to
reach God. The witness of Scripture and leading theologians attest that individuals
have a limited knowledge of God through general revelation in the natural world.
General revelation can provide valid knowledge that there is a God, which aids in the
acceptance of special revelation.
General revelation is an individual s ability to gain knowledge of God through his
presence in the world. The knowledge we are able to gain through general
revelation is limited. It doesn t bring salvation and tells very little about God s
character, but it can bring us knowledge of the existence of God. We are able to gain
this knowledge of him because he is a Creator ... Show more content on
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Humans, unlike animals, have a sense of moral responsibility to do what is good
(Guthrie, 42). It is more than a subjective sense of what is right and wrong, it is a
understanding of justice and injustice. The presence of our conscience implies there
is a moral standard. If there is a moral standard, then the standard had to be set by
someone or something. An objective moral order is meaningless unless there is a
Divine Being (Trueblood, Philosophy of Religion, 114). Aesthetics is another place a
person can experience general revelation. Like our sense of morals, beauty is not
subjective. It is something we discover. For example, music is random sounds but
is based on scales. A musician has to learn about scales and chords before writing a
song. If beauty is not something we create, but something we discover then there
must be a set standard of what is beautiful. If there is a standard of beauty in the
world, then there must be a Creator of the world. It is through the various forms of
general revelation that individuals are able to learn certain aspects about the
character of God and the purpose of human life. We can see this in other belief
systems, theories, and ideas about life and the world that non Christians hold to that
are very similar to certain biblical teachings.
Without any reference to Jesus, the Bible, or the Christian church, many philosophers,
scientists, psychologists, artists, and followers of other
religions have
Purpose Of An Income Statement
Income statements, balance sheets, statements of cash flows, and financial
statement ratios have one thing in common: they are all ways that investors,
managers, and owners can look at a business from a financial standpoint and decide
what they should do next. Is it time to expand the business? Should we just keep
doing what we re doing because it works? Is it time to close the doors? All of these
questions and more can be answered by reviewing the aforementioned financial
documents. In this paper, I will explore these documents, discover how they differ,
and how important business decisions are made based on what they say.
Income Statements An income statement shows a firm s sales revenue and expenses
over a period of time, such as a month, quarter, or year (Melicher Norton, 2014, pg
319). The purpose of an income statement is to help company decision makers
evaluate the firm s current situation and make changes as needed (Reeves, Unk).
Income statements also help creditors make decisions on loans they might supply to
the company (Reeves, Unk). Finally, income statements assist stock investors in
deciding whether the company would make a good investment (Reeves, Unk). Major
expenses on an income statement can be broken down into two categories: operating
expenses and non operating expenses (Boundless Staff, Unk). Operating expenses
include cost of goods sold (COGS), selling, general and administrative expenses,
depreciation, and research
Lines Written A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey
During the eighteenth century, it was a time where people were obsessed with
rationality and scientific precision. In response to this, artists created a literary
movement the Romantic period. This period was not just about love stories; it was a
social movement revolved around the concept of imagination. Poets used imagination
to escape the troubles going on in the real world. Two authors who used their
imagination during this timeare William Wordsworthand John Keats. Both
Wordsworth and Coleridge use the imagination to escape their present reality. While
Wordsworth s speaker in Lines written a few miles above Tintern Abbey succeeds in
making his present moment better, in Keats La Belle Dame Sans Merci, the speaker
gets trapped in a dangerous past. Even though they both used imagination, the
outcome of it was different.
Lines written a few miles above Tintern Abbey is about how we change over time
and the realization of it. The speaker in this compares the person he used to be and
the person he became. The speaker, remembers almost every detail from the past of
Tintern Abbey that he used to visit. Wordsworth uses imagination by describing
everything the speaker remembers what he saw and heard. From the sound of the
mountain springs (3), this dark sycamore (10), and the hedge rows (14). These
memories make him realize he has been cooped up in the city. The speaker claims
these memories kept him sane while living in the din/ Of towns and cities (25 26).
Project Description Of A Mathematical Model
Project Description In many science and engineering applications, such as petroleum
engineering, aerospace engineer ing and material sciences, inference based on a
mathematical model and available observations from the model has garnered
importance in recent years. With the lack of the analytical expres sion, in most
scenarios this solution involves numerical approximation. The underlying system
may contain unknown parameters which requires solving an inverse problem based
on the ob served data. In many cases the underlying model may contain high
dimensional field which varies in multiple scales such as composite material, porous
media etc. This high dimensional solution can become computationally taxing even
with the recent advent of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, in petroleum engineering the reservoir permeability may be unknown.
From oil/water pressure data from different well locations estimating the unknown Оє
is an inverse problem. пїјпїј1 пїјпїјFigure 1: Left hand panel shows one dimensional
basis at coarse level of discretization at grid points 1,2,3,.... Basis corresponding
grid point 2, П†2 is supported in [1,3] interval and zero otherwise and linear in [1,2]
and [2,3]. Right hand panel shows typical multiscale basis at two dimension, which
takes non zero value on coarse neighborhood of some coarse grid points but has high
resolution by solving a local problem. The solution u, the parameter Оє can have
oscillatory nature (both in temporal and spatial scale) with multiple scales/periods. A
numerical solution that captures the local property of this solution requires capturing
the local structure which involves solving a homogenous version of (1) locally and
use these solutions as basis to capture the global solution, which is known as
multiscale solution (Fish et al., 2012; Franca et al., 2005). A highly oscillatory Оє(x,
t) = Оє(x) is given for a two dimensional domain in Figure 2 . In numerical solution,
the domain is split into many small grids and basis corresponding to each grid, also
known as fine scale basis, can capture the oscillatory solution (see Figure 1). The
linear pde system can be reduced into
Mob Mentality In To Kill A Mockingbird
Throughout the evolution of To Kill A Mockingbird (TKM), events have occurred
that occupy current happenings in our world. For instance, mob mentality, courage
and justice are by far only meer examples of the real life situations that we endure in
our everyday lives today. Although a variety of residence around the worlddo not
encounter these experiences, such topics are surprisingly popular within the thriving
community. Therefore, in this essay I will pursue my observations in an attempt to
discover corresponding events tied within the world of TKM. To begin with, mob
mentality has shown to be an influential source throughout TKM. This disposition
explicitly demonstrates an example of one of numerous worldwide issues occuring
stated in the novelTKM. Mob mentality has arrised multiple times in the TKM novel
which in return, provides examples of problems we experience worldwide. For
instance, taking a knee during the national anthem has escalated in a universal action
to stand up to the dreadful acts of racism. This is an illustration of mob mentality
because after one man commenced in starting the nationalized movement against
racism before a football game, several other football players began to take part in the
movement. Furthermore, this gesture caused a worldwide dispute between whether
such a motive was disrespectful to our nation s veterans or not, which in return, made
this an issue throughout the world. Additionally, during the novel TKM, mob
mentality is brought
Benefits Of Lemon Fruit
Lemon is cultivated in Spain, Argentina, Brazil, and countries around the United
States. These plants are not able to grow in cold weather climates. Lemon trees can
only grow and grow at temperatures 15 30Celsius. Therefore, the plant was developed
in snowy countries with high intensity.
Lemon fruit is often used as a dietary program. For those of you who want to diet
can use lemon as a food for diet. Lemon fruit processing How to diet in the same
way as to make lemon juice. Only in this menu sugar levels should be reduced.
Sugar content is a little on the lemon juice diet program does have a very sour taste.
Lemon fruit is actually very beneficial to the human body. In the world of beauty
lemon used as a cosmetic ingredient mixture. Lemon fruit is very rich in vitamin C,
magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Lemon fruit also contains ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Aside from being an effective agent to burn fat, lemon is also beneficial for your
health. Lemon shown to increase human stamina. Anti bacterial and antioxidant also
play an active role in the body. More effective lemon fruit consumed hot or warm.
Heat can be faster processing of substances in the body. Here are the benefits of
1. Streamlining Digestive System
Disposal of waste products can be easier with consumption of lemon juice on a
regular basis. Lemon increasing the peristaltic movements in the stomach. Lemon as
a blood purifier and cleanser, so a good drink after lunch or dinner. Lemon also helps
other digestive problems like nausea when acid reflux, but be careful because the
lemon does not fit in with the milk.
2. Boost Immunity
Lemon mixed with honey is able to absorb more iron. Iron in the body is very active
role in immune function. In the lemon drink also contains saponins which have
antimicrobial function. Get into the habit of drinking lemon and honey with warm
water every morning.
3. Stabilizing High Blood
Symbolism In Hills Like White Elephant By Ernest
A symbol is anything that stands for, or represents, something else. Many everyday
objects we see symbolize or stand for something deeper; our wedding rings represent
love and commitment, teams like the Sharks or Giants are named after animals and
mythical creatures that symbolize strength, power, and stability. Similarly, in
literature, symbols are used to give an object, character, or situation a deeper and
more significant meaning. In literature, symbols can be ambiguous and difficult to
understand because the same symbolcan have different meanings; therefore, it is very
important to know when and where to use symbolism in a story. For example, the
color red can mean love, anger or danger depending on the context of the text.
Besides ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This fact possibly symbolizes Jig s and the American s relationship. Throughout their
conversation, one can see that they rarely agree on anything and seem distant with
each other. It is clear that Jig wants more from her life and her relationship, but the
American clearly wants to continue living without the responsibility of a child. They
are in a relationship, but their desires and expectations from each other are not the
same; they are like two train tracks that are running alongside but are not truly
together. They have come together at this point because it is at this junction that they
will either continue together or go their separate ways.
Hills Like White Elephants can be very confusing and difficult to understand because
it is an indirect conversation between two people about something important.
Hemingway does not give any direct details about the characters or the situation.
However, if we read the story carefully and pay attention to the symbols, the depth of
the story will surprise us. That is the magic of symbolism; it takes something simple
and gives it layers that only entice and excite the
The Power Of Speech In Jane Austen s Persuasion
At face value, Anne s speech in the published ending of Jane Austen s Persuasion
seems to not quite follow with her quiet nature throughout most of the book. In the
original unpublished conclusion to this book, Anne retains her standard silence that
is her signature characteristic. However, with a modest amount of studying one will
find Anne s remaining silent would not follow suit with her character s progression
through the story. The reason though for her continued growth towards comfort in
speech I believe to be directly tied to her continued growth back towards Captain
Wentworth. Reading through this book we become accustomed to Anne being the
silent character, leading us to feel like something is wrong when she begins to speak
more and more. Due to this we are naturally drawn to question why Anne is speaking
so much.
More than this we must wonder, why Anne did not speak before this point?
Throughout this book we are given enough information to see that Anne speaks
much less in comparison to all the other characters, however we are never given
anything to say why she is this way. One possible explanation that we find in
Chapter 1 is this description of her relationship with her father and sisters, her
word had no weight; her convenience was always to give way; she was only Anne.
(Austen, 1817) This seems like quite enough to keep someone from speaking up as
much, knowing that they would always get automatically shut down for being
considered only Anne . This seems like a strange way for Anne s own family to treat
her. Given, Sir Walter is not known for being the father of the year, but he at least
treats his other two daughters with some form of fatherly love. The flaw in this
though is that in the very last published chapter it is said that Sir Walter, indeed,
though he had no affection for Anne, and no vanity flattered, to make him really
happy on the occasion, was very far from thinking it a bad match for her. It is clearly
stated that Sir Walter did not even have any affection towards his daughter Anne.
This all lets us deny the idea of Sir Walter s view of his daughter affecting her
reason for silence. The next possibility would be in her own sister s treatment of
Anne. We see in the last
Denise Morgan s Case
STATEMENT OF ASSIGNMENT:Denise Morgan has made a request to our
office to represent her in a family court involving modification of a child support
order. My supervising attorney delegated the task of reviewing the facts to
determine the strengths and weaknesses of Denise Morgan s case as well as
determining if David Morgan s motion to vacate will be granted. FACTS:
Residents of Liliput country, Denise and David Morgan, divorced in December of
2010. Denise Morgan retained custody of their three children being that David
Morgan is an active member of the Liliput Armed Forces. At the time of this
arrangement child support and visitations were set in place. In February 2011 and
February 2013 David Morgan received two pay increases which has brought his
pay grade roughly one thousand dollars a month. He had also remarried. In April
2015 Denise Morgan was granted a temporary order to increase monthly child
support by roughly $150. David Morgan moved for deviation until the matter was
able to be fully adjudicated. His motion was granted and it... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Also because of the precedent within the Liliput case Reid V Damon, and the
supreme courts holding, the law seems to be in favor of Denise Morgan. Denise
Morgan s case is also stronger considering David Morgan failed to respond to
multiple discovery requests and interrogatories made by Denise Morgan in
December 2015. David Morgan s new wife responded by attesting to his absence
from the country, which would lean in favor of David Morgan. However it was
stated that David Morgan was not deployed when the initial requests were made.
Another weaknesses of Denise Morgan s case would be that she withdrew her
motion before David Morgan had been deployed. David Morgan followed part of
the guidelines in Section 2 Title 47 which he could argue was enough to prove his
absence and grant a
Chorus Line
On its surface, A Chorus Line simply provides little insight to that of what it means
to be a performer on Broadway, but what genuinely boosts the show forward are the
racial politics of the seventies, which were immersed in ethnic multiculturalism, and
reeling from the uprisal of the gay rights movement and the previous decade s civil
rights activism. A Chorus Line imagines a world where everyone inhabits all the
traits and abilities they will ever need to succeed in life, a world in which one s racial
or ethnic background would never be something that holds them back from
opportunities, but rather something that provides an identity, something to embrace
and celebrate. In having created a world where racehas no hindrance on the hiring
process... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The finale is made to be a sort of hell for the audience making them ask Did they go
through all that just to be anonymous? As they watch each person s history
essentially self destruct as the dancers high kick in chorus line uniformity. Not only
does the staging of the finale highlight the situation, the song One itself is a dejected
commentary on the lives of the dancers. The lyrics allude to a woman that is
sublimely special, a star, if you will, that woman is a nonentity, never appearing once
during the whole number. Instead, the audience s attention is kept on the very people
meant to stay in the background: the chorus, now dressed to the nines in their
shimmering false attires. In a strange moment of doubleness the audience sees the
chorus in some ways, as the stars of the show, at the same time, the dancers have been
dismissed to the background, made transparent, and destined to sing about a star that
is more famous than they are, adding to the irony and disheartening fact that she is
missing in action. This finale is the American Dream theatricalized for the broadway
Pocahontas Essay examples
Many moons ago, an Indian girl was not yet born but there were many problems with
Indians and the white man as the Indians. This unborn child would become a huge
part of colony history between the Indians and the English; this child was to be
recognized in history by many different names the most famous name would be
Pocahontas. The book I read was about Pocahontas by Grace Steele Woodward. This
book covers many different subjects in Pocahontas s life. The book begins with a
background of The Powhatans, Pocahontas s people. She was not just a little Indian
girl but the daughter of a very powerful chief. Before she was born Chief Powhatan
claim many of the lands around and near the James Pensile and up through the
Chesapeake Bay area. He... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Her secret name only known by her tribesmen was Matoax meaning amp;quot;Little
Snow Feather amp;quot;. (Woodward, 20) During The first days of Jamestown,
Pocahontas started to watch and observed the new strangers in her land. She starts to
see how they ran life and govern themselves. Pocahontas was still very young when
the first settles land at Jamestown. When she starting visiting the colony there were
only about 100 Englishmen, the Anglican chaplain, and the twelve labors. Pocahontas
was mostly intrigue with Captain John Smith. Smith was a dashing young 26 year
old. Captain Newport arrested Smith on route to Jamestown for inciting mutiny
among some of the crewmen on the ship Susan Constant. Smith was released after
landing at Jamestown but Smith could not take the oath of allegiance to King James
or sit with the council until June 10, when he was cleared of all charges. (Woodward,
55) John Smith, to Pocahontas, was the most approachable of all the English
colonists. He took the initiative to learn the Powhatan language and try to
communicate between the Indians and the colonists. Smith also knew that the
Indians could help the colonists in their time of need. Pocahontas s father was a little
less interested in talking t the white man. He felt that they would bring destruction to
his great empire and
Sports Risk Management Case Study
Sport risk management is an importance thing to focus in organization especially
sport organizations to practice in organization. Risk management comes early years
1970 (Aman, 2006) and nowadays risk management practices is increases and take
serious in risk management practices. Sekendiz, Laroche and Corbelt (2011), sport
today changes from recreation to professional activities including sport industry,
athletes and professional coach or officer. Everyone participate in sport industry
including athletes, coaches, managers, sport officers, organizer and all manufactures
sport equipment exposes to risk. Sport risk management still low at Malaysia
difference UK. Sport risk management comes from combination risk management
scope and sport. Risk management and sport a difference scope because risk
management is a part of process risk management for organization and for sport is an
activity in manage heath. An effect from combination both is more effectives and
efficiency in management of sport organization. Performance athletes maybe can
evaluate and identity from sport risk management because organization may identify
process to minimize ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sports risk management is to prevent and minimize accidents and mishaps in sports.
Ehsani, M. and Versi, K. (2012) the practice of risk management is a new thing and
need qualified coaches to achieve better performance of risk management within the
organization. Ammon (2001) and Clement (1998) Risk manager must appoint to
manage the model of risk management practice to create and exercise program must
safe. Ammon (2001), Thatcher (2006), and Price (2010) top management and
coaches need to know about knowledge in risk management field of sport and more
experiences in handle training to manage the risk in the risk management practices of
facilities, equipment, and safety
Netherlandish Triptych Case Study
My thesis examines in three case studies that taken together demonstrate how the
triptych transformed over the course of the fifteenth century. Chapter 2 discusses the
emergence of the characteristic form of the triptych that begins with Robert Campin.
Campin, who lived from 1375 1444, and who is usually identified with the Master of
Flemalle. He is also considered to be the first master of Flemish and early
Netherlandish paintingand established the typical form of the Netherlandish triptych.
Campin settled into Tournai in the early 1400s as a free master of the guild of
goldsmiths and painters. Eventually, Campin represented the guild on the city
council. Since there are no documents relating to Campin s apprenticeship or training,
three stylistic sources have been proposed.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Melchior Broederlam, who worked on the Retable of the Passion (fig. 2), Henri
Bellechose, who was known for working with Philip the Bold, and Claus Sluter, a
Burgundian sculpture, who worked on the Charterhouse of Champmol. Broederlam
is an important influence because his retable is one of the earliest forms of a
triptych in the Netherlands. Campin utilized some elements from the Retable of the
Passion (fig. 2), but ultimately was the first to create a standard for triptychs. He
was known for realistic figures, depiction of emotions in his paintings and also a
sense of ambiguity. That ambiguity is evident in Campin s Virgin and Child (fig. 3),
the nimbi of the Virgin s intersects with the Christ Child s head and creates a
touching moment of intimacy between mother and child. Their halos also act as a
mediator between the foreground and background. The shape of the gems in the halo
reflects the rectilinear nature of the background, but the solid quality of the halo
separates it from the background. The halo seems to exist in both levels, creating a
valency. This sense of ambiguity and multivalence would come to characterize
Campin s
Renting Vs Inflation
Renting a house may seem to be a cheaper method of residing, but have you
wondered whether it is profitable in the long run? Maybe buying a house seems like a
much bigger financial commitment than the monthly rent, but which suits you
better? In this article we will talk about the benefits of buying a house as opposed to
renting one.
Capital Appreciation
The simple fact is that with time the value of real estate increases. A simple
explanation is that the cost of land does not reduce. As free land keeps on reducing
with the increase in population, the land available for construction is reducing at a
rapid rate. With this trend, land is becoming an important investment and will soon
become more expensive as the days go by. So selling a piece ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
However, a small part of the amount even goes towards the principal amount. This
increases the equity that you have. The more payments you make, the quicker your
equity begins to grow. You can see that halfway through the repayment of the interest,
the amount for the principal begins to increase and you are closer towards completely
owning the home.
Financial Gains
Financial gains, or capital gains, are quite related to capital appreciation but they
are not the same. Capital gains include the increase in the value of money. This is
in many ways a cause of inflation. If you bought a property now, then the price of
same property will be much more after thirty years when you plan to sell it.
However, due to inflation over the thirty years, the amount that you spend now would
be worth more in future. This also provides you with profit at the time of selling.
When you are living in a rented home, there are many rules and regulations that
have to be followed according to the landlord. An agreement is many times signed
which limits your privacy. The landlord can any time come to inspect the premises
or may not allow you to keep pets. If you want to live life according to your rules,
then purchasing your own home will allow you to do
The General Norman Schwarzkopf During The Vietnam
The General Norman Schwarzkopf had been hired in the US army since the time
of the Vietnam war and he had later on become a four star general as well as being
the commander of the US central command. He was born in 1934 on august 22nd.
He was very incumbent on becoming a military personnel that he was long waiting
to be as he had led the US in the Gulf war and all the other wars that had been fought
against the Iraqi s and there was a very systematic and planned out way that had been
followed by the General in the war tactics that he had been carrying out in the
different encounters that they had with their enemies and the people who were very
much incumbent into getting the National Security of the US in danger whatever be
the deterrence
Yoga and the Mind
Conquer the mind and you can conquer anything. That is a popular saying amongst
Yogis (yoga instructors) very few people recognize the truth and meaning behind this
statement. There is a clear connection between the health benefits associated with
yoga having to do with the body, power strength, balance, flexibility. Few people are
aware of the multiple benefits it can serve for the brainand mindas well. Is there a
clear benefit and connection between mind and body when practicing yoga? Yoga
can supposedly improve depressive symptoms and immune function, as well as
decrease chronic pain, reduces stress, and lower blood pressure. These claims have
all been made by yogis over the years, and it sounds like a lot of new age
foolishness. Surprisingly, however, everything in that list is supported by scientific
research. (psychologytoday.com) The main struggle in yoga is to overcome the
challenge, each pose is challenging, and your goal is to breathe and remain calm
throughout the struggle and to find your inner peace and keep going. This is a
strong concept to conquer; the mind of course often does whatever it wants. The
true gain one finds is when one does overcome the struggle; it is the process where
one benefits. Studies have shown a correlation between yoga and how one handles
stress.Yoga retrains your brain in how it reacts to the automatic stress response.(
Korb) When the body first senses stress, the first reaction is to quit and to become
tense and
The Feminist And Queer Theory
The Feminist/ Queer theory is a relatively new understanding in the world of
sociology. This theory developed in response to traditional, male dominated classical
approaches. (Buccieri 2014) Many people had realized that there was a lack of
research on woman and their contributions to the world. Woman wanted and still
strive for equal rights, conditions, and power structures to men. The Feminist/ Queer
theory s main goal is to defend cultural, political, and economic rights for women. The
Feminist/ Queer theory evolved from many feminist movements and activists and
there is not one distinct individual that claims the right to this theoretical perspective.
I identify most with this theory out of the 4 sociological perspectives because I
myself am a womanand have felt the every day struggles of a patriarchal society. The
Feminist/ Queer theory is the most appropriate way to approach studying society
because of the societal norms that have been brought upon culture against women.
In the Home
The first example I have about women living in a patriarchal society was just
recently discussed in my modern culture class; we discussed women and their
roles in the home. The basic average household used to have a workingman, who
would come home at the end of the day expecting food, a clean house, and a happy
wife. The phrase happy wife, happy life was used. Now a days, or at least in my own
household, my mother is the hard worker in the family that brings in the central
Microsoft Office
Marketing Strategy : Marketing is a very unique set of doings which shows a great
and valuable impact on the entire organization. The marketers and experts of these
fields have developed three prospective of this after a deep sea research. This
environment influences the organization directly. Caster guitar is a big name in the
field of transporting the guitars worldwide .A company cannot sell its all products to
a single customer or at a same market. The customers are many and they all are
diverse according to their demand and buying requirements. This is why, each
company needs to identify its market segmentation, market segmentation procedure,
pattern of segmentation, basis of segmenting consumers and business market. Many
companies use... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
At the start, subcompact cars were the targeted strategy adapted by Toyota, which
were small and easy to buy vehicles. Now, with the use of adjacent segmentation
strategy, Toyota is able to move from one specific car manufacturing to another,
relative to large cars, such as a station wagon. Toyota first expands its market by
introducing Sedan cars which are large and luxurious than its previous cars . Porters
Five Forces of Toyota: Target Market: Toyota seeks to attract a new type of consumer
with the Matrix, one whoembodies a trendy, youthful edge, but also insists upon
practicality andreliability. Using PRIZMВ®, Velocity Communications segmented
the targetaudience into four components: Motivated Students, Aspiring
Singles,ActiveIntellectuals and Domestic Achievers. This enabled us to dig deep into
thetarget market s motivations and habits and allowed us to develop an effectiveplan
that truly speaks to our intended target markets.The members of the target audience
are going places.They are 20 30 year olds who welcome the qualityand dependability
that Toyota promises to bring totheir changing lives. They have expressed an
interestin the cross over utility market because such vehicles will accommodate their
active lifestyles at anaffordable price. This youthful market is highlyeducated and
thinks both critically and progressively.Like the Matrix, these young men and women
are practical, innovative and prepared for the road
Why my Favorite Sport is Soccer
What is sport? Sport in as athletic activity requiring skills or prowess and often of a
competitive nature. My favorite sport is soccer. It is played by 250 million players
in over 200 countries and dependencies, making it the world s most popular sport.
The game is played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball on a
rectangular field with a goal at each end. The object of the game is to score by
getting the ball into the opposing goal. In this essay i am going to write about the
history of soccer, my favorite soccer club and my favorite soccer player who is my
role model. The old form of soccer used to allow many ill practices like kicking,
punching, biting and gouging. The main aim was to carry the ball to a target spot.
People grew so fond of the game that they would throng the field all day long.
Sometimes the competition grew fierce and masses got so wild that there were
frequent incidents of violence during the game. In 1815, a major development
took place that made soccer popular in Universities, Colleges and Schools. The
popular English School and Eton College came forth with a set of rules, known as
the Cambridge Rules. Football was segregated into two groups; some colleges and
schools opted for Rugby rules that allowed tripping, shin kicking and also carrying
the ball. These rules were exclusively prohibited as per the Cambridge rules. In
October 1863, eleven representatives from London clubs and schools met at the
Freemason s Tavern to set up common fundamental rules to control the matches
amongst themselves. The outcome of this meeting was the formation of the Football
Association. In December 1863, the Rugby Football and Association football finally
split as the supporters of the Rugby School rules walked out. Firmly establishing the
foundation of soccer in 1869, the Football Association strictly banned any kind of
handling of the ball. When and where exactly did soccer start is a question that has
no precise answer to it. Soccer also known as football was invented and most
influenced by England but most of the early innovation came from scotland. It was
until 1872 when england played scotland at the very first international game when the
first revolution happened. In England
Ratifying The Constitution
In this lesson, we are continue learning about the new Constitution. In the summer of
1787, the 13 states discuss the problem under the Articles of Confederation. They
decide it will be easy to write a new document then fix it. James Madison was in
charge of the assembling the various parts of the new constitution. He didn t write it,
he just edited it. He took 55 delegate ideas, and turned it into a cohesive document.
Madison is known as the father of the Constitution . The convention lasted 3 months,
and the nation were furious about the new constitution. Madison had to make a taught
choices on what to put in the constitution. At the end, the document was filled with
short, vague, and subject to interpretation (page 40). In September 1787, Madison
finished and sent... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Madison add the bill of rights in the Constitution but in the form of amendments.
However, everyone didn t agree, 9 of the 13 states ratified it. The ratification battle
was so intense, they wrote the Federalist Paper. The Federalist Paper was wrote by
James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay. They was known as the
founding father . I didn t know the Federalist Paper is considered a masterpieces in
the field of political science. In 1789, 9 states had ratified the Constitution, this
went in effect to replace the Articles of Confederation. The government form a
system called checks and balances. The checks and balances were break down in 3
branch. The Legislative branch have two house, the senate would have equal
representation (2 vote), and the House of Representation would have representation
within the population. The executive branch is made up by the president, vice
president, and the advisors from the president. The executive branch enforce the
laws passed by congress. The executive branch have the power to veto laws by
congress. However, congress have the power declare
Don Giovanni, From Mozart s Beloved Opera
You know that they are more necessary to me than the bread I eat! Than the air I
breathe! The passionate and powerful person that says those words is not an
individual one should praise. It is, in fact, Don Giovanni, from Mozart s beloved
opera Don Giovanni. The opera is the story of a trickster who seduces women and
escapes from them, stripping them from their honor. The first act commences with
the struggle of Donna Anna against Don Giovanni, who is hiding his identity under a
mask. As she shouts, her father, the Commendatore, is woken up and strives to
confront the man who has disowned his daughter. Consequently, they fight and Don
Giovanni kills him. As the continuing scenes develop, the character meets a past
girl, Donna Elvira, who is in love with him and believes to be his wife. Leporello,
Giovanni s servant, tells her about the many women he has been with. Still, she
insists on stopping his future affairs by telling the women of Don Giovanni s deeds.
In the penultimate scene, the Don faces his inevitable fate, the inferno. It takes the
divine forces to take him down, represented in the moving statue of the
Commendatore. Don Giovanni is a quintessential example of the unfaithful man who
lives a life of libertinage. Often, he has been described a hero. What characteristics
do heroes embody, then? A hero is an individual who is esteemed for his courage,
remarkable accomplishments, or honorable qualities. Therefore, Don Giovanni is the
antonym of hero, embodying the
The Importance Of Parent And Family Involvement In
There are many issues discussed when it comes to education including testing, school
accountability, teacher proficiency, and much more. There are many initiatives,
programs, and reforms being implemented to try to improve education outcomes for
students. While the school, administration, and teachers are an important part of
student education, there is also another vital item needed to encourage and ensure
student learning: parent or familyinvolvement in their child s education.
There are countless positive associations between parent and family engagement and
student academic confidence and success. Many organizations, including the
National Parent Teacher Alliance (PTA) and Parents for Public Schools (PPS), work
to encourage parents and families take on an active role in supporting and
reinforcing their child s education. The PTA website gives many parent guides to
support and direct engagement. Their guide Making Sure Your Child Gets the
Education They Deserve advises parents to have high expectations of school
buildings and equipment as well as initiate and maintain strong contact with their
child s teacher (pta.org). The PPS websites gives similar advice to parents and
families stating, School success takes great leadership, effective teachers and engaged
parents. We believe that parents are an essential education partner from the moment
their children are born (2017).
Many families face obstacles to engaging and participating in their child s education
“The battle for Canadian liberty and autonomy is
The battle for Canadian liberty and autonomy is being fought today on the plains of
France and Belgium, Borden said while introducing conscription. (Cook, 2011 3 ed.,
Vol. 13, p.13)
At the beginning of the twentieth century, many Canadians were still adjusting to its
new ways and ideas. Then the Greatest War the world had ever seen transformed the
map of Europe and changed the nations, and the people, who fought in it forever. In
Canada, for example, during the war the government faced great challenges such as
the conscription crisis when the Country was divided by politics. In addition Canada
was accepting the new, untraditional, roles of women, who during the war were
allowed to work for the first time in men s professions ; such as ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Borden wrote in his diary, Our first duty is to win, at any cost, the coming election
in order that we may continue to do our part in winning the War and that Canada
not be disgraced. (Cook, 2011, p.14). Borden was true to his word. During the
summer of 1917 he presented two new acts that would assure his party victory.
First Borden presented the Military Voters Act which allowed soldiers over seas to
vote in elections. Second the War Times Election Act, gave women who were of
close family relation to a man serving in the forces, the right to vote but revoked
the right to vote from citizens who were immigrants from enemy countries. (Cook,
2011, p.15) Borden presenting these acts would allow pro military citizens to vote
was strategic. The Liberals were very upset by Borden s crafty political sabotage
of their chances of winning the election. In the Khaki election, Borden s Unionists
won the most seats across Canada except in Quebec. The Unionists won the
majority of seats in Ontario and the West. The Unionists only had three seats in
Quebec. The Unionists won the election with a total of 153 seats across Canada.
The Maritimes were split with the Liberals, but the Liberals had eighty two across
Canada and sixty two from Quebec (Cook, 2011 p.18). Borden s acts and bills had
achieved their desired effect. English speaking women had been the leading cause
for the Unionists win (Cook, 2011 p.19). It is hard to argue against helping soldiers
vote in an
What Are The Challenges Of Benjamin Franklin s Life
Early in Benjamin Franklins life, he faced a big challenge that led him to make
choices to shape up his influencing character. It shows us that he had to work hard
from an early age. This is a big challenge for him because he had to work from an
early age along with becoming better academically. Growing up in a big familywith
so many siblings, he had to take care of himself. His father Josiah worked in a soap
factory, along with making candles. Benjamin worked with his father until he was
twelve years old, until he started to despise working with his father which made his
father look for alternative jobs. Knowing Benjamin and his interest in education and
books, his father suggested he worked for his older bother James, who was a printer.
... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In return, all James did was slander Benjamin s name throughout the community so
he wouldn t be able to find work anywhere else. This was a big challenge for
Benjamin because not only did he have a bad name that lasted quite a long time but
he also had to force himself to move to distant places like New York and Pennsylvania
. He had to travel under dangerous conditions across seas to find another job. Also
another challenge Benjamin faced after leaving his fathers job, was that he couldn
t find a long stable and suitable job for himself. He always faced problems at every
new job he joined. On his way to New York, Benjamin meets Bradford, who was
not able to offer him any jobs. But he refers Benjamin to his son Andrew who was
a printer in Pennsylvania. When Benjamin gets to Pennsylvania, Andrew did not
have a job to offer him. Then Andrew refers him to go work for Keimer, who is
also another printer. Although Keimer gave Benjamin work, but it doesn t last
long. He later stops living with Keimer and ends up leaving the job. From these
events in his life we are able to see the cycle and pattern, and he might face similar
challenges in the future. Benjamin gets pushed around from places to places to find
a jobs with very few people recognizing his ability and passion to write, and how
much of an intellectual, he was. He wasn t able to save up his money due
Financial Analyst Career Paper
Putting your foot into the business world gives you access to many opportunities and
helps you gain access into Corporate America. Being a business major not only gives
you an advantage but it also opens many doors for different careers. Business has
many different branches ranging from management, finance, marketing, etc/and the
list goes on. Taking on a certain career you should be aware of not only the salary,
but their everday objective to see if it best fits you.
Career and its Nature
The role of a financial analyst is to provide guidance to businesses and individuals
making investment decisions; they assess the performance of stocks bonds, and other
types of investments, (Bureau of Labor Statistics). This career ties in with the ... Show
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It is harder for females to reach a high ranked positions in a company in a male
dominated field. Majoring in business you have to be aware of some of the
circumstances and realities of Corporate America. A woman who was able to
overcome this label was Ann Marie Petach, the CFO of BlackRock. It all started
when she took an entry job as a financial analyst at Ford s electrical and electronics
division. As stated in the American Banker, she thought it would simply be a good
way to learn corporate finance, and that her stay with the automaker would last no
longer than three
Delphi Technique
SR. NO.| PARTICULARS| 1.| The Delphi Technique What Is It?| 2.| History| 3.| Key
characteristics| 4.| Role of the facilitator| 5.| Use in forecasting| 6.| Acceptance| 7.|
Delphi applications not aiming at consensus| 8.| Delphi vs. prediction markets| 9.| The
Delphi ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Delphi Technique is based on the Hegelian Principle of achieving Oneness of
Mind through a three step process of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. In thesis and
antithesis, all present their opinion or views on a given subject, establishing views
and opposing views. In synthesis, opposites are brought together to form the new
thesis. All participants are then to accept ownership of the new thesis and support it,
changing their own views to align with the new thesis. Through a continual process
of evolution, Oneness of Mind will supposedly occur.
The theory of the Delphi and the reality of the Delphi are, obviously, quite different
the reality being that Oneness of Mind does not occur but only the illusion of
Oneness of Mind with those who refuse to be Delphi d being alienated from
participating in the process.
While proponents of education reform feel they are quite justified in this, the effect
of this unethical manipulation of people is to create polarized camps. In an effort to
maintain the process, advocates have marketed a plethora of publications (such as
What s Left After the Right, No Right Turn and If You Don t, They Will) intended to
label, castigate, and alienate anyone who does not go along with them. As a result,
parents come to understand that their role in education reform is merely perfunctory;
that the outcome is preset, that they are not but the rah rah team so when opposition
does arise,
Ancient Egyptian Cultures In The Art Of Egyptian Art
The Egyptians told many stories about their life in the form of artwork and
sculptures. We have learned so much about different kings, traditions and culture
from the artwork from temples, chapels, and tombs. Artwork to the Egyptians was
autobiographical it could tell the story of kings, gods and so much more by stone,
and paint. Many culture have looked to the Egyptians culture and ensued some of
their traditions. The culture of the Egyptians has shaped the modern world as we
view it today.
In comparing the first row of images we can view that there are instantaneous
differences among both royal expressions. The element that is the focal point of the
image is the facial proportions. In the first image. During the sovereignty of pharaoh
Akhenaten iconography and form of the king altered. In one way Akhenaten altered
the way of imagery was by embellishing facial structures. He created more bulging
noses, lips, chin and ears this would give the image appear unrealistic to the
individuals real image. In the image, we can view the both kings have a clear
image of their eyes and both are comparable in the placement on the face. Seti I has
more realistic image it tried to perfect the figures, forms and draws the audience to
view the image. Unlike Akhenaten his image has exaggerations in features this isn t
accurate in what the individual truly looked like in life. In viewing the image of
Akhenaten, I believe this was the beginning of the art named caricature.
In the artwork
On The Waterfront Essay
On the waterfront is a 1954 black and white film that based on an original story.
Terry Malloy (Marlon Brando) is a dockworker who works at the docks of Johnny
Friendly (Lee J. Cobb). A popular dockworker Joey Doyle was murdered by Terry s
brother Charley Malloy, although it seems Joey just simply falls from the roof.
Terry is upset on Joey s death, and he knows Joey had planned to testify to the
Waterfront Crime Commission about the poor working conditions. Joey s sister
Edie (Eva Marie Saint) is angry about her brother s death, and Terry is smitten with
her, but after Edie realizes Terry s role in her brother s murder, she breaks up with
him. Charley gives Terry the gun and advises him to run when Johnny decides to kill
Terry to prevent his testimony. Terry and Edie both escape but Charley is shot down.
After the death of Terry s brother, Terry
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Terry Malloy (Marlon Brando) is a dockworker who works at the docks of Johnny
Friendly (Lee J. Cobb). A popular dockworker Joey Doyle was murdered by Terry s
brother Charley Malloy, although it seems Joey just simply falls from the roof.
Terry is upset on Joey s death, and he knows Joey had planned to testify to the
Waterfront Crime Commission about the poor working conditions. Joey s sister
Edie (Eva Marie Saint) is angry about her brother s death, and Terry is smitten with
her, but after Edie realizes Terry s role in her brother s murder, she breaks up with
him. Charley gives Terry the gun and advises him to run when Johnny decides to
kill Terry to prevent his testimony. Terry and Edie both escape but Charley is shot
down. After the death of Terry s brother, Terry testifies about Joey s murder by
Johnny Friendly. As a result Johnny calls his thugs to beat him at the pier. At last
Father Barry and Edie arrive, they encourage injured Terry to walk and go to work,
so the story ends with Terry goes to the pier followed by the other
Lost Lady Essay
The diction and detail used by Willa Cather in the book A Lost Lady, paints a picture
in the readers mind by her prose selection of diction and arrangements of graphic
detail, which conveys a feeling of passion, sadness, tense anger and unending
happiness through Neil Herbert. Throughout the book, Cather describes Neil Herbert
ВЎВЇs life from his childhood, to his teenage years, and then to his adulthood with
surpassing diction and supporting detail.
As the story begins, Cather describes Neil Herbert as, ВЎВ°a handsome boy of
twelve whom she liked.ВЎВ± This description gives us a mental picture of this boy
with a smile on his face and always being courteous. In his younger years, the reader
can assume that Herbert ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Forrester becomes immensely greater. Mrs. Forrester was the only woman he knew
who wore earrings of which, ВЎВ°they hung naturally against her thin, triangular
cheeks.ВЎВ± Cather describes the immense admiration from Neil towards Mrs.
Forrester through compliments that he is making. Neil would say, ВЎВ°he had never
found one so attractive and distinguished as Mrs. Forrester,ВЎВ± and that,
ВЎВ°other women were heavy and dull.ВЎВ± As Cather describes NeilВЎВЇs love
and compassion for Mrs. Forrester, we feel a sense of sympathy and compassion for
Neil because the reader knows that Neil cannot marry her due to her being too aged
and that she is already married. We feel the sense of sympathy through NeilВЎВЇs
over complementing remarks.
Neil Herbert then becomes a grown man, still admiring his child hood love, Mrs.
Forrester. When Neil finds out that Mrs. Forrester is secretly writing to a man
named Frank Ellinger, he becomes extremely saddened because he knows its wrong
of her due to already being married. Despite knowing this Neil still expresses his love
for her and he would even, ВЎВ°make a bouquet for a lovely lady; a bouquet
gathered off the cheeks of morning. The author in a way tells the reader that Neil
still has that unending desire of love for Mrs. Forrester. For instance, one time as
Neil went to Mrs. ForresterВЎВЇs room to surprise her with a bouquet of flowers, he
heard her laugh and ВЎВ°then another laugh, very different, a
The Brewing Co Of Michigan Breweries
Over the last 20 plus years, there has been a rapidly growing number of craft
breweries in the United States, including the State of Michigan. According to the
official State of Michigan Pure Michigan website (http://www.michigan.org/breweries
/), The craft beer craze is sweeping Michigan, making it fifth in the nation in the
number of breweries, microbreweriesand brewpubs. The Michigan Beer Guide
(2016), lists 259 different craft brewers in its current issue.
While there seem to be many success stories, there are also examples of Michigan
breweries that have gone out of business. According to Steven R. Reed (2013),
Michigan Brewing Co. founder ... took the Webberville company into bankruptcy
this week, seven months after one of 300 plus creditors forced the auction of his
equipment along with brands that had developed a statewide following. As a
personal observer of this story during its unfolding, to casual appearances, this was a
busy, successful micro brewery. This micro brewery was one of the first in Michigan
to take advantage of the growing popularity of the niche, yet suffered an untimely
end. Craft breweries can, obviously, fail like any other business enterprise.
One of the reputed benefits which have allowed the new craft beer industry to grow
and thrive is the better profit margins possible for making beer and ale on premises.
Business scholars Kleban Nickerson (2011) have noted that Since 2006, the craft
beer industry has been able to
Essay On Computer Advantages And Disadvantages
When building a computer, there will be some challenges you might have to face in
gathering information, assembling a computer, and supporting the system after
assembly. While on the other hand, it can be difficult to choose what computer you
should buy. The difference of buying and building a computer comes down to
personal wants, but there are disadvantages and advantages for both options.
The challenges you would face when building a computer can sometimes seem
overwhelming. As you are gathering information, you have to make sure that
everything is compatible with each other. You can t go out and buy a motherboard,
only to discover that one of your other parts doesn t fit the right requirements. You
also need to spend a good deal of time researching what you want, so to make sure
that things work together. When assembling the computer, you have to worry
about being gentle with your hardware. You have got to make sure that you keep
yourself static free as well because if you do not ground yourself while in the
building process, you could cause damage to your components. One way to avoid
this is to not wear wool or rub your socks on the carpet; This helps to prevent a build
up of static electricity, and you could always buy an antistatic wrist strap. By building
a computer, you will have to fix the problem if anything goes wrong. This can be a
challenge since you have different components from different companies. If you
don t know what you re doing, you will have to pay for those damages; You can t
get much help from one company to try to repair your computer either. Another
challenge you face in building a computer, is that you have control over what goes
into the computer. This can be a challenge since there is such a large variety of
components to choose from, with prices being different, and the parts having
different performances. At the same time, this just adds to the idea of full
customization for the customer. So the 3 big cons are; You are responsible for
fixing a damaged part, You have to make sure everything is compatible with each
other, and it could be sometimes possible you will have to spend more money to get
the things that you want performance wise. The 3 big pros are; You get full
Universal Jurisdiction And The Difficulties
Universal Jurisdiction SYSTEM ID: 2015016163 AbstractThis article analyzes and
evaluates the principle of universal jurisdiction and the difficulties in its
implementation. There is still a number of obstacles legal and non legal to proper and
better implementation even if this principle is well known. About the principles of
universal jurisdiction can something original or new be discovered or asserted?
Universal jurisdiction is one of the talked topics in today s world. Concept of
universal criminal jurisdiction is very complex. When we talk about universal
jurisdiction sovereignty also comes to raise its voice. When dealing with the subject
of universal jurisdiction there is a starting point that cannot be ignored. In practice
there are still various international crimes that go unpunished despite the international
obligation to prosecute those who committed them, though principle of universal
jurisdiction is extensively discussed. Constraints of real politics or diplomacy clashed
with the concept of universal jurisdiction. Political reasons have prevailed over legal
reasoning in a number of cases. This article also examines the meaning and
implementation of universal jurisdiction. For no sanction mechanisms have been
created to induce them, without their consent, to abide by their obligations, until now
only the goodwill of states could be relied on to guarantee their implementation in
good faith. Before ending with some possible remedies to minimize potential
The Populist Party And The Panic Of 1896
Following the Panic of 189, the federal government had to address the issue of
economics. The crisis would leave millions of Americans in difficult financial straits.
As a result, the free coinage of silver increasingly gained momentum throughout the
nation in the years immediately following. This gained such significant attention that
it would serve as the primary national issue in the election of 1896. The Republican
and Democratic parties would each align in this election for or against this
polarizing issue. The Republicans supported the gold standard while the Populist
supported Democrats endorsed a silver standard and bimetallism. The election of
1896 would be dominated by the issue of financial backing through the campaigns of
William McKinley and William Jennings Bryan. The results of the election would
serve as an example of the nations direction to move away from rural agriculture and
towards urban industrialism.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The results of the election would serve as an example of the nations direction to
move away from rural agriculture and towards urban industrialism. Events such as
the passing of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, the Nevada silver discovery, and the
Panic of 1893 served as significant catalysts for the issue of financial backing. In
response to this several political organizations formed in an effort to pursue economic
change. The Populist Party would ultimately become the most significant such
organization. The influence of the Populists would be tested in the election of 1896
in which the elections primary question was the silver standard. The Populist
endorsed Democrat William Jennings Bryan helped bring the issue to center stage
through efforts such as his speech Cross of Gold . The victory of Bryan s opponent,
William McKinley, would signify the nations trend towards an urban industrialized

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Public Policy Essays. Social policy essay examples. Public Policy essays. 2019-02-28

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  • 8. Marriott GROUP 2137 YEKATERINA POLYNCHUK ULIANA KOSTIEVA YULIIA KRYVONOS MARKETING STRATEGY PLAN FOR MARRIOTT U.S.A. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Marriott USA is a leader in the global lodging industry in that area. With numerous properties in USA and countless achievement awards, they are not only a wellknown but also a well liked brand. The global financial crisis hit the hotel and lodging industry hard because of a sharp drop in business and leisure travel. Regardless of the steep drop in profitability over recent years, Marriott USA has plans to focus on driving incremental revenue by cutting costs at the property level. It also addresses opportunities Marriott USA has to further capitalize on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Economic factor are concern to Marriott, because they are influenced on demand, cost, prices and profits. One of the most influence factors on the economy are acquisition, merger and demerger. In last year, Marriott USA was increased its stake by 4.9%,from 40.58% to 45.48% at a cost of ВЈ42 million. From there financial report their earning objective is so good around the year. Socio Cultural factor: Current situation indicate that Marriott USA provide good service for customer they using 7 language through the online and graphics and maps also adding value to booking experience, which is due to variety of social changes. Demographic changes such as the aging population and an increase the female worker because the company believes that men and women at the heart of its strategy. The company also focus on their employer and to make an increased efforts more and more training place and of social advancement. Marriott USA also provide franchises with added value and HR services and helping earth people they are involve in the Earth Guest programme with ECO and EGO and also developed corporate sponsorship for child aid, local aid, health, and cultural. In future Marriott USA will continue to respect generation, cultural and professional differences. Technological factors: Technology is the major
  • 9. Speed Art Museum The Speed Art Museum, originally known as the J.B. Speed Memorial Museum, now commonly referred to as the Speed by locals in the Louisville area, is the oldest, largest, and the primary museum of art in Kentucky. In 2013, the museum decided to conduct a three year renovation. The new North Building includes an unprecedented 9,000 square foot gallery dedicated to the display of the Speed s contemporary art collection. The museum hired architect, Kulapat Yantrasast. The architect decided to add multiple new additions to the museum, to a state of the art cinema from and re imagined Art Sparks to an outdoor Art Park, the Bangkok native added new exciting additions to the museum. The Speed includes five levels: A lower, upper, first, second and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Including artwork from the fourth millennium BC to today s world, the museum truly holds a collection to see. From incredibly large painting created in the thirteen hundreds to marvelous detailed sculptures built in the early seventeen hundreds the museum s eight collections holds a variety of items to see. Each of the exhibits are done very well, including a variety of items for each collection. Each exhibit includes art pieces that fit in their category. For example, my favorite art piece of the museum, the fifteen foot painting of ancient dutch philosophers would fit in the category, Dutch and Flemish . My overall view of the museum is very positive. I truly enjoyed visiting the museum and observing all of the various art pieces the museum holds. It was very interesting to see the large paintings in the Dutch and Flemish collection because I personally have always been a painting type of person rather than sculptures and drawings. I would most definitely recommend the museum to others. I would mostly recommend it to those individuals who enjoy to see artwork and are interested in historical paintings and
  • 10. Batman And Superman Similarities To people that have comic book illiteracy, Batman and Superman would seem like they would be pretty similar to each other, which is true but only to a degree. They have similar names, outfits, and both live two different lives, etc. On the other hand, when it comes down to what makes these two men special, they are polar opposites. They have differences in backgrounds, powers, motivations, and in what makes them popular among fans. Despite their similarities in outward appearances, Batmanand Supermanare exceedingly distinct from one another. Batman and Superman are poles apart, but, when it comes to certain aspects of their lives, they can be found to be similar. Both Batman and Superman are extremely popular comic book superheroes who have had multiple television shows and movies made about them. Batman and Superman show up at similar times in the comic book world and are published in the same comic book brand: DC Comics. Moreover, they both have superherocostumes and despite the color themes, the costumes follow the pattern of having their logo on their chest followed with a cape in the back. They are also alike in terms of their secret identities. Batman is actually Bruce Wayne and Superman is actually Clark Kent and they both live normal lives when they are not out saving them. Both of these characters have childhoods where both men did not know their parents very well because their parents died when they were young, making both of them orphans. When they start
  • 11. The Effects Of Music Therapy On Anxiety Of Patients With... This paper will conduct a critical appraisal of research over Effects of music therapy on anxiety of patients with breast cancer after radical mastectomy: a randomized clinical trial by Li, Wang, Yan, Zhang Zhou published in July 2011. Introduction: Authors, Qualifications, Title, Abstract Xiao Mei Li, Hong Yan, Kia Na Zhou, Duo Lao Wang and Yin Ping Zhang are the researchers who worked together to create the clinical trial being discussed. Li, Zhou, Yan, Wang, Zhang all possess either PhDs or Master level degrees. Li, Zhou, and Zhang work as Associate Professors or Research Assistants in the Department of Nursing and College of Medicine at the Xi an Jiatong University in China. Yan is a professor in the Department of Public Health at the Xi an Jiatong University in China. Wang is a professor in the Department of Medical Statistics and faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the United Kingdom. It is not stated if the researchers work in the field of cancer research. Each of the researchers has previously published numerous research studies. They do hold the educational preparedness and the expertise in order to conduct the study. The title Effects of music therapy on anxiety of patients with breast cancer after radical mastectomy: a randomized clinical trial allows the reader or appraiser to immediately understand what variables are being studied, what population the study is being performed on and the
  • 12. Essay on General Revelations of God A question that has perplexed humans through the ages is if we have the ability to reach God. The witness of Scripture and leading theologians attest that individuals have a limited knowledge of God through general revelation in the natural world. General revelation can provide valid knowledge that there is a God, which aids in the acceptance of special revelation. General revelation is an individual s ability to gain knowledge of God through his presence in the world. The knowledge we are able to gain through general revelation is limited. It doesn t bring salvation and tells very little about God s character, but it can bring us knowledge of the existence of God. We are able to gain this knowledge of him because he is a Creator ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Humans, unlike animals, have a sense of moral responsibility to do what is good (Guthrie, 42). It is more than a subjective sense of what is right and wrong, it is a understanding of justice and injustice. The presence of our conscience implies there is a moral standard. If there is a moral standard, then the standard had to be set by someone or something. An objective moral order is meaningless unless there is a Divine Being (Trueblood, Philosophy of Religion, 114). Aesthetics is another place a person can experience general revelation. Like our sense of morals, beauty is not subjective. It is something we discover. For example, music is random sounds but is based on scales. A musician has to learn about scales and chords before writing a song. If beauty is not something we create, but something we discover then there must be a set standard of what is beautiful. If there is a standard of beauty in the world, then there must be a Creator of the world. It is through the various forms of general revelation that individuals are able to learn certain aspects about the character of God and the purpose of human life. We can see this in other belief systems, theories, and ideas about life and the world that non Christians hold to that are very similar to certain biblical teachings. Without any reference to Jesus, the Bible, or the Christian church, many philosophers, scientists, psychologists, artists, and followers of other religions have
  • 13. Purpose Of An Income Statement Introduction Income statements, balance sheets, statements of cash flows, and financial statement ratios have one thing in common: they are all ways that investors, managers, and owners can look at a business from a financial standpoint and decide what they should do next. Is it time to expand the business? Should we just keep doing what we re doing because it works? Is it time to close the doors? All of these questions and more can be answered by reviewing the aforementioned financial documents. In this paper, I will explore these documents, discover how they differ, and how important business decisions are made based on what they say. Income Statements An income statement shows a firm s sales revenue and expenses over a period of time, such as a month, quarter, or year (Melicher Norton, 2014, pg 319). The purpose of an income statement is to help company decision makers evaluate the firm s current situation and make changes as needed (Reeves, Unk). Income statements also help creditors make decisions on loans they might supply to the company (Reeves, Unk). Finally, income statements assist stock investors in deciding whether the company would make a good investment (Reeves, Unk). Major expenses on an income statement can be broken down into two categories: operating expenses and non operating expenses (Boundless Staff, Unk). Operating expenses include cost of goods sold (COGS), selling, general and administrative expenses, depreciation, and research
  • 14. Lines Written A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey During the eighteenth century, it was a time where people were obsessed with rationality and scientific precision. In response to this, artists created a literary movement the Romantic period. This period was not just about love stories; it was a social movement revolved around the concept of imagination. Poets used imagination to escape the troubles going on in the real world. Two authors who used their imagination during this timeare William Wordsworthand John Keats. Both Wordsworth and Coleridge use the imagination to escape their present reality. While Wordsworth s speaker in Lines written a few miles above Tintern Abbey succeeds in making his present moment better, in Keats La Belle Dame Sans Merci, the speaker gets trapped in a dangerous past. Even though they both used imagination, the outcome of it was different. Lines written a few miles above Tintern Abbey is about how we change over time and the realization of it. The speaker in this compares the person he used to be and the person he became. The speaker, remembers almost every detail from the past of Tintern Abbey that he used to visit. Wordsworth uses imagination by describing everything the speaker remembers what he saw and heard. From the sound of the mountain springs (3), this dark sycamore (10), and the hedge rows (14). These memories make him realize he has been cooped up in the city. The speaker claims these memories kept him sane while living in the din/ Of towns and cities (25 26).
  • 15. Project Description Of A Mathematical Model Project Description In many science and engineering applications, such as petroleum engineering, aerospace engineer ing and material sciences, inference based on a mathematical model and available observations from the model has garnered importance in recent years. With the lack of the analytical expres sion, in most scenarios this solution involves numerical approximation. The underlying system may contain unknown parameters which requires solving an inverse problem based on the ob served data. In many cases the underlying model may contain high dimensional field which varies in multiple scales such as composite material, porous media etc. This high dimensional solution can become computationally taxing even with the recent advent of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, in petroleum engineering the reservoir permeability may be unknown. From oil/water pressure data from different well locations estimating the unknown Оє is an inverse problem. пїјпїј1 пїјпїјFigure 1: Left hand panel shows one dimensional basis at coarse level of discretization at grid points 1,2,3,.... Basis corresponding grid point 2, П†2 is supported in [1,3] interval and zero otherwise and linear in [1,2] and [2,3]. Right hand panel shows typical multiscale basis at two dimension, which takes non zero value on coarse neighborhood of some coarse grid points but has high resolution by solving a local problem. The solution u, the parameter Оє can have oscillatory nature (both in temporal and spatial scale) with multiple scales/periods. A numerical solution that captures the local property of this solution requires capturing the local structure which involves solving a homogenous version of (1) locally and use these solutions as basis to capture the global solution, which is known as multiscale solution (Fish et al., 2012; Franca et al., 2005). A highly oscillatory Оє(x, t) = Оє(x) is given for a two dimensional domain in Figure 2 . In numerical solution, the domain is split into many small grids and basis corresponding to each grid, also known as fine scale basis, can capture the oscillatory solution (see Figure 1). The linear pde system can be reduced into
  • 16. Mob Mentality In To Kill A Mockingbird Throughout the evolution of To Kill A Mockingbird (TKM), events have occurred that occupy current happenings in our world. For instance, mob mentality, courage and justice are by far only meer examples of the real life situations that we endure in our everyday lives today. Although a variety of residence around the worlddo not encounter these experiences, such topics are surprisingly popular within the thriving community. Therefore, in this essay I will pursue my observations in an attempt to discover corresponding events tied within the world of TKM. To begin with, mob mentality has shown to be an influential source throughout TKM. This disposition explicitly demonstrates an example of one of numerous worldwide issues occuring stated in the novelTKM. Mob mentality has arrised multiple times in the TKM novel which in return, provides examples of problems we experience worldwide. For instance, taking a knee during the national anthem has escalated in a universal action to stand up to the dreadful acts of racism. This is an illustration of mob mentality because after one man commenced in starting the nationalized movement against racism before a football game, several other football players began to take part in the movement. Furthermore, this gesture caused a worldwide dispute between whether such a motive was disrespectful to our nation s veterans or not, which in return, made this an issue throughout the world. Additionally, during the novel TKM, mob mentality is brought
  • 17. Benefits Of Lemon Fruit Lemon is cultivated in Spain, Argentina, Brazil, and countries around the United States. These plants are not able to grow in cold weather climates. Lemon trees can only grow and grow at temperatures 15 30Celsius. Therefore, the plant was developed in snowy countries with high intensity. Lemon fruit is often used as a dietary program. For those of you who want to diet can use lemon as a food for diet. Lemon fruit processing How to diet in the same way as to make lemon juice. Only in this menu sugar levels should be reduced. Sugar content is a little on the lemon juice diet program does have a very sour taste. Lemon fruit is actually very beneficial to the human body. In the world of beauty lemon used as a cosmetic ingredient mixture. Lemon fruit is very rich in vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Lemon fruit also contains ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Aside from being an effective agent to burn fat, lemon is also beneficial for your health. Lemon shown to increase human stamina. Anti bacterial and antioxidant also play an active role in the body. More effective lemon fruit consumed hot or warm. Heat can be faster processing of substances in the body. Here are the benefits of lemons: 1. Streamlining Digestive System Disposal of waste products can be easier with consumption of lemon juice on a regular basis. Lemon increasing the peristaltic movements in the stomach. Lemon as a blood purifier and cleanser, so a good drink after lunch or dinner. Lemon also helps other digestive problems like nausea when acid reflux, but be careful because the lemon does not fit in with the milk. 2. Boost Immunity Lemon mixed with honey is able to absorb more iron. Iron in the body is very active role in immune function. In the lemon drink also contains saponins which have antimicrobial function. Get into the habit of drinking lemon and honey with warm water every morning. 3. Stabilizing High Blood
  • 18. Symbolism In Hills Like White Elephant By Ernest Hemingway A symbol is anything that stands for, or represents, something else. Many everyday objects we see symbolize or stand for something deeper; our wedding rings represent love and commitment, teams like the Sharks or Giants are named after animals and mythical creatures that symbolize strength, power, and stability. Similarly, in literature, symbols are used to give an object, character, or situation a deeper and more significant meaning. In literature, symbols can be ambiguous and difficult to understand because the same symbolcan have different meanings; therefore, it is very important to know when and where to use symbolism in a story. For example, the color red can mean love, anger or danger depending on the context of the text. Besides ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This fact possibly symbolizes Jig s and the American s relationship. Throughout their conversation, one can see that they rarely agree on anything and seem distant with each other. It is clear that Jig wants more from her life and her relationship, but the American clearly wants to continue living without the responsibility of a child. They are in a relationship, but their desires and expectations from each other are not the same; they are like two train tracks that are running alongside but are not truly together. They have come together at this point because it is at this junction that they will either continue together or go their separate ways. Hills Like White Elephants can be very confusing and difficult to understand because it is an indirect conversation between two people about something important. Hemingway does not give any direct details about the characters or the situation. However, if we read the story carefully and pay attention to the symbols, the depth of the story will surprise us. That is the magic of symbolism; it takes something simple and gives it layers that only entice and excite the
  • 19. The Power Of Speech In Jane Austen s Persuasion At face value, Anne s speech in the published ending of Jane Austen s Persuasion seems to not quite follow with her quiet nature throughout most of the book. In the original unpublished conclusion to this book, Anne retains her standard silence that is her signature characteristic. However, with a modest amount of studying one will find Anne s remaining silent would not follow suit with her character s progression through the story. The reason though for her continued growth towards comfort in speech I believe to be directly tied to her continued growth back towards Captain Wentworth. Reading through this book we become accustomed to Anne being the silent character, leading us to feel like something is wrong when she begins to speak more and more. Due to this we are naturally drawn to question why Anne is speaking so much. More than this we must wonder, why Anne did not speak before this point? Throughout this book we are given enough information to see that Anne speaks much less in comparison to all the other characters, however we are never given anything to say why she is this way. One possible explanation that we find in Chapter 1 is this description of her relationship with her father and sisters, her word had no weight; her convenience was always to give way; she was only Anne. (Austen, 1817) This seems like quite enough to keep someone from speaking up as much, knowing that they would always get automatically shut down for being considered only Anne . This seems like a strange way for Anne s own family to treat her. Given, Sir Walter is not known for being the father of the year, but he at least treats his other two daughters with some form of fatherly love. The flaw in this though is that in the very last published chapter it is said that Sir Walter, indeed, though he had no affection for Anne, and no vanity flattered, to make him really happy on the occasion, was very far from thinking it a bad match for her. It is clearly stated that Sir Walter did not even have any affection towards his daughter Anne. This all lets us deny the idea of Sir Walter s view of his daughter affecting her reason for silence. The next possibility would be in her own sister s treatment of Anne. We see in the last
  • 20. Denise Morgan s Case STATEMENT OF ASSIGNMENT:Denise Morgan has made a request to our office to represent her in a family court involving modification of a child support order. My supervising attorney delegated the task of reviewing the facts to determine the strengths and weaknesses of Denise Morgan s case as well as determining if David Morgan s motion to vacate will be granted. FACTS: Residents of Liliput country, Denise and David Morgan, divorced in December of 2010. Denise Morgan retained custody of their three children being that David Morgan is an active member of the Liliput Armed Forces. At the time of this arrangement child support and visitations were set in place. In February 2011 and February 2013 David Morgan received two pay increases which has brought his pay grade roughly one thousand dollars a month. He had also remarried. In April 2015 Denise Morgan was granted a temporary order to increase monthly child support by roughly $150. David Morgan moved for deviation until the matter was able to be fully adjudicated. His motion was granted and it... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also because of the precedent within the Liliput case Reid V Damon, and the supreme courts holding, the law seems to be in favor of Denise Morgan. Denise Morgan s case is also stronger considering David Morgan failed to respond to multiple discovery requests and interrogatories made by Denise Morgan in December 2015. David Morgan s new wife responded by attesting to his absence from the country, which would lean in favor of David Morgan. However it was stated that David Morgan was not deployed when the initial requests were made. Another weaknesses of Denise Morgan s case would be that she withdrew her motion before David Morgan had been deployed. David Morgan followed part of the guidelines in Section 2 Title 47 which he could argue was enough to prove his absence and grant a
  • 21. Chorus Line On its surface, A Chorus Line simply provides little insight to that of what it means to be a performer on Broadway, but what genuinely boosts the show forward are the racial politics of the seventies, which were immersed in ethnic multiculturalism, and reeling from the uprisal of the gay rights movement and the previous decade s civil rights activism. A Chorus Line imagines a world where everyone inhabits all the traits and abilities they will ever need to succeed in life, a world in which one s racial or ethnic background would never be something that holds them back from opportunities, but rather something that provides an identity, something to embrace and celebrate. In having created a world where racehas no hindrance on the hiring process... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The finale is made to be a sort of hell for the audience making them ask Did they go through all that just to be anonymous? As they watch each person s history essentially self destruct as the dancers high kick in chorus line uniformity. Not only does the staging of the finale highlight the situation, the song One itself is a dejected commentary on the lives of the dancers. The lyrics allude to a woman that is sublimely special, a star, if you will, that woman is a nonentity, never appearing once during the whole number. Instead, the audience s attention is kept on the very people meant to stay in the background: the chorus, now dressed to the nines in their shimmering false attires. In a strange moment of doubleness the audience sees the chorus in some ways, as the stars of the show, at the same time, the dancers have been dismissed to the background, made transparent, and destined to sing about a star that is more famous than they are, adding to the irony and disheartening fact that she is missing in action. This finale is the American Dream theatricalized for the broadway
  • 22. Pocahontas Essay examples Many moons ago, an Indian girl was not yet born but there were many problems with Indians and the white man as the Indians. This unborn child would become a huge part of colony history between the Indians and the English; this child was to be recognized in history by many different names the most famous name would be Pocahontas. The book I read was about Pocahontas by Grace Steele Woodward. This book covers many different subjects in Pocahontas s life. The book begins with a background of The Powhatans, Pocahontas s people. She was not just a little Indian girl but the daughter of a very powerful chief. Before she was born Chief Powhatan claim many of the lands around and near the James Pensile and up through the Chesapeake Bay area. He... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Her secret name only known by her tribesmen was Matoax meaning amp;quot;Little Snow Feather amp;quot;. (Woodward, 20) During The first days of Jamestown, Pocahontas started to watch and observed the new strangers in her land. She starts to see how they ran life and govern themselves. Pocahontas was still very young when the first settles land at Jamestown. When she starting visiting the colony there were only about 100 Englishmen, the Anglican chaplain, and the twelve labors. Pocahontas was mostly intrigue with Captain John Smith. Smith was a dashing young 26 year old. Captain Newport arrested Smith on route to Jamestown for inciting mutiny among some of the crewmen on the ship Susan Constant. Smith was released after landing at Jamestown but Smith could not take the oath of allegiance to King James or sit with the council until June 10, when he was cleared of all charges. (Woodward, 55) John Smith, to Pocahontas, was the most approachable of all the English colonists. He took the initiative to learn the Powhatan language and try to communicate between the Indians and the colonists. Smith also knew that the Indians could help the colonists in their time of need. Pocahontas s father was a little less interested in talking t the white man. He felt that they would bring destruction to his great empire and
  • 23. Sports Risk Management Case Study 1.0Introduction Sport risk management is an importance thing to focus in organization especially sport organizations to practice in organization. Risk management comes early years 1970 (Aman, 2006) and nowadays risk management practices is increases and take serious in risk management practices. Sekendiz, Laroche and Corbelt (2011), sport today changes from recreation to professional activities including sport industry, athletes and professional coach or officer. Everyone participate in sport industry including athletes, coaches, managers, sport officers, organizer and all manufactures sport equipment exposes to risk. Sport risk management still low at Malaysia difference UK. Sport risk management comes from combination risk management scope and sport. Risk management and sport a difference scope because risk management is a part of process risk management for organization and for sport is an activity in manage heath. An effect from combination both is more effectives and efficiency in management of sport organization. Performance athletes maybe can evaluate and identity from sport risk management because organization may identify process to minimize ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sports risk management is to prevent and minimize accidents and mishaps in sports. Ehsani, M. and Versi, K. (2012) the practice of risk management is a new thing and need qualified coaches to achieve better performance of risk management within the organization. Ammon (2001) and Clement (1998) Risk manager must appoint to manage the model of risk management practice to create and exercise program must safe. Ammon (2001), Thatcher (2006), and Price (2010) top management and coaches need to know about knowledge in risk management field of sport and more experiences in handle training to manage the risk in the risk management practices of facilities, equipment, and safety
  • 24. Netherlandish Triptych Case Study My thesis examines in three case studies that taken together demonstrate how the triptych transformed over the course of the fifteenth century. Chapter 2 discusses the emergence of the characteristic form of the triptych that begins with Robert Campin. Campin, who lived from 1375 1444, and who is usually identified with the Master of Flemalle. He is also considered to be the first master of Flemish and early Netherlandish paintingand established the typical form of the Netherlandish triptych. Campin settled into Tournai in the early 1400s as a free master of the guild of goldsmiths and painters. Eventually, Campin represented the guild on the city council. Since there are no documents relating to Campin s apprenticeship or training, three stylistic sources have been proposed.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Melchior Broederlam, who worked on the Retable of the Passion (fig. 2), Henri Bellechose, who was known for working with Philip the Bold, and Claus Sluter, a Burgundian sculpture, who worked on the Charterhouse of Champmol. Broederlam is an important influence because his retable is one of the earliest forms of a triptych in the Netherlands. Campin utilized some elements from the Retable of the Passion (fig. 2), but ultimately was the first to create a standard for triptychs. He was known for realistic figures, depiction of emotions in his paintings and also a sense of ambiguity. That ambiguity is evident in Campin s Virgin and Child (fig. 3), the nimbi of the Virgin s intersects with the Christ Child s head and creates a touching moment of intimacy between mother and child. Their halos also act as a mediator between the foreground and background. The shape of the gems in the halo reflects the rectilinear nature of the background, but the solid quality of the halo separates it from the background. The halo seems to exist in both levels, creating a valency. This sense of ambiguity and multivalence would come to characterize Campin s
  • 25. Renting Vs Inflation Renting a house may seem to be a cheaper method of residing, but have you wondered whether it is profitable in the long run? Maybe buying a house seems like a much bigger financial commitment than the monthly rent, but which suits you better? In this article we will talk about the benefits of buying a house as opposed to renting one. Capital Appreciation The simple fact is that with time the value of real estate increases. A simple explanation is that the cost of land does not reduce. As free land keeps on reducing with the increase in population, the land available for construction is reducing at a rapid rate. With this trend, land is becoming an important investment and will soon become more expensive as the days go by. So selling a piece ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, a small part of the amount even goes towards the principal amount. This increases the equity that you have. The more payments you make, the quicker your equity begins to grow. You can see that halfway through the repayment of the interest, the amount for the principal begins to increase and you are closer towards completely owning the home. Financial Gains Financial gains, or capital gains, are quite related to capital appreciation but they are not the same. Capital gains include the increase in the value of money. This is in many ways a cause of inflation. If you bought a property now, then the price of same property will be much more after thirty years when you plan to sell it. However, due to inflation over the thirty years, the amount that you spend now would be worth more in future. This also provides you with profit at the time of selling. Privacy When you are living in a rented home, there are many rules and regulations that have to be followed according to the landlord. An agreement is many times signed which limits your privacy. The landlord can any time come to inspect the premises or may not allow you to keep pets. If you want to live life according to your rules, then purchasing your own home will allow you to do
  • 26. The General Norman Schwarzkopf During The Vietnam War The General Norman Schwarzkopf had been hired in the US army since the time of the Vietnam war and he had later on become a four star general as well as being the commander of the US central command. He was born in 1934 on august 22nd. He was very incumbent on becoming a military personnel that he was long waiting to be as he had led the US in the Gulf war and all the other wars that had been fought against the Iraqi s and there was a very systematic and planned out way that had been followed by the General in the war tactics that he had been carrying out in the different encounters that they had with their enemies and the people who were very much incumbent into getting the National Security of the US in danger whatever be the deterrence
  • 27. Yoga and the Mind Conquer the mind and you can conquer anything. That is a popular saying amongst Yogis (yoga instructors) very few people recognize the truth and meaning behind this statement. There is a clear connection between the health benefits associated with yoga having to do with the body, power strength, balance, flexibility. Few people are aware of the multiple benefits it can serve for the brainand mindas well. Is there a clear benefit and connection between mind and body when practicing yoga? Yoga can supposedly improve depressive symptoms and immune function, as well as decrease chronic pain, reduces stress, and lower blood pressure. These claims have all been made by yogis over the years, and it sounds like a lot of new age foolishness. Surprisingly, however, everything in that list is supported by scientific research. (psychologytoday.com) The main struggle in yoga is to overcome the challenge, each pose is challenging, and your goal is to breathe and remain calm throughout the struggle and to find your inner peace and keep going. This is a strong concept to conquer; the mind of course often does whatever it wants. The true gain one finds is when one does overcome the struggle; it is the process where one benefits. Studies have shown a correlation between yoga and how one handles stress.Yoga retrains your brain in how it reacts to the automatic stress response.( Korb) When the body first senses stress, the first reaction is to quit and to become tense and
  • 28. The Feminist And Queer Theory The Feminist/ Queer theory is a relatively new understanding in the world of sociology. This theory developed in response to traditional, male dominated classical approaches. (Buccieri 2014) Many people had realized that there was a lack of research on woman and their contributions to the world. Woman wanted and still strive for equal rights, conditions, and power structures to men. The Feminist/ Queer theory s main goal is to defend cultural, political, and economic rights for women. The Feminist/ Queer theory evolved from many feminist movements and activists and there is not one distinct individual that claims the right to this theoretical perspective. I identify most with this theory out of the 4 sociological perspectives because I myself am a womanand have felt the every day struggles of a patriarchal society. The Feminist/ Queer theory is the most appropriate way to approach studying society because of the societal norms that have been brought upon culture against women. In the Home The first example I have about women living in a patriarchal society was just recently discussed in my modern culture class; we discussed women and their roles in the home. The basic average household used to have a workingman, who would come home at the end of the day expecting food, a clean house, and a happy wife. The phrase happy wife, happy life was used. Now a days, or at least in my own household, my mother is the hard worker in the family that brings in the central income,
  • 29. Microsoft Office Marketing Strategy : Marketing is a very unique set of doings which shows a great and valuable impact on the entire organization. The marketers and experts of these fields have developed three prospective of this after a deep sea research. This environment influences the organization directly. Caster guitar is a big name in the field of transporting the guitars worldwide .A company cannot sell its all products to a single customer or at a same market. The customers are many and they all are diverse according to their demand and buying requirements. This is why, each company needs to identify its market segmentation, market segmentation procedure, pattern of segmentation, basis of segmenting consumers and business market. Many companies use... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At the start, subcompact cars were the targeted strategy adapted by Toyota, which were small and easy to buy vehicles. Now, with the use of adjacent segmentation strategy, Toyota is able to move from one specific car manufacturing to another, relative to large cars, such as a station wagon. Toyota first expands its market by introducing Sedan cars which are large and luxurious than its previous cars . Porters Five Forces of Toyota: Target Market: Toyota seeks to attract a new type of consumer with the Matrix, one whoembodies a trendy, youthful edge, but also insists upon practicality andreliability. Using PRIZMВ®, Velocity Communications segmented the targetaudience into four components: Motivated Students, Aspiring Singles,ActiveIntellectuals and Domestic Achievers. This enabled us to dig deep into thetarget market s motivations and habits and allowed us to develop an effectiveplan that truly speaks to our intended target markets.The members of the target audience are going places.They are 20 30 year olds who welcome the qualityand dependability that Toyota promises to bring totheir changing lives. They have expressed an interestin the cross over utility market because such vehicles will accommodate their active lifestyles at anaffordable price. This youthful market is highlyeducated and thinks both critically and progressively.Like the Matrix, these young men and women are practical, innovative and prepared for the road
  • 30. Why my Favorite Sport is Soccer What is sport? Sport in as athletic activity requiring skills or prowess and often of a competitive nature. My favorite sport is soccer. It is played by 250 million players in over 200 countries and dependencies, making it the world s most popular sport. The game is played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball on a rectangular field with a goal at each end. The object of the game is to score by getting the ball into the opposing goal. In this essay i am going to write about the history of soccer, my favorite soccer club and my favorite soccer player who is my role model. The old form of soccer used to allow many ill practices like kicking, punching, biting and gouging. The main aim was to carry the ball to a target spot. People grew so fond of the game that they would throng the field all day long. Sometimes the competition grew fierce and masses got so wild that there were frequent incidents of violence during the game. In 1815, a major development took place that made soccer popular in Universities, Colleges and Schools. The popular English School and Eton College came forth with a set of rules, known as the Cambridge Rules. Football was segregated into two groups; some colleges and schools opted for Rugby rules that allowed tripping, shin kicking and also carrying the ball. These rules were exclusively prohibited as per the Cambridge rules. In October 1863, eleven representatives from London clubs and schools met at the Freemason s Tavern to set up common fundamental rules to control the matches amongst themselves. The outcome of this meeting was the formation of the Football Association. In December 1863, the Rugby Football and Association football finally split as the supporters of the Rugby School rules walked out. Firmly establishing the foundation of soccer in 1869, the Football Association strictly banned any kind of handling of the ball. When and where exactly did soccer start is a question that has no precise answer to it. Soccer also known as football was invented and most influenced by England but most of the early innovation came from scotland. It was until 1872 when england played scotland at the very first international game when the first revolution happened. In England
  • 31. Ratifying The Constitution In this lesson, we are continue learning about the new Constitution. In the summer of 1787, the 13 states discuss the problem under the Articles of Confederation. They decide it will be easy to write a new document then fix it. James Madison was in charge of the assembling the various parts of the new constitution. He didn t write it, he just edited it. He took 55 delegate ideas, and turned it into a cohesive document. Madison is known as the father of the Constitution . The convention lasted 3 months, and the nation were furious about the new constitution. Madison had to make a taught choices on what to put in the constitution. At the end, the document was filled with short, vague, and subject to interpretation (page 40). In September 1787, Madison finished and sent... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Madison add the bill of rights in the Constitution but in the form of amendments. However, everyone didn t agree, 9 of the 13 states ratified it. The ratification battle was so intense, they wrote the Federalist Paper. The Federalist Paper was wrote by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay. They was known as the founding father . I didn t know the Federalist Paper is considered a masterpieces in the field of political science. In 1789, 9 states had ratified the Constitution, this went in effect to replace the Articles of Confederation. The government form a system called checks and balances. The checks and balances were break down in 3 branch. The Legislative branch have two house, the senate would have equal representation (2 vote), and the House of Representation would have representation within the population. The executive branch is made up by the president, vice president, and the advisors from the president. The executive branch enforce the laws passed by congress. The executive branch have the power to veto laws by congress. However, congress have the power declare
  • 32. Don Giovanni, From Mozart s Beloved Opera You know that they are more necessary to me than the bread I eat! Than the air I breathe! The passionate and powerful person that says those words is not an individual one should praise. It is, in fact, Don Giovanni, from Mozart s beloved opera Don Giovanni. The opera is the story of a trickster who seduces women and escapes from them, stripping them from their honor. The first act commences with the struggle of Donna Anna against Don Giovanni, who is hiding his identity under a mask. As she shouts, her father, the Commendatore, is woken up and strives to confront the man who has disowned his daughter. Consequently, they fight and Don Giovanni kills him. As the continuing scenes develop, the character meets a past girl, Donna Elvira, who is in love with him and believes to be his wife. Leporello, Giovanni s servant, tells her about the many women he has been with. Still, she insists on stopping his future affairs by telling the women of Don Giovanni s deeds. In the penultimate scene, the Don faces his inevitable fate, the inferno. It takes the divine forces to take him down, represented in the moving statue of the Commendatore. Don Giovanni is a quintessential example of the unfaithful man who lives a life of libertinage. Often, he has been described a hero. What characteristics do heroes embody, then? A hero is an individual who is esteemed for his courage, remarkable accomplishments, or honorable qualities. Therefore, Don Giovanni is the antonym of hero, embodying the
  • 33. The Importance Of Parent And Family Involvement In Education There are many issues discussed when it comes to education including testing, school accountability, teacher proficiency, and much more. There are many initiatives, programs, and reforms being implemented to try to improve education outcomes for students. While the school, administration, and teachers are an important part of student education, there is also another vital item needed to encourage and ensure student learning: parent or familyinvolvement in their child s education. There are countless positive associations between parent and family engagement and student academic confidence and success. Many organizations, including the National Parent Teacher Alliance (PTA) and Parents for Public Schools (PPS), work to encourage parents and families take on an active role in supporting and reinforcing their child s education. The PTA website gives many parent guides to support and direct engagement. Their guide Making Sure Your Child Gets the Education They Deserve advises parents to have high expectations of school buildings and equipment as well as initiate and maintain strong contact with their child s teacher (pta.org). The PPS websites gives similar advice to parents and families stating, School success takes great leadership, effective teachers and engaged parents. We believe that parents are an essential education partner from the moment their children are born (2017). Many families face obstacles to engaging and participating in their child s education
  • 34. “The battle for Canadian liberty and autonomy is being... The battle for Canadian liberty and autonomy is being fought today on the plains of France and Belgium, Borden said while introducing conscription. (Cook, 2011 3 ed., Vol. 13, p.13) At the beginning of the twentieth century, many Canadians were still adjusting to its new ways and ideas. Then the Greatest War the world had ever seen transformed the map of Europe and changed the nations, and the people, who fought in it forever. In Canada, for example, during the war the government faced great challenges such as the conscription crisis when the Country was divided by politics. In addition Canada was accepting the new, untraditional, roles of women, who during the war were allowed to work for the first time in men s professions ; such as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Borden wrote in his diary, Our first duty is to win, at any cost, the coming election in order that we may continue to do our part in winning the War and that Canada not be disgraced. (Cook, 2011, p.14). Borden was true to his word. During the summer of 1917 he presented two new acts that would assure his party victory. First Borden presented the Military Voters Act which allowed soldiers over seas to vote in elections. Second the War Times Election Act, gave women who were of close family relation to a man serving in the forces, the right to vote but revoked the right to vote from citizens who were immigrants from enemy countries. (Cook, 2011, p.15) Borden presenting these acts would allow pro military citizens to vote was strategic. The Liberals were very upset by Borden s crafty political sabotage of their chances of winning the election. In the Khaki election, Borden s Unionists won the most seats across Canada except in Quebec. The Unionists won the majority of seats in Ontario and the West. The Unionists only had three seats in Quebec. The Unionists won the election with a total of 153 seats across Canada. The Maritimes were split with the Liberals, but the Liberals had eighty two across Canada and sixty two from Quebec (Cook, 2011 p.18). Borden s acts and bills had achieved their desired effect. English speaking women had been the leading cause for the Unionists win (Cook, 2011 p.19). It is hard to argue against helping soldiers vote in an
  • 35. What Are The Challenges Of Benjamin Franklin s Life Early in Benjamin Franklins life, he faced a big challenge that led him to make choices to shape up his influencing character. It shows us that he had to work hard from an early age. This is a big challenge for him because he had to work from an early age along with becoming better academically. Growing up in a big familywith so many siblings, he had to take care of himself. His father Josiah worked in a soap factory, along with making candles. Benjamin worked with his father until he was twelve years old, until he started to despise working with his father which made his father look for alternative jobs. Knowing Benjamin and his interest in education and books, his father suggested he worked for his older bother James, who was a printer. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In return, all James did was slander Benjamin s name throughout the community so he wouldn t be able to find work anywhere else. This was a big challenge for Benjamin because not only did he have a bad name that lasted quite a long time but he also had to force himself to move to distant places like New York and Pennsylvania . He had to travel under dangerous conditions across seas to find another job. Also another challenge Benjamin faced after leaving his fathers job, was that he couldn t find a long stable and suitable job for himself. He always faced problems at every new job he joined. On his way to New York, Benjamin meets Bradford, who was not able to offer him any jobs. But he refers Benjamin to his son Andrew who was a printer in Pennsylvania. When Benjamin gets to Pennsylvania, Andrew did not have a job to offer him. Then Andrew refers him to go work for Keimer, who is also another printer. Although Keimer gave Benjamin work, but it doesn t last long. He later stops living with Keimer and ends up leaving the job. From these events in his life we are able to see the cycle and pattern, and he might face similar challenges in the future. Benjamin gets pushed around from places to places to find a jobs with very few people recognizing his ability and passion to write, and how much of an intellectual, he was. He wasn t able to save up his money due
  • 36. Financial Analyst Career Paper Putting your foot into the business world gives you access to many opportunities and helps you gain access into Corporate America. Being a business major not only gives you an advantage but it also opens many doors for different careers. Business has many different branches ranging from management, finance, marketing, etc/and the list goes on. Taking on a certain career you should be aware of not only the salary, but their everday objective to see if it best fits you. Career and its Nature The role of a financial analyst is to provide guidance to businesses and individuals making investment decisions; they assess the performance of stocks bonds, and other types of investments, (Bureau of Labor Statistics). This career ties in with the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is harder for females to reach a high ranked positions in a company in a male dominated field. Majoring in business you have to be aware of some of the circumstances and realities of Corporate America. A woman who was able to overcome this label was Ann Marie Petach, the CFO of BlackRock. It all started when she took an entry job as a financial analyst at Ford s electrical and electronics division. As stated in the American Banker, she thought it would simply be a good way to learn corporate finance, and that her stay with the automaker would last no longer than three
  • 37. Delphi Technique VIVA COLLEGE OF ARTS, COMMERCE amp; SCIENCE SUB: PRODUCTION AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT S.Y.B.M.S. DIV: A SUBMITTED TO: PROF. AARTI SHARMA GROUP MEMBERS NAME| ROLL.NO| AMIT GAWAD | 35| CHINTAN JOSHI| 49| AMBADAS MUNGAL| 85| JIGNESH KAWA| 57| PRATIK JADHAV| 46| INDEX SR. NO.| PARTICULARS| 1.| The Delphi Technique What Is It?| 2.| History| 3.| Key characteristics| 4.| Role of the facilitator| 5.| Use in forecasting| 6.| Acceptance| 7.| Delphi applications not aiming at consensus| 8.| Delphi vs. prediction markets| 9.| The Delphi ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Delphi Technique is based on the Hegelian Principle of achieving Oneness of Mind through a three step process of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. In thesis and antithesis, all present their opinion or views on a given subject, establishing views and opposing views. In synthesis, opposites are brought together to form the new thesis. All participants are then to accept ownership of the new thesis and support it, changing their own views to align with the new thesis. Through a continual process of evolution, Oneness of Mind will supposedly occur. The theory of the Delphi and the reality of the Delphi are, obviously, quite different the reality being that Oneness of Mind does not occur but only the illusion of Oneness of Mind with those who refuse to be Delphi d being alienated from participating in the process. While proponents of education reform feel they are quite justified in this, the effect of this unethical manipulation of people is to create polarized camps. In an effort to maintain the process, advocates have marketed a plethora of publications (such as What s Left After the Right, No Right Turn and If You Don t, They Will) intended to label, castigate, and alienate anyone who does not go along with them. As a result, parents come to understand that their role in education reform is merely perfunctory; that the outcome is preset, that they are not but the rah rah team so when opposition does arise,
  • 38. Ancient Egyptian Cultures In The Art Of Egyptian Art The Egyptians told many stories about their life in the form of artwork and sculptures. We have learned so much about different kings, traditions and culture from the artwork from temples, chapels, and tombs. Artwork to the Egyptians was autobiographical it could tell the story of kings, gods and so much more by stone, and paint. Many culture have looked to the Egyptians culture and ensued some of their traditions. The culture of the Egyptians has shaped the modern world as we view it today. In comparing the first row of images we can view that there are instantaneous differences among both royal expressions. The element that is the focal point of the image is the facial proportions. In the first image. During the sovereignty of pharaoh Akhenaten iconography and form of the king altered. In one way Akhenaten altered the way of imagery was by embellishing facial structures. He created more bulging noses, lips, chin and ears this would give the image appear unrealistic to the individuals real image. In the image, we can view the both kings have a clear image of their eyes and both are comparable in the placement on the face. Seti I has more realistic image it tried to perfect the figures, forms and draws the audience to view the image. Unlike Akhenaten his image has exaggerations in features this isn t accurate in what the individual truly looked like in life. In viewing the image of Akhenaten, I believe this was the beginning of the art named caricature. In the artwork
  • 39. On The Waterfront Essay On the waterfront is a 1954 black and white film that based on an original story. Terry Malloy (Marlon Brando) is a dockworker who works at the docks of Johnny Friendly (Lee J. Cobb). A popular dockworker Joey Doyle was murdered by Terry s brother Charley Malloy, although it seems Joey just simply falls from the roof. Terry is upset on Joey s death, and he knows Joey had planned to testify to the Waterfront Crime Commission about the poor working conditions. Joey s sister Edie (Eva Marie Saint) is angry about her brother s death, and Terry is smitten with her, but after Edie realizes Terry s role in her brother s murder, she breaks up with him. Charley gives Terry the gun and advises him to run when Johnny decides to kill Terry to prevent his testimony. Terry and Edie both escape but Charley is shot down. After the death of Terry s brother, Terry ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Terry Malloy (Marlon Brando) is a dockworker who works at the docks of Johnny Friendly (Lee J. Cobb). A popular dockworker Joey Doyle was murdered by Terry s brother Charley Malloy, although it seems Joey just simply falls from the roof. Terry is upset on Joey s death, and he knows Joey had planned to testify to the Waterfront Crime Commission about the poor working conditions. Joey s sister Edie (Eva Marie Saint) is angry about her brother s death, and Terry is smitten with her, but after Edie realizes Terry s role in her brother s murder, she breaks up with him. Charley gives Terry the gun and advises him to run when Johnny decides to kill Terry to prevent his testimony. Terry and Edie both escape but Charley is shot down. After the death of Terry s brother, Terry testifies about Joey s murder by Johnny Friendly. As a result Johnny calls his thugs to beat him at the pier. At last Father Barry and Edie arrive, they encourage injured Terry to walk and go to work, so the story ends with Terry goes to the pier followed by the other
  • 40. Lost Lady Essay The diction and detail used by Willa Cather in the book A Lost Lady, paints a picture in the readers mind by her prose selection of diction and arrangements of graphic detail, which conveys a feeling of passion, sadness, tense anger and unending happiness through Neil Herbert. Throughout the book, Cather describes Neil Herbert ВЎВЇs life from his childhood, to his teenage years, and then to his adulthood with surpassing diction and supporting detail. As the story begins, Cather describes Neil Herbert as, ВЎВ°a handsome boy of twelve whom she liked.ВЎВ± This description gives us a mental picture of this boy with a smile on his face and always being courteous. In his younger years, the reader can assume that Herbert ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Forrester becomes immensely greater. Mrs. Forrester was the only woman he knew who wore earrings of which, ВЎВ°they hung naturally against her thin, triangular cheeks.ВЎВ± Cather describes the immense admiration from Neil towards Mrs. Forrester through compliments that he is making. Neil would say, ВЎВ°he had never found one so attractive and distinguished as Mrs. Forrester,ВЎВ± and that, ВЎВ°other women were heavy and dull.ВЎВ± As Cather describes NeilВЎВЇs love and compassion for Mrs. Forrester, we feel a sense of sympathy and compassion for Neil because the reader knows that Neil cannot marry her due to her being too aged and that she is already married. We feel the sense of sympathy through NeilВЎВЇs over complementing remarks. Neil Herbert then becomes a grown man, still admiring his child hood love, Mrs. Forrester. When Neil finds out that Mrs. Forrester is secretly writing to a man named Frank Ellinger, he becomes extremely saddened because he knows its wrong of her due to already being married. Despite knowing this Neil still expresses his love for her and he would even, ВЎВ°make a bouquet for a lovely lady; a bouquet gathered off the cheeks of morning. The author in a way tells the reader that Neil still has that unending desire of love for Mrs. Forrester. For instance, one time as Neil went to Mrs. ForresterВЎВЇs room to surprise her with a bouquet of flowers, he heard her laugh and ВЎВ°then another laugh, very different, a
  • 41. The Brewing Co Of Michigan Breweries Over the last 20 plus years, there has been a rapidly growing number of craft breweries in the United States, including the State of Michigan. According to the official State of Michigan Pure Michigan website (http://www.michigan.org/breweries /), The craft beer craze is sweeping Michigan, making it fifth in the nation in the number of breweries, microbreweriesand brewpubs. The Michigan Beer Guide (2016), lists 259 different craft brewers in its current issue. While there seem to be many success stories, there are also examples of Michigan breweries that have gone out of business. According to Steven R. Reed (2013), Michigan Brewing Co. founder ... took the Webberville company into bankruptcy this week, seven months after one of 300 plus creditors forced the auction of his equipment along with brands that had developed a statewide following. As a personal observer of this story during its unfolding, to casual appearances, this was a busy, successful micro brewery. This micro brewery was one of the first in Michigan to take advantage of the growing popularity of the niche, yet suffered an untimely end. Craft breweries can, obviously, fail like any other business enterprise. One of the reputed benefits which have allowed the new craft beer industry to grow and thrive is the better profit margins possible for making beer and ale on premises. Business scholars Kleban Nickerson (2011) have noted that Since 2006, the craft beer industry has been able to
  • 42. Essay On Computer Advantages And Disadvantages When building a computer, there will be some challenges you might have to face in gathering information, assembling a computer, and supporting the system after assembly. While on the other hand, it can be difficult to choose what computer you should buy. The difference of buying and building a computer comes down to personal wants, but there are disadvantages and advantages for both options. The challenges you would face when building a computer can sometimes seem overwhelming. As you are gathering information, you have to make sure that everything is compatible with each other. You can t go out and buy a motherboard, only to discover that one of your other parts doesn t fit the right requirements. You also need to spend a good deal of time researching what you want, so to make sure that things work together. When assembling the computer, you have to worry about being gentle with your hardware. You have got to make sure that you keep yourself static free as well because if you do not ground yourself while in the building process, you could cause damage to your components. One way to avoid this is to not wear wool or rub your socks on the carpet; This helps to prevent a build up of static electricity, and you could always buy an antistatic wrist strap. By building a computer, you will have to fix the problem if anything goes wrong. This can be a challenge since you have different components from different companies. If you don t know what you re doing, you will have to pay for those damages; You can t get much help from one company to try to repair your computer either. Another challenge you face in building a computer, is that you have control over what goes into the computer. This can be a challenge since there is such a large variety of components to choose from, with prices being different, and the parts having different performances. At the same time, this just adds to the idea of full customization for the customer. So the 3 big cons are; You are responsible for fixing a damaged part, You have to make sure everything is compatible with each other, and it could be sometimes possible you will have to spend more money to get the things that you want performance wise. The 3 big pros are; You get full
  • 43. Universal Jurisdiction And The Difficulties Universal Jurisdiction SYSTEM ID: 2015016163 AbstractThis article analyzes and evaluates the principle of universal jurisdiction and the difficulties in its implementation. There is still a number of obstacles legal and non legal to proper and better implementation even if this principle is well known. About the principles of universal jurisdiction can something original or new be discovered or asserted? Universal jurisdiction is one of the talked topics in today s world. Concept of universal criminal jurisdiction is very complex. When we talk about universal jurisdiction sovereignty also comes to raise its voice. When dealing with the subject of universal jurisdiction there is a starting point that cannot be ignored. In practice there are still various international crimes that go unpunished despite the international obligation to prosecute those who committed them, though principle of universal jurisdiction is extensively discussed. Constraints of real politics or diplomacy clashed with the concept of universal jurisdiction. Political reasons have prevailed over legal reasoning in a number of cases. This article also examines the meaning and implementation of universal jurisdiction. For no sanction mechanisms have been created to induce them, without their consent, to abide by their obligations, until now only the goodwill of states could be relied on to guarantee their implementation in good faith. Before ending with some possible remedies to minimize potential
  • 44. The Populist Party And The Panic Of 1896 Following the Panic of 189, the federal government had to address the issue of economics. The crisis would leave millions of Americans in difficult financial straits. As a result, the free coinage of silver increasingly gained momentum throughout the nation in the years immediately following. This gained such significant attention that it would serve as the primary national issue in the election of 1896. The Republican and Democratic parties would each align in this election for or against this polarizing issue. The Republicans supported the gold standard while the Populist supported Democrats endorsed a silver standard and bimetallism. The election of 1896 would be dominated by the issue of financial backing through the campaigns of William McKinley and William Jennings Bryan. The results of the election would serve as an example of the nations direction to move away from rural agriculture and towards urban industrialism.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The results of the election would serve as an example of the nations direction to move away from rural agriculture and towards urban industrialism. Events such as the passing of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, the Nevada silver discovery, and the Panic of 1893 served as significant catalysts for the issue of financial backing. In response to this several political organizations formed in an effort to pursue economic change. The Populist Party would ultimately become the most significant such organization. The influence of the Populists would be tested in the election of 1896 in which the elections primary question was the silver standard. The Populist endorsed Democrat William Jennings Bryan helped bring the issue to center stage through efforts such as his speech Cross of Gold . The victory of Bryan s opponent, William McKinley, would signify the nations trend towards an urban industrialized