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Unit Testing Framework
Justin Noel
Senior Consulting Engineer
ICS, Inc.
Qt is the Kitchen Sink Toolkit
• Qt comes with just about everything you need
• SQL, Sockets, XML, GUI, etc
• Often one of the challenges of using Qt is knowing all the
• And what they do!
• This is ICS performs these webinars!
• Qt comes with it’s own Unit Testing Framework
• QtTest
Types of Testing
• Unit Testing
• Test one discrete area of the software
• Usually on a class basis. Think “Test Piston Rod”
• Tests can be written and performed as code is developed
• White box tests. Often written by developers
• “Does the software perform as the developer intended?”
• Functional Testing
• Tests subsystems of the whole software system
• Usually a group of classes. Think “Test Engine”
• Tests can be preformed once subsystem is wired together
• Tests interaction between specific groups of units
• “Does the software work together?”
Types of Testing
• System Testing
• End to end testing of the whole software system
• Sometimes includes actual hardware. Think “Test Car”.
• Tests are written late in project
• Because of the end to end nature.
• Black box tests. Often written by separate SQA team
• “Does the software do right thing?”
Test Frameworks for Qt
• QTest / QTest-QML
• Unit testing framework that comes with Qt
• Qt specific functionality
• Can test blind signals. Can simulate mouse and key events.
• Qt specific features can be used outside of QTest framework
• Google Test
• Unit testing framework from Google
• Unique ability to do “Isolated Testing” via Google Mock
• Requires “Inversion of Control” pattern
• Squish
• Playback / Record frame work for “end to end” system testing.
• Used for System Testing
Benefits of Unit Testing
• Test Early!
• Find errors while code is actively being developed
• Rather than long investigations during system testing
• Test Often!
• Run unit tests per commit. Or even pre-commit!
• Any failures must have been introduced by this 200 lines of code!
• Test for Regressions!
• Did new functionality or bug fixing break existing functionality?
• What tests failed?
• Did a code change re-introduce a bug?
• Every bug can have it’s own set of unit tests.
Design for Testability
• Your code must be testable!
• There are design techniques to help make your code more testable
• Try not to add functions to production code just for tests
• Subclassing for tests is acceptable (.ui file members)
• Isolation of units is your primary goal
• Can I test just this class?
• Without re-testing lower level classes?
• Also think about error conditions
• Some may be hard to produce in production environments
• Can I stimulate a bad MD5 error?
• Socket disconnects?
• Default switch cases?
Build Application as Libraries
• Building the bulk of your application as a set of libraries
increases testability
BackendTests.exe UiTests.exe
C++ Test Fixtures QML Test Fixtures
Layered Design
• A layered design is more testable
• Easy to isolate lower layers for testing
• Test Communications without Data, Presentation or Visualization
• No upwards dependencies
• Hard downward dependencies
Visualization Layer (QML)
Presentation Layer (QObjects)
Data Layer (Local Data Storage)
Communications Layer (TCP)
Break Downward Dependencies
• Dependency injection works well
• An Inversion of Control Pattern
• Classes take their dependencies as constructor arguments
• Classes do not construct any members themselves
• Loose coupling with signals and slots also works well
• Classes interface to each other via signals and slots only
• 3rd class wires say the UI classes to the Backend classes
• Lets you substitute a test fixture object for a dependency
• Instead of an actual production object.
Why is isolation important?
• Avoids testing the same code over and over
• You have already tested the data model
• Why do the UI tests need to also test the model?
• This will make your tests run very quickly
• If there is a failure in a low level class it won’t trigger errors in higher
level tests
• Avoid testing side effects
• Tests can be implementation agnostic
• DB, Files, Cloud. Shouldn’t matter for UI tests.
• Tests should only depend on interfaces, not behavior
EE Analogy: Motor Controller Test
Motor Controller
7408 AND
Stimulus: Apply PowerVerify: High or Low
QtTest is a unit testing framework
• QtTest comes with classes to build test fixtures for units
• Has some “special sauce” for Qt
• Test signals without needing to write slots (QSignalSpy)
• Simulate user events (MousePress, KeyPress, FocusIn, etc)
• QtTest is not an isolation framework
• You will have to make replacement classes for dependencies
• These are usually referred to as Mock Classes.
• Next month we will talk about Google Mock which is can help a lot
with isolation framework.
Creating a Test Fixture
• Can be implemented inside a source file
• No need for a header file
• Inherit from QObject
• Qt uses introspection to deduce test functions
• Private slots are test functions
• There are some reserved function names
• Use Q_TEST_MAIN macro to generate a main()
• Or create you own main.cpp to run multiple test fixtures
Creating a Test Fixture
#include <QtTest>
class TestQString: public QObject
private slots:
void toUpper() {
QString str = "Hello"; // Prepare
str = str.toUpper(); // Stimulate
QCOMPARE(str, QString("HELLO")); // Verify
#include “testqstring.moc”
Test Fixture Project
QT += testlib # Plus libs your uses.
CONFIG += testcase # Creates make check target
SOURCES += TestQString.cpp
make check
********* Start testing of TestQString *********
Config: Using QtTest library %VERSION%, Qt %VERSION%
PASS : TestQString::initTestCase()
PASS : TestQString::toUpper()
PASS : TestQString::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 3 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
********* Finished testing of TestQString *********
Running Multiple Tests
#include “QTestString.h” // Easier if you use a header file
int main(int argc, char** argc)
bool success = true;
r &= QTest::qExec(TestQString(), argc, argv);
return success;
Initializing and Cleaning Up
class TestQString: public QObject
private slots:
void initTestCase() { // Called before ALL tests. }
void cleanupTestCase() { // Called after ALL tests}
void init() { // Called before each test. }
void cleanup() { // Called after each test }
void toUpper();
void toLower();
Writing Good Tests
• Test one thing at a time
• It’s tempting to get as much done in one function as you can.
• This makes one verification depend on another verification
• Tests will be brittle and changes to code could break lots of
• Do not have your tests depend on each other
• Order should not matter!
• Not depending on other tests will help you when you remove
• You do not want to have to fix a cascading waterfall of tests!
Use New Object For Each Test
• Use init()
• Create your Object Under Test
• Plus whatever dependencies it has
• Production dependencies
• Or Test dependencies like Mock Classes
• Use cleanup()
• Do not be sloppy and leak memory in you tests.
• Your tests should run clean under Valgrind
• Aside for some suppressions for FreeType and FontConfig
Use New Object For Each Test
class MotorControllerTests: public QObject
private slots:
void init() { controller = new MotorController; }
void cleanup() { delete controller; }
void motorRunsIfInterlockAndSwitchAreTrue() {
QCOMPARE(controller.motorOn(), true)
void motorDoesNotRunIfInterlockIsFalse() { ... }
MotorController* controller;
Data Driven Tests
• Sometimes you need to test many inputs to a function
• NULL, Same Value Twice, Negative, Positive, NAN, etc
• This isn’t great test code. Violates Test 1 Thing
QCOMPARE(QString("hello").toUpper(), QString("HELLO"));
QCOMPARE(QString("Hello").toUpper(), QString("HELLO"));
QCOMPARE(QString("HellO").toUpper(), QString("HELLO"));
QCOMPARE(QString("HELLO").toUpper(), QString("HELLO"));
• Or worse this. Lots of error prone typing if not trivial.
void testhelloToUpper() {...}
void testHELLOToUpper() {...}
void testHeLOToUpper() {...}
Data Driven Tests
private slots:
void toUpper_data() {
//We can name the sub tests
QTest::newRow("all lower") << "hello" << "HELLO";
QTest::newRow("mixed") << "Hello" << "HELLO";
QTest::newRow("all upper") << "HELLO" << "HELLO";
void TestQString::toUpper() { // Called 3 Times
QFETCH(QString, string);
QFETCH(QString, result);
QCOMPARE(string.toUpper(), result);
Testing Events and Signals
• Use QSignalSpy to attach to any signal
• Signal parameters need to be QVariant compatible
• May require Q_DECLARE_METATYPE()
• May require qRegisterMetaType<>()
• Verify with count() and arguments()
• Use QtTest static methods to stimulate events
• void mousePress(widget, button, modifiers, pos)
• void keyClicks(widget, string, modifiers)
• Etc, etc
Testing Events and Signals
class QPushButtonTests: public QObject
private slots:
void init() { //Create, Show, Wait For Window Shown }
void emitsClickedWhenLeftMouseButtonIsClicked() {
QSignalSpy spy(button, &QPushButton::clicked);
QTest::mouseClick(button, Qt::LeftButton)
QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
QPushButton* button;
Stimulating Signals
• Often your object under test is depending on signals from
other objects.
• For example QPushButton clicked()
• Don’t re-test the button
• Directly call QPushButton clicked()
• signals access specifier is actually a #define public
Stimulating Signals
private slots:
void init() {
settings = new Settings;
settingsDialog = new SettingsDialog(settings);
void LanguageComboBoxUpdatesOnSettingsLanguageChanged() {
QComboBox* combo = settings->ui()->langCombo;
QCOMPARE(combo->currentText(), “English”);
Settings* settings;
TestableSettingsDialog* button; // Exposes ui member via function
Testing QML with QTest
• Writing tests in QML is very similar to C++
• Create a test fixture class
• Implement specially named functions
• Prepare, Stimulate, Verify.
• KISS – Keep It Short and Simple
• There are QML equivalents to
• compare, verify, wait
• SignalSpy
• mouseClick(...)
• TestCase
• Specific test fixture class. C++ just uses QObject.
UI Control Test
• UI Controls are easy to test as they have no dependencies
TestCase {
name: "Button“
Button { id: button }
SignalSpy { id: clickedSpy; target: button; signal: ”clicked” }
function test_mouseClickEmitClicked() //Tests are run in alpha order
compare(clickedSpy.count, 1)
New Objects For Each Test
TestCase {
id: testCase
property Button button: null
name: "Button“
Component { id: buttonFactory; Button{} }
function init() { button = buttonFacotry.createObject(testCase) }
function cleanup() { button.destroy() }
function test_mouseClickEmitClicked()
compare(clickedSpy.count, 1)
Running QML Tests
• qmltestrunner
• Prebuilt test runner.
• Takes a filename or directory of files to run
• Many command line options
• See Qt Documentation
• Can run many test by itself.
• All UI controls should be testable this way
• Custom main.cpp runner
• Reuse the guts of qmltestrunner
• Add injected type information or other setup
• As required by your app
$QTDIR/bin/qmltestrunner –input TestDir
Custom main.cpp
#include <QtQuickTest/quicktest.h>
#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
#include <QtOpenGL/qgl.h>
#define TEST_DIR “UiTests” // Pass this as DEFINE in project file
int main(int argc, char **argv)
//Register Types Here
return quick_test_main(argc, argv, “UiTests", TEST_DIR);
Screen Tests
• Screens are more interesting
• They depend on Controllers and Models from C++
• QML and C++ is natively a layered architecture
• Most common ways to communicate with C++ is injection
• Of C++ instances or C++ types
• However we can Mock Controllers and Models
• Using QML instead of C++
C++ Integration Mechanisms
• Context Properties – Injects global pointers at root context
• view.rootContext()->setContextProperty(“coffeeMaker”, &maker);
• QML Singletons – Inject a singleton factory for import
• qmlRegisterSingletonType<CoffeeMaker>(“MrCoffee", 1, 0,
• Registered Types – Add new types for import
• qmlRegisterType<CoffeeMaker>(“MrCoffee“, 1, 0, “CoffeeMaker“);
Mocking Context Properties
• Create a Mock[ClassName].qml file
• Create the equivalent property, signal and function API
• The TestCase item is the root item for your test
• It literally is the rootContext()
• Simply add properties to the TestCase with the same names
• They will have global scope
• Tests can be run through the standard qmltestrunner
Mocking Singletons
• Create a Mock[ClassName].qml file
• Create the equivalent property, signal and function API
• Create a custom QML Test main.cpp
• Call qmlRegisterSingletonType with URL to file name of mock
• qmlRegisterSingletonType(QUrl("file:///path/MockCoffeeMaker.qml"),
“MrCoffee", 1, 0,
• Run tests as usual.
• Objects will use mock versions of C++ classes
Mocking Registered Types
• Create a Mock[ClassName].qml file
• Create the equivalent property, signal and function API
• Inside a directory structure similar to production
• Mocks/com/ics/qtest/examples/
• Create a qmldir manifest file listing your mock types
• CoffeeMaker 1.0 MockCoffeeMaker.qml
• Manipulate QML2_IMPORT_PATH to pull in testing
module rather than production module
class CoffeeMaker : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(int temp READ temp
NOTIFY tempChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int targetTemp READ targetTemp
WRITE setTargetTemp
NOTIFY targetTempChanged)
enum Strength {
Bold=0, Medium, Light
} Q_ENUM(Strength)
CoffeeMaker(IPump& pump, IHeater& heater);
Q_INVOKABLE void brew(Strength strength);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
CoffeeMaker coffeeMaker(pump, heater);
1, 0,
“CoffeeMaker”, “”);
QQuickView view;
view.rootContext()->setContextProperty(“coffeeMaker”, & coffeeMaker);
return app.exec();
import QtQuick 2.5
import MyComponents 1.0
import MrCoffee 1.0
Screen {
SpinBox {
value: coffeeMaker.targetTemp
onValueChanged: coffeeMaker.targetTemp = value
Connections {
target: coffeeMaker
onTargetTempChanged: value = coffeeMaker.targetTemp
Button {
text: qsTr(“Brew”)
onClicked: coffeeMaker.brew(CoffeeMaker.Medium)
CoffeeScreen.qml With Hooks
Screen {
property alias _spinBox: spinBox // No QML protected specifier 
property alias _button: button
SpinBox {
id: spinBox
value: coffeeMaker.targetTemp
onValueChanged: coffeeMaker.targetTemp = value
Connections {
target: coffeeMaker
onTargetTempChanged: value = coffeeMaker.targetTemp
Button {
id: button
text: qsTr(“Brew”)
onClicked: coffeeMaker.brew(CoffeeMaker.Medium)
Only Test CoffeeScreen
• CoffeeMaker is tested separately
• Is a discrete unit
• Has it’s own unit tests.
• A broken CoffeeMaker object shouldn’t fail CoffeeScreen tests
• UI Controls are tested separately
• SpinBox and Button are also discrete units
• Have their own tests
• Changing UI control APIs could cause tests not to run
• Controls are leaf nodes in the software design
• Easy to test by themselves.
• Should stabilize quickly
• When was the last time the API for SpinBox changed?
CoffeeScreen Text Fixture
Stimulus: Set Values / EmitVerify: Was Function Called?
QtObject {
property int temp: 0
property int targetTemp: 0
property int brewInvokations: 0
property var brewStrengthParameter: []
function brew(strength) {
brewStrengthParameter[brewInvokations] = strength
function reset() {
brewStrengthParameter = []
brewInvokations = 0
TestCase with Mocks
TestCase {
when: windowShown
property MockCoffeeMaker coffeeMaker: MockCoffeeMaker {}
function resetAllMocks() {
import “../qmlSource”
UiTestCase {
id: testCase
name: "CoffeeScreen“
property CoffeeScreen coffeeScreen: null
Component { id: factory; CoffeeScreen {} }
function init() {
coffeeScreen = factory.createObject(testCase)
function cleanup() {
coffeeScreen = null
function test_spinBoxValueIsBoundToCoffeeMakerTemp() {
coffeeMaker.temp = 50
compare(coffeeScreen._spinBox.value, 50)
// Bug #532
function test_settingSpinBoxValueDoesNotBreakBinding() {
coffeeScreen._spinBox.value = 99
coffeeMaker.temp = 20
compare(coffeeScreen._spinBox.value, 20)
function test_buttonClickedCallsBrew() {
compare(coffeeMaker.brewInvokations, 1)
function test_buttonClickedCallsBrewWithMediumStregth() {
compare(coffeeMaker.brewStrengthArgument[0], CoffeeMaker.Medium)
Custom Test Runner
#include <QtQuickTest/quicktest.h>
#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
#include <QtOpenGL/qgl.h>
#include “CoffeeMaker.h”
int main(int argc, char **argv)
qmlRegisterUncreatableType<CoffeeMaker>(“MrCoffee”, 1, 0,
“CoffeeMaker”, “”);
return quick_test_main(argc, argv, “UiTests", “.”);
Thank You!
Justin Noel
Senior Consulting Engineer
ICS, Inc.

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Qt test framework

  • 1. QtTest Unit Testing Framework Justin Noel Senior Consulting Engineer ICS, Inc.
  • 2. Qt is the Kitchen Sink Toolkit • Qt comes with just about everything you need • SQL, Sockets, XML, GUI, etc • Often one of the challenges of using Qt is knowing all the modules • And what they do! • This is ICS performs these webinars! • Qt comes with it’s own Unit Testing Framework • QtTest
  • 3. Types of Testing • Unit Testing • Test one discrete area of the software • Usually on a class basis. Think “Test Piston Rod” • Tests can be written and performed as code is developed • White box tests. Often written by developers • “Does the software perform as the developer intended?” • Functional Testing • Tests subsystems of the whole software system • Usually a group of classes. Think “Test Engine” • Tests can be preformed once subsystem is wired together • Tests interaction between specific groups of units • “Does the software work together?”
  • 4. Types of Testing • System Testing • End to end testing of the whole software system • Sometimes includes actual hardware. Think “Test Car”. • Tests are written late in project • Because of the end to end nature. • Black box tests. Often written by separate SQA team • “Does the software do right thing?”
  • 5. Test Frameworks for Qt • QTest / QTest-QML • Unit testing framework that comes with Qt • Qt specific functionality • Can test blind signals. Can simulate mouse and key events. • Qt specific features can be used outside of QTest framework • Google Test • Unit testing framework from Google • Unique ability to do “Isolated Testing” via Google Mock • Requires “Inversion of Control” pattern • Squish • Playback / Record frame work for “end to end” system testing. • Used for System Testing
  • 6. Benefits of Unit Testing • Test Early! • Find errors while code is actively being developed • Rather than long investigations during system testing • Test Often! • Run unit tests per commit. Or even pre-commit! • Any failures must have been introduced by this 200 lines of code! • Test for Regressions! • Did new functionality or bug fixing break existing functionality? • What tests failed? • Did a code change re-introduce a bug? • Every bug can have it’s own set of unit tests.
  • 7. Design for Testability • Your code must be testable! • There are design techniques to help make your code more testable • Try not to add functions to production code just for tests • Subclassing for tests is acceptable (.ui file members) • Isolation of units is your primary goal • Can I test just this class? • Without re-testing lower level classes? • Also think about error conditions • Some may be hard to produce in production environments • Can I stimulate a bad MD5 error? • Socket disconnects? • Default switch cases?
  • 8. Build Application as Libraries • Building the bulk of your application as a set of libraries increases testability AppBackend.dll App.exe (main.cpp) AppUi.dll BackendTests.exe UiTests.exe C++ Test Fixtures QML Test Fixtures
  • 9. Layered Design • A layered design is more testable • Easy to isolate lower layers for testing • Test Communications without Data, Presentation or Visualization • No upwards dependencies • Hard downward dependencies Visualization Layer (QML) Presentation Layer (QObjects) Data Layer (Local Data Storage) Communications Layer (TCP) Calls Down Signals Up
  • 10. Break Downward Dependencies • Dependency injection works well • An Inversion of Control Pattern • Classes take their dependencies as constructor arguments • Classes do not construct any members themselves • Loose coupling with signals and slots also works well • Classes interface to each other via signals and slots only • 3rd class wires say the UI classes to the Backend classes • Lets you substitute a test fixture object for a dependency object • Instead of an actual production object.
  • 11. Why is isolation important? • Avoids testing the same code over and over • You have already tested the data model • Why do the UI tests need to also test the model? • This will make your tests run very quickly • If there is a failure in a low level class it won’t trigger errors in higher level tests • Avoid testing side effects • Tests can be implementation agnostic • DB, Files, Cloud. Shouldn’t matter for UI tests. • Tests should only depend on interfaces, not behavior
  • 12. EE Analogy: Motor Controller Test Motor Controller 7408 AND Momentary Switch Safety Interlock Motor 1 2 3 Stimulus: Apply PowerVerify: High or Low
  • 13. QtTest is a unit testing framework • QtTest comes with classes to build test fixtures for units • Has some “special sauce” for Qt • Test signals without needing to write slots (QSignalSpy) • Simulate user events (MousePress, KeyPress, FocusIn, etc) • QtTest is not an isolation framework • You will have to make replacement classes for dependencies yourself • These are usually referred to as Mock Classes. • Next month we will talk about Google Mock which is can help a lot with isolation framework.
  • 14. Creating a Test Fixture • Can be implemented inside a source file • No need for a header file • Inherit from QObject • Qt uses introspection to deduce test functions • Private slots are test functions • There are some reserved function names • Use Q_TEST_MAIN macro to generate a main() • Or create you own main.cpp to run multiple test fixtures
  • 15. Creating a Test Fixture #include <QtTest> class TestQString: public QObject { Q_OBJECT private slots: void toUpper() { QString str = "Hello"; // Prepare str = str.toUpper(); // Stimulate QCOMPARE(str, QString("HELLO")); // Verify } }; QTEST_MAIN(TestQString) #include “testqstring.moc”
  • 16. Test Fixture Project QT += testlib # Plus libs your uses. CONFIG += testcase # Creates make check target SOURCES += TestQString.cpp qmake make make check ********* Start testing of TestQString ********* Config: Using QtTest library %VERSION%, Qt %VERSION% PASS : TestQString::initTestCase() PASS : TestQString::toUpper() PASS : TestQString::cleanupTestCase() Totals: 3 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped ********* Finished testing of TestQString *********
  • 17. Running Multiple Tests #include “QTestString.h” // Easier if you use a header file int main(int argc, char** argc) { bool success = true; r &= QTest::qExec(TestQString(), argc, argv); ... return success; }
  • 18. Initializing and Cleaning Up class TestQString: public QObject { Q_OBJECT private slots: void initTestCase() { // Called before ALL tests. } void cleanupTestCase() { // Called after ALL tests} void init() { // Called before each test. } void cleanup() { // Called after each test } void toUpper(); void toLower(); };
  • 19. Writing Good Tests • Test one thing at a time • It’s tempting to get as much done in one function as you can. • This makes one verification depend on another verification • Tests will be brittle and changes to code could break lots of verifications • Do not have your tests depend on each other • Order should not matter! • Not depending on other tests will help you when you remove functionality. • You do not want to have to fix a cascading waterfall of tests!
  • 20. Use New Object For Each Test • Use init() • Create your Object Under Test • Plus whatever dependencies it has • Production dependencies • Or Test dependencies like Mock Classes • Use cleanup() • Do not be sloppy and leak memory in you tests. • Your tests should run clean under Valgrind • Aside for some suppressions for FreeType and FontConfig
  • 21. Use New Object For Each Test class MotorControllerTests: public QObject { Q_OBJECT private slots: void init() { controller = new MotorController; } void cleanup() { delete controller; } void motorRunsIfInterlockAndSwitchAreTrue() { controller.setInterLock(true); controller.setSwitch(true); QCOMPARE(controller.motorOn(), true) } void motorDoesNotRunIfInterlockIsFalse() { ... } private: MotorController* controller; };
  • 22. Data Driven Tests • Sometimes you need to test many inputs to a function • NULL, Same Value Twice, Negative, Positive, NAN, etc • This isn’t great test code. Violates Test 1 Thing QCOMPARE(QString("hello").toUpper(), QString("HELLO")); QCOMPARE(QString("Hello").toUpper(), QString("HELLO")); QCOMPARE(QString("HellO").toUpper(), QString("HELLO")); QCOMPARE(QString("HELLO").toUpper(), QString("HELLO")); • Or worse this. Lots of error prone typing if not trivial. void testhelloToUpper() {...} void testHELLOToUpper() {...} void testHeLOToUpper() {...}
  • 23. Data Driven Tests private slots: void toUpper_data() { QTest::addColumn<QString>("string"); QTest::addColumn<QString>("result"); //We can name the sub tests QTest::newRow("all lower") << "hello" << "HELLO"; QTest::newRow("mixed") << "Hello" << "HELLO"; QTest::newRow("all upper") << "HELLO" << "HELLO"; } void TestQString::toUpper() { // Called 3 Times QFETCH(QString, string); QFETCH(QString, result); QCOMPARE(string.toUpper(), result); } };
  • 24. Testing Events and Signals • Use QSignalSpy to attach to any signal • Signal parameters need to be QVariant compatible • May require Q_DECLARE_METATYPE() • May require qRegisterMetaType<>() • Verify with count() and arguments() • Use QtTest static methods to stimulate events • void mousePress(widget, button, modifiers, pos) • void keyClicks(widget, string, modifiers) • Etc, etc
  • 25. Testing Events and Signals class QPushButtonTests: public QObject { Q_OBJECT private slots: void init() { //Create, Show, Wait For Window Shown } void emitsClickedWhenLeftMouseButtonIsClicked() { QSignalSpy spy(button, &QPushButton::clicked); QTest::mouseClick(button, Qt::LeftButton) QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1); } private: QPushButton* button; };
  • 26. Stimulating Signals • Often your object under test is depending on signals from other objects. • For example QPushButton clicked() • Don’t re-test the button • Directly call QPushButton clicked() • signals access specifier is actually a #define public
  • 27. Stimulating Signals private slots: void init() { settings = new Settings; settingsDialog = new SettingsDialog(settings); } void LanguageComboBoxUpdatesOnSettingsLanguageChanged() { QComboBox* combo = settings->ui()->langCombo; settings->lanuageChanged(“en_US”); QCOMPARE(combo->currentText(), “English”); } private: Settings* settings; TestableSettingsDialog* button; // Exposes ui member via function };
  • 28. Testing QML with QTest • Writing tests in QML is very similar to C++ • Create a test fixture class • Implement specially named functions • Prepare, Stimulate, Verify. • KISS – Keep It Short and Simple • There are QML equivalents to • compare, verify, wait • SignalSpy • mouseClick(...) • TestCase • Specific test fixture class. C++ just uses QObject.
  • 29. UI Control Test • UI Controls are easy to test as they have no dependencies TestCase { name: "Button“ Button { id: button } SignalSpy { id: clickedSpy; target: button; signal: ”clicked” } function test_mouseClickEmitClicked() //Tests are run in alpha order { mouseClick(button) compare(clickedSpy.count, 1) } }
  • 30. New Objects For Each Test TestCase { id: testCase property Button button: null name: "Button“ Component { id: buttonFactory; Button{} } function init() { button = buttonFacotry.createObject(testCase) } function cleanup() { button.destroy() } function test_mouseClickEmitClicked() { mouseClick(button) compare(clickedSpy.count, 1) } }
  • 31. Running QML Tests • qmltestrunner • Prebuilt test runner. • Takes a filename or directory of files to run • Many command line options • See Qt Documentation • Can run many test by itself. • All UI controls should be testable this way • Custom main.cpp runner • Reuse the guts of qmltestrunner • Add injected type information or other setup • As required by your app
  • 33. Custom main.cpp #include <QtQuickTest/quicktest.h> #include <QtCore/qstring.h> #ifdef QT_OPENGL_LIB #include <QtOpenGL/qgl.h> #endif #define TEST_DIR “UiTests” // Pass this as DEFINE in project file int main(int argc, char **argv) { //Register Types Here return quick_test_main(argc, argv, “UiTests", TEST_DIR); }
  • 34. Screen Tests • Screens are more interesting • They depend on Controllers and Models from C++ • QML and C++ is natively a layered architecture • Most common ways to communicate with C++ is injection • Of C++ instances or C++ types • However we can Mock Controllers and Models • Using QML instead of C++
  • 35. C++ Integration Mechanisms • Context Properties – Injects global pointers at root context • view.rootContext()->setContextProperty(“coffeeMaker”, &maker); • QML Singletons – Inject a singleton factory for import • qmlRegisterSingletonType<CoffeeMaker>(“MrCoffee", 1, 0, “CoffeeMaker", factoryFunction); • Registered Types – Add new types for import • qmlRegisterType<CoffeeMaker>(“MrCoffee“, 1, 0, “CoffeeMaker“);
  • 36. Mocking Context Properties • Create a Mock[ClassName].qml file • Create the equivalent property, signal and function API • The TestCase item is the root item for your test • It literally is the rootContext() • Simply add properties to the TestCase with the same names • They will have global scope • Tests can be run through the standard qmltestrunner
  • 37. Mocking Singletons • Create a Mock[ClassName].qml file • Create the equivalent property, signal and function API • Create a custom QML Test main.cpp • Call qmlRegisterSingletonType with URL to file name of mock • qmlRegisterSingletonType(QUrl("file:///path/MockCoffeeMaker.qml"), “MrCoffee", 1, 0, “CoffeeMaker"); • Run tests as usual. • Objects will use mock versions of C++ classes
  • 38. Mocking Registered Types • Create a Mock[ClassName].qml file • Create the equivalent property, signal and function API • Inside a directory structure similar to production • Mocks/com/ics/qtest/examples/ • Create a qmldir manifest file listing your mock types • CoffeeMaker 1.0 MockCoffeeMaker.qml • Manipulate QML2_IMPORT_PATH to pull in testing module rather than production module
  • 39. CoffeeMaker.h class CoffeeMaker : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(int temp READ temp NOTIFY tempChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int targetTemp READ targetTemp WRITE setTargetTemp NOTIFY targetTempChanged) public: enum Strength { Bold=0, Medium, Light } Q_ENUM(Strength) CoffeeMaker(IPump& pump, IHeater& heater); ... Q_INVOKABLE void brew(Strength strength); };
  • 40. main.cpp int main(int argc, char** argv) { QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); ... CoffeeMaker coffeeMaker(pump, heater); qmlRegisterUncreatableType<CoffeeMaker>(“MrCoffee”, 1, 0, “CoffeeMaker”, “”); QQuickView view; view.rootContext()->setContextProperty(“coffeeMaker”, & coffeeMaker); view.setSource(“qrc:/Main.qml”); view.show(); return app.exec(); }
  • 41. CoffeeScreen.qml import QtQuick 2.5 import MyComponents 1.0 import MrCoffee 1.0 Screen { ... SpinBox { value: coffeeMaker.targetTemp onValueChanged: coffeeMaker.targetTemp = value Connections { target: coffeeMaker onTargetTempChanged: value = coffeeMaker.targetTemp } } Button { text: qsTr(“Brew”) onClicked: coffeeMaker.brew(CoffeeMaker.Medium) } }
  • 42. CoffeeScreen.qml With Hooks Screen { property alias _spinBox: spinBox // No QML protected specifier  property alias _button: button ... SpinBox { id: spinBox value: coffeeMaker.targetTemp onValueChanged: coffeeMaker.targetTemp = value Connections { target: coffeeMaker onTargetTempChanged: value = coffeeMaker.targetTemp } } Button { id: button text: qsTr(“Brew”) onClicked: coffeeMaker.brew(CoffeeMaker.Medium) } }
  • 43. Only Test CoffeeScreen • CoffeeMaker is tested separately • Is a discrete unit • Has it’s own unit tests. • A broken CoffeeMaker object shouldn’t fail CoffeeScreen tests • UI Controls are tested separately • SpinBox and Button are also discrete units • Have their own tests • Changing UI control APIs could cause tests not to run • Controls are leaf nodes in the software design • Easy to test by themselves. • Should stabilize quickly • When was the last time the API for SpinBox changed?
  • 45. MockCoffeeMaker.qml QtObject { property int temp: 0 property int targetTemp: 0 property int brewInvokations: 0 property var brewStrengthParameter: [] function brew(strength) { brewStrengthParameter[brewInvokations] = strength brewInvokations++ } function reset() { brewStrengthParameter = [] brewInvokations = 0 } }
  • 46. TestCase with Mocks UiTestCase.qml --------------------------------------------------------------------- TestCase { when: windowShown property MockCoffeeMaker coffeeMaker: MockCoffeeMaker {} function resetAllMocks() { coffeeMaker.reset(); } }
  • 47. CoffeeScreenTest.qml import “../qmlSource” UiTestCase { id: testCase name: "CoffeeScreen“ property CoffeeScreen coffeeScreen: null Component { id: factory; CoffeeScreen {} } function init() { resetAllMocks(); coffeeScreen = factory.createObject(testCase) } function cleanup() { coffeeScreen.destroy() coffeeScreen = null } ...
  • 48. CoffeeScreenTest.qml ... function test_spinBoxValueIsBoundToCoffeeMakerTemp() { coffeeMaker.temp = 50 compare(coffeeScreen._spinBox.value, 50) } } // Bug #532 function test_settingSpinBoxValueDoesNotBreakBinding() { coffeeScreen._spinBox.value = 99 coffeeMaker.temp = 20 compare(coffeeScreen._spinBox.value, 20) } }
  • 49. CoffeeScreenTest.qml ... function test_buttonClickedCallsBrew() { coffeeScreen._button.clicked() compare(coffeeMaker.brewInvokations, 1) } function test_buttonClickedCallsBrewWithMediumStregth() { coffeeScreen._button.clicked() compare(coffeeMaker.brewStrengthArgument[0], CoffeeMaker.Medium) }
  • 50. Custom Test Runner #include <QtQuickTest/quicktest.h> #include <QtCore/qstring.h> #ifdef QT_OPENGL_LIB #include <QtOpenGL/qgl.h> #endif #include “CoffeeMaker.h” int main(int argc, char **argv) { qmlRegisterUncreatableType<CoffeeMaker>(“MrCoffee”, 1, 0, “CoffeeMaker”, “”); return quick_test_main(argc, argv, “UiTests", “.”); }
  • 51. Thank You! Justin Noel Senior Consulting Engineer ICS, Inc. www.ics.com