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Los Angeles R Users’ Group

                                    Taking R to the Limit, Part II:
                                    Working with Large Datasets

                                                  Ryan R. Rosario

                                                  August 17, 2010

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                        Los Angeles R Users’ Group
The Brutal Truth
       We are here because we love R. Despite our enthusiasm, R has two
       major limitations, and some people may have a longer list.
           1   Regardless of the number of cores on your CPU, R will only
               use 1 on a default build. (Part I)
           2   R reads data into memory by default. Other packages (SAS
               particularly) and programming languages can read data from
               files on demand.
                       Easy to exhaust RAM by storing unnecessary data.
                       The OS and system architecture can only access 10242 = 4GB
                       of memory on a 32 bit system, but typically R will throw an
                       exception at 2GB.
                       Not wise to use more memory than available. System will start
                       swapping which leads to thrashing and slows your system to a

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                        Los Angeles R Users’ Group
The Brutal Truth

       There are a couple of solutions:
           1     Buy more RAM.
           2     Use a database.
           3     Build from source and use special build options for 64 bit.
                 Still not a solution!
                     1   R, even R64, does not have a int641 data type. Not possible
                         to index data frames or matrices with huge number of rows or
           4     Sample, resample, or use some Monte Carlo method.
           5     Let clever developers solve these problems for you!
       We will discuss number 5 above.
Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                            Los Angeles R Users’ Group
The Agenda

       This talk will survey several HPC packages in R with some
       demonstrations. We will focus on four areas of HPC:
           1   Explicit Parallelism: the user controls the parallelization.
               (Part I)
           2   Implicit Parallelism: the system abstracts it away. (Part I)
           3   Large Memory: working with large amounts of data
               without choking R.
           4   Map/Reduce: basically an abstraction for parallelism that
               divides data rather than architecture.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                   Los Angeles R Users’ Group

           1   There is a ton of material here. I provide a lot of slides for
               your reference.
           2   We may not be able to go over all of them in the time allowed
               so some slides will go by quickly.
           3   Demonstrations will be time permitting.
           4   All experiments were run on a Ubuntu 10.04 system with an
               Intel Core 2 6600 CPU (2.4GHz) with 2GB RAM. I am
               planning a sizable upgrade this summer.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                    Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Big Data

       “Big Data” is a catch phrase for any dataset or data application that does not
       fit into available RAM on one system.

       R has several a few packages for big data support. We will talk about the
           1   bigmemory
           2   ff
       We will also discuss some uses of parallelism to accomplish the same goal using
       Hadoop and MapReduce:
           1   HadoopStreaming
           2   Rhipe

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                         Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Some Basic Terminology

       I will use the word RAM to refer to physical memory, for
       simplicity; chips that are installed on the system motherboard.

       Virtual memory, or swap is disk space that is used to store
       objects that do not fit into RAM and are less frequently accessed.
       This is SLOW.

       A cluster is a group of systems that communicate with each other
       to accomplish a computation.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets               Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                               ff

Large Datasets

       R reads data into RAM all at once, if using the usual read.table
       function. Objects in R live in memory entirely. Keeping
       unnecessary data in RAM will cause R to choke eventually.
           1   on most systems it is not possible to use more than 2GB of
           2   the range of indexes that can be used is limited due to lack of
               a 64 bit integer data type in R and R64.
           3   on 32 bit systems, the maximum amount of virtual memory
               space is limited to between 2 and 4GB.
           4   relying on virtual memory will cause the system to grind to a
               halt – “thrashing.”

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                   Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                               ff

Large Datasets

       There are two major solutions in R:
           1   bigmemory: “It is ideal for problems involving the analysis in
               R of manageable subsets of the data, or when an analysis is
               conducted mostly in C++.” It’s part of the “big” family,
               some of which we will discuss.
           2   ff: file-based access to datasets that cannot fit in memory.
           3   can also use databases which provide fast read/write access
               for piecemeal analysis.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                   Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                           ff

The “big” Family

       The big family consists of several packages for performing tasks
       on large datasets.
           1   bigmemory is our focus.
           2   biganalytics provides analysis routines on big.matrix
               such as GLM and bigkmeans.
           3   synchronicity adds Boost mutex functionality to R.
           4   bigtabulate adds table and split-like support for R
               matrices and big.matrix memory efficiently.
           5   bigalgebra provides BLAS and LAPACK linear algebra
               routines for native R matrices and big.matrix.
           6   bigvideo provides video camera streaming via OpenCV.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets               Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                              ff


       bigmemory implements several matrix objects.
           1   big.matrix is an R object that simply points to a data
               structure in C++. Local to a single R process and is limited
               by available RAM.
           2   shared.big.matrix is similar, but can be shared among
               multiple R processes (think parallelism on data!)
           3   filebacked.big.matrix does not point to a data structure;
               rather, it points to a file on disk containing the matrix, and
               the file can be shared across a cluster!
       Pitfall! Remember that matrices contain only one type of data.
       Additionally, the data types for elements are dictated by C++ not
       R: double, integer, short, char.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                  Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                                     bigmemory                                                ff

bigmemory and Shared Memory
       Shared Memory allows us to store data in RAM and share it among multiple
       processes. Suppose we want to store some data in shared memory so it can be
       read by multiple instances of R. This allows the user the ability to use
       multiple instances of R for performing different analytics simultaneously.

                                           R Web User 1


                                                             My Dataset
                                                          (Shared Memory)

                                   R Web User 2                             Web Administrator
                                                                             Doing Analysis


Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                                                 Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                           ff

Demonstration: The Logic

       First, construct a big.matrix object. Let us suppose we want to
       create a large matrix of 0s and 1s.

       We can construct a matrix of type int (4 bytes), short (2 bytes),
       double (8 bytes), or char (1 byte). Since all we need is 0 and 1,
       we use char. We also zero out the matrix.

       > A <- big.matrix(m, n, type="char", init=0, shared=TRUE)
       > A
       An object of class big.matrix
       Slot "address":
       <pointer: 0x2d93490>

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets               Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                           ff

Demonstration: The Logic

       We have now created a pointer to a C++ matrix that is on disk.
       But, to share this matrix we need to share this descriptor.

       Then, we can open a second R session, load the location of the
       matrix from disk, and bind the matrix to an R variable!

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets               Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                                      ff

Demonstration: The Code
       Session 1
       1     library ( bigmemory )
       2     library ( biganalytics )
       3     options ( bigmemory . typecast . warning = FALSE )
       5     A <- big . matrix (5000 , 5000 , type = " char " , init =0)
       6     # Fill the matrix by r a n d o m l y picking 20% of the p o s i t i o n s
                     for a 1.
       7     x <- sample (1:5000 , size =5000 , replace = TRUE )
       8     y <- sample (1:5000 , size =5000 , replace = TRUE )
       9     for ( i in 1:5000) {
      10           A [ x [ i ] , y [ i ]] <- 1
      11     }
      12     # Get the l o c a t i o n in RAM of the pointer to A .
      13     desc <- describe ( A )
      14     # Write it to disk .
      15     dput ( desc , file = " / tmp / A . desc " )
      16     sums <- colsum (A , 1:20)

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                          Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                           ff

       Session 2
        1    library ( bigmemory )
        2    library ( biganalytics )
        4    # Read the pointer from disk .
        5    desc <- dget ( " / tmp / A . desc " )
        6    # Attach to the pointer in RAM .
        7    A <- attach . big . matrix ( desc )
        8    # Check our results .
        9    sums <- colsum (A , 1:20)

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets               Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                           ff

Demonstration 1

       Demonstration here.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets               Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                            bigmemory                            ff

bigmemory: Importance of Data Type

       Suppose we are not careful in the C++ data type we use for the
       big.matrix. Using char, the matrix requires about 24MB of

                                              Data Type     RAM
                                              char         24 MB
                                              int          96 MB
                                              double      192 MB
                                              short        48 MB

       Of course, this assumes that you use dense matrices and there is
       no CPU optimization.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                    Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                           ff

bigmemory: Other Operations
       big.matrix requires its own optimized versions of the R matrix
       functions provided in biganalytics:

       colmean(x, cols, na.rm)
       colmin(x, cols, na.rm)
       colmax(x, cols, na.rm)
       colvar(x, cols, na.rm)
       colsd(x, cols, na.rm)
       colsum(x, cols, na.rm)
       colprod(x, cols, na.rm)
       colna(x, cols)

       where x is a big.matrix, cols is a vector of column indices,
       na.rm is TRUE if R should remove missing values first.
Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets               Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                           ff

The big Example: The Data

       Let’s do something useful with some big data. Consider airline
       on-time performance from 1987 to 2008. This is the format of the
               11GB comma-separated values file.
               120 million rows, 29 columns
               Factors coded as integers.
       We will estimate the age of an aircraft at each departure.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets               Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                            ff

Step 1: Read in the Data

        1     library ( bigmemory )
        2     library ( biganalytics )
        3     x <- read . big . matrix ( " airline . csv " , type = "
                 integer " , header = TRUE ,
        4          backingfile = " airline . bin " ,
        5          descriptorfile = " airline . desc " ,
        6          extraCols = " Age " )
       Initially takes about 28 minutes to run, the first time only.
       Subsequent accesses are very fast.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                             ff

Step 1: Read in the Data

       read.big.matrix inherits from read.table so your favorite
       parameters are available for use.
       It also adds a few more:
           1   type, the C++ type to use for the matrix.
           2   separated, separate the columns into individual files if TRUE.
           3   extracols explicitly adds columns to the matrix that you
               may use later.
           4   backingfile, backingpath and descriptorfile control
               where important data about the matrix is stored on disk.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                 Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                                      ff

Step 2a: Some Initial Tasks

       Next, estimate the birthmonth of the plane using the first
       departure of that plane.
       8     birthmonth <- function ( y ) {
       9          minYear <- min ( y [ , ’ Year ’] , na . rm = TRUE )
      10          these <- which ( y [ , ’ Year ’ ]== minYear )
      11          minMonth <- min ( y [ these , ’ Month ’] , na . rm = TRUE )
      12          return (12 * minYear + minMonth - 1)
      13     }

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                          Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                                       ff

Step 2b v1: Calculate Each Plane’s Birthmonth the Dumb

       We could use a loop or possible an apply variant...
      14     aircrafts <- unique ( x [ , ’ TailNum ’ ])
      15     acStart <- rep (0 , length ( aircrafts ) )
      16     for ( i in aircrafts ) {
      17       acStart [ i ] <- birthmonth ( x [ mwhich (x , ’ TailNum ’ , i , ’ eq ’) ,
      18                          c ( ’ Year ’ , ’ Month ’) , drop = FALSE ])
      19     }

       ...this takes about 9 hours...

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                           Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                            ff

Step 2b v2: Calculate Each Plane’s Birthmonth the big

       First separate/divide the data by tail number (aircraft ID).
       14    library ( bigtabulate )
       15    acindices <- bigsplit (x , ’ TailNum ’)

       Each entry i of acindices contains a vector of indices
       corresponding to TailFin i.

       bigsplit runs about twice as fast as split (6s) and requires
       about 2/3 peak RAM.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                            ff

Step 2c v1: Compute an Estimate of Birthmonth using

       Now that we have used bigsplit to quickly split up the
       big.matrix, we can use the native sapply:
       16     acStart <- sapply ( acindices , function ( i )
                 birthmonth ( x [i , c ( ’ Year ’ , ’ Month ’) , drop =
                 FALSE ]) )
       which took a mere 8 seconds!

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                            ff

Step 2c v2: Compute an Estimate of Birthmonth using

       We can also use this opportunity to revisit foreach:
       16     library ( doMC )
       17     registerDoMC ( cores =2)
       18     acStart <- foreach ( i = acindices , . combine = c )
                    % dopar % {
       19        return ( birthmonth ( x [i , c ( ’ Year ’ , ’ Month ’) ,
                    drop = FALSE ]) )
       20     }
       Both cores share access to the same instance of the data smoothly.
       Year and Month are cached in RAM. This example took 0.663s.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                                          ff

Step 3: Finally, Compute an Estimate of Age

      21     x [ , ’ Age ’] <- x [ , ’ Year ’] * as . integer (12) + x [ , ’ Month ’] -
                    as . integer ( acStart [ x [ , ’ TailNum ’ ]])

       Here, arithmetic is conducted using R vectors that are extracted
       from the big.matrix. Careful use of as.integer helps reduce
       memory overhead.

       This data management task requires 8 minutes.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                              Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                             ff

Before we Continue: The Point

       The point of this demonstration:
           1   show how, by using file descriptors and file-backed matrices,
               working with big data is easy.
           2   show how bigmemory can be integrated with parallelism
               packages relatively easily.
           3   show how other big packages assist with the purpose of the
               bigmemory package to provide the user the familiar R
               interface after performing some initial maintenance.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                 Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                         bigmemory                                   ff

The big Example 2: Linear Models

       Now we will try to predict arrival delay (ArrDelay) using Age and

                                               ˆ    ˆ        ˆ
                                    ArrDelay = β0 + β1 Age + β2 Year
        biganalytics provides a wrapper to the biglm package.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                        Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                           ff

The big Example 2: Linear Models

       Fitting a linear model looks relatively familiar...
        1       library ( biganalytics )
        2       blm <- biglm . big . matrix ( ArrDelay ~ Age + Year ,
                    data = x )

            1   Without bigmemory, this process would take about 10GB of
            2   Expected time to completion would be ∞ since most systems
                do not have that much RAM.
            3   With bigmemory processing took 4.5 minutes with a few
                hundred MB of memory overhead.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets               Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                               ff

The big Example 2: Linear Models

       Just like with base lm, we can get information about the fitted
       > blm
       Large data regression model: biglm(formula = formula, data = data, ...)
       Sample size = 6452
       > summary(blm)
       Large data regression model: biglm(formula = formula, data = data, ...)
       Sample size = 6452
                        Coef      (95%        CI)        SE      p
       (Intercept) 6580.4311 1916.9282 11243.9340 2331.7515 0.0048
       Age            0.2687    0.0804     0.4569    0.0941 0.0043
       Year          -3.2753   -5.6005    -0.9500    1.1626 0.0048

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                   Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                                ff

bigmemory: Other Features

               can write a big.matrix to ASCII file using
               can bin data for counting, creating histograms or
               visualizations using binit.
               create a copy of the content using deepcopy.
               can create a hash into a big.matrix using hash.mat
               search a matrix using mwhich including powerful comparison
               operators using C++, not R.
               separated columns: columns of a matrix are separated in
               RAM, rather than contiguous.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                    Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                             ff

bigmemory: Important Considerations

               passing a big.matrix to a function is call by reference not
               call by value!
               Nerd alert! bigmemory provides transparent read/write
               locking to big.matrix, so race conditions are minimized.
       For more information, see http://www.bigmemory.org, or the

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                 Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                               ff

bigmemory: Conclusion
           1   can store a matrix in memory, restart R, and gain access to
               the matrix without reloading data. Great for big data.
           2   can share the matrix among multiple R instances or sessions.
           3   access is fast because RAM is fast. C++ also helps!
           1   no communication among instances of R; can use files instead.
           2   limited by available RAM, unless using
           3   matrix disappears on reboot, unless using
           4   filesize limitations on 32 bit systems for filebacked matrices.
Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                   Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                                ff

ff: “fast access files”
       ff is another solution that is based on using files.
               provides data structures that are stored on disk.
               they act as if they are in memory; only necessary/active parts
               of the data from disk are mapped into main memory.
               supports R standard atomic types: double, logical, raw,
               as well as non-standard atomic types boolean (1 bit), quad
               (2 bit unsigned), nibble (4 bit unsigned), byte (1 byte
               signed with NA), ubyte (1 byte unsigned), short and ushort
               (1 byte signed w/NA and unsigned resp.), and single (4 byte
               float with NA).
               and non-atomic types such as factor, ordered, POSIXct,
               Date, etc.
Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                    Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                               ff


               C support for vectors, matrices and arrays. (FAST)
               provides an analog for data.frame called ffdf, also with
               import/export functionality.
               ff objects can be stored and reopened across R sessions.
               ff files can be shared by multiple ff R objects in the same, or
               different R sessions.
               tons of optimizations provide little noticeable overhead.
               Virtual functions allow matrix operations without touching a
               single byte on disk.
               Disk I/O is SLOW. ff optimizes by using binary files.
               closely integrated with package bit which can manipulate
               and process, well, bits.
Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                   Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                             ff

ff: The Logic

       In bigmemory R keeps a pointer to a C++ matrix. The matrix is
       stored in RAM or on disk. In ff R keeps metadata about the
       object, and the object is stored in a flat binary file.

       ff is somewhat difficult to jump into because there are so few
       examples and only one tutorial. There is a lot of information about
       the technical side of the package.

       In any case, the goal is to get rid of the following error message:
        1     > x <- rep (0 , 2^31 - 1)
        2     Error : cannot allocate vector of length

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                 Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                             ff


       The package ff performs the following functionality to the user:
               creating and/or opening flat files using ffopen. Using the
               parameters length or dim will create a new file.
               I/O operations using the common brackets [ ] notation.
               Other functions for ff objects such as the usual dim and
               length as well as some other useful functions such as sample.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                 Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                           ff

ff Example: Introduction

       Let’s start with an introductory demonstration. To create a
       one-dimensional flat file,
        1     library ( ff )
        2     # creating the file
        3     my . obj <- ff ( vmode = " double " , length =10)
        4     # modifying the file .
        5     my . obj [1:10] <- iris $ Sepal . Width [1:10]
       Let’s take a look...

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets               Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                                        ff

ff Example: Introduction

       We can also create a multi-dimensional flat file.
       1     # c r e a t i n g a m u l t i d i m e n s i o n a l file
       2     multi . obj <- ff ( vmode = " double " , dim = c (10 , 3) )
       3     multi . obj [1:10 , 1] <- iris [1:10 ,1]

       Let’s take a look...

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                            Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                                   ff

ff Example: Introduction

       We can also create an ff data frame made up of ff atomics.
       1     Girth <- ff ( trees $ Girth )
       2     Height <- ff ( trees $ Height )
       3     Volume <- ff ( trees $ Volume )
       4     # Create data frame with some added p a r a m e t e r s .
       5     fftrees <- ffdf ( Girth = Girth , Height = Height , Volume = Volume )

       Let’s take a look...

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                       Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                           bigmemory                                          ff

ff Parameters

       ff, ffm and to some degree ffdf support some other options you
       may need. R is usually pretty good at picking good defaults for
       you. Some of them are below:

         Parameter          Description
         initdata           Value to use to initialize the object for construction.
         length             Optional length of vector. Used for construction.
         vmode              Virtual storage mode (makes big difference in memory overhead).
         filename           Give a name for the file created for the object.
         overwrite          If TRUE, allows overwriting of file objects.
       If no filename is given, a new file is created. If a filename is given
       and the file exists, the object will be loaded into R.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                                 Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                         bigmemory                                           ff

ff Saving Data
       We can use the ffsave function to save a series of objects to file. The specified
       objects are saved using save and are given the extension .RData. The ff files related
       to the objects are saved and zipped using an external zip application, and given the
       extension .ffData. ffsave has some useful parameters. See ?ffsave for more

       ffsave(..., list = character(0L), file = stop("’file’ must be specified",
            envir = parent.frame(), rootpath = NULL, add = FALSE,
            move = FALSE, compress = !move, compression_level = 6,

               ... the objects to be saved.
               the file parameters specifies the root name (no extension) for the file. It is
               best to use absolute paths.
               add=TRUE to add these objects to an existing archive.
               compress=TRUE to save and compress.
               safe=TRUE to write a temporary file first for verification, then move to a
               persistent location.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                                Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                            ff

ff: Other File I/O Operations

       Before discussing ffload in a few slides, there are some other
       operations worth mentioning.
               ffsave.image allows the user to save the entire workspace to
               an ffarchive.
               ffinfo, when passed the path for an ffarchive (without
               extension) displays information about the archive.
               ffdrop allows the user to delete an ffarchive (no

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                           ff

ff Example

       As we saw earlier, we can use biglm to fit a linear model to big
         6    library ( biganalytics )
         7    model <- biglm ( log ( Volume ) ~ log ( Girth ) +
                 log ( Height ) , data = fftrees )
       Demonstration here.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets               Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                        bigmemory                              ff

ff: Conclusion

           1   allows R to work with multiple HUGE datasets.
           2   clean system; does not make a mess with a ton of files.
           3   several optimizations show that ff has a bright future.
           1   few examples; somewhat difficult to introduce.
           2   performing analysis may require some clever forethought since
               not all of the data is in RAM.
           3   unzipping files on load is a huge bottleneck.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                  Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Background                                             bigmemory                                               ff

bigmemory vs. ff
       Which one to use is a matter of taste. Performance is about the
       same: the first row of numbers is the initial processing and the
       second uses caching:

       Source: http://www.agrocampus-ouest.fr/math/useR-2009/slides/Emerson+Kane.pdf
Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                                        Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce                        HadoopStreaming


       MapReduce is a way of dividing a large job into many smaller jobs producing
       an output, and then combining the individual outputs into one output. It is a
       classic divide and conquer approach that is embarrasingly parallel and can
       easily be distributed among many cores or a CPU, or among many CPUs and
       nodes. Oh, and it is patented by Google, its biggest user.
       Two fundamental steps:
           1   map step: perform some operation f , in parallel, on data and output a
               key/value pair for each record/row.
           2   reduce step: group common elements and compute some summary
               statistic, one per group.
       The notion of map and reduce comes from Lisp and functional programming,
       where map performs some operation on every element in a collection, and
       reduce collapses the results of that operation into one result for the collection.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                           Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                                mapReduce                                         HadoopStreaming

Example: Word Counts
       Suppose we have 5 manuscripts and we want to count number of times each
       word occurs. (This is a common task in data mining and natural language
       processing). The map phase parses the text and produces output like word:
       The reduce phase then groups records by word and sums (the reduce
       operation) the counts.

                                       the: 200    the: 200    the: 200    the: 200    the: 200
                                       it:   750   it:   750   it:   750   it:   750   it:   750
                                       and: 1000   and: 1000   and: 1000   and: 1000   and: 1000
                                       fire:   1   fire:   1   fire:   1   fire:   1   fire:   1
                                       truck: 1    truck: 1    truck: 1    truck: 1    truck: 1

                                                               the: 1000
                                                               it: 3750
                                                               and: 5000
                                                               fire:   5
                                                               truck: 5

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                                                    Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce               HadoopStreaming


       mapReduce is a pure R implementation of MapReduce. A matter
       of fact, the authors of the package state that mapReduce is simply:

                                      apply(map(data), reduce)

       By default, mapReduce uses the same parallelization functionality
       as sapply which is not preferrable.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                  Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce                HadoopStreaming


       The form of the mapReduce function is very simple.

                    mapReduce(map, ..., data, apply = sapply)

               map is an expression that yields a vector that partitions data
               into groups. Can use a single variable as well. This is a bit
               different from Hadoop’s implementation.
               ... is one or more reduce functions; typically summary
               data is a data.frame.
               apply is the parallelization toolkit to use: papply,
               multicore, snow.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                   Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce            HadoopStreaming

mapReduce Demonstration

        1     data ( iris )
        2     mapReduce (
        3       map = Species ,
        4       mean . sepal . length = mean ( Sepal . Length ) ,
        5       max . sepal . length = max ( Sepal . Length ) ,
        6       data = iris
        7     )

                              mean.sepal.length max.sepal.length
       setosa                             5.006              5.8
       versicolor                         5.936              7.0
       virginica                          6.588              7.9

       Demonstration here.
Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets               Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce                   HadoopStreaming


       Hadoop is an open-source implementation of MapReduce that has
       gained a lot of traction in the data mining community.


       Cloudera and Yahoo provide their own implementations of Hadoop,
       which may be easier to use in the cloud:


Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                      Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce               HadoopStreaming

Hadoop Infrastructure
       Hadoop is a separate open source project, so will not discuss it in

           1   Hadoop allows use of parallelism to solve problems using big
           2   Hadoop is most effective with a cluster and Hadoop assigns
               certain machines critical tasks.
           3   Hadoop uses its own filesystem by default, called HDFS.
           4   Map and reduce functions are the same as mentioned in the
               Intro to Map-Reduce slide.
           5   Map, reduce, job control, logging etc. methods are written in
       We will exploit some workarounds to deal with point #5.
Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                  Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce                 HadoopStreaming

Hadoop Installation

       Installing Hadoop on most systems is simple.
           1   Download the tarball from
           2   Extract using tar xf.
           3   Add the Hadoop bin directory to your path.
           4   Set environment variable JAVA HOME to point to the location
               of system Java (Oracle/Sun preferred).
       Hadoop is then ready to run locally. To run on a cluster requires
       some more configuration beyond the scope of this talk.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                    Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce            HadoopStreaming


       Typically, Hadoop jobs are written in Java. This was a roadblock
       to many developers that would incur time having to port code over
       to Java.

       Hadoop is distributed with Hadoop Streaming, which allows
       map/reduce jobs to be written in any language as long as it can
       read and write from stdin and stdout respectively.

       This includes R. Cue the HadoopStreaming package!

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets               Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce               HadoopStreaming


       One way to easily use Map/Reduce in R is with the
       HadoopStreaming package. The workflow is as follows:
           1   Open a connection: to a file, STDIN, or a pipe.
           2   Write map and reduce functions either in one file, or in
               separate files.
           3   Run the job on data either from the command line using R
               only, or with Hadoop.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                  Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce            HadoopStreaming

Data Mining with R

       The data for this demonstration is a large 14GB file containing a
       tweet ID and the content of a user’s tweet.

       tweetID tweet_text

       The typical “hello world” example for map/reduce is word
       counting, so let’s construct the a list of words and the number of
       times they appear over all tweets in the sample.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets               Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce            HadoopStreaming

HadoopStreaming: The Map Function

       The map function takes a line of input, does something with it,
       and outputs a key/value pair that is sorted and passed to the
       reducer. For this example, I split the text of the tweet and output
       each word as it appears, and the number 1 to denote that the word
       was seen once.

       The key is the word, and the value is the intermediate count (1 in
       this case).

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets               Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce            HadoopStreaming

HadoopStreaming: The Reduce Function

       Before data enters the reduce phase, it is sorted on its key. The
       reduce function takes a key/value pair and performs an aggregation
       on each value associated with the same key and writes it to disk
       (or HDFS with Hadoop) in some format specified by the user.

       In the output, the “key” is a word and the “value” is the number
       of times that word appeared in all tweets in the file.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets               Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce                            HadoopStreaming

HadoopStreaming: Anatomy of a HadoopStreaming Job

       First, we create a file that will contain the map and reduce
       1    # ! / usr / bin / env Rscript              # allows script to be
                  EXECUTABLE .
       3     library ( Ha do o pS tr ea m in g )       # need the package .
       5    # user can create own command line a r g u m e n t s .
       6    # By default , certain a r g u m e n t s are already parsed for you
       7    opts <- c ()
       8    # Gets a r g u m e n t s from the e n v i r o n m e n t
       9    op <- hsCmdLineArgs ( opts , op en Co n ne ct io n s = TRUE )

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                               Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                             mapReduce                               HadoopStreaming

HadoopStreaming: Anatomy of a HadoopStreaming Job

       When running an R script, we can pass command line arguments.
       For example:

       ./mapReduce.R -m
         Short Name          Character            Argument     Type      Description
         mapper                 m                   None      logical    Runs the mapper.
         reducer                r                   None      logical    Runs the reducer.
         infile                  i                 Required   character   Input file, otherwise STDIN.
         outfile                 o                 Required   character   Output file, otherwise STDOUT.
       Some selected arguments are above.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                                       Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce                          HadoopStreaming

HadoopStreaming: Anatomy of a HadoopStreaming Job
       op is populated with a bunch of command line arguments for you. If -m is passed to a
       script, op$mapper is TRUE and the mapper is run.
      10    if ( op $ mapper ) {
      11         mapper <- function ( x ) {
      12               # t o k e n i z e each tweet
      13               words <- unlist ( strsplit (x , " [[: punct :][: space
                               :]]+ " ) )
      14               words <- words [ ! ( words == ’ ’) ]
      15               # Create a data frame with 1 column : the words .
      16               df <- data . frame ( Word = words )
      17               # Add a column called count , i n i t i a l i z e d to 1.
      18               df [ , ’ Count ’] = 1
      19               # Send this out to the console for the reducer .
      20               hsWriteTable ( df [ , c ( ’ Word ’ , ’ Count ’) ] , file = op
                              $ outcon , sep = ’ , ’)
      21         }
      22         # Read a line from IN .
      23         hsLineReader ( op $ incon , chunkSize = op $ chunksize , FUN =
                       mapper )
      24    }
Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                             Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce                          HadoopStreaming

HadoopStreaming: Anatomy of a HadoopStreaming Job

       op is populated with a bunch of command line arguments for you. If -r is passed to a
       script, op$reducer is TRUE and the reducer is run.
      25    else if ( op $ reducer ) {
      26        # Define the reducer f u n c t i o n .
      27        # It just prints the word , the sum of the counts
      28        # s e p a r a t e d by comma .
      29        reducer <- function ( d ) {
      30                cat ( d [1 , ’ Word ’] , sum ( d $ Count ) , ’ n ’ , sep = ’ , ’)
      31        }
      32        # Define the column names and types for output .
      33        cols = list ( Word = ’ ’ , Count =0)
      34        hsTableReader ( op $ incon , cols , chunkSize = op $ chunkSize ,
                          skip =0 ,
      35                sep = ’ , ’ , keyCol = ’ Word ’ , singleKey =T , ignoreKey =F ,
      36                FUN = reducer )
      37    }

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                             Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce             HadoopStreaming

HadoopStreaming: Anatomy of a HadoopStreaming Job

       Finally, we clean after ourselves and close the connections to the in
       and out connections.
      38    if ( ! is . na ( opts $ infile ) ) {
      39      close ( opt $ incon )
      40    }
      42    if ( ! is . na ( opt $ outfile ) ) {
      43      close ( opt $ outcon )
      44    }

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce            HadoopStreaming

HadoopStreaming: Running a HadoopStreaming Job

       HadoopStreaming allows the user to pass data to map/reduce
       from the command line using a pipe, or using a file. To input data
       using a pipe:
       cat twitter.tsv | ./count.R -m | sort | ./count.R -r

       To input data using a file:
       ./count.R -m -i twitter.tsv | sort | ./count.R -r

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets               Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce                HadoopStreaming

HadoopStreaming: Running a HadoopStreaming Job

       Or we can run the script using, you know, Hadoop Streaming!
       hadoop jar $HADOOP_HOME/contrib/streaming/hadoop-0.20.2-streaming.jar 
            -input /home/ryan/hdfs/in 
            -output ~/hdfs/out 
            -mapper "count.R -m" 
            -reducer "count.R -r" 
            -file ./count.R

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                   Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce            HadoopStreaming

       Hadoop produces a lot of status and progress output and provides
       a web interface that you can explore when using it.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets               Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce            HadoopStreaming

HadoopStreaming: Running a HadoopStreaming Job

       Output looks as follows.


Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets               Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce              HadoopStreaming

HadoopStreaming vs. Rhipe

       Rhipe is another R interface for Hadoop that provides a more
       “native” feel to it.
           1   incorporates an rhlapply function similar to the standard
               apply variants.
           2   uses Google Protocol Buffers.
           3   seems to have great flexibility in modifying Hadoop
           4   has more use cases and flexibility in how to run jobs and how
               to transmit and receive data.
           5   but... is more complicated to use and requires a more
               in-depth knowledge of Hadoop, which is beyond the scope of
               the group’s purpose.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                 Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce              HadoopStreaming

The Hadoop Barnyard
       Hadoop also has several other projects that run on top of it:
               Pig: data-flow (query) language and execution framework for
               parallel computing.
               ZooKeeper: high-performance coordination service for
               distributed applications.
               Hive: data warehouse infrastructure providing summarization
               and ad-hoc querying.
               HBase: a scalable, distributed database supporting structured
               data storage for large tables.
               Avro: data serialization providing dynamic integration with
               scripting languages.
               Chukwa: data collection system for managing large
               distributed systems.
Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                 Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Map/Reduce                                        mapReduce               HadoopStreaming

The Hadoop Barnyard

       There are other packages that can interface with Hadoop, but are
       part of a different family.
               Mahout: suite of scalable machine learning libraries.
               Nutch: provides web search and crawling application software
               on top of Lucene.
               Lucene: an efficient indexer for information retrieval.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                  Los Angeles R Users’ Group
When to Use What?

       This is my personal opinion based on experience with both R and
               For datasets with size in the range 10GB, bigmemory and ff
               handle themselves well.
               For “larger” datasets, use Hadoop (integrated with R?)
               Not enough research on data on the scale of TB or PB in R.
               Hadoop is superior here.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                 Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Other Solutions: Hardware

       There are other solutions to some of these problems.
               Buy more RAM... lots of it... lots of fast RAM
               Let your system run out of memory and configure it to use
               solid state drives (SSD) for swap?
               Use a very expensive SAS drive.
               use a GPU.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                 Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Other Solutions: Software

               (use the packages we discussed today)
               use databases that can be called from R.
               if data is sparse, use sparse matrix packages sparseM or slam.
               use a different language like C/C++/FORTRAN and
               interface with R.
               use a different language entirely.
               Revolution R is beta testing big dataset support.
               use Hadoop or Amazon EC2 or Elastic MapReduce with(out)
               use SAS

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                    Los Angeles R Users’ Group
In Conclusion

           1   R provides ways to deal with big data.
           2   They are fairly easy to use.
           3   Worth learning as R gains popularity and datasets grow huge
               in size.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Keep in Touch!

       My email: ryan@stat.ucla.edu

       My blog: http://www.bytemining.com

       Follow me on Twitter: @datajunkie

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets   Los Angeles R Users’ Group
The End


Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets   Los Angeles R Users’ Group
Thank You!

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets   Los Angeles R Users’ Group

       Most examples and descriptions can from package documentation.
       Other references not previously mentioned:
           1   “Big Data in R” by G Stat: March 24, 2010.
               http://statistics.org.il/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Big Memory%20V0.pdf
           2   “The ff Package: Handling Large Data Sets in R with
               Memory Mapped Pages of Binary Flat Files” by Adler,
               Nenadic, Zucchini, Glaser: UseR! 2007.
           3   “The Bigmemory Project” by Michael Kane and John
               Emerson: April 29, 2010.
           4   “Airline On-time Performance.” Data Expo 2009.

Ryan R. Rosario
Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets                         Los Angeles R Users’ Group

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Taking R to the Limit (High Performance Computing in R), Part 2 -- Large Datasets, LA R Users' Group 8/17/10

  • 1. Los Angeles R Users’ Group Taking R to the Limit, Part II: Working with Large Datasets Ryan R. Rosario August 17, 2010 Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 2. The Brutal Truth We are here because we love R. Despite our enthusiasm, R has two major limitations, and some people may have a longer list. 1 Regardless of the number of cores on your CPU, R will only use 1 on a default build. (Part I) 2 R reads data into memory by default. Other packages (SAS particularly) and programming languages can read data from files on demand. Easy to exhaust RAM by storing unnecessary data. 232 The OS and system architecture can only access 10242 = 4GB of memory on a 32 bit system, but typically R will throw an exception at 2GB. Not wise to use more memory than available. System will start swapping which leads to thrashing and slows your system to a crawl. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 3. The Brutal Truth There are a couple of solutions: 1 Buy more RAM. 2 Use a database. 3 Build from source and use special build options for 64 bit. Still not a solution! 1 R, even R64, does not have a int641 data type. Not possible to index data frames or matrices with huge number of rows or columns. 4 Sample, resample, or use some Monte Carlo method. 5 Let clever developers solve these problems for you! We will discuss number 5 above. 1 http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.r.devel/17281 Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 4. The Agenda This talk will survey several HPC packages in R with some demonstrations. We will focus on four areas of HPC: 1 Explicit Parallelism: the user controls the parallelization. (Part I) 2 Implicit Parallelism: the system abstracts it away. (Part I) 3 Large Memory: working with large amounts of data without choking R. 4 Map/Reduce: basically an abstraction for parallelism that divides data rather than architecture. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 5. Disclaimer 1 There is a ton of material here. I provide a lot of slides for your reference. 2 We may not be able to go over all of them in the time allowed so some slides will go by quickly. 3 Demonstrations will be time permitting. 4 All experiments were run on a Ubuntu 10.04 system with an Intel Core 2 6600 CPU (2.4GHz) with 2GB RAM. I am planning a sizable upgrade this summer. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 6. Big Data “Big Data” is a catch phrase for any dataset or data application that does not fit into available RAM on one system. R has several a few packages for big data support. We will talk about the following: 1 bigmemory 2 ff We will also discuss some uses of parallelism to accomplish the same goal using Hadoop and MapReduce: 1 HadoopStreaming 2 Rhipe Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 7. Some Basic Terminology I will use the word RAM to refer to physical memory, for simplicity; chips that are installed on the system motherboard. Virtual memory, or swap is disk space that is used to store objects that do not fit into RAM and are less frequently accessed. This is SLOW. A cluster is a group of systems that communicate with each other to accomplish a computation. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 8. Background bigmemory ff Large Datasets R reads data into RAM all at once, if using the usual read.table function. Objects in R live in memory entirely. Keeping unnecessary data in RAM will cause R to choke eventually. Specifically, 1 on most systems it is not possible to use more than 2GB of memory. 2 the range of indexes that can be used is limited due to lack of a 64 bit integer data type in R and R64. 3 on 32 bit systems, the maximum amount of virtual memory space is limited to between 2 and 4GB. 4 relying on virtual memory will cause the system to grind to a halt – “thrashing.” Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 9. Background bigmemory ff Large Datasets There are two major solutions in R: 1 bigmemory: “It is ideal for problems involving the analysis in R of manageable subsets of the data, or when an analysis is conducted mostly in C++.” It’s part of the “big” family, some of which we will discuss. 2 ff: file-based access to datasets that cannot fit in memory. 3 can also use databases which provide fast read/write access for piecemeal analysis. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 10. Background bigmemory ff The “big” Family The big family consists of several packages for performing tasks on large datasets. 1 bigmemory is our focus. 2 biganalytics provides analysis routines on big.matrix such as GLM and bigkmeans. 3 synchronicity adds Boost mutex functionality to R. 4 bigtabulate adds table and split-like support for R matrices and big.matrix memory efficiently. 5 bigalgebra provides BLAS and LAPACK linear algebra routines for native R matrices and big.matrix. 6 bigvideo provides video camera streaming via OpenCV. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 11. Background bigmemory ff bigmemory bigmemory implements several matrix objects. 1 big.matrix is an R object that simply points to a data structure in C++. Local to a single R process and is limited by available RAM. 2 shared.big.matrix is similar, but can be shared among multiple R processes (think parallelism on data!) 3 filebacked.big.matrix does not point to a data structure; rather, it points to a file on disk containing the matrix, and the file can be shared across a cluster! Pitfall! Remember that matrices contain only one type of data. Additionally, the data types for elements are dictated by C++ not R: double, integer, short, char. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 12. Background bigmemory ff bigmemory and Shared Memory Shared Memory allows us to store data in RAM and share it among multiple processes. Suppose we want to store some data in shared memory so it can be read by multiple instances of R. This allows the user the ability to use multiple instances of R for performing different analytics simultaneously. R Web User 1 Caching My Dataset (Shared Memory) R Web User 2 Web Administrator Doing Analysis RAM Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 13. Background bigmemory ff Demonstration: The Logic First, construct a big.matrix object. Let us suppose we want to create a large matrix of 0s and 1s. We can construct a matrix of type int (4 bytes), short (2 bytes), double (8 bytes), or char (1 byte). Since all we need is 0 and 1, we use char. We also zero out the matrix. > A <- big.matrix(m, n, type="char", init=0, shared=TRUE) > A An object of class big.matrix Slot "address": <pointer: 0x2d93490> Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 14. Background bigmemory ff Demonstration: The Logic We have now created a pointer to a C++ matrix that is on disk. But, to share this matrix we need to share this descriptor. Then, we can open a second R session, load the location of the matrix from disk, and bind the matrix to an R variable! Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 15. Background bigmemory ff Demonstration: The Code Session 1 1 library ( bigmemory ) 2 library ( biganalytics ) 3 options ( bigmemory . typecast . warning = FALSE ) 4 5 A <- big . matrix (5000 , 5000 , type = " char " , init =0) 6 # Fill the matrix by r a n d o m l y picking 20% of the p o s i t i o n s for a 1. 7 x <- sample (1:5000 , size =5000 , replace = TRUE ) 8 y <- sample (1:5000 , size =5000 , replace = TRUE ) 9 for ( i in 1:5000) { 10 A [ x [ i ] , y [ i ]] <- 1 11 } 12 # Get the l o c a t i o n in RAM of the pointer to A . 13 desc <- describe ( A ) 14 # Write it to disk . 15 dput ( desc , file = " / tmp / A . desc " ) 16 sums <- colsum (A , 1:20) Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 16. Background bigmemory ff Session 2 1 library ( bigmemory ) 2 library ( biganalytics ) 3 4 # Read the pointer from disk . 5 desc <- dget ( " / tmp / A . desc " ) 6 # Attach to the pointer in RAM . 7 A <- attach . big . matrix ( desc ) 8 # Check our results . 9 sums <- colsum (A , 1:20) Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 17. Background bigmemory ff Demonstration 1 Demonstration here. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 18. Background bigmemory ff bigmemory: Importance of Data Type Suppose we are not careful in the C++ data type we use for the big.matrix. Using char, the matrix requires about 24MB of RAM. Data Type RAM char 24 MB int 96 MB double 192 MB short 48 MB Of course, this assumes that you use dense matrices and there is no CPU optimization. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 19. Background bigmemory ff bigmemory: Other Operations big.matrix requires its own optimized versions of the R matrix functions provided in biganalytics: colmean(x, cols, na.rm) colmin(x, cols, na.rm) colmax(x, cols, na.rm) colvar(x, cols, na.rm) colsd(x, cols, na.rm) colsum(x, cols, na.rm) colprod(x, cols, na.rm) colna(x, cols) where x is a big.matrix, cols is a vector of column indices, na.rm is TRUE if R should remove missing values first. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 20. Background bigmemory ff The big Example: The Data Let’s do something useful with some big data. Consider airline on-time performance from 1987 to 2008. This is the format of the data: 11GB comma-separated values file. 120 million rows, 29 columns Factors coded as integers. We will estimate the age of an aircraft at each departure. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 21. Background bigmemory ff Step 1: Read in the Data 1 library ( bigmemory ) 2 library ( biganalytics ) 3 x <- read . big . matrix ( " airline . csv " , type = " integer " , header = TRUE , 4 backingfile = " airline . bin " , 5 descriptorfile = " airline . desc " , 6 extraCols = " Age " ) Initially takes about 28 minutes to run, the first time only. Subsequent accesses are very fast. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 22. Background bigmemory ff Step 1: Read in the Data read.big.matrix inherits from read.table so your favorite parameters are available for use. It also adds a few more: 1 type, the C++ type to use for the matrix. 2 separated, separate the columns into individual files if TRUE. 3 extracols explicitly adds columns to the matrix that you may use later. 4 backingfile, backingpath and descriptorfile control where important data about the matrix is stored on disk. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 23. Background bigmemory ff Step 2a: Some Initial Tasks Next, estimate the birthmonth of the plane using the first departure of that plane. 8 birthmonth <- function ( y ) { 9 minYear <- min ( y [ , ’ Year ’] , na . rm = TRUE ) 10 these <- which ( y [ , ’ Year ’ ]== minYear ) 11 minMonth <- min ( y [ these , ’ Month ’] , na . rm = TRUE ) 12 return (12 * minYear + minMonth - 1) 13 } Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 24. Background bigmemory ff Step 2b v1: Calculate Each Plane’s Birthmonth the Dumb Way We could use a loop or possible an apply variant... 14 aircrafts <- unique ( x [ , ’ TailNum ’ ]) 15 acStart <- rep (0 , length ( aircrafts ) ) 16 for ( i in aircrafts ) { 17 acStart [ i ] <- birthmonth ( x [ mwhich (x , ’ TailNum ’ , i , ’ eq ’) , 18 c ( ’ Year ’ , ’ Month ’) , drop = FALSE ]) 19 } ...this takes about 9 hours... Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 25. Background bigmemory ff Step 2b v2: Calculate Each Plane’s Birthmonth the big Way First separate/divide the data by tail number (aircraft ID). 14 library ( bigtabulate ) 15 acindices <- bigsplit (x , ’ TailNum ’) Each entry i of acindices contains a vector of indices corresponding to TailFin i. bigsplit runs about twice as fast as split (6s) and requires about 2/3 peak RAM. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 26. Background bigmemory ff Step 2c v1: Compute an Estimate of Birthmonth using sapply Now that we have used bigsplit to quickly split up the big.matrix, we can use the native sapply: 16 acStart <- sapply ( acindices , function ( i ) birthmonth ( x [i , c ( ’ Year ’ , ’ Month ’) , drop = FALSE ]) ) which took a mere 8 seconds! Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 27. Background bigmemory ff Step 2c v2: Compute an Estimate of Birthmonth using foreach We can also use this opportunity to revisit foreach: 16 library ( doMC ) 17 registerDoMC ( cores =2) 18 acStart <- foreach ( i = acindices , . combine = c ) % dopar % { 19 return ( birthmonth ( x [i , c ( ’ Year ’ , ’ Month ’) , drop = FALSE ]) ) 20 } Both cores share access to the same instance of the data smoothly. Year and Month are cached in RAM. This example took 0.663s. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 28. Background bigmemory ff Step 3: Finally, Compute an Estimate of Age 21 x [ , ’ Age ’] <- x [ , ’ Year ’] * as . integer (12) + x [ , ’ Month ’] - as . integer ( acStart [ x [ , ’ TailNum ’ ]]) Here, arithmetic is conducted using R vectors that are extracted from the big.matrix. Careful use of as.integer helps reduce memory overhead. This data management task requires 8 minutes. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 29. Background bigmemory ff Before we Continue: The Point The point of this demonstration: 1 show how, by using file descriptors and file-backed matrices, working with big data is easy. 2 show how bigmemory can be integrated with parallelism packages relatively easily. 3 show how other big packages assist with the purpose of the bigmemory package to provide the user the familiar R interface after performing some initial maintenance. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 30. Background bigmemory ff The big Example 2: Linear Models Now we will try to predict arrival delay (ArrDelay) using Age and Year. ˆ ˆ ˆ ArrDelay = β0 + β1 Age + β2 Year biganalytics provides a wrapper to the biglm package. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 31. Background bigmemory ff The big Example 2: Linear Models Fitting a linear model looks relatively familiar... 1 library ( biganalytics ) 2 blm <- biglm . big . matrix ( ArrDelay ~ Age + Year , data = x ) 1 Without bigmemory, this process would take about 10GB of RAM. 2 Expected time to completion would be ∞ since most systems do not have that much RAM. 3 With bigmemory processing took 4.5 minutes with a few hundred MB of memory overhead. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 32. Background bigmemory ff The big Example 2: Linear Models Just like with base lm, we can get information about the fitted model. > blm Large data regression model: biglm(formula = formula, data = data, ...) Sample size = 6452 > summary(blm) Large data regression model: biglm(formula = formula, data = data, ...) Sample size = 6452 Coef (95% CI) SE p (Intercept) 6580.4311 1916.9282 11243.9340 2331.7515 0.0048 Age 0.2687 0.0804 0.4569 0.0941 0.0043 Year -3.2753 -5.6005 -0.9500 1.1626 0.0048 Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 33. Background bigmemory ff bigmemory: Other Features can write a big.matrix to ASCII file using write.big.matrix. can bin data for counting, creating histograms or visualizations using binit. create a copy of the content using deepcopy. can create a hash into a big.matrix using hash.mat search a matrix using mwhich including powerful comparison operators using C++, not R. separated columns: columns of a matrix are separated in RAM, rather than contiguous. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 34. Background bigmemory ff bigmemory: Important Considerations passing a big.matrix to a function is call by reference not call by value! Nerd alert! bigmemory provides transparent read/write locking to big.matrix, so race conditions are minimized. For more information, see http://www.bigmemory.org, or the documentation. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 35. Background bigmemory ff bigmemory: Conclusion Advantages 1 can store a matrix in memory, restart R, and gain access to the matrix without reloading data. Great for big data. 2 can share the matrix among multiple R instances or sessions. 3 access is fast because RAM is fast. C++ also helps! Disadvantages 1 no communication among instances of R; can use files instead. 2 limited by available RAM, unless using filebacked.big.matrix. 3 matrix disappears on reboot, unless using filebacked.big.matrix. 4 filesize limitations on 32 bit systems for filebacked matrices. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 36. Background bigmemory ff ff: “fast access files” ff is another solution that is based on using files. provides data structures that are stored on disk. they act as if they are in memory; only necessary/active parts of the data from disk are mapped into main memory. supports R standard atomic types: double, logical, raw, integer, as well as non-standard atomic types boolean (1 bit), quad (2 bit unsigned), nibble (4 bit unsigned), byte (1 byte signed with NA), ubyte (1 byte unsigned), short and ushort (1 byte signed w/NA and unsigned resp.), and single (4 byte float with NA). and non-atomic types such as factor, ordered, POSIXct, Date, etc. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 37. Background bigmemory ff ff C support for vectors, matrices and arrays. (FAST) provides an analog for data.frame called ffdf, also with import/export functionality. ff objects can be stored and reopened across R sessions. ff files can be shared by multiple ff R objects in the same, or different R sessions. tons of optimizations provide little noticeable overhead. Virtual functions allow matrix operations without touching a single byte on disk. Disk I/O is SLOW. ff optimizes by using binary files. closely integrated with package bit which can manipulate and process, well, bits. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 38. Background bigmemory ff ff: The Logic In bigmemory R keeps a pointer to a C++ matrix. The matrix is stored in RAM or on disk. In ff R keeps metadata about the object, and the object is stored in a flat binary file. ff is somewhat difficult to jump into because there are so few examples and only one tutorial. There is a lot of information about the technical side of the package. In any case, the goal is to get rid of the following error message: 1 > x <- rep (0 , 2^31 - 1) 2 Error : cannot allocate vector of length 2147483647 Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 39. Background bigmemory ff ff The package ff performs the following functionality to the user: creating and/or opening flat files using ffopen. Using the parameters length or dim will create a new file. I/O operations using the common brackets [ ] notation. Other functions for ff objects such as the usual dim and length as well as some other useful functions such as sample. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 40. Background bigmemory ff ff Example: Introduction Let’s start with an introductory demonstration. To create a one-dimensional flat file, 1 library ( ff ) 2 # creating the file 3 my . obj <- ff ( vmode = " double " , length =10) 4 # modifying the file . 5 my . obj [1:10] <- iris $ Sepal . Width [1:10] Let’s take a look... Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 41. Background bigmemory ff ff Example: Introduction We can also create a multi-dimensional flat file. 1 # c r e a t i n g a m u l t i d i m e n s i o n a l file 2 multi . obj <- ff ( vmode = " double " , dim = c (10 , 3) ) 3 multi . obj [1:10 , 1] <- iris [1:10 ,1] Let’s take a look... Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 42. Background bigmemory ff ff Example: Introduction We can also create an ff data frame made up of ff atomics. 1 Girth <- ff ( trees $ Girth ) 2 Height <- ff ( trees $ Height ) 3 Volume <- ff ( trees $ Volume ) 4 # Create data frame with some added p a r a m e t e r s . 5 fftrees <- ffdf ( Girth = Girth , Height = Height , Volume = Volume ) Let’s take a look... Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 43. Background bigmemory ff ff Parameters ff, ffm and to some degree ffdf support some other options you may need. R is usually pretty good at picking good defaults for you. Some of them are below: Parameter Description initdata Value to use to initialize the object for construction. length Optional length of vector. Used for construction. vmode Virtual storage mode (makes big difference in memory overhead). filename Give a name for the file created for the object. overwrite If TRUE, allows overwriting of file objects. If no filename is given, a new file is created. If a filename is given and the file exists, the object will be loaded into R. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 44. Background bigmemory ff ff Saving Data We can use the ffsave function to save a series of objects to file. The specified objects are saved using save and are given the extension .RData. The ff files related to the objects are saved and zipped using an external zip application, and given the extension .ffData. ffsave has some useful parameters. See ?ffsave for more information: ffsave(..., list = character(0L), file = stop("’file’ must be specified", envir = parent.frame(), rootpath = NULL, add = FALSE, move = FALSE, compress = !move, compression_level = 6, precheck=TRUE)} ... the objects to be saved. the file parameters specifies the root name (no extension) for the file. It is best to use absolute paths. add=TRUE to add these objects to an existing archive. compress=TRUE to save and compress. safe=TRUE to write a temporary file first for verification, then move to a persistent location. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 45. Background bigmemory ff ff: Other File I/O Operations Before discussing ffload in a few slides, there are some other operations worth mentioning. ffsave.image allows the user to save the entire workspace to an ffarchive. ffinfo, when passed the path for an ffarchive (without extension) displays information about the archive. ffdrop allows the user to delete an ffarchive (no extension). Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 46. Background bigmemory ff ff Example As we saw earlier, we can use biglm to fit a linear model to big data. 6 library ( biganalytics ) 7 model <- biglm ( log ( Volume ) ~ log ( Girth ) + log ( Height ) , data = fftrees ) Demonstration here. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 47. Background bigmemory ff ff: Conclusion Advantages 1 allows R to work with multiple HUGE datasets. 2 clean system; does not make a mess with a ton of files. 3 several optimizations show that ff has a bright future. Disadvantages 1 few examples; somewhat difficult to introduce. 2 performing analysis may require some clever forethought since not all of the data is in RAM. 3 unzipping files on load is a huge bottleneck. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 48. Background bigmemory ff bigmemory vs. ff Which one to use is a matter of taste. Performance is about the same: the first row of numbers is the initial processing and the second uses caching: Source: http://www.agrocampus-ouest.fr/math/useR-2009/slides/Emerson+Kane.pdf Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 49. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming MapReduce MapReduce is a way of dividing a large job into many smaller jobs producing an output, and then combining the individual outputs into one output. It is a classic divide and conquer approach that is embarrasingly parallel and can easily be distributed among many cores or a CPU, or among many CPUs and nodes. Oh, and it is patented by Google, its biggest user. Two fundamental steps: 1 map step: perform some operation f , in parallel, on data and output a key/value pair for each record/row. 2 reduce step: group common elements and compute some summary statistic, one per group. The notion of map and reduce comes from Lisp and functional programming, where map performs some operation on every element in a collection, and reduce collapses the results of that operation into one result for the collection. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 50. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming Example: Word Counts Suppose we have 5 manuscripts and we want to count number of times each word occurs. (This is a common task in data mining and natural language processing). The map phase parses the text and produces output like word: count. The reduce phase then groups records by word and sums (the reduce operation) the counts. the: 200 the: 200 the: 200 the: 200 the: 200 it: 750 it: 750 it: 750 it: 750 it: 750 and: 1000 and: 1000 and: 1000 and: 1000 and: 1000 fire: 1 fire: 1 fire: 1 fire: 1 fire: 1 truck: 1 truck: 1 truck: 1 truck: 1 truck: 1 the: 1000 it: 3750 and: 5000 fire: 5 truck: 5 Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 51. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming mapReduce mapReduce is a pure R implementation of MapReduce. A matter of fact, the authors of the package state that mapReduce is simply: apply(map(data), reduce) By default, mapReduce uses the same parallelization functionality as sapply which is not preferrable. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 52. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming mapReduce The form of the mapReduce function is very simple. mapReduce(map, ..., data, apply = sapply) map is an expression that yields a vector that partitions data into groups. Can use a single variable as well. This is a bit different from Hadoop’s implementation. ... is one or more reduce functions; typically summary statistics. data is a data.frame. apply is the parallelization toolkit to use: papply, multicore, snow. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 53. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming mapReduce Demonstration 1 data ( iris ) 2 mapReduce ( 3 map = Species , 4 mean . sepal . length = mean ( Sepal . Length ) , 5 max . sepal . length = max ( Sepal . Length ) , 6 data = iris 7 ) mean.sepal.length max.sepal.length setosa 5.006 5.8 versicolor 5.936 7.0 virginica 6.588 7.9 Demonstration here. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 54. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming Hadoop Hadoop is an open-source implementation of MapReduce that has gained a lot of traction in the data mining community. http://hadoop.apache.org Cloudera and Yahoo provide their own implementations of Hadoop, which may be easier to use in the cloud: http://www.cloudera.com/developers/downloads/hadoop-distro/ http://developer.yahoo.com/hadoop/distribution/ Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 55. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming Hadoop Infrastructure Hadoop is a separate open source project, so will not discuss it in detail. 1 Hadoop allows use of parallelism to solve problems using big data. 2 Hadoop is most effective with a cluster and Hadoop assigns certain machines critical tasks. 3 Hadoop uses its own filesystem by default, called HDFS. 4 Map and reduce functions are the same as mentioned in the Intro to Map-Reduce slide. 5 Map, reduce, job control, logging etc. methods are written in Java. We will exploit some workarounds to deal with point #5. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 56. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming Hadoop Installation Installing Hadoop on most systems is simple. 1 Download the tarball from http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/hadoop/core/ 2 Extract using tar xf. 3 Add the Hadoop bin directory to your path. 4 Set environment variable JAVA HOME to point to the location of system Java (Oracle/Sun preferred). Hadoop is then ready to run locally. To run on a cluster requires some more configuration beyond the scope of this talk. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 57. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming HadoopStreaming Typically, Hadoop jobs are written in Java. This was a roadblock to many developers that would incur time having to port code over to Java. Hadoop is distributed with Hadoop Streaming, which allows map/reduce jobs to be written in any language as long as it can read and write from stdin and stdout respectively. This includes R. Cue the HadoopStreaming package! Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 58. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming HadoopStreaming One way to easily use Map/Reduce in R is with the HadoopStreaming package. The workflow is as follows: 1 Open a connection: to a file, STDIN, or a pipe. 2 Write map and reduce functions either in one file, or in separate files. 3 Run the job on data either from the command line using R only, or with Hadoop. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 59. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming Data Mining with R The data for this demonstration is a large 14GB file containing a tweet ID and the content of a user’s tweet. tweetID tweet_text The typical “hello world” example for map/reduce is word counting, so let’s construct the a list of words and the number of times they appear over all tweets in the sample. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 60. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming HadoopStreaming: The Map Function The map function takes a line of input, does something with it, and outputs a key/value pair that is sorted and passed to the reducer. For this example, I split the text of the tweet and output each word as it appears, and the number 1 to denote that the word was seen once. The key is the word, and the value is the intermediate count (1 in this case). Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 61. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming HadoopStreaming: The Reduce Function Before data enters the reduce phase, it is sorted on its key. The reduce function takes a key/value pair and performs an aggregation on each value associated with the same key and writes it to disk (or HDFS with Hadoop) in some format specified by the user. In the output, the “key” is a word and the “value” is the number of times that word appeared in all tweets in the file. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 62. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming HadoopStreaming: Anatomy of a HadoopStreaming Job First, we create a file that will contain the map and reduce functions. 1 # ! / usr / bin / env Rscript # allows script to be EXECUTABLE . 2 3 library ( Ha do o pS tr ea m in g ) # need the package . 4 5 # user can create own command line a r g u m e n t s . 6 # By default , certain a r g u m e n t s are already parsed for you . 7 opts <- c () 8 # Gets a r g u m e n t s from the e n v i r o n m e n t 9 op <- hsCmdLineArgs ( opts , op en Co n ne ct io n s = TRUE ) Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 63. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming HadoopStreaming: Anatomy of a HadoopStreaming Job When running an R script, we can pass command line arguments. For example: ./mapReduce.R -m Short Name Character Argument Type Description mapper m None logical Runs the mapper. reducer r None logical Runs the reducer. infile i Required character Input file, otherwise STDIN. outfile o Required character Output file, otherwise STDOUT. Some selected arguments are above. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 64. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming HadoopStreaming: Anatomy of a HadoopStreaming Job op is populated with a bunch of command line arguments for you. If -m is passed to a script, op$mapper is TRUE and the mapper is run. 10 if ( op $ mapper ) { 11 mapper <- function ( x ) { 12 # t o k e n i z e each tweet 13 words <- unlist ( strsplit (x , " [[: punct :][: space :]]+ " ) ) 14 words <- words [ ! ( words == ’ ’) ] 15 # Create a data frame with 1 column : the words . 16 df <- data . frame ( Word = words ) 17 # Add a column called count , i n i t i a l i z e d to 1. 18 df [ , ’ Count ’] = 1 19 # Send this out to the console for the reducer . 20 hsWriteTable ( df [ , c ( ’ Word ’ , ’ Count ’) ] , file = op $ outcon , sep = ’ , ’) 21 } 22 # Read a line from IN . 23 hsLineReader ( op $ incon , chunkSize = op $ chunksize , FUN = mapper ) 24 } Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 65. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming HadoopStreaming: Anatomy of a HadoopStreaming Job op is populated with a bunch of command line arguments for you. If -r is passed to a script, op$reducer is TRUE and the reducer is run. 25 else if ( op $ reducer ) { 26 # Define the reducer f u n c t i o n . 27 # It just prints the word , the sum of the counts 28 # s e p a r a t e d by comma . 29 reducer <- function ( d ) { 30 cat ( d [1 , ’ Word ’] , sum ( d $ Count ) , ’ n ’ , sep = ’ , ’) 31 } 32 # Define the column names and types for output . 33 cols = list ( Word = ’ ’ , Count =0) 34 hsTableReader ( op $ incon , cols , chunkSize = op $ chunkSize , skip =0 , 35 sep = ’ , ’ , keyCol = ’ Word ’ , singleKey =T , ignoreKey =F , 36 FUN = reducer ) 37 } Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 66. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming HadoopStreaming: Anatomy of a HadoopStreaming Job Finally, we clean after ourselves and close the connections to the in and out connections. 38 if ( ! is . na ( opts $ infile ) ) { 39 close ( opt $ incon ) 40 } 41 42 if ( ! is . na ( opt $ outfile ) ) { 43 close ( opt $ outcon ) 44 } Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 67. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming HadoopStreaming: Running a HadoopStreaming Job HadoopStreaming allows the user to pass data to map/reduce from the command line using a pipe, or using a file. To input data using a pipe: cat twitter.tsv | ./count.R -m | sort | ./count.R -r To input data using a file: ./count.R -m -i twitter.tsv | sort | ./count.R -r Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 68. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming HadoopStreaming: Running a HadoopStreaming Job Or we can run the script using, you know, Hadoop Streaming! hadoop jar $HADOOP_HOME/contrib/streaming/hadoop-0.20.2-streaming.jar -input /home/ryan/hdfs/in -output ~/hdfs/out -mapper "count.R -m" -reducer "count.R -r" -file ./count.R Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 69. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming Hadoop produces a lot of status and progress output and provides a web interface that you can explore when using it. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 70. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming HadoopStreaming: Running a HadoopStreaming Job Output looks as follows. a,13 about,2 action,1 acutely,1 adapting,1 affairs,1 after,1 again,2 ah,2 Ah,1 Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 71. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming HadoopStreaming vs. Rhipe Rhipe is another R interface for Hadoop that provides a more “native” feel to it. 1 incorporates an rhlapply function similar to the standard apply variants. 2 uses Google Protocol Buffers. 3 seems to have great flexibility in modifying Hadoop parameters. 4 has more use cases and flexibility in how to run jobs and how to transmit and receive data. 5 but... is more complicated to use and requires a more in-depth knowledge of Hadoop, which is beyond the scope of the group’s purpose. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 72. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming The Hadoop Barnyard Hadoop also has several other projects that run on top of it: Pig: data-flow (query) language and execution framework for parallel computing. ZooKeeper: high-performance coordination service for distributed applications. Hive: data warehouse infrastructure providing summarization and ad-hoc querying. HBase: a scalable, distributed database supporting structured data storage for large tables. Avro: data serialization providing dynamic integration with scripting languages. Chukwa: data collection system for managing large distributed systems. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 73. Map/Reduce mapReduce HadoopStreaming The Hadoop Barnyard There are other packages that can interface with Hadoop, but are part of a different family. Mahout: suite of scalable machine learning libraries. Nutch: provides web search and crawling application software on top of Lucene. Lucene: an efficient indexer for information retrieval. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 74. When to Use What? This is my personal opinion based on experience with both R and Hadoop. For datasets with size in the range 10GB, bigmemory and ff handle themselves well. For “larger” datasets, use Hadoop (integrated with R?) Not enough research on data on the scale of TB or PB in R. Hadoop is superior here. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 75. Other Solutions: Hardware There are other solutions to some of these problems. Buy more RAM... lots of it... lots of fast RAM Let your system run out of memory and configure it to use solid state drives (SSD) for swap? Use a very expensive SAS drive. use a GPU. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 76. Other Solutions: Software (use the packages we discussed today) use databases that can be called from R. if data is sparse, use sparse matrix packages sparseM or slam. use a different language like C/C++/FORTRAN and interface with R. use a different language entirely. Revolution R is beta testing big dataset support. use Hadoop or Amazon EC2 or Elastic MapReduce with(out) R use SAS Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 77. In Conclusion 1 R provides ways to deal with big data. 2 They are fairly easy to use. 3 Worth learning as R gains popularity and datasets grow huge in size. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 78. Keep in Touch! My email: ryan@stat.ucla.edu My blog: http://www.bytemining.com Follow me on Twitter: @datajunkie Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 79. The End Questions? Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 80. Thank You! Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group
  • 81. References Most examples and descriptions can from package documentation. Other references not previously mentioned: 1 “Big Data in R” by G Stat: March 24, 2010. http://statistics.org.il/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Big Memory%20V0.pdf 2 “The ff Package: Handling Large Data Sets in R with Memory Mapped Pages of Binary Flat Files” by Adler, Nenadic, Zucchini, Glaser: UseR! 2007. http://user2007.org/program/presentations/adler.pdf 3 “The Bigmemory Project” by Michael Kane and John Emerson: April 29, 2010. http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/bigmemory/vignettes/Overview.pdf 4 “Airline On-time Performance.” Data Expo 2009. http://stat-computing.org/dataexpo/2009/the-data.html. Ryan R. Rosario Taking R to the Limit: Part II - Large Datasets Los Angeles R Users’ Group