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Referencing Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of "Referencing Essay" can be quite challenging, requiring a
careful balance between original thought and adherence to specific citation styles. The difficulty
lies in the meticulous nature of referencing, as it demands a thorough understanding of various
citation formats such as APA, MLA, Chicago, and others.
One of the primary challenges is ensuring that each reference is accurate, properly formatted, and
relevant to the content. This involves meticulous research to find suitable sources, a keen eye for
detail to capture publication information, and a commitment to accuracy to avoid unintentional
plagiarism. The writer must navigate the intricacies of in-text citations, bibliographies, and
footnotes, ensuring they align seamlessly with the chosen style guide.
Moreover, the challenge extends beyond the technical aspects. Crafting a coherent and
compelling essay while incorporating references seamlessly is an art in itself. It requires the writer
to strike a delicate balance between presenting their ideas and integrating external sources
effectively. This process demands a deep understanding of the subject matter to synthesize
information from various sources cohesively.
Additionally, the writer must be adept at managing a large volume of information, organizing it
logically, and ensuring a smooth flow of ideas. This requires strong analytical skills to critically
evaluate sources and select the most pertinent information to support the essay's thesis.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of referencing is a challenging task that goes beyond
merely compiling a list of sources. It necessitates a comprehensive understanding of citation
styles, meticulous attention to detail, and the ability to seamlessly integrate references into a
well-crafted essay. Success in this endeavor requires a blend of technical proficiency, analytical
acumen, and a nuanced understanding of the subject matter.
For assistance with similar essays and more, consider exploring resources likeHelpWriting.net,
where professionals can provide support in navigating the complexities of academic writing.
Referencing Essay Referencing Essay
Chrysler s New Culture And Its Impact On The Mangers
2.To me the new culture change in Chrysler made a major impact on the mangers.
They had to step up and make sure the rest of the employees were up to par. One way
mangers understood Chryslers new culture was the competing values framework
better known as CVF. Competing values framework is a way for mangers to
understand, measure, and change organizational culture. (Citation).Within the CVF
there are four types of cultures. They are Clan, Adhocracy, hierarchy, and market.
Within the Chrysler organization all could be possessed but there is always going to
be one that overpowers the others. When Marchionne started the new culture change
he broke it down into dimensions. In dimension 1 it focused on Marchionne primary
goal of profitability.
Born Into Brothels Rhetorical Analysis
Rhetorical Analysis of Born into Brothels In Calcutta s red light district, several
children are trying to get by in brothels. Their mothers are prostitutes and their fathers
are gone, unreliable or unknown. Zana Briski journeys to Calcutta to photograph the
lives of the prostitutes, and she ends up teaching their children about cameras and
photography. Briski finds that the kids have true potential, not only in their
photography but in their lives. She tries as hard as she can to find better futures for
them. Born into Brothels tells this story. The film uses contrast, appeals to pathos
and use of visuals to convey the tragedy of the children s every day, and also the
hope for their future to those who have no idea about their situation.... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Finally, Born into Brothels uses visuals show how these children have potential.
Several times the film shows the actual photographs taken by the kids. This allows
the audience to see Calcutta through their eyes. We are able to see things that are
worth photographing from people who grew up on those streets. As an outsider,
everything there would seem unusual, so it s almost surprising which scenes they
capture. The simplicity of the way they see a place that must be so complicated for
them. It is this place they want to leave, they have to leave but at the same time, it
is their only home. Also, it s almost starling how good the pictures are. They are
very true and raw, and each one tells its own story. The film shows these photographs
to prove that these kids have real potential. They are smart and creative and caring.
This film shows that anyone from anywhere can be somebody. The use of this
strategy is effective because of our expectations that the children s photographs will
be mediocre. It is sad that we automatically assume that they are not talented, and the
film effectively disproves that theory. Born into Brothels uses contrast, pathos and
photographs to illustrate a struggle to find children a better future and the fact that
they have a lot of potential even though they come from such a violent beginning.
The use of these rhetorical strategies is, for the most part,
Microsoft And The Windows Imposing Business Model Of
A number of us have seen Microsoft advance into an organization of extraordinary
influence and wealth. Through this Microsoft has had numerous issues. A large
portion of those, are even now attempting to be managed lastly put to rest today.
Much fault has been put on to Bill Gates and what he has accomplished for the
organization. One of the fundamental issues with Microsoft is their against trust issue.
The conclusion of this case will focus the eventual fate of the best innovation firm,
and figuring itself. Microsoft has been grappling with American government over
how it has utilized the Windows imposing business model of PC working frameworks
to augment the product market. What the opposition to trust ... Show more content on
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What Bill Gates has is the capability to imagine and execute a business method that is
just about unmatched. (The Economist Newspaper and the Economist Group, 1998)
Microsoft Products: Windows, Office, Dynamics, Azure, Xbox, Surface, Bing, Skype
Microsoft Windows
Working framework outlined and created by Microsoft Corporation. Like other
working frameworks, Windows makes a machine framework easy to use by giving
a graphical show and sorting out data so it can be effortlessly gotten to. The
working framework uses symbols and apparatuses that disentangle the complex
operations performed by machines. Appraisals propose that 90% of Pcs utilize the
Windows working framework. Microsoft presented the working framework in 1985
and it has kept on being generally utilized in spite of rivalry from Apple s Macintosh
working framework.
1995 Windows 95
Windows 95 dispatched with a splashy rollout including a Rolling Stones supported
TV fitting blast. It was the first structure to work Internet help and to present a
couple of now ordinary eccentricities including the Start menu. There seemed to
have been practically to the degree that as an Apple thing today. Humorist Jay Leno
even appeared to be before a crowd of people with Bill Gates, the CEO at the time.
1998 Windows 98
The excitement decreased a touch with Windows 98, with less vitality and less
Rolling s Stones tunes in the midst of a midnight dispatch. Here s a bit from an early
Molar Mass Of Air Lab Report
Molar Mass of Air
By Peyton Johnson.
All living organisms must breath in air. After inhaling oxygen, we exhale carbon
dioxide and hydrogen is in the balloons. Each gas has different physical behaviors
and they all can be described by scientific laws because of hundred year of
experiments done all over the world. This experiment has been set up to give us
hands on with scientific experiment that will help us understand the physical
behavior of gases. This lab is meant to help better understand Ideal Gas Law. The
equation for this is PV=nRT.
P=Pressure of the gas
V=Volume of the gas n= moles of the gas
R=0.08206 L atm/K mol, it is the gas constant
T= temperature of the gas in the solution, it is always in Kelvin ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Gases are called ideal gases because gases do not behave identically in this
behavior. However, the equation provides a good understanding of how gases
work. It is important to always remember that gases are fluids. Most people do not
realize that fluids are also fluids just like liquids. A fluid is described as a
substance that flows and can change shape easily to fill the container it is in. Gases
fall in this category. This all happens when gases are under standard temperature
and pressure conditions. To have STP the temperature must be at 0В°C or 273
Kelvin and I atmosphere of pressure. A volume of the gas contains a small number
of molecules when comparing it to both liquids and solids. Gases are also called
compressible fluids, unlike liquids. Gasses can be compressed while liquids are
unable to do
The First Person With Autism
I grew up in Armenia, where, unfortunately, people with mental disabilities didn t
have a big role in society. The situation is changing to the better now, but when I
lived there, there were no support groups for these people, no special schools, and
the parents didn t even hope that these kids could have a normal life. The first person
with Autismthat I ve met was a little girl at my mom s friend s house. Being around
10 years old myself, I didn t know much about autism or any mental disorders. All I
knew was that girl was different from me, that she was too aggressive, and when she
wanted to play with a fake phone, she started screaming until we gave it to her. My
mom later explained to me what her disability was, and I thought she was... Show
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The society, regular people like me are also doing everything in their power to
make the lives of people with ASD more normal, and to make the struggle with the
disease easier. I ve also had the opportunity to work with a child with ASD during a
Spirits in Actions event, organized by the accounting fraternity Beta Alpha Psi at
USC. So meeting that little girl with Autism when I was young has sparked an
interest in me about Autism, its treatment, and most of all, about the lives of those
with the disease, which is why I decided to do more research and to write this paper
about that disease. When speaking about Autism, the image that usually comes to
people s minds is someone who doesn t interact with others, doesn t show emotions,
and is a genius in some field of science or music. Though this might by the true
picture of a person with autism, symptoms of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder
can vary greatly. The main characteristics of ASD are: hardships in social behavior,
repetitive behavior, interests in a specific subject or subject area, which cause
significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of current
functioning. ASD should be noticeable in the first couple of years of a child s life.
In the US, about 1 in every 68 children has ASD, boys being affected 4 to 5 times
more than girls (nimh.nih.gov). The fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of mental Disorders,
Battle Of Alesia Research Paper
Alesia was ancient town located on top of mont auxois. Originally the capital of the
Mandubii, one of the Gallic tribes. But that all changed on September 52 BC when
Caesar conquered Alesia. today Alesia is known as Alise Sainte Reine in Burgundy,
France where they have the Vercingetorix memorial.
The Battle Of Alesia
Vercingetorix and his men took refuge in Alesia and a few days later they would
send out letters to help his allies. Caesar decided to starve Vercingetorix and them
surrender since he knew that the food supply wouldn t last long because of the
population of Alesia and the 80,000. Caesar ordered his men to construct a 12 feet
high and 11 miles long wall around the town to enclose it. Caesar knew that an
offensive attack on Alesia wouldn t work well since his army was about 50,00 while
Vercingetorix had 80,000 infantry and 12,000 cavalries. If Vercingetorix wanted his
men to get past the Roman wall, first they would come an upon ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
And don t forget the belt of scattered camouflaged pits with sharpened poles lay
between all the trenches and if anyone did get past all that they d find themselves
facing a 12 feet wall with projecting stakes. In late September, the expected relief
army of Gauls arrived, commanded by Commius of the Atrebates and
Vercassivellaunos of the Averni. When they arrived they saw another wall around the
wall that was enclosing Alesia. On 2 October, Vercassivellaunos attacked the weak
spot (which was a steep hill that the Romans could not build through) in the Roman
outer wall, with Vercingetorix attacking the inner wall. Caesar realized the attack
would be difficult to beat off and
Target Blood Pressure Case Study
target blood pressure before starting VSPi. To this end, shorter acting
antihypertensive medications with closer follow up may be more suitable to avoid
any delays in starting VSPi. As long as an adequate plan has been established
between the patient and physician, the dose titration to achieve target BP can be
achieved while the patient is on VSPi. It may not be necessary to delay initiation of
VSPi if the blood pressure is not at target, as long as it is not elevated to levels that
are more likely associated with acute complications. [Maitland 2010] If the patient is
already on antihypertensive medications, the importance of adherence and regular
follow up should be explained, and the patient should be initiated on a single
antihypertensive medication, titrated to maximum tolerated dose in order to achieve
the target blood pressure before adding a second medication if required. [Maitland
2010]... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Patients who have increase in DBP 20 mmHg above baseline may not always cross
the 140/90 mmHg threshold for HTN. It is recommended to start antihypertensive
medication to keep the DBP within 20mmHg of
Pengy Formal Language
My picture book Adventures of Pengy follows a baby penguin as he goes on an
adventure to find his parents. The picture book connects with science by raising
awareness to the effects of climate change , which is an important issue in creating a
truly sustainable future. The impacts of climate change are explored when Pengy s
iceberg separates from the mainland where his parents are and his adventures begin.
Due to this, global warming plays a significant role into the way the story is
structured. The language used in the novel is informal as the intended audience is
children. Adding formal language would make it harder for them to understand the
story and would create confusion for them. Some of the informal language used in the
novel for
Desert Island Analysis
Desert Islands
The most imaginary desert islands which he described in novel were like a peaceful
paradise where the shipwrecked traveler manages to continue living pretty much as
before used for Robinson Crusoe or Desert Island Discs!
In a book Coral Island by RM Ballantyne which was published in 1857, 100 years
before Golding s book, three young British boys are shipwrecked on a desert island
and have to survive without any adults. They were brave and resourceful. They
thoroughly enjoy their experience and there is never a hint of trouble. As one of the
characters, Peterkin, says, There was indeed no note of discord whatever in that
symphony we played together on that sweet coral island.
From his experience as a teacher, Golding knew that the idyllic life of Coral
Islandcould never exist in real life. So, he set out to write a novel that showed his
ideas about the darker side of human nature starting from the same basis. Boys
stranded on a desert island, away from all civilizing influences. Lord of the Flies was
the result.
Lord of the Flies:
These 5 years of war affected him deeply. Here he knew that even good can become
evil. In an interview he said:
WWII which I spent in Royal Navy had a great influence on my life as well as my
work. At that time I was young and now I am old. I was terrified and it had been
taken a long time to gain some understanding of mankind .
He also said
Before the WWII, I believed in the perfection of social Man. but after the war i did
not. I had discovered what one man could do to another. Anyone who moved to these
years without understanding that man produces evil as a bee produces honey, must
have been blind or wrong in the head.
At the end of war Golding returned to teaching and moved to Salisbury with his
family. One day he said to his wife. Wouldn t it be good idea if I wrote a book
about child on an Island? children who behave in the way. Children really would
behave. when he returned to his post at Bishop Wordsworth s School in 1945, he
began furthering his writing career. He wrote three novels, all of which went
unpublished. But his frustration would not last long. He started working on a novel
The Strangers Within in 1952. A year later it was sent
How Does Hofstra University Benefit Your Future
Hofstra University offers a variety of opportunities for the future that I envision for
myself. After hours of research, I have decided that Hofstra is among the universities
that I would like to attend because of the various educational options that are
available. From the various internships to working opportunities in one of most well
known locations in the world, Hofstra Universityoffers a unique experience that no
other collegecan offer. As an aspiring business student, I believe that attending
Hofstra will dramatically benefit my future because Hofstra University has one of the
best business programs in the nation.
Beyond the multitude of academic opportunities that Hofstra University beholds,
Hofstra s history is another key factor
Involuntary Outpatient Commitment Essay
Involuntary Outpatient Commitment In 1955, over 559,000 individuals resided in
inpatient psychiatric hospitals. By 1995, however, the number had drastically
diminished to 69,000, (National Health Policy Forum, 2000). This drastic reduction
was largely due to the discovery of antipsychotic medications in the 1950s, and the
deinstitutionalization movement of the 1960s, wherein several thousands of mentally
ill individuals were released from psychiatric institutions to return to their
communities for treatment. Mental health centers (MHCs) were conceptualized
during deinstitutionalization to provide treatment to these newly released mentally ill
persons in their communities. Although efforts were well intended, the MHCs failed
to serve the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Olmstead Act requires public agencies to provide services in the most integrated
setting appropriate to the needs of qualified individuals with disabilities. Further, the
act mandates that states place qualified individuals with mental illnesses in
community settings, rather than in institutions. Being placed under IOC is
contingent upon whether or not such placement is appropriate, affected persons do
not oppose such placement, and the state can reasonably accommodate the placement,
taking into account resources available to the state and needs of others with
disabilities, (The Center for an Accessible Society, 1999). In conclusion, the Olmstead
Act provided for the legal groundwork to both provide and enforce IOC. Research has
shown IOC to be more effective when combined with additional components.
Examples of these components include psychiatric advance directives, Assertive Case
Management (ACM), representative payees, conditional release, conservatorship
/guardianship, and mental health courts. Psychiatric advance directives are legal
documents that permit mentally ill individuals to authorize and specify treatment in
anticipation of future periods of mental incapacity. ACM consists of mental health
teams that actively assist with treatment in the home. Representative payees are
trusted persons designated by a mentally ill individual that help that individual use
funds wisely by being the payee of benefits. Conditional
Virginia Beach Research Paper
5 Things to do in Virginia Beach
Are you planning to go to Virginia Beach? With or without family? Then, you
might want to know what attractions you can do and enjoy while on holiday.
Virginia Beach offers numerous attractions, but some are more enjoyable than
others are. Besides places like Pop s Diner Co where you can get some great meals,
there are also a couple of places that you can visit for some family fun. With these top
5 things to do in Virginia Beach, you will not have a bored moment:
Porpoiseful Adventures
Porpoiseful adventures are one adventure that the whole family can undertake. This is
where Captain Jim is taking families on tours around the Chesapeake Bay. During the
tour, dolphins are on the list of attractions.
Going on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Jump Trampoline Park is a 23 000 feet square trampoline park. They offer connected
trampolines, that are meaning that you are going to have lots of fun. It really doesn t
matter the age, as long as there is an adult for supervision, you can come and enjoy
this, with the whole family. The perfect thing to do on that rainy day.
Rudee Inlet Stand Up Paddle
The Rudee Inlet stand up paddle might not be something that the whole family can
enjoy, but if you are an adventurer, this is something that you should consider.
For those who didn t have tried the stand up paddle before, they have instructors that
are going to teach you how to be able to stay on the paddle board without any
problems. The board is sturdier than what you might think. This is a great adventure
when you feel like doing something you never have done before. Great for the hot
summer s day at the beach.
The Adventure Park at Virginia Aquarium
Are you in for a challenge? Or, are you and your family feeling like an outdoor
challenge that you never have done before. Then, Adventure Park at Virginia
Aquarium is just the thing for
St. Lucy s Home For Girls Raised By Wolf Summary
St. Lucy s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves by Karen Russell is an interesting
piece of literature. This story is about girls who act like wolves, they are sent to St.
Lucy s to get the proper help they need. This story focuses on Claudette (the main
character) who has to adjust to being human. Claudette develops as the stages
progress in the story. In stage one, Claudette is a wolf acting child. Stage one is
were the girls are most wolf like. Claudette in this stage has not adapted to human
society, because she bites down on the nun s ankle I clamped down on her ankle,
straining to close my jaws around the woolly XXL sock (p.237). Claudette also
shows a little bit of human characteristics like eating a cupcake which is a... Show
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Then he led us through the woods (p.237). In stage two, Claudette starts learning
about human culture Keep mouth shut, I repeated during our walking drills,
staring straight ahead (p.240), Claudette also gives up leaving her scent We
couldn t make our scent stick here; it made us feel invisable. Eventually, we gave
up (p.240), she is also learning how to read at a fifth grade level I wasn t that
removed from our language (even though I was reading at a fifth grade level,
halfway into Jack London s The Son of the Wolf.) (p.244). Even though she has
improved, Claudette still has not adapted to human society, she wanted to run
away, because she has home sickness We had never wanted to run away so badly in
our lives; but who did we have to run to? (p.240), Claudette also seems to fight with
Mirabella in this stage I used my new motor skills. I threw dirt, I threw stones. Get
away! I screamed, (p.243). Stage three is were Claudette starts to act like a human.
She wants to seperate herself from Mirabella But the truth is by stage three I wanted
her gone. (p.245), this shows that Claudette is independent. Claudette still
Disney Strategic Initiative Paper
Disney Strategic Initiative Paper Tammy Adams, Kecia Darnell, Chelsea Hensley,
Elizabeth Munns, and Zameika Williams University of Phoenix FIN 370 Professor
Stephen Beadnell October 18, 2010 Strategic Initiative Paper Introduction This paper
will address the strategic and financial planning associated with the operations of
Disney. In addition, the paper will show the correlation between strategic and
financial planning. The impact of the organization s initiative costs, sales, and
associated risks the organization encounters during the financial and strategic
planning will be addressed. Thus, the financial planning process provides a tool for
preparing for the future working capital requirements of the firm. (Keown, 2005)...
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However, focusing primarily on the impact the Disney Company, the effects could
be more drastic. One scenario is the parties do not reach an agreement in regard to
the streaming fees Disney wants to charge Netflix and the companies discontinue
business. Netflix will no longer provide Disney movies for rent, this could lead to a
decrease in potential sales and free advertising for Disney. It could be said that
Netflix users will select from a the remainder of the selection of movies available,
however, according to the article, the likelihood is that Netflix will negotiate with
The Disney Company so there are no limitations put on the amount of streaming
video Netflix can offer . This will actually increase the current acquisition costs for
Netflix at an estimated incremental one percent acquisition cost. There will be a
positive impact on sales for Disney due to the additional charges able to be acquired
through attaching fees to the online streaming content. As a result of restructuring
and creating multiple departments within Disney, the organization s financial
planning is efficient. The organization has identified financial goals, prioritized those
goals, and developed a financial plan by using the legacy information to determine the
organization s financial forecast. The organization focuses on key relationships that
will provide additional resources for the business,
Macroeconomics And The Current Economic Situation
Macroeconomics plays an important role in business activities of every organizations.
Most of business entities were affected by Reserve Bank of Australia s decision on
the cash rate and other macroeconomic policies of the government. Hence it is crucial
for every organizations to learn about the current macroeconomic situation and other
macroeconomics factors that happening and changing every day. This report then will
address and advise the latest current economic situation in Australia. There are many
factors that we can discuss and mention in macroeconomics activities, however this
report focus on more details about the recent movement GDP growth rate,
unemployment rate, and commodity price. Importantly, the forecast about ... Show
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China s stock market continues to going down and lead to consumer confidences and
production in this country to decrease. Hence, Australia export for coal and other
production input will suffer a drop. Moreover, mining investment has also
experienced a substantial fall as a result of China s equity market fall.
According to RBA, the interest rate has remained unchanged at low 2.0 per cent in
the previous period. This will be welcomed by housing investors. The low interest
rate will discourage people to save and put their money in banks, and encourage
them to start investing their money in property or other sources. A recent increase
in dwelling investment, capital city and retail sale volumes can be explained by
this. Housing credit has increase to around 7% and it is continue to be driven by
investor. Business financing, on the other side, is growing slowly in June quarter
and equivalent to 3% of GDP. Business credit growth has moderated over June
quarter following by stronger growth in previous quarters. The cost of intermediated
borrowing money for small and large business declined as a result of a decrease in
the cash rate.
However, consumer confidence has risen slightly as the result of an increase in
optimism on economic. This index will reflect how confident people feel about
stability of their income affects their economic
Challenges At Meg Whitman
Meg Whitman give up the comfort of working for someone else and taking home a
nice salary and fringe benefits for the stress of running a new kind of business that
may or may not succeed because she has the guts to take the risks and challenges.
Of course that Meg Whitman is confident in her new job. If you are managing a
business in a company, it definitely has a lot of risks will affect your business. Meg
Whitmanhas the ability to manage her job and takes the risks. For the example, she
went to a new environment and accepted a challenge that are not guaranteed to
achieve success. Riskis a negative occurrence that will affect the company s ability to
improve profit. It will cause threat of loss ,damages, liabilities and many of negative
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When she was controlling her own business, she would have many of choices and
able to make the decision. She can set any price for a product she wished. Then, I
think she wanted to spend more quality family time by running a new kind of
business. She also wished to spend more time to accompany her two children and
contributed the responsibility of a mother to give them full of loves .She wished to
have more freedom in her job. When she started to run her business, she always
looked for freedom. She wished to have a flexible time and wanted to manage her
own particular working hours to suit her needs and investigate all the inventiveness
and development by
No Video Games in Education in Pamela Paul s Book
Pamela Paul, author of Reading, Writing and Video Games , demonstrates that video
games should not be part of the education. Paul asserts there is no learning from
playing video games and the education should be the same old fashion. Paul observes
the technology in classroom could be useful for the students. However, she thinks the
children should stick on reading and writing for learning. Finally, Paul prefers to let
the children play video games in free time rather than let them play video games for
education. Although, Paul idea of using technology in classroom and marketing
education fun games are true, the idea of letting the children play games that are not
educational in their free time are inaccurate.
First, One implication of Paul treatment of saying there is a place for technology in
the classroom is that a good idea. Paul is surely right about having technology in
classroom help show the idea to the students. Also, teacher used the projector to share
notes and show videos to the students. However, using tablets in the classroom can
be easy to do quizzes and exams, and that give the teacher more time to explain more
information to the class. Also considering giving live lecture between two schools in
different country could help exchange more knowledge. Finally, schools should
concerns having more technology in classrooms to help the students learn more and
fast for there own benefits.
Second, Paul assumes that many of the games marketed as educational aren t as
Sweat By Zora Neale Hurston
The story Sweat by Zora Neale Hurston focuses on the marriage life of Delia Jones
and her husband Sykes. Hurston is known as famous American writer, she writes
on real life stories as it was during the years when she wrote the stories. The story is
about Delia Jones, a hardworking and religious woman who mistakenly marries
Sykes and has been living in a strained marriagelife from fifteen years. Although they
have been married for fifteen year, the relationship has been abusive. Sykes is an
abusive and unemployed man. In addition, Sykes have a mistress and he wants
Delia to leave their house so that he can move in his lover Bertha. Sykes knows
that Delia is afraid of snake, so he scares Delia several times with the bullwhip,
which looks like a snake. Eventually, he brings the real snake to get rid of Delia.
However, at the end of the story Delia gets her revenge on her husband Sykes for his
mistreatment over the past fifteen years.
Delia has been living strained marriage life with her husband who had no respect
for her at all has been obvious from beginning of the story, he even began beating
Delia after three month of his marriage. The story starts with Delia, who is sitting
near the big pile of clothes and sorting it according to their color. In a meanwhile,
her husband comes to house late and scares Delia with the big bullwhip. Sykes
knows that Delia is afraid of snake, though he scares her intentionally, and he does
not show any kind of guilt. Instead, he laughs and
Creative Class Initiatives
Economic development for small cities can be a problem compared with big cities.
The metropolitan areas are more likely to attract and retain the manufacturing and
technology companies. However, development agencies are looking for different
policies incentives to make the small cities more competitive with larger cities. The
idea of investing in cultural development is a viable option to improve the economic
developmentof communities spread in rural areas. The culture agencies intend a
planning effort to hold a series of events to stimulate the public to become involved
with art and cultural leadership. Thus, to positively influence the economic growth of
small communities. Moreover, with the grant of the event and different incentives,
such... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The creative class initiatives are the key force for the economic growth in the post
industrial phase when service sectors outweigh the manufacturing sector. Consistent
with the creative class, promoting art and culture based on the art tour is a suitable
idea to help the southwest Iowa communities to grow. In addition, it also promotes
the region encouraging people to visit and moved to the following cities. According
to Zachary Mannheimer, the director of the Des Moines Social Club, if the city wants
to stimulate the economic growth, it should invest in the arts rather than get started
in the jobs, this investment will make small communities achieve optimum results
quickly. Furthermore, the agencies use events as a tool of the attraction of people and
companies showing that the region is a viable place to live. The trend observed is
that events make an interconnection of the individuals with the community and it is a
very good idea to connect communities through art. Therefore, three recommendation
are the key to the success of the cities in the southwest of Iowa. First, it is mandatory
to stimulate partnership between communities among arts groups, communities, and
organization. Consequently, the events can turn into a potential tool to offer a
cultural education for the community and create a program of school based art
education for the residents. Second, the civic engagement of the community is an
important strategy to achieve the results. When the community works together, it
makes the difference for the future, based on the developing knowledge, skills, and
values to promote the quality of life. Finally, developing and build an environment
audience is a key to reach and involve more citizens based on the cultural
development. The fact of involving more people in the plan it is a way to leverage
the community,
Oliver Brown Questions And Answers
Question 1: Oliver, how did you feel when you began work at the workhouse and
later on for Mr. Sowerberry? Were the other boys treating you equally?
Answer 1: At the workhouse, nobody treated me with respect, it might have been
because of my backstory. I feel like I was very unlucky and nobody respected me. My
good heart and spirit kept me alive in this time of isolation and misery.
Question 2: Why did you become so shocked when Charley and Jack picked a
strangers pocket? What did you think of Fagin s response when the kids did not
bring any loot back?
Answer 2: My life morals were set in me from the beginning, I witnessed cruelty
towards myself at the workhouse, but I never saw these actions being done to
someone else. Fagin is very self centered ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
My intentions were to impress Mr. Brownlow, but the fear of being kidnapped were
overwhelming to the point where I forgot about the consequences. Later on, I figured
out what would happen when I left.
Question 8: What was your impression of Fagin when he attempted to make friends
with you?
Answer 8: Although I kept in mind all the stuff he did before, his kindness towards
me and the other boys made me feel like part of a family. Eventually though, I
figured out that he was trying to persuade me to join his gang.
Question 9: Why did you insist not to steal during the house robbery? Multiple times
through the story, your innocence blinds you from what is happening, what is your
opinion on that?
Answer 9: Although I knew that no immediate consequences would be given to me
if I complied with Sikes and Crackit, my morals denied my thoughts and I tried
everything to prevent it. When Crackit held out his hand and I took it, I then realized
what was going on at the moment. Most of the time this seems to be when I rely on
my faith in others too much, my set morals stopped me
My Vocation In School
A vocation is one s calling in life. We are called to many different areas that it
almost seems hard to know which path is right to follow. This year is my junior
year in highschool and I am already being pushed to think about my future and
what I want my life to be like. A decision of this magnitude is extremely hard and
daunting to make. How am I supposed to know what my true vocation is if I m not
even eighteen yet? There are a plethora of hobbies I love to do and activities I
participate in, but which one is right for me? Which one brings me joy? I started
out thinking about what I am good at. For as long as I can remember, I have
always loved school. My mother used to say that I had the brain of an elephant
because I could always remember details when nobody else could. Having that
type brain made it easy to learn and succeed in school. I was never the athletic type.
I tried every sport imaginable, but nothing ever stuck with me; I decided that
school would be my sport. Every year, I tried my hardest to achieve the highest
grades and every year it paid off. When I was ten, I started to get involved with
Irish step dancing and I instantly fell in love. Everybody else either did ballet, tap,
jazz, modern, or other dances, but nobody did Irish Step; it was my own thing. As
the years past, I began to compete and move up in the ranks of competitive dancing.
When I reached the championship level, I decided to stop and just dance for my own
enjoyment and happiness. Although
Power And Power In Volpone
In Ben Jonson s Volpone, the relationship between master and slave is made
ambiguous. Mosca s portrayal is one of greater cunning and manipulation than that
of his master, destabilizing the idea of a fixed class hierarchy in the play. Through
themes of deceit and greed, the relationship discusses and reflects the prospect of
upward mobility seen in a rising working class, and the importance of knowledge in
an unpredictable landscape. Drawing on this ambiguous relationship, the essay
explores the transience of power, authority being undermined and corrupted by a new
class of elite, with the tragic ending serving as an argument for morality within the
new order being established.
In the play, Volpone displays no real power, depending instead... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
His master displays a love for material wealth, reflected in the opening, Good
morning to the day; and next, my gold! Open the shrine that I may see my saint
(1.1.2 3). It is clear that Volpone s main desire, and also objective, is in the
accumulation of greater wealth. He worships his material items, and is blinded by
greed, and likewise the other characters in their quest for greater material gain.
They are so blinded by greed and so intent on deceiving the other characters of
supposedly inheriting Volpone s wealth that they fail to see that it is all a ruse.
Authority is undermined by the fraudulent and unnatural ways in which the
characters conduct themselves. Voltore, an advocate , who can turn and re turn,
make knots and undo them, give forked counsel; take provoking gold on either
hand (1.3.56 59), a lawyer who is able to argue for any cause, forked in his loyalties
and morals, to the point of using his authority to defend and lie for Volpone. As
Bonario notes, his soul moves in his fee (4.5.96), and instead of defending the
innocent, this lawyer instead argues for those who give him an advantage. Corbaccio,
as earlier mentioned, is fooled into disinheriting his own son, an unnatural act, and
furthermore, as an old gentleman , is made to believe that he will outlast Volpone
despite his own failing senses due to age, as the notes suggest, [mishearing] whatever
How Does Martin Luther King Have Disinterested Love
According to Harper Lee, the author of To Kill a Mockingbird, the novel was a
love story, plain and simple. Throughout the novel, Ms. Lee displayed love through
the actions of the main characters. However, the definition of love may not be the
common, affectionate feelings between two people. Based on the article, An
Experiment in Love, by Martin Luther King, he explained how love, or agape,
could have several different connotations. Harper Lee was able to demonstrate
Matin Luther King s concept of love through several different character interactions.
First, Martin Luther King described his concepts of love as the Greek word, agape
which could be related to the scene in To Kill a Mockingbird, in which the black
community donates... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The basic point King brought up claims that agape springs from the need of the
other person his need for belonging to the best in the human family (King 19). Here
the audience can see that the origin of love (agape) came from the need of another
person s will to belong to the best. King is trying to get the audience to make the
connection that individuals who practice agape are the best in the human family,
and this is proven as he later on says, The Samaritan who helped the Jew on the
Jericho Road was good because he responded to the human need that he was
presented with (King 19). This statement by Dr. King was closely related to the
scene in To Kill a Mockingbird in which Boo Radley had secretly put a blanket
around Scout when she was busy looking at the fire (Lee 96). As Harper Lee
describes, Scout was busy staring at the fire and not even paying attention to Boo
Radley. Even then, Boo showed signs of agape as he decided to cover up Scout in
case she was cold in the night without expecting anything in return such as a thank
you. Boo Radley did not need to nurture Scout that night, but because he did,
Harper Lee showed another one of King s concepts because of Boo s desire to help
others in need and to be a better person overall. Towards the final chapters of the
novel, Boo demonstrated agape again as he
Jumping Bean Lab Report
The Mexican Jumping Bean is indigenous to Mexico and has a peculiar life cycle.
The process begins when a moth (Cydia deshaisiana) lays its egg inside a plant
(Sebastiania pavoniana) then the egg incorporates itself with the seed of the flower.
When the larvae hatches it eats its way to the inside of the flower. It lives their until
the spring rains come which separates the seedinto 3 pieces (Each of those pieces
harden and turn into a brownish color.) and one of those pieces is where the larvae
is. This means that the larvae is trapped inside the bean. From then on the bean
becomes part of the larvae and until the larva turns into a moth it is part of it.
Finally after some time the bean will spin a silk cocoon and then go dormant for a
few days. Afterwards it will reemerge as a moth. It will then live for some days
before it dies after it becomes a moth. During its lifetime as a bean it jumps or
moves a little bit every so often. We wanted to discover how temperature would
affect the number of times it jumped so we decided to test our... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
One of them would be how many times a bean jumped in a stable environment
within the span of two minutes. The second would be to see how many times the
bean would jump in a colder environment. We kept the jumping bean in a stable
environment inside a petri dish for two mins and observed that it had jumped 3
times. We conducted this same experiment 5 times and saw similar results. We then
put the petri dish inside a cup of ice which lowered the temperature drastically. We
conducted this experiment 5 times and had the same result every time the Jumping
Bean did not jump at all. We graphed both tests on a graph to better compare the
differences. As we analyzed the results of our experimentation we discovered that
when the temperature was dropped the bean stopped jumping and seemed to go
dormant which proved that our predictions were correct after examining the
The Symbolism of the Birches
On the surface, the poem Birches by Robert Frost is simply about a man who
would like to believe that birch trees are bent from young boys swinging on them,
despite the evidence that it is merely a result of the ice storms. Even with this
knowledge he prefers the idea of the boys swinging from the trees because he was a
birchswinger years ago and continuously dreams of returning and experiencing
those pleasant memories once again. From a more explored and analytical point of
view, the birch trees symbolize life and serves as the speaker s temporary channel
of escape from the world and its harsh realities. The speaker uses his imagination to
return to his innocent childhood. He hopes to relieve stress and prepare to face life and
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These disruptive words can portray feelings of discomfort, fear, sorrow, and almost
intrude the reader s pleasant visual images of the birches. These disruptions indicate
that there is something more meaningful happening than what shows on the surface.
Frost uses personification by giving Truth human like qualities such as interrupting
the speaker. This personification alerts the reader that Truth, or reality is a major part
of the theme of this poem, by giving it
Similarities Between Catt And Susan B Anthony
Woodrow Wilson, Carrie Chapman Catt, and Susan B. Anthony share a common
purpose in their addresses advocating women s suffrage.Wilson s Address to the
Senate on the Nineteenth Amendment expresses the opinion he holds about the lack
of control over women being able to vote; he prioritizes the use of logos to create an
argument consisting of present fact and his own belief of how the rest of the world
will see them as a nation if they do not ratify the Nineteenth Amendment. Catt s The
Crisis analyzes her present issue of the acknowledgement of women s suffrage. Catt
explains that through the acknowledgement of women s suffrage, women have been
given more freedom, yet not the same equality as men. Catt wants more than just
exceptions to social rules, she wants people to understand that a woman is not only an
imperative cog in the societal machine, but equality should never be a crisis again.
Susan B. Anthonywastes no time getting to the point in On Women s Right to Vote;
she instantly begins her speech with a strong denial of allegations thrown her way
and moves right in to speak about the government basing a law off the sex of a
person and how the government is not treated as a democracy. Through each of these
addresses Wilson, Catt, and Anthony are divided by their point of view and united by
their cause, yet only Carrie Chapman Catts address holds the most effective reasoning.
Miller2 Woodrow Wilson s Address to the Senate on the Nineteenth Amendment
reasons with
Sylvia Plath s The Bell Jar
Sylvia Plath s The Bell Jar The works of Sylvia Plath have always been at least
slightly controversial; most of them have themes of feminism, suicide, or
depression. Plath was born in 1932 in Boston, Massachusetts, and by the age of
twelve she was reported to have had an IQ of about 160 (Kelly). Growing up in an
age in which women were expected to be nothing more than conservative
housemaids, Plath stood defiant against the views of society, choosing to expose any
misogynistic prejudices or hateful prospects against mental illness through her
writings (Allen).
Perhaps the most famous work of Sylvia Plath s is The Bell Jar a book that follows the
mental deterioration of a nineteen year old girl named Esther through the narration of
Esther herself. Although Sylvia Plath hated life in general and committed suicide at
the age of 32 after her husband left her, the myriad autobiographical elements,
metaphors, and motifs that appear throughout her works produce a beautifully vivid
representation of people, the world, and life itself ( Sylvia Plath ). Sylvia Plath, like
her character ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
To Esther, the world seems quite unfriendly, and the novel documents her desperate
search for identity and reassurance. Nevertheless, Esther is intrigued by the world
around her, and at the start of the book she is seen with a wondrous outlook on life
that is reflected in the metaphors throughout the novel (Coyle). In the first half of the
book, Esther is fascinated by the medical practices of her boyfriend, Buddy, as well as
by current events in the newspapers and the thought of her own future family. As the
story progresses, however, Esther becomes indifferent about life, and she develops
bitterness toward everything that appears to prevent her from achieving things she
wants (Huf). As Esther s mental state worsens, the metaphors and similes presented to
the reader begin to have negative connotations
Birth Control Counter
Over the Counter Birth Control Birth Control is used by many women around the
world. Typically Birth Control is used to prevent pregnancy, but it can also help in
other ways. Birth Control helps women with horrible and painful cramps during
periods, it helps regulate periods, and it can make your skin glow by clearing up
unwanted acne. There are multiple types of Birth Control, but the one I want to
specifically focus on is the pill that can be taken daily. I think Birth Control is a real
necessity to women, and women deserve to have the option for easier access in
receiving it. Birth Control should be sold over the counter in stores because teen
pregnancyrates would go down, there would be no need for a doctor s visit making it
so much easier to get, and also abortionrates would decrease. Pregnancy rates are
pretty high especially in teens. More importantly it s unwanted pregnancy. Williams
states, 47 percent of high school students have had sexual intercourse, and 7.4
percent of them reported first sexual intercourse before age 13 (qtd. In Elders
n.pag.). Consequently, this proves that teens are going to have sex, and they are not
getting the protection they need especially at such a young age. If Birth Control was
sold over the counter, it would probably slow the rate of unwanted pregnancy. Lesko
explains, She had wanted to take birth control pills, but when she called to see a
doctor and obtain a prescription, she was told that the next available appointment was
Advertising Campaign Example
The customer oriented, owner operated handbag business, ItВЎВ¦s In The Bag, is
looking for a way to reach the female population of Scioto County, and its
surrounding area. The business does little advertising and is looking for was to make
possible consumers aware of the benefits of shopping at ItВЎВ¦s In The Bag. The
purse boutique carries private label handbags that are exclusively distributed to small
business in hopes of promising sales. ItВЎВ¦s In The Bag takes pride in making sure
every customer is 100 percent satisfied with their purchase. They not only carry
handbags but other womenВЎВ¦s accessories. The media plan is mainly going to
target ВЎВ§Red Hat SocietyВЎВЁ Fifty Somethings. However, all advertisements
will be aimed at making the female... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There is rapid market expansion because more and more customers, stimulated by
mass advertisement and word of mouth, are making their first, second, and third
purchases. Competition is continually increasing and sales are quickly increasing
also. Profits are strong and the outlook is favorable for the handbag market. The
world of accessories for women is in an era where handbags are replacing shoes as
the signiture accessory, despite or maybe because of price tags reaching three and
four figure hights. Handbags are hotter than ever and have become the leading
fashion apparel. ItВЎВ¦s In The Bag specializes in womenВЎВ¦s accessories,
however, most of their products are handbags and other handbag accessories such
as wallets, change purses, cigarette holders, and cellular phone covers. Costume
jewelry, tiaras, hats, and Red Hat Society items are also carried. A newer item added
to the sales line is Pandora jewelry; higher priced sterling silver jewelry offered in a
necklace or bracelet with available charms in all shapes and styles to be added on
for an additional price. Being a smaller, customer oriented business, ItВЎВ¦s In The
Bag follows a one price strategy in which Pam charges the same price to all similar
customers who purchase identical products. This strategy has been effective because
it shifts the focus from price to other factors, such as product quality. The one price
strategy also builds customer
Research Paper On Angelman Syndrome
Angelman Syndrome is a hard disease affecting the nervous system. It is a lot of
work to go through to have this syndrome. This disease is another story. Kids with
this syndrome have side to side curvature of the spine. This disorder causes
development disabilities and nerve related symptoms. This syndrome is most often
caused by problems with a genelocated on chromosome 15 called the ubiquitin
protein ligase E3A (UBE3A) gene. Typically, kids are happy, excitable demeanor,
with frequent smiling, laughter, and hand flapping movements, difficulty sleeping,
and problems with movement and balance. Kids with this disease have distinctive
facial features. This disease is noticeable by the age of 6 to 12 months. Parental DNA
pattern test is a test
The Bible In The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe
Good morning Mrs Prisk and class, Sacred texts which form the cornerstone of
religion, instilling law, character and spirituality in its people are often depicted in
contemporary expressions such as art, poetry and film. A prime example is the
film The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe which demonstrates Christian parallels
with Luke s gospel. The contemporary expression, The Lion, the Witch and the
Wardrobe and the Gospel of Luke share similar central messages of self sacrifice,
forgiveness and mercy whilst they have diverging genre and forms and textual
purposes. The similar, overarching central messages in both texts are about the
ability to compassionately self sacrifice yourself and forgive those who have
committed treachery or sin. Aslan, the noble, golden lion, the king of Narnia, is
seen as a literary Christ figure in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. He
humanely chooses to forfeit his life for Edmund s sin and betrayal and
miraculously resurrects after death which corresponds to Jesus death and bodily
resurrection for the sins of mankind. Sinful beings were forgiven and saved in both
texts even though the sacrifices were performed differently, Jesus was crucified and
Aslan was instead tied, beaten, shaved and executed by the White Witch with a
stone knife. Aslan s sacrifice and restoration to life saved Edmund, destroyed the
power of deep magic over Narnia, banished the eternal age of winter, redeemed the
world from evil and essentially saved all Narnians.
Exchange Rate and Trade Balance
1. Background of the study
Among various subjects in the field of international trade and monetary policy, the
relationship between real exchange rate and trade balance is one of the most popular
topics, attracting extensive studies in last couple decades. Although a lot of efforts
have been made, international trade economists have yet come up with a
convergence point in theory to explain the moving direction of trade balance as the
result of currency depreciation or appreciation (Qiao, 2005). Empirical studies also
show divergence results of this topic. (Koray and McMillins, 1998). Moreover most
of the study has been conduct with economy with higher level ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Research Objectives and Questions
Research Objectives
The major aim of this dissertation is to study the relationship between real exchange
rate and balance of trade in Vietnam since the interception of Renovation Policy. The
cope of the study will especially focus on the period between 2007 and 2012, as
Vietnam became the 150th members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) on the
January 11th 2007.
Research questions: * What can we really conclude about the effect of depreciation
or appreciation of Vietnamese Dong has on the trade balance? * Does the Marshall
Leaner conditions hold and J curve exist in Vietnam during above mentioned period?
* Is that relationship significant enough so that policy can be conducted base on the
conclusion of previous question? * In the case monetary authority choose to
implement the result of previous questions, how long will it take for the exchange
rate policy to really effect trade balance.
Terms of Reference
The result of this research could be implement by monetary authority in Vietnam to
determine the real effect of forex policy on trade balance. Based on the result they
can decide whether or not to implement such policy to fight trade deficit problem in
4. Theoretical Framework/Initial Literature Review
Definitions and theories
According to Krugman (2011) trade balance is the
William Mckinley
William McKinley 25th President of the United States. William McKinley was
born on January 29, 1843 in Niles, Ohio, a town of about 300 people. He was the
7th child born to William and Nancy Alison McKinley His family moved to
Poland, Ohio when he was nine years old so that the children could go to a private
school called the Poland Academy. In school William liked to read, debate, and he
was the president of the school s first debate club. When he was 16 he went to
Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania, for a while before he got sick and
had to return home .he did not go back to Meadville, because the family had no
money. Instead, he worked as a postal clerk for awhile. When the Civil War started
on April 12, 1861, he taught... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During this time as governor he became friends with millionaire industrialist Mark
Hanna from Cleveland, Ohio. In 1892 McKinley was at the Republican National
Convention and was almost nominated for the presidency. Mark Hanna had
unofficially opened a McKinley for President headquarters in Minneapolis,
Minnesota. In 1893, McKinley faced a personal problem that almost sidetracked
his political career. He had co signed bank notes totaling more than $100,000.00 to
help a friend start a business. The business went down the drain, and McKinley
was expected to repay the bank loans. McKinley did not have the money. His
friends, led by Mark Hanna, raised enough money to repay the debt. The public felt
bad for McKinley and he was re elected as governor in 1893. In 1896, the
Republicans again supported McKinley and he was nominated as the Republican
presidential contender with Garret Hobart, a New Jersey senator, as his running
mate. The Democratic opponents were William Jennings Bryan, from Nebraska,
whose running mate was Arthur Sewall, a rich ship builder. McKinley conducted a
front porch campaign in Canton, partly because he didn t want to leave his wife.
Over 750,000 people visited Canton to hear him speak. McKinley won the election
with more than 7 million of 14
Karen Eiffel s Fences
1. Chorus The function of the chorus is to keep the audience engaged by singing,
dancing, and even making comments that are usually humorous about the play as it
progresses. Sometimes the chorus gives out important information regarding the play
like things that happen off stage, or the antecedent action: things that happen before
the events of the play.
The chorus in Stranger than Fiction is Karen Eiffel, who also happens to be the
narrator. Throughout the play, she talks and narrates Harold s every move,
commenting on the details of his daily life. She also gives light to the change that
has happened in Harold by the end of the play, saying Isn t that the type of man you
d want to keep alive? Harold knew his death was upon him, and chose ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
One of the themes in Fences are fences and barriers themselves. One barrier
prevalent throughout the story is racism. Racism interferes with the characters
dreams all through the story. Troy and Cory both have big dreams Troy wants to
be the first black man to drive a trash truck instead of just collecting the cans.Cory s
dream is to be recruited and receive a football scholarship to a college. Troy s
dream of becoming a professional baseball player was destroyed by the racism of
society during his youth, and he is convinced that the same fate awaits Cory, and
wants to protect him from the heartbreak. As a result, when he learns that Cory is
being recruited to play football in college, Troy tries to convince Cory to focus on
his education rather than football. Fences and barriers can also help metaphorically
describe the turmoil and drama within the family. Unfortunately, neither Troy or
Cory have achieved their dreams the way the envisioned by the end of the play.
Despite, receiving the promotion to driver that he always wanted, Troy feels
isolated in his new position because it creates a barrier between Troy and his friend
Bono. Moreover, his affair with Alberta sends Rose over the edge because of his
abandonment of his father position and the responsibility he has to care for his
children. This too creates another barrier, this time between Rose and Troy.
Similarly, Cory gives up football to join the marine corps, even though he was
definitely good enough to play. His father s chastisement of his dream made him
lose confidence and drove a stake through their relationship creating one last
barrier between Cory and Troy. Because of these barriers, the lives of the main
characters turn out far different from what they had hoped. On the contrary one
central theme displayed in Stranger than Fiction is the idea of living trapped in a
routine. Harold Crick is unable to leave his routine for twelve years. He lives his life
the same way everyday, even counting a
Remembering Operation Overlord
The planning of Operation Overlord and the invasion were both effected by the
lack of equipment and landing crafts. Operation Overlord was a very advanced
operation involving Americans, Canadians, British, and other allies. The allied
forces were going to attack the beaches of Normandy in France, which was
currently under Nazi Control. They attacked five different Beaches: Juno, Gold,
Sword, Utah, and Omaha beach. This operation could lead to the end of World War
2 and the defeat of the Nazis. In 1943, a year before the invasion, the allieschose who
would be in charge of the invasion. General Eisenhower was chosen to be in charge
of the operation. (Brohier) Allies had tight security in order to prevent the Germans
from learning details about the invasion. He chose Normandy to be the place of the
invasion because it was in reach of Bombers stationed in Britain. However, the
planning did not go as well as expected because of the lack of equipment and landing
crafts because they were in use in other places.
The Allied forces sent out fake troops to Pas de Calais, the tightest place between
Britain and France, to make the Germans think the invasion was there instead of
Normandy. They even led Germany to think the invasion was in other place, for
example Norway.
The last couple of Months and weeks before the invasion, British bombers began to
soften up the German defenses by wrecking railways and bridges (Brohier 1) so that
the German troops could not make their way to
Black Efforts Towards The Gradual Emancipation Act Of
Black Efforts Toward the Gradual Emancipation Act of 1799 in New York
African American s first legal sight of freedom came in 1799 with the Gradual
Emancipation of slaves that were born on or after 1799. Many whites against
slavery helped with their efforts in bring the Gradual Emancipation s approval. The
Quakers were the first to help the slaves fight for freedom. The New York
Manumission Society contributed the most for the emancipation of slaves, but let s
not give all the credit to the whites. Black efforts undeniably helped in the process of
gradually abolishing slavery as well. Slaves first and foremost effort at freedom came
from attempting to flee. Blacks have been running away from their masters since
their introduction ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
With this in consideration, tens of thousands of slaves joined the British side
during the war. The British occupied New York in 1776 and it became a center for
blacks from all over the colonies seeking freedom. This multiplying number helped
the British with the need for labor, but also alarmed them. Whether fleeing to the
British side or staying loyal to the American rebels, blacks expected freedom and
equality after their service was given. By the end of the war, many blacks that
served o the British side were relocated and attained liberty through traveling to
British territories. Between three and four thousand blacks left New York through its
port for these British territories and about one thousand were native to New York.
The reality of black s service to the patriot cause in revolutionary America led most
northern states to emancipate their slaves during or immediately after the war.
Vermont provided for immediate emancipation in its 1777 constitution and by 1780,
Pennsylvania enacted gradual emancipation. However, New York still heavily relied
on slave labor in the city through the 1780s and this lead to the resistance of gradual
emancipation in their state constitution or in legislative actions. After the
Revolutionary War, blacks started to speak out themselves on their take of freedom.
Poetry became useful for claims to natural rights. Two of the frontrunners of black
literature were Phillis
How Did The Second World War Change The World
World War I brought about changes in the way countries were ruled around the
world as there was a steady decrease of those who lived in an empire. This decrease
came from economic, political and cultural factors that transformed the world to the
one that is today, one with no empires in existence. Two prime examples of this
occurrence are in the regions of Africa and the Middle East, who transitioned from an
empire to a nation.
The driving forces to pursue a nation were brought up by nationalists who wanted a
home rule structure where the region has power over their own government. This
could only be obtained from being released from foreign rule. Foreign rule brought
oppression to the native people and they were stripped of their rights. The first
example takes place in Africa, specifically in Kenya, where decolonization occurred
in the early 1960s. The people in Kenya experienced the oppression of being a
British protectorate. The citizens of Kenya were displaced from ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Their initial goal was to demand fundamental human rights be extended to all
persons in Africa regardless of race or sex (Tusan, 301). These were all rights that
African citizens were being deprived of. The attempts of the African people resulted
in the United Nations issuing an international declaration which listed a set of
regulations that were set to start in order to prevent further oppression and the
violation of rights. This declaration greeted its audience by stating that they were
mindful of the determination proclaimed by the peoples of the world in the Charter
of the United Nations to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity
and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nation
(Tusan, 272). The United Nations was overall promising to return the rights of the
people back to
Healthcare Accounting Principles and Ethics
Financial Management, Reporting Practices, and Ethical Standards in Health Care
Finance Allison Moore Financial Management, Reporting Practices, and Ethical
Standards in Health Care Finance Health care managers have many responsibilities,
which support their roles in creating and maintaining successful organizations. A key
responsibility managers undertake is the ability to manage financials appropriately.
First and foremost, financial management is a decision science. Whereas accounting
provides decision makers with a rational means by which to budget for and measure a
business s financial performance, financial management provides the theory,
concepts, and tools necessary to make better decisions (Gapenski, 2007). For... Show
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The fore mentioned reporting principles are required because they force
organizations to adhere to ethical reporting methods. Financial reports must be
reported fairly and factually to ensure all parties receive reliable and unbiased
information. A perfect example of this is the Principle of Prudence. If a department
manager receives a report that understates previous expenses and exaggerates
department revenues, the manager would not have a valid budget to work with. Not
possessing a correct budget could affect wages, hiring, supply orders, decisions, and
multiple other operational areas. This could lead to a lack of resources and poor
decisions that ultimately reduce patient care objectives. In terms of revenue, multiple
medical facilities rely heavily on government funding. To receive government
funding, these facilities must adhere to outlined reporting practices. Facilities that
fail to do so will lose a substantial amount of government revenue. In addition, fines
may be imposed for compliance failures. Although the most significant downfalls of
false reporting are false expectations and possible bankruptcy. If organizations do not
control expenses and drive revenues, they will not remain in business. By keeping
managers in the dark, one could not expect them to drive positive outcomes. These
are just a few examples of why reporting standards are so important. Ethical Conduct
The Vicious Cycle Of Deity In Joseph Conrad s The Heart
The Vicious Cycle Of Deity In Joseph Conrad s novel The Heart Of Darkness,
power is expressed throughout. Power is considered a large concept in the novel
and is presented as two different things, power in nature and power in humans.
Power in humans is more complicated in the novel than it is in nature because
nature has a power system of its own and humans do not and constantly fight for it.
For humans, in order to receive power they go through several tasks just to achieve
it. Kurtz is a prime example of expressing power, how he craves and achieves
power is disturbing. However, Kurtz uses his power by ruining the jungle and
dehumanizing the natives that live there. Furthermore, the Europeans going to the
Congo crave the same power that Kurtz does and will go through any efforts just to
get it, like collecting ivory. Kurtz is one of the many men sent to the jungle to
collect ivory and strip the land of its natural resources. He became known as
powerful for his knowledge and large collection of ivory. His power gives him the
ability to achieve popularity from those back in Europe and the natives that live in the
Congo. However, the power in Kurtz demonstrates his ignorance as he feels he must
save the natives from themselves, leading him to dehumanize them. While in the
jungle, Kurtz is in the true heart of darknesswhich is the farthest station in the jungle.
Kurtz keeps being fed this illusion of power because he has been stuck in the
darkness of the jungle for so long
Mechanical Engineering Professionals Paper
Mechanical Engineering Professionals, LLC
Mechanical Engineering Professionals, LLC is a small engineering consulting firm
that s focused on general mechanical design and commercial product development.
They work with a wide range of companies, assisting with product management, set
up of engineering infrastructure, document control, and manufacturing. Their
engineers specialize in everything from Sheet metal, plastic, and SolidWorks design
to spectrometry systems and intelligent mechanical design. Along with their main
engineers, they also have a large network of engineers outside of their company
which they bring in for larger projects, making them flexible to the needs of their
As it is a small company, Mechanical Engineering Professionals, LLC has a small
number of positions for work, and limited opportunity for moving up in the
company. There is an initial pay scale, depending on the job position; and from
there, performance bonuses and profit shares depending on how successful the
company is. When a job position opens up, they usually hire outside of the company
first, and look for engineers who specialize in the specific position they are looking
to fill as well as being proficient in that position. ... Show more content on
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The first job position is as a Senior Engineer/Program Manager. This position would
require someone at the top of their field who can manage complex engineering
assignments from start to finish, and who also has a strong grasp on engineering
design steps and time requirements. The second position that would be available is as
an entry level design engineer. In the company, there is a total of approximately 10
job positions, ranging from entry level positions to senior engineering development
and managing
The Importance Of Privacy On National Security
Some people maintain that privacy is more important than national security, but is
what they are doing in their own home a threat to national security? Many Americans
think that the government should not be spying on its citizens to detect and search
for possible terrorism or future attacks. A majority, 57 percent, said that the leaks
about the surveillanceprograms would not affect the ability of the United States to
prevent future terrorist attacks, while 30 percent said the fact that the programs had
been made public would weaken the government s efforts to prevent terrorism. (1
Michael) A person has a right to privacy, but to what extent, if the nation s securityis
at risk? The spy programs in the United States have been used to comb through
citizens and refugees personal information for intelligence regarding terrorist
activities or threats. While many believe the government has good intentions of
protecting the nation s security from terrorists, they still consider it an invasion of
their personal lives. The use of these spying programs can be used to monitor not only
our internet activities, but phone records, and personal accounts. Countless
Americans hold to their belief that, If I have nothing to hide, I have nothing to fear ,
and that they are safe. The flaw with this belief is, what are other Americans hiding,
that might be a something to fear. The use of public surveillance to monitor citizens,
suspicious activities, and to prevent social unrest, leaves
School Day In School Essay
BEEP BEEP BEEP. My alarm clock was ringing. Time to get out of bed. I reached
over and hit my alarm. It turned off. . Time for school. I got out of bed and
grabbed some clothes from my closet in the dark. I threw them on, and looked at
myself in the mirror.. It was time to go. I grabbed my backpack and ran to the
bathroom. I splashed my face with some water and brushed my teeth. I ran
downstairs and pulled open the fridge. I grabbed some bread and butter and made
myself a bowl of cereal. I put my lunch in my backpack, and put on my shoes. I
stepped out the door.
Here we go again I said to my brother. It was only the second month of school, but I
was already feeling like would be tired forever. As I trudged to the bus stop, my two
neighbors stepped out of their gate and joined us in the walk. We arrived at the stop
just as the bus was coming around the corner. Making it in time was a good start to
the morning.
Good morning We all mumbled to the driver as we stepped aboard the bus. Our
stop was one of the last ones on the route, so almost all the seats were taken. I walked
all the way to the back of the bus to find a seat.
Hello I said to the girl in my seat. She reluctantly moved her pack and scooted over
to make room for me. I sat down in the seat, and closed my eyes. The school cycle
had officially started. The bus ride took about 15 minutes from the time it was at my
house to the time that it dropped me off at school. As soon as we heard the
Examples Of Face Negotiation Theory
Option #2 Theory Explorations
What do money, time and face have in common? They are all something that people
try to save. Some cultures in the world are focused on saving money, some on
saving time. Yet, unlike money or time, there exists a universal desire among all
peoples to save face. This saving of face during a conflict and it s intercultural
understanding is known as the Face Negotiation Theory. The Face Negotiation
Theory has evolved since its first inception; however, it continues to be highly
applicable with broad applications worldwide.
The Face Negotiation Theory Defined The Face Negotiation Theory was proposed
by researcher Stella Ting Toomey in 1985 Oetzel Ting Toomey, 2003). It is based on
the concept that individuals of every culture found in the world care about how their
face (or self image) is presented and it seeks to explain the reason individuals of
different cultures manage conflicts which occur in different ways (Oetzel Ting
Toomey, 2003). In conflicts, a person s face may be under threat and this causes an
individual to want to save or restore their face. The theory calls this behavior
Facework .
The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Therefore, Ting Toomey expanded upon concepts in Goffman s theory. She defined
face as a positive social self image which occurred in both relationships and network
contexts. Ting Toomey developed a theory (described above) which incorporated
multiple contexts which included filtering the theory through the perspective of the
Asian culture (Communication Studies, n.d.). In fact, face is a metaphor with
Chinese origins. It seems it is a combination of the Chinese lien which represents the
internal moral face which is applicable to shame as well as honor issues (Brown
Levinson, 1978). In addition, mien tzu represents the external face which is
applicable to social recognition and power (Brown Levinson,
The Army s Current Network Defense System
While working as the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at the Army
Materiel Command, the command was under constant attack by hackers. The Army
s current network defense system was woefully inadequate for protecting the
commands 140 locations worldwide. After sustaining a couple of very high profile
attacks using these tools, it became evident that something else was needed. One of
the command s subordinate commands was the Army Research Labs and is on one
the foremost research labs in the world. One of the labs mission was Cyber Defense
and came under my preview as it program manager. The lab had developed several
cyber securitytools and had been testing them very successfully on a several
platforms. The power of this tool... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Once we got the system user friendly and developed a training program, I was able
to defer the cost of the tools over several agencies. Once we deployed and the
agencies began using it, and cut their incidents to almost none, I was able to partner
with them to secure more funding. My cost model, after startup cost, was cheaper to
deploy and maintain than commercial off the shelf software, due to the custom code
developed internally. Since I provided better and cheaper tools I was able to
negotiate maintenance contracts with them and use that funding to further develop
my tools. I was also able to politically influence agency standards when it came to
cyber defense. Since the tools were developed by the government for the
government, agencies was more willing to spend more money than on private tools
because the code was more secure.
Earlier in my career, while working for the Coast Guard assigned as an intelligence
officer and program manager, I was assigned to develop an information sharing
system to support the Coast Guard Intelligence activities. In evaluating the situation,
it was easy to see that the Coast Guard was technically disadvantaged. At this time,
the Coast Guard IT infrastructure consisted of a custom designed workstation,
sever and network. It was a head of its time and offered the capability of unclassified
agency wide e mail and file sharing, and in the early 90s this was far beyond other
services. The Coast Guard did not
The Emerging Digital Age Of The Internet Essay
Since the birth of the computer and the internet we have witnessed almost every
business worldwide discard the timely usage of paper documents and filing systems
and welcome the use of database servers which has enabled greater productivity,
accuracy and availability. Many businesses like banks obtain highly sensitive personal
information from their clients which is stored on databaseservers and encrypted with
the goal of protecting their data from unauthorized users. Data being stored on
servers creates an illusion of safety with them often being operated from a different
geographic location, criminals can no longer physically take this data from a
business s premises as it is not stored locally, although cyber criminals have evolved
along with these times and have proven time and time again that data security
measures are still very exploitable across networks. The emerging digital age we
now live in has become an extremely vulnerable and volatile environment and with
networks becoming increasingly vast, it has become apparent with hackers
constantly exploiting security measures that our data is never 100% safe. In 2005 a
24 year old Cuban American by the name of Albert Gonzalez masterminded an
attack which saw over 150 million credit card and ATM numbers between 2005 and
2007 (Ottman, 2011) stolen and subsequently sold on the black market which has
been labelled the biggest such fraud in history. Although millions of dollars are spent
trying to catch cyber criminals
Exposure Of Radiation Exposure On Medical Practitioners
Exposure to ionizing radiation is of concern to many medical practitioners. The risks
of radiation exposure are well documented within the scientific literature and include
cataract formation, skin cancer, thyroid disease and leukaemia.1 Medical staff who
work in the operating theatre are a sizable population potentially at risk for these
complications.2 With advances in medical technology in past decades and an ongoing
trend towards minimally invasive techniques, there has been a significant increase in
the use of fluoroscopy.3 5 During fluoroscopic procedures staff are exposed to both
direct and scattered radiation. Procedures that require long fluoroscopic screening
times, such as interventional radiology, cardiology and orthopaedic surgery, place the
proceduralist at high risk of radiation exposure. Orthopaedic surgeons must often
remain close to the x raybeam during procedures and cannot use distance to reduce
radiation exposure.
In recent years, there is a rising alertness concerning the harmful effects of
exposure of long term low dose irradiation. In 2005 a report by Mastrangelo et al
identified orthopaedic surgeons as having an increased cancer risk.6 In 2010 Chou
et al reported that the prevalence of cancer within female orthopaedic surgeons was
1.9 fold greater than that of women in the general US population.7,8 Specific
orthopaedic procedures such as closed intramedullary nailing of the femur are
responsible for a high level of scattered radiation
Hollywood s Asians Essay
Hollywood s Asians
Asian Americans have been part of America for almost as long as its existence. From
the Chinese laborers building the transcontinental railway, inner cities laundry
services, to Asian farmers who have helped build the agriculture communities around
the country, Asian American have contributed to the industries and economy of
America. Despite their loyalty and contributions to this country, Asian Americans
have been discriminated and considered as unassimilable by many Americans.
Racism toward Asian is further extended by Hollywood s use of yellow face, where
Caucasian actors applied make up and prosthetics to pose as Asians, stereotypes such
yellow peril and orientalism. (Garcia, 13) From the beginning of motion ... Show
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As the popularity of Fu Manchu increased, Hollywood was quick to take advantage
and portray this character as a threat to white supremacy.
According to Eugene Franklin Wong s The Early Years: Asians in the American
Films Prior to World War II, Rohmer, the creator of Fu Manchu stated I MADE MY
know something about Chinatown. But that is a different matter. (Wong, 57) This
presented a problem as the whole perception of Dr. Fu Manchu was based on
generalization and ignorance. Unfortunately, ignorance of Asian culture became the
root of Asian characters in motion pictures. The ambiguity and general facelessness
of Asian characters and communities lead to the creation of a low budget film called
Chan is Missing (1981) by Wayne Wang. As two amateur detective cab drivers search
the San Francisco s Chinatown for the mysterious Chan, but never do find him or
even reach any conclusion about why he is missing. (Marchetti, 53)
Kyaw 3
On the other hand, Hollywood s depictions of different ethnic Asian are not always
negative or evoke racism. As the news Japan s military growth and reaches the
shores of America, characters such as Fu Manchu and General Yen which portrayed
dangerous Chinese warlords disappear from the screen. The Japanese Imperialist
troops became the replace for the stereotypical evil Asian characters. (Marchetti, 41)
Scene of Japanese troops
Endothelial Cells Essay
If the endothelium were to be considered an organ, it would be without a doubt the
largest, with its 6 trillion cells, area of 5000m2, and 1kg weight. With knowledge
of the endothelium stemming back to the early 1600s with William Harvey s work
on the circulation as a closed circuit with a pump and Marcello Malpighi s
observations of blood capillaries, the focus over the next 400 years was mainly on
the pump itself, leading to the creation of a major clinical field cardiology. Although
scientists were aware of blood vessels and their role in circulation, it wasn t until the
early 1960s that the endothelium was able to be seen with electron microscopy and
therefore be differentiated and characterized.1 The recognition of ... Show more
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Hematologists are all too aware of the role of the endothelium in atherosclerosis,
while hepatologists recognize the important of sinusoidal endothelial cells for liver
regeneration. The uniqueness of the endothelium coupled with the difficulties caused
by a lack of a clinical field has lead to a series of unforeseen and surprising
The simple classification of the endothelial cells themselves pose challenges. The
endothelium is, anatomically speaking, the inner lining of the blood and lymphatic
vessels.3 However, many characteristic structures such as fenestrae are not present on
every endothelial cell, and other features, e.g. caveolae, are not specific to the
endothelium. There are also other cells that form the inner lining of the blood vessels,
and therefore molecular markers are instead being used to differentiate. Furthermore,
endothelial cells arise from the mesoderm via hemangioblasts, however they may
differentiate instead into hematopoietic stem cells, and the endothelial progenitors
may themselves differentiate into other cell lineages. Due to these difficulties
endothelial cells are instead recognized with endothelium specific markers such as
vascular endothelial (VE) cadherin, E selectin, and vascular endothelial growth factor
receptors (VEGFR) 1 and 2.4 Even so, endothelial cells are typically considered
quiescent at the same time as the endothelium of the corpus luteum undergoes cycles
of intense physiological
Loving V. Virginia, Introduction, Facts, Legal Background
Loving v. Virginia
Interracial marriage: Respecting the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the
Fourteenth Amendment.
This case note will examine the 1967 landmark Supreme Court case of Loving v.
Virginia. The Loving v. Virginia case touched on constitutional principles including
equality, federalism, and liberty. Just over 30 years ago, it was a crime for interracial
couples in Virginia to marry, or to live as husband and wife. Prior to the 1967 case of
Loving v. Virginia, many states had laws that banned the intermarriage of whites with
black or other minorities. The United States has a long history of the existence of anti
miscegenation laws that forbid interracial marriage. The case presents the ... Show
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If a law discriminates between one group of people and another, the government
must have a rational basis for doing so. The Equal Protection Clause requires the
deliberation of whether the classifications drawn by any statute constitute a
discrimination. In the Loving v. Virginia case, the Supreme Court had to decide
whether Virginia s anti miscegenation statute, the Racial Integrity Act of 1924 ,
was unconstitutional. . In 1966, it was illegal to have an interracial relationship in
seventeen states in the United States . In the late 19th century, almost thirty states
had such prohibitions. Virginia was now one of 16 States which prohibit and
punish marriages on the basis of racial classifications. The Racial Integrity Laws,
which included the Racial Integrity Act of 1924, were a series of legislative efforts
designed to protect whiteness the effects of immigration and race mixing . The
Virginia s anti miscegenation laws made the marriage between a white person and
a colored person a felony. The Lovings were convicted of violating В§ 20 58 of the
Virginia Code, which contains the legal offense of Leaving State to evade law and
Punishment for marriage . Other central provisions in the Virginia statutory scheme
are В§ 20 57, which automatically voids all marriages between a white person and a
colored person without any judicial proceeding .
In the Pace v. Alabama case in 1883, the

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  • 8. Target Blood Pressure Case Study target blood pressure before starting VSPi. To this end, shorter acting antihypertensive medications with closer follow up may be more suitable to avoid any delays in starting VSPi. As long as an adequate plan has been established between the patient and physician, the dose titration to achieve target BP can be achieved while the patient is on VSPi. It may not be necessary to delay initiation of VSPi if the blood pressure is not at target, as long as it is not elevated to levels that are more likely associated with acute complications. [Maitland 2010] If the patient is already on antihypertensive medications, the importance of adherence and regular follow up should be explained, and the patient should be initiated on a single antihypertensive medication, titrated to maximum tolerated dose in order to achieve the target blood pressure before adding a second medication if required. [Maitland 2010]... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Patients who have increase in DBP 20 mmHg above baseline may not always cross the 140/90 mmHg threshold for HTN. It is recommended to start antihypertensive medication to keep the DBP within 20mmHg of
  • 9. Pengy Formal Language My picture book Adventures of Pengy follows a baby penguin as he goes on an adventure to find his parents. The picture book connects with science by raising awareness to the effects of climate change , which is an important issue in creating a truly sustainable future. The impacts of climate change are explored when Pengy s iceberg separates from the mainland where his parents are and his adventures begin. Due to this, global warming plays a significant role into the way the story is structured. The language used in the novel is informal as the intended audience is children. Adding formal language would make it harder for them to understand the story and would create confusion for them. Some of the informal language used in the novel for
  • 10. Desert Island Analysis Desert Islands The most imaginary desert islands which he described in novel were like a peaceful paradise where the shipwrecked traveler manages to continue living pretty much as before used for Robinson Crusoe or Desert Island Discs! In a book Coral Island by RM Ballantyne which was published in 1857, 100 years before Golding s book, three young British boys are shipwrecked on a desert island and have to survive without any adults. They were brave and resourceful. They thoroughly enjoy their experience and there is never a hint of trouble. As one of the characters, Peterkin, says, There was indeed no note of discord whatever in that symphony we played together on that sweet coral island. From his experience as a teacher, Golding knew that the idyllic life of Coral Islandcould never exist in real life. So, he set out to write a novel that showed his ideas about the darker side of human nature starting from the same basis. Boys stranded on a desert island, away from all civilizing influences. Lord of the Flies was the result. Lord of the Flies: These 5 years of war affected him deeply. Here he knew that even good can become evil. In an interview he said: WWII which I spent in Royal Navy had a great influence on my life as well as my work. At that time I was young and now I am old. I was terrified and it had been taken a long time to gain some understanding of mankind . He also said Before the WWII, I believed in the perfection of social Man. but after the war i did not. I had discovered what one man could do to another. Anyone who moved to these years without understanding that man produces evil as a bee produces honey, must have been blind or wrong in the head. At the end of war Golding returned to teaching and moved to Salisbury with his family. One day he said to his wife. Wouldn t it be good idea if I wrote a book about child on an Island? children who behave in the way. Children really would behave. when he returned to his post at Bishop Wordsworth s School in 1945, he began furthering his writing career. He wrote three novels, all of which went unpublished. But his frustration would not last long. He started working on a novel The Strangers Within in 1952. A year later it was sent
  • 11. How Does Hofstra University Benefit Your Future Hofstra University offers a variety of opportunities for the future that I envision for myself. After hours of research, I have decided that Hofstra is among the universities that I would like to attend because of the various educational options that are available. From the various internships to working opportunities in one of most well known locations in the world, Hofstra Universityoffers a unique experience that no other collegecan offer. As an aspiring business student, I believe that attending Hofstra will dramatically benefit my future because Hofstra University has one of the best business programs in the nation. Beyond the multitude of academic opportunities that Hofstra University beholds, Hofstra s history is another key factor
  • 12. Involuntary Outpatient Commitment Essay Involuntary Outpatient Commitment In 1955, over 559,000 individuals resided in inpatient psychiatric hospitals. By 1995, however, the number had drastically diminished to 69,000, (National Health Policy Forum, 2000). This drastic reduction was largely due to the discovery of antipsychotic medications in the 1950s, and the deinstitutionalization movement of the 1960s, wherein several thousands of mentally ill individuals were released from psychiatric institutions to return to their communities for treatment. Mental health centers (MHCs) were conceptualized during deinstitutionalization to provide treatment to these newly released mentally ill persons in their communities. Although efforts were well intended, the MHCs failed to serve the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Olmstead Act requires public agencies to provide services in the most integrated setting appropriate to the needs of qualified individuals with disabilities. Further, the act mandates that states place qualified individuals with mental illnesses in community settings, rather than in institutions. Being placed under IOC is contingent upon whether or not such placement is appropriate, affected persons do not oppose such placement, and the state can reasonably accommodate the placement, taking into account resources available to the state and needs of others with disabilities, (The Center for an Accessible Society, 1999). In conclusion, the Olmstead Act provided for the legal groundwork to both provide and enforce IOC. Research has shown IOC to be more effective when combined with additional components. Examples of these components include psychiatric advance directives, Assertive Case Management (ACM), representative payees, conditional release, conservatorship /guardianship, and mental health courts. Psychiatric advance directives are legal documents that permit mentally ill individuals to authorize and specify treatment in anticipation of future periods of mental incapacity. ACM consists of mental health teams that actively assist with treatment in the home. Representative payees are trusted persons designated by a mentally ill individual that help that individual use funds wisely by being the payee of benefits. Conditional
  • 13. Virginia Beach Research Paper 5 Things to do in Virginia Beach Are you planning to go to Virginia Beach? With or without family? Then, you might want to know what attractions you can do and enjoy while on holiday. Virginia Beach offers numerous attractions, but some are more enjoyable than others are. Besides places like Pop s Diner Co where you can get some great meals, there are also a couple of places that you can visit for some family fun. With these top 5 things to do in Virginia Beach, you will not have a bored moment: Porpoiseful Adventures Porpoiseful adventures are one adventure that the whole family can undertake. This is where Captain Jim is taking families on tours around the Chesapeake Bay. During the tour, dolphins are on the list of attractions. Going on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jump Trampoline Park is a 23 000 feet square trampoline park. They offer connected trampolines, that are meaning that you are going to have lots of fun. It really doesn t matter the age, as long as there is an adult for supervision, you can come and enjoy this, with the whole family. The perfect thing to do on that rainy day. Rudee Inlet Stand Up Paddle The Rudee Inlet stand up paddle might not be something that the whole family can enjoy, but if you are an adventurer, this is something that you should consider. For those who didn t have tried the stand up paddle before, they have instructors that are going to teach you how to be able to stay on the paddle board without any problems. The board is sturdier than what you might think. This is a great adventure when you feel like doing something you never have done before. Great for the hot summer s day at the beach. The Adventure Park at Virginia Aquarium Are you in for a challenge? Or, are you and your family feeling like an outdoor challenge that you never have done before. Then, Adventure Park at Virginia Aquarium is just the thing for
  • 14. St. Lucy s Home For Girls Raised By Wolf Summary St. Lucy s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves by Karen Russell is an interesting piece of literature. This story is about girls who act like wolves, they are sent to St. Lucy s to get the proper help they need. This story focuses on Claudette (the main character) who has to adjust to being human. Claudette develops as the stages progress in the story. In stage one, Claudette is a wolf acting child. Stage one is were the girls are most wolf like. Claudette in this stage has not adapted to human society, because she bites down on the nun s ankle I clamped down on her ankle, straining to close my jaws around the woolly XXL sock (p.237). Claudette also shows a little bit of human characteristics like eating a cupcake which is a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Then he led us through the woods (p.237). In stage two, Claudette starts learning about human culture Keep mouth shut, I repeated during our walking drills, staring straight ahead (p.240), Claudette also gives up leaving her scent We couldn t make our scent stick here; it made us feel invisable. Eventually, we gave up (p.240), she is also learning how to read at a fifth grade level I wasn t that removed from our language (even though I was reading at a fifth grade level, halfway into Jack London s The Son of the Wolf.) (p.244). Even though she has improved, Claudette still has not adapted to human society, she wanted to run away, because she has home sickness We had never wanted to run away so badly in our lives; but who did we have to run to? (p.240), Claudette also seems to fight with Mirabella in this stage I used my new motor skills. I threw dirt, I threw stones. Get away! I screamed, (p.243). Stage three is were Claudette starts to act like a human. She wants to seperate herself from Mirabella But the truth is by stage three I wanted her gone. (p.245), this shows that Claudette is independent. Claudette still
  • 15. Disney Strategic Initiative Paper Disney Strategic Initiative Paper Tammy Adams, Kecia Darnell, Chelsea Hensley, Elizabeth Munns, and Zameika Williams University of Phoenix FIN 370 Professor Stephen Beadnell October 18, 2010 Strategic Initiative Paper Introduction This paper will address the strategic and financial planning associated with the operations of Disney. In addition, the paper will show the correlation between strategic and financial planning. The impact of the organization s initiative costs, sales, and associated risks the organization encounters during the financial and strategic planning will be addressed. Thus, the financial planning process provides a tool for preparing for the future working capital requirements of the firm. (Keown, 2005)... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, focusing primarily on the impact the Disney Company, the effects could be more drastic. One scenario is the parties do not reach an agreement in regard to the streaming fees Disney wants to charge Netflix and the companies discontinue business. Netflix will no longer provide Disney movies for rent, this could lead to a decrease in potential sales and free advertising for Disney. It could be said that Netflix users will select from a the remainder of the selection of movies available, however, according to the article, the likelihood is that Netflix will negotiate with The Disney Company so there are no limitations put on the amount of streaming video Netflix can offer . This will actually increase the current acquisition costs for Netflix at an estimated incremental one percent acquisition cost. There will be a positive impact on sales for Disney due to the additional charges able to be acquired through attaching fees to the online streaming content. As a result of restructuring and creating multiple departments within Disney, the organization s financial planning is efficient. The organization has identified financial goals, prioritized those goals, and developed a financial plan by using the legacy information to determine the organization s financial forecast. The organization focuses on key relationships that will provide additional resources for the business,
  • 16. Macroeconomics And The Current Economic Situation Introduction Macroeconomics plays an important role in business activities of every organizations. Most of business entities were affected by Reserve Bank of Australia s decision on the cash rate and other macroeconomic policies of the government. Hence it is crucial for every organizations to learn about the current macroeconomic situation and other macroeconomics factors that happening and changing every day. This report then will address and advise the latest current economic situation in Australia. There are many factors that we can discuss and mention in macroeconomics activities, however this report focus on more details about the recent movement GDP growth rate, unemployment rate, and commodity price. Importantly, the forecast about ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... China s stock market continues to going down and lead to consumer confidences and production in this country to decrease. Hence, Australia export for coal and other production input will suffer a drop. Moreover, mining investment has also experienced a substantial fall as a result of China s equity market fall. According to RBA, the interest rate has remained unchanged at low 2.0 per cent in the previous period. This will be welcomed by housing investors. The low interest rate will discourage people to save and put their money in banks, and encourage them to start investing their money in property or other sources. A recent increase in dwelling investment, capital city and retail sale volumes can be explained by this. Housing credit has increase to around 7% and it is continue to be driven by investor. Business financing, on the other side, is growing slowly in June quarter and equivalent to 3% of GDP. Business credit growth has moderated over June quarter following by stronger growth in previous quarters. The cost of intermediated borrowing money for small and large business declined as a result of a decrease in the cash rate. However, consumer confidence has risen slightly as the result of an increase in optimism on economic. This index will reflect how confident people feel about stability of their income affects their economic
  • 17. Challenges At Meg Whitman Meg Whitman give up the comfort of working for someone else and taking home a nice salary and fringe benefits for the stress of running a new kind of business that may or may not succeed because she has the guts to take the risks and challenges. Of course that Meg Whitman is confident in her new job. If you are managing a business in a company, it definitely has a lot of risks will affect your business. Meg Whitmanhas the ability to manage her job and takes the risks. For the example, she went to a new environment and accepted a challenge that are not guaranteed to achieve success. Riskis a negative occurrence that will affect the company s ability to improve profit. It will cause threat of loss ,damages, liabilities and many of negative ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When she was controlling her own business, she would have many of choices and able to make the decision. She can set any price for a product she wished. Then, I think she wanted to spend more quality family time by running a new kind of business. She also wished to spend more time to accompany her two children and contributed the responsibility of a mother to give them full of loves .She wished to have more freedom in her job. When she started to run her business, she always looked for freedom. She wished to have a flexible time and wanted to manage her own particular working hours to suit her needs and investigate all the inventiveness and development by
  • 18. No Video Games in Education in Pamela Paul s Book Reading,... Pamela Paul, author of Reading, Writing and Video Games , demonstrates that video games should not be part of the education. Paul asserts there is no learning from playing video games and the education should be the same old fashion. Paul observes the technology in classroom could be useful for the students. However, she thinks the children should stick on reading and writing for learning. Finally, Paul prefers to let the children play video games in free time rather than let them play video games for education. Although, Paul idea of using technology in classroom and marketing education fun games are true, the idea of letting the children play games that are not educational in their free time are inaccurate. First, One implication of Paul treatment of saying there is a place for technology in the classroom is that a good idea. Paul is surely right about having technology in classroom help show the idea to the students. Also, teacher used the projector to share notes and show videos to the students. However, using tablets in the classroom can be easy to do quizzes and exams, and that give the teacher more time to explain more information to the class. Also considering giving live lecture between two schools in different country could help exchange more knowledge. Finally, schools should concerns having more technology in classrooms to help the students learn more and fast for there own benefits. Second, Paul assumes that many of the games marketed as educational aren t as
  • 19. Sweat By Zora Neale Hurston The story Sweat by Zora Neale Hurston focuses on the marriage life of Delia Jones and her husband Sykes. Hurston is known as famous American writer, she writes on real life stories as it was during the years when she wrote the stories. The story is about Delia Jones, a hardworking and religious woman who mistakenly marries Sykes and has been living in a strained marriagelife from fifteen years. Although they have been married for fifteen year, the relationship has been abusive. Sykes is an abusive and unemployed man. In addition, Sykes have a mistress and he wants Delia to leave their house so that he can move in his lover Bertha. Sykes knows that Delia is afraid of snake, so he scares Delia several times with the bullwhip, which looks like a snake. Eventually, he brings the real snake to get rid of Delia. However, at the end of the story Delia gets her revenge on her husband Sykes for his mistreatment over the past fifteen years. Delia has been living strained marriage life with her husband who had no respect for her at all has been obvious from beginning of the story, he even began beating Delia after three month of his marriage. The story starts with Delia, who is sitting near the big pile of clothes and sorting it according to their color. In a meanwhile, her husband comes to house late and scares Delia with the big bullwhip. Sykes knows that Delia is afraid of snake, though he scares her intentionally, and he does not show any kind of guilt. Instead, he laughs and
  • 20. Creative Class Initiatives Economic development for small cities can be a problem compared with big cities. The metropolitan areas are more likely to attract and retain the manufacturing and technology companies. However, development agencies are looking for different policies incentives to make the small cities more competitive with larger cities. The idea of investing in cultural development is a viable option to improve the economic developmentof communities spread in rural areas. The culture agencies intend a planning effort to hold a series of events to stimulate the public to become involved with art and cultural leadership. Thus, to positively influence the economic growth of small communities. Moreover, with the grant of the event and different incentives, such... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The creative class initiatives are the key force for the economic growth in the post industrial phase when service sectors outweigh the manufacturing sector. Consistent with the creative class, promoting art and culture based on the art tour is a suitable idea to help the southwest Iowa communities to grow. In addition, it also promotes the region encouraging people to visit and moved to the following cities. According to Zachary Mannheimer, the director of the Des Moines Social Club, if the city wants to stimulate the economic growth, it should invest in the arts rather than get started in the jobs, this investment will make small communities achieve optimum results quickly. Furthermore, the agencies use events as a tool of the attraction of people and companies showing that the region is a viable place to live. The trend observed is that events make an interconnection of the individuals with the community and it is a very good idea to connect communities through art. Therefore, three recommendation are the key to the success of the cities in the southwest of Iowa. First, it is mandatory to stimulate partnership between communities among arts groups, communities, and organization. Consequently, the events can turn into a potential tool to offer a cultural education for the community and create a program of school based art education for the residents. Second, the civic engagement of the community is an important strategy to achieve the results. When the community works together, it makes the difference for the future, based on the developing knowledge, skills, and values to promote the quality of life. Finally, developing and build an environment audience is a key to reach and involve more citizens based on the cultural development. The fact of involving more people in the plan it is a way to leverage the community,
  • 21. Oliver Brown Questions And Answers Question 1: Oliver, how did you feel when you began work at the workhouse and later on for Mr. Sowerberry? Were the other boys treating you equally? Answer 1: At the workhouse, nobody treated me with respect, it might have been because of my backstory. I feel like I was very unlucky and nobody respected me. My good heart and spirit kept me alive in this time of isolation and misery. Question 2: Why did you become so shocked when Charley and Jack picked a strangers pocket? What did you think of Fagin s response when the kids did not bring any loot back? Answer 2: My life morals were set in me from the beginning, I witnessed cruelty towards myself at the workhouse, but I never saw these actions being done to someone else. Fagin is very self centered ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... My intentions were to impress Mr. Brownlow, but the fear of being kidnapped were overwhelming to the point where I forgot about the consequences. Later on, I figured out what would happen when I left. Question 8: What was your impression of Fagin when he attempted to make friends with you? Answer 8: Although I kept in mind all the stuff he did before, his kindness towards me and the other boys made me feel like part of a family. Eventually though, I figured out that he was trying to persuade me to join his gang. Question 9: Why did you insist not to steal during the house robbery? Multiple times through the story, your innocence blinds you from what is happening, what is your opinion on that? Answer 9: Although I knew that no immediate consequences would be given to me if I complied with Sikes and Crackit, my morals denied my thoughts and I tried everything to prevent it. When Crackit held out his hand and I took it, I then realized what was going on at the moment. Most of the time this seems to be when I rely on my faith in others too much, my set morals stopped me
  • 22. My Vocation In School A vocation is one s calling in life. We are called to many different areas that it almost seems hard to know which path is right to follow. This year is my junior year in highschool and I am already being pushed to think about my future and what I want my life to be like. A decision of this magnitude is extremely hard and daunting to make. How am I supposed to know what my true vocation is if I m not even eighteen yet? There are a plethora of hobbies I love to do and activities I participate in, but which one is right for me? Which one brings me joy? I started out thinking about what I am good at. For as long as I can remember, I have always loved school. My mother used to say that I had the brain of an elephant because I could always remember details when nobody else could. Having that type brain made it easy to learn and succeed in school. I was never the athletic type. I tried every sport imaginable, but nothing ever stuck with me; I decided that school would be my sport. Every year, I tried my hardest to achieve the highest grades and every year it paid off. When I was ten, I started to get involved with Irish step dancing and I instantly fell in love. Everybody else either did ballet, tap, jazz, modern, or other dances, but nobody did Irish Step; it was my own thing. As the years past, I began to compete and move up in the ranks of competitive dancing. When I reached the championship level, I decided to stop and just dance for my own enjoyment and happiness. Although
  • 23. Power And Power In Volpone In Ben Jonson s Volpone, the relationship between master and slave is made ambiguous. Mosca s portrayal is one of greater cunning and manipulation than that of his master, destabilizing the idea of a fixed class hierarchy in the play. Through themes of deceit and greed, the relationship discusses and reflects the prospect of upward mobility seen in a rising working class, and the importance of knowledge in an unpredictable landscape. Drawing on this ambiguous relationship, the essay explores the transience of power, authority being undermined and corrupted by a new class of elite, with the tragic ending serving as an argument for morality within the new order being established. In the play, Volpone displays no real power, depending instead... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His master displays a love for material wealth, reflected in the opening, Good morning to the day; and next, my gold! Open the shrine that I may see my saint (1.1.2 3). It is clear that Volpone s main desire, and also objective, is in the accumulation of greater wealth. He worships his material items, and is blinded by greed, and likewise the other characters in their quest for greater material gain. They are so blinded by greed and so intent on deceiving the other characters of supposedly inheriting Volpone s wealth that they fail to see that it is all a ruse. Authority is undermined by the fraudulent and unnatural ways in which the characters conduct themselves. Voltore, an advocate , who can turn and re turn, make knots and undo them, give forked counsel; take provoking gold on either hand (1.3.56 59), a lawyer who is able to argue for any cause, forked in his loyalties and morals, to the point of using his authority to defend and lie for Volpone. As Bonario notes, his soul moves in his fee (4.5.96), and instead of defending the innocent, this lawyer instead argues for those who give him an advantage. Corbaccio, as earlier mentioned, is fooled into disinheriting his own son, an unnatural act, and furthermore, as an old gentleman , is made to believe that he will outlast Volpone despite his own failing senses due to age, as the notes suggest, [mishearing] whatever is
  • 24. How Does Martin Luther King Have Disinterested Love According to Harper Lee, the author of To Kill a Mockingbird, the novel was a love story, plain and simple. Throughout the novel, Ms. Lee displayed love through the actions of the main characters. However, the definition of love may not be the common, affectionate feelings between two people. Based on the article, An Experiment in Love, by Martin Luther King, he explained how love, or agape, could have several different connotations. Harper Lee was able to demonstrate Matin Luther King s concept of love through several different character interactions. First, Martin Luther King described his concepts of love as the Greek word, agape which could be related to the scene in To Kill a Mockingbird, in which the black community donates... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The basic point King brought up claims that agape springs from the need of the other person his need for belonging to the best in the human family (King 19). Here the audience can see that the origin of love (agape) came from the need of another person s will to belong to the best. King is trying to get the audience to make the connection that individuals who practice agape are the best in the human family, and this is proven as he later on says, The Samaritan who helped the Jew on the Jericho Road was good because he responded to the human need that he was presented with (King 19). This statement by Dr. King was closely related to the scene in To Kill a Mockingbird in which Boo Radley had secretly put a blanket around Scout when she was busy looking at the fire (Lee 96). As Harper Lee describes, Scout was busy staring at the fire and not even paying attention to Boo Radley. Even then, Boo showed signs of agape as he decided to cover up Scout in case she was cold in the night without expecting anything in return such as a thank you. Boo Radley did not need to nurture Scout that night, but because he did, Harper Lee showed another one of King s concepts because of Boo s desire to help others in need and to be a better person overall. Towards the final chapters of the novel, Boo demonstrated agape again as he
  • 25. Jumping Bean Lab Report The Mexican Jumping Bean is indigenous to Mexico and has a peculiar life cycle. The process begins when a moth (Cydia deshaisiana) lays its egg inside a plant (Sebastiania pavoniana) then the egg incorporates itself with the seed of the flower. When the larvae hatches it eats its way to the inside of the flower. It lives their until the spring rains come which separates the seedinto 3 pieces (Each of those pieces harden and turn into a brownish color.) and one of those pieces is where the larvae is. This means that the larvae is trapped inside the bean. From then on the bean becomes part of the larvae and until the larva turns into a moth it is part of it. Finally after some time the bean will spin a silk cocoon and then go dormant for a few days. Afterwards it will reemerge as a moth. It will then live for some days before it dies after it becomes a moth. During its lifetime as a bean it jumps or moves a little bit every so often. We wanted to discover how temperature would affect the number of times it jumped so we decided to test our... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of them would be how many times a bean jumped in a stable environment within the span of two minutes. The second would be to see how many times the bean would jump in a colder environment. We kept the jumping bean in a stable environment inside a petri dish for two mins and observed that it had jumped 3 times. We conducted this same experiment 5 times and saw similar results. We then put the petri dish inside a cup of ice which lowered the temperature drastically. We conducted this experiment 5 times and had the same result every time the Jumping Bean did not jump at all. We graphed both tests on a graph to better compare the differences. As we analyzed the results of our experimentation we discovered that when the temperature was dropped the bean stopped jumping and seemed to go dormant which proved that our predictions were correct after examining the
  • 26. The Symbolism of the Birches On the surface, the poem Birches by Robert Frost is simply about a man who would like to believe that birch trees are bent from young boys swinging on them, despite the evidence that it is merely a result of the ice storms. Even with this knowledge he prefers the idea of the boys swinging from the trees because he was a birchswinger years ago and continuously dreams of returning and experiencing those pleasant memories once again. From a more explored and analytical point of view, the birch trees symbolize life and serves as the speaker s temporary channel of escape from the world and its harsh realities. The speaker uses his imagination to return to his innocent childhood. He hopes to relieve stress and prepare to face life and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These disruptive words can portray feelings of discomfort, fear, sorrow, and almost intrude the reader s pleasant visual images of the birches. These disruptions indicate that there is something more meaningful happening than what shows on the surface. Frost uses personification by giving Truth human like qualities such as interrupting the speaker. This personification alerts the reader that Truth, or reality is a major part of the theme of this poem, by giving it
  • 27. Similarities Between Catt And Susan B Anthony Woodrow Wilson, Carrie Chapman Catt, and Susan B. Anthony share a common purpose in their addresses advocating women s suffrage.Wilson s Address to the Senate on the Nineteenth Amendment expresses the opinion he holds about the lack of control over women being able to vote; he prioritizes the use of logos to create an argument consisting of present fact and his own belief of how the rest of the world will see them as a nation if they do not ratify the Nineteenth Amendment. Catt s The Crisis analyzes her present issue of the acknowledgement of women s suffrage. Catt explains that through the acknowledgement of women s suffrage, women have been given more freedom, yet not the same equality as men. Catt wants more than just exceptions to social rules, she wants people to understand that a woman is not only an imperative cog in the societal machine, but equality should never be a crisis again. Susan B. Anthonywastes no time getting to the point in On Women s Right to Vote; she instantly begins her speech with a strong denial of allegations thrown her way and moves right in to speak about the government basing a law off the sex of a person and how the government is not treated as a democracy. Through each of these addresses Wilson, Catt, and Anthony are divided by their point of view and united by their cause, yet only Carrie Chapman Catts address holds the most effective reasoning. Miller2 Woodrow Wilson s Address to the Senate on the Nineteenth Amendment reasons with
  • 28. Sylvia Plath s The Bell Jar Sylvia Plath s The Bell Jar The works of Sylvia Plath have always been at least slightly controversial; most of them have themes of feminism, suicide, or depression. Plath was born in 1932 in Boston, Massachusetts, and by the age of twelve she was reported to have had an IQ of about 160 (Kelly). Growing up in an age in which women were expected to be nothing more than conservative housemaids, Plath stood defiant against the views of society, choosing to expose any misogynistic prejudices or hateful prospects against mental illness through her writings (Allen). Perhaps the most famous work of Sylvia Plath s is The Bell Jar a book that follows the mental deterioration of a nineteen year old girl named Esther through the narration of Esther herself. Although Sylvia Plath hated life in general and committed suicide at the age of 32 after her husband left her, the myriad autobiographical elements, metaphors, and motifs that appear throughout her works produce a beautifully vivid representation of people, the world, and life itself ( Sylvia Plath ). Sylvia Plath, like her character ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To Esther, the world seems quite unfriendly, and the novel documents her desperate search for identity and reassurance. Nevertheless, Esther is intrigued by the world around her, and at the start of the book she is seen with a wondrous outlook on life that is reflected in the metaphors throughout the novel (Coyle). In the first half of the book, Esther is fascinated by the medical practices of her boyfriend, Buddy, as well as by current events in the newspapers and the thought of her own future family. As the story progresses, however, Esther becomes indifferent about life, and she develops bitterness toward everything that appears to prevent her from achieving things she wants (Huf). As Esther s mental state worsens, the metaphors and similes presented to the reader begin to have negative connotations
  • 29. Birth Control Counter Over the Counter Birth Control Birth Control is used by many women around the world. Typically Birth Control is used to prevent pregnancy, but it can also help in other ways. Birth Control helps women with horrible and painful cramps during periods, it helps regulate periods, and it can make your skin glow by clearing up unwanted acne. There are multiple types of Birth Control, but the one I want to specifically focus on is the pill that can be taken daily. I think Birth Control is a real necessity to women, and women deserve to have the option for easier access in receiving it. Birth Control should be sold over the counter in stores because teen pregnancyrates would go down, there would be no need for a doctor s visit making it so much easier to get, and also abortionrates would decrease. Pregnancy rates are pretty high especially in teens. More importantly it s unwanted pregnancy. Williams states, 47 percent of high school students have had sexual intercourse, and 7.4 percent of them reported first sexual intercourse before age 13 (qtd. In Elders n.pag.). Consequently, this proves that teens are going to have sex, and they are not getting the protection they need especially at such a young age. If Birth Control was sold over the counter, it would probably slow the rate of unwanted pregnancy. Lesko explains, She had wanted to take birth control pills, but when she called to see a doctor and obtain a prescription, she was told that the next available appointment was
  • 30. Advertising Campaign Example The customer oriented, owner operated handbag business, ItВЎВ¦s In The Bag, is looking for a way to reach the female population of Scioto County, and its surrounding area. The business does little advertising and is looking for was to make possible consumers aware of the benefits of shopping at ItВЎВ¦s In The Bag. The purse boutique carries private label handbags that are exclusively distributed to small business in hopes of promising sales. ItВЎВ¦s In The Bag takes pride in making sure every customer is 100 percent satisfied with their purchase. They not only carry handbags but other womenВЎВ¦s accessories. The media plan is mainly going to target ВЎВ§Red Hat SocietyВЎВЁ Fifty Somethings. However, all advertisements will be aimed at making the female... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is rapid market expansion because more and more customers, stimulated by mass advertisement and word of mouth, are making their first, second, and third purchases. Competition is continually increasing and sales are quickly increasing also. Profits are strong and the outlook is favorable for the handbag market. The world of accessories for women is in an era where handbags are replacing shoes as the signiture accessory, despite or maybe because of price tags reaching three and four figure hights. Handbags are hotter than ever and have become the leading fashion apparel. ItВЎВ¦s In The Bag specializes in womenВЎВ¦s accessories, however, most of their products are handbags and other handbag accessories such as wallets, change purses, cigarette holders, and cellular phone covers. Costume jewelry, tiaras, hats, and Red Hat Society items are also carried. A newer item added to the sales line is Pandora jewelry; higher priced sterling silver jewelry offered in a necklace or bracelet with available charms in all shapes and styles to be added on for an additional price. Being a smaller, customer oriented business, ItВЎВ¦s In The Bag follows a one price strategy in which Pam charges the same price to all similar customers who purchase identical products. This strategy has been effective because it shifts the focus from price to other factors, such as product quality. The one price strategy also builds customer
  • 31. Research Paper On Angelman Syndrome Angelman Syndrome is a hard disease affecting the nervous system. It is a lot of work to go through to have this syndrome. This disease is another story. Kids with this syndrome have side to side curvature of the spine. This disorder causes development disabilities and nerve related symptoms. This syndrome is most often caused by problems with a genelocated on chromosome 15 called the ubiquitin protein ligase E3A (UBE3A) gene. Typically, kids are happy, excitable demeanor, with frequent smiling, laughter, and hand flapping movements, difficulty sleeping, and problems with movement and balance. Kids with this disease have distinctive facial features. This disease is noticeable by the age of 6 to 12 months. Parental DNA pattern test is a test
  • 32. The Bible In The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe Good morning Mrs Prisk and class, Sacred texts which form the cornerstone of religion, instilling law, character and spirituality in its people are often depicted in contemporary expressions such as art, poetry and film. A prime example is the film The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe which demonstrates Christian parallels with Luke s gospel. The contemporary expression, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and the Gospel of Luke share similar central messages of self sacrifice, forgiveness and mercy whilst they have diverging genre and forms and textual purposes. The similar, overarching central messages in both texts are about the ability to compassionately self sacrifice yourself and forgive those who have committed treachery or sin. Aslan, the noble, golden lion, the king of Narnia, is seen as a literary Christ figure in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. He humanely chooses to forfeit his life for Edmund s sin and betrayal and miraculously resurrects after death which corresponds to Jesus death and bodily resurrection for the sins of mankind. Sinful beings were forgiven and saved in both texts even though the sacrifices were performed differently, Jesus was crucified and Aslan was instead tied, beaten, shaved and executed by the White Witch with a stone knife. Aslan s sacrifice and restoration to life saved Edmund, destroyed the power of deep magic over Narnia, banished the eternal age of winter, redeemed the world from evil and essentially saved all Narnians.
  • 33. Exchange Rate and Trade Balance THE IMPACTS OF EXCHANGES RATE CHANGES ON TRADE BALANCE: THE CASE OF VIETNAM 1. Background of the study Among various subjects in the field of international trade and monetary policy, the relationship between real exchange rate and trade balance is one of the most popular topics, attracting extensive studies in last couple decades. Although a lot of efforts have been made, international trade economists have yet come up with a convergence point in theory to explain the moving direction of trade balance as the result of currency depreciation or appreciation (Qiao, 2005). Empirical studies also show divergence results of this topic. (Koray and McMillins, 1998). Moreover most of the study has been conduct with economy with higher level ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Research Objectives and Questions Research Objectives The major aim of this dissertation is to study the relationship between real exchange rate and balance of trade in Vietnam since the interception of Renovation Policy. The cope of the study will especially focus on the period between 2007 and 2012, as Vietnam became the 150th members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) on the January 11th 2007. Research questions: * What can we really conclude about the effect of depreciation or appreciation of Vietnamese Dong has on the trade balance? * Does the Marshall Leaner conditions hold and J curve exist in Vietnam during above mentioned period? * Is that relationship significant enough so that policy can be conducted base on the conclusion of previous question? * In the case monetary authority choose to implement the result of previous questions, how long will it take for the exchange rate policy to really effect trade balance. Terms of Reference The result of this research could be implement by monetary authority in Vietnam to determine the real effect of forex policy on trade balance. Based on the result they can decide whether or not to implement such policy to fight trade deficit problem in Vietnam. 4. Theoretical Framework/Initial Literature Review Definitions and theories According to Krugman (2011) trade balance is the
  • 34. William Mckinley William McKinley 25th President of the United States. William McKinley was born on January 29, 1843 in Niles, Ohio, a town of about 300 people. He was the 7th child born to William and Nancy Alison McKinley His family moved to Poland, Ohio when he was nine years old so that the children could go to a private school called the Poland Academy. In school William liked to read, debate, and he was the president of the school s first debate club. When he was 16 he went to Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania, for a while before he got sick and had to return home .he did not go back to Meadville, because the family had no money. Instead, he worked as a postal clerk for awhile. When the Civil War started on April 12, 1861, he taught... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During this time as governor he became friends with millionaire industrialist Mark Hanna from Cleveland, Ohio. In 1892 McKinley was at the Republican National Convention and was almost nominated for the presidency. Mark Hanna had unofficially opened a McKinley for President headquarters in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In 1893, McKinley faced a personal problem that almost sidetracked his political career. He had co signed bank notes totaling more than $100,000.00 to help a friend start a business. The business went down the drain, and McKinley was expected to repay the bank loans. McKinley did not have the money. His friends, led by Mark Hanna, raised enough money to repay the debt. The public felt bad for McKinley and he was re elected as governor in 1893. In 1896, the Republicans again supported McKinley and he was nominated as the Republican presidential contender with Garret Hobart, a New Jersey senator, as his running mate. The Democratic opponents were William Jennings Bryan, from Nebraska, whose running mate was Arthur Sewall, a rich ship builder. McKinley conducted a front porch campaign in Canton, partly because he didn t want to leave his wife. Over 750,000 people visited Canton to hear him speak. McKinley won the election with more than 7 million of 14
  • 35. Karen Eiffel s Fences 1. Chorus The function of the chorus is to keep the audience engaged by singing, dancing, and even making comments that are usually humorous about the play as it progresses. Sometimes the chorus gives out important information regarding the play like things that happen off stage, or the antecedent action: things that happen before the events of the play. The chorus in Stranger than Fiction is Karen Eiffel, who also happens to be the narrator. Throughout the play, she talks and narrates Harold s every move, commenting on the details of his daily life. She also gives light to the change that has happened in Harold by the end of the play, saying Isn t that the type of man you d want to keep alive? Harold knew his death was upon him, and chose ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of the themes in Fences are fences and barriers themselves. One barrier prevalent throughout the story is racism. Racism interferes with the characters dreams all through the story. Troy and Cory both have big dreams Troy wants to be the first black man to drive a trash truck instead of just collecting the cans.Cory s dream is to be recruited and receive a football scholarship to a college. Troy s dream of becoming a professional baseball player was destroyed by the racism of society during his youth, and he is convinced that the same fate awaits Cory, and wants to protect him from the heartbreak. As a result, when he learns that Cory is being recruited to play football in college, Troy tries to convince Cory to focus on his education rather than football. Fences and barriers can also help metaphorically describe the turmoil and drama within the family. Unfortunately, neither Troy or Cory have achieved their dreams the way the envisioned by the end of the play. Despite, receiving the promotion to driver that he always wanted, Troy feels isolated in his new position because it creates a barrier between Troy and his friend Bono. Moreover, his affair with Alberta sends Rose over the edge because of his abandonment of his father position and the responsibility he has to care for his children. This too creates another barrier, this time between Rose and Troy. Similarly, Cory gives up football to join the marine corps, even though he was definitely good enough to play. His father s chastisement of his dream made him lose confidence and drove a stake through their relationship creating one last barrier between Cory and Troy. Because of these barriers, the lives of the main characters turn out far different from what they had hoped. On the contrary one central theme displayed in Stranger than Fiction is the idea of living trapped in a routine. Harold Crick is unable to leave his routine for twelve years. He lives his life the same way everyday, even counting a
  • 36. Remembering Operation Overlord The planning of Operation Overlord and the invasion were both effected by the lack of equipment and landing crafts. Operation Overlord was a very advanced operation involving Americans, Canadians, British, and other allies. The allied forces were going to attack the beaches of Normandy in France, which was currently under Nazi Control. They attacked five different Beaches: Juno, Gold, Sword, Utah, and Omaha beach. This operation could lead to the end of World War 2 and the defeat of the Nazis. In 1943, a year before the invasion, the allieschose who would be in charge of the invasion. General Eisenhower was chosen to be in charge of the operation. (Brohier) Allies had tight security in order to prevent the Germans from learning details about the invasion. He chose Normandy to be the place of the invasion because it was in reach of Bombers stationed in Britain. However, the planning did not go as well as expected because of the lack of equipment and landing crafts because they were in use in other places. The Allied forces sent out fake troops to Pas de Calais, the tightest place between Britain and France, to make the Germans think the invasion was there instead of Normandy. They even led Germany to think the invasion was in other place, for example Norway. The last couple of Months and weeks before the invasion, British bombers began to soften up the German defenses by wrecking railways and bridges (Brohier 1) so that the German troops could not make their way to
  • 37. Black Efforts Towards The Gradual Emancipation Act Of 1799 Black Efforts Toward the Gradual Emancipation Act of 1799 in New York African American s first legal sight of freedom came in 1799 with the Gradual Emancipation of slaves that were born on or after 1799. Many whites against slavery helped with their efforts in bring the Gradual Emancipation s approval. The Quakers were the first to help the slaves fight for freedom. The New York Manumission Society contributed the most for the emancipation of slaves, but let s not give all the credit to the whites. Black efforts undeniably helped in the process of gradually abolishing slavery as well. Slaves first and foremost effort at freedom came from attempting to flee. Blacks have been running away from their masters since their introduction ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With this in consideration, tens of thousands of slaves joined the British side during the war. The British occupied New York in 1776 and it became a center for blacks from all over the colonies seeking freedom. This multiplying number helped the British with the need for labor, but also alarmed them. Whether fleeing to the British side or staying loyal to the American rebels, blacks expected freedom and equality after their service was given. By the end of the war, many blacks that served o the British side were relocated and attained liberty through traveling to British territories. Between three and four thousand blacks left New York through its port for these British territories and about one thousand were native to New York. The reality of black s service to the patriot cause in revolutionary America led most northern states to emancipate their slaves during or immediately after the war. Vermont provided for immediate emancipation in its 1777 constitution and by 1780, Pennsylvania enacted gradual emancipation. However, New York still heavily relied on slave labor in the city through the 1780s and this lead to the resistance of gradual emancipation in their state constitution or in legislative actions. After the Revolutionary War, blacks started to speak out themselves on their take of freedom. Poetry became useful for claims to natural rights. Two of the frontrunners of black literature were Phillis
  • 38. How Did The Second World War Change The World World War I brought about changes in the way countries were ruled around the world as there was a steady decrease of those who lived in an empire. This decrease came from economic, political and cultural factors that transformed the world to the one that is today, one with no empires in existence. Two prime examples of this occurrence are in the regions of Africa and the Middle East, who transitioned from an empire to a nation. The driving forces to pursue a nation were brought up by nationalists who wanted a home rule structure where the region has power over their own government. This could only be obtained from being released from foreign rule. Foreign rule brought oppression to the native people and they were stripped of their rights. The first example takes place in Africa, specifically in Kenya, where decolonization occurred in the early 1960s. The people in Kenya experienced the oppression of being a British protectorate. The citizens of Kenya were displaced from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Their initial goal was to demand fundamental human rights be extended to all persons in Africa regardless of race or sex (Tusan, 301). These were all rights that African citizens were being deprived of. The attempts of the African people resulted in the United Nations issuing an international declaration which listed a set of regulations that were set to start in order to prevent further oppression and the violation of rights. This declaration greeted its audience by stating that they were mindful of the determination proclaimed by the peoples of the world in the Charter of the United Nations to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nation (Tusan, 272). The United Nations was overall promising to return the rights of the people back to
  • 39. Healthcare Accounting Principles and Ethics Financial Management, Reporting Practices, and Ethical Standards in Health Care Finance Allison Moore Financial Management, Reporting Practices, and Ethical Standards in Health Care Finance Health care managers have many responsibilities, which support their roles in creating and maintaining successful organizations. A key responsibility managers undertake is the ability to manage financials appropriately. First and foremost, financial management is a decision science. Whereas accounting provides decision makers with a rational means by which to budget for and measure a business s financial performance, financial management provides the theory, concepts, and tools necessary to make better decisions (Gapenski, 2007). For... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The fore mentioned reporting principles are required because they force organizations to adhere to ethical reporting methods. Financial reports must be reported fairly and factually to ensure all parties receive reliable and unbiased information. A perfect example of this is the Principle of Prudence. If a department manager receives a report that understates previous expenses and exaggerates department revenues, the manager would not have a valid budget to work with. Not possessing a correct budget could affect wages, hiring, supply orders, decisions, and multiple other operational areas. This could lead to a lack of resources and poor decisions that ultimately reduce patient care objectives. In terms of revenue, multiple medical facilities rely heavily on government funding. To receive government funding, these facilities must adhere to outlined reporting practices. Facilities that fail to do so will lose a substantial amount of government revenue. In addition, fines may be imposed for compliance failures. Although the most significant downfalls of false reporting are false expectations and possible bankruptcy. If organizations do not control expenses and drive revenues, they will not remain in business. By keeping managers in the dark, one could not expect them to drive positive outcomes. These are just a few examples of why reporting standards are so important. Ethical Conduct of
  • 40. The Vicious Cycle Of Deity In Joseph Conrad s The Heart Of... The Vicious Cycle Of Deity In Joseph Conrad s novel The Heart Of Darkness, power is expressed throughout. Power is considered a large concept in the novel and is presented as two different things, power in nature and power in humans. Power in humans is more complicated in the novel than it is in nature because nature has a power system of its own and humans do not and constantly fight for it. For humans, in order to receive power they go through several tasks just to achieve it. Kurtz is a prime example of expressing power, how he craves and achieves power is disturbing. However, Kurtz uses his power by ruining the jungle and dehumanizing the natives that live there. Furthermore, the Europeans going to the Congo crave the same power that Kurtz does and will go through any efforts just to get it, like collecting ivory. Kurtz is one of the many men sent to the jungle to collect ivory and strip the land of its natural resources. He became known as powerful for his knowledge and large collection of ivory. His power gives him the ability to achieve popularity from those back in Europe and the natives that live in the Congo. However, the power in Kurtz demonstrates his ignorance as he feels he must save the natives from themselves, leading him to dehumanize them. While in the jungle, Kurtz is in the true heart of darknesswhich is the farthest station in the jungle. Kurtz keeps being fed this illusion of power because he has been stuck in the darkness of the jungle for so long
  • 41. Mechanical Engineering Professionals Paper Mechanical Engineering Professionals, LLC Mechanical Engineering Professionals, LLC is a small engineering consulting firm that s focused on general mechanical design and commercial product development. They work with a wide range of companies, assisting with product management, set up of engineering infrastructure, document control, and manufacturing. Their engineers specialize in everything from Sheet metal, plastic, and SolidWorks design to spectrometry systems and intelligent mechanical design. Along with their main engineers, they also have a large network of engineers outside of their company which they bring in for larger projects, making them flexible to the needs of their clients. As it is a small company, Mechanical Engineering Professionals, LLC has a small number of positions for work, and limited opportunity for moving up in the company. There is an initial pay scale, depending on the job position; and from there, performance bonuses and profit shares depending on how successful the company is. When a job position opens up, they usually hire outside of the company first, and look for engineers who specialize in the specific position they are looking to fill as well as being proficient in that position. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first job position is as a Senior Engineer/Program Manager. This position would require someone at the top of their field who can manage complex engineering assignments from start to finish, and who also has a strong grasp on engineering design steps and time requirements. The second position that would be available is as an entry level design engineer. In the company, there is a total of approximately 10 job positions, ranging from entry level positions to senior engineering development and managing
  • 42. The Importance Of Privacy On National Security Some people maintain that privacy is more important than national security, but is what they are doing in their own home a threat to national security? Many Americans think that the government should not be spying on its citizens to detect and search for possible terrorism or future attacks. A majority, 57 percent, said that the leaks about the surveillanceprograms would not affect the ability of the United States to prevent future terrorist attacks, while 30 percent said the fact that the programs had been made public would weaken the government s efforts to prevent terrorism. (1 Michael) A person has a right to privacy, but to what extent, if the nation s securityis at risk? The spy programs in the United States have been used to comb through citizens and refugees personal information for intelligence regarding terrorist activities or threats. While many believe the government has good intentions of protecting the nation s security from terrorists, they still consider it an invasion of their personal lives. The use of these spying programs can be used to monitor not only our internet activities, but phone records, and personal accounts. Countless Americans hold to their belief that, If I have nothing to hide, I have nothing to fear , and that they are safe. The flaw with this belief is, what are other Americans hiding, that might be a something to fear. The use of public surveillance to monitor citizens, suspicious activities, and to prevent social unrest, leaves
  • 43. School Day In School Essay BEEP BEEP BEEP. My alarm clock was ringing. Time to get out of bed. I reached over and hit my alarm. It turned off. . Time for school. I got out of bed and grabbed some clothes from my closet in the dark. I threw them on, and looked at myself in the mirror.. It was time to go. I grabbed my backpack and ran to the bathroom. I splashed my face with some water and brushed my teeth. I ran downstairs and pulled open the fridge. I grabbed some bread and butter and made myself a bowl of cereal. I put my lunch in my backpack, and put on my shoes. I stepped out the door. Here we go again I said to my brother. It was only the second month of school, but I was already feeling like would be tired forever. As I trudged to the bus stop, my two neighbors stepped out of their gate and joined us in the walk. We arrived at the stop just as the bus was coming around the corner. Making it in time was a good start to the morning. Good morning We all mumbled to the driver as we stepped aboard the bus. Our stop was one of the last ones on the route, so almost all the seats were taken. I walked all the way to the back of the bus to find a seat. Hello I said to the girl in my seat. She reluctantly moved her pack and scooted over to make room for me. I sat down in the seat, and closed my eyes. The school cycle had officially started. The bus ride took about 15 minutes from the time it was at my house to the time that it dropped me off at school. As soon as we heard the
  • 44. Examples Of Face Negotiation Theory OPTION #2 THEORY EXPLORATIONS2 Option #2 Theory Explorations What do money, time and face have in common? They are all something that people try to save. Some cultures in the world are focused on saving money, some on saving time. Yet, unlike money or time, there exists a universal desire among all peoples to save face. This saving of face during a conflict and it s intercultural understanding is known as the Face Negotiation Theory. The Face Negotiation Theory has evolved since its first inception; however, it continues to be highly applicable with broad applications worldwide. The Face Negotiation Theory Defined The Face Negotiation Theory was proposed by researcher Stella Ting Toomey in 1985 Oetzel Ting Toomey, 2003). It is based on the concept that individuals of every culture found in the world care about how their face (or self image) is presented and it seeks to explain the reason individuals of different cultures manage conflicts which occur in different ways (Oetzel Ting Toomey, 2003). In conflicts, a person s face may be under threat and this causes an individual to want to save or restore their face. The theory calls this behavior Facework . The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore, Ting Toomey expanded upon concepts in Goffman s theory. She defined face as a positive social self image which occurred in both relationships and network contexts. Ting Toomey developed a theory (described above) which incorporated multiple contexts which included filtering the theory through the perspective of the Asian culture (Communication Studies, n.d.). In fact, face is a metaphor with Chinese origins. It seems it is a combination of the Chinese lien which represents the internal moral face which is applicable to shame as well as honor issues (Brown Levinson, 1978). In addition, mien tzu represents the external face which is applicable to social recognition and power (Brown Levinson,
  • 45. The Army s Current Network Defense System While working as the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at the Army Materiel Command, the command was under constant attack by hackers. The Army s current network defense system was woefully inadequate for protecting the commands 140 locations worldwide. After sustaining a couple of very high profile attacks using these tools, it became evident that something else was needed. One of the command s subordinate commands was the Army Research Labs and is on one the foremost research labs in the world. One of the labs mission was Cyber Defense and came under my preview as it program manager. The lab had developed several cyber securitytools and had been testing them very successfully on a several platforms. The power of this tool... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once we got the system user friendly and developed a training program, I was able to defer the cost of the tools over several agencies. Once we deployed and the agencies began using it, and cut their incidents to almost none, I was able to partner with them to secure more funding. My cost model, after startup cost, was cheaper to deploy and maintain than commercial off the shelf software, due to the custom code developed internally. Since I provided better and cheaper tools I was able to negotiate maintenance contracts with them and use that funding to further develop my tools. I was also able to politically influence agency standards when it came to cyber defense. Since the tools were developed by the government for the government, agencies was more willing to spend more money than on private tools because the code was more secure. Earlier in my career, while working for the Coast Guard assigned as an intelligence officer and program manager, I was assigned to develop an information sharing system to support the Coast Guard Intelligence activities. In evaluating the situation, it was easy to see that the Coast Guard was technically disadvantaged. At this time, the Coast Guard IT infrastructure consisted of a custom designed workstation, sever and network. It was a head of its time and offered the capability of unclassified agency wide e mail and file sharing, and in the early 90s this was far beyond other services. The Coast Guard did not
  • 46. The Emerging Digital Age Of The Internet Essay Since the birth of the computer and the internet we have witnessed almost every business worldwide discard the timely usage of paper documents and filing systems and welcome the use of database servers which has enabled greater productivity, accuracy and availability. Many businesses like banks obtain highly sensitive personal information from their clients which is stored on databaseservers and encrypted with the goal of protecting their data from unauthorized users. Data being stored on servers creates an illusion of safety with them often being operated from a different geographic location, criminals can no longer physically take this data from a business s premises as it is not stored locally, although cyber criminals have evolved along with these times and have proven time and time again that data security measures are still very exploitable across networks. The emerging digital age we now live in has become an extremely vulnerable and volatile environment and with networks becoming increasingly vast, it has become apparent with hackers constantly exploiting security measures that our data is never 100% safe. In 2005 a 24 year old Cuban American by the name of Albert Gonzalez masterminded an attack which saw over 150 million credit card and ATM numbers between 2005 and 2007 (Ottman, 2011) stolen and subsequently sold on the black market which has been labelled the biggest such fraud in history. Although millions of dollars are spent trying to catch cyber criminals
  • 47. Exposure Of Radiation Exposure On Medical Practitioners Exposure to ionizing radiation is of concern to many medical practitioners. The risks of radiation exposure are well documented within the scientific literature and include cataract formation, skin cancer, thyroid disease and leukaemia.1 Medical staff who work in the operating theatre are a sizable population potentially at risk for these complications.2 With advances in medical technology in past decades and an ongoing trend towards minimally invasive techniques, there has been a significant increase in the use of fluoroscopy.3 5 During fluoroscopic procedures staff are exposed to both direct and scattered radiation. Procedures that require long fluoroscopic screening times, such as interventional radiology, cardiology and orthopaedic surgery, place the proceduralist at high risk of radiation exposure. Orthopaedic surgeons must often remain close to the x raybeam during procedures and cannot use distance to reduce radiation exposure. In recent years, there is a rising alertness concerning the harmful effects of exposure of long term low dose irradiation. In 2005 a report by Mastrangelo et al identified orthopaedic surgeons as having an increased cancer risk.6 In 2010 Chou et al reported that the prevalence of cancer within female orthopaedic surgeons was 1.9 fold greater than that of women in the general US population.7,8 Specific orthopaedic procedures such as closed intramedullary nailing of the femur are responsible for a high level of scattered radiation
  • 48. Hollywood s Asians Essay Hollywood s Asians Asian Americans have been part of America for almost as long as its existence. From the Chinese laborers building the transcontinental railway, inner cities laundry services, to Asian farmers who have helped build the agriculture communities around the country, Asian American have contributed to the industries and economy of America. Despite their loyalty and contributions to this country, Asian Americans have been discriminated and considered as unassimilable by many Americans. Racism toward Asian is further extended by Hollywood s use of yellow face, where Caucasian actors applied make up and prosthetics to pose as Asians, stereotypes such yellow peril and orientalism. (Garcia, 13) From the beginning of motion ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As the popularity of Fu Manchu increased, Hollywood was quick to take advantage and portray this character as a threat to white supremacy. According to Eugene Franklin Wong s The Early Years: Asians in the American Films Prior to World War II, Rohmer, the creator of Fu Manchu stated I MADE MY MANE ON FU MANCHU BECAUSE I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT the Chinese... I know something about Chinatown. But that is a different matter. (Wong, 57) This presented a problem as the whole perception of Dr. Fu Manchu was based on generalization and ignorance. Unfortunately, ignorance of Asian culture became the root of Asian characters in motion pictures. The ambiguity and general facelessness of Asian characters and communities lead to the creation of a low budget film called Chan is Missing (1981) by Wayne Wang. As two amateur detective cab drivers search the San Francisco s Chinatown for the mysterious Chan, but never do find him or even reach any conclusion about why he is missing. (Marchetti, 53) Kyaw 3 On the other hand, Hollywood s depictions of different ethnic Asian are not always negative or evoke racism. As the news Japan s military growth and reaches the shores of America, characters such as Fu Manchu and General Yen which portrayed dangerous Chinese warlords disappear from the screen. The Japanese Imperialist troops became the replace for the stereotypical evil Asian characters. (Marchetti, 41) Scene of Japanese troops
  • 49. Endothelial Cells Essay Introduction If the endothelium were to be considered an organ, it would be without a doubt the largest, with its 6 trillion cells, area of 5000m2, and 1kg weight. With knowledge of the endothelium stemming back to the early 1600s with William Harvey s work on the circulation as a closed circuit with a pump and Marcello Malpighi s observations of blood capillaries, the focus over the next 400 years was mainly on the pump itself, leading to the creation of a major clinical field cardiology. Although scientists were aware of blood vessels and their role in circulation, it wasn t until the early 1960s that the endothelium was able to be seen with electron microscopy and therefore be differentiated and characterized.1 The recognition of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hematologists are all too aware of the role of the endothelium in atherosclerosis, while hepatologists recognize the important of sinusoidal endothelial cells for liver regeneration. The uniqueness of the endothelium coupled with the difficulties caused by a lack of a clinical field has lead to a series of unforeseen and surprising discoveries. The simple classification of the endothelial cells themselves pose challenges. The endothelium is, anatomically speaking, the inner lining of the blood and lymphatic vessels.3 However, many characteristic structures such as fenestrae are not present on every endothelial cell, and other features, e.g. caveolae, are not specific to the endothelium. There are also other cells that form the inner lining of the blood vessels, and therefore molecular markers are instead being used to differentiate. Furthermore, endothelial cells arise from the mesoderm via hemangioblasts, however they may differentiate instead into hematopoietic stem cells, and the endothelial progenitors may themselves differentiate into other cell lineages. Due to these difficulties endothelial cells are instead recognized with endothelium specific markers such as vascular endothelial (VE) cadherin, E selectin, and vascular endothelial growth factor receptors (VEGFR) 1 and 2.4 Even so, endothelial cells are typically considered quiescent at the same time as the endothelium of the corpus luteum undergoes cycles of intense physiological
  • 50. Loving V. Virginia, Introduction, Facts, Legal Background Loving v. Virginia Interracial marriage: Respecting the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment. I.INTRODUCTION This case note will examine the 1967 landmark Supreme Court case of Loving v. Virginia. The Loving v. Virginia case touched on constitutional principles including equality, federalism, and liberty. Just over 30 years ago, it was a crime for interracial couples in Virginia to marry, or to live as husband and wife. Prior to the 1967 case of Loving v. Virginia, many states had laws that banned the intermarriage of whites with black or other minorities. The United States has a long history of the existence of anti miscegenation laws that forbid interracial marriage. The case presents the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If a law discriminates between one group of people and another, the government must have a rational basis for doing so. The Equal Protection Clause requires the deliberation of whether the classifications drawn by any statute constitute a discrimination. In the Loving v. Virginia case, the Supreme Court had to decide whether Virginia s anti miscegenation statute, the Racial Integrity Act of 1924 , was unconstitutional. . In 1966, it was illegal to have an interracial relationship in seventeen states in the United States . In the late 19th century, almost thirty states had such prohibitions. Virginia was now one of 16 States which prohibit and punish marriages on the basis of racial classifications. The Racial Integrity Laws, which included the Racial Integrity Act of 1924, were a series of legislative efforts designed to protect whiteness the effects of immigration and race mixing . The Virginia s anti miscegenation laws made the marriage between a white person and a colored person a felony. The Lovings were convicted of violating В§ 20 58 of the Virginia Code, which contains the legal offense of Leaving State to evade law and Punishment for marriage . Other central provisions in the Virginia statutory scheme are В§ 20 57, which automatically voids all marriages between a white person and a colored person without any judicial proceeding . In the Pace v. Alabama case in 1883, the