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Research Paper On Body Image :
Articles On Body I
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Research Paper On Body Image : Articles On Body I Research Paper On Body Image : Articles On Body I
Canada Is An Example Of A Mixed Economy
Canada is an example of a mixed economy. A mixed economy sits between the planned and market
economy on the economic continuum. It is usually considered the best type of economy since it
distributes control equally between individuals and the government. Unlike planned economies in
which the government is given primary control over certain aspects of life, the mixed economy gives
the government less control and regulation. This allows sellers and private markets to be able to
expand and grow their business without any interruptions. Of course, the government has to step in
once in a while to ensure that there is no illegal activity going on and that work environments are
being kept safe, but for the most part, the owner has the right to be
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Essay on The Everlasting Dark Shadow of Romanticism
For many, saying or hearing the word romanticism evokes numerous stereotypical and prejudged
definitions and emotions. The biggest reason this probably happens is because of how closely
romanticism sounds like romance. The similarity of the sounds and spelling of the two words can lead
to some thinking that the two words mean the same thing or are closely related. Although romanticism
and romance do share some similarities in their spelling and pronunciation they couldn t be more
different. In the Merriam Webster Dictionary romance is defined as, a love story . The Romantic
Period was not necessarily a time of true romance and love stories, although love was written about,
but was instead a time of extreme emotion expressed in many ... Show more content on
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Whether Shelley anticipated that her story of reanimation and death turning to life would be her
masterwork is unknown, although it is likely that she never anticipated the kind of response that her
little tale would immediately receive and the impact that it would still have today. Frankenstein is one
of the greatest examples of Romantic writing. One of the biggest traits of Romanticism that the story
possesses is the inclusion of the Byronic hero. Victor Frankenstein s creation is a hideous, murdering,
and vengeful being but the reader can t help being fascinated by the monster and wanting to see what
he will do next. The way that the monster is written can also make the reader want to root for him in
certain parts of the story. The monster is actually an incredibly sympathetic character. Even though the
monster kills everyone that Victor loves and he performs numerous acts of evil, the reader can still
sympathize with the character and understand his motives. Unlike in most of the film interpretations
of Frankenstein and the stereotypical idea of what the monster is, he is textually very intelligent,
calculated, and isn t the slow moving speechless mongoloid that pop culture has made him out to be.
The monster even sorrowfully gives his own type of self eulogy
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Different Forms Of A Peninsula In Florida And Michigan
Peninsula: A long piece of land connected to a mainland and surrounded by water on three sides A
peninsula is surrounded by a body of water such as an ocean, lake, or sea. It is almost an island except
it is connected to a larger landmass. A peninsula can be found on every continent. They can also be
many sizes. They can be really small, only big enough for a lighthouse. They can be really large, such
as the southern part of India. Some examples of more familiar peninsula are the states of Florida and
Michigan. There are a few different ways a peninsula can be formed. One way is through tectonic
plate movement. This causes land to be pushed and pulled and eventually forms a peninsula. Also, the
rise and fall of water levels can result in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A valley is a common landform. They are found all over the earth, along the ocean floor, and even on
other planets! Valleys are formed through a process called erosion. During erosion rock and soil wear
down over a long period of time. There are three main types of valleys: river valleys, glacial valleys,
and flat floored valleys. A river valley is formed by a river. They are v shaped and have taller areas of
land on either side of the river. A glacial valley is formed by glaciers. They are u shaped, wide, and
deep. These valleys are created by huge sheets of ice that flow down a mountain and carve away at it.
Flat floored valleys are the most common type of valley. They ve eroded the ground for so long they
are flat on the bottom. Valleys are known for fertile soil, animal life, and vegetation. Many ancient
civilizations settled in valleys because of its resources. Some well known valleys are the Yosemite
Valley in California and the Nile River Valley in Africa. Glossary Erosion Soil and rock is moved
from one area to another by water, ice, wind, or gravity Vegetation A large collection of plant life in an
area Civilization A large group of people living together in an organized
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Psychological Factors Affecting Social Isolation
Social Isolation Social isolation may be defined as the absence of social interaction, contacts, and
relationships with family and friends, with neighbors on an individual level, and with society at large
on a broader level. Social isolation is considered a risk factor in the development of disease and the
disabilities that can occur in the course of an existing disease. Social support may be defined as the
resources provided by other persons including emotional social, physical, financial, and other types of
care (Institute of Medicine, 1992). Social isolation may be measured by the strength of an older person
s existing social network. The absence or weakness of the social support network forms the basis for
identifying individuals who are socially isolated. According to Krishnamoorthi (2011) social isolation
of the chronically ill and elderly is a costly problem. When the unmanaged chronic illness of the
socially isolated becomes acutely worsened, mortality rates are higher and serious functional and
mental debilitation requires total care from the system. Data indicates there is an increased risk that
social isolation silently has for acute and chronic disease. Researchers have found that the absence of
social relationships or those of low quality are independent predictors of all cause mortality, even
when controlling for baseline health status. Animal studies have found that social isolation lead to
stressful biochemistry, through elevation of the
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The Vietnam War Was A Gruesome War That Left Many Soldiers
The Vietnam War was a gruesome war that left many soldiers reeling in constant psychological
turmoil not only in the years of the war, but in the years following the war as well. The terrifying
events that occurred in Vietnam forced the soldiers to become different people with only one thing on
their mind, survival. In Tim O Brien s novel The Things They Carried, it is seen how the war
negatively impacted the soldiers of the Alpha Company and changed their personalities severely. One
of the main changes that is seen in the men is the loss of innocence that accompanies them as they
move through the war. In times of war, boundaries are crossed and morals are thrown out the
windows. The dangerous situations that the men are thrust into cause ... Show more content on
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At first, as Kiley interacts with the water buffalo, he seems friendly towards the animal, offering it
food and petting it. His interaction with the animal soon changes however as he begins to physically
assault and shoot the young water buffalo. In the passage, O Brien describes that Kiley went automatic
, (O Brien 75) harming the buffalo in every possible way before breaking down. I believe that this
situation shows a loss of innocence because under normal circumstances, a regular person would not
have killed the animal for no reason. After the buffalo has died, Mitchell Saunders says, Well that s
Nam. Garden of Evil. Over here, man, every sin s real fresh and original (O Brien 75). This quote
reflects Kiley s loss of innocence because he is committing a sin that is horrific and unnecessary in
nature all due to the death of a friend. It also shows that Kiley had no sense of control in this situation
because hatred overcame him due to the death of Lemon. Scholar Rosalind Poppleton Pritchard also
believes that the slaying of the buffalo was done in part of Kiley s personal agony.
The baby buffalo and Rat are united in their dumb anguish: Rat has no way of articulating the pain he
feels through language; it is an animal instinct, a response to signal, and he maims the creature in an
almost suicidal attempt to end his own suffering (Poppleton Pritchard 4).
This quote from Poppleton Pritchard shows that Kiley s suffering in the war was
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Analysis Of What You Eat Is Your Business By Radley Balko
Today, America is suffering from one of the world s biggest problems that is obesity .The government
is trying to solve obesity by forbidding junk food in school testing restaurant s menu, and having
specific food options for consumers. By the name of the article What You Eat
Is Your Business shows that what we choose to put into our bodies is our responsibility.
Therefore the author Radley Balko argues that it is not the government responsibility, it is each
individual responsibility.
Balko states Instead of manipulating or intervening in the array of food options available to American
consumers, our government ought to be working to foster a sense of responsibility in and ownership of
our own health and well being. But we are doing just ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Check for prepositions that are creating fragments
Lourdes Marx: good thesis
Lourdes Marx: possessive Lourdes Marx:
Your body paragraphs should begin with a topic sentence. Don t begin a paragraph with a quote.
Quotes are considered evidence or details
Lourdes Marx: comma after quote intro
Balk also points out that if we pay the consequences for our own choices then we would make better
choices for a better healthy lifestyle. He says We ll all make better choices about diet, exercise, and
personal health when someone else isn t paying for the consequences of those choices (469). As Balko
also pointed out if the government is paying for my anti cholesterol medication, what incentive is
there for me to put down the cheeseburger? (467). In this case as long as we know that our bills is
being paid by other then why should we care about what we eat.
From my opinion, Balko states some effective points that I agree with and others I don t.
I do agree that it is the individual responsibility to make a good choice for a healthy lifestyle.
What I disagree with is that Balko says that the government involvement is the wrong way to fight
obesity. I believe if the government bans harmful food choices, it would make it easier
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Comparing Seeking And Finding In Hermann Hesse s Siddhartha
Hermann Hesse s book called Siddhartha shows the evolution of Siddhartha and how he changes his
ways of life over the course of the book. Siddhartha was born into a high class family which gave him
the values of a wealthy man. Govinda and Siddhartha met at a young age and they were very close
friends. Siddhartha then wants to leave his home in order to find enlightenment. He does not know
where he is going but he wants his mind to guide wherever he goes. Siddhartha and Govinda talk
about the difference between seeking and finding and having a final destination on each of their
journey s. Seeking and finding are two very different ways that point Siddhartha and Govinda in the
directions they need to reach their goal.
Siddhartha was a greedy
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City Of Ember Movie And Book Comparison
Most people who have read the book may wonder what happened after Doon and Lina got above
ground and what they are doing? Or even what is going on down in the city or even if someone got
Doon and Lina s message about the exit and what they are doing about it. The City of Ember is by
Jeanne Duprau and is about these two kids named Lina and Doon. Lina found instructions about on
how to possibly leave the city. Later on they found the exit in the pipeworks but Lina could not leave
Poppy so she had to get her quick without getting caught. But before they were accused of spreading
rumors about the mayor and about how he had a room full of supplies and Lina and Doon were not
lying about it. Possibly in the next book it will tell us what happened ... Show more content on
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This changed the perspective of the character because it left out a lot of his personality. Another thing
in the movie that it never said in the book was that the bugs were super sized. This gave the movie a
more interesting feel but I still wish that the movie went in the same track as the book. One more thing
in the movie it did not say in the book was that Lina and Doon got chased by a giant mole creature
that was hairy all over and super sized. This gave the movie a more action like feel and it made it more
fun to watch. In my opinion some of these changes made the story more fun to watch and more action
packed. But some of these changes made the movie leave out a lot of detail and some parts and got
confused because it skipped a scene in the book. I m glad they added all these similarities because if
they had not then it would have left out a lot of information about the characters and Information
about the city and plot of the movie and
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New Mexico Ouray
Born 1833 in Taos, New Mexico Ouray would grow up to become the leader of the Uncompahgre
band of the Ute tribe and known as a man of peace; According to oral history passed down by Ute
elders, he was born on a gloriously clear night when a display of meteor showers came across the sky.
The elders believed it was a sign; a message from above of good things to happen. Ouray s mother
was apart of the Uncompahgre Ute and his father Guera Murah was half Jicarilla Apache. Ouray grew
up in Taos areal; spanish and english were the languages spoken, he would later learn the to speak the
Ute and Apache languages. He spent his youth working for a mexican sheepherder and fighting the
rival Kiowa and Sioux. When ouray was 18 he traveled into Colorado, ... Show more content on
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Ouray completed the trip, he was a sick man by the time he arrived. He died of Bright s Disease on
August 24, 1880. He was buried secretly at Ignacio, his obituary read: In the death of Ouray, one of
the historical characters passes away. He has figured for many years as the greatest Indian of his time,
and during his life has figured quite prominently. Ouray is in many respects...a remarkable
Indian...pure instincts and keen perception. A friend to the white man and protector to the Indians
alike. Forty five years later, Ouray was re interred in the cemetery southeast of the White River
Agency and the grave appropriately marked. His wife, Chipeta, continued to work for the Utes. When
sufficient agricultural land was not found for the Uncompahgre in southern Colorado, a new
reservation was established in 1882. Chipeta then relocated to the reservation in northeast Utah, where
she was highly valued and always sat in on the chief s meetings. She passed away in
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Captain Of Industry In The Gilded Age
There were many big businessmen in the Gilded Age, some used their wealth to help the country,
others did not. In the Gilded Age, there was exponential economic growth: increase in population,
better transportation, new technology, and new business ideas. Entrepreneurs thrived in this time,
these businessmen were thought of a captains of industry or robber barons. Most people thought that
they were captains of industry because of the good they did for the country. Entrepreneurs such as
John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and Henry Ford all helped their economy in some way.
John D. Rockefeller helped the economy out by making his oil company expand. By expanding his
company, Rockefeller gave many people jobs, and gave them kerosene which lit their homes at night.
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Ford increased his workers pay from 2.34 dollars an hour to 5 dollars an hour, raising the bar for the
industry. Henry revolutionized the world by making it easier for people to get around. With Ford mass
producing his cars it took no time to make them, so he could keep the price low and more people
could afford them. Henry Ford wanted to revolutionize the world with the horseless carriage, he did so
without Cutting any ones throat and was head of the first car company.
Captains of industry of this time helped out the working man, educational causes, and scientific
causes. John D. Rockefeller gave the working man jobs for a long period of time, and donated over
half a billion dollars to educational and scientifical purposes. Andrew Carnegie donated 350 million
dollars to build libraries and gave away organs to churches. Henry Ford revolutionized the world by
making it easier for people to get around more efficiently. What these men have done to help out their
country is why the are perceived as captains of
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The Meaning of Water in the Poem Blessing by Imtiaz...
To start with, the theme of the poem is that water is a necessity to life and is a precious gift. This gift
is known as a Blessing . To begin with, there is a lack of water in which the poem takes place. Imtiaz
starts the poem off strong stating right away how The skin cracks like a pod (1). Human skin becomes
dry and cracked when it is not moisturized. A pod is useless when it is dries up and becomes fragile
because of the deficiency of water. The pod links to human skin because water keeps the skin hydrated
and helps the body function. In addition, the villagers in the poem value water. When the municipal
pipes explode, silver crashes to the ground (9). To the villagers, the water shines like silver. The
villagers worship the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By adding in onomatopoeias, the reader is able to hear the sound of the water as it rushes and crashes.
Therefore, the poetic devices that Imtiaz uses have a tremendous purpose throughout the poem. Last
of all, Blessing by Imtiaz Dharker represents the period of the poem written in nineteen eighty nine,
which is post modern. First and foremost, temperatures were sweltering. In fact, the hottest day was
on April seventh with a high temperature of forty degrees Celsius (WeatherSpark Beta). This connects
to the poem because it deals with a hot country where dehydration is quite normal. Since the poem
takes place in the slums in Mumbai, India, There is never enough water (2) for the villagers to
consume and the great degree of heat causes more problems to their health. Adding to that, the
humidity was high. June to September were the stickiest months (WeatherSpark Beta), which led to
thirst, and the skin cracking ...like a pod (1). In fact, with a daily average low humidity of seventy
eight percent, August was the most humid month (WeatherSpark Beta). The weather conditions of
Mumbai itself were described as reasonably hot with soaring levels of humidity (Climate of Mumbai).
All of these situations link to the poem because the villagers need water when the weather is hot and
sticky to keep their bodies hydrated and functioning. Undoubtedly, the period when the poem was
written relates back to the
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The Development Of Prejudice And Discrimination
A group of young males is walking towards you; however, take into account that the males are all
wearing baggy shirts and sagging their pants. Each member has visible tattoos and is being loud and
obnoxious. Do you cross over to the other side of the street or do you walk passed the group?
Whichever one you chose shows how important first impressions can be. The person whom choses to
cross the street instead of walking by the group may hold the view that these males are dangerous and
not the kind of people you would want to associate with. On the other hand, the person whom chose to
walk passed the group may have the perception that they are just young and expressing themselves in
today s fashion sense and having fun. This situation demonstrates prejudice and discrimination.
Prejudice is when someone holds an often negative and unsupported stereotyped attitude about
members of a particular group. Discrimination is when that prejudice attitude causes people of a
particular group to be treated differently than others in the same situation. Although many factors
contribute to prejudice and discrimination, the four main ones are social cognitive theory and realistic
theory, and social identity theory and stereotype vulnerability.
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There are ways, however, to reduce prejudice and discrimination. These include education, equal
status contact, and the jigsaw classroom. Education allows for people to learn about others who are
different in many ways from them and gives people the opportunity to have direct contact with people
from different backgrounds and see them as people rather than outsiders. Equal status contact is when
all groups are in the same situation and neither have more power over the other. The jigsaw classroom
allows students to work together to reach a specific goal which helps to reduce prejudice and
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Media Comparison Paper
Media Comparison Paper
Since we have had to make choices and distinguish between one thing and another all of our lives,
most of us like to see how others make their decisions. We especially appreciate this strategy if it
helps us or informs us in some way. This paper is based on the media of comparing a newspaper ad to
the internet ad.
When you asked us to write a Compare and Contrast paper, I did not exactly know what you meant.
After researching both concepts I learned about new things, our brain wants ever so badly to compare
these new things to something that we already know about. What do they have in common? And we
want to also know how are they differing from contrast?
For this paper I choose The Lasik Vision ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
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My Prank Friend
My best friend, Ashley, and I have been known to get into some serious trouble together. We have
gotten in so much trouble that our parents would not allow us to see each other for a while, but we are
still best friends despite that. We have learned some serious lessons together. One blazing hot,
Alabama, summer day Ashley and I, who were around eight at the time, were playing at my house
when we learned a very important lesson which we still regret to this day. We decided to prank call a
family friend who had a daughter our age. That day we made a poor decision, went through with the
prank call, and both ended up in serious trouble while learning an important lesson.
Since it was such a sweltering summer day, Ashley and I decided not to play outside, but that usually
meant trouble for us. We spent the majority of the day watching YouTube videos on my third
generation iPod Touch and sneaking around getting into my mom s makeup. In one of the videos we
watched a man was making prank calls, and we decided we wanted to be like him by making our own
prank calls. We decided to go ask my mom if it would be okay to do this, but she, of course, told us
absolutely not. Since we were two extremely stubborn, bored girls we decided to make the prank calls
anyway, but we had to figure out how. We watched, even more, videos on prank calling, and we
thought we were set even though we really had no clue what we were doing. Since we thought we
were prepared to make what would turn out
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Effects Of British Occupation
The British empire compromised everything ruled or administered by the United Kingdom and its
predecessor states. The overseas possessions/territories and trading posts was established by England
in the late 16th centuries and the early 18th centuries. When it was at its greatest, it was the largest
empire in history and also the foremost global power. The empire was controlling over a fifth of the
world s total land area. After the British empire lost its colonies in North America, they turned towards
Asia, Africa, and the pacific. One of the territories they occupied later on was Hong Kong, who was
going to be under control by British occupation from 1841 until the end of the 1990 s. The occupation
of Hong Kong improved the economy, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The people could feel it by getting better infrastructure, expansion of houses/more inhabitants, more
types of trading goods/luxury items, and safety from outside forces because of the British empire s
promise. A downside with this would be the two opium wars, where the Lin dynasty was trying to end
the opium trade into China. This caused several deaths (most on the Qing China side). It also caused
trouble for the international trading, since the Chinese was trying to boycott the trading.
The British occupation improved the politics in Hong Kong. During the first opium war, Elliot
negotiated with Lin s successor. Qishan. This treaty was to be named the treaty of Nanking, which
included the cession of the Hong Kong island and its harbor to the British imperial crown. The treaty
failed to please the British empire because of their expectations of making a major expansion of trade
and profit. After a variety of smaller conflicts, Palmerston (foreign secretary) appointed Lord Elgin as
plenipotentiary with the aim of securing a new and satisfactory treaty with the Chinese. The
occupation of Beijing and the capture of the Taku Forts led to the convention of Peking (an agreement
compromising three distinct treaties concluded between the Qing empire (China),
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Towards the end of the Gospel of John, John writes his...
Towards the end of the Gospel of John, John writes his purpose: Now Jesus did many other signs in
the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may
believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
Along with these signs, Jesus fulfilled Jewish Festivals. This paper will look at the three feasts
mentioned in John (Passover, Tabernacles, and Dedication) traditional backgrounds and how Jesus is
their fulfilling of them in his Gospel.
Passover is the celebration feast, which the Hebrews recall how God had liberated them from their
bondage of slavery in Egypt. The Hebrew name for this feast is Pesach , which translates literally ...
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This annual feast comes to full completion in Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate lamb and completer of
the Passover.
Within in the first chapter of the Gospel of John, a reader begins to see Jesus as the fulfiller of
Passover. John the Baptizer saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, Behold, the Lamb of God, who
takes away the sin of the world! The Baptizer knew and declared that Jesus was the long awaited
Messiah, the ultimate Pascal Lamb, and the fulfillment of the Old Testament Feast of Passover. The
Gospel writer, John, has proven this in particular in the last of three Passovers he records. The
information is going to take what information is learned from above and how it is both applied to the
person of Christ and the events that surround his last week of life, which is normally called Passion
The Passover is fulfilled by Jesus throughout His Passion Week. Jesus, like the lamb for the nation, he
came from Bethany, where He had just risen Lazarus, and was on his way to Jerusalem. He was
surrounded by a massive crowd, who took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying
out, Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel! Following
this entry to Jerusalem, just as the Passover Lamb was put on public display for four days, Jesus stood
in the temple for four
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Merit Pay Essay
Legal Status of Merit Pay Inasmuch as implementing a merit pay system is not illegal, it can cause
legal concerns. As stated by Pullin (2013), the legal concerns will arise due to how a merit pay system
has been established and the rubric to determine who is eligible for the reward. For example, if a
teacher perceives a school leader does not like them, the controversy will be the ratings are not
accurate on their observation. If the ratings are not accurate, it will result in the teacher not receiving
their merit pay bonus. In my district, the teacher rating system is based on 80% teacher practice. As
the school leader, I am required to observe their delivery of instruction, data analysis, differentiation,
curriculum alignment, classroom climate, and professional responsibilities. According to the
observation tool, one or two words will make the difference if the rating is Proficient 1, 2, or 3. ...
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However, each school district can work with the teacher s union to establish the governing standards
of the merit pay system. Smith stated in the article that schools must implement what is has
established as the measurable standards (2011). In my district, the teacher observation tool is what the
school leaders are mandated to use in observing the teacher. It is important to give specific feedback to
the teachers in the praise and polish of each standard. The feedback should speak to what areas you
notice quality instructional practices and what areas are in need of improvement. I use the actual
terminology of the rubric when giving feedback to ensure I am observing the specific instructional
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The Incarceration Of The United States
The United States has the highest prison population in the world, with over two million incarcerated
(World Prison Brief, 2016), of whom many are juveniles. It is well documented that youths who enter
this system are more likely to suffer a host of negative health and lifestyle outcomes, such as
alcohol/drug abuse, high school dropout, and mental health problems. Such phenomena occur in stark
contrast with the aims of the US juvenile justice system, which supposedly intends to help offending
youths re assimilate back into society as productive citizens. As previously mentioned, incarceration
often leads to poor mental health, which when combined with the conditions of confinement
significantly raises the rates of suicide and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Adolescents sentenced within the US juvenile justice system have especially high rates of recidivism
(when compared with their adult counterparts), with male juveniles incarcerated at a rate five times
higher than females (Sickmund et al., 2015). African Americans are an especially vulnerable
demographic within this group. In numbers similar to the adult incarcerated population, youths of
color are found in disproportionate numbers in every step of the US juvenile justice system, with
African American youths confined at nearly five times the rate of their white peers (The Annie E.
Casey Foundation, 2013). Additionally, number of prior offences is an important factor, as first time
offenders are much less likely to re offend than those with previous offences (Harrison et al., 2001).
Gang related activity and offenses were avoided for the purpose of this study, as gang affiliation has
an effect on the juveniles responses to the positive peer pressure of Teen Court programs. It is
important to note, however, that for juveniles, previous incarceration acts as an even greater risk factor
for future incarceration than gang membership (Holman Ziedenberg, 2006). It is important to note that
only participants who completed the program were included in the analysis. Research shows that of
those who participate in Teen Court programs, those who complete their sentence are significantly
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Bilbo Themes
J.R.R. Tolkien s The Hobbit has often been regarded as one of the greatest fantasy stories. A majority
of the appeal of The Hobbit lies in the fact that it is, at its very core, a story about the journey of a
seemingly ordinary hero. The story may appeal to children because even on a surface level, it is a
story about the fantastical adventures once can have if they leave the comfort of their home. However,
it is also a journey from past to present; it shows how the richness of the tradition of the past has a lot
to teach us, and it tells us to live in the present with both the lessons of the past enriching our
experience, but also to consider what the future can hold for us. However, the most essential journey
in The Hobbit is the journey ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For instance, as soon as Bilbo gains the One Ring, he immediately thinks of his friends: He wondered
whether he ought not, now he had a magic ring, to go back into the horrible, horrible tunnels and look
for his friends (85). Even though Bilbo has gained control of one of the most powerful magic objects
in the story, he still feels a sense of duty towards the dwarves, one that goes beyond the contract he
signed to help them on their question. In contrast, Thorin is highly unable to look beyond the contract,
as he feels betrayed when Bilbo takes the Arkenstone and gives it to the elves and men to make peace
(252). The dwarves have sense of loyalty and community towards each other, but that does not extend
to Bilbo, as he gives away what Thorin most wants and therefore, betrays him by breaching their
contract. While Bilbo grows to value the dwarves friendship, the dwarves are narrow minded because
they only see Bilbo as a means to an end and call him a thief and burglar when he betrays
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Online Communities Essay
Communities are all about groups of individuals who share something in common. This makes going
on the internet seem like an odd way to find more communities, form new ones, or strengthen pre
existing ones. The internet however is full of communities. Communities can be based upon religion,
location, ethnicity, an interest, or a personal matter. The internet itself is a global distributed data
communications network (Kirmayer, Raikhel, Rahimi, 2013, p. 166). This is what makes the internet
so full of communities because communication is the key to putting multiple individuals with
commonalities into communication, which is the basis of any community. Online communities differ
from communities that exists off the web in a couple of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This distinction of authority aids in creating a hierarchy within a community. With online
communities, every member is often able to contribute equally, allowing their voice to be heard. This
gives the impression that every individual is an authority figure on a subject due to their ability to be
equally heard. (Cellary, 2008, p. 107) For example to post a video about cats on Youtube, it is equally
as easy for one person as it is the next to post a video. They simply must own a camera, have a
Youtube account, be willing to record something about cats, and post it on Youtube (How to upload
videos, n.d.). A third and huge difference between the two types of community is that online
communities offer up the chance to be anonymous. Online one can identify with the use of almost any
name or image. The name doesn t have to be a real one, and there s not really any way for one to
prove the image is truly theirs or of themselves (Cellary, 2008, p. 107).
However, this ability for anonymity within an online community doesn t necessarily mean privacy.
The study Internet social network communities: Risk taking, trust, and privacy concerns by Fogel and
Nehmad (2008) talks about how much university students are willing to share on social media.
Although the study does strictly look at one set of university students, it gives an example of how
much individuals are willing to share personal information such as pictures of oneself, ones email
address, instant messenger address,
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Lockheed Case
1. a) Payback Period= Investment/Cash Flow per Year = 35,000/5000 = 7 year
Computation of NPV:
NPV= C0 + PV [PV= C0 + Σi=1t Ct/(1+r)t]
=C0 +C[1/r 1/r(1+r)t]
= 35,000+ 5000[1/.12 1/.12(1+.12)15]
= 35,000 + 5000[1/.12 1/.657]
= 35,000 + (5000 * 6.81) = 945.68
i.e. $ 945.68
Computation of IRR:
0= 35,000 + Σ t i=1 5000/(1+IRR)t
= 11.49%
Rainbow Products should not purchase the machine because it is not profitable whether you utilize the
NPV method or the IRR method. By NPV method, project should be rejected because it has a negative
NPV of $945.68. By IRR method, the project should be rejected because the IRR is less than cost of
capital for the investment.
1.b) The Perpetuity formula to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
c) The difference between the IRR and NPV ranking is due to the fact that NPV rule prioritize the
project that produces the maximum cash flows whereas IRR rule prioritize the project that produces
the highest return w.r.t. the initial investment.
IRR rule is good where we have capital constraints but since we don t have a capital constraint in the
above problem we should apply NPV rule as it helps the investors to identify the project which would
generate the maximum cash flow.
3. a) IRR @ the present rate is 18%.
So, to make its IRR 25%, the annual cash flow should be increased to $424000.
b) The present payback period is 2.69 years.
To make the payback period 2 years the annual cash flow should be increased to $ 500000
c) The annual cash flow for the project to provide an NPV of $ 75000 when cash flow are discounted
@ 20% is $ 415260.
4) NPV= PV of Project Investment
NPV= 210000 110000 = $100000 VAI should issue 1000 shares at $ 110 per share (1000 * 110).
If VAI utilizes the capital raised for this project, the total values of the equity will raise to $ 1210000.
This new equity consists of 1000000 market value of asset and 210000 from the cash flow. So, the
value of each share will become = 1210000/11000 = $110.
The previous share value was $ 100 per share and the new share is $ 110 per share. So, the existing
gets an additional $ 10 from the share price.
5) Capital Budgeting Decision Making
The investment
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European And Non-European Culture In The 1500s And 1600s
Europeans had many goals throughout the 1500s and 1600s. To achieve their goals, they deferred to
the non European culture. However, the question remains how did the Europeans accommodate
themselves to Non European culture? The European traders and missionaries would accommodate
themselves by integrating into the Non European culture, by adapting their physical appearance, by
referring to the traditional practices, and through the response of the nations wants to European goods.
In order for Europe s influence to be successful across the world, they had a guide written by Father
Jean de Brébeuf, called Instructions for The Fathers of Our Society Who Shall Be Sent to The Hurons.
In this small guide, Father Jean, writes instruction for other European members to follow in order to
be successful in their influence in the new world. The thought of being the superior race, followed
them to the new world, so embracing a culture that they thought was low class, was a big change to
the European men. As to the other numerous things which may be unpleasant, they must be endured
for the love of God, without saying anything or appearing to notice them. They did not do anything
that contradicts the Natives belief, as they were trying to convert them to the idealized culture. They
were doing so in a way that the Natives did not realize they were being converted. So, the Europeans
change their normal customs in order to gain their trust. In which they accommodate to non European
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What Is The Truth-Belief-Belief Conceptual Analysis Of...
In this paper, I will discuss the truth belief justification conceptual analysis of knowledge, which I will
refer to as TBJ, Gettier cases, and an example that refutes TBJ. Conceptual analysis is an analysis of a
proposition P with given premises to acquire knowledge of that P. The truth belief justification
analysis of knowledge fails to provide sufficient conditions for someone to possess knowledge. For a
condition to be necessary, it has to be satisfied to have knowledge of a proposition. If a condition is
sufficient, then the person x will have some information to know something about proposition P.
Jointly sufficient conditions are conditions that all need to be satisfied together to have knowledge
about some P. They are necessary and supposedly jointly sufficient, but Gettier cases prove that extra
conditions on top of TBJ are required to be jointly sufficient. The TBJ analysis identifies three
conditions that are necessary and supposedly jointly sufficient for some person x to know some
proposition P. Truth indicates that the proposition P has to be true. The truth needs to correspond to
some true fact that relates to the world, such as that the Earth is round. It is necessary because a
proposition P can only be deduced by factual evidence shown to x. However, truth by itself is not
sufficient because truth itself is just a random fact. In addition, the person, x, needs to hold some sort
of belief in their proposition P. If you do not believe in a proposition P, then it cannot be known, since
you will not have any grounds on which to base your knowledge of that P. It is a necessary condition
since you can only know what you believe . However, it is not a sufficient condition by itself because
a belief is just x s opinion of a subject. Finally, the person, x s belief has to be accompanied by
observations from their senses, prior knowledge, or deductive reasoning, which in effect, explains
what the justification is. This may come from what people may see with their eyes, or forming a
conclusion from previously assumed premises. Justification is a necessary condition because the
allegedly known beliefs have to be adequately justified. Fallibility of justification is assumed since no
justification can
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Cell Phones Are Changing The Lives Of Canadians
Cell Phones In Canadian Lives I believe cell phones are changing the lives of Canadians in a negative
way for several different reasons; all of which will be outlined below. First is the issue of intimacy in
relationships, because of cell phones we seem to have lost intimacy in our relationships. I am not just
talking about the intimacy between couples, I am referring to the intimacy in all of our relationships. It
is not unusual for a group of friends to be in the same room, and barely talk to each other. Some might
say it is unnecessary to speak just because you are together, and I would agree, except I am not
referring to the comfortable silence that occurs when people are together. I am referring to the silence
that occurs when every other person in the room has their cell phone in their hand, texting, watching
Youtube, or checking their Facebook page. I have witnessed two people texting each other, you say, so
what s the big deal? , I then explain that they were sitting beside each other! How many times in an
hour do you check your cell phone? According to research scientist Helen Lee Lin, writing in
Scientific American, the report suggests that cell phones may serve as a reminder of the wider network
to which we could connect, inhibiting our ability to connect with the people right next to us.
(http://www.cbc.ca/strombo/news/study finds cell phones may damage relationships.html) A recent set
of studies by Andrew K. Przybylski and Netta Weinstein of the
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Cultural Change In Ancient Egypt
Let s take an imaginary trip some 6828 miles to Egypt. The Ancient Egyptian civilization is
exceptionally famous because it continued without massive cultural change for almost 3,000 years. All
its cities were built beside the Nile, a very manageable river; making farming easy and productive
(Minds, 2015). According to an article in Egypt Travel Guide, Egyptian cuisine combines many of the
best traditions of African, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cooking, and is both delicious and
healthy. Fruit, such as dates and olives, picked from the trees combine with vegetables, meats and
fresh fish, aromatic herbs and spices to create colorful and flavorsome dishes (Egypt travel guide,
2015). From this information, I chose to become familiar ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Certain foods are prohibited from eating. Muslims who observe Islam usually doesn t eat pork or pork
products. Some Muslims only eat fish that have scales. They also observe Ramadan, which is a month
long of fasting from food during a certain time frame. During fasting they must refrain from eating
and drinking. At the end of each fast day, they usually break their fast with dates, water, fruit juice or
soup. The unique Egyptian cuisine has been influenced throughout history, particularly by its
neighbors from the Middle East. Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, and Ottomans. More recently, the
foods of other Arabic people in the Middle East such as the Lebanese, Palestinians, Syrians, as well as
some foods from Europe, have affected the Egyptian diet. However, Egyptian cuisine maintains its
uniqueness. After thousands of years, rice and bread remain staple foods (Food in Egypt,
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Analysis Of The Movie Ava
Ava had found herself in more than a few situations that had left her cheeks bright red with
embarrassment and shame, but this topped all of them by far. It was bad enough that her bronzed,
nubile body was marred by the grime and dirt that seemed to infest every spot upon the floor of the
locker room. In fact, it was bad enough that her rival, who had just beat and humiliated her in front of
an audience, was now being pleased by Ava s tongue. However, the worst part of it all, as she lay there
with her tongue tween Aida s folds and her breasts being toyed with like they were stress balls, was
that she was enjoying it.
Despite just how terrible and messed up all of it was, Ava couldn t help but feel her arousal growing
by the minute. Her ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
What she had not really counted on was the extensive experience of her opponent, which was not
wholly known to her, or simply just how easy her plan was to decipher.
So, instead of really resisting her opponent, all Ava was doing was playing exactly into the Valkyrie s
hands. And it was to this end that when Aida began to hurl obscenities and threats like alms to a
beggar, she quickened her pace. If everything went according to plan, Aida would flow between
orgasms until the entire experience began to hurt and exhaust rather than pleasure.
Aida moaned out as she began to finish once more, her whole body twitching and writhing against the
admittedly talented tongue of the girl below her. It was always somewhat astonishing to her just how
easy it was to use her conquered foes. She played them like a fiddle, and Ava was no different. The
dumb brunette was, as her phone displayed, just another in a long line girls who had been reduced to
unabashed sluts. The whole idea reminded Aida that one picture of her foe s humiliation was hardly
enough to remind her of just how complete the process had been. As she teetered over the edge of her
second orgasm she grabbed a fistful of her conquered foe s hair, pulling her back just enough to
encapsulate her mouth as she commanded Smile! before snapping a picture and returning Ava to her
place. Looking at the photo, she was pleased at how easily Ava had given in, a wide grin on the
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Rotc College Essay
The effects of ROTC and MLS For those that might not know much about ROTC its a program that
differentiates regular college students from college students who are interested in being in the military.
ROTC is short for Reserve officers training corps which if people are interested in this route to pursue
while in college must take a military science class alongside PT in the mornings of mondays,
wednesdays, and fridays. PT is optional but if a scholarship is awarded its mandatory.When I first
decided to go alongside this route I had no idea how much of a positive effect it would be, not only in
college but also life outside of school. The first week of class and PT I learned a couple of necessary
things about being in the military which is the different types ... Show more content on
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Those were the first things I learned in ROTC but the most impactful things I learned were not
abbreviations or how to tell the military time but instead the fact that I met many new people, ROTC
increased my maturity, and lastly personal training greatly increased my physical health. The fellow
cadets that I ve met this year have turned into great friends, especially my close battle buddies who are
in 3rd squad 2nd platoon or my fellow MS 1s. Most of the cadets in ROTC are really nice and
motivational pushing each other to not quit and finish that last quarter mile or last set of flutter kicks.
ROTC has increased my maturity by giving me a responsibility to wake up early in the mornings of
PT, due to me waking up early those days I have to be more responsible the days prior and sleep
earlier. It has also improve how I behave by
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The Discursive View Of Identity
In alignment with one of the key points from the previous section, which denies the integral and
unified account of identity, this section elaborates the discursive view of identity. In order to
understand this shift in conceptualising identity, we will revisit the simple definition of identity from
Longman dictionary (section 9.1.1). The later part of this definition, specifically, the second key
phrase different from other people brings about the discussion of the discursive approach to identity.
Departing from the essentialist viewpoint of identity as a stable core of self, later literatures have
advocated a close relation between the processes of intersubjectivity and the crucial role of the others
in identity construction (Hall, 2000). As a nature of human beings, the process of identification is seen
as a universal need to belong to a group, to reflect on others, thus define themselves and others. In
other words, it is to say that identity is constructed through difference and experienced by contrast
(Benveniste, 2000). Specifically, [i]n common sense language, identification is constructed on the
back of recognition of some common origin or shared characteristics with another person or group, or
with an ideal, and with the natural closure of solidarity and allegiance established on this foundation
(Hall, 2000:16). The common origin or shared characteristics here do not adhere to the essentialist
viewpoint of identity as an identical and unchangeable stage of
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SWOT Analysis Of Acacia
I. Type of retail store you want to establish and why? The retail store that we are establishing is a
furniture store that not only deals in the finest of wood and metal furnished goods, but also allows
customers to choose from a large variety of paints and wallpapers. Acacia is the ultimate home décor
retailer that lets you furnish your dreams, a room at a time. The reason why we have chosen this type
of retail store is because Acacia stands to provide customers easy access to both goods and services,
which hardly any furniture retailers do. The choice of goods and mode of payment is in the hands of
the customers, the transportation, assembly and all other laborious work is in the hands of Acacia,
without any extra charges. Besides this, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Company is trying to overcome this issue as well. High prices: Acacia has high prices since it is only
catering sec A and A+. Customized order: customized orders will take time to make. A bit delay in the
procurement and delivery. c. Opportunities: Innovation: Acacia can introduce more innovative
products to satisfy its customers. New services: Acacia can provide new services to its customer by
adding value. International expansion: Acacia can go global and compete in international market.
Setup online business: Acacia can set up its online business and take orders online by displaying their
products online with complete information about the prices and features of the product. Acacia is a
first furniture store with a back hand warehouse for customized orders. d. Threats: Mature markets:
Mature markets are competitive. In order for Acacia to grow in a mature market, it has to increase
market share, which is difficult and expensive. Change in trend: Consumers change their tastes
according to fashion very quickly. Our furniture Company depends on knowing which goods and
services consumers want. Change in trends is a difficult qualitative factor to overcome, so the
investment will have to spend a lot of time trying to overcome this
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Sweatshop is Conflicts With the Moral Standards
PMP 400
Quan Zhang ( Lyla)
Royal Roads University
Elvira Perrella
March 9, 2015
Sweatshop is Conflicts With the Moral Standards
Green, B., Norton, S. (2011). Reading. In. W, Anne M. Laura ( Eds.), Essay essentials with readings
(pp. 336 341). Toronto, ON: Nelson Education Ltd. In the article, before the research, like many
people, the author s attitude was old, but after the research, the author s attitude changed. The author
chose the country of Bangladeshi to illustrate her point that working in a sweatshop can be a positive
experience for women in developing countries by focusing primarily on one country. First, she argued
that sweatshops offer jobs ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I can choose these data and cite them in my paper, and the data will make my evidence more powerful
and believable. Powell, B., Zwolinski, M. (2011). The Ethical and Economic Case Against Sweatshop
Labor: A Critical Assessment. Journal of Business Ethics, 107(4), pp. 449 472. doi:
http://doi.org/10.1007/s10551 011 1058 8 The idea of sweatshop has grown increasingly has been
hotly contested over the past several years. At first, the author reviews the moral and economic
foundations, then argues that the sweatshops are flawed, which are the violation of labor right. The
author addresses the question of sweatshops are justified in violating local labor laws. Then the author
pointed out that the global market competitions are the fundamental reason for growing sweatshops.
Finally, the author provides some recent literature, which applies to the ban exploitation of sweatshop
labor and offers advice on modifying the behavior of sweatshops. In this article, the framework is very
clear. The author mainly expounds the sweatshops are flawed and against the sweatshop labor. The
author not only used data to support their thesis, but also they used others opinions to assess the issue
and gave the recommendations. The evidence is believable because the authors of this article are the
professor of economics and philosophy
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Television Program Unfit For A Young Kid
One of my fondest moments growing up, besides curling up in my mothers arms as she cuddled me,
was watching reruns of Tom Jerry. Some parents would question my mother s choice of letting me
watch such a violent cartoon at the tender age of three since it displayed a lot of unforgivingly violent
moments such as: how many chokes and gags Tom performed on Jerry and vice versa. It is a tough
question to answer, as is the question of whether Tom and Jerry was considered excessively violent
television program unfit for a young kid. However, in all honesty, it is up to the parents of the child to
regulate what they believe personally to be the best fit for a young child to watch. There is a huge
difference between now and then: parents have much more power on regulating what their children
see on TV with the technology of parental control that started surfacing recently which did not exist in
my time. In this context, many people believed, and probably still do, that the government should have
acted as a surrogate for parents whose only control of the TV was the power button. Today, parents
can filter or tailor TV programs in majority of ways like the V chip for example, which allows certain
programs blocked off if the parents deem it so or based on ratings. There is also another avenue like
the cable satellite boxes that exist today which offer a vast variety of screening tools to prevent
children from exploring television channels or programs a parent might feel too
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Dentistry College Essay
With dentistry having a positive job outlook, many people are working to meet certain requirements to
become a dentist in the United States. The first step to becoming a dentist in America is to graduate
from high school and enroll in a four year college or university (Educational Requirements for
Dentists). While at a four year college, one must then obtain a bachelor s degree and take classes that
will prepare them for dental school. Some colleges may offer pre dentistry as a major, but if not one
could major in biology, organic chemistry, physics, calculus, physiology, or human genetics
(Educational Requirements for Dentists). After earning a bachelor s degree one must then take the
Dental Admissions Test prior to getting accepted into ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One group of people that are essential to a dentist and to a dental office are dental hygienists. Dental
hygienists work very closely aligned with dentists for the overall health of patients (Dental
Hygienists). These individuals have the responsibility of screening patients, taking dental x rays,
removing plaque from a patient s teeth, applying preventative materials, teaching patients appropriate
dental procedures, counseling patients about the importance of good nutrition, making impressions of
teeth for any reason, and helping with office and administrative tasks. Dental hygienists have the
advantages of being able to work with a wide variety of people, being able to have flexible work
hours, and the security that they will have a job due to the wide importance of dental health and the
positive outlook of their job, which is much higher than that of the average job (Dental Hygienists). To
become a dental hygienist, one must only have an associate s degree and receive a license from their
state (Dental Hygienists: Summary). Like dentists, the salary for a dental hygienist varies for
everyone. Dental hygienists on average make around $70, 200 a year. These individuals also have
many benefits that come along with their job. Some of these benefits could include retirement,
healthcare, free dental care, paid time off, and
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Anne Hutchinson s Ethical Role
Hutchinson held Bible study meetings for women that soon had great appeal to men as well.
Eventually, she went beyond Bible study to proclaiming boldly facets of her own theological
interpretations, some of which offended colony leadership. Great controversy ensued, and after an
arduous trial before a jury of officials from both government and clergy, eventually she was banished
from her colony.The assertive Anne was now becoming a religious leader to many, and this worried
John Winthrop, a long time opponent of Anne s views, and the newly appointed Governor of the
Massachusetts Bay colony. Winthrop recognized her as a threat to the authority of the men in power,
and the thought of women expressing their views on Church and communal matters
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Oedipus Rex, Hamlet, Willy Loman Comparison Essay
Still, the Truth Remains
An immense desire for personal satisfaction, and extraordinary reputation can often result in a sickly,
perverse distortion of reality. In Sophocles Oedipus Rex, a man well known for his intellect and
wisdom, finds himself blind to the truth of his life, and his parentage. William Shakespeare s Hamlet
also contains a character that is in search of the truth, which ultimately leads to his own demise, as
well as the demise of many around him. Arthur Miller s play, The Death of a Salesman, tells of a
tragic character so wrapped up in his delusional world, that reality and illusion fuse, causing an
internal explosion that leads to his downfall. Each play enacts the struggle of a man attempting to
come to grips ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Oedipus foolish decisions ultimately lead to his downfall in the play. Oedipus chooses to kill Laios.
He chooses to marry Iocaste. He chooses to forcefully, and publicly, assume the mission of
discovering the identity of Laios murderer saying ironically, I say I take the son s part, just as though I
were his son, to press the fight for him and see it won, (633). He proceeds on this mission and chooses
to ignore the warnings of Creon, Iocaste, Teiresias, the messenger, the shepherd, and anyone who
attempts to stand between him and the truth; and, he chooses to blind himself. In the end, Oedipus
most foolish choice prevails throughout the play; the choice of illusion over reality ultimately costs
him his life.
Similar to the quest for truth in Oedipus case, so does Hamlet lead to his own decease. In the first act
of William Shakespeare s Hamlet, after Hamlet is aware of the tormented ghost of his father walking
on the ramparts, he goes to witness it for himself. This immediately exemplifies the theory that
Hamlet, like Oedipus, is in search of the truth, until he realizes it is too much to bear. Subsequent to
seeing the apparition, he is convinced to avenge his father s murderer. The ghost tells him, Revenge
his foul and most unnatural murder, (29). As Hamlet lays the trap for the new King Claudius, he is
procrastinating in order to solve his self doubt. Even after the ghost tells Hamlet how his father was
murdered, Hamlet has the players act
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John Donne Rhyme Poem
Rhyme According to Hollander (2001), Rhyme is one of the most well known and popular sound
devices in poetry; the term rhyme refers to the use of words with similar or the same sounds. Rhyme is
often a key component of a poem, although not all poets make use of it. Those who do use it in a
variety of ways, sometimes making the last word in each line of a poem rhyme, sometimes rhyming
every other line. See here how the poet John Donne, who wrote some of the world s most beautiful
love poems, does both in The Canonization, where the poet tells the readers to leave him alone and let
him be in love:
For God s sake hold your tongue, and let me love,
Or chide my palsy, or my gout,
My five gray hairs or ruined fortune flout,
With wealth your ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It s almost endless possibilities of variation both in rhyme and length of the line make it a particularly
musical stanza. The proportion of rhyme seems to be usually three and two expressed by the symbol a
b a b b. Here is an example for this type To a Skylark Percy Bysshe Shelley
Teach me half the gladness
That thy brain must know,
Such harmonious madness
From my lips would flow
The word should listen then as I am listening now Sestet
In its strictest sense, the sestet is the last six lines of a sonnet. It is the second part of the sonnet,
usually separated from the first eight lines (the octave) by a space. Cymbeline William
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Linux Against Microsoft Window Essays
Linux Against Microsoft Windows
Linux is a free operating system that was developed on the internet.It was formed by Linus Torvalds
first,then he put its source code to his web page.After that,the internet hackers and the programmers
developed it.It is a Unix like operating system because it is the main reason to develop the Linux.By
the time,it becomes a big organization and now it is a powerful, advanced operating system.It has an
important feature that is not available for other operating systems.You can run Linux with other
operating systems like MacOS, DOS,Windows 95, Windows NT, Novell, OS/2 on the same machine.It
is an advantage of linux that a user can easily compare Linux with other operating systems.
Unlike Windows, Linux is a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
So you can run Linux only 8Mb of ram and 16Mb of swap place.Windows requires at least 16Mb of
ram(32Mb is recommended).Linux can be used by users that have limited systems.Multi user
capabilities of Linux provides to share one computer amp;#8217;s resources by hundreds of people
over a network, the internet or on computers and terminals connected the serial port of those
computers. By this you can connect your computer or laptop to another computer and you can use
it.Multi user capability of windows is limited. You can only transfer files from other computer.Linux
has all the features that you can expect from an operating system.(Windows Inside amp;Out,
Slackware Linux Unleashed 3rd Edition)
Internet features of Linux make it more popular. Linux was developed on the irternet so it has a wide
support for internet tools and protocols. A free e mail software called pine comes with Linux.It was
developed at University of Washington and it has all features of a mail program. There is also a free
software called telnet. With telnet you can connect a computer with its IP number through internet.
The famous web browser Netscape comes with Linux free.You can surf on the internet with
Netscape.It has all properties of Netscape that is used on Windows and it is easy to surf on the internet
as Windows. There is also a browser called Archie comes with Linux free too. Linux has support for
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Technology Is A Hindrance In Modern Society
In the 21st Century many individuals argue that technology has made life easier and assist humans by
increased efficiency and productivity. However, they fail to realize that although technology has
become a cornerstone in modern society, it has also become a hindrance in many aspects. The
dictionary defines technology as the machinery and equipment developed from the application of
scientific knowledge. Scientific inventions are man made, as a result, it is flawed and has its adverse
effects. The advancement of technology has damaged society. It has prompted human beings to be less
physically active, which in turn decreases human to human interactions and as a result of individuals
being smart device stricken, it jeopardizes their privacy and safety.
Presently, the advancement of technology has resulted in the decrease of physical activity. Humans
have become lazy because they are overly dependent on their handheld devices. Which in turn results
in the decrease of brain power and human intellect. Many people do not take the liberty to learn
anything anymore because it is easily accessible on their smart devices. Knowledge, information and
just about anything else is at the hands of the common man by way of technology. Therefore, there is
no need for humans to do the extra. Information is accessed in 2.5 seconds via the world wide web.
Scholars do not even bother buying the newspaper, books or any educational material anymore.
Individuals can lie down in their beds and
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Essay Why Wood He Work
Why Wood He Work?
The great American poet, Robert Frost crafted numerous masterpieces in his time. At first glance,
Frost s poems often narrate a simple story or describe a rural scene; however, these sweet poems carry
dark undertones. The chief subject in Frost s literature is death; he delves into humanity s perception
of death along with different ways society acts as a catalyst towards death. Generally speaking, Frost
uses several techniques in his poetry that contribute to an overarching focus on death. Starting with
plot and setting, Frost s poems often describe a rather pleasant situation in nature; since virtually
everyone experiences nature, this setup allows Frost s poetry to be universally applicable. These
scenes are depicted with a conflict and can usually relate to death. In addition to the plot and setting
indicating death, Frost typically refers to an aspect of human nature that contributes physical or
emotional pain or death. The connection between societal weakness and human death is arguably one
of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Frost, along with this poem, address an underlying problem humans face. A common topic in Frost s
poetry is the negative impact society has on people; Swells of Glory embodies this sentiment by
addressing the negative impact ostracization can have on a young girl. Additionally, Swells of Glory
personifies nature, a tactic Frost perfects in his poetry, allowing the poem to be understood by all.
Swells of Glory uses a similar rhyme scheme to one of Frost s greatest poems, Stopping by Woods On
A Snowy Evening , allowing for an easy flow from one line to the next. One aspect of Frost s poetry
that Swells of Glory is not quite able to emulate is Frost s use of symbols in his poetry. Frost poetry
allows symbols, along with more effective imagery, to convey emotions and meaning but Swells of
Glory relies on the text itself to convey much its
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The Life Of Quentin Tarantino
Quentin Tarantino a director well known for it s violence and bloodshed content in his movies, was
not only a great director, but also a legend of it s time. Quentin Tarantino turned his studio from an art
house studio to a national studio in Hollywood and created a genre of it s own. Why is he such a
remarkable figure in the film industry? It was due to his success in this industry, clearly. At the age of
31, he was made almost a hero among young filmmaker and audience with the release of Pulp Fiction
(1994), which shows a significant development in his work. Quentin Tarantino is a huge fans of the
Asian Cinema as it is reflected on most of his works. Numerous elements from the asian culture can
be found among his work, as Quentin Tarantino
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Essay On Annotated Bibliographies
When first brainstorming what topic I was going to pick for each annotated bibliography, it took me a
while before I settled on a topic for each essay. While reflecting on my writing process, I came to the
conclusion that more time would have definitely benefited my argument for each of these annotated
bibliographies. If I had more time on each of these essays, I would have looked in more databases to
try and find a wider variety of sources to argue each point. Since I can not search across all the
databases at once, I picked out what looked to be the best database for each topic. For example, my
public argument is on abortion, so I went straight to the sociology database. My other argument was
about blockchain technology, so I went do my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
While doing this, I found out that some of the sources were not what I thought they were going to be.
For example, one of the sources for my public argument seemed like it was against abortion, but once
I got to the end, I found out that the author was actually for abortion. I had this problem while writing
both of my essays, so I had to go back to the databases to find new sources. I think the most important
change I made during the writing process was changing a few of my sources to ones that would better
validate the arguments in each annotated bibliography. After searching within the database for a while,
I was able to find other articles that gave me a wider range of information and statistics to choose
from. If I would have not taken the time to go back and find sources that would better fit my
argument, I would have needed to do it later in the writing process of each essay. Because of this, I
went back for both of my annotated bibliographies and replaced some of the sources that I thought
were good at first, but after reading more into them I found that they did not provide me with the
evidence I
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Lucie Manette Sacrifice
Lucie Manette: A Dynamic Golden Thread Lucie Manette is the centerpiece character in A Tale of
Two Cities . Her actions are always for the greater good of those around her, and she is filled with
nothing but compassion and a selfless love for people close to her. Lucie may come off as timid and
frail, but her wisdom for such a young girl and her bravery speak more volumes than any words ever
could. Lucie Manette is the Golden Thread and is the main catalyst in the novel, and her actions are
always justified. She brings to the surface the best in characters, and her loving personality touches
those who are around her. Lucie Manette starts off as a very miniscule character in the book, described
as very quiet and frail. But through the uniting ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Lucie Manette can bind her father s past before misery and her father s present after the misery. Her
father is not a bad person, but he can get into very dark moods and depressions. But just the sound of
Lucie s voice can ease his pain and misery, only his daughter his daughter the power of charming this
black brooding from his mind (Dickens 137), she transforms his destiny into one that is good. On a
more physical level, Lucie has blonde hair which can be described as golden threads , and during her
father s 18 year imprisonment he kept a thread of her hair in his pocket to remind him of Lucie. Dr.
Manette and Charles would not have been connected to each other if it was not for Lucie. Charles
conflict would have no meaning to Dr. Manette if it were not for Lucie being Charles husband. With
that being the circumstance Dr. Manette is emotionally invested in the fate of Charles because of how
much Charles means to his daughter and how much his daughter means to him. Sydney and Charles
were brought together as enemies and then as friends because of Lucie. Sydney became attracted to
Lucie, and this created apparent conflict between them. They spoke on how they both fancied her, and
came to the settlement that Sydney just wants to see Lucie happy, and would just like to be around
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Odysseus Is Not A Heroic Figure In Homer s Odyssey
In the epic poem the Odyssey by Homer, the main character Odysseus is lost on a island with a
goddess Calypso. Odysseus has to go through many obstacles to find his way back home. Some of the
things he has to do to get home hurts other people. Odysseus does things throughout his journey that
clearly show he is not a heroic figure. Odysseus has proven many times that he is not a heroic figure.
His actions convey that he is not heroic at all. Some of the reasons why Odysseus is not heroic at all is
because, he destroys people s homes, lies to his men, and cheats on his wife. One of the reasons
Odysseus is not a heroic figure is because he destroys people s homes. There are many examples in
the story when Odysseus has destroyed other people s home. For example, No man is nameless no
man, good or bad, but gets a name in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One example of when Odysseus lied to his men was when he didn t tell them about the things Circe
told him would happen. The crew being now silent before me, I addressed them, sore at heart: Dear
friends, more than one man, or two, should know those things Circe foresaw for us and shared with
me, so let me tell her forecast: then we die with our eyes open, if we are going to die, or know what
death we battle if we can (12. 1239, 1242). This proves that Odysseus did not tell his men that Circe
predicted trouble was coming there way. Voices came down to me in anguish calling my name for the
last time (12. 1342, 1343).This is what Odysseus said soon after he just saw some of his men being
eaten. He knew they would have a rough time getting home but he didn t tell them. The consequences
that his men experienced were not fair because they didn t know what would happen. Odysseus is not
heroic because his men were always loyal to him, but he didn t tell them very important information,
that costed them some of their
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  • 10. New Mexico Ouray Born 1833 in Taos, New Mexico Ouray would grow up to become the leader of the Uncompahgre band of the Ute tribe and known as a man of peace; According to oral history passed down by Ute elders, he was born on a gloriously clear night when a display of meteor showers came across the sky. The elders believed it was a sign; a message from above of good things to happen. Ouray s mother was apart of the Uncompahgre Ute and his father Guera Murah was half Jicarilla Apache. Ouray grew up in Taos areal; spanish and english were the languages spoken, he would later learn the to speak the Ute and Apache languages. He spent his youth working for a mexican sheepherder and fighting the rival Kiowa and Sioux. When ouray was 18 he traveled into Colorado, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ouray completed the trip, he was a sick man by the time he arrived. He died of Bright s Disease on August 24, 1880. He was buried secretly at Ignacio, his obituary read: In the death of Ouray, one of the historical characters passes away. He has figured for many years as the greatest Indian of his time, and during his life has figured quite prominently. Ouray is in many respects...a remarkable Indian...pure instincts and keen perception. A friend to the white man and protector to the Indians alike. Forty five years later, Ouray was re interred in the cemetery southeast of the White River Agency and the grave appropriately marked. His wife, Chipeta, continued to work for the Utes. When sufficient agricultural land was not found for the Uncompahgre in southern Colorado, a new reservation was established in 1882. Chipeta then relocated to the reservation in northeast Utah, where she was highly valued and always sat in on the chief s meetings. She passed away in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Captain Of Industry In The Gilded Age There were many big businessmen in the Gilded Age, some used their wealth to help the country, others did not. In the Gilded Age, there was exponential economic growth: increase in population, better transportation, new technology, and new business ideas. Entrepreneurs thrived in this time, these businessmen were thought of a captains of industry or robber barons. Most people thought that they were captains of industry because of the good they did for the country. Entrepreneurs such as John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and Henry Ford all helped their economy in some way. John D. Rockefeller helped the economy out by making his oil company expand. By expanding his company, Rockefeller gave many people jobs, and gave them kerosene which lit their homes at night. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ford increased his workers pay from 2.34 dollars an hour to 5 dollars an hour, raising the bar for the industry. Henry revolutionized the world by making it easier for people to get around. With Ford mass producing his cars it took no time to make them, so he could keep the price low and more people could afford them. Henry Ford wanted to revolutionize the world with the horseless carriage, he did so without Cutting any ones throat and was head of the first car company. Captains of industry of this time helped out the working man, educational causes, and scientific causes. John D. Rockefeller gave the working man jobs for a long period of time, and donated over half a billion dollars to educational and scientifical purposes. Andrew Carnegie donated 350 million dollars to build libraries and gave away organs to churches. Henry Ford revolutionized the world by making it easier for people to get around more efficiently. What these men have done to help out their country is why the are perceived as captains of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The Meaning of Water in the Poem Blessing by Imtiaz... To start with, the theme of the poem is that water is a necessity to life and is a precious gift. This gift is known as a Blessing . To begin with, there is a lack of water in which the poem takes place. Imtiaz starts the poem off strong stating right away how The skin cracks like a pod (1). Human skin becomes dry and cracked when it is not moisturized. A pod is useless when it is dries up and becomes fragile because of the deficiency of water. The pod links to human skin because water keeps the skin hydrated and helps the body function. In addition, the villagers in the poem value water. When the municipal pipes explode, silver crashes to the ground (9). To the villagers, the water shines like silver. The villagers worship the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By adding in onomatopoeias, the reader is able to hear the sound of the water as it rushes and crashes. Therefore, the poetic devices that Imtiaz uses have a tremendous purpose throughout the poem. Last of all, Blessing by Imtiaz Dharker represents the period of the poem written in nineteen eighty nine, which is post modern. First and foremost, temperatures were sweltering. In fact, the hottest day was on April seventh with a high temperature of forty degrees Celsius (WeatherSpark Beta). This connects to the poem because it deals with a hot country where dehydration is quite normal. Since the poem takes place in the slums in Mumbai, India, There is never enough water (2) for the villagers to consume and the great degree of heat causes more problems to their health. Adding to that, the humidity was high. June to September were the stickiest months (WeatherSpark Beta), which led to thirst, and the skin cracking ...like a pod (1). In fact, with a daily average low humidity of seventy eight percent, August was the most humid month (WeatherSpark Beta). The weather conditions of Mumbai itself were described as reasonably hot with soaring levels of humidity (Climate of Mumbai). All of these situations link to the poem because the villagers need water when the weather is hot and sticky to keep their bodies hydrated and functioning. Undoubtedly, the period when the poem was written relates back to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Development Of Prejudice And Discrimination A group of young males is walking towards you; however, take into account that the males are all wearing baggy shirts and sagging their pants. Each member has visible tattoos and is being loud and obnoxious. Do you cross over to the other side of the street or do you walk passed the group? Whichever one you chose shows how important first impressions can be. The person whom choses to cross the street instead of walking by the group may hold the view that these males are dangerous and not the kind of people you would want to associate with. On the other hand, the person whom chose to walk passed the group may have the perception that they are just young and expressing themselves in today s fashion sense and having fun. This situation demonstrates prejudice and discrimination. Prejudice is when someone holds an often negative and unsupported stereotyped attitude about members of a particular group. Discrimination is when that prejudice attitude causes people of a particular group to be treated differently than others in the same situation. Although many factors contribute to prejudice and discrimination, the four main ones are social cognitive theory and realistic theory, and social identity theory and stereotype vulnerability. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are ways, however, to reduce prejudice and discrimination. These include education, equal status contact, and the jigsaw classroom. Education allows for people to learn about others who are different in many ways from them and gives people the opportunity to have direct contact with people from different backgrounds and see them as people rather than outsiders. Equal status contact is when all groups are in the same situation and neither have more power over the other. The jigsaw classroom allows students to work together to reach a specific goal which helps to reduce prejudice and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Media Comparison Paper Media Comparison Paper Since we have had to make choices and distinguish between one thing and another all of our lives, most of us like to see how others make their decisions. We especially appreciate this strategy if it helps us or informs us in some way. This paper is based on the media of comparing a newspaper ad to the internet ad. When you asked us to write a Compare and Contrast paper, I did not exactly know what you meant. After researching both concepts I learned about new things, our brain wants ever so badly to compare these new things to something that we already know about. What do they have in common? And we want to also know how are they differing from contrast? For this paper I choose The Lasik Vision ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Call Register Online for a FREE Consultation. E mail us. Click to Chat now. Coming soon 1 877 998 LASIK. Live Assistance Available 24/7 About Us | What to Expect | Affordability | Locations | Customer Service | Register Online Privacy Policy | Site Map (c) 2005 The LASIK Vision Institute™ PER EYE. NIDEK LASER ON MYOPIC PATIENTS WITH NO ASTIGMATISM UP TO 6.0. OFFER SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL BY CARE CREDIT. MONTHLY MINIMUM PAYMENTS EQUAL TO THE GREATER OF $10.00 OR 3% OF PURCHASE PRICE DURING ZERO INTEREST. INTEREST ACCRUES FROM DATE OF PURCHASE IF NOT PAID WITHIN PROMO PERIOD AND THE STANDARD APR OF 22.98% (CURRENT APR) (14.73% PLUS PRIME RATE) WILL BE APPLIED. DEFAULT APR 26.99% APPLIES IF THE MINIMUM PAYMENT IS NOT MADE BY PAYMENT DATE TWO TIMES IN ANY SIX CONSECUTIVE BILLING PERIODS AND FINANCE CHARGES WILL ACCRUE FROM DATE OF PURCHASE. MINIMUM FINANCE $1.00. OTHER FINANCING OPTIONS MAY BE AVAILABLE. OTHER RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY. ASSURANCE PLANS AND OTHER TECHNOLOGIES AVAILABLE AT ADDITIONAL REASONABLE COST. PROCEDURES PERFORMED BY AN INDEPENDENT DOCTOR OF ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. My Prank Friend My best friend, Ashley, and I have been known to get into some serious trouble together. We have gotten in so much trouble that our parents would not allow us to see each other for a while, but we are still best friends despite that. We have learned some serious lessons together. One blazing hot, Alabama, summer day Ashley and I, who were around eight at the time, were playing at my house when we learned a very important lesson which we still regret to this day. We decided to prank call a family friend who had a daughter our age. That day we made a poor decision, went through with the prank call, and both ended up in serious trouble while learning an important lesson. Since it was such a sweltering summer day, Ashley and I decided not to play outside, but that usually meant trouble for us. We spent the majority of the day watching YouTube videos on my third generation iPod Touch and sneaking around getting into my mom s makeup. In one of the videos we watched a man was making prank calls, and we decided we wanted to be like him by making our own prank calls. We decided to go ask my mom if it would be okay to do this, but she, of course, told us absolutely not. Since we were two extremely stubborn, bored girls we decided to make the prank calls anyway, but we had to figure out how. We watched, even more, videos on prank calling, and we thought we were set even though we really had no clue what we were doing. Since we thought we were prepared to make what would turn out ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Effects Of British Occupation The British empire compromised everything ruled or administered by the United Kingdom and its predecessor states. The overseas possessions/territories and trading posts was established by England in the late 16th centuries and the early 18th centuries. When it was at its greatest, it was the largest empire in history and also the foremost global power. The empire was controlling over a fifth of the world s total land area. After the British empire lost its colonies in North America, they turned towards Asia, Africa, and the pacific. One of the territories they occupied later on was Hong Kong, who was going to be under control by British occupation from 1841 until the end of the 1990 s. The occupation of Hong Kong improved the economy, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The people could feel it by getting better infrastructure, expansion of houses/more inhabitants, more types of trading goods/luxury items, and safety from outside forces because of the British empire s promise. A downside with this would be the two opium wars, where the Lin dynasty was trying to end the opium trade into China. This caused several deaths (most on the Qing China side). It also caused trouble for the international trading, since the Chinese was trying to boycott the trading. The British occupation improved the politics in Hong Kong. During the first opium war, Elliot negotiated with Lin s successor. Qishan. This treaty was to be named the treaty of Nanking, which included the cession of the Hong Kong island and its harbor to the British imperial crown. The treaty failed to please the British empire because of their expectations of making a major expansion of trade and profit. After a variety of smaller conflicts, Palmerston (foreign secretary) appointed Lord Elgin as plenipotentiary with the aim of securing a new and satisfactory treaty with the Chinese. The occupation of Beijing and the capture of the Taku Forts led to the convention of Peking (an agreement compromising three distinct treaties concluded between the Qing empire (China), ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Towards the end of the Gospel of John, John writes his... Towards the end of the Gospel of John, John writes his purpose: Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. Along with these signs, Jesus fulfilled Jewish Festivals. This paper will look at the three feasts mentioned in John (Passover, Tabernacles, and Dedication) traditional backgrounds and how Jesus is their fulfilling of them in his Gospel. Passover is the celebration feast, which the Hebrews recall how God had liberated them from their bondage of slavery in Egypt. The Hebrew name for this feast is Pesach , which translates literally ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This annual feast comes to full completion in Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate lamb and completer of the Passover. Within in the first chapter of the Gospel of John, a reader begins to see Jesus as the fulfiller of Passover. John the Baptizer saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! The Baptizer knew and declared that Jesus was the long awaited Messiah, the ultimate Pascal Lamb, and the fulfillment of the Old Testament Feast of Passover. The Gospel writer, John, has proven this in particular in the last of three Passovers he records. The information is going to take what information is learned from above and how it is both applied to the person of Christ and the events that surround his last week of life, which is normally called Passion Week. The Passover is fulfilled by Jesus throughout His Passion Week. Jesus, like the lamb for the nation, he came from Bethany, where He had just risen Lazarus, and was on his way to Jerusalem. He was surrounded by a massive crowd, who took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel! Following this entry to Jerusalem, just as the Passover Lamb was put on public display for four days, Jesus stood in the temple for four ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Merit Pay Essay Legal Status of Merit Pay Inasmuch as implementing a merit pay system is not illegal, it can cause legal concerns. As stated by Pullin (2013), the legal concerns will arise due to how a merit pay system has been established and the rubric to determine who is eligible for the reward. For example, if a teacher perceives a school leader does not like them, the controversy will be the ratings are not accurate on their observation. If the ratings are not accurate, it will result in the teacher not receiving their merit pay bonus. In my district, the teacher rating system is based on 80% teacher practice. As the school leader, I am required to observe their delivery of instruction, data analysis, differentiation, curriculum alignment, classroom climate, and professional responsibilities. According to the observation tool, one or two words will make the difference if the rating is Proficient 1, 2, or 3. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, each school district can work with the teacher s union to establish the governing standards of the merit pay system. Smith stated in the article that schools must implement what is has established as the measurable standards (2011). In my district, the teacher observation tool is what the school leaders are mandated to use in observing the teacher. It is important to give specific feedback to the teachers in the praise and polish of each standard. The feedback should speak to what areas you notice quality instructional practices and what areas are in need of improvement. I use the actual terminology of the rubric when giving feedback to ensure I am observing the specific instructional ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Incarceration Of The United States Overview The United States has the highest prison population in the world, with over two million incarcerated (World Prison Brief, 2016), of whom many are juveniles. It is well documented that youths who enter this system are more likely to suffer a host of negative health and lifestyle outcomes, such as alcohol/drug abuse, high school dropout, and mental health problems. Such phenomena occur in stark contrast with the aims of the US juvenile justice system, which supposedly intends to help offending youths re assimilate back into society as productive citizens. As previously mentioned, incarceration often leads to poor mental health, which when combined with the conditions of confinement significantly raises the rates of suicide and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Adolescents sentenced within the US juvenile justice system have especially high rates of recidivism (when compared with their adult counterparts), with male juveniles incarcerated at a rate five times higher than females (Sickmund et al., 2015). African Americans are an especially vulnerable demographic within this group. In numbers similar to the adult incarcerated population, youths of color are found in disproportionate numbers in every step of the US juvenile justice system, with African American youths confined at nearly five times the rate of their white peers (The Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2013). Additionally, number of prior offences is an important factor, as first time offenders are much less likely to re offend than those with previous offences (Harrison et al., 2001). Gang related activity and offenses were avoided for the purpose of this study, as gang affiliation has an effect on the juveniles responses to the positive peer pressure of Teen Court programs. It is important to note, however, that for juveniles, previous incarceration acts as an even greater risk factor for future incarceration than gang membership (Holman Ziedenberg, 2006). It is important to note that only participants who completed the program were included in the analysis. Research shows that of those who participate in Teen Court programs, those who complete their sentence are significantly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Bilbo Themes J.R.R. Tolkien s The Hobbit has often been regarded as one of the greatest fantasy stories. A majority of the appeal of The Hobbit lies in the fact that it is, at its very core, a story about the journey of a seemingly ordinary hero. The story may appeal to children because even on a surface level, it is a story about the fantastical adventures once can have if they leave the comfort of their home. However, it is also a journey from past to present; it shows how the richness of the tradition of the past has a lot to teach us, and it tells us to live in the present with both the lessons of the past enriching our experience, but also to consider what the future can hold for us. However, the most essential journey in The Hobbit is the journey ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For instance, as soon as Bilbo gains the One Ring, he immediately thinks of his friends: He wondered whether he ought not, now he had a magic ring, to go back into the horrible, horrible tunnels and look for his friends (85). Even though Bilbo has gained control of one of the most powerful magic objects in the story, he still feels a sense of duty towards the dwarves, one that goes beyond the contract he signed to help them on their question. In contrast, Thorin is highly unable to look beyond the contract, as he feels betrayed when Bilbo takes the Arkenstone and gives it to the elves and men to make peace (252). The dwarves have sense of loyalty and community towards each other, but that does not extend to Bilbo, as he gives away what Thorin most wants and therefore, betrays him by breaching their contract. While Bilbo grows to value the dwarves friendship, the dwarves are narrow minded because they only see Bilbo as a means to an end and call him a thief and burglar when he betrays ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Online Communities Essay Communities are all about groups of individuals who share something in common. This makes going on the internet seem like an odd way to find more communities, form new ones, or strengthen pre existing ones. The internet however is full of communities. Communities can be based upon religion, location, ethnicity, an interest, or a personal matter. The internet itself is a global distributed data communications network (Kirmayer, Raikhel, Rahimi, 2013, p. 166). This is what makes the internet so full of communities because communication is the key to putting multiple individuals with commonalities into communication, which is the basis of any community. Online communities differ from communities that exists off the web in a couple of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This distinction of authority aids in creating a hierarchy within a community. With online communities, every member is often able to contribute equally, allowing their voice to be heard. This gives the impression that every individual is an authority figure on a subject due to their ability to be equally heard. (Cellary, 2008, p. 107) For example to post a video about cats on Youtube, it is equally as easy for one person as it is the next to post a video. They simply must own a camera, have a Youtube account, be willing to record something about cats, and post it on Youtube (How to upload videos, n.d.). A third and huge difference between the two types of community is that online communities offer up the chance to be anonymous. Online one can identify with the use of almost any name or image. The name doesn t have to be a real one, and there s not really any way for one to prove the image is truly theirs or of themselves (Cellary, 2008, p. 107). However, this ability for anonymity within an online community doesn t necessarily mean privacy. The study Internet social network communities: Risk taking, trust, and privacy concerns by Fogel and Nehmad (2008) talks about how much university students are willing to share on social media. Although the study does strictly look at one set of university students, it gives an example of how much individuals are willing to share personal information such as pictures of oneself, ones email address, instant messenger address, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Lockheed Case 1. a) Payback Period= Investment/Cash Flow per Year = 35,000/5000 = 7 year Computation of NPV: NPV= C0 + PV [PV= C0 + Σi=1t Ct/(1+r)t] =C0 +C[1/r 1/r(1+r)t] = 35,000+ 5000[1/.12 1/.12(1+.12)15] = 35,000 + 5000[1/.12 1/.657] = 35,000 + (5000 * 6.81) = 945.68 i.e. $ 945.68 Computation of IRR: 0= 35,000 + Σ t i=1 5000/(1+IRR)t = 11.49% Rainbow Products should not purchase the machine because it is not profitable whether you utilize the NPV method or the IRR method. By NPV method, project should be rejected because it has a negative NPV of $945.68. By IRR method, the project should be rejected because the IRR is less than cost of capital for the investment. 1.b) The Perpetuity formula to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... c) The difference between the IRR and NPV ranking is due to the fact that NPV rule prioritize the project that produces the maximum cash flows whereas IRR rule prioritize the project that produces the highest return w.r.t. the initial investment. IRR rule is good where we have capital constraints but since we don t have a capital constraint in the above problem we should apply NPV rule as it helps the investors to identify the project which would generate the maximum cash flow. 3. a) IRR @ the present rate is 18%. So, to make its IRR 25%, the annual cash flow should be increased to $424000. b) The present payback period is 2.69 years. To make the payback period 2 years the annual cash flow should be increased to $ 500000 c) The annual cash flow for the project to provide an NPV of $ 75000 when cash flow are discounted @ 20% is $ 415260. 4) NPV= PV of Project Investment NPV= 210000 110000 = $100000 VAI should issue 1000 shares at $ 110 per share (1000 * 110). If VAI utilizes the capital raised for this project, the total values of the equity will raise to $ 1210000. This new equity consists of 1000000 market value of asset and 210000 from the cash flow. So, the value of each share will become = 1210000/11000 = $110. The previous share value was $ 100 per share and the new share is $ 110 per share. So, the existing gets an additional $ 10 from the share price.
  • 23. 5) Capital Budgeting Decision Making The investment ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. European And Non-European Culture In The 1500s And 1600s Europeans had many goals throughout the 1500s and 1600s. To achieve their goals, they deferred to the non European culture. However, the question remains how did the Europeans accommodate themselves to Non European culture? The European traders and missionaries would accommodate themselves by integrating into the Non European culture, by adapting their physical appearance, by referring to the traditional practices, and through the response of the nations wants to European goods. In order for Europe s influence to be successful across the world, they had a guide written by Father Jean de Brébeuf, called Instructions for The Fathers of Our Society Who Shall Be Sent to The Hurons. In this small guide, Father Jean, writes instruction for other European members to follow in order to be successful in their influence in the new world. The thought of being the superior race, followed them to the new world, so embracing a culture that they thought was low class, was a big change to the European men. As to the other numerous things which may be unpleasant, they must be endured for the love of God, without saying anything or appearing to notice them. They did not do anything that contradicts the Natives belief, as they were trying to convert them to the idealized culture. They were doing so in a way that the Natives did not realize they were being converted. So, the Europeans change their normal customs in order to gain their trust. In which they accommodate to non European ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. What Is The Truth-Belief-Belief Conceptual Analysis Of... In this paper, I will discuss the truth belief justification conceptual analysis of knowledge, which I will refer to as TBJ, Gettier cases, and an example that refutes TBJ. Conceptual analysis is an analysis of a proposition P with given premises to acquire knowledge of that P. The truth belief justification analysis of knowledge fails to provide sufficient conditions for someone to possess knowledge. For a condition to be necessary, it has to be satisfied to have knowledge of a proposition. If a condition is sufficient, then the person x will have some information to know something about proposition P. Jointly sufficient conditions are conditions that all need to be satisfied together to have knowledge about some P. They are necessary and supposedly jointly sufficient, but Gettier cases prove that extra conditions on top of TBJ are required to be jointly sufficient. The TBJ analysis identifies three conditions that are necessary and supposedly jointly sufficient for some person x to know some proposition P. Truth indicates that the proposition P has to be true. The truth needs to correspond to some true fact that relates to the world, such as that the Earth is round. It is necessary because a proposition P can only be deduced by factual evidence shown to x. However, truth by itself is not sufficient because truth itself is just a random fact. In addition, the person, x, needs to hold some sort of belief in their proposition P. If you do not believe in a proposition P, then it cannot be known, since you will not have any grounds on which to base your knowledge of that P. It is a necessary condition since you can only know what you believe . However, it is not a sufficient condition by itself because a belief is just x s opinion of a subject. Finally, the person, x s belief has to be accompanied by observations from their senses, prior knowledge, or deductive reasoning, which in effect, explains what the justification is. This may come from what people may see with their eyes, or forming a conclusion from previously assumed premises. Justification is a necessary condition because the allegedly known beliefs have to be adequately justified. Fallibility of justification is assumed since no justification can ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Cell Phones Are Changing The Lives Of Canadians Cell Phones In Canadian Lives I believe cell phones are changing the lives of Canadians in a negative way for several different reasons; all of which will be outlined below. First is the issue of intimacy in relationships, because of cell phones we seem to have lost intimacy in our relationships. I am not just talking about the intimacy between couples, I am referring to the intimacy in all of our relationships. It is not unusual for a group of friends to be in the same room, and barely talk to each other. Some might say it is unnecessary to speak just because you are together, and I would agree, except I am not referring to the comfortable silence that occurs when people are together. I am referring to the silence that occurs when every other person in the room has their cell phone in their hand, texting, watching Youtube, or checking their Facebook page. I have witnessed two people texting each other, you say, so what s the big deal? , I then explain that they were sitting beside each other! How many times in an hour do you check your cell phone? According to research scientist Helen Lee Lin, writing in Scientific American, the report suggests that cell phones may serve as a reminder of the wider network to which we could connect, inhibiting our ability to connect with the people right next to us. (http://www.cbc.ca/strombo/news/study finds cell phones may damage relationships.html) A recent set of studies by Andrew K. Przybylski and Netta Weinstein of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Cultural Change In Ancient Egypt Let s take an imaginary trip some 6828 miles to Egypt. The Ancient Egyptian civilization is exceptionally famous because it continued without massive cultural change for almost 3,000 years. All its cities were built beside the Nile, a very manageable river; making farming easy and productive (Minds, 2015). According to an article in Egypt Travel Guide, Egyptian cuisine combines many of the best traditions of African, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cooking, and is both delicious and healthy. Fruit, such as dates and olives, picked from the trees combine with vegetables, meats and fresh fish, aromatic herbs and spices to create colorful and flavorsome dishes (Egypt travel guide, 2015). From this information, I chose to become familiar ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Certain foods are prohibited from eating. Muslims who observe Islam usually doesn t eat pork or pork products. Some Muslims only eat fish that have scales. They also observe Ramadan, which is a month long of fasting from food during a certain time frame. During fasting they must refrain from eating and drinking. At the end of each fast day, they usually break their fast with dates, water, fruit juice or soup. The unique Egyptian cuisine has been influenced throughout history, particularly by its neighbors from the Middle East. Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, and Ottomans. More recently, the foods of other Arabic people in the Middle East such as the Lebanese, Palestinians, Syrians, as well as some foods from Europe, have affected the Egyptian diet. However, Egyptian cuisine maintains its uniqueness. After thousands of years, rice and bread remain staple foods (Food in Egypt, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Analysis Of The Movie Ava Ava had found herself in more than a few situations that had left her cheeks bright red with embarrassment and shame, but this topped all of them by far. It was bad enough that her bronzed, nubile body was marred by the grime and dirt that seemed to infest every spot upon the floor of the locker room. In fact, it was bad enough that her rival, who had just beat and humiliated her in front of an audience, was now being pleased by Ava s tongue. However, the worst part of it all, as she lay there with her tongue tween Aida s folds and her breasts being toyed with like they were stress balls, was that she was enjoying it. Despite just how terrible and messed up all of it was, Ava couldn t help but feel her arousal growing by the minute. Her ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What she had not really counted on was the extensive experience of her opponent, which was not wholly known to her, or simply just how easy her plan was to decipher. So, instead of really resisting her opponent, all Ava was doing was playing exactly into the Valkyrie s hands. And it was to this end that when Aida began to hurl obscenities and threats like alms to a beggar, she quickened her pace. If everything went according to plan, Aida would flow between orgasms until the entire experience began to hurt and exhaust rather than pleasure. Aida moaned out as she began to finish once more, her whole body twitching and writhing against the admittedly talented tongue of the girl below her. It was always somewhat astonishing to her just how easy it was to use her conquered foes. She played them like a fiddle, and Ava was no different. The dumb brunette was, as her phone displayed, just another in a long line girls who had been reduced to unabashed sluts. The whole idea reminded Aida that one picture of her foe s humiliation was hardly enough to remind her of just how complete the process had been. As she teetered over the edge of her second orgasm she grabbed a fistful of her conquered foe s hair, pulling her back just enough to encapsulate her mouth as she commanded Smile! before snapping a picture and returning Ava to her place. Looking at the photo, she was pleased at how easily Ava had given in, a wide grin on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Rotc College Essay The effects of ROTC and MLS For those that might not know much about ROTC its a program that differentiates regular college students from college students who are interested in being in the military. ROTC is short for Reserve officers training corps which if people are interested in this route to pursue while in college must take a military science class alongside PT in the mornings of mondays, wednesdays, and fridays. PT is optional but if a scholarship is awarded its mandatory.When I first decided to go alongside this route I had no idea how much of a positive effect it would be, not only in college but also life outside of school. The first week of class and PT I learned a couple of necessary things about being in the military which is the different types ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Those were the first things I learned in ROTC but the most impactful things I learned were not abbreviations or how to tell the military time but instead the fact that I met many new people, ROTC increased my maturity, and lastly personal training greatly increased my physical health. The fellow cadets that I ve met this year have turned into great friends, especially my close battle buddies who are in 3rd squad 2nd platoon or my fellow MS 1s. Most of the cadets in ROTC are really nice and motivational pushing each other to not quit and finish that last quarter mile or last set of flutter kicks. ROTC has increased my maturity by giving me a responsibility to wake up early in the mornings of PT, due to me waking up early those days I have to be more responsible the days prior and sleep earlier. It has also improve how I behave by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Discursive View Of Identity In alignment with one of the key points from the previous section, which denies the integral and unified account of identity, this section elaborates the discursive view of identity. In order to understand this shift in conceptualising identity, we will revisit the simple definition of identity from Longman dictionary (section 9.1.1). The later part of this definition, specifically, the second key phrase different from other people brings about the discussion of the discursive approach to identity. Departing from the essentialist viewpoint of identity as a stable core of self, later literatures have advocated a close relation between the processes of intersubjectivity and the crucial role of the others in identity construction (Hall, 2000). As a nature of human beings, the process of identification is seen as a universal need to belong to a group, to reflect on others, thus define themselves and others. In other words, it is to say that identity is constructed through difference and experienced by contrast (Benveniste, 2000). Specifically, [i]n common sense language, identification is constructed on the back of recognition of some common origin or shared characteristics with another person or group, or with an ideal, and with the natural closure of solidarity and allegiance established on this foundation (Hall, 2000:16). The common origin or shared characteristics here do not adhere to the essentialist viewpoint of identity as an identical and unchangeable stage of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. SWOT Analysis Of Acacia I. Type of retail store you want to establish and why? The retail store that we are establishing is a furniture store that not only deals in the finest of wood and metal furnished goods, but also allows customers to choose from a large variety of paints and wallpapers. Acacia is the ultimate home décor retailer that lets you furnish your dreams, a room at a time. The reason why we have chosen this type of retail store is because Acacia stands to provide customers easy access to both goods and services, which hardly any furniture retailers do. The choice of goods and mode of payment is in the hands of the customers, the transportation, assembly and all other laborious work is in the hands of Acacia, without any extra charges. Besides this, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Company is trying to overcome this issue as well. High prices: Acacia has high prices since it is only catering sec A and A+. Customized order: customized orders will take time to make. A bit delay in the procurement and delivery. c. Opportunities: Innovation: Acacia can introduce more innovative products to satisfy its customers. New services: Acacia can provide new services to its customer by adding value. International expansion: Acacia can go global and compete in international market. Setup online business: Acacia can set up its online business and take orders online by displaying their products online with complete information about the prices and features of the product. Acacia is a first furniture store with a back hand warehouse for customized orders. d. Threats: Mature markets: Mature markets are competitive. In order for Acacia to grow in a mature market, it has to increase market share, which is difficult and expensive. Change in trend: Consumers change their tastes according to fashion very quickly. Our furniture Company depends on knowing which goods and services consumers want. Change in trends is a difficult qualitative factor to overcome, so the investment will have to spend a lot of time trying to overcome this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Sweatshop Sweatshop is Conflicts With the Moral Standards PMP 400 Quan Zhang ( Lyla) Royal Roads University Elvira Perrella March 9, 2015 Sweatshop is Conflicts With the Moral Standards Green, B., Norton, S. (2011). Reading. In. W, Anne M. Laura ( Eds.), Essay essentials with readings (pp. 336 341). Toronto, ON: Nelson Education Ltd. In the article, before the research, like many people, the author s attitude was old, but after the research, the author s attitude changed. The author chose the country of Bangladeshi to illustrate her point that working in a sweatshop can be a positive experience for women in developing countries by focusing primarily on one country. First, she argued that sweatshops offer jobs ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I can choose these data and cite them in my paper, and the data will make my evidence more powerful and believable. Powell, B., Zwolinski, M. (2011). The Ethical and Economic Case Against Sweatshop Labor: A Critical Assessment. Journal of Business Ethics, 107(4), pp. 449 472. doi: http://doi.org/10.1007/s10551 011 1058 8 The idea of sweatshop has grown increasingly has been hotly contested over the past several years. At first, the author reviews the moral and economic foundations, then argues that the sweatshops are flawed, which are the violation of labor right. The author addresses the question of sweatshops are justified in violating local labor laws. Then the author pointed out that the global market competitions are the fundamental reason for growing sweatshops. Finally, the author provides some recent literature, which applies to the ban exploitation of sweatshop labor and offers advice on modifying the behavior of sweatshops. In this article, the framework is very clear. The author mainly expounds the sweatshops are flawed and against the sweatshop labor. The author not only used data to support their thesis, but also they used others opinions to assess the issue and gave the recommendations. The evidence is believable because the authors of this article are the professor of economics and philosophy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Television Program Unfit For A Young Kid One of my fondest moments growing up, besides curling up in my mothers arms as she cuddled me, was watching reruns of Tom Jerry. Some parents would question my mother s choice of letting me watch such a violent cartoon at the tender age of three since it displayed a lot of unforgivingly violent moments such as: how many chokes and gags Tom performed on Jerry and vice versa. It is a tough question to answer, as is the question of whether Tom and Jerry was considered excessively violent television program unfit for a young kid. However, in all honesty, it is up to the parents of the child to regulate what they believe personally to be the best fit for a young child to watch. There is a huge difference between now and then: parents have much more power on regulating what their children see on TV with the technology of parental control that started surfacing recently which did not exist in my time. In this context, many people believed, and probably still do, that the government should have acted as a surrogate for parents whose only control of the TV was the power button. Today, parents can filter or tailor TV programs in majority of ways like the V chip for example, which allows certain programs blocked off if the parents deem it so or based on ratings. There is also another avenue like the cable satellite boxes that exist today which offer a vast variety of screening tools to prevent children from exploring television channels or programs a parent might feel too ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Dentistry College Essay With dentistry having a positive job outlook, many people are working to meet certain requirements to become a dentist in the United States. The first step to becoming a dentist in America is to graduate from high school and enroll in a four year college or university (Educational Requirements for Dentists). While at a four year college, one must then obtain a bachelor s degree and take classes that will prepare them for dental school. Some colleges may offer pre dentistry as a major, but if not one could major in biology, organic chemistry, physics, calculus, physiology, or human genetics (Educational Requirements for Dentists). After earning a bachelor s degree one must then take the Dental Admissions Test prior to getting accepted into ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One group of people that are essential to a dentist and to a dental office are dental hygienists. Dental hygienists work very closely aligned with dentists for the overall health of patients (Dental Hygienists). These individuals have the responsibility of screening patients, taking dental x rays, removing plaque from a patient s teeth, applying preventative materials, teaching patients appropriate dental procedures, counseling patients about the importance of good nutrition, making impressions of teeth for any reason, and helping with office and administrative tasks. Dental hygienists have the advantages of being able to work with a wide variety of people, being able to have flexible work hours, and the security that they will have a job due to the wide importance of dental health and the positive outlook of their job, which is much higher than that of the average job (Dental Hygienists). To become a dental hygienist, one must only have an associate s degree and receive a license from their state (Dental Hygienists: Summary). Like dentists, the salary for a dental hygienist varies for everyone. Dental hygienists on average make around $70, 200 a year. These individuals also have many benefits that come along with their job. Some of these benefits could include retirement, healthcare, free dental care, paid time off, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Anne Hutchinson s Ethical Role Hutchinson held Bible study meetings for women that soon had great appeal to men as well. Eventually, she went beyond Bible study to proclaiming boldly facets of her own theological interpretations, some of which offended colony leadership. Great controversy ensued, and after an arduous trial before a jury of officials from both government and clergy, eventually she was banished from her colony.The assertive Anne was now becoming a religious leader to many, and this worried John Winthrop, a long time opponent of Anne s views, and the newly appointed Governor of the Massachusetts Bay colony. Winthrop recognized her as a threat to the authority of the men in power, and the thought of women expressing their views on Church and communal matters ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Oedipus Rex, Hamlet, Willy Loman Comparison Essay Still, the Truth Remains An immense desire for personal satisfaction, and extraordinary reputation can often result in a sickly, perverse distortion of reality. In Sophocles Oedipus Rex, a man well known for his intellect and wisdom, finds himself blind to the truth of his life, and his parentage. William Shakespeare s Hamlet also contains a character that is in search of the truth, which ultimately leads to his own demise, as well as the demise of many around him. Arthur Miller s play, The Death of a Salesman, tells of a tragic character so wrapped up in his delusional world, that reality and illusion fuse, causing an internal explosion that leads to his downfall. Each play enacts the struggle of a man attempting to come to grips ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Oedipus foolish decisions ultimately lead to his downfall in the play. Oedipus chooses to kill Laios. He chooses to marry Iocaste. He chooses to forcefully, and publicly, assume the mission of discovering the identity of Laios murderer saying ironically, I say I take the son s part, just as though I were his son, to press the fight for him and see it won, (633). He proceeds on this mission and chooses to ignore the warnings of Creon, Iocaste, Teiresias, the messenger, the shepherd, and anyone who attempts to stand between him and the truth; and, he chooses to blind himself. In the end, Oedipus most foolish choice prevails throughout the play; the choice of illusion over reality ultimately costs him his life. Similar to the quest for truth in Oedipus case, so does Hamlet lead to his own decease. In the first act of William Shakespeare s Hamlet, after Hamlet is aware of the tormented ghost of his father walking on the ramparts, he goes to witness it for himself. This immediately exemplifies the theory that Hamlet, like Oedipus, is in search of the truth, until he realizes it is too much to bear. Subsequent to seeing the apparition, he is convinced to avenge his father s murderer. The ghost tells him, Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder, (29). As Hamlet lays the trap for the new King Claudius, he is procrastinating in order to solve his self doubt. Even after the ghost tells Hamlet how his father was murdered, Hamlet has the players act ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. John Donne Rhyme Poem Rhyme According to Hollander (2001), Rhyme is one of the most well known and popular sound devices in poetry; the term rhyme refers to the use of words with similar or the same sounds. Rhyme is often a key component of a poem, although not all poets make use of it. Those who do use it in a variety of ways, sometimes making the last word in each line of a poem rhyme, sometimes rhyming every other line. See here how the poet John Donne, who wrote some of the world s most beautiful love poems, does both in The Canonization, where the poet tells the readers to leave him alone and let him be in love: For God s sake hold your tongue, and let me love, Or chide my palsy, or my gout, My five gray hairs or ruined fortune flout, With wealth your ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It s almost endless possibilities of variation both in rhyme and length of the line make it a particularly musical stanza. The proportion of rhyme seems to be usually three and two expressed by the symbol a b a b b. Here is an example for this type To a Skylark Percy Bysshe Shelley Teach me half the gladness That thy brain must know, Such harmonious madness From my lips would flow The word should listen then as I am listening now Sestet In its strictest sense, the sestet is the last six lines of a sonnet. It is the second part of the sonnet, usually separated from the first eight lines (the octave) by a space. Cymbeline William ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Linux Against Microsoft Window Essays Linux Against Microsoft Windows Linux is a free operating system that was developed on the internet.It was formed by Linus Torvalds first,then he put its source code to his web page.After that,the internet hackers and the programmers developed it.It is a Unix like operating system because it is the main reason to develop the Linux.By the time,it becomes a big organization and now it is a powerful, advanced operating system.It has an important feature that is not available for other operating systems.You can run Linux with other operating systems like MacOS, DOS,Windows 95, Windows NT, Novell, OS/2 on the same machine.It is an advantage of linux that a user can easily compare Linux with other operating systems. Unlike Windows, Linux is a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So you can run Linux only 8Mb of ram and 16Mb of swap place.Windows requires at least 16Mb of ram(32Mb is recommended).Linux can be used by users that have limited systems.Multi user capabilities of Linux provides to share one computer amp;#8217;s resources by hundreds of people over a network, the internet or on computers and terminals connected the serial port of those computers. By this you can connect your computer or laptop to another computer and you can use it.Multi user capability of windows is limited. You can only transfer files from other computer.Linux has all the features that you can expect from an operating system.(Windows Inside amp;Out, Slackware Linux Unleashed 3rd Edition) Internet features of Linux make it more popular. Linux was developed on the irternet so it has a wide support for internet tools and protocols. A free e mail software called pine comes with Linux.It was developed at University of Washington and it has all features of a mail program. There is also a free software called telnet. With telnet you can connect a computer with its IP number through internet. The famous web browser Netscape comes with Linux free.You can surf on the internet with Netscape.It has all properties of Netscape that is used on Windows and it is easy to surf on the internet as Windows. There is also a browser called Archie comes with Linux free too. Linux has support for FTP(File ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Technology Is A Hindrance In Modern Society In the 21st Century many individuals argue that technology has made life easier and assist humans by increased efficiency and productivity. However, they fail to realize that although technology has become a cornerstone in modern society, it has also become a hindrance in many aspects. The dictionary defines technology as the machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge. Scientific inventions are man made, as a result, it is flawed and has its adverse effects. The advancement of technology has damaged society. It has prompted human beings to be less physically active, which in turn decreases human to human interactions and as a result of individuals being smart device stricken, it jeopardizes their privacy and safety. Presently, the advancement of technology has resulted in the decrease of physical activity. Humans have become lazy because they are overly dependent on their handheld devices. Which in turn results in the decrease of brain power and human intellect. Many people do not take the liberty to learn anything anymore because it is easily accessible on their smart devices. Knowledge, information and just about anything else is at the hands of the common man by way of technology. Therefore, there is no need for humans to do the extra. Information is accessed in 2.5 seconds via the world wide web. Scholars do not even bother buying the newspaper, books or any educational material anymore. Individuals can lie down in their beds and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Essay Why Wood He Work Why Wood He Work? The great American poet, Robert Frost crafted numerous masterpieces in his time. At first glance, Frost s poems often narrate a simple story or describe a rural scene; however, these sweet poems carry dark undertones. The chief subject in Frost s literature is death; he delves into humanity s perception of death along with different ways society acts as a catalyst towards death. Generally speaking, Frost uses several techniques in his poetry that contribute to an overarching focus on death. Starting with plot and setting, Frost s poems often describe a rather pleasant situation in nature; since virtually everyone experiences nature, this setup allows Frost s poetry to be universally applicable. These scenes are depicted with a conflict and can usually relate to death. In addition to the plot and setting indicating death, Frost typically refers to an aspect of human nature that contributes physical or emotional pain or death. The connection between societal weakness and human death is arguably one of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Frost, along with this poem, address an underlying problem humans face. A common topic in Frost s poetry is the negative impact society has on people; Swells of Glory embodies this sentiment by addressing the negative impact ostracization can have on a young girl. Additionally, Swells of Glory personifies nature, a tactic Frost perfects in his poetry, allowing the poem to be understood by all. Swells of Glory uses a similar rhyme scheme to one of Frost s greatest poems, Stopping by Woods On A Snowy Evening , allowing for an easy flow from one line to the next. One aspect of Frost s poetry that Swells of Glory is not quite able to emulate is Frost s use of symbols in his poetry. Frost poetry allows symbols, along with more effective imagery, to convey emotions and meaning but Swells of Glory relies on the text itself to convey much its ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Life Of Quentin Tarantino Quentin Tarantino a director well known for it s violence and bloodshed content in his movies, was not only a great director, but also a legend of it s time. Quentin Tarantino turned his studio from an art house studio to a national studio in Hollywood and created a genre of it s own. Why is he such a remarkable figure in the film industry? It was due to his success in this industry, clearly. At the age of 31, he was made almost a hero among young filmmaker and audience with the release of Pulp Fiction (1994), which shows a significant development in his work. Quentin Tarantino is a huge fans of the Asian Cinema as it is reflected on most of his works. Numerous elements from the asian culture can be found among his work, as Quentin Tarantino ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Essay On Annotated Bibliographies When first brainstorming what topic I was going to pick for each annotated bibliography, it took me a while before I settled on a topic for each essay. While reflecting on my writing process, I came to the conclusion that more time would have definitely benefited my argument for each of these annotated bibliographies. If I had more time on each of these essays, I would have looked in more databases to try and find a wider variety of sources to argue each point. Since I can not search across all the databases at once, I picked out what looked to be the best database for each topic. For example, my public argument is on abortion, so I went straight to the sociology database. My other argument was about blockchain technology, so I went do my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While doing this, I found out that some of the sources were not what I thought they were going to be. For example, one of the sources for my public argument seemed like it was against abortion, but once I got to the end, I found out that the author was actually for abortion. I had this problem while writing both of my essays, so I had to go back to the databases to find new sources. I think the most important change I made during the writing process was changing a few of my sources to ones that would better validate the arguments in each annotated bibliography. After searching within the database for a while, I was able to find other articles that gave me a wider range of information and statistics to choose from. If I would have not taken the time to go back and find sources that would better fit my argument, I would have needed to do it later in the writing process of each essay. Because of this, I went back for both of my annotated bibliographies and replaced some of the sources that I thought were good at first, but after reading more into them I found that they did not provide me with the evidence I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Lucie Manette Sacrifice Lucie Manette: A Dynamic Golden Thread Lucie Manette is the centerpiece character in A Tale of Two Cities . Her actions are always for the greater good of those around her, and she is filled with nothing but compassion and a selfless love for people close to her. Lucie may come off as timid and frail, but her wisdom for such a young girl and her bravery speak more volumes than any words ever could. Lucie Manette is the Golden Thread and is the main catalyst in the novel, and her actions are always justified. She brings to the surface the best in characters, and her loving personality touches those who are around her. Lucie Manette starts off as a very miniscule character in the book, described as very quiet and frail. But through the uniting ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Lucie Manette can bind her father s past before misery and her father s present after the misery. Her father is not a bad person, but he can get into very dark moods and depressions. But just the sound of Lucie s voice can ease his pain and misery, only his daughter his daughter the power of charming this black brooding from his mind (Dickens 137), she transforms his destiny into one that is good. On a more physical level, Lucie has blonde hair which can be described as golden threads , and during her father s 18 year imprisonment he kept a thread of her hair in his pocket to remind him of Lucie. Dr. Manette and Charles would not have been connected to each other if it was not for Lucie. Charles conflict would have no meaning to Dr. Manette if it were not for Lucie being Charles husband. With that being the circumstance Dr. Manette is emotionally invested in the fate of Charles because of how much Charles means to his daughter and how much his daughter means to him. Sydney and Charles were brought together as enemies and then as friends because of Lucie. Sydney became attracted to Lucie, and this created apparent conflict between them. They spoke on how they both fancied her, and came to the settlement that Sydney just wants to see Lucie happy, and would just like to be around their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Odysseus Is Not A Heroic Figure In Homer s Odyssey In the epic poem the Odyssey by Homer, the main character Odysseus is lost on a island with a goddess Calypso. Odysseus has to go through many obstacles to find his way back home. Some of the things he has to do to get home hurts other people. Odysseus does things throughout his journey that clearly show he is not a heroic figure. Odysseus has proven many times that he is not a heroic figure. His actions convey that he is not heroic at all. Some of the reasons why Odysseus is not heroic at all is because, he destroys people s homes, lies to his men, and cheats on his wife. One of the reasons Odysseus is not a heroic figure is because he destroys people s homes. There are many examples in the story when Odysseus has destroyed other people s home. For example, No man is nameless no man, good or bad, but gets a name in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One example of when Odysseus lied to his men was when he didn t tell them about the things Circe told him would happen. The crew being now silent before me, I addressed them, sore at heart: Dear friends, more than one man, or two, should know those things Circe foresaw for us and shared with me, so let me tell her forecast: then we die with our eyes open, if we are going to die, or know what death we battle if we can (12. 1239, 1242). This proves that Odysseus did not tell his men that Circe predicted trouble was coming there way. Voices came down to me in anguish calling my name for the last time (12. 1342, 1343).This is what Odysseus said soon after he just saw some of his men being eaten. He knew they would have a rough time getting home but he didn t tell them. The consequences that his men experienced were not fair because they didn t know what would happen. Odysseus is not heroic because his men were always loyal to him, but he didn t tell them very important information, that costed them some of their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...