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Resource efficiency and resource-policy aspects of
the electro-mobility system - Results

                Contact: Dr. Matthias Buchert

                                                Sponsored by:

November 2011
Selected results

   This presentation outlines some of the results, together with
    conclusions and recommendations for action.

   The detailed results, including the underlying data, are contained in the
    comprehensive report.

   The report is available at www.resourcefever.org and www.oeko.de

   Introduction (background to the study)

   Prioritising the elements

   Market scenarios

   Components of e-mobility and their resource needs

   Outcomes of the scenarios

   Environmental aspects

   Recycling

   Growth of overall demand / other sectors in terms of critical metals

   Conclusions and recommendations for action
OPTUM resources

  Resource efficiency and resource-policy aspects of the electro-
     mobility system*

  Analysis of the resource aspects of the electro-mobility system
    (excluding batteries)**, taking account of recycling options and

     Identification of important new technological developments that
      impact on resource requirements

     Early identification of possible bottlenecks or critical points in
      terms of resource policy, and development of corresponding

* Covers all the specific components of electric vehicles including charging stations
** Batteries in electric vehicles are analysed in detail in the LiBRi and LithoRec projects
Priority elements
The 15 priority elements of electromobility*:

   silver
   gold
   copper
   dysprosium
   neodymium
   praseodymium
   terbium
   gallium
   germanium
   indium
   palladium
   platinum
   (ruthenium)
   (lithium)          * Lithium and cobalt are not considered further in the project since scenarios for these
                          metals are being prepared in the LithoRec project
   (cobalt)             Ruthenium was downgraded in the course of the project because no significant
                         contribution was identified
Priority elements

   The priority elements were agreed with experts at the first Expert Workshop
    held in Berlin in September 2010.

   Prioritisation decisions were based on the need for the material in electric
    vehicles but also on competing uses: e.g.

       The rare earths (neodymium, praseodymium, dysprosium, terbium)
        are needed in particular for permanent magnets (electric motors in e-
        vehicles). There are also competing applications – such as wind
        turbines – that are growing very rapidly.

       Indium is used in electric vehicles in the power electronics. The very
        rapid growth in competing applications such as PV systems and the
        potentials in terms of primary resources (minor metal) place indium
        clearly in the group of critical metals (e.g. the EU’s 14 critical metals).
Selection of the market scenarios

 Five studies were considered:
    IEA 2009
    McKinsey & Co., 2010
    McKinsey & Co., 2009
    The Boston Consulting Group, 2009
    Fraunhofer ISI, 2009

 Selection of the McKinsey & Co. study of 2009 because it
  meets the following criteria:
 Describes the market share of different types of electric motor for
  the years 2020 & 2030.
 Depicts the broadest possible range of possible developments.
 Is internally consistent and can be compared with the alternative
Three global scenarios (McKinsey 2009)

Structure of new passenger vehicle registrations categorised by
propulsion type 2020                            2030
100%        1%                                                    1%               3%        5%
                                 0.5%               0.6%
                                 2.3%               2.7%                           6%
 90%                       10%                                                               10%
                                 2.3%               2.7%                           6%
                                 1.0%         18%   2.0%                           3%
 80%                                                                                         10%

 70%                                                                               23%

 50%        99%                                                   99%
 30%                                                                               58%

 20%                                                                                         40%


       Optimized ICEs      Mixed        Hybrid and         Optimized ICEs       Mixed     Hybrid and
                        technology       electric                            technology    electric

                                 ICE    HEV     BEV        PHEV     REX     FCEV
Three global scenarios (McKinsey 2009)

Annual registrations of new passenger vehicles with (partially)
electric motor [in million vehicles]
                        2020                                                   2030
                                      Starting scenarios for                                  9
                                      the consideration of
40                                    resources
                                                                                 3            9

30                                                                                            7
         Alternative moderate
               scenario                                                          3
20                                                   0.5
                                0.4                                                           25
10                        2                                                      21
                                0.8         14
           1                                                     1
     Optimized ICEs      Mixed          Hybrid and         Optimized ICEs       Mixed     Hybrid and
                      technology         electric                            technology    electric

                                      HEV   BEV      PHEV      REX    FCEV
  Components – material requirements 2010
    Blank   ≙ Material not used                                    Hatched – conventional powertrain

            ≙ Amount per vehicle in the mg range


            ≙ Amount per vehicle in the g range


            ≙ Amount per vehicle in the kg range

Electric motor

Power electronics

Battery / cables

Fuel cell components
(FC system module, -stack, H2 tank)

Standard in-car cabling

Charging station / pillar incl.
charging cable
Other electric applications
(steering, brakes, electronics)
ICE applications (catalytic converter,
combustion engine, alternator)
The scenarios

           Market scenarios
                                                    Material coefficients

                Outcome I
                (baseline)                               Material efficiency

                 Outcome II
                                                      Estimate of recycling

                Outcome III
                                                      Partial replacement of
                                                     the PSM by ESM in BEV,
                                                              FC, Rex
             Outcome IV
            (substitution)     PSM = permanently excited synchronous motor
                               ESM = externally excited synchronous motor    FC = fuel cell
                               BEV = battery electric vehicle                Rex = range extender
The baseline scenario
  Primary resource requirement for electric passenger vehicles worldwide / total
  primary production in 2010 (in %)
                                      Hatched: incl. requirements for ICE passenger
                                      vehicles (for Cu: starter, alternator; for Pt, Pd:
                                      catalytic convertor) and ICE applications in e-
                                      vehicles (catalytic convertor, standard cabling,
                                      brakes etc)

                                                                                                         2010 PKW
                                                                                                         2020 PKW
                                                                                                         2030 PKW

Baseline scenario for hybrid and electric:
ambitious market penetration
Material coefficients 2010 = 2020 = 2030 (except for platinum)                        PKW = passenger vehicles
The innovation scenario
  Primary resource requirement for electric passenger vehicles worldwide / total
  primary Primärbedarfin 2010 (in %)
          production Elektro-PKW Welt / Gesamt-Primärproduktion 2010 (in %)
                                        287 %


                                                                          2010 PKW
                                                                          2020 PKW
                                                                          2030 PKW


        Neodymium   Praseodymium Dysprosium
                     Praseodym   Dysprosium      Terbium
                                                 Terbium      Gallium

Innovation scenario:
ambitious market penetration of hybrid and electric
minus innovation potentials/material efficiency                          PKW = passenger vehicles
The recycling scenario

Primary resource requirement for electric passenger vehicles worldwide / total primary
production in 2010 (in Elektro-PKW Welt / Gesamt-Primärproduktion 2010 (in %)
         Primärbedarf %)


                                                                          2010 PKW
                                                                          2020 PKW
                                                                          2030 PKW


          Neodym    Praseodymium Dysprosium
                      Praseodym  Dysprosium     Terbium
                                                Terbium        Gallium

Recycling scenario:
ambitious market penetration of hybrid and electric
minus innovation potentials
minus recycling                                                          PKW = passenger vehicles
Recycling rates*

                             2010              2020   2030
 rare earths
                             0%                60%    80%
 (Dy, Tb, Nd, Pr)
 Pt, Pd                      55%               70%    80%

 Ag, Au                      2%                15%    40%

 Cu                          50%               75%    80%

 Ga                          0%                10%    25%

 In, Ge                      0%                5%     15%

 * Recovery rates from the automobile system
The substitution scenario

 Primary resource requirement for electric passenger vehicles worldwide%)total primary
          Primärbedarf Elektro-PKW Welt / Gesamt-Primärproduktion 2010 (in /
 production in 2010 (in %)


                                                                              2010 PKW
                                                                              2020 PKW
                                                                              2030 PKW

        Neodym     Praseodymium
                   Praseodym       Dysprosium
                                  Dysprosium    Terbium
                                                 Terbium       Gallium

 Substitution scenario:
 material requirements for ambitious market penetration of hybrid and electric
 minus innovation potentials
 minus recycling
 minus substitution of electric engine for BEV, FC, Rex (33% of e-vehicles in 2030)
The moderate scenario

        Primary resource requirement for electric passenger vehicles worldwide / total primary
        production in 2010 (in %)

                                                                                           2010 PKW
                                                                                           2020 PKW
                                                                                           2030 PKW


        Neodym       Praseodymium
                      Praseodym       Dysprosium
                                      Dysprosium       Terbium
                                                       Terbium         Gallium

moderate market penetration of mixed technology
minus innovation potentials
minus recycling
minus substitution of electric engines
replacement of amb. by moderate market scenario                          PKW = passenger vehicles
Gallium profile 1/2
Reserves:                        28 billion tonnes of bauxite
                                250 million tonnes of zinc ore

Primary production 2010:        106 tonnes Ga                                Stat. reach:
                                (211 million tonnes bauxite production)   133 years (bauxite)
                                ( 12 million tonnes zinc production)        21 years (zinc)

Major metal:                    no  always minor metal

Natural ores:                   Bauxite (50 ppm Ga); of which 50% in solution in the
                                Bayer process – 80% of this can be extracted
                                Zinc (up to 0.01% Ga)

Demand growth (in % per year)
by 2020*:                       Ga: approx.16% (derived from EU study 2010)
                                Zinc growth 2-3.5% (source: BGR 2007)
                                Alu: 1 – 2.3% (source: BGR 2007)               Ga potential from
                                                                               current bauxite
2020 – 2030*:                   Ga: approx. 14% (derived from EU study 2010)   production is far
                                Zinc growth 2-3.5% (source: BGR 2007)
                                Alu: 1 – 2.3% (source: BGR 2007)               from being fully

*Base year 2010
Gallium profile 2/2

EOL recycling rate 2010:                               < 1%

Assessment of gallium recycling
Post-consumer recycling at present only rudimentary (Umicore).
Gallium recycling from production processes is better established.

Future recycling potentials for gallium 2020 / 2030:
Currently unpredictable. Most applications are dissipative in nature;
there will be a sharp increase in quantities used in future.
Nd, Dy, Tb, Pr profile 1/5
Reserves:                          approx. 24 million tonnes

Primary production 2010:           approx. 35,355 tonnes Nd, Dy*, Tb*, Pr
 * Dy: 1.980 t (Source BGR 2011)                                Stat. reach: 679
 * Tb: 375 t (Source BGR 2011)                                        years

Major metal:                       associated with other REOs

Natural ores:               bastnaesite, xenotime, monazite, ion
Demand growth (in % per year)
to 2020*:                   approx. 10% (average estimate)

2020 – 2030*:                      approx. 10% (average estimate)

*Base year 2010
Extraction of rare earths 2/5

Waste rock                             (impoundment
 storage                                  areas or

 Mining                      Milling     Flotation
             (~1-10% REO)                              (~60% REO)
             Ores with low
Environmental risks in the
extraction of rare earths 3/5
Environmental risks in the
extraction of REs – Summary 4/5

   Primary extraction of rare earths is usually associated with
    radioactive pollution

   Residues remain mainly in the form of tailings, which are stored
    in large basins: heavy metal pollution etc.

   In-situ leaching poses major risks to groundwater

   Separation and refining of rare earths and their compounds
    requires large quantities of chemicals and energy

   As a result of the huge problems in China, the government has
    adopted extensive plans to optimise and consolidate operations
    (closure of small mines) over the next 5 years
Rare earths profile 5/5

EOL recycling rate 2010:                              < 1%

Assessment of rare earth recycling (Nd, Pr, Dy, Tb):
Reports on pre-consumer recycling, mainly in Asia, indicate:
recovery of grinding sludge from magnet manufacture,
recovery of rare earths from nickel-metal hydride batteries (Mischmetal).

Future recycling potentials for rare earths (Nd, Pr, Dy, Tb) 2020 /
For heavy rare earth oxides the BGR estimates a recycling rate in 2015 of 10% of
the supply. On account of rising prices for REs, rapidly rising demand and scarcity
of primary supply, increased research & development and initial implementation of
recycling schemes can be expected: see Rhodia’s announcement of recycling of
REs from compact fluorescent lamps.
Environmental impact of primary
 extraction per kg of extracted metal





                                 10 000

                                          15 600

                                                   18 800

Source: ecoinvent 2010
Environmental impact of primary
extraction per kg of extracted metal

No data available for gallium, germanium, ruthenium, rare earths
Global environmental impact of primary
   production as a result of demand for electric

                     Baseline scenario in million tonnes CO2-equivalents

                     0.06                                                   Hatched: incl. requirements for ICE vehicles (for Cu:
                       0.18                                                 starter, alternator; for Pt, Pd: catalytic convertor) and
                  0.01 / 0.02
                                                                            ICE applications in e-vehicles (catalytic convertor,
         Silber                                                             standard cabling, brakes etc)
                  0.04 / 0.05

                      0.21                              2.82
                              0.67                                3.48

                  0.01                        1.99
   Palladium      0.04                          2.16
         Rare                                                                                                            2020
       Seltene        0.19
        Erden                 0.66
  Germanium       < 0.005
                  < 0.005

       Indium     < 0.005
                  < 0.005


                                0.91                              3.44
                                                              3.15                                5.94

              0.00            1.00         2.00        3.00          4.00         5.00         6.00         7.00

* Excluding consideration of the battery
Current GWP was held constant for 2020 and 2030
Global environmental impact of primary
production as a result of demand for electric
vehicles *
                                 Mio. tonnes CO22-equivalents
                                  Mio. Tonnen CO -Äquivalente

                  SEM           0.19
                  REM                  0.66
  Szenario          Cu                    0.91                          3.44
                    Cu                                               3.15                                5.94

                  SEM           0.17
 Innovation       REM              0.45
   Szenario         Cu                  0.82                         3.23
                    Cu                                      2.55                             5.07

                  SEM           0.17
                  REM            0.31
 scenario                               0.81      1.65
                    Cu                               1.90 2.49
 Substitution REM
  Substitutions- SEM            0.12
                    Cu                     1.05     1.90
                                                              2.70 3.29

                  SEM       0.06
  Moderates       REM       0.11
 scenario                               0.75      1.63
                    Cu                               1.88     2.67

                         0.00          1.00       2.00       3.00         4.00         5.00            6.00     7.00
Cu = copper                                                 * Excluding consideration of the battery

REM = rare earth metal                                      Current GWP was held constant for 2020 and 2030
Reduction in material consumption
    attributable to electric vehicles

     Electric mobility (fuel cells and fully electric passenger vehicles)
     means that the following components and metals contained in
     conventional vehicles are no longer required:
     • engine (copper, aluminium, steel / ferrous materials)
     • exhaust (copper, steel / ferrous materials)
     • fuel system (steel / ferrous materials)
     • catalytic convertor (platinum, palladium)

                                       Copper            Platinum     Palladium     Aluminium          Steel

Saving 2020
 in tonnes of material                ca. 4 500              4             5         ca. 66 700     ca. 250 400
 in tonnes of CO2-equivalents         ca. 8 600         ca. 70 000    ca. 52 700    ca. 826 000     ca. 415 300

Saving 2030
 in tonnes of material                ca. 26 500             26            31        ca. 394 000    ca. 1 479 200
 in tonnes of CO2-equivalents         ca. 51 000        ca. 412 400   ca. 311 400   ca. 4 879 500   ca. 2 453 200

In relation to the baseline scenario for 2020 or 2030
Summary of present recycling
 Recycling rates (EOL-RR)* of the relevant elements
 *EOL-RR = End-of-life recycling rate (post consumer)

  > 50%
  > 25-50%
  > 10-25%

  < 1%

             Source: Graedel, Buchert et.al UNEP 2011   * Excluding consideration of the battery metals
Recyclability of top-priority elements
      Element                                    Recyclability                                     Assessment

                    Recycling precious metals presents no metallurgical problem. The most
   Silver           important requirement is appropriate pre-treatment of the products so
   Platinum         that the precious metals are actually removed for recycling / refining and
                    are not lost in other compounds as a result of unsuitable processing.

                    Copper is used as a “collector” for precious metals in pyrometallurgical
   Copper           processes and can be recovered by leaching and electrical

   Gallium          In low concentrations there are virtually no opportunities for economic
                    recycling; recyclability increases with increasing concentration. In pyro-
                    processes (Hoboken) Ga and Ge are vaporised and pass into the fly

                    Losses of In and Ru would be high if these elements were to be
                    introduced right at the start of the recycling process, even in prepared
                    form; better recovery rates are achieved for both if Ru is fed into the
   Ruthenium        pyrometallurgical pre-concentration of precious metals, or if In is fed into
                    the lead process; however, without pre-concentration losses are high.

   Praseodymium As trace elements forming part of the mix in complex materials, e.g. in
                combination with precious metals, rare earth ores usually pass into the
                slag where they are diluted to such an extent that recycling is not
                Recyclability is greater if high concentrations of rare earth ores are
   Terbium      present in the product (see permanent magnets) or if the slag is enriched
                (see UHT). Recycling and preparation processes are currently being
   Dysprosium   developed / some solutions are already available.
Summing up: The environment and
    recycling 1/3
The following statements do not cover the largest component – the battery

    CO2-equivalents:
     The copper requirement of electro-mobility plays the largest role, followed by
     platinum for fuel cells and rare earths for electric motors.
    A similar picture applies to acidifiers, photochemical oxidation, over-fertilisation
     and cumulated energy requirement.

    In terms of ADP copper also makes the largest absolute contribution

    Classical life-cycle assessments do not adequately depict the specific
     environmental impact potential: in the case of rare earths specific impact factors
     such as radioactivity etc. have substantial relevance.

    Recycling:
     Established systems exist for recycling copper and precious metals – the main
     issue here is collection of the materials.
     For special metals (rare earths, indium etc.) extensive research and
     development is needed.
Summing up: The environment and
    recycling 2/3
The following statements do not cover the largest component – the battery

    Good recycling systems have clear environmental benefits (as
     experiences with precious metals show).

    A rough calculation of the savings of classical materials for ICE passenger
     vehicles shows significant raw material savings and corresponding reduction
     of environmental impacts (steel etc.).

    The findings show where important environmental impacts and benefits arise.
     They by no means have the same weight as the findings of life-cycle
     assessments, because
      A) the battery was completely excluded
      B) the manufacturing processes of electrical components and specific
        components of ICE vehicles were not taken into account.
Summing up: The environment and
 recycling 3/3

 For future projects there are the challenges of comprehensive inventorising
  and evaluation of the environmental impacts and benefits of the various
  components of electric mobility: life-cycle assessment procedures
  supplemented by additional considerations (see rare earths).

 It is important not to underestimate the level of complexity (different
  components involving a very wide range of materials, manufacturing
  processes with a major secrecy element and dynamic developments).

 Calculating future relative environmental impacts (per production unit) for the
  production of metals etc. is a challenging task since it needs to include the
  development of environmental standards, electricity generation costs etc. in
  many different countries.

 Care should therefore be taken to avoid over-hasty conclusions when
  assessing the environmental impacts and benefits of electric mobility.
Nd requirements of e-mobility in the scenarios
and total requirement across all applications

Source: IMCOA 2011 (total Nd requirement 2015), Öko-Institut 2011
Dy requirements of e-mobility in the scenarios
and total requirement across all applications

Sources: BGR 2011 (Dy production 2010), IMCOA 2011 (total Dy requirement 2015), Öko-Institut 2011
Tb requirements of e-mobility in the scenarios
and total requirement across all applications

Sources: BGR 2011 (Tb production 2010), IMCOA 2011 (total requirement 2015), Öko-Institut
Ga requirements of e-mobility in the scenarios
  and total requirement across all applications

Sources: USGS 2011 (Ga production 2010), EU critical raw materials 2010 (total Ga requirement 2020), Öko-Institut
Rare earth applications: current
    distribution (Nd, Pr, Dy, Tb)
    Neodymium use:
     approx. 77% in magnets,
     approx. 12% in batteries,
     and approx. 3% in ceramics, approx.
     2% glass, approx. 1% catalytic
     convertors, approx. 5% other

    Praseodymium use:
     approx. 71% in magnets,
     approx. 10% in batteries,
     approx. 6% in polishing powder,
     and approx. 5% in ceramics, 3%
     catalytic convertors, 1% glass, 4% other

    Dysprosium use:
     100% in magnets

    Terbium use:
     approx. 11% in magnets,
     approx. 89% in illuminants
                                                Calculation performed by the Öko-Institut
Other rare earth applications: Future

        Growth rates are rising faster for magnet applications (approx. 12.5% per year
         to 2014) than for other applications (5-8% per year).

        The proportions of neodymium and praseodymium used for magnet
         applications will rise to approx. 80% and 74% respectively. These proportions
         may increase further by 2020 or 2030.

        The future requirement for dysprosium will be determined entirely by magnet
         applications. In the case of terbium illuminants will continue to dominate until
         2014, accounting for 87%; magnet applications for terbium are also becoming
         slightly more important (approx. 13% in 2014)

                    As far as we can currently tell, magnet applications will remain
                    the key growth driver for neodymium, praseodymium and
                    dysprosium until 2020 or 2030*
                                            * Providing no revolutionary new motors or magnet technologies are
Calculation performed by the Öko-Institut   introduced.
Rare earth applications: Various magnet

    Within magnet applications, only very small percentages are attributable to
     electric mobility (passenger vehicles) in 2010:
      for neodymium and praseodymium the proportion is approx. 0.25% of all
         magnet applications,
      for dysprosium it is approx. 1.4%,
      for terbium it is approx. 5.7%

    New wind power technology will account for approx. 2% of neodymium
     (praseodymium) and approx. 5% of dysprosium.

                In 2010 magnet applications continue to be dominated by a wide
                range of classical applications such as PCs, notebooks,
                medicine, loudspeakers, electric motors for industry, other
                industrial applications, and many more.

Calculation performed by the Öko-Institut
Rare earth applications: Various
    magnet applications

    The findings of the OPTUM resources work package and other Öko-Institut
     studies of rare earths and wind energy show that both these new technologies
     are likely to account for a much larger proportion of all neodymium magnet
     applications than they do now.
    For neodymium and praseodymium the proportion of neodymium magnet
     applications for which they account could rise to up to 12% by 2020 and to 12-
     25% by 2030.
    For dysprosium the proportion attributable to electric mobility could rise to
     60% by 2020 and to 65-90% by 2030.

                By 2020 or 2030 electric mobility will account for a significant
                proportion of rare earth magnet applications. This is particularly
                true for dysprosium. Wind power will also require increasing
                percentages: both applications will be major drivers of future

Calculation performed by the Öko-Institut
Ga requirement by application

                                                   ≈ 370 t

                                         ≈ 270 t

                     ≈ 140 t

Source: EU critical raw materials 2010
Resource efficiency and resource-policy aspects of
the electro-mobility system
- Conclusions and recommendations for action

                                             Sponsored by:
Conclusions 1/2

    Supplies of rare earths (esp. Dy, Tb, Nd, Pr) are particularly critical. Recycling
     will be an important option for reducing scarcity but is not the sole solution for
     meeting future demands.

    Gallium is used in many types of application (e.g. PV, LED). The requirement
     for it is likely to rise sharply. If demand growth is strong, supply will not
     become critical in the short term but it will do so in the long term.

    Indium does not make a crucial contribution to electric mobility.
     BUT: There are many competing areas of application with rapid growth rates.
     Indium occurs only as a minor metal and must therefore be watched closely.

    Germanium does not make a crucial contribution to electric mobility.
     BUT: Rapid growth rates could occur in other applications (e.g. fibre optic
     technology, LEDs) and we lack basic information on germanium (the
     “phantom” element) and growth in demand for it.
Conclusions 2/2

    The precious metals silver, gold, palladium and platinum also play a part
     in components for electric mobility: platinum, in particular, is important for fuel-
     cell vehicles. On the other hand, the development of electric mobility in terms
     of fully electric vehicles may reduce demand pressure on platinum and
     palladium by doing away with the need for catalytic convertors.

    The current critical supply situation of some rare earths serves as a
     warning that, despite extensive global geological reserves, shortages can
     occur – at least temporarily – if geopolitical factors (extraction restricted
     almost entirely to one country) goes hand in hand with very rapidly rising
     demand growth. There are lessons to be learnt from this for the future so that
     appropriate action can be taken promptly and proactively (through timely
     exploration and development of deposits, diversification of supply, promotion
     of recycling etc.)
Recommendations for action 1/4

   In view of the risk of a “bottleneck” in the supply of rare earths,
    different relief strategies need to be pursued simultaneously
      R&D into reduction of REs (esp. Dy) in magnets for e-engines and
        into RE-free e-engines
         Responsible: Government ministries for promotion programmes,
        OEMs (manufacturers of electric engines, magnet manufacturers)
        and the scientific community with regard to innovation

        Development of recycling technologies for permanent magnets from
         different applications
          Responsible: Government ministries for promotion programmes,
         the recycling industry, the scientific community

        Promotion of environmentally friendly primary production of REs
          Responsible: German government and EU Commission via
         international negotiations, companies involved in rare earth mining
Recommendations for action 2/4

    Promotion of more environmentally sound mining of critical
      There is significant potential to make better use of natural
        resources by improving extraction rates in the primary production
        and processing of many metals (e.g. rare earths). For important
        minor metals such as indium potential also exists in the form of
        unused residues at mining sites now partly closed.
         Responsible: BGR and institutes involved in mining and
        processing that can prospect for mining residues and promote
        technical cooperation and knowhow transfer in relation to
        optimised extraction
Recommendations for action 3/4

    Development of recycling strategies and technologies for the
     recycling of power electronics from EOL electric vehicles
       Recovery of copper, gallium, precious metals etc.
          Responsible: Government ministries for promotion
         programmes, the recycling industry and the scientific community

    General research needs:
      Analysis of potential and opportunities available in “conventional”
        electronics and special magnet applications in future vehicles of
        all types in terms of precious and special metals incl. rare earths
         Responsible: Government ministries for promotion programmes
        and OEMs (manufacturers of auto electronics and magnets)
Recommendations for action 4/4

    Significant increases are expected in the use of gallium, indium and
     germanium in other applications: it is at present unclear whether
     growth rates – and hence supply risks – resulting from technological
     revolutions such as LED or PV (post Fukushima) are still being
     the medium- and long-term effects on e-mobility need to be
     explored and solution strategies developed.
      Responsible: Government ministries for promotion programmes
Final comments

    Despite the challenges associated with supplying the specific raw
     materials needed for electric mobility, it is important not to
     underestimate the positive environmental effects (e.g. reduced use of
     classical components and materials) and the other dimensions of
     sustainability (e.g. new added value and jobs through innovative
     recycling structures).

    In the discussion it is extremely important not to ignore the significant
     emission reduction potentials of electric mobility in the use phase,
     provided that appropriate use is made of green electricity.


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Resource efficiency and resource-policy aspects of the electro-mobility system - Results

  • 1. Resource efficiency and resource-policy aspects of the electro-mobility system - Results Contact: Dr. Matthias Buchert m.buchert@oeko.de Sponsored by: November 2011
  • 2. Selected results  This presentation outlines some of the results, together with conclusions and recommendations for action.  The detailed results, including the underlying data, are contained in the comprehensive report.  The report is available at www.resourcefever.org and www.oeko.de
  • 3. Agenda  Introduction (background to the study)  Prioritising the elements  Market scenarios  Components of e-mobility and their resource needs  Outcomes of the scenarios  Environmental aspects  Recycling  Growth of overall demand / other sectors in terms of critical metals  Conclusions and recommendations for action
  • 4. OPTUM resources Title:  Resource efficiency and resource-policy aspects of the electro- mobility system* Objectives:  Analysis of the resource aspects of the electro-mobility system (excluding batteries)**, taking account of recycling options and outlook  Identification of important new technological developments that impact on resource requirements  Early identification of possible bottlenecks or critical points in terms of resource policy, and development of corresponding strategies * Covers all the specific components of electric vehicles including charging stations ** Batteries in electric vehicles are analysed in detail in the LiBRi and LithoRec projects
  • 5. Priority elements The 15 priority elements of electromobility*:  silver  gold  copper  dysprosium  neodymium  praseodymium  terbium  gallium  germanium  indium  palladium  platinum  (ruthenium)  (lithium) * Lithium and cobalt are not considered further in the project since scenarios for these metals are being prepared in the LithoRec project  (cobalt) Ruthenium was downgraded in the course of the project because no significant contribution was identified
  • 6. Priority elements  The priority elements were agreed with experts at the first Expert Workshop held in Berlin in September 2010.  Prioritisation decisions were based on the need for the material in electric vehicles but also on competing uses: e.g.  The rare earths (neodymium, praseodymium, dysprosium, terbium) are needed in particular for permanent magnets (electric motors in e- vehicles). There are also competing applications – such as wind turbines – that are growing very rapidly.  Indium is used in electric vehicles in the power electronics. The very rapid growth in competing applications such as PV systems and the potentials in terms of primary resources (minor metal) place indium clearly in the group of critical metals (e.g. the EU’s 14 critical metals).
  • 7. Selection of the market scenarios  Five studies were considered:  IEA 2009  McKinsey & Co., 2010  McKinsey & Co., 2009  The Boston Consulting Group, 2009  Fraunhofer ISI, 2009  Selection of the McKinsey & Co. study of 2009 because it meets the following criteria:  Describes the market share of different types of electric motor for the years 2020 & 2030.  Depicts the broadest possible range of possible developments.  Is internally consistent and can be compared with the alternative scenarios.
  • 8. Three global scenarios (McKinsey 2009) Structure of new passenger vehicle registrations categorised by propulsion type 2020 2030 100% 1% 1% 3% 5% 0.5% 0.6% 2.3% 2.7% 6% 90% 10% 10% 2.3% 2.7% 6% 1.0% 18% 2.0% 3% 80% 10% 8% 70% 23% 60% 28% 50% 99% 99% 84% 40% 74% 30% 58% 20% 40% 10% 0% Optimized ICEs Mixed Hybrid and Optimized ICEs Mixed Hybrid and technology electric technology electric ICE HEV BEV PHEV REX FCEV
  • 9. Three global scenarios (McKinsey 2009) Annual registrations of new passenger vehicles with (partially) electric motor [in million vehicles] 60 2020 2030 4 50 Starting scenarios for 9 the consideration of 40 resources 3 9 6 30 7 6 Alternative moderate scenario 3 20 0.5 2 2 2 0.4 25 10 2 21 2 0.8 14 8 1 1 0 Optimized ICEs Mixed Hybrid and Optimized ICEs Mixed Hybrid and technology electric technology electric HEV BEV PHEV REX FCEV
  • 10. Summary Components – material requirements 2010 Blank ≙ Material not used Hatched – conventional powertrain Praseodymium ≙ Amount per vehicle in the mg range Dysprosium Neodymium Germanium Ruthenium Palladium Platinum ≙ Amount per vehicle in the g range Terbium Gallium Copper Indium Silver Gold ≙ Amount per vehicle in the kg range Electric motor Power electronics Battery / cables Fuel cell components (FC system module, -stack, H2 tank) Standard in-car cabling Charging station / pillar incl. charging cable Other electric applications (steering, brakes, electronics) ICE applications (catalytic converter, combustion engine, alternator)
  • 11. The scenarios Market scenarios Material coefficients (ambitious) 2010=2020=2030 Outcome I (baseline) Material efficiency Outcome II (innovation) Estimate of recycling Outcome III (recycling) Partial replacement of the PSM by ESM in BEV, FC, Rex Outcome IV (substitution) PSM = permanently excited synchronous motor ESM = externally excited synchronous motor FC = fuel cell BEV = battery electric vehicle Rex = range extender
  • 12. The baseline scenario Primary resource requirement for electric passenger vehicles worldwide / total primary production in 2010 (in %) Hatched: incl. requirements for ICE passenger vehicles (for Cu: starter, alternator; for Pt, Pd: catalytic convertor) and ICE applications in e- vehicles (catalytic convertor, standard cabling, brakes etc) 2010 PKW 2020 PKW 2030 PKW Baseline scenario for hybrid and electric: ambitious market penetration Material coefficients 2010 = 2020 = 2030 (except for platinum) PKW = passenger vehicles
  • 13. The innovation scenario Primary resource requirement for electric passenger vehicles worldwide / total primary Primärbedarfin 2010 (in %) production Elektro-PKW Welt / Gesamt-Primärproduktion 2010 (in %) 287 % 200% 2010 PKW 2020 PKW 2030 PKW 100% 0% Neodym Neodymium Praseodymium Dysprosium Praseodym Dysprosium Terbium Terbium Gallium Gallium Innovation scenario: ambitious market penetration of hybrid and electric minus innovation potentials/material efficiency PKW = passenger vehicles
  • 14. The recycling scenario Primary resource requirement for electric passenger vehicles worldwide / total primary production in 2010 (in Elektro-PKW Welt / Gesamt-Primärproduktion 2010 (in %) Primärbedarf %) 200% 2010 PKW 2020 PKW 2030 PKW 100% 0% Neodymium Neodym Praseodymium Dysprosium Praseodym Dysprosium Terbium Terbium Gallium Gallium Recycling scenario: ambitious market penetration of hybrid and electric minus innovation potentials minus recycling PKW = passenger vehicles
  • 15. Recycling rates* 2010 2020 2030 rare earths 0% 60% 80% (Dy, Tb, Nd, Pr) Pt, Pd 55% 70% 80% Ag, Au 2% 15% 40% Cu 50% 75% 80% Ga 0% 10% 25% In, Ge 0% 5% 15% * Recovery rates from the automobile system
  • 16. The substitution scenario Primary resource requirement for electric passenger vehicles worldwide%)total primary Primärbedarf Elektro-PKW Welt / Gesamt-Primärproduktion 2010 (in / production in 2010 (in %) 200% 2010 PKW 2020 PKW 2030 PKW 100% 0% Neodymium Neodym Praseodymium Praseodym Dysprosium Dysprosium Terbium Terbium Gallium Gallium Substitution scenario: material requirements for ambitious market penetration of hybrid and electric minus innovation potentials minus recycling minus substitution of electric engine for BEV, FC, Rex (33% of e-vehicles in 2030)
  • 17. The moderate scenario Primary resource requirement for electric passenger vehicles worldwide / total primary production in 2010 (in %) 200% 2010 PKW 2020 PKW 2030 PKW 100% 0% Neodymium Neodym Praseodymium Praseodym Dysprosium Dysprosium Terbium Terbium Gallium Gallium moderate market penetration of mixed technology minus innovation potentials minus recycling minus substitution of electric engines replacement of amb. by moderate market scenario PKW = passenger vehicles
  • 18. Gallium profile 1/2 Reserves: 28 billion tonnes of bauxite 250 million tonnes of zinc ore Primary production 2010: 106 tonnes Ga Stat. reach: (211 million tonnes bauxite production) 133 years (bauxite) ( 12 million tonnes zinc production) 21 years (zinc) Major metal: no  always minor metal Natural ores: Bauxite (50 ppm Ga); of which 50% in solution in the Bayer process – 80% of this can be extracted Zinc (up to 0.01% Ga) Demand growth (in % per year) by 2020*: Ga: approx.16% (derived from EU study 2010) Zinc growth 2-3.5% (source: BGR 2007) Alu: 1 – 2.3% (source: BGR 2007) Ga potential from current bauxite 2020 – 2030*: Ga: approx. 14% (derived from EU study 2010) production is far Zinc growth 2-3.5% (source: BGR 2007) Alu: 1 – 2.3% (source: BGR 2007) from being fully utilised *Base year 2010
  • 19. Gallium profile 2/2 EOL recycling rate 2010: < 1% Assessment of gallium recycling Post-consumer recycling at present only rudimentary (Umicore). Gallium recycling from production processes is better established. Future recycling potentials for gallium 2020 / 2030: Currently unpredictable. Most applications are dissipative in nature; there will be a sharp increase in quantities used in future.
  • 20. Nd, Dy, Tb, Pr profile 1/5 Reserves: approx. 24 million tonnes Primary production 2010: approx. 35,355 tonnes Nd, Dy*, Tb*, Pr oxides * Dy: 1.980 t (Source BGR 2011) Stat. reach: 679 * Tb: 375 t (Source BGR 2011) years Major metal: associated with other REOs Natural ores: bastnaesite, xenotime, monazite, ion adsorption/deposit Demand growth (in % per year) to 2020*: approx. 10% (average estimate) 2020 – 2030*: approx. 10% (average estimate) *Base year 2010
  • 21. Extraction of rare earths 2/5 Tailings: Waste rock (impoundment storage areas or stockpiles) Further Mining Milling Flotation processing (~1-10% REO) (~60% REO) Ores with low concentrate concentration
  • 22. Environmental risks in the extraction of rare earths 3/5
  • 23. Environmental risks in the extraction of REs – Summary 4/5  Primary extraction of rare earths is usually associated with radioactive pollution  Residues remain mainly in the form of tailings, which are stored in large basins: heavy metal pollution etc.  In-situ leaching poses major risks to groundwater  Separation and refining of rare earths and their compounds requires large quantities of chemicals and energy  As a result of the huge problems in China, the government has adopted extensive plans to optimise and consolidate operations (closure of small mines) over the next 5 years
  • 24. Rare earths profile 5/5 EOL recycling rate 2010: < 1% Assessment of rare earth recycling (Nd, Pr, Dy, Tb): Reports on pre-consumer recycling, mainly in Asia, indicate: recovery of grinding sludge from magnet manufacture, recovery of rare earths from nickel-metal hydride batteries (Mischmetal). Future recycling potentials for rare earths (Nd, Pr, Dy, Tb) 2020 / 2030: For heavy rare earth oxides the BGR estimates a recycling rate in 2015 of 10% of the supply. On account of rising prices for REs, rapidly rising demand and scarcity of primary supply, increased research & development and initial implementation of recycling schemes can be expected: see Rhodia’s announcement of recycling of REs from compact fluorescent lamps.
  • 25. Environmental impact of primary extraction per kg of extracted metal 2 21 130 150 180 210 10 000 15 600 18 800 Source: ecoinvent 2010
  • 26. Environmental impact of primary extraction per kg of extracted metal No data available for gallium, germanium, ruthenium, rare earths
  • 27. Global environmental impact of primary production as a result of demand for electric vehicles* Baseline scenario in million tonnes CO2-equivalents 0.06 Hatched: incl. requirements for ICE vehicles (for Cu: Gold Gold 0.18 starter, alternator; for Pt, Pd: catalytic convertor) and 0.01 / 0.02 ICE applications in e-vehicles (catalytic convertor, Silver Silber standard cabling, brakes etc) 0.04 / 0.05 0.21 2.82 Platinum Platin 0.67 3.48 0.01 1.99 Palladium Palladium 0.04 2.16 Rare 2020 Seltene 0.19 Eaths Erden 0.66 2030 Germanium Germanium < 0.005 < 0.005 Indium Indium < 0.005 < 0.005 0.01 Gallium Gallium 0.03 0.91 3.44 Copper Kupfer 3.15 5.94 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 * Excluding consideration of the battery Current GWP was held constant for 2020 and 2030
  • 28. Global environmental impact of primary production as a result of demand for electric vehicles * Mio. tonnes CO22-equivalents Mio. Tonnen CO -Äquivalente SEM 0.19 Baseline REM 0.66 Basis- scenario Szenario Cu 0.91 3.44 Cu 3.15 5.94 SEM 0.17 Innovation REM 0.45 Innovations- scenario Szenario Cu 0.82 3.23 Cu 2.55 5.07 SEM 0.17 Recycling Recycling- REM 0.31 Szenario scenario 0.81 1.65 Cu Cu 1.90 2.49 0.10 Substitution REM Substitutions- SEM 0.12 scenario Szenario Cu Cu 1.05 1.90 2.70 3.29 SEM 0.06 Moderate Moderates REM 0.11 Szenario scenario 0.75 1.63 Cu Cu 1.88 2.67 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 Cu = copper * Excluding consideration of the battery REM = rare earth metal Current GWP was held constant for 2020 and 2030
  • 29. Reduction in material consumption attributable to electric vehicles Electric mobility (fuel cells and fully electric passenger vehicles) means that the following components and metals contained in conventional vehicles are no longer required: • engine (copper, aluminium, steel / ferrous materials) • exhaust (copper, steel / ferrous materials) • fuel system (steel / ferrous materials) • catalytic convertor (platinum, palladium) Copper Platinum Palladium Aluminium Steel Saving 2020 in tonnes of material ca. 4 500 4 5 ca. 66 700 ca. 250 400 in tonnes of CO2-equivalents ca. 8 600 ca. 70 000 ca. 52 700 ca. 826 000 ca. 415 300 Saving 2030 in tonnes of material ca. 26 500 26 31 ca. 394 000 ca. 1 479 200 in tonnes of CO2-equivalents ca. 51 000 ca. 412 400 ca. 311 400 ca. 4 879 500 ca. 2 453 200 In relation to the baseline scenario for 2020 or 2030
  • 30. Summary of present recycling situation* Recycling rates (EOL-RR)* of the relevant elements *EOL-RR = End-of-life recycling rate (post consumer) > 50% > 25-50% > 10-25% 1-10% < 1% Source: Graedel, Buchert et.al UNEP 2011 * Excluding consideration of the battery metals
  • 31. Recyclability of top-priority elements Element Recyclability Assessment Palladium Recycling precious metals presents no metallurgical problem. The most Silver important requirement is appropriate pre-treatment of the products so Platinum that the precious metals are actually removed for recycling / refining and are not lost in other compounds as a result of unsuitable processing. Gold Copper is used as a “collector” for precious metals in pyrometallurgical Copper processes and can be recovered by leaching and electrical precipitation. Gallium In low concentrations there are virtually no opportunities for economic recycling; recyclability increases with increasing concentration. In pyro- processes (Hoboken) Ga and Ge are vaporised and pass into the fly Germanium ash. Losses of In and Ru would be high if these elements were to be Indium introduced right at the start of the recycling process, even in prepared form; better recovery rates are achieved for both if Ru is fed into the Ruthenium pyrometallurgical pre-concentration of precious metals, or if In is fed into the lead process; however, without pre-concentration losses are high. Praseodymium As trace elements forming part of the mix in complex materials, e.g. in combination with precious metals, rare earth ores usually pass into the slag where they are diluted to such an extent that recycling is not Neodymoim worthwhile. Recyclability is greater if high concentrations of rare earth ores are Terbium present in the product (see permanent magnets) or if the slag is enriched (see UHT). Recycling and preparation processes are currently being Dysprosium developed / some solutions are already available.
  • 32. Summing up: The environment and recycling 1/3 The following statements do not cover the largest component – the battery  CO2-equivalents: The copper requirement of electro-mobility plays the largest role, followed by platinum for fuel cells and rare earths for electric motors.  A similar picture applies to acidifiers, photochemical oxidation, over-fertilisation and cumulated energy requirement.  In terms of ADP copper also makes the largest absolute contribution  Classical life-cycle assessments do not adequately depict the specific environmental impact potential: in the case of rare earths specific impact factors such as radioactivity etc. have substantial relevance.  Recycling: Established systems exist for recycling copper and precious metals – the main issue here is collection of the materials. For special metals (rare earths, indium etc.) extensive research and development is needed.
  • 33. Summing up: The environment and recycling 2/3 The following statements do not cover the largest component – the battery  Good recycling systems have clear environmental benefits (as experiences with precious metals show).  A rough calculation of the savings of classical materials for ICE passenger vehicles shows significant raw material savings and corresponding reduction of environmental impacts (steel etc.).  The findings show where important environmental impacts and benefits arise. They by no means have the same weight as the findings of life-cycle assessments, because  A) the battery was completely excluded  B) the manufacturing processes of electrical components and specific components of ICE vehicles were not taken into account.
  • 34. Summing up: The environment and recycling 3/3  For future projects there are the challenges of comprehensive inventorising and evaluation of the environmental impacts and benefits of the various components of electric mobility: life-cycle assessment procedures supplemented by additional considerations (see rare earths).  It is important not to underestimate the level of complexity (different components involving a very wide range of materials, manufacturing processes with a major secrecy element and dynamic developments).  Calculating future relative environmental impacts (per production unit) for the production of metals etc. is a challenging task since it needs to include the development of environmental standards, electricity generation costs etc. in many different countries.  Care should therefore be taken to avoid over-hasty conclusions when assessing the environmental impacts and benefits of electric mobility.
  • 35. Nd requirements of e-mobility in the scenarios and total requirement across all applications Source: IMCOA 2011 (total Nd requirement 2015), Öko-Institut 2011
  • 36. Dy requirements of e-mobility in the scenarios and total requirement across all applications Sources: BGR 2011 (Dy production 2010), IMCOA 2011 (total Dy requirement 2015), Öko-Institut 2011
  • 37. Tb requirements of e-mobility in the scenarios and total requirement across all applications Sources: BGR 2011 (Tb production 2010), IMCOA 2011 (total requirement 2015), Öko-Institut
  • 38. Ga requirements of e-mobility in the scenarios and total requirement across all applications Sources: USGS 2011 (Ga production 2010), EU critical raw materials 2010 (total Ga requirement 2020), Öko-Institut
  • 39. Rare earth applications: current distribution (Nd, Pr, Dy, Tb)  Neodymium use: approx. 77% in magnets, approx. 12% in batteries, and approx. 3% in ceramics, approx. 2% glass, approx. 1% catalytic convertors, approx. 5% other  Praseodymium use: approx. 71% in magnets, approx. 10% in batteries, approx. 6% in polishing powder, and approx. 5% in ceramics, 3% catalytic convertors, 1% glass, 4% other  Dysprosium use: 100% in magnets  Terbium use: approx. 11% in magnets, approx. 89% in illuminants Calculation performed by the Öko-Institut
  • 40. Other rare earth applications: Future distribution  Growth rates are rising faster for magnet applications (approx. 12.5% per year to 2014) than for other applications (5-8% per year).  The proportions of neodymium and praseodymium used for magnet applications will rise to approx. 80% and 74% respectively. These proportions may increase further by 2020 or 2030.  The future requirement for dysprosium will be determined entirely by magnet applications. In the case of terbium illuminants will continue to dominate until 2014, accounting for 87%; magnet applications for terbium are also becoming slightly more important (approx. 13% in 2014) As far as we can currently tell, magnet applications will remain the key growth driver for neodymium, praseodymium and dysprosium until 2020 or 2030* * Providing no revolutionary new motors or magnet technologies are Calculation performed by the Öko-Institut introduced.
  • 41. Rare earth applications: Various magnet applications  Within magnet applications, only very small percentages are attributable to electric mobility (passenger vehicles) in 2010:  for neodymium and praseodymium the proportion is approx. 0.25% of all magnet applications,  for dysprosium it is approx. 1.4%,  for terbium it is approx. 5.7%  New wind power technology will account for approx. 2% of neodymium (praseodymium) and approx. 5% of dysprosium. In 2010 magnet applications continue to be dominated by a wide range of classical applications such as PCs, notebooks, medicine, loudspeakers, electric motors for industry, other industrial applications, and many more. Calculation performed by the Öko-Institut
  • 42. Rare earth applications: Various magnet applications  The findings of the OPTUM resources work package and other Öko-Institut studies of rare earths and wind energy show that both these new technologies are likely to account for a much larger proportion of all neodymium magnet applications than they do now.  For neodymium and praseodymium the proportion of neodymium magnet applications for which they account could rise to up to 12% by 2020 and to 12- 25% by 2030.  For dysprosium the proportion attributable to electric mobility could rise to 60% by 2020 and to 65-90% by 2030. By 2020 or 2030 electric mobility will account for a significant proportion of rare earth magnet applications. This is particularly true for dysprosium. Wind power will also require increasing percentages: both applications will be major drivers of future demand. Calculation performed by the Öko-Institut
  • 43. Ga requirement by application ≈ 370 t ≈ 270 t ≈ 140 t Source: EU critical raw materials 2010
  • 44. Resource efficiency and resource-policy aspects of the electro-mobility system - Conclusions and recommendations for action Sponsored by:
  • 45. Conclusions 1/2  Supplies of rare earths (esp. Dy, Tb, Nd, Pr) are particularly critical. Recycling will be an important option for reducing scarcity but is not the sole solution for meeting future demands.  Gallium is used in many types of application (e.g. PV, LED). The requirement for it is likely to rise sharply. If demand growth is strong, supply will not become critical in the short term but it will do so in the long term.  Indium does not make a crucial contribution to electric mobility. BUT: There are many competing areas of application with rapid growth rates. Indium occurs only as a minor metal and must therefore be watched closely.  Germanium does not make a crucial contribution to electric mobility. BUT: Rapid growth rates could occur in other applications (e.g. fibre optic technology, LEDs) and we lack basic information on germanium (the “phantom” element) and growth in demand for it.
  • 46. Conclusions 2/2  The precious metals silver, gold, palladium and platinum also play a part in components for electric mobility: platinum, in particular, is important for fuel- cell vehicles. On the other hand, the development of electric mobility in terms of fully electric vehicles may reduce demand pressure on platinum and palladium by doing away with the need for catalytic convertors.  The current critical supply situation of some rare earths serves as a warning that, despite extensive global geological reserves, shortages can occur – at least temporarily – if geopolitical factors (extraction restricted almost entirely to one country) goes hand in hand with very rapidly rising demand growth. There are lessons to be learnt from this for the future so that appropriate action can be taken promptly and proactively (through timely exploration and development of deposits, diversification of supply, promotion of recycling etc.)
  • 47. Recommendations for action 1/4  In view of the risk of a “bottleneck” in the supply of rare earths, different relief strategies need to be pursued simultaneously  R&D into reduction of REs (esp. Dy) in magnets for e-engines and into RE-free e-engines  Responsible: Government ministries for promotion programmes, OEMs (manufacturers of electric engines, magnet manufacturers) and the scientific community with regard to innovation  Development of recycling technologies for permanent magnets from different applications  Responsible: Government ministries for promotion programmes, the recycling industry, the scientific community  Promotion of environmentally friendly primary production of REs (standards!)  Responsible: German government and EU Commission via international negotiations, companies involved in rare earth mining
  • 48. Recommendations for action 2/4  Promotion of more environmentally sound mining of critical metals  There is significant potential to make better use of natural resources by improving extraction rates in the primary production and processing of many metals (e.g. rare earths). For important minor metals such as indium potential also exists in the form of unused residues at mining sites now partly closed.  Responsible: BGR and institutes involved in mining and processing that can prospect for mining residues and promote technical cooperation and knowhow transfer in relation to optimised extraction
  • 49. Recommendations for action 3/4  Development of recycling strategies and technologies for the recycling of power electronics from EOL electric vehicles  Recovery of copper, gallium, precious metals etc.  Responsible: Government ministries for promotion programmes, the recycling industry and the scientific community  General research needs:  Analysis of potential and opportunities available in “conventional” electronics and special magnet applications in future vehicles of all types in terms of precious and special metals incl. rare earths  Responsible: Government ministries for promotion programmes and OEMs (manufacturers of auto electronics and magnets)
  • 50. Recommendations for action 4/4  Significant increases are expected in the use of gallium, indium and germanium in other applications: it is at present unclear whether growth rates – and hence supply risks – resulting from technological revolutions such as LED or PV (post Fukushima) are still being underestimated: the medium- and long-term effects on e-mobility need to be explored and solution strategies developed.  Responsible: Government ministries for promotion programmes
  • 51. Final comments  Despite the challenges associated with supplying the specific raw materials needed for electric mobility, it is important not to underestimate the positive environmental effects (e.g. reduced use of classical components and materials) and the other dimensions of sustainability (e.g. new added value and jobs through innovative recycling structures).  In the discussion it is extremely important not to ignore the significant emission reduction potentials of electric mobility in the use phase, provided that appropriate use is made of green electricity.