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Role of Engineering Geology In
Resevoirs,Dams & Tunneling
Mr. K. D. Petare
Civil Engineering Department
SRE’S Sanjivani College of Engineering,
Kopargaon 423603
 Dams are very important structure for overall development
of humankind & so the nation.They are creating storage of
water ,not only for irrigation, hydro-power generation &
water supply.
 The wetland surrounding the reservoir area also useful for
developing & mainting Environment.
 On an average ,less then 1% of dam have encountered
accident over a long period of time.
 When dam failure history is studied thoroughly, it is relived
that there were issue in underlying foundation rocks and
those were the major source for an accident to cause.
 Therefore geological study of dam site before construction
shall be conducted thoroughly to overcome mentioned
Physical properties & Structure of rocks
 During the selection of the reservoir site consideration
must to be given to…..
1. The amount of rainfall in area
2. Run off
3. Infiltration rate of area
4. Rate of evapo-transpiration in catchment area
5. Types of vegetation in catchment area
6. Topographical & Geological Conditions
Strength, Stability & Water Tightness
of Foundation Rocks
 To serve actual purpose construction of dam, it should be
the watertight, incase if foundation rocks are not
watertight,sutable measures have to be taken to prevent loss
of water through them.
 Failure of dam may result in various effect keep away such
effect safety and stability of a dam Shall be guaranteed this
basically depends majorly upon the strength and soundness
of foundation rocks.
 The strength and soundness depend on microstructure and
nature of rocks on which dam is to be founded
 The required information about rocks at the site can be
obtained by geological survey
 Dam is a solid barrier constructed at a suitable
location across a river valley to store flowing water.
 Storage of water is utilized for following objectives:
 Hydropower
 Irrigation
 Water for domestic consumption
 Drought and flood control
 For navigational facilities
 Other additional utilization is to develop fisheries
Structure of Dam
(inside dam)
water level
Max. level
Free board
Sluice way
Upstream Down stream
 Heel: contact with the ground on the upstream side
 Toe: contact on the downstream side
 Abutment: Sides of the valley on which the structure of the dam rest
 Galleries: small rooms like structure left within the dam for checking
 Diversion tunnel: Tunnels are constructed for diverting water before
the construction of dam. This helps in keeping the river bed dry.
 Spillways: It is the arrangement near the top to release the excess
water of the reservoir to downstream side
 Sluice way: An opening in the dam near the ground level, which is
used to clear the silt accumulation in the reservoir side.
Types of dams
Gravity dams
A gravity is a solid concrete
structure, generally having
a triangular profile, which is
so designed that it can
safely stand against the
precalculated volume of
water by virtue of its weight.
Forces in the dam : thrust of
impounded water in x-axis
and weight of the dam in y-
Some examples
•Bhakra Dam is a concrete gravity dam across the Sutlej
River, and is in Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh in northern
•India's second tallest at 225.55 m (740 ft) high next to
the 261m Tehri Dam.
•The 90 km long reservoir created by the Bhakra Dam is
spread over an area of 168.35 km2. In terms of storage of
water, it withholds the second largest reservoir in India,
the first being Indira Sagar Dam in Madhya Pradesh
with capacity of 12.22 billion cm3.
Buttress dam
Buttress dams are derived from gravity dams. This type
of dams are supported uses thin concrete slab which is
supported from downstream side by buttresses.
•It uses multiple reinforced columns to support the
dams. Since it has relatively thin structure so there is
considerable amount of saving of concrete material.
Role of Engineering Geology In Resevoirs,Dams & Tunneling.
Arch dams
It is an arch – shaped solid structure made up of concrete which is
designed in such a way that a major part of the thrust forces acting
on the dam are transmitted to arch.
•Arch dams are quite thin walled dams and hence lighter in
•The Idukki Dam, located in Kerala, India, is a 168.91 m (554
ft) tall arch dam.
•It is built on the Periyar River, in the ravine between the
Kuravan and Kurathi Hills in Kerala, India.
At 167.68 metres, it is one of the highest arch dams in Asia and
third tallest arch dam. Technically, the dam type is a concrete
double, curvature parabolic, thin arc dam.
•It supports a 780 MW hydroelectric power station. It was
constructed and is owned by the Kerala State Electricity
Embankment dams
•These are non rigid structures which are build over
wide valleys with varying foundations. These are
trapezoidal in shape and are build of single type of
material(such as earth fill or rock fill) or combination of
more than one material.
•The main advantage of these dams is that it can be
constructed on weak foundation.
•Impervious core is placed in the middle of the
embankment body.
•Generally riprap is used to control erosion.
Role of Engineering Geology In Resevoirs,Dams & Tunneling.
•The Tehri Dam is the highest dam in India and one of
the tallest in the world.
•It is a multi-purpose rock and earthfill embankment
dam on the Bhagirathim River near Tehri in
Uttarakhand, India.
•It is the primary dam of the THDC India Ltd. and the
Tehri hydroelectric complex. The Tehri Dam withholds a
reservoir for irrigation, municipal water supply and the
generation of 1,000 MW of hydroelectricity.
•The dam's 1,000 MW pumped-storage scheme is
currently under construction.
Influence of Geological Condition
Factor Affecting Selection of Dam
 Topography
 Geology & Foundation Condition
 Availability Of Materials
 Spillway Size & Location
 Earthquake zones
 Height Of dam
 Economically
 Solid Rock have strong bearing capacity such rocks are
suitable AS Foundation example granite it is suitable for
almost every type of dam and can sustain for longer period of
 Earthan or rockfill type of them are prefer on gravel
Geological and foundation conditions.
 The first choice of the type of dam depends mainly on
the topography.
 An area with a narrow u shaped Valley formed by
downward erosion by river suggest a concrete overflow
 Arch dam is suitable for an area Where water is to be
stored in a narrow V shaped Valley.
Availability of materials
 Importance of use material for a construction of a dam
of a cost of the project largely so availability of material
is of crucial factor in selecting types of dam
Spillway size and location
 Spillway dispose the excess of river discharge. The
capability of the spillway will depend on the magnitude
of the flood to be bypass.
 The spillway is therefore much more vital on river and
stream with huge flood potential the ability of spillway
site is very important in selection of a particular types of
Earthquake zone
 This factor is a crucial importance while selecting the
types of dam. earthquake zone shall be considered
while designing the dam and while selecting the types
of dam.
 The type of structure best suited to resist earthquake
shocks without danger are Earthen dam and concrete
gravity dams.
Height of dam
Preliminary Geological work on Dam & Reservoir Sites.
 The geology of the dam site include the foundation for the
dam and the site for other structure such as spillway,
diversion tunnel and outlet works
 Dam Foundation strength and durability to support the
type of purpose Dam, whether the foundation is watertight
and if not how much grouting will be required, whether
the spillway will require concrete lining.
 Extensive site investigation are usually required to find the
solution for this questions. No two dam site are identical as
far as geology is concerned, so each new Dam construction
project has to be investigated individually.
 To overcome all possible problem on the site there is
required to conduct preliminary study on the dam side as
 Geological mapping of surface Rock outcrop.
 Geophysical survey.
 Subsurface survey.
 Diamond core drilling.
 Availability of material.
 petrological study.
 Metrological study.
Geological condition suitable for Reservoir site.
 Nature of underlying rock.
 Bed dipping upstream.
 V shaped and U shape Valley .
 High drainage density.
The location of large impounding direct supply Reservoir is very much
influenced by topography, this control the storage capacity of a
Reservoir. In addition to the factor affecting the selection of a dam site
few factor are as follows.
Bed dipping upstream
 For the stability of the Dam, beds dipping upstream are
most suitable location for construction.
 Dam in bed dipping upstream are most suitable for stable
foundation and for reservoir.
 Water in the Reservoir May seep through the bedding
plans, but it will retain water somewhere in upstream side
again, which serve the purpose of Dam construction.
Unfavorable Dips
Horizontal bed.
 The dam constructed on horizontal bed are stable compared to
the dam on dipping beds. In spite of the present situation it is
more over depends upon the underlying rocks.
 If the underlying rocks are hard, impervious Dam can withstand
for a long period and water can be stored.
 In case of pervious Rock proper Foundation with grouting on the
surface before construction shall be done.
 The water Movement in previous Rock downwards May takes
place and later natural flow of groundwater may be followed so
water may rise on the surface on the downstream side.
Bed dipping downstream.
 The stability of the Dam on the rock dipping downstream
depend on the rock on which the dam is founded. If Dam
Foundation is constructed on a single uniform Rock then it
is comparatively more stable then the dam foundation on
multiple layer.
 Locations where bed are dipping downstream shall be
avoided at first instance but if it is necessary to construct
dam at such location then suitable treatment procedure
shall be followed before construction.
Faults: Dams founded on the fault zones are most liable to
the shocks during an earthquake. Generally the small scale
fault zones can be treated effectively by grouting.
Folds: the effects on of fold on rock are shattering
and jointing along the axial planes and stressing
of limbs. In the synclinal region dams placed on
the upstream limbs have the risk of leakage from
beneath the dam.
Role of Engineering Geology In Resevoirs,Dams & Tunneling.

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Role of Engineering Geology In Resevoirs,Dams & Tunneling.

  • 1. Role of Engineering Geology In Resevoirs,Dams & Tunneling Mr. K. D. Petare Civil Engineering Department SRE’S Sanjivani College of Engineering, Kopargaon 423603 UNIT V
  • 2. Introduction  Dams are very important structure for overall development of humankind & so the nation.They are creating storage of water ,not only for irrigation, hydro-power generation & water supply.  The wetland surrounding the reservoir area also useful for developing & mainting Environment.  On an average ,less then 1% of dam have encountered accident over a long period of time.  When dam failure history is studied thoroughly, it is relived that there were issue in underlying foundation rocks and those were the major source for an accident to cause.  Therefore geological study of dam site before construction shall be conducted thoroughly to overcome mentioned problems
  • 3. Physical properties & Structure of rocks  During the selection of the reservoir site consideration must to be given to….. 1. The amount of rainfall in area 2. Run off 3. Infiltration rate of area 4. Rate of evapo-transpiration in catchment area 5. Types of vegetation in catchment area 6. Topographical & Geological Conditions
  • 4. Strength, Stability & Water Tightness of Foundation Rocks  To serve actual purpose construction of dam, it should be the watertight, incase if foundation rocks are not watertight,sutable measures have to be taken to prevent loss of water through them.  Failure of dam may result in various effect keep away such effect safety and stability of a dam Shall be guaranteed this basically depends majorly upon the strength and soundness of foundation rocks.  The strength and soundness depend on microstructure and nature of rocks on which dam is to be founded  The required information about rocks at the site can be obtained by geological survey
  • 5. Dams  Dam is a solid barrier constructed at a suitable location across a river valley to store flowing water.  Storage of water is utilized for following objectives:  Hydropower  Irrigation  Water for domestic consumption  Drought and flood control  For navigational facilities  Other additional utilization is to develop fisheries
  • 6. Structure of Dam Heel Gallery Toe Spillway (inside dam) Crest NWL Normal water level MWL Max. level Free board Sluice way Upstream Down stream
  • 7.  Heel: contact with the ground on the upstream side  Toe: contact on the downstream side  Abutment: Sides of the valley on which the structure of the dam rest  Galleries: small rooms like structure left within the dam for checking operations.  Diversion tunnel: Tunnels are constructed for diverting water before the construction of dam. This helps in keeping the river bed dry.  Spillways: It is the arrangement near the top to release the excess water of the reservoir to downstream side  Sluice way: An opening in the dam near the ground level, which is used to clear the silt accumulation in the reservoir side.
  • 8. Types of dams Gravity dams A gravity is a solid concrete structure, generally having a triangular profile, which is so designed that it can safely stand against the precalculated volume of water by virtue of its weight. Forces in the dam : thrust of impounded water in x-axis and weight of the dam in y- axis.
  • 9. Some examples •Bhakra Dam is a concrete gravity dam across the Sutlej River, and is in Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh in northern India. •India's second tallest at 225.55 m (740 ft) high next to the 261m Tehri Dam. •The 90 km long reservoir created by the Bhakra Dam is spread over an area of 168.35 km2. In terms of storage of water, it withholds the second largest reservoir in India, the first being Indira Sagar Dam in Madhya Pradesh with capacity of 12.22 billion cm3.
  • 10. Buttress dam Buttress dams are derived from gravity dams. This type of dams are supported uses thin concrete slab which is supported from downstream side by buttresses. •It uses multiple reinforced columns to support the dams. Since it has relatively thin structure so there is considerable amount of saving of concrete material.
  • 12. Arch dams It is an arch – shaped solid structure made up of concrete which is designed in such a way that a major part of the thrust forces acting on the dam are transmitted to arch.
  • 13. •Arch dams are quite thin walled dams and hence lighter in weight. •The Idukki Dam, located in Kerala, India, is a 168.91 m (554 ft) tall arch dam. •It is built on the Periyar River, in the ravine between the Kuravan and Kurathi Hills in Kerala, India. At 167.68 metres, it is one of the highest arch dams in Asia and third tallest arch dam. Technically, the dam type is a concrete double, curvature parabolic, thin arc dam. •It supports a 780 MW hydroelectric power station. It was constructed and is owned by the Kerala State Electricity Board. Example
  • 14. Embankment dams •These are non rigid structures which are build over wide valleys with varying foundations. These are trapezoidal in shape and are build of single type of material(such as earth fill or rock fill) or combination of more than one material. •The main advantage of these dams is that it can be constructed on weak foundation. •Impervious core is placed in the middle of the embankment body. •Generally riprap is used to control erosion.
  • 16. •The Tehri Dam is the highest dam in India and one of the tallest in the world. •It is a multi-purpose rock and earthfill embankment dam on the Bhagirathim River near Tehri in Uttarakhand, India. •It is the primary dam of the THDC India Ltd. and the Tehri hydroelectric complex. The Tehri Dam withholds a reservoir for irrigation, municipal water supply and the generation of 1,000 MW of hydroelectricity. •The dam's 1,000 MW pumped-storage scheme is currently under construction. Example
  • 17. Influence of Geological Condition Factor Affecting Selection of Dam  Topography  Geology & Foundation Condition  Availability Of Materials  Spillway Size & Location  Earthquake zones  Height Of dam  Economically
  • 18. Topography  Solid Rock have strong bearing capacity such rocks are suitable AS Foundation example granite it is suitable for almost every type of dam and can sustain for longer period of time.  Earthan or rockfill type of them are prefer on gravel foundations Geological and foundation conditions.  The first choice of the type of dam depends mainly on the topography.  An area with a narrow u shaped Valley formed by downward erosion by river suggest a concrete overflow Dam.  Arch dam is suitable for an area Where water is to be stored in a narrow V shaped Valley.
  • 19. Availability of materials  Importance of use material for a construction of a dam of a cost of the project largely so availability of material is of crucial factor in selecting types of dam Spillway size and location  Spillway dispose the excess of river discharge. The capability of the spillway will depend on the magnitude of the flood to be bypass.  The spillway is therefore much more vital on river and stream with huge flood potential the ability of spillway site is very important in selection of a particular types of dam.
  • 20. Earthquake zone  This factor is a crucial importance while selecting the types of dam. earthquake zone shall be considered while designing the dam and while selecting the types of dam.  The type of structure best suited to resist earthquake shocks without danger are Earthen dam and concrete gravity dams. Height of dam
  • 21. Preliminary Geological work on Dam & Reservoir Sites.  The geology of the dam site include the foundation for the dam and the site for other structure such as spillway, diversion tunnel and outlet works  Dam Foundation strength and durability to support the type of purpose Dam, whether the foundation is watertight and if not how much grouting will be required, whether the spillway will require concrete lining.  Extensive site investigation are usually required to find the solution for this questions. No two dam site are identical as far as geology is concerned, so each new Dam construction project has to be investigated individually.  To overcome all possible problem on the site there is required to conduct preliminary study on the dam side as follows
  • 22.  Geological mapping of surface Rock outcrop.  Geophysical survey.  Subsurface survey.  Diamond core drilling.  Availability of material.  petrological study.  Metrological study.
  • 23. Geological condition suitable for Reservoir site.  Nature of underlying rock.  Bed dipping upstream.  V shaped and U shape Valley .  High drainage density. The location of large impounding direct supply Reservoir is very much influenced by topography, this control the storage capacity of a Reservoir. In addition to the factor affecting the selection of a dam site few factor are as follows.
  • 24. Bed dipping upstream  For the stability of the Dam, beds dipping upstream are most suitable location for construction.  Dam in bed dipping upstream are most suitable for stable foundation and for reservoir.  Water in the Reservoir May seep through the bedding plans, but it will retain water somewhere in upstream side again, which serve the purpose of Dam construction.
  • 25. Unfavorable Dips Horizontal bed.  The dam constructed on horizontal bed are stable compared to the dam on dipping beds. In spite of the present situation it is more over depends upon the underlying rocks.  If the underlying rocks are hard, impervious Dam can withstand for a long period and water can be stored.  In case of pervious Rock proper Foundation with grouting on the surface before construction shall be done.  The water Movement in previous Rock downwards May takes place and later natural flow of groundwater may be followed so water may rise on the surface on the downstream side.
  • 26. Bed dipping downstream.  The stability of the Dam on the rock dipping downstream depend on the rock on which the dam is founded. If Dam Foundation is constructed on a single uniform Rock then it is comparatively more stable then the dam foundation on multiple layer.  Locations where bed are dipping downstream shall be avoided at first instance but if it is necessary to construct dam at such location then suitable treatment procedure shall be followed before construction.
  • 27. Faults: Dams founded on the fault zones are most liable to the shocks during an earthquake. Generally the small scale fault zones can be treated effectively by grouting.
  • 28. Folds: the effects on of fold on rock are shattering and jointing along the axial planes and stressing of limbs. In the synclinal region dams placed on the upstream limbs have the risk of leakage from beneath the dam.