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I am currently working as Brand and Digital Manager at Schneider Electric.
This role was a promotion after an initial 12-month contract as Creative Services
Manager. For the 17 years prior to that I was a Director at one of Adelaide’s
leading website developmentand software company’s - Deadline.
 Development andexecution ofmarketing strategywith a focus ondigitisation andhighlevelsof
integrationacross owned, earnedandpaidmedia channels.
 Experience inraisingbrand awarenessaligned withcompanystrategy.
 Creation anddeployment ofbrandguidelines andongoing adherence across creative including an
understanding of visual representationand brand“tone”.
 Contributionto annual marketingstrategyfor 5 internalbusiness units and tactical response
includingdevelopment of marketing plans withtiming, budgets and measurement of outcomes.
 Entrepreneurial mindset developedvia foundinga businessfrom aninitialpartnership to, at its
peak, employing14 staff witha turnover of over $1.5 millionper annumbasedinthe Adelaide CBD.
This wasachieved throughstrategic planning, targeted marketing, preparingandpresenting
responses to complex proposal and tender requests, andsuccessful project delivery.
 Highlydevelopedpeople management experience witha focus onrelationship building and clear
communicationwith a diverse range ofstakeholders.
 Excellent communicator andteamplayer with provenleadership abilities.
 Clear core value set.
At the expiration of my initial short-term contract, a new full-time role was created for me.
My ke y areas of responsibility are:
 I manage a number of digital channels, most importantly two websites – clipsal.com
a nd schneider-electric.com.au - with combined monthly traffic of 140,000 visitors.
 Success across digital comes largely down to a constant stream of new and engaging
content. I gained support at Executive level for a top down message of the need for
cus tomer-centric content planning, creation and execution.
 I manage Search Engine Marketing across all business units with ongoing reporting
a nd budget recommendations.
 Social media is integrated into daily marketing across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
a nd LinkedIn. This is via owned social and also paid sponsored posts.
 Ma rketing automation is a key focus for me in my role. I have built a plan to grow
a utomatically generated leads via online re-targeting based on customer behaviors
a nd lead nurturing via segmented email streams. This has been the result of
workshopping customer journey with a variety of stakeholders and external
s pecialists.
 Ea ch campaign requires internal and external communication plans.
 I control brand governance across all creative departments – internal and external -
a ccording to global brand guidelines.
 I research and negotiate with appropriate brand ambassadors.
 Tra nsverse campaigns to raise brand awareness across a variety of online and offline
cha nnels are part of my role. This is for both the Schneider Electric and Clipsal
bra nds.
 I a m heavily involved in Stakeholder management across local, interstate and global
ge ographies either via face-to-face or webinar and across topics such as:
o Pre sentation of Business Cases
o Strategic Recommendations
o Sta tus Reports
 Ma nagement of suppliers is also part of my role and this includes:
o Bra nd Ambassadors
o Me dia buying
o Cre ative agencies – local, national and global - across search marketing,
vi deo production, design and programming
 Ability to create processes for transformational marketing tactics such as marketing
a utomation and content planning and creation
 Understanding of the importance of search engine marketing
 Ma nagement, coaching and leadership skills
 A proven team manager able to lead and motivate
 Ability to develop effective work groups
 Ability to influence, negotiate and solve problems and resolve conflict
Ove r the following 12 months I have achieved the following:
 Pl anned marketing automation aligned with consumer persona streams for
cl ipsal.com
 Mi grated and launched the Schneider Electric website onto a new content
ma nagement system.
 De veloped a brand strategy focused on the consumer for Clipsal including e ngaging a
bra nd ambassador for Clipsal in Megan Morton.
 Governance of new brand for Schneider Electric - ‘Life Is On’ – and briefed new
guidelines to all suppliers.
 De veloped a process for content planning, creation and execution.
 Bri efed, reviewed and monitored several complex integrated marketing campaigns
a cross print advertising, web banners, static and moving billboards, bus panels,
s ocial media and re-targeting.
 Pa rticipation in company leadership program “Ignite” focused on the development
of identified leaders. Outcomes were Realise2 Strength profiling and training in
coa ching techniques.
 Appointment as company Well-Being Ambassador for the Pacific zone.
My pri mary role was to lead the Creative Services team including Account Managers,
Copywriters and Graphic Designers. I provided leadership, direction, problem solving,
process, planning and strategic insight that enabled the team to develop highly effective,
cre ative, on brief and on time communication assets across print and digital platforms.
Specifically, my key areas of responsibility were:
 Provide senior level account management via participation in brief development,
ti ming plans and creative presentation to management and stakeholders.
 Pre pare and facilitate monthly department meetings with a focus on team
pa rticipation and improving department ENPS.
 Guide and mentor individual team members, including the implementation of
pe rformance improvement plans and ongoing performance monitoring.
 Manage and buildonthe relationshipbetweenthe communications and marketing teams
across Australia.
 Encourage an environment of trust and respect at all levels.
 Focus on planning and implementing global corporate campaigns.
 As sist with creative concept development across a wide range of products and
ca mpaign delivery mechanisms.
 Li aise with internal stakeholders to manage fe edback and approvals and also the
e xternal media buying agency.
 Ensure we have allocated resources to meet the business needs including review of
the Organisation Chart and ongoing recruitment.
 Build workgroups and teams to tackle large communication campaigns. Resolve
re source conflicts and prioritise needs in line with business return on investment.
 Provide written weekly reports on productivity, job status, resource allocation and
de pt usage and report verbally in local and interstate meetings.
 Ability to run a creative department and be responsible for a high volume of large
projects with tight deadlines
 Strong Project Management skills with a full understanding of critical timings
re quired to get large strategic projects to market
 Strong knowledge of marketing / advertising design, copywriting, communication
briefs and overall art direction
 Abilityto consult effectivelyacross respective business units to ensure consistency
and balance
 Strong relationship building and interpersonal skills
During my 6 month contract, in addition to my primary role, I also achieved the following:
 I mplemented new enterprise level project management software called AtTask to
i mprove workflow efficiency and reporting
 De signed a new briefing system to incorporate digital assets
 I mproved the department ENPS
 Had my direct reports increase from 8 to 14 team members yet still managed to set
individual andteam based goals, conduct annual appraisals and maintain effective
monthly1 on 1 meetings
My role as Director sawme involvedinall aspects of the business fromstrategic planning, financial
reporting and analysis, budgeting, supplier management, sales, project deliveryandclient relationship
Specifically, mykeyareasof responsibilitywere:
Prepare job estimates andrespondto tender requests
Brief the production team andholdregular progress meetings with client includingdesign
presentations andbudget/timeline reports
Come up withinnovative initiatives to buildthe client relationshipandadd value to their
marketing strategybykeeping theminformedof digital trends suchas the growthof mobile
InitiallyI was responsiblefor alldesignworkdone byDeadline, bothprintandonline, including
branddevelopment, newsletter production, website interfaces,brochures, invitations, e -newsletter
templates, posters etc. As the companygrewand we employedother designers myrole shiftedto
DesignDirector, managing the designandprogrammingteams.
I was responsible for the strategic marketing of Deadline from creative concept development to
implementationincludingupdating the companywebsite, writing copyfor the monthlye -
newsletter and maintainingthe socialmediastrategyon a dailybasis
Event Management to educate current andprospective clients about Deadline andthe company’s
services andprovide general relationshipbuilding opportunities
Engage inactive and targetednetworking
To maximise PR opportunities we engaged‘communikate et al’ andI was responsible for
managing thissupplier relationship
Interviewing candidates
Settingandreviewing staff KPI’s
Ongoing review includingquarterlyPerformance Management Meetings
Organising twice yearlyTeamRetreats
Engaging in active Mentoring andLeadership
During myDirectorshipat Deadline I managedthe successful deliveryof literallyhundreds ofprojects
across a broad range of industries. I have highlightedsome keyclient relationships below. More
examplescanbe provideduponrequest along withreferences.
ASC (formerlyAustralianSubmarine Corporation)
ASC build and maintain Australia’s frontline naval defence capabilities.
o Successfullysubmit responses to ‘Expression ofInterest’ tenders for 3 separate projects.
o Art direct andmanage the project team to deliver a fullyresponsive website - whichcanbe seenat
www.asc.com.au - withenterprise level Content Management System, a series ofcross-platform
email templates and twosegmented e-newsletters via CampaignMonitor.
o Basedon the success of these projects and the buildingof a positive client relationshipDeadline
was engagedto design, program and deliver anintranet for the entire companyacross3 site
o Design anddeliver an androidtablet based webappfor use at the Maritime 2013 Conference held
in Sydney.
o The successful negotiationandmanagement ofanongoingmaintenance contract.
Angas Securities are a fixed interest specialist with offices in Adelaide, Sydney, Perth and Gold Coast.
o A long term client I have beenproviding designservices to for over 12 years.
o Main projects duringthat time have been logo designandbrand development, style guide creation,
newsletter design, designandprint management of regular lengthydocuments suchas the annual
Prospectus, Product Disclosure Statement and Information Memorandum.
A South Australian commercial law firm with a global perspective.
o I pro-activelyAccount Manage this client bypresenting regular Google Analytics reports to their
internal marketingteam and suggesting new marketing initiatives suchas the design and
development of a mobile website.
o The annual Norman Waterhouse LocalGovernment Conference requires myteamto publish
conference information and developa complex online registrationprocesswith built inreporting.
A significant division of the Department of Defence existing to support both Australia’s Reservists and
their Employers.
o From initialjob ofdesigninganA4 poster for the Keswick ArmyBarracks to a national account
encompassingonline delivery, a multi-brandstyle guide, newspaper advertisements, pull-up
banners, brandedpromotional items such as lipbalmand multiple series offold-out brochures.
o Tasks includedtravellinginterstate to make presentations to the NationalMediaand
Communications Team, advisingon marketingandcommunications strategy, proof reading copy,
creating designbriefs, managing suppliers onbehalfof the Department of Defence andproviding
regular work inprogress status reports.
o See Reference details providedfor thisclient.
As an added creative outlet, I conceptualized, developedandfunded a new product called‘Little Black
Table’. The product is aimedat couples to encourage “date night” at home as I feel so stronglyabout
the need for regular communicationin order to maintaina healthyrelationship. I styled upfour themed
looks to make it easyfor people to create aninviting and relaxing space at home andproduced
relationshipcards to encourage conversation.
Specifically, this involved:
Source product fromlocal, interstate andinternational suppliers
Qualitycontrol andstocktaking
Wholesale andRetail price setting
Negotiate a deal with a national stockist
Royaltyagreement with an academic content provider
Packaging and Distribution
Brand development
Graphic designandprint management
Stylingand photography
Write content for the 30 page Handbook that comes in each‘Little Black Table’ box
Write and maintain all copyon the website via a Content Management System
Maintaina socialmedia campaignvia posts to Facebook, Twitter, InstagramandPinterest
Blog posts via ‘Blogger’ - see http://kate-heylen.blogspot.com.au/
Produce regular e-newsletters via CampaignMonitor
Image production via Photoshop
Conceptualise, pitch andimplement marketinginitiatives including:
In store promotionat Bottega Rotolo
Presentations at cookingclasses about stayingconnected with your partner
Pop-up shopinthe CentralMarket in the lead-upto Valentine’s Day
Promotionat a popular florist andcreationof smaller gift packs for Mother’s Day
Maintaina customer database and subscriber list
More informationabout Little Black Tablecan be foundat www.littleblacktable.com.au
Throughout mycareer I have hadto keep upwiththe rapidlychanging pace of technologyused within
the design and ITindustries, which hasoftenmeant teachingmyself to use newsoftware. I am
proficient inthe following software andcanwork oneither a PCor Mac.
o Adobe Photoshop
o Adobe InDesign
o Adobe Acrobat
o Microsoft Word
o Microsoft PowerPoint
o Microsft Outlook
o Lotus Notes
o AtTask Project Management software
o A number of Content Management Systems from custombuilt to enterprise level
o Campaign Monitor
Public Relations for Organisations Adelaide University, SouthAustralia, 1995
Bachelor of Arts Flinders University, South Australia, 1991 – 1994
Matriculation(Year 12) St Ignatius College, 1990
Finalist Telstra Businesswomanof the Year 2002
It is important to me to contribute to the community. Over the years, Deadline hassponsoreda number
of childrenvia WorldVisionanddone workat a reducedrate for The Cancer Council SA andThe
Arthritis Foundation.
Personally, I donatedmytime and skills to designing a brand andassociatedmarketingcollateralsuch
as invitations andstationeryfor “The RuthBarker Project”. I have also assistedwith event planning and
management. “The Ruth Barker Project” was startedto raise awareness of organ donation for children
and their families, somethingI amparticularlypassionate about.
Following is a selectionof media clippings highlightingthe keyroles and responsibilities such as
marketing, public relations, staff retreats and innovation as mentionedin myResume.
Executive Chairman, AngasSecurities
Mobile 0417 836 341
Former Senator for South Australia
Mobile 0419 845 371
Director, GouldThorpe Planning
Mobile 0438 019 911
o My husbandof 14 years, Sean
o My two daughters, Liezel (6) andAmelia (9)
o Exercise
o Cooking
o Fashion
o Stylinginteriors andevents
o Local foodmarkets and organic, sustainable produce
o Travel
Beinga creative personI like to use pictures. Theysaya thousandwords. Theycanalso make
you hungry.

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Resume - Kate Heylen

  • 1. I am currently working as Brand and Digital Manager at Schneider Electric. This role was a promotion after an initial 12-month contract as Creative Services Manager. For the 17 years prior to that I was a Director at one of Adelaide’s leading website developmentand software company’s - Deadline. PROFESSIONAL SKILLS AND PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES  Development andexecution ofmarketing strategywith a focus ondigitisation andhighlevelsof integrationacross owned, earnedandpaidmedia channels.  Experience inraisingbrand awarenessaligned withcompanystrategy.  Creation anddeployment ofbrandguidelines andongoing adherence across creative including an understanding of visual representationand brand“tone”.  Contributionto annual marketingstrategyfor 5 internalbusiness units and tactical response includingdevelopment of marketing plans withtiming, budgets and measurement of outcomes.  Entrepreneurial mindset developedvia foundinga businessfrom aninitialpartnership to, at its peak, employing14 staff witha turnover of over $1.5 millionper annumbasedinthe Adelaide CBD. This wasachieved throughstrategic planning, targeted marketing, preparingandpresenting responses to complex proposal and tender requests, andsuccessful project delivery.  Highlydevelopedpeople management experience witha focus onrelationship building and clear communicationwith a diverse range ofstakeholders.  Excellent communicator andteamplayer with provenleadership abilities.  Clear core value set.
  • 2. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY BRAND AND DIGITAL MANAGER >> SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC >> JULY2014 – PRESENT At the expiration of my initial short-term contract, a new full-time role was created for me. My ke y areas of responsibility are: MARKETING AND COMMUNICATION  I manage a number of digital channels, most importantly two websites – clipsal.com a nd schneider-electric.com.au - with combined monthly traffic of 140,000 visitors.  Success across digital comes largely down to a constant stream of new and engaging content. I gained support at Executive level for a top down message of the need for cus tomer-centric content planning, creation and execution.  I manage Search Engine Marketing across all business units with ongoing reporting a nd budget recommendations.  Social media is integrated into daily marketing across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, a nd LinkedIn. This is via owned social and also paid sponsored posts.  Ma rketing automation is a key focus for me in my role. I have built a plan to grow a utomatically generated leads via online re-targeting based on customer behaviors a nd lead nurturing via segmented email streams. This has been the result of workshopping customer journey with a variety of stakeholders and external s pecialists.  Ea ch campaign requires internal and external communication plans. BRAND MANAGEMENT  I control brand governance across all creative departments – internal and external - a ccording to global brand guidelines.  I research and negotiate with appropriate brand ambassadors.  Tra nsverse campaigns to raise brand awareness across a variety of online and offline cha nnels are part of my role. This is for both the Schneider Electric and Clipsal bra nds. STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT  I a m heavily involved in Stakeholder management across local, interstate and global ge ographies either via face-to-face or webinar and across topics such as: o Pre sentation of Business Cases o Strategic Recommendations o Sta tus Reports  Ma nagement of suppliers is also part of my role and this includes: o Bra nd Ambassadors o Me dia buying o Cre ative agencies – local, national and global - across search marketing, vi deo production, design and programming
  • 3. KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS  Ability to create processes for transformational marketing tactics such as marketing a utomation and content planning and creation  Understanding of the importance of search engine marketing  Ma nagement, coaching and leadership skills  A proven team manager able to lead and motivate  Ability to develop effective work groups  Ability to influence, negotiate and solve problems and resolve conflict HI GHLIGHTS Ove r the following 12 months I have achieved the following:  Pl anned marketing automation aligned with consumer persona streams for cl ipsal.com  Mi grated and launched the Schneider Electric website onto a new content ma nagement system.  De veloped a brand strategy focused on the consumer for Clipsal including e ngaging a bra nd ambassador for Clipsal in Megan Morton.  Governance of new brand for Schneider Electric - ‘Life Is On’ – and briefed new guidelines to all suppliers.  De veloped a process for content planning, creation and execution.  Bri efed, reviewed and monitored several complex integrated marketing campaigns a cross print advertising, web banners, static and moving billboards, bus panels, s ocial media and re-targeting.  Pa rticipation in company leadership program “Ignite” focused on the development of identified leaders. Outcomes were Realise2 Strength profiling and training in coa ching techniques.  Appointment as company Well-Being Ambassador for the Pacific zone.
  • 4. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY CREATIVE SERVICES MANAGER >> SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC>> DECEMBER 2013 – JULY 2014 KEY ROLES My pri mary role was to lead the Creative Services team including Account Managers, Copywriters and Graphic Designers. I provided leadership, direction, problem solving, process, planning and strategic insight that enabled the team to develop highly effective, cre ative, on brief and on time communication assets across print and digital platforms. Specifically, my key areas of responsibility were: LEADERSHIP  Provide senior level account management via participation in brief development, ti ming plans and creative presentation to management and stakeholders.  Pre pare and facilitate monthly department meetings with a focus on team pa rticipation and improving department ENPS.  Guide and mentor individual team members, including the implementation of pe rformance improvement plans and ongoing performance monitoring. RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT  Manage and buildonthe relationshipbetweenthe communications and marketing teams across Australia.  Encourage an environment of trust and respect at all levels. CREATIVE OUTPUT  Focus on planning and implementing global corporate campaigns.  As sist with creative concept development across a wide range of products and ca mpaign delivery mechanisms.  Li aise with internal stakeholders to manage fe edback and approvals and also the e xternal media buying agency. PROJECT MANAGEMENT  Ensure we have allocated resources to meet the business needs including review of the Organisation Chart and ongoing recruitment.  Build workgroups and teams to tackle large communication campaigns. Resolve re source conflicts and prioritise needs in line with business return on investment.  Provide written weekly reports on productivity, job status, resource allocation and de pt usage and report verbally in local and interstate meetings.
  • 5. KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS  Ability to run a creative department and be responsible for a high volume of large projects with tight deadlines  Strong Project Management skills with a full understanding of critical timings re quired to get large strategic projects to market  Strong knowledge of marketing / advertising design, copywriting, communication briefs and overall art direction  Abilityto consult effectivelyacross respective business units to ensure consistency and balance  Strong relationship building and interpersonal skills HI GHLIGHTS During my 6 month contract, in addition to my primary role, I also achieved the following:  I mplemented new enterprise level project management software called AtTask to i mprove workflow efficiency and reporting  De signed a new briefing system to incorporate digital assets  I mproved the department ENPS  Had my direct reports increase from 8 to 14 team members yet still managed to set individual andteam based goals, conduct annual appraisals and maintain effective monthly1 on 1 meetings
  • 6. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY DIRECTOR >> DEADLINE >> MAY 1996 - NOVEMBER 2013 KEY ROLES My role as Director sawme involvedinall aspects of the business fromstrategic planning, financial reporting and analysis, budgeting, supplier management, sales, project deliveryandclient relationship building. Specifically, mykeyareasof responsibilitywere: O PROJECT AND ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT Prepare job estimates andrespondto tender requests Brief the production team andholdregular progress meetings with client includingdesign presentations andbudget/timeline reports Come up withinnovative initiatives to buildthe client relationshipandadd value to their marketing strategybykeeping theminformedof digital trends suchas the growthof mobile O GRAPHICDESIGN InitiallyI was responsiblefor alldesignworkdone byDeadline, bothprintandonline, including branddevelopment, newsletter production, website interfaces,brochures, invitations, e -newsletter templates, posters etc. As the companygrewand we employedother designers myrole shiftedto DesignDirector, managing the designandprogrammingteams. O MARKETING AND PR I was responsible for the strategic marketing of Deadline from creative concept development to implementationincludingupdating the companywebsite, writing copyfor the monthlye - newsletter and maintainingthe socialmediastrategyon a dailybasis Event Management to educate current andprospective clients about Deadline andthe company’s services andprovide general relationshipbuilding opportunities Engage inactive and targetednetworking To maximise PR opportunities we engaged‘communikate et al’ andI was responsible for managing thissupplier relationship o HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Interviewing candidates Settingandreviewing staff KPI’s Ongoing review includingquarterlyPerformance Management Meetings Organising twice yearlyTeamRetreats Engaging in active Mentoring andLeadership
  • 7. HI GHLIGHTS During myDirectorshipat Deadline I managedthe successful deliveryof literallyhundreds ofprojects across a broad range of industries. I have highlightedsome keyclient relationships below. More examplescanbe provideduponrequest along withreferences. ASC (formerlyAustralianSubmarine Corporation) ASC build and maintain Australia’s frontline naval defence capabilities. o Successfullysubmit responses to ‘Expression ofInterest’ tenders for 3 separate projects. o Art direct andmanage the project team to deliver a fullyresponsive website - whichcanbe seenat www.asc.com.au - withenterprise level Content Management System, a series ofcross-platform email templates and twosegmented e-newsletters via CampaignMonitor. o Basedon the success of these projects and the buildingof a positive client relationshipDeadline was engagedto design, program and deliver anintranet for the entire companyacross3 site locations. o Design anddeliver an androidtablet based webappfor use at the Maritime 2013 Conference held in Sydney. o The successful negotiationandmanagement ofanongoingmaintenance contract. ANGAS SECURITIES Angas Securities are a fixed interest specialist with offices in Adelaide, Sydney, Perth and Gold Coast. o A long term client I have beenproviding designservices to for over 12 years. o Main projects duringthat time have been logo designandbrand development, style guide creation, newsletter design, designandprint management of regular lengthydocuments suchas the annual Prospectus, Product Disclosure Statement and Information Memorandum. NORMAN WATERHOUSE LAWYER A South Australian commercial law firm with a global perspective. o I pro-activelyAccount Manage this client bypresenting regular Google Analytics reports to their internal marketingteam and suggesting new marketing initiatives suchas the design and development of a mobile website. o The annual Norman Waterhouse LocalGovernment Conference requires myteamto publish conference information and developa complex online registrationprocesswith built inreporting.
  • 8. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE >> DEFENCE RESERVESSUPPORT A significant division of the Department of Defence existing to support both Australia’s Reservists and their Employers. o From initialjob ofdesigninganA4 poster for the Keswick ArmyBarracks to a national account encompassingonline delivery, a multi-brandstyle guide, newspaper advertisements, pull-up banners, brandedpromotional items such as lipbalmand multiple series offold-out brochures. o Tasks includedtravellinginterstate to make presentations to the NationalMediaand Communications Team, advisingon marketingandcommunications strategy, proof reading copy, creating designbriefs, managing suppliers onbehalfof the Department of Defence andproviding regular work inprogress status reports. o See Reference details providedfor thisclient.
  • 9. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY FOUNDER >> LITTLE BLACK TABLE >> JANUARY 2011 - NOVEMBER 2013 KEY ROLES As an added creative outlet, I conceptualized, developedandfunded a new product called‘Little Black Table’. The product is aimedat couples to encourage “date night” at home as I feel so stronglyabout the need for regular communicationin order to maintaina healthyrelationship. I styled upfour themed looks to make it easyfor people to create aninviting and relaxing space at home andproduced relationshipcards to encourage conversation. Specifically, this involved: o PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Source product fromlocal, interstate andinternational suppliers Qualitycontrol andstocktaking Wholesale andRetail price setting Negotiate a deal with a national stockist Royaltyagreement with an academic content provider Packaging and Distribution O DESIGN AND CREATIVE Brand development Graphic designandprint management Stylingand photography Videoproduction o CONTENT CREATION Write content for the 30 page Handbook that comes in each‘Little Black Table’ box Write and maintain all copyon the website via a Content Management System Maintaina socialmedia campaignvia posts to Facebook, Twitter, InstagramandPinterest Blog posts via ‘Blogger’ - see http://kate-heylen.blogspot.com.au/ Produce regular e-newsletters via CampaignMonitor Image production via Photoshop o MARKETING AND PR Conceptualise, pitch andimplement marketinginitiatives including: In store promotionat Bottega Rotolo Presentations at cookingclasses about stayingconnected with your partner Pop-up shopinthe CentralMarket in the lead-upto Valentine’s Day Promotionat a popular florist andcreationof smaller gift packs for Mother’s Day Maintaina customer database and subscriber list More informationabout Little Black Tablecan be foundat www.littleblacktable.com.au
  • 10. SOFTWARE SKILLS Throughout mycareer I have hadto keep upwiththe rapidlychanging pace of technologyused within the design and ITindustries, which hasoftenmeant teachingmyself to use newsoftware. I am proficient inthe following software andcanwork oneither a PCor Mac. o Adobe Photoshop o Adobe InDesign o Adobe Acrobat o Microsoft Word o Microsoft PowerPoint o Microsft Outlook o Lotus Notes o AtTask Project Management software o A number of Content Management Systems from custombuilt to enterprise level o Campaign Monitor EDUCATION TERTIARY Public Relations for Organisations Adelaide University, SouthAustralia, 1995 Bachelor of Arts Flinders University, South Australia, 1991 – 1994 SECONDARY Matriculation(Year 12) St Ignatius College, 1990 AWARDS Finalist Telstra Businesswomanof the Year 2002 COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT It is important to me to contribute to the community. Over the years, Deadline hassponsoreda number of childrenvia WorldVisionanddone workat a reducedrate for The Cancer Council SA andThe Arthritis Foundation. Personally, I donatedmytime and skills to designing a brand andassociatedmarketingcollateralsuch as invitations andstationeryfor “The RuthBarker Project”. I have also assistedwith event planning and management. “The Ruth Barker Project” was startedto raise awareness of organ donation for children and their families, somethingI amparticularlypassionate about.
  • 11. MEDIA Following is a selectionof media clippings highlightingthe keyroles and responsibilities such as marketing, public relations, staff retreats and innovation as mentionedin myResume.
  • 12. REFERENCES ANDREW LUCKHURST SMITH Executive Chairman, AngasSecurities Mobile 0417 836 341 NATASHA STOTT DESPOJA Former Senator for South Australia Mobile 0419 845 371 JANET GOULD Director, GouldThorpe Planning Mobile 0438 019 911
  • 13. WHAT I’M PASSIONATE ABOUT o My husbandof 14 years, Sean o My two daughters, Liezel (6) andAmelia (9) o Exercise o Cooking o Fashion o Stylinginteriors andevents o Local foodmarkets and organic, sustainable produce o Travel A VISUAL REPRESENTATION Beinga creative personI like to use pictures. Theysaya thousandwords. Theycanalso make you hungry.