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A process of generating a pool of
suitable candidates for available jobs.
 Attract suitable candidates to apply
 Discourage unsuitable ones
 Provide job information
 Project organization image
Alternatives to recruitment
 Reorganization
 Flexible working
 Employee leasing
 Outsourcing
 Internal redeployment
 Technology
Employment Lifecycle
Recruit Hire Retain Exit
Quality of new hire
quality of hire
is a means to
an end – NOT
the end itself
There is no
all with quality
of hire
It is up to YOU
to determine
what is
important to
your company
Recruitment process
Recruitment Philosophy
• Internal vs external
• Job vs career
• Short vs long term
• Other considerations
Recruitment Evaluation
• Number of jobs filled
• Timeliness of jobs filled
• Cost per job filled
• Diversity goals met
Recruitment Activities
• Internal & External
methods of recruitment
• Follow up actions
• Record keeping
Recruitment Planning
• Numbers needed
• Cost/time needed
• Diversity of hires
Strategy Development
• Whom, how, when to recruit
• Which source to use
• Choice of recruiters
• What information to share
Tools for recruitment planning
Yield ratio analysis (YR)
 The YR reflects percentage of job candidates at
beginning of recruitment who moved to the next step in
the process
 After initial screening, if company invites 8 out of 20
applicants for interview,
 The YR for this stage of recruitment is 40%
 Not everyone receiving the interview call may accept it
 If 6 out of 8 candidates accept the call,
 YR for this stage of recruitment is 75%
 If 3 out of 6 candidates are finally selected & job offers
are given to them, then
 YR at this stage of recruitment is 50%
Effective recruiting: Yield Pyramid
New hires (50%)
Offers made (67%)
Interviewed (75%)
Invited (17%)
Leads generated
Significance YR will help to estimate the suitable candidate
number required in future
Saves time and resource
Sources of recruitment
1. Internal source of recruitment
 Generating a pool of candidates from
within the organization
2. External source of recruitment
 Generating a pool of candidates from
outside the organization
Methods for internal recruitment
 Job posting (company website, notice board)
 Employee referrals (since internal rather than
external sources are used to attract
candidates, this method is still considered
 Employee/Executive Development Programs
 Succession Planning
 Training
 Grooming
Methods for external recruitment
 Advertisement (media)
 College recruitment (campus visit, job fair,
 Employment agencies (most widely used
 Walk-ins
 Online recruiting (social networking sites)
Filling vacancies from Within
 Familiarity may
increase selection
 Employee motivation to
perform well and
develop skills.
 Quicker and lower
staffing costs.
 Lower training and
adjustment costs.
 Current employees may
not be prepared.
 May lead to a “ripple
effect”, as one vacancy
filled from within
causes another
vacancy, which
increases staffing
 May lower the influx of
new ideas and
Filling vacancies from Outside
 Larger number of
applicants lowers
selection ratio.
 Prevent ripple effect.
 May increase innovation.
 Aid in meeting diversity
 Increases staffing
 Increases training and
adjustment costs.
 Takes longer to fill
 May lower employee
motivation to perform
well and develop skills.
Set objectives
 Attract suitable candidates
 Deter unsuitable candidates
 Create a favorable impression
 Provide adequate & accurate information
What information?
 Is the organization reputed one?
 Is the work interesting?
 Is the job relevant to qualification/ experience?
 Is the pay right?
 Will it advance my career?
 Is it secure?
Ad construction checklist
AIDA components:
 Arouse DESIRE
 Stimulate ACTION
 Catch attention with imaginative headline and illustration
 Stimulate interest by describing the organization and the job in
the first paragraph in a personally rewarding way
 Arouse desire by stating opportunities early in the copy, job
location, job requirements and job rewards
 Stimulate action by telling how, when and where to apply
AIDA principles & guidelines

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Recruitment decisions

  • 2. Recruitment A process of generating a pool of suitable candidates for available jobs. Purpose:  Attract suitable candidates to apply  Discourage unsuitable ones  Provide job information  Project organization image
  • 3. Alternatives to recruitment  Reorganization  Flexible working  Employee leasing  Outsourcing  Internal redeployment  Technology
  • 4. Employment Lifecycle Recruit Hire Retain Exit Decision Selection Criteria Job Design Competency Profile
  • 5. Quality of new hire Improving quality of hire is a means to an end – NOT the end itself There is no one-size-fits- all with quality of hire It is up to YOU to determine what is important to your company
  • 6. Recruitment process Recruitment Philosophy • Internal vs external • Job vs career • Short vs long term • Other considerations Recruitment Evaluation • Number of jobs filled • Timeliness of jobs filled • Cost per job filled • Diversity goals met Recruitment Activities • Internal & External methods of recruitment • Follow up actions • Record keeping Recruitment Planning • Numbers needed • Cost/time needed • Diversity of hires Strategy Development • Whom, how, when to recruit • Which source to use • Choice of recruiters • What information to share
  • 7. Tools for recruitment planning Yield ratio analysis (YR)  The YR reflects percentage of job candidates at beginning of recruitment who moved to the next step in the process  After initial screening, if company invites 8 out of 20 applicants for interview,  The YR for this stage of recruitment is 40%  Not everyone receiving the interview call may accept it  If 6 out of 8 candidates accept the call,  YR for this stage of recruitment is 75%  If 3 out of 6 candidates are finally selected & job offers are given to them, then  YR at this stage of recruitment is 50%
  • 8. Effective recruiting: Yield Pyramid New hires (50%) Offers made (67%) Interviewed (75%) Invited (17%) Leads generated Significance YR will help to estimate the suitable candidate number required in future Saves time and resource
  • 9. Sources of recruitment 1. Internal source of recruitment  Generating a pool of candidates from within the organization 2. External source of recruitment  Generating a pool of candidates from outside the organization
  • 10. Methods for internal recruitment  Job posting (company website, notice board)  Employee referrals (since internal rather than external sources are used to attract candidates, this method is still considered internal)  Employee/Executive Development Programs  Succession Planning  Training  Grooming
  • 11. Methods for external recruitment  Advertisement (media)  College recruitment (campus visit, job fair, internship)  Employment agencies (most widely used source)  Walk-ins  Online recruiting (social networking sites)
  • 12. Filling vacancies from Within Pros  Familiarity may increase selection accuracy.  Employee motivation to perform well and develop skills.  Quicker and lower staffing costs.  Lower training and adjustment costs. Cons  Current employees may not be prepared.  May lead to a “ripple effect”, as one vacancy filled from within causes another vacancy, which increases staffing costs.  May lower the influx of new ideas and innovation.
  • 13. Filling vacancies from Outside Pros  Larger number of applicants lowers selection ratio.  Prevent ripple effect.  May increase innovation.  Aid in meeting diversity goals. Cons  Increases staffing costs.  Increases training and adjustment costs.  Takes longer to fill vacancies.  May lower employee motivation to perform well and develop skills.
  • 14. Set objectives  Attract suitable candidates  Deter unsuitable candidates  Create a favorable impression  Provide adequate & accurate information What information?  Is the organization reputed one?  Is the work interesting?  Is the job relevant to qualification/ experience?  Is the pay right?  Will it advance my career?  Is it secure? Ad construction checklist
  • 15. AIDA components:  Catch ATTENTION  Hold INTEREST  Arouse DESIRE  Stimulate ACTION Guidelines  Catch attention with imaginative headline and illustration  Stimulate interest by describing the organization and the job in the first paragraph in a personally rewarding way  Arouse desire by stating opportunities early in the copy, job location, job requirements and job rewards  Stimulate action by telling how, when and where to apply AIDA principles & guidelines