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Day 3 of 3
If nonrenewable
resources are resources
that cannot be re-made
at a scale comparable
to its consumption,
what are renewable

90.7% is nonrenewable in
9.3% is renewable
Hydropower 35%
Biomass Wood 22%
Biomass Waste 5%
Biomass Biofuels 21%
Wind 13%
Other 4%







Energy from
burning organic
or living matter.
Why is energy
from biomass
All about
Biomass Fuels
Video (3:06)
My husband and I visiting Iowa’s corn fields in
1. Reliable

2. Available in most
3. Has been used
throughout time for
heat and light
4. Easy to transport

1. Does not produce
much electricity
2. Destroys habitats
The Lorax: How bad can I

3. Some air pollution

Energy from the
flow of water.
Why is energy of
flowing water
Moving Water
Experiment Video

How a damn works- video (2:10)
Niagara Falls (2007) - Canadian side

Columbia River Gorge
(2008) - Oregon
Renewable energy 3_of_3
Renewable energy 3_of_3
1. Reliable, with large
2. No pollution
3. Easy to use, if you are
near a river or the
electricity can be sent
through power lines

1.Destroys habitats
up and down
2. Most rivers are
already dammed

Energy from
the wind.

Why is energy
from the wind
Wind Turbines
 Have you ever
seen one of
these blades on
a big truck
Wind Turbine Tour Video (2:38)


1. Reliable, in the right
2. No air pollution
3. Can produce a lot of
4. Can utilize (use)
offshore areas, away
from communities
and most animals

1. Expensive
2. Doesn’t work
without wind
3. Good locations are
4. Ugly and kills
birds/bats, loud

Energy from
Earth’s heat.
Why is energy
from the heat of
the Earth
Geothermal- How does it work? Video (2:09)
How geothermal energy
can heat or cool buildings
video (2:11)


1. Reliable- Earth’s heat is
always available 24/7


3. No Pollution
4. Very little negative
environmental impact
5. Great for heating and
cooling newer buildings



Crust is too thick
in most places to
provide enough
heat for a huge
power plant
Newer, less
Energy from the
Why is energy
from the sun
Super Awesome Solar
Geek Video (11:15)
Mrs. Buckingham has stayed in this house twice. It is the coolest place, located in Moab, Utah.
It relies on solar energy for all of the guests’ needs.
(Hot water, lights, dishwasher, oven, laundry, hair dryers, entertainment, etc.)

The solar panels collect energy from the sun all day and charged the batteries that were kept in
a shed. There was a meter inside the house that showed how much energy was available
in the batteries. At night, as she used electricity, the meters showed the battery life
decreasing. That will teach you to conserve energy!
During the week, a 3 day storm passed over Utah. The sun didn’t shine… but she still needed
the electricity to cook dinner, turn on the lights and have hot water. The batteries quickly
ran out and the power was off.
Turn and Talk: What other alternatives could the house have to power the electrical needs?

Thank goodness there was a back up generator! By using a tank of Natural Gas, we were
able to generate (make) more electricity until the sun came back out. If we had used up
all of this fossil fuel, we would have had to use candles!


1. Reliable

1. VERY expensive

2. No air pollution

2. Only works with sun
light (night, storms
are a problem)
3. need large,
expensive batteries
to store extra power

3. Available in most
places around the


What ongoing
factors have
this change?

Turn and Talk
Write at least
What are the 5 sentences
describing the
advantages and advantages
and disadvantages of
renewable and nonrenewable
nonrenewable and

More Related Content

Renewable energy 3_of_3

  • 2. If nonrenewable resources are resources that cannot be re-made at a scale comparable to its consumption, what are renewable resources?
  • 4. Oil
  • 5. 90.7% is nonrenewable in 9.3% is renewable Hydropower 35% Biomass Wood 22% Biomass Waste 5% Biomass Biofuels 21% Wind 13% Other 4% http://www.instituteforenergyresearch.org/energyoverview/renewable-energy/
  • 7. Energy from burning organic or living matter. Why is energy from biomass renewable?
  • 9. My husband and I visiting Iowa’s corn fields in 2012
  • 10. Advantages 1. Reliable 2. Available in most places 3. Has been used throughout time for heat and light 4. Easy to transport Disadvantages 1. Does not produce much electricity 2. Destroys habitats The Lorax: How bad can I be? 3. Some air pollution Renewable
  • 11. Energy from the flow of water. Why is energy of flowing water renewable?
  • 12. Moving Water Experiment Video (3:58) How a damn works- video (2:10)
  • 13. Niagara Falls (2007) - Canadian side Columbia River Gorge (2008) - Oregon
  • 16. Advantages 1. Reliable, with large rivers 2. No pollution 3. Easy to use, if you are near a river or the electricity can be sent through power lines easily Disadvantages 1.Destroys habitats up and down stream 2. Most rivers are already dammed (used) Renewable
  • 17. Energy from the wind. Why is energy from the wind renewable?
  • 18. Wind Turbines  Have you ever seen one of these blades on a big truck before? Wind Turbine Tour Video (2:38)
  • 19. Advantages Disadvantages 1. Reliable, in the right locations 2. No air pollution 3. Can produce a lot of electricity 4. Can utilize (use) offshore areas, away from communities and most animals 1. Expensive 2. Doesn’t work without wind 3. Good locations are limited 4. Ugly and kills birds/bats, loud Renewable
  • 20. Energy from Earth’s heat. Why is energy from the heat of the Earth renewable? Geothermal- How does it work? Video (2:09)
  • 21. How geothermal energy can heat or cool buildings video (2:11)
  • 22. Advantages Disadvantages 1. Reliable- Earth’s heat is always available 24/7 1. 3. No Pollution 4. Very little negative environmental impact 5. Great for heating and cooling newer buildings 2. Renewable Crust is too thick in most places to provide enough heat for a huge power plant Newer, less developed technology
  • 23. Energy from the sun. Why is energy from the sun renewable?
  • 24. Super Awesome Solar Geek Video (11:15)
  • 25. Mrs. Buckingham has stayed in this house twice. It is the coolest place, located in Moab, Utah. It relies on solar energy for all of the guests’ needs. (Hot water, lights, dishwasher, oven, laundry, hair dryers, entertainment, etc.) The solar panels collect energy from the sun all day and charged the batteries that were kept in a shed. There was a meter inside the house that showed how much energy was available in the batteries. At night, as she used electricity, the meters showed the battery life decreasing. That will teach you to conserve energy! During the week, a 3 day storm passed over Utah. The sun didn’t shine… but she still needed the electricity to cook dinner, turn on the lights and have hot water. The batteries quickly ran out and the power was off. Turn and Talk: What other alternatives could the house have to power the electrical needs?  Thank goodness there was a back up generator! By using a tank of Natural Gas, we were able to generate (make) more electricity until the sun came back out. If we had used up all of this fossil fuel, we would have had to use candles!
  • 26. Advantages Disadvantages 1. Reliable 1. VERY expensive 2. No air pollution 2. Only works with sun light (night, storms are a problem) 3. need large, expensive batteries to store extra power 3. Available in most places around the world Renewable
  • 28. Product: Turn and Talk Write at least What are the 5 sentences describing the advantages and advantages and disadvantages of disadvantages renewable and nonrenewable between resources. nonrenewable and renewable resources?