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Chicago Cook Workforce
Career Education Corporation
The Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership
 Is the 2nd largest Local Workforce Investment Area in the
 Is the largest Not-For-Profit LWIA in the country
 Administers $50 million in federal and other grant funds
 Oversees Workforce Investment Act (WIA) services offered
through 49 affiliate agencies including 10 workforce centers, 2
satellites and a business intermediary
 Provides workforce development services to ≈140,000 people
per year
 Creates employment initiatives based upon employer demand
 Synthesizes and disseminates regional labor market
information to stakeholders
The Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership
The Goal of this Webinar
 Provide Information & Resources on Dislocated Worker
Programs to Prepare the Unemployed to Reenter The
 Train Workers Facing Layoff in New Skills and Place Them
Into Training Related Employment
Rapid Response Services
What is WIA?
Workforce Investment Act (WIA)
•Laid Off Worker Programs & Services for Dislocated Workers are
available under the Federal Department of Labor (DOL) WIA grant.
The WIA grant provides employment assistance, employment
placement, and related regional key sector training.
WIA is administered by the State of Illinois Department of Commerce
& Economic Opportunity (DCEO) and facilitated for all of Cook County
through the Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership-
Local Workforce Investment Area (LWIA 7).
Rapid Response Services
Who does WIA help?
Dislocated Workers are individuals who:
•Have been laid off, or terminated, or who have received notice of
layoff or termination due to plant closure or mass layoff through
receipt of a WARN Notice.
•Are unemployed through no fault of their own, are eligible for
unemployment, and/or are unlikely to return to their previous
occupation of industry.
Rapid Response Services
How does WIA help?
Career Services & Resources
•Resource Center: Free Use of Computers with Internet access, Fax
Machines, Copiers, and more
•Job Search & Placement Assistance
•Employment Statistics Information
•Training Provider Information
•Supportive Service Information
•Unemployment Insurance (U.I.) Claims Filing Information
•Workforce related Training Workshops, Hiring Events/Job Fairs
Rapid Response Services
How does WIA help?
Career Services & Resources
Comprehensive Skill Assessments
Career Counseling – Planning/Development (Individual-Group)
Development of Individual Employment Plans (IEP) – Job Search
Resume & Cover Letter assistance, Interviewing Preparation
Short-Term Pre-Vocational Services
Out-of-Area Job Search Assistance
Literacy Activities Related to Basic Work-Readiness
Relocation Assistance
Rapid Response Services
How does WIA help?
Training Services
Occupational Skills Training (ITA)
On-the-Job Training
Industry Sector Training Programs
Skill Upgrading & Retraining
Entrepreneurial Training
Job Readiness Training
Adult Education & Literacy Activities
Employer Customized Training
Rapid Response Services – Illinois workNet
Dislocated Workers can access the Laid Off Worker
Company Specific Page to learn more on how to
move on from a Company Layoff as well as find
Support Services and Resources to assist during
this time of transition.
Illinois workNet is
an online workforce
development portal
that helps
individuals plan and
move forward in
their job and career
Rapid Response Services – Illinois workNet
Follow the IllinoisworkNet Laid Off Worker Step Guide to
achieve your re-employment success!
Rapid Response Services – Illinois workNet
Search for an Illinois workNet Center
or Resource Center near you:
Narrow your results by:
Zip Code
(i.e. serves laid off workers, access to
computers, offers workshops, etc.)

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  • 1. Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership WIA RAPID RESPONSE WEBINAR Career Education Corporation WORKFORCE SERVICES FOR DISLOCATED WORKERS 1
  • 2. The Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership 2  Is the 2nd largest Local Workforce Investment Area in the country  Is the largest Not-For-Profit LWIA in the country  Administers $50 million in federal and other grant funds  Oversees Workforce Investment Act (WIA) services offered through 49 affiliate agencies including 10 workforce centers, 2 satellites and a business intermediary  Provides workforce development services to ≈140,000 people per year  Creates employment initiatives based upon employer demand  Synthesizes and disseminates regional labor market information to stakeholders
  • 3. The Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership 3 LAID OFF WORKERS ASSISTANCE The Goal of this Webinar  Provide Information & Resources on Dislocated Worker Programs to Prepare the Unemployed to Reenter The Workforce  Train Workers Facing Layoff in New Skills and Place Them Into Training Related Employment
  • 4. Rapid Response Services What is WIA? 4 Workforce Investment Act (WIA) DISLOCATED WORKER SERVICES •Laid Off Worker Programs & Services for Dislocated Workers are available under the Federal Department of Labor (DOL) WIA grant. The WIA grant provides employment assistance, employment placement, and related regional key sector training. WIA is administered by the State of Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity (DCEO) and facilitated for all of Cook County through the Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership- Local Workforce Investment Area (LWIA 7).
  • 5. Rapid Response Services Who does WIA help? 5 Dislocated Workers are individuals who: •Have been laid off, or terminated, or who have received notice of layoff or termination due to plant closure or mass layoff through receipt of a WARN Notice. •Are unemployed through no fault of their own, are eligible for unemployment, and/or are unlikely to return to their previous occupation of industry.
  • 6. Rapid Response Services How does WIA help? 6 Career Services & Resources •Resource Center: Free Use of Computers with Internet access, Fax Machines, Copiers, and more •Intake/Orientation/Assessment •Job Search & Placement Assistance •Employment Statistics Information •Training Provider Information •Supportive Service Information •Unemployment Insurance (U.I.) Claims Filing Information •Workforce related Training Workshops, Hiring Events/Job Fairs
  • 7. Rapid Response Services How does WIA help? 7 Career Services & Resources Comprehensive Skill Assessments Career Counseling – Planning/Development (Individual-Group) Development of Individual Employment Plans (IEP) – Job Search Resume & Cover Letter assistance, Interviewing Preparation Short-Term Pre-Vocational Services Out-of-Area Job Search Assistance Literacy Activities Related to Basic Work-Readiness Relocation Assistance Internships
  • 8. Rapid Response Services How does WIA help? 8 Training Services Occupational Skills Training (ITA) On-the-Job Training Industry Sector Training Programs Skill Upgrading & Retraining Entrepreneurial Training Job Readiness Training Adult Education & Literacy Activities Employer Customized Training
  • 9. Rapid Response Services – Illinois workNet ® 9 Dislocated Workers can access the Laid Off Worker Company Specific Page to learn more on how to move on from a Company Layoff as well as find Support Services and Resources to assist during this time of transition. Illinois workNet is an online workforce development portal that helps individuals plan and move forward in their job and career search.
  • 10. Rapid Response Services – Illinois workNet ® 10 Follow the IllinoisworkNet Laid Off Worker Step Guide to achieve your re-employment success!
  • 11. Rapid Response Services – Illinois workNet ® 11 Search for an Illinois workNet Center or Resource Center near you: Narrow your results by: Zip Code County LWIA Keyword Services (i.e. serves laid off workers, access to computers, offers workshops, etc.) https://www2.illinoisworknet.com/Connect/Pages /LocationSearch.aspx