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R I o T – R a i d i n g I n t e r n e t o f T h i n g s
Jacob Holcomb, Security Analyst @ ISE
Speaker Information
•  Who? Jacob Holcomb
»  I specialize in application and network security, and
exploit research and development.
»  I have responsibly disclosed ~100 vulnerabilities
since 2012.
•  What? Security Analyst @ ISE
•  Why? Security is IMPORTANT!
About ISE
•  We are:
-  Ethical Hackers
-  Computer Scientists
-  Individuals
•  Our Customers are:
-  Fortune 500 Enterprises
-  Entertainment, Security Software, Healthcare
•  Our perspective is:
– Whitebox (vs. Blackbox)
Why IoT Security is Important
•  100% of IoT systems evaluated were vulnerable to
•  Routers and storage systems are not the only
embedded devices with egregious deficiencies.
•  These systems CAN and ARE being mass exploited.
•  Everyday devices are becoming connected and
transmitting data.
“Gartner Says the Internet of Things
Installed Base Will Grow to 26 Billion Units
By 2020”
*Source: https://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/2636073
ISE IoT Research
Independent Security Evaluators
–  Exploiting SOHO Routers
–  Exploiting SOHO Router Services
–  Exploiting N.A.S.ty Systems (Network Storage Exploitation)
–  Hospital Systems and Infrastrucutre
– https://securityevaluators.com/knowledge/
#SOHOpelessly Broken
DEFCON, DerbyCon, BSIDES, ToorCon
•  Inherent Risks of Networking Equipment
•  Threat Modeling and Testing Methodology
•  Remediation and Security Design Principles
•  IoT Integration
Security Risks
•  Large attack surface
•  Insecure by default
•  Assumption of security on the (wireless) LAN
•  Poor security design and implementation
Threat Modeling
•  Threat Modeling allows engineers to identify
and remediate software issues in early
development stages. Cost-effective
•  Thorough understanding of system and assets
•  Should be a core component of any SDLC
Threat Modeling Empowers You
•  Define Project Scope
•  System Modeling
•  Identify Assets
•  Identify Threats
•  Identify Vulnerabilities
•  Quantify Risk
•  Security Response
Testing Methodology
•  Information Gathering
•  Scanning and Enumeration
•  Gaining Access
•  Maintaining Access
Information Gathering
•  Administration Settings
– Default credentials
– Management interface(s)
•  WLAN/LAN Settings
– SSID and wireless encryption
– Layer 3 Subnet (IP Range)
•  Network Service Settings
Scanning and Enumeration
•  Identifying active hosts
•  Identifying open TCP/UDP ports
•  Identifying running services and versions
Scanning and Enumeration Cont.
Port Scan
Banner Grab
TCP: nmap –sS –Pn –sV –p T:1-65535 X.X.X.X
UDP: nmap –sU –Pn –p U:1-65535 X.X.X.X
Netcat: nc –nv <X.X.X.X> <port>
Gaining Access
•  Service Investigation
– Analyze web applications
– Analyze servers (e.g., FTP, SMTP, SMB, HTTP)
– Source Code Review (Static Code Analysis)
– Fuzz Network Services (Dynamic Analysis)
Analyzing Web Applications
•  Understand the application
–  Programming languages used
•  Server side
•  Client side
–  Protocols and APIs used (e.g., SOAP, REST)
–  Internet Media Type/MIME (e.g., JavaScript, HTML)
•  Tools
–  Web proxy (e.g., Burpsuite)
–  Firebug (JavaScript debugger, HTML inspection)
–  Web Crawler
–  Python!
Analyzing Web Applications Cont.
Analyzing Network Servers
•  Authentication
–  Type (e.g., Password, Key Pair)
–  Anonymous access/Weak or no credentials
–  Misconfigurations (e.g., Directory listing, permissions)
•  Protocol
–  Standard? Custom? Can you speak it?
•  Encryption
–  SSH (AES, 3DES)?
Static Code Analysis
•  If source code is available, GET IT!
•  Things to look for:
– Logic flaws (e.g., authentication, authorization)
– Functions not performing bounds-checking
– Backdoors
Static Code – Vulnerable Code
char ttybuf[16], buf[256];
FILE *ppp_fp;
int i;
system("mkdir -p /tmp/ppp");
sprintf(buf, "echo '%s * %s *'>/tmp/ppp/pap-secrets", nvram_safe_get("wan_pptp_username"), nvram_safe_get("wan_pptp_passwd"));
sprintf(buf, "echo '%s * %s *'>/tmp/ppp/chap-secrets", nvram_safe_get("wan_pptp_username"), nvram_safe_get("wan_pptp_passwd"));
cmd inject
Static Code – More Vulnerable Code
int ej_apps_action(int eid, webs_t wp, int argc, char **argv){
char *apps_action = websGetVar(wp, "apps_action", "");
char *apps_name = websGetVar(wp, "apps_name", "");
char *apps_flag = websGetVar(wp, "apps_flag", "");
char command[128];
if(strlen(apps_action) <= 0)
return 0;
nvram_set("apps_state_action", apps_action);
memset(command, 0, sizeof(command));
if(!strcmp(apps_action, "install")){
if(strlen(apps_name) <= 0 || strlen(apps_flag) <= 0)
return 0;
sprintf(command, "start_apps_install %s %s", apps_name, apps_flag);
*Code from the ASUS RT-N56U
Fuzzing (Dynamic Analysis)
•  What happens if peculiar input is introduced?
– A{-G42!BBB}}}}}}///}}}}}}+=-_-1234d`~~((.)_(.))$
•  Fuzzers
–  SPIKE: generic_send_tcp X.X.X.X 21 ftp.spk 0 0
–  BED: ./bed.pl -s HTTP -t X.X.X.X -p 80
–  Peach Framework
–  Metasploit Framework
–  Python!
Analyze Fuzzing Results
•  Toolz
– Debugger (i.e., GDB)
– System Call Tracer (i.e., strace)
*Debugging ASUS RT-
AC66U mips exploit
Gaining Access
•  Reverse Engineering
–  System Binaries
•  Simple RE Toolz and Techniques
–  Strings
–  Hexdump
–  Grep
–  Quemu
–  Open source? Perform static analysis!
•  Exploit Development
Reverse Engineering Toolz and
•  Strings: strings –n <INT> <FILE>
Reverse Engineering Toolz and
•  Grep: grep –R <string> *
*Code from the TRENDnet TEW-812DRU
Frequently Discovered Vulnerabilities
•  Command Injection
•  Cross-Site Request Forgery
•  Memory Corruption (e.g., Buffer Overflow)
•  Missing Function Level Access Control
–  Authentication Bypass
–  Authorization Failure
•  Information Disclosure
•  Backdoor
•  Poor Session Management
–  Deterministic Cookie Generation
•  Directory Traversal
–  Arbitrary File Upload and Download
Cross-Site Request Forgery
#define: CSRF is an
attack that forces an
unsuspecting victim into
executing web
commands that perform
unwanted actions on a
web application.
Testing for Cross-Site Request Forgery
•  Anti-CSRF Tokens?
•  HTTP referrer checking?
Cross-Site Request Forgery
•  Users
– Logout of web applications
– Do NOT save credentials in your browser
•  Developers
– Implement Anti-CSRF tokens AND HTTP
referrer checking
– Feeling ambitious? Require users to
authenticate before performing a state change
Command Injection
Command Injection
is a form of attack where
operating system
specific commands are
injected into a
vulnerable application
for execution.
Testing for Command Injection
•  Survey the application
–  Look for application features that could call underlying
system functionality(e.g., ping, traceroute)
–  Source code? Static analysis!
•  Test Examples
–  ifconfig ; cat /etc/passwd ß Linux
–  dir | ipconfig ß Windows/Linux
–  ls /var/www/`<cmd>` or $(<cmd>) ß Linux**Command substitution
Command Injection Countermeasures
•  Developers
– Avoid calling shell commands when possible
– If an API does not exist, sanitize user input
before passing it to a function that executes
system commands.
•  Python Example
– BAD: os.system(‘ls ‘ + dir)
– GOOD: os.listdir(dir)
Buffer Overflow
#define: Buffer Overflows occur when a program attempts
to write data that exceeds the capacity of a fixed length
buffer, and consequently, overwrites adjacent memory.
Stack Based Buffer Overflow (x86)
Testing for Buffer Overflows
•  Testing for overflows
– Dynamic Analysis
– Static Analysis
Buffer Overflow Countermeasures
•  Developers
– Don’t use unsafe functions
– Perform bounds checking
– Compile/Link with overflow prevention techniques
•  Canary/Stack Cookie
–  gcc –fstack-protector
–  gcc –fPIE || ld -pie
–  gcc marks the stack non-executable by default
Buffer Overflow DEMO
ASUS RT-N56U (ASUSWRT firmware)
– HTTPD Stack Based Buffer Overflow
If that terrifies you…Mass Exploitation
•  N.A.S.ty Worm
–  D-LINK DNS-345
–  TRENDnet TN-200/TN-2011T1
–  Western Digital MyCloud EX4
•  Similar Occurrences?
N.A.S.ty Worm Operation
1.  Scan IP Range for TCP/80
2.  Fingerprint TCP/80
3.  Exploit Target
4.  Download and Run
5.  Rinse and Repeat
Similar Occurrences
•  Linksys Moon Worm
•  Qnap ShellShock Worm
•  Synology Ransomware
Security Design Principles
•  Least Privilege
•  Secure by Default
•  Failsafe
•  Defense in Depth
•  Audit
•  Trust Model
Least Privilege
•  Least privilege refers to the principle that a
task should be accomplished with the
absolute lowest level of privilege required.
Secure by Default
•  A system is secure by default if the out-of-
the-box settings put the system in a
secure state.
•  Failing safe refers to the tendency for a
failure of the system to leave it in a secure
state as opposed to an insecure state.
Defense in Depth
•  Layers of defensive measures such that
the failure of any one component will not
lead to total system compromise.
•  Audit is a critical part of the system that
assists in recovery, investigation and
Trust Model
•  A trust model clearly defines the trust
assumptions made by the system and may
highlight improper assumptions on the part
of the designers.
IoT Integration
•  Threat Modeling
•  Security Design Principles
YIKES! What can we do?
•  Consumers
– Harden your SOHO devices.
– Demand that vendors put more emphasis into
securing SOHO networking equipment.
•  Vendors
– Abide by Security Design Principles
– Follow coding best practices
– Patch management
Presenter Information
Name: Jacob Holcomb
Twitter: @rootHak42
Blog: http://infosec42.blogspot.com
Github: https://github.com/Gimppy042

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RIoT (Raiding Internet of Things) by Jacob Holcomb

  • 1. R I o T – R a i d i n g I n t e r n e t o f T h i n g s Jacob Holcomb, Security Analyst @ ISE
  • 2. Speaker Information •  Who? Jacob Holcomb »  I specialize in application and network security, and exploit research and development. »  I have responsibly disclosed ~100 vulnerabilities since 2012. •  What? Security Analyst @ ISE •  Why? Security is IMPORTANT!
  • 3. About ISE •  We are: -  Ethical Hackers -  Computer Scientists -  Individuals •  Our Customers are: -  Fortune 500 Enterprises -  Entertainment, Security Software, Healthcare •  Our perspective is: – Whitebox (vs. Blackbox)
  • 4. Why IoT Security is Important •  100% of IoT systems evaluated were vulnerable to exploitation. •  Routers and storage systems are not the only embedded devices with egregious deficiencies. •  These systems CAN and ARE being mass exploited. •  Everyday devices are becoming connected and transmitting data.
  • 5. “Gartner Says the Internet of Things Installed Base Will Grow to 26 Billion Units By 2020” *Source: https://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/2636073
  • 6. ISE IoT Research Independent Security Evaluators –  Exploiting SOHO Routers –  Exploiting SOHO Router Services –  Exploiting N.A.S.ty Systems (Network Storage Exploitation) –  Hospital Systems and Infrastrucutre – https://securityevaluators.com/knowledge/
  • 7. #SOHOpelessly Broken HACK ROUTERS AND GET PAID https://sohopelesslybroken.com DEFCON, DerbyCon, BSIDES, ToorCon
  • 8. Topics •  Inherent Risks of Networking Equipment •  Threat Modeling and Testing Methodology •  Remediation and Security Design Principles •  IoT Integration
  • 9. Security Risks •  Large attack surface •  Insecure by default •  Assumption of security on the (wireless) LAN •  Poor security design and implementation
  • 10. Threat Modeling •  Threat Modeling allows engineers to identify and remediate software issues in early development stages. Cost-effective •  Thorough understanding of system and assets •  Should be a core component of any SDLC process
  • 11. Threat Modeling Empowers You •  Define Project Scope •  System Modeling •  Identify Assets •  Identify Threats •  Identify Vulnerabilities •  Quantify Risk •  Security Response
  • 12. Testing Methodology •  Information Gathering •  Scanning and Enumeration •  Gaining Access •  Maintaining Access
  • 13. Information Gathering •  Administration Settings – Default credentials – Management interface(s) •  WLAN/LAN Settings – SSID and wireless encryption – Layer 3 Subnet (IP Range) •  Network Service Settings – DHCP, DNS, SNMP, UPnP, SMB, FTP, etc.
  • 14. Scanning and Enumeration •  Identifying active hosts •  Identifying open TCP/UDP ports •  Identifying running services and versions
  • 15. Scanning and Enumeration Cont. Port Scan Banner Grab TCP: nmap –sS –Pn –sV –p T:1-65535 X.X.X.X UDP: nmap –sU –Pn –p U:1-65535 X.X.X.X Netcat: nc –nv <X.X.X.X> <port>
  • 16. Gaining Access •  Service Investigation – Analyze web applications – Analyze servers (e.g., FTP, SMTP, SMB, HTTP) – Source Code Review (Static Code Analysis) – Fuzz Network Services (Dynamic Analysis)
  • 17. Analyzing Web Applications •  Understand the application –  Programming languages used •  Server side •  Client side –  Protocols and APIs used (e.g., SOAP, REST) –  Internet Media Type/MIME (e.g., JavaScript, HTML) •  Tools –  Web proxy (e.g., Burpsuite) –  Firebug (JavaScript debugger, HTML inspection) –  Web Crawler –  Python!
  • 18. Analyzing Web Applications Cont. Burpsuite Firebug
  • 19. Analyzing Network Servers •  Authentication –  Type (e.g., Password, Key Pair) –  Anonymous access/Weak or no credentials –  Misconfigurations (e.g., Directory listing, permissions) •  Protocol –  Standard? Custom? Can you speak it? •  Encryption –  SSL/TLS? –  SSH (AES, 3DES)?
  • 20. Static Code Analysis •  If source code is available, GET IT! •  Things to look for: – Logic flaws (e.g., authentication, authorization) – Functions not performing bounds-checking – Backdoors
  • 21. Static Code – Vulnerable Code char ttybuf[16], buf[256]; FILE *ppp_fp; int i; system("mkdir -p /tmp/ppp"); sprintf(buf, "echo '%s * %s *'>/tmp/ppp/pap-secrets", nvram_safe_get("wan_pptp_username"), nvram_safe_get("wan_pptp_passwd")); system(buf); sprintf(buf, "echo '%s * %s *'>/tmp/ppp/chap-secrets", nvram_safe_get("wan_pptp_username"), nvram_safe_get("wan_pptp_passwd")); system(buf); overflow cmd inject
  • 22. Static Code – More Vulnerable Code int ej_apps_action(int eid, webs_t wp, int argc, char **argv){ char *apps_action = websGetVar(wp, "apps_action", ""); char *apps_name = websGetVar(wp, "apps_name", ""); char *apps_flag = websGetVar(wp, "apps_flag", ""); char command[128]; if(strlen(apps_action) <= 0) return 0; nvram_set("apps_state_action", apps_action); memset(command, 0, sizeof(command)); if(!strcmp(apps_action, "install")){ if(strlen(apps_name) <= 0 || strlen(apps_flag) <= 0) return 0; sprintf(command, "start_apps_install %s %s", apps_name, apps_flag); *Code from the ASUS RT-N56U overflow
  • 23. Fuzzing (Dynamic Analysis) •  What happens if peculiar input is introduced? – A{-G42!BBB}}}}}}///}}}}}}+=-_-1234d`~~((.)_(.))$ – BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB •  Fuzzers –  SPIKE: generic_send_tcp X.X.X.X 21 ftp.spk 0 0 –  BED: ./bed.pl -s HTTP -t X.X.X.X -p 80 –  Peach Framework –  Metasploit Framework –  Python!
  • 24. Analyze Fuzzing Results •  Toolz – Debugger (i.e., GDB) – System Call Tracer (i.e., strace) *Debugging ASUS RT- AC66U mips exploit
  • 25. Gaining Access •  Reverse Engineering –  System Binaries •  Simple RE Toolz and Techniques –  Strings –  Hexdump –  Grep –  GDB, IDA –  Quemu –  Open source? Perform static analysis! •  Exploit Development
  • 26. Reverse Engineering Toolz and Techniques •  Strings: strings –n <INT> <FILE>
  • 27. Reverse Engineering Toolz and Techniques •  Grep: grep –R <string> * *Code from the TRENDnet TEW-812DRU ?!?!?
  • 28. Frequently Discovered Vulnerabilities •  Command Injection •  Cross-Site Request Forgery •  Memory Corruption (e.g., Buffer Overflow) •  Missing Function Level Access Control –  Authentication Bypass –  Authorization Failure •  Information Disclosure •  Backdoor •  Poor Session Management –  Deterministic Cookie Generation •  Directory Traversal –  Arbitrary File Upload and Download
  • 29. Cross-Site Request Forgery #define: CSRF is an attack that forces an unsuspecting victim into executing web commands that perform unwanted actions on a web application.
  • 30. Testing for Cross-Site Request Forgery •  Anti-CSRF Tokens? •  HTTP referrer checking?
  • 31. Cross-Site Request Forgery Countermeasures •  Users – Logout of web applications – Do NOT save credentials in your browser •  Developers – Implement Anti-CSRF tokens AND HTTP referrer checking – Feeling ambitious? Require users to authenticate before performing a state change
  • 32. Command Injection #define: Command Injection is a form of attack where operating system specific commands are injected into a vulnerable application for execution.
  • 33. Testing for Command Injection •  Survey the application –  Look for application features that could call underlying system functionality(e.g., ping, traceroute) –  Source code? Static analysis! •  Test Examples –  ifconfig ; cat /etc/passwd ß Linux –  dir | ipconfig ß Windows/Linux –  ls /var/www/`<cmd>` or $(<cmd>) ß Linux**Command substitution
  • 34. Command Injection Countermeasures •  Developers – Avoid calling shell commands when possible – If an API does not exist, sanitize user input before passing it to a function that executes system commands. •  Python Example – BAD: os.system(‘ls ‘ + dir) – GOOD: os.listdir(dir)
  • 35. Buffer Overflow #define: Buffer Overflows occur when a program attempts to write data that exceeds the capacity of a fixed length buffer, and consequently, overwrites adjacent memory. Stack Based Buffer Overflow (x86)
  • 36. Testing for Buffer Overflows •  Testing for overflows – Dynamic Analysis – Static Analysis
  • 37. Buffer Overflow Countermeasures •  Developers – Don’t use unsafe functions – Perform bounds checking – Compile/Link with overflow prevention techniques •  Canary/Stack Cookie –  gcc –fstack-protector •  ASLR –  gcc –fPIE || ld -pie •  DEP/NX –  gcc marks the stack non-executable by default
  • 38. Buffer Overflow DEMO ASUS RT-N56U (ASUSWRT firmware) – HTTPD Stack Based Buffer Overflow
  • 39. If that terrifies you…Mass Exploitation •  N.A.S.ty Worm –  D-LINK DNS-345 –  TRENDnet TN-200/TN-2011T1 –  Western Digital MyCloud EX4 •  Similar Occurrences?
  • 40. N.A.S.ty Worm Operation 1.  Scan IP Range for TCP/80 2.  Fingerprint TCP/80 3.  Exploit Target 4.  Download and Run 5.  Rinse and Repeat
  • 41. Similar Occurrences •  Linksys Moon Worm •  Qnap ShellShock Worm •  Synology Ransomware
  • 42. Security Design Principles •  Least Privilege •  Secure by Default •  Failsafe •  Defense in Depth •  Audit •  Trust Model
  • 43. Least Privilege •  Least privilege refers to the principle that a task should be accomplished with the absolute lowest level of privilege required.
  • 44. Secure by Default •  A system is secure by default if the out-of- the-box settings put the system in a secure state.
  • 45. Failsafe •  Failing safe refers to the tendency for a failure of the system to leave it in a secure state as opposed to an insecure state.
  • 46. Defense in Depth •  Layers of defensive measures such that the failure of any one component will not lead to total system compromise.
  • 47. Audit •  Audit is a critical part of the system that assists in recovery, investigation and deterrence.
  • 48. Trust Model •  A trust model clearly defines the trust assumptions made by the system and may highlight improper assumptions on the part of the designers.
  • 49. IoT Integration •  Threat Modeling •  Security Design Principles
  • 50. YIKES! What can we do? •  Consumers – Harden your SOHO devices. – Demand that vendors put more emphasis into securing SOHO networking equipment. •  Vendors – Abide by Security Design Principles – Follow coding best practices – Patch management
  • 51. Presenter Information Name: Jacob Holcomb Twitter: @rootHak42 Blog: http://infosec42.blogspot.com Github: https://github.com/Gimppy042