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AMENDED NEBRASKA INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX RETURN                                                                                             FORM
                                                                          for Tax Years 1988, 1989 and 1990
                                                                                     Taxable Year of Original Return
                               beginning                                                  , 19      and ending                                                      , 19
          of revenue
    First Name(s) and Initial(s)                                                 Last Name                                PLEASE DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE

    Home Address (Number and Street or Rural Route and Box Number)

    City, Town, or Post Office                                               State                          Zip Code

Public School District Data:                       County of Residence  If your principal source of income is from farm-       Your Social Security No.   Spouse's Number
                                                                        ing, ranching, or fishing, check this box:
County                   I.D. No.
Are you filing this amended return because:                                             Are you filing for a refund based on:
 a. The Nebraska Department of Revenue has                          YES        NO          a. The filing of a federal amended return or claim for refund?        YES                               NO
    notified you that your return will be audited?                                            Attach copies of Federal Form 1045 or 1040X and supporting schedules.
    b. The Internal Revenue Service has corrected                  YES                     NO         b. Carryback of a net operating loss or section 1256 loss?        YES                        NO
       your federal return? If Yes, identify office:                                                     If Yes, year of loss:                  Amount: $
       and attach a copy of changes from Internal Revenue Service.                                       Attach copies of Federal Form 1045 or 1040X and supporting schedules.
1                                                                           2                                                                  3
     FEDERAL FILING STATUS                                                      CHECK IF:                                                          TYPE OF RETURN BEING FILED
     (check only one for each return): Original              Amended            (on federal return)            Original Amended                    (check only one for each return):
     (1) Single                                                                 (1) You were 65 or over                                                                        Original        Amended
     (2) Married, filing joint                                                  (2) You were blind                                                 (1) Resident
     (3) Married, filing separate                                               (3) Spouse was 65 or over
                                                                                                                                                   (2) Nonresident or
         Spouse's S.S. No.:                                                     (4) Spouse was blind
                                                                                                                                                       Partial-year resident
     (4) Head of household                                                      (5) You can be claimed as a dependent
                                                                                                                                                       from               19       to              19
     (5) Widow(er) with dependent child(ren)                                        on another person's return
 4 Federal exemptions (number of exemptions claimed on your federal return) .....................................................                                           4
                                                                                                                                             (B) Net Change
                                  Computation of Tax                                            (A) As Reported or Adjusted                                                     (C) Correct Amount
                                                                                                                                          (Explain on Reverse)
 5    Federal adjusted gross income (AGI) .................................                 5                                                                               5
 6    Nebraska exemption deduction (see instructions) .............                         6                                                                               6
 7    Nebraska income after exemptions (line 5 minus line 6) ...                            7                                                                               7
 8    Nebraska standard deduction (see instructions) ................                       8                                                                               8
 9    Federal total itemized deductions .......................................             9                                                                               9
10    State and local income tax included in line 9 ..................... 10                                                                                               10
11    Nebraska itemized deductions (line 9 minus line 10) ......... 11                                                                                                     11
12    Amount from line 8 or line 11, whichever is greater ........... 12                                                                                                   12
13    Nebr. income before adjustments (line 7 minus line 12) .... 13                                                                                                       13
14    Adjustments increasing federal AGI ................................... 14                                                                                            14
15    Adjustments decreasing federal AGI .................................. 15                                                                                             15
16    Nebr. tax table income (line 13 plus line 14 minus line 15) 16                                                                                                       16
17    Nebraska income tax .......................................................... 17                                                                                    17
18    Nebraska minimum or other tax ......................................... 18                                                                                           18
19    Total Nebraska tax ............................................................. 19                                                                                  19
20    Nebraska income tax withheld ............................................ 20                                                                                         20
21    Estimated tax payments ..................................................... 21                                                                                      21
22    Form 4136N credit .............................................................. 22                                                                                  22
23    Credit for tax paid to another state ..................................... 23                                                                                        23
24    Credit for the elderly or disabled ........................................ 24                                                                                       24
25    Community Development Assistance Act credit ................. 25                                                                                                     25
26    Form 3800N credit .............................................................. 26                                                                                  26
27    Credit for child and dependent care expenses (after 1988) 27                                                                                                         27
28    Total credits (total of lines 20 through 27) ...........................................................................................................             28
29    Amount paid with original return plus additional payments made after it was filed .............................................                                      29
30    Total payments and credits (line 28 plus line 29) ................................................................................................                   30
31    Overpayment allowed on original return, plus additional overpayments allowed after it was filed .....................                                                31
32    Line 30 minus line 31 ...........................................................................................................................................    32
33    If line 19, column C is more than line 32, enter TAX DUE ..................................................................................                          33
34    Penalty (see instructions) ....................................................................................................................................      34
35    Interest (14% per year of line 33) ........................................................................................................................          35
36    Total BALANCE DUE (total of lines 33 through 35). Pay in full with this return ..................................................                                    36
37    If line 19, column C is less than line 32, enter REFUND to be received .............................................................                                 37
                             Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best
                       of my knowledge and belief, it is correct and complete.

        sign           Your Signature                                                       Date                         Signature of Preparer Other than Taxpayer                      Date

        here           Spouse's Signature (if filing jointly both must sign)                Phone Number                 City                                     State                 Zip Code
            Mail this return and payment to: NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, P.O. BOX 94818, LINCOLN, NE 68509-4818
                                                                                                                                                         8-448-88 Rev. 2-93 Supersedes 8-448-88 Rev. 10-90
NEBRASKA SCHEDULE I — Nebraska Adjustments to Income                                                         FORM
                             NEBRASKA        SCHEDULE II — Credit for Tax Paid to Another State
                             NEBRASKA        SCHEDULE III — Computation of Nebraska Tax
      of revenue
Name as Shown on Form 1040XN-2                                                                                                     Social Security Number

                                                                       Explanation of Changes
                                                                 Attach additional sheets or schedules if neces-
                                                                 Reference net change (column B) and line number

                                        Nebraska Schedule I — Nebraska Adjustments to Income
                                   for Nebraska Residents, Nonresidents, and Partial-Year Residents
                                                  PART A — Adjustments Increasing Federal Adjusted Gross Income
38 Total adjustments increasing income (include interest                 (A) As Reported or Adjusted     (B) Net Change                 (C) Correct Amount
   from non-Nebraska state and local obligations). Enter
   here and on line 14, Form 1040XN-2 .................................. 38                                                        38
                                                  PART B — Adjustments Decreasing Federal Adjusted Gross Income
39   State income tax refund deduction ......................................        39                                            39
40   Interest or dividend income from U.S. obligations ...............               40                                            40
41   Tier I or II benefits paid by the Railroad Retirement Board                     41                                            41
42   Special capital gains deduction ...........................................     42                                            42
43   Other adjustments decreasing income ................................            43                                            43
44   Total adjustments decreasing income. Enter here and on
     line 15, Form 1040XN-2 ......................................................   44                                            44
               Nebraska Schedule II — Credit for Tax Paid to Another State for Full-Year Residents Only
                                    If line 46 or 48 is amended, a copy of the return filed with another state must be attached
                                                                           (A) As Reported or Adjusted        (B) Net Change            (C) Correct Amount
45 Total Nebraska income tax (line 19, Form 1040XN-2) ........                       45                                            45
46 Adjusted gross income from another state (do not enter
   amount of taxable income from the other state) ..................                 46                                            46
47 Computed tax credit (divide line 46 by [line 5, 1040XN-2,
   plus line 38 minus line 44], then multiply by line 45) ...........                47                                            47
48 Tax due and paid to another state (do not enter amount
   withheld for the other state) .................................................   48                                            48
49 Maximum tax credit (line 45, 47, or 48, whichever is least).
   Enter amount here and on line 23, Form 1040XN-2 ...........                       49                                            49
                                             Nebraska Schedule III — Computation of Nebraska Tax
                                               Nonresidents and partial-year residents complete lines 50 through 57 below
                                                                           (A) As Reported or Adjusted      (B) Net Change              (C) Correct Amount
50 Nebraska tax table income (from line 16, Form 1040XN-2)                           50                                            50
51 Nebraska income tax: $             , minus credits for
   partial-year residents: $          . Enter difference here                        51                                            51
52 Nebraska minimum and other taxes (see instructions) .......                       52                                            52
53 Income derived from Nebraska sources .............................                53                                            53
54 Adjustments as applied to Nebraska income, if any ...........                     54                                            54
55 Nebraska adjusted gross income (line 53 minus line 54) ...                        55                                            55
56 Nebraska share of line 51. Enter here and on line 17,
   Form 1040XN-2 (see instructions) ......................................           56                                            56
57 Nebraska share of line 52. Enter here and on line 18,
   Form 1040XN-2 (see instructions) ......................................           57                                            57
                                                        FOR NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE USE ONLY
Batch Number                         Report Number                         Claim Number            Amount Received                Amount Refunded
                                      for Tax Years 1988, 1989, and 1990
This Form 1040XN-2 is to be used only when returns for tax years 1988, 1989, or 1990 are amended. Returns for years prior to
1988 or after 1990 cannot be amended using this form. The proper Form 1040XN may be obtained from the taxpayer assistance
offices listed on page 4.
AN AMENDED NEBRASKA INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX                                       preparer is considered a limited power of attorney authorizing the
RETURN, Form 1040XN-2, is filed whenever the taxpayer’s                         department to release only the information contained on that return
federal tax return is amended or corrected, or whenever the                     to the preparer.
information on a Nebraska return previously filed is not correct. If a
resident taxpayer claimed credit for tax paid to another state and the                             SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS
other state’s return is amended or corrected, an amended Nebraska
                                                                                COUNTY OF RESIDENCE is the place where you maintained
return must also be filed. Form 1040XN-2 may only be filed after
                                                                                your home in the year being amended. If you are a nonresident of
the Nebraska Individual Income Tax Return, Form 1040N.
                                                                                Nebraska, enter “nonresident.”
The amended return is due 90 days after filing an amended federal
                                                                                PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT DATA. All residents and partial-
return or after an Internal Revenue Service correction becomes final.
                                                                                year residents who reside in Nebraska on December 31 of the year
A correction is final, even though the taxpayer and the IRS are still
                                                                                being amended must complete the school district data. A complete
contesting the amount due, whenever one of the following has
                                                                                list of the school identification numbers to be used  is contained
                                                                                in the most recent Nebraska Individual Income        Tax Booklet.
      1. The tax has been paid by the taxpayer.
                                                                                Nonresidents or partial-year residents who did not reside in Nebraska
      2. The examining officer’s findings have been accepted by
                                                                                on December 31 of the year being amended do not complete the
            the taxpayer.
                                                                                public school district data.
      3. A closing agreement has been approved by the IRS.
                                                                                LINE 1. A change in the filing status can only be made when the
      4. A decision of a court has become final.
                                                                                federal filing status has been changed. An exception is made when a
Attach copies of the federal claim for refund, the audit determination
                                                                                joint federal return was filed and the Nebraska residency of the
of the IRS, or the amended federal return to the amended Nebraska
                                                                                spouse is different.
return. If you are filing for a refund more than three years after the
filing of the original return or for a refund due to a net operating loss       The residencies are different when, during all or some part of the year,
carryback more than three years after the due date of the loss year’s           one spouse is a resident and the other spouse is a nonresident at the
return, attach dated proof of federal acceptance of your federal                same time. The couple with different residencies may file original
refund or copies of federal or Nebraska waivers of the statute of               returns with Nebraska on either a joint return or a separate return
limitations to each amended return affected.                                    basis.
An amended return based on the filing of a federal protective claim             The couple who have filed separate Nebraska returns may elect,
with the IRS does not require the filing of an amended Nebraska                 either before or after the original return is due, to file a joint return
return as a protective claim. The payment by the IRS of a refund on             with Nebraska. They are then taxed as though both were residents
a protective claim is a federal change that must be reported within 90          during the time either was a resident.
days of such refund.
                                                                                The couple with different residencies who filed a joint Nebraska
An oral hearing may be requested when filing for a refund on Form
                                                                                return and wish to change to separate returns must follow the steps
1040XN-2 by writing the request on the Explanation of Changes,
                                                                                provided in Revenue Ruling 22-81-2.
Form 1040XN-2.
                                                                                LINE 2. Check the appropriate boxes if you or your spouse were 65
NEBRASKA NET OPERATING LOSS. If you are carrying back
                                                                                or over, blind, or could be claimed as a dependent on another’s return.
a Nebraska net operating loss, you must attach the appropriate
                                                                                LINE 3, TYPE OF RETURN BEING FILED. Residency is
Nebraska Net Operating Loss Worksheet, Form NOL. Enter the
                                                                                determined in accordance with the Form 1040N instructions.
federal adjusted gross income which you originally reported on line
                                                                                Military service members can refer to Information Guide 22M-90.
5, column A; and report only the Nebraska NOL which you computed
on Form NOL, line 5, column B.                                                  LINE 5. Enter adjusted gross income from your federal return.
TAXPAYER ASSISTANCE is available at the Nebraska                                LINE 6. To compute the Nebraska exemption deduction, multiply
Department of Revenue offices located in Grand Island, Lincoln,                 the number of exemptions (line 4) by the following:
Norfolk, North Platte, Omaha, and Scottsbluff.
                                                                                                           $1,130 — 1988
The addresses and phone numbers are shown on page 4 of these                                               $1,180 — 1989
instructions. Hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and                                       $1,230 — 1990
at such other times and places as may be announced. Persons within
                                                                                LINE 8. Nebraska standard deduction is the same as the federal
Nebraska may also call for taxpayer assistance toll free by dialing 1-
                                                                                standard deduction allowed on your federal return.
800-742-7474. If you are located outside Nebraska, you must call
402-471-5729.                                                                   LINES 9 THROUGH 11. Only taxpayers who itemized should
                                                                                complete these lines. Nebraska itemized deductions (line 11), is
Confidential tax information will be given only by return telephone
                                                                                calculated by subtracting line 10 from line 9 (the result should not
call after the caller’s identity has been established.             A
                                                                                be less than 0). If the result on line 11 is less than the amount of the
representative of a taxpayer requesting confidential tax information
                                                                                federal standard deduction to which you were entitled, return to line
must have a power of attorney on file with the department before any
                                                                                8, and enter on line 8 the federal standard deduction to which you
information will be released. An income tax return signed by the

would have been entitled, based on your federal filing status. Enter             nonhighway use motor vehicle fuels credit, the change must be
the line 8 amount on line 12.                                                    explained in detail on Nebraska Explanation of Changes. The gallons
                                                                                 of fuel claimed must be for the period in which they were purchased.
LINE 12. Enter line 8 amount or, if you itemized on your Federal
Form 1040, and line 11 is greater than line 8, enter line 11.                    If you are amending this credit, a Nebraska Nonhighway Use Motor
                                                                                 Vehicle Fuels and Special Fuel User Permitholder’s Credit
LINE 14. Enter amount from Amended Nebraska Individual Income
                                                                                 Computation, Form 4136N, is required. See Form 4136N for
Tax Return, Form 1040XN-2, line 38, Schedule I.
                                                                                 information regarding the special fuel user permitholder’s credit.
LINE 15. Enter amount from Amended Nebraska Individual Income
                                                                                 LINE 23, CREDIT FOR TAX PAID TO ANOTHER STATE. If
Tax Return, Form 1040XN-2, line 44, Schedule I.
                                                                                 line 19 is changed, complete Schedule II of Form 1040XN-2 to
LINE 17. Use the Nebraska Tax Table for the taxable year you are
                                                                                 determine the amount to enter on line 23, column C. If the other
amending or Form 1040XN-2, Schedule III, line 55, to determine the
                                                                                 state’s return is amended or changed by the other state, file Form
Nebraska income tax.
                                                                                 1040XN-2, including Schedule II, to report the change. Explain any
LINE 18. In 1988, Nebraska minimum or other tax is the sum of (1)
                                                                                 change in detail on Nebraska Explanation of Changes.
federal alternative minimum tax; (2) federal tax on lump-sum
                                                                                 See Schedule II instructions on page 4 for additional information.
distributions of pensions; and (3) federal tax on premature individual
retirement account distributions, multiplied by 22.05 percent.                   LINE 24, CREDIT FOR THE ELDERLY OR DISABLED.
                                                                                 Nebraska residents are allowed a nonrefundable credit equal to 50
In 1989 and 1990, Nebraska minimum or other tax is the sum of (1)
                                                                                 percent for 1988, and 100 percent of the allowable federal credit for
federal alternative minimum tax; (2) federal tax on lump-sum
                                                                                 1989 and 1990. Full year residents should enter the credit on line 24,
distributions of qualified retirement plans; and (3) federal tax on
                                                                                 and partial-year residents should include the credit on     line 51. If
premature distributions of qualified retirement plans; multiplied by
                                                                                 you are correcting this credit, the change must be explained in detail
22.05 percent for 1989, and 24.01 percent for 1990.
                                                                                 on Nebraska Explanation of Changes. A copy of the corrected
                                                                                 Federal Schedule R or RP is to be attached to verify the change in the
Nebraska minimum or other tax.
                                                                                 Nebraska credit.
                                                                                 LINE 25, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE ACT
                                                                                 CREDIT. Individuals are allowed a credit for contributions made to
                                                                                 a community betterment organization approved by the Department
                                                                                 of Economic Development.
                                                                                 The Nebraska Community Development Assistance Act Credit
                                                                                 Computation, Form CDN, must be attached to the Form 1040XN-2
 1. Alternative minimum tax, amount on Federal
    Form 6251 recalculated for Nebraska in                                       if this credit is being claimed or being amended.
    accordance with Nebraska revenue rulings for
                                                                                 LINE 26, FORM 3800N CREDIT. If you are correcting the amount
    1988, 1989, and 1990 minimum tax ................
                                                                                 of Nebraska Employment and Investment Credit a copy of the
 2. Tax on lump-sum distributions, (enter federal
                                                                                 original and corrected credit computation (Form 3800N) is to be
    tax amount from Fed. Form 4972) ...................
 3. Tax on premature distributions from an IRA or
                                                                                 LINE 27, CREDIT FOR CHILD AND DEPENDENT CARE
    qualified retirement plan (enter federal tax
    amount from Fed. Form 5329) .........................                        EXPENSES. For tax years 1989 and 1990, Nebraska residents are
                                                                                 allowed a nonrefundable credit equal to 25 percent of the allowable
 4. SUBTOTAL (Add lines 1 through 3) ...............
                                                                                 federal credit. Full-year residents should enter the credit on line 27,
 5. TOTAL (line 4 multiplied by .2205 for 1988 and
   Attach a copy of your Federal Form 4972, 5329, or                             and partial-year residents should include the credit on line 51. If you
    1989; .2401 for 1990) .......................................
     recalculated Form 6251 if you are amending the                              are correcting this credit, the change must be explained in detail on
                 tax previously reported.                                        Nebraska Explanation of Changes.
      Nonresidents and partial-year residents, enter result
LINE 19. Total on line 52, Nebraska Schedule III 18. If line 19
                 Nebraska tax is the sum of lines 17 and
                                                                                 LINE 28, TOTAL CREDITS. The total of lines 23 through 27
is changed and you had previously claimed a credit for tax paid to
                                                                                 cannot exceed line 19.
another state, enter the revised tax amount on line 45 of Nebraska
                                                                                 LINE 29, AMOUNT PAID. Enter on line 29 the amount of tax paid
Schedule II, and complete the rest of the schedule.
                                                                                 with the original return plus any tax payments for the same taxable
                                                                                 year made after the filing of your original return. Do not include the
correcting the amount of income tax withheld on line 20, you must
                                                                                 portion of a payment which was for interest or penalty.
attach a Nebraska copy of any additional or corrected Wage and Tax
                                                                                 LINE 31, OVERPAYMENTS ALLOWED. Enter on line 31 the
Statements, Federal Form W-2, which were not filed with your
                                                                                 amount of overpayment allowed on your original return, previous
original return.
                                                                                 amended returns, or as later corrected by the Nebraska Department
Nonresidents are to include on line 20 the credit for Nebraska income
                                                                                 of Revenue. This includes both amounts refunded and amounts
tax paid on their behalf by a partnership, S corporation, estate, or trust
                                                                                 applied to the succeeding year’s estimated tax. Do not include
as reported on Form 14N.
                                                                                 interest received on any refund.
                                                                                 LINE 33, TAX DUE. If line 19, column C, is more than line 32 enter
Nebraska estimated income tax paid for the taxable year you      are
                                                                                 the tax due on this line.
amending. Include the income tax credit which was not refunded to
                                                                                 LINE 34, PENALTY. If your original return was not filed by the due
you from the previous tax year. If the amount on    line 21, column
C, is greater than the amount on line 21, column A, you must attach              date, or during the period of an extension, and line 33 indicates a tax
copies of all of your payments (canceled checks or money orders) of              due, it is necessary to calculate a penalty for failure to timely file.
Nebraska estimated income tax for the taxable year you are                       Multiply the line 33 amount by five percent per month or fraction of
amending.                                                                        a month, not more than a total of 25 percent, from the due date as
                                                                                 extended until the original return was filed. Enter the result on line
LINE 22, FORM 4136N CREDIT. If you are correcting

34.                                                                            the applicable schedule, form, or other state’s return or audit
If this amended return is being filed because of a change made by the
IRS and the IRS assessed a penalty, multiply the line 33 amount by                  INSTRUCTIONS FOR NEBRASKA SCHEDULE I
                                                                                          Nebraska Adjustments to Income
the same percentage used by the IRS. Enter the result on line 34. If
                                                                                       for Nebraska Residents, Nonresidents,
both the penalty for failure to timely file and the penalty because of
                                                                                             and Partial-Year Residents
an IRS assessment are calculated, enter the larger amount on line 34.
Additional penalties may be imposed for:                                       LINE 38, TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS INCREASING INCOME.
                                                                               Interest from non-Nebraska state and local municipal obligations is
      1.   Failure to pay tax when due,
                                                                               taxable income for the state.
      2.   Failure to file an amended return when required,
                                                                               An S corporation’s loss distribution from non-Nebraska sources
      3.   Preparing or filing a fraudulent income tax return,                 increases income and is reported on line 38.
      4.   Understatement of income on an income tax return, or
                                                                               LINES 39 THROUGH 43, TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS
      5.   Underpayment of estimated tax.                                      DECREASING FEDERAL ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME.
                                                                               Adjustments decreasing Nebraska taxable income, such as state
LINE 35, INTEREST. If line 33 indicates that tax is due, interest is
                                                                               income tax refund, interest or dividend income from U.S.
due at the rate of 14 percent per year from the original due date to the
                                                                               government bonds, other U.S. obligations, or Tier I or Tier II benefits
date the tax is paid. The interest due should be computed by
                                                                               paid by the Railroad Retirement Board, can be deducted from income
completing the following steps. Enter the result on line 35.
                                                                               for Nebraska income tax purposes.
      1.   Multiply the tax due by .14,
                                                                               List the source of any adjustments on an attached schedule. A list of
      2.   Divide the result by 365 to calculate the interest due for          qualifying U.S. government obligations is included in Revenue
           each day the tax was delinquent,                                    Ruling 22-87-2. Interest income derived from the following
      3.   Determine the number of days from the due date of the               sources is subject to Nebraska income tax and cannot be included in
           original return to the date Form 1040XN-2 is filed and the          the amount on line 40:
           tax paid, and
                                                                                    1.   Savings and loan associations or credit unions.
      4.   Multiply the number of days by the interest per day as
                                                                                    2.   Mortgage participation certificates issued by the Federal
           calculated in step number 2.
                                                                                         National Mortgage Association.
If you are due interest on the refund, it will be calculated by the
                                                                                    3.   Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority.
department and added to the amount shown on line 37.
                                                                                    4.   Interest on federal income tax refunds.
LINE 36, TOTAL BALANCE DUE. Enter the total of lines 33
                                                                                    5.   Gains on the sale of tax-exempt municipal bonds and U.S.
through 35. Attach check or money order payable to the Nebraska
                                                                                         government obligations.
Department of Revenue, and all required schedules to your amended
return and mail to the Nebraska Department of Revenue, P.O. Box                     6.   Income from repurchase agreements involving U.S.
94818, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-4818.                                                     government obligations.
LINE 37, REFUND. Enter the overpayment amount. This will be                    If the interest or dividend income from U.S. goverment obligations
refunded separately from an amount claimed as an overpayment on
                                                                               is derived from a partnership, fiduciary, or S corporation, the partner,
your original return. An amount less than $2.00 will not be refunded.          beneficiary, or shareholder claiming the Nebraska adjustment
None of the overpayment will be applied to estimated tax for any
                                                                               decreasing federal taxable income must attach the applicable Federal
                                                                               Sch. K-1.
If a taxpayer has an existing tax liability of any kind with the
                                                                               Special capital gains deduction. If you are correcting the
department, an overpayment shown on this return may be applied to
                                                                               amount of special capital gains deduction, copies of the original and
such liability. The department will notify the taxpayer if the
                                                                               corrected Special Capital Gains Deduction Computation, Form
overpayment has been applied against another tax liability.
                                                                               4797N, and Federal Schedule D must be attached.
SIGNATURES. Both husband and wife are to sign their joint return.
                                                                               Native American Indians residing on a Nebraska reservation
If another person signs this return for the taxpayer, a copy of a power
                                                                               with income derived from sources within the boundaries of the
of attorney or court order authorizing the person to sign the return
                                                                               reservation may deduct such income on line 43 as this is an allowable
must be on file with this department or attached to this return.
                                                                               adjustment decreasing federal taxable income.
Any person who is paid for preparing a taxpayer’s return must also
                                                                               Military personnel cannot deduct military pay as this is not
sign the return as preparer.
                                                                               an allowable adjustment decreasing federal taxable income.
                EXPLANATION OF CHANGES                                         Residents are not allowed to deduct income earned or derived
Print or type your explanation of changes on Form 1040XN-2 . Or                outside Nebraska. However, a resident may be entitled to a credit for
attach a schedule for each change reported on this return or entered           income tax paid to another state. See the instructions for Credit for
in column B, lines 5 through 27 and 38 through 57. Attach a copy of            Tax Paid to Another State, Nebraska Schedule II.
each federal form used in reporting the change. If you are filing an           LINE 43. Enter other adjustments decreasing income. An S
amended return due to an audit by the IRS or the Nebraska                      corporation’s income distribution from non-Nebraska sources
Department of Revenue, attach a copy of the audit determination. If            decreases income and should be reported on line 43.
you are filing for an income tax refund due to a carryback of a
                                                                               LINE 44. Total adjustments decreasing taxable income are the sum
Nebraska net operating loss, you must attach a copy of either Federal
                                                                               of lines 39 through 43.
Form 1045 or 1040X and supporting schedules and a copy of
Nebraska Net Operating Loss Worksheet. If you are filing an                         INSTRUCTIONS FOR NEBRASKA SCHEDULE II
amended return due to a change in Nebraska credits claimed, attach                       Credit for Tax Paid to Another State

for Full-Year Residents Only                                      LINE 51. For tax year 1988, use the Nebraska tax table contained
                                                                                            in the 1988 1040N booklet to determine the Nebraska income tax on
       A credit for tax paid to another state is allowed only for full-year
                                                                                            line 50, Nebraska tax table income. Enter zero (0) in the credit space,
       residents. A change on line 19, total Nebraska tax, requires Credit for
                                                                                            and enter the tax on line 51.
       Tax Paid to Another State, Schedule II, to be recalculated. If the
                                                                                            For tax years 1989 and 1990, partial-year residents should enter
       amended Schedule II on the back of Form 1040XN-2 is not
                                                                                            the Nebraska tax amount from the Nebraska Tax Table, based on line
       completed, adequate supporting schedules must be attached.
                                                                                            50 income, less their Nebraska credit for the elderly or disabled and
       If the other state’s return is amended or changed by the other state,                credit for child and dependent care expenses. See instructions for
       Form 1040XN-2 is to be filed to report the change in the credit for                  lines 24 and 27 for specific information.
       tax paid to the other state. Attach a complete copy of the return
                                                                                            Nonresidents enter the Nebraska tax on line 50 income amount from
       including schedules and attachments or a copy of a letter or statement
                                                                                            the Nebraska Tax Table. Nonresidents are not allowed a Nebraska
       from the other state or subdivision indicating the amount of income
                                                                                            credit for the elderly or disabled or a credit for child and dependent
       reported and corrected tax paid. If the subdivision does not require
                                                                                            care expenses; therefore, nonresidents should enter zero (0) in the
       that an income tax return be filed, attach a copy of the statement from
                                                                                            credit space.
       the employer showing the corrected amount of tax withheld. Failure
                                                                                            LINE 52. To calculate the Nebraska minimum or other tax, see the
       to attach supporting documents may cause the credit to be
                                                                                            worksheet provided in the line 18, Form 1040XN-2, instructions.
                                                                                            LINE 53. Income derived from Nebraska sources includes income
       Refer to the instructions on Schedule II of the Form 1040N for the
                                                                                            from wages, interest, dividends, business, farming, partnerships, S
       taxable year you are amending for more details on the calculation and
                                                                                            corporations, estates and trusts, gain or loss, rents and royalties, and
       limitations of this credit.
                                                                                            personal services provided in Nebraska by nonresidents.
                                                                                            LINES 56 AND 57. Add line 5 and line 38, then subtract line 44.
       STATE. If lines 46 or 48 are changed, a complete copy of the return
                                                                                            Divide line 55 by that amount. Then multiply the result by line 51 or
       filed with another state must be attached. If the entire return is not
                                                                                            line 52, as appropriate.
       attached, credit for tax paid to another state will not be allowed.
                   Computation of Nebraska Tax
       have income derived from Nebraska sources and you have Nebraska
       adjustments to income, you must complete lines 38 through 44. Use
       your copy of your original return and instructions to make the
       necessary tax computations. Enter the amounts from lines 38 and 44
       on lines 14 and 15 respectively, Form 1040XN-2.

                                                    FOR NEBRASKA TAX ASSISTANCE
Contact your regional office or in Nebraska dial Toll Free 1-800-742-7474.
If you are located outside Nebraska, you must call 402-471-5729.
* For TT (Text Telephone) dial 1-800-382-9309.                                                                          Scottsbluff                                   Norfolk

                                                                                                                                        North Platte

                                                                                                                                                       Grand Island
                                                      Telephone (308) 535-8250
          SCOTTSBLUFF                                                                                                                                                           Lincoln

                                                           GRAND ISLAND
 Panhandle State Office Complex
     4500 Avenue I, Box 1500                       First Federal Building, Suite 460
 Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69361-1500                      1811 West Second Street
    Telephone (308) 632-1200                     Grand Island, Nebraska 68803-5413
                                                      Telephone (308) 381-5725
        NORTH PLATTE                                                                             Telephone (402) 370-3333
                                                               NORFOLK                                                                              Telephone (402) 595-2065
   Craft State Office Building                                                                            OMAHA
                                                     Bank of Norfolk Building, Suite                                                                        LINCOLN
     200 South Silber Street                                      301                           Nebraska State Office Building                    Nebraska State Office Building
  North Platte, Nebraska 69101-                          100 North 13th Street                    1313 Farnam-on-the-Mall                           301 Centennial Mall South
               4219                                  Norfolk, Nebraska 68701-3708               Omaha, Nebraska 68102-1871                        Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-4818
                                                                                                                                                    Telephone (402) 471-5729
* TDD (Telecommunication Device for the Deaf) is designated by the use of “TT” (Text Telephone), which is consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act.


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revenue.ne.gov tax current 1040xn-2

  • 1. AMENDED NEBRASKA INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX RETURN FORM for Tax Years 1988, 1989 and 1990 nebraska 1040XN-2 Taxable Year of Original Return department beginning , 19 and ending , 19 of revenue First Name(s) and Initial(s) Last Name PLEASE DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE Home Address (Number and Street or Rural Route and Box Number) City, Town, or Post Office State Zip Code Public School District Data: County of Residence If your principal source of income is from farm- Your Social Security No. Spouse's Number ing, ranching, or fishing, check this box: County I.D. No. Are you filing this amended return because: Are you filing for a refund based on: a. The Nebraska Department of Revenue has YES NO a. The filing of a federal amended return or claim for refund? YES NO notified you that your return will be audited? Attach copies of Federal Form 1045 or 1040X and supporting schedules. b. The Internal Revenue Service has corrected YES NO b. Carryback of a net operating loss or section 1256 loss? YES NO your federal return? If Yes, identify office: If Yes, year of loss: Amount: $ and attach a copy of changes from Internal Revenue Service. Attach copies of Federal Form 1045 or 1040X and supporting schedules. 1 2 3 FEDERAL FILING STATUS CHECK IF: TYPE OF RETURN BEING FILED (check only one for each return): Original Amended (on federal return) Original Amended (check only one for each return): (1) Single (1) You were 65 or over Original Amended (2) Married, filing joint (2) You were blind (1) Resident (3) Married, filing separate (3) Spouse was 65 or over (2) Nonresident or Spouse's S.S. No.: (4) Spouse was blind Partial-year resident (4) Head of household (5) You can be claimed as a dependent from 19 to 19 (5) Widow(er) with dependent child(ren) on another person's return 4 Federal exemptions (number of exemptions claimed on your federal return) ..................................................... 4 (B) Net Change Computation of Tax (A) As Reported or Adjusted (C) Correct Amount (Explain on Reverse) 5 Federal adjusted gross income (AGI) ................................. 5 5 6 Nebraska exemption deduction (see instructions) ............. 6 6 7 Nebraska income after exemptions (line 5 minus line 6) ... 7 7 8 Nebraska standard deduction (see instructions) ................ 8 8 9 Federal total itemized deductions ....................................... 9 9 10 State and local income tax included in line 9 ..................... 10 10 11 Nebraska itemized deductions (line 9 minus line 10) ......... 11 11 12 Amount from line 8 or line 11, whichever is greater ........... 12 12 13 Nebr. income before adjustments (line 7 minus line 12) .... 13 13 14 Adjustments increasing federal AGI ................................... 14 14 15 Adjustments decreasing federal AGI .................................. 15 15 16 Nebr. tax table income (line 13 plus line 14 minus line 15) 16 16 17 Nebraska income tax .......................................................... 17 17 18 Nebraska minimum or other tax ......................................... 18 18 19 Total Nebraska tax ............................................................. 19 19 20 Nebraska income tax withheld ............................................ 20 20 21 Estimated tax payments ..................................................... 21 21 22 Form 4136N credit .............................................................. 22 22 23 Credit for tax paid to another state ..................................... 23 23 24 Credit for the elderly or disabled ........................................ 24 24 25 Community Development Assistance Act credit ................. 25 25 26 Form 3800N credit .............................................................. 26 26 27 Credit for child and dependent care expenses (after 1988) 27 27 28 Total credits (total of lines 20 through 27) ........................................................................................................... 28 29 Amount paid with original return plus additional payments made after it was filed ............................................. 29 30 Total payments and credits (line 28 plus line 29) ................................................................................................ 30 31 Overpayment allowed on original return, plus additional overpayments allowed after it was filed ..................... 31 32 Line 30 minus line 31 ........................................................................................................................................... 32 33 If line 19, column C is more than line 32, enter TAX DUE .................................................................................. 33 34 Penalty (see instructions) .................................................................................................................................... 34 35 Interest (14% per year of line 33) ........................................................................................................................ 35 36 Total BALANCE DUE (total of lines 33 through 35). Pay in full with this return .................................................. 36 37 If line 19, column C is less than line 32, enter REFUND to be received ............................................................. 37 Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is correct and complete. sign Your Signature Date Signature of Preparer Other than Taxpayer Date here Spouse's Signature (if filing jointly both must sign) Phone Number City State Zip Code Mail this return and payment to: NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, P.O. BOX 94818, LINCOLN, NE 68509-4818 8-448-88 Rev. 2-93 Supersedes 8-448-88 Rev. 10-90
  • 2. NEBRASKA SCHEDULE I — Nebraska Adjustments to Income FORM NEBRASKA SCHEDULE II — Credit for Tax Paid to Another State 1040XN-2 nebraska department NEBRASKA SCHEDULE III — Computation of Nebraska Tax of revenue Name as Shown on Form 1040XN-2 Social Security Number Explanation of Changes Attach additional sheets or schedules if neces- sary Reference net change (column B) and line number Nebraska Schedule I — Nebraska Adjustments to Income for Nebraska Residents, Nonresidents, and Partial-Year Residents PART A — Adjustments Increasing Federal Adjusted Gross Income 38 Total adjustments increasing income (include interest (A) As Reported or Adjusted (B) Net Change (C) Correct Amount from non-Nebraska state and local obligations). Enter here and on line 14, Form 1040XN-2 .................................. 38 38 PART B — Adjustments Decreasing Federal Adjusted Gross Income 39 State income tax refund deduction ...................................... 39 39 40 Interest or dividend income from U.S. obligations ............... 40 40 41 Tier I or II benefits paid by the Railroad Retirement Board 41 41 42 Special capital gains deduction ........................................... 42 42 43 Other adjustments decreasing income ................................ 43 43 44 Total adjustments decreasing income. Enter here and on line 15, Form 1040XN-2 ...................................................... 44 44 Nebraska Schedule II — Credit for Tax Paid to Another State for Full-Year Residents Only If line 46 or 48 is amended, a copy of the return filed with another state must be attached (A) As Reported or Adjusted (B) Net Change (C) Correct Amount 45 Total Nebraska income tax (line 19, Form 1040XN-2) ........ 45 45 46 Adjusted gross income from another state (do not enter amount of taxable income from the other state) .................. 46 46 47 Computed tax credit (divide line 46 by [line 5, 1040XN-2, plus line 38 minus line 44], then multiply by line 45) ........... 47 47 48 Tax due and paid to another state (do not enter amount withheld for the other state) ................................................. 48 48 49 Maximum tax credit (line 45, 47, or 48, whichever is least). Enter amount here and on line 23, Form 1040XN-2 ........... 49 49 Nebraska Schedule III — Computation of Nebraska Tax Nonresidents and partial-year residents complete lines 50 through 57 below (A) As Reported or Adjusted (B) Net Change (C) Correct Amount 50 Nebraska tax table income (from line 16, Form 1040XN-2) 50 50 51 Nebraska income tax: $ , minus credits for partial-year residents: $ . Enter difference here 51 51 52 Nebraska minimum and other taxes (see instructions) ....... 52 52 53 Income derived from Nebraska sources ............................. 53 53 54 Adjustments as applied to Nebraska income, if any ........... 54 54 55 Nebraska adjusted gross income (line 53 minus line 54) ... 55 55 56 Nebraska share of line 51. Enter here and on line 17, Form 1040XN-2 (see instructions) ...................................... 56 56 57 Nebraska share of line 52. Enter here and on line 18, Form 1040XN-2 (see instructions) ...................................... 57 57 FOR NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE USE ONLY Batch Number Report Number Claim Number Amount Received Amount Refunded
  • 3. AMENDED NEBRASKA INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX RETURN for Tax Years 1988, 1989, and 1990 This Form 1040XN-2 is to be used only when returns for tax years 1988, 1989, or 1990 are amended. Returns for years prior to 1988 or after 1990 cannot be amended using this form. The proper Form 1040XN may be obtained from the taxpayer assistance offices listed on page 4. INSTRUCTIONS AN AMENDED NEBRASKA INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX preparer is considered a limited power of attorney authorizing the RETURN, Form 1040XN-2, is filed whenever the taxpayer’s department to release only the information contained on that return federal tax return is amended or corrected, or whenever the to the preparer. information on a Nebraska return previously filed is not correct. If a resident taxpayer claimed credit for tax paid to another state and the SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS other state’s return is amended or corrected, an amended Nebraska COUNTY OF RESIDENCE is the place where you maintained return must also be filed. Form 1040XN-2 may only be filed after your home in the year being amended. If you are a nonresident of the Nebraska Individual Income Tax Return, Form 1040N. Nebraska, enter “nonresident.” The amended return is due 90 days after filing an amended federal PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT DATA. All residents and partial- return or after an Internal Revenue Service correction becomes final. year residents who reside in Nebraska on December 31 of the year A correction is final, even though the taxpayer and the IRS are still being amended must complete the school district data. A complete contesting the amount due, whenever one of the following has list of the school identification numbers to be used is contained occurred: in the most recent Nebraska Individual Income Tax Booklet. 1. The tax has been paid by the taxpayer. Nonresidents or partial-year residents who did not reside in Nebraska 2. The examining officer’s findings have been accepted by on December 31 of the year being amended do not complete the the taxpayer. public school district data. 3. A closing agreement has been approved by the IRS. LINE 1. A change in the filing status can only be made when the 4. A decision of a court has become final. federal filing status has been changed. An exception is made when a Attach copies of the federal claim for refund, the audit determination joint federal return was filed and the Nebraska residency of the of the IRS, or the amended federal return to the amended Nebraska spouse is different. return. If you are filing for a refund more than three years after the filing of the original return or for a refund due to a net operating loss The residencies are different when, during all or some part of the year, carryback more than three years after the due date of the loss year’s one spouse is a resident and the other spouse is a nonresident at the return, attach dated proof of federal acceptance of your federal same time. The couple with different residencies may file original refund or copies of federal or Nebraska waivers of the statute of returns with Nebraska on either a joint return or a separate return limitations to each amended return affected. basis. An amended return based on the filing of a federal protective claim The couple who have filed separate Nebraska returns may elect, with the IRS does not require the filing of an amended Nebraska either before or after the original return is due, to file a joint return return as a protective claim. The payment by the IRS of a refund on with Nebraska. They are then taxed as though both were residents a protective claim is a federal change that must be reported within 90 during the time either was a resident. days of such refund. The couple with different residencies who filed a joint Nebraska An oral hearing may be requested when filing for a refund on Form return and wish to change to separate returns must follow the steps 1040XN-2 by writing the request on the Explanation of Changes, provided in Revenue Ruling 22-81-2. Form 1040XN-2. LINE 2. Check the appropriate boxes if you or your spouse were 65 NEBRASKA NET OPERATING LOSS. If you are carrying back or over, blind, or could be claimed as a dependent on another’s return. a Nebraska net operating loss, you must attach the appropriate LINE 3, TYPE OF RETURN BEING FILED. Residency is Nebraska Net Operating Loss Worksheet, Form NOL. Enter the determined in accordance with the Form 1040N instructions. federal adjusted gross income which you originally reported on line Military service members can refer to Information Guide 22M-90. 5, column A; and report only the Nebraska NOL which you computed on Form NOL, line 5, column B. LINE 5. Enter adjusted gross income from your federal return. TAXPAYER ASSISTANCE is available at the Nebraska LINE 6. To compute the Nebraska exemption deduction, multiply Department of Revenue offices located in Grand Island, Lincoln, the number of exemptions (line 4) by the following: Norfolk, North Platte, Omaha, and Scottsbluff. $1,130 — 1988 The addresses and phone numbers are shown on page 4 of these $1,180 — 1989 instructions. Hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and $1,230 — 1990 at such other times and places as may be announced. Persons within LINE 8. Nebraska standard deduction is the same as the federal Nebraska may also call for taxpayer assistance toll free by dialing 1- standard deduction allowed on your federal return. 800-742-7474. If you are located outside Nebraska, you must call 402-471-5729. LINES 9 THROUGH 11. Only taxpayers who itemized should complete these lines. Nebraska itemized deductions (line 11), is Confidential tax information will be given only by return telephone calculated by subtracting line 10 from line 9 (the result should not call after the caller’s identity has been established. A be less than 0). If the result on line 11 is less than the amount of the representative of a taxpayer requesting confidential tax information federal standard deduction to which you were entitled, return to line must have a power of attorney on file with the department before any 8, and enter on line 8 the federal standard deduction to which you information will be released. An income tax return signed by the 1
  • 4. would have been entitled, based on your federal filing status. Enter nonhighway use motor vehicle fuels credit, the change must be the line 8 amount on line 12. explained in detail on Nebraska Explanation of Changes. The gallons of fuel claimed must be for the period in which they were purchased. LINE 12. Enter line 8 amount or, if you itemized on your Federal Form 1040, and line 11 is greater than line 8, enter line 11. If you are amending this credit, a Nebraska Nonhighway Use Motor Vehicle Fuels and Special Fuel User Permitholder’s Credit LINE 14. Enter amount from Amended Nebraska Individual Income Computation, Form 4136N, is required. See Form 4136N for Tax Return, Form 1040XN-2, line 38, Schedule I. information regarding the special fuel user permitholder’s credit. LINE 15. Enter amount from Amended Nebraska Individual Income LINE 23, CREDIT FOR TAX PAID TO ANOTHER STATE. If Tax Return, Form 1040XN-2, line 44, Schedule I. line 19 is changed, complete Schedule II of Form 1040XN-2 to LINE 17. Use the Nebraska Tax Table for the taxable year you are determine the amount to enter on line 23, column C. If the other amending or Form 1040XN-2, Schedule III, line 55, to determine the state’s return is amended or changed by the other state, file Form Nebraska income tax. 1040XN-2, including Schedule II, to report the change. Explain any LINE 18. In 1988, Nebraska minimum or other tax is the sum of (1) change in detail on Nebraska Explanation of Changes. federal alternative minimum tax; (2) federal tax on lump-sum See Schedule II instructions on page 4 for additional information. distributions of pensions; and (3) federal tax on premature individual retirement account distributions, multiplied by 22.05 percent. LINE 24, CREDIT FOR THE ELDERLY OR DISABLED. Nebraska residents are allowed a nonrefundable credit equal to 50 In 1989 and 1990, Nebraska minimum or other tax is the sum of (1) percent for 1988, and 100 percent of the allowable federal credit for federal alternative minimum tax; (2) federal tax on lump-sum 1989 and 1990. Full year residents should enter the credit on line 24, distributions of qualified retirement plans; and (3) federal tax on and partial-year residents should include the credit on line 51. If premature distributions of qualified retirement plans; multiplied by you are correcting this credit, the change must be explained in detail 22.05 percent for 1989, and 24.01 percent for 1990. on Nebraska Explanation of Changes. A copy of the corrected USE THE FOLLOWING WORKSHEET to calculate Federal Schedule R or RP is to be attached to verify the change in the Nebraska minimum or other tax. Nebraska credit. LINE 25, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE ACT CREDIT. Individuals are allowed a credit for contributions made to a community betterment organization approved by the Department of Economic Development. The Nebraska Community Development Assistance Act Credit NEBRASKA MINIMUM OR OTHER TAX WORKSHEET Computation, Form CDN, must be attached to the Form 1040XN-2 1. Alternative minimum tax, amount on Federal Form 6251 recalculated for Nebraska in if this credit is being claimed or being amended. accordance with Nebraska revenue rulings for LINE 26, FORM 3800N CREDIT. If you are correcting the amount 1988, 1989, and 1990 minimum tax ................ of Nebraska Employment and Investment Credit a copy of the 2. Tax on lump-sum distributions, (enter federal original and corrected credit computation (Form 3800N) is to be tax amount from Fed. Form 4972) ................... attached. 3. Tax on premature distributions from an IRA or LINE 27, CREDIT FOR CHILD AND DEPENDENT CARE qualified retirement plan (enter federal tax amount from Fed. Form 5329) ......................... EXPENSES. For tax years 1989 and 1990, Nebraska residents are allowed a nonrefundable credit equal to 25 percent of the allowable 4. SUBTOTAL (Add lines 1 through 3) ............... federal credit. Full-year residents should enter the credit on line 27, 5. TOTAL (line 4 multiplied by .2205 for 1988 and Attach a copy of your Federal Form 4972, 5329, or and partial-year residents should include the credit on line 51. If you 1989; .2401 for 1990) ....................................... recalculated Form 6251 if you are amending the are correcting this credit, the change must be explained in detail on ENTER THIS TOTAL ON LINE 18, FORM 1040XN-2 tax previously reported. Nebraska Explanation of Changes. Nonresidents and partial-year residents, enter result LINE 19. Total on line 52, Nebraska Schedule III 18. If line 19 Nebraska tax is the sum of lines 17 and LINE 28, TOTAL CREDITS. The total of lines 23 through 27 is changed and you had previously claimed a credit for tax paid to cannot exceed line 19. another state, enter the revised tax amount on line 45 of Nebraska LINE 29, AMOUNT PAID. Enter on line 29 the amount of tax paid Schedule II, and complete the rest of the schedule. with the original return plus any tax payments for the same taxable LINE 20, NEBRASKA INCOME TAX WITHHELD. If you are year made after the filing of your original return. Do not include the correcting the amount of income tax withheld on line 20, you must portion of a payment which was for interest or penalty. attach a Nebraska copy of any additional or corrected Wage and Tax LINE 31, OVERPAYMENTS ALLOWED. Enter on line 31 the Statements, Federal Form W-2, which were not filed with your amount of overpayment allowed on your original return, previous original return. amended returns, or as later corrected by the Nebraska Department Nonresidents are to include on line 20 the credit for Nebraska income of Revenue. This includes both amounts refunded and amounts tax paid on their behalf by a partnership, S corporation, estate, or trust applied to the succeeding year’s estimated tax. Do not include as reported on Form 14N. interest received on any refund. LINE 21, ESTIMATED TAX PAYMENTS. Enter the total LINE 33, TAX DUE. If line 19, column C, is more than line 32 enter Nebraska estimated income tax paid for the taxable year you are the tax due on this line. amending. Include the income tax credit which was not refunded to LINE 34, PENALTY. If your original return was not filed by the due you from the previous tax year. If the amount on line 21, column C, is greater than the amount on line 21, column A, you must attach date, or during the period of an extension, and line 33 indicates a tax copies of all of your payments (canceled checks or money orders) of due, it is necessary to calculate a penalty for failure to timely file. Nebraska estimated income tax for the taxable year you are Multiply the line 33 amount by five percent per month or fraction of amending. a month, not more than a total of 25 percent, from the due date as extended until the original return was filed. Enter the result on line LINE 22, FORM 4136N CREDIT. If you are correcting 2
  • 5. 34. the applicable schedule, form, or other state’s return or audit determination. If this amended return is being filed because of a change made by the IRS and the IRS assessed a penalty, multiply the line 33 amount by INSTRUCTIONS FOR NEBRASKA SCHEDULE I Nebraska Adjustments to Income the same percentage used by the IRS. Enter the result on line 34. If for Nebraska Residents, Nonresidents, both the penalty for failure to timely file and the penalty because of and Partial-Year Residents an IRS assessment are calculated, enter the larger amount on line 34. Additional penalties may be imposed for: LINE 38, TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS INCREASING INCOME. Interest from non-Nebraska state and local municipal obligations is 1. Failure to pay tax when due, taxable income for the state. 2. Failure to file an amended return when required, An S corporation’s loss distribution from non-Nebraska sources 3. Preparing or filing a fraudulent income tax return, increases income and is reported on line 38. 4. Understatement of income on an income tax return, or LINES 39 THROUGH 43, TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS 5. Underpayment of estimated tax. DECREASING FEDERAL ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME. Adjustments decreasing Nebraska taxable income, such as state LINE 35, INTEREST. If line 33 indicates that tax is due, interest is income tax refund, interest or dividend income from U.S. due at the rate of 14 percent per year from the original due date to the government bonds, other U.S. obligations, or Tier I or Tier II benefits date the tax is paid. The interest due should be computed by paid by the Railroad Retirement Board, can be deducted from income completing the following steps. Enter the result on line 35. for Nebraska income tax purposes. 1. Multiply the tax due by .14, List the source of any adjustments on an attached schedule. A list of 2. Divide the result by 365 to calculate the interest due for qualifying U.S. government obligations is included in Revenue each day the tax was delinquent, Ruling 22-87-2. Interest income derived from the following 3. Determine the number of days from the due date of the sources is subject to Nebraska income tax and cannot be included in original return to the date Form 1040XN-2 is filed and the the amount on line 40: tax paid, and 1. Savings and loan associations or credit unions. 4. Multiply the number of days by the interest per day as 2. Mortgage participation certificates issued by the Federal calculated in step number 2. National Mortgage Association. If you are due interest on the refund, it will be calculated by the 3. Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. department and added to the amount shown on line 37. 4. Interest on federal income tax refunds. LINE 36, TOTAL BALANCE DUE. Enter the total of lines 33 5. Gains on the sale of tax-exempt municipal bonds and U.S. through 35. Attach check or money order payable to the Nebraska government obligations. Department of Revenue, and all required schedules to your amended return and mail to the Nebraska Department of Revenue, P.O. Box 6. Income from repurchase agreements involving U.S. 94818, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-4818. government obligations. LINE 37, REFUND. Enter the overpayment amount. This will be If the interest or dividend income from U.S. goverment obligations refunded separately from an amount claimed as an overpayment on is derived from a partnership, fiduciary, or S corporation, the partner, your original return. An amount less than $2.00 will not be refunded. beneficiary, or shareholder claiming the Nebraska adjustment None of the overpayment will be applied to estimated tax for any decreasing federal taxable income must attach the applicable Federal year. Sch. K-1. If a taxpayer has an existing tax liability of any kind with the Special capital gains deduction. If you are correcting the department, an overpayment shown on this return may be applied to amount of special capital gains deduction, copies of the original and such liability. The department will notify the taxpayer if the corrected Special Capital Gains Deduction Computation, Form overpayment has been applied against another tax liability. 4797N, and Federal Schedule D must be attached. SIGNATURES. Both husband and wife are to sign their joint return. Native American Indians residing on a Nebraska reservation If another person signs this return for the taxpayer, a copy of a power with income derived from sources within the boundaries of the of attorney or court order authorizing the person to sign the return reservation may deduct such income on line 43 as this is an allowable must be on file with this department or attached to this return. adjustment decreasing federal taxable income. Any person who is paid for preparing a taxpayer’s return must also Military personnel cannot deduct military pay as this is not sign the return as preparer. an allowable adjustment decreasing federal taxable income. EXPLANATION OF CHANGES Residents are not allowed to deduct income earned or derived Print or type your explanation of changes on Form 1040XN-2 . Or outside Nebraska. However, a resident may be entitled to a credit for attach a schedule for each change reported on this return or entered income tax paid to another state. See the instructions for Credit for in column B, lines 5 through 27 and 38 through 57. Attach a copy of Tax Paid to Another State, Nebraska Schedule II. each federal form used in reporting the change. If you are filing an LINE 43. Enter other adjustments decreasing income. An S amended return due to an audit by the IRS or the Nebraska corporation’s income distribution from non-Nebraska sources Department of Revenue, attach a copy of the audit determination. If decreases income and should be reported on line 43. you are filing for an income tax refund due to a carryback of a LINE 44. Total adjustments decreasing taxable income are the sum Nebraska net operating loss, you must attach a copy of either Federal of lines 39 through 43. Form 1045 or 1040X and supporting schedules and a copy of Nebraska Net Operating Loss Worksheet. If you are filing an INSTRUCTIONS FOR NEBRASKA SCHEDULE II amended return due to a change in Nebraska credits claimed, attach Credit for Tax Paid to Another State 3
  • 6. for Full-Year Residents Only LINE 51. For tax year 1988, use the Nebraska tax table contained in the 1988 1040N booklet to determine the Nebraska income tax on A credit for tax paid to another state is allowed only for full-year line 50, Nebraska tax table income. Enter zero (0) in the credit space, residents. A change on line 19, total Nebraska tax, requires Credit for and enter the tax on line 51. Tax Paid to Another State, Schedule II, to be recalculated. If the For tax years 1989 and 1990, partial-year residents should enter amended Schedule II on the back of Form 1040XN-2 is not the Nebraska tax amount from the Nebraska Tax Table, based on line completed, adequate supporting schedules must be attached. 50 income, less their Nebraska credit for the elderly or disabled and If the other state’s return is amended or changed by the other state, credit for child and dependent care expenses. See instructions for Form 1040XN-2 is to be filed to report the change in the credit for lines 24 and 27 for specific information. tax paid to the other state. Attach a complete copy of the return Nonresidents enter the Nebraska tax on line 50 income amount from including schedules and attachments or a copy of a letter or statement the Nebraska Tax Table. Nonresidents are not allowed a Nebraska from the other state or subdivision indicating the amount of income credit for the elderly or disabled or a credit for child and dependent reported and corrected tax paid. If the subdivision does not require care expenses; therefore, nonresidents should enter zero (0) in the that an income tax return be filed, attach a copy of the statement from credit space. the employer showing the corrected amount of tax withheld. Failure LINE 52. To calculate the Nebraska minimum or other tax, see the to attach supporting documents may cause the credit to be worksheet provided in the line 18, Form 1040XN-2, instructions. disallowed. LINE 53. Income derived from Nebraska sources includes income Refer to the instructions on Schedule II of the Form 1040N for the from wages, interest, dividends, business, farming, partnerships, S taxable year you are amending for more details on the calculation and corporations, estates and trusts, gain or loss, rents and royalties, and limitations of this credit. personal services provided in Nebraska by nonresidents. LINE 46, ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME FROM ANOTHER LINES 56 AND 57. Add line 5 and line 38, then subtract line 44. STATE. If lines 46 or 48 are changed, a complete copy of the return Divide line 55 by that amount. Then multiply the result by line 51 or filed with another state must be attached. If the entire return is not line 52, as appropriate. attached, credit for tax paid to another state will not be allowed. INSTRUCTIONS FOR NEBRASKA SCHEDULE III Computation of Nebraska Tax NONRESIDENTS AND PARTIAL-YEAR RESIDENTS. If you have income derived from Nebraska sources and you have Nebraska adjustments to income, you must complete lines 38 through 44. Use your copy of your original return and instructions to make the necessary tax computations. Enter the amounts from lines 38 and 44 on lines 14 and 15 respectively, Form 1040XN-2. FOR NEBRASKA TAX ASSISTANCE Contact your regional office or in Nebraska dial Toll Free 1-800-742-7474. If you are located outside Nebraska, you must call 402-471-5729. * For TT (Text Telephone) dial 1-800-382-9309. Scottsbluff Norfolk Omaha North Platte Grand Island Telephone (308) 535-8250 SCOTTSBLUFF Lincoln GRAND ISLAND Panhandle State Office Complex 4500 Avenue I, Box 1500 First Federal Building, Suite 460 Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69361-1500 1811 West Second Street Telephone (308) 632-1200 Grand Island, Nebraska 68803-5413 Telephone (308) 381-5725 NORTH PLATTE Telephone (402) 370-3333 NORFOLK Telephone (402) 595-2065 Craft State Office Building OMAHA Bank of Norfolk Building, Suite LINCOLN 200 South Silber Street 301 Nebraska State Office Building Nebraska State Office Building North Platte, Nebraska 69101- 100 North 13th Street 1313 Farnam-on-the-Mall 301 Centennial Mall South 4219 Norfolk, Nebraska 68701-3708 Omaha, Nebraska 68102-1871 Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-4818 Telephone (402) 471-5729 * TDD (Telecommunication Device for the Deaf) is designated by the use of “TT” (Text Telephone), which is consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act. 4