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Resume and
                             Job Search Strategies

Rob McIntosh
Senior Vice President
Global Talen Acquisition and Recruiting


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Resume/CV Creation
Q: How much time does my                       A: Your resume needs                                    Online Tips and
resume have to convince the                    to make an impact                                         Resources
recruiter / Hiring Manager to                  within the first 15 to 30                            Keyword Tools
contact me for an interview?                   seconds                                                    Google keyword tool

                                                                                                            Keyword discovery

                                   Step1:                                                                       Wordtracker

                                                                                                    Resume Tips
   Create one large master version of your Resume/CV with all your skills
 and accomplishments in chronological order (don’t worry if it gets too long).                             Jobsyntax Archives

                                                                                                           Online Resume Tips
                                  Step 2:
     When reviewing job descriptions look for all the requirements of that                                 Pongo Resume Blog
role then pull all your associated relevant elements from your master version
       Resume/CV into a tailored version specifically for that application                          Search Engine Tips
                     (for each different application - repeat).
                                                                                                       How Search Engines Work*

                                                                                                    The Job Search Strategist Blog

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                                                     © Copyright 2011 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Resume/CV tips
   Create a Executive Summary Page (or paragraph) that highlights your key skills/achievements
    against the job….Think of this as the appetizer to the entrée
   Ensure your key words (skills) are used multiple times through out your resume that match the
    keywords where possible with the job description.
   Make the layout as inviting as possible, so that the recruiter feels compelled to read it.
   Try not to squeeze text to closely or use a tiny font size that can be difficult to read

   Use white space to set off and to emphasis the important points.

   Make it easy for someone to visually scan your resume for information.
   Make sure you have an online profile (LinkedIn) so that a recruiter/Hiring Manager can
    reference your background, expertise and testimonials.
       Important to get as many references/testimonials as you can from former colleagues,
          managers and customers that call out your expertise.

Resume Don'ts
•   Typos, misspellings or grammatical errors
•   Including salary or level information
•   Long, detailed paragraphs
•   Spending too much time on graphics or cool fonts
•   Do not include information that a reader might not be able to understand. For example
    acronyms and code names.
•   Don’t apply to more than 3 jobs at the same company at any one time.
   It sends the message to a recruiter that your do not know what you want or are desperate.

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                                                  © Copyright 2011 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The “Action Plan”
Step 1:
Do your homework on what are the target companies and job titles you are interested in
given your background and expertise. The more the better.
Step 2:
Use your personal and professional network to identify connections and opportunities in
your target companies list and roles of interest.
        A warm introduction is better than a cold call or cold online job application
Step 3:
If that job is online but you can not connect via a “Warm Introduction” then:
        Create a targeted resume using the key elements of your master resume by leveraging
         matching keywords, skills and achievements against the matching keywords in the Job
Step 4:
If you are going to post your Resume/CV ensure it gets picked up by the search engines
and job Boards:
   Use your top key words (skills) multiple times through out your resume
   Check your keywords against industry terms. Example: Is “MOSS” going to be the keyword
    searched vs. “Microsoft Office SharePoint Server” by recruiters and hiring managers
   Important Note when using Job Boards: Post your resume ‘confidentially’ when possible. It
    gives the perception that you are serious about your resume and who can contact you.
Step 5:
After applying online, follow up immediately with a phone call into that company.
        Try to speak to that hiring manager…..Use LinkedIn and other tools to see if you can
         connect the dot’s using the Job Description to the Hiring Manager role/title.

                                                      Avanade Confidential – Do Not Copy, Forward or Circulate   4
                                                      © Copyright 2011 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Searching for Jobs
                                                                                                                      Online Tips and
General Online Job Searching                                                                                            Resources
           Do not limit your search to just traditional job boards (Monster.com, etc)                             Job Aggregators
           Try the Job Aggregators that scrape all corporate jobs
           Look for Niche Job boards that map to your interest and specialization                                               Indeed.com
           Try simple keyword searches directly into the major search engines                                                 SimplyHired.com
        ―     Example: jobs Atlanta BizTalk “Solutions Architect” = Results here                                                  JuJu.com

                                                                                                                   Online Search Tips
    Alerts and Feeds
           Create feeds and alerts to push jobs to you based on your interest:                                         BNET Online Resources
        ―     Turn any online search string into a RSS feed using FeedMySearch.com =
              Example: Results here (jobs Atlanta BizTalk "Solutions Architect")                                   Best Online Job Search Engines and
        ―     Example: Google Alerts (free tool) that allows a search sting to be turned into a feed
              or email notification = http://www.googlealert.com/                                                  CareerBuilder Online Search Tips

Web 2.0 Online Job Sites                                                                                            About.com Online Search Tips
           Take the time to look at new ways to promote your expertise online with
            some of the newer Online Sites:                                                                        100 RSS Feeds for Job Seekers
        ―     Jobfox                                                                                               Job Board Sites
        ―     Quiet Agent
        ―     VisualCV                                                                                                 Alexa Job Site Listings


                                                                    Avanade Confidential – Do Not Copy, Forward or Circulate                     5
                                                                    © Copyright 2011 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Interviewing Tips
                                                                                                              Online Tips and
Prepare                                                                                                         Resources
       Research the company on their website to come prepared with
        knowledge of that company                                                                          Interviewing Tips
        ―   Note: Employers' like candidates that have done some homework and come
            asking relevant and targeted questions.                                                              Monster 4 part Series
       Be self aware of your strengths and weaknesses so you can effectively
                                                                                                                  Advice on Vault.com
        talk to these areas during the interview.
       Know what “Competency Based Interviewing” is and be prepared with                                         Microsoft Jobs Blog
        historical examples to answer these specific questions
                                                                                                           The Ladders – Seven Deadly Sins of
       Bring a few hard copies of your resume to the interview just in case

Don’t be afraid to ask the Recruiter:                                                                      BLNZ – Ask the Right Questions durin
       The names of the people interviewing you so you can do some potential
        research online
       What the dress code is of the organization you are interviewing with
       What key areas they feel are important to the interviewer so you can prep
        yourself with specifics relating to your background experience and skills

Other Tips
       Don’t be afraid to say you do not have the answer to a question. Be
       Don’t not drink to much coffee or power drinks prior to your interview

                                                            Avanade Confidential – Do Not Copy, Forward or Circulate                     6
                                                            © Copyright 2011 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Additional Resources and Strategies
                                                                                                         Online Tips and
How to get noticed online                                                                                  Resources
       Recruiters use Social Networks all the time. Create a profile on a few                        How to get noticed
        major Social Networking Sites to list your expertise and interests.
        Additionally make sure you add:                                                                       Futurenow Article
    −     Lists or links to any articles you have written or contributed too                                      Branding Blog
    −     Get a few online references (recommendations) on your specific                              Major Social Networking
          expertise you would like prospective employees to know about you                            Sites
       Add your profile to the major people finder business sites
       Start a blog or personal home page that can be indexed by the search
        engines and post your thoughts about your subject matter expertise                                          Ning.com
    −     Recruiters find candidates on personal pages, articles and blogs all the                    Top 10 Social Sites for finding a
          time based off keyword search’s. Example = Results Here
                                                                                                       List of global social networking

                                                                                                      People Finders




                                                       Avanade Confidential – Do Not Copy, Forward or Circulate                    7
                                                       © Copyright 2011 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved.

More Related Content

Resume and job search strategies v5 external

  • 1. Resume and Job Search Strategies Rob McIntosh Senior Vice President Global Talen Acquisition and Recruiting 2012 Avanade Confidential – Do Not Copy, Forward or Circulate 1 © Copyright 2011 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • 2. Resume/CV Creation Q: How much time does my A: Your resume needs Online Tips and resume have to convince the to make an impact Resources recruiter / Hiring Manager to within the first 15 to 30 Keyword Tools contact me for an interview? seconds Google keyword tool Keyword discovery Step1: Wordtracker Resume Tips Create one large master version of your Resume/CV with all your skills and accomplishments in chronological order (don’t worry if it gets too long). Jobsyntax Archives Online Resume Tips Step 2: When reviewing job descriptions look for all the requirements of that Pongo Resume Blog role then pull all your associated relevant elements from your master version Resume/CV into a tailored version specifically for that application Search Engine Tips (for each different application - repeat). How Search Engines Work* The Job Search Strategist Blog Avanade Confidential – Do Not Copy, Forward or Circulate 2 © Copyright 2011 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • 3. Resume/CV tips  Create a Executive Summary Page (or paragraph) that highlights your key skills/achievements against the job….Think of this as the appetizer to the entrée  Ensure your key words (skills) are used multiple times through out your resume that match the keywords where possible with the job description.  Make the layout as inviting as possible, so that the recruiter feels compelled to read it.  Try not to squeeze text to closely or use a tiny font size that can be difficult to read  Use white space to set off and to emphasis the important points.  Make it easy for someone to visually scan your resume for information.  Make sure you have an online profile (LinkedIn) so that a recruiter/Hiring Manager can reference your background, expertise and testimonials.  Important to get as many references/testimonials as you can from former colleagues, managers and customers that call out your expertise. Resume Don'ts • Typos, misspellings or grammatical errors • Including salary or level information • Long, detailed paragraphs • Spending too much time on graphics or cool fonts • Do not include information that a reader might not be able to understand. For example acronyms and code names. • Don’t apply to more than 3 jobs at the same company at any one time.  It sends the message to a recruiter that your do not know what you want or are desperate. Avanade Confidential – Do Not Copy, Forward or Circulate 3 © Copyright 2011 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • 4. The “Action Plan” Step 1: Do your homework on what are the target companies and job titles you are interested in given your background and expertise. The more the better. Step 2: Use your personal and professional network to identify connections and opportunities in your target companies list and roles of interest.  A warm introduction is better than a cold call or cold online job application Step 3: If that job is online but you can not connect via a “Warm Introduction” then:  Create a targeted resume using the key elements of your master resume by leveraging matching keywords, skills and achievements against the matching keywords in the Job Description. Step 4: If you are going to post your Resume/CV ensure it gets picked up by the search engines and job Boards:  Use your top key words (skills) multiple times through out your resume  Check your keywords against industry terms. Example: Is “MOSS” going to be the keyword searched vs. “Microsoft Office SharePoint Server” by recruiters and hiring managers  Important Note when using Job Boards: Post your resume ‘confidentially’ when possible. It gives the perception that you are serious about your resume and who can contact you. Step 5: After applying online, follow up immediately with a phone call into that company.  Try to speak to that hiring manager…..Use LinkedIn and other tools to see if you can connect the dot’s using the Job Description to the Hiring Manager role/title. Avanade Confidential – Do Not Copy, Forward or Circulate 4 © Copyright 2011 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • 5. Searching for Jobs Online Tips and General Online Job Searching Resources  Do not limit your search to just traditional job boards (Monster.com, etc) Job Aggregators  Try the Job Aggregators that scrape all corporate jobs  Look for Niche Job boards that map to your interest and specialization Indeed.com  Try simple keyword searches directly into the major search engines SimplyHired.com ― Example: jobs Atlanta BizTalk “Solutions Architect” = Results here JuJu.com Online Search Tips Alerts and Feeds  Create feeds and alerts to push jobs to you based on your interest: BNET Online Resources ― Turn any online search string into a RSS feed using FeedMySearch.com = Example: Results here (jobs Atlanta BizTalk "Solutions Architect") Best Online Job Search Engines and ― Example: Google Alerts (free tool) that allows a search sting to be turned into a feed or email notification = http://www.googlealert.com/ CareerBuilder Online Search Tips Web 2.0 Online Job Sites About.com Online Search Tips  Take the time to look at new ways to promote your expertise online with some of the newer Online Sites: 100 RSS Feeds for Job Seekers ― Jobfox Job Board Sites ― Quiet Agent ― VisualCV Alexa Job Site Listings TopJobSites.com Avanade Confidential – Do Not Copy, Forward or Circulate 5 © Copyright 2011 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • 6. Interviewing Tips Online Tips and Prepare Resources  Research the company on their website to come prepared with knowledge of that company Interviewing Tips ― Note: Employers' like candidates that have done some homework and come asking relevant and targeted questions. Monster 4 part Series  Be self aware of your strengths and weaknesses so you can effectively Advice on Vault.com talk to these areas during the interview.  Know what “Competency Based Interviewing” is and be prepared with Microsoft Jobs Blog historical examples to answer these specific questions The Ladders – Seven Deadly Sins of  Bring a few hard copies of your resume to the interview just in case Don’t be afraid to ask the Recruiter: BLNZ – Ask the Right Questions durin  The names of the people interviewing you so you can do some potential research online  What the dress code is of the organization you are interviewing with  What key areas they feel are important to the interviewer so you can prep yourself with specifics relating to your background experience and skills Other Tips  Don’t be afraid to say you do not have the answer to a question. Be Honest!  Don’t not drink to much coffee or power drinks prior to your interview Avanade Confidential – Do Not Copy, Forward or Circulate 6 © Copyright 2011 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  • 7. Additional Resources and Strategies Online Tips and How to get noticed online Resources  Recruiters use Social Networks all the time. Create a profile on a few How to get noticed online major Social Networking Sites to list your expertise and interests. Additionally make sure you add: Futurenow Article − Lists or links to any articles you have written or contributed too Branding Blog − Get a few online references (recommendations) on your specific Major Social Networking expertise you would like prospective employees to know about you Sites  Add your profile to the major people finder business sites LinkedIn.com  Start a blog or personal home page that can be indexed by the search engines and post your thoughts about your subject matter expertise Ning.com − Recruiters find candidates on personal pages, articles and blogs all the Top 10 Social Sites for finding a job time based off keyword search’s. Example = Results Here List of global social networking sites People Finders Zoominfo.com Spock.com Wink.com Avanade Confidential – Do Not Copy, Forward or Circulate 7 © Copyright 2011 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved.