The document discusses a questionnaire the author created to learn about their target audience's preferences for a horror film trailer. They asked about favorite horror subgenres, most scary villain type, and most effective setting. The questionnaire was posted on social media where their target audience is found. Results showed psychological/thriller and slasher subgenres as most popular, with a mysterious dark villain and large Victorian house as the preferred setting. This information allows the author to make choices that will appeal to their target audience.
2. I created a questionnaire on, where I
could design my own questions
and send the link out on social
networking sites. I decided to ask
my target audience about their
favourite horror sub genre so I
would know what is the most
popular within my target
audience. I also asked about
which type of villain is the most
scary, meaning I could find out
how we could create our villain
for it to be successful. Additionally
I asked which setting would be
most effective, in order to chose
where to film our trailer out of
the ideas we already had. The
survey is important to to because
I can find out from the target
audience what they would like the
best, therefore allowing me to
make choices to make it a success
for the audience.
3. I posted the survey on my social networking sites in order to get
results. This is an ideal way of getting the results because my target
audience is my own age group and people who are interested in film
and horror film, and people I am linked with on my social networks
are the people more likely to fit the criteria of my target audience,
therefore giving me a result that will depict what I should make for
the audience.
4. The results of the survey showed that the
audience's favourite horror sub genre was
physiological or thriller horrors which the majority
liked, however the second most popular was
Slasher, without much different between them.
This gives us a choice of these genres to pick from,
as well as the option of a hybrid genre of
psychological slasher, which may become the
audiences favourite genre.
The second question showed that the audience
thought that the most scary type of villain would
be a mysterious and dark villain, which is similar to
a lot of other horror films which allows us to
follow some other horror film's conventions to
create an effective character.
The third question's results showed the audience
though the large Victorian house would be the
most effective setting for a horror trailer out of
the options I made. I chose settings that would be
achievable to film in without extensive travel and
where it would be easy to get permission to film.
The Victorian house would be effective because
most horror films that are set in a house use a
large one, and this is the most effective setting for
our audience.