The document summarizes the website for the Rotary Club of ???. It provides information on accessing the public and members-only areas of the site. The public area includes information on upcoming meetings and events. The members-only area allows members to update their profile details, view documents, and communicate with other members. Instructions are provided on logging in, updating details, and accessing help documents.
2. The Web site The short address is www.????? This redirects to Or Google ????? ribi This is the homepage of the club website and is open for the public to view. Rotary Club of ????? Website Address
3. The Public Area – Home Page (Top) Nav Bar Action Groups / Committees Quick Links Text Size Meeting Place Recent News Club District RIBI
4. The Public Area – Home Page (End) Club Meetings and Events in the next 28 days Link to more Information about last Meeting
5. Members Login You are already registered. Do NOT register again. Contact your Admin. If you have forgotten or do not know your username or password then click either button and they will be emailed to you instantly. Your email must match the one on the system so keep it up to date.
6. Members Login RIBI-T D1010 Public D1010 Private D1010 Clubs Public D1010 Clubs Private Your Club Private Other Districts Public Other Districts Private Other Clubs Public Other Clubs Private
8. Update Your Details Active or Honorary Change password & username here PHF = Paul Harris Fellow When ticked, personal details are only visible to Rotarians in this club Rotary Profile is the offices that you have held and when
10. Club Members Only Area E-mail options Update your Photo Photo is automatically reduced to 125 pixels wide. So try to find an image that is wider than 125 pixels. Ideally the height should be 1 to 1.5 times the width.
12. Email and Privacy RIBI-T D1010 Public D1010 Private D1010 Clubs Public D1010 Clubs Private Your Club Private Other Districts Public Other Districts Private Other Clubs Public Other Clubs Private
13. Club Members Only Area Documents for members only Email Communications Add and Edit Pages (Covered later) Other Links Club Calendar link Help & How To
14. Club Members Only Pages Link to document or page To make it easier to find the report or page that you want, click on the title of any column to sort the table alphabetically on that column.
19. Help – How To These How To are work in progress and are frequently being added to and updated.
20. Questions? Homework! To Do Locate Help & How To... Find your username & password Login to the Club Bookmark the URL Update Your Details Upload Your Photo >125 pixels wide Set Your email options
Editor's Notes
#2: This briefing is intended as an introduction to RIBI-T for the members of a club that has recently moved to using RIBI-T for its club website. Please edit this slide and slide 2 to show your club name in place of ?????. It covers: Club and District URL What’s on the Homepage Finding Your Username & password Logging on Changing your personal details Setting your email options The Club Members only area Emailing Club Rotarians Help and How To Next steps
#3: Edit the 3 occurrences of ????? to your own club name and the ClubID=nn to your own club’s URL ID number. The short URL is easy to remember and redirects to the long URL Bookmark or add the long URL to your favourites. The long URL will load more quickly. This URL takes you to the Club website Homepage. All the information and facilities on this page are open to the public.
#4: If you have difficulty reading the text on the website then you may select a larger print size. The Home Page is the public face of the website and can be seen by everybody. There can be links from this page to the Rotary Members only page but if you click on them you have to log in before you get on to the members pages. The Navigation Bar takes you to some highlights of the Homepage: Home returns you to this page. Meetings takes you to a list of the regular club meetings and may provide you with more details of each. Events is a very useful list of forthcoming club events and information about each. Photo Gallery stores slide shows that have been created from pictures of events. Contact us provides a form for sending a message to the club secretary. Members Login is what it says and leads to the Club Members Only Area. Meeting Place shows: The time and place of the weekly club meetings. Links to the Hotel website. A map of how to get to the Hotel. Recent News contains links to the 3 most recent News items posted on each of the Club, District and RIBI websites. Quick Links are what they say. Action Groups/Committees are links to the main page of each club committee or project or other major item.
#5: The central column of the Home Page contains information about the most recent activities of the club that may be of interest to the public. This is the only part of the Home page that is fully editable. All of the rest is automatically created from data entered elsewhere. At the bottom of the central column is a list of: your club’s meetings and events, other clubs’ charters and major events taking place in the district that will take place during the next 28 days. Finally there is an entry providing details of the most recent club meeting. This should be of interest to those who missed the meeting.
#6: When you click on the Members Login button on the Navigation Bar you see this screen. If you have not been told your username or password , or if you have forgotten it, then click on Forgotten Password. You will be asked for your email address and, provided it is the same as the one that has been entered into the system for you, an email will automatically be sent to you with your username and password. This email should be sent within a few seconds. If you do not have an email address then your club administrator will provide you with a username and password. It is important that you ensure the email address on the system is kept up to date or you will not be able to use this method of recovering your username and password if you forget either of them. When you have your username and password return to this page and enter them in relevant boxes and click on Login. If your login fails, try again, taking care to enter your data accurately. If this still does not work press Login Problems and try the suggestions there. If you are still unable to gain access then contact your club web administrator. Your information should have already been added to the system. Under no circumstances try to Register yourself – contact your club web administrator.
#7: RIBI-T is one website for the whole of RIBI, all clubs have a presence. The Public Pages can be seen by everyone. [Green] You can go to the Members’ Login on any RIBI-T website and login. [Green] But this only gives you access to your own club’s Club Members Area and your District Members Only Pages . [Pink] You cannot access another District’s Members Only Pages or any other club’s Club Members Area. [White]
#8: Now you have access to the Club Members Only Area. Note that the Navigation Bar is different from the Home Page. Future Programme lists all of the forthcoming meetings and events including those that have been marked as Members only. Club Forum is an area where you can post comment about club matters in the form of a blog. Club Administrators will see additional entries in the Navigation bar and in the left column. District Officers will also see links to their committees above the District Governor entry on the right. On several pages you will see a red Tutorial button. This takes you to a section that takes you through how the website works in greater detail. You will be given more information about how to obtain help later in this briefing. The next task that you must carry out is to check and update your own details. Click on “Update my details”.
#9: Check that your First Name, Surname, Membership Type, Email address if you have one and gender have been correctly entered. Correct them if necessary. Note that it is possible to change your username – please do this on its own not along with other changes as it navigates you away from this page. You must change your password if you have not already done so. The rest of the fields are optional but desirable. They are only visible to District 1010 Rotarians who have logged in. If you feel that you would like your information to be available to other members of this club but not to Rotarians in District 1010 then tick the Privacy Option. If you do not wish your information to be available to anyone else then delete your data from those optional fields. More about email options will be provided later in his briefing. Remember to click on the “Update Your Details” button. The reasons for entering this data are: Your club may wish to use it as a membership list instead of a paper version. One good reason for this is that it can be instantly updated. The club handbook can be printed off using it. With the privacy button ticked it is no different to your club handbook: it is only visible to your club Rotarians.
#10: Sometimes when you click on the Update your details button you will see this screen. Please be patient and wait 5 seconds. If you still have nor been redirected then click on here as indicated.
#11: Update my photo: If you have a head and shoulders/passport style photograph of yourself then personalising your entry by adding it is great. It can be any size but preferably wider than 125 pixels as the system will scale it down but not up. The height should be the same as the width or up to one and a half times the width. This button lets you browse to and upload a photo on your hard drive. Email options: Click here. The options available are on the next few slides.
#12: This screen collects your options. Email signature gives you the opportunity to create a salutation that will automatically be added to the bottom of all of your messages. For example: Yours in Rotary Mick Gordon Rotary Club of Ellon District 1010 As this will go to all recipients be wary of including your address, phone number and email. “ Send Email” button In some places on the public pages where your name appears it is possible to also include a button alongside “Send Email”. This provides a means for a member of the public or another Rotarian to send you a message without knowing your email address. The message includes a check sum that helps prevent you from receiving computer generated mail. If you are happy to have this button beside your name on the Club website then tick that box. Likewise on the District website. If you are not a district officer then your name will not appear on the District Website anyway so ticking this box does nothing . Automatic Notification When a new page or report is added to your committee pages the author (committee chair) may select to have an email sent to all members of the committee informing them that new information has been posted. Similarly when a new page or report is added to the website the author (club secretary) may select to have an email sent to all club members informing them that new information has been posted. This is a very powerful and useful tool and I recommend that you tick to receive such notification. If you find that you are receiving too many or frivolous notifications then I suggest that you ask the author to be more discerning about their use of this facility. If that does not work then uncheck this box. The same applies if you are on a District Committee you may elect to receive notification of new reports for that committee. It only applies if you are on the committee. If you would like to receive notification of new public pages on the District website then tick the box. Updates This facility is designed to inform the District Secretary if a Distrct 1010 Rotarian has changed their contact details. I recommend that you do not tick this box otherwise you will receive a lot of uninteresting emails.
#13: RIBI-T is one website for the whole of RIBI, all clubs members have a presence. You can of course elect not to add any personal details to the website. If you select to have the “Send Email” button beside your name then this can be seen and used by anyone who can access that site. [Green] You will only have a “Send Email” button on the District site if you are a District Officer. They cannot see your actual email address or any personal details. If you have ticked the Privacy box then only Rotarians in your club, who have logged in, will be able to see your details. [Pink] If you do not tick the Privacy box then only Rotarians in your district, who have logged in, will be able to see some of your details. [Yellow]
#14: Notes The centre column can be edited and I have added links to the club calendar and a link to Help & How To . Add and Edit Pages is a more complex section and is dealt with in a later How To. Other Links are self explanatory, useful tools. Club Members List is also self explanatory. Club Members Only pages and Read District “Members Only” reports are pages that have been marked as Members only by their author. They can be accessed from here or by following a link from another webpage. If you are following a link from another web page and you have not already logged in you will be asked to log in before you see the report. A screen shot of the listing accessed from this page is on the next slide. Simple Email Communications are covered on a subsequent slide. The more complex Search and Print (Rotarians) is covered in depth in a later How To.
#15: Sorting by column makes it easier to find the document you want. Clicking for a second time reverses the sort.
#16: Step 1) Select a single Rotarian by ticking the box beside his or her name. Select a group of Rotarians by ticking several boxes. You can select all Rotarians in your club by just ticking that box. Please use the select all feature sparingly and ONLY if you think EVERY Rotarian will be interested – you can unselect those who would not be interested. Abuse of this feature may lead to it being removed. Step 2) Type a title for your message. Step 3) Type or paste your message in the box. Note that RIBI-T will prefix your subject and your email signature will automatically be appended to the end of the message. There is a time out on this screen so if you: have a long message, are a slow typist or believe that you may be interrupted then type your message in a word processor then copy and paste it here. Step 4) Remember to press the Send Email button. There may then be a delay of several seconds, especially if you have a lot of recipients.
#17: This page lists all of the Action Groups shown on your Club Home page. To the right of the Action Group name is a list of all of the members of the Group. If you click on the “Send Email” button then your message will be sent to all members of the Group. You will receive a copy of your message provided that your email address is correct.
#18: This page provides a very quick and easy way to submit apologies for absence. Step 1) Tick the box for the meeting or event for which you wish to submit apologies. Step 2) If you want to add a message type it here. Step 3) Select the club member or members that you want your apology to go to. Every meeting or event has an author, or a responsible person who was noted by the author at the time of creating the entry. If you select Default Recipient then your message will go to that person. Step 4) Click on the Send button. With a little thought this page could equally easily be used to sign up for an event.
#19: There is a whole section of the District 1010 website dedicated to Help and How To. This section is specific to District 1010. Navigate to the District website either by entering the URL or by clicking on the link to District 1010 on your Club Home page Click on Help – using the website On the next page click on How To Alternatively you could have clicked on the link “Help & How To” from your Club Members Only Area. See slide 11.
#20: This page has a section/table for different audiences. Click on the group that best describes you. At this time it will be “For All Rotarians” You can access help in up to 3 different formats: As a web page. The How To - will be in Blue Ink and Underlined. Click on the writing. As a .pdf file which you may read online or print off. Click on the PDF icon. As a PowerPoint presentation that you may download. Click on the PowerPoint icon. Remember this page if you are stuck with How To do something in the future.
#21: Finally your Homework Please ensure that you can do all of the things on this list. This is your chance to ask if you are unsure about any of them. Particularly we would like you to log in and update your details. In future years checking of your details for the club handbook may be done by updating them on the website. It would be most useful if you were able to do that yourself.