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When doing my questionnaire for
my target audience about what
colours they would like to see, to
achieve a conventional front cover,
most of the answers that I got was
The red colour scheme all
throughout my front colour is
appeling to my target audience
because the colour is conventional
for my target audience because of
its connotations. Also when I did my
audience feedback and asked what
they thought was the conventional
area on my front cover they picked
up on the colour as they thought it
was the most conventional
Having a poster pull out ‘special’ is
appealing to my target audience because
when I did my questionnaire I found out
what they would like to see in the magazine
and one of the main ones that kept coming
up was posters. Also when I did my
audience feedback and I asked what they
liked about my front cover most of the
answered had mentioned the posters.
At the bottom of my magazine I used a range of different
band names that would appeal to the target audience, and
I found out some of the ones that they would make them
read the most by asking them on one of my surveys. The
answers I got were mostly all the same as the were popular
rock bands, so to appeal to my target audience I put most
of the ones the said onto my front cover.
When I did both my questionnaire and
my interviews from people of my
target audience I asked them what
they would like to see/or attract them
to the magazine and to make sure that
it would appeal to my target audience
I added what the said, for example
dark colours and one main image on
the front.


Having a concert and
CD review on the
content page is
appeling to my target
audience because it
relates to their
psychographics, I know
that these are two pf
their favourite things to
do in their spare time
because of my
questionnaire I did, so
adding something into
my magazine that my
target audience will like
will make them want to
read the magazine. Also
having a picture of a
festival that I had been
to is appealing to the
target audience
because it again relates
to their psychographics,
and I know this from my
audience research.
The masthead form the front cover
being on the content page appeals to
the target audience because it is
creating a brand identity for my
When doing my questionnaire for
my target audience about what
colours they would like to see, to
achieve a conventional front cover,
most of the answers that I got was
The red colour scheme all
throughout my front colour is
appeling to my target audience
because the colour is conventional
for my target audience because of
its connotations. Also when I did my
audience feedback and asked what
they thought was the conventional
area on my front cover they picked
up on the colour as they thought it
was the most conventional
In my questionnaire I added a question to do with my content page about
what content they would like to see in the magazine. Some of the answers
that I got were; Interviews, concert reviews, concert reviews and genral new
information about bands.
To make sure I appealed to my target audience I made sure that there was a
variety of different titles of information about new and old bands that people
will want to read about.


The use of having musical
instruments in the picture
appeals to the target
audience because it shows
what instruments each band
member’s play.
Sans serif font, this
will relate to my
target audience
because it connotes
masculinity and it
relates to my niche
When doing my questionnaire for my target audience about what colours they would like to see, to achieve a conventional front
cover, most of the answers that I got was red.
The red colour scheme all throughout my front colour is appeling to my target audience because the colour is conventional for
my target audience because of its connotations.
Also when getting feedback on my double page spread my target audience said that they preferred the one image on one side of
the page rather than a whole picture across the whole page.
Also when doing my interviews on my target audience I found that the main thing that caught my audiences eyes, was the sans
serif fonts and this is because it connotes masculinity and this is conventional for my genre of music magazine so I made sure all
of my fonts were sans serif so that it would appeal to my target audience perfectly.
When I did both my questionnaire and my interviews from people of my target
audience I asked them what they would like to see/or attract them to the magazine
and to make sure that it would appeal to my target audience I added what the said,
for example on one of the answers someone said that they would like to read about
how far a band has come from the bottom and how far they have come from their tiny
home town, so this is what I did in my article so that people from my target audience
would like to read about it.
Some examples of the questions that
helped me decide how to make my
production pieces conventional.

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Question 5

  • 1. When doing my questionnaire for my target audience about what colours they would like to see, to achieve a conventional front cover, most of the answers that I got was red. The red colour scheme all throughout my front colour is appeling to my target audience because the colour is conventional for my target audience because of its connotations. Also when I did my audience feedback and asked what they thought was the conventional area on my front cover they picked up on the colour as they thought it was the most conventional Having a poster pull out ‘special’ is appealing to my target audience because when I did my questionnaire I found out what they would like to see in the magazine and one of the main ones that kept coming up was posters. Also when I did my audience feedback and I asked what they liked about my front cover most of the answered had mentioned the posters. At the bottom of my magazine I used a range of different band names that would appeal to the target audience, and I found out some of the ones that they would make them read the most by asking them on one of my surveys. The answers I got were mostly all the same as the were popular rock bands, so to appeal to my target audience I put most of the ones the said onto my front cover. When I did both my questionnaire and my interviews from people of my target audience I asked them what they would like to see/or attract them to the magazine and to make sure that it would appeal to my target audience I added what the said, for example dark colours and one main image on the front.
  • 2. Having a concert and CD review on the content page is appeling to my target audience because it relates to their psychographics, I know that these are two pf their favourite things to do in their spare time because of my questionnaire I did, so adding something into my magazine that my target audience will like will make them want to read the magazine. Also having a picture of a festival that I had been to is appealing to the target audience because it again relates to their psychographics, and I know this from my audience research. The masthead form the front cover being on the content page appeals to the target audience because it is creating a brand identity for my magazine. When doing my questionnaire for my target audience about what colours they would like to see, to achieve a conventional front cover, most of the answers that I got was red. The red colour scheme all throughout my front colour is appeling to my target audience because the colour is conventional for my target audience because of its connotations. Also when I did my audience feedback and asked what they thought was the conventional area on my front cover they picked up on the colour as they thought it was the most conventional In my questionnaire I added a question to do with my content page about what content they would like to see in the magazine. Some of the answers that I got were; Interviews, concert reviews, concert reviews and genral new information about bands. To make sure I appealed to my target audience I made sure that there was a variety of different titles of information about new and old bands that people will want to read about.
  • 3. The use of having musical instruments in the picture appeals to the target audience because it shows what instruments each band member’s play. Sans serif font, this will relate to my target audience because it connotes masculinity and it relates to my niche audience. When doing my questionnaire for my target audience about what colours they would like to see, to achieve a conventional front cover, most of the answers that I got was red. The red colour scheme all throughout my front colour is appeling to my target audience because the colour is conventional for my target audience because of its connotations. Also when getting feedback on my double page spread my target audience said that they preferred the one image on one side of the page rather than a whole picture across the whole page. Also when doing my interviews on my target audience I found that the main thing that caught my audiences eyes, was the sans serif fonts and this is because it connotes masculinity and this is conventional for my genre of music magazine so I made sure all of my fonts were sans serif so that it would appeal to my target audience perfectly. When I did both my questionnaire and my interviews from people of my target audience I asked them what they would like to see/or attract them to the magazine and to make sure that it would appeal to my target audience I added what the said, for example on one of the answers someone said that they would like to read about how far a band has come from the bottom and how far they have come from their tiny home town, so this is what I did in my article so that people from my target audience would like to read about it. Some examples of the questions that helped me decide how to make my production pieces conventional.