If you're an Interaction Designer, I'm sure you've noticed a new design pattern in the past year - one that doesn't really seem to have a proper name yet. In fact, you're probably already incorporating this pattern into your designs. It seems like almost every major redesign is leveraging this pattern to help hide complexity: Amazon, Linkedin, TripAdvisor - and sites like Target, Google, and Yahoo have been using it for awhile. It's a design pattern I'm calling "reveling interfaces".
Read more here: http://www.jeremyjohnsononline.com/2008/03/06/revealing-interfaces/
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Revealing Interfaces
1. ling inter faceS...
revea (aka. Progress
ive Disc
losure 2.0)
A quick introd
2. Q. What is a revealing interface?
3. A. An interface that hides complexity until initiated.
4. Revealing Interfaces...
» can be initiated with a click or a hover.
» lead people to explore the site and uncover “power” features.
» can reveal more information without leaving the page.
» create a certain joy when exposing just what someone is looking for.
» can be used for site navigation or single elements/actions.
Amazon.com “Your Lists” interactive element
5. Revealing Interfaces not only
hide complexity, but reduce
the number of separate pages
needed to complete a task.
6. “Hiding complexity through
ingenious mechanical doors or
tiny display screens is an overt
form of deception. If the deceit
feels less like malevolence,
more like magic, then hidden
complexities become more of a
treat than a nuisance.”
- John Maeda
7. “Progressive disclosure is the
best tool so far: show people the
basics first, and once they
understand that, allow them to
get to the expert features. But
don't show everything all at once
or you will only confuse people
and they will waste endless time
messing with features that they
don't need yet”
- Jakob Nielsen (2000)
8. Revealing Interfaces are similar but not equal to
Progressive Disclosure (which has been around for many, many years)
9. The main difference is:
The main difference is between Progressive Disclosure and a
Revealing Interface is that PD is used mostly for step-by-step
processes, where RI can be more fluid – it may reveal an action,
a list, site navigation, some photos or just more information for
a product or area.
But the underlining theme:
“removing initial complexity” stays the same!
Want to know more about Progressive Disclosure?
63. So next time you’re creating an
interface, conceal complexity
and create a simpler experience
for your audience.
64. Jeremy Johnson
Hello! I’m an interaction designer (among other things) living and
Designing in the Dallas, TX area. By day I create interfaces,
evangelize user experience, paint with pixels, as well as try to create
change within my organization.
At night I consume video games, movies, TV and other electronic
media - while saving a little time to take a photo here and there.
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