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Qualitative Research Paper
Theoretical Lens Example
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Qualitative Research Paper Theoretical Lens Example Qualitative Research Paper Theoretical Lens Example
A Class DIvided Essay
Thirty years ago Jane Elliott taught the third grade in the white, Christian community of Riceville,
Iowa. The day Martin Luther King Jr. was killed she planned an exercise that wouldn t just show her
students what racism is rather, it would give them first hand experience of what it felt like to be
oppressed for something out of their control.
Elliott divided her class by the color of their eyes, marked them with armbands and proceeded to treat
one group as if superior in capabilities to the other. The superior students performed better than they
ever had before, while the inferior students performance dropped. The next day, the third graders
traded ranks and their performance reversed in accordance to their ... Show more content on
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(INTERVIEW WITH JANE ELLIOT) http://www.newsreel.org/transcri/essenblue.htm The children
learned that discrimination has a tangible affect on their performance in everyday activities. Elliott has
gone on to do the exercise with numerous adults and almost without exception the participants
abilities, such as reading and writing, are grossly affected.
Jane Elliott s approach is especially relevant today. It demonstrates that even without juridical
discrimination; hate speech, lowered expectations, and dismissive behavior can have devastating
effects on achievement. Black members of the blue eyed group forcefully remind whites that they
undergo similar stresses, not just for a few hours in a controlled experiment, but every day of their
lives. Although these concepts are food for thought... they are merely preludes to the main course. The
most important lesson to be learned here is that just one person can make a difference.
Next we join a group of 40 teachers, police, school administrators and social workers in Kansas City
blacks, Hispanics, whites, women and men. The blue eyed members are subjected to pseudo scientific
explanations of their inferiority, culturally biased IQ tests and blatant discrimination. When the
inevitable resistance by a blue eyes surfaces, Elliot cites the outburst as an example of
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Apology By Plato Analysis
Reading Reflection: Plato In one of Plato s works Apology , Socrates attempts to defend himself in
court of law where he is being prosecuted on corrupting the youth. While defending himself, Socrates
also defends his choice of receiving a death penalty, rather then testifying against his beliefs. Although
he makes some very strong and valid arguments, lots of readers would wonder why would such a wise
man choose death over his life. Socrates was a man that was on a mission is search of the truth about
wisdom. As a philosopher he would never settle for one simple answer, he would take every angel of
an argument therefore even a simple idea would be argued until his opponent would be frustrated
enough to quit. During his defense Socrates states, A man who really fights for justice must lead a
private, not a public, life if he is to survive for even a short time (Apology 36). Socrates is arguing that
due to politics corrupt nature, anybody that wants to fight for justice must stay out of the public eye.
To back up his claim, Socrates brings up an example from his past when he served as a member of the
Council, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Even today, anybody that has ever been a part of a social group that makes decisions, political or not,
most likely ran into this issue. When Socrates states that a man who really fights for justice must
follow a private life, he implicates that people should make their own decision, based on their own
beliefs, not based on others. Don t just agree with others and make an assumption that they are correct.
Expand your horizons and think outside the box, think about yourself and what you think is right. If
you are positive that you are correct, do not be afraid to speak up and stand up for yourself. However,
at times others attempt to punch those who do not follow along with their agenda. Therefore, most of
the people just go along. Following others is not always the wisest
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Socrates Defense In The Apology
The Apology written by Plato, takes us on a journey of Socrates s trial. The City of Athens presented
charges accusing Socrates of impiety and for corrupting the youth of Athens. Socrates defensive
arguments take you on a trip, trying to show that the charges he s being charged with are absurd. He
goes on to defend himself by giving presumable facts as to why the prosecutors would want to
condemn him setting up the argument to automatically show that these charges are unjust. Socrates
then proceeds to address the charges brought against him addressed in the opening sentences. This
paper will confront the two methods of defense in succession.
The argument opens with Socrates telling the story of the prophecy given by the oracle at Delphi to
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American Mariners History
The early modern sea particularly the Atlantic can be characterized as a space of great instability. It
was here that communication and trade between nations became easily accessible, but the lack of
uniform maritime regulations and commercial competition fostered hostility between states, resulting
in prolonged periods of war. One distinct product of this environment was pirates, who took to the
high seas in search of ships to illegally capture and raid of their goods. For the great maritime nations
of the 16th to 18th centuries, pirates were simply criminals that threatened the progress of the world
economy, but history has shown that they were much more complex figures. At the same time as they
were violent, ruthless, and defiant outlaws, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The reasons for becoming or turning pirate have been widely theorized, and it seems as though a
multitude of social, political, and economic factors were at play. On an individual level, the dangerous
and almost inevitably fatal nature of piracy makes it improbable that one would join a crew if they felt
as though they had other alternatives. Instead, it is more likely that piracy was a last resort refuge for a
dejected class of sailors who did not fit in with normative cultural standards, but could not escape the
fact that society dictated that they must work to survive regardless. Because piracy stemmed from a
distinctly maritime class and not the general landed population, it is easier to understand why it may
have been seen as a viable option. These men were already familiar with the principles of teamwork,
harmony, and trust that were
necessary to survive on a ship, and their lengthy voyages often made them ill adjusted to life on land.
There are two main reasons why a sailor would have crossed the line between legal and illegal
maritime service: perceived injustice and peacetime layoffs. Unlike the pirate ship, both navy and
merchant ships were more dictatorial than democratic; their captains were not
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Breast Feeding Across Cultures
Breast feeding has been in practice for a very long time, as early as 2000 BC. Before the invention of
formula, bottles, and pumps this was the safest most common way for a mother to feed their infants. In
fact, for 99% of human history breast milk was the sole source of nutrition for children until the age of
two. In today s society there are many different and opposing personal stand points on where or not a
mother should breast feed their children. It is a very controversial topic with many variables. In breast
feeding there are several benefits, reasons, and cultural effects that go into making the decision to
engage or stay away from breast feeding. There is also historical causes and cultural differences that
lead influence a mothers ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The formula in today s society is much more advanced and acceptable. Another reason is that breast
feeding is painful and time consuming. Another common reason to not breast feed is that many
women want to return to work and not be limited to the places they can go such as restaurants and
stores that do not allow breast feeding. There is historical evidence of this all over the world. In Israel
around 2000 BC, children were deemed a blessing, and breastfeeding was considered a religious
obligation. Breastfeeding was not always possible, however, due to lactation failure of the mother In
Greece around 950 BC, women of higher social status frequently demanded wet nurses. Wet nurses
were women that were paid to breast feed new babies when their biological mothers were not able to
accomplish it. Breast feeding a child was widely accepted as the thing to do and even though it was
uncomfortable and inconvenient many mothers took part in it. It was also common for fathers to watch
the process and in turn it was a bonding experience for the whole family and eventually, wet nurses
acquired a position of accountability and authority. The Bible even notes various examples of wet
At the climax of the Roman Empire, between 300 BC and 400 AD, written contracts were formed with
wet nurses to feed orphaned or unwanted infants which were mostly females thrown out. The wealthy
purchased the infant as an inexpensive slave for future use, and the wet nurses, who were usually
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Jack Johnson
During a time when blacks were considered less than equals to whites, Jack Johnson refused to be
oppressed by racist America. He was both unafraid and uncompromising. He went wherever he chose,
did whatever he wanted, and controversially had sexual relations with whichever race of women he
As a boxer, Johnson went from being an unknown to the first African American heavyweight
champion of the world. With little regard for his safety, he destroyed white fighters when blacks were
expected to submit to whites. Johnson saw himself as an equal amongst whites; therefore he paid little
attention to the chaos he caused throughout his professional career. Jack Johnson was born on March
31, 1878 in Galveston, Texas. He was one of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sports writers wrote about his lifestyle, fine tailored suits, and gold caps on his front teeth. While
living as big shot , Johnson met a black woman named Mary Austin. She would be introduced as Mrs.
Johnson , but they were in fact never married. Eventually, Johnson replaced Austin for a white
prostitute named Clara Kerr. They moved together in an all white neighborhood. He was arrested for
not paying his bills, but it was later discovered that he was arrested because he was not wanted in an
all white neighborhood. Despite several death threats and warnings concerning his relationship with
Kerr, Johnson continued living as he pleased. His choices in life put him at odds with Booker T.
Washington. Johnson did not agree with Washington s philosophy of racial separation for the
foreseeable future. Johnson chose to avoid racism by acting with people of other races as if racism did
not exist. By the end of 1903, the newspapers were calling on Jim Jeffries to fight Johnson for the
heavyweight title. Still, Jeffries refused to fight black fighters. In 1905, Jeffries retired after never
having fought Jackson. The new champion would be Tommy Burns. As Johnson began chasing Burns
around the country for a fight, he began dating yet another white woman named Hattie McClay. He
was warned by his manager to be more tactful, but he refused. Over a ten year period, almost 850
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Essay Comparing Matrix And Descartes Meditation
The summaries from The Matrix, Plato s The Allegory of the Cave, and Descartes Meditation, I can
conclude that there are many similarities between these stories, as well as a few differences in the two
stories. It would be accurate to say that The Matrix and Plato s Allegory of the Cave were more
similar than that of Descartes Meditation. I feel like I can reach this conclusion because the people
involved in both of these stories felt like they were living in a world where everything around them
was deceptive to how life was lived and how the world actually worked. In the Matrix, Neo was
exposed to the real world rather blatently. He quickly discovered that everything he assumed to be real
life, was only an illusion. This was comparable to the shadows that were seen on the ... Show more
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Neither, truly grasp what the real world is like. We also see both characters have a chance to see truth
for themselves, and both end up confused by what they experienced. Both characters were engrossed
in the idea of finding out what truth actually was. However, these two characters adopted the truth
much differently from one another. In Plato s story, the prisoner, once gaining his new knowledge, let
others that were held back know exactly when he found new ideas they claimed as truth, and felt that
sometimes it was easier to accept truth at first, compared to later on after experiencing the scenario
more. Plato thought that it was necessary for the chained man in the Allegory of the Cave to get away
from the cave and venture out so that he could experience real truth. This is because Plato felt like our
senses are not able to be trusted when trying to determine real truth. Neo, from the Matrix, conversely,
wanted to experience truth first hand. The Matrix was determined to find out what the real truth was,
because they had no idea that things they were experiencing were not
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Border Exchange In The 1950s
Let s put a title here! The 1950s, for those who were not white men, were a time of deep oppression
and are not looked back on fondly. However, John Benson argues that in regards to borders, the 1950s
was something of a golden age. Those years were defined by nearly uninhibited border crossing,
cooperation between Mexico and the United States, and the celebration of cross cultural relations.
Now, in 2017, the border is heavily militarized and border crossing is demonized. The 1970s marked a
shift in border control policies, and since then cross border relations have become more and more
strained. Cadava, in Standing on Common Ground: The Making of a Sunbelt Borderland noted that in
the post war era, the Good Neighbor policy shaped U.S. Mexico ... Show more content on
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There is talk within the current administration concerning the necessity for the United States to build
the wall to separate ourselves from Mexico yet Donald Trump is not the first one to have suggested
this. Cattle had been part of the cross border exchange for an extended period of time, but in the 1950s
an outbreak of foot and mouth disease temporarily halted the cattle trade. A border fence was
proposed, so the possibility that the disease would spread could be contained. However, unlike today,
both Mexicans and Americans alike called the proposed fence a repulsive symbol of division that they
would not stand for. This fence would be an impediment to the flow of people who constantly
travelled between Mexico and the United States. This was exemplified through the department store,
Jácome s, which actively promoted cross border exchange. Situated in the heart of Tucson, Jácome s
was a gathering point for people living on both sides of the border as it was inviting to both Mexicans
and those living in the United States. The name of Jácome s store appealed to both groups of people.
Jácome kept the accent over the a in the name, which causes the name to be distinctly Spanish.
Meanwhile, the apostrophe makes the name distinctly English, since the apostrophe is not used in the
Spanish language. White clients from the United States were intrigued by Jácome s, because it was an
exotic, regionally authentic department store, while Mexican shoppers were drawn to Jácome s since it
was the store that welcomed them the most. Additionally, Jácome s accepted pesos as payment, rather
than requiring shoppers to exchange their pesos for US dollars before shopping. This allowed for
Mexican shoppers to feel more welcomed and at home while shopping at Jácome s, which further
expanded the cross border
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Muslims In Memphis
Muslim Community in Memphis
Memphis knows for its diversity of religions. According to bestplace.net web. Religion statistic of
Memphis; the religious people in Memphis are more than half the Memphis s population. Memphis
largest religion is Catholic, and the smallest religion is Islam. 63.74% of the people in Memphis,
Tennessee are religious, meaning they affiliate with religion. 6.76% are Catholic; 0.64% are LDS;
13.28% are another Christian faith; 0.93% in Memphis, Tennessee are Jewish; 0.72% are an eastern
faith; 0.48% affiliated with Islam. Memphis has a small society of Muslims, but it s growing fast each
year. According to Wicipedia.org. Web. Muslim is the follower of the religion of Islam. Islam is
Abrahamic, Celestial, and Monotheism ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
America will not become great by spreading hatred or by spreading fear. America will not become
great by cutting itself off from its neighbors. America will not raise the torch of liberty by breaking up
families and denying treatment to the sick, said Yasir Qadhi, with the Islamic Center of Memphis. On
the day, you leave office; we will make America great again. Abdallah Altareb one of the Muslim
protesters Abdallah was holding the American flag. He is from one of the countries that banned
Yemen. He is twelve years old, and he came to Memphis when he was six years. He said, It s not
America without diversity, he said, You can t judge a book by its cover so you can t judge every
Muslim by one group of
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Essay on Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus
Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror
Ashford University
POL 201
Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror have all played a role throughout history.
Throughout history, the motivation of man s self interest has concluded in the domination of those
with little or no power in the absence of the rule of law. The war on terror presents an unpredictable
challenge for the United States since terrorists are apprehended and deprived of due process. Habeas
corpus is considered to be one of the most fundamental guarantees of personal liberty that we
cherished as a country since the inception of our Constitution. However, debates have arisen regarding
the proper ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As a feature of common law, the right of Habeas corpus reflects the age old contest between
individual and the state. Habeas corpus empowers the individual in holding accountable the exercise
of the states power to influence liberty. Our founding fathers were well aware of the Magna Carta, and
its astonishing abilities to be something great especially James Madison who was the primary architect
of the American Bill of Rights. Greatly influenced by the potential of the agreement, James Madison
began his own interpretation. James Madison borrowed heavily from Article 39 of the Magna Carta
which limited the legislative power. Madison was a key player in growing that particular article into
the Bill of Rights. It was through Magna Carta and our founding fathers interpretation of that article
that the American courts used and still use today when interpreting the rights of enemy combatants.
(Halliday, 2011) September 24th 1862 Lincoln issued a proclamation suspending the writs of Habeas
corpus nationwide and specified whose rights would be suspended. All traitors and rebel militias
against the U.S. shall be subject to martial law and liable to trial and punishment. (Longley, 2012) In
1866 after the American Civil War had ended the Supreme Court officially and fully restored Habeas
corpus throughout the entire nation. That would not be the first time a
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Blake Mycoskie s The Amazing Race
The Amazing Race is a popular show where pairs of family members or friends race around the world
to compete for a million dollars. Blake Mycoskie along with his sister were one of the lucky pairs that
were chosen to complete challenges in over thirteen different cities every day for three weeks. Blake
started off on the show to compete for the million dollar prize, but that is not what ended up
happening. Blake and his sister lost the million dollars; however, Blake found something worth more
than anything money can buy. Giving back to those who are less fortunate. Blake never had time to
stop and take in every little detail that was happening around him, so Blake and his sister decided to
return to Argentina after the show. When competing
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El Mundo Essay
El mundo produce lo suficiente para alimentar a toda la población mundial de 7 mil millones de
personas. Sin embargo, uno de cada ocho personas en el planeta va a la cama con hambre cada noche.
En algunos países, uno de cada tres niños está bajo de peso. ¿Por qué existe el hambre? Hay muchas
razones por las cuales existe el hambre en el mundo y a menudo están interconectadas. Aquí hay 6 que
creemos que son importantes. La trampa de la pobreza La gente que vive en situación de pobreza
generalmente no puede costearse comida nutritiva para ellos ni sus familias. Esta situación los vuelve
más débiles y menos capaces de ganar el dinero que los hubiese ayudado a escapar de la pobreza y el
hambre. Esto no es solo un problema del día a día: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Clima y tiempo Los desastres naturales como inundaciones, tormentas tropicales y largos periodos de
sequía están aumentando, lo cual trae consecuencias devastadoras para la gente de bajos recursos que
vive en países en vías de desarrollo. Las sequías son la causa más común de escasez de alimentos en el
mundo. En 2011, una sequía recurrente causó grandes pérdidas en el sector agropecuario en Etiopía,
Somalia y Kenia. En 2012 hubo una situación similar en la región del Sahel en el África occidental.
En muchos países, el cambio climático ya está causando condiciones adversas. Cada vez más tierras
fértiles sufren de erosión, salinización y desertificación. La deforestación a manos de los humanos
causa una erosión acelerada lo cual dificulta la cosecha de alimentos Wars and displacement Around
the world, armed conflicts constantly interrupt the harvest and production of food. This type of
conflict also forces millions of people to flee their homes, resulting in severe crises in the food
security of people who, once they move, find themselves without the means to support themselves.
The conflict in Syria is a perfect example. In war, sometimes food becomes weapons. The combatants
force their adversaries to surrender through hunger, taking food and livestock and systematically
destroying local markets. The fields, usually mined and contaminated water wells, force farmers to
leave their land. The growing conflict in Somalia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo has
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Narrative Style of Truman Capote s In Cold Blood
In Cold Blood Narrative Style Capote s structure in In Cold Blood is a subject that deserves
discussion. The book is told from two alternating perspectives, that of the Clutter family who are the
victims, and that of the two murderers, Dick Hickock and Perry Smith. The different perspectives
allow the reader to relive both sides of the story; Capote presents them without bias. Capote
masterfully utilizes the third person omniscient point of view to express the two perspectives. The non
chronological sequencing of some events emphasizes key scenes. The victims, the murderers, the
victims, the murderers,... this is the pattern throughout the first two of the three parts of In Cold Blood.
During these first two parts of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This nonfiction work is for the most part unbiased. Capote s extensive research on this real life event
is not marred by his own personal feelings about the crime committed. The fact that he tells both sides
of the story adds to the objectivity. Capote doesn t render judgment for two reasons: it is important for
the reader to draw conclusions about the philosophical sociological psychological circumstances of
the mass murder, and Capote concluded that there should be no interference with the readers
judgmental process (Reed 107). The narrator, up to the criminals day of execution, shows no bias
whatsoever; the trial could have been an easy opportunity for the narrator to express his own opinions
on how the criminals should be punished. Capote is adamant in giving the facts to the reader directly
and letting the reader formulate his or her own opinion. For example, of the death sentence, Capote
writes, In March 1965, after [Perry] Smith and [Dick] Hickock had been confined in their death row
cells almost two thousand days, the Kansas Supreme Court decreed that their lives must end between
midnight and 2:00 A.M., Wednesday, April 14, 1965 (336). The third person point of view also
reaffirms Capote s neutrality. In addition, this viewpoint adds credibility to the piece of literature
because there are few, if any, dissenting opinions of
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Stem Cell Regulation
Skin with its hair follicle is an excellent system to study molecular mechanism of stem cell regulation.
Due to constant need of tissue regeneration, it has abundant number of stem cells. Hair follicle consist
of a permanent portion sebaceous gland and below it is a bulge area, which houses Hair follicle
epidermal stem cells(HFSCs). Bulge also provides niche for melanocyte stem cells interspersed
between HFSCs. Behavior of the two stem cells is well coordinated. Differentiating melanocytes
transfer pigment to terminally differentiated hair follicles (Nishimura et al., 2002; Tanimura et al.,
2011; Rabbani et al., 2011).Hair follicle undergoes cyclical bouts of 3 phases anagen (phase of active
growth), catagen (destruction phase) and telogen (rest phase) (Hardy, 1992). HFSCs give rise to
daughter stem cells which are retained in the bulge area and others form, either epidermal progenitors
which migrate upwards during tissue repair or it forms hair matrix progenitors which migrate below to
form hair shaft (Niemann Watt 2002; Oshima et al., 2001; Taylor et al. 2000).
In early 1990s, HFSCs were located in the bulge region by label retention studies (Cotsarelis et al.,
1990; Morris and Potten, 1994). Later in 2001, presence of HFSCs in bulge area was confirmed by
transplantation experiments. When lac z labeled bulge region from adult mice was transplanted into
hairless mice, lac z labeled cells formed morphologically distinct hair follicle (Oshima et., 2001).
Lineage tracing
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Descartes God Existence
The argument that Descartes posed about God existing just because we have the concept of perfection
instilled in our minds. Earlier in his meditations Descartes states the argument I think there for I am,
this statement it self proves the we exist and we are beings that think. Everything beyond your own
existence is open to debate. The idea of perfectness is completely subjective, the ideas of perfection of
a fundamentalist Christian are certainty different the ideals of an Atheist or even Muslim for that
matter. I definitely know that the idea of perfection that I have is greatly different that other people.
Even if the concept of perfection wasn t completely arbitrary, the massive leap of think just because
we can comprehend perfection,
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Thermal Conductivity Of Soil And Rock Classification Manual
Thermal conductivity of soil is defined as the amount of heat passing in unit time through a unit cross
sectional area of soil under a unit temperature gradient in the direction of heat flow. It is measured in
watt per meter per kelvin (W/mk) or also in British thermal unit per foot hour per Fahrenheit
(BTU/ft.hr.°F). Knowing thermal conductivity of ground is very important for many geotechnical
works. During construction of foundation in permafrost ground, to design underground power line
design, for stabilizing ground by freezing, and for utilizing geothermal energy by geothermal heat
system we require knowledge of ground thermal conductivity. Thermal properties of ground are
difficult to measure exactly. Here estimation of thermal conductivity (k) by different approach is
summarized. There are various methods for measuring this parameter including empirical formulas,
laboratory tests, and in situ tests.
Empirical Formula and Soil Classification
Soil and rock classification manual (Salomone et al. 1989) published by international ground source
heat pump association categorizes soil/rock into different groups and typical values to each group are
given. Also, many empirical formulas based on the soil properties (water content, saturation, porosity)
are available for the estimation of k with the accuracy of ±25% in Farouki (1986).
Lab Experiments:
Guarded Hot Plate (GHP) Test:
Guarded hot plate (GHP) test apparatus and test procedure (single and double sided) are
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The Importance Of Bias In Literature
Few modern authors have had as profound an effect on their genre, society, political debate, or
literature in general as Robert Heinlein. Science fiction author Ken Macleod suggests that the world
was having a dialogue with Heinlein, unfortunately, one of the unintentional consequences of dialogue
is misunderstanding, some of which is caused by reader bias (Macleod, James, Mendlesohn 231). Bias
is dangerous to readers and they should, consequently, avoid it for at least three reasons; first, it causes
a work or author to be regarded in many contradicting ways; second, it creates an atmosphere in which
faulty arguments are made, and third, it results in significant elements of the story being ignored.
Though, one should not construe this in such a way as to denote that this report is so much about the
book itself as about the overall scope of it in relation to Heinlein, the bias levied for or against the
book and him as well as their overall message, and the meaning of the work itself. It is vital that it be
understood that in this context bias is any tendency to judge something either more or less favorably
based on preexisting notions rather than on the data presented. It is equally important to understand
that the human mind looks for patterns, the term for this phenomenon is pareidolia, in which people
see hidden faces in clouds or even hear nonexistent messages in songs. It is because the mind seeks to
recognize patterns, even where none exist. Similarly, people who
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How Does Shakespeare Use Similes In Romeo And Juliet
Often times, those who are short tempered can get themselves into a heap of trouble with their actions.
This is just the case for Mercutio in William Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare s use of
similes, hyperboles, and foreshadowing to prove to the reader that Mercutio is short tempered and will
fight almost anyone for any reason.
The use of similes in act 3 scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet shows that the character Mercutio has a short
temper. In this scene Mercutio and Benvolio are out roaming the streets of Verona carrying out a
conversation; Mercutio then proceeds to discuss fighting and when he would fight somebody.
Mercutio tells his dear friend Benvolio thou art as hot a jack in thy mood this means that Mercutio is
calling himself hot headed and ready to fight. The use of this simile in the story compares Mercutio to
a hot jack or in other words calling himself hot headed. Another simile used that helps prove this point
is thy head is as full of quarrels as an egg is full of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In act 3 scene 1 Mercutio says thou wilt quarrel with a man that hath a hair more or hast less in his
beard than thou hast (3.1.18 19). The hyperbole means that Mercutio would fight with another man for
having more or less hair than he has which is an exaggeration. This line that Shakespeare added
proves that Mercutio has a short temper because he would fight someone for such a little difference.
Another hyperbole used that proves Mercutio s anger is thou hast quarreled with a man for coughing
in the street because he hath wakened thy dog (3.1.25 27). By saying this Mercutio means that he
would fight someone if he coughed and woke up his dog; a normal, sane man would not fight because
of something like this yet Mercutio says he would start a fight because of this. Through the use of
hyperboles Shakespeare has shown that Mercutio is short
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Essay On Earth Fault Circuit Interrupter
Happy Holidays Folks! It s a magical time of the year. Have fun as you shop, enjoy special holiday
events, and spend time with your family.
Many of you will be displaying Christmas lights and yard decorations.
Here are some tips:
.Weatherproofing chord connections
Your source of power should come from a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlet. This device
will shut the circuit down if there is an overloaded current.
Use a waterproof extension cord cover. A waterproof extension cord cover unique protects extension
and a power cord from accidental unplugs and outdoor weather.
When you connect extension cords, snap this device around the connection to seal it tight. Simply
plug cords together, set adjustable cord connector, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For a 20 amp circuit, the load limit is 2,400 watts. On a multiple outlet circuit, you find any appliance
or equipment rated at more than half the circuit rating, 900 watts for a 15 amp circuit
When using extension cords, make sure they are rated for outdoor use, and keep the connections
above ground, snow and water.
Plug all the lights in to make sure all bulbs are working.
Tape cords across walkways, and use the correct length needed to travel to your lights. You don t want
your cords to be too long so they pile up and create walking hazards.
A circuit is overloaded if the total load exceeds 1,800 watts for a 15 amp circuit. (120 volts x 15 amps
= 1,800 watts.)
Make sure to turn your lights off when you leave or go to bed at night.
Use a good ladder when installing your lights. Secure them with insulated holders (never use tacks or
nails). .
Things to Remember
Never use indoor Christmas lights outdoors.
Don t place lights on trees that touch power lines.
Too many things plugged into a circuit can cause an overload
Look for the amp rating of the circuit in tiny numbers on the circuit breaker switch or fuse. For a 20
amp circuit, the load limit is 2,400 watts. On a multiple outlet circuit, you find any appliance or
equipment rated at more than half the circuit rating, 900 watts for a 15 amp circuit
When using extension cords, make sure they are rated for outdoor use, and keep the
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Do You Speak American Summary
Do You Speak American Discussion The PBS presentation of Do You Speak American , hosted by
Robert MacNeil, seeks to explore the rich diversity of the blending of cultures in the United States
(US) through a study of dialects. Even with their multi segment series, the producers were only able to
briefly discuss a small portion of the vast experience which is our country. As a family history
researcher, I found that the brief discussion of Pidgen, Gullah, and Geechee most interesting. Gullah,
Geechee, and Pidgen are considered languages evolved from the African Americans slaves brought to
this country. While searching for more information about these dialects, I discovered that the term
Pidgin is not a good description for any dialect (Thompson, Pidgin Languages ). ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Irene Thompson on her webpage referred to Pidgin as the on the Spot languages ( Pidgin Languages ).
She further explained that when no common language existed between the two groups a means of
communication developed from a primary language blended with one or more local languages. Since
the Spanish, French, English, Dutch, and Portuguese were major colonial powers, their languages
were generally the source for many of the Pidgin languages. A quick check on the internet indicates
that there are Pidgins not only developed from English and African languages, but also between
English and Native American, Eskimo Icelandic, Yokohama (Japanese), and Taimyr (Russian).
Spanglish is a blend of English and Spanish, just as Chadian Arabic is a mixture of French makes up
Chadian Arabic. Because these are rudimentary means to communicate, Pidgins have a low prestige
with linguists. Pidgin is also sometimes referred to as
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Explain Why Mittesh Why Does Our Culture Believe In Many Gods
Mitesh: Why does our culture believe in many gods? Mansukhbhai: We only believe in one god that
created the universe which is the supreme god. Then he created many other god, highly advanced
spirituals beings, to be his helpers. Mitesh: What god do you believe in the most? Mansukhbhai: I
believe in the god name Ganesha, who is the son of Shiva and Parvati. He is most detities in the Hindu
pantheon. He listens to every prayer of the peoples and helps every individual out with any problems
in their life. He is known as the god of education, wealth, knowledge, and the destroyer of
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What Is Interglobe Airlines Case Study
Interglobe Aviation Ltd, which runs India s largest airline IndiGo, is reportedly looking to raise
Rs.1,272.20 Crore through its initial public offering. The company has fixed the price band for its
initial share sale at Rs 700 765 and it will run on October 27 29.
A glimpse of IndiGo:
InterGlobe Aviation is the holding company of IndiGo airlines. IndiGo is largest passenger airline of
India. The Gurgaon based entity is also the largest domestic carrier by market share, they handles
33.8% of the total domestic passenger volume in India. Their strategy is keeps profit margins small
and making fares cheap for the passengers. This model is called as LCC (Low Cost Carrier) model.
IndiGo started with only one airplane and now they have 97 planes
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Thomas Edison And The Invention Of Thomas Edison
This is Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison is a famous inventor who invented lots of things that we use
today. He was born a very long time ago in the United States of America.
Thomas was a very naughty child. He used to always get into trouble for misbehaving such as the time
when he set his father s barn on fire. He was only six years old when this incident took place.
Thomas only started school at the age of seven. He was unable to go to school at an early age because
he was quite sick and his mom had to take care of him at home.
At school Thomas could not concentrate and used to constantly disturb the children and the teacher.
He became quite disruptive in class and did not learn anything. His teacher then nicknamed him
Addled . Addled means someone who is unable to think clearly.
Thomas did not have a very good teacher at school. His teacher was not willing to answer his
questions and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The light bulb had already been invented before but Thomas Edison improved and perfected the light
bulb. The new light bulb that Thomas invented lasted for longer periods of time .Thomas thereafter
went on to invent an electrical power system, so that people would have electricity and could use the
light bulbs at home.
It was Thomas Edison who was also responsible for the invention of Motion pictures . Thomas created
equipment that would record and playback images so that they could be watched later on.
It is because of Thomas Edison that we are now able to watch movies.
Before Thomas Edison died he said The trouble with other inventors is that they try a few things then
they quit. I never quit until I get what I want
We should learn from this quote that no matter how hard things may seem, we must not give up, we
must try and keep trying until we succeed. Thomas Edison never gave up and because of that he
created so many different
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Examples Of Cobweb Theorem
The cobweb theorem is an economic theory that was first proposed by three men, Umberto Ricci from
Italy, Henry Schultz from America and Jan Tinbergen from Holland. (Mordecai Ezekiel 2016 Pg. 261)
The theory proposed later took up the name, The Cob web Theorem, which explains through three
main models, how the, basic idea of carrying successive price, production and production
readjustments back and forth between the supply and demand curves, (Mordecai Ezekiel 2016 Pg.
256). The three main models that this theory proposed are known as the: continuous, convergent and
divergent fluctuation models. Each of these models represent, through the use of market price, normal
price, demand curves, supply curves and equilibrium, how the static equilibrium of two ceterus
paribus variables, price being on the vertical axis and production (quantity) being on the horizontal
axis, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
2(Feb, 1934), pp. 122 136, DOI: https://vula.uct.ac.za/access/content/group/438ebfbd 9ac4 4140 90b5
Rebecca Elizabeth Mondics, August 2013, Where are the beef cattle? An economic analysis of the
changes in the cattle cycle, Approved for the department of agricultural economics and for the
graduate school, Published Montana State University Bozeman Montana, DOI:
Dikgang Stephen Gosalamang, November 2010, Economic analysis of supply response among beef
farmers in Botswana, Supervisor: Prof. A. Belete, Co Supervisor Mr. j. j. Hlongwane, Published: The
university of Limpopo, South Africa, DOI:
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Mormon Camp
The Camp Situation In the state of Utah, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the main
church. They are known as Mormons to everyone. Being just a straight Christian, it was hard to grow
up here. Parents wouldn t allow me to be friends with their children because I wasn t Mormon. This is
the reason I had very few friends growing up. One of them was Mormon but her parents were the
nicest people I could have ever met. They didn t care about my religious affiliation. My parents have
always taught me to be very open with other people and their religions. When I was 14, my best
friend, Sammy, invited my other friend, McKelle, and I to Mormon Girl s Camp with her for an entire
week. Both McKelle and I were super excited to go. It ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Everyone sat down around the fire and we had a meeting. Here, girls would have the choice to state
their testimony (spoken statement about how they think the Church is true). McKelle and I both knew
that we wouldn t have to give our testimony if we didn t want to. All the girls around McKelle and I
were bearing their testimonies. The Bishop looked at McKelle and I and asked, Which one of you is
going next?
McKelle and I just looked at each other and didn t say anything. This is when we both started to get
really nervous. The Bishop raised his voice, McKelle, why don t you bear yours right now.
No, I don t feel very comfortable with saying that, McKelle
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Symbols In The Scarlet Letter
Scarlet Letter Symbolic Theme Essay The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne was written amidst
the 1800 s. Hawthorne was a famous American author during that time frame. He is a relative to a
judge from the Salem Witch Trials, which was his Great Great Grandfather John Hathorne. Hathorne
was the only judge who did not express atonement for his crimes, which led people to dislike all the
Hathorne s. This sparked Nathaniel Hawthorne s interest in the Puritan times, which resulted in the
Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne delineates Puritan standards religiously and culturally in an outstanding
way. He was also an Anti Transcendentalist which means that he believed that all humans were evil. In
his novel, the Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses the symbols of the scarlet letter, Reverend
Dimmesdale, and burrs to add onto the overall theme of guilt. First off, Hawthorne uses the symbol of
the scarlet letter to contribute to the theme of Guilt. The scarlet letter is forced upon the bosom of
Hester, who is the protagonist of this novel. Hester had a child after her husband was known to be
missing. She was accused of Adultery, and the scarlet colored letter was put on her as a token of
shame to cast a shadow on her eternally. Hawthorne explains, In a moment however, wisely judging
that one token of her shame would poorly serve to hide another (Hawthorne 50). This quote shows
that the scarlet letter is a profound symbol of guilt, it could not have been hidden with
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Rising Voices Summary
Rising voices, this is one of the best documentaries that i ve ever watched. The Rising Voices
documentary was talking about a few major events that has happened. They first talk about how the
language isn t getting told to the younger children in most areas. There are many people who talk
about the information of knowing that many Lakotas don t know how to speak there language. That is
why they started to have the immersion schools. It is a very good thing that they are having the
schools, so that the language does not die off. They want it to keep going on for generations and
generations. The entire documentary just shows that the people of South and North Dakota need to
keep trying to learn their language so that it doesn t die. That the white men can get their way.
In the documentary I liked many different components. I liked how they used elders to talk about the
language, then the adults, than teens and lastly how they have the little kids talking in their Native
language. When the elders are talking in their language, it makes not only me feel connected to the
language but I think everyone in our class felt the same way. When the adults are talking about not
having known their language it makes me feel that even though I don t know my language right now,
but one day I will know my language. I will teach my kids the language that died in my family. Then I
look at the teens who I just was not very long ago. I know exactly what they were feeling or how they
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Eassy in Gujarati
Master of Arts Part II Paper V System amp; Theories in Psychology Objective :
To acquaint the students with systems and theories in psychology. The Scheme of the Question Paper :
1. The paper will consist of five units.
2. There will be two chapter in each unit.
3. Every chapter in the unit should be given equal weightage in the examination.
4. Question paper should be drawn with the Internal Option in such a way that students should not
omit any chapter. Marking Scheme :
* Total Marks : 100
* Each unit carry equal marks in the question paper
* Each chapter in the should have equal weightage of 10 marks. Unit 1
Chapter : 1 Structuralism amp; Functionalism : ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Unit 1
Chapter : 1 Looking at Abnormality
* Definition of Abnormal Psychology
* Defining Abnormality Cultural Relativism Unusualness Discomfort Mental illness criterion
* Historical Perspective on Abnormality
* Research Methods in Abnormal Psychology
* Classification of Abnormal Behavior
Chapter : 2 Contemporary Theories of Abnormality
* Biological Approaches
* Psychological Approaches
* Sociocultural Approaches Unit 2
Chapter : 3 Anxiety Disorders
* Panic Disorder
* Phobic Disorder
* Generalized Anxiety Disorder
* PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
* OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Chapter : 4 Dissociative amp; Somatoform Disorders
* Dissociative Disorders Dissociative Identity Disorder Dissociative Fugue Dissociative Amnesia
Depersonalization Disoders Casual Factors in Dissociative Disorders Treatment for Dissociative
* Somatoform Disorders Distiguishing Somatoform Disorders from Related Disorders Conversion
Disorder Somatization Disorder and Pain Disorder Hypochondriasis
* Body Dysmorphic Disorder
* Casual factors in Somatoform Disorders
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Equality Of Women In The Military Essay
Ninety percent of all military occupations in the military include all genders, but the top ten percent of
roles are excluded to women. Women have already felt the misogyny with unequal pay and unfair
treatment by men, now women have to face the discrimination for fighting for our country. Women
should be able to serve in the front lines because it makes the military stronger as a whole with more
diversity, women in other countries fight on the front lines and women have made significant
contributions in the military so far. Women being included in the military make for a stronger and
better knit unit because of the vast diversity and opportunities that are now opened up. Widening the
applicant pool calls for more talent and people with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In striving to be as physically fit as male colleagues, many women hurt themselves and thus limiting
their military roles all together. But it s flatly rooted in the fact women biologically are not able to
perform physically to the same level as men. (Davis) The standards of physical fitness have been best
suit to men, and women attempting to reach them [men s physical fitness] will over stretch
themselves. (IDEA) These two sources both convey that women do not have the physical standards as
men and in trying to reach the biologically impossible standards, women often out do themselves.
Although women might not be as strong physically, they do offer strong mental capabilities and are
more effective in some circumstances. One source claims: If women can meet the standards as men.
They should be allowed to serve in the infantry. (Michaels, Brook and Welch) Meaning that if women
can withstand the biological factors, then they should be capable of serving in the front lines. Another
source states: There is no issue with a women s intellectual quality or value as a human being. (Davis)
This author is claiming that there is no reason why women should not be able to serve in the military
and that women, as a whole unit, should be valued as human beings that have the opportunity to serve
in combat roles if they
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The Big Bang Theory And The Revolution Of A New Generation
The Big Bang Theory What exactly is the Big Bang Theory? I know before starting this essay I knew
very little of what it consisted. I figured that the Big Bang Theory had something to with the era of a
new generation. One in which started after the extinction of dinosaurs to be quite honest. As I learn
more about astronomy, this topic struck an interest and technically the big bang theory isn t something
that occurred but rather something that happened. It started the beginning of what we now call the
When we ask astronomers what the big bang theory entails, it is simplified as the explanation on how
the universe started or began. The universe was not what it currently is today and in order to
understand our universe we have to obviously start from somewhere so why no start to the beginning?
According to astronomers there is little known about how the universe was started but as far as we
know it started with a gravitational singularity. Singularities are believed to exist at the center of black
holes. The singularities then inflated over the next 13.8 billion years to what we see in the sky today. It
s hard to look back in time and see how the universe came about, but astronomers can somewhat
summarize the birth through mathematical theory and models of how the Big bang theory came about.
Although Astronomers weren t able to see how the universe came about, they are able to see an
expansion through a phenomenon known as the cosmic microwave background which is
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The Day Of The World War I
On November 11, 1918 the war to end all wars came to an end with a ceasefire between the allied
nations and Germany. One year later, the anniversary of this official end to World War I was marked to
be an honorary day, Armistice Day, for all military personnel who had died defending the United
States of America. Armistice Day was the first national recognition and important step towards the
care and honor of those who had served protecting the country. Years later in 1938, Congress passed
the 11th of November as a legal holiday; in 1954, the holiday was renamed Veterans Day to include an
honoring to all military personnel and committees ( Office of Public Affairs ). Veterans Day was a
highly respected and celebrated day; there were ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They are the ones who risked their lives, their careers, and their families so that others could
experience what it truly means to be an American. Military men used to be the talk of the town,
everyone wanted to know them and claim them in their lives, but nowadays people want to discard the
disgruntled figures that come back from the hardships of war. The men and affects of war on them did
not change, people s tolerance for them did. No one wants to deal the mentally unstable or disabled
used to be war heroes. They want the bright and shining young men who stood for their country, but
these two types of men are the same. The old and forgotten used to be the bright and shining, and they
should be treated as such. They deserve the valor and honor that surrounded them when they shipped
off to still be there when they finally come home.
Caring for the Veteran s when they come home begins with the military itself; these are there men
coming home and it needs to stay as such. I believe in a motto of once a soldier, always a soldier, and
that the military is something that should always be there for its members. When injured or outdated
servicemen come home from their final assignment, they receive honorable discharge. There should
be no discharge however; there should only be retirement from the field. Let these men always have a
place in the army, marines, coast guard, any field; there are plenty of office or
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Evaluation Of Research Methods And Data Collection A...
In the textbook s evaluation of research methods and data collection a useful acronym referenced for
remembering and evaluating research was LOTS of data (Cervone Pervin, 2013). The L stands for life
record data that is obtained by looking at a person s life history. A person s life history can be accessed
and assessed by looking up police, court, or public records. The O stands for observational data which
is information given by knowledgeable observers of the person in question. This data is obtained
usually via questionnaires or other rating forms. The T stands for test data in which the information is
collected from experiments where researchers measure performance. This data is usually performed in
a lab where the environment can be controlled in order to test and measure a specific item. The last
letter of the acronym, the letter S, stands for self report data in which participants report about
themselves usually via questionnaires. Additionally to the LOTS of data acronym, sources of data can
also differ in their respective measures. Two categories of measures cited in the textbook are
nomothetic measures and ideographic measures (Cervone Pervin, 2013). Nomothetic measures are
fixed procedures that use the same test items for every participant and calculate the scores for all
participants in exactly the same way. An example of nomothetic measures would be true or false
questions, and yes or no questions. This method is most commonly used in
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  • 6. Breast Feeding Across Cultures Breast feeding has been in practice for a very long time, as early as 2000 BC. Before the invention of formula, bottles, and pumps this was the safest most common way for a mother to feed their infants. In fact, for 99% of human history breast milk was the sole source of nutrition for children until the age of two. In today s society there are many different and opposing personal stand points on where or not a mother should breast feed their children. It is a very controversial topic with many variables. In breast feeding there are several benefits, reasons, and cultural effects that go into making the decision to engage or stay away from breast feeding. There is also historical causes and cultural differences that lead influence a mothers ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The formula in today s society is much more advanced and acceptable. Another reason is that breast feeding is painful and time consuming. Another common reason to not breast feed is that many women want to return to work and not be limited to the places they can go such as restaurants and stores that do not allow breast feeding. There is historical evidence of this all over the world. In Israel around 2000 BC, children were deemed a blessing, and breastfeeding was considered a religious obligation. Breastfeeding was not always possible, however, due to lactation failure of the mother In Greece around 950 BC, women of higher social status frequently demanded wet nurses. Wet nurses were women that were paid to breast feed new babies when their biological mothers were not able to accomplish it. Breast feeding a child was widely accepted as the thing to do and even though it was uncomfortable and inconvenient many mothers took part in it. It was also common for fathers to watch the process and in turn it was a bonding experience for the whole family and eventually, wet nurses acquired a position of accountability and authority. The Bible even notes various examples of wet nurses At the climax of the Roman Empire, between 300 BC and 400 AD, written contracts were formed with wet nurses to feed orphaned or unwanted infants which were mostly females thrown out. The wealthy purchased the infant as an inexpensive slave for future use, and the wet nurses, who were usually ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Jack Johnson During a time when blacks were considered less than equals to whites, Jack Johnson refused to be oppressed by racist America. He was both unafraid and uncompromising. He went wherever he chose, did whatever he wanted, and controversially had sexual relations with whichever race of women he wanted. As a boxer, Johnson went from being an unknown to the first African American heavyweight champion of the world. With little regard for his safety, he destroyed white fighters when blacks were expected to submit to whites. Johnson saw himself as an equal amongst whites; therefore he paid little attention to the chaos he caused throughout his professional career. Jack Johnson was born on March 31, 1878 in Galveston, Texas. He was one of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sports writers wrote about his lifestyle, fine tailored suits, and gold caps on his front teeth. While living as big shot , Johnson met a black woman named Mary Austin. She would be introduced as Mrs. Johnson , but they were in fact never married. Eventually, Johnson replaced Austin for a white prostitute named Clara Kerr. They moved together in an all white neighborhood. He was arrested for not paying his bills, but it was later discovered that he was arrested because he was not wanted in an all white neighborhood. Despite several death threats and warnings concerning his relationship with Kerr, Johnson continued living as he pleased. His choices in life put him at odds with Booker T. Washington. Johnson did not agree with Washington s philosophy of racial separation for the foreseeable future. Johnson chose to avoid racism by acting with people of other races as if racism did not exist. By the end of 1903, the newspapers were calling on Jim Jeffries to fight Johnson for the heavyweight title. Still, Jeffries refused to fight black fighters. In 1905, Jeffries retired after never having fought Jackson. The new champion would be Tommy Burns. As Johnson began chasing Burns around the country for a fight, he began dating yet another white woman named Hattie McClay. He was warned by his manager to be more tactful, but he refused. Over a ten year period, almost 850 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Essay Comparing Matrix And Descartes Meditation The summaries from The Matrix, Plato s The Allegory of the Cave, and Descartes Meditation, I can conclude that there are many similarities between these stories, as well as a few differences in the two stories. It would be accurate to say that The Matrix and Plato s Allegory of the Cave were more similar than that of Descartes Meditation. I feel like I can reach this conclusion because the people involved in both of these stories felt like they were living in a world where everything around them was deceptive to how life was lived and how the world actually worked. In the Matrix, Neo was exposed to the real world rather blatently. He quickly discovered that everything he assumed to be real life, was only an illusion. This was comparable to the shadows that were seen on the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Neither, truly grasp what the real world is like. We also see both characters have a chance to see truth for themselves, and both end up confused by what they experienced. Both characters were engrossed in the idea of finding out what truth actually was. However, these two characters adopted the truth much differently from one another. In Plato s story, the prisoner, once gaining his new knowledge, let others that were held back know exactly when he found new ideas they claimed as truth, and felt that sometimes it was easier to accept truth at first, compared to later on after experiencing the scenario more. Plato thought that it was necessary for the chained man in the Allegory of the Cave to get away from the cave and venture out so that he could experience real truth. This is because Plato felt like our senses are not able to be trusted when trying to determine real truth. Neo, from the Matrix, conversely, wanted to experience truth first hand. The Matrix was determined to find out what the real truth was, because they had no idea that things they were experiencing were not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Border Exchange In The 1950s Let s put a title here! The 1950s, for those who were not white men, were a time of deep oppression and are not looked back on fondly. However, John Benson argues that in regards to borders, the 1950s was something of a golden age. Those years were defined by nearly uninhibited border crossing, cooperation between Mexico and the United States, and the celebration of cross cultural relations. Now, in 2017, the border is heavily militarized and border crossing is demonized. The 1970s marked a shift in border control policies, and since then cross border relations have become more and more strained. Cadava, in Standing on Common Ground: The Making of a Sunbelt Borderland noted that in the post war era, the Good Neighbor policy shaped U.S. Mexico ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is talk within the current administration concerning the necessity for the United States to build the wall to separate ourselves from Mexico yet Donald Trump is not the first one to have suggested this. Cattle had been part of the cross border exchange for an extended period of time, but in the 1950s an outbreak of foot and mouth disease temporarily halted the cattle trade. A border fence was proposed, so the possibility that the disease would spread could be contained. However, unlike today, both Mexicans and Americans alike called the proposed fence a repulsive symbol of division that they would not stand for. This fence would be an impediment to the flow of people who constantly travelled between Mexico and the United States. This was exemplified through the department store, Jácome s, which actively promoted cross border exchange. Situated in the heart of Tucson, Jácome s was a gathering point for people living on both sides of the border as it was inviting to both Mexicans and those living in the United States. The name of Jácome s store appealed to both groups of people. Jácome kept the accent over the a in the name, which causes the name to be distinctly Spanish. Meanwhile, the apostrophe makes the name distinctly English, since the apostrophe is not used in the Spanish language. White clients from the United States were intrigued by Jácome s, because it was an exotic, regionally authentic department store, while Mexican shoppers were drawn to Jácome s since it was the store that welcomed them the most. Additionally, Jácome s accepted pesos as payment, rather than requiring shoppers to exchange their pesos for US dollars before shopping. This allowed for Mexican shoppers to feel more welcomed and at home while shopping at Jácome s, which further expanded the cross border ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Muslims In Memphis Muslim Community in Memphis Memphis knows for its diversity of religions. According to bestplace.net web. Religion statistic of Memphis; the religious people in Memphis are more than half the Memphis s population. Memphis largest religion is Catholic, and the smallest religion is Islam. 63.74% of the people in Memphis, Tennessee are religious, meaning they affiliate with religion. 6.76% are Catholic; 0.64% are LDS; 13.28% are another Christian faith; 0.93% in Memphis, Tennessee are Jewish; 0.72% are an eastern faith; 0.48% affiliated with Islam. Memphis has a small society of Muslims, but it s growing fast each year. According to Wicipedia.org. Web. Muslim is the follower of the religion of Islam. Islam is Abrahamic, Celestial, and Monotheism ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... America will not become great by spreading hatred or by spreading fear. America will not become great by cutting itself off from its neighbors. America will not raise the torch of liberty by breaking up families and denying treatment to the sick, said Yasir Qadhi, with the Islamic Center of Memphis. On the day, you leave office; we will make America great again. Abdallah Altareb one of the Muslim protesters Abdallah was holding the American flag. He is from one of the countries that banned Yemen. He is twelve years old, and he came to Memphis when he was six years. He said, It s not America without diversity, he said, You can t judge a book by its cover so you can t judge every Muslim by one group of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Essay on Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror Charlotte Ashford University 04//2013 POL 201 Instructor Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror have all played a role throughout history. Throughout history, the motivation of man s self interest has concluded in the domination of those with little or no power in the absence of the rule of law. The war on terror presents an unpredictable challenge for the United States since terrorists are apprehended and deprived of due process. Habeas corpus is considered to be one of the most fundamental guarantees of personal liberty that we cherished as a country since the inception of our Constitution. However, debates have arisen regarding the proper ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As a feature of common law, the right of Habeas corpus reflects the age old contest between individual and the state. Habeas corpus empowers the individual in holding accountable the exercise of the states power to influence liberty. Our founding fathers were well aware of the Magna Carta, and its astonishing abilities to be something great especially James Madison who was the primary architect of the American Bill of Rights. Greatly influenced by the potential of the agreement, James Madison began his own interpretation. James Madison borrowed heavily from Article 39 of the Magna Carta which limited the legislative power. Madison was a key player in growing that particular article into the Bill of Rights. It was through Magna Carta and our founding fathers interpretation of that article that the American courts used and still use today when interpreting the rights of enemy combatants. (Halliday, 2011) September 24th 1862 Lincoln issued a proclamation suspending the writs of Habeas corpus nationwide and specified whose rights would be suspended. All traitors and rebel militias against the U.S. shall be subject to martial law and liable to trial and punishment. (Longley, 2012) In 1866 after the American Civil War had ended the Supreme Court officially and fully restored Habeas corpus throughout the entire nation. That would not be the first time a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Blake Mycoskie s The Amazing Race The Amazing Race is a popular show where pairs of family members or friends race around the world to compete for a million dollars. Blake Mycoskie along with his sister were one of the lucky pairs that were chosen to complete challenges in over thirteen different cities every day for three weeks. Blake started off on the show to compete for the million dollar prize, but that is not what ended up happening. Blake and his sister lost the million dollars; however, Blake found something worth more than anything money can buy. Giving back to those who are less fortunate. Blake never had time to stop and take in every little detail that was happening around him, so Blake and his sister decided to return to Argentina after the show. When competing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. El Mundo Essay El mundo produce lo suficiente para alimentar a toda la población mundial de 7 mil millones de personas. Sin embargo, uno de cada ocho personas en el planeta va a la cama con hambre cada noche. En algunos países, uno de cada tres niños está bajo de peso. ¿Por qué existe el hambre? Hay muchas razones por las cuales existe el hambre en el mundo y a menudo están interconectadas. Aquí hay 6 que creemos que son importantes. La trampa de la pobreza La gente que vive en situación de pobreza generalmente no puede costearse comida nutritiva para ellos ni sus familias. Esta situación los vuelve más débiles y menos capaces de ganar el dinero que los hubiese ayudado a escapar de la pobreza y el hambre. Esto no es solo un problema del día a día: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Clima y tiempo Los desastres naturales como inundaciones, tormentas tropicales y largos periodos de sequía están aumentando, lo cual trae consecuencias devastadoras para la gente de bajos recursos que vive en países en vías de desarrollo. Las sequías son la causa más común de escasez de alimentos en el mundo. En 2011, una sequía recurrente causó grandes pérdidas en el sector agropecuario en Etiopía, Somalia y Kenia. En 2012 hubo una situación similar en la región del Sahel en el África occidental. En muchos países, el cambio climático ya está causando condiciones adversas. Cada vez más tierras fértiles sufren de erosión, salinización y desertificación. La deforestación a manos de los humanos causa una erosión acelerada lo cual dificulta la cosecha de alimentos Wars and displacement Around the world, armed conflicts constantly interrupt the harvest and production of food. This type of conflict also forces millions of people to flee their homes, resulting in severe crises in the food security of people who, once they move, find themselves without the means to support themselves. The conflict in Syria is a perfect example. In war, sometimes food becomes weapons. The combatants force their adversaries to surrender through hunger, taking food and livestock and systematically destroying local markets. The fields, usually mined and contaminated water wells, force farmers to leave their land. The growing conflict in Somalia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo has ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Narrative Style of Truman Capote s In Cold Blood In Cold Blood Narrative Style Capote s structure in In Cold Blood is a subject that deserves discussion. The book is told from two alternating perspectives, that of the Clutter family who are the victims, and that of the two murderers, Dick Hickock and Perry Smith. The different perspectives allow the reader to relive both sides of the story; Capote presents them without bias. Capote masterfully utilizes the third person omniscient point of view to express the two perspectives. The non chronological sequencing of some events emphasizes key scenes. The victims, the murderers, the victims, the murderers,... this is the pattern throughout the first two of the three parts of In Cold Blood. During these first two parts of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This nonfiction work is for the most part unbiased. Capote s extensive research on this real life event is not marred by his own personal feelings about the crime committed. The fact that he tells both sides of the story adds to the objectivity. Capote doesn t render judgment for two reasons: it is important for the reader to draw conclusions about the philosophical sociological psychological circumstances of the mass murder, and Capote concluded that there should be no interference with the readers judgmental process (Reed 107). The narrator, up to the criminals day of execution, shows no bias whatsoever; the trial could have been an easy opportunity for the narrator to express his own opinions on how the criminals should be punished. Capote is adamant in giving the facts to the reader directly and letting the reader formulate his or her own opinion. For example, of the death sentence, Capote writes, In March 1965, after [Perry] Smith and [Dick] Hickock had been confined in their death row cells almost two thousand days, the Kansas Supreme Court decreed that their lives must end between midnight and 2:00 A.M., Wednesday, April 14, 1965 (336). The third person point of view also reaffirms Capote s neutrality. In addition, this viewpoint adds credibility to the piece of literature because there are few, if any, dissenting opinions of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Stem Cell Regulation Skin with its hair follicle is an excellent system to study molecular mechanism of stem cell regulation. Due to constant need of tissue regeneration, it has abundant number of stem cells. Hair follicle consist of a permanent portion sebaceous gland and below it is a bulge area, which houses Hair follicle epidermal stem cells(HFSCs). Bulge also provides niche for melanocyte stem cells interspersed between HFSCs. Behavior of the two stem cells is well coordinated. Differentiating melanocytes transfer pigment to terminally differentiated hair follicles (Nishimura et al., 2002; Tanimura et al., 2011; Rabbani et al., 2011).Hair follicle undergoes cyclical bouts of 3 phases anagen (phase of active growth), catagen (destruction phase) and telogen (rest phase) (Hardy, 1992). HFSCs give rise to daughter stem cells which are retained in the bulge area and others form, either epidermal progenitors which migrate upwards during tissue repair or it forms hair matrix progenitors which migrate below to form hair shaft (Niemann Watt 2002; Oshima et al., 2001; Taylor et al. 2000). In early 1990s, HFSCs were located in the bulge region by label retention studies (Cotsarelis et al., 1990; Morris and Potten, 1994). Later in 2001, presence of HFSCs in bulge area was confirmed by transplantation experiments. When lac z labeled bulge region from adult mice was transplanted into hairless mice, lac z labeled cells formed morphologically distinct hair follicle (Oshima et., 2001). Lineage tracing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Descartes God Existence The argument that Descartes posed about God existing just because we have the concept of perfection instilled in our minds. Earlier in his meditations Descartes states the argument I think there for I am, this statement it self proves the we exist and we are beings that think. Everything beyond your own existence is open to debate. The idea of perfectness is completely subjective, the ideas of perfection of a fundamentalist Christian are certainty different the ideals of an Atheist or even Muslim for that matter. I definitely know that the idea of perfection that I have is greatly different that other people. Even if the concept of perfection wasn t completely arbitrary, the massive leap of think just because we can comprehend perfection, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Thermal Conductivity Of Soil And Rock Classification Manual Thermal conductivity of soil is defined as the amount of heat passing in unit time through a unit cross sectional area of soil under a unit temperature gradient in the direction of heat flow. It is measured in watt per meter per kelvin (W/mk) or also in British thermal unit per foot hour per Fahrenheit (BTU/ft.hr.°F). Knowing thermal conductivity of ground is very important for many geotechnical works. During construction of foundation in permafrost ground, to design underground power line design, for stabilizing ground by freezing, and for utilizing geothermal energy by geothermal heat system we require knowledge of ground thermal conductivity. Thermal properties of ground are difficult to measure exactly. Here estimation of thermal conductivity (k) by different approach is summarized. There are various methods for measuring this parameter including empirical formulas, laboratory tests, and in situ tests. Empirical Formula and Soil Classification Soil and rock classification manual (Salomone et al. 1989) published by international ground source heat pump association categorizes soil/rock into different groups and typical values to each group are given. Also, many empirical formulas based on the soil properties (water content, saturation, porosity) are available for the estimation of k with the accuracy of ±25% in Farouki (1986). Lab Experiments: Guarded Hot Plate (GHP) Test: Guarded hot plate (GHP) test apparatus and test procedure (single and double sided) are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Importance Of Bias In Literature Few modern authors have had as profound an effect on their genre, society, political debate, or literature in general as Robert Heinlein. Science fiction author Ken Macleod suggests that the world was having a dialogue with Heinlein, unfortunately, one of the unintentional consequences of dialogue is misunderstanding, some of which is caused by reader bias (Macleod, James, Mendlesohn 231). Bias is dangerous to readers and they should, consequently, avoid it for at least three reasons; first, it causes a work or author to be regarded in many contradicting ways; second, it creates an atmosphere in which faulty arguments are made, and third, it results in significant elements of the story being ignored. Though, one should not construe this in such a way as to denote that this report is so much about the book itself as about the overall scope of it in relation to Heinlein, the bias levied for or against the book and him as well as their overall message, and the meaning of the work itself. It is vital that it be understood that in this context bias is any tendency to judge something either more or less favorably based on preexisting notions rather than on the data presented. It is equally important to understand that the human mind looks for patterns, the term for this phenomenon is pareidolia, in which people see hidden faces in clouds or even hear nonexistent messages in songs. It is because the mind seeks to recognize patterns, even where none exist. Similarly, people who ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. How Does Shakespeare Use Similes In Romeo And Juliet Often times, those who are short tempered can get themselves into a heap of trouble with their actions. This is just the case for Mercutio in William Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare s use of similes, hyperboles, and foreshadowing to prove to the reader that Mercutio is short tempered and will fight almost anyone for any reason. The use of similes in act 3 scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet shows that the character Mercutio has a short temper. In this scene Mercutio and Benvolio are out roaming the streets of Verona carrying out a conversation; Mercutio then proceeds to discuss fighting and when he would fight somebody. Mercutio tells his dear friend Benvolio thou art as hot a jack in thy mood this means that Mercutio is calling himself hot headed and ready to fight. The use of this simile in the story compares Mercutio to a hot jack or in other words calling himself hot headed. Another simile used that helps prove this point is thy head is as full of quarrels as an egg is full of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In act 3 scene 1 Mercutio says thou wilt quarrel with a man that hath a hair more or hast less in his beard than thou hast (3.1.18 19). The hyperbole means that Mercutio would fight with another man for having more or less hair than he has which is an exaggeration. This line that Shakespeare added proves that Mercutio has a short temper because he would fight someone for such a little difference. Another hyperbole used that proves Mercutio s anger is thou hast quarreled with a man for coughing in the street because he hath wakened thy dog (3.1.25 27). By saying this Mercutio means that he would fight someone if he coughed and woke up his dog; a normal, sane man would not fight because of something like this yet Mercutio says he would start a fight because of this. Through the use of hyperboles Shakespeare has shown that Mercutio is short ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Essay On Earth Fault Circuit Interrupter Happy Holidays Folks! It s a magical time of the year. Have fun as you shop, enjoy special holiday events, and spend time with your family. Many of you will be displaying Christmas lights and yard decorations. Here are some tips: .Weatherproofing chord connections Your source of power should come from a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlet. This device will shut the circuit down if there is an overloaded current. Use a waterproof extension cord cover. A waterproof extension cord cover unique protects extension and a power cord from accidental unplugs and outdoor weather. When you connect extension cords, snap this device around the connection to seal it tight. Simply plug cords together, set adjustable cord connector, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For a 20 amp circuit, the load limit is 2,400 watts. On a multiple outlet circuit, you find any appliance or equipment rated at more than half the circuit rating, 900 watts for a 15 amp circuit When using extension cords, make sure they are rated for outdoor use, and keep the connections above ground, snow and water. Plug all the lights in to make sure all bulbs are working. Tape cords across walkways, and use the correct length needed to travel to your lights. You don t want your cords to be too long so they pile up and create walking hazards. A circuit is overloaded if the total load exceeds 1,800 watts for a 15 amp circuit. (120 volts x 15 amps = 1,800 watts.) Make sure to turn your lights off when you leave or go to bed at night. Use a good ladder when installing your lights. Secure them with insulated holders (never use tacks or nails). . Things to Remember Never use indoor Christmas lights outdoors. Don t place lights on trees that touch power lines. Too many things plugged into a circuit can cause an overload Look for the amp rating of the circuit in tiny numbers on the circuit breaker switch or fuse. For a 20 amp circuit, the load limit is 2,400 watts. On a multiple outlet circuit, you find any appliance or equipment rated at more than half the circuit rating, 900 watts for a 15 amp circuit When using extension cords, make sure they are rated for outdoor use, and keep the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Do You Speak American Summary Do You Speak American Discussion The PBS presentation of Do You Speak American , hosted by Robert MacNeil, seeks to explore the rich diversity of the blending of cultures in the United States (US) through a study of dialects. Even with their multi segment series, the producers were only able to briefly discuss a small portion of the vast experience which is our country. As a family history researcher, I found that the brief discussion of Pidgen, Gullah, and Geechee most interesting. Gullah, Geechee, and Pidgen are considered languages evolved from the African Americans slaves brought to this country. While searching for more information about these dialects, I discovered that the term Pidgin is not a good description for any dialect (Thompson, Pidgin Languages ). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Irene Thompson on her webpage referred to Pidgin as the on the Spot languages ( Pidgin Languages ). She further explained that when no common language existed between the two groups a means of communication developed from a primary language blended with one or more local languages. Since the Spanish, French, English, Dutch, and Portuguese were major colonial powers, their languages were generally the source for many of the Pidgin languages. A quick check on the internet indicates that there are Pidgins not only developed from English and African languages, but also between English and Native American, Eskimo Icelandic, Yokohama (Japanese), and Taimyr (Russian). Spanglish is a blend of English and Spanish, just as Chadian Arabic is a mixture of French makes up Chadian Arabic. Because these are rudimentary means to communicate, Pidgins have a low prestige with linguists. Pidgin is also sometimes referred to as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Explain Why Mittesh Why Does Our Culture Believe In Many Gods Mitesh: Why does our culture believe in many gods? Mansukhbhai: We only believe in one god that created the universe which is the supreme god. Then he created many other god, highly advanced spirituals beings, to be his helpers. Mitesh: What god do you believe in the most? Mansukhbhai: I believe in the god name Ganesha, who is the son of Shiva and Parvati. He is most detities in the Hindu pantheon. He listens to every prayer of the peoples and helps every individual out with any problems in their life. He is known as the god of education, wealth, knowledge, and the destroyer of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. What Is Interglobe Airlines Case Study Interglobe Aviation Ltd, which runs India s largest airline IndiGo, is reportedly looking to raise Rs.1,272.20 Crore through its initial public offering. The company has fixed the price band for its initial share sale at Rs 700 765 and it will run on October 27 29. A glimpse of IndiGo: InterGlobe Aviation is the holding company of IndiGo airlines. IndiGo is largest passenger airline of India. The Gurgaon based entity is also the largest domestic carrier by market share, they handles 33.8% of the total domestic passenger volume in India. Their strategy is keeps profit margins small and making fares cheap for the passengers. This model is called as LCC (Low Cost Carrier) model. IndiGo started with only one airplane and now they have 97 planes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Thomas Edison And The Invention Of Thomas Edison This is Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison is a famous inventor who invented lots of things that we use today. He was born a very long time ago in the United States of America. Thomas was a very naughty child. He used to always get into trouble for misbehaving such as the time when he set his father s barn on fire. He was only six years old when this incident took place. Thomas only started school at the age of seven. He was unable to go to school at an early age because he was quite sick and his mom had to take care of him at home. At school Thomas could not concentrate and used to constantly disturb the children and the teacher. He became quite disruptive in class and did not learn anything. His teacher then nicknamed him Addled . Addled means someone who is unable to think clearly. Thomas did not have a very good teacher at school. His teacher was not willing to answer his questions and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The light bulb had already been invented before but Thomas Edison improved and perfected the light bulb. The new light bulb that Thomas invented lasted for longer periods of time .Thomas thereafter went on to invent an electrical power system, so that people would have electricity and could use the light bulbs at home. It was Thomas Edison who was also responsible for the invention of Motion pictures . Thomas created equipment that would record and playback images so that they could be watched later on. It is because of Thomas Edison that we are now able to watch movies. Before Thomas Edison died he said The trouble with other inventors is that they try a few things then they quit. I never quit until I get what I want We should learn from this quote that no matter how hard things may seem, we must not give up, we must try and keep trying until we succeed. Thomas Edison never gave up and because of that he created so many different ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Examples Of Cobweb Theorem The cobweb theorem is an economic theory that was first proposed by three men, Umberto Ricci from Italy, Henry Schultz from America and Jan Tinbergen from Holland. (Mordecai Ezekiel 2016 Pg. 261) The theory proposed later took up the name, The Cob web Theorem, which explains through three main models, how the, basic idea of carrying successive price, production and production readjustments back and forth between the supply and demand curves, (Mordecai Ezekiel 2016 Pg. 256). The three main models that this theory proposed are known as the: continuous, convergent and divergent fluctuation models. Each of these models represent, through the use of market price, normal price, demand curves, supply curves and equilibrium, how the static equilibrium of two ceterus paribus variables, price being on the vertical axis and production (quantity) being on the horizontal axis, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2(Feb, 1934), pp. 122 136, DOI: https://vula.uct.ac.za/access/content/group/438ebfbd 9ac4 4140 90b5 4d9a3bb6e1e4/Essay%20Resources/Readings/Kaldor%2C%20N%20 %20A%20Classificatory%20Note%20on%20the%20Determination%20of%20Equlibrium.pdf Rebecca Elizabeth Mondics, August 2013, Where are the beef cattle? An economic analysis of the changes in the cattle cycle, Approved for the department of agricultural economics and for the graduate school, Published Montana State University Bozeman Montana, DOI: http://scholarworks.montana.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/1/2915/MondicsR1213.pdf?sequence=1 Dikgang Stephen Gosalamang, November 2010, Economic analysis of supply response among beef farmers in Botswana, Supervisor: Prof. A. Belete, Co Supervisor Mr. j. j. Hlongwane, Published: The university of Limpopo, South Africa, DOI: ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Mormon Camp The Camp Situation In the state of Utah, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the main church. They are known as Mormons to everyone. Being just a straight Christian, it was hard to grow up here. Parents wouldn t allow me to be friends with their children because I wasn t Mormon. This is the reason I had very few friends growing up. One of them was Mormon but her parents were the nicest people I could have ever met. They didn t care about my religious affiliation. My parents have always taught me to be very open with other people and their religions. When I was 14, my best friend, Sammy, invited my other friend, McKelle, and I to Mormon Girl s Camp with her for an entire week. Both McKelle and I were super excited to go. It ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Everyone sat down around the fire and we had a meeting. Here, girls would have the choice to state their testimony (spoken statement about how they think the Church is true). McKelle and I both knew that we wouldn t have to give our testimony if we didn t want to. All the girls around McKelle and I were bearing their testimonies. The Bishop looked at McKelle and I and asked, Which one of you is going next? McKelle and I just looked at each other and didn t say anything. This is when we both started to get really nervous. The Bishop raised his voice, McKelle, why don t you bear yours right now. No, I don t feel very comfortable with saying that, McKelle ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Symbols In The Scarlet Letter Scarlet Letter Symbolic Theme Essay The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne was written amidst the 1800 s. Hawthorne was a famous American author during that time frame. He is a relative to a judge from the Salem Witch Trials, which was his Great Great Grandfather John Hathorne. Hathorne was the only judge who did not express atonement for his crimes, which led people to dislike all the Hathorne s. This sparked Nathaniel Hawthorne s interest in the Puritan times, which resulted in the Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne delineates Puritan standards religiously and culturally in an outstanding way. He was also an Anti Transcendentalist which means that he believed that all humans were evil. In his novel, the Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses the symbols of the scarlet letter, Reverend Dimmesdale, and burrs to add onto the overall theme of guilt. First off, Hawthorne uses the symbol of the scarlet letter to contribute to the theme of Guilt. The scarlet letter is forced upon the bosom of Hester, who is the protagonist of this novel. Hester had a child after her husband was known to be missing. She was accused of Adultery, and the scarlet colored letter was put on her as a token of shame to cast a shadow on her eternally. Hawthorne explains, In a moment however, wisely judging that one token of her shame would poorly serve to hide another (Hawthorne 50). This quote shows that the scarlet letter is a profound symbol of guilt, it could not have been hidden with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Rising Voices Summary Rising voices, this is one of the best documentaries that i ve ever watched. The Rising Voices documentary was talking about a few major events that has happened. They first talk about how the language isn t getting told to the younger children in most areas. There are many people who talk about the information of knowing that many Lakotas don t know how to speak there language. That is why they started to have the immersion schools. It is a very good thing that they are having the schools, so that the language does not die off. They want it to keep going on for generations and generations. The entire documentary just shows that the people of South and North Dakota need to keep trying to learn their language so that it doesn t die. That the white men can get their way. In the documentary I liked many different components. I liked how they used elders to talk about the language, then the adults, than teens and lastly how they have the little kids talking in their Native language. When the elders are talking in their language, it makes not only me feel connected to the language but I think everyone in our class felt the same way. When the adults are talking about not having known their language it makes me feel that even though I don t know my language right now, but one day I will know my language. I will teach my kids the language that died in my family. Then I look at the teens who I just was not very long ago. I know exactly what they were feeling or how they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Eassy in Gujarati Master of Arts Part II Paper V System amp; Theories in Psychology Objective : To acquaint the students with systems and theories in psychology. The Scheme of the Question Paper : 1. The paper will consist of five units. 2. There will be two chapter in each unit. 3. Every chapter in the unit should be given equal weightage in the examination. 4. Question paper should be drawn with the Internal Option in such a way that students should not omit any chapter. Marking Scheme : * Total Marks : 100 * Each unit carry equal marks in the question paper * Each chapter in the should have equal weightage of 10 marks. Unit 1 Chapter : 1 Structuralism amp; Functionalism : ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Unit 1 Chapter : 1 Looking at Abnormality * Definition of Abnormal Psychology * Defining Abnormality Cultural Relativism Unusualness Discomfort Mental illness criterion Maladaptiveness * Historical Perspective on Abnormality * Research Methods in Abnormal Psychology * Classification of Abnormal Behavior Chapter : 2 Contemporary Theories of Abnormality * Biological Approaches * Psychological Approaches * Sociocultural Approaches Unit 2 Chapter : 3 Anxiety Disorders * Panic Disorder * Phobic Disorder * Generalized Anxiety Disorder * PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder * OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Chapter : 4 Dissociative amp; Somatoform Disorders * Dissociative Disorders Dissociative Identity Disorder Dissociative Fugue Dissociative Amnesia Depersonalization Disoders Casual Factors in Dissociative Disorders Treatment for Dissociative Disorders * Somatoform Disorders Distiguishing Somatoform Disorders from Related Disorders Conversion Disorder Somatization Disorder and Pain Disorder Hypochondriasis * Body Dysmorphic Disorder * Casual factors in Somatoform Disorders *
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  • 31. Equality Of Women In The Military Essay Ninety percent of all military occupations in the military include all genders, but the top ten percent of roles are excluded to women. Women have already felt the misogyny with unequal pay and unfair treatment by men, now women have to face the discrimination for fighting for our country. Women should be able to serve in the front lines because it makes the military stronger as a whole with more diversity, women in other countries fight on the front lines and women have made significant contributions in the military so far. Women being included in the military make for a stronger and better knit unit because of the vast diversity and opportunities that are now opened up. Widening the applicant pool calls for more talent and people with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In striving to be as physically fit as male colleagues, many women hurt themselves and thus limiting their military roles all together. But it s flatly rooted in the fact women biologically are not able to perform physically to the same level as men. (Davis) The standards of physical fitness have been best suit to men, and women attempting to reach them [men s physical fitness] will over stretch themselves. (IDEA) These two sources both convey that women do not have the physical standards as men and in trying to reach the biologically impossible standards, women often out do themselves. Although women might not be as strong physically, they do offer strong mental capabilities and are more effective in some circumstances. One source claims: If women can meet the standards as men. They should be allowed to serve in the infantry. (Michaels, Brook and Welch) Meaning that if women can withstand the biological factors, then they should be capable of serving in the front lines. Another source states: There is no issue with a women s intellectual quality or value as a human being. (Davis) This author is claiming that there is no reason why women should not be able to serve in the military and that women, as a whole unit, should be valued as human beings that have the opportunity to serve in combat roles if they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Big Bang Theory And The Revolution Of A New Generation The Big Bang Theory What exactly is the Big Bang Theory? I know before starting this essay I knew very little of what it consisted. I figured that the Big Bang Theory had something to with the era of a new generation. One in which started after the extinction of dinosaurs to be quite honest. As I learn more about astronomy, this topic struck an interest and technically the big bang theory isn t something that occurred but rather something that happened. It started the beginning of what we now call the universe. When we ask astronomers what the big bang theory entails, it is simplified as the explanation on how the universe started or began. The universe was not what it currently is today and in order to understand our universe we have to obviously start from somewhere so why no start to the beginning? According to astronomers there is little known about how the universe was started but as far as we know it started with a gravitational singularity. Singularities are believed to exist at the center of black holes. The singularities then inflated over the next 13.8 billion years to what we see in the sky today. It s hard to look back in time and see how the universe came about, but astronomers can somewhat summarize the birth through mathematical theory and models of how the Big bang theory came about. Although Astronomers weren t able to see how the universe came about, they are able to see an expansion through a phenomenon known as the cosmic microwave background which is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Day Of The World War I On November 11, 1918 the war to end all wars came to an end with a ceasefire between the allied nations and Germany. One year later, the anniversary of this official end to World War I was marked to be an honorary day, Armistice Day, for all military personnel who had died defending the United States of America. Armistice Day was the first national recognition and important step towards the care and honor of those who had served protecting the country. Years later in 1938, Congress passed the 11th of November as a legal holiday; in 1954, the holiday was renamed Veterans Day to include an honoring to all military personnel and committees ( Office of Public Affairs ). Veterans Day was a highly respected and celebrated day; there were ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They are the ones who risked their lives, their careers, and their families so that others could experience what it truly means to be an American. Military men used to be the talk of the town, everyone wanted to know them and claim them in their lives, but nowadays people want to discard the disgruntled figures that come back from the hardships of war. The men and affects of war on them did not change, people s tolerance for them did. No one wants to deal the mentally unstable or disabled used to be war heroes. They want the bright and shining young men who stood for their country, but these two types of men are the same. The old and forgotten used to be the bright and shining, and they should be treated as such. They deserve the valor and honor that surrounded them when they shipped off to still be there when they finally come home. Caring for the Veteran s when they come home begins with the military itself; these are there men coming home and it needs to stay as such. I believe in a motto of once a soldier, always a soldier, and that the military is something that should always be there for its members. When injured or outdated servicemen come home from their final assignment, they receive honorable discharge. There should be no discharge however; there should only be retirement from the field. Let these men always have a place in the army, marines, coast guard, any field; there are plenty of office or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Evaluation Of Research Methods And Data Collection A... In the textbook s evaluation of research methods and data collection a useful acronym referenced for remembering and evaluating research was LOTS of data (Cervone Pervin, 2013). The L stands for life record data that is obtained by looking at a person s life history. A person s life history can be accessed and assessed by looking up police, court, or public records. The O stands for observational data which is information given by knowledgeable observers of the person in question. This data is obtained usually via questionnaires or other rating forms. The T stands for test data in which the information is collected from experiments where researchers measure performance. This data is usually performed in a lab where the environment can be controlled in order to test and measure a specific item. The last letter of the acronym, the letter S, stands for self report data in which participants report about themselves usually via questionnaires. Additionally to the LOTS of data acronym, sources of data can also differ in their respective measures. Two categories of measures cited in the textbook are nomothetic measures and ideographic measures (Cervone Pervin, 2013). Nomothetic measures are fixed procedures that use the same test items for every participant and calculate the scores for all participants in exactly the same way. An example of nomothetic measures would be true or false questions, and yes or no questions. This method is most commonly used in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...