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• I t is a t illage syst em in which soil is 
r epeat edly plowed and har r owed under 
submer ged condit ions 
• Sof t en soil f or t r ansplant ing and less 
permeable t o wat er 
• I t changes t he soil t o a homogenous 
suspension of pr imar y par t icles 
• The soils under go t wo def orming st r esses: 
normal (load) st r ess, associat ed wit h 
compr ession, and t angent ial st r ess causing 
• Maximum puddling occur s at moist ur e 
cont ent s bet ween f ield-capacit y and
• Var ious t illage implement s ar e used f or 
puddling, t o make soil impermeable by 
manipulat ing and compact ing it in st anding 
wat er . 
• The implement s r equir ed f or puddling ar e t he 
ones which r eadily penet r at e t he puddle layer , 
car r y or ganic mat er ial downwar d and compact 
and smear at dept h 
• Some equipment s used ar e count r y plow, 
mould boar d plow, disk har r ows, angular 
puddler s, and r oot iller s
• I t is gener ally t r act or oper at ed. 
• The t r act or , which is equipped wit h cage 
wheels, is used most commonly f or puddling 
pur pose. 
• Also called r ot avat or t iller / power t iller and 
consist of a power -dr iven shaf t , on which 
knives or t ines of dif f er ent shapes and sizes 
ar e mount ed 
• I t cut s t he soil, pulver izes t he soil t o powder 
and spr eads it unif ormly t o level t he f ield. I t 
is used bot h f or dr y and wet land pr epar at ion 
• I t consist s of a gr oup of blades at t ached on a
• The wheels of power t iller is r eplaced 
by cage wheels 
• The t ynes ar e usef ul in puddling 
oper at ion as in t he case of r ot avat or .
RotopuddleR with laseR-guided 
• A wet laser leveling syst em has been 
successf ully developed at I RRI , in 
collabor at ion wit h Spect r a-pr ecision of 
t he Unit ed St at es 
• I t assur es a per f ect levelled puddled 
• The base of puddler consist ing of t he 
r ot ar y puddler is movable 
• The height is adj ust ed by t he laser 
cont r oller which adj ust s t he height of 
t he r ot opuddler accor ding t o
peg type puddleR 
• I t is used t o br eak t he soil clods near 
sat ur at ion level int o soil par t icles in or der t o 
pr epar e homogenized puddle t ilt h f or 
mechanized paddy t r ansplant ing. 
• The equipment in combinat ion wit h cage wheel 
pr ovide higher puddling per f ormance. 
• I t consist s of numer ous shar p plat es which 
t ur n t he soil and makes a colloid wit h wat er 
pr esent on t he f ield. 
• I t also consist s of some spiny cir cular met allic 
st r uct ur es at t ached t o t he base of t he plat es 
t o cr eat e mor e dist ur bance and f ine f r ee soil 
par t icles.
Desi Plow: 
•I t is a f ully wooden plow, except t hat t he shar e 
is made of har dened st eel. 
•it is used in st anding-wat er condit ion, wit h 
plank at t ached behind it , t o make puddle f ield in 
leveled f orm.
disc haRRow 
• I t is r ecommended f or st icky, waxy, har d, 
r ough, st ony, r oot y and peat y soils 
• I t is used f or wet land pr epar at ion (puddling), 
in combinat ion wit h ot her t illage-implement s 
like r ot avat or or cage wheels. 
• I t s main oper at ion is t illage, somet imes also 
used f or puddling as it can dist ur b t he soil 
sur f ace
Puddling-TyPe FloaTing 
Power Tiller 
• I t was made t o r ule out t he excessive sinkage 
pr oblem of most wet land implement s, 
especially in sof t -clay f ields. 
• The f loat at ion boat -t ype power t iller s was 
developed f or wor king in sof t paddy f ields 
• The basic component s of puddling-t ype 
f loat ing t iller s ar e: t he puddling wheel, 
f loat at ion st r uct ur e, chain and spr ocket 
t r ansmission and t he engine 
• The puddling wheel gener ally consist s of a 
single or pair of cage-wheels mount ed on a 
common shaf t , suppor t ed and power ed by t he
ConiCal Tyne Puddler 
• I t is modif ied comb har r ows, it sinks 
excessively in sof t soils 
• They may be animal dr awn or t r act or dr awn. 
• Comb har r ow had a t endency t o accumulat e 
t r ash and veget at ion on it s t ines, hence t o 
r ule out t he pr oblem, t hey ar e r eplaced by 
conical t ynes 
• Cor r esponding cones of t he t wo gangs wer e 
mount ed in line in an opposit e or ient at ion t o 
even t he t illage ef f ect acr oss t he f ull widt h 
of t he machine.
SPring Tine harrow 
• Main use is t illage, but also used f or puddling. 
• Used along wit h cage wheels 
• Tines br eak t he sop soil and cage wheels 
smoot hens it . 
• Only demer it - ent angles t he debr is wit h t ines. 
• Needs mor e dr awing power f r om t r act or
• www.rkmp.co.in 
• epubs..icar.org.in 
• agris.fao.org 
• hpagrisnet.gov.in 
• agricoop.nic.in

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  • 2. PUDDLING • I t is a t illage syst em in which soil is r epeat edly plowed and har r owed under submer ged condit ions • Sof t en soil f or t r ansplant ing and less permeable t o wat er • I t changes t he soil t o a homogenous suspension of pr imar y par t icles • The soils under go t wo def orming st r esses: normal (load) st r ess, associat ed wit h compr ession, and t angent ial st r ess causing shear • Maximum puddling occur s at moist ur e cont ent s bet ween f ield-capacit y and
  • 3. PUDDLING EQUIPMENTS • Var ious t illage implement s ar e used f or puddling, t o make soil impermeable by manipulat ing and compact ing it in st anding wat er . • The implement s r equir ed f or puddling ar e t he ones which r eadily penet r at e t he puddle layer , car r y or ganic mat er ial downwar d and compact and smear at dept h • Some equipment s used ar e count r y plow, mould boar d plow, disk har r ows, angular puddler s, and r oot iller s
  • 4. RoTaRy PUDDLER • I t is gener ally t r act or oper at ed. • The t r act or , which is equipped wit h cage wheels, is used most commonly f or puddling pur pose. • Also called r ot avat or t iller / power t iller and consist of a power -dr iven shaf t , on which knives or t ines of dif f er ent shapes and sizes ar e mount ed • I t cut s t he soil, pulver izes t he soil t o powder and spr eads it unif ormly t o level t he f ield. I t is used bot h f or dr y and wet land pr epar at ion (puddling). • I t consist s of a gr oup of blades at t ached on a
  • 6. PowER TILLER • The wheels of power t iller is r eplaced by cage wheels • The t ynes ar e usef ul in puddling oper at ion as in t he case of r ot avat or .
  • 7. RotopuddleR with laseR-guided system • A wet laser leveling syst em has been successf ully developed at I RRI , in collabor at ion wit h Spect r a-pr ecision of t he Unit ed St at es • I t assur es a per f ect levelled puddled land • The base of puddler consist ing of t he r ot ar y puddler is movable • The height is adj ust ed by t he laser cont r oller which adj ust s t he height of t he r ot opuddler accor ding t o
  • 9. peg type puddleR • I t is used t o br eak t he soil clods near sat ur at ion level int o soil par t icles in or der t o pr epar e homogenized puddle t ilt h f or mechanized paddy t r ansplant ing. • The equipment in combinat ion wit h cage wheel pr ovide higher puddling per f ormance. • I t consist s of numer ous shar p plat es which t ur n t he soil and makes a colloid wit h wat er pr esent on t he f ield. • I t also consist s of some spiny cir cular met allic st r uct ur es at t ached t o t he base of t he plat es t o cr eat e mor e dist ur bance and f ine f r ee soil par t icles.
  • 11. plough Desi Plow: •I t is a f ully wooden plow, except t hat t he shar e is made of har dened st eel. •it is used in st anding-wat er condit ion, wit h plank at t ached behind it , t o make puddle f ield in leveled f orm.
  • 12. disc haRRow • I t is r ecommended f or st icky, waxy, har d, r ough, st ony, r oot y and peat y soils • I t is used f or wet land pr epar at ion (puddling), in combinat ion wit h ot her t illage-implement s like r ot avat or or cage wheels. • I t s main oper at ion is t illage, somet imes also used f or puddling as it can dist ur b t he soil sur f ace
  • 14. Puddling-TyPe FloaTing Power Tiller • I t was made t o r ule out t he excessive sinkage pr oblem of most wet land implement s, especially in sof t -clay f ields. • The f loat at ion boat -t ype power t iller s was developed f or wor king in sof t paddy f ields • The basic component s of puddling-t ype f loat ing t iller s ar e: t he puddling wheel, f loat at ion st r uct ur e, chain and spr ocket t r ansmission and t he engine • The puddling wheel gener ally consist s of a single or pair of cage-wheels mount ed on a common shaf t , suppor t ed and power ed by t he
  • 16. ConiCal Tyne Puddler • I t is modif ied comb har r ows, it sinks excessively in sof t soils • They may be animal dr awn or t r act or dr awn. • Comb har r ow had a t endency t o accumulat e t r ash and veget at ion on it s t ines, hence t o r ule out t he pr oblem, t hey ar e r eplaced by conical t ynes • Cor r esponding cones of t he t wo gangs wer e mount ed in line in an opposit e or ient at ion t o even t he t illage ef f ect acr oss t he f ull widt h of t he machine.
  • 18. SPring Tine harrow • Main use is t illage, but also used f or puddling. • Used along wit h cage wheels • Tines br eak t he sop soil and cage wheels smoot hens it . • Only demer it - ent angles t he debr is wit h t ines. • Needs mor e dr awing power f r om t r act or
  • 21. RefeRence • www.rkmp.co.in • epubs..icar.org.in • agris.fao.org • hpagrisnet.gov.in • agricoop.nic.in