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Robotium Tutorial

                                    Mobile March
                                   March 21, 2013

                                           An Intertech Course

                    By Jim White, Intertech, Inc..
Course Name

                                                                         Stop by Intertech’s
                                                                         booth for a chance to
                                                                         win FREE Training.

       Or go to bit.ly.com/intertech-login

   Slides & demo code available at intertech.com/blog
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Course Name

   Session Agenda
   • Robotium…
           •    What is it?
           •    Where to get it and how to set it up
           •    “Normal” Android unit testing background
           •    Why Robotium is needed
           •    Using Robotium
           •    Robotium Tips/Tricks/Issues
           •    Complimentary tools
           •    Further Resources
           •    Q&A

Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 3
Course Name

   • The main point/purpose to my talk…
           • There are wonderful test/QA tools available for Android!
           • There are no excuses for skipping unit testing in Android!

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Course Name

   Jim White Intro
   • Intertech Partner,
           • Dir. of Training,
           • Instructor,
           • Consultant
   • Co-author, J2ME, Java in Small
     Things (Manning)
           • Device developer since before
             phones were “smart”
           • Java developer when “spring”
             and “struts” described your
   • Occasional beer drinker

Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 5
Course Name

   Robotium – what is it?
   • An open source test framework
   • Used to write black or white box tests (emphasis is on black box)
           • White box testing – testing software that knows and tests the internal
             structures or workings of an application
           • Black box testing – testing software functionality without knowledge of
             an application (perhaps where the source code is not even available)
   • Tests can be executed on an Android Virtual Device (AVD) or real
   • Built on Java (and Android) and JUnit (the Android Test Framework)
           • In fact, it may be more appropriate to call Robotium an extension to the
             Android test framework

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Course Name

   Robotium Project Setup
   • Prerequisites
           • Install and setup JDK
           • Install and setup Eclipse (optional)
           • Install and setup Android Standard Development Kit (SDK)
                   • Supports Android 1.6 (API level 4) and above
           • Install and setup Android Development Tools (ADT) for Eclipse (optional)
           • Create Android AVD or attach device by USB
   • Create an Android Test Project
   • Download Robotium JAR and add to project classpath
           • robotium-solo-X.X.jar (version 3.6 the latest as of this writing)
           • From code.google.com/p/robotium/downloads/list

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Course Name

   Background - Android JUnit Testing
   • Android testing is based on JUnit
           • You create test suites, classes (test cases), methods
           • Organize tests into a Android Test project
           • Android API supports JUnit 3 code style – not JUnit 4!
                   • No annotations
                   • Old JUnit naming conventions
   • Test case classes can extend good-old-fashion JUnit3 TestCase
           • To call Android APIs, base class must extend AndroidTestCase
           • Use JUnit Assert class to check/display test results
   • Execute tests using an SDK provided InstrumentationTestRunner
           • android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner
           • Usually handled automatically via IDE

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Course Name

   Android Test Architecture
   • Architecturally, the unit testing project and app project run on the
     same JVM (i.e. DVM).

                                                                         Test case classes,
                                                                         instrumentation, JUnit,
                                                                         mock objects, etc.

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Course Name

   Robotium Project Setup
   • Add Robotium JAR to the Java                                         • Put Robotium in the build path
     Build Path                                                             order.

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Course Name

   Android JUnit Project Setup


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Course Name

   The “App” Used To Demo Today
   • Want to make sure data is
   • Want to make sure data is
           • Age is less than 122
           • Zip has 5 characters
   • Make sure a role is clicked.
   • Make sure clear does clear the
   • Etc.

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Course Name

   Example JUnit Test (Continued)
   public class TestDataCollection extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<DataCollectionActivity> {

    DataCollectionActivity activity;

    public TestDataCollection() {                                               Extends AndroidTestCase –
      super(DataCollectionActivity.class);                                      provides functionality for testing a
                                                                                single Activity. Need to associate it
                                                                                to an Activity type (like
    public void setUp() throws Exception {
      super.setUp();                                                      Test case initialization method (just
      activity = getActivity();                                           like JUnit 3).

    protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
       activity.finish();                                                           Test case tear down method (just
       super.tearDown();                                                            like JUnit 3).
Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 13
Course Name

   Example JUnit Test (Continued)                                                 Test methods must
                                                                                  begin with “test”.
        public void testCheckNameClear() {
         final EditText name = (EditText) activity.findViewById(R.id.nameEdit);
         activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {                                    Grab widgets by
            public void run() {                                                     their Android ID.
              name.requestFocus();              UI adjustments/ work must
            }                                   be done on UI thread
         sendKeys("J I M");
         Button button = (Button) activity.findViewById(R.id.clearButton);
                                                                                             provide limited UI
         TouchUtils.clickView(this, button);
                                                                                             maneuvering, but
         assertTrue("First name field is not empty.", name.getText().toString().equals(""));
                                                                                             again requires
                                                                                          deep knowledge
                                                                                          of the UI details

                                             Normal assert methods to
                                             check results.
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Course Name

Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 15
Course Name

   Why Android JUnit Isn’t Enough
   •     Requires deep knowledge of widgets
           •    Widget IDs
           •    Widget Properties
           •    What has focus
           •    Order of widgets
           •    Etc.
   •     Often requires deep knowledge of Android internals
           •    Especially around menus, dialogs, etc.
   •     Makes for brittle unit tests
           •    As the UI changes, the test often must change dramatically.
   •     Poor instrumentation
           •    Instrumentation is a feature in which specific monitoring of the interactions
                between an application and the system are made possible.
           •    Use of runOnUIThread to execute UI work that isn’t covered by TouchUtils or
                TestCase class.
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Course Name

   Example Robotium
   • Use Robotium tests in JUnit test class
           • Same code as in TestDataCollectionActivity above…
           • With a few additions/changes.

           private Solo solo;

                                                                          Add a Solo member
           public void setUp() throws Exception {                         variable and initialize it
             super.setUp();                                               during setUp( ).
             activity = getActivity();
             solo= new Solo(getInstrumentation(), getActivity());

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Course Name

   Example Robotium (Continued)
   • The new test method – greatly simplified via Robotium!

      public void testCheckNameClear() {
        solo.enterText(0, "Jim");                    // 0 is the index of the EditText field
        assertTrue("First name field is not empty.",solo.getEditText(0).

                                                                            Solo methods allow
                                                                            widgets to be selected
                                                                            and interacted with.

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   Robotium Solo API
   • Robotium is all baked into one class - Solo – with many methods:
           • clickX methods: clickOnButton, clickOnImage, clickOnText,…
           • clickLongX methods: clickLongInList, clickLongOnScreen,
           • enterText
           • drag
           • getX methods: getButton, getCurrentActivity, getImage, getEditText, …
           • goBack
           • isX methods: isCheckBoxChecked, isRadioButtonChecked,
             isSpinnerTextSelected, isTextChecked,…
           • pressX methods: pressMenuItem, pressMenuItem, pressSpinnerItem, …
           • scrollX methods: scrollToTop, scrollToBottom, …
           • searchX methods: searchButton, searchEditText, searchText, …
           • waitForX methods: waitForActivity, waitForText, …
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Course Name

   Android Robotium Demo


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Course Name

   Tips & Tricks
   • Robotium (and all JUnit tests) operate in the same process (DVM) as
     the original app
           • Robotium only works with the activities and views within the defined app
           • For example: Can’t use intent to launch another app and test activity
             work from that app
   • The popup keyboard is accomplished with a bitmap in Android
           • Robotium (or any unit test software) doesn’t see the “keys” as buttons or

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Course Name

   Tips & Tricks (Continued)
   • Use waitFor methods liberally.
           • Especially if new screen opens or changes to what is displayed are
           • The waitFor methods tell Robotium to wait for a condition to happen
             before the execution continues.
           public void testGoodLogin() {
                    solo.enterText(0, “username");
                    solo.enterText(1, “password");
                    String label = res.getString(R.string.login_button_label);
                    String title = res.getString(R.string.title_activity_systemv);
                    solo.assertCurrentActivity("systemv", SystemVActivity.class);
Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 23
Course Name

   Tips & Tricks (Continued)
   • RadioButtons are Buttons, EditText are Text, etc…
           • Getting the proper widget by index can be more difficult
           • Use of index also makes the test case more brittle due to potential layout
           • Consider clickOnButton(“Clear”) vs.

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Course Name

   Tips & Tricks (Continued)
   • Resources in Android are at a premium (especially when test cases
     and App code are running in same DVM).
           • Use solo.finishOpenedActivities() in your tearDown method.
           • It closes all the opened activities.
           • Frees resources for the next tests
   • Robotium has some difficulty with animations
   • Robotium doesn’t work with status bar notifications

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Course Name

   Tips & Tricks – Black Box Testing
   • Black Box Testing (when all you have is the APK file) is a little more
           • Recall in the demo, the test application wants the main activity name?
                                  public TestDataCollectionActivity() {
           • You may not know this for a 3rd party/black box app.
           • You can get the activity name by loading the APK to an AVD or device,
             running it, and watching the logcat.
   • The APK file has to have the same certificate signature as the test
           • Probably have to delete the signature and then resign the APK with the
             Android debug key signature.
           • It’s easier than it sounds. See referenced document for help.
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   Android Robotium Black Box Demo

                                                Black Box

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   Robotium Additional Features
   • Robotium can automatically take screenshots
           • solo.takeScreenshot( )
   • Robotium can be run from the command line (using adb shell)
           • adb shell am instrument -w
   • Robotium can test with localized strings
           • solo.getString(localized_resource_string_id)
   • Code coverage is a bit lackluster at this time
           • Can be done with special ant task and command line tools
   • Robotium does not work on Flash or Web apps.

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Course Name

   Complimentary Tools
   • Robotium Testroid Recorder
           •    Record actions to generate Android JUnit/Robotium test cases
           •    Run tests on 180 devices “in the cloud”
           •    Testdroid.com
           •    Commercial product (50 runs free, $99/month or ¢99/run)

   • Robotium Remote Control
           • Allows Robotium test cases to be executed from the JVM (on a PC)
                   • This allows Robotium to work with JUnit 4.
           • code.google.com/p/robotium/wiki/RemoteControl

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   • These slides and demo code: intertech.com/blog
   • Google Robotium site
           • code.google.com/p/robotium
           • code.google.com/p/robotium/wiki/RobotiumTutorials
   • Tutorial Articles/Blog Posts
           •    devblog.xing.com/qa/robotium-atxing/
           •    www.netmagazine.com/tutorials/automate-your-android-app-testing
           •    robotiumsolo.blogspot.com/2012/12/what-is-robotium.html
           •    www.vogella.com/articles/AndroidTesting/article.html
           •    robotium.googlecode.com/files/RobotiumForBeginners.pdf
                   • excellent article for black box testing when all you have is the APK
   • Fundamentals of Android Unit Testing
           • developer.android.com/tools/testing/testing_android.html
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          • Questions – you got’em, I want’em

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Course Name

     Award-Winning Training and Consulting.

                  Visit     www.Intertech.com for complete details.
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     Intertech offers
     Mobile Training On:
                                 •     Android
                                 •     HTML5
                                 •     iOS
                                 •     Java ME
                                 •     jQuery
                                 •     Windows Phone

         Visit    ww.Intertech.com for complete course schedule.
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                                                                      Stop by Intertech’s
                                                                      booth for a chance to
                                                                      win FREE Training.

          Or go to bit.ly.com/intertech-login

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More Related Content

Robotium Tutorial

  • 1. Robotium Tutorial Mobile March March 21, 2013 An Intertech Course By Jim White, Intertech, Inc..
  • 2. Course Name Stop by Intertech’s booth for a chance to win FREE Training. Or go to bit.ly.com/intertech-login Slides & demo code available at intertech.com/blog Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 2
  • 3. Course Name Session Agenda • Robotium… • What is it? • Where to get it and how to set it up • “Normal” Android unit testing background • Why Robotium is needed • Using Robotium • Robotium Tips/Tricks/Issues • Complimentary tools • Further Resources • Q&A Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 3
  • 4. Course Name Purpose • The main point/purpose to my talk… • There are wonderful test/QA tools available for Android! • There are no excuses for skipping unit testing in Android! Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 4
  • 5. Course Name Jim White Intro • Intertech Partner, • Dir. of Training, • Instructor, • Consultant • Co-author, J2ME, Java in Small Things (Manning) • Device developer since before phones were “smart” • Java developer when “spring” and “struts” described your stride • Occasional beer drinker Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 5
  • 6. Course Name Robotium – what is it? • An open source test framework • Used to write black or white box tests (emphasis is on black box) • White box testing – testing software that knows and tests the internal structures or workings of an application • Black box testing – testing software functionality without knowledge of an application (perhaps where the source code is not even available) • Tests can be executed on an Android Virtual Device (AVD) or real device • Built on Java (and Android) and JUnit (the Android Test Framework) • In fact, it may be more appropriate to call Robotium an extension to the Android test framework Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 6
  • 7. Course Name Robotium Project Setup • Prerequisites • Install and setup JDK • Install and setup Eclipse (optional) • Install and setup Android Standard Development Kit (SDK) • Supports Android 1.6 (API level 4) and above • Install and setup Android Development Tools (ADT) for Eclipse (optional) • Create Android AVD or attach device by USB • Create an Android Test Project • Download Robotium JAR and add to project classpath • robotium-solo-X.X.jar (version 3.6 the latest as of this writing) • From code.google.com/p/robotium/downloads/list Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 7
  • 8. Course Name Background - Android JUnit Testing • Android testing is based on JUnit • You create test suites, classes (test cases), methods • Organize tests into a Android Test project • Android API supports JUnit 3 code style – not JUnit 4! • No annotations • Old JUnit naming conventions • Test case classes can extend good-old-fashion JUnit3 TestCase • To call Android APIs, base class must extend AndroidTestCase • Use JUnit Assert class to check/display test results • Execute tests using an SDK provided InstrumentationTestRunner • android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner • Usually handled automatically via IDE Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 8
  • 9. Course Name Android Test Architecture • Architecturally, the unit testing project and app project run on the same JVM (i.e. DVM). Test case classes, instrumentation, JUnit, mock objects, etc. Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 9
  • 10. Course Name Robotium Project Setup • Add Robotium JAR to the Java • Put Robotium in the build path Build Path order. Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 10
  • 11. Course Name Android JUnit Project Setup Demo Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 11
  • 12. Course Name The “App” Used To Demo Today • Want to make sure data is entered. • Want to make sure data is valid. • Age is less than 122 • Zip has 5 characters • Make sure a role is clicked. • Make sure clear does clear the fields. • Etc. Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 12
  • 13. Course Name Example JUnit Test (Continued) public class TestDataCollection extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<DataCollectionActivity> { DataCollectionActivity activity; public TestDataCollection() { Extends AndroidTestCase – super(DataCollectionActivity.class); provides functionality for testing a single Activity. Need to associate it } to an Activity type (like DataCollectionActivity) @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); Test case initialization method (just activity = getActivity(); like JUnit 3). } @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { activity.finish(); Test case tear down method (just super.tearDown(); like JUnit 3). Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 13 }
  • 14. Course Name Example JUnit Test (Continued) Test methods must begin with “test”. public void testCheckNameClear() { final EditText name = (EditText) activity.findViewById(R.id.nameEdit); activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { Grab widgets by public void run() { their Android ID. name.requestFocus(); UI adjustments/ work must } be done on UI thread }); sendKeys("J I M"); TestCase, TouchUtils Button button = (Button) activity.findViewById(R.id.clearButton); provide limited UI TouchUtils.clickView(this, button); maneuvering, but assertTrue("First name field is not empty.", name.getText().toString().equals("")); again requires } deep knowledge } of the UI details Normal assert methods to check results. Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 14
  • 15. Course Name Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 15
  • 16. Course Name Why Android JUnit Isn’t Enough • Requires deep knowledge of widgets • Widget IDs • Widget Properties • What has focus • Order of widgets • Etc. • Often requires deep knowledge of Android internals • Especially around menus, dialogs, etc. • Makes for brittle unit tests • As the UI changes, the test often must change dramatically. • Poor instrumentation • Instrumentation is a feature in which specific monitoring of the interactions between an application and the system are made possible. • Use of runOnUIThread to execute UI work that isn’t covered by TouchUtils or TestCase class. Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 16
  • 17. Course Name Example Robotium • Use Robotium tests in JUnit test class • Same code as in TestDataCollectionActivity above… • With a few additions/changes. private Solo solo; @Override Add a Solo member public void setUp() throws Exception { variable and initialize it super.setUp(); during setUp( ). activity = getActivity(); solo= new Solo(getInstrumentation(), getActivity()); } Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 17
  • 18. Course Name Example Robotium (Continued) • The new test method – greatly simplified via Robotium! public void testCheckNameClear() { solo.enterText(0, "Jim"); // 0 is the index of the EditText field solo.clickOnButton("Clear"); assertTrue("First name field is not empty.",solo.getEditText(0). getText().toString().equals("")); } Solo methods allow widgets to be selected and interacted with. Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 18
  • 19. Course Name Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 19
  • 20. Course Name Robotium Solo API • Robotium is all baked into one class - Solo – with many methods: • clickX methods: clickOnButton, clickOnImage, clickOnText,… • clickLongX methods: clickLongInList, clickLongOnScreen, clickLongOnText,… • enterText • drag • getX methods: getButton, getCurrentActivity, getImage, getEditText, … • goBack • isX methods: isCheckBoxChecked, isRadioButtonChecked, isSpinnerTextSelected, isTextChecked,… • pressX methods: pressMenuItem, pressMenuItem, pressSpinnerItem, … • scrollX methods: scrollToTop, scrollToBottom, … • searchX methods: searchButton, searchEditText, searchText, … • waitForX methods: waitForActivity, waitForText, … Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 20
  • 21. Course Name Android Robotium Demo Demo Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 21
  • 22. Course Name Tips & Tricks • Robotium (and all JUnit tests) operate in the same process (DVM) as the original app • Robotium only works with the activities and views within the defined app • For example: Can’t use intent to launch another app and test activity work from that app • The popup keyboard is accomplished with a bitmap in Android • Robotium (or any unit test software) doesn’t see the “keys” as buttons or anything. Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 22
  • 23. Course Name Tips & Tricks (Continued) • Use waitFor methods liberally. • Especially if new screen opens or changes to what is displayed are occurring. • The waitFor methods tell Robotium to wait for a condition to happen before the execution continues. public void testGoodLogin() { solo.enterText(0, “username"); solo.enterText(1, “password"); String label = res.getString(R.string.login_button_label); solo.clickOnButton(label); String title = res.getString(R.string.title_activity_systemv); solo.waitForText(title); solo.assertCurrentActivity("systemv", SystemVActivity.class); solo.getCurrentActivity().finish(); } Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 23
  • 24. Course Name Tips & Tricks (Continued) • RadioButtons are Buttons, EditText are Text, etc… • Getting the proper widget by index can be more difficult • Use of index also makes the test case more brittle due to potential layout changes • Consider clickOnButton(“Clear”) vs. clickOnButton(6) Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 24
  • 25. Course Name Tips & Tricks (Continued) • Resources in Android are at a premium (especially when test cases and App code are running in same DVM). • Use solo.finishOpenedActivities() in your tearDown method. • It closes all the opened activities. • Frees resources for the next tests • Robotium has some difficulty with animations • Robotium doesn’t work with status bar notifications Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 25
  • 26. Course Name Tips & Tricks – Black Box Testing • Black Box Testing (when all you have is the APK file) is a little more tricky. • Recall in the demo, the test application wants the main activity name? public TestDataCollectionActivity() { super(DataCollectionActivity.class); } • You may not know this for a 3rd party/black box app. • You can get the activity name by loading the APK to an AVD or device, running it, and watching the logcat. • The APK file has to have the same certificate signature as the test project. • Probably have to delete the signature and then resign the APK with the Android debug key signature. • It’s easier than it sounds. See referenced document for help. Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 26
  • 27. Course Name Android Robotium Black Box Demo Black Box Demo Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 27
  • 28. Course Name Robotium Additional Features • Robotium can automatically take screenshots • solo.takeScreenshot( ) • Robotium can be run from the command line (using adb shell) • adb shell am instrument -w com.android.foo/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner • Robotium can test with localized strings • solo.getString(localized_resource_string_id) • Code coverage is a bit lackluster at this time • Can be done with special ant task and command line tools • Robotium does not work on Flash or Web apps. Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 28
  • 29. Course Name Complimentary Tools • Robotium Testroid Recorder • Record actions to generate Android JUnit/Robotium test cases • Run tests on 180 devices “in the cloud” • Testdroid.com • Commercial product (50 runs free, $99/month or ¢99/run) • Robotium Remote Control • Allows Robotium test cases to be executed from the JVM (on a PC) • This allows Robotium to work with JUnit 4. • code.google.com/p/robotium/wiki/RemoteControl Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 29
  • 30. Course Name Resources • These slides and demo code: intertech.com/blog • Google Robotium site • code.google.com/p/robotium • code.google.com/p/robotium/wiki/RobotiumTutorials • Tutorial Articles/Blog Posts • devblog.xing.com/qa/robotium-atxing/ • www.netmagazine.com/tutorials/automate-your-android-app-testing • robotiumsolo.blogspot.com/2012/12/what-is-robotium.html • www.vogella.com/articles/AndroidTesting/article.html • robotium.googlecode.com/files/RobotiumForBeginners.pdf • excellent article for black box testing when all you have is the APK • Fundamentals of Android Unit Testing • developer.android.com/tools/testing/testing_android.html Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 30
  • 31. Course Name Q&A • Questions – you got’em, I want’em Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 31
  • 32. Course Name Award-Winning Training and Consulting. Visit www.Intertech.com for complete details. Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 32
  • 33. Course Name Intertech offers Mobile Training On: • Android • HTML5 • iOS • Java ME • jQuery • Windows Phone Visit ww.Intertech.com for complete course schedule. Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 33
  • 34. Course Name Stop by Intertech’s booth for a chance to win FREE Training. Or go to bit.ly.com/intertech-login Copyright © Intertech, Inc. • www.Intertech.com • 800-866-9884 Slide 34