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The Ultimate
Push notifications - they come in a wide variety and are a bite-sized, like tapas. They are made to inform,
intrigue and push users to make further actions. There is no other medium which has the ability to grant
you this dialogue-like communication with users. You can say hi, ask a quick question, and react
for an action in a split second. Your Jane Q. Public watches sandals and leaves the shop?
Send her information about the pre-season sale. Is she passing nearby your brick and mortar store?
Invite her for an afternoon tea and quick styling consultation.
What are pushes, and how to use their magic in the most effective way?
The answer to this question can be found
in this mini-compendium of knowledge on push notifications.
Enjoy the reading!
Push notifications
1. Mobile lifestyle
1.1. Mobile Revolution
1.2. Wearables and Internet of Things
1.3. Increasing Pace of Information Transfer
1.4. Appification of Life
2. Communication with Users
2.1. Relation Building
2.2. Methods of Communication with App Users
3. PUSH Notifications
3.1. Push Notifications’ Importance
3.2. How to Create a PUSH - Visual Guide
3.3. PUSH Personalization
3.4. PUSH Automation
3.5. PUSH Win-Back Campaign
3.6. Examples of PUSH Notification Campaigns
4. Bibliography
Mobile lifestyle
Mobile Revolution
Wearables and Internet of Things
Increasing Pace of Information Transfer
Appification of Life
Mobile Revolution
Nowadays, nobody can imagine life without a mobile phone.
Smartphones are used in almost every daily activity - from morning
wake up, to the evening ending press review. Not everyone knows
that the cells as we know them today, are less than 20 years old.
April 3, 1973 when Martin Cooper of Motorola unveiled DynaTAC, probably
no one suspected how much mess in the world’s history this pound brick can
make. Approved for sale a decade later, it provided the proud owner with a
possibility of a 30 mins talk time, 6 hours of standby time and held up to 30
contacts. It was the first commercially available device of it’s type. A few years
later the time has come for the second generation (2G) of the mobile devices.
The year 1993 marked a turning point. It was the year when the first SMS
(“Merry Christmas”) was sent, and when IBM released the first smartphone that
had a calendar, email inbox, and even applications! It was the beginning of the
mobile boom.
Another milestone was development of 3G technology in May 2001. It allowed
for a much faster data transmission which in turn opened the door for video
and audio streaming. In 2007, when the first iPhone was introduced to the
world, there were about 300 million users of 3G technology globally (which
accounted for only 9% of the total number of cellphone users). It didn’t take
much time when more and more demanding applications and media have forced
a significant acceleration and optimization of data transfer. Therefore, at the end
of the first decade of the 2000’s companies began to deploy 4G technology
along with LTE - the popular standard for wireless data transmission,
which is still used today
The difference between the plain cellphone and a smartphone is that the latter
is certainly more functional. Smartphone combines the features of a regular
phone with the email inbox, web browser, pager, GPS, as well as a digital
camera and a simple video camera. Smartphones can be therefore compared
to the Swiss army knife that combines many functions in one. The rapid
development of advanced devices caused a mad race among producers and a
flood of newer and newer features.
Mobile Revolution
1983 r.
Motorolla DynaTAC -
the possibility
of speaking, listening
and dialing
1993 r.
IBM Simon - the ability
to send and receive
faxes or emails
and a touchscreen
with a QWERTY
1997 r.
Siemens S10 -
the first phone with
a color display
1998 r.
Nokia 9000 communicator
- the first full QWERTY
keyboard, web
browser, IrDA
1999 r.
Nokia 7110 - the first phone
with a built-in WAP protocol,
that could access
information from the Internet
2000 r.
Sharp J-SH04 -
the first phone
with a built-in camera
2005 r.
Palm Treo 700w -
the first phone
with a built-in Microsoft
2008 r.
HTC Dream -
the first phone with
Google Android OS
Wearables and Internet of Things
The smartphone era brought us a new way of thinking about
electronical devices, and forever changed the way we use them.
A whole spectrum of accessories was made with features that
were available before only to smartphones. These are wearables,
accessories, clothes even electro chips, embedded with
computer or advanced electronics. They are part of the Internet of
Things – the whole new conception saying that psychical devices
and items may directly or indirectly gather, process, and exchange
data through a computer network.
Glasses, virtual reality headsets, and activity trackers
are steadily but surely introduced to games, apps
and simulators. Technology of today is coming
to our homes… and closets.
In 2014 Forbes magazine published an article presenting data that
said 71% of people, between the age of 16-24 want to own some
kind of wearable device. Fun fact: similar research was done in
2015 in UK and US, where it was reported that almost 56% of
interviewees said that wearables were a passing trend.
The first product to come to
existence which we can draw
early references for being
classified as a wearable would
have to be invention of the
hearing aid in 1898. Much later
came the popular calculator
watch, and even later the first of
what we may call spy
technology, earrings with
embedded microphones or the
Spy Tie, a necktie
with a hidden camera.
fashionable accessories
fitness trackers
hearing aids
health monitoring devices
remote treatment of speech and voice
communicating and navigating accessories
Devices from both categories are used as:
Application of wearables can be:
This completely new category, introduces new
devices, that intervene into the user’s
body. Tattoos that allow you to operate your
smartphone. A chip that goes under your skin
can now inform you whenever you face north
by vibrating. It’s called North Sense. Cyborg
Nest, the company which created it, claims
that their goal is to make it possible for humans
to become cyborgs. It’s scary, but interesting
because you don’t use North Sense as a
typical device. It’s a new artificial sense
“geo-orientation”, which is placed inside your
body. Electronic devices are changing the
way you experience your surrounding world,
creating a new way of being.
Electronic devices are entering our bodies,
widening the spectrum of human experience
and adding new layers to what we refer to
as innate human senses. And companies
like Cyborg’s Nest are coming forward with
intention statements of creating these artificial
It can be said that development of the Internet has changed the world, by significantly increasing the range of possibilities for
the average person, and the smartphones boom has made its contribution too. General access to information has created a
demand for countless new industries and therefore new jobs. Currently, more than 3.4 billion people all around the world have
access to the Internet. That’s nearly half of the world’s population!
Increasing Pace of Information Transfer
Information about events from around the world are now just a few clicks away. Services such as Twitter allow anyone with Internet
access to become a reporter. Wikipedia - global encyclopedia created by users removed the barriers that block the knowledge flow. In
2011, the access to Internet has been recognized by the UN as one of the fundamental human rights.
However there is the flip side. The
new medium allows for the rapid flow
of information which for the greater
part is good, but at the same time
opens up a space for new threats
to come into play. Starting from the
necessary business modernization
through the socio-psychological
problems, to the “deep web” - the
dark side of the Internet.
Quick access to information
has caused many problems.
Shrinking the average human
attention span, and messing
with the human ability for
learning, especially among
children. Why learn something
if you have access to scientific
publications on the topic
by 3 clicks or less away?
FOMO - Fear of Missing
Out - panic fear of missing
important messages and
obsessive inbox checking
Ringxiety - from ring + anxiety
- anxious awaiting for a new
message resulting in sensing
the phantom phone vibrations
Today both business and marketing content must be personalized. It’s not a fad, it’s a
must. In the information flood, no one wants to see tons of spam on their smartphone
screen. To gain a user’s attention it’s more important than ever for the content to be
considered useful by the reader and with the ability to personalize it brings providers
of information a step closer to being relevant. Appropriate use of email, push notifications
and web presentation are now some of the main factors determining
the marketing success.
Unlike traditional websites that are built around
storing content applications have the purpose
of performing tasks. They are everywhere:
on desktops, in smartwatches or the Internet
of Things devices. Applications have the ability
to make life easier, and most customers will use
a dedicated brand’s app before even entering
the website - it’s just more convenient.
More and more web pages are being designed
to resemble the user interactivity present in
their sister app - oriented to satisfy needs, they
become something more than simple content
containers. World navigates towards
the concept of the Internet as a network
of applications that help you perform
tasks and collect data simultaneously, so they
can improve processes and make suggestions
that are within the needs of the user
at any given time.
Appification of Life
Communication with Users
Relation Building
Methods of Communication with App Users
Relation Building
More than 80-90% of apps
are deleted after only one launch.
1 in 5 people in the world own a smartphone.
90% of people aged 18-24 consider the mobile de-
vice as a central part of everyday life, 84% of the
general population agrees with this sentiment.
US adults spend an average of 2 hours and 51
minutes a day using mobile devices. 89%
of this time they spend using applications.
There are 224 million monthly active
app users in the US.
As of June 2015, the Google Maps app averaged
76.47 million unique U.S. visitors per month.
For the average-performing apps, this number is
much lower.
So how to create a long-lasting relationship
with the user?
The most important task is to build up their involvement.
Even the best and most beautiful app is doomed
to oblivion if it doesn’t interact with its users. There
are many ways of drawing the user into a dialogue -
through the social media plug, in-app communication,
or encouraging them to share their opinions.
Regardless of the chosen strategy, you should know
how to create good notifications (even as if just an
emergency plan as a precaution if the main strategy
doesn’t work) - targeted and personalized for specific
groups. Finally, mobile devices provide so much
behavioral and demographic information about users
that it’s a shame if you won’t use it.
Users’ engagement is like a campfire. If you leave it after building
the fire, it will extinguish. You have to add some logs from time to
time, so it can burn as long as you’ll need it to. Gaining the
engagement of a user is not enough. You have to build it up and
maintain it. Like a flower - even after blooming it still needs water.
Most important at this stage is to run a dialogue with users and to
monitor their reactions. To run a dialogue, you can use the
pushes, emails and other notifications. Don’t limit yourself to the
strict offers – send a birthday or New Year’s wishes, reward the
loyalty and engagement with a small gift, share your knowledge.
Use proper software to monitor users’ reactions and engagement.
It’ll also help you to check the feedback, spot non-active users,
and create multistep and multi-channel marketing campaigns.
Step in! Free coffee
every croissant!
Invite a friend and
collect the prize!
Super discount
for the best customer!
Methods of Communication with App Users
Due to their similarity to traditional letters,
emails are a great medium to send more
sophisticated content, that can be red
at any time, for example: progress
summaries, ranks, complex offers
or newsletters. They can also be used
as an abandoned shopping cart,
or win back message.
In-app notifications - short messages that
appear only when the application is launched.
One of their main purposes is to increase user
engagement, for example by offering a discount
when a customer is using the shopping app.
Such notifications may take different forms:
a pop-up, notification bar alert or extended
information, and more.
The conversion is generally higher than
for other types of notifications, mostly due
to the fact that the receiving user is already
engaged in the application.
But it is a double-edged sword - you won’t
see in-app notifications, if you won’t
start the application.
In-app notification
Push notifications are short messages displayed
on the main screen of a smartphone or a tablet.
Text pushes are simple messages consisting of a
bolded headline and text. They are an interesting
way to create a company - customer relationship.
The personalized text appearing on the
notification bar will surely help build a positive
brand image. Text pushes can be used for
providing information, sending invitations,
sending coupons and discounts, etc. One of the
most common uses is the “up-selling.”
When a customer buys pants, she quickly gets
a thank you notification with a proposition to buy
a matching shirt added.
Text notification
The mentioned up-sell message can
include a link to the featured product
- if you use the URL push notification,
which is simply a notification with a link.
Its use doesn’t need an explanation
- clicking on a link redirects the user
to a specific landing page. Thanks
to the deep linking technology, such
notifications may also target directly
to a specific application screen.
URL notification
Dialog notification
Dialogue notifications are for asking the user simple questions and allow them to
answer within a split second - usually by choosing one of the two available options
(confirm or deny). “Do you like our new product?”, “Do you agree to receive more
notifications?”, “Do you want to get a 50% discount for London shopping?” - the
user selects the desired answer, which takes him just a second, and your
company will access to valuable information - depending on the posed questions.
PUSH Notifications
Push Notifications’ Importance
How to Create a PUSH - Visual Guide
PUSH Personalization
PUSH Automation
PUSH Win-Back Campaign
Examples of PUSH Notification Campaigns
Push Notifications’ Importance
Push notifications are short text messages that appear on the
screen of mobile devices. The user can receive them at any
time of the day or night. They open many new possibilities for
marketers. You could call them SMSs of the app world, with a
very high visibility. Proof? Even if you want to delete the
notification, you must first display it.
Push notifications were introduced to the world by Apple
in 2008 as the Apple Push Notification System (APNS).
A detailed description of APNS is: the system that allows
developers to send data notification to the external applications
installed on the Apple devices. With the marketing success
and obvious functionality of such mechanism, pushes were
also adopted for Android and Microsoft devices.
There are various types of push notifications,
depending on the applications you have installed.
Probably every smartphone user encountered the
notification like “Someone sent you a present” from
Candy Crush, “You have a new comment under
the photo” from Facebook application, or even “The
bus leaves in seven minutes” from jakdojade.pl app.
First of all, push notifications are very a convenient way
to communicate with users, because the user must
display them. In Apple’s iOS pushes appear even
on the lock screen, and in Android - on a special
notification bar, which is opened very often, due to other
useful features in it. Last but not least, pushes don’t go
to the SPAM folder, and their CTR can be up to twice
higher than in emails.
Why companies use it ?
How to Create a PUSH - Visual Guide
Permission (Always ask users
if you can send them notifications)
Purpose (Why do you
send this particular push?)
Discount information
User reactivation
Engagement enhancement
Inviting people “from the street” to the store
Engaging users in a field game
Type (Which push notification
type fits the purpose)
In App
(The body and the looks)
Compliance with brand’s image
Special effects (sound & vision)
(Just enough amount)
Notification reaction
In-app behavior
Results analysis
Personalized push notifications have a 3 times higher conversion
rate than others. You can implement personalization with
consideration to multiple variables, such as behavior (Click rate
increment 8.6%), profile (CR increment 13%) or combine them both
(CR increment 30.6%).
If you want to segment users like a pro, you’ll need a deep
understanding of their needs, habits and behavior.
For example, you’ll have to ask:
PUSH Personalization
why and how they use your app?
which modules are most used?
which functionalities are chosen over others?
where do they use them?
when do they use them?
Insight this deep may be achieved by using CRM for mobile
apps that gathers the answers for all those questions
in one place.
It doesn’t really matter what kind of message you
are preparing – push, in-app or email – you should
know the answer to these important questions:
Follow us, and we’ll analyze them.
To whom?
To whom (I send my message)?
Do your customer or user profiles
sound like this:
“Well-educated woman, in mid-30’s, a
Is this profile really getting you
How many companies do you think this
person also finds themself qualifying as
a customer or user. It’s time to expand
on understanding of your customers or
users.Your app connects with a device
that spends 24 hours in their pocket!
Take advantage of this!
Mobile marketing automation platforms offer a function of
behavioral profiling that gives you access to:
Identification of mobile app users
Automated identification of the users future visits
and the time spent using the modules
Device identification
Geolocation, etc.
As you can see, you can tell who, when and how they use
your app! You should gather this information to profile
and segment your customers.
Remember when you had to get rid of an annoying telemarketer trying to sell
you something that was about as useful as a third glove and worst of all whilst
you were in the middle of something important. Don’t copy his mistake. Send
your messages when people are using your app or passing your store.
When (they will read this message)?
90 percent of text messages
are read within 3 minutes.
Where (they will receive my message)?
How can you choose the place where the person will receive
your message? The answer: beacons and geolocalization.
Beacons are tiny devices using BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)
to communicate with each other and with users’ apps. If you
are around the brick-and-mortar store, the beacon signal can
trigger the in-app rule, and send you desired information, or a
discount code. Geolocation uses GPS built into a
smartphone. With this module, you can send users alerts
tailored to their location - an invitation for coffee, information
about the nearest sales points, local promotions and events, etc.
PUSH Automation
Can you imagine having to manually send hundreds of thousands
of personalized push notifications, that’s a day in the office
no one would want, and one which who knows would ever have an
end. So you say reduce communication to sending the
same message to the entire database, this also doesn’t sound like
the brightest idea given everything we have mentioned
so far. Fortunately, there is a solution. Modern mobile marketing
software, which allows for notification automation.
The automation rules allow for automatic responses based on
users behavior. The rules enable you to execute simple actions,
such as automated notifications, or fully automated, complex
and advanced marketing campaigns. This technology
guarantees that the messages are not only perfectly tailored,
but also delivered to the right users in the right time.
PUSH Automation
using app’s feature (buy, translate,
add to the cart, proceed, etc.),
using the specified module (screen),
push notification reaction,
entering a location,
making a purchase,
choosing a specific item (green gloves
and suede shoes),
filling the form,
...and many others
Push sending can be triggered by:
- use geolocation, some clever puzzles
and information on the execution
of tasks, you can invite users to search
for hidden treasures in the urban
Scavenger hunt
- instead of running with each freshman around
the office, simply prepare the application, which
will lead him to Jessica from the Office with
a complete set of documents, to the coffee
machine and will inform him where to find a
brand new laptop.
New employees onboarding
Increasing brand awareness
- marketing is not just discount coupons, but
also a tough task to build brand awareness
among the users. Push automation allows
you to prepare a simple educational series
that will periodically provide users with small
portions of useful knowledge.
Automated pushes allow you to create effective campaigns and events designed to increase the app users’ engagement,
solve their everyday problems, or to inform them of local promotions. Examples:
Real-time marketing
- mobile marketing is effective if it is context-
based. By sending users notifications
related to their current location, and to the
current needs you increase the chance
to develop a relation based on a two-way
Facilitating mass events
- notifications can help users in many ways. From
navigating through the exhibition, to directing
to the food court, to informing the first aid point
about the accident.
PUSH Win-Back Campaign
A win back campaign is designed to re-engage those users who stopped to use the app. For such a campaign
you’ll need a Mobile Marketing Automation platform. That provides advanced analysis of customer behavior, push
notification wizard and automates the entire process, saving your team a lot of time.
What messages (and to whom)
you should send?
Up to 10 days inactive - If a person uses
the app, but stops for a few days
it is a great moment to activate the push.
Remind her about the app and offer
a small bonus for the immediate return.
It can be something small – an upgrade,
small discount or a free item.
Create the sense of urgency by writing
something like this:
„Hi, Tommy! Log in now
and collect 3000 units
to spend
in a weapon store.”
„Jenny! The gloves sale
is active only today until
midnight. Buy the gloves
that are in your shopping
cart and use this 10%
14-30 days inactive - If the app’s last launch occurred a fortnight ago, the user might be considered
dormant, and you shouldn’t send her the messages described above. They will irritate her rather than
convince to launch the game. If you want to win her back, you must re-introduce her to the app
and offer a noticeable benefit. If it is a game – give her access to the new, exclusive level set
and some bonus for a fresh start. Remember to make the time-limited offer.
The example? Here we go:
If you have a fitness app, don’t „scream” about the zero
progress. Use the geolocation instead. Send a discount
to the nearest cafeteria or healthy food store in exchange
for saving the progress.
„Hi Matt, for the next 2 days
we unlocking the new land
especially for you. Clean
the dungeons and win
the Vorpal Sword!”
“Remember about
the after-workout meal.
Save your today’s track
and have a free shake
in the X cafeteria!”
More than 30 days inactive - Feedback request. The plain fact
is that on average, 70% of your users will stop using or delete
your app within 30 days. If none of the above works
and the user is inactive for a month, you should find
an explanation of this situation. The push will work fine. Ask her
for the feedback. Make her indicate the reason she no longer uses
the app. Request some remarks on how the app should work
to fulfill her expectations. You have a chance to find a common
factor that will help you to improve the app or add the requested
feature. It will put an incredibly powerful weapon into your hands.
Imagine that you are coming back to the user and inform him
that annoying bug is fixed.
Be careful to not re-invite the users if you haven’t fixed
the errors they indicated! The Mobile Marketing
Automation software can remember and categorize
all users for you. Apply this solution to your company.
„Hi Daniel, we have
simplified the purchasing
process! Now you can add
the items to your cart
with one touch! Check
it and share
your opinion.”
Examples of PUSH Notification Campaigns
Founded in 2000, PriceMinister is a leading online electronic
commerce website, that attracts more than 23 mln visitors
monthly, and offers around 127 mln discounted products.
The company was acquired in June 2010 by Rakuten
Group, one of the world’s largest ecommerces
with a turnover reaching near US$5 billion.
Broadcast of automated push notification messages based
on the customer lifecycle.
Set-up of a cross-channel loyalty program depending
on the customer status. Distribution of loyalty prizes
to reward customers and incentivize purchases.
2 push notification messages sent weekly on iOS: service
messaging and promotional advantages.
1 push notification message sent weekly on Android: private
sales, discounts.
Sending targeted and automated promotional push
notifications to its iOS and Android mobile app users,
and assessing and optimizing push notifications response rates.
Doubled monthly usage for app holders who are
opted-in for push notifications.
Conversion rates increase for users receiving push
Users receiving notifications purchase 3 times more
than those who do not
Real Estate
With over 100,000 sales professionals, 7,000 franchised broker offices and operations in 77 countries worldwide,
CENTURY 21 is considered as being the most respected brand in the real estate industry.
Since 2012, its domain has been the most visited real estate franchise website. Moreover, CENTURY 21 is also
recognized as a leader in emarketing and has received numerous awards.
Increasing the amount of active users, optimising
retention and engagement rates, promoting app
usage and generating leads (calls).
Creation of dynamic segments so as to send targeted push
notifications and in-app messages based on the app install
date, the number of days since the last visit
and the amount of visits.
Automatic Activation Program: welcoming new users, giving
tips and suggesting actions.
Automatic Reactivation Program: promoting key app features to
inactive users.
Testing the broadcast of messages at different time slots to
find the most appropriate moment to send push notifications to
maximize reaction rates.
In-app messaging program asking the most active users
to rate the app.
Increased application usage by users targeted with
push notifications.
Optimized reaction rates by sending messages at the
most appropriate time of the day.
Volume of app store ratings 6 times higher thanks to
in-app messaging.
Jobbio is a recruiting platform for both Talents and Brands. A jobs
marketplace where you can discover amazing opportunities
with over 2000 Brands. For Brands, Jobbio provides a simple
and effective platform to present themselves, post amazing job
opportunities, share them with the world and organize the resulting
job applications digitally and efficiently at an affordable price.
Talent acquisition is a rising problem for many online recruitment
brands. With a skills shortage looming over many sectors,
the challenge facing Jobbio was two-fold – to help brands
connect directly with relevant talent in their specific sector
and to re-engage potential candidates with personalised job
alerts for brands they have followed. Considering the average
CTR of recruitment email marketing campaigns is currently only
2.34%, Jobbio was searching for another channel to reach
and re-engage users effectively.
Portal decided to leverage the automation of personalized
notifications that allow for instant contact with the customer.
They included information adjusted to the user’s industry,
location, interests and last loging date.
To deliver hyper-targeted notifications to the right customer
at the right time, Jobbio can leverage data directly from their
Google Analytics account which provides full visibility of their
website customer insights. And with goal-tracking, A/B testing
and real-time campaign reporting capabilities, Jobbio teams
are able to measure and optimise the results of each campaign
in order to deliver maximum impact and boost ROI.
Jobbio have achieved remarkable results using Web Push
notifications – on average the click rate has been 17.5%
in the initial pilot. The conversion rate has been well over 50%
with users directly applying for relevant positions
from the notifications they have received. Web Push Notifications
have significantly increased Jobbio’s ability to market new
opportunities to attract great talent for brands.
E-BOOK made by
The Ultimate Guide

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Push notifications

  • 2. Push notifications - they come in a wide variety and are a bite-sized, like tapas. They are made to inform, intrigue and push users to make further actions. There is no other medium which has the ability to grant you this dialogue-like communication with users. You can say hi, ask a quick question, and react for an action in a split second. Your Jane Q. Public watches sandals and leaves the shop? Send her information about the pre-season sale. Is she passing nearby your brick and mortar store? Invite her for an afternoon tea and quick styling consultation. What are pushes, and how to use their magic in the most effective way? The answer to this question can be found in this mini-compendium of knowledge on push notifications. Enjoy the reading! Push notifications TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 2
  • 3. 1. Mobile lifestyle 1.1. Mobile Revolution 1.2. Wearables and Internet of Things 1.3. Increasing Pace of Information Transfer 1.4. Appification of Life 2. Communication with Users 2.1. Relation Building 2.2. Methods of Communication with App Users 3. PUSH Notifications 3.1. Push Notifications’ Importance 3.2. How to Create a PUSH - Visual Guide 3.3. PUSH Personalization 3.4. PUSH Automation 3.5. PUSH Win-Back Campaign 3.6. Examples of PUSH Notification Campaigns 4. Bibliography TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 3
  • 4. Mobile lifestyle Mobile Revolution Wearables and Internet of Things Increasing Pace of Information Transfer Appification of Life TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 4
  • 5. Mobile Revolution Nowadays, nobody can imagine life without a mobile phone. Smartphones are used in almost every daily activity - from morning wake up, to the evening ending press review. Not everyone knows that the cells as we know them today, are less than 20 years old. April 3, 1973 when Martin Cooper of Motorola unveiled DynaTAC, probably no one suspected how much mess in the world’s history this pound brick can make. Approved for sale a decade later, it provided the proud owner with a possibility of a 30 mins talk time, 6 hours of standby time and held up to 30 contacts. It was the first commercially available device of it’s type. A few years later the time has come for the second generation (2G) of the mobile devices. The year 1993 marked a turning point. It was the year when the first SMS (“Merry Christmas”) was sent, and when IBM released the first smartphone that had a calendar, email inbox, and even applications! It was the beginning of the mobile boom. Another milestone was development of 3G technology in May 2001. It allowed for a much faster data transmission which in turn opened the door for video and audio streaming. In 2007, when the first iPhone was introduced to the world, there were about 300 million users of 3G technology globally (which accounted for only 9% of the total number of cellphone users). It didn’t take much time when more and more demanding applications and media have forced a significant acceleration and optimization of data transfer. Therefore, at the end of the first decade of the 2000’s companies began to deploy 4G technology along with LTE - the popular standard for wireless data transmission, which is still used today 03.04.1973 TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 5
  • 6. The difference between the plain cellphone and a smartphone is that the latter is certainly more functional. Smartphone combines the features of a regular phone with the email inbox, web browser, pager, GPS, as well as a digital camera and a simple video camera. Smartphones can be therefore compared to the Swiss army knife that combines many functions in one. The rapid development of advanced devices caused a mad race among producers and a flood of newer and newer features. Mobile Revolution 1983 r. Motorolla DynaTAC - the possibility of speaking, listening and dialing 1993 r. IBM Simon - the ability to send and receive faxes or emails and a touchscreen with a QWERTY keyboard 1997 r. Siemens S10 - the first phone with a color display 1998 r. Nokia 9000 communicator - the first full QWERTY keyboard, web browser, IrDA 1999 r. Nokia 7110 - the first phone with a built-in WAP protocol, that could access information from the Internet 2000 r. Sharp J-SH04 - the first phone with a built-in camera 2005 r. Palm Treo 700w - the first phone with a built-in Microsoft software 2008 r. HTC Dream - the first phone with Google Android OS TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 6
  • 7. Wearables and Internet of Things The smartphone era brought us a new way of thinking about electronical devices, and forever changed the way we use them. A whole spectrum of accessories was made with features that were available before only to smartphones. These are wearables, accessories, clothes even electro chips, embedded with computer or advanced electronics. They are part of the Internet of Things – the whole new conception saying that psychical devices and items may directly or indirectly gather, process, and exchange data through a computer network. Glasses, virtual reality headsets, and activity trackers are steadily but surely introduced to games, apps and simulators. Technology of today is coming to our homes… and closets. In 2014 Forbes magazine published an article presenting data that said 71% of people, between the age of 16-24 want to own some kind of wearable device. Fun fact: similar research was done in 2015 in UK and US, where it was reported that almost 56% of interviewees said that wearables were a passing trend. The first product to come to existence which we can draw early references for being classified as a wearable would have to be invention of the hearing aid in 1898. Much later came the popular calculator watch, and even later the first of what we may call spy technology, earrings with embedded microphones or the Spy Tie, a necktie with a hidden camera. TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 7
  • 8. fashionable accessories fitness trackers hearing aids health monitoring devices remote treatment of speech and voice disorders communicating and navigating accessories Devices from both categories are used as: Application of wearables can be: private business This completely new category, introduces new devices, that intervene into the user’s body. Tattoos that allow you to operate your smartphone. A chip that goes under your skin can now inform you whenever you face north by vibrating. It’s called North Sense. Cyborg Nest, the company which created it, claims that their goal is to make it possible for humans to become cyborgs. It’s scary, but interesting because you don’t use North Sense as a typical device. It’s a new artificial sense “geo-orientation”, which is placed inside your body. Electronic devices are changing the way you experience your surrounding world, creating a new way of being. Electronic devices are entering our bodies, widening the spectrum of human experience and adding new layers to what we refer to as innate human senses. And companies like Cyborg’s Nest are coming forward with intention statements of creating these artificial senses. TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 8
  • 9. It can be said that development of the Internet has changed the world, by significantly increasing the range of possibilities for the average person, and the smartphones boom has made its contribution too. General access to information has created a demand for countless new industries and therefore new jobs. Currently, more than 3.4 billion people all around the world have access to the Internet. That’s nearly half of the world’s population! Increasing Pace of Information Transfer Information about events from around the world are now just a few clicks away. Services such as Twitter allow anyone with Internet access to become a reporter. Wikipedia - global encyclopedia created by users removed the barriers that block the knowledge flow. In 2011, the access to Internet has been recognized by the UN as one of the fundamental human rights. However there is the flip side. The new medium allows for the rapid flow of information which for the greater part is good, but at the same time opens up a space for new threats to come into play. Starting from the necessary business modernization through the socio-psychological problems, to the “deep web” - the dark side of the Internet. Quick access to information has caused many problems. Shrinking the average human attention span, and messing with the human ability for learning, especially among children. Why learn something if you have access to scientific publications on the topic by 3 clicks or less away? FOMO - Fear of Missing Out - panic fear of missing important messages and obsessive inbox checking Ringxiety - from ring + anxiety - anxious awaiting for a new message resulting in sensing the phantom phone vibrations Today both business and marketing content must be personalized. It’s not a fad, it’s a must. In the information flood, no one wants to see tons of spam on their smartphone screen. To gain a user’s attention it’s more important than ever for the content to be considered useful by the reader and with the ability to personalize it brings providers of information a step closer to being relevant. Appropriate use of email, push notifications and web presentation are now some of the main factors determining the marketing success. TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 9
  • 10. Unlike traditional websites that are built around storing content applications have the purpose of performing tasks. They are everywhere: on desktops, in smartwatches or the Internet of Things devices. Applications have the ability to make life easier, and most customers will use a dedicated brand’s app before even entering the website - it’s just more convenient. More and more web pages are being designed to resemble the user interactivity present in their sister app - oriented to satisfy needs, they become something more than simple content containers. World navigates towards the concept of the Internet as a network of applications that help you perform tasks and collect data simultaneously, so they can improve processes and make suggestions that are within the needs of the user at any given time. Appification of Life PROCESS EFFECT Information Necessity Program TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 10
  • 11. Communication with Users Relation Building Methods of Communication with App Users TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 11
  • 12. Relation Building More than 80-90% of apps are deleted after only one launch. 1 in 5 people in the world own a smartphone. 90% of people aged 18-24 consider the mobile de- vice as a central part of everyday life, 84% of the general population agrees with this sentiment. US adults spend an average of 2 hours and 51 minutes a day using mobile devices. 89% of this time they spend using applications. There are 224 million monthly active app users in the US. As of June 2015, the Google Maps app averaged 76.47 million unique U.S. visitors per month. For the average-performing apps, this number is much lower. So how to create a long-lasting relationship with the user? The most important task is to build up their involvement. Even the best and most beautiful app is doomed to oblivion if it doesn’t interact with its users. There are many ways of drawing the user into a dialogue - through the social media plug, in-app communication, or encouraging them to share their opinions. Regardless of the chosen strategy, you should know how to create good notifications (even as if just an emergency plan as a precaution if the main strategy doesn’t work) - targeted and personalized for specific groups. Finally, mobile devices provide so much behavioral and demographic information about users that it’s a shame if you won’t use it. TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 12
  • 13. Users’ engagement is like a campfire. If you leave it after building the fire, it will extinguish. You have to add some logs from time to time, so it can burn as long as you’ll need it to. Gaining the engagement of a user is not enough. You have to build it up and maintain it. Like a flower - even after blooming it still needs water. Most important at this stage is to run a dialogue with users and to monitor their reactions. To run a dialogue, you can use the pushes, emails and other notifications. Don’t limit yourself to the strict offers – send a birthday or New Year’s wishes, reward the loyalty and engagement with a small gift, share your knowledge. Use proper software to monitor users’ reactions and engagement. It’ll also help you to check the feedback, spot non-active users, and create multistep and multi-channel marketing campaigns. Step in! Free coffee with every croissant! Invite a friend and collect the prize! Super discount for the best customer! TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 13
  • 14. Methods of Communication with App Users Due to their similarity to traditional letters, emails are a great medium to send more sophisticated content, that can be red at any time, for example: progress summaries, ranks, complex offers or newsletters. They can also be used as an abandoned shopping cart, or win back message. Email In-app notifications - short messages that appear only when the application is launched. One of their main purposes is to increase user engagement, for example by offering a discount when a customer is using the shopping app. Such notifications may take different forms: a pop-up, notification bar alert or extended information, and more. The conversion is generally higher than for other types of notifications, mostly due to the fact that the receiving user is already engaged in the application. But it is a double-edged sword - you won’t see in-app notifications, if you won’t start the application. In-app notification TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 14
  • 15. Push notifications are short messages displayed on the main screen of a smartphone or a tablet. Text pushes are simple messages consisting of a bolded headline and text. They are an interesting way to create a company - customer relationship. The personalized text appearing on the notification bar will surely help build a positive brand image. Text pushes can be used for providing information, sending invitations, sending coupons and discounts, etc. One of the most common uses is the “up-selling.” When a customer buys pants, she quickly gets a thank you notification with a proposition to buy a matching shirt added. Text notification The mentioned up-sell message can include a link to the featured product - if you use the URL push notification, which is simply a notification with a link. Its use doesn’t need an explanation - clicking on a link redirects the user to a specific landing page. Thanks to the deep linking technology, such notifications may also target directly to a specific application screen. URL notification Dialog notification Dialogue notifications are for asking the user simple questions and allow them to answer within a split second - usually by choosing one of the two available options (confirm or deny). “Do you like our new product?”, “Do you agree to receive more notifications?”, “Do you want to get a 50% discount for London shopping?” - the user selects the desired answer, which takes him just a second, and your company will access to valuable information - depending on the posed questions. TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 15
  • 16. PUSH Notifications Push Notifications’ Importance How to Create a PUSH - Visual Guide PUSH Personalization PUSH Automation PUSH Win-Back Campaign Examples of PUSH Notification Campaigns TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 16
  • 17. Push Notifications’ Importance Push notifications are short text messages that appear on the screen of mobile devices. The user can receive them at any time of the day or night. They open many new possibilities for marketers. You could call them SMSs of the app world, with a very high visibility. Proof? Even if you want to delete the notification, you must first display it. Push notifications were introduced to the world by Apple in 2008 as the Apple Push Notification System (APNS). A detailed description of APNS is: the system that allows developers to send data notification to the external applications installed on the Apple devices. With the marketing success and obvious functionality of such mechanism, pushes were also adopted for Android and Microsoft devices. History There are various types of push notifications, depending on the applications you have installed. Probably every smartphone user encountered the notification like “Someone sent you a present” from Candy Crush, “You have a new comment under the photo” from Facebook application, or even “The bus leaves in seven minutes” from jakdojade.pl app. Examples First of all, push notifications are very a convenient way to communicate with users, because the user must display them. In Apple’s iOS pushes appear even on the lock screen, and in Android - on a special notification bar, which is opened very often, due to other useful features in it. Last but not least, pushes don’t go to the SPAM folder, and their CTR can be up to twice higher than in emails. Why companies use it ? TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 17
  • 18. How to Create a PUSH - Visual Guide Permission (Always ask users if you can send them notifications) Purpose (Why do you send this particular push?) Sales Discount information User reactivation Engagement enhancement Inviting people “from the street” to the store Engaging users in a field game Other Type (Which push notification type fits the purpose) In App Text Dialogue URL Creation (The body and the looks) Proofreading Concision Compliance with brand’s image Aesthetics Distinctiveness Special effects (sound & vision) Personalization (Just enough amount) Time Location Language Activity Notification reaction In-app behavior Sending Results analysis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 18
  • 19. Personalized push notifications have a 3 times higher conversion rate than others. You can implement personalization with consideration to multiple variables, such as behavior (Click rate increment 8.6%), profile (CR increment 13%) or combine them both (CR increment 30.6%). If you want to segment users like a pro, you’ll need a deep understanding of their needs, habits and behavior. For example, you’ll have to ask: PUSH Personalization why and how they use your app? which modules are most used? which functionalities are chosen over others? where do they use them? when do they use them? Insight this deep may be achieved by using CRM for mobile apps that gathers the answers for all those questions in one place. It doesn’t really matter what kind of message you are preparing – push, in-app or email – you should know the answer to these important questions: Where? Follow us, and we’ll analyze them. To whom? When? TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 19
  • 20. To whom (I send my message)? Do your customer or user profiles sound like this: “Well-educated woman, in mid-30’s, a Londoner…” Is this profile really getting you results? How many companies do you think this person also finds themself qualifying as a customer or user. It’s time to expand on understanding of your customers or users.Your app connects with a device that spends 24 hours in their pocket! Take advantage of this! Mobile marketing automation platforms offer a function of behavioral profiling that gives you access to: Identification of mobile app users Automated identification of the users future visits and the time spent using the modules Device identification Geolocation, etc. As you can see, you can tell who, when and how they use your app! You should gather this information to profile and segment your customers. TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 20
  • 21. Remember when you had to get rid of an annoying telemarketer trying to sell you something that was about as useful as a third glove and worst of all whilst you were in the middle of something important. Don’t copy his mistake. Send your messages when people are using your app or passing your store. When (they will read this message)? Remember: 90 percent of text messages are read within 3 minutes. TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 21
  • 22. Where (they will receive my message)? How can you choose the place where the person will receive your message? The answer: beacons and geolocalization. Beacons are tiny devices using BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) to communicate with each other and with users’ apps. If you are around the brick-and-mortar store, the beacon signal can trigger the in-app rule, and send you desired information, or a discount code. Geolocation uses GPS built into a smartphone. With this module, you can send users alerts tailored to their location - an invitation for coffee, information about the nearest sales points, local promotions and events, etc. TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 22
  • 23. PUSH Automation Can you imagine having to manually send hundreds of thousands of personalized push notifications, that’s a day in the office no one would want, and one which who knows would ever have an end. So you say reduce communication to sending the same message to the entire database, this also doesn’t sound like the brightest idea given everything we have mentioned so far. Fortunately, there is a solution. Modern mobile marketing software, which allows for notification automation. The automation rules allow for automatic responses based on users behavior. The rules enable you to execute simple actions, such as automated notifications, or fully automated, complex and advanced marketing campaigns. This technology guarantees that the messages are not only perfectly tailored, but also delivered to the right users in the right time. TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 23
  • 24. PUSH Automation using app’s feature (buy, translate, add to the cart, proceed, etc.), using the specified module (screen), push notification reaction, entering a location, making a purchase, choosing a specific item (green gloves and suede shoes), filling the form, ...and many others Push sending can be triggered by: TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 24
  • 25. - use geolocation, some clever puzzles and information on the execution of tasks, you can invite users to search for hidden treasures in the urban landscape. Scavenger hunt - instead of running with each freshman around the office, simply prepare the application, which will lead him to Jessica from the Office with a complete set of documents, to the coffee machine and will inform him where to find a brand new laptop. New employees onboarding Increasing brand awareness - marketing is not just discount coupons, but also a tough task to build brand awareness among the users. Push automation allows you to prepare a simple educational series that will periodically provide users with small portions of useful knowledge. Automated pushes allow you to create effective campaigns and events designed to increase the app users’ engagement, solve their everyday problems, or to inform them of local promotions. Examples: Real-time marketing - mobile marketing is effective if it is context- based. By sending users notifications related to their current location, and to the current needs you increase the chance to develop a relation based on a two-way communication. Facilitating mass events - notifications can help users in many ways. From navigating through the exhibition, to directing to the food court, to informing the first aid point about the accident. TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 25
  • 26. PUSH Win-Back Campaign A win back campaign is designed to re-engage those users who stopped to use the app. For such a campaign you’ll need a Mobile Marketing Automation platform. That provides advanced analysis of customer behavior, push notification wizard and automates the entire process, saving your team a lot of time. What messages (and to whom) you should send? Up to 10 days inactive - If a person uses the app, but stops for a few days it is a great moment to activate the push. Remind her about the app and offer a small bonus for the immediate return. It can be something small – an upgrade, small discount or a free item. Create the sense of urgency by writing something like this: „Hi, Tommy! Log in now and collect 3000 units to spend in a weapon store.” „Jenny! The gloves sale is active only today until midnight. Buy the gloves that are in your shopping cart and use this 10% discount.” TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 26
  • 27. 14-30 days inactive - If the app’s last launch occurred a fortnight ago, the user might be considered dormant, and you shouldn’t send her the messages described above. They will irritate her rather than convince to launch the game. If you want to win her back, you must re-introduce her to the app and offer a noticeable benefit. If it is a game – give her access to the new, exclusive level set and some bonus for a fresh start. Remember to make the time-limited offer. The example? Here we go: If you have a fitness app, don’t „scream” about the zero progress. Use the geolocation instead. Send a discount to the nearest cafeteria or healthy food store in exchange for saving the progress. „Hi Matt, for the next 2 days we unlocking the new land especially for you. Clean the dungeons and win the Vorpal Sword!” “Remember about the after-workout meal. Save your today’s track and have a free shake in the X cafeteria!” TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 27
  • 28. More than 30 days inactive - Feedback request. The plain fact is that on average, 70% of your users will stop using or delete your app within 30 days. If none of the above works and the user is inactive for a month, you should find an explanation of this situation. The push will work fine. Ask her for the feedback. Make her indicate the reason she no longer uses the app. Request some remarks on how the app should work to fulfill her expectations. You have a chance to find a common factor that will help you to improve the app or add the requested feature. It will put an incredibly powerful weapon into your hands. Imagine that you are coming back to the user and inform him that annoying bug is fixed. Be careful to not re-invite the users if you haven’t fixed the errors they indicated! The Mobile Marketing Automation software can remember and categorize all users for you. Apply this solution to your company. „Hi Daniel, we have simplified the purchasing process! Now you can add the items to your cart with one touch! Check it and share your opinion.” TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 28
  • 29. Examples of PUSH Notification Campaigns Founded in 2000, PriceMinister is a leading online electronic commerce website, that attracts more than 23 mln visitors monthly, and offers around 127 mln discounted products. The company was acquired in June 2010 by Rakuten Group, one of the world’s largest ecommerces with a turnover reaching near US$5 billion. Challenge: Broadcast of automated push notification messages based on the customer lifecycle. Set-up of a cross-channel loyalty program depending on the customer status. Distribution of loyalty prizes to reward customers and incentivize purchases. 2 push notification messages sent weekly on iOS: service messaging and promotional advantages. 1 push notification message sent weekly on Android: private sales, discounts. Actions: Results: eCommerce Sending targeted and automated promotional push notifications to its iOS and Android mobile app users, and assessing and optimizing push notifications response rates. Doubled monthly usage for app holders who are opted-in for push notifications. Conversion rates increase for users receiving push notifications. Users receiving notifications purchase 3 times more than those who do not TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 29
  • 30. Real Estate With over 100,000 sales professionals, 7,000 franchised broker offices and operations in 77 countries worldwide, CENTURY 21 is considered as being the most respected brand in the real estate industry. Since 2012, its domain has been the most visited real estate franchise website. Moreover, CENTURY 21 is also recognized as a leader in emarketing and has received numerous awards. Challenge: Increasing the amount of active users, optimising retention and engagement rates, promoting app usage and generating leads (calls). Actions: Creation of dynamic segments so as to send targeted push notifications and in-app messages based on the app install date, the number of days since the last visit and the amount of visits. Automatic Activation Program: welcoming new users, giving tips and suggesting actions. Automatic Reactivation Program: promoting key app features to inactive users. Testing the broadcast of messages at different time slots to find the most appropriate moment to send push notifications to maximize reaction rates. In-app messaging program asking the most active users to rate the app. Results: Increased application usage by users targeted with push notifications. Optimized reaction rates by sending messages at the most appropriate time of the day. Volume of app store ratings 6 times higher thanks to in-app messaging. TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 30
  • 31. HR&Recruitment Jobbio is a recruiting platform for both Talents and Brands. A jobs marketplace where you can discover amazing opportunities with over 2000 Brands. For Brands, Jobbio provides a simple and effective platform to present themselves, post amazing job opportunities, share them with the world and organize the resulting job applications digitally and efficiently at an affordable price. Challenge: Talent acquisition is a rising problem for many online recruitment brands. With a skills shortage looming over many sectors, the challenge facing Jobbio was two-fold – to help brands connect directly with relevant talent in their specific sector and to re-engage potential candidates with personalised job alerts for brands they have followed. Considering the average CTR of recruitment email marketing campaigns is currently only 2.34%, Jobbio was searching for another channel to reach and re-engage users effectively. Actions: Portal decided to leverage the automation of personalized notifications that allow for instant contact with the customer. They included information adjusted to the user’s industry, location, interests and last loging date. To deliver hyper-targeted notifications to the right customer at the right time, Jobbio can leverage data directly from their Google Analytics account which provides full visibility of their website customer insights. And with goal-tracking, A/B testing and real-time campaign reporting capabilities, Jobbio teams are able to measure and optimise the results of each campaign in order to deliver maximum impact and boost ROI. Results: Jobbio have achieved remarkable results using Web Push notifications – on average the click rate has been 17.5% in the initial pilot. The conversion rate has been well over 50% with users directly applying for relevant positions from the notifications they have received. Web Push Notifications have significantly increased Jobbio’s ability to market new opportunities to attract great talent for brands. TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 31
  • 32. Bibliography https://xtremepush.com/jobbio/ http://www.accengage.com/century-21-push-notifications-and-in-app-messages-case-study/ http://www.accengage.com/priceminister-push-notifications-case-study/ http://www.businessinsider.com/smartphone-and-tablet-penetration-2013-10 http://www.exacttarget.com/ http://www.emarketer.com/Article/Mobile-Continues-Steal-Share-of-US-Adults-Daily-Time-Spent-with-Media/1010782 https://www.searchenginejournal.com/2014-mobile-landscape-25-statistics-will-drive-future-mobile-marketing-infographic/89507/ http://www.statista.com/statistics/250862/unique-visitors-to-the-most-popular-mobile-apps-in-the-us/ https://blog.optimizely.com/2014/05/09/the-optimized-app-ab-testing-goes-mobile/ http://www.forbes.com/sites/victorlipman/2014/09/22/71-of-16-24s-want-wearable-tech-why-dont-i-even-want-to-wear-a- watch/#4d4d5f03310d http://wearabletechwatch.net/our-survey-says-something-doesnt-add-up/ TheUltimateGuidetoPUSHNotifications 32
  • 33. E-BOOK made by Apayo.pl www.salesmanago.com visit The Ultimate Guide to PUSH Notifications