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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
Chengning Li
English 131 L
May 14th, 2014
Responsibility for Carbon Emission Reduction
Nowadays, climate change has become an increasingly crucial problem for the whole world. To
figure out this problem, the United Nations holds an annual climate summit which discusses how to
respond to global climate change, and promote world–wide actions to promote the progress of
Copenhagen and Kyoto Protocol. In the Copenhagen conference, 2009, a framework for climate
change migration beyond 2012 was to be agreed.
As we all known, there was a series of intense conversations between developed countries and
developing countries about the carbon dioxide emission cup for each country. On one hand, BASIC
countries, the representative of developing countries, held that they were developing and needed
large amount of carbon dioxide emission in industrial development. On the other hand, the
American and European Union, the representative of developed countries, argued that developing
countries cannot take the risk of pollution in order to develop its own science and economy;
therefore they should take a large part of responsibility of global climate change. The purposed
changed of absolute emission for America is 4% but for China or Indian is 20% even 40% reduction
for 2005–2020. From my perspective, this is too hard and tough for developing countries to
complete. And developed countries should do better than 4% or 5%.
For developed countries, like the US, some people think that these countries
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
The Pros And Cons Of Kyoto Protocol
Global warming influences every country in the world adversely. In order to relieve this issue, in
1997, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) formulated and enacted
Kyoto Protocol in Japan. At the beginning, more than 150 countries joined the conference. After
that, other countries ratified Kyoto Protocol in succession. Until now, there are about 192 countries
have already ratified the protocol. The United States, however, chose to drop out in 2001 after
becoming one of the participants for four years. (Cable News Network Library, 2017) Drawbacks of
Kyoto Protocol and negative impacts on the economy are two main reasons why the United States
dropped out.
Kyoto Protocol is an agreement that forces all the signatory countries to make great efforts to relieve
global warming. It is widely accepted that greenhouse gases are able to heat earth since they can
prevent heat from escaping from the atmosphere, a reasonable amount of greenhouse gases is
needed to keep the earth warm at a constant and comfortable level, but the overabundance of those
gases can influence earth adversely and thus increase the temperature beyond desirable level. Kyoto
Protocol is aimed at solving this kind of problem. Therefore, we can say that Kyoto Protocol "is an
international treaty among industrialized nations that sets mandatory limits on greenhouse gas
emissions." (Rouse, M., 2013) The countries who ratified the protocol will be a member of the
United Nations Framework
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
Factors in Calculating Emissions
I have noticed that I can make significant reductions to my carbon footprint by making some small
changes in the following aspects:
a) Heating & Cooling: Insulating and caulking the roof/walls, ventilation and shading/awning can
reduce the usage heating and cooling systems, which reduce carbon emissions significantly. Having
efficient Energy star rated equipment also helps.
b) Refrigeration: Maintaining the freezer (above –15 degrees Celsius) and fridge temperatures
(between 3 and 5 degrees Celsius). With some proper planning, I can ensure that the fridge is not
stuffed with food and food is cooled before being put in the fridge, which reduces the load and time
for the motor to run.
c) Food and Shopping: Reducing the consumption of meat, dairy products like cheese and take away
food seems to bring large reductions in carbon emissions for me
The Greenhouse emissions are calculated separately for direct and indirect emissions. For direct
emissions, carbon emissions are calculated using '(Direct) Emission Factors' for each fuel type,
which is the ratio of carbon dioxide generated for a given quantity of fuel. Indirect emissions from
electrical power consumption are estimated through the use of '(Electrical) Indirect emission factor,
which is varies based on the method of the electricity purchased or consumed. This number varies
by region and location.
The calculator estimates the amount of energy required to move the vehicle based on factors
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
Environmental And Resource Efficiency Improvement Plan
Environmental and Resource Efficiency Improvement Plan
The Environmental Resource Efficiency Plan (EREP) program is developed for One Stop
Computers (trading for Asia Pacific region) to encourage carbon reduction of their product portfolio,
improve the protection of human health and the environment and demonstrate responsibility of safe
use of chemicals in the industry.
AHM Consultancy is based in Hobart Tasmania and understands the challenges and complexity of
creating Environmental Management Plans. We help clients achieve their resource efficiency goals
so they can achieve positive environmental outcomes. Our key business areas and specialization:
Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Total Quality Management.
Equipment Recycling, Consumable Waste and Energy Conservation are all initiatives that should be
considered to improve environmental performance and sustainability.
Carbon Footprint
Conserve energy, reduce impact and save money. Reducing the emissions intensity of product
portfolio (1) by 5% percent by 2020 compared to 2015 (2) levels by:
Decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and product transportation (3), improve data centre
efficiencies and developing energy–efficient solutions and improved server architecture which
consumes up to 89% less energy (4), uses 80% less space (4) and costs 70% less than traditional
server environments (5).
Recycling and Reuse
Easy ways to return and recycle computer equipment and printing supplies.
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
Evaluation Of The Lca Analysis Data
3.2 Review of the LCA analysis data
The original paper authored by Tremeac et al has used SimPro [19] software to perform the life
cycle analysis of the two turbines. Results obtained from their analysis are shown in Table 2 for the
four impact categories as discussed in the LCA methodology. In order to compare environmental
impacts, four damage categories were analysed by the life cycle inventory results and they are:
climate change, resources, ecosystem quality and human health.
The data in the table can be observed to have both positive and negative values. For instance, in the
resource depletion category of 4.5 MW turbine, the decommissioning of parts is represented by –
8950 KWhe of energy and the negative sign represents the amount of Non–renewable energy
conserved by recycling the part. The reason why dismantling and recycling yield impact reduction,
is because it reduces the environmental burden. It is important to note that disposal of materials is
important for the environmental profile of electricity generated from wind power plant. Climate
changes are contributed by the equivalent amount of CO2 emissions during each of the phases. The
life cycle GHG emission factor is used as an index to evaluate the GHG emission characteristics
from a global warming point of view. Honda et al [5] report provides an equation that's generally
used to evaluate the amount of greenhouse gas emitted across the entire life cycle to generate 1
KWh of electricity. The equation used is
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
Transportation Tokens : Principle Investigator : Michael Axe
Title: Transportation Tokens
Principle Investigator: Michael Axe
Public transportation, such as trains and buses, in America is a thriving business that helps cuts
down on the emission of greenhouse gases into the environment. During the weekdays, 35 million
people take public transportation to get to work, travel around the country, or just to easily get
around a major city without having to worry about parking. In 2013 alone, Americans took public
transportation over 10.7 billion times, which it the highest amount in over 57 years. Because of this
high amount of people taking the public transportation 865 million hours have been saved in time
that would have otherwise been spent in traffic. Public transportation has also saved 450 million
gallons of fuel that would have been burned in traffic alone.
It is estimated that 4.7 metric tons of CO2 are released by a single car per year, and given the fact
that there are 253 million cars in the US alone, that means that 1.2 billion tons of CO2 are released
every year from cars alone. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stated that
"Transportation accounts for 27% of Greenhouse Gas emission in 2013" (EPA Staff, 1) [2]. This
includes cars, truck, ships, trains, and planes. According to the America Public Transportation
Association (APTA) "Public transportation use in the United States reduces our nation's carbon
emissions by 37 million metric tons annually. This is equivalent to Washington, DC; New York City;
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
The US Involvement In The Kyoto Protocol
Global warming has become one of the most complicated issued facing the whole world. It may
cause significant changes in natural, ecological or social systems. Under this circumstance,
developed nations has decided to work together to combat this serious problem. The Kyoto Protocol
is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change. Its objective is to make nations that ratified the agreement reduce their emissions of carbon
dioxide and five other greenhouse gases, or engage in emissions trading if they maintain or increase
emissions of these gases toward the target set for each nation. Many countries are trying their best to
support the Kyoto Protocol. On the other hand, some other nations, ... Show more content on
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Additionally, it is said that the new standard was considering would have caused devastating harm,
wiping out millions of American jobs and costing our economy more than $1 trillion over a decade,
without any significant environmental or health benefits. As we can see these facts, to work on
reducing the greenhouse gas emission, the US has to spend a lot of money. In addition to this fact, it
is obvious that economic growth and increased energy demand are closely linked to increased
emissions of CO2. The US cannot go on achieving the recovery of its economy and the reduction of
greenhouse gas emission at the same time. Therefore, it will take a long time to make the US get
involved in the Kyoto Protocol. It is now busy to rebuild its economy, and doesn't have much scope
to care about this global issue. Out of this economical problem the US facing, there are some other
reasons why the US cannot be active on supporting the Kyoto protocol. I'd like to think of them in
the next paragraph.
It is often discussed in the relation to the Kyoto Protocol its exemptions of many nations including
major emission nations like India and China. This is one of the most difficult point regarding the
Kyoto Protocol; at the same time, and one of the reasons why the US cannot be cooperative about
the Kyoto Protocol. China, India, and other developing countries were exempt from the
requirements of the Kyoto Protocol, even though
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
Climate Action Plan For The Uk Greenhouse Gas Emissions
B.C. Climate Action Plan
The B.C. Climate Action Plan is a comprehensive strategy implemented by the Canadian
government with the objective to diminish provincial greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). In 2007, a
Throne Speech was given remarking that climate leadership in B.C was illusory and commitment to
climate leadership was an imperative component in the future of the province. As such, in 2008, the
Climate Action Plan was released with the intent to serve as a guide in helping British Columbia
attain a prosperous, green economy. Within the Action Plan, initiatives and approaches are outlined
to make B.C carbon neutral by 2010 and move the province closer towards reducing GHG emissions
to the target 33 percent in 2020. By 2050, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
2007 – A speech from the Throne is given outlining the need for climate leadership. In response, 180
municipalities in B.C sign the Charter.
2008– The Climate Action Plan is released along with the enactment of the greenhouse gas
2009–Federal standards are created for vehicle emissions.
2010– The first progress report is submitted showing all Climate Action commitments are underway
or complete. Additionally, B.C becomes the first carbon neutral government in North America.
2011 to 2012– The first interim GHG target reaches 6 percent below 2007 levels.
Objectives and Design
The B.C. Climate Action Plan has one main objective: to reduce provincial greenhouse gas
emissions. This objective takes the form of legislative targets that commit B.C to reduce their
emissions and become a carbon neutral province. The Climate Action Plan is comprised of pillars
that characterize key tactics that make reaching these goals plausible and realistic.
Key Pillars
The B.C Climate Action plan has 5 main pillars:
1. Legislated Targets: Entrenched in law, by 2020, B.C is committed to reduce their GHG emissions
by 33 percent compared to 2007 levels. Additionally, by 2050, the province has committed to reduce
emissions by 80 percent compared to 2007 levels.
2. Key Partnerships: The development of partnerships among nations surface opportunities to
capitalize on complementary strengths. As such, B.C has partnered with states
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
World Environmental Policy : A Review On The Progress Of...
Josh Borga
14 November 2014
POLS 131–003
World Environmental Policy LAtimes.com recently did a story on the progress of the Kyoto treaty
and the progress being made to stop the increase of carbon emissions worldwide. President Obama
and President Xi Jinping of China discussed an agreement that would help avoid a terrifying 2°
Celsius increase. Avoiding the 2° C change would avoid massive melting of the Arctic Circle and
glaciers, major increase of large storms such as hurricanes, flooding, and extreme droughts
worldwide. With both presidents plan on trying to find a way to lower their emissions enough to
keep the planet sustainable for longer and ty to keep the temperature change minimal, China plans
on having their emissions peak ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 2012, the Kyoto treaty was set to expire but the goals set in the treaty were nowhere near
completion so the countries involved decided to meet in Durban in 2011 to discuss a new treaty to
extend the ideas of Kyoto. Since 2011 they haven't exactly come up with a new plan for a treaty
until the U.S and China, both of which were not part of Kyoto, set a couple of goals to lower their
emissions. With both China and the U.S putting out their goals, all other countries involved with the
new idea of a treaty will have a better idea on how to compromise to lower the emission output and
stop contributing as much too global warming. As discussed in class, the amount of time the world
has to get it together and put an end to the enormous amounts of emissions being pumped into the
atmosphere is thirty years which is considered plenty of time if everyone could agree on a new
treaty. Our carbon budget is how the countries have been looking at what happens in those thirty
years. Worldwide the total amount of carbon we can produce is around 1,000,000,000,000 metric
tons of carbon (Duncan 2014). With the U.S and China setting the limits and examples on how
much to produce, the world now has an acceptable idea of how much each country can produce.
Along with the world trying to prevent a world collapse of major environmental problems, countries
such as
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
America 's First Energy Plan
In "Goodbye to the Climate," Robert N. Stavins, expresses his worry about President Trump's
"America First Energy Plan". This plan will have an effect on United States' climate change
programs, and remove the United States from the Paris agreement. This article will be used to
explain content from the public goods chapter. This discussion will cover climate change, define
what a public good is, the free rider problem, and tragedy of the commons and how it relates to this
If President Trump follows through his "America Free Energy Plan" promise it will undo a majority
of President Obama's actions to reduce the United States greenhouse gas emissions. Thus having a
negative influence on the climate. Another problem that can occur is ... Show more content on
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A common problem with public goods is the free rider problem. The free rider problem occurs when
people want to use a public good, but do not want to pay for it. The reduction of greenhouse gasses
should be a global effort. The benefits are vague and provided in the future, there is little incentives
to reduce emission. If the Trump administration disregards America's pledge to reduce carbon
emission by 26 to 28 percent, the United States can save millions of dollars on climate policies but
increase the threat to the planet. This can lead to other countries not meeting their emission quota. If
a majority of the nations who signed the Paris agreement goes back on their promise, a market
failure will occur, producing an inefficient result. If too many countries become free riders, the cost
of the remaining countries will increase trying to reduce emission. This will then exceed the benefits
for the counties to fix the climate problem. Eventually leading to the climate problem being too
large for the few remaining countries to solve on their own.
Another problem with public goods is the tragedy of the commons. The tragedy of the commons
occurs when individual people or parties disregard the well–being of the society in pursuing
personal gains. When every country tries to gain the most benefits from abusing the climate, the
demand will rapidly consume the supply of the resource, due to the country not
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
Taking a Look at the Kyoto Protocol
The Kyoto Protocol is a binding international agreement, which began in Kyoto, Japan in 1997. As
of June 2013, there were a total of 192 parties participating in the Kyoto Protocol, Canada was no
longer one of them. Canada was one of the first to sign the agreement, in 1998; more than 4 years
later, Canada formally approved the Kyoto Accord, in 2002. This meant Canada would have to
decrease its emissions, by 6% in comparison to 1990 levels (461 Mt), by the year 2012. Despite
some efforts, Canada failed to meet these requirements and in fact increased total emissions by
roughly 24% by the year 2008. Canada formally withdrew from the Kyoto Accord in 2011, avoiding
penalties and future detriments. The withdrawal of Canada from the Kyoto ... Show more content on
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In the year 2000, before ratifying the agreement, they began with $500 million, in comparison to the
total amount just three years later, $500 million is not a lot. Federal spending reached 1.7 billion in
2003, just one year after Canada ratified the Kyoto Protocol, and two years before the protocol took
effect. If Canada had endured the agreement, it was believed to have cost over ten billion. Although
we should be involved in saving the earth, the amount of money is too big of a price to pay, and we
will never know how much it would take to reduce greenhouse gases to that of the agreement.
The Kyoto Protocol does not benefit Canada because it is unfair, too costly, and now that the United
States has withdrawn from the agreement, it can only be bad news for Canada. The Kyoto Protocol
does not treat every country fairly. Canada has more to lose with the Protocol than other countries,
and they should all be treated in the same way. Some of the world's largest polluters, such as China
and India, are exempt from "round one" of the Protocol because they are seen as developing
countries with more important issues to deal with. Secondly, Kyoto allows some industrialized
countries, such as Russia and New Zealand, to make no cuts, and even permits some places, like
Iceland, to emit more greenhouse gasses. The protocol will be unsuccessful and ineffective if every
country is not on board. Finally, Canada will need to provide
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
The Development Of Waste Management Facilities
Third to First World Problems As a country develops the infrastructure for the country, must be
established or develop at a rate fast enough to compensate for the countries growth. If the basic
service infrastructure does not develop at a fast enough rate or is not established properly, people
that are in poorer communities or of a lower class are over looked or mistreated in the way the
service is constructed around them. One of the most visible ways this can be seen is the
development of waste management facilities. Communities whose members are at an economical
disadvantage tend to be where industrial and waste management facilities are created. This is a
phenomenon known as Not In My Back Yard. This phenomenon is seen all over the world, one
country that has had to deal with the establishment of an infrastructure in recent years is Brazil. As
Brazil has grown the infrastructure for the country had a need to grow with it. In 2005 Brazil hit a
turning point, President Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva and his administration, made waste management
one of their top priorities. As Brazil's population, economics, and urbanized areas grew, so did the
amount of waste that they produced. The facilities that were in place in 2005 were subpar and over
whelmed in the more urbanized parts of Brazil. In some urban locations the strain was so great that
the facilities were falling apart. Over the next several pages many topics will discussed that involve
many facets of waste
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
Kyoto Protocol Is An International Agreement
Introduction to the Kyoto Protocol
Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement which was announced in Kyoto, Japan in 1997. It is
considered as the supplement of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change) and the main target for the Kyoto protocol is to reduce the emissions of anthropogenic
greenhouse gases. Nowadays, there are 192 Parties that have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol
and the overall emission of these countries accounts for 61% of the total greenhouse gases emission
on world. The agreement was designed first to solve the issue on greenhouse gas emission and it is
one of the most well–known environmental issue in public and becomes worse and worse through
time. Therefore, reducing greenhouse gas emission today is necessary and crucial for the
sustainability of the environment. One of the most famous impact of greenhouse gas emission is the
sea level increasing. As the tremendous amount of greenhouse gas emissions in 21 century, it leads
to the global warming and thus the Earth's climate has warmed by approximately 0.6 Celsius degree
over the past 100 years. Increasing of sea level makes island countries such as Maldives face the
problem that the majority of its land area might be underwater by the end of the century( Union of
Concerned Scientists,2011).
The specific goal that the developed countries have to meet is to reduce the greenhouse gas emission
by around 5% below their 1990 levels from 2008 to 2012 and the amounts may
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
The Potential Cause Of Global Warming
The potential causes of global warming are debated about by many scientists. Many scientists
believe that global warming is natural while others believe it to be caused by mostly humans. Global
warming may be completely natural for many reasons. First, Earth tends to go through cycles of
heating and cooling and this wouldn't be the first time our planet has begun to heat up unexpectedly.
Second, nobody can directly correlate humans with global warming, we may emit CO2 but that
doesn't mean we caused it. Other people believe that humans caused the entire thing because of our
CO2 emissions. If we weren't emitting so much CO2 then the Earth would not be heating up at the
rate that it is currently. The greenhouse gases that we emit go up into ... Show more content on
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CO2 is the main greenhouse gas that traps energy and majority of the cars that we drive today emit it
so were are not preventing global warming at all. Global warming could potentially be completely
natural. There is "no real evidence that humans have caused Global Warming (S. Fred Singer)."
There is hardly any if any at all of evidence that supports humans are the cause of global warming at
all. Not a single scientist has been able to say one hundred percent that humans are the cause of
global warming. Nobody has been able to find a direct correlation between humans and global
warming. Our CO2 emissions may not be helping it but we are not the main cause. If we did not
exist our planet would still be going through these cycles of heating and cooling. This isn't the first
time our planet has begun heating and most likely will not be the last time either. It is just a
completely natural cycle and there is nothing we can do about it. "The glaciers are melting and the
Arctic sea is disappearing but this doesn't mean that it is caused by humans (S. Fred Singer)." This
only shows that Earth is warming but does not tell whether humans are causing it or not. Earth could
just potentially be on one of its warming cycles without any assistance from humans at all. The earth
has seen many of these cycles and will continue to go through them as long as the earth is still
present. If it was on one
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
The Effect Everyones Carbon Footprint Is Having On The
The effect everyones carbon footprint is having on the environment Carbon footprint is the measure
of the amount of plant resources you use. The more your carbon footprint goes up, the more effect it
has on the environment. Everyday people are doing actives that are producing greenhouse gas
emissions. If one sees their greenhouse gas emission going up, that means that there will be an
increase in climate change which will then lead to global warming. Your carbon footprint has a huge
effect on not only you but also the environment, human life and wildlife. This is why your carbon
foot is important, it has an effect on everything around you. Some people might not know the effects
of carbon footprint, what contributes to your carbon ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You can also drive less, take shorter showers, save paper and lots of other things to help reduce ones
carbon footprint. When it comes to traveling take a bike instead of your car or if you 're flying look
for nonstop flights, because therefore you will be producing less greenhouse gas emissions
compared to connecting flights. There are many things that contributed yo your carbon footprint.
This is the easiest thing about your carbon footprint, and that is measuring your direct emissions.
Everything that you own and everything in your house, dorm apartment has all been produced by
greenhouse gasses. Everything you have has gone through the process emits C02 because it has been
shipped in order to get to you or the store that you bought it from. This includes the hats you wear,
your TV, your fan, toys, appliances and all the other things you own. Food is also including in
having an effect on your carbon footprint. Beef is an example of a food that contributes to your
carbon footprint because it comes from cattle and that is where methane is being produced which is
a powerful greenhouse gas in their digestive system. Gain is one of the main foods that is being fed
to cattle, and so therefore that produces carbon emissions from the chemicals that are being used to
grow it and then gas is being burned to transport it (money crashers). It is proven that a vegetarian
diet produces less C02 then a meat diet (live–strong). This is showing that having a vegetarian diet
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
Compare and contrast the contributing factors of climate change and argue that there is a need for
more economically developed nations to take the lead.
Nations around the world have been contributing to climate change by damaging natural
environments and releasing greenhouse gases and there is a need for more economically developed
nations. There are different contributing factor, but the majority of these contributions are from the
more economically developed nations. Although the less economically developed nations do not
contribute as much as the More economically developed nations, they are the ones that are affected
the most. More economically developed nations are not affected as much because they have enough
resources to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is not just because more economically developed nations have more carbon emission and
should have more responsibility; it is also about the future of these developed nations. Even if the
more economically developed nations do not help the less economically developed nations, the
effects of climate change will still affect the developed nations. More importantly, the less
economically developed nations' economic impact to the world from climate change will have some
amount of impacts to the more economically developed nations. So by taking the lead and help the
less economically developed nations to survive in climate change, more economically developed
nations can economically benefits
Overall, all the nations are contributing to climate change and all of them should have a
responsibility. In contrast, more economically developed nations contributes more to climate change
than less economically developed nations does but unfortunately less economically developed
nations are facing more problems from the climate change. Therefore more economically developed
nations should take more responsibility so that the less economically developed nations will not
suffer as bad and should also take the lead, helping the all other nations in the world to survive in
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
A Brief Note On Cap And Trade System
Cap and Trade "A carbon cap and trade system has long been rumored to be in the offing at the
federal level as a way to both reduce emissions and raise revenue for transit, and transportation,
investment. That said, few truly understand how the proposed system works and how it might
impact their community" ("An Introduction to Cap–and–Trade Programs"). To better understand
what is cap and trade, we have to know why we need to have this system.
A long time ago, cap and trade use to be known as "Emissions Trading." Is is a set of policies that
results to a mandatory cap on pollution. Around the world, governments have successfully worked
on this cap and trade system.
A carbon trade is an exchange of credits between nations designed to ... Show more content on
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The pollutions that are related to carbon cap and trade are the greenhouse and global warming. The
steps of understanding what cap and trade means, is by breaking it down into two. "Cap" is a limit
that is defined by scientists as the greenhouse gas emissions; companies have to pay a fine if their
emissions are produced over that limit. The "Trade" part is a business opportunity for organizations
to purchase and offer stipends that allow them to discharge just a specific sum. Trading gives
organizations a solid motivation to spare cash by cutting pollution. A cap and trade system is made
to manage and reduce the greenhouse gas pollution around the world. Back then, when the people 's
living qualities got improved, they never thought about the results of what they did when they build
many factories. The didn't realize that these factories could have a bad effect on the environment or
that we could drastically affect the world the way it is now. Even now that people have realized that
they are living in a terrible environment, most people still ignore it, because we are so used to it how
we lived before.
Some people now cannot live without certain substances, such as the those who smoke cannot live
without tobacco. People who drive a car every day are not going to stop driving their car if someone
tells them "you are driving too much which is bad because your car is producing too much exhaust."
If people are thinking that they don't
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
We Need Up Our Carbon And Water Footprint
Sometimes we, as humans, don't realize how much we use our resources. This project opened my
eyes to how much we waste every day. The resources and how we use them on a day–to–day basis
make up our carbon and water footprint. I used the two websites
http://coolclimate.berkeley.edu/calculator and http://waterfootprint.org/en/resources to calculate my
impact on the world. The results definitely made me think about how I use my resources. For the
two online calculators, I put in information such as how much I travel, how many loads of laundry I
do, how much meat I eat, and even how often I wash my hands. The websites then took all of my
information and calculated it to give me my specific carbon and water footprints. A carbon footprint
is the closest estimation we have to the total set of greenhouse emissions as set forth by one specific
person. The online calculator calculated my footprint to be 21.9 tons of CO2 per year. This means,
with the way I am currently living, I am either directly, or somewhere down the line, party to
emitting close to 22 tons of CO2 into our environment. The carbon footprint calculator not only told
me how much my total carbon footprint is, but also specifically where my carbon emissions came
from. Table 1.1 shows the majority of my results. The first question the calculator asked was how
much I use my car. I live only two hours away from school, hardly ever go home, and walk to my
classes, but I was still surprised at how little my
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
The Greenhouse Policy : Global Warming Temperatures
The Greenhouse Policy
The Greenhouse Policy was adapted from the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards
Regulation 2012. The aim of the Policy was to limit global warming temperatures below two
degrees Celsius, reduce emissions to five per cent below 2000 levels by 2020, and provide
recommendations. In 1998, Australia signed the Kyoto Protocol, an international treaty, which
commits to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Australian Gas Light Company is committed to
reduce emissions, being the largest contributor.
A summary of the policy
The Greenhouse Policy will:
– Provide the market with safe, reliable, affordable and sustainable energy options are
– Not build, finance or acquire new conventional coal–fired power stations in Australia
– Not extend the operating life of any of its existing coal–fired power stations
– Close all existing coal–fired power stations in its portfolio
– Improve the greenhouse gas efficiency
– Continue to invest in new renewable and near–zero emission technologies
– Make available innovative and cost–effective solutions for the customers
A description of the main issues
Climate change is a detrimental wicked problem currently facing Australia; it will decrease in
number of cyclones but the intensity will increase, rise temperatures with more warm weather and
fewer cool weather, allow Australia to continue to be subjected to extreme fire days and a longer fire
season, annual rainfall will decrease and droughts will appear more
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
The Effects Of Climate Change On The Environment
1.0 Introduction
The development of society and economy has caused varieties of environmental problems in the
past decades. Carbon dioxide (CO2), the most common greenhouse gases has caused a great impact
on climate change, and to reduce the emission of CO2 becomes a worldwide agenda. (Christopher
R.I, 2013) While, Buildings, taking up third of the total UK greenhouse gas emissions (CCC,
2014http://www.theccc.org.uk/charts–data/ukemissions–by–sector/buildings/), have a great potential
to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and improve the sustainable development in the future. One
of the non–neglect issue to reduce the energy use and CO2 emission of building is in the
construction phases. The embodied carbon accounting 20–50% of the total ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
(Construction Products Association, 2012) Also cradle to grave assessment can be seen as the most
comprehensive assessment, but varieties of assumptions need to be made throughout the long
timescales. (Nigel H, 1999) In this essay two data sources are using, one is the inventory of carbon
and energy (ICE) which focus on the embodied carbon assessment edited by the BSRIA. However,
the boundary of ICE is cradle to gate. The other one is the Environment Agency, it is a tool to
calculate the emission of the greenhouse gases in the construction.
3.0 building elements
Assume that there is a need for a 10m×10m external wall in Cardiff CF14 3UA. Based on CIBSE
guide A (1999) to assess the two typical external walls. Dense concrete walls, 19mm render, 200mm
dense concrete block, 25mm polyurethane insulation, 12.5mm plasterboard. And Precast concrete
panel walls, 80mm dense concreate, 25mm EPS insulation, 100mm dense concreate, 50mm airspace
and 12.5mm plasterboard. These two kind of materials has quite similar thermal performance, the
dense concrete has 0.90 u–value, while the precast concrete panel has 0.85 u–value. The embodied
carbon calculation seen in Appendices1–2.
4.0 Material assumption.
After selected the building element in CIBSE guide, choosing the material of different layer in CCC
and ICE. The material in following table
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
Recommendation Report On Green Roofs And White Roofs Essay
Saira Guillen 4600 Cullen Boulevard Houston, TX 77004 June 30, 2015 Deborah Salvo, Ph.D.
Cullen College of Engineering University of Houston 4800 Calhoun Rd. Houston, TX 77004 RE:
Proposal Dear Dr. Salvo: The enclosed recommendation report compares green roofs and white
roofs, which I informed you of in my previous letter. The information in this report includes the cost
analysis, which examines the installation, maintenance, and replacements costs of each roof type. In
addition, the report examines the environmental impact in offsetting greenhouse gases. In the world
of construction, a white roof is a structure covering made with a top layer of highly reflective white
colored paint. A waterproof barrier and an insulation board follow the top layer. If you have any
questions regarding this matter, please contact me at snguillen@uh.edu or at (832) 466 –8076.
Sincerely, Saira Guillen PETR Undergraduate Student Recommendation Report Green Roofs vs.
White Roofs Saira Guillen ENGI 2304: Technical Communications Dr. Salvo Table of Contents List
of Tables and Figures iv Descriptive Abstract v Introduction 1 Purpose 1 Problem 1 Scope 1
Discussion 1 Environmental Impact 1 Explanation 1 Data 2 Interpretation 4 Cost Analysis 4
Explanation 4 Data 5 Interpretation 6 Conclusion 6 Summary 6 Conclusion 6 Recommendation 6
Contact Information 6 References 7 List of Tables and Figures Table 1. Air quality of white and
green roofs [3] 2 Figure 1. Green roof
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
Government Policies And The Targets Of The Policy
Third Briefing
State your idea. Identify the level of government that will adopt the policy and the targets of the
policy. A carbon tax is a tax that is based on the amount of greenhouse emissions that are made from
burning fossil fuels. The tax would either directly tax emissions or tax the fuels and chemicals that
produce CO2 when they are burned. The carbon tax would be adopted by the federal government in
an attempt to lower greenhouse gas emissions. The carbon tax is an economic instrument that can be
a cost effective way of greenhouse gas emissions.
Which environmental issue(s) does this policy address? The carbon tax addresses the environmental
issue of climate change. When CO2 is burned it creates greenhouse gas emissions and these gases
collect in the atmosphere and cause climate change (EPA.gov). Carbon dioxide is one of the leading
greenhouse gas emissions produced by humans, and by taxing this it could decrease the effects of
climate change (c2es.org).
How will this practice address the issue(s) named in your response to Question 2? Using a carbon
tax could lower greenhouse gas emissions because it could help reduce the amount of carbon
dioxide that is released into the atmosphere. One way that a carbon tax, can help reduce greenhouse
gas emissions is by helping promote renewable energy. When the fuels that can cause climate
change are taxed it will become very expensive for people to continue to use these fuels (CBO.gov).
A carbon tax can encourage people
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
Business Environment, Social Responsibility And Medical...
In 1969, Novo Nordisk, which had been produced poor quality detergent, had a serious issue about
the safety of the customer. Generally speaking, a company's reputation which has significant
influence over a profit is much more important than an amount of money that a company needs to
spend on cleaning up pollution. Despite being at a competitive disadvantage, the company has
decided that it is better to disclose environmental reporting to be more transparent on social. In
regards to the philosophy of Novo Nordisk, the company's value reflects its business environment,
social responsibility and medical innovation which can be known as "The value of the Triple Bottom
Line" (Novo Nordisk 2013, p. 19). In this report, the core ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Eccles; Michael P. Krzus (2013). The company, which used indicator, 2004 data, expected that
carbon emission would be dropped dramatically by 10% in the next 10 years. Even though the
report represented that greenhouse gas emission in Diabetes cares in 2013 as compared to 2010
increased by 30,000 tons (from 95,000 tons to 125,000 tons), the amount of emission decreased of
42% in comparison to 2004. In spite of accelerating rates of sales growth in Diabetes care over 10
years, Novo Nordisk could imitate the environmental issue and achieve its main objective for
reducing the amount of carbon emission about 10%. In 2012, it was expected that energy
consumption stood at 6% in 2013. After being analyzed, it can be seen that there was a 6% rise in
energy consumption, which increased from 2,433 gigajoules in 2012 to 2,572 gigajoules in 2013.
Assessing the performance of Novo Nordisk in 2013 and 2014, net sales increased slightly by 6%
but the amount of carbon emission dropped by 4% from 125,000 tons to 120,000 tons because of
reducing system power consumption and having changed the filling plant which become more
environmentally friendly methods. It is clear to say that both carbon emission and energy efficiency
met its common target which was slightly better than in 2013.
Water–use efficiency commitment
Water scarcity situation is a major problem for our society and affects many
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
Animal Production And Its Effect On The Climate Change
Livestock production needs to change in order to Prevent Climate Change According to the
International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) there is a scientific consensus that the earths climate
id being affected by human activities. The IPCC 's conclusion is that most of the observed warming
of the last 50 years is likely to have been due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations.
(McCarthy 2001, p.21) . "Greenhouse gases are accumulating in Earth 's atmosphere as a result of
human activities, causing surface air temperatures and subsurface ocean temperatures to rise"
(National Academy Press 2001, p. 1).
Due to the rise in temperature the climate change has lead to that almost all of the glaciers in the
world are now melting, which in turn leads to rises in sea levels (Gore 2006, p.48). In the future this
will lead to a serious shortage of drinking water (Gore 2006, p. 58). The production, transport and
processing of food products have significant environmental impacts that contributes to climate
change (Gonzalez, Frostell & Carlsson–Kanyama 2011, p. 562).
This essay aims emphasize what changes that need to be implemented in regards to livestock on a
global scale in order to prevent climate change. According to the FAO the Livestock sector acts as
one of the top two most significant contributors to environmental problems, at every scale from
local to global. Livestock on its own contributes to problems of land degradation, climate change,
air pollution water
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
Canada's Role in the Kyoto Accord
Canada's Role in the Kyoto Accord
The Kyoto Protocol is a binding international agreement, which began in Kyoto, Japan in 1997. As
of June 2013, there were a total of 192 parties participating in the Kyoto Protocol, Canada was no
longer one of them. Canada was one of the first to sign the agreement, in 1998; more than 4 years
later, Canada formally approved the Kyoto Accord, in 2002 ("CBC.ca – Timeline: Canada and
Kyoto"). This meant Canada would have to decrease its emissions, by 6% in comparison to 1990
levels (461 Mt), by the year 2012. Despite some efforts, Canada failed to meet these requirements
and in fact increased total emissions by roughly 24% by the year 2008. Canada formally withdrew
from the Kyoto Accord in 2011, avoiding ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If Canada had undergone the required change, it was believed to have cost over ten billion. Although
we should be involved in saving the earth, the amount of money is too big of a price to pay, and we
will never know how much it would take to reduce greenhouse gases to that of the agreement.
The Kyoto Protocol does not benefit Canada because it is unfair and too costly. The countries
involved are not treated fairly, especially Canada. Some of the world's largest polluters, such as
China and India, are exempt from the first half of the Protocol and large polluters such as the US
didn't choose to ratify the agreement. Secondly, Kyoto allows some industrialized countries, such as
Russia and New Zealand, to make no cuts, and even permits some places, like Iceland, to emit more
greenhouse gasses (Torrie and Parfett et al.). Finally, Canada will need to provide developing
countries with funding to help them reach their reduction goals ("Canada's Kyoto Protocol Targets
and Obligations"). Canada has more to lose with the Protocol than other countries and many other
countries are not giving any funding at all. Every country that is signed on to the Kyoto agreement
should be treated equally, and there should be no exceptions. For these reasons, the Kyoto Protocol
will have little effect on the earth's
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
China 's Economic Reforms Increase The Economic Output
China's 1970 economic reforms boosted the economic output by 11.4% on a yearly basis. The
reforms gave authority to the provinces and enabled the market–oriented public enterprises. The
economic gains were so great that they accounted for about 33% of the national GDP. Prosperity
seemed imminent since the 1970s, but little did the people know that they were on the path that
would place them as the world's most polluted countries and the worlds largest greenhouse gas
China is experiencing an alarming decrease in air quality. In the first 3 months of 2015, about 90%
of the cities in China failed to meet the national air quality requirement. Beijing, surrounded by the
heavily industrialized province of Hebei, is one of the most polluted cities in China and is followed
by the cities Baoding, Xingtai, Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Handan and Hengshui. The smog in Beijing
has forced schools to build domes with air filters over recreational sections so that students can play
sports without having to inhale the dangerous components in the smog. The recommended safe air
quality index level is 25, but that index is rarely met given that levels over 250 are reached in
Beijing; young children are not allowed to play outdoors at levels above 200, and older children are
to remain indoors when the levels reach above 250. People are getting in the habit of wearing air
filter masks to decrease their exposure to polluted air, but pollution is now threatening water
quality–no mask can fix
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
Carbon Emissions And Its Effects On The Environment
Greenhouse gasses (GHGs) pose a serious threat to the environment through acting as a catalyst for
substantial climate change. Carbon Dioxide (CO2), a specific greenhouse gas, is the one that is the
most prominent in our atmosphere; this being the case it is also causing the most damage. Carbon
dioxide is emitted primarily through the burning of fossil fuels, such as oil and coal. These fossil
fuels are burned in power plants and create large amounts of emissions that are not ideal for the
environment. When faced with a problem similar to this one, it is only rational to think that a
particular solution should be implemented. In this case, the solution is a "carbon tax". These carbon
taxes would be directed towards the sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Recently, British
Columbia, Canada enacted a carbon tax, it has some strengths and weaknesses, the due has an effect
on the economy, it also needs to be at a certain rate, it has been successful and unsuccessful, the tax
is also has aspects of being revenue neutral and revenue recycling. A carbon tax as an idea for the
reduction of hurtful greenhouse gasses is a brilliant one. Taxes like this provide a disincentive for
certain behaviors, so what better way to reduce pollution? There are other policies out there, for
example cap–and–trade programs and command–and–control regulations, but these are not as strong
for reducing greenhouse gas emission. According to David Brodwin, a writer for U.S. New, "a
carbon tax would be
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
The Cap And Trade Program
A cap–and–trade program sets a maximum level of pollution, and distributes emission permits
among firms that produce emissions (Carbon Tax, 2013). The purpose of which is regulation of
specific emissions by stationary and mobile sources, and setting a specific level which all emitters
are re–quired to meet. Cap–and–trade possibly has less of a direct economic component to it than
the other alternatives to reducing emissions described due to the ability to trade permits versus the
expendi–ture of resources improving technology, with some arguing it is to the detriment of the
environment. As stated in the article found in Reclaiming the Environmental Agenda, by Ashford, N.
et al., 2008, "being a market–based instrument, 'the cap–and–trade option suggests that at least this
form of MBI may be more environmentally effective than the usual command–and–control
alternatives, in addition to being more economically efficient." (Ashford, N. and Caldart, C., 2008,
p. 908). Charles Frank states in his article, at least with cap–and–trade "it sets the allowable quantity
of emissions and has the advantage of making clear, through a market price for emissions, the actual
costs of a stipulated quantity of reductions" (Frank, C., 2014). This could be viewed as a way to at
least know what amount of emission should be expected depending on the emitter, therefore being
better able to be controlled. It could be said that it is harder to administer cap–and–trade because the
EPA must set
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
The Importance Of A Recent Declaration Of Australia
A recent declaration has been made in June of 2015, by the G&7 nation leaders in favour of
supporting the decarbonisation of the global economy by the end of the turning century. The leaders
of these top 7 industrial countries have put forward the common goal of working towards a zero–
carbon based global economy, which is said to eventually benefit the global society as a whole. The
question brought up in this situation is as stands, how will changing to a decarbonized economy
affect the way the world works and more specifically how it will affect the top fossil fuel producing
countries like Australia who rely heavily on these resources to build a strong economy for their
nation. Australia is one the largest fossil fuel suppliers, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There was a 17–page communiqué, which was issued after the initial summit at Schloss Elmau
under the title of "Think Ahead, Act Together" (Connolly 2015). This was to confirm the G7 leaders
support towards the recommendations placed before them by the IPCC and the UNs' Climate
Change Panel to reduce the global greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 to 70 percent by the year
2050 (given that 2010 was the starting year of the initiative) (Connolly 2015).
Decarbonising the economy will consist of reducing and further along completely removing the use
of carbon and the production of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuel based energy sources
(Jeffrey Sachs 2014). This minimizes the release of harmful greenhouse gas emissions into the
environmental biosphere. In the current time there has been three different pillars identified in the
deep decarbonisation scheme (Jotzo & Skarbek 2014). The first of the three being a shift into a
lower carbon based electricity production solution by using a mix of wind, solar, hydro and nuclear
energy predominantly with limited use placed on fossil fuels. The second consists of using
electricity produced from a low–carbon supply to power personal vehicles, buildings and select few
industrial processes. Finally energy efficiency can be maximized through the modification and
improvement of building designs to greatly reduce the need for external energy for basic
requirements such as cooling, heating
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
The Potential Effects and Ramifications of Global Warming...
For the first time in planet earth's history, one of its inhabitants has acquired the power to change the
global climate. By releasing the huge amounts of carbon stored in fossil fuels over millions of years,
mankind has disrupted the natural carbon cycle. We have intensified the natural greenhouse effect
and turned it into a planetary menace that is melting our ice caps. In his award–winning
documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore (2006) states, "human activities, if unchecked in the
next decade, could destroy one of the earth's principle mechanisms for cooling itself" (p.291). The
world needs to address the potentially disastrous consequences of our earth's rapidly changing
climate by acknowledging the existence of global warming and ... Show more content on
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When talking about the atmosphere and its components, we measure the concentration of gas in
parts per million (ppm) (Kluger, 2006, p. 318). Kluger states:
"During the last ice age, the atmosphere's carbon dioxide concentration was just 180 ppm, putting
the Earth into a deep freeze. After the glaciers retreated, but before the dawn of the modern era, the
total had risen to a comfortable 280 ppm. In just the past century and a half, we have pushed the
level to 381 ppm, and we're feeling the effects." (2006, p.318)
The effects we are feeling, is the rising temperatures caused by the increased concentration of
carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. According to Kluger, 19 of the 20 hottest years ever recorded
happened in the 80's or later and according the NASA scientists, 2005 was the hottest year of the
century (2006, p.319).
Everything on earth was created with a careful balance. Flowers make pollen, bees harvest the
pollen to make honey, the pollen is brought from flower to flower by the bees and it creates new
flowers. Take away the bees, and the flower can no longer reproduce; which in turn means that other
animals that feed on these flowers can no longer eat. Thus when this balance is disrupted it creates a
chain reaction of events that eventually affects everyone else. This rise in temperature then, caused
by the increased carbon dioxide concentration, is affecting the careful balance of Earth's natural
elements. Greenland
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
Report On Chm310 Industrial Consultant For The Semester.
Report on CHM310 Industrial Consultant for the Semester
In the 1980s, HCFCs and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) were created as a safe and inexpensive
coolant commonly used in refrigerators and air conditioners. They were used in refrigeration and a
wide variety of manufacturing processes beginning in the late 1980s with the introduction of the
Montreal Protocol (1).
The purpose of this report is to present a comparison of two different HFC compounds to Air
Liquide, which is a French multinational company, supplies industrial gases to various industries.
This report provides high–level detail on the two types of HFC compounds, their impact on climate,
environmental fate, and their safety and economic aspects.
The three parts of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The table above shows that the legacy compound has almost longer atmospheric lifetime than the
new compound, in other words, the legacy compounds would take longer time to accumulate in
atmosphere and impact on climate.
Most importantly, from the data of global warming potential, it is clear that both HFCs compounds
are greenhouse gases and they do contribute to global warming; however, the legacy compound has
almost ten times higher GWPs than the new compound. The definition of a GWP for a particular
greenhouse gas is ration of a gas's heat–trapping ability relative to CO2 and expressed over a 100–
year timescale. It represents that the legacy compounds are more potent greenhouse gases than the
new one. With the legacy compounds surrounding, the Earth surface can absorb more IR and warm
up the atmosphere. The increasing temperature in turn arises more water vapor, which could create
an amplify feedback mechanism and lead to further IR absorption. As a result, atmospheric
circulation patterns are altered which will change local weather patterns and lead to catastrophes,
such as droughts, floods, and rising sea levels.
Environmental fate
This section of the report discusses the final products, including their toxicity and their final fate. In
general, the whole chemical reaction mechanism can be divided into four overlapping processes: 1)
H–abstraction by OH radical, 2) O2–addition, 3) O–transfer by using NO, 4) bond cleavage or
formation of the double
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
Persuasive Essay On Climate Change
With climate change leading species to go extinct and causing sea levels to rise, what have our
major governments done to prevent all this from happening. In 2006 Al Gore stated that "The
voluminous evidence now strongly suggest that unless we act boldly and quickly to deal with the
underlying causes of global warming, our world will undergo a string of terrible catastrophes"(An
Inconvenient Truth). What Al Gore has said over 10 years ago has become a gruesome reality with
many natural disasters affecting major countries and shutting down developing countries
completely. If our governments don't take initiative to reduce and prevent climate change, we must
make the first move to do something ourselves. But do the actions of us individuals have an effect to
something as big as climate change? I believe that the actions of individuals towards the prevention
of climate change all have an effect to the greater cause, but the concentration and types of actions
such as personal changes, taking alternative transportation, and overall education and awareness of
the climate change determine the strength of the effect to it.
One thing we can all do to contribute in fighting climate change is reducing our carbon footprint. We
may not know it but every single one of us has a carbon footprint and our everyday choices affect on
whether or not that footprint will be huge or small. Simple things like driving to work and tossing
out spoiled food increase our carbon footprint. One way we as individuals can decrease our carbon
footprint is to do/change a few things from our daily routine. One thing we can do is recycle. As
simple and generic as it sounds, it creates a big difference. King County solid waste states that "If
you throw away even half the paper you use in a year instead of recycling it, you increase your
climate pollution by the same amount as driving 526 miles" (King County). Recycling is an absolute
way to reduce our carbon output with such little effort. Another way to reduce our footprints is to
not waste food. King County also stated that "The average American tosses out 290 pounds of food
each year – 25% of what they buy. This results in the same climate pollution as driving 876 miles
(Seattle to San
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
World 's Population And Governments Have Become...
As the world's population and governments have become environmentally conscious, the demand
for "green" business solutions has risen to the forefront of the shipping industry. Carbon Dioxide
and Greenhouse emissions stemming from the use of fossil fuels has adverse effects upon the
environment and global climate, and consumers are beginning to filter their shipping options based
not only on price, but a shipping company's carbon footprint as well. The table below displays the
amount of CO2 (in grams) emitted per metric ton of freight and per km of transportation:
Air plane (air cargo), average Cargo B747 500 g
Modern lorry or truck 60 to 150 g
Modern train 30 to 100 g
Modern ship (sea freight) 10 to 40 g
Airship (Zeppelin, Cargolifter ) as planned 55 g
Global shipping is currently a $ 60 billion industry which is helping the big and small companies
move their products around the world quickly. But the system is currently experiencing a number of
inefficiencies such as:
Wasting fuel and dumping planet–warming waste into the environment.
Road freight carried by medium and heavy trucks accounts of over 6% of all global greenhouse gas
emission. Greenhouse gas emission from all transportation sources is estimated will increase 80%
by 2030.
In the United States 15% of those trucks run empty while the remaining 85% run on average at just
64% capacity, according to Jason Mathers of the nonprofit Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).
Major ground shipping industry players such
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
American Recovery And Reinvestment Act ( Arra ) Essay
III. Case of Other Countries
(1) The U.S.
The U.S. submitted its INDC to achieve an economy–wide target of reducing its greenhouse gas
emissions by 26%–28% below its 2005 level by 2025. With this plan, the U.S. has several laws
related to its environmental policies. Among them, these are main four Acts (Korea Institute of
Energy Research [KIER], 2016a): The Energy Policy Act established in 1992 was to secure energy
security and revised in 2005 to decrease the reliance on oil and coal energy; The Energy
Independence and Security Act (EISA) legislated in 2007 due to the necessity for energy
independence caused by the unstable Middle East and high oil prices, so President Bush announced
the 'Twenty in Ten Initiative ' that aimed to reduce 20% of the gasoline consumption by 2017; The
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) was enacted in 2009 as one of the reflationary
measures, and this included $8.5 billion investment for energy–related policies; The Clean Air Act
(CAA), made in 1970, regulated the atmospheric pollution sources and the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) used CAA to restrict the greenhouse gas.
In 2013, the Obama Administration issued the Climate Action Plan to focus on reducing greenhouse
gas emissions by 17 % reduction below 2005 levels by 2020. This plan's three objectives were
carbon reduction, strengthening capacity for climate change response, and leading international
cooperation for climate change crisis (White House, 2013). To reduce the
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
A Report On Green Radio Network Planning Essay
Green Radio Network Planning ABDALRAHMAN SOUBRA, MOSTAFAAL HAMWE Abstract
In this document green radio network planning will be discussed.We will go through all the the
problems leading to the green revolution issues like the increase in carbon emmissions and the need
to decrease the energy consumption while still providing the required services.In particular this
paper will discuss the different planing issues involving LTE technology planning green network
planning solutions,carbon footprint. ableofcontents listoffigures Chapter 1 Introduction and
Motivation Since the start of the 21st century, there has been a huge development in the mobile data
market. TThe quantity of clients and the interest in wireless services has increased. This, as well as
the infiltration of mobile services has surpassed that of the power network. There are 48 million
individuals on the planet who don 't have electrical power at home but then have cell phones.
According to ITU estimations, web customers expanded to be around 2.7 billion towards the end of
2013, around 40% of the total populace, though mobile cellular users are near 7 billion, with the
mobile broadband being the most dynamic market with 2.1 billion subscribers. This extraordinary
surge of mobile data traffic in the cell business has encouraged communications administrators and
specialists to incraese both the achievable throughput and the spectral efficiency (SE) yet have
overlooked the venergy consumption factor and
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
Global Warming And Its Effects On The Environment
Energy choices
The environment plays an integral part of offering and sustaining livelihoods to billions of humans
around the globe. Without rain, food security is adversely threatened, meaning that humans' most
vital need could be affected. Recently, the issue of global warming has caught many nations'
attention as carbon emissions significantly cause it. Greenhouse gas emissions around the world
have been somehow unavoidable, but countries have sought methods to mitigate the inevitable
outcomes. While it often seems as though this task is too daunting to overcome, this paper asserts
that with the right approach, carbon emissions could be controlled thus reducing the destructive
impacts on the environment, which inevitably lead to dire ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The choice of fuel used by the individuals or the countries depends on regulations, awareness and
availability of substitutes (Miles & Kapos, 2008).
Fuel sources and consumption for US and India
Currently, India is ranked third in terms of carbon pollution, with vehicles accounting for the higher
percentage. By the same token, the US is also a major polluter of the same, only that the pollution
comes from various sources. For instance in the US, greenhouse emissions majorly come from six
sources: production of electricity, Industry, transport, commercial and residential, land use and
forestry, and agriculture. In 2013, electricity production accounted for 31% of gas emissions in the
US, transport was 27%, industry 21%, agriculture 9%, forestry 13% and commercial and residential
was 12% (EPA, 2015).
In terms of consumption, the two countries have had high levels with statistics showing the US to
have over 90 Quadrillion Btu since 2008. In 2008, the US recorded a 99.5 Quadrillion Btu
consumption; 94.4 the following year, a result that replicated in 2010. As for India within the same
period, 21.5 Quadrillion Btu was consumed in 2008 followed by 22.5, 23.4 and 23.9 in 2009, 2010,
and 2011 respectively (Showstack, 2015). Evidently, the two countries' level of consumption is
largely different despite India's high population.
As of 2011, the US was ranked third in the countries that emission emanating from agricultural
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
Application Of Nikola Tesla 's Alternating Current...
A notable application of Nikola Tesla's Alternating Current induction motor is the Electric Vehicle
(EV). EVs are powered by an electric motor rather than a conventional gasoline engine. It is
important to make the distinction between an EV and a hybrid, plug–in hybrid, or hydrogen fuel cell
car. For our analysis, an EV is a vehicle that is completely driven by an electric motor, which is
powered by a large battery, such as the BMW i3 and the Tesla Model S.
Although EVs have been available since the 1890s, when EVs outsold gasoline powered cars ten to
one [1], they have become more relevant in the past decade as greenhouse gas emissions reach all
time highs. In fact, atmospheric CO2 (the primary greenhouse gas emitted from combustion)
concentration as of September 2015 was 397.64 ppm [2]. To put this figure into perspective,
consider that in the past 400 thousand years (excluding the last century) CO2 concentration did not
surpass 300 ppm [3]. The increase in atmospheric CO2 can be correlated to an increase in the
average global temperature. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
the increase in greenhouse gases collectively over the past two centuries has led to a temperature
increase of 0.85◦C [4]. Although some may claim that the effect of the rise of CO2 concentration
levels on average temperature is exaggerated, it is generally accepted that increases in atmospheric
CO2 lead to higher temperatures. Higher average global temperatures serve as
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Epa 's Clean Power Plan
From Harshit Jayaswal
Date October 07, 2015
Subject Briefings on EPA's Clean Power Plan: How state emission budgets were established, and
legal (reasonableness and fairness) issues.
This memo is my interpretation on the readings of EPA's clean power plan specific to how state
budgets where established and legal issues emphasizing the fairness and reasonableness towards the
1.0 Overview
The clean power plan was adopted by the EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) on August
03, 2015 to regulate carbon emissions from existing power plants. Under the Supreme Court
decision in Massachusetts v. EPA , greenhouse gases meet the definition of air pollutants under the
Clean Air Act, implying they need to be controlled, if ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is determined to reduce carbon emissions from the power sector 32 % of 2005 levels by 2030. The
primary objective of the clean power plan is to establish unique emission rate goals and mass
equivalents for each individual state to reach this target.
2.0 How state emission budgets where established
The clean Air Act under the section 111(d) creates a partnership between EPA, states, tribes and U.S.
territories with EPA setting a goal and states and tribes choosing how they will meet it. EPA is
defining interim and final CO2 emission performance rates for two subcategories of fossil fuel–fired
electric generating units (EGU's):
1. 1,305 lbs/MWh for existing fossil fuel–fired electric steam generating units (generally, coal fired
power plants)
2. 771 lbs/MWh for existing natural gas combined cycle units
EPA has also established statewide interim and final goals in 2 forms to give a wide range of choices
for states in implementing these standards like:
1. A rate–based state goal measured in pounds per megawatt hour (lb/MWh);
2. A mass–based state goal measured in total short tons of CO2
States then have to develop and implement plans for power plants in their state either individually,
in group or by applying other measures to meet with the interim reduction goals in between 2022–
2029 and final goal by 2030.
2.1 BSER: Best system of emissions reduction
The basis for the emissions reductions in the EPA's proposed rule is a review of the
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction
Essay On Energy Consumption
The overall structure is to calculate the total electricity consumption and convert to CO2 emissions
by applying conversion factors of electricity. There are normally two methods for carbon emission
calculation (WBCSD/WRI,2004). One is top–down method. Energy consumption data is gathered at
an aggregate level, such as annual electricity consumption for the whole company. The other one is
bottom–up method in which Individual process can be controlled separately and their energy usage
can be measured individually. Generally, the top–down approach can provide more reliable overall
emission estimates, but the calculation is usually on a company level. This method could not reflect
how the energy is consumed. while the bottom–up technique is ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Case selection cross docking which make an extension of the original model Data collection
Generally, four types of data will be used in this paper: Data provided by the warehouse Secondary
data from government department or green organizations Industrial data from previous research or
industrial standard Website
The warehouse provided limited data. A large range of the parameters are estimated from previous
research or industrial standard. Data likes the warehouse size, temperature of the storage, the flow of
the goods, average inventory level and electricity consumption is provided by the warehouse; Some
parameters in the model are difficult to measure, such as U values and emission factors are gathered
from government published document. The warehouse related energy parameters, for examples the
lighting energy parameters and MHE energy parameter are estimated from previous researchers. The
daily temperature for the city is from a weather history website weather database. Data analysis
The data analysis is consist of four parts. The first part will use the model to calculate emission by
HVAC, MHE and ligting respectively as well as calculate monthly total emissions. The separate
CO2 emissions are used to analyse how warehouse consumes energy; the total emission will be used
to compare with the result from the top–down method. The second part will validate the model with
the CO2 emission estimated by top–down methd. The third part will calculate the
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Responsibility For Carbon Emission Reduction

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  • 3. The Pros And Cons Of Kyoto Protocol Global warming influences every country in the world adversely. In order to relieve this issue, in 1997, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) formulated and enacted Kyoto Protocol in Japan. At the beginning, more than 150 countries joined the conference. After that, other countries ratified Kyoto Protocol in succession. Until now, there are about 192 countries have already ratified the protocol. The United States, however, chose to drop out in 2001 after becoming one of the participants for four years. (Cable News Network Library, 2017) Drawbacks of Kyoto Protocol and negative impacts on the economy are two main reasons why the United States dropped out. Kyoto Protocol is an agreement that forces all the signatory countries to make great efforts to relieve global warming. It is widely accepted that greenhouse gases are able to heat earth since they can prevent heat from escaping from the atmosphere, a reasonable amount of greenhouse gases is needed to keep the earth warm at a constant and comfortable level, but the overabundance of those gases can influence earth adversely and thus increase the temperature beyond desirable level. Kyoto Protocol is aimed at solving this kind of problem. Therefore, we can say that Kyoto Protocol "is an international treaty among industrialized nations that sets mandatory limits on greenhouse gas emissions." (Rouse, M., 2013) The countries who ratified the protocol will be a member of the United Nations Framework ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
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  • 13. The US Involvement In The Kyoto Protocol Global warming has become one of the most complicated issued facing the whole world. It may cause significant changes in natural, ecological or social systems. Under this circumstance, developed nations has decided to work together to combat this serious problem. The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Its objective is to make nations that ratified the agreement reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases, or engage in emissions trading if they maintain or increase emissions of these gases toward the target set for each nation. Many countries are trying their best to support the Kyoto Protocol. On the other hand, some other nations, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Additionally, it is said that the new standard was considering would have caused devastating harm, wiping out millions of American jobs and costing our economy more than $1 trillion over a decade, without any significant environmental or health benefits. As we can see these facts, to work on reducing the greenhouse gas emission, the US has to spend a lot of money. In addition to this fact, it is obvious that economic growth and increased energy demand are closely linked to increased emissions of CO2. The US cannot go on achieving the recovery of its economy and the reduction of greenhouse gas emission at the same time. Therefore, it will take a long time to make the US get involved in the Kyoto Protocol. It is now busy to rebuild its economy, and doesn't have much scope to care about this global issue. Out of this economical problem the US facing, there are some other reasons why the US cannot be active on supporting the Kyoto protocol. I'd like to think of them in the next paragraph. It is often discussed in the relation to the Kyoto Protocol its exemptions of many nations including major emission nations like India and China. This is one of the most difficult point regarding the Kyoto Protocol; at the same time, and one of the reasons why the US cannot be cooperative about the Kyoto Protocol. China, India, and other developing countries were exempt from the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol, even though ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Climate Action Plan For The Uk Greenhouse Gas Emissions B.C. Climate Action Plan The B.C. Climate Action Plan is a comprehensive strategy implemented by the Canadian government with the objective to diminish provincial greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). In 2007, a Throne Speech was given remarking that climate leadership in B.C was illusory and commitment to climate leadership was an imperative component in the future of the province. As such, in 2008, the Climate Action Plan was released with the intent to serve as a guide in helping British Columbia attain a prosperous, green economy. Within the Action Plan, initiatives and approaches are outlined to make B.C carbon neutral by 2010 and move the province closer towards reducing GHG emissions to the target 33 percent in 2020. By 2050, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Chronology 2007 – A speech from the Throne is given outlining the need for climate leadership. In response, 180 municipalities in B.C sign the Charter. 2008– The Climate Action Plan is released along with the enactment of the greenhouse gas legislation. 2009–Federal standards are created for vehicle emissions. 2010– The first progress report is submitted showing all Climate Action commitments are underway or complete. Additionally, B.C becomes the first carbon neutral government in North America. 2011 to 2012– The first interim GHG target reaches 6 percent below 2007 levels. Objectives and Design The B.C. Climate Action Plan has one main objective: to reduce provincial greenhouse gas emissions. This objective takes the form of legislative targets that commit B.C to reduce their emissions and become a carbon neutral province. The Climate Action Plan is comprised of pillars that characterize key tactics that make reaching these goals plausible and realistic. Key Pillars The B.C Climate Action plan has 5 main pillars: 1. Legislated Targets: Entrenched in law, by 2020, B.C is committed to reduce their GHG emissions by 33 percent compared to 2007 levels. Additionally, by 2050, the province has committed to reduce emissions by 80 percent compared to 2007 levels. 2. Key Partnerships: The development of partnerships among nations surface opportunities to capitalize on complementary strengths. As such, B.C has partnered with states ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. World Environmental Policy : A Review On The Progress Of... Josh Borga Duncan 14 November 2014 POLS 131–003 World Environmental Policy LAtimes.com recently did a story on the progress of the Kyoto treaty and the progress being made to stop the increase of carbon emissions worldwide. President Obama and President Xi Jinping of China discussed an agreement that would help avoid a terrifying 2° Celsius increase. Avoiding the 2° C change would avoid massive melting of the Arctic Circle and glaciers, major increase of large storms such as hurricanes, flooding, and extreme droughts worldwide. With both presidents plan on trying to find a way to lower their emissions enough to keep the planet sustainable for longer and ty to keep the temperature change minimal, China plans on having their emissions peak ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 2012, the Kyoto treaty was set to expire but the goals set in the treaty were nowhere near completion so the countries involved decided to meet in Durban in 2011 to discuss a new treaty to extend the ideas of Kyoto. Since 2011 they haven't exactly come up with a new plan for a treaty until the U.S and China, both of which were not part of Kyoto, set a couple of goals to lower their emissions. With both China and the U.S putting out their goals, all other countries involved with the new idea of a treaty will have a better idea on how to compromise to lower the emission output and stop contributing as much too global warming. As discussed in class, the amount of time the world has to get it together and put an end to the enormous amounts of emissions being pumped into the atmosphere is thirty years which is considered plenty of time if everyone could agree on a new treaty. Our carbon budget is how the countries have been looking at what happens in those thirty years. Worldwide the total amount of carbon we can produce is around 1,000,000,000,000 metric tons of carbon (Duncan 2014). With the U.S and China setting the limits and examples on how much to produce, the world now has an acceptable idea of how much each country can produce. Along with the world trying to prevent a world collapse of major environmental problems, countries such as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. America 's First Energy Plan In "Goodbye to the Climate," Robert N. Stavins, expresses his worry about President Trump's "America First Energy Plan". This plan will have an effect on United States' climate change programs, and remove the United States from the Paris agreement. This article will be used to explain content from the public goods chapter. This discussion will cover climate change, define what a public good is, the free rider problem, and tragedy of the commons and how it relates to this article. If President Trump follows through his "America Free Energy Plan" promise it will undo a majority of President Obama's actions to reduce the United States greenhouse gas emissions. Thus having a negative influence on the climate. Another problem that can occur is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A common problem with public goods is the free rider problem. The free rider problem occurs when people want to use a public good, but do not want to pay for it. The reduction of greenhouse gasses should be a global effort. The benefits are vague and provided in the future, there is little incentives to reduce emission. If the Trump administration disregards America's pledge to reduce carbon emission by 26 to 28 percent, the United States can save millions of dollars on climate policies but increase the threat to the planet. This can lead to other countries not meeting their emission quota. If a majority of the nations who signed the Paris agreement goes back on their promise, a market failure will occur, producing an inefficient result. If too many countries become free riders, the cost of the remaining countries will increase trying to reduce emission. This will then exceed the benefits for the counties to fix the climate problem. Eventually leading to the climate problem being too large for the few remaining countries to solve on their own. Another problem with public goods is the tragedy of the commons. The tragedy of the commons occurs when individual people or parties disregard the well–being of the society in pursuing personal gains. When every country tries to gain the most benefits from abusing the climate, the demand will rapidly consume the supply of the resource, due to the country not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Taking a Look at the Kyoto Protocol The Kyoto Protocol is a binding international agreement, which began in Kyoto, Japan in 1997. As of June 2013, there were a total of 192 parties participating in the Kyoto Protocol, Canada was no longer one of them. Canada was one of the first to sign the agreement, in 1998; more than 4 years later, Canada formally approved the Kyoto Accord, in 2002. This meant Canada would have to decrease its emissions, by 6% in comparison to 1990 levels (461 Mt), by the year 2012. Despite some efforts, Canada failed to meet these requirements and in fact increased total emissions by roughly 24% by the year 2008. Canada formally withdrew from the Kyoto Accord in 2011, avoiding penalties and future detriments. The withdrawal of Canada from the Kyoto ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the year 2000, before ratifying the agreement, they began with $500 million, in comparison to the total amount just three years later, $500 million is not a lot. Federal spending reached 1.7 billion in 2003, just one year after Canada ratified the Kyoto Protocol, and two years before the protocol took effect. If Canada had endured the agreement, it was believed to have cost over ten billion. Although we should be involved in saving the earth, the amount of money is too big of a price to pay, and we will never know how much it would take to reduce greenhouse gases to that of the agreement. The Kyoto Protocol does not benefit Canada because it is unfair, too costly, and now that the United States has withdrawn from the agreement, it can only be bad news for Canada. The Kyoto Protocol does not treat every country fairly. Canada has more to lose with the Protocol than other countries, and they should all be treated in the same way. Some of the world's largest polluters, such as China and India, are exempt from "round one" of the Protocol because they are seen as developing countries with more important issues to deal with. Secondly, Kyoto allows some industrialized countries, such as Russia and New Zealand, to make no cuts, and even permits some places, like Iceland, to emit more greenhouse gasses. The protocol will be unsuccessful and ineffective if every country is not on board. Finally, Canada will need to provide ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Development Of Waste Management Facilities Third to First World Problems As a country develops the infrastructure for the country, must be established or develop at a rate fast enough to compensate for the countries growth. If the basic service infrastructure does not develop at a fast enough rate or is not established properly, people that are in poorer communities or of a lower class are over looked or mistreated in the way the service is constructed around them. One of the most visible ways this can be seen is the development of waste management facilities. Communities whose members are at an economical disadvantage tend to be where industrial and waste management facilities are created. This is a phenomenon known as Not In My Back Yard. This phenomenon is seen all over the world, one country that has had to deal with the establishment of an infrastructure in recent years is Brazil. As Brazil has grown the infrastructure for the country had a need to grow with it. In 2005 Brazil hit a turning point, President Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva and his administration, made waste management one of their top priorities. As Brazil's population, economics, and urbanized areas grew, so did the amount of waste that they produced. The facilities that were in place in 2005 were subpar and over whelmed in the more urbanized parts of Brazil. In some urban locations the strain was so great that the facilities were falling apart. Over the next several pages many topics will discussed that involve many facets of waste ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Kyoto Protocol Is An International Agreement Introduction to the Kyoto Protocol Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement which was announced in Kyoto, Japan in 1997. It is considered as the supplement of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) and the main target for the Kyoto protocol is to reduce the emissions of anthropogenic greenhouse gases. Nowadays, there are 192 Parties that have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol and the overall emission of these countries accounts for 61% of the total greenhouse gases emission on world. The agreement was designed first to solve the issue on greenhouse gas emission and it is one of the most well–known environmental issue in public and becomes worse and worse through time. Therefore, reducing greenhouse gas emission today is necessary and crucial for the sustainability of the environment. One of the most famous impact of greenhouse gas emission is the sea level increasing. As the tremendous amount of greenhouse gas emissions in 21 century, it leads to the global warming and thus the Earth's climate has warmed by approximately 0.6 Celsius degree over the past 100 years. Increasing of sea level makes island countries such as Maldives face the problem that the majority of its land area might be underwater by the end of the century( Union of Concerned Scientists,2011). The specific goal that the developed countries have to meet is to reduce the greenhouse gas emission by around 5% below their 1990 levels from 2008 to 2012 and the amounts may ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Potential Cause Of Global Warming The potential causes of global warming are debated about by many scientists. Many scientists believe that global warming is natural while others believe it to be caused by mostly humans. Global warming may be completely natural for many reasons. First, Earth tends to go through cycles of heating and cooling and this wouldn't be the first time our planet has begun to heat up unexpectedly. Second, nobody can directly correlate humans with global warming, we may emit CO2 but that doesn't mean we caused it. Other people believe that humans caused the entire thing because of our CO2 emissions. If we weren't emitting so much CO2 then the Earth would not be heating up at the rate that it is currently. The greenhouse gases that we emit go up into ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... CO2 is the main greenhouse gas that traps energy and majority of the cars that we drive today emit it so were are not preventing global warming at all. Global warming could potentially be completely natural. There is "no real evidence that humans have caused Global Warming (S. Fred Singer)." There is hardly any if any at all of evidence that supports humans are the cause of global warming at all. Not a single scientist has been able to say one hundred percent that humans are the cause of global warming. Nobody has been able to find a direct correlation between humans and global warming. Our CO2 emissions may not be helping it but we are not the main cause. If we did not exist our planet would still be going through these cycles of heating and cooling. This isn't the first time our planet has begun heating and most likely will not be the last time either. It is just a completely natural cycle and there is nothing we can do about it. "The glaciers are melting and the Arctic sea is disappearing but this doesn't mean that it is caused by humans (S. Fred Singer)." This only shows that Earth is warming but does not tell whether humans are causing it or not. Earth could just potentially be on one of its warming cycles without any assistance from humans at all. The earth has seen many of these cycles and will continue to go through them as long as the earth is still present. If it was on one ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Effect Everyones Carbon Footprint Is Having On The The effect everyones carbon footprint is having on the environment Carbon footprint is the measure of the amount of plant resources you use. The more your carbon footprint goes up, the more effect it has on the environment. Everyday people are doing actives that are producing greenhouse gas emissions. If one sees their greenhouse gas emission going up, that means that there will be an increase in climate change which will then lead to global warming. Your carbon footprint has a huge effect on not only you but also the environment, human life and wildlife. This is why your carbon foot is important, it has an effect on everything around you. Some people might not know the effects of carbon footprint, what contributes to your carbon ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You can also drive less, take shorter showers, save paper and lots of other things to help reduce ones carbon footprint. When it comes to traveling take a bike instead of your car or if you 're flying look for nonstop flights, because therefore you will be producing less greenhouse gas emissions compared to connecting flights. There are many things that contributed yo your carbon footprint. This is the easiest thing about your carbon footprint, and that is measuring your direct emissions. Everything that you own and everything in your house, dorm apartment has all been produced by greenhouse gasses. Everything you have has gone through the process emits C02 because it has been shipped in order to get to you or the store that you bought it from. This includes the hats you wear, your TV, your fan, toys, appliances and all the other things you own. Food is also including in having an effect on your carbon footprint. Beef is an example of a food that contributes to your carbon footprint because it comes from cattle and that is where methane is being produced which is a powerful greenhouse gas in their digestive system. Gain is one of the main foods that is being fed to cattle, and so therefore that produces carbon emissions from the chemicals that are being used to grow it and then gas is being burned to transport it (money crashers). It is proven that a vegetarian diet produces less C02 then a meat diet (live–strong). This is showing that having a vegetarian diet can ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Geography Title: Compare and contrast the contributing factors of climate change and argue that there is a need for more economically developed nations to take the lead. Nations around the world have been contributing to climate change by damaging natural environments and releasing greenhouse gases and there is a need for more economically developed nations. There are different contributing factor, but the majority of these contributions are from the more economically developed nations. Although the less economically developed nations do not contribute as much as the More economically developed nations, they are the ones that are affected the most. More economically developed nations are not affected as much because they have enough resources to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is not just because more economically developed nations have more carbon emission and should have more responsibility; it is also about the future of these developed nations. Even if the more economically developed nations do not help the less economically developed nations, the effects of climate change will still affect the developed nations. More importantly, the less economically developed nations' economic impact to the world from climate change will have some amount of impacts to the more economically developed nations. So by taking the lead and help the less economically developed nations to survive in climate change, more economically developed nations can economically benefits Overall, all the nations are contributing to climate change and all of them should have a responsibility. In contrast, more economically developed nations contributes more to climate change than less economically developed nations does but unfortunately less economically developed nations are facing more problems from the climate change. Therefore more economically developed nations should take more responsibility so that the less economically developed nations will not suffer as bad and should also take the lead, helping the all other nations in the world to survive in climate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. A Brief Note On Cap And Trade System Cap and Trade "A carbon cap and trade system has long been rumored to be in the offing at the federal level as a way to both reduce emissions and raise revenue for transit, and transportation, investment. That said, few truly understand how the proposed system works and how it might impact their community" ("An Introduction to Cap–and–Trade Programs"). To better understand what is cap and trade, we have to know why we need to have this system. A long time ago, cap and trade use to be known as "Emissions Trading." Is is a set of policies that results to a mandatory cap on pollution. Around the world, governments have successfully worked on this cap and trade system. A carbon trade is an exchange of credits between nations designed to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The pollutions that are related to carbon cap and trade are the greenhouse and global warming. The steps of understanding what cap and trade means, is by breaking it down into two. "Cap" is a limit that is defined by scientists as the greenhouse gas emissions; companies have to pay a fine if their emissions are produced over that limit. The "Trade" part is a business opportunity for organizations to purchase and offer stipends that allow them to discharge just a specific sum. Trading gives organizations a solid motivation to spare cash by cutting pollution. A cap and trade system is made to manage and reduce the greenhouse gas pollution around the world. Back then, when the people 's living qualities got improved, they never thought about the results of what they did when they build many factories. The didn't realize that these factories could have a bad effect on the environment or that we could drastically affect the world the way it is now. Even now that people have realized that they are living in a terrible environment, most people still ignore it, because we are so used to it how we lived before. Some people now cannot live without certain substances, such as the those who smoke cannot live without tobacco. People who drive a car every day are not going to stop driving their car if someone tells them "you are driving too much which is bad because your car is producing too much exhaust." If people are thinking that they don't ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. We Need Up Our Carbon And Water Footprint Sometimes we, as humans, don't realize how much we use our resources. This project opened my eyes to how much we waste every day. The resources and how we use them on a day–to–day basis make up our carbon and water footprint. I used the two websites http://coolclimate.berkeley.edu/calculator and http://waterfootprint.org/en/resources to calculate my impact on the world. The results definitely made me think about how I use my resources. For the two online calculators, I put in information such as how much I travel, how many loads of laundry I do, how much meat I eat, and even how often I wash my hands. The websites then took all of my information and calculated it to give me my specific carbon and water footprints. A carbon footprint is the closest estimation we have to the total set of greenhouse emissions as set forth by one specific person. The online calculator calculated my footprint to be 21.9 tons of CO2 per year. This means, with the way I am currently living, I am either directly, or somewhere down the line, party to emitting close to 22 tons of CO2 into our environment. The carbon footprint calculator not only told me how much my total carbon footprint is, but also specifically where my carbon emissions came from. Table 1.1 shows the majority of my results. The first question the calculator asked was how much I use my car. I live only two hours away from school, hardly ever go home, and walk to my classes, but I was still surprised at how little my ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Greenhouse Policy : Global Warming Temperatures The Greenhouse Policy The Greenhouse Policy was adapted from the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Regulation 2012. The aim of the Policy was to limit global warming temperatures below two degrees Celsius, reduce emissions to five per cent below 2000 levels by 2020, and provide recommendations. In 1998, Australia signed the Kyoto Protocol, an international treaty, which commits to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Australian Gas Light Company is committed to reduce emissions, being the largest contributor. A summary of the policy The Greenhouse Policy will: – Provide the market with safe, reliable, affordable and sustainable energy options are recommendations – Not build, finance or acquire new conventional coal–fired power stations in Australia – Not extend the operating life of any of its existing coal–fired power stations – Close all existing coal–fired power stations in its portfolio – Improve the greenhouse gas efficiency – Continue to invest in new renewable and near–zero emission technologies – Make available innovative and cost–effective solutions for the customers A description of the main issues Climate change is a detrimental wicked problem currently facing Australia; it will decrease in number of cyclones but the intensity will increase, rise temperatures with more warm weather and fewer cool weather, allow Australia to continue to be subjected to extreme fire days and a longer fire season, annual rainfall will decrease and droughts will appear more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The Effects Of Climate Change On The Environment 1.0 Introduction The development of society and economy has caused varieties of environmental problems in the past decades. Carbon dioxide (CO2), the most common greenhouse gases has caused a great impact on climate change, and to reduce the emission of CO2 becomes a worldwide agenda. (Christopher R.I, 2013) While, Buildings, taking up third of the total UK greenhouse gas emissions (CCC, 2014http://www.theccc.org.uk/charts–data/ukemissions–by–sector/buildings/), have a great potential to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and improve the sustainable development in the future. One of the non–neglect issue to reduce the energy use and CO2 emission of building is in the construction phases. The embodied carbon accounting 20–50% of the total ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Construction Products Association, 2012) Also cradle to grave assessment can be seen as the most comprehensive assessment, but varieties of assumptions need to be made throughout the long timescales. (Nigel H, 1999) In this essay two data sources are using, one is the inventory of carbon and energy (ICE) which focus on the embodied carbon assessment edited by the BSRIA. However, the boundary of ICE is cradle to gate. The other one is the Environment Agency, it is a tool to calculate the emission of the greenhouse gases in the construction. 3.0 building elements Assume that there is a need for a 10m×10m external wall in Cardiff CF14 3UA. Based on CIBSE guide A (1999) to assess the two typical external walls. Dense concrete walls, 19mm render, 200mm dense concrete block, 25mm polyurethane insulation, 12.5mm plasterboard. And Precast concrete panel walls, 80mm dense concreate, 25mm EPS insulation, 100mm dense concreate, 50mm airspace and 12.5mm plasterboard. These two kind of materials has quite similar thermal performance, the dense concrete has 0.90 u–value, while the precast concrete panel has 0.85 u–value. The embodied carbon calculation seen in Appendices1–2. 4.0 Material assumption. After selected the building element in CIBSE guide, choosing the material of different layer in CCC and ICE. The material in following table ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Recommendation Report On Green Roofs And White Roofs Essay Saira Guillen 4600 Cullen Boulevard Houston, TX 77004 June 30, 2015 Deborah Salvo, Ph.D. Cullen College of Engineering University of Houston 4800 Calhoun Rd. Houston, TX 77004 RE: Proposal Dear Dr. Salvo: The enclosed recommendation report compares green roofs and white roofs, which I informed you of in my previous letter. The information in this report includes the cost analysis, which examines the installation, maintenance, and replacements costs of each roof type. In addition, the report examines the environmental impact in offsetting greenhouse gases. In the world of construction, a white roof is a structure covering made with a top layer of highly reflective white colored paint. A waterproof barrier and an insulation board follow the top layer. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at snguillen@uh.edu or at (832) 466 –8076. Sincerely, Saira Guillen PETR Undergraduate Student Recommendation Report Green Roofs vs. White Roofs Saira Guillen ENGI 2304: Technical Communications Dr. Salvo Table of Contents List of Tables and Figures iv Descriptive Abstract v Introduction 1 Purpose 1 Problem 1 Scope 1 Discussion 1 Environmental Impact 1 Explanation 1 Data 2 Interpretation 4 Cost Analysis 4 Explanation 4 Data 5 Interpretation 6 Conclusion 6 Summary 6 Conclusion 6 Recommendation 6 Contact Information 6 References 7 List of Tables and Figures Table 1. Air quality of white and green roofs [3] 2 Figure 1. Green roof ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Government Policies And The Targets Of The Policy Third Briefing State your idea. Identify the level of government that will adopt the policy and the targets of the policy. A carbon tax is a tax that is based on the amount of greenhouse emissions that are made from burning fossil fuels. The tax would either directly tax emissions or tax the fuels and chemicals that produce CO2 when they are burned. The carbon tax would be adopted by the federal government in an attempt to lower greenhouse gas emissions. The carbon tax is an economic instrument that can be a cost effective way of greenhouse gas emissions. Which environmental issue(s) does this policy address? The carbon tax addresses the environmental issue of climate change. When CO2 is burned it creates greenhouse gas emissions and these gases collect in the atmosphere and cause climate change (EPA.gov). Carbon dioxide is one of the leading greenhouse gas emissions produced by humans, and by taxing this it could decrease the effects of climate change (c2es.org). How will this practice address the issue(s) named in your response to Question 2? Using a carbon tax could lower greenhouse gas emissions because it could help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that is released into the atmosphere. One way that a carbon tax, can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions is by helping promote renewable energy. When the fuels that can cause climate change are taxed it will become very expensive for people to continue to use these fuels (CBO.gov). A carbon tax can encourage people ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Business Environment, Social Responsibility And Medical... Introduction In 1969, Novo Nordisk, which had been produced poor quality detergent, had a serious issue about the safety of the customer. Generally speaking, a company's reputation which has significant influence over a profit is much more important than an amount of money that a company needs to spend on cleaning up pollution. Despite being at a competitive disadvantage, the company has decided that it is better to disclose environmental reporting to be more transparent on social. In regards to the philosophy of Novo Nordisk, the company's value reflects its business environment, social responsibility and medical innovation which can be known as "The value of the Triple Bottom Line" (Novo Nordisk 2013, p. 19). In this report, the core ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Eccles; Michael P. Krzus (2013). The company, which used indicator, 2004 data, expected that carbon emission would be dropped dramatically by 10% in the next 10 years. Even though the report represented that greenhouse gas emission in Diabetes cares in 2013 as compared to 2010 increased by 30,000 tons (from 95,000 tons to 125,000 tons), the amount of emission decreased of 42% in comparison to 2004. In spite of accelerating rates of sales growth in Diabetes care over 10 years, Novo Nordisk could imitate the environmental issue and achieve its main objective for reducing the amount of carbon emission about 10%. In 2012, it was expected that energy consumption stood at 6% in 2013. After being analyzed, it can be seen that there was a 6% rise in energy consumption, which increased from 2,433 gigajoules in 2012 to 2,572 gigajoules in 2013. Assessing the performance of Novo Nordisk in 2013 and 2014, net sales increased slightly by 6% but the amount of carbon emission dropped by 4% from 125,000 tons to 120,000 tons because of reducing system power consumption and having changed the filling plant which become more environmentally friendly methods. It is clear to say that both carbon emission and energy efficiency met its common target which was slightly better than in 2013. Water–use efficiency commitment Water scarcity situation is a major problem for our society and affects many ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Animal Production And Its Effect On The Climate Change Livestock production needs to change in order to Prevent Climate Change According to the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) there is a scientific consensus that the earths climate id being affected by human activities. The IPCC 's conclusion is that most of the observed warming of the last 50 years is likely to have been due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations. (McCarthy 2001, p.21) . "Greenhouse gases are accumulating in Earth 's atmosphere as a result of human activities, causing surface air temperatures and subsurface ocean temperatures to rise" (National Academy Press 2001, p. 1). Due to the rise in temperature the climate change has lead to that almost all of the glaciers in the world are now melting, which in turn leads to rises in sea levels (Gore 2006, p.48). In the future this will lead to a serious shortage of drinking water (Gore 2006, p. 58). The production, transport and processing of food products have significant environmental impacts that contributes to climate change (Gonzalez, Frostell & Carlsson–Kanyama 2011, p. 562). This essay aims emphasize what changes that need to be implemented in regards to livestock on a global scale in order to prevent climate change. According to the FAO the Livestock sector acts as one of the top two most significant contributors to environmental problems, at every scale from local to global. Livestock on its own contributes to problems of land degradation, climate change, air pollution water ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Canada's Role in the Kyoto Accord Canada's Role in the Kyoto Accord The Kyoto Protocol is a binding international agreement, which began in Kyoto, Japan in 1997. As of June 2013, there were a total of 192 parties participating in the Kyoto Protocol, Canada was no longer one of them. Canada was one of the first to sign the agreement, in 1998; more than 4 years later, Canada formally approved the Kyoto Accord, in 2002 ("CBC.ca – Timeline: Canada and Kyoto"). This meant Canada would have to decrease its emissions, by 6% in comparison to 1990 levels (461 Mt), by the year 2012. Despite some efforts, Canada failed to meet these requirements and in fact increased total emissions by roughly 24% by the year 2008. Canada formally withdrew from the Kyoto Accord in 2011, avoiding ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If Canada had undergone the required change, it was believed to have cost over ten billion. Although we should be involved in saving the earth, the amount of money is too big of a price to pay, and we will never know how much it would take to reduce greenhouse gases to that of the agreement. The Kyoto Protocol does not benefit Canada because it is unfair and too costly. The countries involved are not treated fairly, especially Canada. Some of the world's largest polluters, such as China and India, are exempt from the first half of the Protocol and large polluters such as the US didn't choose to ratify the agreement. Secondly, Kyoto allows some industrialized countries, such as Russia and New Zealand, to make no cuts, and even permits some places, like Iceland, to emit more greenhouse gasses (Torrie and Parfett et al.). Finally, Canada will need to provide developing countries with funding to help them reach their reduction goals ("Canada's Kyoto Protocol Targets and Obligations"). Canada has more to lose with the Protocol than other countries and many other countries are not giving any funding at all. Every country that is signed on to the Kyoto agreement should be treated equally, and there should be no exceptions. For these reasons, the Kyoto Protocol will have little effect on the earth's ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. China 's Economic Reforms Increase The Economic Output China's 1970 economic reforms boosted the economic output by 11.4% on a yearly basis. The reforms gave authority to the provinces and enabled the market–oriented public enterprises. The economic gains were so great that they accounted for about 33% of the national GDP. Prosperity seemed imminent since the 1970s, but little did the people know that they were on the path that would place them as the world's most polluted countries and the worlds largest greenhouse gas emitter. China is experiencing an alarming decrease in air quality. In the first 3 months of 2015, about 90% of the cities in China failed to meet the national air quality requirement. Beijing, surrounded by the heavily industrialized province of Hebei, is one of the most polluted cities in China and is followed by the cities Baoding, Xingtai, Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Handan and Hengshui. The smog in Beijing has forced schools to build domes with air filters over recreational sections so that students can play sports without having to inhale the dangerous components in the smog. The recommended safe air quality index level is 25, but that index is rarely met given that levels over 250 are reached in Beijing; young children are not allowed to play outdoors at levels above 200, and older children are to remain indoors when the levels reach above 250. People are getting in the habit of wearing air filter masks to decrease their exposure to polluted air, but pollution is now threatening water quality–no mask can fix ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Carbon Emissions And Its Effects On The Environment Greenhouse gasses (GHGs) pose a serious threat to the environment through acting as a catalyst for substantial climate change. Carbon Dioxide (CO2), a specific greenhouse gas, is the one that is the most prominent in our atmosphere; this being the case it is also causing the most damage. Carbon dioxide is emitted primarily through the burning of fossil fuels, such as oil and coal. These fossil fuels are burned in power plants and create large amounts of emissions that are not ideal for the environment. When faced with a problem similar to this one, it is only rational to think that a particular solution should be implemented. In this case, the solution is a "carbon tax". These carbon taxes would be directed towards the sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Recently, British Columbia, Canada enacted a carbon tax, it has some strengths and weaknesses, the due has an effect on the economy, it also needs to be at a certain rate, it has been successful and unsuccessful, the tax is also has aspects of being revenue neutral and revenue recycling. A carbon tax as an idea for the reduction of hurtful greenhouse gasses is a brilliant one. Taxes like this provide a disincentive for certain behaviors, so what better way to reduce pollution? There are other policies out there, for example cap–and–trade programs and command–and–control regulations, but these are not as strong for reducing greenhouse gas emission. According to David Brodwin, a writer for U.S. New, "a carbon tax would be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. The Cap And Trade Program A cap–and–trade program sets a maximum level of pollution, and distributes emission permits among firms that produce emissions (Carbon Tax, 2013). The purpose of which is regulation of specific emissions by stationary and mobile sources, and setting a specific level which all emitters are re–quired to meet. Cap–and–trade possibly has less of a direct economic component to it than the other alternatives to reducing emissions described due to the ability to trade permits versus the expendi–ture of resources improving technology, with some arguing it is to the detriment of the environment. As stated in the article found in Reclaiming the Environmental Agenda, by Ashford, N. et al., 2008, "being a market–based instrument, 'the cap–and–trade option suggests that at least this form of MBI may be more environmentally effective than the usual command–and–control alternatives, in addition to being more economically efficient." (Ashford, N. and Caldart, C., 2008, p. 908). Charles Frank states in his article, at least with cap–and–trade "it sets the allowable quantity of emissions and has the advantage of making clear, through a market price for emissions, the actual costs of a stipulated quantity of reductions" (Frank, C., 2014). This could be viewed as a way to at least know what amount of emission should be expected depending on the emitter, therefore being better able to be controlled. It could be said that it is harder to administer cap–and–trade because the EPA must set ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 57. The Importance Of A Recent Declaration Of Australia A recent declaration has been made in June of 2015, by the G&7 nation leaders in favour of supporting the decarbonisation of the global economy by the end of the turning century. The leaders of these top 7 industrial countries have put forward the common goal of working towards a zero– carbon based global economy, which is said to eventually benefit the global society as a whole. The question brought up in this situation is as stands, how will changing to a decarbonized economy affect the way the world works and more specifically how it will affect the top fossil fuel producing countries like Australia who rely heavily on these resources to build a strong economy for their nation. Australia is one the largest fossil fuel suppliers, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There was a 17–page communiqué, which was issued after the initial summit at Schloss Elmau under the title of "Think Ahead, Act Together" (Connolly 2015). This was to confirm the G7 leaders support towards the recommendations placed before them by the IPCC and the UNs' Climate Change Panel to reduce the global greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 to 70 percent by the year 2050 (given that 2010 was the starting year of the initiative) (Connolly 2015). Decarbonising the economy will consist of reducing and further along completely removing the use of carbon and the production of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuel based energy sources (Jeffrey Sachs 2014). This minimizes the release of harmful greenhouse gas emissions into the environmental biosphere. In the current time there has been three different pillars identified in the deep decarbonisation scheme (Jotzo & Skarbek 2014). The first of the three being a shift into a lower carbon based electricity production solution by using a mix of wind, solar, hydro and nuclear energy predominantly with limited use placed on fossil fuels. The second consists of using electricity produced from a low–carbon supply to power personal vehicles, buildings and select few industrial processes. Finally energy efficiency can be maximized through the modification and improvement of building designs to greatly reduce the need for external energy for basic requirements such as cooling, heating ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 59. The Potential Effects and Ramifications of Global Warming... For the first time in planet earth's history, one of its inhabitants has acquired the power to change the global climate. By releasing the huge amounts of carbon stored in fossil fuels over millions of years, mankind has disrupted the natural carbon cycle. We have intensified the natural greenhouse effect and turned it into a planetary menace that is melting our ice caps. In his award–winning documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore (2006) states, "human activities, if unchecked in the next decade, could destroy one of the earth's principle mechanisms for cooling itself" (p.291). The world needs to address the potentially disastrous consequences of our earth's rapidly changing climate by acknowledging the existence of global warming and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When talking about the atmosphere and its components, we measure the concentration of gas in parts per million (ppm) (Kluger, 2006, p. 318). Kluger states: "During the last ice age, the atmosphere's carbon dioxide concentration was just 180 ppm, putting the Earth into a deep freeze. After the glaciers retreated, but before the dawn of the modern era, the total had risen to a comfortable 280 ppm. In just the past century and a half, we have pushed the level to 381 ppm, and we're feeling the effects." (2006, p.318) The effects we are feeling, is the rising temperatures caused by the increased concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. According to Kluger, 19 of the 20 hottest years ever recorded happened in the 80's or later and according the NASA scientists, 2005 was the hottest year of the century (2006, p.319). Everything on earth was created with a careful balance. Flowers make pollen, bees harvest the pollen to make honey, the pollen is brought from flower to flower by the bees and it creates new flowers. Take away the bees, and the flower can no longer reproduce; which in turn means that other animals that feed on these flowers can no longer eat. Thus when this balance is disrupted it creates a chain reaction of events that eventually affects everyone else. This rise in temperature then, caused by the increased carbon dioxide concentration, is affecting the careful balance of Earth's natural elements. Greenland ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 61. Report On Chm310 Industrial Consultant For The Semester. Report on CHM310 Industrial Consultant for the Semester Introduction: In the 1980s, HCFCs and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) were created as a safe and inexpensive coolant commonly used in refrigerators and air conditioners. They were used in refrigeration and a wide variety of manufacturing processes beginning in the late 1980s with the introduction of the Montreal Protocol (1). The purpose of this report is to present a comparison of two different HFC compounds to Air Liquide, which is a French multinational company, supplies industrial gases to various industries. This report provides high–level detail on the two types of HFC compounds, their impact on climate, environmental fate, and their safety and economic aspects. The three parts of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The table above shows that the legacy compound has almost longer atmospheric lifetime than the new compound, in other words, the legacy compounds would take longer time to accumulate in atmosphere and impact on climate. Most importantly, from the data of global warming potential, it is clear that both HFCs compounds are greenhouse gases and they do contribute to global warming; however, the legacy compound has almost ten times higher GWPs than the new compound. The definition of a GWP for a particular greenhouse gas is ration of a gas's heat–trapping ability relative to CO2 and expressed over a 100– year timescale. It represents that the legacy compounds are more potent greenhouse gases than the new one. With the legacy compounds surrounding, the Earth surface can absorb more IR and warm up the atmosphere. The increasing temperature in turn arises more water vapor, which could create an amplify feedback mechanism and lead to further IR absorption. As a result, atmospheric circulation patterns are altered which will change local weather patterns and lead to catastrophes, such as droughts, floods, and rising sea levels. Environmental fate This section of the report discusses the final products, including their toxicity and their final fate. In general, the whole chemical reaction mechanism can be divided into four overlapping processes: 1) H–abstraction by OH radical, 2) O2–addition, 3) O–transfer by using NO, 4) bond cleavage or formation of the double ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 63. Persuasive Essay On Climate Change With climate change leading species to go extinct and causing sea levels to rise, what have our major governments done to prevent all this from happening. In 2006 Al Gore stated that "The voluminous evidence now strongly suggest that unless we act boldly and quickly to deal with the underlying causes of global warming, our world will undergo a string of terrible catastrophes"(An Inconvenient Truth). What Al Gore has said over 10 years ago has become a gruesome reality with many natural disasters affecting major countries and shutting down developing countries completely. If our governments don't take initiative to reduce and prevent climate change, we must make the first move to do something ourselves. But do the actions of us individuals have an effect to something as big as climate change? I believe that the actions of individuals towards the prevention of climate change all have an effect to the greater cause, but the concentration and types of actions such as personal changes, taking alternative transportation, and overall education and awareness of the climate change determine the strength of the effect to it. One thing we can all do to contribute in fighting climate change is reducing our carbon footprint. We may not know it but every single one of us has a carbon footprint and our everyday choices affect on whether or not that footprint will be huge or small. Simple things like driving to work and tossing out spoiled food increase our carbon footprint. One way we as individuals can decrease our carbon footprint is to do/change a few things from our daily routine. One thing we can do is recycle. As simple and generic as it sounds, it creates a big difference. King County solid waste states that "If you throw away even half the paper you use in a year instead of recycling it, you increase your climate pollution by the same amount as driving 526 miles" (King County). Recycling is an absolute way to reduce our carbon output with such little effort. Another way to reduce our footprints is to not waste food. King County also stated that "The average American tosses out 290 pounds of food each year – 25% of what they buy. This results in the same climate pollution as driving 876 miles (Seattle to San ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 65. World 's Population And Governments Have Become... As the world's population and governments have become environmentally conscious, the demand for "green" business solutions has risen to the forefront of the shipping industry. Carbon Dioxide and Greenhouse emissions stemming from the use of fossil fuels has adverse effects upon the environment and global climate, and consumers are beginning to filter their shipping options based not only on price, but a shipping company's carbon footprint as well. The table below displays the amount of CO2 (in grams) emitted per metric ton of freight and per km of transportation: Air plane (air cargo), average Cargo B747 500 g Modern lorry or truck 60 to 150 g Modern train 30 to 100 g Modern ship (sea freight) 10 to 40 g Airship (Zeppelin, Cargolifter ) as planned 55 g Global shipping is currently a $ 60 billion industry which is helping the big and small companies move their products around the world quickly. But the system is currently experiencing a number of inefficiencies such as: Wasting fuel and dumping planet–warming waste into the environment. Road freight carried by medium and heavy trucks accounts of over 6% of all global greenhouse gas emission. Greenhouse gas emission from all transportation sources is estimated will increase 80% by 2030. In the United States 15% of those trucks run empty while the remaining 85% run on average at just 64% capacity, according to Jason Mathers of the nonprofit Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). Major ground shipping industry players such ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 67. American Recovery And Reinvestment Act ( Arra ) Essay III. Case of Other Countries (1) The U.S. The U.S. submitted its INDC to achieve an economy–wide target of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 26%–28% below its 2005 level by 2025. With this plan, the U.S. has several laws related to its environmental policies. Among them, these are main four Acts (Korea Institute of Energy Research [KIER], 2016a): The Energy Policy Act established in 1992 was to secure energy security and revised in 2005 to decrease the reliance on oil and coal energy; The Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) legislated in 2007 due to the necessity for energy independence caused by the unstable Middle East and high oil prices, so President Bush announced the 'Twenty in Ten Initiative ' that aimed to reduce 20% of the gasoline consumption by 2017; The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) was enacted in 2009 as one of the reflationary measures, and this included $8.5 billion investment for energy–related policies; The Clean Air Act (CAA), made in 1970, regulated the atmospheric pollution sources and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) used CAA to restrict the greenhouse gas. In 2013, the Obama Administration issued the Climate Action Plan to focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 17 % reduction below 2005 levels by 2020. This plan's three objectives were carbon reduction, strengthening capacity for climate change response, and leading international cooperation for climate change crisis (White House, 2013). To reduce the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 69. A Report On Green Radio Network Planning Essay Green Radio Network Planning ABDALRAHMAN SOUBRA, MOSTAFAAL HAMWE Abstract In this document green radio network planning will be discussed.We will go through all the the problems leading to the green revolution issues like the increase in carbon emmissions and the need to decrease the energy consumption while still providing the required services.In particular this paper will discuss the different planing issues involving LTE technology planning green network planning solutions,carbon footprint. ableofcontents listoffigures Chapter 1 Introduction and Motivation Since the start of the 21st century, there has been a huge development in the mobile data market. TThe quantity of clients and the interest in wireless services has increased. This, as well as the infiltration of mobile services has surpassed that of the power network. There are 48 million individuals on the planet who don 't have electrical power at home but then have cell phones. According to ITU estimations, web customers expanded to be around 2.7 billion towards the end of 2013, around 40% of the total populace, though mobile cellular users are near 7 billion, with the mobile broadband being the most dynamic market with 2.1 billion subscribers. This extraordinary surge of mobile data traffic in the cell business has encouraged communications administrators and specialists to incraese both the achievable throughput and the spectral efficiency (SE) yet have overlooked the venergy consumption factor and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 71. Global Warming And Its Effects On The Environment Energy choices The environment plays an integral part of offering and sustaining livelihoods to billions of humans around the globe. Without rain, food security is adversely threatened, meaning that humans' most vital need could be affected. Recently, the issue of global warming has caught many nations' attention as carbon emissions significantly cause it. Greenhouse gas emissions around the world have been somehow unavoidable, but countries have sought methods to mitigate the inevitable outcomes. While it often seems as though this task is too daunting to overcome, this paper asserts that with the right approach, carbon emissions could be controlled thus reducing the destructive impacts on the environment, which inevitably lead to dire ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The choice of fuel used by the individuals or the countries depends on regulations, awareness and availability of substitutes (Miles & Kapos, 2008). Fuel sources and consumption for US and India Currently, India is ranked third in terms of carbon pollution, with vehicles accounting for the higher percentage. By the same token, the US is also a major polluter of the same, only that the pollution comes from various sources. For instance in the US, greenhouse emissions majorly come from six sources: production of electricity, Industry, transport, commercial and residential, land use and forestry, and agriculture. In 2013, electricity production accounted for 31% of gas emissions in the US, transport was 27%, industry 21%, agriculture 9%, forestry 13% and commercial and residential was 12% (EPA, 2015). In terms of consumption, the two countries have had high levels with statistics showing the US to have over 90 Quadrillion Btu since 2008. In 2008, the US recorded a 99.5 Quadrillion Btu consumption; 94.4 the following year, a result that replicated in 2010. As for India within the same period, 21.5 Quadrillion Btu was consumed in 2008 followed by 22.5, 23.4 and 23.9 in 2009, 2010, and 2011 respectively (Showstack, 2015). Evidently, the two countries' level of consumption is largely different despite India's high population. As of 2011, the US was ranked third in the countries that emission emanating from agricultural activities ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 73. Application Of Nikola Tesla 's Alternating Current... A notable application of Nikola Tesla's Alternating Current induction motor is the Electric Vehicle (EV). EVs are powered by an electric motor rather than a conventional gasoline engine. It is important to make the distinction between an EV and a hybrid, plug–in hybrid, or hydrogen fuel cell car. For our analysis, an EV is a vehicle that is completely driven by an electric motor, which is powered by a large battery, such as the BMW i3 and the Tesla Model S. Although EVs have been available since the 1890s, when EVs outsold gasoline powered cars ten to one [1], they have become more relevant in the past decade as greenhouse gas emissions reach all time highs. In fact, atmospheric CO2 (the primary greenhouse gas emitted from combustion) concentration as of September 2015 was 397.64 ppm [2]. To put this figure into perspective, consider that in the past 400 thousand years (excluding the last century) CO2 concentration did not surpass 300 ppm [3]. The increase in atmospheric CO2 can be correlated to an increase in the average global temperature. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) the increase in greenhouse gases collectively over the past two centuries has led to a temperature increase of 0.85◦C [4]. Although some may claim that the effect of the rise of CO2 concentration levels on average temperature is exaggerated, it is generally accepted that increases in atmospheric CO2 lead to higher temperatures. Higher average global temperatures serve as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 75. Epa 's Clean Power Plan Memorandum From Harshit Jayaswal Date October 07, 2015 Subject Briefings on EPA's Clean Power Plan: How state emission budgets were established, and legal (reasonableness and fairness) issues. This memo is my interpretation on the readings of EPA's clean power plan specific to how state budgets where established and legal issues emphasizing the fairness and reasonableness towards the states. 1.0 Overview The clean power plan was adopted by the EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) on August 03, 2015 to regulate carbon emissions from existing power plants. Under the Supreme Court decision in Massachusetts v. EPA , greenhouse gases meet the definition of air pollutants under the Clean Air Act, implying they need to be controlled, if ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is determined to reduce carbon emissions from the power sector 32 % of 2005 levels by 2030. The primary objective of the clean power plan is to establish unique emission rate goals and mass equivalents for each individual state to reach this target. 2.0 How state emission budgets where established The clean Air Act under the section 111(d) creates a partnership between EPA, states, tribes and U.S. territories with EPA setting a goal and states and tribes choosing how they will meet it. EPA is defining interim and final CO2 emission performance rates for two subcategories of fossil fuel–fired electric generating units (EGU's): 1. 1,305 lbs/MWh for existing fossil fuel–fired electric steam generating units (generally, coal fired power plants) 2. 771 lbs/MWh for existing natural gas combined cycle units EPA has also established statewide interim and final goals in 2 forms to give a wide range of choices for states in implementing these standards like: 1. A rate–based state goal measured in pounds per megawatt hour (lb/MWh); 2. A mass–based state goal measured in total short tons of CO2 States then have to develop and implement plans for power plants in their state either individually, in group or by applying other measures to meet with the interim reduction goals in between 2022– 2029 and final goal by 2030.
  • 76. 2.1 BSER: Best system of emissions reduction The basis for the emissions reductions in the EPA's proposed rule is a review of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 78. Essay On Energy Consumption The overall structure is to calculate the total electricity consumption and convert to CO2 emissions by applying conversion factors of electricity. There are normally two methods for carbon emission calculation (WBCSD/WRI,2004). One is top–down method. Energy consumption data is gathered at an aggregate level, such as annual electricity consumption for the whole company. The other one is bottom–up method in which Individual process can be controlled separately and their energy usage can be measured individually. Generally, the top–down approach can provide more reliable overall emission estimates, but the calculation is usually on a company level. This method could not reflect how the energy is consumed. while the bottom–up technique is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Case selection cross docking which make an extension of the original model Data collection Generally, four types of data will be used in this paper: Data provided by the warehouse Secondary data from government department or green organizations Industrial data from previous research or industrial standard Website The warehouse provided limited data. A large range of the parameters are estimated from previous research or industrial standard. Data likes the warehouse size, temperature of the storage, the flow of the goods, average inventory level and electricity consumption is provided by the warehouse; Some parameters in the model are difficult to measure, such as U values and emission factors are gathered from government published document. The warehouse related energy parameters, for examples the lighting energy parameters and MHE energy parameter are estimated from previous researchers. The daily temperature for the city is from a weather history website weather database. Data analysis The data analysis is consist of four parts. The first part will use the model to calculate emission by HVAC, MHE and ligting respectively as well as calculate monthly total emissions. The separate CO2 emissions are used to analyse how warehouse consumes energy; the total emission will be used to compare with the result from the top–down method. The second part will validate the model with the CO2 emission estimated by top–down methd. The third part will calculate the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...