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Business Center
PwC - International Business Center
What is PwC?		                               4
	   -Code of conduct		                       4
	   -Hierarchy inside PwC		                  4
PwC Mexico?		                                4
	   -The structure of PwC Mexico		           4
IBC Vision & Values		                        5
	   -How do we do it?		                      5
What is the IBC?		                           5
	   -Internal structure		                    6
Administration		                             6
	   -Tools 		                                6
	-Timesheet		                                6
Performance evaluation		                     6
	   -Expenses & reimbursement		              6
	   -Meeting room booking		                  7
	-Parking		                                  7
	   -Telephone & voicemail 		                7
	   -Taking your laptop out of the office	   7
	-Timing		                                   7
	-Communication		                            7
Activities (IBC Meetings)		                  8
Weekly Breakfasts (informal)		               8
Monthly Meetings (formal)		                  8
Individual Meetings (formal)		               8
Quarterly Meetings (formal)		                8
	-Holiday		                                  8
Relation with AIESEC		                       9
Key Contacts in PwC Mexico		                 10
Appendix		                                   10
What is PwC?
     PwC is one of the world’s largest providers of assurance, tax,      -Hierarchy inside PwC
     and business consulting services. We believe that the best
     outcomes are achieved through close collaboration with our
     clients and the many stakeholder communities we serve. So
     every day, 161,000 PwC people in 154 countries work hard to
     build strong relationships with others and understand the
     issues and aspirations that drive them.
     At PwC, we measure success by our ability to create the value
     that our clients, our people and the wider investing public are
     looking for. PwC serves its clients through three lines of
     services (LoS): Advisory, Assurance, and Tax & Legal services.

     -Code of conduct
     We conduct our business within the framework of applicable
     professional standards, laws, and regulations together with
     PwC policies and standards. However, we also acknowledge
     that these standards, laws, regulations and policies do not
     govern all types of behavior. As a result, we also have a Code of
     conduct for all PwC people and firms. This Code is based on our
     values and it takes them to the next level—demonstrating our
     values in action and contributing to the PwC Experience. The        PwC Mexico?
     Code also provides a frame of reference for PwC firms to            PwC Mexico is a professional services organisation strongly
     establish more specific supplements to address territorial          committed with the Mexican market to shape the immediate
     issues.                                                             future of businesses by improving its operations and profitability.
     While the Code provides a broad range of guidance about the         The extent and quality of our global services network have
     standards of integrity and business conduct, no code can            allowed us to acknowledge, integrate and develop professional
     address every situation that individuals are likely to encounter.   services for many decades, based on our clients’ needs, as well as
     As a result, this Code is not a substitute for our responsibility   to detect the main regulatory and technologic trends in advance,
     and accountability to exercise good judgment and obtain             and also the business models changes in different markets and
     guidance on proper business conduct. We are encouraged to           regions around the world.
     seek additional guidance and support from those designated as
     responsible for business conduct matters. The strength in our       We provide professional services all over the country through a
     organisation is the strength in our collective knowledge and        strategic network of 19 offices and 3,549 people.
     the sharing of that knowledge and experience.
                                                                         -The structure of PwC Mexico

4	      International Business Center	2011
What is the IBC?
The IBC is composed of independent country desks. Our center sits in the Advisory LoS, but works in
conjunction with colleagues from all the 3 LoS, as you can see in the picture above. We identify
business opportunities with existing and potential clients from foreign countries by taking advantage
of our diverse backgrounds.

IBC Vision & Values
IBC Vision: With excellence and leadership we connect business opportunities in a sustainable way.
We are a strategic unit for the global network of PwC and the international communities in Mexico.
IBC Values:

-What do we do?
We build trust with potential clients, enhance the quality of the relationships with our existing
clients, and develop business opportunities. All of our activities add a unique value for current and
potential clients our international and business development specialized, which enables us to
understand the needs of foreign communities in Mexico. We identify opportunities for all of the 3
LoS by selecting an appropriate team composed of managers and partners.

-How do we do it?
We have our own “Strategic Sales Process”.

Our Values
Achievement, Determination, Innovation, Professionalism, Respect

                                	                                                         International Business Center	5
-Internal structure                                                               -Timesheet
We have set up the following country desks:                                       This is a record of your actual work hours, it must be
                                                                                  completed on the 10th and 25th of every month and
Brazil (initiative), China, Colombia, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Japan,     then submitted Miriam González. Ask your coach for
Scandinavia, Spain, UK (initiative).                                              support on filling it out for the first time.
These are managed by either senior or junior profile coordinators.
                                                                                  Performance evaluation
Junior profile coordinators will have an assigned coach (senior profile desk
                                                                                  We measure performance of our people based on two
coordinator) to provide basic training and support on their day to day desk
                                                                                  factors: the achievement of planned KPIs in own
management. Coaches are basically a guide for you to develop your business
                                                                                  Balanced Scorecard and the competency growth.
case and other tools related to each desk.
                                                                                  Performance evaluation are considered in order to
Besides these desks, we have mainly 3 functional areas which are                  decide retain, promotion, wage increase, bonus
Administration&Networks (leader: Mariano Errichiello), Information                assignment, etc.
Management (leader: Carlos Morales) and Talent Management (leader:
Walter Heredia). These areas are focused on supporting the performance of         -Expenses & reimbursement
the IBC taken as a whole, not on each desk.                                       When we spend money for business purposes, we can
                                                                                  reimbursed. Fill the format called “Informe de gastos”,
Administration                                                                    print and submit it to Mariano for review, then to
-Tools                                                                            Mayra in order to get the authorization of Mr.Ferron.
                                                                                  After having the authorization in the form of his
•	 BSC: a tool to measure the health of our group. We look at our business        signature, bring the documents to the finance
   through 2 Business Perspectives (BP), management and growth, and               department on the 1st floor. The money will be
   define some Critical Success Factors (CSF) for each one of those to            reimbursed to the bank account you designated.
   understand in what we need to be good. We use to run periodical
   evaluation measuring the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) related to each      Claims have to be delivered to Mariano by the last
   CSF.                                                                           Friday of each month.

•	 Competency Model: In the IBC we are looking that its members develop 7         Note: the expenses covered by the firm are:
   main competencies that will be a support for them in order to make the         transportation costs to attend meetings with leads or
   right decisions and have the correct behaviors during the diverse situations   events; events participation; breakfast/lunch/dinner
   that will present during the daily work.These competencies will be assessed    with leads or strategic entities; mobile credit. You need
   regularly and be part of a personal and professional development plan each     an invoice to report such expenses and you will get it
   member of the IBC will track with his/her coach. The competencies we are       by presenting our RFC (PwC´s fiscal registration) to
   talking about are: Adaptability (Cultural Sensitivity), Negotiation,           the provider of the service. In case of transportation
   Networking, Resilience, Results/Action Orientation, Savvy, Team Work.          cost, we don’t need to present any RFC: the document
                                                                                  you receive from the taxi or bus operator is valid.
•	 Reporting & Tracking Tool: the excel file which includes following sheets;,    Regarding mobile phone credit, the recommended
   target follow up, coaches, event participation, BSC, budget, account           way is to accumulate the receipts that the shop gives to
   management)                                                                    you and at the end of the month you can present the
                                                                                  RFC with the receipts to the shop and ask for an
•	 WoCo: Our knowledge management tool where our key materials are                invoice referred to all the charges you caused during
   stored for sharing and transition purposes.                                    the month.
•	 BAM: The database where we register our business targets and report our
   interaction with them.

6	   International Business Center	2011
-Meeting room booking                                     Routing your calls to the voice mail: dial * + 3 and hang up. To cancel, dial #
                                                          + 3.
Request it with the assistant of the partner or manager
who attends the meeting.                                  Transferring a call: while in the call, press Flash, dial the required extension
                                                          or telephone number and then hang up.
In case no partner attends the meeting, ask Mr.
Ferrón’s assistant. In the request, you should indicate   Taking a second call: press Flash + # + 9 when you here the beep. To return
the date, number of attendees, duration, special tools    to the original call, press Flash + # + 9.
you need.
                                                          -Taking your laptop out of the office
In any case, it is recommended to book a room at lest
3days before the meeting to ensure room availability.     In terms of safeguarding, PwC Mexico has specific rules to take your laptop
                                                          outside office. Firstly, you need to get written permission of Mr. Ferrón, then
-Parking                                                  bring it to Adriana Rubio (in GTS dep.) with your laptop information (the
                                                          paper you received when you got the laptop). The personnel there issue a
Ask an assistant to send an e-mail to “Seguridad          permission paper which you need to show at the security desk at the reception
Interna” with the name of the client, color, number,      every time you want to take your laptop out of the office.
make of their car and the expected date and time of
arrival beforehand. Then the receptionist at the lobby    Since the permission paper has expiration date, you need to extend it
will call you when the visitor arrives.                   periodically by bringing the paper to GTS again. The GTS personnel will
                                                          stamp and sign it again.
-Telephone & voicemail
For local calls, dial 9 + number.
                                                          The expected starting time is 9am.
Calls to mobile phones: 9 + 044 + number + access
code (request it to your coach)                           If you have a reason to be late for team meetings, notify Mariano beforehand.

International calls: 9 + country code + number +          Punctuality is always expected. Only a 5-minute delay with previous notice
access code                                               will be tolerated. No one is allowed to attend the meeting after the first 5
                                                          minutes passed.
Attention: You need permission from Mariano when
you call mobile phones or abroad.                         Lack of punctuality will be taken into consideration for holiday permission.

Setting up your voice mail: Dial 8501 and follow the      -Communication
instructions. For your greeting, record the following:
“You have reached name at the International Business      In order to exercise proper accountability of each independent desk, we have
Center in PwC, at the moment I am not able to take        to follow activities in our team.
your call please leave a message and I will get back to
you as soo as I can”
Checking your voicemail: 8501 + extension
+#+password + # + 2.
Checking your voicemail from outside the office: call
5263 8501 and follow the same procedure.
Transferring your extension to another phone: pick up
the phone and wait for the dial tone then dial * + 2 +
extension and then hang up. To cancel, dial #+ 2.

                                    	                                                    International Business Center	7
Activities (IBC Meetings)                                           -Holiday
Weekly Breakfasts (informal)                                        Providing previous notice to Mariano at least 3 weeks before you
                                                                    want to take holidays is required. Holiday permission will depend
This is usually held on Monday. If you cannot attend, you have to   on holiday already taken and the workload you are managing
send a mail to the team with your weekly priorities.                during that period.
•	 Top priority per person
                                                                    The total number of days you can take as holiday is 15. However,
•	 Functional Area updates                                          depending on your punctuality, the number can be reduced.
•	 Feedback circle

Monthly Meetings (formal)
•	 Desk Report (Frame)
•	 Functional Area Report (Frame)
•	 Feedback Circle

Individual Meetings (formal)
•	 Tracking Tool review (Frame)
•	 BSC review (Frame)
•	 Individual Feedbacks

Quarterly Meetings (formal)
•	 Desk Report (Strategic Sales Process Frame)
•	 BSC Review (Frame)
•	 Feedback Circle
Also, we need to include Mariano in cc when sending important
mails (externally/internally). Try not to send message to Mr.
Ferron directly, since Mariano is the channel to him.

8	   International Business Center	2011
Relation with AIESEC
PwC is a Global Partner of AIESEC. PwC Mexico hires interns for different
departments including the IBC. AIESEC is responsible of supporting the
intern to receive options for housing, to get a bank account, to get appropriate
visa and insurance, and to introduce them to the Mexican culture and prepare
integration activities.
The services are made by two different LCs, UP and LaSalle.

AIESEC responsibilities:
In a nutshell, AIESEC must take care of your visa procedures, accommodation        Walter Heredia is the responsible for checking on the
arrangements, cultural integration and salary.                                     quality of the AIESEC service and channelling all
                                                                                   enquiries, suggestions and complaints to the various
PwC is a Global Partner of AIESEC. PwC Mexico hires interns for different          AIESEC chapters. He will provide you with guidance
departments including the IBC. AIESEC is responsible of supporting the             for the induction to the firm and leaving the firm. With
intern to receive options for housing, to get a bank account, to get appropriate   him, you should sign a pay slip receipt every month.
visa and insurance, and to introduce them to the Mexican culture and prepare
integration activities.

                                	                                                         International Business Center	9
Key Contacts in PwC Mexico
Juan Manuel Ferron: Our leader of advisory services. Our
Mayra Salazar Aguilar: JMF´s assistant. Bridge between us and
JMF. She manages his agenda.
Mariano Errichiello: IBC leader
Global PwC Coordinator: The person who coordinates the
global relation between AIESEC and PwC
National PwC coordinator: Mariana Rico
Lourdes Avalos: executive assistant. Useful for booking meeting
rooms and administrative procedures
Sara Macedo: executive assistant. Useful for booking meeting
rooms and administrative procedures
Valeria Marambio: Our Human Capital contact for Advisory

                              	                                        International Business Center	10

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PwC - International Business Center

  • 3. Contents What is PwC? 4 -Code of conduct 4 -Hierarchy inside PwC 4 PwC Mexico? 4 -The structure of PwC Mexico 4 IBC Vision & Values 5 -How do we do it? 5 What is the IBC? 5 -Internal structure 6 Administration 6 -Tools 6 -Timesheet 6 Performance evaluation 6 -Expenses & reimbursement 6 -Meeting room booking 7 -Parking 7 -Telephone & voicemail 7 -Taking your laptop out of the office 7 -Timing 7 -Communication 7 Activities (IBC Meetings) 8 Weekly Breakfasts (informal) 8 Monthly Meetings (formal) 8 Individual Meetings (formal) 8 Quarterly Meetings (formal) 8 -Holiday 8 Relation with AIESEC 9 Key Contacts in PwC Mexico 10 Appendix 10
  • 4. What is PwC? PwC is one of the world’s largest providers of assurance, tax, -Hierarchy inside PwC and business consulting services. We believe that the best outcomes are achieved through close collaboration with our clients and the many stakeholder communities we serve. So every day, 161,000 PwC people in 154 countries work hard to build strong relationships with others and understand the issues and aspirations that drive them. At PwC, we measure success by our ability to create the value that our clients, our people and the wider investing public are looking for. PwC serves its clients through three lines of services (LoS): Advisory, Assurance, and Tax & Legal services. -Code of conduct We conduct our business within the framework of applicable professional standards, laws, and regulations together with PwC policies and standards. However, we also acknowledge that these standards, laws, regulations and policies do not govern all types of behavior. As a result, we also have a Code of conduct for all PwC people and firms. This Code is based on our values and it takes them to the next level—demonstrating our values in action and contributing to the PwC Experience. The PwC Mexico? Code also provides a frame of reference for PwC firms to PwC Mexico is a professional services organisation strongly establish more specific supplements to address territorial committed with the Mexican market to shape the immediate issues. future of businesses by improving its operations and profitability. While the Code provides a broad range of guidance about the The extent and quality of our global services network have standards of integrity and business conduct, no code can allowed us to acknowledge, integrate and develop professional address every situation that individuals are likely to encounter. services for many decades, based on our clients’ needs, as well as As a result, this Code is not a substitute for our responsibility to detect the main regulatory and technologic trends in advance, and accountability to exercise good judgment and obtain and also the business models changes in different markets and guidance on proper business conduct. We are encouraged to regions around the world. seek additional guidance and support from those designated as responsible for business conduct matters. The strength in our We provide professional services all over the country through a organisation is the strength in our collective knowledge and strategic network of 19 offices and 3,549 people. the sharing of that knowledge and experience. -The structure of PwC Mexico 4 International Business Center 2011
  • 5. What is the IBC? The IBC is composed of independent country desks. Our center sits in the Advisory LoS, but works in conjunction with colleagues from all the 3 LoS, as you can see in the picture above. We identify business opportunities with existing and potential clients from foreign countries by taking advantage of our diverse backgrounds. IBC Vision & Values IBC Vision: With excellence and leadership we connect business opportunities in a sustainable way. We are a strategic unit for the global network of PwC and the international communities in Mexico. IBC Values: -What do we do? We build trust with potential clients, enhance the quality of the relationships with our existing clients, and develop business opportunities. All of our activities add a unique value for current and potential clients our international and business development specialized, which enables us to understand the needs of foreign communities in Mexico. We identify opportunities for all of the 3 LoS by selecting an appropriate team composed of managers and partners. -How do we do it? We have our own “Strategic Sales Process”. Our Values Achievement, Determination, Innovation, Professionalism, Respect International Business Center 5 2011
  • 6. -Internal structure -Timesheet We have set up the following country desks: This is a record of your actual work hours, it must be completed on the 10th and 25th of every month and Brazil (initiative), China, Colombia, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Japan, then submitted Miriam González. Ask your coach for Scandinavia, Spain, UK (initiative). support on filling it out for the first time. These are managed by either senior or junior profile coordinators. Performance evaluation Junior profile coordinators will have an assigned coach (senior profile desk We measure performance of our people based on two coordinator) to provide basic training and support on their day to day desk factors: the achievement of planned KPIs in own management. Coaches are basically a guide for you to develop your business Balanced Scorecard and the competency growth. case and other tools related to each desk. Performance evaluation are considered in order to Besides these desks, we have mainly 3 functional areas which are decide retain, promotion, wage increase, bonus Administration&Networks (leader: Mariano Errichiello), Information assignment, etc. Management (leader: Carlos Morales) and Talent Management (leader: Walter Heredia). These areas are focused on supporting the performance of -Expenses & reimbursement the IBC taken as a whole, not on each desk. When we spend money for business purposes, we can reimbursed. Fill the format called “Informe de gastos”, Administration print and submit it to Mariano for review, then to -Tools Mayra in order to get the authorization of Mr.Ferron. After having the authorization in the form of his • BSC: a tool to measure the health of our group. We look at our business signature, bring the documents to the finance through 2 Business Perspectives (BP), management and growth, and department on the 1st floor. The money will be define some Critical Success Factors (CSF) for each one of those to reimbursed to the bank account you designated. understand in what we need to be good. We use to run periodical evaluation measuring the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) related to each Claims have to be delivered to Mariano by the last CSF. Friday of each month. • Competency Model: In the IBC we are looking that its members develop 7 Note: the expenses covered by the firm are: main competencies that will be a support for them in order to make the transportation costs to attend meetings with leads or right decisions and have the correct behaviors during the diverse situations events; events participation; breakfast/lunch/dinner that will present during the daily work.These competencies will be assessed with leads or strategic entities; mobile credit. You need regularly and be part of a personal and professional development plan each an invoice to report such expenses and you will get it member of the IBC will track with his/her coach. The competencies we are by presenting our RFC (PwC´s fiscal registration) to talking about are: Adaptability (Cultural Sensitivity), Negotiation, the provider of the service. In case of transportation Networking, Resilience, Results/Action Orientation, Savvy, Team Work. cost, we don’t need to present any RFC: the document you receive from the taxi or bus operator is valid. • Reporting & Tracking Tool: the excel file which includes following sheets;, Regarding mobile phone credit, the recommended target follow up, coaches, event participation, BSC, budget, account way is to accumulate the receipts that the shop gives to management) you and at the end of the month you can present the RFC with the receipts to the shop and ask for an • WoCo: Our knowledge management tool where our key materials are invoice referred to all the charges you caused during stored for sharing and transition purposes. the month. • BAM: The database where we register our business targets and report our interaction with them. 6 International Business Center 2011
  • 7. -Meeting room booking Routing your calls to the voice mail: dial * + 3 and hang up. To cancel, dial # + 3. Request it with the assistant of the partner or manager who attends the meeting. Transferring a call: while in the call, press Flash, dial the required extension or telephone number and then hang up. In case no partner attends the meeting, ask Mr. Ferrón’s assistant. In the request, you should indicate Taking a second call: press Flash + # + 9 when you here the beep. To return the date, number of attendees, duration, special tools to the original call, press Flash + # + 9. you need. -Taking your laptop out of the office In any case, it is recommended to book a room at lest 3days before the meeting to ensure room availability. In terms of safeguarding, PwC Mexico has specific rules to take your laptop outside office. Firstly, you need to get written permission of Mr. Ferrón, then -Parking bring it to Adriana Rubio (in GTS dep.) with your laptop information (the paper you received when you got the laptop). The personnel there issue a Ask an assistant to send an e-mail to “Seguridad permission paper which you need to show at the security desk at the reception Interna” with the name of the client, color, number, every time you want to take your laptop out of the office. make of their car and the expected date and time of arrival beforehand. Then the receptionist at the lobby Since the permission paper has expiration date, you need to extend it will call you when the visitor arrives. periodically by bringing the paper to GTS again. The GTS personnel will stamp and sign it again. -Telephone & voicemail -Timing For local calls, dial 9 + number. The expected starting time is 9am. Calls to mobile phones: 9 + 044 + number + access code (request it to your coach) If you have a reason to be late for team meetings, notify Mariano beforehand. International calls: 9 + country code + number + Punctuality is always expected. Only a 5-minute delay with previous notice access code will be tolerated. No one is allowed to attend the meeting after the first 5 minutes passed. Attention: You need permission from Mariano when you call mobile phones or abroad. Lack of punctuality will be taken into consideration for holiday permission. Setting up your voice mail: Dial 8501 and follow the -Communication instructions. For your greeting, record the following: “You have reached name at the International Business In order to exercise proper accountability of each independent desk, we have Center in PwC, at the moment I am not able to take to follow activities in our team. your call please leave a message and I will get back to you as soo as I can” Checking your voicemail: 8501 + extension +#+password + # + 2. Checking your voicemail from outside the office: call 5263 8501 and follow the same procedure. Transferring your extension to another phone: pick up the phone and wait for the dial tone then dial * + 2 + extension and then hang up. To cancel, dial #+ 2. International Business Center 7 2011
  • 8. Activities (IBC Meetings) -Holiday Weekly Breakfasts (informal) Providing previous notice to Mariano at least 3 weeks before you want to take holidays is required. Holiday permission will depend This is usually held on Monday. If you cannot attend, you have to on holiday already taken and the workload you are managing send a mail to the team with your weekly priorities. during that period. • Top priority per person The total number of days you can take as holiday is 15. However, • Functional Area updates depending on your punctuality, the number can be reduced. • Feedback circle Monthly Meetings (formal) • Desk Report (Frame) • Functional Area Report (Frame) • Feedback Circle Individual Meetings (formal) • Tracking Tool review (Frame) • BSC review (Frame) • Individual Feedbacks Quarterly Meetings (formal) • Desk Report (Strategic Sales Process Frame) • BSC Review (Frame) • Feedback Circle Also, we need to include Mariano in cc when sending important mails (externally/internally). Try not to send message to Mr. Ferron directly, since Mariano is the channel to him. 8 International Business Center 2011
  • 9. Relation with AIESEC PwC is a Global Partner of AIESEC. PwC Mexico hires interns for different departments including the IBC. AIESEC is responsible of supporting the intern to receive options for housing, to get a bank account, to get appropriate visa and insurance, and to introduce them to the Mexican culture and prepare integration activities. The services are made by two different LCs, UP and LaSalle. AIESEC responsibilities: In a nutshell, AIESEC must take care of your visa procedures, accommodation Walter Heredia is the responsible for checking on the arrangements, cultural integration and salary. quality of the AIESEC service and channelling all enquiries, suggestions and complaints to the various PwC is a Global Partner of AIESEC. PwC Mexico hires interns for different AIESEC chapters. He will provide you with guidance departments including the IBC. AIESEC is responsible of supporting the for the induction to the firm and leaving the firm. With intern to receive options for housing, to get a bank account, to get appropriate him, you should sign a pay slip receipt every month. visa and insurance, and to introduce them to the Mexican culture and prepare integration activities. International Business Center 9 2011
  • 10. Appendix Key Contacts in PwC Mexico Juan Manuel Ferron: Our leader of advisory services. Our sponsor. Mayra Salazar Aguilar: JMF´s assistant. Bridge between us and JMF. She manages his agenda. Mariano Errichiello: IBC leader Global PwC Coordinator: The person who coordinates the global relation between AIESEC and PwC National PwC coordinator: Mariana Rico Lourdes Avalos: executive assistant. Useful for booking meeting rooms and administrative procedures Sara Macedo: executive assistant. Useful for booking meeting rooms and administrative procedures Valeria Marambio: Our Human Capital contact for Advisory International Business Center 10 2011