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Really Bad Essay Example - Facebookthesis.Web.Fc2.Com Really Bad Essay Example -
The Case Of Buffalo For Real
The narrative that gets told about a city influences public policies, economic development initiatives,
and even civic morale and engagement. For example, in the case of Buffalo, pervasive myths about
high property tax rates have influenced the public s perception about the funding of public programs
and fed the desire for irresponsible tax cuts. Similarly, stories that fail to acknowledge issues of
poverty, inequality, and segregation marginalize certain groups and hinder constructive dialogue on
how to fix these issues. Many of the solutions previously proposed to make Buffalo prosper, assumed
that the city was in dire straits. While it is true that Buffalo had been hit by hard times, haphazard
attempts at economic developments only exasperated ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 2010, the poverty rate was 29.6% and the unemployment rate is currently 12.4%. In addition, most
of the poverty is concentrated on the west side and the east side. These issues have been compounded
by a dwindling population as many choose to avoid the inner city poverty in favor of living in the
surrounding suburbs. With that being said, Buffalo has many underutilized or unrecognized resources.
First, Buffalo has access to the Great Lakes. As water scarcity becomes a more pressing issue, the
Great Lakes will become an even more valuable resource. Buffalo needs to recognize the value of this
resource and stop dumping raw sewage into the water. Second, the city is located near Niagara Falls,
one of the biggest tourist attractions in the world. The only problem is that Buffalo doesn t have as
many attractions to keep tourist in the area for a longer period. Also, its rich past has endowed it with
magnificent architecture and historic landmarks. By accentuating these locations, Buffalo could
increase its tourism traffic. The economic situation in Buffalo has been bleak, but its proximity to
Toronto could lead to a resurgence if the city s prime location is utilized. By taking stock of the
resources that it has at its disposal, Buffalo can change the narrative about its future
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Ordinary People Pay Disparity
University of the People Introduction Over half a century ago, the pay disparity between the regular
employee and a multimillion dollar corporation s chief executive officer, according to Mackey
(20140), was at such a low ebb compare to this modern day and time. Life, then, was simple.
Expenditure was at a bare minimum. Most necessities, especially food, were readily available. People
spent less and saved more. The pay gap, to say the least, was appreciable. Nearly six decades ago, the
salary gap kept widening. Those who own the means of production aren t saying anything. The
employees continue to live on starvation wage struggling to make ends meet. What is wrong with us?
The world is getting very unequal. Ordinary people have demonstrated, conducted sit in, and
petitioned governments and international organizations to fix the issue of inequality in all areas of life.
So far, they ve made no headway. Protests like Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Toronto, lack Lives
Matter, the perennial G 20s and its offshoots have so far fallen on deaf ears. These protests called on
business and political leaders to do something about the gap between the haves and the haves not. ...
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The disparity is hurting the ordinary citizens. It s affecting them emotionally, psychologically and
physically. If the current pay structure remains in place, it tends to demotivate workers, and
production and its quality will be affected. The current policies must change. Corporations should
begin to chart new plans to reduce the compensation gaps between their CEOs and the ordinary
workers. The world is changing every day for the better. Wages of employees are lower than in 10
years ago (Mishel, L., Bivens, J., Gould, E., Shiertholz, H.
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Essay on Neurobiological Mechanisms for Alcoholism
Neurobiological Mechanisms for Alcoholism
While alcohol could well be considered the most socially acceptable psychoactive drug in our society,
the dangers of alcohol abuse and addiction are well known. However, not everyone who uses, or even
abuses, alcohol will actually become an alcoholic who is physically dependent on the drug. Not all of
the mechanisms that cause one to become addicted to alcohol have been clarified. However, there
seem to be two main reasons for alcohol addiction. One is that the chronic consumption of alcohol
causes changes in the brain that result in a dependence on alcohol. Another is that some individuals
have abnormalities in their brains that result in a greater tendency to become addicted to alcohol. The
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This manifests itself as increased tolerance to the effects of alcohol, since more of the drug is required
to achieve the same depressant and intoxicating effect.4 Because of the damage to the function of the
GABA inhibitory system, the CNS tends toward hyperexcitability, resulting in the anxiety, tremors,
disorientation, and hallucinations associated with alcohol withdrawal. Chronic exposure to alcohol
may also increase the sensitivity of glutamate receptors, and since glutamate is an excitatory
neurotransmitter this would contribute further to CNS hyperexcitability.5
Alcohol also seems to affect the binding properties of receptors for opioid peptides, as well as the
synthesis of these peptides. Specifically, alcohol may stimulate the release of lt;beta endorphins,
neurotransmitters held responsible for euphoria and anesthesia, accounting for some of the
intoxicating effects of alcohol.6 The experimental observation that the administration of opioid
blockers reduces craving for alcohol has led to FDA approval of naltrexone, a drug that interferes with
the function of opioid receptors, as a treatment for alcoholism.7
Thus, alcohol can cause physical addiction directly through its effects on many receptor sites in the
postsynaptic membranes of neurons. However, another important factor in the development of
alcoholism appears to be that the brains of alcoholics have abnormal neurotransmitter systems,
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Lolo Loarlo Analysis
Sexuality plays a significant role in the novel. Be it Oscars inability to have sex, Yunior, the narrators,
constant search for a woman, the sexual abuse that Lola is victim of as a child or the constant
sexualization of Beli as a teen. In these cases, when analyzed, the reader can see that the treatment or,
mistreatment of these cases, is often transgenerational. Starting with Lola, the sexual abuse she
experienced was at a very young age, and when she tells her mother about it, she is told that she must
never speak of it again. This shame that comes with sexual abuse is often repressed by families and
victims alike. Lola refers to repressed memory as within a year I couldn t have told you what that
neighbor looked like, or even his name (Diaz 56). The way that Lola was sexualized at such an early
age, is the same way the she was sexualized on the streets of Santo Domingo as a teen. Yet, Beli does
not recognize these similarities. Often, young victims often feel a sense of blame because of the shame
that is felt by their families. The sexualization of young girl is not seen a major problem, that is
because woman in the novel are disposable. It does not matter if it the dominate Raffaele Trujillo, or
the weak Oscar Wao, they all see women as the next conquest, not matter how it is romanticized.
Beli is sadly seen as mostly a sex object. She never experienced true love. In fact, even many of the
descriptions in the novel explain men either trying or wanting to hit on her.
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Essay about Making it in America
Making it in America
In the article Making it in America Adam Davidson takes time to interview different employees at
Standard Motor Products to determine how it is treating them and how factories are changing in time.
Adam is receiving a tour of the plant by manager Tony Scalzitti where he sees many factory workers
in blue lab coats, hair nets, and protective eyewear. This is where Adam first runs into Madelyn
Parlier. Madelyn Parlier was a 22 year old woman working in the assembly line at the factory. Her
occupation was seemed to be an unskilled job and didn t require much education or experience. It was
all about quickness and effectiveness for Madelyn and that was something she was great at. ... Show
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Adam tracks down the owners of Standard and finds out they are based out of Long Island City,
Queens. There Adam discovers the history of the company and how a man named Elias Fife a Jewish
immigrant first set up the company. Through time other similar competitors had to sell or close and
Standard stuck out through the times and had to sell its main building in NY to other locations to cut
on costs. The company almost went bankrupt in the 1990s but managed to stay afloat and is now one
of the biggest aftermarket manufacturing companies in the world. Adam sits in a meeting with two
engineers from the company John Gasiewski and Marty Doelger. They where going over a new
crankshaft sensor and figuring out if it would be a benefit for the company to start to produce them.
They in turn said it was very cost effective to start to produce them because they weren t as finely
shaped as the fuel injectors and could be produced at on of the offshore factories. Although this
benefits the company it also takes jobs away from America and moves them offshore. Overall Adam
discovered how much job opportunities in factories have been declining over the last couple of years.
Whether it be to new machinery coming in to do someone s job or bringing the work offshore so
Americans don t have the opportunity to work. Something is going to have to change or at some point
it will all be machinery running the factories.
Davidson, A. (n.d.).
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The Shark Ethos
Imagine a world without your favorite foods you have ever consumed. Imagine a world where you
cannot even enjoy your favorite beach on vacation because of unmanageable algae taking over our
coasts. Imagine a world with a huge spike in greenhouse gases, and a dramatic decline of natural
oxygen production. This is a world without the most feared and misunderstood creature that rules our
oceans, the Shark. In an advertisement published by WWF, it conveys the message of what we should
actually be fearing, the fall of our marine ecosystems and what that will do to humanity. The
advertisement uses all three appeals of ethos, pathos, and logos to push their targeted audience to
further their education on our world and to spread the word to everyone ... Show more content on
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Viewers do not have to read a paragraph of information to get to the point, so having only three, small
words printed onto the display gives more room for the picture itself to tell the story. The usage of the
word horrifying , perfectly corresponds with the overall tone of the advertisement and is what truly
captures the viewers attention. Visually, the ad is incredibly ominous, giving an unsettling sense of
mystery and threat, so comparing it with the term horrifying , completes the connotation given. WWF
associates the picture without the sharks fin with the words More Horrifying , which is a very
dramatic statement, in order to play on the more pragmatic fear on what shark s decline in our world s
oceans will substantially
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2.2 Harm-Reduction Analysis
2.2 Harm reduction perspective
The other perspective moves away from drug control approaches that criminalize drug users to
evidence based strategies that treat addiction as a chronic medical disease. The harm reduction
perspective begins with the assumption that it is not reasonable to assume that individuals make
healthy decisions. Examples of this approach include NSEPs, Opioid agonist therapy, behavioral
interactions, among others. Proponents of this approach hold that those trapped in dangerous
behaviors often are unable and/or are unwilling to break free of them, and should be at least enabled to
continue these behaviors in a less harmful manner (Viahov et al, 2001). Hence, treating drug
dependency as illness absolves drug users of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 1988, 130 needle exchange programs were operational in the United States, with the coverage of
these programs varying widely. In 1999, the US had 160 programs, whereas Australia had more than
2000 programs (Viahov et al, 2001). As of 2015 there are 31 states, the District of Columbia, and
Puerto Rico that have NSEPs. What about the remaining 19 states, one may ask? Those states who
excluded themselves from this program are governed by political ideologies like Mike Pence, former
governor of Indiana, now the Vice President of US. Early state adopters like Washington (1988) and
New York (1992) have seen the rates of injection related HIV infection declining as did other states
that proceeded to implement NSEPs (Rich Adashi, 2015). With this in mind, what happened in Indiana
was predictable and
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Television During The Vietnam War
In recent history, humans are able to access new resources that people didn t have in the past such as
the television, national archives and the internet. The television was introduced to Australia on the
16th September 1956 (first broadcast Good evening, and welcome to television. ). Televisions provide
us with a visual account of events rather than primarily text. The Vietnam war was the first major
conflict to be broadcasted on television. Images of casualties and deaths were shown on the televisions
for people to see and historians believe that this has changed people s view on the Vietnam war ( often
known as The living room war or Television war )
The National Archives is also a resource that people can access especially historians to gather primary
resources and revisit past issues. At the end of every year the National Archive releases Cabinet
minutes from 30 years ago. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Due to the two world wars the United Nations was established to prevent another world horror from
occurring. Before the United Nations, the League of Nations was formed to express their concerns and
settle disputes however due to the lack of power it failed. However, luckily a second attempt was
made and UN was created on 24 October 1945.
The principle bodies of the United Nations consists of General assembly, Security council, Economic
and Social Council, Trusteeship council, International Court of Justice and Secretariat. The Security
Council is considered as the most important principle body as it has the power to authorise military
force to enforce its solution. The permanent five members of the Security Council are the five most
powerful countries at the end of WW2 which includes United States, France, China, Great Britain and
Russia. Each member has the right to object the Security Council resolutions that it disagrees with.
The aims of the UN
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College Students Are Right To Crack Down On Speech And...
Eric Posner argues that college students are not mature and educated enough to handle freedom of
speech. In his essay Universities Are Right to Crack Down on Speech and Behavior he uses ways to
support that students are not ready to perform freedom of speech. He states how there have been rules
applied to decrease speech on students in a school setting. Posner also comments that students do not
know anything and that is reason Posner provides to explain that college students are not ready to
enter the real world. The speech of students is being limited by the professors while in class
discussion. Teachers, in other words, are become more of dictators than the actual teachers
themselves, as Posner states in his essay. Although these restrictions ... Show more content on
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He addresses logic when he commented in his essay that students entering college do not know much
and that is why they are going to school: Students who enter college know hardly anything at all that s
why they need an education (Posner 183). He chose to argue on this matter because he makes logic, if
they enter college then that means that they need some sort of education to have freedom of speech
and behavior. Likewise, Posner adds logos to his essay when he explains how scientists are also on the
search of how a person under the age of 20 is still maturing: Scientific research confirms that brain
development continues well into a person s 20s (Posner 185). He uses this statement to certify to his
audience that the cognitive parts of the brain are still being developed by the time they are entering or
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Essay about Ben Franklin
Ben Franklin
Ben Franklin is one of the most dynamic figures in the history of America. As a philosopher, scientist,
writer, inventor, diplomat, and more he had far reaching effects on America and the world both in his
time and today. Franklin was one of the first people to recognize himself as American and distinguish
the people of the new nation as something more than British colonists. As an American, Franklin
sought to improve the country through the creation of institutions and the development of personal
moral and financial success for its citizens.
GENRE:Autobiography, Personal Narrative
In the first part, Franklin is speaking to his son, describing the past. He talks about his childhood,
family, upbringing, and general ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In this way, he sees religion not as an abstract or other worldly social concept but as a function of
society for its utility and usefulness. He does believe in G d and thanks him for all that he has received
but, similar to Frederick Douglass, is aware of the falsehoods being taught in mainstream religion. For
instance, he describes a local ministers sermons as their aim seeming to be rather to make us
Presbyterians than good citizens. Although he did not believe in any one religion, he did feel that they
were good for the community and actively supported the Presbyterian minister, Jewish temples, and
other groups.
2.) Industry/Self Improvement: Franklin often can be seen assuming that any effort will be successful
if the proper amount of hard work is applied to it. He was, however, aware that he had been very lucky
and that few efforts would reach fruition without some effects of luck. It is interesting to see how at
every turn Franklin had some sort of system or method laid out, followed it step by step, and achieved
the intended result. Many people today can think of what it would take to be successful at something
(say a sport or skill) but few know so thoroughly the correct path to take and actually walk down it to
its end. We observe this ability even in his childhood. At the time, these attitudes toward
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Stormbreaker Analysis
Have you ever had a time where you had to think fast and use what was around you to prevent
something bad from happening? When I was 13 my cousins were riding their bikes down a steep hill
with a jump at the end and a lake about 30 feet after that. The more I watched them the more I wanted
to ride my bike down the hill too, so I grabbed my bike and when they all went inside to watch tv I
snuck out and got ready to go down the hill. When I was finally ready to go down I pushed off and
pedalled as fast as I could, but when I jumped the ramp I realized that I did not have brakes on my
bike so I had to do something to try and stop before I got drenched. So I swerved to the side and
reached out for my grandma s hammock that was there and held on ... Show more content on
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One example of how Alex is resourceful is when he was trapped in a giant aquarium with a dangerous
jellyfish inside. In order to survive he had to use what he had with him. According to the story ¨Alex
held the tube against the metal corners at the front of the tank and did his best to squeeze a long line of
cream all the way down the length of the metal¨ (Horowitz 162) This shows Alex s resourcefulness
because when it didn t look like he was going to survive because he was close to drowning and getting
stung by a poisonous jellyfish he escaped by using a special cream he had to melt through the metal
support beams on the tank which made the tank break open. Another example of how Alex was
resourceful is when he used the karate move that he had learned when he was younger to take down an
armed guard. One example from the text is where it states ¨At that moment Alex struck. It was another
classic karate blow this time twisting his body around and driving his elbow into the side of the mans
head just below the ear. The guard didn t even cry out¨ (Horowitz 140). This shows that Alex is
resourceful because if he wouldn t have knocked to guard out with his special move he most likely
would have either gotten shot by the guard or tortured for spying on the company to find out what they
were doing that they where trying to hide. Through Alex knocking out the guard and Alex breaking
out of the tank he manages to escape these two life or death
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Nt1310 Unit 4 Power Supply
4 Power supply:
A device which supplies electrical energy to an output load is called a power supply. Conversion of
one form of electrical power to another desired form and voltage, typically involving converting AC
line voltage to a well regulated lower voltage DC for electronic devices. Low voltage, low power DC
power supply units are commonly integrated with the devices they supply, such as computers and
household electronics.
5V DC power should be supplied to PIC microcontroller which will be achieved by converting 230V
AC into 5V DC. 230V AC is too high to be reduce. Therefore, stepdown transformer will be needed.
Step down transformer will reduce the line voltage to certain voltage that will help us to convert 230V
AC to 5V DC. In order ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It converts a varying input voltage into a constant regulated output voltage. Voltage Regulators are
available in a variety of outputs like 5V, 6V, 9V, 12V and 15V. The LM78XX series of voltage
regulators are designed for positive input. For applications requiring negative input, the LM79XX
series is used. Using a pair of voltage divider resistors can increase the output voltage of a regulator
5 Ultrasonic sensor:
Ultrasonic sensors emit short, high frequency sound pulses at regular intervals. These propagate in the
air at the velocity of sound. If they strike an object, then they are reflected back as echo signals to the
sensor, which itself computes the distance to the target based on the time span between emitting the
signal and receiving the echo.
As the distance to an object is determined by measuring the time of flight and not by the intensity of
the sound, ultrasonic sensors are excellent at suppressing background interference. Virtually all
materials which reflect sound can be detected, regardless of their color. Even transparent materials or
thin foils represent no problem for an ultrasonic
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The Vietnam War And The Long Arms Of American History
The Vietnam War is a sore spot in the long arms of American History. Nearly 60,000 Americans died
and estimated millions of Vietnamese. It was considered to be the longest war in American history as
well. Many questioned the motives and causes of the war calling it an atrocity. Others say that it may
have been a terrible effort to defend a noble cause, the spread of communism. The years precluding
the Vietnam war, there was a war taking place in Vietnam. It was known as the Indochina War, where
the Vietnamese waged war against the colonial rule of France. The French were defeated in the battle
of Dien Bien Phu. Following this defeat, there was a peace conference in Geneva, which resulted in
Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam to receive their independence. The Geneva Accords officially divided
Vietnam into North Vietnam and South Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh and his communist forces led the
North. A French backed emperor led the south until elections in 1956. These elections were supposed
to reunify Vietnam. United State s Cold War policy was beginning to come into play by this time. The
U.S. was concerned with the domino theory, which believed that the communist overtake of North
Vietnam would cause other countries in surrounding regions to adopt the ideology. In the interest of
the U.S. to support South Vietnam, they back an anti communist politician named Ngo Dinh Diem. In
1955, Diem took control of the South Vietnamese government with the support of the U. S. Later in
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Microsoft, Mysql And Sql Server
When you start thinking about getting a database program for your company there are many popular
software names that come to mind. The first that come to my mind are Oracle, MySQL (structured
query language) and SQL Server, but let s take it one step further you have to know the pros and cons
for each program. By educating yourself on the differences between the programs you can know that
you are getting exactly what you need from the software. Even though they all do create databases,
different companies have special needs and the program that is chosen may not do what it is needed
without research. Some users might say that the cost plays a big part of the decision making process,
but you do not always just want to know how much they cost because you want to know how they
differ from each other. There are quite a few out there, let s start with the top three companies Oracle,
MySQL and SQL Server.
First, let us take a look at Oracle. Oracle has been the leader of database programs for years; it was
released for commercial use in 1980s. Oracle s first release was called Oracle 2 and it only supported
the basis features of SQL. (Lee, 2013) It was also the first to develop commercial layer SQL.
Commercial layer program is usually windows base and it works with SQL Server. Some of Oracle s
many features include the interface that can either be SQL (structured query language) or GUI
(graphical user interface). The languages it supports are C, C#, C++, Java, Ruby, Objective C
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Moving Day Research Paper
Moving Day How will my young children feel about it? At some point in their lives, many families
face the prospect of moving to a new home. While a move may be stressful for adults, it can be even
more traumatic for children, as they are most likely not a part of the decision to move, and might not
understand it. Many children thrive on familiarity and routine, which a move severely disrupts.
Therefore, when considering a move, it is important to weigh the benefits against the comfort that
familiar surroundings provide a child. If your family has recently dealt with a major life change, such
as divorce or death, postponing a move to give young children time to adjust may be the best course of
action. However, the decision to move may be out ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When discussing a move with your children, try to give them as much information as soon as possible.
Answer questions completely and honestly, and be receptive to your children s reactions. Even if the
move is extremely beneficial, children don t always understand, and may be frightened by the
ramifications. As such, involving your children in the process as much as possible makes them feel
like participants. This can make the move and associated changes feel less forced upon them. If you re
moving across town, you can take your children to visit the new home and explore the new
neighborhood before the move. For distant moves, you can provide as much information as possible
about the new home and location. Access the internet with your children to learn about the new
community. See if someone can take pictures of the new house and new school to show your children,
or look up photos on the internet with them. Moving with Toddlers and Preschoolers Children younger
than six may be the easiest to move, as their capacity for understanding is limited. Regardless,
guidance is important to ensure a smooth move. Here are some ways to ease the
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White Trash Primer Essay
English 112
7 May 2013
The Judgement
In the short, personal memoir, White Trash Primer, Lacy M. Johnson talks about a girl s life from
childhood to her early adult life. Johnson begins her piece by talking about the girl s childhood that
seemed like an average child s life growing up in a rural area. This girl grew up in a family where her
family was constantly working hard on a farm to get by. As time went on, life s circumstances
changed. The child began to mature and the family was forced to move due to financial problems.
From the move, the family went from owning a farm and selling corn and soy beans, to a family that
was forced to work at Wal Mart. Depression eventually takes over the girl s life and her lifestyle
changed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Another great thing I took away from reading this memoir is that everyone looks at the same things,
but in different ways. For example, the main character in Johnson s memoir constantly went into Wal
Mart looking for a job. After applying six times, she finally got hired.
Some might have seen her as being a pest or an interruption to the other employees, while others saw
her as being a determined individual that knew what she wanted. Everyone saw the same lady walking
into the store, but all of their impressions were very different. Learning that everyone sees the world in
a different manner then led to me wanting to be kind hearted woman to everyone that I meet.
Impressions are everything, so it is better to give a person the benefit of the doubt since their life
stories are not revealed at the time they are seen. The last lesson I took away from reading Johnson s
piece is a person can go from living a comfortable life without the amenities, but with all the
necessities, to a life where there is nothing at all. There are certain events that happen in your life that
can change your life completely.
Johnson is not the only person who is extremely satisfied with this piece. Many of her readers feel the
same joy. One of her readers by the name of Claudia Rankine writes on an online blog saying:
I was riveted by this piece written with the haunting interiority of poetry and the compelling drive of
prose. Much like being caught in a novel by
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Research Paper On Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain s second largest city welcomes visitors to its friendly atmosphere and history waiting
to be explored. Discover the charm and beauty of Barcelona, Spain Situated along the coast of the
Mediterranean Sea between the Llobregat and Besòs River, lies Barcelona, Spain s second largest
metropolis. The city s history goes all the way back to some 4,000 years when the earliest settlements
were first established by local farmers. Ever since those early years, Barcelona has grown to become
one of Europe s most cosmopolitan cities along with a fascinating way of life and a lively atmosphere.
Attractions One of the most popular boulevards in Barcelona is La Rambla, a favorite among locals
and tourists. This lively spot is shared among ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Situated in a medieval palace, its collection is among one of the very finest of its kind. It provides
visitors with a glimpse into a prosperous community of the earliest civilizations pertaining to the
Americas. The tiny museum displays a number of items such as wood and stone sculptures, ceramics,
tapestries, and jade. The exhibits represent the Olmec, Maya, Aztec, Chavin, Mochica and Inca
cultures. The Museu Picasso is perhaps the most popular and visited museum in Barcelona featuring
approximately 3,500 exhibits that represent the permanent collection. Among the exhibited items is
Picasso s early work of art. The artist dedicated a number of his years in Barcelona (1901 06)
producing several works of art. The exhibits include childhood drawings, images from the stunning
Rose and Blue time period, and the prominent 1950s Cubist versions on Velazquez s Las Meninas
(Ladies in Waiting). One other landmark not to be overlooked is the Gaudi Casa Museu, a former
residence of Antoni Gaudi (1852 1926) now a museum made up of fixtures designed by the artist.
Various other featured items contain decorations, sketches, and portraits of the artist. The museum first
opened its doors on September 28, 1963, and displays several of Barcelona s finest works of
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Using A Computer Generated Random Number Table
To prevent bias and confounding in treatment assignment, randomization was completed. 10 (5 men, 5
women) participants (see Table 1) were each evaluated in person at the Howard University Speech and
Hearing Clinic. Each of which provided written informed consent for participation. Through the use of
a computer generated random number table, each participant was assigned their method of treatment,
either via face to face or telepractice at another local university speech and hearing clinic. Each
participant was 18 years or older and had been previously diagnosed with Primary Muscle Tension
Dysphonia (PMTD) by an otolaryngologist. Participants who presented with head and neck cancer,
organic lesions, spasmodic dysphonia or other neurological disorders, oropharyngeal dysphagia,
respiratory disorders including asthma, or mild MTD were excluded from the study. Also, excluded,
were any participants who previously utilized pharmacological treatment or received other voice
therapy methods with regards to problems with their voice. Table 1. Study participant demographic
characteristics. Participant Age Gender Days post onset of symptoms Group Occupation SP01 23 M 1
year Face to Face School Paraprofessional SP04 45 F 2 months Telepractice Elem. School Teacher
SP05 32 F 1 month Telepractice Business Manager SP08 18 M 5 months Face to Face High School
Student SP10 35 F 2 years Face to Face College Professor SP11 42 F 8 months Face to Face IT
Supervisor SP12 20 F 2 months Face to Face
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10 Things I Hate About You Stereotypes
Judging superficially will not reveal the truth The film 10 things I hate about you is a romantic
comedy released in 1999. It is starred by Julia Stiles and Heath Ledger. It s a very popular film
between teens. The film was made as an adaptation of the Taming of the Shrew by William
Shakespeare. However, the story portrays certain characteristics of a fairy tale known as King
Thrushbeard . The film utilizes fairy tale and cinematic elements to show that judging a person can
mislead the truth, by using complex characters that represent different stereotypes. The film has a
proud female character who judges everyone based on her personal past experiences. The main
character, Kat Stratford, is shown as a proud, arrogant, unsocial female who tries to live for her own
expectations. It is interesting because since the beginning of the film she shows no interest in boys,
until she gets to know Patrick Verona. It s intriguing how Verona is able to ... Show more content on
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The film has many perspectives towards a gender. For example, the females are totally opposite. Kat
Stratford is shown as brave, independent, athlete, intelligent, not feminine girl while her sister is
totally the opposite. Bianca is feminine, popular, well dressed, sweet and naïve. At the end they
complement each other because one learns from the other. For example, Bianca punches Joey in
defending her beliefs about what she thinks is correct. On the other side, Kat goes to prom because she
finally understands that she has to allow her sister experience things by herself. Now, on the male side
there are three types of boys: the humble, the rude and the handsome. Cameron shows a humble man,
whose love is pure and sincere. Verona changes the idea of rude guys by showing that he is willing to
humiliate himself in order to get Kat s attention and pardon. Finally, Joey shows the type of guy
whose love is only to himself and will never be able to truly love
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Lenders And Credit Loans Online Payday Loans
Lenders who offer bad credit loans, including online payday loans, personal installment loans and auto
title loans, have come under increasing attack in recent years. The Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau, or CFPB, has been the most vocal critic of these lenders. The CFPB published its proposed
regulations for short term, small dollar loans in June 2016. Included in the 1,341 pages of new rules
and explanations is a section that deals specifically with lenders who offer online payday loans.
Despite the pending proposed regulations and the criticism leveled at the lenders, however, the
number of borrowers seeking an online payday loan continues to increase.
Why Payday Loans Online Continue to Increase Despite Criticism of the Industry
In recent years, many states and municipalities have passed laws that have made it difficult or
impossible for payday lenders to operate a traditional storefront. However, as multiple witnesses
pointed out during testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Financial
Services, outlawing a product is not the same as eliminating the demand for the product. In simple
terms, people want the ability to borrow small amounts of money when they need to handle a financial
emergency, and if they cannot deal with a lender who has a store, they will turn to a lender who offers
online payday loans.
However, there are other reasons for the increasing number of people looking for an online payday
loan. Unlike stores, websites are open
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The Church s Role In Ancient Russian Society And Politics
The church s role in ancient Russian society and politics was also significant since it encountered a
semi pagan society with many barbarian practices and crude customs in the late tenth and early
eleventh centuries. These included a primitive form of marriage in which the wife was abducted or
purchased, polygamy, slavery, blood feuds and many other rituals society would deem cruel and
barbaric today. (131, Engelstein) While the church did not immediately eliminate ingrained habits and
prejudices, it gradually imparted new ideas and attitudes by educating people, changing morals, and
preparing the people to accept new standards. The church opposed barbaric customs such as blood
feuds and, together with secular leaders, attempted to formulate judicial norms and establish
appropriate punishments that fit the nature of and reasons for crimes. In these actions, the church
deeply penetrated the legal and moral foundations of society. This is another example of how the
Christianization of Russia started to shape politics and the culture of Russia specifically from some of
the earliest times of Russian society. (133, Engelstein) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These church people were under the church s jurisdiction and direct control and included monks, the
clergy, church employees and their families, among others. (134, Engelstein) From its inception, the
church served as a social welfare organization for the weakest and least fortunate elements of society
who were threatened by death or slavery in these barbaric times. In this instance, the church acted as
guardian as well as the government. This is yet another example of the construction of influence the
church had in shaping Russian culture and government. (134,
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Speech On Cruise Travel
Cruise travel is one of the best vacations you can take. During your cruise vacation you will visit
several different ports of call. Your cruise ship will dock at exotic islands or new countries almost on a
daily basis. Check out the cruise reviews on line for cruise tips before you visit your destinations to
find out what fantastic experience each port has to offer.
During your cruise vacation you will visit ports to shop, explore, beach, sightsee or hike. There are a
wide variety of activities in each cruise destination. Or you could just depart the ship for a chance to
walk around for a change of pace. Although this is a great cruise adventure, you should realize that
you will only get a small sample of what each port of call has to offer. And be forewarned, as you step
of your majestic cruise ship there will be hordes of natives trying to sell you a trinket or a tour around
the city. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Things you should be aware of is how much the guide will be with you and do they speak English
clearly. Mostly the cruise lines have very competent tour guides, but better safe than sorry. Will have
any time on your like for shopping or stopping in a café? It is very important to find out how much
physical activity is required before you sign on for any tour. If you have limited mobility you don t
want to go on a tour that climbs the Acropolis in Athens or Dunns River Falls in Jamaica. Find out if a
snack or lunch is provided, so if it isn t you can bring along adequate funds to get your own.
There are private touring companies that you can contact on your own if you wish to tour in a more
private fashion. Another alternative is to buddy up with some fellow cruisers and share taxi tours to
cut your expense in half. Many times you will meet people on a cruise that have similar interests and
you will spend a lot of time together on the cruise ship, why not touring also? It s a way to save money
and enjoy other passengers
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Personality Traits Of Team Sports
The aim of this investigation was to test if there is a connection between particular personality traits
and any differences in the personality traits of individuals who play team sports and individuals who
play individual sports, such as strong agreeableness and extraversion seen in team sports played. The
hypothesis for this investigation is that students who participate in team sports will on average have
higher scores in the continuum for each stage of the Big Five theory than students who play individual
sports. The investigation involved a questionnaire on 23 year twelve psychology students who will be
given 10 questions ranging from 1 to 5 in terms of their continuum with pairs of two questions on each
stage of OCEAN such as for openness to experience one of the questions has a continuum from
unimaginative to imaginative which the participant will rate themselves on. The questionnaire is self
evaluated therefore the participant would answer based on their perception of themselves. The results
of each individual s answers will be kept anonymous to provide students with their anonymity and to
avoid any issues that may have arisen that would hinder the investigation and affect the individuals.
The results of the research have displayed the higher scores in traits are often apparent in people who
play team sports whereas lower scores are more prominent in participants who are involved in
individual sports. These results have drawn to the conclusion that those who have
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Drugs And Drug Abuse
For the research on drug use and societal or natural disaster, there is various findings on drug users
lives, before and after disasters. This paper gives a broad explanation of their trauma stress, housing
life styles, and health risk during times of disaster. These topics show the studies on people whom
partake in drugs such as Crack/Cocaine Heroine on the day to day basis. The researched for this paper
worked with the usagers directly to affect the health of those in these situations. Trauma Stress People
that are users of drugs, and more specifically crack, heroine, and other cocaine based drugs have
various reasons for their continued drug use. One of the many reasons for these drug users to abuse the
drugs they use extend from earlier traumas and events in their lives. The events of natural and
unnatural disaster cause an immediate amount of stress for those whom fall in this category. The
people falling under this category not only have the stress from their past, present events and possible
disaster events, but also the high chance of mental illness. Fifty four African Americans from New
Orléans were compared to a sample of 162 people from Houston, in this study that lasted from June
2002 to December 2005, there are no significant differences between the two groups on either
depression or anxiety, but the New Orléans sample scored higher on the self esteem scale and scored
lower on the risk taking scale (Timpson, Ratliff, Ross,
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Argumentative Essay On Six Flags
Would you ever like to go to a special, amazing, extraordinary field trip? If so then what was it. Have
you ever heard of six flags, it is a water park that has all type of slides, roller coasters and more? Well
six flags are one of the field trips that I would want to go to. Many teachers argue that the field trips
are not educational, but I argue that six flags has many educational things. Ranging from classroom
sessions and swimming in water with dolphins to learning about and actually sleeping with the sharks,
these programs are designed to allow individualized or group learning opportunities. Also it is a great
place to have fun with your friends and family. There is also a very cool slide that they made this year.
It is called the King Cobra, how does that sound. To begin, six flags is very educational because
students will be put to the test with hands on learning to master the math and science of our coasters.
Following the assemblies, students are able to participate in four special park activities and prizes.
Plus, you ll have full access to all rides and attractions and a complete curriculum, featuring data
collection and workbook problems. They will be asked questions about rides and get prizes if they get
the correct answer. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
New Jersey announced King Cobra for the 2012 season King Cobra is made as the first ride of its
kind. When the water ride opened on July 24, 2015 King Cobra was built. King Cobra has two dueling
slides. The ride begins with a figure eight before dropping down a 25 foot drop at speeds of up to 32
miles per hour. The drop is the entry point into a Sidewinder element that looks like a cobra head.
King Cobra has an orange bold, black and red scales to resemble a massive cobra on both the inside
and outside of the slide. The slide was built in the middle of Hurricane Harbor and took place this year
in the
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Increasing Speed Movement Towards The Electronic Health...
Increasing speed movement towards the electronic health records has additional complexity of the
preference from among choices process, in that the number of systems on the market has raised.
However, appointing a system does not have to be a frighten task. The first and most understandable
questions that needs to be acknowledge is placed. Where do we start? Well you do not start with the
merchant. To obtain any major systems investments must being with a process. Why will you need to
set up a method? The act of founding a method or way underrate financial risk to your facility and
prepares you for the migration from paper to the electronic record. The health care manufacturing is
dedicated to goal of improved quality of health care, cost effectiveness, and patient safety.
Applications of the EHR is high on the records of first concern and is looked at the tools that will far
provide to manage this goal. In a conclusion there has been a thrust by the federal government,
professional and physician health care system and alliance, as well as the health information
technology cooperation, to boost doctors and their usual procedures to transition from paper to an
electronic medical records within the EHR form. Also in the middle those who identify the value of
the EHR to accomplish the goals of safety cost effective and quality, the (AHIMA) American Health
Information Management Association, (HIMSS) Health care Information Management Systems
Society and the National Alliance
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Censorship in Schools Essay
Censorship in Schools
There has recently been a renewed interest and passion in the issue of censorship. In the realm of the
censorship of books in schools alone, several hundred cases have surfaced each year for nearly the
past decade. Controversies over which books to include in the high school English curriculum present
a clash of values between teachers, school systems, and parents over what is appropriate for and
meaningful to students. It is important to strike a balance between English that is meaningful to
students by relating to their lives and representing diversity and satisfying worries about the
appropriateness of what is read. This burden often falls on teachers. The purpose of this research paper
is to discuss ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Censorship can take different shapes depending on the public school system: Schools can give
teachers a list of acceptable books to teach, just provide guidelines, or leave it up to the teachers to
judge which books are appropriate (Agee, 1999). Teachers are often very nervous about including
texts that are not traditional or specifically approved by the school, especially because of the highly
publicized cases of teachers whose careers have been ruined because of censorship debates in courts
and school systems (Agee, 1999).
First Amendment Rights Relating to the Censorship of Books
Censorship cases often bring about debates over students first amendment rights. Students first
amendment rights are important to preserve so that students can not be excluded from meaningful
works or literature. It is understandable for the government to design educational plans as a way to get
its voice into classrooms, but the truth promoting function of the First Amendment provides no reason,
however, to question the right of students to explore a variety of ideas and perspectives, and to form
and express ideas of their own (Brown, 1994, p. 30). Schools already place a restriction on religious
material or material addressing current political controversy (Brown, 1994).
Censors typically feel as though the subject material of controversial books in the high school English
curriculum is too much for teenagers to handle (Shen, 2002).
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Knowledge In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein
Knowledge recurring many times throughout the Frankenstein novel. A word that speaks for itself but
also can have different meanings. It is also a powerful tool to that can be used as a result of our
judgment. Knowledge consists in recognizing the difference between good and bad decisions .
(Knowledge Intellectual understanding)
In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein novel, characters had searched for something they had in common or a
desire they shared; knowledge. Realizing the outcome was different than they expected. Walton,
wrapped in his ambition, believed that searching for knowledge would bring fame, unfortunately
learning he put his life and crew in danger. Frankenstein, relying on his passion and refusing
acceptance of his limitations, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Though childhood had already been invented by the time Frankenstein appeared, the monster lacked
one, his upbringing (Reese 49). He has never been properly taught how to survive around humans or
how to distinguish between right and wrong. He was curious about human life such as
communication, feelings, behavior, and respect for each other. He strived for more he decided to learn
how to speak, read and express feelings by observing and watching families. To achieve his goal of
communication with humans, he needs to learn the basic knowledge of the language. As the creature
admired human s graceful minds and beautiful physical figures and was shocked by his ugliness when
he caught sight of his reflection in a pool of water. After realizing he was horribly different from
human beings. Painfully the monster cried and spoke of sadness for his investigation of knowledge.
He said, I cannot describe to you the agony that these reflections inflicted upon me; I tried to dispel
them, but sorrow only increased with knowledge. (Shelly 87). This knowledge took away the creatures
hope for happiness and filled his heart with bitterness. He decided to take revenge on his creator
because he was angry and blamed his creator for having brought him to life as a monster. The creature
thought he would be happy when other s lives were ruined; knowledge would bring him happiness and
community acceptance. Admittedly, he was the victim of his wrong doing: You, who call Frankenstein
your friend, seem to have knowledge of my crimes and his misfortunes. (Shelly, Walton, In
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I Am Not A Public Speaker
My Journey
I d finally hit rock bottom. There was nowhere else to go.
And the horrible reality I didn t ever want to face was now right in front of me.
Waiting for something to be done.
I wanted to run. Away from everything.
But I needed to face it.
I had to.
I did.
I have.
Yet, when my sister asked me to share my experiences on this blog, I was scared: what do I say? How
do I say it? How will people react?
I am not a public speaker; is not for everyone. But I believe I have finally found my voice, regardless
of whether it is verbal or written.
Everyone goes through steps of pain and grief in different ways; this is mine.
I was 5.
We look to our parents to be protectors.
My father told me growing up that what was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Instead, all that she was left with was the watery eyes of a ten year old, and a deafening silence of
which she didn t question.
I was scared.
I was scared I would be ripped apart from her.
No one would believe you anyway.
But I wanted to tell her.
Yet, I could never bring myself to do it.
Because of him.
He wasn t this horrible man all the time; he wasn t a monster. I thought my mum had a good marriage.
I knew she loved my father, and I didn t want to ruin that.
Yet, that never stopped me from seeing him as two different people.
He wasn t just horrible all the time; he was my dad.
It came in spurts. Sometimes it would happen for two weeks these awful, horrible things then six to
eight months would go by and he would be this amazing father.
And I don t know if it took a couple of years for him to groom me into this situation; how he gained
my trust, believing him when he was telling me he was teaching me.
I was confused.
I felt like it was dirty and I felt that it was wrong.
And I hated it, but...
I enjoyed the attention I got from him.
He made me feel like a horrible person, but I wanted him to love me.
I was his daughter.
I didn t want to lose that part of him, and I was scared if I told my mother she wouldn t believe me or I
would ruin her marriage, and that I would lose the only father figure I had.
So I reasoned inwardly that if my mother ever wanted to ask me about that day, she would.
And I would tell her
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Habits Of Low Self Esteem
People demonstrates different habits based on their self esteem. You can predict an individual s self
esteem type by the habits he or she exhibits. Numerous factors affect our self esteem positively or
negatively. Some of the habits we have go a long way in determining how we value ourselves.
There are numerous factors that cause low self esteem, these include look or weight, mental
challenges, peer group/pressure, bullying etc. Anyone exposed to any of these factors is prone to have
low self esteem. For instance, constant bullying in schools could make a child develop low self esteem
at a tender age. The child will see him as not strong enough or too lousy to stand up for himself.
Therefore, bullying should be discouraged in schools. Most kids who suffer from bullies end up most
of the time with low self esteem.
One of such kid was the great actor; Jackie Chan. Jackie was bullied severely as a child because he
was too scared to fight for himself. He was an easy target in his school; other children pick on him
easily. Low self esteem can keep you at bay and relegate you to irrelevance. Jackie eventually escaped
it when he prevented a new kid from being bullied.
A person with low self esteem will exhibit the following habits:
They Exhibit Perfectionism: People with low self esteem are known to be chronic perfectionists. They
are always looking for a way to achieve perfect results. Importantly, you know that it is not easy to
achieve 100% result. However, when the
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Ugetsu Dualism
Ugetsu is one of the most critically acclaimed and culturally significant films to come out of the
Japanese Golden Age of Cinema. Directed by Kenji Mizoguchi, who stood with Ozu and Kurosawa as
what are widely regarded by film critics and scholars to be the three greatest filmmakers and masters
of their craft that rose to prominence during the Nipponese age of cinema in Japan. Ugetsu is a
stunningly multifaceted story that begins as the tale of two families trying to achieve the realization of
their ambitions through different means and turns into a cautionary, almost mythological, fable that
shows the consequences of the main characters single minded determination to bring their dreams to
fruition. The elements of mythos and mysticism come ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He also uses these crafted dualities to transfer the mythological and fable like qualities of the written
stories he is interpreting to cinematic experience that is accessible while not seeming radically
unimaginable. Mizoguchi also uses elements of foreshadowing to ease the audience into the transition
from realistic tale of woe into the realm of mystical caution that he weaves in Ugetsu.
Summary At its core, Ugetsu is a story of two brothers who each fall victim to a separate incarnation
of capital vice and the consequences that befall not only themselves because of their actions, but also
the consequences their actions bring down upon their loved ones. The film follows two related
families comprised of Genjuro, his wife Miyagi (Tanaka Kinuyo), and their son Genichi (Ikio
Sawamura) who live alongside their neighbors Tobei and his wife Ohama (Mitsuko Mito) during the
Japanese Sengoku era between 1467 and 1573 while the country is embroiled in a massive civil war.
The pair of
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Failure Analysis Of Wells Fargo
Tolga Tosun
MGMT 512 Exam I
Corporate Failure
What is Corporate Failure?
Corporate Failure is a situation when a company suffers from a huge mistake about a
product (like Samsung Note 7 s battery) or misleads the world about their products features
(like Volkswagen s emission scandal) and ends up with huge fines to customers or
governments. Also if a company is not able to make profit or make enough sales to offset its
expenses may lead with a failure. This can occur as a result of poor management skills,
inability to compete or sometimes insufficient marketing. Here are some reasons.
Basic Corporate Failure Reasons
Wrong Poor Board Decision Making Poor Board Members Accounting Violation ... Show more
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The bank also
paid around 5 Million USD to the customers affected.
Causes of Failure of Wells Fargo Missing Corporate Governance Issues
This scandal was an unexpected situation because it was unveiled in September 2016 when
the internal investigation had just began. The former CEO, John Stumpf announced that the
fake accounts had started to open since 2011. During this 5 year period, the Wells Fargo
management had to realise these accounts but they didn t. When they realised the depth of
this scandal, John Stumpf had to take full responsibility.
If they don t know such a big scandal (2 million fake deposit accounts and credit cards) this
means that the bank is too big to manage. This is a bank, which has the responsibility to keep
track of people s money, safety but apparently Wells Fargo couldn t succeed in this matter.
Apparently, the audit committee of the bank was a disappointing team for not finding out such
a mistake. The trust for such a big bank has decreased by the customers. This was mainly
because of the high pressure from the managers to the
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The Goal of the United States Criminal Justice System
Within the United States Criminal Justice System, it is not only goal to simply punish those who break
the law, but to also reduce the level of criminal activity. In order to fulfill this important aspect of the
Criminal Justice System, offenders must be rehabilitated and motivated to refrain from engaging in
further criminal activity so that they do not return to prison. Since the early 1990 s, our country s
crime rate has been declining. Studies such as the Pew Safety Performance Project point out that this
is an important goal for correctional systems to keep in mind, but it is not the only one. Pew Safety
believes that ensuring the taxpayer dollars are spent effectively is also an important aspect of the
correctional system. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A study such as Samuel Himelstein s Meditation Research: The State of the Art in Correctional
Settings, explores and reviews empirical research regarding the effects of meditation based programs
in correctional populations. In other words, Himelstein takes into account different forms of treatment
aimed at rehabilitating prisoners so that they refrain from recidivism and are not placed back into jail.
Himelstein looks at treatments such as Transcendental Meditation, Mindfulness Based Stress
Reduction, and Vipassana Meditation, and looks at insights and results from researchers such as APA
member and professor of Psychology Craig Hanley, professor of Psychology Ruth A. Baer, and more
insightful results from numerous researchers. Himelstein s article analyzes how inmates who
participate in meditation based programs displayed decreased anxiety, aggressiveness, hostility,
substance use, and recidivism of incarceration, and examines an increased social, interpersonal, and
overall psychological well being in inmate participants (Himelstein, 647). Methods In the Pew Safety
Performance Project, researchers analyzed the returns to prison for 33 for inmates who were released
in 1999, and analyzed a separate group of inmates from 41 states that were released in 2004 (two
cohorts). The fact that Pew analyzed returns in this way, it was
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Jamaica is known for its jerked chicken, clear waters, and...
Jamaica is known for its jerked chicken, clear waters, and more notably for Reggae, which makes
Jamaican culture globally recognized. However, despite its mainstream entertainment value of today,
reggae is not only music; however it is a way of life for some Jamaicans. It originated as a political
form of protest against the colonial forces operative in the social context of Jamaican life. Musical
ambassadors like the Abyssinians, Burning Spear, Sir Jimmy Cliff, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Bunny
Wailer, and Rita Marley, along with many others, can be credited with introducing reggae music to the
world and giving it international recognition. Yet, despite its popularity, many do not understand the
cultural and political climate in which Reggae ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Artists would essentially hit two birds with one stone. The first bird was the ability to simply perform
their music. However the second bird isn t as simple as the first, it is the meaning. The second was the
protest against the Babylon system and oppression. To the Rastafari, the Babylon system is any and all
oppressive and unequal practices in Jamaica. Babylon began to surface throughout reggae music.
Reggae lyrics are suggestive of the reggae protest songs. Bob Marley is a great example of capturing
his strong negative views of Babylon. Reggae protest songs proved to be a force with power, both
socially and politically. Ironically the Jamaican government would use reggae as a vehicle to promote
its views (King, xiv).
Reggae never lost and will never lose its association with music and the Rastafari culture. It remains a
revolutionary form of explanatory art. Music never remains stagnate, it will always evolve. Roots
reggae; a sub genre of Reggae, was dominant in Jamaica in the cohort of 1975 1980. Roots reggae
tackles the life of a ghetto sufferer and discusses truths and rights (Barrow and Dalton, 129).
Dancehall and the incorporation of hip hop rhythms was the new addition of reggae. Dancehall
became widely used after the death of Bob Marley in 1981 (Barrow and Dalton, 231). In the 1990 s
there comes a new generation of reggae artists. It was able to combine conscious lyrics with the
distinctive hardcore dancehall beats. Current reggae artists
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Anita S Dance Feminist Criticism
On May 24, 1933, a role model, advocate for women s rights, and a literary star was born. Marian
Engel was born in Toronto, Ontario, to a single eighteen year old girl, and put up for adoption.
Frederick Searle and Mary Elizabeth (Fletcher) Passmore adopted a beautiful baby named Ruth, who
they renamed Marian. Marian spent her younger years growing up in a variety of towns across
Southern Ontario as her family moved frequently for her father s work. Engel began her education at
Sarnia Collegiate Institute Technical School in Sarnia, Ontario, and later continued on to complete a
Bachelor of Arts at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. She graduated from McMaster in 1955
and without hesitation, enrolled in a Master s program for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although Anita makes a great effort to ignore the victimization that she faces throughout the story, it is
impossible for the audience not to pick up on the words, symbols, and characters used to blatantly
victimize her. Right off the bat Anita is attempting to enjoy the peace and quiet of her backyard to
spend some time alone to just read and relax, however her thoughts are intruded by the reminder of
her friends calling her selfish. Anita recalls being called selfish by her friends for finding happiness in
her successes such as having ownership of her own house, a car, and a satisfying way of life in
general. This brings down the value of her success and leaves Anita a victim, because her friends are
just trying to take away from the caliber of her accomplishments, and try to give her a reason to feel
guilty about what s she s done for herself. Next, Anita s thoughts are overtaken by a memory of a boy
she had once been very fond of. That is, until he suggested that she drop her scholarship at university,
marry him, and put him through law school because, Being male, he had more right to an education
than she had. Now while this truly selfish boyfriend of Anita s didn t have the chance to turn her into a
victim because she dumped him and didn t listen to his request, the language he uses is condescending
and highly discriminating against women, which is definitely a
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Bob Privilege Analysis
Privilege is a concept many would consider they do not posses and only the wealthy in society have. It
is something many of people have and do not realize it because they have been exposed to it there
whole lives. Privilege can be described as A special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available
only to a particular person or group of people (Dictionary.com). These definitions also described by
the well know Bob Pease truly exemplifies what it means to have privilege without realizing it.
Privilege in my life has been, as Pease would describe it, invisible. It is there without me really
realizing it because I have become used to it. My status in life as a straight woman has in ways made
me privileged and not privileged. In this paper, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I am a middle class, university student; I may not see life the same way as someone else. For example,
I do not see the world the same way a black woman, teacher, senior or child would see the world. This
is similar to privilege; I do not see privileged the same way someone else would. The privilege may
have been noticeably not there in someone s life, so they realize it everyday. On the other hand, I did
not see my privilege all my life; it took me this long to realize I am privileged. One example is the
entire Jennifer Lawrence scandal regarding wage gaps. Through the Sony hack Lawrence found out
she was being paid considerable less than her male costar, she was completely appalled by this
(Washington Post). Although Lawrence has won many Oscars and has had more experience than her
male costar that has not won Oscars they are getting paid much more. It is crazy to see how even big
stars are being exposed to privilege. The male actors are privileged based on their sex and do not even
realize it. There is no reason for the males to be paid more but society decides some should be
privileged beyond others. Just like Lawrence my position in life never made me think I may be
privileged or unprivileged for the matter. Lawrence realized she was being unfairly discriminated
against because she is a female. I believe my position is very privileged, however, in comparison to
males it seems I
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Plan for Action to Help a Student
A. Necessary Leadership Action The leadership action that involves one or more groups of community
stakeholders is creating a team to create an action plan for one student that attendance has declined
and because of the number of missed days, academic achievement has also declined.
A1. Why Action is Necessary This action is necessary because the student involved is not showing
academic growth and having anxiety with attending school. Attendance has decreased because the
student does not want to attend school due to issues with the classroom teacher, as well as other
students within this class. Because of the attendance drop, this student s grades have also shown a
decline in all subject areas. The parents are requesting that the ... Show more content on
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Once the plan is written, the specific resources will be developed along with who is responsible for
providing the resource.
B4. Use of Collegial Resources
Collegial resources that will be used will be dependent on what is included within the action plan. The
area director of curriculum and instruction, as well as the student s former administration team will be
asked to be a part of the group. The former administration team is important to include in the
development of the action plan because they can bring in resources that have worked within their own
school with this student. They can also provide insight on what strategies may not work when
developing the plan. The area director will be an important part of the team because she will be able to
offer resources that are used in other area schools. This will allow the team to create a variety of
strategies that may not be available within the student s school.
D1. Impact of Stakeholder Input
The stakeholder input impacted the execution of the plan because it gave the team an opportunity to
know what has worked in the past and what strategies were not as effective. This allowed strategies to
be eliminated or added to the plan. The parents provided information about what motivated the child
at home which was included in the plan which helped to achieve the goals. Having a team that was
collaborative and all a part of designing the plan helped
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Synopsis Of A Monologue Was Just Gone !
1. Anyone who has ever been involved in any amount of theatre knows that auditioning is no one s
friend. As someone who is made nervous very easily, I have the awfullest nerves before any audition.
So when my acting class decided to work on auditioning, I was somewhat excited. I had prepared a
monologue, and I was ready to perform it when the next class rolled around. My name was called, and
I was abnormally nervous considering I was surrounded by people I have done much more
embarrassing things in front of we all like to forget about the class in which we spent an hour rolling
around on the floor in order to connect with out deepest emotions. I get up and the very moment I
stand, my entire monologue has left my mind. I could not even ... Show more content on
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I spent every moment of free time I had at rehearsal researching for my paper, and by the time I got
home, I was exhausted. But... I still had a paper to write. Write it I did, surrounded by note cards and
with far too many links pulled up on my laptop, with my kitten at my feet. I finished the paper with
time to spare, and also with one page more than I was assigned. (It goes without saying that I
somehow turned this crisis into a miracle, and I aced the assignment with flying colors.)
3. Let me start by saying this: I am really good at texting. I am very much like some sort of speed
texting machine, which sounds ridiculous, but it is true. I rarely ever make typos, and I rarely send a
message to the wrong person. Though, there was one time in particular that I did the latter, and it
ruined all my plans. One of my closest friends, Alec, had a birthday coming up. He begged me not to
do anything, he just wanted to have a normal day. Of course, knowing me, Alec should have known to
have me make some sort of promise. As it was, I made no such promise, and I made a plan to conspire
with his sister, Emmaline, and plan Alec the perfect surprise party. So, I typed up a text for Emma,
talking about my plan to surprise Alec. Now, let me get something straight here. I am very close with
both Alec and Emma, and different as they may be, they have very similar contact names in my phone;
by this, I mean that both of their contact names
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Examples Of Planning A Vacation
How to Plane and Prepare for a Vacation
Have you ever thought about why do people go on a vacation? After the pressures of work and study,
which accompany the people in their lives, taking a vacation become necessary to get rid of all the
stress and relax. People have many reasons to go on a vacation such as: they want to take a break of
their daily routine, strength the relationship between family members, having an adventure, and other
reasons. Unfortunately, some of them struggle planning for a vacation, especially when the family is
big. The family members will find difficulty in searching for a cheap air flight ticket, a residence with
a good price that can fit the whole members of the family, and a good spot to go for it. It is true that
planning and preparing for a vacation is not easy, but it is interesting. Planning for a vacation involves
three distant steps. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The family must assign one person to be responsible for the expenses; in that case it must be the Head
of the family the father. After determining on the destination that the family wants to go, the father has
to do some online researches to find great deals on travel and hotels. To get better offers on airline
tickets and hotels, the father has to book early before the travel season by several months. Karen
Fawcett (2009) in 7 Steps to Planning a Great Family Vacation advises travelers to, Set a budget and
have it fixed in stone. Depending on how small or how big, this will dictate where you may and may
not go. Wear your brutally realistic hat when you re using a calculator and doing the math. Therefore,
the father must calculate travel costs of food, transportation, tours, shopping, and travel insurance. He
must collect separate budget for these things. Moreover, the father has to set aside extra money for
unexpected travel costs. In addition, the family must limit the number of bags to avoid overweight on
the plane and to save
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Pros And Cons Of Maryland Act Concerning Religion
Maryland Act Concerning Religion (1644); Critique In this article, William H. Browne is able to
present how crucial and beneficial the Maryland Act Concerning Religion of 1644 was during the
religious political battles of the English Civil War. The article expressed how the act was a huge
milestone in the early history of religious freedom in America and how at the time it helped reestablish
order in Maryland by institutionalizing the principle of toleration that had prevailed from the colony s
beginning. More specifically, the act provided punishment for anyone who troubled or molested a
Christian for religious reasons which would consequently help establish harmony amongst the
different religions of the time. The article goes on to say
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The Importance Of Slaves In The New England Colonies
I first went to Hartford in Connecticut. It was in the New England Colonies. It first seemed pretty
good, because they didn t really have slaves. Which I was surprised about. They apparently think that
hiring workers cost less than owning slaves, so they hired a lot of workers instead. My husband also
thinks it s a bit weird, but I guess we agree with them. I also learned that the New England colonies
had the best public schooling. The children were like required to go to school, which I definitely want
my son to go to one day. I think that my son would also like all the games they played there, like
stoolball and tag, but playing cards was forbidden. This would be really hard, though, because back in
England, we loved playing cards. I think living there might be a bit hard though. As I have seen,
cooking is very dangerous and the meals are kind of repetitive. The iron pots can burn you really
easily and the scared of burning my back. Another reason I don t really want to live in the New
England Colonies is because many people die for denying the true god or cursing at your parents. I
think that I am fine with John saying crap, but I do not want him to die because of it. He could totally
get punished, but definitely not death. I think that overall I really liked the fact that the New England
colonies didn t really like slaves and that they had some of the best public schooling, but it did have
some factors I didn t like, like the fact that my son could die for saying a bad
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Challenges for Foreign Manager in South Korea
University of Maryland University College
AMBA 620
Introduction Background
To put it mildly the cultural differences between the United States and South Korea are vast. South
Korean culture according to Javidan, Dorfman, Sully de Luque and House (2006) is similar to Chinese
culture in that it is rich in tradition and heavily influenced by Confucian values. The values of
Confucianism funnel down to everything from family life to corporate life. Javidan et al. (2006)
details that Confucianism emphasizes the importance of relationships and community (p. 83). Park,
Rehg, and Lee (2005) mention that in South Korean culture it is important behave in an honorable,
trustworthy, and respectable fashion as these attributes are all ... Show more content on
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The dimension known as Institutional Collectivism shows how a culture practices rewards and
encouragement. Javidan et al. (2006) explain that South Koreans thrive off of teamwork and group
reward unlike other countries such as the United States, which favors a more individualistic system (p.
70). Of all the cultures studied as part of Project GLOBE, South Korea ranked highest in their need of
a group reward system. This information will help me establish a reward system that will satisfy the
need that the employees require in South Korea.
An additional factor that Javidan, et al. (2006, p. 70) raises is Uncertainty Avoidance which can be
characterized as a tolerance for uncertainty (Hofstede™ Cultural Dimensions, n.d.). According to
Hostede s scale, South Koreans do not like change and thrive off of order and use structure to
minimize uncertainties (Hofstede™ Cultural Dimensions, n.d.). This leads me to question, how they
will handle a new foreign manager? especially a woman manager.
Culture Shock One of the biggest culture shocks for me will be the move itself. Relocating my family,
getting a new home, learning the language are all obstacles I will have to overcome. My cultural
orientation training will help, but a new job is always a bit overwhelming at first not to mention
tackling a foreign grocery store. Another challenge will be adapting to the
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Describe What Montessori Meant by “New Education”
Dr Maria Montessori dedicated and committed her life into education of the children. She has
witnessed through some years with wars and conflicts and she thought; through education this can be
turned into peace to this world. Since the year 1907 Montessori name has been recognized in the
education system. Even though it has been over a century to this date Montessori principles are as
powerful as it was. Dr Maria Montessori has relied on her actual observations on children to develop
her method of education. During these observations she has discovered that each child has their own
urge to learn through their own way. She brought to light that children has an enormous ability which
can be turned into positive energy and a new beginning. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They can spend a very long time for example changing their shoes into slippers when they arrive at
the nursery in the morning. While child is taking his shoes off parents/carers cannot help but taking
over the action in order to get it finished and done with. They often lose their patience and complain
that their child is taking such a long time! Or they cannot help but saying Let me do that for you .
What adults expect is an adult speed from the children. Montessori says, He is following a timetable
like the most diligent scholar in the world following it with the unshakable constancy of the stars in
their courses. (Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work, Chapter 8, p.125). It is important that in order to
help little children, adults firstly needs to learn to respect the rhythm of children. She stressed that
children will repeat the same thing over and over. For example a child in the nursery picking the same
book each time he is asked to choose a book for teacher to read to children. Another example of a
child in the nursery who is choosing the very same practical life transferring water with a turkey baster
activity each morning at the arrival of the nursery and going back to it though out the day. Montessori
says Now by the very boredom you have experienced in thus repeating and repeating this same
exercise, you will be able to measure that imperious inner urge that drives the children to do the same
thing. (Maria Montessori: Her
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The Millionaire Next Door
The book of The Millionaire Next Door is written by Thomas Stanley and William Danko, and it uses
lots of case studies and statistic data to tell us how the actual millionaires live in the society and how
can normal people become millionaires. The book shows a unique insight of millionaires and base on
the authors research in last twenty years, thus the result is convincing. The authors try to tell us two
things: wealth is what you accumulate but not what you spend; and there are some ways you can use
to get wealth. For me, this book is interesting and useful. In the first part, the book talks about
prototypical millionaires live next door and starts with describing an odd situation: Some people live
in expensive neighborhood and drive luxurious cars but with less income, while some people do not
live in upscale neighborhoods but accumulate a lot of wealth. The later ones are the true millionaires.
The authors then talk about seven common characteristics about these millionaires: they live below
their means; they allocate their time and money efficiently; they believe that financial independence is
more important than displaying high social status; their parents did not provide economic outpatient
care; their adult children are economically self sufficient; they are proficient in targeting market
opportunities; they chose the right occupation. ( Stanley,T and Danko,W, 1996:3) These denominators
are described repeatly throughout the book and help people know how to
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Theory Of Knowledge Essay 2014
„That which is accepted as knowledge today is sometimes discarded tomorrow.
Consider knowledge issues raised by this statement in two areas of knowledge.
To what Extent is new knowledge better than old knowledge and therefore can knowledge be
To answer this question, one first has to consider that knowledge as such varies on the point of
perspective, since there are many ways of knowing. As for example Reasoning and Sense Perception.
Reasoning is something we use whenever we tend to make a decision, therefore the interpretation of
the word Reason can vary in the slightest form. Our sense of reason is usually decided by our instinct
as we decide almost unconsciously depending on the sort of experience we have had before. ... Show
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For example in 2009, the swine Flu was devised worldwide. Later given facts proved that the amount
of deaths caused by the Swine Flu measured annually were similar to any other of a normal Flu. 1This
proves my point that scandals are devised to the wider public to hide real problems. The modern
media makes this very easy, as they seem to push the importance of scandals. This can be linked to the
area of knowledge History, as it might have been the case with past incidences, and therefore how do
we know if they are correct?
Today is a time measurement representing the present. This makes me wonder what knowledge exists
today? Will it be permanent? To what extent is knowledge temporary? As we have seen in the past,
knowledge we have gained previously proves to be wrong over a certain amount of time. If we look
back for example people used to believe that the earth was flat. This was predominantly because the
technology was not there to research further. So basically a lack of technology hinders us from
knowing everything. Can this be applied to us? It is often said that the more you learn the less you
know, which conveys much the same problem as the essay. For example myself, when I was younger,
I used to believe that colours were just given by nature. But now after some time in Physics lessons, I
realised that colours are nothing more than the visual perception from the light reflection depending
on its wavelengths. How do we know we can trust the
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House On Mango Street Entrapment Theme
We all have had times where we have felt trapped, times where we have been cornered, with no
escape. Times where we have felt entrapped. Entrapment makes you feel like you have no way out or
like there are no choices that can be made. In the book The House on Mango Street, the author, Sandra
Cisneros has a theme of entrapment; the theme is shown through the symbol of windows which
represents freedom, something that women in the book were not granted, the author was showing us
that freedom is a privilege and not something to take for granted.
The windows show the outside world, showing you what lies beyond the four walls which you are
stuck between. Many cases throughout the book result in a woman s character being trapped and not
being able to leave the house they are in. The women then result in looking out the windows only to
dream about leaving. She looked out the window her whole life, the way so many women sit their
sadness on an elbow (11). The main character s grandmother was trapped in her own house, her
husband had stripped her of her freedom and was enable to leave. Windows are tricky, they are sweet
like honey showing you the outside world, but in the book the character, then realizes they cannot
venture past them so they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Rafaela was another character who fell victim to entrapment and couldn t leave her house, her father
forbid her, so she resulted in looking out of her window. She throws a crumpled dollar down and
always asks for coconut or sometimes papaya juice (80). Esperanza helped Rafaela out by getting her
fruit drinks she asked for, such as coconut and papaya juice. Esperanza helped by being on the other
side of the window. Windows are wonderful, because when you are inside you are still able to see the
beautiful outdoors, although most of us know that we can go outside to what lies beyond our windows,
but some people can t leave, and are just always stuck on one the wrong
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Education Is A Great Thing That Everyone Tries To Achieve
Education is a great thing that everyone tries to achieve for themselves and for their children. The
reason for this, is that when one has a great educational background, it can lead to the person getting a
better job, a better income, and a better chance to provide for their family. Some, however might not
get this opportunity or do not realize the importance of a great education until it is too late. The
reasons a person might not get a great education are numerous, and it can include they can t afford the
high cost that comes with getting a college education, don t have the time, or just come from a poor
family and feel that, they won t be accepted into these schools. These types of issues usually affect
your average American family, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Policy is best defined as a statement by the government of what it intends to do such as law,
regulation, or decision about a specific problem (Birkland, 2016). This definition about policy seems
to say, that a policy tries to combat or resolve an underlining problem that a community, or a certain
section of a community is dealing with at the current moment, with legislation. This is an important
aspect of our country because it allows for better results when something goes wrong, in that the
policy makers realize that something is not working, and would create policy in order to correct the
problem. A problem also has a unique definition, when it comes to policy. A problem is defined as a
usually undesirable situation that according to people or interest groups that can be alleviated by
government action (Birkland, 2016). The definition of a problem seems to suggest that the policy
makers and the government taking the necessary measures in order to solve the problem can mitigate
any problem. In this country s history, there have been many problems that the government tried to
resolve with many degrees of success. The Dream act was another case of a major problem seen by
many, which need to be resolved with quick government action. After defining what a policy is, and
what a problem is in a general sense, we now need to look at what problem the Dream Act, is trying to
resolve in the first place. The main objective of the
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Persuasive Essay On Dyslexia
of Utah there are 70 80% of people with poor reading skills, and are likely dyslexic. One in five
students, or 15 20% of the population, has a language based learning disability. Dyslexia is the most
common of the language based learning disabilities. Nearly the same percentage of males and females
have dyslexia. Dyslexia is a disorder that most do not know they have. They think that they can t read
or writing properly, because they are not being focused or have been taught wrong. When in reality
they can not comprehend due to the fact that they have a serious disorder such as dyslexia. The part
that most don t understand is that, everyone 1 out of 10 people most likely know that they have
dyslexia. What most fail to understand is that dyslexia is a disorder that with time, patience, and
practice one can overcome. Going into the topics of dyslexia, my problems that I faced with dyslexia,
and how I overcame dyslexia all together has molded me into the person I am today. To start things off
dyslexia is a general term for disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words,
letters, and other symbols, but that does not affect general intelligence. Most people may feel as if
dyslexia is not a big deal or something that one should be worried about. When in most cases dyslexia
can build or break a person physically, emotionally, and mentally. Which is why no matter what the
disorder is it should be took seriously. Three reasons why are as follows: any
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  • 5. Lolo Loarlo Analysis Sexuality plays a significant role in the novel. Be it Oscars inability to have sex, Yunior, the narrators, constant search for a woman, the sexual abuse that Lola is victim of as a child or the constant sexualization of Beli as a teen. In these cases, when analyzed, the reader can see that the treatment or, mistreatment of these cases, is often transgenerational. Starting with Lola, the sexual abuse she experienced was at a very young age, and when she tells her mother about it, she is told that she must never speak of it again. This shame that comes with sexual abuse is often repressed by families and victims alike. Lola refers to repressed memory as within a year I couldn t have told you what that neighbor looked like, or even his name (Diaz 56). The way that Lola was sexualized at such an early age, is the same way the she was sexualized on the streets of Santo Domingo as a teen. Yet, Beli does not recognize these similarities. Often, young victims often feel a sense of blame because of the shame that is felt by their families. The sexualization of young girl is not seen a major problem, that is because woman in the novel are disposable. It does not matter if it the dominate Raffaele Trujillo, or the weak Oscar Wao, they all see women as the next conquest, not matter how it is romanticized. Beli is sadly seen as mostly a sex object. She never experienced true love. In fact, even many of the descriptions in the novel explain men either trying or wanting to hit on her. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Essay about Making it in America Making it in America In the article Making it in America Adam Davidson takes time to interview different employees at Standard Motor Products to determine how it is treating them and how factories are changing in time. Adam is receiving a tour of the plant by manager Tony Scalzitti where he sees many factory workers in blue lab coats, hair nets, and protective eyewear. This is where Adam first runs into Madelyn Parlier. Madelyn Parlier was a 22 year old woman working in the assembly line at the factory. Her occupation was seemed to be an unskilled job and didn t require much education or experience. It was all about quickness and effectiveness for Madelyn and that was something she was great at. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Adam tracks down the owners of Standard and finds out they are based out of Long Island City, Queens. There Adam discovers the history of the company and how a man named Elias Fife a Jewish immigrant first set up the company. Through time other similar competitors had to sell or close and Standard stuck out through the times and had to sell its main building in NY to other locations to cut on costs. The company almost went bankrupt in the 1990s but managed to stay afloat and is now one of the biggest aftermarket manufacturing companies in the world. Adam sits in a meeting with two engineers from the company John Gasiewski and Marty Doelger. They where going over a new crankshaft sensor and figuring out if it would be a benefit for the company to start to produce them. They in turn said it was very cost effective to start to produce them because they weren t as finely shaped as the fuel injectors and could be produced at on of the offshore factories. Although this benefits the company it also takes jobs away from America and moves them offshore. Overall Adam discovered how much job opportunities in factories have been declining over the last couple of years. Whether it be to new machinery coming in to do someone s job or bringing the work offshore so Americans don t have the opportunity to work. Something is going to have to change or at some point it will all be machinery running the factories. References Davidson, A. (n.d.). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. The Shark Ethos Imagine a world without your favorite foods you have ever consumed. Imagine a world where you cannot even enjoy your favorite beach on vacation because of unmanageable algae taking over our coasts. Imagine a world with a huge spike in greenhouse gases, and a dramatic decline of natural oxygen production. This is a world without the most feared and misunderstood creature that rules our oceans, the Shark. In an advertisement published by WWF, it conveys the message of what we should actually be fearing, the fall of our marine ecosystems and what that will do to humanity. The advertisement uses all three appeals of ethos, pathos, and logos to push their targeted audience to further their education on our world and to spread the word to everyone ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Viewers do not have to read a paragraph of information to get to the point, so having only three, small words printed onto the display gives more room for the picture itself to tell the story. The usage of the word horrifying , perfectly corresponds with the overall tone of the advertisement and is what truly captures the viewers attention. Visually, the ad is incredibly ominous, giving an unsettling sense of mystery and threat, so comparing it with the term horrifying , completes the connotation given. WWF associates the picture without the sharks fin with the words More Horrifying , which is a very dramatic statement, in order to play on the more pragmatic fear on what shark s decline in our world s oceans will substantially ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. 2.2 Harm-Reduction Analysis 2.2 Harm reduction perspective The other perspective moves away from drug control approaches that criminalize drug users to evidence based strategies that treat addiction as a chronic medical disease. The harm reduction perspective begins with the assumption that it is not reasonable to assume that individuals make healthy decisions. Examples of this approach include NSEPs, Opioid agonist therapy, behavioral interactions, among others. Proponents of this approach hold that those trapped in dangerous behaviors often are unable and/or are unwilling to break free of them, and should be at least enabled to continue these behaviors in a less harmful manner (Viahov et al, 2001). Hence, treating drug dependency as illness absolves drug users of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1988, 130 needle exchange programs were operational in the United States, with the coverage of these programs varying widely. In 1999, the US had 160 programs, whereas Australia had more than 2000 programs (Viahov et al, 2001). As of 2015 there are 31 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico that have NSEPs. What about the remaining 19 states, one may ask? Those states who excluded themselves from this program are governed by political ideologies like Mike Pence, former governor of Indiana, now the Vice President of US. Early state adopters like Washington (1988) and New York (1992) have seen the rates of injection related HIV infection declining as did other states that proceeded to implement NSEPs (Rich Adashi, 2015). With this in mind, what happened in Indiana was predictable and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Television During The Vietnam War In recent history, humans are able to access new resources that people didn t have in the past such as the television, national archives and the internet. The television was introduced to Australia on the 16th September 1956 (first broadcast Good evening, and welcome to television. ). Televisions provide us with a visual account of events rather than primarily text. The Vietnam war was the first major conflict to be broadcasted on television. Images of casualties and deaths were shown on the televisions for people to see and historians believe that this has changed people s view on the Vietnam war ( often known as The living room war or Television war ) The National Archives is also a resource that people can access especially historians to gather primary resources and revisit past issues. At the end of every year the National Archive releases Cabinet minutes from 30 years ago. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Due to the two world wars the United Nations was established to prevent another world horror from occurring. Before the United Nations, the League of Nations was formed to express their concerns and settle disputes however due to the lack of power it failed. However, luckily a second attempt was made and UN was created on 24 October 1945. The principle bodies of the United Nations consists of General assembly, Security council, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship council, International Court of Justice and Secretariat. The Security Council is considered as the most important principle body as it has the power to authorise military force to enforce its solution. The permanent five members of the Security Council are the five most powerful countries at the end of WW2 which includes United States, France, China, Great Britain and Russia. Each member has the right to object the Security Council resolutions that it disagrees with. The aims of the UN ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. College Students Are Right To Crack Down On Speech And... Eric Posner argues that college students are not mature and educated enough to handle freedom of speech. In his essay Universities Are Right to Crack Down on Speech and Behavior he uses ways to support that students are not ready to perform freedom of speech. He states how there have been rules applied to decrease speech on students in a school setting. Posner also comments that students do not know anything and that is reason Posner provides to explain that college students are not ready to enter the real world. The speech of students is being limited by the professors while in class discussion. Teachers, in other words, are become more of dictators than the actual teachers themselves, as Posner states in his essay. Although these restrictions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He addresses logic when he commented in his essay that students entering college do not know much and that is why they are going to school: Students who enter college know hardly anything at all that s why they need an education (Posner 183). He chose to argue on this matter because he makes logic, if they enter college then that means that they need some sort of education to have freedom of speech and behavior. Likewise, Posner adds logos to his essay when he explains how scientists are also on the search of how a person under the age of 20 is still maturing: Scientific research confirms that brain development continues well into a person s 20s (Posner 185). He uses this statement to certify to his audience that the cognitive parts of the brain are still being developed by the time they are entering or in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Essay about Ben Franklin Ben Franklin Ben Franklin is one of the most dynamic figures in the history of America. As a philosopher, scientist, writer, inventor, diplomat, and more he had far reaching effects on America and the world both in his time and today. Franklin was one of the first people to recognize himself as American and distinguish the people of the new nation as something more than British colonists. As an American, Franklin sought to improve the country through the creation of institutions and the development of personal moral and financial success for its citizens. GENRE:Autobiography, Personal Narrative In the first part, Franklin is speaking to his son, describing the past. He talks about his childhood, family, upbringing, and general ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this way, he sees religion not as an abstract or other worldly social concept but as a function of society for its utility and usefulness. He does believe in G d and thanks him for all that he has received but, similar to Frederick Douglass, is aware of the falsehoods being taught in mainstream religion. For instance, he describes a local ministers sermons as their aim seeming to be rather to make us Presbyterians than good citizens. Although he did not believe in any one religion, he did feel that they were good for the community and actively supported the Presbyterian minister, Jewish temples, and other groups. 2.) Industry/Self Improvement: Franklin often can be seen assuming that any effort will be successful if the proper amount of hard work is applied to it. He was, however, aware that he had been very lucky and that few efforts would reach fruition without some effects of luck. It is interesting to see how at every turn Franklin had some sort of system or method laid out, followed it step by step, and achieved the intended result. Many people today can think of what it would take to be successful at something (say a sport or skill) but few know so thoroughly the correct path to take and actually walk down it to its end. We observe this ability even in his childhood. At the time, these attitudes toward ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Stormbreaker Analysis Have you ever had a time where you had to think fast and use what was around you to prevent something bad from happening? When I was 13 my cousins were riding their bikes down a steep hill with a jump at the end and a lake about 30 feet after that. The more I watched them the more I wanted to ride my bike down the hill too, so I grabbed my bike and when they all went inside to watch tv I snuck out and got ready to go down the hill. When I was finally ready to go down I pushed off and pedalled as fast as I could, but when I jumped the ramp I realized that I did not have brakes on my bike so I had to do something to try and stop before I got drenched. So I swerved to the side and reached out for my grandma s hammock that was there and held on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One example of how Alex is resourceful is when he was trapped in a giant aquarium with a dangerous jellyfish inside. In order to survive he had to use what he had with him. According to the story ¨Alex held the tube against the metal corners at the front of the tank and did his best to squeeze a long line of cream all the way down the length of the metal¨ (Horowitz 162) This shows Alex s resourcefulness because when it didn t look like he was going to survive because he was close to drowning and getting stung by a poisonous jellyfish he escaped by using a special cream he had to melt through the metal support beams on the tank which made the tank break open. Another example of how Alex was resourceful is when he used the karate move that he had learned when he was younger to take down an armed guard. One example from the text is where it states ¨At that moment Alex struck. It was another classic karate blow this time twisting his body around and driving his elbow into the side of the mans head just below the ear. The guard didn t even cry out¨ (Horowitz 140). This shows that Alex is resourceful because if he wouldn t have knocked to guard out with his special move he most likely would have either gotten shot by the guard or tortured for spying on the company to find out what they were doing that they where trying to hide. Through Alex knocking out the guard and Alex breaking out of the tank he manages to escape these two life or death ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Nt1310 Unit 4 Power Supply 4 Power supply: A device which supplies electrical energy to an output load is called a power supply. Conversion of one form of electrical power to another desired form and voltage, typically involving converting AC line voltage to a well regulated lower voltage DC for electronic devices. Low voltage, low power DC power supply units are commonly integrated with the devices they supply, such as computers and household electronics. 5V DC power should be supplied to PIC microcontroller which will be achieved by converting 230V AC into 5V DC. 230V AC is too high to be reduce. Therefore, stepdown transformer will be needed. Step down transformer will reduce the line voltage to certain voltage that will help us to convert 230V AC to 5V DC. In order ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It converts a varying input voltage into a constant regulated output voltage. Voltage Regulators are available in a variety of outputs like 5V, 6V, 9V, 12V and 15V. The LM78XX series of voltage regulators are designed for positive input. For applications requiring negative input, the LM79XX series is used. Using a pair of voltage divider resistors can increase the output voltage of a regulator circuit. 5 Ultrasonic sensor: Ultrasonic sensors emit short, high frequency sound pulses at regular intervals. These propagate in the air at the velocity of sound. If they strike an object, then they are reflected back as echo signals to the sensor, which itself computes the distance to the target based on the time span between emitting the signal and receiving the echo. As the distance to an object is determined by measuring the time of flight and not by the intensity of the sound, ultrasonic sensors are excellent at suppressing background interference. Virtually all materials which reflect sound can be detected, regardless of their color. Even transparent materials or thin foils represent no problem for an ultrasonic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Vietnam War And The Long Arms Of American History The Vietnam War is a sore spot in the long arms of American History. Nearly 60,000 Americans died and estimated millions of Vietnamese. It was considered to be the longest war in American history as well. Many questioned the motives and causes of the war calling it an atrocity. Others say that it may have been a terrible effort to defend a noble cause, the spread of communism. The years precluding the Vietnam war, there was a war taking place in Vietnam. It was known as the Indochina War, where the Vietnamese waged war against the colonial rule of France. The French were defeated in the battle of Dien Bien Phu. Following this defeat, there was a peace conference in Geneva, which resulted in Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam to receive their independence. The Geneva Accords officially divided Vietnam into North Vietnam and South Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh and his communist forces led the North. A French backed emperor led the south until elections in 1956. These elections were supposed to reunify Vietnam. United State s Cold War policy was beginning to come into play by this time. The U.S. was concerned with the domino theory, which believed that the communist overtake of North Vietnam would cause other countries in surrounding regions to adopt the ideology. In the interest of the U.S. to support South Vietnam, they back an anti communist politician named Ngo Dinh Diem. In 1955, Diem took control of the South Vietnamese government with the support of the U. S. Later in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Microsoft, Mysql And Sql Server When you start thinking about getting a database program for your company there are many popular software names that come to mind. The first that come to my mind are Oracle, MySQL (structured query language) and SQL Server, but let s take it one step further you have to know the pros and cons for each program. By educating yourself on the differences between the programs you can know that you are getting exactly what you need from the software. Even though they all do create databases, different companies have special needs and the program that is chosen may not do what it is needed without research. Some users might say that the cost plays a big part of the decision making process, but you do not always just want to know how much they cost because you want to know how they differ from each other. There are quite a few out there, let s start with the top three companies Oracle, MySQL and SQL Server. First, let us take a look at Oracle. Oracle has been the leader of database programs for years; it was released for commercial use in 1980s. Oracle s first release was called Oracle 2 and it only supported the basis features of SQL. (Lee, 2013) It was also the first to develop commercial layer SQL. Commercial layer program is usually windows base and it works with SQL Server. Some of Oracle s many features include the interface that can either be SQL (structured query language) or GUI (graphical user interface). The languages it supports are C, C#, C++, Java, Ruby, Objective C ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Moving Day Research Paper Moving Day How will my young children feel about it? At some point in their lives, many families face the prospect of moving to a new home. While a move may be stressful for adults, it can be even more traumatic for children, as they are most likely not a part of the decision to move, and might not understand it. Many children thrive on familiarity and routine, which a move severely disrupts. Therefore, when considering a move, it is important to weigh the benefits against the comfort that familiar surroundings provide a child. If your family has recently dealt with a major life change, such as divorce or death, postponing a move to give young children time to adjust may be the best course of action. However, the decision to move may be out ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When discussing a move with your children, try to give them as much information as soon as possible. Answer questions completely and honestly, and be receptive to your children s reactions. Even if the move is extremely beneficial, children don t always understand, and may be frightened by the ramifications. As such, involving your children in the process as much as possible makes them feel like participants. This can make the move and associated changes feel less forced upon them. If you re moving across town, you can take your children to visit the new home and explore the new neighborhood before the move. For distant moves, you can provide as much information as possible about the new home and location. Access the internet with your children to learn about the new community. See if someone can take pictures of the new house and new school to show your children, or look up photos on the internet with them. Moving with Toddlers and Preschoolers Children younger than six may be the easiest to move, as their capacity for understanding is limited. Regardless, guidance is important to ensure a smooth move. Here are some ways to ease the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. White Trash Primer Essay English 112 7 May 2013 The Judgement In the short, personal memoir, White Trash Primer, Lacy M. Johnson talks about a girl s life from childhood to her early adult life. Johnson begins her piece by talking about the girl s childhood that seemed like an average child s life growing up in a rural area. This girl grew up in a family where her family was constantly working hard on a farm to get by. As time went on, life s circumstances changed. The child began to mature and the family was forced to move due to financial problems. From the move, the family went from owning a farm and selling corn and soy beans, to a family that was forced to work at Wal Mart. Depression eventually takes over the girl s life and her lifestyle changed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another great thing I took away from reading this memoir is that everyone looks at the same things, but in different ways. For example, the main character in Johnson s memoir constantly went into Wal Mart looking for a job. After applying six times, she finally got hired. Some might have seen her as being a pest or an interruption to the other employees, while others saw her as being a determined individual that knew what she wanted. Everyone saw the same lady walking into the store, but all of their impressions were very different. Learning that everyone sees the world in a different manner then led to me wanting to be kind hearted woman to everyone that I meet. Impressions are everything, so it is better to give a person the benefit of the doubt since their life stories are not revealed at the time they are seen. The last lesson I took away from reading Johnson s piece is a person can go from living a comfortable life without the amenities, but with all the necessities, to a life where there is nothing at all. There are certain events that happen in your life that can change your life completely. Johnson is not the only person who is extremely satisfied with this piece. Many of her readers feel the same joy. One of her readers by the name of Claudia Rankine writes on an online blog saying: I was riveted by this piece written with the haunting interiority of poetry and the compelling drive of prose. Much like being caught in a novel by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Research Paper On Barcelona Barcelona, Spain s second largest city welcomes visitors to its friendly atmosphere and history waiting to be explored. Discover the charm and beauty of Barcelona, Spain Situated along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea between the Llobregat and Besòs River, lies Barcelona, Spain s second largest metropolis. The city s history goes all the way back to some 4,000 years when the earliest settlements were first established by local farmers. Ever since those early years, Barcelona has grown to become one of Europe s most cosmopolitan cities along with a fascinating way of life and a lively atmosphere. Attractions One of the most popular boulevards in Barcelona is La Rambla, a favorite among locals and tourists. This lively spot is shared among ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Situated in a medieval palace, its collection is among one of the very finest of its kind. It provides visitors with a glimpse into a prosperous community of the earliest civilizations pertaining to the Americas. The tiny museum displays a number of items such as wood and stone sculptures, ceramics, tapestries, and jade. The exhibits represent the Olmec, Maya, Aztec, Chavin, Mochica and Inca cultures. The Museu Picasso is perhaps the most popular and visited museum in Barcelona featuring approximately 3,500 exhibits that represent the permanent collection. Among the exhibited items is Picasso s early work of art. The artist dedicated a number of his years in Barcelona (1901 06) producing several works of art. The exhibits include childhood drawings, images from the stunning Rose and Blue time period, and the prominent 1950s Cubist versions on Velazquez s Las Meninas (Ladies in Waiting). One other landmark not to be overlooked is the Gaudi Casa Museu, a former residence of Antoni Gaudi (1852 1926) now a museum made up of fixtures designed by the artist. Various other featured items contain decorations, sketches, and portraits of the artist. The museum first opened its doors on September 28, 1963, and displays several of Barcelona s finest works of contemporary ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Using A Computer Generated Random Number Table To prevent bias and confounding in treatment assignment, randomization was completed. 10 (5 men, 5 women) participants (see Table 1) were each evaluated in person at the Howard University Speech and Hearing Clinic. Each of which provided written informed consent for participation. Through the use of a computer generated random number table, each participant was assigned their method of treatment, either via face to face or telepractice at another local university speech and hearing clinic. Each participant was 18 years or older and had been previously diagnosed with Primary Muscle Tension Dysphonia (PMTD) by an otolaryngologist. Participants who presented with head and neck cancer, organic lesions, spasmodic dysphonia or other neurological disorders, oropharyngeal dysphagia, respiratory disorders including asthma, or mild MTD were excluded from the study. Also, excluded, were any participants who previously utilized pharmacological treatment or received other voice therapy methods with regards to problems with their voice. Table 1. Study participant demographic characteristics. Participant Age Gender Days post onset of symptoms Group Occupation SP01 23 M 1 year Face to Face School Paraprofessional SP04 45 F 2 months Telepractice Elem. School Teacher SP05 32 F 1 month Telepractice Business Manager SP08 18 M 5 months Face to Face High School Student SP10 35 F 2 years Face to Face College Professor SP11 42 F 8 months Face to Face IT Supervisor SP12 20 F 2 months Face to Face ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. 10 Things I Hate About You Stereotypes Judging superficially will not reveal the truth The film 10 things I hate about you is a romantic comedy released in 1999. It is starred by Julia Stiles and Heath Ledger. It s a very popular film between teens. The film was made as an adaptation of the Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare. However, the story portrays certain characteristics of a fairy tale known as King Thrushbeard . The film utilizes fairy tale and cinematic elements to show that judging a person can mislead the truth, by using complex characters that represent different stereotypes. The film has a proud female character who judges everyone based on her personal past experiences. The main character, Kat Stratford, is shown as a proud, arrogant, unsocial female who tries to live for her own expectations. It is interesting because since the beginning of the film she shows no interest in boys, until she gets to know Patrick Verona. It s intriguing how Verona is able to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The film has many perspectives towards a gender. For example, the females are totally opposite. Kat Stratford is shown as brave, independent, athlete, intelligent, not feminine girl while her sister is totally the opposite. Bianca is feminine, popular, well dressed, sweet and naïve. At the end they complement each other because one learns from the other. For example, Bianca punches Joey in defending her beliefs about what she thinks is correct. On the other side, Kat goes to prom because she finally understands that she has to allow her sister experience things by herself. Now, on the male side there are three types of boys: the humble, the rude and the handsome. Cameron shows a humble man, whose love is pure and sincere. Verona changes the idea of rude guys by showing that he is willing to humiliate himself in order to get Kat s attention and pardon. Finally, Joey shows the type of guy whose love is only to himself and will never be able to truly love ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Lenders And Credit Loans Online Payday Loans Lenders who offer bad credit loans, including online payday loans, personal installment loans and auto title loans, have come under increasing attack in recent years. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, or CFPB, has been the most vocal critic of these lenders. The CFPB published its proposed regulations for short term, small dollar loans in June 2016. Included in the 1,341 pages of new rules and explanations is a section that deals specifically with lenders who offer online payday loans. Despite the pending proposed regulations and the criticism leveled at the lenders, however, the number of borrowers seeking an online payday loan continues to increase. Why Payday Loans Online Continue to Increase Despite Criticism of the Industry In recent years, many states and municipalities have passed laws that have made it difficult or impossible for payday lenders to operate a traditional storefront. However, as multiple witnesses pointed out during testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services, outlawing a product is not the same as eliminating the demand for the product. In simple terms, people want the ability to borrow small amounts of money when they need to handle a financial emergency, and if they cannot deal with a lender who has a store, they will turn to a lender who offers online payday loans. However, there are other reasons for the increasing number of people looking for an online payday loan. Unlike stores, websites are open ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Church s Role In Ancient Russian Society And Politics The church s role in ancient Russian society and politics was also significant since it encountered a semi pagan society with many barbarian practices and crude customs in the late tenth and early eleventh centuries. These included a primitive form of marriage in which the wife was abducted or purchased, polygamy, slavery, blood feuds and many other rituals society would deem cruel and barbaric today. (131, Engelstein) While the church did not immediately eliminate ingrained habits and prejudices, it gradually imparted new ideas and attitudes by educating people, changing morals, and preparing the people to accept new standards. The church opposed barbaric customs such as blood feuds and, together with secular leaders, attempted to formulate judicial norms and establish appropriate punishments that fit the nature of and reasons for crimes. In these actions, the church deeply penetrated the legal and moral foundations of society. This is another example of how the Christianization of Russia started to shape politics and the culture of Russia specifically from some of the earliest times of Russian society. (133, Engelstein) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These church people were under the church s jurisdiction and direct control and included monks, the clergy, church employees and their families, among others. (134, Engelstein) From its inception, the church served as a social welfare organization for the weakest and least fortunate elements of society who were threatened by death or slavery in these barbaric times. In this instance, the church acted as guardian as well as the government. This is yet another example of the construction of influence the church had in shaping Russian culture and government. (134, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Speech On Cruise Travel Cruise travel is one of the best vacations you can take. During your cruise vacation you will visit several different ports of call. Your cruise ship will dock at exotic islands or new countries almost on a daily basis. Check out the cruise reviews on line for cruise tips before you visit your destinations to find out what fantastic experience each port has to offer. During your cruise vacation you will visit ports to shop, explore, beach, sightsee or hike. There are a wide variety of activities in each cruise destination. Or you could just depart the ship for a chance to walk around for a change of pace. Although this is a great cruise adventure, you should realize that you will only get a small sample of what each port of call has to offer. And be forewarned, as you step of your majestic cruise ship there will be hordes of natives trying to sell you a trinket or a tour around the city. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Things you should be aware of is how much the guide will be with you and do they speak English clearly. Mostly the cruise lines have very competent tour guides, but better safe than sorry. Will have any time on your like for shopping or stopping in a café? It is very important to find out how much physical activity is required before you sign on for any tour. If you have limited mobility you don t want to go on a tour that climbs the Acropolis in Athens or Dunns River Falls in Jamaica. Find out if a snack or lunch is provided, so if it isn t you can bring along adequate funds to get your own. There are private touring companies that you can contact on your own if you wish to tour in a more private fashion. Another alternative is to buddy up with some fellow cruisers and share taxi tours to cut your expense in half. Many times you will meet people on a cruise that have similar interests and you will spend a lot of time together on the cruise ship, why not touring also? It s a way to save money and enjoy other passengers ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Personality Traits Of Team Sports The aim of this investigation was to test if there is a connection between particular personality traits and any differences in the personality traits of individuals who play team sports and individuals who play individual sports, such as strong agreeableness and extraversion seen in team sports played. The hypothesis for this investigation is that students who participate in team sports will on average have higher scores in the continuum for each stage of the Big Five theory than students who play individual sports. The investigation involved a questionnaire on 23 year twelve psychology students who will be given 10 questions ranging from 1 to 5 in terms of their continuum with pairs of two questions on each stage of OCEAN such as for openness to experience one of the questions has a continuum from unimaginative to imaginative which the participant will rate themselves on. The questionnaire is self evaluated therefore the participant would answer based on their perception of themselves. The results of each individual s answers will be kept anonymous to provide students with their anonymity and to avoid any issues that may have arisen that would hinder the investigation and affect the individuals. The results of the research have displayed the higher scores in traits are often apparent in people who play team sports whereas lower scores are more prominent in participants who are involved in individual sports. These results have drawn to the conclusion that those who have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Drugs And Drug Abuse For the research on drug use and societal or natural disaster, there is various findings on drug users lives, before and after disasters. This paper gives a broad explanation of their trauma stress, housing life styles, and health risk during times of disaster. These topics show the studies on people whom partake in drugs such as Crack/Cocaine Heroine on the day to day basis. The researched for this paper worked with the usagers directly to affect the health of those in these situations. Trauma Stress People that are users of drugs, and more specifically crack, heroine, and other cocaine based drugs have various reasons for their continued drug use. One of the many reasons for these drug users to abuse the drugs they use extend from earlier traumas and events in their lives. The events of natural and unnatural disaster cause an immediate amount of stress for those whom fall in this category. The people falling under this category not only have the stress from their past, present events and possible disaster events, but also the high chance of mental illness. Fifty four African Americans from New Orléans were compared to a sample of 162 people from Houston, in this study that lasted from June 2002 to December 2005, there are no significant differences between the two groups on either depression or anxiety, but the New Orléans sample scored higher on the self esteem scale and scored lower on the risk taking scale (Timpson, Ratliff, Ross, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Argumentative Essay On Six Flags Would you ever like to go to a special, amazing, extraordinary field trip? If so then what was it. Have you ever heard of six flags, it is a water park that has all type of slides, roller coasters and more? Well six flags are one of the field trips that I would want to go to. Many teachers argue that the field trips are not educational, but I argue that six flags has many educational things. Ranging from classroom sessions and swimming in water with dolphins to learning about and actually sleeping with the sharks, these programs are designed to allow individualized or group learning opportunities. Also it is a great place to have fun with your friends and family. There is also a very cool slide that they made this year. It is called the King Cobra, how does that sound. To begin, six flags is very educational because students will be put to the test with hands on learning to master the math and science of our coasters. Following the assemblies, students are able to participate in four special park activities and prizes. Plus, you ll have full access to all rides and attractions and a complete curriculum, featuring data collection and workbook problems. They will be asked questions about rides and get prizes if they get the correct answer. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... New Jersey announced King Cobra for the 2012 season King Cobra is made as the first ride of its kind. When the water ride opened on July 24, 2015 King Cobra was built. King Cobra has two dueling slides. The ride begins with a figure eight before dropping down a 25 foot drop at speeds of up to 32 miles per hour. The drop is the entry point into a Sidewinder element that looks like a cobra head. King Cobra has an orange bold, black and red scales to resemble a massive cobra on both the inside and outside of the slide. The slide was built in the middle of Hurricane Harbor and took place this year in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Increasing Speed Movement Towards The Electronic Health... Increasing speed movement towards the electronic health records has additional complexity of the preference from among choices process, in that the number of systems on the market has raised. However, appointing a system does not have to be a frighten task. The first and most understandable questions that needs to be acknowledge is placed. Where do we start? Well you do not start with the merchant. To obtain any major systems investments must being with a process. Why will you need to set up a method? The act of founding a method or way underrate financial risk to your facility and prepares you for the migration from paper to the electronic record. The health care manufacturing is dedicated to goal of improved quality of health care, cost effectiveness, and patient safety. Applications of the EHR is high on the records of first concern and is looked at the tools that will far provide to manage this goal. In a conclusion there has been a thrust by the federal government, professional and physician health care system and alliance, as well as the health information technology cooperation, to boost doctors and their usual procedures to transition from paper to an electronic medical records within the EHR form. Also in the middle those who identify the value of the EHR to accomplish the goals of safety cost effective and quality, the (AHIMA) American Health Information Management Association, (HIMSS) Health care Information Management Systems Society and the National Alliance ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Censorship in Schools Essay Censorship in Schools There has recently been a renewed interest and passion in the issue of censorship. In the realm of the censorship of books in schools alone, several hundred cases have surfaced each year for nearly the past decade. Controversies over which books to include in the high school English curriculum present a clash of values between teachers, school systems, and parents over what is appropriate for and meaningful to students. It is important to strike a balance between English that is meaningful to students by relating to their lives and representing diversity and satisfying worries about the appropriateness of what is read. This burden often falls on teachers. The purpose of this research paper is to discuss ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Censorship can take different shapes depending on the public school system: Schools can give teachers a list of acceptable books to teach, just provide guidelines, or leave it up to the teachers to judge which books are appropriate (Agee, 1999). Teachers are often very nervous about including texts that are not traditional or specifically approved by the school, especially because of the highly publicized cases of teachers whose careers have been ruined because of censorship debates in courts and school systems (Agee, 1999). First Amendment Rights Relating to the Censorship of Books Censorship cases often bring about debates over students first amendment rights. Students first amendment rights are important to preserve so that students can not be excluded from meaningful works or literature. It is understandable for the government to design educational plans as a way to get its voice into classrooms, but the truth promoting function of the First Amendment provides no reason, however, to question the right of students to explore a variety of ideas and perspectives, and to form and express ideas of their own (Brown, 1994, p. 30). Schools already place a restriction on religious material or material addressing current political controversy (Brown, 1994). Censors typically feel as though the subject material of controversial books in the high school English curriculum is too much for teenagers to handle (Shen, 2002). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Knowledge In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein Knowledge recurring many times throughout the Frankenstein novel. A word that speaks for itself but also can have different meanings. It is also a powerful tool to that can be used as a result of our judgment. Knowledge consists in recognizing the difference between good and bad decisions . (Knowledge Intellectual understanding) In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein novel, characters had searched for something they had in common or a desire they shared; knowledge. Realizing the outcome was different than they expected. Walton, wrapped in his ambition, believed that searching for knowledge would bring fame, unfortunately learning he put his life and crew in danger. Frankenstein, relying on his passion and refusing acceptance of his limitations, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Though childhood had already been invented by the time Frankenstein appeared, the monster lacked one, his upbringing (Reese 49). He has never been properly taught how to survive around humans or how to distinguish between right and wrong. He was curious about human life such as communication, feelings, behavior, and respect for each other. He strived for more he decided to learn how to speak, read and express feelings by observing and watching families. To achieve his goal of communication with humans, he needs to learn the basic knowledge of the language. As the creature admired human s graceful minds and beautiful physical figures and was shocked by his ugliness when he caught sight of his reflection in a pool of water. After realizing he was horribly different from human beings. Painfully the monster cried and spoke of sadness for his investigation of knowledge. He said, I cannot describe to you the agony that these reflections inflicted upon me; I tried to dispel them, but sorrow only increased with knowledge. (Shelly 87). This knowledge took away the creatures hope for happiness and filled his heart with bitterness. He decided to take revenge on his creator because he was angry and blamed his creator for having brought him to life as a monster. The creature thought he would be happy when other s lives were ruined; knowledge would bring him happiness and community acceptance. Admittedly, he was the victim of his wrong doing: You, who call Frankenstein your friend, seem to have knowledge of my crimes and his misfortunes. (Shelly, Walton, In Continuation, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. I Am Not A Public Speaker My Journey I d finally hit rock bottom. There was nowhere else to go. And the horrible reality I didn t ever want to face was now right in front of me. Waiting for something to be done. I wanted to run. Away from everything. But I needed to face it. I had to. I did. I have. Yet, when my sister asked me to share my experiences on this blog, I was scared: what do I say? How do I say it? How will people react? I am not a public speaker; is not for everyone. But I believe I have finally found my voice, regardless of whether it is verbal or written. Everyone goes through steps of pain and grief in different ways; this is mine. I was 5. We look to our parents to be protectors. My father told me growing up that what was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Instead, all that she was left with was the watery eyes of a ten year old, and a deafening silence of which she didn t question. I was scared. I was scared I would be ripped apart from her. No one would believe you anyway.
  • 31. But I wanted to tell her. Yet, I could never bring myself to do it. Because of him. He wasn t this horrible man all the time; he wasn t a monster. I thought my mum had a good marriage. I knew she loved my father, and I didn t want to ruin that. Yet, that never stopped me from seeing him as two different people. He wasn t just horrible all the time; he was my dad. It came in spurts. Sometimes it would happen for two weeks these awful, horrible things then six to eight months would go by and he would be this amazing father. And I don t know if it took a couple of years for him to groom me into this situation; how he gained my trust, believing him when he was telling me he was teaching me. I was confused. I felt like it was dirty and I felt that it was wrong. And I hated it, but... I enjoyed the attention I got from him. He made me feel like a horrible person, but I wanted him to love me. I was his daughter. I didn t want to lose that part of him, and I was scared if I told my mother she wouldn t believe me or I would ruin her marriage, and that I would lose the only father figure I had. So I reasoned inwardly that if my mother ever wanted to ask me about that day, she would. And I would tell her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Habits Of Low Self Esteem People demonstrates different habits based on their self esteem. You can predict an individual s self esteem type by the habits he or she exhibits. Numerous factors affect our self esteem positively or negatively. Some of the habits we have go a long way in determining how we value ourselves. There are numerous factors that cause low self esteem, these include look or weight, mental challenges, peer group/pressure, bullying etc. Anyone exposed to any of these factors is prone to have low self esteem. For instance, constant bullying in schools could make a child develop low self esteem at a tender age. The child will see him as not strong enough or too lousy to stand up for himself. Therefore, bullying should be discouraged in schools. Most kids who suffer from bullies end up most of the time with low self esteem. One of such kid was the great actor; Jackie Chan. Jackie was bullied severely as a child because he was too scared to fight for himself. He was an easy target in his school; other children pick on him easily. Low self esteem can keep you at bay and relegate you to irrelevance. Jackie eventually escaped it when he prevented a new kid from being bullied. A person with low self esteem will exhibit the following habits: They Exhibit Perfectionism: People with low self esteem are known to be chronic perfectionists. They are always looking for a way to achieve perfect results. Importantly, you know that it is not easy to achieve 100% result. However, when the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Ugetsu Dualism Ugetsu is one of the most critically acclaimed and culturally significant films to come out of the Japanese Golden Age of Cinema. Directed by Kenji Mizoguchi, who stood with Ozu and Kurosawa as what are widely regarded by film critics and scholars to be the three greatest filmmakers and masters of their craft that rose to prominence during the Nipponese age of cinema in Japan. Ugetsu is a stunningly multifaceted story that begins as the tale of two families trying to achieve the realization of their ambitions through different means and turns into a cautionary, almost mythological, fable that shows the consequences of the main characters single minded determination to bring their dreams to fruition. The elements of mythos and mysticism come ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He also uses these crafted dualities to transfer the mythological and fable like qualities of the written stories he is interpreting to cinematic experience that is accessible while not seeming radically unimaginable. Mizoguchi also uses elements of foreshadowing to ease the audience into the transition from realistic tale of woe into the realm of mystical caution that he weaves in Ugetsu. Summary At its core, Ugetsu is a story of two brothers who each fall victim to a separate incarnation of capital vice and the consequences that befall not only themselves because of their actions, but also the consequences their actions bring down upon their loved ones. The film follows two related families comprised of Genjuro, his wife Miyagi (Tanaka Kinuyo), and their son Genichi (Ikio Sawamura) who live alongside their neighbors Tobei and his wife Ohama (Mitsuko Mito) during the Japanese Sengoku era between 1467 and 1573 while the country is embroiled in a massive civil war. The pair of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Failure Analysis Of Wells Fargo Tolga Tosun MGMT 512 Exam I 28/05/2017 Corporate Failure What is Corporate Failure? Corporate Failure is a situation when a company suffers from a huge mistake about a product (like Samsung Note 7 s battery) or misleads the world about their products features (like Volkswagen s emission scandal) and ends up with huge fines to customers or governments. Also if a company is not able to make profit or make enough sales to offset its expenses may lead with a failure. This can occur as a result of poor management skills, inability to compete or sometimes insufficient marketing. Here are some reasons. Basic Corporate Failure Reasons Wrong Poor Board Decision Making Poor Board Members Accounting Violation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The bank also paid around 5 Million USD to the customers affected. Causes of Failure of Wells Fargo Missing Corporate Governance Issues This scandal was an unexpected situation because it was unveiled in September 2016 when the internal investigation had just began. The former CEO, John Stumpf announced that the fake accounts had started to open since 2011. During this 5 year period, the Wells Fargo management had to realise these accounts but they didn t. When they realised the depth of
  • 35. this scandal, John Stumpf had to take full responsibility. If they don t know such a big scandal (2 million fake deposit accounts and credit cards) this means that the bank is too big to manage. This is a bank, which has the responsibility to keep track of people s money, safety but apparently Wells Fargo couldn t succeed in this matter. Apparently, the audit committee of the bank was a disappointing team for not finding out such a mistake. The trust for such a big bank has decreased by the customers. This was mainly because of the high pressure from the managers to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Goal of the United States Criminal Justice System Within the United States Criminal Justice System, it is not only goal to simply punish those who break the law, but to also reduce the level of criminal activity. In order to fulfill this important aspect of the Criminal Justice System, offenders must be rehabilitated and motivated to refrain from engaging in further criminal activity so that they do not return to prison. Since the early 1990 s, our country s crime rate has been declining. Studies such as the Pew Safety Performance Project point out that this is an important goal for correctional systems to keep in mind, but it is not the only one. Pew Safety believes that ensuring the taxpayer dollars are spent effectively is also an important aspect of the correctional system. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A study such as Samuel Himelstein s Meditation Research: The State of the Art in Correctional Settings, explores and reviews empirical research regarding the effects of meditation based programs in correctional populations. In other words, Himelstein takes into account different forms of treatment aimed at rehabilitating prisoners so that they refrain from recidivism and are not placed back into jail. Himelstein looks at treatments such as Transcendental Meditation, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, and Vipassana Meditation, and looks at insights and results from researchers such as APA member and professor of Psychology Craig Hanley, professor of Psychology Ruth A. Baer, and more insightful results from numerous researchers. Himelstein s article analyzes how inmates who participate in meditation based programs displayed decreased anxiety, aggressiveness, hostility, substance use, and recidivism of incarceration, and examines an increased social, interpersonal, and overall psychological well being in inmate participants (Himelstein, 647). Methods In the Pew Safety Performance Project, researchers analyzed the returns to prison for 33 for inmates who were released in 1999, and analyzed a separate group of inmates from 41 states that were released in 2004 (two cohorts). The fact that Pew analyzed returns in this way, it was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Jamaica is known for its jerked chicken, clear waters, and... Jamaica is known for its jerked chicken, clear waters, and more notably for Reggae, which makes Jamaican culture globally recognized. However, despite its mainstream entertainment value of today, reggae is not only music; however it is a way of life for some Jamaicans. It originated as a political form of protest against the colonial forces operative in the social context of Jamaican life. Musical ambassadors like the Abyssinians, Burning Spear, Sir Jimmy Cliff, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Bunny Wailer, and Rita Marley, along with many others, can be credited with introducing reggae music to the world and giving it international recognition. Yet, despite its popularity, many do not understand the cultural and political climate in which Reggae ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Artists would essentially hit two birds with one stone. The first bird was the ability to simply perform their music. However the second bird isn t as simple as the first, it is the meaning. The second was the protest against the Babylon system and oppression. To the Rastafari, the Babylon system is any and all oppressive and unequal practices in Jamaica. Babylon began to surface throughout reggae music. Reggae lyrics are suggestive of the reggae protest songs. Bob Marley is a great example of capturing his strong negative views of Babylon. Reggae protest songs proved to be a force with power, both socially and politically. Ironically the Jamaican government would use reggae as a vehicle to promote its views (King, xiv). Reggae never lost and will never lose its association with music and the Rastafari culture. It remains a revolutionary form of explanatory art. Music never remains stagnate, it will always evolve. Roots reggae; a sub genre of Reggae, was dominant in Jamaica in the cohort of 1975 1980. Roots reggae tackles the life of a ghetto sufferer and discusses truths and rights (Barrow and Dalton, 129). Dancehall and the incorporation of hip hop rhythms was the new addition of reggae. Dancehall became widely used after the death of Bob Marley in 1981 (Barrow and Dalton, 231). In the 1990 s there comes a new generation of reggae artists. It was able to combine conscious lyrics with the distinctive hardcore dancehall beats. Current reggae artists ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Anita S Dance Feminist Criticism On May 24, 1933, a role model, advocate for women s rights, and a literary star was born. Marian Engel was born in Toronto, Ontario, to a single eighteen year old girl, and put up for adoption. Frederick Searle and Mary Elizabeth (Fletcher) Passmore adopted a beautiful baby named Ruth, who they renamed Marian. Marian spent her younger years growing up in a variety of towns across Southern Ontario as her family moved frequently for her father s work. Engel began her education at Sarnia Collegiate Institute Technical School in Sarnia, Ontario, and later continued on to complete a Bachelor of Arts at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. She graduated from McMaster in 1955 and without hesitation, enrolled in a Master s program for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although Anita makes a great effort to ignore the victimization that she faces throughout the story, it is impossible for the audience not to pick up on the words, symbols, and characters used to blatantly victimize her. Right off the bat Anita is attempting to enjoy the peace and quiet of her backyard to spend some time alone to just read and relax, however her thoughts are intruded by the reminder of her friends calling her selfish. Anita recalls being called selfish by her friends for finding happiness in her successes such as having ownership of her own house, a car, and a satisfying way of life in general. This brings down the value of her success and leaves Anita a victim, because her friends are just trying to take away from the caliber of her accomplishments, and try to give her a reason to feel guilty about what s she s done for herself. Next, Anita s thoughts are overtaken by a memory of a boy she had once been very fond of. That is, until he suggested that she drop her scholarship at university, marry him, and put him through law school because, Being male, he had more right to an education than she had. Now while this truly selfish boyfriend of Anita s didn t have the chance to turn her into a victim because she dumped him and didn t listen to his request, the language he uses is condescending and highly discriminating against women, which is definitely a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Bob Privilege Analysis Privilege is a concept many would consider they do not posses and only the wealthy in society have. It is something many of people have and do not realize it because they have been exposed to it there whole lives. Privilege can be described as A special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people (Dictionary.com). These definitions also described by the well know Bob Pease truly exemplifies what it means to have privilege without realizing it. Privilege in my life has been, as Pease would describe it, invisible. It is there without me really realizing it because I have become used to it. My status in life as a straight woman has in ways made me privileged and not privileged. In this paper, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I am a middle class, university student; I may not see life the same way as someone else. For example, I do not see the world the same way a black woman, teacher, senior or child would see the world. This is similar to privilege; I do not see privileged the same way someone else would. The privilege may have been noticeably not there in someone s life, so they realize it everyday. On the other hand, I did not see my privilege all my life; it took me this long to realize I am privileged. One example is the entire Jennifer Lawrence scandal regarding wage gaps. Through the Sony hack Lawrence found out she was being paid considerable less than her male costar, she was completely appalled by this (Washington Post). Although Lawrence has won many Oscars and has had more experience than her male costar that has not won Oscars they are getting paid much more. It is crazy to see how even big stars are being exposed to privilege. The male actors are privileged based on their sex and do not even realize it. There is no reason for the males to be paid more but society decides some should be privileged beyond others. Just like Lawrence my position in life never made me think I may be privileged or unprivileged for the matter. Lawrence realized she was being unfairly discriminated against because she is a female. I believe my position is very privileged, however, in comparison to males it seems I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Plan for Action to Help a Student A. Necessary Leadership Action The leadership action that involves one or more groups of community stakeholders is creating a team to create an action plan for one student that attendance has declined and because of the number of missed days, academic achievement has also declined. A1. Why Action is Necessary This action is necessary because the student involved is not showing academic growth and having anxiety with attending school. Attendance has decreased because the student does not want to attend school due to issues with the classroom teacher, as well as other students within this class. Because of the attendance drop, this student s grades have also shown a decline in all subject areas. The parents are requesting that the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once the plan is written, the specific resources will be developed along with who is responsible for providing the resource. B4. Use of Collegial Resources Collegial resources that will be used will be dependent on what is included within the action plan. The area director of curriculum and instruction, as well as the student s former administration team will be asked to be a part of the group. The former administration team is important to include in the development of the action plan because they can bring in resources that have worked within their own school with this student. They can also provide insight on what strategies may not work when developing the plan. The area director will be an important part of the team because she will be able to offer resources that are used in other area schools. This will allow the team to create a variety of strategies that may not be available within the student s school. D1. Impact of Stakeholder Input The stakeholder input impacted the execution of the plan because it gave the team an opportunity to know what has worked in the past and what strategies were not as effective. This allowed strategies to be eliminated or added to the plan. The parents provided information about what motivated the child at home which was included in the plan which helped to achieve the goals. Having a team that was collaborative and all a part of designing the plan helped ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Synopsis Of A Monologue Was Just Gone ! 1. Anyone who has ever been involved in any amount of theatre knows that auditioning is no one s friend. As someone who is made nervous very easily, I have the awfullest nerves before any audition. So when my acting class decided to work on auditioning, I was somewhat excited. I had prepared a monologue, and I was ready to perform it when the next class rolled around. My name was called, and I was abnormally nervous considering I was surrounded by people I have done much more embarrassing things in front of we all like to forget about the class in which we spent an hour rolling around on the floor in order to connect with out deepest emotions. I get up and the very moment I stand, my entire monologue has left my mind. I could not even ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I spent every moment of free time I had at rehearsal researching for my paper, and by the time I got home, I was exhausted. But... I still had a paper to write. Write it I did, surrounded by note cards and with far too many links pulled up on my laptop, with my kitten at my feet. I finished the paper with time to spare, and also with one page more than I was assigned. (It goes without saying that I somehow turned this crisis into a miracle, and I aced the assignment with flying colors.) 3. Let me start by saying this: I am really good at texting. I am very much like some sort of speed texting machine, which sounds ridiculous, but it is true. I rarely ever make typos, and I rarely send a message to the wrong person. Though, there was one time in particular that I did the latter, and it ruined all my plans. One of my closest friends, Alec, had a birthday coming up. He begged me not to do anything, he just wanted to have a normal day. Of course, knowing me, Alec should have known to have me make some sort of promise. As it was, I made no such promise, and I made a plan to conspire with his sister, Emmaline, and plan Alec the perfect surprise party. So, I typed up a text for Emma, talking about my plan to surprise Alec. Now, let me get something straight here. I am very close with both Alec and Emma, and different as they may be, they have very similar contact names in my phone; by this, I mean that both of their contact names ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Examples Of Planning A Vacation How to Plane and Prepare for a Vacation Have you ever thought about why do people go on a vacation? After the pressures of work and study, which accompany the people in their lives, taking a vacation become necessary to get rid of all the stress and relax. People have many reasons to go on a vacation such as: they want to take a break of their daily routine, strength the relationship between family members, having an adventure, and other reasons. Unfortunately, some of them struggle planning for a vacation, especially when the family is big. The family members will find difficulty in searching for a cheap air flight ticket, a residence with a good price that can fit the whole members of the family, and a good spot to go for it. It is true that planning and preparing for a vacation is not easy, but it is interesting. Planning for a vacation involves three distant steps. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The family must assign one person to be responsible for the expenses; in that case it must be the Head of the family the father. After determining on the destination that the family wants to go, the father has to do some online researches to find great deals on travel and hotels. To get better offers on airline tickets and hotels, the father has to book early before the travel season by several months. Karen Fawcett (2009) in 7 Steps to Planning a Great Family Vacation advises travelers to, Set a budget and have it fixed in stone. Depending on how small or how big, this will dictate where you may and may not go. Wear your brutally realistic hat when you re using a calculator and doing the math. Therefore, the father must calculate travel costs of food, transportation, tours, shopping, and travel insurance. He must collect separate budget for these things. Moreover, the father has to set aside extra money for unexpected travel costs. In addition, the family must limit the number of bags to avoid overweight on the plane and to save ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Pros And Cons Of Maryland Act Concerning Religion Maryland Act Concerning Religion (1644); Critique In this article, William H. Browne is able to present how crucial and beneficial the Maryland Act Concerning Religion of 1644 was during the religious political battles of the English Civil War. The article expressed how the act was a huge milestone in the early history of religious freedom in America and how at the time it helped reestablish order in Maryland by institutionalizing the principle of toleration that had prevailed from the colony s beginning. More specifically, the act provided punishment for anyone who troubled or molested a Christian for religious reasons which would consequently help establish harmony amongst the different religions of the time. The article goes on to say ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. The Importance Of Slaves In The New England Colonies I first went to Hartford in Connecticut. It was in the New England Colonies. It first seemed pretty good, because they didn t really have slaves. Which I was surprised about. They apparently think that hiring workers cost less than owning slaves, so they hired a lot of workers instead. My husband also thinks it s a bit weird, but I guess we agree with them. I also learned that the New England colonies had the best public schooling. The children were like required to go to school, which I definitely want my son to go to one day. I think that my son would also like all the games they played there, like stoolball and tag, but playing cards was forbidden. This would be really hard, though, because back in England, we loved playing cards. I think living there might be a bit hard though. As I have seen, cooking is very dangerous and the meals are kind of repetitive. The iron pots can burn you really easily and the scared of burning my back. Another reason I don t really want to live in the New England Colonies is because many people die for denying the true god or cursing at your parents. I think that I am fine with John saying crap, but I do not want him to die because of it. He could totally get punished, but definitely not death. I think that overall I really liked the fact that the New England colonies didn t really like slaves and that they had some of the best public schooling, but it did have some factors I didn t like, like the fact that my son could die for saying a bad ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Challenges for Foreign Manager in South Korea University of Maryland University College AMBA 620 Introduction Background To put it mildly the cultural differences between the United States and South Korea are vast. South Korean culture according to Javidan, Dorfman, Sully de Luque and House (2006) is similar to Chinese culture in that it is rich in tradition and heavily influenced by Confucian values. The values of Confucianism funnel down to everything from family life to corporate life. Javidan et al. (2006) details that Confucianism emphasizes the importance of relationships and community (p. 83). Park, Rehg, and Lee (2005) mention that in South Korean culture it is important behave in an honorable, trustworthy, and respectable fashion as these attributes are all ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The dimension known as Institutional Collectivism shows how a culture practices rewards and encouragement. Javidan et al. (2006) explain that South Koreans thrive off of teamwork and group reward unlike other countries such as the United States, which favors a more individualistic system (p. 70). Of all the cultures studied as part of Project GLOBE, South Korea ranked highest in their need of a group reward system. This information will help me establish a reward system that will satisfy the need that the employees require in South Korea. An additional factor that Javidan, et al. (2006, p. 70) raises is Uncertainty Avoidance which can be characterized as a tolerance for uncertainty (Hofstede™ Cultural Dimensions, n.d.). According to Hostede s scale, South Koreans do not like change and thrive off of order and use structure to minimize uncertainties (Hofstede™ Cultural Dimensions, n.d.). This leads me to question, how they will handle a new foreign manager? especially a woman manager. Culture Shock One of the biggest culture shocks for me will be the move itself. Relocating my family, getting a new home, learning the language are all obstacles I will have to overcome. My cultural orientation training will help, but a new job is always a bit overwhelming at first not to mention tackling a foreign grocery store. Another challenge will be adapting to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Describe What Montessori Meant by “New Education” Dr Maria Montessori dedicated and committed her life into education of the children. She has witnessed through some years with wars and conflicts and she thought; through education this can be turned into peace to this world. Since the year 1907 Montessori name has been recognized in the education system. Even though it has been over a century to this date Montessori principles are as powerful as it was. Dr Maria Montessori has relied on her actual observations on children to develop her method of education. During these observations she has discovered that each child has their own urge to learn through their own way. She brought to light that children has an enormous ability which can be turned into positive energy and a new beginning. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They can spend a very long time for example changing their shoes into slippers when they arrive at the nursery in the morning. While child is taking his shoes off parents/carers cannot help but taking over the action in order to get it finished and done with. They often lose their patience and complain that their child is taking such a long time! Or they cannot help but saying Let me do that for you . What adults expect is an adult speed from the children. Montessori says, He is following a timetable like the most diligent scholar in the world following it with the unshakable constancy of the stars in their courses. (Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work, Chapter 8, p.125). It is important that in order to help little children, adults firstly needs to learn to respect the rhythm of children. She stressed that children will repeat the same thing over and over. For example a child in the nursery picking the same book each time he is asked to choose a book for teacher to read to children. Another example of a child in the nursery who is choosing the very same practical life transferring water with a turkey baster activity each morning at the arrival of the nursery and going back to it though out the day. Montessori says Now by the very boredom you have experienced in thus repeating and repeating this same exercise, you will be able to measure that imperious inner urge that drives the children to do the same thing. (Maria Montessori: Her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. The Millionaire Next Door The book of The Millionaire Next Door is written by Thomas Stanley and William Danko, and it uses lots of case studies and statistic data to tell us how the actual millionaires live in the society and how can normal people become millionaires. The book shows a unique insight of millionaires and base on the authors research in last twenty years, thus the result is convincing. The authors try to tell us two things: wealth is what you accumulate but not what you spend; and there are some ways you can use to get wealth. For me, this book is interesting and useful. In the first part, the book talks about prototypical millionaires live next door and starts with describing an odd situation: Some people live in expensive neighborhood and drive luxurious cars but with less income, while some people do not live in upscale neighborhoods but accumulate a lot of wealth. The later ones are the true millionaires. The authors then talk about seven common characteristics about these millionaires: they live below their means; they allocate their time and money efficiently; they believe that financial independence is more important than displaying high social status; their parents did not provide economic outpatient care; their adult children are economically self sufficient; they are proficient in targeting market opportunities; they chose the right occupation. ( Stanley,T and Danko,W, 1996:3) These denominators are described repeatly throughout the book and help people know how to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Theory Of Knowledge Essay 2014 „That which is accepted as knowledge today is sometimes discarded tomorrow. Consider knowledge issues raised by this statement in two areas of knowledge. To what Extent is new knowledge better than old knowledge and therefore can knowledge be permanent? To answer this question, one first has to consider that knowledge as such varies on the point of perspective, since there are many ways of knowing. As for example Reasoning and Sense Perception. Reasoning is something we use whenever we tend to make a decision, therefore the interpretation of the word Reason can vary in the slightest form. Our sense of reason is usually decided by our instinct as we decide almost unconsciously depending on the sort of experience we have had before. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example in 2009, the swine Flu was devised worldwide. Later given facts proved that the amount of deaths caused by the Swine Flu measured annually were similar to any other of a normal Flu. 1This proves my point that scandals are devised to the wider public to hide real problems. The modern media makes this very easy, as they seem to push the importance of scandals. This can be linked to the area of knowledge History, as it might have been the case with past incidences, and therefore how do we know if they are correct? Today is a time measurement representing the present. This makes me wonder what knowledge exists today? Will it be permanent? To what extent is knowledge temporary? As we have seen in the past, knowledge we have gained previously proves to be wrong over a certain amount of time. If we look back for example people used to believe that the earth was flat. This was predominantly because the technology was not there to research further. So basically a lack of technology hinders us from knowing everything. Can this be applied to us? It is often said that the more you learn the less you know, which conveys much the same problem as the essay. For example myself, when I was younger, I used to believe that colours were just given by nature. But now after some time in Physics lessons, I realised that colours are nothing more than the visual perception from the light reflection depending on its wavelengths. How do we know we can trust the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. House On Mango Street Entrapment Theme We all have had times where we have felt trapped, times where we have been cornered, with no escape. Times where we have felt entrapped. Entrapment makes you feel like you have no way out or like there are no choices that can be made. In the book The House on Mango Street, the author, Sandra Cisneros has a theme of entrapment; the theme is shown through the symbol of windows which represents freedom, something that women in the book were not granted, the author was showing us that freedom is a privilege and not something to take for granted. The windows show the outside world, showing you what lies beyond the four walls which you are stuck between. Many cases throughout the book result in a woman s character being trapped and not being able to leave the house they are in. The women then result in looking out the windows only to dream about leaving. She looked out the window her whole life, the way so many women sit their sadness on an elbow (11). The main character s grandmother was trapped in her own house, her husband had stripped her of her freedom and was enable to leave. Windows are tricky, they are sweet like honey showing you the outside world, but in the book the character, then realizes they cannot venture past them so they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Rafaela was another character who fell victim to entrapment and couldn t leave her house, her father forbid her, so she resulted in looking out of her window. She throws a crumpled dollar down and always asks for coconut or sometimes papaya juice (80). Esperanza helped Rafaela out by getting her fruit drinks she asked for, such as coconut and papaya juice. Esperanza helped by being on the other side of the window. Windows are wonderful, because when you are inside you are still able to see the beautiful outdoors, although most of us know that we can go outside to what lies beyond our windows, but some people can t leave, and are just always stuck on one the wrong ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Education Is A Great Thing That Everyone Tries To Achieve Education is a great thing that everyone tries to achieve for themselves and for their children. The reason for this, is that when one has a great educational background, it can lead to the person getting a better job, a better income, and a better chance to provide for their family. Some, however might not get this opportunity or do not realize the importance of a great education until it is too late. The reasons a person might not get a great education are numerous, and it can include they can t afford the high cost that comes with getting a college education, don t have the time, or just come from a poor family and feel that, they won t be accepted into these schools. These types of issues usually affect your average American family, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Policy is best defined as a statement by the government of what it intends to do such as law, regulation, or decision about a specific problem (Birkland, 2016). This definition about policy seems to say, that a policy tries to combat or resolve an underlining problem that a community, or a certain section of a community is dealing with at the current moment, with legislation. This is an important aspect of our country because it allows for better results when something goes wrong, in that the policy makers realize that something is not working, and would create policy in order to correct the problem. A problem also has a unique definition, when it comes to policy. A problem is defined as a usually undesirable situation that according to people or interest groups that can be alleviated by government action (Birkland, 2016). The definition of a problem seems to suggest that the policy makers and the government taking the necessary measures in order to solve the problem can mitigate any problem. In this country s history, there have been many problems that the government tried to resolve with many degrees of success. The Dream act was another case of a major problem seen by many, which need to be resolved with quick government action. After defining what a policy is, and what a problem is in a general sense, we now need to look at what problem the Dream Act, is trying to resolve in the first place. The main objective of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Persuasive Essay On Dyslexia of Utah there are 70 80% of people with poor reading skills, and are likely dyslexic. One in five students, or 15 20% of the population, has a language based learning disability. Dyslexia is the most common of the language based learning disabilities. Nearly the same percentage of males and females have dyslexia. Dyslexia is a disorder that most do not know they have. They think that they can t read or writing properly, because they are not being focused or have been taught wrong. When in reality they can not comprehend due to the fact that they have a serious disorder such as dyslexia. The part that most don t understand is that, everyone 1 out of 10 people most likely know that they have dyslexia. What most fail to understand is that dyslexia is a disorder that with time, patience, and practice one can overcome. Going into the topics of dyslexia, my problems that I faced with dyslexia, and how I overcame dyslexia all together has molded me into the person I am today. To start things off dyslexia is a general term for disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols, but that does not affect general intelligence. Most people may feel as if dyslexia is not a big deal or something that one should be worried about. When in most cases dyslexia can build or break a person physically, emotionally, and mentally. Which is why no matter what the disorder is it should be took seriously. Three reasons why are as follows: any ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...