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River Pollution Essay Spm
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River Pollution Essay SpmRiver Pollution Essay Spm


Internal And External Pressure In George Orwell s Shooting...
In Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell, the officer experiences internal and external pressure to
shoot an elephant unwillingly. In the story, an Imperial British officer goes after an elephant
causing a disturbance in a village of Burma. Despite having no intention to harm the elephant, he
begins to conflict with the internal pressure of going against his own morals to please the Burmese
people; externally dealing with the pressure of the Burmese crowd and the duties of his imperial
job. Ultimately, he succumbs to pressure and shoots the elephant against his intentions. As the
officer encounters the elephant face to face he decides he will not kill the animal. His attitude is
clear from the start as I had no intention of shooting the
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The Bean Trees By Barbra Kingsolver
Everyone has someone they consider family. Sometimes people bond solely with their blood
relatives, but more often than not we choose who we consider to be our family as we grow older.
This happens most often when people find a spouse, but many also adopt children as their sons and
daughters, peers as their brothers and sisters, and role model figures as aunts and uncles. The Bean
Treesis written by Barbra Kingsolver and is set in the early 1980 s. It tells the story of a young
woman named Taylor, and the life she builds in Tucson Arizona. Far from home, she meets many
great people and finds a place where she belongs. Kingsolver shapes her message of the importance
of families both blood and found through her use of character archetypes... Show more content on
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Throughout the story Taylor grows very close to Estevan and Esperanza. Taylor now considers
them family and proves that by risking losing Turtle and persecution. Through Taylor s heroic
action the author is showing that your family is worth serious danger. Signatory to the United
Nations something something on human rights, Mattie was saying, and that we have a legal
obligation to take in people whose lives are in danger. (page 139 The Bean Trees, Kingsolver) In
this quote Mattie is saying that everyone has the obligation to take in and help people who are in
danger. She believes that people who need help should be helped, that the whole world is one big,
interconnected family. Mattie is a mentor figure who helps and guides people. A part of that is
hiding refugees fleeing persecution and treating them like family. Through Mattie s actions the
author shows that everyone can be family and that they are all human beings who should be treated
as such. The characters build the family that is so important to this story. Through their actions of
helping other they further the message of the importance of family both blood and found.
Kingsolver also uses archetypal symbols to develop her message with Jesus is Lord Used Tires
symbolizing a haven and a garden symbolizing growth and support. Jesus is Lord Used Tires is
represented as a haven because it used to hide illegal immigrants, is the first safe space Taylor
finds in
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Comparing Christianity And Hinduism
Rites of passage within are crucial within culture and religion. Rites of passage help individuals
negotiate the transition from one state of being to another and provide an opportunity for the
community to express and celebrate its solidarity. In Christianity and Hinduism, ceremonies which
commemorate life s stages are called sacraments; in Hinduism, these are called saб№ѓskДЃras.
Sacraments are the visual aspect of invisible faith and are and expression of devotion to one s
religion. In both Christianityand Hinduism, people live their lives with respect to their religion s
rules, with the aim of reaching salvation or enlightenment respectively. Though these faiths are
different in both objectives and rituals, this western and non western... Show more content on
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This is an affirmation of the Faith one was inducted into at baptism and confession and committing
oneself formally to Christianity and devoting one s life to God. Those confirmed are recognized as
fully responsible members of the Church.
The sacrament of matrimony binds two people together as one. Marriage in the Christian religion
takes place in a church and is conducted by a priest. The couple makes vows to each other and God
and is a lifelong commitment.
Anointing of the Sick was once referred to as Extreme Unction. This sacrament previously was
only performed on those who were dying. Roman Catholics not only use this prayer and ritual to
help prepare a person for his or her death, but also to help a person regain health: mentally,
physically, or emotionally. Along with extreme unction, priests administer last rites, which gives the
dying the chance to confess once more. Anointing of the sick and the sacrament of confession are
called the Sacraments of Healing.
Holy Orders, or Ordination, occurs when a new priest is confirmed in an ordination ceremony. The
bishop preforms the ceremony and presents the priest with symbols of his new position, such as a
Bible. This sacrament inducts men into the clergy, passing on of the authority of the
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Chicago School Of Sociology Essay
The scholars of the Chicago School of Sociology have presented a theory of assimilation that
generally states that people of different cultures and ethnicities that come into the United States
(also applies to other countries as well) will have contact with American culture which will generate
conflict. These people of a different culture or ethnicity will eventually acculturate and integrate
into a so called Melting Pot of culture in which they will give off their own unique flavor but will
eventually blend into mainstream society. I feel that this theory is quite eloquently constructed, but
is rather limiting and not necessarily representative of every ethnic group that assimilated in the
United Statesand should be broadened to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Chicago School of Sociology s theory of assimilation describes the way in which foreign
cultures interact with American culture. From my understanding, the described initial reaction is
unpleasant and conflictual. I generally agree with this statement. It is true that when new cultures
are introduced, people are a bit wary of their practices or appearances. To put it quite simply,
people are uncomfortable with other people that act or look differently than they do. But with time
people adjust and are able to become more comfortable over time as subtle changes are made in
both parties. Since the abolition of slavery in 1865 with the passing of the Thirteenth Amendment
African Americans have been striving to be accepted as part of American culture. A main period of
focus for African Americanassimilation and acculturation is from around 1955 to 1968 and is
better known as the Civil Rights Movement. African American culture had already been defined
very well by the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s and 1930s. The Civil Rights Movement led to
a better integration of African Americans into society. Most of the progress was made through
nonviolent protests and civil disobedience. There were setbacks to the progress that was often
frowned upon by African Americans that desired progress. I see negroes like him everyday,
breaking into a goddamn buck a wing every time a white man come by. I can t stand to see a Negro
act like that. (Porter pg. 75) These setbacks led to a
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Outsider Outsiders
I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration
for freedom in the history of our nation (Martin Luther King). GETTYSBURG ADDRESS (19
NOVEMBER 1863) [1] Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this
continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are
created equal ( Abraham Lincoln). We meet at a time of tension between the United States and
Muslims around the world tension rooted in historical forces that go beyond any current policy
debate (Barack Obama). All of these are the starting point of great changes. These famous
historical figures are considered Outsiders The Term Outsider Literally means One who does not
belong to a particular group. Perception is the main key in deciding if someone belongs when
they are an outsider. If you look at it from one group they don t belong and from another they do.
One of the most famous outsiders in history is Martin Luther King. He was considered this
because he decided to take a stance against what s normal and average. He wanted to have equal
rights for both African Americans and Caucasians. By doing this he was considered an outsider
by all people. They either stood with him or against him during his outside revolution. Although
he did not like to be considered an outsider as shown by this quote Injustice anywhere is injustice
everywhere. Anyone who lives in the US can never be considered an outsider anywhere in the
country He was an outsider by trying to make no one feel like an outsider themselves. So
throughput this he didn t belong to the groups trying not to allow equal rights. But to the people,
he stood up with he was a leader and belonged to their group, therefore even if you don t feel like
you belong with the group you re in, you have a network. The next outsider is Our famous 16th
president Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was considered the rail splitting candidates throughout his
campaign and presidency. He was born and raised from working class roots. This set him apart
from his opposing candidate William H. Seward (who was the former governor of New York and a
sitting Senator. Seward came from a high class family, born and
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Concentration Camps Vs Japanese Internment Camps
Two months after Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt authorized Executive order 9066 . Which made
More than 110,000 Japanese in the U.S to relocate to internment camps for reason of national
security . The United States feared that they re could have been Japanese spies inside America so
the government relocated most Japanese immigrants to camps. It was one of the saddest moments
in America that the government of America took actions on innocent people just because their
heritage. America s internmentcamps are similar yet different to Hitler s concentrations camps.
The term internment is often used in reference to Executive Order 9066, but it is a
mischaracterization. Internment commonly refers to the legal confinement within prescribed ...
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......the majority worked full time, usually around forty four hours per week (Prisoners at Home:
Everyday Life in Japanese Internment Camps). Working in internment camps weren t really
needed, but it was to pass the time and get some money. They had many jobs for everyone to
make living in internment camps less depressing and easier, however the concentration camps
were not the same, their work was made to exhaust, put people s lives in danger and even die. The
purpose was to make the people in concentration camps break, suffer, beg, and torture them to the
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Essay about Forest gump
Forrest Gump is a film that portrays the life of a man who has borderline intellectual
functioning, from when he was young, all through his adulthood. Forrest was the victim of
ongoing bullying and abuse from the mean spirited children in his area. The movie shows the
challenges he faced and how he overcame them, some with luck, but others with his ability;
despite the fact that he has an IQ of 75. The story plays off in a series of decades in the life of
Forrest Gump, a slow witted yet athletically prodigious man from Alabama that had an influence on
the later half of the 20th century in the United States. Forrest as a child was bullied and had rough
times growing up; his relationships were limited by his lower intelligence and... Show more content
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As named before, Forrest has borderline intellectual functioning. This is a disability that effects
how well or how fast a person can think and learn. People with this disability vary in their reading
skills and mathematical abilities. Although a mentally challenged person seems to be completely
different to a normal functioning person they are not so different. They also have needs, desires
and joys and wishes to exceed in whatever they do. There are number of reasons for borderline
intellectual functioning: this may be a result of brain damage or birth defects. However, social,
environmental, medical and cultural deprivation account for most retardation cases and these
causes can be prevented. Borderline intellectual functioning is not a disease, it is a mental illness.
Symptoms include: poor attention, poor concentration, poor common sense, and poor judgment to
name a few. Forrest shows this disability through his hard time understanding things, it took him a
very long time to understand what he needed to do in a football game, or when Jenny was very
sick he did not realize how serious it was. Forrest also has no common sense, he invests money left,
right, and center without thinking of the obligation that might occur, he also at some stage took of
his pants to show the president of the United States where he got shot during a
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The Long Term Economic Growth
As a product of colonization, the limited industrial development in the colonized area is a global
issue. Because the widening gap between the rich and the poor between developing and developed
countries, is the root reason of most of the contradictions and conflicts between countries in the
contemporary world. And different level of industrialization caused the widening gap. So we can
say the limited industrial development caused by colonialism is a real issue behind many current
contradictions and conflicts. In order to reduce these conflicts and narrow the gap, the colonized
countries should make a breakthrough on its limited industrialization by focusing on its own
features resources and structures, and taking effective measures impoting foreign capital and
technology and establishing independent or joint scientific research and ventures, to gain a long
term economic growth. For the relation between the colonization and the limited industrialization in
colony, there are usually two views. One view is that people blame the colonizer were not willing
to promote the development of industryin the colony. The other view is that people emphasize it
was hard for the colonized to start the process of industrialization in the colony. In my opinion,
both of the views are reasonable, but neither of them is comprehensive. In order to demonstrate my
opinion on the relation, I choose British India and the Belgian Congo as two objects to analysis in
the following paragraphs
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Aircraft In World War One Essay
At the start of World War One, aircraft were very basic and crude. By the time World War One
had ended, aircraft had become far more sophisticated and had differentiated into fighters, bombers
and long range bombers. The development of aircraft was stimulated by the war s requirements, as
was the way aircraft were actually used. At the start of the war in August 1914, British airmen were
part of the British Armyand commissioned officers had army ranks. By the end of the war in
November 1918, the Royal Flying Corpsno longer existed and was absorbed into the newly created
Royal Air Force. This had its own command structure away from the army and introduced its own
The first recorded powered flight was in 1903 when the Wright brothers flew their aircraft. The first
powered crossing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If by chance German and Allied airmen came across one another, aerial combat was crude but
deadly. Pilots flew in cramped cockpits so the carrying of parachutes was impossible even if it
had been allowed. In fact, senior army commanders forbade the carrying of parachutes in case
they diluted the fighting spirits of pilots. Unable to carry a parachute and fearing death by fire, the
British ace Mick Mannock carried a pistol, which he claimed he would use on himself if his
aircraft ever caught fire.
As World War One progressed, the military believed that aircraft had a far greater value than just
aerial photography though this aspect of their use became far more sophisticated as the
interpretation of aerial photographs improved. Two entirely different forms of aircraft developed
the fighter and the bomber. By November 1918, there was no comparison between the aircraft that
finished the war and the aircraft that had been at the start. In just four years the changes brought on
by war were
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Describe The Chemical Process In Making Americium
Chemical process in making americium:
The most popular type of smoke alarm is an ionization chamber smoke alarm. These contain 0.28
micrograms of the radioactive isotope americium 241, in the form of americium dioxide.
Americium is a synthetic element, so it must be produced in a nuclear reactor. Americium is made
from plutonium 241, yet this needs to also be made in a nuclear reactor. Uranium 238 in a nuclear
reactor it is hit with a neutron, which makes uranium 239. Uranium 239 has a half life of 23.5
minutes, the uranium goes through beta decay becomes neptunium 239. This neptunium will then
form plutonium 239 via beta decay over two days, this is then bombarded with two neutrons to
become plutonium 241. Plutonium 241 has a half life of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It has become a social (as well as a government) expectation to have them installed in your home.
Smoke alarms save lives; without a smoke alarm you are 4 times more likely to die in the event
of a fire. The americium inside the alarm is an alpha and low energy gamma emitter. Alpha
radiation can be stopped by a piece of paper or a few centimetres of air, meaning you could stand
under a raw sample of americium and not be in any danger. Yet, gamma radiation has the
wavelength near that of an atomic nuclei (10 Pico meters) meaning that they penetrated far
more easily. These rays are weak enough not to do any harm, yet are the major factor to the
radiation from a smoke alarm. It has become a misconception that smoke alarms are a threat to
health because of their radioactivity. The radiation emitted from a smoke alarm annually is 9 50
nano sieverts, eating banana releases the equivalent of 100 nano sieverts, the average
background radiation in Australia is 2000000 nano sieverts, to put how little radiation is
absorbed from a smoke alarm. The real problem is only when americium is internalised into the
body, because it is an alpha emitter. It poses a threat to health because even though the alpha
particles themselves are harmless, the speeds they travel give them the ability to break bonds and
ionize atoms, thus causing cancer. When in the body 90% stays in you and the rest is excreted, it
goes to the liver, bones and ovaries or testicles where it has the possibility to cause cancer or birth
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The Slippery Slope to Corruption and the Public Corruption...
The Slippery Slope to Corruption and the Public Corruption of Police Officers
Ricky A Price, Col. U.S.A.F. (Ret)
Kaplan University Online
CJ340 02: Applied Criminal Justice Ethics
Professor Kevin Stoehr
10 July 2012
The law enforcement agent, that represents government, bears the heavy responsibility of
maintaining, in his own conduct and the honor and integrity of all government institutions. He,
consequently, shall guard against placing himself in a position in which any person can expect
special consideration or in which the public can reasonably assume that this special consideration
is being given. Accordingly, he should be firm in refusing any type of gifts, favors,... Show more
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(3) The two main types are the logical slope, and the psychological slope, and it is worth taking
the time to distinguish the two. b. Logical slippery slopes exist when there are no clearly defined
boundaries that can be used to draw distinctions between different cases, and thus any line drawn
in the sand between two extremes will have some degree of arbitrariness about it. Suppose that a
particular company allows its employees to accept small gifts from prospective suppliers. How
should small be defined in those circumstances? Clearly a gift that has no monetary value would
be acceptable, and an expensive piece of jewelry would be unacceptable, but there exists a large
gray area in between in which the acceptability or unacceptability of a gift is not so clear.
In relation to police acceptance of gratuities, it could be argued that although there seems to be a
big difference between accepting a cup of coffee and accepting a six figure bribe to look the other
way while a murder is carried out, this is not really the case. For there is a logical slippery slope
here, given that there is only a small difference between accepting a cup of coffee, and accepting a
cup of coffee and a doughnut, and only a small difference between accepting a
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Unit 2 Natural Resources Research Paper
RESOURCES 2.2.1 Natural resources and associated problems 2.2.2 Non renewable resources
2.2.3 Renewable resources a. Forest Resources: Use and over exploitation, deforestation, case
studies. Timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forests and tribal people b. Water
Resources: Use and over utilisation of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over
water, dams benefits and problems. c. Mineral Resources: Use and exploitation, environmental
effects of extracting and using mineral resources, case studies. 16 20 20 22 22 23 26 30 32 d. Food
Resources: World food problems, Changes in landuse by agriculture and grazing, Effects of modern
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Large stretches of land such as forests, grasslands and wetlands have been converted into
intensive agriculture. Land has been taken for industry and 16 Environmental Studies for
Undergraduate Courses Chapter2.p65 16 4/9/2004, 5:07 PM the urban sectors. These changes
have brought about dramatic alterations in land use patterns and rapid disappearance of valuable
natural ecosystems. The need for more water, more food, more energy, more consumer goods, is
not only the result of a greater population, but also the result of over utilization of resources by
people from the more affluent societies, and the affluent sections of our own. Industrial
development is aimed at meeting growing demands for all consumer items. However, these
consumer goods also generate waste in ever larger quantities. The growth of industrial complexes
has led to a shift of people from their traditional, sustainable, rural way of life to urban centers that
developed around industry. During the last few decades, several small urban centers have become
large cities, some have even become giant mega cities. This has increased the disparity between
what the surrounding land can produce and what the large number of increasingly consumer
oriented people in these areas of high population density consume. Urban centers cannot exist
without resources such as water from rivers and lakes, food from agricultural areas, domestic
animals from pasture lands and timber, fuel wood,
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Feel Good Healthcare Insurance Company
This is a compensation and benefit proposal Feel Good Healthcare Insurance company. In this
proposal we will cover the, background of the company, compare and contract some of our
competitors, look at what keeps our employees engaged with the company and the company s
benefit proposal. Feel Good Healthcare Insurance provides benefits and compensation to our
employees in addition to the normal salaries and health insurance. With good benefit packages we
give our employees a reason to stay loyal to the company. Background of Organization
Feel Good Healthcare Insurance Company is new to the healthcare industry. We have over 500
employees and we are in the states (Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee). We offer flexible
coverage at affordable ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Our Benefit Specialists will help to employee to get the benefit that will best fit their needs and
their family needs.
We recommend that all new hire and employees during open enrollment watch a short film
explaining each of the benefits in detail. Our Benefit Specialists will help to employee to get the
benefit that will best fit their needs and their family needs.
Our benefit specialist has been trained to carefully plan the services and check all our plans with
the employee. Such as access, services and prices, we want to make sure we have proper balance
through the company. We will stay on top of new trends, so we do not become obsolete in our
benefit packages.
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The World Of Social Media Essay
Welcome to the marvelous world of social media where today youth live in a creative identity to
an audience who have also promoted a different personality. Were young peoples are living and
growing up with a global society s culture changing what they do and who they are. Adolescence
are learning to construct their ideal self. These devices compel teenager to a whole new world state
of the self, devices and apps becoming part of young people lives. A generation were checking in
and posting the location of their next citation, taking pictures of their meal, or most common
snapping a selfie, is most important that the moment. These devices are shaping and expressing the
revision of teenager identityand where they stand in the society global culture. The device one
carries around promotion and presentation a person differently. Who we are is often different
than who we really are on the internet. Teenager are creating the ideal self, what they believe is
appropriate according to the societal standpoint. Promoting our self what we want others to see.
I believe who we are on the Internet is not a true showing of who we are actually are as a person
added Greg Cistulli. When a person promotes their self ideally their bragging who they are and
what they want others to be jealous of. Tending to promote their self creates a representation of
who they want to be. Creating a sense of belonging to the social media world. Their adapting
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Japanese American National Museum Essay
History and culture has for a long time been preserved in places such as museums which allow
different people learn from past events thereby, allowing them to have a better understanding of that
particular culture. Many countries around the globe ensure that the preservation of their culture and
heritage is protect thereby creating places such as museums for that purpose. One of those
museums is the Japanese AmericanNational Museums which showcases their history and culture
and how all this has shaped its peoples history. This museum is located in Los Angeles California
and its mission is to promote understanding and appreciation of America s ethical and cultural
diversity by showing the Japanese American culture. (About| Japanese American National Museum,
2015). It is the hope of this museum that by remembering the Japanese American history will guard
against prejudice which has constantly threatened liberty and equality in a democratic society
according to (About| Japanese American... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is a collection of more than 300 hundred letters, cards which were sent to Clara Breed by both
children and young adults held in these camps. These children had been her patrons at the San
Diego Public Library and she was outraged and shocked after learning that these young children and
their families were going to be removed from their homes into concentration camps. On the day of
their departure from San Diego, she made sure they had addressed and stamped postcard thereby
encouraging them to write (Dear Miss Breed: Letters from Camp). Buddhist churches of American
Collection is another online addition to the artifacts found in the museum. This collections includes
selected panoramas consisting of temple events, national conferences and other gatherings that took
place during the 1920s through to 1940 (Buddhist Churches of American Collection,
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Analysis Of The Price Of Beauty Essay
Angelica Alvarado Professor Stacey English 103 September 14, 2016 The Price of Beauty
There s an ongoing, almost always unsaid joke, that women have one million emotions within a
twenty four hour period, which is completely opposite from that of a man s day. But has anyone
really taken the time to look at what goes into being a woman? It goes without saying that if a
woman doesn t know how to contour, or highlight her face, other women will talk down to her
and about her when she leaves; men won t even be interested. At the same time, if she does use
makeup, but it s not the BEST kind, or highest quality, there s a chastising and condescending
tone used during conversation, or an assumption that these women are simple or easily amused .
She must not have a lot of money. Poor thing. With so many pressures and expectations a woman
has to meet on a day to day basis, can this contribute their stress or lack of self esteem? When a
woman wakes up, it s about an hour before she leaves for work. She cakes on a Bare Minerals
foundation, Maybelline blush, NYC mascara and her favorite shade of Mac lipstick. Shoot. Only
30 minutes left. She struggles to find a balance between something that s appropriate for the
office, but enough to get her noticed as a worker and not a homeless hooker. That s enough blush
right? On her way to (or at) work, she s hit on about 3 or 4 times because the makeup she put on
accentuates her cheekbones and eyes, and the outfit she saw the girl wearing in
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Comparing Films Invictus And Remember The Titans
The 2 films Invictus and remember the Titans are based on real life events, the main similarities
between the films are racism and sport. The films are based in different eras but the issues are
similar the theme of establishing respect and trust through citizenship are portrayed in many ways.
When both the black and white teams are brought together the tensions arise when the players were
forced to play together on the same team. The tensions slowly eased during the two week training
in camp Gettysburg. Coach Bill Yoast was a treasured member of the community and winning
coach who cared about his players. Once he decided to accept the assistant coach position under
Boone to support his players. Im going to talk about winning and losing tonight. You re already...
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Coach Boone was a coach how presented a very tough exterior Boone s behaviour and his leader
ship style, as soon as Boone First met the Titan Coach staff they knew that he was not wanted.
Upon seeing Marshall s first offensive play ... shotgun? Who do they think they are, the New York
Jets? Invictus newly elected President Mandela. Believing he can bring his people together
through the universal language of sports the Ruby team is made up of all white coaches and team
with one black player called Chester (token). Chester is best known as the star winger as a former
South African rugby union player. The relationship that was made between Coach Boone and
Coach Yoast slowly got better as the film went on. The movie remember the titans combines fours
stories. The time tested formula and the
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Advantages Of Part Time Jobs
There are many jobs out there to choose from but if you don t have the time to work full time
and part time job is the perfect job. Part time jobs are different than full time because in part time
you work in rotation most of the time and the hours are around 30 hours per week or less. Some
part time jobs to consider are working for your school you attend if you re in college, a waiter or
waitress at a restaurant, or lastly a taxi driver. These jobs can land you a nice paycheck while
only working little hours. The first job you should consider when looking to only work part time
is working at your college you attend. The reason you should consider working at the college
you attend is because they usually pay pretty well and sometimes even more than minimum
wage. Another reason working at the college is because they will work with your hours if u
attend the school which helps a lot when you have classes and work at the same time. The last
reason picking to work at your school is a good idea is because you get to interact with the
people you go to school with and also get to meet the people who work at the school you attend.
Mitchell 2 The next job you should definitely consider when looking for a part time job is a
waiter or waitress. The first reason to be a waiter or waitress is the pay. The pay is usually lower
than minimum wage for a normal job but working as a waiter or waitress can pay off in tips. When
you go to a restaurant you usually tip the waiter/waitress. Next
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Religion and the Workplace
Statement of the Problem
Religion is becoming an important issue when it comes to diversity in organizations. Employers are
either accommodating the increase in this diversity by creating groups within the organization or
they realize it is there and are not troubled by it, but are not creating these resource groups. As the
diversity of religion grows complaints to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission grow as
well. What is behind the complaints and what is the EEOC doing to help religion?
Background of the Study Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaints about religious
discrimination are rising faster than any other discrimination claim. Human Resources believe that
this religious conflict is not a workplace issue, but an employee issue. The most obvious opponents
of the faith at work movement are agnostics, people who question the existence of a higher being,
and atheists, who do not believe in any God. (Canas Sondak, 2014, p. 205) Bobbie Kirkhart
(President of the Atheist International Alliance) states religious diversity should not be the same as
race, gender, and ethnic diversity. She believes that religious groups should not be given the same
status as those listed. Not just atheists and those who question the existence of a higher being
disagree with religion in the workplace, but the cause of the rise of discrimination claims could be
of religious bias from the traditional American faiths. (Day, 2005)
While most of the religious organizations
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Hazy Definition Essay
Irene Alvarez Professor Johnathan Danielson English 101 1 November 2017 Definition of Hazy
It is well past midnight on a Friday night and the party is still going on. Without failure, there
always seems to be the well past drunk guy or girl who gets overly emotional. For many reasons,
they re going off about something that s concerning to them in their current intoxicated state. In the
instance where this guy or girl is crying, they go to their friends or someone else who s willing to
listen. They go on and on about heartache from past relationships or someone they re currently
interested in. The listener knows this friend well enough to know that when they have a clear head
they wouldn t be saying these things, so they comfort them. On the... Show more content on
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It is Irene s memories of her mother, the mother s boyfriends, and herself. In a memory they are
all spending time together and the adults are taking turns pushing her on the swings. Everyone
was happy, even though it s hard to see because everyone s face is blurred out, happiness was
there. At least that s what she s convinced herself from looking at what seems like a poor quality
video. Through what appears to be normal family bonding, there s a whole other set up the
mother had in mind. The mother always wanted something and made a point to get it. The
mother used to try and do a lot of fun things with the girl like go places or buy her things because
she was trying to create a good image of herself for the daughter. It was her way of making sure
the daughter still saw her mother in a positive light and not as the mother who left her. At first,
the girl believed her mother wanted to see her and maybe a part of the mom really did, but she
soon figured out what her mom was doing without her knowing. The mother would also get her
boyfriends involved so they d get to like the daughter. This enabled the mom to insist that she d
given more money from each new boyfriend. What the mom did is described as hazy because she
used her boyfriends and her daughter for her addictions and called it
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What Is The Reflection Of Lucretius s On The Nature Of Things
In his work, On the Nature of Things (De Rerum Natura), Lucretius sought to address superstitious
fears and unscientific notions that were embedded in his state s (Rome) religion (450). He recalls
the story of King Agamemnon having to sacrifice his daughter to appease Artemis. Upon this
recollection, he makes the claim that religion is wicked. However, unlike Lucretiuss belief, true
religious faithfulness, as it relates to the Biblical God, does not lead to wickedness, but rather
offers redemption from the wicked. Titus Lucretius Carus (ca. 99 55 B.C.) dedicated his life to
philosophy and found what he believed was the meaning of things through studying the teachings
of Epicurus, a third century B.C. Athenian philosopher. Upon discovering Epicureanism, Lucretius
found the work to be liberating as it sought to address humanity s anxieties and to provide
freedom from it. On the Nature of Things can be regarded as Lucretius personal reflection of
Epicurean beliefs. At the time of Lucretius work, it was uncommon for literature to express any
notion of beliefs that opposed the traditional beliefs about the gods. Due to this, his views did
not have many supporters during his own time. However, his work was rediscovered during the
Renaissance, and it is recognized as a unique expression of Roman culture. In his poem,
Lucretius intends to deliver the human spirit from imaginary fears by presenting a purely
naturalistic, materialistic interpretation of the world (450). He believed that this belief in the
supernatural was an idea that weighed down man and something they needed to be freed from. In
the opening of the passage he describes, A Greek, first raised his mortal eyes bravely against this
menace [Religion]... So his force, a vital force of mind, a conqueror explored the vast immensities
of space, with wit and wisdom, and came back to us triumphant (Lucretius 451). Lucretius is
describing the account of Epicurus and the foundation of Epicureanism. He boldly describes
Epicurus as a hero in an effort to persuade his audience of the superiority of this naturalistic
worldview. He continues to say, [he brings us] news of what can be and what cannot, limits and
boundaries, the borderline, the benchmark, set
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The File Transfer Protocol And Server Protocol
The File Transfer Protocol, or FTP, is a client/server protocol that allows users to transfer various
types of data between hosts and servers through the TCP/IP network. FTP was originated in
1971, when MIT engineers and other academic institutions were looking for an efficient method
of file transfer, and is one of the oldest protocols that is still in use. Though it has evolved over
the years, it mainly was used in corporate area networks; utilizing the largest network that
currently exists in the world today, the internet. Even if, as a user, you are not familiar with or do
not know how FTP works, the chance that you have participated in an FTP function is quite large.
For example, any of the download links that most people use on the... Show more content on
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For active mode, a connection is used to transmit FTP commands from a port higher than 1024
of the client to port 21 of the server. In the stable connection, the port used by the client for
receiving data transferred to the server, and the server opens port 20 to perform the transfer
requested by the client. Although the active mode is the native mode used by FTP, problems do
occur when the server opens a connection to the client, and the clients protected behind a
firewall which could potentially cut the connection off. The other mode used for connections is
passive mode. In passive mode, it s the client that starts all the links, and the problem of the
firewall from active modes pass from the client to the server, which solves the limitation of the
number of ports accessible for this mode of connection. Furthermore, to the connection types,
there are also two kinds of execution methods to how FTP is reputable. Standalone mode, which
runs as a system process independently, and is always active and waiting for requests, which is
the recommended method for establishing an FTP connection. The other execution mode is
supervisor mode, where the FTP server process is executed as a child process and must start each
time a new connection is complete. FTP constructed on the client server architecture, so in addition
to FTP servers, there are also FTP clients. An FTP client is a program on a computer that initiates
the connection to an
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The Rise And Fall Of The Mining Sector
The rise and fall of the mining sector
The mining boom has had broad, positive effects on the Australian economy, especially at a time
when the global economic situation was precarious. The growth in exports and investment over the
past ten years have supported increased employment, regional development and increased revenues
for both federal and state governments. Figures from ABS (2014) show that the mining sector
accounted for around 11 per cent of Australia s GDP in 2013 14 where earnings reached 195 billion,
up from 7.8 per cent in 2003 04. Over the past decade the mining industry has grown more than any
other industry in Australia with its industry gross value added increasing by $72 billion in that time
more than 50 per cent higher than the second largest contributor to growth. In 2013 14 mining was
the key contributor to Australia s economic growth, followed by financial services and construction.
A major contributor to the mining boom in Australia was the influx of Chinese FDI within the
sector shown in figure 4 mentioned below.
Figure 4
Direct Foreign Equity Investment: Chinese Investment in Australia Selected Industries, AU$m
Other Industries500104923994250
(Source: ABS)
Figure 4 above shows us how the mining sector dominated the bulk of Chinese investments from
2011 up to around 2013. Investment in the mining industry accounted for 65% of Chinese foreign
direct investment
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Key Concepts Of Identity, Identification, Place And Social...
I am writing to compare two articles from two different sources. I will be exploring the key
concepts of identity, identification, place and social memory and how theses sociological
concepts are displayed within the articles. Identity is the process that informs the way in which
people see themselves and the groups they belong to and also how other groups categorize a
person. Pountney and Maric (2015) pages 144 5. Identity is relational, situational and multiple. It
is better to understand identification as a process of continual negotiation and renegotiation. This
statement confirms our identities are forever changing due to our circumstances or surrounding
environments and certain aspects of our identities are chosen and negotiated. The Sikh youths
in the UK prove this theory through this statement; There s a time to be Indian and a time to be
British K. Hall (2002). Identification is the ongoing process that describes the way in which
individuals and groups see themselves and the way others see them. It refers to the way people
develop their cultural identity; language, ethnicity, religion and social class are all examples of
social characteristics that give people a shared sense of belonging. Pountney and Maric (2015)
pages 144 5. Yi Fu Tuan discussed Place as a location created by human experiences (Tuan, 2001).
Whereas space may have no human connection, a place carries meanings given by humans. It can
be any size a city, neighbourhood or a
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Symptoms And Treatment Of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux ( Lpr )
Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) disease is defined as the backward flow of stomach content up to
the throat. It has a wide variety of symptoms in the paedi atric population, and is usually associated
with many otolaryngological problems such as laryngitis, pharyn gitis, rhinosinusitis, eustachian
tube dysfunction, recur
rent otitis media, and otitis media with effusion (OME).1 6
Tasker et al. demonstrated that pepsinogen and pepsin could be found in the middle ear fluid of
OME patients, indicating that LPR disease could be a significant aetiological factor in the
development of OME.7 Helicobacter pylori, a Gram negative, micro aerophilic bacterium that can
cause infection of the stomach, is likewise strongly linked to LPR ... Show more content on
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The local ethics committee had approved the study.
A pilot study was conducted, in which 10 children with OME, with positive H pylori stool
antigen results, were subjected to ventilation tube insertion under general anaesthesia. Middle ear
fluid was aspirated with a micro aspiration cannula (blood contamination was entirely avoided;
effusion samples were collected under completely sterile conditions). Gastric lavage was
performed with an orogastric Nelaton catheter. This was inserted into the stomach, and 10 cc of
saline solution was injected and subsequently aspirated back into the injector. All ear and gastric
lavage samples were processed within 4 hours of collection. They showed positive reactions for
catalase, oxidase and urease. In addition, polymerase chain reaction ana lysis revealed that all were
positive for H pylori infection.
For the main study, all stool samples of the 258 chil dren diagnosed with bilateral OME were
examined for H pylori using the H pylori stool antigen test.12 In total, 124 children were
negative for H pylori stool antigen and received standard OME therapy of amoxicillin
clavulanate (90 mg/kg/day)13 for 4 weeks. A total of 134 children were positive for H pylori
stool antigen. The H pylori positive children were equally and ran domly allocated either to a
control group or a study group, each with 67 children. The control group
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Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems 9th...
Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems, 9th Edition Decision Support System HW
#1 Chapter 1. Exercise 2 amp; 3 Chapter 1. Internet Exercise 4 amp; 8 Chapter 2. Exercise 5 amp;
9 Chapter 2. Exercise 3 amp; 4 lt; Chap 1. Exercises 2 gt; Enter the TUN site and select cases,
projects and assignments. Then select the case study: Harrah s High Payoff from Customer
Information. Answer the following questions about this case: a. What information does the data
mining generate? Answer) Customer behavior and preference related data. It is needed to analyze
customer behavior and preference data. To generate the necessary data and understand customers
preferences, Harrah s had to mine the data. From these requirements,... Show more content on
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Team Assignments 3 gt; Find the information on the proactive use of computer versus transaction
processing systems (TPS) to support ad hoc decisions. Each member of the group should choose an
application in a different industry (e.g., retail, banking, insurance, food). Be sure to include the
impacts of the Web/Internet. Summarize the findings and point out the similarities and differences
of the applications. Use as sources companies that employ students, trade magazines, Internet
newsgroups, and vendor websites. Finally prepare a class presentation on your findings. *
Transaction Processing Systems (TPS): It is a type of information system. TPSs collect, store,
modify, and retrieve the transactions of an organization. A transaction is an event that generates or
modifies data that is eventually stored in an information system. To be considered a transaction
processing system the computer must pass the ACID test. The essence of a transaction program is
that it manages data that must be left in a consistent state (Wikipedia.com). * There are essentially
four major decision making models: ad hoc decision making, multi attribute utility theory (MAUT),
AHP, and Bayesian team support. Ad hoc decision making is what we naturally do when faced with
an issue, especially when there is not time or other incentive to take
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Comptoir Des Cotonniers
2010 2011
........................................................................................................................................p3 I. Internal
2.1. SWOT Analysis...........................................................................................................p5
2.2. The Ansoff matrix: Product/Market Strategies...................................................p8
2.3. Key Factors Analysis................................................................................................p10
2.4. The Value Chain (Porter)........................................................................................p11
II. External Analysis...........................................................................p12
3.5. Market segmentation.............................................................................................p13
3.6. Products to be exported........................................................................................p14
3.7. Competition ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Appendix 1: Kapferrer Brand Identity Prism )| * Innovative marketing concept focuses on mother
daughter relationship (initial success): clothes that appeal to daughter and mother * Strong brand
image (French fashion, elegance, chic), identity (authenticity, naturalness, proximity) and
positioning * Close relationship with its customers: | * Get prisoner of its brand image and
become old fashioned (as Lacoste)| Ressources commerciales * Product * Price * Place *
Promotion| * Quality products, innovative amp; creative, fashion, chic, classic, modern * Large
range (230 articles/collection) * New collections (kids, underwear) * Collections tested by
designers before * Price scale (target more people) *
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Jimmy Diresta Research Paper
Jimmy Diresta was born April 3, 1967 in New York City. Jimmy is a designer, artist, and video
producer. Enrolled in school of visual arts in 1986 and graduated in 1990. He then formed a toy
company with his brother and later went to teach at the school he graduated from. During his
career, Diresta was on a tv show on Fox television that was called Trash to Cash . After that he
decided to join Youtube business. Jimmy co hosted 3 tv shows during his career. Most of Jimmy s
work included his brother, John Diresta. He currently has above half a million subscribers on
Youtube. On his Youtube page, Jimmy posts timelapse videos of hi work. Diresta is an expert
working with any type of material, but it s his metalworking prowess. He makes cutting,
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Creature Symbolism
Towards the latter part of the novel, the Creature symbolizes the point in the human psyche
when Man starts to become inherently bad when he gains more reward from doing wrong than
he does from doing what is right. It is seen in his final moments with De Lacey s family. For a
period of several weeks, the Creature waits patiently as he observes De Lacey s family in order to
connect with them and embody their language as his own, but they eventually abandon him due to
his grotesque form. In their first interaction with each them, he sees their expression as a horror
and consternation on beholding [him], (Shelley 122)[.] Agatha and Safie faint and scream at the
sight of him next to their father as Felix proceeds to attack the Creature. At this point, the Creature
is at the point of no return as he realizes that he will never be accepted by any human and he is
destined to live a life of damnation. At this very moment, the Creature s innocence becomes so
engulfed by a feeling of hatred and spite for humanity that he believes he can, with pleasure have
destroyed the cottage and its inhabitants, and have glutted me with their shrieks and misery,
(Shelley 124). Irving Buchen describes this stage in the creature s life as an emergence of, limited
evolution of a human animal who exists solely in the hermetic seal of his individuality within a
natural, not a human, environment (Buchen). This is another way of saying that the Creature has
resorted to his savage instincts: the thirst
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King Oedipus The King Essay
Sophocles play, King Oedipus is a perfect example of a clear Aristotelian tragedy. In fact, it was so
perfect that Aristotle himself considered it the ideal tragedy. An Aristotelian tragedy is serious
action in a dramatic text that portrays incidents arousing pity and fear, causing catharsis in the
audience. Aspects of a tragedyinclude a tragic hero, who is neither good nor bad, who has a
hamartia which causes him to ignore a divine warning or violate a moral law. A common
example of hamartia is hubris, or pride. A tragedy is also often accompanied by a peripeteia,
which is when the tragic hero has a sudden change of fortune. The tragic hero moves us to pity and
also to fear, by showing us how what happened to him could happen to us as... Show more content
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However, he also shows that other characters also have some of these tragic qualities and that
they contribute to Oedipus downfall. Firstly, Sophocles uses irony when Oedipus says, It is I
whom no stranger, no citizen must take to his house; I to whom none may speak; on me is the
curse that none but i have laid. This is an example of irony because it shows that Oedipus sets all
these curses for anyone who killed Laius, yet he will end up being ensnared by these curses,
which he himself laid. This line references when Oedipus explains about how he kills all of the
people in Laius party save one, who became a shepherd, and it evokes our terror by showing how
Oedipus is capable of such an extreme act of violence, and this shows Oedipus as a tragic hero.
Similarly, Sophocles uses irony when Jocasta says, Where are you now, divine prognostications?
which shows how Oedipus is not the only culprit in this tragedy, and that Jocasta ignores a divine
warning, which helps to show the play as an Aristotelian play, and that these characters who are not
quite tragic heroes do contribute to Oedipus downfall. Lastly, Sophocles uses high modality when
Oedipus says, I must unlock the secret of my birth. He uses the high modality to show Oedipus
final hamartia: that he sought the truth until it was too late, and this causes his peripeteia, which
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Summary Of The Osage Firebird
The story The Osage Firebird is a narrative written story. The story tells about Betty Marie
Tallchief and the challenges she faced in to becoming the prima ballerina of the New York City
Ballet. The structure of the story includes cause and effect and chronological order.
The structure of The Osage Firebird is a narrative passage. In addition to this this text also uses
chronological order an example of this is Born in 1925 the author uses this to show how much
time passes in the story. It also uses some cause and effect an example of this is As a child, Betty
Marie Tallchief listened for hours to her grandmother s stories of fire spirits and animals that could
talk. This is the cause and the effect. She never forgot the tales, or the pride, that she learned at her
grandmother s feet. She took pride in her heritage.
Going on to the second paragraph you can see the narrative writing an example. Betty Marie soon
became a local star, performing at rodeos and county fairs. Looking at this it seems as if the author
knew Betty herself telling what he/she knew about her. Another cause and effect can be found here.
One instructor said that despite her talent, she hadn t properly learned the basics. The effect of him
saying this At first, Betty Marie was frustrated by this criticism. But she soon realized that no matter
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The cause Since most professional ballerinas at the time were white and European. The effect
Later in her career as a ballerina, Tallchief did change her first name. Another example As she
danced, Tallchief must have remembered her grandmother s voice recounting the Osage legends
of fire spirits walking the earth. The effect Performing The Firebird, Tallchief combined her
heritage with the ballet, and truly became a woman of two worlds. There is also more of the
chronological order, examples Later in her career , In 1953 ,and June
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Essay on CRIMES Are Committed By...CRIMINALS, Guns Are Not...
Calls for more gun control came after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newtown,
Connecticut where 20 school students and 6 adults were killed by a man with an assault rifle
(Cary). Soon after the school massacre, President Obama proposed a ban assault rifles and high
capacity magazines and make background checks tougher (Cary). A protest movement called
Guns Across America was the pro gun response in January 2013 to the wave of calls for more gun
control (Weissert). I would take the poster to a Guns Across America event at the Texas State
capital. With my poster, I m protesting any action from the government which will control and
restrict the rights of law abiding citizen to purchase and own firearms. In my... Show more content
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Any debate on crime needs to focus on crime prevention and not the guns of law abiding citizens.
Controlling guns is not a crime prevention strategy, it only prevents the those who are physically
weaker than their attackers like women, elderly, and disabled from defending themselves
against bigger, faster and stronger aggressors. Since crime and gun control are serious issues,I
used a white poster board for a simple background and red and black permanent markers to
convey that seriousness. Since the words crimes and criminals go to together and are central to
my argument, I made them both bold, in all caps, and in red so they are the most eye catching.
Red is also associated with blood, so by making criminals red instead of guns I m also indicating
what really causes people to bleed; other people. The the first and last phrases are where I set up
my argument and draw my conclusions, so they are important and therefore bold as well. The
first three checklist options are for comparison only and are not as central to my argument so
they are not in bold letters. I am trying to reach and convince people who don t agree with me,
are unsure about the issue, don t have strong feeling about it, and especially those who don t
understand the issue. By using a checklist, I m trying to explain the core of the issue and my
position on it as simply and as clearly as possible. Even if someone has never thought much about
the issue or has not considered my side of it,
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The Secret At The Antique Store
The Secret at the Antique Store
My grandfather had been working in his old antique shop since before he and my grandmother
got married. He had tons of antiques from I don t even know what age. On the weekends, I
would help him run the shop, but one day, I had to work longer than I expected, for my
grandfather had gotten an emergency call from the hospital. This is where my story begins. I
had been working at the shop all day with the occasional ring of the front door bell. In total, I had
four customers. When I was about to close the shop for the day, I noticed the old box in the
corner. One of its drawers was open. I went to close it and remembered seeing it before, when I
was five or six. As I got older, I had thought somebody must of bought it and forgotten about it.
Curiousity overtook me. The box had a unique design of swirls and circles. It also included gears
inside the top drawer. It was fascinating. I closed the drawers and finished closing down shop.
My plans for the next day were on my mind. The next morning, I woke up to the bright sun
peeking through my curtains. Immediately, I got dressed and headed for the shop, eager to get
there. As I walked to the front door, it was locked. I thought my grandfather would ve been there
already. Instantly, I knew where he was. The word hospital flooded my mind. I opened the door to
the shop and the first thing I saw was that same antique box. Once again, its drawers were open. I
went to check
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Analysis Of Gee I Wish I Were A Man
During World War one, the United States Navy Recruiting Bureau, and the United States Treasury
Department each commissioned posters featuring women who encouraged citizens to participate in
the war effort. The two posters, despite being intended for the same purpose, depict women in
particularly contrasting light. Analysis of the contrasting war posters can help illustrate society s
perspective about women during the early 1900 s, their expected roles pertaining to the war effort,
the strategies used to engage citizens and encourage them to become involved, and the use of
imagery and symbolism that were used to achieve the posters objective.
In the first poster, Gee I Wish I Were a Man, created by Howard Chandler Christy for the United
States Navy Recruiting Bureau, depicts a cute, flirtatious women wearing an enlisted navy man
s dress blues, while declaring in bright red text to her left, Gee!! I wish I were a man, I d join the
Navy while the names of the two departments of the navy are advertised below. The woman, who
is adorned in a loose set of service dress blues, subtly flashes her bare shoulder while hiking up an
invisible pair of suspenders and smiling good naturedly to herself. Wind sweeps at her hair and hat,
and lifts up her jumper and neckerchief which adds movement to the poster, but also directs the eye
to her internal thoughts, written out on the page in bright red ink. The woman s allure combined
with her cheery portrayal creates an attractive picture,
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Future Farmers Of America (FFA)
Future Farmers of America (FFA)
Future Farmers of America (FFA) is the nation s largest youth organization that steers students in a
direction of career success and premier leadership. Like most organizations FFA is very conscious
of making career success and leadership their goals for students, so why might FFA be the best
option for the students? This organization highly impacts students because it is an inter curricular
activity instead of an extracurricular activity. FFA is an organization well known across the
country. This organization is perceived to just be available for farm and ranch kids, but this is open
to help all students. It is a long standing tradition of honesty, strong worth ethic and fairness. It
provides numerous ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During the duration of an FFA career you will participate in a public speaking event. By
participating in FFA, your public speaking skills are already becoming great and that will help
you immensely throughout the rest of your schooling as well as your life. To become an FFA
officer you have to go through what is called an officer interview , where you are asked about 5
to 6 interview questions, so before some students ever go out and have a job interview they have
went through an interview process while they were still in high school. This interview process will
give students a feel for what may be asked in a job interview and how to answer the questions
asked as best as you can. Being apart of FFA also allows you to become a great team member. As
an FFA chapter you are a part of a big team, where you work together to achieve your chapter
goals. Besides being apart of a big team, you can also be apart of Career Development Event
teams. Those teams only have four students on them, so a lot of the teams weight is put on each of
those students on the team, therefore you have to become a great teammate so that your team can
succeed at the CDE
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Nursing Practice And The Ethics Of Care
Nursing Practice and the Ethics of Care Kelli O Dea Chamberlain College of Nursing Nursing
103 Spring, 2017 Nursing Practice and the Ethics of Care The ability of a nurse to combine the
principles of caring and ethics, is perhaps the best medicine. I ve learned that people will forget
what you said, forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya
Angelou (n.d.) This article helps nurses to understand the importance of caring and ethics in
patient care. Caring is defined briefly, Jean Watsons theory of caring is explained. In addition, Joan
Toronto s four phases of caring are exemplified in a patient case scenario. Definition of... Show
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She stresses that this type of union is remembered by the patient, as well as the nurse. Actual
caring involves choices, conversations, and understanding. It defines the moment when a nurse,
and a patient come together and form a relationship. Watson believes this factor of nursing
enables a patient to gain control, knowledge, and make future lifestyle changes. Theory of ethics
The Theory of ethics in care is described by Edwards (2009). His explanation describes the
evolution of ethical and care based treatment, in three versions. First, Gilligan (1982) focuses on
the context of the situation in regards to patient care vs. Impartial reflection. Impartial reflection
is the moral based judgement used in patient care, which does not include closeness or caring in
the relationship. Gilligan was the first to point out that we treat strangers differently than an
induvial we are personally connected to. Second, Toronto (1993) acknowledged, that if we focus
on caring relationships and the relationship between power and caring practices, such as bringing
up children, and caring for the sick, a radically different set of social arrangements will ensue.
(Edwards, 2009, p.233). Lastly, Gastmans (2006) explored the best way to care for a patient, at a
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Establishing a popular culture or becoming a celebrity has...
Establishing a popular culture or becoming a celebrity has been a desire of many. The rewards in
this life are the admiration and esteem of others, and the punishments in this life are contempt and
neglect. In fact, the desire for the esteem of others is as real a want of nature as hunger, while the
contempt and neglect of the world are as severe as a pain.
The story of how Apple invented the wireless business has been told by many people, numerous
times. The first iPhone that was shown off by Steve Jobs back in 2007 during the annual Macworld
convention was a barely working prototype (Sorensen). In reality, this device was so buggy and
glitch prone that Apple s engineers did not believe Steve could make it through his onstage ... Show
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Apparently, this came as a surprise to the Apple employees who were working on the iPhone
destined software apps, and to Steve himself (Sorensen). As a response to this, Apple simply
created more devices free from Google s reach. In fact, the iPhone opened up new doors for many
consumers, which really enhanced its fame (Sorensen). For the first time, consumers had a mobile
device that made it easy to read books and magazines, as well as watch movies and television shows
(Sorensen), along with enhancing efficient communication across the world s geographical
As described by many who entrust it, the iPhone is regarded as a product of no conspiracy that
does not promote vice or emptiness. The iPhone is produced by honest and industrious men of
high professional ethics, doing their job with a focus on informing and educating the global
society. Essentially, through his iPhone invention, Steve Jobs is made by all of us who willingly
read about him, who like to see him on television, who buy recordings of his voice and books, and
talk about him to our friends. However, just like the other celebrities across the world, his relation
to morality and even to reality is highly ambiguous.
The iPhone firstly captured its popularity in the in the country of origin, the United States. This was
really a remarkable milestone towards becoming a pop
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PTSD Among Military Veterans Research Paper
Post traumatic Stress Disorder My effectiveness question is: What are the best treatments for
PTSD among military veterans? Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): is a mental health problem
that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a life threatening event, like combat, a
natural disaster, a car accident, or sexual assault. Common problems that usually follow the
traumatic event if you have PTSD are survivors guilt, shameful, angry, depressed, night terrors,
sleeping problems and untrusting of others around you. Drugs and alcohol become a problem
among some people that have PTSD (The National Center for PTSD Prolonged Exposure, 2013).
My practicum is at... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Evidence points to CPT s efficacy as a psychological treatment for PTSD and has demonstrated
potential to decrease symptoms of depression and guilt. Although more research is needed to
determine the effectiveness of CPT with various populations, both the Department of Defense and
the Department of Veterans Affairs are recommending CPT as an evidence based treatment for
PTSD. A major benefit of CPT the gains are noticeable in a very short period. The rapid response
to treatment is particularly important to military and active duty populations for whom time may
be limited (Keane TM, Marshall AD, Taft
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Federal Government Expansion of Authority
Introduction The role of the institution has grown tremendously over the centuries ever since the
founders of the United States desired a Federal Government with limited powers whose aim was
primarily concerned with promoting the civil liberty of the Americans. According to Savage (2008),
during the reign of George Washington, the federal bureaucracy had only three cabinet
departments; however, the federal government has since grown not only to more than eight cabinet
departments, but also with other numerous bureaus, agencies, government authorities,
administrations, and corporations. Between the periods of independence and the civil war, the
federal government performed limited duties with regards to the daily lives of the American... Show
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From this point on, the influence of the interest groups has been great within the political circles of
the occupants of the white house. Another example of the increasing expansion of the Federal
Government was evident in the passage of the Antitrust Act. Prior to the enactment of the Antitrust
Laws in 1890, the Federal Government had created the Interstate Commerce Commission in 1887
that was supposed to curtail the autonomy of the local and state governments in supervising
businesses (Holcombe, 1996). While these two laws were important in the Federal Government s
increased involvement in the daily lives of the American people, perhaps it was Sherman Antitrust
Act of 1890 that clearly demonstrated the increasing expansion of the federal authority in an
unprecedented way. The enactment of the Antitrust Act was prompted by the need to protect the
public from the exploitation of businesses and business owners. In other words, through the
Antitrust Act, the Federal Government hoped that it would limit the economic powers enjoyed by
businesses. While the enforcement of the laws may have taken a little longer (Holcombe, 1996),
the passage of the law in itself was a pointer that the
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Countertrade In A Foreign...
Entry modes are the strategic ways to enter a new country to achieve strategic goals of entering the
target country. Thus an MNC deciding to enter a foreign market should decide upon which entry
mode to choose.
A company considers many aspects before entering a foreign market. The questions arising in the
minds of managers before venturing in a new country can be
What is the safest way to enter a specific market ?
What is the most practical way of entering into a foreign market ?
What are the expected returns or which is the most profitable method of entering a new country ?
Strategies of entry can be classified in two major categories
Strategic alliances
Standalone entries
The desired mode characteristics for an MNC while ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Countertrade is a form of trade in which the merchandise is exchanged between the seller and
buyers from two different countries with the involvement of little or no cash in the process. Around
20% of the world trade is accounted in by the countertrade.
Countertrade is categorized into following trading practices :
Switch trading
Barter refers to the exchange of products of equal amount with little or no involvement of money at
all. The trade can happen between two individuals , firms or governments.
Counterpurchase is a kind of agreement between the two parties where a firm sells its products to
another firm with the obligation or promise of compensation of trade in near future. It is more
flexible than the barter system. The volume of trade in the whole process need not to be equal in
the trade process and the balance can be settled by
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Laertes And Fortinbras Analysis
Through the common loss of their father s, Laertes and Fortinbras highlight Hamlet s conflict
between his reason and passion. Laertes receives news regarding his father, Polonius s murder and
assumes that King Claudius is responsible. Laertes s speculation causes him to threaten Claudius,
Only I ll be revenged most thoroughly for my father (4.5.128 134). In contrast to Laertes s
judgment, Prince Hamletis revealed to have killed Poloniusout of the belief that Polonius was
Claudius. Through the progression of this plot, Laertes is shown as an individual who acts on
passion and disregards reason to investigate the truth of Polonius s murder. To contrast, Fortinbras
is communicated as an individual who veils his passion with the voice of reason. After King
Hamlet killed Prince Fortinbras s father, Fortinbras begins to seek vengeance.... Show more content
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A response is delivered to Claudius through his councillor, Voltemand, after he consults with the
Norwegian king Upon our first, he sent out to suppress his nephew s levies, which to him
appeared to be a preparation gainst the Polack (2.2.61 62). To elaborate, Prince Fortinbras tactfully
masked his revenge plan against Denmark while feigning innocence to deceive Claudius and King
Fortinbras. Prince Fortinbras continues to seek out his passion by strategically gaining Denmark s
trust and by preparing an attack of passion. Similarly yet contrastingly, the murder of Prince Hamlet
s father, King Hamlet, also causes Prince Hamlet to act on his own impulsive desires. Hamlet is
unable to act as quickly as Laertes and consumes his thoughts more aggressively than Fortinbras. To
expand, the ghost of King Hamlet appears and affirms that Claudius is his killer; he instructs Prince
Hamlet to avenge his death by murdering
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The Broken Windows Style Of Policing
Some people think assigning officers to communities can be rewarding and some people think it
is a form of punishment. Whatever the case may be, people need some form of protection.
Crime is very real. Today s violence seems to go far past those standard reasons. As humans,
people tend to overlook or forget who are there to protect the society from disorderly people. The
good order of a community is important to those who lived and worked in the community. In
other words, the little things matter to a person in his or her community. There will always be a
person who cares and will take charge in the community. Arguments have been made that the
application of the Broken Windows style of policing leads to negative results for the poor and
minority residents of the area impacted. The application of the Broken Windows style of policing
did leads to negative results for the poor and minority residents of the area impacted. Fagan Davies
(2000) When it comes to debating theories of crimeand law, some people pretend that race does not
matter at all, while others accord it undue, if not determinative, significance. There is now strong
empirical evidence that individuals of color are more likely than white Americans to be stopped,
questioned, searched, and arrested by police. For example, according to Fagan Davies (2000) The
OAG Report showed that stops were disproportionately concentrated in the city s poorest
neighborhoods, neighborhoods with high
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Essay On Pickle Fest
PickleFest I m going to write about the pickle fest. I m going to answer who built it, when it was
built, where it was started, and many more. The Goldsmith Pickle Bought and started it in 1945
in Atkins Arkansas. The Goldsmith Pickle Company invested in a seventy five thousand dollars
to build and equip pickle plants. Many towns people raised and additional fifth teen thousand
dollars to build and equip the plants. The People for Better Atkins organization started the pickle
fest celebration in 1992. In 1945 the Goldsmith plant later became the Atkins Pickle Company.
The Atkins pickle company finally closed in 2002. The new company employs more people
than the pickle plant did at its end, but it does not provide the same level of recognition for the
once dubbed the Pickle Capital of the World and known as home of the fried dill pickle. The
company was a staple of town economy for fifty years. They used an original secret family recipe
that was developed in 1960 for fried pickles by Bernell Austin. All the money goes to The... Show
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There is a crowning of Mr. Dell Pickle and Miss Sweet Pickle at the Atkins Picklefest. There are
many contests, there is a pickle juice drinking contest and Pickle eating contest, there are even
rodeos. They also have talent shows for kindergarten through the twelfth grade. They also have a
5k race, and also a parade and the University of Arkansas mascot, will participate in the parade.
Some of the floats will include the winners of the Picklefest Pageant and floats representing
businesses and organizations. Some other contest will be taken place like a canning contest, quilt
contest; they also have a tractor pulling going on if there is good weather. There will be live
entertainment, featuring local musicians. They have many types of foods like fried fish and fried
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oryx and crake technology
Oryx Crake Technology Report: Biotechnology Genography
At the first look at the title of this report, you will be thinking Oh wow, he is so out of touch
with what is going on in the world today that he doesn t even know genetic engineering/ gene
splicing is already in effect. I am fully aware that many different genetically modified organisms
are being researched on, such as the Flavr Savr Tomato on 1997, as well as corn crops being much
more resistant to the cold weather in the north. Though we have those certain organisms, which
have had a specific gene implemented into them from a certain animal, plant or insect, we still
have to have a backbone in which we can actually add that gene towards. For example, we have
things ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After doing research on Atwood and visiting her website
MaddAddams world, it is clear to see that she has a big interest in human fiction. I do not say
science fiction in this case, because the book Oryx Crake does not deal with spaceships laser
blasters, and other stereotypical sci fi props . Instead, she puts focus on something that could be
completely plausible in the world we live in today. There are already many genetic testings on
animals, and we are already able to grow certain appendages on other life forms, such as ears and
other cartilage based body parts. It is thought by many people that implementing emotions to A.I
would be done by cognitive scientists and psychologists, but it is rather done by software engineers
who attempt to add emotions into certain operating systems. As you can see in this article http:/
/ceramics.org/ceramic tech today/is artificial emotional intelligence possible itdepends on whom
you ask Atwood is not too far gone to believe that the ability to control emotions in a man made
species is not far off in a non organic life form, but the question with relation to Oryx Crake is how
it can be done in a mind that thinks freely.
Much like the Rakunks within the novel, we can take a certain gene that we like from one animal,
and implement it to another. For example, during the early 90 s, researchers at the
Calgene research centre in California
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Cassiopea Xamachana Research Paper
Cassiopea xamachana, more commonly known as the upside down jellyfish, is commonly found
in the Caribbean Sea and parts of the western Atlantic Ocean. It lives near the bottoms of inshore
ponds and bays and other shallow, tropical waters. The upside down jellyfish can be found in
sandy mudflats as well. It is native to the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea, but has also been
introduced to the Pacific Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. The upside down jellyfishappears very
different than other jellies; they have a green/gray color to them opposed to the usual red, blue
or violet. It works like a camouflage, as it makes them appear to be a sea anemone or a bush.
They have radial symmetry, meaning that if cut into wedges, it would produce roughly the same
result. The medusa has four branching tentacles used for feeding. It also has a depression on its
bell that is used to attach to the ground since some of the jellyfish remain sedentary for most of its
life. The jellyfish moves with the current of the water until it reaches a place where it can settle
and attach and there it says for the remainder of its life. Other jellies will remain mobile in the
medusa stage.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It s now a polyp were it begins using budding and strobilation in order to replicate itself. It could
also become a medusa instead of a poylp. The upside down jellyfish rotates between different
generations of medusae and polyps. Polyps are sessile and the medusas are more dominate and
mobile. It reproduces both sexually or asexually, asexual through budding and sexually when the
female takes in the male gamete from the
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Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Essay
John Boyne has created a sophisticated and meaningful novel in The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
through his thematic analysis of power which explores society s perception of authority; his
symbolic representation of the fence which starkly exposes Bruno s ignorance of cultural divisions;
and п¬Ѓnally, his characterisation of Mother revealing the fraught atmosphere during the
Holocaust. The theme of power is explored in this novel through authoritative п¬Ѓgures and their
presentation in society.The character of Father displays his newfound sovereignty with
ostentatiousness, and Bruno observes this closely. He notes how Father s actions often lead to an
instantaneous response, stating, Father held a hand in the air, which immediately... Show more
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His innocence is so innate that he remarks to Gretel, I don t understand why we re not allowed
on the other side of it. What s so wrong with us that we can t go over there and play? Bruno s
innocent perspective contrasts with the cruelty occurring, questioning its value in a time when it
was widely accepted. Just as Bruno does not see the fence as a reason for segregation, so too are
readers inspired to eradicate the fences of prejudice wherever they exist in society today. The
reflection this calls readers to undertake produces a profundity and sophistication in the novel.
The language used to convey Bruno s misunderstanding of the fence s symbolism is simplistic.
This literary technique, employed by Boyne, assists in portraying the naivety of Bruno. Bruno s
enquiry of What s so wrong with us that we can t go over there and play? demonstrates how his
juvenility shapes his view of the world, and allows his friendship with Shmuel to flourish despite
their division. Shmuel s concession that they were all exactly the same really illustrates this fact.
The boys exemplar of friendship provided by their childish perspective encourages the audience to
accept everyone, contributing to the insightfulness of the book; and in this way, its meaning and
sophistication. The characterisation of Mother
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Family Values Linda Chavez Summary
Are Immigrants actually hurting America? In the article Supporting Family Values Linda Chavez
writes to inform Americans about immigrants. In American people make the assumption that
immigrants are here to hurt America instead of improving America. In reality there is only a small
group of immigrants that hurt America. People need to separate the groups to realize that there are
immigrants who help America and that they should be allowed to stay in America under certain
circumstances. Immigrants should be given amnesty if they have families and work to contribute to
America. Firstly, Families are important in America, the lifestyle of Americans is based around
family. Immigrants also have families, they often come to America to allow... Show more content on
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Perry feels that if Americans realize the way that women immigrants are viewed then maybe people
will think before they judge. These articles show that a lot of times Americans look at immigrants
and judge them on stereotypes. These authors show that immigrants should not be judged because
they have a different background form American citizens. Secondly, Immigrants that contribute to
the American society often pay taxes and learn to speak the English language often work but are
not treated equally as Native Americans are. Chavez talks about how there is a big difference in
the amount of male immigrants are in the work force compared to the amount of US males in the
work force (455). People often make the assumption that immigrants are paid the same as US
citizens, but in reality they are paid less weather they are legal or illegal. The difference in the
amount that immigrants make and American born people is astounding illegal immigrants was
36,000 in 2007 compared with 50,000 for native born households (Chavez 455). She makes this
statement to show the difference in the amount that immigrants make compared to the amount
Native Americans make. To show that even though immigrant work more that Native Americans
they are paid less because they are not from America (Chavez 455). Roger Waldinger also talks
about working immigrants in Immigration Reform Too Hot to Handle. Waldinger states that the jobs
that immigrants can fill only are open for a short
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Analysis Of Jaap Schekkerman, The Founder Of Ifead s And...
Background Jaap Schekkerman, the founder of IFEAD s, developed the Extended Enterprise
Architecture Framework (E2AF) in the early 2000 s. The E2AF is a communication framework
that is a blended framework which takes standards from IEEE 1471, describes views and
viewpoints of an architecture from a software intensive system and elements of FEAF and TOGAF
and a matrix structure similar to Zachman. E2AF is an architecture program that describes subjects
and relations with all key stakeholders. It helps address the topics and process steps needed to reach
an organizations overall goals and objectives (Schekkerman, 2006). The rules and principles of
E2AF are the fundamental elements when utilizing IFEAD s architectural philosophy. The
visualization translated by the principles and rules help express the style of architecture. In
addition, the principles and rules are related to both the context of the architecture, the methods and
approaches. In turn, the approaches help define and describe the process roadmap for an
architecture. Schekkerman designed the framework to address the elements of construction,
function and style (Schekkerman, 2006). In particular, the enterprise deals with the function and
construction and the culture (including values and norms) deals with the style. Major Architectural
Issues Blended Framework Business Strategy Business and IT alignment Maturity Model Blended
Framework The E2AF approach combines IEEE 1471, TOGAF, FEAF and Zachman to
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Raising The Minimum Wage Is A Bad Idea
In announcing his wrongheaded proposal to increase the minimum wage to $9 an hour, President
Obama spoke in lofty terms: In the wealthiest nation on Earth, he said in his State of the Union
address last month, no one who works full time should have to live in poverty.
If the debate proceeds as it has many times in the past, then most Democrats will embrace the
president s message and back the proposal, while most Republicans will oppose it, on the grounds
that higher labor costs will lead to higher unemployment.
But we shouldn t rely on political opinions in this debate. Facts clearly demonstrate that raising the
minimum wage is a bad idea.
The case against raising the minimum wage is straightforward: A higher wage makes it more
expensive for firms to hire workers. How big an effect does this have on the job market?
Economists debate this. But no one argues that increasing the minimum wage increases the
number of unemployed workers who find jobs. In the end, the trade off is clear. People who keep
their jobs get more money; those who lose their jobs, or fail to get new ones, suffer.
In announcing his proposal to increase the minimum wage, the president argued that doing so
would alleviate poverty. The president is certainly correct to turn his attention to the poor, many of
whom have been suffering for years in a tough economy. And it is clearly desirable for households
that engage in full time work not to live in poverty. But increasing the minimum wage would
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A Rhetorical Analysis Of Budweiser s Friends Are Waiting
BudweiserВ® Beer Friends Are Waiting Budweiser Beer s famous TV advertisement, Friends
Are Waiting, was one of the most popular ads to air during Super Bowl 2014. The advertisement
has helped encourage people to drink responsibly by taking into consideration friends and family
members that could be affected should they choose to drive drunk. Budweiser has pulled on the
heartstrings of many through the bond of love and friendship between a man and his dog. The
company uses strong emotions to lure in its viewers but, it ultimately lacks in effective credibility
and facts. Sober driving commercials have been around for years. Many of these feature an adult,
typically in their 20s or 30s, stumbling to their car after having a few drinks with... Show more
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The advertisement opens with a young man walking through his front door carrying a puppy
and saying, Welcome home buddy. From there, we watch the two grow up together. They spend
their days playing fetch, vacationing, barbecuing and even sleeping together. The two are
inseparable until one night when the owner goes out with some friends to have a good time.
The camera is focused on the case of beer one of the owner s friends is holding, implying that the
group will be drinking. What happens next is what affects the audience most, giving the
commercial its strong pathos. The dog is seen staring out the window, waiting patiently for his
best friend to return to him. The waiting continues all night long and Budweiser takes this
opportunity to pause from the commercial and display the words, For some, the waiting never
ended. But we can change that. When the words exit the screen the owner returns to his home,
hugs his dog, and says, Hey! I m sorry. I decided I shouldn t drive home last night. I stayed at
Dave s. The darkness returns to the screen with the words Make a plan to make it home. Your
friends are counting on you. Budweiser uses these screens to emphasize just how important it is to
make it home, adding to its use of caring
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The Battle
Perpula listened intently she reported to Armaila that she could hear nothing. It was quiet too
quiet Armaila thought. Florine had instructed them to place pillows and extra clothing underneath
their blankets, to make it looks as if they were sleeping. They were all hiding in the underbrush,
ready to spring out and defend themselves Armaila was sitting on Perpulas back, ready to wield
her sword in battle. Perpula was armed with naught but her sharp claws and teeth, Florine with her
sword and magic, and Fredgar with a small, jagged edged dagger. Earl had Armailas bow, and he
and Marie were farther back Florine told them she didn t want them getting in the way when the
fight started. She also had a hard time convincing them, especially... Show more content on
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Suddenly Perpula straightened up higher she had heard something.
They are coming, Florine stated grimly. After a little bit, Armaila also could hear the sound of
hooves beating the dry ground.
As the riders which Armaila counted as about eighteen, but it was hard to tell came up to the edge
of the firelight, they looked around cautiously. Two dismounted their horses, and slowly and
silently approached what seemed like sleeping bodies. Florine did not give the signal to attack yet.
The two riders went back to the others Armaila could not hear what they were saying, but she did
hear the world Dragon. She suddenly realized something Perpula was not there. That would alert
their enemies to the fact that it must be a decoy.
The two went back, and one carefully pulled back one of the blankets the one that would have
been Florine and held up one of the pillows. The others rode up, a horse stepped on what would
have been Fredgar.
Now! Florine yelled.
Perpula roared loudly and jumped up out of her hiding space, landing on top of one of the riders
and horse she was larger than most horses now. She grabbed the rider, clamping it between her
jaws and swung her head vigorously. She then tossed the still warm body out of the ring of
firelight. Florine cut the head off one, and stabbed another in the heart. The third cut her along the
side of her left arm before she also cut his head off. As Perpula was busy dealing with a rider the
same was she had
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Nursing Shortage Of Maryland And How Does It Effect...
Nursing Shortage in Maryland and How does it Effect Healthcare Renita Scott March 17, 2015
PUAD 751.TW1 Sp15 What is the nursing shortage and why does it exist in Maryland? The
History of Nursing The practice of nursing started in the past around the Middle Ages, where
women in primitive societies where made to take care of the sick whether they wanted to or
not. For example, in Ethiopia among the Zuni tribe, if a baby is born with part of the placenta
covering the face, it was taken as a sign that the baby would be marked as one destined to
become a caregiver. (Henly Moss, 2007). In many societies, nurses were mostly untrained
women who helped deliver babies or were wet nurses. According to The History of Nursing
(2013) religious figures like nuns had more training and cared for the sick. However, by the 13th
through the 16th centuries, religious orders felt as if it was their duty to care for the physical
needs of people as well as their spiritual needs and formed sisterhoods to carry out this mission. In
1645, Jeanne Mance, a nurse from France, established the Hotel Dieu de Montreal in Canada, the
first hospital in North America. By the 18th century, the United States was beginning to realize the
need for organized nursing services. In 1751, Benjamin Franklin and Dr. Thomas Bond opened
Pennsylvania Hospital, the nation s first hospital. It served the poor and homeless in Philadelphia.
When the American Revolutionary War broke
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River Pollution Essay Spm


River Pollution Essay Spm


River Pollution Essay Spm


River Pollution Essay Spm


River Pollution Essay Spm


River Pollution Essay Spm

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River Pollution Essay Spm

  • 1. River Pollution Essay Spm 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help fromHelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. River Pollution Essay SpmRiver Pollution Essay Spm
  • 2. Internal And External Pressure In George Orwell s Shooting... In Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell, the officer experiences internal and external pressure to shoot an elephant unwillingly. In the story, an Imperial British officer goes after an elephant causing a disturbance in a village of Burma. Despite having no intention to harm the elephant, he begins to conflict with the internal pressure of going against his own morals to please the Burmese people; externally dealing with the pressure of the Burmese crowd and the duties of his imperial job. Ultimately, he succumbs to pressure and shoots the elephant against his intentions. As the officer encounters the elephant face to face he decides he will not kill the animal. His attitude is clear from the start as I had no intention of shooting the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. The Bean Trees By Barbra Kingsolver Everyone has someone they consider family. Sometimes people bond solely with their blood relatives, but more often than not we choose who we consider to be our family as we grow older. This happens most often when people find a spouse, but many also adopt children as their sons and daughters, peers as their brothers and sisters, and role model figures as aunts and uncles. The Bean Treesis written by Barbra Kingsolver and is set in the early 1980 s. It tells the story of a young woman named Taylor, and the life she builds in Tucson Arizona. Far from home, she meets many great people and finds a place where she belongs. Kingsolver shapes her message of the importance of families both blood and found through her use of character archetypes... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Throughout the story Taylor grows very close to Estevan and Esperanza. Taylor now considers them family and proves that by risking losing Turtle and persecution. Through Taylor s heroic action the author is showing that your family is worth serious danger. Signatory to the United Nations something something on human rights, Mattie was saying, and that we have a legal obligation to take in people whose lives are in danger. (page 139 The Bean Trees, Kingsolver) In this quote Mattie is saying that everyone has the obligation to take in and help people who are in danger. She believes that people who need help should be helped, that the whole world is one big, interconnected family. Mattie is a mentor figure who helps and guides people. A part of that is hiding refugees fleeing persecution and treating them like family. Through Mattie s actions the author shows that everyone can be family and that they are all human beings who should be treated as such. The characters build the family that is so important to this story. Through their actions of helping other they further the message of the importance of family both blood and found. Kingsolver also uses archetypal symbols to develop her message with Jesus is Lord Used Tires symbolizing a haven and a garden symbolizing growth and support. Jesus is Lord Used Tires is represented as a haven because it used to hide illegal immigrants, is the first safe space Taylor finds in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Comparing Christianity And Hinduism Rites of passage within are crucial within culture and religion. Rites of passage help individuals negotiate the transition from one state of being to another and provide an opportunity for the community to express and celebrate its solidarity. In Christianity and Hinduism, ceremonies which commemorate life s stages are called sacraments; in Hinduism, these are called saб№ѓskДЃras. Sacraments are the visual aspect of invisible faith and are and expression of devotion to one s religion. In both Christianityand Hinduism, people live their lives with respect to their religion s rules, with the aim of reaching salvation or enlightenment respectively. Though these faiths are different in both objectives and rituals, this western and non western... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is an affirmation of the Faith one was inducted into at baptism and confession and committing oneself formally to Christianity and devoting one s life to God. Those confirmed are recognized as fully responsible members of the Church. The sacrament of matrimony binds two people together as one. Marriage in the Christian religion takes place in a church and is conducted by a priest. The couple makes vows to each other and God and is a lifelong commitment. Anointing of the Sick was once referred to as Extreme Unction. This sacrament previously was only performed on those who were dying. Roman Catholics not only use this prayer and ritual to help prepare a person for his or her death, but also to help a person regain health: mentally, physically, or emotionally. Along with extreme unction, priests administer last rites, which gives the dying the chance to confess once more. Anointing of the sick and the sacrament of confession are called the Sacraments of Healing. Holy Orders, or Ordination, occurs when a new priest is confirmed in an ordination ceremony. The bishop preforms the ceremony and presents the priest with symbols of his new position, such as a Bible. This sacrament inducts men into the clergy, passing on of the authority of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Chicago School Of Sociology Essay The scholars of the Chicago School of Sociology have presented a theory of assimilation that generally states that people of different cultures and ethnicities that come into the United States (also applies to other countries as well) will have contact with American culture which will generate conflict. These people of a different culture or ethnicity will eventually acculturate and integrate into a so called Melting Pot of culture in which they will give off their own unique flavor but will eventually blend into mainstream society. I feel that this theory is quite eloquently constructed, but is rather limiting and not necessarily representative of every ethnic group that assimilated in the United Statesand should be broadened to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Chicago School of Sociology s theory of assimilation describes the way in which foreign cultures interact with American culture. From my understanding, the described initial reaction is unpleasant and conflictual. I generally agree with this statement. It is true that when new cultures are introduced, people are a bit wary of their practices or appearances. To put it quite simply, people are uncomfortable with other people that act or look differently than they do. But with time people adjust and are able to become more comfortable over time as subtle changes are made in both parties. Since the abolition of slavery in 1865 with the passing of the Thirteenth Amendment African Americans have been striving to be accepted as part of American culture. A main period of focus for African Americanassimilation and acculturation is from around 1955 to 1968 and is better known as the Civil Rights Movement. African American culture had already been defined very well by the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s and 1930s. The Civil Rights Movement led to a better integration of African Americans into society. Most of the progress was made through nonviolent protests and civil disobedience. There were setbacks to the progress that was often frowned upon by African Americans that desired progress. I see negroes like him everyday, breaking into a goddamn buck a wing every time a white man come by. I can t stand to see a Negro act like that. (Porter pg. 75) These setbacks led to a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Outsider Outsiders I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation (Martin Luther King). GETTYSBURG ADDRESS (19 NOVEMBER 1863) [1] Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal ( Abraham Lincoln). We meet at a time of tension between the United States and Muslims around the world tension rooted in historical forces that go beyond any current policy debate (Barack Obama). All of these are the starting point of great changes. These famous historical figures are considered Outsiders The Term Outsider Literally means One who does not belong to a particular group. Perception is the main key in deciding if someone belongs when they are an outsider. If you look at it from one group they don t belong and from another they do. One of the most famous outsiders in history is Martin Luther King. He was considered this because he decided to take a stance against what s normal and average. He wanted to have equal rights for both African Americans and Caucasians. By doing this he was considered an outsider by all people. They either stood with him or against him during his outside revolution. Although he did not like to be considered an outsider as shown by this quote Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere. Anyone who lives in the US can never be considered an outsider anywhere in the country He was an outsider by trying to make no one feel like an outsider themselves. So throughput this he didn t belong to the groups trying not to allow equal rights. But to the people, he stood up with he was a leader and belonged to their group, therefore even if you don t feel like you belong with the group you re in, you have a network. The next outsider is Our famous 16th president Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was considered the rail splitting candidates throughout his campaign and presidency. He was born and raised from working class roots. This set him apart from his opposing candidate William H. Seward (who was the former governor of New York and a sitting Senator. Seward came from a high class family, born and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Concentration Camps Vs Japanese Internment Camps Two months after Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt authorized Executive order 9066 . Which made More than 110,000 Japanese in the U.S to relocate to internment camps for reason of national security . The United States feared that they re could have been Japanese spies inside America so the government relocated most Japanese immigrants to camps. It was one of the saddest moments in America that the government of America took actions on innocent people just because their heritage. America s internmentcamps are similar yet different to Hitler s concentrations camps. The term internment is often used in reference to Executive Order 9066, but it is a mischaracterization. Internment commonly refers to the legal confinement within prescribed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... ......the majority worked full time, usually around forty four hours per week (Prisoners at Home: Everyday Life in Japanese Internment Camps). Working in internment camps weren t really needed, but it was to pass the time and get some money. They had many jobs for everyone to make living in internment camps less depressing and easier, however the concentration camps were not the same, their work was made to exhaust, put people s lives in danger and even die. The purpose was to make the people in concentration camps break, suffer, beg, and torture them to the very ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Essay about Forest gump Forrest Gump is a film that portrays the life of a man who has borderline intellectual functioning, from when he was young, all through his adulthood. Forrest was the victim of ongoing bullying and abuse from the mean spirited children in his area. The movie shows the challenges he faced and how he overcame them, some with luck, but others with his ability; despite the fact that he has an IQ of 75. The story plays off in a series of decades in the life of Forrest Gump, a slow witted yet athletically prodigious man from Alabama that had an influence on the later half of the 20th century in the United States. Forrest as a child was bullied and had rough times growing up; his relationships were limited by his lower intelligence and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As named before, Forrest has borderline intellectual functioning. This is a disability that effects how well or how fast a person can think and learn. People with this disability vary in their reading skills and mathematical abilities. Although a mentally challenged person seems to be completely different to a normal functioning person they are not so different. They also have needs, desires and joys and wishes to exceed in whatever they do. There are number of reasons for borderline intellectual functioning: this may be a result of brain damage or birth defects. However, social, environmental, medical and cultural deprivation account for most retardation cases and these causes can be prevented. Borderline intellectual functioning is not a disease, it is a mental illness. Symptoms include: poor attention, poor concentration, poor common sense, and poor judgment to name a few. Forrest shows this disability through his hard time understanding things, it took him a very long time to understand what he needed to do in a football game, or when Jenny was very sick he did not realize how serious it was. Forrest also has no common sense, he invests money left, right, and center without thinking of the obligation that might occur, he also at some stage took of his pants to show the president of the United States where he got shot during a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Long Term Economic Growth As a product of colonization, the limited industrial development in the colonized area is a global issue. Because the widening gap between the rich and the poor between developing and developed countries, is the root reason of most of the contradictions and conflicts between countries in the contemporary world. And different level of industrialization caused the widening gap. So we can say the limited industrial development caused by colonialism is a real issue behind many current contradictions and conflicts. In order to reduce these conflicts and narrow the gap, the colonized countries should make a breakthrough on its limited industrialization by focusing on its own features resources and structures, and taking effective measures impoting foreign capital and technology and establishing independent or joint scientific research and ventures, to gain a long term economic growth. For the relation between the colonization and the limited industrialization in colony, there are usually two views. One view is that people blame the colonizer were not willing to promote the development of industryin the colony. The other view is that people emphasize it was hard for the colonized to start the process of industrialization in the colony. In my opinion, both of the views are reasonable, but neither of them is comprehensive. In order to demonstrate my opinion on the relation, I choose British India and the Belgian Congo as two objects to analysis in the following paragraphs ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Aircraft In World War One Essay At the start of World War One, aircraft were very basic and crude. By the time World War One had ended, aircraft had become far more sophisticated and had differentiated into fighters, bombers and long range bombers. The development of aircraft was stimulated by the war s requirements, as was the way aircraft were actually used. At the start of the war in August 1914, British airmen were part of the British Armyand commissioned officers had army ranks. By the end of the war in November 1918, the Royal Flying Corpsno longer existed and was absorbed into the newly created Royal Air Force. This had its own command structure away from the army and introduced its own ranks. The first recorded powered flight was in 1903 when the Wright brothers flew their aircraft. The first powered crossing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If by chance German and Allied airmen came across one another, aerial combat was crude but deadly. Pilots flew in cramped cockpits so the carrying of parachutes was impossible even if it had been allowed. In fact, senior army commanders forbade the carrying of parachutes in case they diluted the fighting spirits of pilots. Unable to carry a parachute and fearing death by fire, the British ace Mick Mannock carried a pistol, which he claimed he would use on himself if his aircraft ever caught fire. As World War One progressed, the military believed that aircraft had a far greater value than just aerial photography though this aspect of their use became far more sophisticated as the interpretation of aerial photographs improved. Two entirely different forms of aircraft developed the fighter and the bomber. By November 1918, there was no comparison between the aircraft that finished the war and the aircraft that had been at the start. In just four years the changes brought on by war were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Describe The Chemical Process In Making Americium Chemical process in making americium: The most popular type of smoke alarm is an ionization chamber smoke alarm. These contain 0.28 micrograms of the radioactive isotope americium 241, in the form of americium dioxide. Americium is a synthetic element, so it must be produced in a nuclear reactor. Americium is made from plutonium 241, yet this needs to also be made in a nuclear reactor. Uranium 238 in a nuclear reactor it is hit with a neutron, which makes uranium 239. Uranium 239 has a half life of 23.5 minutes, the uranium goes through beta decay becomes neptunium 239. This neptunium will then form plutonium 239 via beta decay over two days, this is then bombarded with two neutrons to become plutonium 241. Plutonium 241 has a half life of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It has become a social (as well as a government) expectation to have them installed in your home. Smoke alarms save lives; without a smoke alarm you are 4 times more likely to die in the event of a fire. The americium inside the alarm is an alpha and low energy gamma emitter. Alpha radiation can be stopped by a piece of paper or a few centimetres of air, meaning you could stand under a raw sample of americium and not be in any danger. Yet, gamma radiation has the wavelength near that of an atomic nuclei (10 Pico meters) meaning that they penetrated far more easily. These rays are weak enough not to do any harm, yet are the major factor to the radiation from a smoke alarm. It has become a misconception that smoke alarms are a threat to health because of their radioactivity. The radiation emitted from a smoke alarm annually is 9 50 nano sieverts, eating banana releases the equivalent of 100 nano sieverts, the average background radiation in Australia is 2000000 nano sieverts, to put how little radiation is absorbed from a smoke alarm. The real problem is only when americium is internalised into the body, because it is an alpha emitter. It poses a threat to health because even though the alpha particles themselves are harmless, the speeds they travel give them the ability to break bonds and ionize atoms, thus causing cancer. When in the body 90% stays in you and the rest is excreted, it goes to the liver, bones and ovaries or testicles where it has the possibility to cause cancer or birth ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The Slippery Slope to Corruption and the Public Corruption... For the Running Header: THE SLIPPERY SLOPE TO CORRUPTION The Slippery Slope to Corruption and the Public Corruption of Police Officers Ricky A Price, Col. U.S.A.F. (Ret) Kaplan University Online CJ340 02: Applied Criminal Justice Ethics Professor Kevin Stoehr 10 July 2012 The law enforcement agent, that represents government, bears the heavy responsibility of maintaining, in his own conduct and the honor and integrity of all government institutions. He, consequently, shall guard against placing himself in a position in which any person can expect special consideration or in which the public can reasonably assume that this special consideration is being given. Accordingly, he should be firm in refusing any type of gifts, favors,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (3) The two main types are the logical slope, and the psychological slope, and it is worth taking the time to distinguish the two. b. Logical slippery slopes exist when there are no clearly defined boundaries that can be used to draw distinctions between different cases, and thus any line drawn in the sand between two extremes will have some degree of arbitrariness about it. Suppose that a particular company allows its employees to accept small gifts from prospective suppliers. How should small be defined in those circumstances? Clearly a gift that has no monetary value would be acceptable, and an expensive piece of jewelry would be unacceptable, but there exists a large gray area in between in which the acceptability or unacceptability of a gift is not so clear. In relation to police acceptance of gratuities, it could be argued that although there seems to be a big difference between accepting a cup of coffee and accepting a six figure bribe to look the other way while a murder is carried out, this is not really the case. For there is a logical slippery slope here, given that there is only a small difference between accepting a cup of coffee, and accepting a cup of coffee and a doughnut, and only a small difference between accepting a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Unit 2 Natural Resources Research Paper UNIT 2: Natural Resources 2.1 INTRODUCTION 2.2 RENEWABLE AND NON RENEWABLE RESOURCES 2.2.1 Natural resources and associated problems 2.2.2 Non renewable resources 2.2.3 Renewable resources a. Forest Resources: Use and over exploitation, deforestation, case studies. Timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forests and tribal people b. Water Resources: Use and over utilisation of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams benefits and problems. c. Mineral Resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources, case studies. 16 20 20 22 22 23 26 30 32 d. Food Resources: World food problems, Changes in landuse by agriculture and grazing, Effects of modern ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Large stretches of land such as forests, grasslands and wetlands have been converted into intensive agriculture. Land has been taken for industry and 16 Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses Chapter2.p65 16 4/9/2004, 5:07 PM the urban sectors. These changes have brought about dramatic alterations in land use patterns and rapid disappearance of valuable natural ecosystems. The need for more water, more food, more energy, more consumer goods, is not only the result of a greater population, but also the result of over utilization of resources by people from the more affluent societies, and the affluent sections of our own. Industrial development is aimed at meeting growing demands for all consumer items. However, these consumer goods also generate waste in ever larger quantities. The growth of industrial complexes has led to a shift of people from their traditional, sustainable, rural way of life to urban centers that developed around industry. During the last few decades, several small urban centers have become large cities, some have even become giant mega cities. This has increased the disparity between what the surrounding land can produce and what the large number of increasingly consumer oriented people in these areas of high population density consume. Urban centers cannot exist without resources such as water from rivers and lakes, food from agricultural areas, domestic animals from pasture lands and timber, fuel wood, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Feel Good Healthcare Insurance Company This is a compensation and benefit proposal Feel Good Healthcare Insurance company. In this proposal we will cover the, background of the company, compare and contract some of our competitors, look at what keeps our employees engaged with the company and the company s benefit proposal. Feel Good Healthcare Insurance provides benefits and compensation to our employees in addition to the normal salaries and health insurance. With good benefit packages we give our employees a reason to stay loyal to the company. Background of Organization Feel Good Healthcare Insurance Company is new to the healthcare industry. We have over 500 employees and we are in the states (Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee). We offer flexible coverage at affordable ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Our Benefit Specialists will help to employee to get the benefit that will best fit their needs and their family needs. We recommend that all new hire and employees during open enrollment watch a short film explaining each of the benefits in detail. Our Benefit Specialists will help to employee to get the benefit that will best fit their needs and their family needs. Our benefit specialist has been trained to carefully plan the services and check all our plans with the employee. Such as access, services and prices, we want to make sure we have proper balance through the company. We will stay on top of new trends, so we do not become obsolete in our benefit packages. . ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. The World Of Social Media Essay Welcome to the marvelous world of social media where today youth live in a creative identity to an audience who have also promoted a different personality. Were young peoples are living and growing up with a global society s culture changing what they do and who they are. Adolescence are learning to construct their ideal self. These devices compel teenager to a whole new world state of the self, devices and apps becoming part of young people lives. A generation were checking in and posting the location of their next citation, taking pictures of their meal, or most common snapping a selfie, is most important that the moment. These devices are shaping and expressing the revision of teenager identityand where they stand in the society global culture. The device one carries around promotion and presentation a person differently. Who we are is often different than who we really are on the internet. Teenager are creating the ideal self, what they believe is appropriate according to the societal standpoint. Promoting our self what we want others to see. I believe who we are on the Internet is not a true showing of who we are actually are as a person added Greg Cistulli. When a person promotes their self ideally their bragging who they are and what they want others to be jealous of. Tending to promote their self creates a representation of who they want to be. Creating a sense of belonging to the social media world. Their adapting ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Japanese American National Museum Essay History and culture has for a long time been preserved in places such as museums which allow different people learn from past events thereby, allowing them to have a better understanding of that particular culture. Many countries around the globe ensure that the preservation of their culture and heritage is protect thereby creating places such as museums for that purpose. One of those museums is the Japanese AmericanNational Museums which showcases their history and culture and how all this has shaped its peoples history. This museum is located in Los Angeles California and its mission is to promote understanding and appreciation of America s ethical and cultural diversity by showing the Japanese American culture. (About| Japanese American National Museum, 2015). It is the hope of this museum that by remembering the Japanese American history will guard against prejudice which has constantly threatened liberty and equality in a democratic society according to (About| Japanese American... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is a collection of more than 300 hundred letters, cards which were sent to Clara Breed by both children and young adults held in these camps. These children had been her patrons at the San Diego Public Library and she was outraged and shocked after learning that these young children and their families were going to be removed from their homes into concentration camps. On the day of their departure from San Diego, she made sure they had addressed and stamped postcard thereby encouraging them to write (Dear Miss Breed: Letters from Camp). Buddhist churches of American Collection is another online addition to the artifacts found in the museum. This collections includes selected panoramas consisting of temple events, national conferences and other gatherings that took place during the 1920s through to 1940 (Buddhist Churches of American Collection, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Analysis Of The Price Of Beauty Essay Angelica Alvarado Professor Stacey English 103 September 14, 2016 The Price of Beauty There s an ongoing, almost always unsaid joke, that women have one million emotions within a twenty four hour period, which is completely opposite from that of a man s day. But has anyone really taken the time to look at what goes into being a woman? It goes without saying that if a woman doesn t know how to contour, or highlight her face, other women will talk down to her and about her when she leaves; men won t even be interested. At the same time, if she does use makeup, but it s not the BEST kind, or highest quality, there s a chastising and condescending tone used during conversation, or an assumption that these women are simple or easily amused . She must not have a lot of money. Poor thing. With so many pressures and expectations a woman has to meet on a day to day basis, can this contribute their stress or lack of self esteem? When a woman wakes up, it s about an hour before she leaves for work. She cakes on a Bare Minerals foundation, Maybelline blush, NYC mascara and her favorite shade of Mac lipstick. Shoot. Only 30 minutes left. She struggles to find a balance between something that s appropriate for the office, but enough to get her noticed as a worker and not a homeless hooker. That s enough blush right? On her way to (or at) work, she s hit on about 3 or 4 times because the makeup she put on accentuates her cheekbones and eyes, and the outfit she saw the girl wearing in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Comparing Films Invictus And Remember The Titans The 2 films Invictus and remember the Titans are based on real life events, the main similarities between the films are racism and sport. The films are based in different eras but the issues are similar the theme of establishing respect and trust through citizenship are portrayed in many ways. When both the black and white teams are brought together the tensions arise when the players were forced to play together on the same team. The tensions slowly eased during the two week training in camp Gettysburg. Coach Bill Yoast was a treasured member of the community and winning coach who cared about his players. Once he decided to accept the assistant coach position under Boone to support his players. Im going to talk about winning and losing tonight. You re already... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Coach Boone was a coach how presented a very tough exterior Boone s behaviour and his leader ship style, as soon as Boone First met the Titan Coach staff they knew that he was not wanted. Upon seeing Marshall s first offensive play ... shotgun? Who do they think they are, the New York Jets? Invictus newly elected President Mandela. Believing he can bring his people together through the universal language of sports the Ruby team is made up of all white coaches and team with one black player called Chester (token). Chester is best known as the star winger as a former South African rugby union player. The relationship that was made between Coach Boone and Coach Yoast slowly got better as the film went on. The movie remember the titans combines fours stories. The time tested formula and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Advantages Of Part Time Jobs There are many jobs out there to choose from but if you don t have the time to work full time and part time job is the perfect job. Part time jobs are different than full time because in part time you work in rotation most of the time and the hours are around 30 hours per week or less. Some part time jobs to consider are working for your school you attend if you re in college, a waiter or waitress at a restaurant, or lastly a taxi driver. These jobs can land you a nice paycheck while only working little hours. The first job you should consider when looking to only work part time is working at your college you attend. The reason you should consider working at the college you attend is because they usually pay pretty well and sometimes even more than minimum wage. Another reason working at the college is because they will work with your hours if u attend the school which helps a lot when you have classes and work at the same time. The last reason picking to work at your school is a good idea is because you get to interact with the people you go to school with and also get to meet the people who work at the school you attend. Mitchell 2 The next job you should definitely consider when looking for a part time job is a waiter or waitress. The first reason to be a waiter or waitress is the pay. The pay is usually lower than minimum wage for a normal job but working as a waiter or waitress can pay off in tips. When you go to a restaurant you usually tip the waiter/waitress. Next ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Religion and the Workplace Statement of the Problem Religion is becoming an important issue when it comes to diversity in organizations. Employers are either accommodating the increase in this diversity by creating groups within the organization or they realize it is there and are not troubled by it, but are not creating these resource groups. As the diversity of religion grows complaints to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission grow as well. What is behind the complaints and what is the EEOC doing to help religion? Background of the Study Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaints about religious discrimination are rising faster than any other discrimination claim. Human Resources believe that this religious conflict is not a workplace issue, but an employee issue. The most obvious opponents of the faith at work movement are agnostics, people who question the existence of a higher being, and atheists, who do not believe in any God. (Canas Sondak, 2014, p. 205) Bobbie Kirkhart (President of the Atheist International Alliance) states religious diversity should not be the same as race, gender, and ethnic diversity. She believes that religious groups should not be given the same status as those listed. Not just atheists and those who question the existence of a higher being disagree with religion in the workplace, but the cause of the rise of discrimination claims could be of religious bias from the traditional American faiths. (Day, 2005) While most of the religious organizations ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Hazy Definition Essay Irene Alvarez Professor Johnathan Danielson English 101 1 November 2017 Definition of Hazy It is well past midnight on a Friday night and the party is still going on. Without failure, there always seems to be the well past drunk guy or girl who gets overly emotional. For many reasons, they re going off about something that s concerning to them in their current intoxicated state. In the instance where this guy or girl is crying, they go to their friends or someone else who s willing to listen. They go on and on about heartache from past relationships or someone they re currently interested in. The listener knows this friend well enough to know that when they have a clear head they wouldn t be saying these things, so they comfort them. On the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is Irene s memories of her mother, the mother s boyfriends, and herself. In a memory they are all spending time together and the adults are taking turns pushing her on the swings. Everyone was happy, even though it s hard to see because everyone s face is blurred out, happiness was there. At least that s what she s convinced herself from looking at what seems like a poor quality video. Through what appears to be normal family bonding, there s a whole other set up the mother had in mind. The mother always wanted something and made a point to get it. The mother used to try and do a lot of fun things with the girl like go places or buy her things because she was trying to create a good image of herself for the daughter. It was her way of making sure the daughter still saw her mother in a positive light and not as the mother who left her. At first, the girl believed her mother wanted to see her and maybe a part of the mom really did, but she soon figured out what her mom was doing without her knowing. The mother would also get her boyfriends involved so they d get to like the daughter. This enabled the mom to insist that she d given more money from each new boyfriend. What the mom did is described as hazy because she used her boyfriends and her daughter for her addictions and called it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. What Is The Reflection Of Lucretius s On The Nature Of Things In his work, On the Nature of Things (De Rerum Natura), Lucretius sought to address superstitious fears and unscientific notions that were embedded in his state s (Rome) religion (450). He recalls the story of King Agamemnon having to sacrifice his daughter to appease Artemis. Upon this recollection, he makes the claim that religion is wicked. However, unlike Lucretiuss belief, true religious faithfulness, as it relates to the Biblical God, does not lead to wickedness, but rather offers redemption from the wicked. Titus Lucretius Carus (ca. 99 55 B.C.) dedicated his life to philosophy and found what he believed was the meaning of things through studying the teachings of Epicurus, a third century B.C. Athenian philosopher. Upon discovering Epicureanism, Lucretius found the work to be liberating as it sought to address humanity s anxieties and to provide freedom from it. On the Nature of Things can be regarded as Lucretius personal reflection of Epicurean beliefs. At the time of Lucretius work, it was uncommon for literature to express any notion of beliefs that opposed the traditional beliefs about the gods. Due to this, his views did not have many supporters during his own time. However, his work was rediscovered during the Renaissance, and it is recognized as a unique expression of Roman culture. In his poem, Lucretius intends to deliver the human spirit from imaginary fears by presenting a purely naturalistic, materialistic interpretation of the world (450). He believed that this belief in the supernatural was an idea that weighed down man and something they needed to be freed from. In the opening of the passage he describes, A Greek, first raised his mortal eyes bravely against this menace [Religion]... So his force, a vital force of mind, a conqueror explored the vast immensities of space, with wit and wisdom, and came back to us triumphant (Lucretius 451). Lucretius is describing the account of Epicurus and the foundation of Epicureanism. He boldly describes Epicurus as a hero in an effort to persuade his audience of the superiority of this naturalistic worldview. He continues to say, [he brings us] news of what can be and what cannot, limits and boundaries, the borderline, the benchmark, set ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The File Transfer Protocol And Server Protocol The File Transfer Protocol, or FTP, is a client/server protocol that allows users to transfer various types of data between hosts and servers through the TCP/IP network. FTP was originated in 1971, when MIT engineers and other academic institutions were looking for an efficient method of file transfer, and is one of the oldest protocols that is still in use. Though it has evolved over the years, it mainly was used in corporate area networks; utilizing the largest network that currently exists in the world today, the internet. Even if, as a user, you are not familiar with or do not know how FTP works, the chance that you have participated in an FTP function is quite large. For example, any of the download links that most people use on the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For active mode, a connection is used to transmit FTP commands from a port higher than 1024 of the client to port 21 of the server. In the stable connection, the port used by the client for receiving data transferred to the server, and the server opens port 20 to perform the transfer requested by the client. Although the active mode is the native mode used by FTP, problems do occur when the server opens a connection to the client, and the clients protected behind a firewall which could potentially cut the connection off. The other mode used for connections is passive mode. In passive mode, it s the client that starts all the links, and the problem of the firewall from active modes pass from the client to the server, which solves the limitation of the number of ports accessible for this mode of connection. Furthermore, to the connection types, there are also two kinds of execution methods to how FTP is reputable. Standalone mode, which runs as a system process independently, and is always active and waiting for requests, which is the recommended method for establishing an FTP connection. The other execution mode is supervisor mode, where the FTP server process is executed as a child process and must start each time a new connection is complete. FTP constructed on the client server architecture, so in addition to FTP servers, there are also FTP clients. An FTP client is a program on a computer that initiates the connection to an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Rise And Fall Of The Mining Sector The rise and fall of the mining sector The mining boom has had broad, positive effects on the Australian economy, especially at a time when the global economic situation was precarious. The growth in exports and investment over the past ten years have supported increased employment, regional development and increased revenues for both federal and state governments. Figures from ABS (2014) show that the mining sector accounted for around 11 per cent of Australia s GDP in 2013 14 where earnings reached 195 billion, up from 7.8 per cent in 2003 04. Over the past decade the mining industry has grown more than any other industry in Australia with its industry gross value added increasing by $72 billion in that time more than 50 per cent higher than the second largest contributor to growth. In 2013 14 mining was the key contributor to Australia s economic growth, followed by financial services and construction. A major contributor to the mining boom in Australia was the influx of Chinese FDI within the sector shown in figure 4 mentioned below. Figure 4 Direct Foreign Equity Investment: Chinese Investment in Australia Selected Industries, AU$m 2011201220132014 Total858282611113312064 Mining8082721187347814 Other Industries500104923994250 (Source: ABS) Figure 4 above shows us how the mining sector dominated the bulk of Chinese investments from 2011 up to around 2013. Investment in the mining industry accounted for 65% of Chinese foreign direct investment ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Key Concepts Of Identity, Identification, Place And Social... I am writing to compare two articles from two different sources. I will be exploring the key concepts of identity, identification, place and social memory and how theses sociological concepts are displayed within the articles. Identity is the process that informs the way in which people see themselves and the groups they belong to and also how other groups categorize a person. Pountney and Maric (2015) pages 144 5. Identity is relational, situational and multiple. It is better to understand identification as a process of continual negotiation and renegotiation. This statement confirms our identities are forever changing due to our circumstances or surrounding environments and certain aspects of our identities are chosen and negotiated. The Sikh youths in the UK prove this theory through this statement; There s a time to be Indian and a time to be British K. Hall (2002). Identification is the ongoing process that describes the way in which individuals and groups see themselves and the way others see them. It refers to the way people develop their cultural identity; language, ethnicity, religion and social class are all examples of social characteristics that give people a shared sense of belonging. Pountney and Maric (2015) pages 144 5. Yi Fu Tuan discussed Place as a location created by human experiences (Tuan, 2001). Whereas space may have no human connection, a place carries meanings given by humans. It can be any size a city, neighbourhood or a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Symptoms And Treatment Of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux ( Lpr ) Introduction Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) disease is defined as the backward flow of stomach content up to the throat. It has a wide variety of symptoms in the paedi atric population, and is usually associated with many otolaryngological problems such as laryngitis, pharyn gitis, rhinosinusitis, eustachian tube dysfunction, recur rent otitis media, and otitis media with effusion (OME).1 6 Tasker et al. demonstrated that pepsinogen and pepsin could be found in the middle ear fluid of OME patients, indicating that LPR disease could be a significant aetiological factor in the development of OME.7 Helicobacter pylori, a Gram negative, micro aerophilic bacterium that can cause infection of the stomach, is likewise strongly linked to LPR ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The local ethics committee had approved the study. Procedure A pilot study was conducted, in which 10 children with OME, with positive H pylori stool antigen results, were subjected to ventilation tube insertion under general anaesthesia. Middle ear fluid was aspirated with a micro aspiration cannula (blood contamination was entirely avoided; effusion samples were collected under completely sterile conditions). Gastric lavage was performed with an orogastric Nelaton catheter. This was inserted into the stomach, and 10 cc of saline solution was injected and subsequently aspirated back into the injector. All ear and gastric lavage samples were processed within 4 hours of collection. They showed positive reactions for catalase, oxidase and urease. In addition, polymerase chain reaction ana lysis revealed that all were positive for H pylori infection. For the main study, all stool samples of the 258 chil dren diagnosed with bilateral OME were examined for H pylori using the H pylori stool antigen test.12 In total, 124 children were negative for H pylori stool antigen and received standard OME therapy of amoxicillin clavulanate (90 mg/kg/day)13 for 4 weeks. A total of 134 children were positive for H pylori stool antigen. The H pylori positive children were equally and ran domly allocated either to a control group or a study group, each with 67 children. The control group ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems 9th... Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems, 9th Edition Decision Support System HW #1 Chapter 1. Exercise 2 amp; 3 Chapter 1. Internet Exercise 4 amp; 8 Chapter 2. Exercise 5 amp; 9 Chapter 2. Exercise 3 amp; 4 lt; Chap 1. Exercises 2 gt; Enter the TUN site and select cases, projects and assignments. Then select the case study: Harrah s High Payoff from Customer Information. Answer the following questions about this case: a. What information does the data mining generate? Answer) Customer behavior and preference related data. It is needed to analyze customer behavior and preference data. To generate the necessary data and understand customers preferences, Harrah s had to mine the data. From these requirements,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Team Assignments 3 gt; Find the information on the proactive use of computer versus transaction processing systems (TPS) to support ad hoc decisions. Each member of the group should choose an application in a different industry (e.g., retail, banking, insurance, food). Be sure to include the impacts of the Web/Internet. Summarize the findings and point out the similarities and differences of the applications. Use as sources companies that employ students, trade magazines, Internet newsgroups, and vendor websites. Finally prepare a class presentation on your findings. * Transaction Processing Systems (TPS): It is a type of information system. TPSs collect, store, modify, and retrieve the transactions of an organization. A transaction is an event that generates or modifies data that is eventually stored in an information system. To be considered a transaction processing system the computer must pass the ACID test. The essence of a transaction program is that it manages data that must be left in a consistent state (Wikipedia.com). * There are essentially four major decision making models: ad hoc decision making, multi attribute utility theory (MAUT), AHP, and Bayesian team support. Ad hoc decision making is what we naturally do when faced with an issue, especially when there is not time or other incentive to take ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Comptoir Des Cotonniers AUSTRALIAN MARKET 2010 2011 TABLE OF CONTENT Introduction ........................................................................................................................................p3 I. Internal Analysis.............................................................................p4 2.1. SWOT Analysis...........................................................................................................p5 2.2. The Ansoff matrix: Product/Market Strategies...................................................p8 2.3. Key Factors Analysis................................................................................................p10 2.4. The Value Chain (Porter)........................................................................................p11 II. External Analysis...........................................................................p12 3.5. Market segmentation.............................................................................................p13 3.6. Products to be exported........................................................................................p14 3.7. Competition ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Appendix 1: Kapferrer Brand Identity Prism )| * Innovative marketing concept focuses on mother daughter relationship (initial success): clothes that appeal to daughter and mother * Strong brand image (French fashion, elegance, chic), identity (authenticity, naturalness, proximity) and positioning * Close relationship with its customers: | * Get prisoner of its brand image and become old fashioned (as Lacoste)| Ressources commerciales * Product * Price * Place * Promotion| * Quality products, innovative amp; creative, fashion, chic, classic, modern * Large range (230 articles/collection) * New collections (kids, underwear) * Collections tested by designers before * Price scale (target more people) * ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Jimmy Diresta Research Paper Jimmy Diresta was born April 3, 1967 in New York City. Jimmy is a designer, artist, and video producer. Enrolled in school of visual arts in 1986 and graduated in 1990. He then formed a toy company with his brother and later went to teach at the school he graduated from. During his career, Diresta was on a tv show on Fox television that was called Trash to Cash . After that he decided to join Youtube business. Jimmy co hosted 3 tv shows during his career. Most of Jimmy s work included his brother, John Diresta. He currently has above half a million subscribers on Youtube. On his Youtube page, Jimmy posts timelapse videos of hi work. Diresta is an expert working with any type of material, but it s his metalworking prowess. He makes cutting, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Creature Symbolism Towards the latter part of the novel, the Creature symbolizes the point in the human psyche when Man starts to become inherently bad when he gains more reward from doing wrong than he does from doing what is right. It is seen in his final moments with De Lacey s family. For a period of several weeks, the Creature waits patiently as he observes De Lacey s family in order to connect with them and embody their language as his own, but they eventually abandon him due to his grotesque form. In their first interaction with each them, he sees their expression as a horror and consternation on beholding [him], (Shelley 122)[.] Agatha and Safie faint and scream at the sight of him next to their father as Felix proceeds to attack the Creature. At this point, the Creature is at the point of no return as he realizes that he will never be accepted by any human and he is destined to live a life of damnation. At this very moment, the Creature s innocence becomes so engulfed by a feeling of hatred and spite for humanity that he believes he can, with pleasure have destroyed the cottage and its inhabitants, and have glutted me with their shrieks and misery, (Shelley 124). Irving Buchen describes this stage in the creature s life as an emergence of, limited evolution of a human animal who exists solely in the hermetic seal of his individuality within a natural, not a human, environment (Buchen). This is another way of saying that the Creature has resorted to his savage instincts: the thirst ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. King Oedipus The King Essay Sophocles play, King Oedipus is a perfect example of a clear Aristotelian tragedy. In fact, it was so perfect that Aristotle himself considered it the ideal tragedy. An Aristotelian tragedy is serious action in a dramatic text that portrays incidents arousing pity and fear, causing catharsis in the audience. Aspects of a tragedyinclude a tragic hero, who is neither good nor bad, who has a hamartia which causes him to ignore a divine warning or violate a moral law. A common example of hamartia is hubris, or pride. A tragedy is also often accompanied by a peripeteia, which is when the tragic hero has a sudden change of fortune. The tragic hero moves us to pity and also to fear, by showing us how what happened to him could happen to us as... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, he also shows that other characters also have some of these tragic qualities and that they contribute to Oedipus downfall. Firstly, Sophocles uses irony when Oedipus says, It is I whom no stranger, no citizen must take to his house; I to whom none may speak; on me is the curse that none but i have laid. This is an example of irony because it shows that Oedipus sets all these curses for anyone who killed Laius, yet he will end up being ensnared by these curses, which he himself laid. This line references when Oedipus explains about how he kills all of the people in Laius party save one, who became a shepherd, and it evokes our terror by showing how Oedipus is capable of such an extreme act of violence, and this shows Oedipus as a tragic hero. Similarly, Sophocles uses irony when Jocasta says, Where are you now, divine prognostications? which shows how Oedipus is not the only culprit in this tragedy, and that Jocasta ignores a divine warning, which helps to show the play as an Aristotelian play, and that these characters who are not quite tragic heroes do contribute to Oedipus downfall. Lastly, Sophocles uses high modality when Oedipus says, I must unlock the secret of my birth. He uses the high modality to show Oedipus final hamartia: that he sought the truth until it was too late, and this causes his peripeteia, which ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Summary Of The Osage Firebird The story The Osage Firebird is a narrative written story. The story tells about Betty Marie Tallchief and the challenges she faced in to becoming the prima ballerina of the New York City Ballet. The structure of the story includes cause and effect and chronological order. The structure of The Osage Firebird is a narrative passage. In addition to this this text also uses chronological order an example of this is Born in 1925 the author uses this to show how much time passes in the story. It also uses some cause and effect an example of this is As a child, Betty Marie Tallchief listened for hours to her grandmother s stories of fire spirits and animals that could talk. This is the cause and the effect. She never forgot the tales, or the pride, that she learned at her grandmother s feet. She took pride in her heritage. Going on to the second paragraph you can see the narrative writing an example. Betty Marie soon became a local star, performing at rodeos and county fairs. Looking at this it seems as if the author knew Betty herself telling what he/she knew about her. Another cause and effect can be found here. One instructor said that despite her talent, she hadn t properly learned the basics. The effect of him saying this At first, Betty Marie was frustrated by this criticism. But she soon realized that no matter how ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The cause Since most professional ballerinas at the time were white and European. The effect Later in her career as a ballerina, Tallchief did change her first name. Another example As she danced, Tallchief must have remembered her grandmother s voice recounting the Osage legends of fire spirits walking the earth. The effect Performing The Firebird, Tallchief combined her heritage with the ballet, and truly became a woman of two worlds. There is also more of the chronological order, examples Later in her career , In 1953 ,and June ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Essay on CRIMES Are Committed By...CRIMINALS, Guns Are Not... Calls for more gun control came after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newtown, Connecticut where 20 school students and 6 adults were killed by a man with an assault rifle (Cary). Soon after the school massacre, President Obama proposed a ban assault rifles and high capacity magazines and make background checks tougher (Cary). A protest movement called Guns Across America was the pro gun response in January 2013 to the wave of calls for more gun control (Weissert). I would take the poster to a Guns Across America event at the Texas State capital. With my poster, I m protesting any action from the government which will control and restrict the rights of law abiding citizen to purchase and own firearms. In my... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Any debate on crime needs to focus on crime prevention and not the guns of law abiding citizens. Controlling guns is not a crime prevention strategy, it only prevents the those who are physically weaker than their attackers like women, elderly, and disabled from defending themselves against bigger, faster and stronger aggressors. Since crime and gun control are serious issues,I used a white poster board for a simple background and red and black permanent markers to convey that seriousness. Since the words crimes and criminals go to together and are central to my argument, I made them both bold, in all caps, and in red so they are the most eye catching. Red is also associated with blood, so by making criminals red instead of guns I m also indicating what really causes people to bleed; other people. The the first and last phrases are where I set up my argument and draw my conclusions, so they are important and therefore bold as well. The first three checklist options are for comparison only and are not as central to my argument so they are not in bold letters. I am trying to reach and convince people who don t agree with me, are unsure about the issue, don t have strong feeling about it, and especially those who don t understand the issue. By using a checklist, I m trying to explain the core of the issue and my position on it as simply and as clearly as possible. Even if someone has never thought much about the issue or has not considered my side of it, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Secret At The Antique Store The Secret at the Antique Store My grandfather had been working in his old antique shop since before he and my grandmother got married. He had tons of antiques from I don t even know what age. On the weekends, I would help him run the shop, but one day, I had to work longer than I expected, for my grandfather had gotten an emergency call from the hospital. This is where my story begins. I had been working at the shop all day with the occasional ring of the front door bell. In total, I had four customers. When I was about to close the shop for the day, I noticed the old box in the corner. One of its drawers was open. I went to close it and remembered seeing it before, when I was five or six. As I got older, I had thought somebody must of bought it and forgotten about it. Curiousity overtook me. The box had a unique design of swirls and circles. It also included gears inside the top drawer. It was fascinating. I closed the drawers and finished closing down shop. My plans for the next day were on my mind. The next morning, I woke up to the bright sun peeking through my curtains. Immediately, I got dressed and headed for the shop, eager to get there. As I walked to the front door, it was locked. I thought my grandfather would ve been there already. Instantly, I knew where he was. The word hospital flooded my mind. I opened the door to the shop and the first thing I saw was that same antique box. Once again, its drawers were open. I went to check ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Analysis Of Gee I Wish I Were A Man During World War one, the United States Navy Recruiting Bureau, and the United States Treasury Department each commissioned posters featuring women who encouraged citizens to participate in the war effort. The two posters, despite being intended for the same purpose, depict women in particularly contrasting light. Analysis of the contrasting war posters can help illustrate society s perspective about women during the early 1900 s, their expected roles pertaining to the war effort, the strategies used to engage citizens and encourage them to become involved, and the use of imagery and symbolism that were used to achieve the posters objective. In the first poster, Gee I Wish I Were a Man, created by Howard Chandler Christy for the United States Navy Recruiting Bureau, depicts a cute, flirtatious women wearing an enlisted navy man s dress blues, while declaring in bright red text to her left, Gee!! I wish I were a man, I d join the Navy while the names of the two departments of the navy are advertised below. The woman, who is adorned in a loose set of service dress blues, subtly flashes her bare shoulder while hiking up an invisible pair of suspenders and smiling good naturedly to herself. Wind sweeps at her hair and hat, and lifts up her jumper and neckerchief which adds movement to the poster, but also directs the eye to her internal thoughts, written out on the page in bright red ink. The woman s allure combined with her cheery portrayal creates an attractive picture, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Future Farmers Of America (FFA) Future Farmers of America (FFA) Introduction Future Farmers of America (FFA) is the nation s largest youth organization that steers students in a direction of career success and premier leadership. Like most organizations FFA is very conscious of making career success and leadership their goals for students, so why might FFA be the best option for the students? This organization highly impacts students because it is an inter curricular activity instead of an extracurricular activity. FFA is an organization well known across the country. This organization is perceived to just be available for farm and ranch kids, but this is open to help all students. It is a long standing tradition of honesty, strong worth ethic and fairness. It provides numerous ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During the duration of an FFA career you will participate in a public speaking event. By participating in FFA, your public speaking skills are already becoming great and that will help you immensely throughout the rest of your schooling as well as your life. To become an FFA officer you have to go through what is called an officer interview , where you are asked about 5 to 6 interview questions, so before some students ever go out and have a job interview they have went through an interview process while they were still in high school. This interview process will give students a feel for what may be asked in a job interview and how to answer the questions asked as best as you can. Being apart of FFA also allows you to become a great team member. As an FFA chapter you are a part of a big team, where you work together to achieve your chapter goals. Besides being apart of a big team, you can also be apart of Career Development Event teams. Those teams only have four students on them, so a lot of the teams weight is put on each of those students on the team, therefore you have to become a great teammate so that your team can succeed at the CDE ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Nursing Practice And The Ethics Of Care Nursing Practice and the Ethics of Care Kelli O Dea Chamberlain College of Nursing Nursing 103 Spring, 2017 Nursing Practice and the Ethics of Care The ability of a nurse to combine the principles of caring and ethics, is perhaps the best medicine. I ve learned that people will forget what you said, forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou (n.d.) This article helps nurses to understand the importance of caring and ethics in patient care. Caring is defined briefly, Jean Watsons theory of caring is explained. In addition, Joan Toronto s four phases of caring are exemplified in a patient case scenario. Definition of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She stresses that this type of union is remembered by the patient, as well as the nurse. Actual caring involves choices, conversations, and understanding. It defines the moment when a nurse, and a patient come together and form a relationship. Watson believes this factor of nursing enables a patient to gain control, knowledge, and make future lifestyle changes. Theory of ethics The Theory of ethics in care is described by Edwards (2009). His explanation describes the evolution of ethical and care based treatment, in three versions. First, Gilligan (1982) focuses on the context of the situation in regards to patient care vs. Impartial reflection. Impartial reflection is the moral based judgement used in patient care, which does not include closeness or caring in the relationship. Gilligan was the first to point out that we treat strangers differently than an induvial we are personally connected to. Second, Toronto (1993) acknowledged, that if we focus on caring relationships and the relationship between power and caring practices, such as bringing up children, and caring for the sick, a radically different set of social arrangements will ensue. (Edwards, 2009, p.233). Lastly, Gastmans (2006) explored the best way to care for a patient, at a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Establishing a popular culture or becoming a celebrity has... Establishing a popular culture or becoming a celebrity has been a desire of many. The rewards in this life are the admiration and esteem of others, and the punishments in this life are contempt and neglect. In fact, the desire for the esteem of others is as real a want of nature as hunger, while the contempt and neglect of the world are as severe as a pain. The story of how Apple invented the wireless business has been told by many people, numerous times. The first iPhone that was shown off by Steve Jobs back in 2007 during the annual Macworld convention was a barely working prototype (Sorensen). In reality, this device was so buggy and glitch prone that Apple s engineers did not believe Steve could make it through his onstage ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Apparently, this came as a surprise to the Apple employees who were working on the iPhone destined software apps, and to Steve himself (Sorensen). As a response to this, Apple simply created more devices free from Google s reach. In fact, the iPhone opened up new doors for many consumers, which really enhanced its fame (Sorensen). For the first time, consumers had a mobile device that made it easy to read books and magazines, as well as watch movies and television shows (Sorensen), along with enhancing efficient communication across the world s geographical locations. As described by many who entrust it, the iPhone is regarded as a product of no conspiracy that does not promote vice or emptiness. The iPhone is produced by honest and industrious men of high professional ethics, doing their job with a focus on informing and educating the global society. Essentially, through his iPhone invention, Steve Jobs is made by all of us who willingly read about him, who like to see him on television, who buy recordings of his voice and books, and talk about him to our friends. However, just like the other celebrities across the world, his relation to morality and even to reality is highly ambiguous. The iPhone firstly captured its popularity in the in the country of origin, the United States. This was really a remarkable milestone towards becoming a pop ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. PTSD Among Military Veterans Research Paper Post traumatic Stress Disorder My effectiveness question is: What are the best treatments for PTSD among military veterans? Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): is a mental health problem that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a life threatening event, like combat, a natural disaster, a car accident, or sexual assault. Common problems that usually follow the traumatic event if you have PTSD are survivors guilt, shameful, angry, depressed, night terrors, sleeping problems and untrusting of others around you. Drugs and alcohol become a problem among some people that have PTSD (The National Center for PTSD Prolonged Exposure, 2013). My practicum is at... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Evidence points to CPT s efficacy as a psychological treatment for PTSD and has demonstrated potential to decrease symptoms of depression and guilt. Although more research is needed to determine the effectiveness of CPT with various populations, both the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs are recommending CPT as an evidence based treatment for PTSD. A major benefit of CPT the gains are noticeable in a very short period. The rapid response to treatment is particularly important to military and active duty populations for whom time may be limited (Keane TM, Marshall AD, Taft ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Federal Government Expansion of Authority Introduction The role of the institution has grown tremendously over the centuries ever since the founders of the United States desired a Federal Government with limited powers whose aim was primarily concerned with promoting the civil liberty of the Americans. According to Savage (2008), during the reign of George Washington, the federal bureaucracy had only three cabinet departments; however, the federal government has since grown not only to more than eight cabinet departments, but also with other numerous bureaus, agencies, government authorities, administrations, and corporations. Between the periods of independence and the civil war, the federal government performed limited duties with regards to the daily lives of the American... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... From this point on, the influence of the interest groups has been great within the political circles of the occupants of the white house. Another example of the increasing expansion of the Federal Government was evident in the passage of the Antitrust Act. Prior to the enactment of the Antitrust Laws in 1890, the Federal Government had created the Interstate Commerce Commission in 1887 that was supposed to curtail the autonomy of the local and state governments in supervising businesses (Holcombe, 1996). While these two laws were important in the Federal Government s increased involvement in the daily lives of the American people, perhaps it was Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 that clearly demonstrated the increasing expansion of the federal authority in an unprecedented way. The enactment of the Antitrust Act was prompted by the need to protect the public from the exploitation of businesses and business owners. In other words, through the Antitrust Act, the Federal Government hoped that it would limit the economic powers enjoyed by businesses. While the enforcement of the laws may have taken a little longer (Holcombe, 1996), the passage of the law in itself was a pointer that the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Countertrade In A Foreign... Entry modes are the strategic ways to enter a new country to achieve strategic goals of entering the target country. Thus an MNC deciding to enter a foreign market should decide upon which entry mode to choose. A company considers many aspects before entering a foreign market. The questions arising in the minds of managers before venturing in a new country can be What is the safest way to enter a specific market ? What is the most practical way of entering into a foreign market ? What are the expected returns or which is the most profitable method of entering a new country ? Strategies of entry can be classified in two major categories Strategic alliances Standalone entries The desired mode characteristics for an MNC while ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Countertrade is a form of trade in which the merchandise is exchanged between the seller and buyers from two different countries with the involvement of little or no cash in the process. Around 20% of the world trade is accounted in by the countertrade. Countertrade is categorized into following trading practices : Barter Counterpurchase Offset Buyback Switch trading Compensation Barter refers to the exchange of products of equal amount with little or no involvement of money at all. The trade can happen between two individuals , firms or governments. Counterpurchase is a kind of agreement between the two parties where a firm sells its products to another firm with the obligation or promise of compensation of trade in near future. It is more flexible than the barter system. The volume of trade in the whole process need not to be equal in the trade process and the balance can be settled by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Laertes And Fortinbras Analysis Through the common loss of their father s, Laertes and Fortinbras highlight Hamlet s conflict between his reason and passion. Laertes receives news regarding his father, Polonius s murder and assumes that King Claudius is responsible. Laertes s speculation causes him to threaten Claudius, Only I ll be revenged most thoroughly for my father (4.5.128 134). In contrast to Laertes s judgment, Prince Hamletis revealed to have killed Poloniusout of the belief that Polonius was Claudius. Through the progression of this plot, Laertes is shown as an individual who acts on passion and disregards reason to investigate the truth of Polonius s murder. To contrast, Fortinbras is communicated as an individual who veils his passion with the voice of reason. After King Hamlet killed Prince Fortinbras s father, Fortinbras begins to seek vengeance.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A response is delivered to Claudius through his councillor, Voltemand, after he consults with the Norwegian king Upon our first, he sent out to suppress his nephew s levies, which to him appeared to be a preparation gainst the Polack (2.2.61 62). To elaborate, Prince Fortinbras tactfully masked his revenge plan against Denmark while feigning innocence to deceive Claudius and King Fortinbras. Prince Fortinbras continues to seek out his passion by strategically gaining Denmark s trust and by preparing an attack of passion. Similarly yet contrastingly, the murder of Prince Hamlet s father, King Hamlet, also causes Prince Hamlet to act on his own impulsive desires. Hamlet is unable to act as quickly as Laertes and consumes his thoughts more aggressively than Fortinbras. To expand, the ghost of King Hamlet appears and affirms that Claudius is his killer; he instructs Prince Hamlet to avenge his death by murdering ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The Broken Windows Style Of Policing Some people think assigning officers to communities can be rewarding and some people think it is a form of punishment. Whatever the case may be, people need some form of protection. Crime is very real. Today s violence seems to go far past those standard reasons. As humans, people tend to overlook or forget who are there to protect the society from disorderly people. The good order of a community is important to those who lived and worked in the community. In other words, the little things matter to a person in his or her community. There will always be a person who cares and will take charge in the community. Arguments have been made that the application of the Broken Windows style of policing leads to negative results for the poor and minority residents of the area impacted. The application of the Broken Windows style of policing did leads to negative results for the poor and minority residents of the area impacted. Fagan Davies (2000) When it comes to debating theories of crimeand law, some people pretend that race does not matter at all, while others accord it undue, if not determinative, significance. There is now strong empirical evidence that individuals of color are more likely than white Americans to be stopped, questioned, searched, and arrested by police. For example, according to Fagan Davies (2000) The OAG Report showed that stops were disproportionately concentrated in the city s poorest neighborhoods, neighborhoods with high ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Essay On Pickle Fest PickleFest I m going to write about the pickle fest. I m going to answer who built it, when it was built, where it was started, and many more. The Goldsmith Pickle Bought and started it in 1945 in Atkins Arkansas. The Goldsmith Pickle Company invested in a seventy five thousand dollars to build and equip pickle plants. Many towns people raised and additional fifth teen thousand dollars to build and equip the plants. The People for Better Atkins organization started the pickle fest celebration in 1992. In 1945 the Goldsmith plant later became the Atkins Pickle Company. The Atkins pickle company finally closed in 2002. The new company employs more people than the pickle plant did at its end, but it does not provide the same level of recognition for the once dubbed the Pickle Capital of the World and known as home of the fried dill pickle. The company was a staple of town economy for fifty years. They used an original secret family recipe that was developed in 1960 for fried pickles by Bernell Austin. All the money goes to The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is a crowning of Mr. Dell Pickle and Miss Sweet Pickle at the Atkins Picklefest. There are many contests, there is a pickle juice drinking contest and Pickle eating contest, there are even rodeos. They also have talent shows for kindergarten through the twelfth grade. They also have a 5k race, and also a parade and the University of Arkansas mascot, will participate in the parade. Some of the floats will include the winners of the Picklefest Pageant and floats representing businesses and organizations. Some other contest will be taken place like a canning contest, quilt contest; they also have a tractor pulling going on if there is good weather. There will be live entertainment, featuring local musicians. They have many types of foods like fried fish and fried ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. oryx and crake technology Oryx Crake Technology Report: Biotechnology Genography At the first look at the title of this report, you will be thinking Oh wow, he is so out of touch with what is going on in the world today that he doesn t even know genetic engineering/ gene splicing is already in effect. I am fully aware that many different genetically modified organisms are being researched on, such as the Flavr Savr Tomato on 1997, as well as corn crops being much more resistant to the cold weather in the north. Though we have those certain organisms, which have had a specific gene implemented into them from a certain animal, plant or insect, we still have to have a backbone in which we can actually add that gene towards. For example, we have things ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After doing research on Atwood and visiting her website MaddAddams world, it is clear to see that she has a big interest in human fiction. I do not say science fiction in this case, because the book Oryx Crake does not deal with spaceships laser blasters, and other stereotypical sci fi props . Instead, she puts focus on something that could be completely plausible in the world we live in today. There are already many genetic testings on animals, and we are already able to grow certain appendages on other life forms, such as ears and other cartilage based body parts. It is thought by many people that implementing emotions to A.I would be done by cognitive scientists and psychologists, but it is rather done by software engineers who attempt to add emotions into certain operating systems. As you can see in this article http:/ /ceramics.org/ceramic tech today/is artificial emotional intelligence possible itdepends on whom you ask Atwood is not too far gone to believe that the ability to control emotions in a man made species is not far off in a non organic life form, but the question with relation to Oryx Crake is how it can be done in a mind that thinks freely. Much like the Rakunks within the novel, we can take a certain gene that we like from one animal, and implement it to another. For example, during the early 90 s, researchers at the Calgene research centre in California ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Cassiopea Xamachana Research Paper Cassiopea xamachana, more commonly known as the upside down jellyfish, is commonly found in the Caribbean Sea and parts of the western Atlantic Ocean. It lives near the bottoms of inshore ponds and bays and other shallow, tropical waters. The upside down jellyfish can be found in sandy mudflats as well. It is native to the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea, but has also been introduced to the Pacific Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. The upside down jellyfishappears very different than other jellies; they have a green/gray color to them opposed to the usual red, blue or violet. It works like a camouflage, as it makes them appear to be a sea anemone or a bush. They have radial symmetry, meaning that if cut into wedges, it would produce roughly the same result. The medusa has four branching tentacles used for feeding. It also has a depression on its bell that is used to attach to the ground since some of the jellyfish remain sedentary for most of its life. The jellyfish moves with the current of the water until it reaches a place where it can settle and attach and there it says for the remainder of its life. Other jellies will remain mobile in the medusa stage.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It s now a polyp were it begins using budding and strobilation in order to replicate itself. It could also become a medusa instead of a poylp. The upside down jellyfish rotates between different generations of medusae and polyps. Polyps are sessile and the medusas are more dominate and mobile. It reproduces both sexually or asexually, asexual through budding and sexually when the female takes in the male gamete from the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Essay John Boyne has created a sophisticated and meaningful novel in The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas through his thematic analysis of power which explores society s perception of authority; his symbolic representation of the fence which starkly exposes Bruno s ignorance of cultural divisions; and п¬Ѓnally, his characterisation of Mother revealing the fraught atmosphere during the Holocaust. The theme of power is explored in this novel through authoritative п¬Ѓgures and their presentation in society.The character of Father displays his newfound sovereignty with ostentatiousness, and Bruno observes this closely. He notes how Father s actions often lead to an instantaneous response, stating, Father held a hand in the air, which immediately... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His innocence is so innate that he remarks to Gretel, I don t understand why we re not allowed on the other side of it. What s so wrong with us that we can t go over there and play? Bruno s innocent perspective contrasts with the cruelty occurring, questioning its value in a time when it was widely accepted. Just as Bruno does not see the fence as a reason for segregation, so too are readers inspired to eradicate the fences of prejudice wherever they exist in society today. The reflection this calls readers to undertake produces a profundity and sophistication in the novel. The language used to convey Bruno s misunderstanding of the fence s symbolism is simplistic. This literary technique, employed by Boyne, assists in portraying the naivety of Bruno. Bruno s enquiry of What s so wrong with us that we can t go over there and play? demonstrates how his juvenility shapes his view of the world, and allows his friendship with Shmuel to flourish despite their division. Shmuel s concession that they were all exactly the same really illustrates this fact. The boys exemplar of friendship provided by their childish perspective encourages the audience to accept everyone, contributing to the insightfulness of the book; and in this way, its meaning and sophistication. The characterisation of Mother ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Family Values Linda Chavez Summary Are Immigrants actually hurting America? In the article Supporting Family Values Linda Chavez writes to inform Americans about immigrants. In American people make the assumption that immigrants are here to hurt America instead of improving America. In reality there is only a small group of immigrants that hurt America. People need to separate the groups to realize that there are immigrants who help America and that they should be allowed to stay in America under certain circumstances. Immigrants should be given amnesty if they have families and work to contribute to America. Firstly, Families are important in America, the lifestyle of Americans is based around family. Immigrants also have families, they often come to America to allow... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Perry feels that if Americans realize the way that women immigrants are viewed then maybe people will think before they judge. These articles show that a lot of times Americans look at immigrants and judge them on stereotypes. These authors show that immigrants should not be judged because they have a different background form American citizens. Secondly, Immigrants that contribute to the American society often pay taxes and learn to speak the English language often work but are not treated equally as Native Americans are. Chavez talks about how there is a big difference in the amount of male immigrants are in the work force compared to the amount of US males in the work force (455). People often make the assumption that immigrants are paid the same as US citizens, but in reality they are paid less weather they are legal or illegal. The difference in the amount that immigrants make and American born people is astounding illegal immigrants was 36,000 in 2007 compared with 50,000 for native born households (Chavez 455). She makes this statement to show the difference in the amount that immigrants make compared to the amount Native Americans make. To show that even though immigrant work more that Native Americans they are paid less because they are not from America (Chavez 455). Roger Waldinger also talks about working immigrants in Immigration Reform Too Hot to Handle. Waldinger states that the jobs that immigrants can fill only are open for a short ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Analysis Of Jaap Schekkerman, The Founder Of Ifead s And... Background Jaap Schekkerman, the founder of IFEAD s, developed the Extended Enterprise Architecture Framework (E2AF) in the early 2000 s. The E2AF is a communication framework that is a blended framework which takes standards from IEEE 1471, describes views and viewpoints of an architecture from a software intensive system and elements of FEAF and TOGAF and a matrix structure similar to Zachman. E2AF is an architecture program that describes subjects and relations with all key stakeholders. It helps address the topics and process steps needed to reach an organizations overall goals and objectives (Schekkerman, 2006). The rules and principles of E2AF are the fundamental elements when utilizing IFEAD s architectural philosophy. The visualization translated by the principles and rules help express the style of architecture. In addition, the principles and rules are related to both the context of the architecture, the methods and approaches. In turn, the approaches help define and describe the process roadmap for an architecture. Schekkerman designed the framework to address the elements of construction, function and style (Schekkerman, 2006). In particular, the enterprise deals with the function and construction and the culture (including values and norms) deals with the style. Major Architectural Issues Blended Framework Business Strategy Business and IT alignment Maturity Model Blended Framework The E2AF approach combines IEEE 1471, TOGAF, FEAF and Zachman to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Raising The Minimum Wage Is A Bad Idea In announcing his wrongheaded proposal to increase the minimum wage to $9 an hour, President Obama spoke in lofty terms: In the wealthiest nation on Earth, he said in his State of the Union address last month, no one who works full time should have to live in poverty. If the debate proceeds as it has many times in the past, then most Democrats will embrace the president s message and back the proposal, while most Republicans will oppose it, on the grounds that higher labor costs will lead to higher unemployment. But we shouldn t rely on political opinions in this debate. Facts clearly demonstrate that raising the minimum wage is a bad idea. The case against raising the minimum wage is straightforward: A higher wage makes it more expensive for firms to hire workers. How big an effect does this have on the job market? Economists debate this. But no one argues that increasing the minimum wage increases the number of unemployed workers who find jobs. In the end, the trade off is clear. People who keep their jobs get more money; those who lose their jobs, or fail to get new ones, suffer. In announcing his proposal to increase the minimum wage, the president argued that doing so would alleviate poverty. The president is certainly correct to turn his attention to the poor, many of whom have been suffering for years in a tough economy. And it is clearly desirable for households that engage in full time work not to live in poverty. But increasing the minimum wage would ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. A Rhetorical Analysis Of Budweiser s Friends Are Waiting BudweiserВ® Beer Friends Are Waiting Budweiser Beer s famous TV advertisement, Friends Are Waiting, was one of the most popular ads to air during Super Bowl 2014. The advertisement has helped encourage people to drink responsibly by taking into consideration friends and family members that could be affected should they choose to drive drunk. Budweiser has pulled on the heartstrings of many through the bond of love and friendship between a man and his dog. The company uses strong emotions to lure in its viewers but, it ultimately lacks in effective credibility and facts. Sober driving commercials have been around for years. Many of these feature an adult, typically in their 20s or 30s, stumbling to their car after having a few drinks with... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The advertisement opens with a young man walking through his front door carrying a puppy and saying, Welcome home buddy. From there, we watch the two grow up together. They spend their days playing fetch, vacationing, barbecuing and even sleeping together. The two are inseparable until one night when the owner goes out with some friends to have a good time. The camera is focused on the case of beer one of the owner s friends is holding, implying that the group will be drinking. What happens next is what affects the audience most, giving the commercial its strong pathos. The dog is seen staring out the window, waiting patiently for his best friend to return to him. The waiting continues all night long and Budweiser takes this opportunity to pause from the commercial and display the words, For some, the waiting never ended. But we can change that. When the words exit the screen the owner returns to his home, hugs his dog, and says, Hey! I m sorry. I decided I shouldn t drive home last night. I stayed at Dave s. The darkness returns to the screen with the words Make a plan to make it home. Your friends are counting on you. Budweiser uses these screens to emphasize just how important it is to make it home, adding to its use of caring ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. The Battle Perpula listened intently she reported to Armaila that she could hear nothing. It was quiet too quiet Armaila thought. Florine had instructed them to place pillows and extra clothing underneath their blankets, to make it looks as if they were sleeping. They were all hiding in the underbrush, ready to spring out and defend themselves Armaila was sitting on Perpulas back, ready to wield her sword in battle. Perpula was armed with naught but her sharp claws and teeth, Florine with her sword and magic, and Fredgar with a small, jagged edged dagger. Earl had Armailas bow, and he and Marie were farther back Florine told them she didn t want them getting in the way when the fight started. She also had a hard time convincing them, especially... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Suddenly Perpula straightened up higher she had heard something. They are coming, Florine stated grimly. After a little bit, Armaila also could hear the sound of hooves beating the dry ground. As the riders which Armaila counted as about eighteen, but it was hard to tell came up to the edge of the firelight, they looked around cautiously. Two dismounted their horses, and slowly and silently approached what seemed like sleeping bodies. Florine did not give the signal to attack yet. The two riders went back to the others Armaila could not hear what they were saying, but she did hear the world Dragon. She suddenly realized something Perpula was not there. That would alert their enemies to the fact that it must be a decoy. The two went back, and one carefully pulled back one of the blankets the one that would have been Florine and held up one of the pillows. The others rode up, a horse stepped on what would have been Fredgar. Now! Florine yelled. Perpula roared loudly and jumped up out of her hiding space, landing on top of one of the riders and horse she was larger than most horses now. She grabbed the rider, clamping it between her jaws and swung her head vigorously. She then tossed the still warm body out of the ring of firelight. Florine cut the head off one, and stabbed another in the heart. The third cut her along the side of her left arm before she also cut his head off. As Perpula was busy dealing with a rider the same was she had ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Nursing Shortage Of Maryland And How Does It Effect... Nursing Shortage in Maryland and How does it Effect Healthcare Renita Scott March 17, 2015 PUAD 751.TW1 Sp15 What is the nursing shortage and why does it exist in Maryland? The History of Nursing The practice of nursing started in the past around the Middle Ages, where women in primitive societies where made to take care of the sick whether they wanted to or not. For example, in Ethiopia among the Zuni tribe, if a baby is born with part of the placenta covering the face, it was taken as a sign that the baby would be marked as one destined to become a caregiver. (Henly Moss, 2007). In many societies, nurses were mostly untrained women who helped deliver babies or were wet nurses. According to The History of Nursing (2013) religious figures like nuns had more training and cared for the sick. However, by the 13th through the 16th centuries, religious orders felt as if it was their duty to care for the physical needs of people as well as their spiritual needs and formed sisterhoods to carry out this mission. In 1645, Jeanne Mance, a nurse from France, established the Hotel Dieu de Montreal in Canada, the first hospital in North America. By the 18th century, the United States was beginning to realize the need for organized nursing services. In 1751, Benjamin Franklin and Dr. Thomas Bond opened Pennsylvania Hospital, the nation s first hospital. It served the poor and homeless in Philadelphia. When the American Revolutionary War broke ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...