Radioactive decay is the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by emitting ionizing particles such as alpha particles, beta particles, or gamma rays. Alpha decay occurs when an atom ejects an alpha particle (helium nucleus). Beta decay is the emission of an electron. Gamma decay is the release of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves.
4. Alpha Decay
Occurs when the nucleus ejects an alpha
particle (helium nucleus).
- This could barely pass through a single sheet of
paper. Deflected as a positive particle in a magnetic
5. An example of an alpha decay
involves uranium-238:
6. Beta Decay
Is the emission of a beta particle, or
electron, by a radioactive nucleus.
- This can pass through about 3mm of aluminum.
Deflected as a negative particle in a magnetic field.
8. Gamma Decay
It is the release of energy in the form
of high-frequency electromagnetic
- This can pass can pass through several centimeters
of LEAD! Not deflected in a magnetic field.
9. Units of Radiation
1 gray = 1Gy = 1 J/kg
1 rad = 10ˉ Gy
radiation absorbed
10. Type and Energy of
X-rays 1)
Gamma rays 1
Beta particles (>30 keV) 1
Beta particles (<30 keV) 1.7
Neutrons (<0.02 MeV) 2-5
10 (body),
Neutrons (1-10 MeV)
30 (eyes)
10 (body),
Protons (1-10 MeV)
30 (eyes
Alphas from natural