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Regarding The Catcher In The
Rye: “When I Was Little
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Regarding The Catcher In The Rye: “When I Was Little Regarding The Catcher In The Rye: “When I Was Little
Inheritance Of Traits Of Fruit Flies
Inheritance of Traits in Fruit Flies
Genetics shows us that we inherit traits in many different ways. A perfect example to show us the
different ways we inherit traits is fruit flies. Fruit flies are commonly used by scientists to conduct
genetic experiments due to their reaction to the experiment being very quick. Scientists mainly look at
how the flies inherit basic traits such as brown body color, or red eyes(basic trait flies are known as
wild type flies) from their parents, but sometimes they can come across some abnormal traits. Some of
these abnormal traits include having a yellow body color or having curly shaped wings and have made
scientists wonder how the flies have inherited these specific traits. So how do the flies inherit ... Show
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The next row(F2 generation), shows us the offspring numbers of a male and female from the F1
generation. Those numbers give us a ratio of 1:1:1:1 of 1 wild male to 1 yellow male to 1 female wild
to 1 female yellow. This tells us that there is around the same amount offspring for of each type of fly
in the F2 generation.
Table 2: Yellow Male x Wild Type Female
Male Wild
Male Yellow
Female Wild
Female Yellow
This next table follows a similar skeleton as the one before. The table gives us an outcome for when
we cross the two parents with each other, and then gives us another outcome by crossing another male
and female from the F1 generation(the first offspring) which creates the F2 generation. So if we look
at the numbers for the F1 generation, we can get about a 2:2 ratio of 2 wild males to 2 wild females.
Then, if we look at the F2 generation we get around a 1:1:2 ratio of 1 wild male to 1 yellow male to 2
female wild. So all of this data tells us that throughout all the generation, none of the offspring turned
out to be female yellow.
Wild type Male x Yellow Female
Cross: XY x XyXy
2 wild female
2 yellow male
This Punnett square represents the offspring of a wild type male and yellow female. The offspring
outcomes of this square create a 2:2 ratio of 2 wild type females to 2 yellow males. These outcomes
correspond with
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Evolution Of Flight Research Paper
Flight is a very complex function, and in order to develop into what we know now as birds, there are
several major evolutionary changes that needed to develop to maturity. In order for fly, the skeletal
structure, musculature, respiratory system, circulatory systems, and feathers must all be adapted to
allow for an organism to take flight. Many scientists have proposed theories about the origin of flight,
but the Arboreal and Cursorial theories have emerged as the strongest cases. Arboreal theories are
based around the idea that the organisms climbing into trees jump out of those trees and glide down,
eventually adapted to flap to increase drag. This theory is based in the skeletal similarities of gliding
animals to those of birds.1 This tree hopping evolution hypothesis is supported by Archaeopteryx, one
of the prime examples of a transitional animal for flight. Archaeopteryx presents with long unfused
claws that are adaptations for climbing and grasping.3 In addition, there are also presence of a furcula,
and a bid like pes with a reversed hallux. These adaptations also account for ... Show more content on
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Any lift that would come out of the winged features would generate drag causing a loss in
acceleration. 1 However, just as the Arobreal theory was supported by Archaeopteryx, the Cursorial
theory is also strongly supported by this specimen. Archaeopteryx demonstrates a complete set of
conical teeth and claws that were sharp and resembling the specimens relative Ornitholestes, a known
predaceous animal.3 The Archaeopteryx also resembles therapods with a reversed hallux, hindlimb,
and pelvis.3 Even though this theory is supported using fossil evidence, it does have some problems
which have lead to the development of theories such as the WAIR
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Relationship Between Obese And The Ghrelin Hormone
We live in a world where horrible things happen to people like they get diagnosed with cancer, but that
not the worst of it. The most tragic thing that can happen to any person is when they become obese
that when everything changes. Is being obese an unhealthy lifestyle could there be dangerous
reprehensions and how do people become obese? Imagine for a moment that you are obese, you might
think nothing is wrong, but that not the case at all things only goes downhill from there. You start to
lose focus on who you are and start a totally different life overnight. You start wearing different
clothes, then you re eating habitats change it becomes bad you start eating for six people and you don t
notice the change at first. Then all of your old ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In many poor countries people suffer from this disease like India there are many parts of that country
are affected by it. It s an extremely poor place with hardly any doctors that can help those people. So
people there go to live an unhealthy life and face a great risk of getting a heart attack, stroke, heart
disease, diabetes. The continuing growing rate of obesity grew in India as years went by. Many people
there continue to die from being obese as they struggles to fight this disease. Everywhere across the
world continue to fight, but with hardly any success like in America. People in India are working hard
to get obesity to get it declare as a disease in order to get the right doctors for it. They are working
hard to get bariatric physician in India to help solve this epidemic. Not just in India but people in the
United Kingdom fight to get bariatric physician which is hard thing to do because they require a lot of
training. There has not been good places where they can get this train because it still in the working
stages of things. Bariatric physician specialty is in obese patients, which are well known to help tell if
a patient is obese at all. Bariatric physician are the most optimistic thing right now for dealing with
this disease. They will have the
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Favelas are where approximately 11.4 of the 190 million of...
Favelas are where approximately 11.4 of the 190 million of Brazils population resides. Favelas are
typically built when squatters (a person who unlawfully occupies an uninhabited building or unused
land) occupy vacant land at the edge of a city and construct shacks of salvaged or stolen materials.
These areas are known to be areas with crime and extreme poverty; the people who live there are
socially outcasted and are usually ignored by upper class citizens. These areas are home to the people
who cannot afford to live in cities like Rio de Jainero or São Paolo, because of the raising housing
costs. The heavily populated areas lack infrastructure, so citizens are forced to improvise plumbing
and electricity. It is easy to provide these ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Increasing cost for everyday necessities will be next to receive a price hike, especially with travelers
arriving in the country. Reporter Pierre Bono believes, After impressive gains it is feared that
unavoidable social and institutional growing pains are to follow because of the current devaluation of
Brazilian currency . This strain to the newly large middle class whom are still struggling, since a
multitude still live in conditions with no water, electricity, and heat. Globalization has [lifted] millions
of Brazilians to economic and social stability, still millions have been glossed over, and little growth
has trickled down to them (Bono). Government officials cannot deny there is a problem, and are well
aware their efforts are not going unnoticed, consequently more can be done. As mentioned before the
corruption is not new to this country, and many allegations have been made political, infrastructural,
and financial corruptions are surrounding the upcoming events. Brazil has a great opportunity to boost
the economic and social standing, and once the country was chosen for the cup, soon after they were
chosen to host the next Olympic Games. Bono states, that misplaced funds ($26 billion earmarked for
the World Cup and Olympic preparations in 2104 and 2016) are now resurfacing and manifesting in
mass protest. Citizens have begun to resent the government; since so much effort is being put into the
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Maine s Suicide Prevention Program
CM220: Unit 8: Assignment
Letitia Merrill
Kaplan University
Maine needs a better proactive prevention program for suicide. Maine s suicide rate among all ages is
unreasonably high. It is especially disconcerting to have a high rate among young adults. According to
the Maine Suicide Prevention Program, one suicide happens every two days or 180 suicides year in
Maine. It is the tenth leading cause of death among all age bracket in Maine. It is the second leading
cause of death for ages 15 to 24; and the fourth leading cause in ages 10 to 14. ( Maine Suicide
Prevention Program ) There are programs in place to help. They do not seem to be enough. Maine has
many programs in place to help. There is a specific hotline to call for each county in Maine. If the
general 1 800 number is called, it will be rerouted to the local center for the client. They are opened
24/7 with trained staff standing by. In Franklin County, Evergreen Behavioral Services, a part of the
Franklin Community Health Network, is the center. Each one of these centers offer a phone
intervention, support, face to face with professionals, and treatment recommendations in the most
comfortable and safe environment possible to be given to the client. ( Maine Suicide Prevention
Program ) All of these services are helpful, but reactive. Maine needs more proactive programs.
Reactive prevention such as Evergreen Behavioral Services is a start. It is not enough. The first step to
preventing suicide is,
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Native American Clothing Research Paper
Clothing is a very important part when dealing with who you are. The clothing people wear is what
sets them apart from everyone else. What is worn today is way different from what the Native
Americans wore a long time ago. When Indians wore clothes and accessories, they did not wear what
they wore for the fun of it. They wore what they wore because of their beliefs and religion and
climate, and available resources. Many tribes had different beliefs so that would imply that they all did
not wear the same exact things. Today I will be talking about the clothing of three tribes, the Eskimo,
Iroquois, and Navajo. First off are the Eskimo tribe. The name Eskimo is not the name they gave
themselves. This name was given to them by another tribe ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Clothes worn by the Iroquois were mostly made of skin of deer. He describes the men as wearing
moccasins, kilts, headwear, and leggings. Wudarski states that leggings were always worn with a kilt.
With the shoes everyone, men and woman, wore moccasins. The moccasins were made their own with
the decorations they did like using porcupine quills and hair of a moose. Woman had a wide variety of
bottoms to wear. They could have worn leggings, a skirt, or an overblouse. When it came to hairstyles
some woman wore their hair a particular way for a reason. If you were not married, you wore your
hair in braids. If you were married, you wore your hair in only one braid. Men kind of wore there hair
the same too. Many men would cut the sides of their hair and leave the rest so they can have a
Mohawk hairstyle. The Mohawk style technically originated from the
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A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Teaching Cross-Cultural...
Paul Kalfadellis Working Paper 34/05 May 2005
Abstract The ability of managers to interact with individuals from cultures other than their own,
requires a concerted effort on the part of business educators and academics to train and educate today
s students and tomorrow s managers in the area cross cultural communication. This is not necessarily
an easy task. Teaching cross cultural communication requires a multidisciplinary approach, which
goes beyond what is traditionally offered by trainers and educators. It requires the educator to design a
course that includes not only culture general but also ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The training helps contribute to people s cross cultural competency and enables them to develop an
awareness of cultural difference (Gannon Poon, 1997; Gudykunst, Ting Toomey, Wiseman, 1991;
Milhouse, 1996). Black and Mendenhall (1990) suggested that cross cultural training provides for
positive outcomes in terms of people s cross cultural skill development, adjustment and performance.
Cross cultural training for expatriate managers was found to have a strong impact on cross cultural
skill development, adjustability and job performance (Deshphande Viswesvaran, 1992). Gannon and
Poon (1997), in a study of MBA students undergoing crosscultural training and education as part of
their course, found that that cross cultural training promoted cultural awareness and confidence on the
part of students. This study confirms the general proposition that cross cultural training increased
people s level of confidence in dealing with others of different cultural backgrounds (Milhouse, 1996).
theories, research agendas and training methods developed to aid the cross cultural sojourner which
helped the development of cross cultural communication as an separate discipline of study (Brislin
Yoshida, 1994; Milhouse, 1996). The
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The Split Brain Procedure
Our brain is divided into two halves or hemispheres. The left hemisphere specializes in language,
words, understanding and reasoning while the right hemisphere is associated with spatial awareness
and creativity. Split brain is a term used to describe the result when the corpus callosum connecting
the two hemispheres is severed either partially or completely. Before the proceeding with the surgical
procedure, the patient s head is either partially or completely shaven in order to gain easier access to
the scalp. Once they are under general anesthesia, the surgeon makes an incision, which allows for a
craniotomy to be performed. A craniotomy is an operation that allows for the temporary removal of
part of the bone from the skull to expose the brain. For a partial callostomy, the anterior two thirds is
sectioned, but the posterior one third is sectioned as well for a complete callostomy. After sectioning,
the dura is closed and a portion of the cranium is replaced.
The split brain procedure was primarily done in order to stop epileptic seizures. Epileptic episodes can
range from a short loss of consciousness to severely thrashing arms and legs uncontrollably. Scientists
and researchers are now aware of the fact that seizures are caused by an abnormal discharge of
electrical impulses throughout the brain that interrupts normal brain patterns. They were also able to
figure out that severing the corpus callosum prevents the electrical discharge from dispersing through
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Truck Drivers Myths
We know you ve heard people talk about the trucking industry; most have no idea what they re talking
about, not to mention seeing the entertainment industry bash on truck drivers for one reason or
another. People who don t personally know truckers don t know what the life is like, so we re here to
set the facts straight to some of the most common myths about truck drivers and the industry.
Myth #1
Truck drivers are drug users or serial killers Truck drivers often get stuck with a bad reputation thanks
to the movie industry where many truckers portray drug abusers, outlaws and violent criminals. First,
to debunk the drug abuse, due to the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991, drug and
alcohol screening must be done in numerous ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sure, movies may show truck drivers as violent criminals, and there have been some cases of that;
however, most of the time, truckers are responsible, helpful people who fight crime daily and respond
first to accidents.
Myth #2
Truck drivers cause traffic accidents Did you know that truck drivers are 3 times less likely to get into
an accident than a normal vehicle and 4 times more likely to pass inspection than passenger vehicles?
Only 2.4% of commercial drivers are involved in traffic accidents.
Myth #3
Male truckers are better drivers than females Along with the myth that there are few women in the
trucking industry, the myth that male truck drivers are better than female truck drivers exists as well.
We ve all heard it before...men are better drivers than women, so it really comes as no surprise that
this myth exists. In the United States, there are over 200,000 women with a career in the trucking
industry. Female truckers are 3 times less likely to get into a traffic accident than male truck drivers, 5
times less likely to violate safety regulations, and 4 times more likely to pass the exam to obtain their
CDL on the first time than
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Wax Crayon
A crayon is a stick of colored wax, charcoal, chalk or other material used for writing or drawing. A
crayon made of pigment with a dry binder is a pastel; when made of oiled chalk it is called an oil
pastel. A grease pencil or china marker is made of colored hardened grease. There are also watercolor
crayons, sometimes called water soluble crayons. Crayons, which are available at a range of price
points, are easy to work with, often less messy than paints and markers, blunt, typically non toxic, and
are available in a wide variety of colors. These characteristics make them particularly good
instruments for teaching small children to draw in addition to being used widely by student and
professional artists. Composition In the modern English speaking ... Show more content on
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The Rubens Crayola line started in 1903 as well was directly targeted toward artists and designed to
compete with the Raphael brand of crayons out of Europe. Rubens were featured in everything from
the small 6 color box to the No. 500 with 24 colors. In addition to their highly familiar Crayola line,
they also made many other crayon lines including Anti Roll, Arista, Art Toy, Besco, Boston, Cerata,
Cerola, Chic ago, Doo Zee, Durel, Easy Off, Gotham, Liquitex, Munsell Crayola, Perma, Pooh,
Protfolio, Rubens, Spectra, Tiny Tots, Washable and
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Working With Children And Families
Social work is a career that I have always been interested in, especially working with children and
families. Helping people overcome obstacles and making the most of themselves is a very rewarding
and yet a challenging career. I ll have the chance to meet a variety of different people with different
problems from cases of abuse and neglect as well as supporting those in the care system. I am
particularly interested in working with children and families who often form the most vulnerable
service users, developing a professional and trusting relationship with them, hopefully enabling them
to participate fully in society. There are many different type of social workers and what they do. Child
and Family social workers protect vulnerable children and support families in need of assistance.
Assess client s needs, strengths, and support network to determine their goals. Develop plans to
improve their client s well being. Help clients adjust to changes and challenges in their lives, such as
divorce, illness or unemployment. Research and refer clients to community resource, such child care,
heath care and food stamps. Help clients work with government agencies to apply for and receive
benefits such as medicare. Respond to crisis situations such as child abuse. Advocate for and help
clients get resource that would improve their well being. Follow up with clients to ensure that their
situations have improved. Clinical social workers often sit down one on
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Essay about Mononucleosis
Most commonly known as the kissing disease , Mononucleosis or Mono is a serious and contagious
virus. Mononucleosis is a condition where there is an unusual profiteration of the lymphocytes in the
blood, due to an infection with the Epstein Barr virus. The (EBV) Epstein Barr virus is a common and
highly contagious organism and is a member of the Herpesviridae family. EVP has played a role in the
development of some cancers: Lymphoma s and Nasopharyngeal. Some of the symptoms of Mono are
often confused with strep throat. But because of the severe sore throat, it often prompts the patient to
call the doctor and get in for a visit. Some of the most common symptoms of Infectious
Mononucleosis are: a general lack of energy or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These tests rely on our immune system and it s measurable anti bodies against the (EBV) Epstein Barr
virus. Unfortunately that is not able to be done until the patient has had the virus for 2 to 3 weeks. The
doctor will need to ask several questions and examine the patient. Once the blood tests are done, the
results will help the doctor rule out any other causes of the patient s symptoms. Once detected
Mononucleosis can live in ones saliva for up to 18 months. One thing about this virus is, once you
have tested positive for mono our body builds up an antibody against the Epstein Barr Virus. Although
patients have stated that with this virus making you feel so terrible, that ,there must be some kind of
antibiotic that is needed to get better. However, self care is usually all that is needed. Of course,
getting plenty of rest is important with most sickness, but with mono that is all you will seem to do for
the next 4 to 6 weeks. Gargle with salt water and warm water. That will help your sore throat and
swollen tonsils. Make sure to get some throat lozenges to help sooth your throat as well. It is also
helpful to take some acetaminophen (like Tylenol) or ibuprofen (like Advil) to reduce fever and helps
relieve the sore throat that was mentioned above. If possible only rest, nourishment, and water are the
best way to get through this virus. The medications above are not needed to improve they are only
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Detections With The Multiplex Potential Of The MAP System...
Currently, there are limited options available for point of care diagnostic testing, and none with the
multiplex capability potential of the MAP device. Rapid diagnostic tests and thus efficient and near
real time surveillance and response are essential for timely and comprehensive decision making. For
example, confirmatory testing of DENV requires virus isolation, often inaccessible, or multiple visits
to a physician, which may be impractical for a variety of reasons. As was seen in the recent Ebola
outbreak, rapid segregation of malaria and viral hemorrhagic fever cases is essential for containing the
spread of the disease. The MAP device can provide lab results within the hour, enabling enhanced
patient care and surveillance. In ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs are recommended for managing pain and fever
associated with chikungunya and leptospirosis, but are contraindicated for dengue fever due to the risk
of hemorrhage. Leptospirosis and malaria are treatable with antibiotic or antimalarial medication.
Without this treatment, patient prognosis declines. Rapid identification of malaria cases in an outbreak
of viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) will protect those cases and can help build confidence in the
healthcare system, and rapid identification of VHF cases can help prevent large scale outbreaks.
While the MAP is useful in a clinical setting, it is designed to perform equally well in an austere or
field setting. Because of its compact design, long battery life, reagent stability, and user controlled
cloud connectivity, the MAP can allow field and forward operating units to diagnose and treat
personnel without a large infrastructure and communicate diagnoses for personnel returning to
healthcare facilities. In an outbreak or other public health emergency, it can facilitate rapidly screening
military personnel as well as local populations. In these situations, cloud connectivity allows for rapid
data aggregation and analysis, improving situational awareness and a proactive approach to
containment. The small volume of blood required and protected lancet lowers the risk of infection for
medical personnel from that of traditional venipuncture.
The ability to operate outside a
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A Sample Of 102 Full Time Business School Faculty At A...
Stumpf and Rabinowitz (1981) studied career stage and performance in a sample of 102 full time
business school faculty at a large north eastern university, hypothesizing that the relationships between
role perception, job satisfaction and performance would differ across career stages. They used Hall
and Nougaim s (1968) three stage model: 1. The establishment stage included those in the profession
two years or less, 2. Advancement included faculty with between two years and ten years experience,
and 3. Maintenance included faculty with more than ten years experience. The faculty completed
questionnaires on their satisfaction with work, promotion, pay, and co workers; role conflict; and role
ambiguity. Performance measures included publications, student evaluations of teaching, peer
nominations for excellence, and salary change. The authors developed hypotheses, based on
developmental theory, about how attitudes and perceptions would relate to performance at the various
stages. The establishment stage, for example, should be characterized by a strong positive relationship
between satisfaction with work and performance measures. This reflects the primary task of the
establishment stage, that of learning the ropes. Faculty who express satisfaction with their work at this
stage must be comfortable with the new position and could be expected to do well on performance
measures. In contrast, the advancement stage should show a strong positive relationship between
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A Brief Note On Companies And The Largest Ever Consumer...
Case Study #2: Maxxed Out: TJX Companies and the Largest Ever Consumer Data Breach
There are five components to the operations security process that companies use to analyze. These five
modules provide a company a full analysis of the risks, vulnerabilities, and threats of their data and
how to mitigate them. This process identifies all the critical information the company or organization
have such a credit card information like TJX had on their main server. Identifying this information is
crucial so the business knows what valuable assets, or data is being stored. If a company does not
recognize this material, the material is unprotected.
Once the information has been identified, the organization or enterprise will complete an analysis ...
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Also, TJX did not apply counter measures in place of those defined vulnerabilities or threats which
costed the company huge losses. If the company implemented the WPA security protocol, the risks
could have been small.
There are multiple methods to improve the security at TJX to prevent future breaches. The network
wireless system should be upgraded to Wi Fi Protected Access 2, WPA2, from WEP. WPA2 provides
the most secure protocol that is available on a wireless network. WPA2 uses Advanced Encryption
Standard to encrypt all the data when the data is in motion. AES encryption takes a hacker months,
even years to break. If the company wants customers to have free Wi Fi then have two separate
networks in which one is has a network password and other just requires a login with terms and
For the wired/wireless connections, TJX can institute a virtual private network, or VPN, to connect
with the servers that have sensitive information. This allows the connection between the servers and
device to be secure but the data is not. VPN does have limitation such as devices, but is an alternative
to WPA2 and better than WEP. VPN is ideal for documents such as sales reports, inventory, and
strategies. TJX must implement these standards on all of the retail locations to safeguard all the data
being processed throughout the business day.
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Challenges Facing Urban Sprawl And Inner City Poverty
voice of the people and leaves staff and administration struggling to find suitable solutions in a fixed
Public choice theory supports the theory that fragmented municipal structures generate savings
because they allow individuals to make their own choices about services and taxes (L.G.C, pg. 155).
This can lead to greater issues of urban sprawl and inner city poverty as the larger municipality
becomes more fragmented.
Key Purpose: Equity
When examining equity and equality in a fragmented municipal structure, serious concerns can be
raised in regards to inequalities to income, economic opportunity and quality of life (L.G.C, pg. 161).
It is sadly ironic that suburb residents avoid the social costs of the inner city, but yet, the inner city
residents are subsidizing the expensive projects in the suburbs like infrastructure and water/sewer lines
(L.G.C, pg. 161).
Solutions for equity issues can be successfully addressed in other ways than restructuring. Issues such
as spillover overs and externalities are often amplified when urban and rural municipalities with
varying service standards are brought together. Vojinovic emphasizes that if the different levels of
services among merging municipalities is not recognized and built into the tax structure, externalities
can result in residents businesses can be paying for services that do not benefit them (L.G.C, pg. 163).
A disadvantage to amalgamation is inter municipal disagreements and turf wars
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Drunk Driving Offenders Research Paper
Ignition Interlocks Required 3
Ignition Interlocks Required For All Convicted Drunk Driving Offenders From the day, the first motor
vehicle was invented, the inventors did not realize that alcohol would become a problem for drivers.
Although people tried taking keys away and designated drivers, fatalities involving drunk drivers
continued to rise. With the advancement in technology, there had to be a way to prevent vehicles from
being started if a person was under the influence of alcohol. Even though convicted drunk driving
offenders already receive fines and jail time, ignition interlocks should be mandatory for all convicted
drunk driving offenders because ignition interlocks reduce alcohol related traffic crashes and ignition
interlocks ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Paying a fine and receiving a few days in jail will not prevent a person from driving under the
influence once they are released from jail. Drunken drivers continue to be a major safety threat on
America s roadways. Despite myriad efforts by state, federal and local governments, along with
improvements in vehicle technology, about 10,000 people die every year on the nation s roads and
highways because people who have been drinking choose to drive (TEIGEN,
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My Experience With My Family Trips
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better was an outlook I found within
my research for this trip (Einstein). Family trips are always an interesting experience and sometimes
hard to understand. Between the arguing and stress of packing, my family finds a way to get on the
road quite often. However, the next trip planned arose a new level of anxiety. Until this trip, I have
never traveled to a place far from society and slept within the pure darkness of the night. The
adrenaline rush of hunting to find a safe space for shelter, hanging a bear bag, and climbing the cliffs
of Red River Gorge was an experience I did not expect; however, my father, brother, two other family
friends, and I conquered this expedition ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Spring break came faster than I imagined, and we were soon on the road to nowhere. The trip became
more nerve racking as we made our last stop with civilization at the park ranger s office. The ranger
was very hopeful that we would not run into too many issues within our trip, however, I was not. He
made it clear that we must take all bear precautions, even though he attempted to convince us there
were no bears in the area. He also made it clear we must find high ground for camp due to weather
concerns. Listening to his safety speech made me regret committing to this adventure.
After gathering our packs and a map from the office, we approached the first trail. My shoes were tied,
my pack was on securely, and I realized what we were actually about to do. The first couple of miles
seemed easy because the trail was wide and the elevation was only increasing slowly. By the fourth
mile, the trip began to change. My ten year old brother and his friend became tired and the elevation
was dramatically increasing. The small wide hills became steep, narrow rocks. Scott took the lead to
find safe footwork. This is when I regretted the forty pound backpack. Using Scott s hand and a tree
limb I pulled myself up an almost four foot tall rock and then another. I turned around to look back at
the rest of the group and realized I was only a couple inches away from falling off an eighteen foot
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Speech At The Virginia Convention
During 1775, colonists were going through something that affected them deeply. Living under Britain
s rule, they had little to no freedom. In Speech at the Virginia Convention Henry expresses his view on
living under Britain s rule. He encourages American men to fight against the British in order to ensure
freedom. Patrick Henry persuades his audience by showing it will be necessary to go to battle through
his powerful use of ethos, imagery and rhetorical questions. Patrick Henry establishes credibility by
showing that it will be necessary to go to battle through his use of ethos in the text. Should I keep back
my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of
treason towards my country (Henry). This explains that Patrick feels that if he holds back in order to
not offend anyone, it ll be like betraying his own country. Moreover, Patrick Henry expresses
credibility by stating Guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the
majesty of heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings (Henry). He reveals that he is guilty of
treason towards his country, which shows an act of disloyalty towards God in which he respects more
than anyone. Next, Henry uses metaphors throughout the text to convey his credibility. I have but one
lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience (Henry). This explains that him
being experienced is the only reason why he continues to keep fighting and
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Black Leaders of 20th Century
In the time after the fall of radical black reconstruction of the nineteenth century, African Americans
were being oppressed by rural farming, civil rights, economical advancement and sharecropping.
Booker T. Washington charged the fight for economical and political accommodation with his dream
of equal civil rights. Timothy Thomas Fortune was an influential black journalist that fought for the
rights of African Americans through literal resistance. The Lonely Warrior, Ida B. Wells was an
outspoken voice against lynching throughout America and fought against the oppression of men and
woman everywhere. Booker T. Washington was one of the last great African American leaders born
into ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Fortune was a militant writer and editor, who was named the Agitator . He was known for his strong
personality, his straight forwardness and harsh opinions. Fortune was one who believed in the fight for
black rights and he fought to gain equality for blacks. In the fight against injustice, Fortune urged
women to support of the National African American League to help gain political power and equality.
Fortune even hired Ida B. Wells Barnett as an anti lynching writer for the Globe . At this time, fortune
was considered a radicalist and Washington was considered as being safe and reasonable. In 1907,
Fortune sold his newspaper The Age and then his years of being a great leader came to an end. On
June 2, 1928 in Philadelphia at his home he passed away. Ida B. Wells–Barnett was said to be the
Joan of Arc of the 1920 s. As the anti lynching spokeswomen for African American, Wells showed
courage and independence in her attack on lynching {upon what ever she seemed fit to attack.} She
was born into slavery during the Civil War in 1862. She witnessed the loss of both parents to yellow
fever and also saw the brutal lynching of three of her close friends in Memphis. These tragic events
inspired Wells to launch a crusade against lynching at the age of thirty years old. Wells spoke out
against lynching, Jim Crow Laws and segregation. She published
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Symbolism In The Dust Bowl
An example of symbolism in The Dust Bowl is in the poem On The Road With Arley when Billy Joe
Said And every little crowd is grateful to hear a rag or two played on the piano by a long legged, red
haired girl, even when the piano has a few keys soured by dust. This is symbolic for the struggle that
the family has to deal with because of the drought, dust storms, and their way of life. In this poem,
when Billy Joe says At first Ma crossed her arms against her chest and stared me down, hard jawed
and sharp, and said I couldn t go. is an example of imagery. This shows imagery because the reader
can imagine Ma staring down at Billy Joe with anger and sternness. This lets the reader know that the
mom is annoyed and mad at Billie Joe for asking
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The Effects Of Abstinence Based Programs On Actual...
Additional research has explored the effects of abstinence based programs on actual behavior
outcomes. Kohler, Manhart, and Lafferty (2008) compared the effects of abstinence only and
comprehensive sex education programs, operationalizing effectiveness in terms of initiation of sexual
activity and teen pregnancy rates. They found that teenagers who received comprehensive sex
education rather than abstinence only or no education were significantly less likely to report a teenage
pregnancy. In addition, their conclusions mirrored Sather and Kelly (2002), finding that abstinence
based programs did not reduce the likelihood of engaging in sexual activity. Kohler, Manhart, and
Lafferty (2008) actually concluded that comprehensive sex education was more likely than abstinence
based to reduce the percentage engaging in sexual activity. Overall, the researchers showed that
comprehensive sex education, including but not limited to contraception, did not increase the
prevalence of sexual activity in teenagers or the risk of teen pregnancy, while also showing the that
abstinence only education produced a higher likelihood of pregnancy.
These results have been corroborated in numerous studies: Santelli et al (2006), Ott and Santelli
(2007), Kirby (2008), Haberland and Rogow (2015), etc. Additionally many studies have taken a large
scale approach, looking at trends across the United States. Stanger Hall and Hall (2011) investigated
the change in teen pregnancy rates as states
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Bazarovism And Nihilism
During the 1860s, there were new, different streams of thoughts that were emerging. In Fathers and
Sons, Bazarov was a nihilist, and represented the younger generation who believed in Bazarovism.
Turgenev s description of Bazarov and his attempts to change Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, a
Romantic, reveals what Turgenev thought toward nihilists. Bazarov s actions and thoughts mirror the
thoughts of those young scholars during the 1860s. Throughout his novel, Turgenev s portrayal of
Bazarov create a description of Bazarovism, a different and new type of literary type and thought for
Russia during the 1860s. These new literary and intellectual types of thought grew from the
generational difference between the fathers and the sons. As it grew out of a difference between
generations, Bazarovism is largely different from Romanticism, what the fathers believe in, and is
related to nihilism.
Turgenev, in describing what type of person Bazarov was, coined the term nihilism. In Fathers and
Sons, Arkady, Nikolai s son, states that Bazarov is a nihilist. Turgenev then describes the actions of
Bazarov, creating a new intellectual thought, Bazarovism. Bazarovism is mostly derived from his own
actions and views, but is also influenced by others reactions to the way Bazarov acts. As a nihilist,
Bazarov rejects anything unless it has been previously proven to be true. Arkady tells his father,
Nikolai, and Pavel, his uncle, that as a nihilist, Bazarov looks at everything critically. Instead
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United States Agency for International Development Essay
United States Agency for International Development
When the Department of Defense awarded Halliburton subsidiaries billions of dollars to rebuild Iraq
in an uncompetitive bidding process, taxpayers and members of Congress alike cried foul. Liberals at
Swarthmore College bemoaned the mixture of domestic business interests with foreign policy and
reconstruction efforts. Initially, foreign companies were formally barred from the lucrative
reconstruction projects. This spring, Halliburton delayed billing the DOD over $140 million under
allegations of overcharging for military meals and energy supplies. Where the DOD controls
reconstruction in Iraq, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) controls
foreign development ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
American bilateral aid, in the form of outright grants or low interest loans, often comes highly
qualified and redirects wealth back to the United States by design. The United States no longer keeps
track of the level of tied aid, citing statistical difficulties, but USAID reports in 1996 estimated that
71.6% of bilateral aid commitments were tied to the purchase of US goods and services (ActionAid
1). In 1993, USAID generated seven billion dollars in revenue from purchase of American goods and
services and claimed it has created thousands of jobs...here at home (Hancock 156). Clearly, the
United States reaps a handsome reward from its foreign aid policy. Is this what we want from a
supposed exporter of development expertise and the richest country in the world?
The two most insidious manifestations of tied aid involve distortions of international markets
distortions which bring direct benefit to the United States. Tied aid often requires purchase of
American goods and services with markups above international prices. Conversely, tied aid can also
involve the sale of goods and services below international prices. Subsidized agricultural exports
belong to this category of foreign aid and were the subject of great debate and fury at this year s trade
talks in Cancun, Mexico.
Aid tied to the sale of expensive American products results in gross inefficiency: goods and services
purchased with tied aid tend to be priced well above their actual market value, with
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Hazard Of Homelessness
It is no secret that we live in a poor country, that people out there are unemployed or don t earn
enough to sustain themselves or their families. We sometimes choose to ignore it but the truth is
unavoidable. At least 62.8% of the Honduran population live in poverty, and 12.35% of is homeless,
which gives a total of at least 1,000,000 citizens been homeless, some of who which decide to build
their own livings. These individual homes are considered to be deficient, since many of them are
simply made out of cardboard or plastic and often house from 4 to 10 people in a single room. This is
a real health and safety hazard since that leaves them susceptible to natural disasters. Some causes are
considered to be unemployment, lack of education,
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Approach To The Refugee Crisis Essay
Nauru, Papua New Guinea Behind a fortress of secrecy, Australia s 2012 Pacific solution accordingly
established robust refugee regimes that embody sequestering the world s very vulnerable victims of
war in squalid offshore detention centres reports Robert Barak Kibaja.
This poignant photograph of a refugee girl named Hudea (above) has instigated outpouring heart
breaking emotions of how humanity thwarted the refugee crisis. Consequently, anxious by the
crosshairs of war, Hudea gazed into a camera and instinctively raised her arms in submission as she
mistook it for a gun s barrel.
The photographer, Osman Sagirli was interviewed by BBC Trending to verify the origins of this
photo. I was using a telephoto lens, and she thought it was a weapon...It makes more sense to see what
they have suffered not through adults, but through children...because they reflect their feelings with
innocence , he informed the BBC.
When push came to shove, Hudea s mother and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The punitive path paved by Australian policies leads to Nauru, a place vulnerable to exploitation by
world powers. Here I meet two ambitious Burmese youths, Misbah and Shamim. Mere boat numbers
to detention officials, their only crime was to exercise their human rights by seeking refuge in
Refugee parents only put their kids to sea when the sea is safer than land. Now, aren t refugees
petrified? Don t refugee parents lament when their children die and don t bombings only embolden
their grit to seek refuge? How naïve are we to believe our hypocritical government when they allege
refugees are terrorists, irresponsible parents who only wish to see their children die? Misbah wants to
get deported, but her mother beseeches her not to relent as going back home guarantees their
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Goodwill Internal Analysis
The internal environment of any company forms the premise or basis for internal analysis. Internal
analysis actually sees manager or business leaders basing their organization s pursuit of ...market
opportunities not only on the existence of external opportunities but also on a very sound awareness of
their firm s competitive advantages arising from the firm s internal resources, capabilities, and skills
(p.148). Hence, internal analysis sees a close look being taken at the components of a company s
internal environment with the aim of improving its competitive edge. The components of a company s
internal environment are based on the approach taken to internal analysis. Among the approaches used
to identify and analyze the elements ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Tangible assets describe the physical and financial means Goodwill uses to provide value to its
customers. Among the tangible assets, which characterizes Goodwill s internal environment are 3000
stores and an online auction site (Goodwill Industries, 2013, para.5). According to the store s financial
statements earned 5.17 billion dollars in revenue in 2013. Goodwill Industries reputation is premised
on the philosophy of ...a hand up, not a hand out (Goodwill Industries, 2013, para.5). One of the
unique features of Goodwill Industries is the donation aspect of the business. This is because the
company s revenue generation is premised on the generosity of the public. Another unique feature is
the overall mission and social mandate of the company. The revenue generated by sales of donated
merchandise is used to fund programs for vulnerable populations. Two recommendations for
improvement of Goodwill operations are increased publicity about the Goodwill mission and modified
staff development, which takes into account the company s
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The Importance of School Counselors
A school counselor s role is vital in many schools across America. Many students see their counselor,
to work on any emotional stressors, academic changes and challenges. This may include,
interventions, group therapy and changes in class schedule, but sometimes with all the
implementations given, students do not succeed in school. Perhaps one needs to take a closer look at
the programs being implemented and its success rate. In addition, a counselor should guide itself using
the ASCA (American School Counselor Association) to provide evidence based practices in schools.
According to Carey and Dimmitt, it is essential for counselors to use evidence based practice to make
sure they are able to ensure and improve student outcomes (2008). ... Show more content on
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I find it this more reasonable and effective for a counselor to do. A research based program has done
all the work of creating a variable (experimental group) and a control group to show if a program s
effectiveness. This means the counselor can see the results of the experimental group and see if this
would work for the group intended. As mentioned by Carey and Dimmitt, research based interventions
ensure that the school s resources are invested wisely. This means, the counselor can rely on the
program and be able to predict positive outcomes.
Another method for a counselor to use science in their practice is to make sure the intervention or
program used has strong research support. While many may not hold strong support to be shown to be
effective, a counselor must evaluate its effectiveness for the students. I find this part of science more
difficult for counselors to implement due to time constraints and resources. While there may be many
programs out there, not all may be ideal for all schools. The counselor can experiment and see if
works well for the intended students or perhaps continue to find more research to back up the
program. Often times, this leads to counselors developing their own programs or curriculum but their
outcomes be unknown and not as valid as solid research based programs. Therefore, if the
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Analysis Of Shane Koyczan And Many Artists
To this day is a spoken word poem and video illustration by Shane Koyczan and many artists. It was
created in 2013 with the purpose of effectively spreading the convincing message that bullying is a
real and serious thing that is too often dismissed as normal and not acted upon as the serious thing it
is. 2013 was shortly after the new large push against bullying which is likely one large reason as to the
creation and popularity of this work. However even with the anti bullying movement it would not
have become popular if it was not in itself an effective piece at conveying its own point against
bullying and contributing to the cause. Koyczan made his piece so successful by successfully using
ethos and pathos to make hard hitting grounded points to his purpose. He also used small amounts of
logos but it was not a majorly effective part of his piece. Ethos is the way the writer creates a persona
that allows the audience to see them as trustworthy, relatable, knowledgeable, and as someone with
authority. Then uses these to convince an audience of their point. This is use of ethos effectively done
in the creation of koyczan s poem to this day . He shows his reliability and knowledge to the viewer
by showing them that he has personal experience with the main topic. He tells the story of his pain
when he was bullied and how simple name calling left lasting effects on him personally. This not only
lets the viewer see that he has a reliable viewpoint, it shows that he has
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The Dark Sun Research Paper
About 22 years ago WWIII began. They say the world population dropped from 7.5 billion to about 2
billion. Then 1 year later The Dark Sun rose. The Dark Sun is a terrorist group lead by Emperor
Sivorisk. They rose from the ashes of the world, and they are the only ones in history to ever achieve
what any super villain wants... world domination.
Many believe it was The Dark Sun that started WWIII, but The Dark Sun told everyone that it was a
place called the US, however nobody remembers a place called that so nobody believes them.
Although rumors say that it was a land of freedom. The year is believed to be 2038, but The Dark Sun
started a new time system, so nothing is for shore. There have been countless rebellions but each one
failed. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We use to live in the east part before we set out. Since everyone gave up after 2030 security has
loosened... a little. Which made it possible for us in 2035 to find and hide in a secret abandoned
underground US military base. Which is where they got everything from 9mms to drones. We could
see why The Dark Sun hasn t found this place. We wouldn t have found it if Thunder hadn t trip on a
rock that covered a lever that open a secret door made from boulders in the side of the cliffside the rest
of us were sitting up against. We got everything we needed for our first and last mission.
Phase 1 is to find the HQ of The Dark Sun, phase 2 was to kill General Versinik, phase 3 is to attack
the HQ and free the world. Phase one took years, but we finally found it. It was located in
southernmost part of The Forgotten Lands. Phase two was a success, as far as we know. When killshot
and Dashboard arrived at the base they rounded up everyone else and began to plan the attack on The
Dark Sun HQ.
So what is the plan? asked 50
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Official Language Debate
ement would you insist upon? If not, what social and economic price do we all pay by not having an
official language? One more request: when you answer, could you try to give... show more
Update: It s not as simple as who founded America. Think about that for a minute: the Native
Americans, the Dutch, the French, the Spanish, among many. Please try to think outside the box.
Update 2: The toy let example doesn t have anything to do with the question, I m afraid. No one
should expect the Japanese to speak English under any circumstances. If their cars are good, we ll
drive toilets, anyway.
Update 3: Does the relative commonality of English among U.S. residents really result in a useful
sense of we ness ? How so?
Update 4: An argument FOR ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In fact, many people who study the culture of the United States recognize that the United States is
already made up of a number of distinct cultures. Even if we re looking only at the English speakers
we recognize that there are different dialects of English spoken in the United States by different
groups. In the West, for example, people are proud of the way they talk; they don t want to talk like
people in the East or the South. Likewise, they don t want to be like the East or the South in some
cultural aspects. Making English the official language would hardly decrease fragmentation in these
groups, and would probably do little to change the behavior of those who don t speak English at home,
either. (After all, an English only law would only apply at an official governmental level, not in the
home.) Neither do I think that the country is suddenly going to fall apart if people are allowed to
continue speaking other languages if they choose. It hasn t fallen apart so far, even though there are
enclaves of Chinese speakers, cajuns, and so
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Mary Todd Lincoln s Life
One cannot say that Mary Todd Lincoln did not suffer great loss in her lifetime. From a young age, she
became familiar with loss when she lost her mother at the age of six (Baker 2002). Some people
looked at her as crazy and thought she should be locked up in a mental hospital like her son had done
to her. If they took the time, though, to read through her great losses and look from her perspective,
maybe they could realize that she was just a mourning daughter, sister, mother, and wife. Mrs. Lincoln
was raised in a wealthy, southern family (Baker 2002). Her family represented the slaveholding gentry
of a new community, although she was uncomfortable with the southern slaveholding ways (Baker
2002). She lost her mother at the age of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This caused her family to look at her as a traitor, they supported the Confederates and her husband and
her supported the Union (Norbut 2008). She was also looked at as a traitor from the rest of the United
States, the Northerners saw her from the South, and easterners saw her as a uncouth westerner (Norbut
2008). When Willie died in 1862 from typhoid fever, Mrs. Lincoln didn t get any sympathy from the
rest of the United States because every mother out there was potentially losing their sons (Baker
2002). This caused problems between the married couple because Lincoln mourned his death more
privately in Willie s bedroom as she took it more as a personal blow, he saw it as a shared grief of the
parents and families whose soldier sons and husbands he had sent off to the war (Baker 2002). Mrs.
Lincoln never did anything bland, including mourning the death of Willie ( Family: Mary Todd
Lincoln ). She had an eye for fashion, even during the period in 1862 and 1863 when Mrs. Lincoln
was in mourning for her son Willie and wore only black, she managed to go further into debt for new
clothes ( Family: Mary Todd Lincoln ). Mrs. Lincoln shed her mourning attire a little over a year later,
but she did start reaching out and seeing spiritualist ( Family: Mary Todd Lincoln ). She would invite
them to the White House for séance circles so the mediums could conduct the call to the dead
(Anthony 2014). Cranston
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A Review Of Different Elicitation Techniques
A Review of Different Elicitation Techniques in Requirement Engineering
CECS 590
Requirement Engineering is the initial and crucial step in the Software Development. In the past few
years Requirement Engineering phase has been given much of an importance, it basically refers to
gathering of information from the client that is required for the development of the project. This phase
is crucial as it forms the foundation of the project. The Requirement Engineering phase is broke down
into three stages, Requirement Elicitation, Requirement Specification and Requirement validation.
This paper is going to discuss the various techniques that are generally practiced for Requirement
Elicitation. The term Requirement Elicitation refers to gathering of information about the project from
clients, users and other stake holders. It is quite a complicated process as the user never really knows
what exactly he wants, the information cannot be collected just by asking different questions about the
project. There are various techniques that are in practice for this purpose. Rest of this paper discusses
about such techniques along with their pros and cons.
The data that is collected for this paper is obtained from various articles and research papers. Search
Engines like Scholar.google.com and csulb.edu/library have been used for the searching purpose. The
articles are selected based on the requirement i.e. the articles that
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Suicide Informative Speech
Attention getter: Mentalhealth.gov states 112 Americans die by suicide every day, and 9.4 million
people have thought about or considered suicide within the last 12 months.
Specific purpose: Today, I am going to advocate for the Crisis Intervention and Recovery Center
Credibility: I have completed research about the Crisis Intervention and Recovery Center. I never
really knew anything about the Crisis center until I started working with a co worker that lost her son
to suicide. Talking to her and her daughter in law I learned a lot about the crisis center.
Preview: First I am going to inform you about the issue on suicide, Second, I am going to inform you
about the crisis center and all the programs and ways they can help loved ones, and finally I am going
to inform you about how you can help out and get involved.
Transition: I would first like to talk about the issues with suicide.
Main Point 1: Suicide is a rising health problem that causes endless amounts of pain, suffering and a
cause of loss for loved ones. According to the CDC, suicide claims 44,193 lives in the United states
making it the tenth leading cause of death. Suicide is the third cause for death of individuals from the
age of 15 34 and there was twice as many suicides (44,193) than homicides (17,793).
Mentalhealth.gov states that there are many warning signs when people are thinking about suicide for
example, talking about wanting to die, talking about being a burden to others, sleeping to little or too
much, and extreme mood swings.
Transition: Now that we have talked about the issues with suicide, I would like to talk about the crisis
center and how they can help loved ones.
Main Point 2: The Crisis center is full of doctors, nurses, and LPN s to help with their patient s needs.
They have 12 beds for voluntary adult admission and 7 beds for medical unit for detox and break the
cycle for voluntary adult admission. The crisis center states that their mission is to provide person
centered crisis intervention, stabilization, and recovery based services in the least restrictive
environment feasible and to no respond to evolving community mental health and chemical
dependency programming needs by developing and providing needed services. They
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Qing Dao Short Story
Once upon a time, a kind old fisherman lived with his daughter on an island. One day, the Dragon
King kidnapped the daughter and brought her to his palace. The poor fisherman stood by the ocean
calling out to the sea day by day, for years. It made the Dragon King angry so he cast a spell on him
causing the man to slowly turn into a rock. After the daughter heard what the Dragon King had done,
she escaped the palace and ran towards her father who has now turned into a rock. The ocean breeze
blew the flowers in her hair onto the island, making plants grow. When she is near Lao mountain, the
Dragon King put a spell on her too and turned her into a giant reef. From that day on, the father and
daughter can only look at each other from across the sea, unable to meet. This is the story of Old Man
Rock, one of the unique and beautiful sites in Qing Dao. On the east side of China is a small peninsula
called Qing Dao. Qing Dao is a beautiful place to live in because it has wonderful beaches, an Under
Sea World aquarium, and possesses many parks. First of all, Qing Dao has wonderful beaches. The
sand on the beaches glitter under the sun making it look golden and is very soft. People take wedding
photos there because the scenery is very beautiful and some people ride on horses. The weather is mild
which means that it isn t hot in the summer and cold in winter. When walking deeper into the ocean,
there are corals of orange, red, yellow, and green. Also, there are booths that sell stuff
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Chase Ross
Chase Ross, a twenty six year old transgender male, creates YouTube content focused on promoting
LGBT issues along with educating LGBT youth. His content deals primarily with transgender
informative videos, most being for transgender men, and he works as a major educator within the
community. His stance on how he used to bind within his life demonstrates the power of the structures
of masculinity in addition to how the habitus creates guidelines which those who bind must follow,
while also depicting an internal rejection of his own initial habitus of being socialized female in favor
of identifying as male, thus creating a new set of structures.
Within his video titled how to: bind properly. Chase describes the act of binding through his ... Show
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De Certeau discusses ¬¬¬a similar system to the habitus through the terminology of strategies and
tactics. Strategies are the actions which directly reinforce the desires of those in power, they follow the
will of the majority. The actions which appose strategies are tactics, the craftier actions of those in the
minority who lack the platform to be able to use a strategical approach. The core principle of strategy
is the existence of its ...own place, that is, the place of its own power and will, from an environment
(De Certeau 36). The power which strategy has comes from it being rooted in a based which is
explicitly its own, and the forces it works against are distinguishably outside of its own
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The Use Of CKT And Concealed Knowledge Test Methods
The study essentially looked upon different variations and means to figuring out ways on how to catch
lies using alternative CKT or Concealed Knowledge Test methods. This particularly focuses itself on
the recognition of introspective, privileged information using participant reaction scores. Before going
over the actual study, the paper lends itself to explaining what may be considered confounding factors
later shown in the study by listing out problems that might arise with lie detectors. The Lykken study
led to researchers using something called the Guilty Knowledge Test method to acknowledge ways on
how to detect guilt which is referenced in this paper to contribute to said future validity problems.
Some of the problems that arises ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There were two variables installed, one of which focused on a photo stimuli and the other using a
phrase provision, wherein the students that contributed happened to have gone through multiple tasks
that led to them gaining hidden information. Using something called probe study, the students were
then randomly assigned either levels of constraints in which they enacted upon the tasks at different
intervals and sessions using something called familiar or unfamiliar methods. As stated earlier,
multiple probe methods were used during the tests varying in degree to the order in which participants
went through the tasks. The students, 36 of them, went through photographs of faces on the photo
constraints and a couple were chosen at random to observe said faces in a limited amount of time.
After the observations were over, the students were asked questions regarding the faces they ve seen,
specifically any changes in mood and facial structure. As the start of the procedure, this portion was
done so multiple time in reordered sections so as to remove any validation issues, and then moved on
to a rating section wherein they scored the faces based on looks. In the second constraint, the rest of
the participants worked on different words and, like the earlier photo variable, there were students
picked at random to participate in a smaller probe in which they were revealed particular words and
asked to memorize the order in which they were given out. They
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Giannis Antetokounmpo Character Traits
All about Giannis Antetokounmpo The name Antetokounmpo has thirteen letters and six vowels. This
name is hard for many people to pronounce. Do you know where the The Greek Freak got his name?
Well, he got his name from Greece since that s his home country. Childhood Giannis Antetokounmpo
was born on December 6, 1994 in Sepolia, Athens. His parents came from Nigeria to Greece because
they wanted a better life. He has two older brothers, Francis and Thanasis, and two younger brothers,
Kostas and Alexis. Giannis originally lived in Athens and later moved to Sepolia, Greece. He was very
poor and often worried about being deported back to Nigeria. He didn t go outside to play because he
was scared. In the 60 minutes interview he said that he helped his family by selling sunglasses and
watches for money. His dad was a football player and his mom ... Show more content on
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From 2009 to 2012 he played, and sometimes scored 50 points in a game. This interested other
coaches in Europe. During the 2012 13 season Giannis played Zaragoza Spanish basketball team.
According to The Famous People website his stats were 9.5 points, 1 block, 1.4 assists, and 5
rebounds in every game. In 2013 he was selected to be on the Greek All Star Team. Coach s from the
US were coming over to look at him. Giannis was drafted on April 28, 2013 for the Milwaukee Bucks.
Giannis didn t know anything when he came to America. He didn t even own a suit. His first tweet
was for a smoothie. He was the top NBA Rookie for the 2013 14 season. His stats were 6.8 points per
game and 61 blocks throughout the season. On April 1st, 2016 he got his 5th triple double. In 2016 he
got a four year extension contract for 100 million dollars for the Milwaukee Bucks. A year later he
played in the 2017 All Star Game. On April 10th, 2017 he matched Kareem Abdul Jabbar s record of
three triple doubles. Giannis now lives in a double bedroom with his mom, brother and his
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Hillary Rodham Biography
Born on October 26th 1947 in Chicago, Hillary Diane Rodham already got to know the rivalry
between Republicans and Democrats early in her life. As the daughter of a small business owner who
was a Republican and a mother who had a tough childhood and had to start working at the age of 14
and was therefore a Democrat, Hillary experienced an upbringing with both political points of views.
Receiving a successful education, she was able to attend Wellesley College, studying political science,
where she ended up being the student leader and first ever student speaker. After graduating she
transferred to Yale Law School where she first started dating Bill Clinton. In 1979 to 1992 she was
First Lady of Arkansas along her husband Bill whom she had married and in 1975 to 2000 she ...
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As First Lady of Arkansas she raised educational standards and improved the health care access in her
state. This was also her goal as First Lady of the United States but the Clinton health care plan of
1993, which is also known as Hillarycare, was declined. She also held her famous speech at the U.N
Fourth World Conference in 1995 where she stated that women s rights are human rights and spoke
for education, health care, economic independence, legal rights and political participation of women
all around the world. After her husbands second term, she gained a seat at the US Senate for New York
where she among other things pushed President Bush to finance the rebuild of the city after 9/11 and
took care of the health issues. In 2008 she ran for President of the United States where she was
supported by Hispanics, non college graduates, working class white and older voters. In the end she
lost to Barack Obama who she later supported herself which lead to Obama asking her to be his
Secretary of State which she accepted
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The Dun Cow Essay
In the book of the dun cow, Wangerin uses the carton characteristics of Old Yeller, Robin from
batman, and Clifford the big red dog. With all these characteristics combined you acquire the ultimate
copy of Mundo Cani.
At the begin of the Dun Cow Mundo Cani had no exact introduction. There was no specific time, or
place that he arrived from, no owner. He was just there, and moing louder than ever MAROOONED
(17). In this very first chapter of the book, you can conclude that this whining dog may in fact change
the whole story. Wangerin gives Mundo cani this sense that he is like a piece of gum stuck to your
shoe, almost impossible to get rid of no matter what you do. On multiple accounts Chauntecleer tells
the dog to scram, beat it, but the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By proving his worth to the farm chanticleer lets him stay, and does not expect any more from him.
But that s not the case in this story; Cani goes above and beyond and helps more and more each day.
Mundo Cani had a talent nobody would have suspected: He could run like any horse at full gallop
(60). Robin on the other hand, tries time after time to prove to batman that he should not be labeled as
the sidekick. That he should be the main hero to. Never the less Robin does help batman in more ways
than none, and is grateful for all that batman does for him. Robin just wants to have a bigger title.
Clifford the big red dog is a fan favorite. Clifford is, obviously, this big red dog who loves, is gentle,
clumsy, well meaning and helpful. Even though Clifford is this huge dog and stands out, he beats to
his own drum and does not care what people think of him.
When all these horrible things that goes on in the farm you don t hear as much from Mundo Cani as
you would think. He kind of just does his own thing. When Wyrm and Cocatrice come and attack Cani
helps fight them off and protect Pertelo. But he does not have a set schedule of things that he does. He
like Clifford does what he pleases. He is also well meaning and
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Differences Of Teaching And Learning In The 21st Century
Teaching and learning in the 21st century is advanced and fast paced, however it is often discussed
when the continuous need and want for change occurs. As 21st century education is changing at a
rapid rate our students are now more educated and empowered than ever before. The constant change
in 21st century education links in with globalisation and the many factors that influence social change.
The discussion throughout this essay will entail the major differences between 21st and 20th century
teaching and learning. It will also discuss the major impacts that the changes in globalization, and
factors that influence social change have upon education today.
Twenty first century teaching and learning is the education system that we have today. It prepares our
young learners with the advanced skills to address their challenges within their future. Certain core
competencies such as collaboration, digital technology, literacy and critical thinking and problem
solving are supported by the communication, technology and education that is provided in the 21st
century. Comparing teaching and learning in the 20th century, to teaching and learning in the 21st
century a high and vast amount of change is existent. In the 20th century, learning was mainly
textbook driven, today learning is driven by re search, digital technology, and the world around the
learner. In the 20th century teachers would provide passive learning, today in the 21st century teachers
are now obliged to provide
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Importance Of Discourse Analysis
Discourse analysis is the variety of theoretical approaches and analytic emphases concerning the
studying and understanding of people s use of language mediums in social action and interaction. This
also applies to the development of capitalism and technology. Studies have opened doors to these
topics. Despite variation in theoretical approaches, all strands of discourse analysis share a strong
social constructionist epistemology. With its roots largely embedded in linguistic philosophy,
ethnomethodology and speech act theory (Potter, 1987; Potter Wetherell, 1995).
Discourse analysis might be applied to qualitative data if a person were interested in understanding
how people s ideas and emotions are pieced together to form versions of reality of the world around
them, and how these accounts are played out in social action and interaction. This is the model that the
heads of this capitalistic state manipulate the common public. Further, it would be useful if interests
lay in exploring and understanding why people use different versions of discourse in differing
contexts, and under what conditions do variations arise. Specifically discourse analysis might be
utilized by those interested in exploring how powerful discourses, such as racism, are constructed,
practiced and normalized (Edley, 2001).
Discourse analysis s focus is rooted in three basic tenets: construction, function and variation (Potter,
1987). The assumption is that discourses are constructed through
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The Avery Family
The Avery family can be much considered as an outcasts among their community of Manitowoc
County. The family started to obtain a label. Some might say that they were trouble or bad news .
Steven Avery was a kind person. Everyone knew he was harmless. He was always smiling and always
trying to make someone laugh. Even if he was a good soul the actions of his family members put a
permanent label on him. Some might look and say, Oh he s one of the Avery s . The Avery s owned an
auto salvage yard which was strange. Most people in Manitowoc were farmers and many saw the
Avery s as working with junk. The Avery s were their own people. They didn t dress like everyone else
and definitely didn t have the same education as everyone else. They were ... Show more content on
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The Avery s finally had help from the innocence project which is a foundation to help set innocent
people free. He went through the files and all evidence to find that finger nail scrapings were never
taken for DNA. Since technology wasn t really up to date back then, detectives never really bothered
going to DNA labs. The Avery s lawyers sent out the scrapings to get tested. Forensics found 13 pubic
hairs. Eleven of those hairs had no root and one belonged to penny so the one that was left held all the
answers. Both penny and Steven have the same alleles. Every person has two alleles but the lab found
a third which did not match theirs. This was the DNA of George Allen. Allen was someone in the
county who had a history of sexual assault on several
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Social Class In Jeannette s Life
In Jeannette s life her social class changes multiple times. She starts her life doing the skedaddle
through many towns because her family couldn t afford to live in the places they did. We were always
doing the skedaddle, usually in the middle of the night. I sometimes heard Mom and Dad discussing
the people who were after us. Dad called them the henchmen, bloodsuckers, the gestapo (19). The way
her father made it sound, it didn t seem so bad to Jeannette but it really was, having to leave town after
town because your father was illegal and couldn t get a job to provide for her family. Towards the
middle of the book, Jeannette s grandmother dies, Naturally Jeannette is devastated, But her family
inherits her grandma s mansion practically,
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Kinder Transport Outline
Have you heard about the Kinder transport and why it was created? People from all over the Germany
made a plan to save kids called the Kinder transport. The Kinder transport helped kids that were in
countries that were controlled by Hitler. They did this because their parents wanted them to be safe
and not go through any more trouble than they had already gone through. In paragraph 5 it talks about
how the Kinder transport was created and why was it created. The Kinder transport was quite risky
because the people that sent their kids didn t know where they were going. The Gestapo, the Nazi
chief of police, was not to be trusted. Even though that the Kinder transport was made to save the kids
it was still risky because the Nazis were in charge of taking the kids where they needed to be to be
safe. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
So, Germany had gotten a new leader who was Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler needed somebody to blame
for losing World War 1 so he blamed the Jewish people and made them go into these camps called the
Concentration Camps The concentration camps made the Jewish people work, starve, and do
experiments to them. In a Scholastic Scope Magazine it briefly said on page 5 paragraph 2 4 Many
people were DESPERATE to save thousands of children from Germany and let them go into another
place where it is safer. On one cold morning during the month April a girl was getting sent away her
name was Lore, Lore didn t know why her parents said that she is getting sent away, but she knew that
she was going to be
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Why Is Pablo Picasso Considered A Spanish Country
Adam Price Spain P1
Cultural Stud.
3 1 17
Spain is in the southwestern part of Europe and, the country takes up 85% of the Iberian Peninsula and
Spain shares the peninsula with a neighbouring country Portugal. Spain is made up of stoned castles ,
snowy mountains and, monuments, Sophisticated cities. Spain is a diverse country its geography is
made up of a plateau called Meseta. And ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Arts and crafts are a big part of spanish culture over the centuries many artist have gone but the most
famous and well known artist is Pablo Picasso he is well known for the Old Guitarist ,and the
Weeping Woman. Pablo painted most sad and some happy painting but since he painted in the 20th
century he made a lot of sad paintings but they had a wacky color and it was odd looking at the
paintings but he painted what he felt in his emotions. Has a kid Pablo s father moved his family to
Barcelona and his father got a job teaching art Pablo fell in love with painting and since he was a kid
his paintings were kept by the family but he believed it was his ticket to becoming a well known,
famous artist . Has it got toward the early 1900s a what they called a blue period came into play and
Pablo s painting went from happy to dark. Has time moved into the 20 s and 30 s Pablo got into
sculpting he kept his sculptures to himself but his fame came after his death. Spain s flag has many
mysteries and legends about how it got its colors and the symbol upon
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Regarding The Catcher In The Rye When I Was Little

  • 1. Regarding The Catcher In The Rye: “When I Was Little 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Regarding The Catcher In The Rye: “When I Was Little Regarding The Catcher In The Rye: “When I Was Little
  • 2. Inheritance Of Traits Of Fruit Flies Inheritance of Traits in Fruit Flies Genetics shows us that we inherit traits in many different ways. A perfect example to show us the different ways we inherit traits is fruit flies. Fruit flies are commonly used by scientists to conduct genetic experiments due to their reaction to the experiment being very quick. Scientists mainly look at how the flies inherit basic traits such as brown body color, or red eyes(basic trait flies are known as wild type flies) from their parents, but sometimes they can come across some abnormal traits. Some of these abnormal traits include having a yellow body color or having curly shaped wings and have made scientists wonder how the flies have inherited these specific traits. So how do the flies inherit ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The next row(F2 generation), shows us the offspring numbers of a male and female from the F1 generation. Those numbers give us a ratio of 1:1:1:1 of 1 wild male to 1 yellow male to 1 female wild to 1 female yellow. This tells us that there is around the same amount offspring for of each type of fly in the F2 generation. Table 2: Yellow Male x Wild Type Female Generation Male Wild Male Yellow Female Wild Female Yellow P1 0 1 1 0 F1 52 0 57 0 F2 88 43 114 0 This next table follows a similar skeleton as the one before. The table gives us an outcome for when we cross the two parents with each other, and then gives us another outcome by crossing another male
  • 3. and female from the F1 generation(the first offspring) which creates the F2 generation. So if we look at the numbers for the F1 generation, we can get about a 2:2 ratio of 2 wild males to 2 wild females. Then, if we look at the F2 generation we get around a 1:1:2 ratio of 1 wild male to 1 yellow male to 2 female wild. So all of this data tells us that throughout all the generation, none of the offspring turned out to be female yellow. Wild type Male x Yellow Female Cross: XY x XyXy X Y Outcome: Xy XyX XyY 2 wild female Xy XyX XyY 2 yellow male This Punnett square represents the offspring of a wild type male and yellow female. The offspring outcomes of this square create a 2:2 ratio of 2 wild type females to 2 yellow males. These outcomes correspond with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Evolution Of Flight Research Paper Flight is a very complex function, and in order to develop into what we know now as birds, there are several major evolutionary changes that needed to develop to maturity. In order for fly, the skeletal structure, musculature, respiratory system, circulatory systems, and feathers must all be adapted to allow for an organism to take flight. Many scientists have proposed theories about the origin of flight, but the Arboreal and Cursorial theories have emerged as the strongest cases. Arboreal theories are based around the idea that the organisms climbing into trees jump out of those trees and glide down, eventually adapted to flap to increase drag. This theory is based in the skeletal similarities of gliding animals to those of birds.1 This tree hopping evolution hypothesis is supported by Archaeopteryx, one of the prime examples of a transitional animal for flight. Archaeopteryx presents with long unfused claws that are adaptations for climbing and grasping.3 In addition, there are also presence of a furcula, and a bid like pes with a reversed hallux. These adaptations also account for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Any lift that would come out of the winged features would generate drag causing a loss in acceleration. 1 However, just as the Arobreal theory was supported by Archaeopteryx, the Cursorial theory is also strongly supported by this specimen. Archaeopteryx demonstrates a complete set of conical teeth and claws that were sharp and resembling the specimens relative Ornitholestes, a known predaceous animal.3 The Archaeopteryx also resembles therapods with a reversed hallux, hindlimb, and pelvis.3 Even though this theory is supported using fossil evidence, it does have some problems which have lead to the development of theories such as the WAIR ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Relationship Between Obese And The Ghrelin Hormone We live in a world where horrible things happen to people like they get diagnosed with cancer, but that not the worst of it. The most tragic thing that can happen to any person is when they become obese that when everything changes. Is being obese an unhealthy lifestyle could there be dangerous reprehensions and how do people become obese? Imagine for a moment that you are obese, you might think nothing is wrong, but that not the case at all things only goes downhill from there. You start to lose focus on who you are and start a totally different life overnight. You start wearing different clothes, then you re eating habitats change it becomes bad you start eating for six people and you don t notice the change at first. Then all of your old ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In many poor countries people suffer from this disease like India there are many parts of that country are affected by it. It s an extremely poor place with hardly any doctors that can help those people. So people there go to live an unhealthy life and face a great risk of getting a heart attack, stroke, heart disease, diabetes. The continuing growing rate of obesity grew in India as years went by. Many people there continue to die from being obese as they struggles to fight this disease. Everywhere across the world continue to fight, but with hardly any success like in America. People in India are working hard to get obesity to get it declare as a disease in order to get the right doctors for it. They are working hard to get bariatric physician in India to help solve this epidemic. Not just in India but people in the United Kingdom fight to get bariatric physician which is hard thing to do because they require a lot of training. There has not been good places where they can get this train because it still in the working stages of things. Bariatric physician specialty is in obese patients, which are well known to help tell if a patient is obese at all. Bariatric physician are the most optimistic thing right now for dealing with this disease. They will have the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Favelas are where approximately 11.4 of the 190 million of... Favelas are where approximately 11.4 of the 190 million of Brazils population resides. Favelas are typically built when squatters (a person who unlawfully occupies an uninhabited building or unused land) occupy vacant land at the edge of a city and construct shacks of salvaged or stolen materials. These areas are known to be areas with crime and extreme poverty; the people who live there are socially outcasted and are usually ignored by upper class citizens. These areas are home to the people who cannot afford to live in cities like Rio de Jainero or São Paolo, because of the raising housing costs. The heavily populated areas lack infrastructure, so citizens are forced to improvise plumbing and electricity. It is easy to provide these ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Increasing cost for everyday necessities will be next to receive a price hike, especially with travelers arriving in the country. Reporter Pierre Bono believes, After impressive gains it is feared that unavoidable social and institutional growing pains are to follow because of the current devaluation of Brazilian currency . This strain to the newly large middle class whom are still struggling, since a multitude still live in conditions with no water, electricity, and heat. Globalization has [lifted] millions of Brazilians to economic and social stability, still millions have been glossed over, and little growth has trickled down to them (Bono). Government officials cannot deny there is a problem, and are well aware their efforts are not going unnoticed, consequently more can be done. As mentioned before the corruption is not new to this country, and many allegations have been made political, infrastructural, and financial corruptions are surrounding the upcoming events. Brazil has a great opportunity to boost the economic and social standing, and once the country was chosen for the cup, soon after they were chosen to host the next Olympic Games. Bono states, that misplaced funds ($26 billion earmarked for the World Cup and Olympic preparations in 2104 and 2016) are now resurfacing and manifesting in mass protest. Citizens have begun to resent the government; since so much effort is being put into the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Maine s Suicide Prevention Program CM220: Unit 8: Assignment Letitia Merrill Kaplan University 9/4/15 Maine needs a better proactive prevention program for suicide. Maine s suicide rate among all ages is unreasonably high. It is especially disconcerting to have a high rate among young adults. According to the Maine Suicide Prevention Program, one suicide happens every two days or 180 suicides year in Maine. It is the tenth leading cause of death among all age bracket in Maine. It is the second leading cause of death for ages 15 to 24; and the fourth leading cause in ages 10 to 14. ( Maine Suicide Prevention Program ) There are programs in place to help. They do not seem to be enough. Maine has many programs in place to help. There is a specific hotline to call for each county in Maine. If the general 1 800 number is called, it will be rerouted to the local center for the client. They are opened 24/7 with trained staff standing by. In Franklin County, Evergreen Behavioral Services, a part of the Franklin Community Health Network, is the center. Each one of these centers offer a phone intervention, support, face to face with professionals, and treatment recommendations in the most comfortable and safe environment possible to be given to the client. ( Maine Suicide Prevention Program ) All of these services are helpful, but reactive. Maine needs more proactive programs. Reactive prevention such as Evergreen Behavioral Services is a start. It is not enough. The first step to preventing suicide is, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Native American Clothing Research Paper Clothing is a very important part when dealing with who you are. The clothing people wear is what sets them apart from everyone else. What is worn today is way different from what the Native Americans wore a long time ago. When Indians wore clothes and accessories, they did not wear what they wore for the fun of it. They wore what they wore because of their beliefs and religion and climate, and available resources. Many tribes had different beliefs so that would imply that they all did not wear the same exact things. Today I will be talking about the clothing of three tribes, the Eskimo, Iroquois, and Navajo. First off are the Eskimo tribe. The name Eskimo is not the name they gave themselves. This name was given to them by another tribe ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Clothes worn by the Iroquois were mostly made of skin of deer. He describes the men as wearing moccasins, kilts, headwear, and leggings. Wudarski states that leggings were always worn with a kilt. With the shoes everyone, men and woman, wore moccasins. The moccasins were made their own with the decorations they did like using porcupine quills and hair of a moose. Woman had a wide variety of bottoms to wear. They could have worn leggings, a skirt, or an overblouse. When it came to hairstyles some woman wore their hair a particular way for a reason. If you were not married, you wore your hair in braids. If you were married, you wore your hair in only one braid. Men kind of wore there hair the same too. Many men would cut the sides of their hair and leave the rest so they can have a Mohawk hairstyle. The Mohawk style technically originated from the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Teaching Cross-Cultural... A MULTI DISCIPLINARY APPROACH TO TEACHING CROSS CULTURAL COMMUNICATION Paul Kalfadellis Working Paper 34/05 May 2005 DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT WORKING PAPER SERIES ISSN 1327 5216 Abstract The ability of managers to interact with individuals from cultures other than their own, requires a concerted effort on the part of business educators and academics to train and educate today s students and tomorrow s managers in the area cross cultural communication. This is not necessarily an easy task. Teaching cross cultural communication requires a multidisciplinary approach, which goes beyond what is traditionally offered by trainers and educators. It requires the educator to design a course that includes not only culture general but also ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The training helps contribute to people s cross cultural competency and enables them to develop an awareness of cultural difference (Gannon Poon, 1997; Gudykunst, Ting Toomey, Wiseman, 1991; Milhouse, 1996). Black and Mendenhall (1990) suggested that cross cultural training provides for positive outcomes in terms of people s cross cultural skill development, adjustment and performance. Cross cultural training for expatriate managers was found to have a strong impact on cross cultural skill development, adjustability and job performance (Deshphande Viswesvaran, 1992). Gannon and Poon (1997), in a study of MBA students undergoing crosscultural training and education as part of their course, found that that cross cultural training promoted cultural awareness and confidence on the part of students. This study confirms the general proposition that cross cultural training increased people s level of confidence in dealing with others of different cultural backgrounds (Milhouse, 1996). 2 EDUCATION AND TRAINING: WHAT S THE DIFFERENCE? After World War II, a plethora of theories, research agendas and training methods developed to aid the cross cultural sojourner which helped the development of cross cultural communication as an separate discipline of study (Brislin Yoshida, 1994; Milhouse, 1996). The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Split Brain Procedure Our brain is divided into two halves or hemispheres. The left hemisphere specializes in language, words, understanding and reasoning while the right hemisphere is associated with spatial awareness and creativity. Split brain is a term used to describe the result when the corpus callosum connecting the two hemispheres is severed either partially or completely. Before the proceeding with the surgical procedure, the patient s head is either partially or completely shaven in order to gain easier access to the scalp. Once they are under general anesthesia, the surgeon makes an incision, which allows for a craniotomy to be performed. A craniotomy is an operation that allows for the temporary removal of part of the bone from the skull to expose the brain. For a partial callostomy, the anterior two thirds is sectioned, but the posterior one third is sectioned as well for a complete callostomy. After sectioning, the dura is closed and a portion of the cranium is replaced. The split brain procedure was primarily done in order to stop epileptic seizures. Epileptic episodes can range from a short loss of consciousness to severely thrashing arms and legs uncontrollably. Scientists and researchers are now aware of the fact that seizures are caused by an abnormal discharge of electrical impulses throughout the brain that interrupts normal brain patterns. They were also able to figure out that severing the corpus callosum prevents the electrical discharge from dispersing through the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Truck Drivers Myths We know you ve heard people talk about the trucking industry; most have no idea what they re talking about, not to mention seeing the entertainment industry bash on truck drivers for one reason or another. People who don t personally know truckers don t know what the life is like, so we re here to set the facts straight to some of the most common myths about truck drivers and the industry. Myth #1 Truck drivers are drug users or serial killers Truck drivers often get stuck with a bad reputation thanks to the movie industry where many truckers portray drug abusers, outlaws and violent criminals. First, to debunk the drug abuse, due to the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991, drug and alcohol screening must be done in numerous ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sure, movies may show truck drivers as violent criminals, and there have been some cases of that; however, most of the time, truckers are responsible, helpful people who fight crime daily and respond first to accidents. Myth #2 Truck drivers cause traffic accidents Did you know that truck drivers are 3 times less likely to get into an accident than a normal vehicle and 4 times more likely to pass inspection than passenger vehicles? Only 2.4% of commercial drivers are involved in traffic accidents. Myth #3 Male truckers are better drivers than females Along with the myth that there are few women in the trucking industry, the myth that male truck drivers are better than female truck drivers exists as well. We ve all heard it before...men are better drivers than women, so it really comes as no surprise that this myth exists. In the United States, there are over 200,000 women with a career in the trucking industry. Female truckers are 3 times less likely to get into a traffic accident than male truck drivers, 5 times less likely to violate safety regulations, and 4 times more likely to pass the exam to obtain their CDL on the first time than ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Wax Crayon A crayon is a stick of colored wax, charcoal, chalk or other material used for writing or drawing. A crayon made of pigment with a dry binder is a pastel; when made of oiled chalk it is called an oil pastel. A grease pencil or china marker is made of colored hardened grease. There are also watercolor crayons, sometimes called water soluble crayons. Crayons, which are available at a range of price points, are easy to work with, often less messy than paints and markers, blunt, typically non toxic, and are available in a wide variety of colors. These characteristics make them particularly good instruments for teaching small children to draw in addition to being used widely by student and professional artists. Composition In the modern English speaking ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Rubens Crayola line started in 1903 as well was directly targeted toward artists and designed to compete with the Raphael brand of crayons out of Europe. Rubens were featured in everything from the small 6 color box to the No. 500 with 24 colors. In addition to their highly familiar Crayola line, they also made many other crayon lines including Anti Roll, Arista, Art Toy, Besco, Boston, Cerata, Cerola, Chic ago, Doo Zee, Durel, Easy Off, Gotham, Liquitex, Munsell Crayola, Perma, Pooh, Protfolio, Rubens, Spectra, Tiny Tots, Washable and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Working With Children And Families Social work is a career that I have always been interested in, especially working with children and families. Helping people overcome obstacles and making the most of themselves is a very rewarding and yet a challenging career. I ll have the chance to meet a variety of different people with different problems from cases of abuse and neglect as well as supporting those in the care system. I am particularly interested in working with children and families who often form the most vulnerable service users, developing a professional and trusting relationship with them, hopefully enabling them to participate fully in society. There are many different type of social workers and what they do. Child and Family social workers protect vulnerable children and support families in need of assistance. Assess client s needs, strengths, and support network to determine their goals. Develop plans to improve their client s well being. Help clients adjust to changes and challenges in their lives, such as divorce, illness or unemployment. Research and refer clients to community resource, such child care, heath care and food stamps. Help clients work with government agencies to apply for and receive benefits such as medicare. Respond to crisis situations such as child abuse. Advocate for and help clients get resource that would improve their well being. Follow up with clients to ensure that their situations have improved. Clinical social workers often sit down one on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Essay about Mononucleosis Most commonly known as the kissing disease , Mononucleosis or Mono is a serious and contagious virus. Mononucleosis is a condition where there is an unusual profiteration of the lymphocytes in the blood, due to an infection with the Epstein Barr virus. The (EBV) Epstein Barr virus is a common and highly contagious organism and is a member of the Herpesviridae family. EVP has played a role in the development of some cancers: Lymphoma s and Nasopharyngeal. Some of the symptoms of Mono are often confused with strep throat. But because of the severe sore throat, it often prompts the patient to call the doctor and get in for a visit. Some of the most common symptoms of Infectious Mononucleosis are: a general lack of energy or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These tests rely on our immune system and it s measurable anti bodies against the (EBV) Epstein Barr virus. Unfortunately that is not able to be done until the patient has had the virus for 2 to 3 weeks. The doctor will need to ask several questions and examine the patient. Once the blood tests are done, the results will help the doctor rule out any other causes of the patient s symptoms. Once detected Mononucleosis can live in ones saliva for up to 18 months. One thing about this virus is, once you have tested positive for mono our body builds up an antibody against the Epstein Barr Virus. Although patients have stated that with this virus making you feel so terrible, that ,there must be some kind of antibiotic that is needed to get better. However, self care is usually all that is needed. Of course, getting plenty of rest is important with most sickness, but with mono that is all you will seem to do for the next 4 to 6 weeks. Gargle with salt water and warm water. That will help your sore throat and swollen tonsils. Make sure to get some throat lozenges to help sooth your throat as well. It is also helpful to take some acetaminophen (like Tylenol) or ibuprofen (like Advil) to reduce fever and helps relieve the sore throat that was mentioned above. If possible only rest, nourishment, and water are the best way to get through this virus. The medications above are not needed to improve they are only ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Detections With The Multiplex Potential Of The MAP System... Currently, there are limited options available for point of care diagnostic testing, and none with the multiplex capability potential of the MAP device. Rapid diagnostic tests and thus efficient and near real time surveillance and response are essential for timely and comprehensive decision making. For example, confirmatory testing of DENV requires virus isolation, often inaccessible, or multiple visits to a physician, which may be impractical for a variety of reasons. As was seen in the recent Ebola outbreak, rapid segregation of malaria and viral hemorrhagic fever cases is essential for containing the spread of the disease. The MAP device can provide lab results within the hour, enabling enhanced patient care and surveillance. In ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs are recommended for managing pain and fever associated with chikungunya and leptospirosis, but are contraindicated for dengue fever due to the risk of hemorrhage. Leptospirosis and malaria are treatable with antibiotic or antimalarial medication. Without this treatment, patient prognosis declines. Rapid identification of malaria cases in an outbreak of viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) will protect those cases and can help build confidence in the healthcare system, and rapid identification of VHF cases can help prevent large scale outbreaks. While the MAP is useful in a clinical setting, it is designed to perform equally well in an austere or field setting. Because of its compact design, long battery life, reagent stability, and user controlled cloud connectivity, the MAP can allow field and forward operating units to diagnose and treat personnel without a large infrastructure and communicate diagnoses for personnel returning to healthcare facilities. In an outbreak or other public health emergency, it can facilitate rapidly screening military personnel as well as local populations. In these situations, cloud connectivity allows for rapid data aggregation and analysis, improving situational awareness and a proactive approach to containment. The small volume of blood required and protected lancet lowers the risk of infection for medical personnel from that of traditional venipuncture. The ability to operate outside a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. A Sample Of 102 Full Time Business School Faculty At A... Stumpf and Rabinowitz (1981) studied career stage and performance in a sample of 102 full time business school faculty at a large north eastern university, hypothesizing that the relationships between role perception, job satisfaction and performance would differ across career stages. They used Hall and Nougaim s (1968) three stage model: 1. The establishment stage included those in the profession two years or less, 2. Advancement included faculty with between two years and ten years experience, and 3. Maintenance included faculty with more than ten years experience. The faculty completed questionnaires on their satisfaction with work, promotion, pay, and co workers; role conflict; and role ambiguity. Performance measures included publications, student evaluations of teaching, peer nominations for excellence, and salary change. The authors developed hypotheses, based on developmental theory, about how attitudes and perceptions would relate to performance at the various stages. The establishment stage, for example, should be characterized by a strong positive relationship between satisfaction with work and performance measures. This reflects the primary task of the establishment stage, that of learning the ropes. Faculty who express satisfaction with their work at this stage must be comfortable with the new position and could be expected to do well on performance measures. In contrast, the advancement stage should show a strong positive relationship between ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. A Brief Note On Companies And The Largest Ever Consumer... Case Study #2: Maxxed Out: TJX Companies and the Largest Ever Consumer Data Breach There are five components to the operations security process that companies use to analyze. These five modules provide a company a full analysis of the risks, vulnerabilities, and threats of their data and how to mitigate them. This process identifies all the critical information the company or organization have such a credit card information like TJX had on their main server. Identifying this information is crucial so the business knows what valuable assets, or data is being stored. If a company does not recognize this material, the material is unprotected. Once the information has been identified, the organization or enterprise will complete an analysis ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also, TJX did not apply counter measures in place of those defined vulnerabilities or threats which costed the company huge losses. If the company implemented the WPA security protocol, the risks could have been small. There are multiple methods to improve the security at TJX to prevent future breaches. The network wireless system should be upgraded to Wi Fi Protected Access 2, WPA2, from WEP. WPA2 provides the most secure protocol that is available on a wireless network. WPA2 uses Advanced Encryption Standard to encrypt all the data when the data is in motion. AES encryption takes a hacker months, even years to break. If the company wants customers to have free Wi Fi then have two separate networks in which one is has a network password and other just requires a login with terms and conditions. For the wired/wireless connections, TJX can institute a virtual private network, or VPN, to connect with the servers that have sensitive information. This allows the connection between the servers and device to be secure but the data is not. VPN does have limitation such as devices, but is an alternative to WPA2 and better than WEP. VPN is ideal for documents such as sales reports, inventory, and strategies. TJX must implement these standards on all of the retail locations to safeguard all the data being processed throughout the business day. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Challenges Facing Urban Sprawl And Inner City Poverty voice of the people and leaves staff and administration struggling to find suitable solutions in a fixed budget. Public choice theory supports the theory that fragmented municipal structures generate savings because they allow individuals to make their own choices about services and taxes (L.G.C, pg. 155). This can lead to greater issues of urban sprawl and inner city poverty as the larger municipality becomes more fragmented. Key Purpose: Equity When examining equity and equality in a fragmented municipal structure, serious concerns can be raised in regards to inequalities to income, economic opportunity and quality of life (L.G.C, pg. 161). It is sadly ironic that suburb residents avoid the social costs of the inner city, but yet, the inner city residents are subsidizing the expensive projects in the suburbs like infrastructure and water/sewer lines (L.G.C, pg. 161). Solutions for equity issues can be successfully addressed in other ways than restructuring. Issues such as spillover overs and externalities are often amplified when urban and rural municipalities with varying service standards are brought together. Vojinovic emphasizes that if the different levels of services among merging municipalities is not recognized and built into the tax structure, externalities can result in residents businesses can be paying for services that do not benefit them (L.G.C, pg. 163). Conflict A disadvantage to amalgamation is inter municipal disagreements and turf wars ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Drunk Driving Offenders Research Paper Ignition Interlocks Required 3 Ignition Interlocks Required For All Convicted Drunk Driving Offenders From the day, the first motor vehicle was invented, the inventors did not realize that alcohol would become a problem for drivers. Although people tried taking keys away and designated drivers, fatalities involving drunk drivers continued to rise. With the advancement in technology, there had to be a way to prevent vehicles from being started if a person was under the influence of alcohol. Even though convicted drunk driving offenders already receive fines and jail time, ignition interlocks should be mandatory for all convicted drunk driving offenders because ignition interlocks reduce alcohol related traffic crashes and ignition interlocks ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Paying a fine and receiving a few days in jail will not prevent a person from driving under the influence once they are released from jail. Drunken drivers continue to be a major safety threat on America s roadways. Despite myriad efforts by state, federal and local governments, along with improvements in vehicle technology, about 10,000 people die every year on the nation s roads and highways because people who have been drinking choose to drive (TEIGEN, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. My Experience With My Family Trips Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better was an outlook I found within my research for this trip (Einstein). Family trips are always an interesting experience and sometimes hard to understand. Between the arguing and stress of packing, my family finds a way to get on the road quite often. However, the next trip planned arose a new level of anxiety. Until this trip, I have never traveled to a place far from society and slept within the pure darkness of the night. The adrenaline rush of hunting to find a safe space for shelter, hanging a bear bag, and climbing the cliffs of Red River Gorge was an experience I did not expect; however, my father, brother, two other family friends, and I conquered this expedition ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Spring break came faster than I imagined, and we were soon on the road to nowhere. The trip became more nerve racking as we made our last stop with civilization at the park ranger s office. The ranger was very hopeful that we would not run into too many issues within our trip, however, I was not. He made it clear that we must take all bear precautions, even though he attempted to convince us there were no bears in the area. He also made it clear we must find high ground for camp due to weather concerns. Listening to his safety speech made me regret committing to this adventure. After gathering our packs and a map from the office, we approached the first trail. My shoes were tied, my pack was on securely, and I realized what we were actually about to do. The first couple of miles seemed easy because the trail was wide and the elevation was only increasing slowly. By the fourth mile, the trip began to change. My ten year old brother and his friend became tired and the elevation was dramatically increasing. The small wide hills became steep, narrow rocks. Scott took the lead to find safe footwork. This is when I regretted the forty pound backpack. Using Scott s hand and a tree limb I pulled myself up an almost four foot tall rock and then another. I turned around to look back at the rest of the group and realized I was only a couple inches away from falling off an eighteen foot drop. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Rhetorical Analysis Of Speech At The Virginia Convention During 1775, colonists were going through something that affected them deeply. Living under Britain s rule, they had little to no freedom. In Speech at the Virginia Convention Henry expresses his view on living under Britain s rule. He encourages American men to fight against the British in order to ensure freedom. Patrick Henry persuades his audience by showing it will be necessary to go to battle through his powerful use of ethos, imagery and rhetorical questions. Patrick Henry establishes credibility by showing that it will be necessary to go to battle through his use of ethos in the text. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country (Henry). This explains that Patrick feels that if he holds back in order to not offend anyone, it ll be like betraying his own country. Moreover, Patrick Henry expresses credibility by stating Guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the majesty of heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings (Henry). He reveals that he is guilty of treason towards his country, which shows an act of disloyalty towards God in which he respects more than anyone. Next, Henry uses metaphors throughout the text to convey his credibility. I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience (Henry). This explains that him being experienced is the only reason why he continues to keep fighting and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Black Leaders of 20th Century BLACK LEADERS OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY CHAPTER 1 3 In the time after the fall of radical black reconstruction of the nineteenth century, African Americans were being oppressed by rural farming, civil rights, economical advancement and sharecropping. Booker T. Washington charged the fight for economical and political accommodation with his dream of equal civil rights. Timothy Thomas Fortune was an influential black journalist that fought for the rights of African Americans through literal resistance. The Lonely Warrior, Ida B. Wells was an outspoken voice against lynching throughout America and fought against the oppression of men and woman everywhere. Booker T. Washington was one of the last great African American leaders born into ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Fortune was a militant writer and editor, who was named the Agitator . He was known for his strong personality, his straight forwardness and harsh opinions. Fortune was one who believed in the fight for black rights and he fought to gain equality for blacks. In the fight against injustice, Fortune urged women to support of the National African American League to help gain political power and equality. Fortune even hired Ida B. Wells Barnett as an anti lynching writer for the Globe . At this time, fortune was considered a radicalist and Washington was considered as being safe and reasonable. In 1907, Fortune sold his newspaper The Age and then his years of being a great leader came to an end. On June 2, 1928 in Philadelphia at his home he passed away. Ida B. Wells–Barnett was said to be the Joan of Arc of the 1920 s. As the anti lynching spokeswomen for African American, Wells showed courage and independence in her attack on lynching {upon what ever she seemed fit to attack.} She was born into slavery during the Civil War in 1862. She witnessed the loss of both parents to yellow fever and also saw the brutal lynching of three of her close friends in Memphis. These tragic events inspired Wells to launch a crusade against lynching at the age of thirty years old. Wells spoke out against lynching, Jim Crow Laws and segregation. She published ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Symbolism In The Dust Bowl An example of symbolism in The Dust Bowl is in the poem On The Road With Arley when Billy Joe Said And every little crowd is grateful to hear a rag or two played on the piano by a long legged, red haired girl, even when the piano has a few keys soured by dust. This is symbolic for the struggle that the family has to deal with because of the drought, dust storms, and their way of life. In this poem, when Billy Joe says At first Ma crossed her arms against her chest and stared me down, hard jawed and sharp, and said I couldn t go. is an example of imagery. This shows imagery because the reader can imagine Ma staring down at Billy Joe with anger and sternness. This lets the reader know that the mom is annoyed and mad at Billie Joe for asking ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Effects Of Abstinence Based Programs On Actual... Additional research has explored the effects of abstinence based programs on actual behavior outcomes. Kohler, Manhart, and Lafferty (2008) compared the effects of abstinence only and comprehensive sex education programs, operationalizing effectiveness in terms of initiation of sexual activity and teen pregnancy rates. They found that teenagers who received comprehensive sex education rather than abstinence only or no education were significantly less likely to report a teenage pregnancy. In addition, their conclusions mirrored Sather and Kelly (2002), finding that abstinence based programs did not reduce the likelihood of engaging in sexual activity. Kohler, Manhart, and Lafferty (2008) actually concluded that comprehensive sex education was more likely than abstinence based to reduce the percentage engaging in sexual activity. Overall, the researchers showed that comprehensive sex education, including but not limited to contraception, did not increase the prevalence of sexual activity in teenagers or the risk of teen pregnancy, while also showing the that abstinence only education produced a higher likelihood of pregnancy. These results have been corroborated in numerous studies: Santelli et al (2006), Ott and Santelli (2007), Kirby (2008), Haberland and Rogow (2015), etc. Additionally many studies have taken a large scale approach, looking at trends across the United States. Stanger Hall and Hall (2011) investigated the change in teen pregnancy rates as states ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Bazarovism And Nihilism During the 1860s, there were new, different streams of thoughts that were emerging. In Fathers and Sons, Bazarov was a nihilist, and represented the younger generation who believed in Bazarovism. Turgenev s description of Bazarov and his attempts to change Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, a Romantic, reveals what Turgenev thought toward nihilists. Bazarov s actions and thoughts mirror the thoughts of those young scholars during the 1860s. Throughout his novel, Turgenev s portrayal of Bazarov create a description of Bazarovism, a different and new type of literary type and thought for Russia during the 1860s. These new literary and intellectual types of thought grew from the generational difference between the fathers and the sons. As it grew out of a difference between generations, Bazarovism is largely different from Romanticism, what the fathers believe in, and is related to nihilism. Turgenev, in describing what type of person Bazarov was, coined the term nihilism. In Fathers and Sons, Arkady, Nikolai s son, states that Bazarov is a nihilist. Turgenev then describes the actions of Bazarov, creating a new intellectual thought, Bazarovism. Bazarovism is mostly derived from his own actions and views, but is also influenced by others reactions to the way Bazarov acts. As a nihilist, Bazarov rejects anything unless it has been previously proven to be true. Arkady tells his father, Nikolai, and Pavel, his uncle, that as a nihilist, Bazarov looks at everything critically. Instead ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. United States Agency for International Development Essay United States Agency for International Development When the Department of Defense awarded Halliburton subsidiaries billions of dollars to rebuild Iraq in an uncompetitive bidding process, taxpayers and members of Congress alike cried foul. Liberals at Swarthmore College bemoaned the mixture of domestic business interests with foreign policy and reconstruction efforts. Initially, foreign companies were formally barred from the lucrative reconstruction projects. This spring, Halliburton delayed billing the DOD over $140 million under allegations of overcharging for military meals and energy supplies. Where the DOD controls reconstruction in Iraq, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) controls foreign development ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... American bilateral aid, in the form of outright grants or low interest loans, often comes highly qualified and redirects wealth back to the United States by design. The United States no longer keeps track of the level of tied aid, citing statistical difficulties, but USAID reports in 1996 estimated that 71.6% of bilateral aid commitments were tied to the purchase of US goods and services (ActionAid 1). In 1993, USAID generated seven billion dollars in revenue from purchase of American goods and services and claimed it has created thousands of jobs...here at home (Hancock 156). Clearly, the United States reaps a handsome reward from its foreign aid policy. Is this what we want from a supposed exporter of development expertise and the richest country in the world? The two most insidious manifestations of tied aid involve distortions of international markets distortions which bring direct benefit to the United States. Tied aid often requires purchase of American goods and services with markups above international prices. Conversely, tied aid can also involve the sale of goods and services below international prices. Subsidized agricultural exports belong to this category of foreign aid and were the subject of great debate and fury at this year s trade talks in Cancun, Mexico. Aid tied to the sale of expensive American products results in gross inefficiency: goods and services purchased with tied aid tend to be priced well above their actual market value, with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Hazard Of Homelessness It is no secret that we live in a poor country, that people out there are unemployed or don t earn enough to sustain themselves or their families. We sometimes choose to ignore it but the truth is unavoidable. At least 62.8% of the Honduran population live in poverty, and 12.35% of is homeless, which gives a total of at least 1,000,000 citizens been homeless, some of who which decide to build their own livings. These individual homes are considered to be deficient, since many of them are simply made out of cardboard or plastic and often house from 4 to 10 people in a single room. This is a real health and safety hazard since that leaves them susceptible to natural disasters. Some causes are considered to be unemployment, lack of education, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Approach To The Refugee Crisis Essay Nauru, Papua New Guinea Behind a fortress of secrecy, Australia s 2012 Pacific solution accordingly established robust refugee regimes that embody sequestering the world s very vulnerable victims of war in squalid offshore detention centres reports Robert Barak Kibaja. This poignant photograph of a refugee girl named Hudea (above) has instigated outpouring heart breaking emotions of how humanity thwarted the refugee crisis. Consequently, anxious by the crosshairs of war, Hudea gazed into a camera and instinctively raised her arms in submission as she mistook it for a gun s barrel. The photographer, Osman Sagirli was interviewed by BBC Trending to verify the origins of this photo. I was using a telephoto lens, and she thought it was a weapon...It makes more sense to see what they have suffered not through adults, but through children...because they reflect their feelings with innocence , he informed the BBC. When push came to shove, Hudea s mother and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The punitive path paved by Australian policies leads to Nauru, a place vulnerable to exploitation by world powers. Here I meet two ambitious Burmese youths, Misbah and Shamim. Mere boat numbers to detention officials, their only crime was to exercise their human rights by seeking refuge in Australia. Refugee parents only put their kids to sea when the sea is safer than land. Now, aren t refugees petrified? Don t refugee parents lament when their children die and don t bombings only embolden their grit to seek refuge? How naïve are we to believe our hypocritical government when they allege refugees are terrorists, irresponsible parents who only wish to see their children die? Misbah wants to get deported, but her mother beseeches her not to relent as going back home guarantees their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Goodwill Internal Analysis The internal environment of any company forms the premise or basis for internal analysis. Internal analysis actually sees manager or business leaders basing their organization s pursuit of ...market opportunities not only on the existence of external opportunities but also on a very sound awareness of their firm s competitive advantages arising from the firm s internal resources, capabilities, and skills (p.148). Hence, internal analysis sees a close look being taken at the components of a company s internal environment with the aim of improving its competitive edge. The components of a company s internal environment are based on the approach taken to internal analysis. Among the approaches used to identify and analyze the elements ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Tangible assets describe the physical and financial means Goodwill uses to provide value to its customers. Among the tangible assets, which characterizes Goodwill s internal environment are 3000 stores and an online auction site (Goodwill Industries, 2013, para.5). According to the store s financial statements earned 5.17 billion dollars in revenue in 2013. Goodwill Industries reputation is premised on the philosophy of ...a hand up, not a hand out (Goodwill Industries, 2013, para.5). One of the unique features of Goodwill Industries is the donation aspect of the business. This is because the company s revenue generation is premised on the generosity of the public. Another unique feature is the overall mission and social mandate of the company. The revenue generated by sales of donated merchandise is used to fund programs for vulnerable populations. Two recommendations for improvement of Goodwill operations are increased publicity about the Goodwill mission and modified staff development, which takes into account the company s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Importance of School Counselors A school counselor s role is vital in many schools across America. Many students see their counselor, to work on any emotional stressors, academic changes and challenges. This may include, interventions, group therapy and changes in class schedule, but sometimes with all the implementations given, students do not succeed in school. Perhaps one needs to take a closer look at the programs being implemented and its success rate. In addition, a counselor should guide itself using the ASCA (American School Counselor Association) to provide evidence based practices in schools. According to Carey and Dimmitt, it is essential for counselors to use evidence based practice to make sure they are able to ensure and improve student outcomes (2008). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I find it this more reasonable and effective for a counselor to do. A research based program has done all the work of creating a variable (experimental group) and a control group to show if a program s effectiveness. This means the counselor can see the results of the experimental group and see if this would work for the group intended. As mentioned by Carey and Dimmitt, research based interventions ensure that the school s resources are invested wisely. This means, the counselor can rely on the program and be able to predict positive outcomes. Another method for a counselor to use science in their practice is to make sure the intervention or program used has strong research support. While many may not hold strong support to be shown to be effective, a counselor must evaluate its effectiveness for the students. I find this part of science more difficult for counselors to implement due to time constraints and resources. While there may be many programs out there, not all may be ideal for all schools. The counselor can experiment and see if works well for the intended students or perhaps continue to find more research to back up the program. Often times, this leads to counselors developing their own programs or curriculum but their outcomes be unknown and not as valid as solid research based programs. Therefore, if the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Analysis Of Shane Koyczan And Many Artists To this day is a spoken word poem and video illustration by Shane Koyczan and many artists. It was created in 2013 with the purpose of effectively spreading the convincing message that bullying is a real and serious thing that is too often dismissed as normal and not acted upon as the serious thing it is. 2013 was shortly after the new large push against bullying which is likely one large reason as to the creation and popularity of this work. However even with the anti bullying movement it would not have become popular if it was not in itself an effective piece at conveying its own point against bullying and contributing to the cause. Koyczan made his piece so successful by successfully using ethos and pathos to make hard hitting grounded points to his purpose. He also used small amounts of logos but it was not a majorly effective part of his piece. Ethos is the way the writer creates a persona that allows the audience to see them as trustworthy, relatable, knowledgeable, and as someone with authority. Then uses these to convince an audience of their point. This is use of ethos effectively done in the creation of koyczan s poem to this day . He shows his reliability and knowledge to the viewer by showing them that he has personal experience with the main topic. He tells the story of his pain when he was bullied and how simple name calling left lasting effects on him personally. This not only lets the viewer see that he has a reliable viewpoint, it shows that he has ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Dark Sun Research Paper About 22 years ago WWIII began. They say the world population dropped from 7.5 billion to about 2 billion. Then 1 year later The Dark Sun rose. The Dark Sun is a terrorist group lead by Emperor Sivorisk. They rose from the ashes of the world, and they are the only ones in history to ever achieve what any super villain wants... world domination. Many believe it was The Dark Sun that started WWIII, but The Dark Sun told everyone that it was a place called the US, however nobody remembers a place called that so nobody believes them. Although rumors say that it was a land of freedom. The year is believed to be 2038, but The Dark Sun started a new time system, so nothing is for shore. There have been countless rebellions but each one failed. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We use to live in the east part before we set out. Since everyone gave up after 2030 security has loosened... a little. Which made it possible for us in 2035 to find and hide in a secret abandoned underground US military base. Which is where they got everything from 9mms to drones. We could see why The Dark Sun hasn t found this place. We wouldn t have found it if Thunder hadn t trip on a rock that covered a lever that open a secret door made from boulders in the side of the cliffside the rest of us were sitting up against. We got everything we needed for our first and last mission. Phase 1 is to find the HQ of The Dark Sun, phase 2 was to kill General Versinik, phase 3 is to attack the HQ and free the world. Phase one took years, but we finally found it. It was located in southernmost part of The Forgotten Lands. Phase two was a success, as far as we know. When killshot and Dashboard arrived at the base they rounded up everyone else and began to plan the attack on The Dark Sun HQ. So what is the plan? asked 50 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Official Language Debate ement would you insist upon? If not, what social and economic price do we all pay by not having an official language? One more request: when you answer, could you try to give... show more Update: It s not as simple as who founded America. Think about that for a minute: the Native Americans, the Dutch, the French, the Spanish, among many. Please try to think outside the box. Update 2: The toy let example doesn t have anything to do with the question, I m afraid. No one should expect the Japanese to speak English under any circumstances. If their cars are good, we ll drive toilets, anyway. Update 3: Does the relative commonality of English among U.S. residents really result in a useful sense of we ness ? How so? Update 4: An argument FOR ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In fact, many people who study the culture of the United States recognize that the United States is already made up of a number of distinct cultures. Even if we re looking only at the English speakers we recognize that there are different dialects of English spoken in the United States by different groups. In the West, for example, people are proud of the way they talk; they don t want to talk like people in the East or the South. Likewise, they don t want to be like the East or the South in some cultural aspects. Making English the official language would hardly decrease fragmentation in these groups, and would probably do little to change the behavior of those who don t speak English at home, either. (After all, an English only law would only apply at an official governmental level, not in the home.) Neither do I think that the country is suddenly going to fall apart if people are allowed to continue speaking other languages if they choose. It hasn t fallen apart so far, even though there are enclaves of Chinese speakers, cajuns, and so ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Mary Todd Lincoln s Life One cannot say that Mary Todd Lincoln did not suffer great loss in her lifetime. From a young age, she became familiar with loss when she lost her mother at the age of six (Baker 2002). Some people looked at her as crazy and thought she should be locked up in a mental hospital like her son had done to her. If they took the time, though, to read through her great losses and look from her perspective, maybe they could realize that she was just a mourning daughter, sister, mother, and wife. Mrs. Lincoln was raised in a wealthy, southern family (Baker 2002). Her family represented the slaveholding gentry of a new community, although she was uncomfortable with the southern slaveholding ways (Baker 2002). She lost her mother at the age of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This caused her family to look at her as a traitor, they supported the Confederates and her husband and her supported the Union (Norbut 2008). She was also looked at as a traitor from the rest of the United States, the Northerners saw her from the South, and easterners saw her as a uncouth westerner (Norbut 2008). When Willie died in 1862 from typhoid fever, Mrs. Lincoln didn t get any sympathy from the rest of the United States because every mother out there was potentially losing their sons (Baker 2002). This caused problems between the married couple because Lincoln mourned his death more privately in Willie s bedroom as she took it more as a personal blow, he saw it as a shared grief of the parents and families whose soldier sons and husbands he had sent off to the war (Baker 2002). Mrs. Lincoln never did anything bland, including mourning the death of Willie ( Family: Mary Todd Lincoln ). She had an eye for fashion, even during the period in 1862 and 1863 when Mrs. Lincoln was in mourning for her son Willie and wore only black, she managed to go further into debt for new clothes ( Family: Mary Todd Lincoln ). Mrs. Lincoln shed her mourning attire a little over a year later, but she did start reaching out and seeing spiritualist ( Family: Mary Todd Lincoln ). She would invite them to the White House for séance circles so the mediums could conduct the call to the dead (Anthony 2014). Cranston ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. A Review Of Different Elicitation Techniques A Review of Different Elicitation Techniques in Requirement Engineering CECS 590 SAI CHARAN GOUD KOLANU (012793649) INTRODUCTION: Requirement Engineering is the initial and crucial step in the Software Development. In the past few years Requirement Engineering phase has been given much of an importance, it basically refers to gathering of information from the client that is required for the development of the project. This phase is crucial as it forms the foundation of the project. The Requirement Engineering phase is broke down into three stages, Requirement Elicitation, Requirement Specification and Requirement validation. This paper is going to discuss the various techniques that are generally practiced for Requirement Elicitation. The term Requirement Elicitation refers to gathering of information about the project from clients, users and other stake holders. It is quite a complicated process as the user never really knows what exactly he wants, the information cannot be collected just by asking different questions about the project. There are various techniques that are in practice for this purpose. Rest of this paper discusses about such techniques along with their pros and cons. SEARCH STRATEGY: The data that is collected for this paper is obtained from various articles and research papers. Search Engines like Scholar.google.com and csulb.edu/library have been used for the searching purpose. The articles are selected based on the requirement i.e. the articles that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Suicide Informative Speech Attention getter: Mentalhealth.gov states 112 Americans die by suicide every day, and 9.4 million people have thought about or considered suicide within the last 12 months. Specific purpose: Today, I am going to advocate for the Crisis Intervention and Recovery Center Credibility: I have completed research about the Crisis Intervention and Recovery Center. I never really knew anything about the Crisis center until I started working with a co worker that lost her son to suicide. Talking to her and her daughter in law I learned a lot about the crisis center. Preview: First I am going to inform you about the issue on suicide, Second, I am going to inform you about the crisis center and all the programs and ways they can help loved ones, and finally I am going to inform you about how you can help out and get involved. Transition: I would first like to talk about the issues with suicide. Main Point 1: Suicide is a rising health problem that causes endless amounts of pain, suffering and a cause of loss for loved ones. According to the CDC, suicide claims 44,193 lives in the United states making it the tenth leading cause of death. Suicide is the third cause for death of individuals from the age of 15 34 and there was twice as many suicides (44,193) than homicides (17,793). Mentalhealth.gov states that there are many warning signs when people are thinking about suicide for example, talking about wanting to die, talking about being a burden to others, sleeping to little or too much, and extreme mood swings. Transition: Now that we have talked about the issues with suicide, I would like to talk about the crisis center and how they can help loved ones. Main Point 2: The Crisis center is full of doctors, nurses, and LPN s to help with their patient s needs. They have 12 beds for voluntary adult admission and 7 beds for medical unit for detox and break the cycle for voluntary adult admission. The crisis center states that their mission is to provide person centered crisis intervention, stabilization, and recovery based services in the least restrictive environment feasible and to no respond to evolving community mental health and chemical dependency programming needs by developing and providing needed services. They ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Qing Dao Short Story Once upon a time, a kind old fisherman lived with his daughter on an island. One day, the Dragon King kidnapped the daughter and brought her to his palace. The poor fisherman stood by the ocean calling out to the sea day by day, for years. It made the Dragon King angry so he cast a spell on him causing the man to slowly turn into a rock. After the daughter heard what the Dragon King had done, she escaped the palace and ran towards her father who has now turned into a rock. The ocean breeze blew the flowers in her hair onto the island, making plants grow. When she is near Lao mountain, the Dragon King put a spell on her too and turned her into a giant reef. From that day on, the father and daughter can only look at each other from across the sea, unable to meet. This is the story of Old Man Rock, one of the unique and beautiful sites in Qing Dao. On the east side of China is a small peninsula called Qing Dao. Qing Dao is a beautiful place to live in because it has wonderful beaches, an Under Sea World aquarium, and possesses many parks. First of all, Qing Dao has wonderful beaches. The sand on the beaches glitter under the sun making it look golden and is very soft. People take wedding photos there because the scenery is very beautiful and some people ride on horses. The weather is mild which means that it isn t hot in the summer and cold in winter. When walking deeper into the ocean, there are corals of orange, red, yellow, and green. Also, there are booths that sell stuff ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Chase Ross Chase Ross, a twenty six year old transgender male, creates YouTube content focused on promoting LGBT issues along with educating LGBT youth. His content deals primarily with transgender informative videos, most being for transgender men, and he works as a major educator within the community. His stance on how he used to bind within his life demonstrates the power of the structures of masculinity in addition to how the habitus creates guidelines which those who bind must follow, while also depicting an internal rejection of his own initial habitus of being socialized female in favor of identifying as male, thus creating a new set of structures. Within his video titled how to: bind properly. Chase describes the act of binding through his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... De Certeau discusses ¬¬¬a similar system to the habitus through the terminology of strategies and tactics. Strategies are the actions which directly reinforce the desires of those in power, they follow the will of the majority. The actions which appose strategies are tactics, the craftier actions of those in the minority who lack the platform to be able to use a strategical approach. The core principle of strategy is the existence of its ...own place, that is, the place of its own power and will, from an environment (De Certeau 36). The power which strategy has comes from it being rooted in a based which is explicitly its own, and the forces it works against are distinguishably outside of its own ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The Use Of CKT And Concealed Knowledge Test Methods The study essentially looked upon different variations and means to figuring out ways on how to catch lies using alternative CKT or Concealed Knowledge Test methods. This particularly focuses itself on the recognition of introspective, privileged information using participant reaction scores. Before going over the actual study, the paper lends itself to explaining what may be considered confounding factors later shown in the study by listing out problems that might arise with lie detectors. The Lykken study led to researchers using something called the Guilty Knowledge Test method to acknowledge ways on how to detect guilt which is referenced in this paper to contribute to said future validity problems. Some of the problems that arises ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There were two variables installed, one of which focused on a photo stimuli and the other using a phrase provision, wherein the students that contributed happened to have gone through multiple tasks that led to them gaining hidden information. Using something called probe study, the students were then randomly assigned either levels of constraints in which they enacted upon the tasks at different intervals and sessions using something called familiar or unfamiliar methods. As stated earlier, multiple probe methods were used during the tests varying in degree to the order in which participants went through the tasks. The students, 36 of them, went through photographs of faces on the photo constraints and a couple were chosen at random to observe said faces in a limited amount of time. After the observations were over, the students were asked questions regarding the faces they ve seen, specifically any changes in mood and facial structure. As the start of the procedure, this portion was done so multiple time in reordered sections so as to remove any validation issues, and then moved on to a rating section wherein they scored the faces based on looks. In the second constraint, the rest of the participants worked on different words and, like the earlier photo variable, there were students picked at random to participate in a smaller probe in which they were revealed particular words and asked to memorize the order in which they were given out. They ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Giannis Antetokounmpo Character Traits All about Giannis Antetokounmpo The name Antetokounmpo has thirteen letters and six vowels. This name is hard for many people to pronounce. Do you know where the The Greek Freak got his name? Well, he got his name from Greece since that s his home country. Childhood Giannis Antetokounmpo was born on December 6, 1994 in Sepolia, Athens. His parents came from Nigeria to Greece because they wanted a better life. He has two older brothers, Francis and Thanasis, and two younger brothers, Kostas and Alexis. Giannis originally lived in Athens and later moved to Sepolia, Greece. He was very poor and often worried about being deported back to Nigeria. He didn t go outside to play because he was scared. In the 60 minutes interview he said that he helped his family by selling sunglasses and watches for money. His dad was a football player and his mom ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... From 2009 to 2012 he played, and sometimes scored 50 points in a game. This interested other coaches in Europe. During the 2012 13 season Giannis played Zaragoza Spanish basketball team. According to The Famous People website his stats were 9.5 points, 1 block, 1.4 assists, and 5 rebounds in every game. In 2013 he was selected to be on the Greek All Star Team. Coach s from the US were coming over to look at him. Giannis was drafted on April 28, 2013 for the Milwaukee Bucks. Giannis didn t know anything when he came to America. He didn t even own a suit. His first tweet was for a smoothie. He was the top NBA Rookie for the 2013 14 season. His stats were 6.8 points per game and 61 blocks throughout the season. On April 1st, 2016 he got his 5th triple double. In 2016 he got a four year extension contract for 100 million dollars for the Milwaukee Bucks. A year later he played in the 2017 All Star Game. On April 10th, 2017 he matched Kareem Abdul Jabbar s record of three triple doubles. Giannis now lives in a double bedroom with his mom, brother and his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Hillary Rodham Biography Biography: Born on October 26th 1947 in Chicago, Hillary Diane Rodham already got to know the rivalry between Republicans and Democrats early in her life. As the daughter of a small business owner who was a Republican and a mother who had a tough childhood and had to start working at the age of 14 and was therefore a Democrat, Hillary experienced an upbringing with both political points of views. Receiving a successful education, she was able to attend Wellesley College, studying political science, where she ended up being the student leader and first ever student speaker. After graduating she transferred to Yale Law School where she first started dating Bill Clinton. In 1979 to 1992 she was First Lady of Arkansas along her husband Bill whom she had married and in 1975 to 2000 she ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As First Lady of Arkansas she raised educational standards and improved the health care access in her state. This was also her goal as First Lady of the United States but the Clinton health care plan of 1993, which is also known as Hillarycare, was declined. She also held her famous speech at the U.N Fourth World Conference in 1995 where she stated that women s rights are human rights and spoke for education, health care, economic independence, legal rights and political participation of women all around the world. After her husbands second term, she gained a seat at the US Senate for New York where she among other things pushed President Bush to finance the rebuild of the city after 9/11 and took care of the health issues. In 2008 she ran for President of the United States where she was supported by Hispanics, non college graduates, working class white and older voters. In the end she lost to Barack Obama who she later supported herself which lead to Obama asking her to be his Secretary of State which she accepted ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Dun Cow Essay In the book of the dun cow, Wangerin uses the carton characteristics of Old Yeller, Robin from batman, and Clifford the big red dog. With all these characteristics combined you acquire the ultimate copy of Mundo Cani. At the begin of the Dun Cow Mundo Cani had no exact introduction. There was no specific time, or place that he arrived from, no owner. He was just there, and moing louder than ever MAROOONED (17). In this very first chapter of the book, you can conclude that this whining dog may in fact change the whole story. Wangerin gives Mundo cani this sense that he is like a piece of gum stuck to your shoe, almost impossible to get rid of no matter what you do. On multiple accounts Chauntecleer tells the dog to scram, beat it, but the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By proving his worth to the farm chanticleer lets him stay, and does not expect any more from him. But that s not the case in this story; Cani goes above and beyond and helps more and more each day. Mundo Cani had a talent nobody would have suspected: He could run like any horse at full gallop (60). Robin on the other hand, tries time after time to prove to batman that he should not be labeled as the sidekick. That he should be the main hero to. Never the less Robin does help batman in more ways than none, and is grateful for all that batman does for him. Robin just wants to have a bigger title. Clifford the big red dog is a fan favorite. Clifford is, obviously, this big red dog who loves, is gentle, clumsy, well meaning and helpful. Even though Clifford is this huge dog and stands out, he beats to his own drum and does not care what people think of him. When all these horrible things that goes on in the farm you don t hear as much from Mundo Cani as you would think. He kind of just does his own thing. When Wyrm and Cocatrice come and attack Cani helps fight them off and protect Pertelo. But he does not have a set schedule of things that he does. He like Clifford does what he pleases. He is also well meaning and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Differences Of Teaching And Learning In The 21st Century Teaching and learning in the 21st century is advanced and fast paced, however it is often discussed when the continuous need and want for change occurs. As 21st century education is changing at a rapid rate our students are now more educated and empowered than ever before. The constant change in 21st century education links in with globalisation and the many factors that influence social change. The discussion throughout this essay will entail the major differences between 21st and 20th century teaching and learning. It will also discuss the major impacts that the changes in globalization, and factors that influence social change have upon education today. Twenty first century teaching and learning is the education system that we have today. It prepares our young learners with the advanced skills to address their challenges within their future. Certain core competencies such as collaboration, digital technology, literacy and critical thinking and problem solving are supported by the communication, technology and education that is provided in the 21st century. Comparing teaching and learning in the 20th century, to teaching and learning in the 21st century a high and vast amount of change is existent. In the 20th century, learning was mainly textbook driven, today learning is driven by re search, digital technology, and the world around the learner. In the 20th century teachers would provide passive learning, today in the 21st century teachers are now obliged to provide ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Importance Of Discourse Analysis Discourse analysis is the variety of theoretical approaches and analytic emphases concerning the studying and understanding of people s use of language mediums in social action and interaction. This also applies to the development of capitalism and technology. Studies have opened doors to these topics. Despite variation in theoretical approaches, all strands of discourse analysis share a strong social constructionist epistemology. With its roots largely embedded in linguistic philosophy, ethnomethodology and speech act theory (Potter, 1987; Potter Wetherell, 1995). Discourse analysis might be applied to qualitative data if a person were interested in understanding how people s ideas and emotions are pieced together to form versions of reality of the world around them, and how these accounts are played out in social action and interaction. This is the model that the heads of this capitalistic state manipulate the common public. Further, it would be useful if interests lay in exploring and understanding why people use different versions of discourse in differing contexts, and under what conditions do variations arise. Specifically discourse analysis might be utilized by those interested in exploring how powerful discourses, such as racism, are constructed, practiced and normalized (Edley, 2001). Discourse analysis s focus is rooted in three basic tenets: construction, function and variation (Potter, 1987). The assumption is that discourses are constructed through ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. The Avery Family The Avery family can be much considered as an outcasts among their community of Manitowoc County. The family started to obtain a label. Some might say that they were trouble or bad news . Steven Avery was a kind person. Everyone knew he was harmless. He was always smiling and always trying to make someone laugh. Even if he was a good soul the actions of his family members put a permanent label on him. Some might look and say, Oh he s one of the Avery s . The Avery s owned an auto salvage yard which was strange. Most people in Manitowoc were farmers and many saw the Avery s as working with junk. The Avery s were their own people. They didn t dress like everyone else and definitely didn t have the same education as everyone else. They were ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Avery s finally had help from the innocence project which is a foundation to help set innocent people free. He went through the files and all evidence to find that finger nail scrapings were never taken for DNA. Since technology wasn t really up to date back then, detectives never really bothered going to DNA labs. The Avery s lawyers sent out the scrapings to get tested. Forensics found 13 pubic hairs. Eleven of those hairs had no root and one belonged to penny so the one that was left held all the answers. Both penny and Steven have the same alleles. Every person has two alleles but the lab found a third which did not match theirs. This was the DNA of George Allen. Allen was someone in the county who had a history of sexual assault on several ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Social Class In Jeannette s Life In Jeannette s life her social class changes multiple times. She starts her life doing the skedaddle through many towns because her family couldn t afford to live in the places they did. We were always doing the skedaddle, usually in the middle of the night. I sometimes heard Mom and Dad discussing the people who were after us. Dad called them the henchmen, bloodsuckers, the gestapo (19). The way her father made it sound, it didn t seem so bad to Jeannette but it really was, having to leave town after town because your father was illegal and couldn t get a job to provide for her family. Towards the middle of the book, Jeannette s grandmother dies, Naturally Jeannette is devastated, But her family inherits her grandma s mansion practically, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Kinder Transport Outline Have you heard about the Kinder transport and why it was created? People from all over the Germany made a plan to save kids called the Kinder transport. The Kinder transport helped kids that were in countries that were controlled by Hitler. They did this because their parents wanted them to be safe and not go through any more trouble than they had already gone through. In paragraph 5 it talks about how the Kinder transport was created and why was it created. The Kinder transport was quite risky because the people that sent their kids didn t know where they were going. The Gestapo, the Nazi chief of police, was not to be trusted. Even though that the Kinder transport was made to save the kids it was still risky because the Nazis were in charge of taking the kids where they needed to be to be safe. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So, Germany had gotten a new leader who was Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler needed somebody to blame for losing World War 1 so he blamed the Jewish people and made them go into these camps called the Concentration Camps The concentration camps made the Jewish people work, starve, and do experiments to them. In a Scholastic Scope Magazine it briefly said on page 5 paragraph 2 4 Many people were DESPERATE to save thousands of children from Germany and let them go into another place where it is safer. On one cold morning during the month April a girl was getting sent away her name was Lore, Lore didn t know why her parents said that she is getting sent away, but she knew that she was going to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Why Is Pablo Picasso Considered A Spanish Country Adam Price Spain P1 Greene Cultural Stud. 3 1 17 Spain is in the southwestern part of Europe and, the country takes up 85% of the Iberian Peninsula and Spain shares the peninsula with a neighbouring country Portugal. Spain is made up of stoned castles , snowy mountains and, monuments, Sophisticated cities. Spain is a diverse country its geography is made up of a plateau called Meseta. And ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Arts and crafts are a big part of spanish culture over the centuries many artist have gone but the most famous and well known artist is Pablo Picasso he is well known for the Old Guitarist ,and the Weeping Woman. Pablo painted most sad and some happy painting but since he painted in the 20th century he made a lot of sad paintings but they had a wacky color and it was odd looking at the paintings but he painted what he felt in his emotions. Has a kid Pablo s father moved his family to Barcelona and his father got a job teaching art Pablo fell in love with painting and since he was a kid his paintings were kept by the family but he believed it was his ticket to becoming a well known, famous artist . Has it got toward the early 1900s a what they called a blue period came into play and Pablo s painting went from happy to dark. Has time moved into the 20 s and 30 s Pablo got into sculpting he kept his sculptures to himself but his fame came after his death. Spain s flag has many mysteries and legends about how it got its colors and the symbol upon ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...