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Romeo And Juliet Example Essay
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Romeo And Juliet Example Essay QuestionsRomeo And Juliet Example Essay Questions


Christopher s Character In The Curious Incident
Curious Incident Essay
Did you know that autism affects 1 in 68 children in the world? In the story curious incident of the
boy in the night time , Christopher the protagonist in the story has a condition called Asperger
syndrome and uses this to solve mysteries and to find his mother. Despite the stigma concerning
autism and Aspergers, Christopher s condition proves advantageous on his journey. The 3 most
advantageous character traits that Christopher possesses and uses in the book are his memory ,
logic, and his independence. Christopher s first most advantageous character trait is his memory.
This is because Christopher used this ability to solve problems throughout the story, for example,
when ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Christopher uses logic instead of reason when making decisions I had to get out of the house.
Father had murdered Wellington. That meant he could murder me, because I couldn t trust him,
even though he had said Trust me, because he had told a lie about a big thing (Haddon, 122).
This shows how Christopher uses his logic instead of reason. Most people in that situation
would know that just because your dad killed a dog he would not kill you, but Christopher is
more worried about trust. This is because Christopher sees love as mostly, three things, trust,
someone who helps you, and someone who cares about you. Since Christopher doesn t trust his
dad anymore he thinks his dad doesn t care about him and this is logically thinking. This is
logically thinking because he used the facts that were their and added them up as if an equation
and made his decision to leave his dad. This is how he thought logically instead of with reason.
The second way Christopher used his logic to his advantage is when he left his father s house
and he went to Mrs. Shears house and he logically thought out all of his options and made his
decision on what he was doing next. [...] I did this by thinking of all the things I could do and
deciding whether they were the right decision or not. I decided that I couldn t go home again. And
I decided that I couldn t go and live with Siobhan because she couldn t
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Blade Runner And Post-Modernism
As Gojira (1954) directly involves with a real political subject of atomic bombs, and conveys the
political ideology by creating a fictional monster, Blade Runner (1982) discusses an issue of post
modernism and attacks post modernist ideology by setting the location in a fictional and
imaginative world (Dienstag 2015; Williams 1988). The environment of Blade Runneris a dystopic
world by where the audiences observe the political implication of Blade Runner society and the
exhaustion of modern ideologies. In Blade Runner, the replicants are a form of living mirror of
ourselves. In the opening scene of Blade Runner, the audiences see a close up of an eye reflecting
the incredible landscape of the city. The eye motif recurs throughout the film, and argues that the
image of eye plays an important role in the story: the Voight Kampf test eliciting an emotional
response to identify whether an entity is a human or a replicant; the replicants searching a way to
the Tyrell Corporationand interrogating an engineer of replicants, Tyrell; and the leader of
replicants, playing with artificial eyes when becoming a friend with the genetic designer and, takes
out the eyes of Tyrell when he was informed that his life cannot be extended (Dienstag 2015). By
recurring the eye motifs, Blade Runner may encourage to view that the replicant signifies a
physical exchange of views between two live entities (Dienstag 2015; Williams 1988). This may
suggest the audiences that replicants are no
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Body Dysmorphic Disorder Research Paper
Body dysmorphic disorder is a distinct mental illness, which causes an individual to become
obsessive on focusing on their flaws in appearance, and to others the flaw may be minor or not
visible. It is also known as dysmorphophobia. Patients affected by BDD have deeply negative
thoughts about their appearance. In the limbic system, hyperactivity causes individuals to feel as
if they are constantly being critiqued and negatively judged by others. Individuals diagnosed with
the illness often look into surgery for their physical appearance to enhance. There are more than
200,000 cases a year involving body dysmorphic disorder, and about 1 in 50 people are affected
(Phillips, 2004). Constantly comparing their image to others, frequent looks in... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is extremely effective and has techniques that treat those who suffer
from the disorder. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is the primary technique used. It uses a
method called imaginal exposure, which involves writing short stories about the flaws and
obsessions the patient has on their body. Cognitive Restructuring teaches clients to question their
negative view on their body. This allows them to rethink whether or not the flaw is actually
significant. Those with BDD are taught to non judgmentally accept the uncomforted feeling of their
past situations. That is called Mindfulness Based CBT. The goal of mindfulness is for individuals to
accept their past experiences and think about their thoughts, feelings, and avoidance
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The Motivation For Jerry And Christopher At A Ice Cream...
During my screenplay workshop, I received a lot of helpful suggestions on my overall motivation
of my characters. In my revision process, I tried to focus more on the overall motive for my two
main characters. For example, I added the motivation for Jerry and Christopher to open an ice
cream parlor. This helped with my revisionof plot and main conflict because the two characters did
not have enough money for the down payment on the open space. As a result, they decide to rob
a bank in order to get the money for the payment. Another thing I tried to work on during my
revision was the characterization of my two main characters. The two characters are, indeed,
stupid. However, my goal was to make their appearance a little different and they way they spoke
different. An example of my use of characterization is when Christopher speaks. For example,
Christopher is very goofylike Jerry. However, he has a small sense of responsibility/wisdom. In the
car, he is the one to have a notebook with all the information on the vacant space and bank.
Moreover, he is the one that starts to become serious when he fights the hostage in the bank.
Although both of the characters are stupid, Christopher s characteris what keeps the guys going.
Without Chris, Jerry would be clueless. We can see Jerry s characterization through his actions.
Jerry does not think anything through. For instance, in the bank, he brings in business cards with
both their names on them. This is something stupid
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Neptune, The Ice Planet
Neptune:the ice planet
When was Neptune discovered? Neptune was the very first planet to be discovered by using math!
(mathematics). After the discovery of Uranus in 1781, astronomers noticed that the planet was
being pulled a little bit out of its normal orbit. John Couch Adams of Britain and Urbain Jean
Joseph Leverrier of France, used math to figure out that the gravity from another planet beyond
Uranus was affecting the orbit of Uranus. They figured out not only where the planet was, but also
how much mass it had. A young astronomer, Johann Gottfried Galle, decided to search for the
predicted planet and observed Neptune for the first time in 1846. http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu
/ask/146 When was Neptune discovered
WHAT IS THE SURFACE OF NEPTUNE LIKE ? As a gas giant (or... Show more content on
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Neptune was only discovered on September 23, 1846. That was only 163 years ago in other words,
since its discovery, Neptune has made one single orbit around the Sun! The orbit was in 2011 http:/
/www.universetoday.com/44187/how long does it take neptune to orbit the sun/
Let s see what Neptune is made of. The outermost layer of Neptune is the atmosphere, forming
about 5 10% of the planet s mass, and extending up to 20% of the way down to its core. Neptune s
atmosphere is about 80%hydrogen, 19% helium, with trace amounts of other ices, like methane,
ammonia and water ice www.universetoday.com/21596/what is neptune made of/
It takes Neptune 164.8 Earth years to orbit the Sun. On 11 July 2011, Neptune completed its first
full orbit since its discovery in 1846.
Neptune was discovered by Jean Joseph Le Verrier. The planet was not known to ancient
civilizations because it is not visible to the naked eye. The planet was initially called Le Verrier
after its discoverer. This name, however, quickly was abandoned and the name Neptune was chosen
Neptune is the Roman God of the Sea. In Greek, Neptune is called
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Influence of Entertainment Media
Influence of Entertainment Media
Latishia Weldon
March 4, 2013
Brandale Mills
Influence of Entertainment Media
America s have shaped our culture though entertainment for media proposes for years.
Entertainment media is how Americans attract the way of life. The social influences relay on the
media entertainment for positive and negative images to help transform the minds of people. The
culture of Americans have always been through television, computers, and entertainment. The
values of our culture have been acknowledged though media, and influences of behaviors showed
though media. Something that can make a person laugh will last a life time. It encages people to
think that the time they may spend in life fill more ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Another example would be the educational shows that are on television for children. When a child
perceives Elmo, Bernie, and Big Bird. The child intently start to sing all the sings. That teaches
Children their colors, numbers, and the days of the week. By listening to Bernie sing, I Love You ,
it assist them to remember how everyone should be treated. When looking at the approach of how it
effect the younger generation. This have always been the way Americans use entertainment to help
coach the mind, and influence people into the way of thinking.
Reflecting back on the book of Culture Media chapter 8: the movie theater began to make the
movie theater more comfortable for consumer. In realty movies brings families together. Movies
show things that people idolizes or the true culture of things. The inside of a celebrity s life
might be reviled in most movies. That gives Americans a since of what to dream of and achieve
later in life. Chapter 9 also stated that, the nature of crime that involved celebrities would show a
bad image of Americans. Meaning when the movies that would come out in the 1900 s it began a
very bad outrage, because of the content that it carried. Some felt that it let off racial content. That
later lead to riots at some of the viewings. Yes, entertainment can have a big effect on attitudes.
When observing the aspects of the American culture we are a reflection of how far we come
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Essay on heroin
Society today has been clouded and somewhat overtaken by social drugs. Wherever you may
look, a drug is being used, whether it is more commonly a cigarette being smoked on the street, or
the covert teens smoking marijuana in secluded areas. In any case, there is not one person who
can say drug use is not prevalent, since society has made it clear through news, music and everyday
life. However, there are certain drugs that seem to be worsethan others, and society once again has
taught us that through our laws and restrictions. The worse the drug, the more you pay for having
it. Basically, drugs have become a part of our life, and you never know when they can land on your
An illegal drug, which has ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Heroin, a white powder, was created in 1874, and was sold as a safe substitute for morphine.
However, it was discovered that heroin produced a quick dependency in people. Heroin and other
opiates were made illegal in 1920 as part of the Dangerous Drugs Act. Still today, however, Heroin
is illegally manufactured and imported, largely from the Indian sub continent.
As well as killing pain, moderate doses of pure opioids produce a range of mild effects. They
depress the activity of the nervous system, including such reflexes as coughing, breathing and heart
rate. They also cause widening of the blood vessels, which gives a feeling of warmth and reduces
bowel activity, which causes constipation.
Heroin itself can be taken in three ways, injecting a solution of heroin and water into your vein,
snorting it, or inhaling it. A person will receive maximum effects if they inject it. Basically
heroin makes people feel as if they are in a state of Euphoria for a small amount of time, and cause
people to be drowsy warm and content, which kind of detaches you from pain.
After Heroin is injected or inhaled, it crosses the blood brain barrier, and once in the brain, it is
converted to morphine and will bind with opioid receptors. This transferring is what gives the user
their rush, and the more of the drug, the faster it binds and the stronger the rush. Heroin
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Harley Davidson Case
Top of Form
Decision Date: Finish 2008 FY Sale: Finish
2009 FY Net Income: Finish
Introduction Finish
Current Situation 1. Current Performance п‚· European market share has continued to grow. Finish
needs % п‚· Harley Davidson controls nearly half of the market share for heavyweight
motorcycles. п‚· 2007, Harley Davidsons net profits and new sales were down. п‚· Motorcycle
shipments declined from 2006 to 2007. Harley Davidson is currently unable to keep up with
2. Strategic Posture
Clarity Mission, objectives, strategies, and policies are clearly states as outlined below. * Mission
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Objectives| Yes/No| Consumers| Yes| Target Market| Yes| Image| Yes| Stability| Yes| Work Force|
No| Corporate Culture| Yes| Technology | No| Quality| Yes| Future aspirations| Yes| Consumer Trust|
Yes| Employee Development| Yes| * Objectives Consistent with each other, the mission, and the
environment. a. Consistency and to grow the bottom line. * Increase production * Expand
internationally * Expand domestic and international partners * Continue to manufacture quality
motorcycles * Increase sales and profits * Enhance customers satisfaction
b. Total Shareholder Return (TSR) relative to S amp;P 500
c. Maintain iconic brand name
d. Maintain majority control of the heavyweight motorcycle industry in the United States of
e. Develop new products to attract the female demographic as well as a younger demographic.
f. Acquire additional product lines, which will diversify the company and enhance business strength.
g. Market the Buell name. * Strategies Consistent with each other, the mission objectives and
environment a. Maintain competitive advantage through brand recognition. b. Focus on using
quality materials. c. Expansion into international markets. d. Maintain customer satisfaction. e.
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Examples Of Creating Optings
Most of the icons that you add to your desktop will be shortcuts, but you can also save files or
folders to the desktop. If you delete files or folders that are stored on your desktop, they are moved
to the recycle bin, where you can permanently delete them. If you delete a shortcut, the shortcut is
removed from your desktop, but the file, program, or location that the shortcut links to, is not
You can identify shortcuts by the arrow on their icon. Picture of an example shortcut on the
desktop Picture of an example file stored on the desktop An icon can be created on the desktop in
two ways.
Locate the item that you want to create a shortcut for.
Right click the item, click send to , and then click Desktop ... Show more content on
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From this menu, you are able to see and select all of the computer s programs (click on all
programs). The most recently used programs and applications will appear on the menu. You can
also create shortcuts, access the help function, open accessories such as the calculator, find
documents that you have created and reset and configure your computer.
Changing the configuration
At least two of: date, time, volume controller, display properties, desktop theme, screen saver,
screen pixel resolution, keyboard language.
There are many different settings that you can change to suit you and make the computer personal.
Changing your computer means customising it to suit your needs and requirements. If it is your
personal computer, you may want to have pictures of your children or friends as a screen saver but
if the computer belongs to the organisation that you work for, they may require that you use the
company logo as a screen saver. Whatever the motivation, it is easy to change your computer so
that it becomes a personalised piece of equipment.
On a Windows system, the control panel is used for this purpose. To access the control panel, click
on Start Control Panel or Start Settings Control Panel. See figure 6
Figure 6
The control panel will appear as in the picture below
There are three icons that will help you to configure your computer.
a) Appearance and personalisation
Change the theme
Change desktop background


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Understanding Behavior And Family Dynamics
Week 2 Assignment: Communication
Tia Durkin
ECE355: Understanding Behavior Family Dynamics
Professor Jeremiah
15 January, 2016
Communication is the cornerstone of any relationship, but between parent and child it is both
unique and special. It is forged and developed through love and a special bond that can only be
understood by them. It begins before a child is even born, and continues through their life.
Communication is how we make our thoughts, feelings, needs, and thoughts known. As babies,
children convey this through cries and sounds; and is often best known by their parents who seem
to know which cry and sound mean different things. It is imperative that this strong level of
communication is fostered in a positive way, throughout their childhood. Having the ability to
communicate effectively with our children is not only beneficial for them, but the entire family
dynamic. A good majority of parents want what is best for their children, when communication is
positive and reciprocal then it is reasonable to say that the relationship matches. This is why when
parents are uninvolved or neglectful, we behavioral issues and a strong lack of respect from the
child. In authoritative home, parents are still in charge, but they have a sense of mutual respect
between them and their children. The proof is in the outcomes in these homes. Children have a
tendency to be happier, respectful of others, better in school, and have a greater ability to form
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Algorithms, Algorithms And Consequences For Top-K...
4.3.Top K Association Rule More than one algorithms sequences were predicted for top k
association administers mining. But, most of them do now not take advantage of the essential
definition of an association rule. As an occurrence, KORD discovers approaches with an unmarried
thing in the resulting, while the arrangement of principles of You et al. mines connection rules from
a move in lieu of an exchange database. To the wonderful of our concentration, least difficult best k
rules finds top k affiliation rules predicated on a similar old meaning of an alliance run (with
various things, in an exchange database). the primary pivotal thought process that characterize this
calculation is that it characterizes the endeavor of mining the... Show more content on
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With Ajax, web applications can send actualities to, and recuperate measurements from, a server
nonconcurrently (inside the legacy) without meddling with the disclosure and aura of the present
site page. Actualities might be recovered ingesting the XM HttpRequest protest. Regardless of
the category, the usage of XML isn t required and the solicitations do never again require being
nonconcurrently. Ajax isn t a solitary period, however a gathering of advancements. HTML and
CSS can be connected in collection to increase and style data. The DOM is gotten to with
JavaScript to powerfully show, and endorse the utilizer to have collaboration with, the
measurements gave. JavaScript and the XMLHttpRequest question give an approach to
supplanting measurements nonconcurrently among program and server to shun full page reloads
and avert customer to converse with the server that can keep server hits which may be ate up on
the off chance that we don t utilize AJAX. This is its miles one way to limit individual hits being
hit to server and server load might be diminished by methods for applying AJAX on shopper side.
4.6.R Language It s far a language that becomes built for creating interactive graphs for data
analysis, statistical modeling, simulation and graphics. but, its general cause with a few sturdy
techniques and functions that might be useful for any
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Summary Of The Poem Into The Great Wide Open
Their A R man said I don t hear a single . This is a line from tom petty s into the great wide open.
Eddie just graduated and now he moved to California and got a tattoo and met a girl, who he now
lives with. Tom petty s song Into The Great Wide Open is the story of Eddie a quick leaning
musician and his rise and fall from fame using a shifting tone and unrealistic fashion. In tom petty s
Into The Great Wide Open Eddie a quick learning musician tries to get into the musicindustry. Eddie
is just out of high school. He s on his way to Hollywood. Eddie meets a girl in Hollywood. They
move in together. Eddie goes and gets a job. He works as a bouncer at a nightclub. Eddie s
girlfriend plays guitar. She teaches him some chords. The future was wide open for the two. Eddie
was a rebel without a clue. Eddie is young and talented and hoping to make it big in the music
industry.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In a switch tone. Eddie is now playing gigs. The tone is joyful at this point. The papers said he
plays from the heart. Eddie got a roadie named Bart and an agent. Eddie then made a record.
Eddies record was doing good. It went to the charts. The sky seemed to be the limit for this
young rock star. However we start to feel an uncertain tone. Eddie was partying with movie stars
and other celebs. Eddie was making big money and spending it on parties every night. Finally
Tom Petty tells about the fall from fame of Eddie. Tom Petty s Into The Great Wide Open is
unrealistic. Nobody gets a roadie and an agent that quickly like Eddie did. The future was wide
open for young Eddie. Until his A R man comes and tells him i don t hear a single.
The future was wide open for Eddie for the good or for the bad. Eddies fall from fame could be
compared to modern day Britney spears. Brittany fell into a downward spiral and today she is
making a slow comeback to the spotlight. She is regaining popularity she considered famous
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Mer Assessment Cipd
1.There are several factors that can have an impact on the relationship between employees and
employers; these are identified as internal and external factors.
Internal factors;
Pay and rewards attract and retain employees. Having the right pay and benefit for employees
motivate them. This helps employees feel valued and can remove animosity between employee and
employer. Training and development has a positive impact on employees, this shows investment
from the employer and enhances career progression.
Organisation culture has a large impact on the relationship, if an organisation has a certain culture
that is generally expected from employees. For example, employees are expected to work more
than their contracted hours however ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This, in turn, helps organisations move forward without conflict with employees.
4.The legal system supports working parents in various ways; an expectant mother is entitled to
attend appointment and ante natal classes should they be during her normal working hours without
losing any salary due to the absence from work.
A parent whose partner has given birth is entitled to 2 weeks leave from work paid at statutory
paternity leave, there is now an option for additional parental leave.
An employee who is placed with a child through adoption are entitled to the same rights as an em
ployee who is on maternity leave, they are entitled to 52 weeks leave with 6 weeks being paid at
90% or their average weekly earnings followed by 33 weeks at statutory adoption pay.
Employees are entitled to take a reasonable amount of time off work for dependants, this could be
to make funeral arrangements or to look after a sick child.
5.Treating employees fairly in relations to pay is important for both employee and employer.
The Equal Pay Act 1970 was introduced to ensure that women and men are paid the same for the
same role. Organisations that actively treat all employees the same in relation to pay promote
retention of employees. Employees won t be underpaid for the work they do in relation to a
colleague in a similar role, employees won t feel discriminated against thus performance of work
isn t effected. The
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Gun Control In The Second Amendment
Gun control has, over the years, become a hot topic for debate. For both sides, there are many
reasons to be for or against the banning of certain guns. Even throughout our country s political
history, presidents and politicians have tried to ban or even merely control the amount or type of
guns available to the public. Two articles, Treasure the Second Amendment, But Ban Assault
Rifles by Judith Miller and A Ban on Assault Rifles Would Not Reduce Crime by NoС‘l Merino,
address both sides of this emotionally charged issue. Both arguments hold a strong grasp on the
issue and show their opinions in a respectful yet moving manner that gives a good foundation to
leave their audiences room to have their own thought on the subject. While both hold their own in
their respective articles, Merino gives a more factual and detached argument that shows well
rounded thought and an ability to see reprimands and consequences for the ban on assault rifles.
On the other hand, Miller gives insight into the emotional impact that the ownership of assault
rifles as a common household item gives to the fear ridden citizen. While neither article will be an
end all be all for this issue, they both shed a light on how the opposing sides view guns and the
potential outcomes of either the destruction of the assault rifleindustry or allowing the industry to
its own will. Whether or not the people read these articles, gun control will be a hot button issue
for years to come as the argument for and
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Salt Water Short Story
How the great Saltwater came to be A long, long time ago, there were many gods. Two were
Sarias the salt god, and Walior the water god. They argued quite a bit and all of the other gods
were sick of it. So was a newt named Yellow Belly. I was the middle of the summer and one day
when the gods were on a ship, Yellow Belly had also snuck aboard. Once again, they were
arguing and Yellow Belly decided to put a stop to it once and for all. Sarias how can you put up
with that insolent Walior? You guys should have a battle and whoever loses will be dead and
you won t have to worry about arguing anymore. Meanwhile up in the sky the other gods are
trying to figure out a way to get the two gods to stop arguing but they didn t want it to be in a
violent way. They have no... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You know that I will win because I am much more handsome and I am way stronger. Even so
Walior I am more cunning and I haven t lost to any beast yet. There s always a first time Sarias.
There was a great battle that lasted 8 days and 8 nights. Eventually Sarias emerged victorious. As
he was standing over Walior and gloating: Ha ha I have killed you W... As he said this Walior
reached up and slashed him in the stomach. As Sarias fell from the pain, his great sword plunged
into Walior s heart. And so the great Sarias won the battle but he died in the end from his
stomach wound because Walior had been very vicious and had cut a major artery. And so they
both died because of a newt who was fed up with their antics. After they died, they both had left
behind great quantities of both salt and water. The other gods saw it and they had to figure out
what to do with all of that salt and water. They were smart and they did the smartest thing that
they could think of. They mixed all of the salt with all the water, and they made salt water. Then
they picked a HUGE place to distribute all of it and there is now salt water because of that crazy
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Essay about Literature Review
Abstract Individuals undergoing cardiac surgery can be of any age and functional ability. This
literature review examines the correlation between the patient s ability to engage in self care
behaviors and the efficacy of their rehabilitation. Using Orem s Self Care Nursing Deficit Theory
and Bandura s Self Efficacy Theory peer reviewed research studies were selected from accredited
journals using CINHAL, Ovid, PubMed and Google Scholar ranging from 1988 to 2009. The
literature reviewed indicated that the patients perceived ability to engage in self care behaviors
impacted their recovery after they were discharge from the hospital. The literature also suggests that
nursing interventions can promote and enable self care while the... Show more content on
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Search Methods Databases were searched for literature regarding Orem s Self Care Nursing Deficit
Theory and Bandura s Self Efficacy Theory along with any relationship to patients that have
undergone cardiac surgery. Databases used were CINAHL, Ovid, PubMed and Google Scholar.
CINAHL and Google Scholar provided the largest number of useful hits. Keywords or phrases used
and the numbers of hits generated by Google Scholar are shown in Table 1. Table of Words/Phrases
Used for Google Scholar Database Searches. Table 1. Table of Words/Phrases Used for Google
Scholar Database Searches| Keyword/phrase| Number of Hits| Orem s Theory| 14,000| Self Care
Nursing Deficit Theory| 7,400| Self care with cardiac surgery| 13,900| Orem and cardiac surgery|
1,120| Bandura s Theory of Self Efficacy| 23,800| Bandura and cardiac surgery| 2,190| Self efficacy
theory in cardiac surgery| 4,090| Self efficacy and CABG| 2,330| Orem and CABG| 107| Self care
deficit and CABG| 279| Self care deficit theory and self efficacy theory| 19,50| Orem and post op
care| 59| Orem and coronary artery bypass| 345| Self efficacy and coronary artery bypass| 2,890|
Results were reviewed and chosen as to relevant content and application. Articles were excluded that
were not written in English or involved research that
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Poverty In Detroit Research Paper
Poverty in Detroit Being home to Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler, Detroit was the nation s
auto industry capital in the 1950s ( Anatomy of Detroit s Decline ). The city was thriving, bringing
in more income and more people each year, which led to Detroit s expansion and population peak
becoming the 4th largest cityin America. But if the city was doing so well, then what caused such
an economic downfall to put them in the impoverished state they are facing today?
Most of Detroit s economic downfall was because of the reliance on a single industry, which at the
time was the auto industry ( Anatomy of Detroit s Decline ). Although this industry was thriving in
every way possible, the city became too reliant on it because when the auto industry left Detroit, the
economy made a dramatic decrease. While the auto industry was still there, the city ... Show more
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Because many people abandoned their homes, the city now has fewer tax payers, and many vacant
homes. This task to shrink the city would be easier if these abandoned homes were next to each
other in convenient chunks, but it appears that Detroit is not so lucky, for the abandoned homes
are spread out all across the city making any efforts to shrink the city extremely difficult ( Anatomy
of Detroit s Decline ).
Another trial that the city faces is the development of the children (Bouffard, Karen). More than
59% of the children in Detroit live below the poverty line (Bouffard, Karen). However, there is
good news in the midst of all this bad; Bill Ballmer, owner of the L.A. clippers, grew up in
Detroit and is now focusing on helping Detroit s economy, specifically the children ( Letter:
Ending Poverty in Detroit ). He is doing so by opening an office in Detroit that focuses on fighting
poverty and enhancing the development of Detroit s youth ( Letter: Ending Poverty in
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Terrorism And Its Effects On The World
Terrorism consists of different range of illegal violent activities which is aimed at intimidating and
creating fear in people. I would define terrorism as the use of unlawful violence or threat of
unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in
the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological. Within this definition, there
are three key elements violence, fear, and intimidation and each element produce terror in its
victims. This paper is going to define and discuss the issue of terrorismand explain the why is it so
difficult to get a specific definition for term terrorism , while making references to some terrorist
events and organization such as the holocaust, the black Septemberorganization, the boko haram of
west Africa and the al Qaeda group.
Major historic terrorism/ Mass genocide event has been as a result of differences in political
beliefs. In most cases this involves, the left and right winged ideologies and a disagreement in the
direction of change and the speed at which the change is expected. To the left of the political
spectrum we have the Liberals and to the right the Conservatives. The Liberals consist of
individuals who believe there is room for progressive change, the Conservatives on the other hand
would rather maintain the status quo and if at all a change is required, it has to be a retrogressive
change. With the knowledge of the Left and Right winged, we get introduce
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Accuracy of Bayley Scores as Outcome Measures in Trials of...
Long term follow up of high risk preterm infants has become increasingly important as the
proportion of infants surviving has increased steadily over the past several decades. It is well
known that these infants are at increased risk of cognitive impairment. (Class) With this increase in
at risk survivors, many clinical research questions arise that can only be answered by long term
follow up studies. (Vohr, Teune) Clinical trials that examine common perinatal therapies should also
include a long term follow up component in their research to examine later neurodevelopmental
outcomes in their cohorts. Although there is no prescribed protocol dictating which specific
neurodevelopmental tests are to be completed during follow up, the Bayley Scales of Infant and
Toddler Development and all its revisions, is the most widely used test to assess neurodevelopment
of very preterm infants in the first three years of life (Luttikhuizen) and is a common outcome
measure used in clinical research trials.
Standardized developmental assessments such as the Bayley that are used in a pediatric clinical trial
setting as primary outcome measures need to be reliably administered and scored. Trained test
administrators and scorers are generally careful that the tests they are administering are conducted
and scored correctly. However, given the range of numerical calculations and transcriptions required
in scoring the results of these tests, there is always a chance that errors
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How To Make Sweet Potato Pecan Pie
Sweet Potato Pecan Pie Recipe This pie recipe combines the flavors of sweet potato and pralines.
Feel free to try any flavor praline, and be sure to top with whipped cream for an extra decadent
Sweet Potato Pecan Pie holiday dessert. Sweet Potato Pecan Pie Ingredients 1 pre made Sweet Pie
shell (9 to 12 ) 4 large eggs 1 egg white, lightly beaten 2 tsp ground ginger 1 1/2 pounds sweet
potatoes 1 tbsp vegetable oil 4 pralines in your favorite flavor (Original Creole, Rum or
Chocolate) 1/4 cup water 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp grated nutmeg 1/4 tsp ground cloves 1/2
tsp salt 1 cup heavy cream Sweet Potato Pecan Pie Directions: Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
Place the pie shell in the oven and bake until lightly browned, 12 to 15 minutes.
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Tax Reform In America
Taxes are essential for they enable the economy to function more properly. Taxes are useful for
funding programs such as, public transportation, education, and health care services, however,
taxation on goods and other resources can negatively affect individuals whose socioeconomic
status is low. In my opinion, taxation has different effects on different areas of our economy, taxes
do affect American citizens as well as the economic policy by raising or lowering the amount of
income the government receives.
It is evident that a tax reform is necessary. The economic growth has been inactive for quite a few
years now, the workforce association has been down, wages are not moving and the U.S. tax laws
are more and more out of step. I think we need a tax reform because it is hurting American
manufacturing. America has great manufacturing workers and companies. That is why products
that say Made in America often set the global bench for its good quality, but at the same time, with
the concern of today s tax laws, businesses are encouraged to make less money and instead move
good paying .U.S. jobs away. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Taxpayers spend an estimate of ninety nine billion each year following with the original income tax.
Citizens could use that money for what is important to them or to what is important to their
families. Same thing with businesses. They also spend to much money filing for taxes. Due to the
immense problem of today s tax laws, businesses in the U.S. now spend an estimated amount of
one hundred forty seven billion each year on filing for business tax returns. Those billions of
dollars, local creators could invest for other things, like the workers,and their
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Role Of Girish Karnad
The Man And The Writer Godugunuri Prasad
Girish Karnad is one of the foremost playwrights of the contemporary Indian stage. He has given
the Indian theatre a richness that could probably be equated only with his talents as an actor
director. His contribution goes beyond theatre: he has directed feature films, documentaries and
television serials in Kannada, Hindi, and English and has played leading roles as an actor in Hindi
and Kannada art films, commercial movies and television serials. He has represented Indian in
foreign lands as an emissary of art and culture.
Karnad was born at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He also acted the lead roles in Oedipus Rex and Jokumaraswamy, directed in Kannada by B.V.
Karanth, for the open air festival in Bangalore in 1972. Karnad has also published a number of
articles, the most significant being In search of a New Theatre in Contemporary Indian Tradition,
ed. Carla Borden (Washington; Smithsonian Press, 1988) and Theatre in India, in Daedalus,
Vo1.118, No.4, pp.331 52.(7) While as Karnad is a multi faceted personality, it is essentially as a
playwright that he is at his best. He confesses, I have been fairly lucky in having a multi pronged
career. You know, I have been an actor, a publisher, and a film maker. But in none of these fields
have I felt quite as much at home as in playwriting. In India, unfortunately, the writers cannot live
on their writing alone; it does not yield enough royalties for sustenance. Karnad says, One can t
earn a comfortable living even from a successful play. Take Tughlaq,. As we know, it s been
enormously successful В¬critically as well as in performance. Playwrights in the west have been
able to retire on such successes or at least, to devote themselves to that activity entirely. I can t.
Today Girish Karnad considered one of the most significant Indian dramatists. He has enriched the
Indian literary scene by his contribution to art, culture, theatre and drama. It is most befitting that
Karnad has been conferred by the President of India, the prestigious awards, Padmasri in 1974
and Padmabhushan in 1992. Also, he received the Gubbi Veeranna Award from the Government
of Karnataka in 1997. Karnad is based in Bangalore and lives with his wife, a medico and his two
children a daughter a
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The Use Of Port Injection Gasoline With Direct Injection...
Therefore, natural gas has a tremendous potential to be used in CI engines effectively based on
the RCCI concept. Operating a CI engine in the RCCI mode has become possible as the result of
new fuel system technology and engine controls. The high octane number fuel used in the literature
is often gasoline or ethanol. The U.S. Department of Energy has devoted significant resources to its
national laboratories to investigate the practical applications of port injection gasoline with direct
injection diesel fuel, as seen in recent publications from Oak Ridge16,25, Sandia39, and Argonne
National Labs17. Because of the lean gasoline air mixture in the CI engine cylinder, its lower
combustion temperature can reduce engine heat loss, increase fuel efficiency (up to в€
ј45%), and
decrease exhaust pollution. European institutions are also actively exploring gasoline as a CI
engine fuel65. Of the passenger cars in Europe, 45% use CI engines due to the efficiency
advantage. On the basis of this dual fuel concept, various fuel injection schemes and piston
geometries have been tested74. One study even used a single fuel stock, gasoline, for both port
injection and direct injection but added a cetane improver, 2 ethylhexyl nitrate (EHN), to the direct
injection fuel stream to enable autoignition31. These successes suggest that it would of great
interest to investigate such dual fuel operations using two fuels with vastly different reactivity.
However, existing studies are predominantly
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Arguments Against Animal Euthanasia
On an average year, approximately 2.7 million animals are euthanized in the United States ( Pet
Statistics ). Being that animal euthanasia is a horrible and selfish act, we should stop it and only
allow euthanasia of an animal if they are sick and will not heal or if they are suffering. Animal
euthanasia has been around for years and has been an easy way for a family to put down their
precious pet that is suffering. Killing an animal because they are a stray is not ethical. Stray
animals, such as catand dogs, that are said to be mean, can be tamed to the point where they could
have a new loving home. We, as human beings, should not be killing innocent animals.
Many people wonder what animal euthanasia is and why it is done. According to an article called,
Animal Rights Compromised: Euthanasia , euthanasia is a sad reality caused by people who
abandon animals, refuse to sterilize their animals, and patronize pet shops and breeders instead of
adopting stray animals or animals from animal shelters ( Animal Rights Compromised: Euthanasia
). In a lot of cases, animals have been abandoned by their owners. This may be because the owner
does not want to get them spayed or neutered and the animal keeps reproducing, ... Show more
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It is selfish and, quite frankly, sickening. Animals should not be killed for any other reason than
being sick or in a life threatening situation. According to the ASPCA, of the dogs entering
shelters, approximately 35% are adopted, 31% are euthanized and 26% of dogs who came in as
strays are returned to their owner. Of the cats entering shelters, approximately 37% are adopted,
41% are euthanized, and less than 5% of cats who came in as strays are returned to their owners (
Pet Statistics ). It is heartbreaking to see the statistics and know that so many animals are being
killed. Animal euthanasia is inhumane for unethical purposes, and it should be
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Essay on How to Avoid Plagiarism
How to Avoid Plagiarism
Plagiarism is a growing problem in universities (Matheson Starr 2013) and becoming too common
in the scientific world (Ober et al. 2012). Hence it is important for students as well as researchers to
know how to avoid plagiarism. Before discussing the ways to avoid plagiarism, this paper discusses
the definition, the types and reasons for plagiarism. Copying or borrowing someone else s words
or ideas may perhaps be the more inoffensive way of explaining plagiarism. However, these two
terms may deliver a connotation that plagiarism is not much of a serious offense. Whether the act
of plagiarising is intentional or unintentional, it is considered as a fraud. In an academic setting
plagiarism may even ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are surely many other ways of avoiding plagiarism but there are five simple rules suggested
by Ober et al. (2012).
Rule 1: Do not copy It is not a good practice to simply copy what is found in other people s work,
books or even your own writing. If you have to do so, do it properly by copying it with quotation
marks and appropriate citation. In addition to this, it is good to have a proper time management in
which you would have enough time to cite your sources properly.
Rule 2: Write in your own words Paraphrasing means putting someone else s ideas into your own
words but care must be taken as changing a few words and rearranging the original sentence is
still considered as copying . Hence, though paraphrasing is commonly suggested as one of the
ways to avoid plagiarism it is much better to avoid paraphrasing and rather use your own original
voice .
Rule 3: When in doubt, cite This is one of the ways to avoid plagiarism but it should not be done
excessively. Otherwise you would end up with excessive citation in your piece of writing and lack
of writing in your own words. This is an indication for you to consider rewriting the paper.
Rule 4: Don t recycle images, figures, tables or text from one of your previously published papers
without citing This is the case of self plagiarising when you republish a figure from earlier
publication but fail to cite the original and obtain
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Humanism In The Middle Ages Essay
Humanism is the belief that man has beauty, worth, and dignity. During the Middle Ages between
3rd to the 13th century, the life and culture are primarily focused on the church and religion.
However, towards the beginning of the 14th century, the power of the church began to greatly
decline. This decline was the main reason for the development of humanism. As people become less
interested about God, the afterlife, and the saints. They become more interested about themselves,
their natural world and here in now.
Many historians believe there are two main causes of this decline. The first one was the bubonic
plague. It was the Black Death in Europe that killed almost half of the population. As the plague
devastated and destroyed, the church was helpless to stop it. People then began to question spiritual
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Prior of the 14th century, much of Europe practice the feudal system and which wealth was based
on land ownership. Generally speaking, under this system, people were seen as part of the
collective hole to keep feudal system society and the manner system intact. Peasants or the poor
workers are the tools used by wealthy to work on their land holding and keep their wealth intact.
Adding to this imprisonment of a sort, the church led that to be concerned with yourselves and your
rights, there s nothing more than arrogant, rebellion and sin. One should only be concerned with
obeying the rules and following them without a question. However, because of the plaque and the
rise of trade the power of the church and feudalism strength, and the important of the individual
grew. Men in human nature were no longer seen as totally sinful and need of punishment but
instead, an independent beautiful creation of God. This is partly seen in the writings of Petrarch
the father of humanism, and which he states sameness in the mother of disgust, variety the cure! ,
or in the other word, go on and express
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Quotes In Everything Matters By Ron Currie Jr.
Quote #1: In the first chapter of Everything Matters!, Ron Currie Jr. sets up the story by
introducing the theme of the book on page 9. The quote which sets up the theme of this novel
reads, There are things we can surmise, though, one being that if you are still alive when the
comet hits, neither you nor anything else on the planet will be afterward. All of which raises the
question your task, burden, privilege, call it what you like a question which men and women,
great and not so, of every color, creed, and sexual persuasion have asked since they first had the
language do so, and probably before: does anything I do matter? From just reading this quote, you
are able to predict that the main character of this novel will be faced with... Show more content on
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With the chance for him to be born again, he makes a difference in the world by supplying water
to countries in great need for it. Junior and Amy end up getting married and have a child together
named Ruby. His father ends up dying a slow and painful death from lung cancer because Junior
did nothing about it when he could have. While he is feeling this pain from watching his father
die he remembers how much sadness was in his past and what he had experienced in his newer
life was nothing compared to what his old life was like. During this moment of despair the
voices inside of Juniors head tell him something which can be seen on page 292. Everything
matters not in spite of the end of you and all that you love, but because of it. Everything is all
you ve got your wife s lips, your daughter s eyes, your brother s heart, your father s bones, and
your own grief and after Everything is
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Fat Persuasive Speech
H.I.I.T the Weights and Diet!
Every time you look at an ad commonly you ll see someone who is thin and beautiful. Being lean
does not necessarily signify that they are healthy. This shouldn t have to be explained, but when
people starve themselves to be beautiful those people are slowly dying. In opposition to these
people there are people who are also at an unhealthy weight, but are several sizes bigger than they
ought to be. These people s bodies are also shutting down due to their health. Being underweight
and being overweight are unhealthy. These conditions threaten people s lives every day if these
people don t change their lifestyle. This change doesn t have to immense or extremely hard.
There is a way to look and feel your best without depriving yourself and a way to be full while
eating healthy while allowing some exciting food every now and again. There are multiple ways to
achieve fit, healthy, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
H.I.I.T stands for High Intensity Interval Training and is used for running and weightlifting.
This is a high stress exercise and requires that lower intensity exercises are done between each
session. When doing H.I.I.T the participant will sprint or lift rapidly for a certain period of time,
for instance a minute, then said participant would take a minute of rest. Doing about 20 30 reps
of H.I.I.T would burn more calories than just sprinting. Len Kravitz, a coordinator Program
Coordinator of Exercise Science and A Researcher at University of New Mexico, stated in his
article, A 150 lbs woman can burn about 350 on low intensity running and can burn up to 380
calories in higher intensity running with in the same 40 minutes, also with H.I.I.T you burn even
after you are done running. Using H.I.I.T get s your heart pumping to about 80 90 percent of max
capacity and and promotes muscle growth while shredding through fat and calories. This will
enhance heart muscle stregth and increase your body s resilience while you
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Positive Youth Development Programs
A positive youth development program is designed to help young adults overcome their challenges
and live up to their full potential. Youth development is emphasized through different activities
which helps the youth emotionally, physically, and socially. Youth development programs are
basically used to help them regain confidence, and how to bounce back to a normal life. My
program name is Helping Hands, which will be based on abused youthin African American public
schools. The motto for my program is Not all hands are helpful, but our hands are guaranteed
life changers. When organizing a program knowing the population, how it works, and its
essentials are mandatory for a successful youth development program. The name of my youth
development program is called Helping Hands. This program will focus on abused youth in
African American public schools, grades 9th 12th. This program will focus on these grades
because a lot of the youth feel like they can deal with things like this on their own. If needed, we
also help any other youth who aren t it in grades 9 12. The phrase No child is left behind not only
counts for educational purposes but also for my program, we re here to help anyone. This program
will start nationally then hopefully, make its way to international.... Show more content on
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We will work closely with the guidance counselors, on helping the youth get out of these situations.
While working with the counselors, the youth with learn how to positively cope with the
environment they re in, until we get them out of those abusive situations. Our focus is not to draw
a lot of attention to these abused youth, because we don t want them to feel embarrassed, anymore
than they already are. Once out of the situation, we will not just forget about our youth, we will still
make frequent visit to the school to check on
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Civil War Telegraph
Throughout history, there are key inventions such as the telephone and the computer that
transcended the way people communicate and relay information with each other. The invention that
started this wave of faster and faster communication, the telegraph, proved to be revolutionary,
paving way to many of these efficient methods of communication in the United States. During the
late 19th century, the United States faced significant transformations culturally and socially with
the help of the Telegraph. The telegraph proved to play a significant role in the United States Civil
War, improving the way the military was planning and executing its strategies. This proved to be
even more impressive, because of the adversities military telegraphers... Show more content on
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In fact, many of them were delayed their pay for up to 4 months. Consequently, many resorted to
the vices of womanizing and hard drinking to cope with the hardships, and often got away with
these practices because the USMT was in short supply of telegraphers. Despite these adversities,
drew great praise from many field commanders in wartime reports and memoirs later found.
Military telegraph tactics played a significant role in the Union s victory over the Confederates by
allowing the Union to communicate more efficiently and
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Bse Is A Disease Of Sheep
The word BSE is short but it stands for a disease with a long name, bovine spongiform
encephalopathy. Bovine means that the disease affects cows, spongiform refers to the way the
brain from a sick cow looks spongy under a microscope, and encephalopathy indicates that it is a
disease of the brain. BSE is a progressive neurologic disease of cows. Research shows that the first
probable cases of BSE in cows occurred during the 1970 s with two cases of BSE being identified in
1986. BSE possibly originated as a result of feeding cattle meat and bone meal that contained BSE
infected products from a spontaneously occurring case of BSE or scrapie infected sheep products.
Scrapie is a priondisease of sheep. Similar diseases such as Chronic wasting disease which is in
both deer and elk populations is devastating the hunting and the reproduction of deer. Other
similar disease such a the Creutzfeldt Jakob disease which occurs in the human body system.
That is pretty scary for us humans. We have got to find a way to get this prion settled down and
hopefully I can show you the way the scientist plan to get rid or at least slow it down. There is
strong evidence and general agreement that the outbreak was then amplified and spread throughout
the United Kingdom cattle industry by feeding rendered, prion infected, bovine meat and bone
meal to young calves. A lot of people wander what does it to the consumption of the meat does it
ruin it or is it ok to eat? What does the meat that
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Traver Creek Reflective Essay
Hello, I am Madeline Mercier. I m a freshman at Community High School, I am currently in the
Foundations of Science Course 1. Within this course, my classmates and I evaluated, tested and
reviewed the health of sections 0 1050 ft of Traver Creek. Specifically gathering data on the
Benthic populations, as well as their Taxa. The class of 2016took detailed descriptions of the
physical appearance of the creek and surrounding areas. We even tested the water to find
necessary information on the health of the creek through our chemical tests. According to the
2016 Traver Creek Data of Sections 0 1050 ft Traver Creek is unhealthy. Averages of Traver Creek
compared to the best site along the Huron River is extremely low, other than a few inconsistencies.
Our Biological analysis is the very proof we have that the organisms living in Traver Creek live in
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In sections 0 1050 ft Bank Erosion, Habitat Diversity, and Embeddedness are lower than
preferred. Bank Erosion is at 2.3 out of 4, this proves that the sections banks are getting eroded
with particles dissolving into the waters. Traver Creeks Habitat Diversity grade is 2.5/4,
specifically this states that in some areas the vegetation is less diverse and cannot absorb
harmful chemicals before they get to the creek. These chemicals could harm the organisms
greatly in the Creek. Embeddedness which displaces many organisms by removing their natural
habitat, is at 2.7/4. This is strips many organisms of their grounds and nests as is becomes more
and more scarce. The flow rate is at 2.22 ft/s this is a safe speed for the Creek it s not too fast that
organisms get flushed downstream and it s not too slow that the organisms will suffocate. Once
again, but more importantly buffers need to be set in place to stop runoff from getting into the
Creek to prevent high bank erosion and
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Common Components Of Digital Database Management Applications
A DBMS can also provide many perspectives of a single database schema. A perspective
characterizes what information the client sees and how that client sees the information. The DBMS
gives a level of reflection between the reasonable diagram which characterizes the legitimate
structure of the database and the physical construction that portrays the records, files and other
physical instruments utilized by the database. At the point when a DBMS is utilized, frameworks
can be adjusted all the more effectively when business prerequisites changes. New classifications of
information can be added to the database without aggravating the current framework and
applications can be protected from how data is organized and put away.
Obviously, a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is used to access or manipulate records or rows within a relational database. Primary key is the
field containing a unique label identifying a record or row in a table. Each table has a least one
primary key. Keys should be meaningful to the data being stored.
Examples: employee ID number, Social Security number
Queries are the searches initiated by users to retrieve information from the database. It consists of
sets of variables or keywords formatted in a query language. SQL is one of the query language.
(Parrish, 1997)
Example of SQL query:
SELECT title FROM songs, artists, WHERE songs.artists=groups.ID AND groups. Name=
Database models:
Database models represents the way data is stored and determines how data is retrieved and
manipulated. There are four main database models. They are: Flat, Relational, Hierarchical and
Network. (Johnson., 1997)
(Nicolai, Database Security and Review, 2016)
Object Oriented Databases:
Object oriented database management systems allows storing and retrieving objects and complex
data types such as CAD files, Artificial intelligence objects, XML compatible objects, General
multimedia (audio and video). Originally, we re not widely adopted to object oriented databases
when released in 1985. But, used in specialized areas today. Database type is determined by data
that will be housed in it. (Kim, 1990) There are


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Social Impacts Of The Industrial Revolution
1.a The Industrial Revolution began in Britain in the 1700 s and took place in Europe and the
USA in the 18th and 19th century. In the years before the Industrial Revolution, manufacturing was
often done in people s homes, using handtools or basic machines.
Industrialization marked a shift to powered, special purpose machinery, factories and mass
production. The iron and textile industries, along with the development of the steam engine, played
central roles in the Industrial Revolution, which also saw improved systems of transportation,
communication and banking. Along with this increased production of goods and material the
Revolution also changed the world socially, economically and politically. The free market of the
nations undergoing this revolution, with no restraints set by the government, meant there were
no laws against who could work and who couldn t meaning many children were put into the
work force at a young age and were physically and mentally traumatised by this hard labour, older
workers also suffered poor working conditions but they were also worked hard so that they had
little time for recreation and thus becoming sombre people, poor living conditions were
accentuated by the poor health of people as urban overcrowding lead to poor diets and poor
sanitation, these are examples of the impacts of the Industrial Revolution socially. The revolution
brought about a great deal of change economically. This change is evident in the emergence of the
middle class
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Valuation of Kia Motors
DГјsseldorf Business School at the Heinrich Heine University
Value Management amp; Cost Management
Prof. Dr. Klaus Peter Franz
Valuation of a company KIA MOTORS
By: Youngsook Kwon, Date: Jan 30, 2013
Table of Contents
1.Introduction1 2. Valuation Methodology2 2.1. Discounted Cash Flow2 2.2. Terminal Value3 2.3.
Weighted Average Cost of Capital3 2.3.1 Cost of Equity4 2.3.2 Cost of Debt4 2.4. Free Cash
Flow4 3. Calculation of WACC for Kia motors5 4. Calculation of Free Cash Flow for Kia motors5
5. Estimation of the value for Kia motors at the end of 20116 6. Conclusion6 References7
Appendix 18 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In particular, small changes in inputs can result in large changes in the value of a company, given
the need to project cash flow to infinity. James Montier argues that, while the algebra of DCF is
simple, neat and compelling, the implementation becomes a minefield of problems . He cites, in
particular, problems with estimating cash flows and estimating discount rates. Despite the issues,
DCF analysis is very widely used and is perhaps the primary valuation tool amongst the financial
analyst community.
2.2. Terminal Value
Terminal Value, in simple term, is the value of a company with an infinite row of constant future
cash flows.
To arrive at a total company value, or enterprise value, we simply have to take the present value
of the cash flows and the Terminal value, divide them by the discount rate and, finally, add up
the results. If we are discounting free cash flow of the firm at the weighted average cost of
capital, this would give the value of the firm, so it would be necessary to deduct net debt in order
to arrive at the equity value. In this report, simply use FCF in the year of 2011 to compare the
value of the firm to the stock price in the year end of 2011.
2.3. Weighted Average Cost of Capital
The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is the discount rate used in a Discounted Cash
Flow (DCF) analysis to present value projected free cash flows and terminal value.
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Early Childhood Hippotherapy
This systematic review utilized three medical databases such as ProQuest Medical, PubMmed, and
CINAHL. The keywords used to complete the search were: hippotherapy, children, and cerebral
palsy. The search resulted in 15 peer reviewed articles that showed overall improvements in balance
and mobility in children with cerebral palsy.
Chang, Kwon, Lee, and Kim (2012) conducted a pilot study containing 33 children ages four and
up, with cerebral palsy. Hippotherapy sessions were conducted twice a week for 8 consecutive
weeks in an 18X27 m indoor riding arena. Each hippotherapy session lasted 30 minutes. After the
intervention process, the study showed an outcome that hippotherapy can improve gross motor
function and being balance in children with Cerebral Palsy (Chang, H. J., Kwon, J., Lee, J., Kim,
Y., 2012).
The following authors, Hsieh, Yang, Sun, Chan, Wang, and Luo (2016) conducted a longitudinal
study with a sample size of 14 children between the ages 3 to 8. The study implemented
hippotherapy for 30 minutes once weekly for 12 consecutive weeks. Over the 12 weeks of
hippotherapy, significant improvements in ICF CY ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
conducted a study on 34 children from 3 12 years old who had bilateral spastic (32) or unilateral
CP (2) to investigate the effectiveness of hippotherapy. The participants took part in forty five
minute hippotherapy sessions twice a week for an eight week period. These sessions were
conducted by a registered occupational therapist (OT) who had been accredited by the American
Hippotherapy Association, an assistant to lead the horse, and a volunteer sidewalker. Baseline tests
for physical function were conducted prior to the intervention therapy. The participants were then
tested for progress after the hippotherapy program had commenced. The measurement tests
utilized were: GMFM 66, GMFM 88, and PEDI FSS. A control group of 21 children with CP were
tested and included in the study for comparison and
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A Research Report On The Environment
An accurate account of the research is presented by the central obligation of the author, as an
important objective discussion. The resource has to be used wisely and economically by an author
because it is a precious resource and created at significant cost. The main research report ought to
include sufficient information and resource to the public to allow the peers of authors to repeat the
study. The unusual materials of the samples and unavailable that are made a reasonable effort by
the author, when requested; for example, microorganism strains, antibodies, clones, etc. The
influential publications that are cited by authors, which are in determining the reported nature. This
helps the reader to comprehend the earlier work to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The time to publish is not clear for the scientific research, and it is required from an author to
timeliness and significant balance to reach at a manuscript of high quality. When the study is done
significant results, the author should publish it. Furthermore, the author should report not only the
results that support the research, but reporting all the results. The research results, which it is
important, describe accurately and fully. The scientific presentation ought to have representative
data and calculations. The analyses ought to include all the data. An implicit assumption of
published work is being the reproducibility of the results. All authors who ought to have done
substantial and significant intellectual contributions to the study being reported (Coghill, 2006).
r attribution and the contributions of others must be included with appropriate referencing by
scientific publication, which is the placement between the results and context of the research field.
The authors must cite the important clues and experiments. The manuscript s sections (introduction
and discussion) ought to be very clear to what the others work that has contributed to the reported
research. Also, when the authors present data on previously published, they ought to indicate to
them. Moreover, direct quotation is exactly the same a few words from origin and must be indicated
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Reflection On My Math Class
Since starting this class, I feel as though my background knowledge of math would have been
enough for me to feel comfortable in the classroom but, because of the readings and in class tasks
with my peers I ve become more knowledgeable on many terms and practices of math.
It is clear that within the classroom of my peers we all complete a math problem differently. Some
students answer questions the completely different way than I do but, we get the same answers.
For example, when we were asked to add simple math numbers, two of the four of us thought the
same way. While to other people found different ways to get the answer. Amongst the four of us
there were three different ways to solve one simple addition question. This small task opened my
mind completely. I can see that was in my group of four people, there were three strategies to
answer one question. I can only imagine a number of ways a class of 30 students comes up with.
This will enhance my understanding as a teacher because I know that every student does not think
the same and there is more than one right way to solve a question. This class has also shown me
that using manipulatives is one of the best tools to enhance the students understanding. Using
manipulatives will not only help the students, but it will help me as a teacher to understand the
student s steps in solving questions. The best example in class was when my group was given
coloured bears and asked to show 1 as many ways as possible. We decided to
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Prejudice In The Celluloid Closet
Ghazal Al Awad
Hollywood s Prejudice A controversial issue these days is over Hollywood s negative depictions
of homosexuality. Such portrayals were so focused on silencing queer people and basically
putting their emotions in the closet. A documentary The Celluloid Closet, which is based on The
Celluloid Closet book by Vito Russo, analyzes the representation of gays and lesbians in
Hollywood films from the 1890s to the 1980s. The Celluloid Closet argues that Hollywood s
portrayal of gays and lesbians has often been harsh and homophobic, which led gays and lesbians
characters to be defined by their sexuality, lacking any character development throughout the plot.
According to the documentary, from the 1890s to the 1930s, homosexuality has been portrayed as a
source for ridicule and laughter. That period of time represented the archetype the sissy; however,
the sissy did not pose a threat on the representation of homosexuality because the sissy were
between ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The popularity of shows such as Will Grace; La vie, la vie...; and Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
demonstrates that networks are willing to feature queer characters as long as the shows draw high
ratings and generate profits for advertisers ( Queer Representation ). According to the U.S. gay
rights organization Gay Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), a study has found that
only 17 of the 102 movies from major studios in 2013 featured lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender characters and, of those 17, the majority were offensive and defamatory portrayals.
GLAAD have found the Vito Russo Test. To pass the Vito Russo Test, a film must feature an LGBT
character not solely or predominantly defined by their sexual orientation or gender identity, and
who, if removed from the film, would significantly affect the plot. However, only seven out of the
17 films that portrayed LGBTQ characters were able to pass
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Patient With Suicidal Ideations
The patient is a 49 year old male who presented to the ED with Suicidal ideations and homicidal
ideations. Patient reports increased depressive symptoms, financial issues, concerns with and
individual in his was 13 years old. During the time of assessment the patient was lying in bed sleep
with the TV on. TACT woke up the patient for the assessment. The patient was non aggressive and
willing to corporate. The patient reports for the past year he has been living by himself in his father
in laws mobile home because of an incident that happen while he was staying with his wife and
children. The patient reports that he shot up his home one night and was inches from hitting his
daughter. Further, he reports since then he feel unsafe being in
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My Observations On My Observation
On the times/days of both my observation, I walked in, ordered my (light bulb) mint lemonade,
and took a seat on the inner most, and consequently also closest to the cash counter corner table
(made for 1 2 people); then I set my timer. At these times, I didn t use my phone (except for timing
my observations), put in headphones or any other such activities that would distract me from the
goal in place: to observe my surrounding. I chose this place precisely due to several of hundreds of
posts on Instagram of the lightbulb teas, where the teacups were recycled light bulbs, this was what
intrigued me most about this site. Additionally, lots of my friends had told me of this place being
great for students, thus selling me on this site.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During both my observations I saw several varieties of people, most wearing scarfs and sweaters
(truly embracing sweater weather . The first time around I witnessed two girls, seemingly on a
study date, however (at least from what I saw) more interested in their phones, than each other,
their laptops or books. It is very possible they were just taking a break, or had been waiting on
another person to show, unfortunately I wasn t around long enough to be able to witness that.
There was another duo of girls, who from what I observed were celebrating a birthday, and
catching up after a long time. They were the loudest duo there, thanks to one of them in a
mustard blouse, green leggings and light beige heels; they were talking of fitness mainly, ways
to combat plateaus, how long it had been since one of them ad hit it (plateau, I mean), how long
it had been since they d seen each other, amongst other typical girl talk? Something I definitely
noticed was that everyone would pose their drinks for pictures, whether due to the ever growing
phenomenon of taking pictures of your food, or just due to the light bulbs I cannot be too sure.
Something that surprised me about my first visit was that, yes as expected there were mostly
young people there (the small cafГ© was so full, several people were standing to wait on their
drinks) , but there were also two (from what I saw) different groups of adult
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Samuel s Controversy
Samuel s hereditary succession
The Israelites want to set a monarchy like all nations, but Samuel, the judge of Israel, does not want
to establish the monarchy. Why is Samuel unpleasant to the request of the Israelites to set a King?
1 When Samuel became old, he made his sons judges over Israel. 2 The name of his firstborn son
was Joel, and the name of his second, Abijah; they were judges in Beer sheba. 3 Yet his sons did
not follow in his ways, but turned aside after gain; they took bribes and perverted justice. 4 Then
all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah, 5 and said to him, You
are old and your sons do not follow in your ways; appoint for us, then, a king to govern us, like
other nations. 6 But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, Give us a king to govern us.
Samuel prayed to the Lord,
(1 Samuel 8:1 6, NRSV)
Samuel attempts to pass on his position to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, Saul is soon abandoned by God because of his disobediences. Yet, Saul s disobedience is
controversial. Patricia K. Tull, the author of 1 and 2 Samuel in Theological Bible Commentary,
argues, Saul s exact offense is unclear, and commentators struggle to reconstruct it, augmenting
the impression that he was given a test with no correct choices. In contrast, Marvin Sweeney, the
professor of the Hebrew Bible in Claremont School of Theology, asserts, Although the narrative
can hardly be considered anti monarchic, it takes care to raise concerns about the character of
kingship and its costs to the nation at large and it demands that proper kingship in Israel must be
exercised in accordance with the divine will. In this view, Saul has not been accorded with God
s will. Then, is this God s intentional choice? If it is true, why he does this? If God did not
choose Saul as the king, it would be possible that he is not deserted from God. Bible
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Social Civilization In Korea
The Japanese colonization of Korea made Koreans an easy target of exploitation. Since Japan
was in a great need of cheap labor, Korean workers were recruited during 1920s. In this essay, I
am going to discuss the significance of institutional racial discrimination targeted towards Korean
workers in interwar Japan as a tool of alienation and exploitation. One of the abiding discernments
formed in Karl Marxs Capital is that in the colonies of capitalist nation states the apparitions of the
law of the supply and demandof labor are crushed. In the home country, the magnificent allurement
of capitalist production can be found in its capability to reproduce the wage laborer by regularly
setting him or her free, firing him or her and by creating a surplus population that rests in
approximate exteriority to capitalist manufacturing as the prerequisite for the commodification of
labor power. Regularly handling labor power as a expendable commodity is hence the way
capitalist manufacturing can assure that its most nonexpendable commodity labor power is
constantly there by the time capitalist manufacturing encounters so called labor shortages during
industrial expansion. It is this reproductive apparatus that enables the smug knavery of the
Japanese colonial policymaker to envision and to formalize into normalized principles of
economic shift, that owners of labor power who are de facto impelled to enter into a relationship
of reliance with the wage form can take part in
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In Today’S World The Business Environment Is Rapidly
In today s world the business environment is rapidly changing so the strategy formulation and
implementing it should me the vital key role in any organization. Hence Strategy management is
defined as the process of making strategies and implementing strategies to meet the long term goal
and sustain in the competitive world (Schermerhorn, 2012).It involves the environmental factors
(both internal and external), strategy formulation and implementation, analysis and control.
The organization chosen is Samsung in which the critical evaluation will be done in reference with
the Porter s five forces. Samsung was founded in 1969 in Korea, since then it is rapidly growing in
the global information technology. The company has many home appliances... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Samsung also has a strong customer loyalty to its brand which can be a strong barrier to the new
entrant. According to the (Anonymous, 2009) Mikah Martin Cruz,marketing director of Samsung
Electronics UK claims that nurturing the customers brand loyalty to samsung is the main pillars of
marketing direction. The threat of substitute for Samsung may be due to the similar phones with
more advanced feature that are usually of competitor brands like the Apple iphone,Huawei
etc.Price also may play a role in chances of substitution when a competitor brand provides the same
feature with a relatively low price. Due to the rapid growth in technology the smart phones are
likely to be substituted more advanced technologies. (Boult, 2015) claims that smart phones may
not exist in another five years as consumers are getting interested in Virtual Reality VR.The power
of consumers is high as there are varieties of smart phones available in the market. In case of
Samsung too consumer has the power to bargain and have choices of different varieties of phone
with same features and relatively low prices. The Power of supplier is low for Samsung because
Samsung has its own supplier for most of the components. Samsung supplies its own raw material
and also manufactures its own processor and its components.
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Warren Smith Thermometer
The thermometer isn t the only thing reaching the century mark this summer. A week ago Saturday
there was a celebration at First Baptist Church that was a century in the making the 100th birthday
of Dumas resident Oleta Smith.
Smith s milestone birthday celebration was a well attended event. She received so many birthday
cards, it took her several days to read them all.
There were guests from 13 states, she said. Those guests included her daughter, two grandchildren
and two great grandchildren, lots of nieces and nephews, as well as many other family members and
Two guests who made the trip to Dumas for the celebration were men who served alongside her
son, Warren Smith, in Vietnam. Smith s son lost his life while saving the... Show more content on
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She was selected by the state of Utah to gauge fallout from bombs. She lived in Texas City
during the industrial accident of 1947. Smith went into a missile hole during the Vietnam War.
She visited 17 states and two foreign countries within six weeks time in 1968. She s been to two
World Fair events (1968 and 1982). She lived on a Navajo reservation for 17 years. She walked
atop Alaska s Mendenhall Glacier in 1992, and, most recently, she went zip lining in Branson,
Missouri, at the age of 98.
I ve had lot of fun, interesting experiences, she said.
In her spare time, Smith enjoys a good game of dominoes or cards, and she s an avid Texas
Rangers baseball fan. In fact, she s watched the Rangers play at Wrigley Field and in Oakland, and
she s planning a trip to see the Rangers play the Braves in their new stadium this September.
Smith said she is not aware of any generation in her family living to the age of 100. She said she
attributes her longevity to living a clean life and God s grace.
Her granddaughter, Debra, said Smith also eats a lot of chocolate .
It s apparent Smith discovered a formula that has afforded her a long and eventful life. She truly
is living up to the words in Rep. Price s resolution and is a Texas
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Review of Ordinary Resurrections by Jonathan Kozol Essay
In his book, Ordinary Resurrections: Children in the Years of Hope, Jonathan Kozol pulls back the
veil and provides readers with a glimpse of the harsh conditions and unrelenting hope that exists in
a community located in the South Bronx called Mott Haven. Mr. Kozol provides his own socially
conscious and very informative view of the issues facing the children and educators in this poverty
ravaged neighborhood. Just his commentary would paint a very bleak picture of the future. It is
the words of the children that give this book optimism and meaning. The courage and care
exhibited by the volunteers of St. Ann s after school program and the creativity of the teachers at
P.S. 30 are utterly inspiring. They work long hours and go beyond... Show more content on
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Teachers in wealthier schools are paid as much as $20,000 more than those working in the South
Bronx. P.S. 30, the best of Mott Haven s primary schools, runs short on the most basic supplies and
operates with little to no funding for a library, music, or art education. The average class contains
31 students. Given these conditions, somehow P.S. 30 still manages to retain talented, generous and
energetic teachers who are dedicated to providing their students with the education that they
deserve. As a teacher himself, Kozol understands the demands of the classroom and conveys how
very difficult it can be to simply manage a group of children, much less instruct with creativity and
grace. One seemingly tireless young teacher wins Jonathan s heart with her joyful manner and,
more specifically, gentle command of her students. He highlights a few beautiful moments in her
classroom when she guides the children from growing distraction back into order and focus. At the
first sign of chaos, Mrs. Gamble rises to her feet, lifts her hands to mime playing a flute, trills a
little, and soon the children, too, have risen eyes on her, all improvising the flute section of an
orchestra until their leader places the invisible instrument back into its case and silently glides back
into the lesson. Spontaneity, creativity and an element of playfulness are elements that raise
teaching to an art form.
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US Embassy To Jerusalem Research Paper
Why the United States Should Move its Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem In every country of the
world, the United States is required by law to have an embassy in the capital except for one
crucial area, the country of Israel. Since the nation s existence, Israel has had a noticeable drought
of embassies in its capital city of Jerusalem, including its strongest and most important ally in the
United States. This is because both the Israelis and Palestinians claim this land as their own, and
has led to conflict for decades. Countries choose not to put an embassy in Jerusalem because they
do not wish to take a side in the matter. While some may say that establishing its embassy to
Jerusalem would incite violence in the region, the United States should move forward with this
relocation in order to promote... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Perhaps the greatest reason for moving the embassy to Jerusalem is the fact that the United
States could actively oversee peace talks between the Israeli people and the Palestinians in an
area that both sides claim to own. This important benefit of the move is laid out by Robert
Stearns in his article, Moving the Embassy to Jerusalem shows that the U.S. is Committed to
Peace when he explains, It would signal that the U.S. is serious about ending this conflict, which
would be a benefit to Israelis and Palestinians, (Stearns 4). Being able to be a part of the talks to
resolve decades of tension and war is in a large sense, the biggest benefit of moving the embassy to
the capital city. The absence of an embassy in Jerusalem has gotten the peace talks nowhere, and
only a move of this magnitude could rejuvenate those
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John Dos Passos Essay
John Dos Passos
Almost every one writer can say that they are influenced by their childhood and past. Memories
flood back to them as they encounter a similar experience or similar situation in their earlier years.
No doubt a significant factor in their writing, the past from a specific writer s life usually adds
more depth and complexity to their works. Because these previous experiences are from the author
s actual life, the scenes and subjects related to the theme are more accurate and realistic, and may
even be more appealing to read. These past voices may appear either consciously through the author
s works, or sometimes unconsciously, guided maybe by some early childhood memory. Well,
whatever the case, John Dos ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Dos Passos first attended school in the District of Colombia. As he grew up, he spent some of his
childhood in Tidewater Virginia. He began attending Choate School where his first published
writings were articles for the Choate School News. Upon completing Choate School at the age of
fifteen, he entered Harvard University in 1912. At Harvard, he continued his journalism by
joining the Harvard Monthly. While at Harvard, he developed a close, long lasting friendship with
E.E. Cummings. During this time at Harvard, the spirit of idealism swept the country. Dos Passos
was stirred by ideas of idealism and began to write short autobiographical tales for the Harvard
Monthly, which showed vague idealism. He later graduated in June of 1916.
Out of college now, Dos Passos choose to volunteer for ambulance duty overseas but his father
rejected his idea. So instead, he decided to make his first long visit to Spain, a country which held
fascination for him all his life, to study architecture. With the death of his father lather in
1917, he joined the Norton Harjes Ambulance Group and sailed for France.
During his tour of duty as an ambulance driver, he collaborated with a friend, Robert Hillyer, on
alternate chapters of a novel, and after several revisions, it became One Man s Initiation 1917.
This book was based largely on his own wartime experiences in France and Italy. His second
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Nature Methaphors in The Battle of Issus and Starry Night...
Since the beginning, nature has been one of mans many inspirations. It is used to convey emotions
and bring meaning in many ways in art. During the Northern Renaissance Albrecht Altdorfer was
one of the most distinguished painters known for his expressively detailed landscapes. The Battle
of Issus done by Altdorfer focused on nature to further amplify Alexander s victorious battle. Three
hundred and sixty years later, the Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh
creates a work that also showed
how nature can bring emotion and significance to his painting Starry Night. Albrecht Altdorfer s
The Battle of Issus in one of the artist most famous works depicting the exploits of historic heroes.
[1] It was created in 1529 on commission for the Munich... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Above the battle, in the sky nature seems to have it own dramatic conflict that elaborately
mirrors the historical battle of Issus. The Post Impressionism artist Vincent Van Gogh created
his masterwork Starry Night in 1889. Unlike the painting of Altdorfer, this painting was more
personal and had the conflict of man vs. himself. The painting of Starry Night took place in
France while he was in the care of the Saint Remy of Provence Psychiatric Hospital. Van Gogh
yearned for a life that was calm and harmonious during his seemingly never ending depressive
state. In Starry Night Van Gogh s point of view is omniscient as well but, he detaches himself
even further. He Van Gogh creates a night sky embellished by the swirling of its clouds and the
illuminating blaze from its stars. He uses lines that are arabesque in continuation that creates a
fluid like design over the work making it harmonious. Located below the dynamic sky is a row
rolling hills in which the artist used different tones to create a sense of depth in his work by the
use of atmospheric perspective however, the painting still has a look of flatness. The hills lead
the eyes to a small calm inviting town created using simple shapes. The church in the valley
towers over all the homes as if it was a guardian. The tall steeple of the church is not able to touch
the magnificent sky however, there is an eerie cypress tree in the foreground it is able to touch the
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General Mclellan Dbq
General McClellan was a famous general during the civil war who lead the Army of the
Potomac. President Lincoln wanted him to move forward towards Richmond but General
McClellan would hold back until he was finally ordered to move. Him being removed can be
considered a loss but it also was a victory for the people back in Washington. George McClellan
was somewhat of a perfectionist he would not do anything till the time he didn t have it all
figured out, also he was never sure and doubted himself. Another thing that caused him issues is
that he overestimated the abilities and manpower of his enemies. George McClellan was
considered to be a perfectionist and would never take the next step until everything else wasn t
all figured out. He wanted more reinforcements but President Lincoln had to explain to him that
this would not be a wise move. The amount of time it would take President Lincoln to get him
reinforcements would be enough for the rebels or the confederates to gain upon him and be able
to take him on easily. Even though President Lincoln stayed calm he was still impatient, he
ordered McClellan and said he must move. This is because if the orders were not given McClellan
would have stayed back and would doubt him self upon when to move. [Document A and B]...
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He can be considered one of the reason to make the union wait longer for its victory. McClellan
kept fearing the amount of soldiers that Lee would bring and was slowing down instead of moving
towards the Confederate capital in Richmond. He slowed down because he thought that his army
was unfit for battle and wanted more reinforcements. President Lincoln even tried to assure him
and helped him strategize by telling him that he must think like his enemy and if he continues to do
what he is instructed to do he will achieve his goal in no time. [ Documents G and
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Kim Jong Il Was The Supreme Leader Of North Korea
Anthony Gallo
29 April 2015
Tyrants, Dictators, and Democrats
Kim Jong il Kim Jong il was the supreme leader of North Korea from July of 1994 until his
untimely death on December 17th, 2011. His reign as dictator is defined by most as successful
but he will go down as one of the most dangerous dictators the world has ever seen. The people of
North Korea looked up to Kim Jong il as a god like figure. No one really knows the exact year that
Kim Jong il was born. He was born in either 1941 or 1942 in Vyatskoye, Soviet Union. His birth
name is actually not Kim Jong il it is Yuri Irsenovich Kim. His father, Kim Il sungwas a commander
of the Soviet 88th brigade. Kim Jong il did not move to Pyongyang, North Korea until 1945 after
World War II has ended. Kim Jong il s rise to power began in July of 1961 when he joined the
Workers Party, which is the official ruling party of North Korea (Biography). The beliefs of the
Workers Party were based off of Stalinst Russia before Kim Jong il and Kim Il sung expanded
on those beliefs. Kim Jong il eventually was elected as head of the Workers Party Central
Committee. His main job as head of the committee was to lead a revolt against the revisionists
and to keep the beliefs of the party. This is where Kim first took control of the military as he used
them to kill disloyal officers. His main goal was to keep the military on the Workers Party side.
Another big part of Kim Jong il s rise to power was that he oversaw the propaganda
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Corporate Tax, Cost of Debt, Cost of Equity and Capital...
Corporate Tax, Cost of Debt, Cost of Equity and Capital Structure: A case study of REITs and
conventional real estate firms in the UK
University of Groningen
Faculty of Economics and Business
BSc International Business
January 2013
Table of contents
1. Introduction4
2. REITs7
3. Literature Review9 3.1 Capital Structure Irrelevance9 3.2 Present Models10
4. Data and Methodology12 4.1 Regression12
5. Findings and Discussion16
6. Conclusion20
7. Appendix21
8. Bibliography30
In January 2007 the UK adopted the globally successful real estate investment trust (REIT) regime,
allowing real estate firms to adopt the REIT status with the benefit of immediate exemption from ...
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Furthermore, I expect that REITs use relatively less debt for financing, because of the relatively
higher cost of debt.
Already in 1958, Modigliani and Miller have pointed the discussion of capital structure towards
the cost of debt and equity. According to their first proposition, in a world of no corporate taxes
and with perfect markets, financial leverage has no effect on a firm s value. In their second
proposition, they state that the cost of equity equals a linear function defined by the required return
on assets and the cost of debt (Modigliani and Miller, 1958).
As negative aspects of debt, e.g. personal tax loss and bankruptcy costs however do exist in reality,
Miller (1977) elaborates that leverage will either have no or a negative effect on the firm s value,
hence untaxed firms should favor equity.
Nevertheless, firms have used leverage even before corporate taxes have been introduced (Maris
and Elayan, 1990). This implies the existence of some market imperfections, which benefit the use
of debt financing, thus enable a trade off of the cost and benefits of debt resulting in an optimal


Romeo And Juliet Example Essay Questions


Romeo And Juliet Example Essay Questions

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Romeo And Juliet Example Essay Questions

  • 1. Romeo And Juliet Example Essay Questions 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help fromHelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Romeo And Juliet Example Essay QuestionsRomeo And Juliet Example Essay Questions
  • 2. Christopher s Character In The Curious Incident Curious Incident Essay Did you know that autism affects 1 in 68 children in the world? In the story curious incident of the boy in the night time , Christopher the protagonist in the story has a condition called Asperger syndrome and uses this to solve mysteries and to find his mother. Despite the stigma concerning autism and Aspergers, Christopher s condition proves advantageous on his journey. The 3 most advantageous character traits that Christopher possesses and uses in the book are his memory , logic, and his independence. Christopher s first most advantageous character trait is his memory. This is because Christopher used this ability to solve problems throughout the story, for example, when ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Christopher uses logic instead of reason when making decisions I had to get out of the house. Father had murdered Wellington. That meant he could murder me, because I couldn t trust him, even though he had said Trust me, because he had told a lie about a big thing (Haddon, 122). This shows how Christopher uses his logic instead of reason. Most people in that situation would know that just because your dad killed a dog he would not kill you, but Christopher is more worried about trust. This is because Christopher sees love as mostly, three things, trust, someone who helps you, and someone who cares about you. Since Christopher doesn t trust his dad anymore he thinks his dad doesn t care about him and this is logically thinking. This is logically thinking because he used the facts that were their and added them up as if an equation and made his decision to leave his dad. This is how he thought logically instead of with reason. The second way Christopher used his logic to his advantage is when he left his father s house and he went to Mrs. Shears house and he logically thought out all of his options and made his decision on what he was doing next. [...] I did this by thinking of all the things I could do and deciding whether they were the right decision or not. I decided that I couldn t go home again. And I decided that I couldn t go and live with Siobhan because she couldn t ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Blade Runner And Post-Modernism As Gojira (1954) directly involves with a real political subject of atomic bombs, and conveys the political ideology by creating a fictional monster, Blade Runner (1982) discusses an issue of post modernism and attacks post modernist ideology by setting the location in a fictional and imaginative world (Dienstag 2015; Williams 1988). The environment of Blade Runneris a dystopic world by where the audiences observe the political implication of Blade Runner society and the exhaustion of modern ideologies. In Blade Runner, the replicants are a form of living mirror of ourselves. In the opening scene of Blade Runner, the audiences see a close up of an eye reflecting the incredible landscape of the city. The eye motif recurs throughout the film, and argues that the image of eye plays an important role in the story: the Voight Kampf test eliciting an emotional response to identify whether an entity is a human or a replicant; the replicants searching a way to the Tyrell Corporationand interrogating an engineer of replicants, Tyrell; and the leader of replicants, playing with artificial eyes when becoming a friend with the genetic designer and, takes out the eyes of Tyrell when he was informed that his life cannot be extended (Dienstag 2015). By recurring the eye motifs, Blade Runner may encourage to view that the replicant signifies a physical exchange of views between two live entities (Dienstag 2015; Williams 1988). This may suggest the audiences that replicants are no ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Body Dysmorphic Disorder Research Paper Body dysmorphic disorder is a distinct mental illness, which causes an individual to become obsessive on focusing on their flaws in appearance, and to others the flaw may be minor or not visible. It is also known as dysmorphophobia. Patients affected by BDD have deeply negative thoughts about their appearance. In the limbic system, hyperactivity causes individuals to feel as if they are constantly being critiqued and negatively judged by others. Individuals diagnosed with the illness often look into surgery for their physical appearance to enhance. There are more than 200,000 cases a year involving body dysmorphic disorder, and about 1 in 50 people are affected (Phillips, 2004). Constantly comparing their image to others, frequent looks in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is extremely effective and has techniques that treat those who suffer from the disorder. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is the primary technique used. It uses a method called imaginal exposure, which involves writing short stories about the flaws and obsessions the patient has on their body. Cognitive Restructuring teaches clients to question their negative view on their body. This allows them to rethink whether or not the flaw is actually significant. Those with BDD are taught to non judgmentally accept the uncomforted feeling of their past situations. That is called Mindfulness Based CBT. The goal of mindfulness is for individuals to accept their past experiences and think about their thoughts, feelings, and avoidance ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. The Motivation For Jerry And Christopher At A Ice Cream... During my screenplay workshop, I received a lot of helpful suggestions on my overall motivation of my characters. In my revision process, I tried to focus more on the overall motive for my two main characters. For example, I added the motivation for Jerry and Christopher to open an ice cream parlor. This helped with my revisionof plot and main conflict because the two characters did not have enough money for the down payment on the open space. As a result, they decide to rob a bank in order to get the money for the payment. Another thing I tried to work on during my revision was the characterization of my two main characters. The two characters are, indeed, stupid. However, my goal was to make their appearance a little different and they way they spoke different. An example of my use of characterization is when Christopher speaks. For example, Christopher is very goofylike Jerry. However, he has a small sense of responsibility/wisdom. In the car, he is the one to have a notebook with all the information on the vacant space and bank. Moreover, he is the one that starts to become serious when he fights the hostage in the bank. Although both of the characters are stupid, Christopher s characteris what keeps the guys going. Without Chris, Jerry would be clueless. We can see Jerry s characterization through his actions. Jerry does not think anything through. For instance, in the bank, he brings in business cards with both their names on them. This is something stupid ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Neptune, The Ice Planet Neptune:the ice planet When was Neptune discovered? Neptune was the very first planet to be discovered by using math! (mathematics). After the discovery of Uranus in 1781, astronomers noticed that the planet was being pulled a little bit out of its normal orbit. John Couch Adams of Britain and Urbain Jean Joseph Leverrier of France, used math to figure out that the gravity from another planet beyond Uranus was affecting the orbit of Uranus. They figured out not only where the planet was, but also how much mass it had. A young astronomer, Johann Gottfried Galle, decided to search for the predicted planet and observed Neptune for the first time in 1846. http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu /ask/146 When was Neptune discovered WHAT IS THE SURFACE OF NEPTUNE LIKE ? As a gas giant (or... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Neptune was only discovered on September 23, 1846. That was only 163 years ago in other words, since its discovery, Neptune has made one single orbit around the Sun! The orbit was in 2011 http:/ /www.universetoday.com/44187/how long does it take neptune to orbit the sun/ WHAT ARE NEPTUNE S GASES MADE OF Let s see what Neptune is made of. The outermost layer of Neptune is the atmosphere, forming about 5 10% of the planet s mass, and extending up to 20% of the way down to its core. Neptune s atmosphere is about 80%hydrogen, 19% helium, with trace amounts of other ices, like methane, ammonia and water ice www.universetoday.com/21596/what is neptune made of/ It takes Neptune 164.8 Earth years to orbit the Sun. On 11 July 2011, Neptune completed its first full orbit since its discovery in 1846. Neptune was discovered by Jean Joseph Le Verrier. The planet was not known to ancient civilizations because it is not visible to the naked eye. The planet was initially called Le Verrier after its discoverer. This name, however, quickly was abandoned and the name Neptune was chosen instead. Neptune is the Roman God of the Sea. In Greek, Neptune is called ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Influence of Entertainment Media Influence of Entertainment Media Latishia Weldon HUM/186 March 4, 2013 Brandale Mills Influence of Entertainment Media America s have shaped our culture though entertainment for media proposes for years. Entertainment media is how Americans attract the way of life. The social influences relay on the media entertainment for positive and negative images to help transform the minds of people. The culture of Americans have always been through television, computers, and entertainment. The values of our culture have been acknowledged though media, and influences of behaviors showed though media. Something that can make a person laugh will last a life time. It encages people to think that the time they may spend in life fill more ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another example would be the educational shows that are on television for children. When a child perceives Elmo, Bernie, and Big Bird. The child intently start to sing all the sings. That teaches Children their colors, numbers, and the days of the week. By listening to Bernie sing, I Love You , it assist them to remember how everyone should be treated. When looking at the approach of how it effect the younger generation. This have always been the way Americans use entertainment to help coach the mind, and influence people into the way of thinking. Reflecting back on the book of Culture Media chapter 8: the movie theater began to make the movie theater more comfortable for consumer. In realty movies brings families together. Movies show things that people idolizes or the true culture of things. The inside of a celebrity s life might be reviled in most movies. That gives Americans a since of what to dream of and achieve later in life. Chapter 9 also stated that, the nature of crime that involved celebrities would show a bad image of Americans. Meaning when the movies that would come out in the 1900 s it began a very bad outrage, because of the content that it carried. Some felt that it let off racial content. That later lead to riots at some of the viewings. Yes, entertainment can have a big effect on attitudes. When observing the aspects of the American culture we are a reflection of how far we come ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Essay on heroin Society today has been clouded and somewhat overtaken by social drugs. Wherever you may look, a drug is being used, whether it is more commonly a cigarette being smoked on the street, or the covert teens smoking marijuana in secluded areas. In any case, there is not one person who can say drug use is not prevalent, since society has made it clear through news, music and everyday life. However, there are certain drugs that seem to be worsethan others, and society once again has taught us that through our laws and restrictions. The worse the drug, the more you pay for having it. Basically, drugs have become a part of our life, and you never know when they can land on your doorstep. An illegal drug, which has ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Heroin, a white powder, was created in 1874, and was sold as a safe substitute for morphine. However, it was discovered that heroin produced a quick dependency in people. Heroin and other opiates were made illegal in 1920 as part of the Dangerous Drugs Act. Still today, however, Heroin is illegally manufactured and imported, largely from the Indian sub continent. As well as killing pain, moderate doses of pure opioids produce a range of mild effects. They depress the activity of the nervous system, including such reflexes as coughing, breathing and heart rate. They also cause widening of the blood vessels, which gives a feeling of warmth and reduces bowel activity, which causes constipation. Heroin itself can be taken in three ways, injecting a solution of heroin and water into your vein, snorting it, or inhaling it. A person will receive maximum effects if they inject it. Basically heroin makes people feel as if they are in a state of Euphoria for a small amount of time, and cause people to be drowsy warm and content, which kind of detaches you from pain. After Heroin is injected or inhaled, it crosses the blood brain barrier, and once in the brain, it is converted to morphine and will bind with opioid receptors. This transferring is what gives the user their rush, and the more of the drug, the faster it binds and the stronger the rush. Heroin ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Harley Davidson Case c Top of Form CASE 35 Harley Davidson Inc. 2008: THRIVING THROUGH A RECESSION Decision Date: Finish 2008 FY Sale: Finish 2009 FY Net Income: Finish Introduction Finish Current Situation 1. Current Performance п‚· European market share has continued to grow. Finish needs % п‚· Harley Davidson controls nearly half of the market share for heavyweight motorcycles. п‚· 2007, Harley Davidsons net profits and new sales were down. п‚· Motorcycle shipments declined from 2006 to 2007. Harley Davidson is currently unable to keep up with demand. 2. Strategic Posture Clarity Mission, objectives, strategies, and policies are clearly states as outlined below. * Mission Appropriate We ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Objectives| Yes/No| Consumers| Yes| Target Market| Yes| Image| Yes| Stability| Yes| Work Force| No| Corporate Culture| Yes| Technology | No| Quality| Yes| Future aspirations| Yes| Consumer Trust| Yes| Employee Development| Yes| * Objectives Consistent with each other, the mission, and the environment. a. Consistency and to grow the bottom line. * Increase production * Expand internationally * Expand domestic and international partners * Continue to manufacture quality motorcycles * Increase sales and profits * Enhance customers satisfaction b. Total Shareholder Return (TSR) relative to S amp;P 500 c. Maintain iconic brand name d. Maintain majority control of the heavyweight motorcycle industry in the United States of America. e. Develop new products to attract the female demographic as well as a younger demographic. f. Acquire additional product lines, which will diversify the company and enhance business strength. g. Market the Buell name. * Strategies Consistent with each other, the mission objectives and environment a. Maintain competitive advantage through brand recognition. b. Focus on using quality materials. c. Expansion into international markets. d. Maintain customer satisfaction. e. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Examples Of Creating Optings Most of the icons that you add to your desktop will be shortcuts, but you can also save files or folders to the desktop. If you delete files or folders that are stored on your desktop, they are moved to the recycle bin, where you can permanently delete them. If you delete a shortcut, the shortcut is removed from your desktop, but the file, program, or location that the shortcut links to, is not deleted. You can identify shortcuts by the arrow on their icon. Picture of an example shortcut on the desktop Picture of an example file stored on the desktop An icon can be created on the desktop in two ways. Locate the item that you want to create a shortcut for. Right click the item, click send to , and then click Desktop ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... From this menu, you are able to see and select all of the computer s programs (click on all programs). The most recently used programs and applications will appear on the menu. You can also create shortcuts, access the help function, open accessories such as the calculator, find documents that you have created and reset and configure your computer. Changing the configuration At least two of: date, time, volume controller, display properties, desktop theme, screen saver, screen pixel resolution, keyboard language. There are many different settings that you can change to suit you and make the computer personal. Changing your computer means customising it to suit your needs and requirements. If it is your personal computer, you may want to have pictures of your children or friends as a screen saver but if the computer belongs to the organisation that you work for, they may require that you use the company logo as a screen saver. Whatever the motivation, it is easy to change your computer so that it becomes a personalised piece of equipment. On a Windows system, the control panel is used for this purpose. To access the control panel, click on Start Control Panel or Start Settings Control Panel. See figure 6 Figure 6 The control panel will appear as in the picture below There are three icons that will help you to configure your computer. a) Appearance and personalisation Change the theme Change desktop background
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  • 12. Understanding Behavior And Family Dynamics Week 2 Assignment: Communication Tia Durkin ECE355: Understanding Behavior Family Dynamics Professor Jeremiah 15 January, 2016 Communication is the cornerstone of any relationship, but between parent and child it is both unique and special. It is forged and developed through love and a special bond that can only be understood by them. It begins before a child is even born, and continues through their life. Communication is how we make our thoughts, feelings, needs, and thoughts known. As babies, children convey this through cries and sounds; and is often best known by their parents who seem to know which cry and sound mean different things. It is imperative that this strong level of communication is fostered in a positive way, throughout their childhood. Having the ability to communicate effectively with our children is not only beneficial for them, but the entire family dynamic. A good majority of parents want what is best for their children, when communication is positive and reciprocal then it is reasonable to say that the relationship matches. This is why when parents are uninvolved or neglectful, we behavioral issues and a strong lack of respect from the child. In authoritative home, parents are still in charge, but they have a sense of mutual respect between them and their children. The proof is in the outcomes in these homes. Children have a tendency to be happier, respectful of others, better in school, and have a greater ability to form meaningful ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Algorithms, Algorithms And Consequences For Top-K... 4.3.Top K Association Rule More than one algorithms sequences were predicted for top k association administers mining. But, most of them do now not take advantage of the essential definition of an association rule. As an occurrence, KORD discovers approaches with an unmarried thing in the resulting, while the arrangement of principles of You et al. mines connection rules from a move in lieu of an exchange database. To the wonderful of our concentration, least difficult best k rules finds top k affiliation rules predicated on a similar old meaning of an alliance run (with various things, in an exchange database). the primary pivotal thought process that characterize this calculation is that it characterizes the endeavor of mining the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With Ajax, web applications can send actualities to, and recuperate measurements from, a server nonconcurrently (inside the legacy) without meddling with the disclosure and aura of the present site page. Actualities might be recovered ingesting the XM HttpRequest protest. Regardless of the category, the usage of XML isn t required and the solicitations do never again require being nonconcurrently. Ajax isn t a solitary period, however a gathering of advancements. HTML and CSS can be connected in collection to increase and style data. The DOM is gotten to with JavaScript to powerfully show, and endorse the utilizer to have collaboration with, the measurements gave. JavaScript and the XMLHttpRequest question give an approach to supplanting measurements nonconcurrently among program and server to shun full page reloads and avert customer to converse with the server that can keep server hits which may be ate up on the off chance that we don t utilize AJAX. This is its miles one way to limit individual hits being hit to server and server load might be diminished by methods for applying AJAX on shopper side. 4.6.R Language It s far a language that becomes built for creating interactive graphs for data analysis, statistical modeling, simulation and graphics. but, its general cause with a few sturdy techniques and functions that might be useful for any ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Summary Of The Poem Into The Great Wide Open Their A R man said I don t hear a single . This is a line from tom petty s into the great wide open. Eddie just graduated and now he moved to California and got a tattoo and met a girl, who he now lives with. Tom petty s song Into The Great Wide Open is the story of Eddie a quick leaning musician and his rise and fall from fame using a shifting tone and unrealistic fashion. In tom petty s Into The Great Wide Open Eddie a quick learning musician tries to get into the musicindustry. Eddie is just out of high school. He s on his way to Hollywood. Eddie meets a girl in Hollywood. They move in together. Eddie goes and gets a job. He works as a bouncer at a nightclub. Eddie s girlfriend plays guitar. She teaches him some chords. The future was wide open for the two. Eddie was a rebel without a clue. Eddie is young and talented and hoping to make it big in the music industry.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In a switch tone. Eddie is now playing gigs. The tone is joyful at this point. The papers said he plays from the heart. Eddie got a roadie named Bart and an agent. Eddie then made a record. Eddies record was doing good. It went to the charts. The sky seemed to be the limit for this young rock star. However we start to feel an uncertain tone. Eddie was partying with movie stars and other celebs. Eddie was making big money and spending it on parties every night. Finally Tom Petty tells about the fall from fame of Eddie. Tom Petty s Into The Great Wide Open is unrealistic. Nobody gets a roadie and an agent that quickly like Eddie did. The future was wide open for young Eddie. Until his A R man comes and tells him i don t hear a single. The future was wide open for Eddie for the good or for the bad. Eddies fall from fame could be compared to modern day Britney spears. Brittany fell into a downward spiral and today she is making a slow comeback to the spotlight. She is regaining popularity she considered famous ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Mer Assessment Cipd 1.There are several factors that can have an impact on the relationship between employees and employers; these are identified as internal and external factors. Internal factors; Pay and rewards attract and retain employees. Having the right pay and benefit for employees motivate them. This helps employees feel valued and can remove animosity between employee and employer. Training and development has a positive impact on employees, this shows investment from the employer and enhances career progression. Organisation culture has a large impact on the relationship, if an organisation has a certain culture that is generally expected from employees. For example, employees are expected to work more than their contracted hours however ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This, in turn, helps organisations move forward without conflict with employees. 4.The legal system supports working parents in various ways; an expectant mother is entitled to attend appointment and ante natal classes should they be during her normal working hours without losing any salary due to the absence from work. A parent whose partner has given birth is entitled to 2 weeks leave from work paid at statutory paternity leave, there is now an option for additional parental leave. An employee who is placed with a child through adoption are entitled to the same rights as an em ployee who is on maternity leave, they are entitled to 52 weeks leave with 6 weeks being paid at 90% or their average weekly earnings followed by 33 weeks at statutory adoption pay. Employees are entitled to take a reasonable amount of time off work for dependants, this could be to make funeral arrangements or to look after a sick child. 5.Treating employees fairly in relations to pay is important for both employee and employer. The Equal Pay Act 1970 was introduced to ensure that women and men are paid the same for the same role. Organisations that actively treat all employees the same in relation to pay promote retention of employees. Employees won t be underpaid for the work they do in relation to a colleague in a similar role, employees won t feel discriminated against thus performance of work isn t effected. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Gun Control In The Second Amendment Gun control has, over the years, become a hot topic for debate. For both sides, there are many reasons to be for or against the banning of certain guns. Even throughout our country s political history, presidents and politicians have tried to ban or even merely control the amount or type of guns available to the public. Two articles, Treasure the Second Amendment, But Ban Assault Rifles by Judith Miller and A Ban on Assault Rifles Would Not Reduce Crime by NoС‘l Merino, address both sides of this emotionally charged issue. Both arguments hold a strong grasp on the issue and show their opinions in a respectful yet moving manner that gives a good foundation to leave their audiences room to have their own thought on the subject. While both hold their own in their respective articles, Merino gives a more factual and detached argument that shows well rounded thought and an ability to see reprimands and consequences for the ban on assault rifles. On the other hand, Miller gives insight into the emotional impact that the ownership of assault rifles as a common household item gives to the fear ridden citizen. While neither article will be an end all be all for this issue, they both shed a light on how the opposing sides view guns and the potential outcomes of either the destruction of the assault rifleindustry or allowing the industry to its own will. Whether or not the people read these articles, gun control will be a hot button issue for years to come as the argument for and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Salt Water Short Story How the great Saltwater came to be A long, long time ago, there were many gods. Two were Sarias the salt god, and Walior the water god. They argued quite a bit and all of the other gods were sick of it. So was a newt named Yellow Belly. I was the middle of the summer and one day when the gods were on a ship, Yellow Belly had also snuck aboard. Once again, they were arguing and Yellow Belly decided to put a stop to it once and for all. Sarias how can you put up with that insolent Walior? You guys should have a battle and whoever loses will be dead and you won t have to worry about arguing anymore. Meanwhile up in the sky the other gods are trying to figure out a way to get the two gods to stop arguing but they didn t want it to be in a violent way. They have no... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You know that I will win because I am much more handsome and I am way stronger. Even so Walior I am more cunning and I haven t lost to any beast yet. There s always a first time Sarias. There was a great battle that lasted 8 days and 8 nights. Eventually Sarias emerged victorious. As he was standing over Walior and gloating: Ha ha I have killed you W... As he said this Walior reached up and slashed him in the stomach. As Sarias fell from the pain, his great sword plunged into Walior s heart. And so the great Sarias won the battle but he died in the end from his stomach wound because Walior had been very vicious and had cut a major artery. And so they both died because of a newt who was fed up with their antics. After they died, they both had left behind great quantities of both salt and water. The other gods saw it and they had to figure out what to do with all of that salt and water. They were smart and they did the smartest thing that they could think of. They mixed all of the salt with all the water, and they made salt water. Then they picked a HUGE place to distribute all of it and there is now salt water because of that crazy newt, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Essay about Literature Review Abstract Individuals undergoing cardiac surgery can be of any age and functional ability. This literature review examines the correlation between the patient s ability to engage in self care behaviors and the efficacy of their rehabilitation. Using Orem s Self Care Nursing Deficit Theory and Bandura s Self Efficacy Theory peer reviewed research studies were selected from accredited journals using CINHAL, Ovid, PubMed and Google Scholar ranging from 1988 to 2009. The literature reviewed indicated that the patients perceived ability to engage in self care behaviors impacted their recovery after they were discharge from the hospital. The literature also suggests that nursing interventions can promote and enable self care while the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Search Methods Databases were searched for literature regarding Orem s Self Care Nursing Deficit Theory and Bandura s Self Efficacy Theory along with any relationship to patients that have undergone cardiac surgery. Databases used were CINAHL, Ovid, PubMed and Google Scholar. CINAHL and Google Scholar provided the largest number of useful hits. Keywords or phrases used and the numbers of hits generated by Google Scholar are shown in Table 1. Table of Words/Phrases Used for Google Scholar Database Searches. Table 1. Table of Words/Phrases Used for Google Scholar Database Searches| Keyword/phrase| Number of Hits| Orem s Theory| 14,000| Self Care Nursing Deficit Theory| 7,400| Self care with cardiac surgery| 13,900| Orem and cardiac surgery| 1,120| Bandura s Theory of Self Efficacy| 23,800| Bandura and cardiac surgery| 2,190| Self efficacy theory in cardiac surgery| 4,090| Self efficacy and CABG| 2,330| Orem and CABG| 107| Self care deficit and CABG| 279| Self care deficit theory and self efficacy theory| 19,50| Orem and post op care| 59| Orem and coronary artery bypass| 345| Self efficacy and coronary artery bypass| 2,890| Results were reviewed and chosen as to relevant content and application. Articles were excluded that were not written in English or involved research that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Poverty In Detroit Research Paper Poverty in Detroit Being home to Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler, Detroit was the nation s auto industry capital in the 1950s ( Anatomy of Detroit s Decline ). The city was thriving, bringing in more income and more people each year, which led to Detroit s expansion and population peak becoming the 4th largest cityin America. But if the city was doing so well, then what caused such an economic downfall to put them in the impoverished state they are facing today? Most of Detroit s economic downfall was because of the reliance on a single industry, which at the time was the auto industry ( Anatomy of Detroit s Decline ). Although this industry was thriving in every way possible, the city became too reliant on it because when the auto industry left Detroit, the economy made a dramatic decrease. While the auto industry was still there, the city ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Because many people abandoned their homes, the city now has fewer tax payers, and many vacant homes. This task to shrink the city would be easier if these abandoned homes were next to each other in convenient chunks, but it appears that Detroit is not so lucky, for the abandoned homes are spread out all across the city making any efforts to shrink the city extremely difficult ( Anatomy of Detroit s Decline ). Another trial that the city faces is the development of the children (Bouffard, Karen). More than 59% of the children in Detroit live below the poverty line (Bouffard, Karen). However, there is good news in the midst of all this bad; Bill Ballmer, owner of the L.A. clippers, grew up in Detroit and is now focusing on helping Detroit s economy, specifically the children ( Letter: Ending Poverty in Detroit ). He is doing so by opening an office in Detroit that focuses on fighting poverty and enhancing the development of Detroit s youth ( Letter: Ending Poverty in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Terrorism And Its Effects On The World Terrorism consists of different range of illegal violent activities which is aimed at intimidating and creating fear in people. I would define terrorism as the use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological. Within this definition, there are three key elements violence, fear, and intimidation and each element produce terror in its victims. This paper is going to define and discuss the issue of terrorismand explain the why is it so difficult to get a specific definition for term terrorism , while making references to some terrorist events and organization such as the holocaust, the black Septemberorganization, the boko haram of west Africa and the al Qaeda group. Major historic terrorism/ Mass genocide event has been as a result of differences in political beliefs. In most cases this involves, the left and right winged ideologies and a disagreement in the direction of change and the speed at which the change is expected. To the left of the political spectrum we have the Liberals and to the right the Conservatives. The Liberals consist of individuals who believe there is room for progressive change, the Conservatives on the other hand would rather maintain the status quo and if at all a change is required, it has to be a retrogressive change. With the knowledge of the Left and Right winged, we get introduce ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Accuracy of Bayley Scores as Outcome Measures in Trials of... Introduction Long term follow up of high risk preterm infants has become increasingly important as the proportion of infants surviving has increased steadily over the past several decades. It is well known that these infants are at increased risk of cognitive impairment. (Class) With this increase in at risk survivors, many clinical research questions arise that can only be answered by long term follow up studies. (Vohr, Teune) Clinical trials that examine common perinatal therapies should also include a long term follow up component in their research to examine later neurodevelopmental outcomes in their cohorts. Although there is no prescribed protocol dictating which specific neurodevelopmental tests are to be completed during follow up, the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development and all its revisions, is the most widely used test to assess neurodevelopment of very preterm infants in the first three years of life (Luttikhuizen) and is a common outcome measure used in clinical research trials. Standardized developmental assessments such as the Bayley that are used in a pediatric clinical trial setting as primary outcome measures need to be reliably administered and scored. Trained test administrators and scorers are generally careful that the tests they are administering are conducted and scored correctly. However, given the range of numerical calculations and transcriptions required in scoring the results of these tests, there is always a chance that errors ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. How To Make Sweet Potato Pecan Pie Sweet Potato Pecan Pie Recipe This pie recipe combines the flavors of sweet potato and pralines. Feel free to try any flavor praline, and be sure to top with whipped cream for an extra decadent Sweet Potato Pecan Pie holiday dessert. Sweet Potato Pecan Pie Ingredients 1 pre made Sweet Pie shell (9 to 12 ) 4 large eggs 1 egg white, lightly beaten 2 tsp ground ginger 1 1/2 pounds sweet potatoes 1 tbsp vegetable oil 4 pralines in your favorite flavor (Original Creole, Rum or Chocolate) 1/4 cup water 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp grated nutmeg 1/4 tsp ground cloves 1/2 tsp salt 1 cup heavy cream Sweet Potato Pecan Pie Directions: Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Place the pie shell in the oven and bake until lightly browned, 12 to 15 minutes. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Tax Reform In America Taxes are essential for they enable the economy to function more properly. Taxes are useful for funding programs such as, public transportation, education, and health care services, however, taxation on goods and other resources can negatively affect individuals whose socioeconomic status is low. In my opinion, taxation has different effects on different areas of our economy, taxes do affect American citizens as well as the economic policy by raising or lowering the amount of income the government receives. It is evident that a tax reform is necessary. The economic growth has been inactive for quite a few years now, the workforce association has been down, wages are not moving and the U.S. tax laws are more and more out of step. I think we need a tax reform because it is hurting American manufacturing. America has great manufacturing workers and companies. That is why products that say Made in America often set the global bench for its good quality, but at the same time, with the concern of today s tax laws, businesses are encouraged to make less money and instead move good paying .U.S. jobs away. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Taxpayers spend an estimate of ninety nine billion each year following with the original income tax. Citizens could use that money for what is important to them or to what is important to their families. Same thing with businesses. They also spend to much money filing for taxes. Due to the immense problem of today s tax laws, businesses in the U.S. now spend an estimated amount of one hundred forty seven billion each year on filing for business tax returns. Those billions of dollars, local creators could invest for other things, like the workers,and their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Role Of Girish Karnad The Man And The Writer Godugunuri Prasad Girish Karnad is one of the foremost playwrights of the contemporary Indian stage. He has given the Indian theatre a richness that could probably be equated only with his talents as an actor director. His contribution goes beyond theatre: he has directed feature films, documentaries and television serials in Kannada, Hindi, and English and has played leading roles as an actor in Hindi and Kannada art films, commercial movies and television serials. He has represented Indian in foreign lands as an emissary of art and culture. Karnad was born at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He also acted the lead roles in Oedipus Rex and Jokumaraswamy, directed in Kannada by B.V. Karanth, for the open air festival in Bangalore in 1972. Karnad has also published a number of articles, the most significant being In search of a New Theatre in Contemporary Indian Tradition, ed. Carla Borden (Washington; Smithsonian Press, 1988) and Theatre in India, in Daedalus, Vo1.118, No.4, pp.331 52.(7) While as Karnad is a multi faceted personality, it is essentially as a playwright that he is at his best. He confesses, I have been fairly lucky in having a multi pronged career. You know, I have been an actor, a publisher, and a film maker. But in none of these fields have I felt quite as much at home as in playwriting. In India, unfortunately, the writers cannot live on their writing alone; it does not yield enough royalties for sustenance. Karnad says, One can t earn a comfortable living even from a successful play. Take Tughlaq,. As we know, it s been enormously successful В¬critically as well as in performance. Playwrights in the west have been able to retire on such successes or at least, to devote themselves to that activity entirely. I can t. Today Girish Karnad considered one of the most significant Indian dramatists. He has enriched the Indian literary scene by his contribution to art, culture, theatre and drama. It is most befitting that Karnad has been conferred by the President of India, the prestigious awards, Padmasri in 1974 and Padmabhushan in 1992. Also, he received the Gubbi Veeranna Award from the Government of Karnataka in 1997. Karnad is based in Bangalore and lives with his wife, a medico and his two children a daughter a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Use Of Port Injection Gasoline With Direct Injection... Therefore, natural gas has a tremendous potential to be used in CI engines effectively based on the RCCI concept. Operating a CI engine in the RCCI mode has become possible as the result of new fuel system technology and engine controls. The high octane number fuel used in the literature is often gasoline or ethanol. The U.S. Department of Energy has devoted significant resources to its national laboratories to investigate the practical applications of port injection gasoline with direct injection diesel fuel, as seen in recent publications from Oak Ridge16,25, Sandia39, and Argonne National Labs17. Because of the lean gasoline air mixture in the CI engine cylinder, its lower combustion temperature can reduce engine heat loss, increase fuel efficiency (up to в€ ј45%), and decrease exhaust pollution. European institutions are also actively exploring gasoline as a CI engine fuel65. Of the passenger cars in Europe, 45% use CI engines due to the efficiency advantage. On the basis of this dual fuel concept, various fuel injection schemes and piston geometries have been tested74. One study even used a single fuel stock, gasoline, for both port injection and direct injection but added a cetane improver, 2 ethylhexyl nitrate (EHN), to the direct injection fuel stream to enable autoignition31. These successes suggest that it would of great interest to investigate such dual fuel operations using two fuels with vastly different reactivity. However, existing studies are predominantly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Arguments Against Animal Euthanasia On an average year, approximately 2.7 million animals are euthanized in the United States ( Pet Statistics ). Being that animal euthanasia is a horrible and selfish act, we should stop it and only allow euthanasia of an animal if they are sick and will not heal or if they are suffering. Animal euthanasia has been around for years and has been an easy way for a family to put down their precious pet that is suffering. Killing an animal because they are a stray is not ethical. Stray animals, such as catand dogs, that are said to be mean, can be tamed to the point where they could have a new loving home. We, as human beings, should not be killing innocent animals. Many people wonder what animal euthanasia is and why it is done. According to an article called, Animal Rights Compromised: Euthanasia , euthanasia is a sad reality caused by people who abandon animals, refuse to sterilize their animals, and patronize pet shops and breeders instead of adopting stray animals or animals from animal shelters ( Animal Rights Compromised: Euthanasia ). In a lot of cases, animals have been abandoned by their owners. This may be because the owner does not want to get them spayed or neutered and the animal keeps reproducing, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is selfish and, quite frankly, sickening. Animals should not be killed for any other reason than being sick or in a life threatening situation. According to the ASPCA, of the dogs entering shelters, approximately 35% are adopted, 31% are euthanized and 26% of dogs who came in as strays are returned to their owner. Of the cats entering shelters, approximately 37% are adopted, 41% are euthanized, and less than 5% of cats who came in as strays are returned to their owners ( Pet Statistics ). It is heartbreaking to see the statistics and know that so many animals are being killed. Animal euthanasia is inhumane for unethical purposes, and it should be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Essay on How to Avoid Plagiarism How to Avoid Plagiarism Plagiarism is a growing problem in universities (Matheson Starr 2013) and becoming too common in the scientific world (Ober et al. 2012). Hence it is important for students as well as researchers to know how to avoid plagiarism. Before discussing the ways to avoid plagiarism, this paper discusses the definition, the types and reasons for plagiarism. Copying or borrowing someone else s words or ideas may perhaps be the more inoffensive way of explaining plagiarism. However, these two terms may deliver a connotation that plagiarism is not much of a serious offense. Whether the act of plagiarising is intentional or unintentional, it is considered as a fraud. In an academic setting plagiarism may even ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are surely many other ways of avoiding plagiarism but there are five simple rules suggested by Ober et al. (2012). Rule 1: Do not copy It is not a good practice to simply copy what is found in other people s work, books or even your own writing. If you have to do so, do it properly by copying it with quotation marks and appropriate citation. In addition to this, it is good to have a proper time management in which you would have enough time to cite your sources properly. Rule 2: Write in your own words Paraphrasing means putting someone else s ideas into your own words but care must be taken as changing a few words and rearranging the original sentence is still considered as copying . Hence, though paraphrasing is commonly suggested as one of the ways to avoid plagiarism it is much better to avoid paraphrasing and rather use your own original voice . Rule 3: When in doubt, cite This is one of the ways to avoid plagiarism but it should not be done excessively. Otherwise you would end up with excessive citation in your piece of writing and lack of writing in your own words. This is an indication for you to consider rewriting the paper. Rule 4: Don t recycle images, figures, tables or text from one of your previously published papers without citing This is the case of self plagiarising when you republish a figure from earlier publication but fail to cite the original and obtain ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Humanism In The Middle Ages Essay Humanism is the belief that man has beauty, worth, and dignity. During the Middle Ages between 3rd to the 13th century, the life and culture are primarily focused on the church and religion. However, towards the beginning of the 14th century, the power of the church began to greatly decline. This decline was the main reason for the development of humanism. As people become less interested about God, the afterlife, and the saints. They become more interested about themselves, their natural world and here in now. Many historians believe there are two main causes of this decline. The first one was the bubonic plague. It was the Black Death in Europe that killed almost half of the population. As the plague devastated and destroyed, the church was helpless to stop it. People then began to question spiritual ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Prior of the 14th century, much of Europe practice the feudal system and which wealth was based on land ownership. Generally speaking, under this system, people were seen as part of the collective hole to keep feudal system society and the manner system intact. Peasants or the poor workers are the tools used by wealthy to work on their land holding and keep their wealth intact. Adding to this imprisonment of a sort, the church led that to be concerned with yourselves and your rights, there s nothing more than arrogant, rebellion and sin. One should only be concerned with obeying the rules and following them without a question. However, because of the plaque and the rise of trade the power of the church and feudalism strength, and the important of the individual grew. Men in human nature were no longer seen as totally sinful and need of punishment but instead, an independent beautiful creation of God. This is partly seen in the writings of Petrarch the father of humanism, and which he states sameness in the mother of disgust, variety the cure! , or in the other word, go on and express ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Quotes In Everything Matters By Ron Currie Jr. Quote #1: In the first chapter of Everything Matters!, Ron Currie Jr. sets up the story by introducing the theme of the book on page 9. The quote which sets up the theme of this novel reads, There are things we can surmise, though, one being that if you are still alive when the comet hits, neither you nor anything else on the planet will be afterward. All of which raises the question your task, burden, privilege, call it what you like a question which men and women, great and not so, of every color, creed, and sexual persuasion have asked since they first had the language do so, and probably before: does anything I do matter? From just reading this quote, you are able to predict that the main character of this novel will be faced with... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With the chance for him to be born again, he makes a difference in the world by supplying water to countries in great need for it. Junior and Amy end up getting married and have a child together named Ruby. His father ends up dying a slow and painful death from lung cancer because Junior did nothing about it when he could have. While he is feeling this pain from watching his father die he remembers how much sadness was in his past and what he had experienced in his newer life was nothing compared to what his old life was like. During this moment of despair the voices inside of Juniors head tell him something which can be seen on page 292. Everything matters not in spite of the end of you and all that you love, but because of it. Everything is all you ve got your wife s lips, your daughter s eyes, your brother s heart, your father s bones, and your own grief and after Everything is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Fat Persuasive Speech H.I.I.T the Weights and Diet! Every time you look at an ad commonly you ll see someone who is thin and beautiful. Being lean does not necessarily signify that they are healthy. This shouldn t have to be explained, but when people starve themselves to be beautiful those people are slowly dying. In opposition to these people there are people who are also at an unhealthy weight, but are several sizes bigger than they ought to be. These people s bodies are also shutting down due to their health. Being underweight and being overweight are unhealthy. These conditions threaten people s lives every day if these people don t change their lifestyle. This change doesn t have to immense or extremely hard. There is a way to look and feel your best without depriving yourself and a way to be full while eating healthy while allowing some exciting food every now and again. There are multiple ways to achieve fit, healthy, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... H.I.I.T stands for High Intensity Interval Training and is used for running and weightlifting. This is a high stress exercise and requires that lower intensity exercises are done between each session. When doing H.I.I.T the participant will sprint or lift rapidly for a certain period of time, for instance a minute, then said participant would take a minute of rest. Doing about 20 30 reps of H.I.I.T would burn more calories than just sprinting. Len Kravitz, a coordinator Program Coordinator of Exercise Science and A Researcher at University of New Mexico, stated in his article, A 150 lbs woman can burn about 350 on low intensity running and can burn up to 380 calories in higher intensity running with in the same 40 minutes, also with H.I.I.T you burn even after you are done running. Using H.I.I.T get s your heart pumping to about 80 90 percent of max capacity and and promotes muscle growth while shredding through fat and calories. This will enhance heart muscle stregth and increase your body s resilience while you ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Positive Youth Development Programs A positive youth development program is designed to help young adults overcome their challenges and live up to their full potential. Youth development is emphasized through different activities which helps the youth emotionally, physically, and socially. Youth development programs are basically used to help them regain confidence, and how to bounce back to a normal life. My program name is Helping Hands, which will be based on abused youthin African American public schools. The motto for my program is Not all hands are helpful, but our hands are guaranteed life changers. When organizing a program knowing the population, how it works, and its essentials are mandatory for a successful youth development program. The name of my youth development program is called Helping Hands. This program will focus on abused youth in African American public schools, grades 9th 12th. This program will focus on these grades because a lot of the youth feel like they can deal with things like this on their own. If needed, we also help any other youth who aren t it in grades 9 12. The phrase No child is left behind not only counts for educational purposes but also for my program, we re here to help anyone. This program will start nationally then hopefully, make its way to international.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We will work closely with the guidance counselors, on helping the youth get out of these situations. While working with the counselors, the youth with learn how to positively cope with the environment they re in, until we get them out of those abusive situations. Our focus is not to draw a lot of attention to these abused youth, because we don t want them to feel embarrassed, anymore than they already are. Once out of the situation, we will not just forget about our youth, we will still make frequent visit to the school to check on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Civil War Telegraph Throughout history, there are key inventions such as the telephone and the computer that transcended the way people communicate and relay information with each other. The invention that started this wave of faster and faster communication, the telegraph, proved to be revolutionary, paving way to many of these efficient methods of communication in the United States. During the late 19th century, the United States faced significant transformations culturally and socially with the help of the Telegraph. The telegraph proved to play a significant role in the United States Civil War, improving the way the military was planning and executing its strategies. This proved to be even more impressive, because of the adversities military telegraphers... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In fact, many of them were delayed their pay for up to 4 months. Consequently, many resorted to the vices of womanizing and hard drinking to cope with the hardships, and often got away with these practices because the USMT was in short supply of telegraphers. Despite these adversities, drew great praise from many field commanders in wartime reports and memoirs later found. Military telegraph tactics played a significant role in the Union s victory over the Confederates by allowing the Union to communicate more efficiently and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Bse Is A Disease Of Sheep The word BSE is short but it stands for a disease with a long name, bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Bovine means that the disease affects cows, spongiform refers to the way the brain from a sick cow looks spongy under a microscope, and encephalopathy indicates that it is a disease of the brain. BSE is a progressive neurologic disease of cows. Research shows that the first probable cases of BSE in cows occurred during the 1970 s with two cases of BSE being identified in 1986. BSE possibly originated as a result of feeding cattle meat and bone meal that contained BSE infected products from a spontaneously occurring case of BSE or scrapie infected sheep products. Scrapie is a priondisease of sheep. Similar diseases such as Chronic wasting disease which is in both deer and elk populations is devastating the hunting and the reproduction of deer. Other similar disease such a the Creutzfeldt Jakob disease which occurs in the human body system. That is pretty scary for us humans. We have got to find a way to get this prion settled down and hopefully I can show you the way the scientist plan to get rid or at least slow it down. There is strong evidence and general agreement that the outbreak was then amplified and spread throughout the United Kingdom cattle industry by feeding rendered, prion infected, bovine meat and bone meal to young calves. A lot of people wander what does it to the consumption of the meat does it ruin it or is it ok to eat? What does the meat that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Traver Creek Reflective Essay Hello, I am Madeline Mercier. I m a freshman at Community High School, I am currently in the Foundations of Science Course 1. Within this course, my classmates and I evaluated, tested and reviewed the health of sections 0 1050 ft of Traver Creek. Specifically gathering data on the Benthic populations, as well as their Taxa. The class of 2016took detailed descriptions of the physical appearance of the creek and surrounding areas. We even tested the water to find necessary information on the health of the creek through our chemical tests. According to the 2016 Traver Creek Data of Sections 0 1050 ft Traver Creek is unhealthy. Averages of Traver Creek compared to the best site along the Huron River is extremely low, other than a few inconsistencies. Our Biological analysis is the very proof we have that the organisms living in Traver Creek live in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In sections 0 1050 ft Bank Erosion, Habitat Diversity, and Embeddedness are lower than preferred. Bank Erosion is at 2.3 out of 4, this proves that the sections banks are getting eroded with particles dissolving into the waters. Traver Creeks Habitat Diversity grade is 2.5/4, specifically this states that in some areas the vegetation is less diverse and cannot absorb harmful chemicals before they get to the creek. These chemicals could harm the organisms greatly in the Creek. Embeddedness which displaces many organisms by removing their natural habitat, is at 2.7/4. This is strips many organisms of their grounds and nests as is becomes more and more scarce. The flow rate is at 2.22 ft/s this is a safe speed for the Creek it s not too fast that organisms get flushed downstream and it s not too slow that the organisms will suffocate. Once again, but more importantly buffers need to be set in place to stop runoff from getting into the Creek to prevent high bank erosion and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Common Components Of Digital Database Management Applications A DBMS can also provide many perspectives of a single database schema. A perspective characterizes what information the client sees and how that client sees the information. The DBMS gives a level of reflection between the reasonable diagram which characterizes the legitimate structure of the database and the physical construction that portrays the records, files and other physical instruments utilized by the database. At the point when a DBMS is utilized, frameworks can be adjusted all the more effectively when business prerequisites changes. New classifications of information can be added to the database without aggravating the current framework and applications can be protected from how data is organized and put away. Obviously, a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is used to access or manipulate records or rows within a relational database. Primary key is the field containing a unique label identifying a record or row in a table. Each table has a least one primary key. Keys should be meaningful to the data being stored. Examples: employee ID number, Social Security number Queries: Queries are the searches initiated by users to retrieve information from the database. It consists of sets of variables or keywords formatted in a query language. SQL is one of the query language. (Parrish, 1997) Example of SQL query: SELECT title FROM songs, artists, WHERE songs.artists=groups.ID AND groups. Name= Madonna Database models: Database models represents the way data is stored and determines how data is retrieved and manipulated. There are four main database models. They are: Flat, Relational, Hierarchical and Network. (Johnson., 1997) (Nicolai, Database Security and Review, 2016) Object Oriented Databases: Object oriented database management systems allows storing and retrieving objects and complex data types such as CAD files, Artificial intelligence objects, XML compatible objects, General multimedia (audio and video). Originally, we re not widely adopted to object oriented databases when released in 1985. But, used in specialized areas today. Database type is determined by data that will be housed in it. (Kim, 1990) There are
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  • 37. Social Impacts Of The Industrial Revolution 1.a The Industrial Revolution began in Britain in the 1700 s and took place in Europe and the USA in the 18th and 19th century. In the years before the Industrial Revolution, manufacturing was often done in people s homes, using handtools or basic machines. Industrialization marked a shift to powered, special purpose machinery, factories and mass production. The iron and textile industries, along with the development of the steam engine, played central roles in the Industrial Revolution, which also saw improved systems of transportation, communication and banking. Along with this increased production of goods and material the Revolution also changed the world socially, economically and politically. The free market of the nations undergoing this revolution, with no restraints set by the government, meant there were no laws against who could work and who couldn t meaning many children were put into the work force at a young age and were physically and mentally traumatised by this hard labour, older workers also suffered poor working conditions but they were also worked hard so that they had little time for recreation and thus becoming sombre people, poor living conditions were accentuated by the poor health of people as urban overcrowding lead to poor diets and poor sanitation, these are examples of the impacts of the Industrial Revolution socially. The revolution brought about a great deal of change economically. This change is evident in the emergence of the middle class and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Valuation of Kia Motors DГјsseldorf Business School at the Heinrich Heine University 5b Value Management amp; Cost Management Prof. Dr. Klaus Peter Franz Valuation of a company KIA MOTORS By: Youngsook Kwon, Date: Jan 30, 2013 Table of Contents 1.Introduction1 2. Valuation Methodology2 2.1. Discounted Cash Flow2 2.2. Terminal Value3 2.3. Weighted Average Cost of Capital3 2.3.1 Cost of Equity4 2.3.2 Cost of Debt4 2.4. Free Cash Flow4 3. Calculation of WACC for Kia motors5 4. Calculation of Free Cash Flow for Kia motors5 5. Estimation of the value for Kia motors at the end of 20116 6. Conclusion6 References7 Appendix 18 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In particular, small changes in inputs can result in large changes in the value of a company, given the need to project cash flow to infinity. James Montier argues that, while the algebra of DCF is simple, neat and compelling, the implementation becomes a minefield of problems . He cites, in particular, problems with estimating cash flows and estimating discount rates. Despite the issues, DCF analysis is very widely used and is perhaps the primary valuation tool amongst the financial analyst community. 2.2. Terminal Value Terminal Value, in simple term, is the value of a company with an infinite row of constant future cash flows. To arrive at a total company value, or enterprise value, we simply have to take the present value of the cash flows and the Terminal value, divide them by the discount rate and, finally, add up the results. If we are discounting free cash flow of the firm at the weighted average cost of capital, this would give the value of the firm, so it would be necessary to deduct net debt in order to arrive at the equity value. In this report, simply use FCF in the year of 2011 to compare the value of the firm to the stock price in the year end of 2011. 2.3. Weighted Average Cost of Capital The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is the discount rate used in a Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) analysis to present value projected free cash flows and terminal value. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Early Childhood Hippotherapy Results This systematic review utilized three medical databases such as ProQuest Medical, PubMmed, and CINAHL. The keywords used to complete the search were: hippotherapy, children, and cerebral palsy. The search resulted in 15 peer reviewed articles that showed overall improvements in balance and mobility in children with cerebral palsy. Chang, Kwon, Lee, and Kim (2012) conducted a pilot study containing 33 children ages four and up, with cerebral palsy. Hippotherapy sessions were conducted twice a week for 8 consecutive weeks in an 18X27 m indoor riding arena. Each hippotherapy session lasted 30 minutes. After the intervention process, the study showed an outcome that hippotherapy can improve gross motor function and being balance in children with Cerebral Palsy (Chang, H. J., Kwon, J., Lee, J., Kim, Y., 2012). The following authors, Hsieh, Yang, Sun, Chan, Wang, and Luo (2016) conducted a longitudinal study with a sample size of 14 children between the ages 3 to 8. The study implemented hippotherapy for 30 minutes once weekly for 12 consecutive weeks. Over the 12 weeks of hippotherapy, significant improvements in ICF CY ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... conducted a study on 34 children from 3 12 years old who had bilateral spastic (32) or unilateral CP (2) to investigate the effectiveness of hippotherapy. The participants took part in forty five minute hippotherapy sessions twice a week for an eight week period. These sessions were conducted by a registered occupational therapist (OT) who had been accredited by the American Hippotherapy Association, an assistant to lead the horse, and a volunteer sidewalker. Baseline tests for physical function were conducted prior to the intervention therapy. The participants were then tested for progress after the hippotherapy program had commenced. The measurement tests utilized were: GMFM 66, GMFM 88, and PEDI FSS. A control group of 21 children with CP were tested and included in the study for comparison and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. A Research Report On The Environment An accurate account of the research is presented by the central obligation of the author, as an important objective discussion. The resource has to be used wisely and economically by an author because it is a precious resource and created at significant cost. The main research report ought to include sufficient information and resource to the public to allow the peers of authors to repeat the study. The unusual materials of the samples and unavailable that are made a reasonable effort by the author, when requested; for example, microorganism strains, antibodies, clones, etc. The influential publications that are cited by authors, which are in determining the reported nature. This helps the reader to comprehend the earlier work to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The time to publish is not clear for the scientific research, and it is required from an author to timeliness and significant balance to reach at a manuscript of high quality. When the study is done significant results, the author should publish it. Furthermore, the author should report not only the results that support the research, but reporting all the results. The research results, which it is important, describe accurately and fully. The scientific presentation ought to have representative data and calculations. The analyses ought to include all the data. An implicit assumption of published work is being the reproducibility of the results. All authors who ought to have done substantial and significant intellectual contributions to the study being reported (Coghill, 2006). r attribution and the contributions of others must be included with appropriate referencing by scientific publication, which is the placement between the results and context of the research field. The authors must cite the important clues and experiments. The manuscript s sections (introduction and discussion) ought to be very clear to what the others work that has contributed to the reported research. Also, when the authors present data on previously published, they ought to indicate to them. Moreover, direct quotation is exactly the same a few words from origin and must be indicated ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Reflection On My Math Class Since starting this class, I feel as though my background knowledge of math would have been enough for me to feel comfortable in the classroom but, because of the readings and in class tasks with my peers I ve become more knowledgeable on many terms and practices of math. It is clear that within the classroom of my peers we all complete a math problem differently. Some students answer questions the completely different way than I do but, we get the same answers. For example, when we were asked to add simple math numbers, two of the four of us thought the same way. While to other people found different ways to get the answer. Amongst the four of us there were three different ways to solve one simple addition question. This small task opened my mind completely. I can see that was in my group of four people, there were three strategies to answer one question. I can only imagine a number of ways a class of 30 students comes up with. This will enhance my understanding as a teacher because I know that every student does not think the same and there is more than one right way to solve a question. This class has also shown me that using manipulatives is one of the best tools to enhance the students understanding. Using manipulatives will not only help the students, but it will help me as a teacher to understand the student s steps in solving questions. The best example in class was when my group was given coloured bears and asked to show 1 as many ways as possible. We decided to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Prejudice In The Celluloid Closet Ghazal Al Awad Hollywood s Prejudice A controversial issue these days is over Hollywood s negative depictions of homosexuality. Such portrayals were so focused on silencing queer people and basically putting their emotions in the closet. A documentary The Celluloid Closet, which is based on The Celluloid Closet book by Vito Russo, analyzes the representation of gays and lesbians in Hollywood films from the 1890s to the 1980s. The Celluloid Closet argues that Hollywood s portrayal of gays and lesbians has often been harsh and homophobic, which led gays and lesbians characters to be defined by their sexuality, lacking any character development throughout the plot. According to the documentary, from the 1890s to the 1930s, homosexuality has been portrayed as a source for ridicule and laughter. That period of time represented the archetype the sissy; however, the sissy did not pose a threat on the representation of homosexuality because the sissy were between ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The popularity of shows such as Will Grace; La vie, la vie...; and Queer Eye for the Straight Guy demonstrates that networks are willing to feature queer characters as long as the shows draw high ratings and generate profits for advertisers ( Queer Representation ). According to the U.S. gay rights organization Gay Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), a study has found that only 17 of the 102 movies from major studios in 2013 featured lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender characters and, of those 17, the majority were offensive and defamatory portrayals. GLAAD have found the Vito Russo Test. To pass the Vito Russo Test, a film must feature an LGBT character not solely or predominantly defined by their sexual orientation or gender identity, and who, if removed from the film, would significantly affect the plot. However, only seven out of the 17 films that portrayed LGBTQ characters were able to pass ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Patient With Suicidal Ideations The patient is a 49 year old male who presented to the ED with Suicidal ideations and homicidal ideations. Patient reports increased depressive symptoms, financial issues, concerns with and individual in his was 13 years old. During the time of assessment the patient was lying in bed sleep with the TV on. TACT woke up the patient for the assessment. The patient was non aggressive and willing to corporate. The patient reports for the past year he has been living by himself in his father in laws mobile home because of an incident that happen while he was staying with his wife and children. The patient reports that he shot up his home one night and was inches from hitting his daughter. Further, he reports since then he feel unsafe being in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. My Observations On My Observation On the times/days of both my observation, I walked in, ordered my (light bulb) mint lemonade, and took a seat on the inner most, and consequently also closest to the cash counter corner table (made for 1 2 people); then I set my timer. At these times, I didn t use my phone (except for timing my observations), put in headphones or any other such activities that would distract me from the goal in place: to observe my surrounding. I chose this place precisely due to several of hundreds of posts on Instagram of the lightbulb teas, where the teacups were recycled light bulbs, this was what intrigued me most about this site. Additionally, lots of my friends had told me of this place being great for students, thus selling me on this site.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... b)People During both my observations I saw several varieties of people, most wearing scarfs and sweaters (truly embracing sweater weather . The first time around I witnessed two girls, seemingly on a study date, however (at least from what I saw) more interested in their phones, than each other, their laptops or books. It is very possible they were just taking a break, or had been waiting on another person to show, unfortunately I wasn t around long enough to be able to witness that. There was another duo of girls, who from what I observed were celebrating a birthday, and catching up after a long time. They were the loudest duo there, thanks to one of them in a mustard blouse, green leggings and light beige heels; they were talking of fitness mainly, ways to combat plateaus, how long it had been since one of them ad hit it (plateau, I mean), how long it had been since they d seen each other, amongst other typical girl talk? Something I definitely noticed was that everyone would pose their drinks for pictures, whether due to the ever growing phenomenon of taking pictures of your food, or just due to the light bulbs I cannot be too sure. Something that surprised me about my first visit was that, yes as expected there were mostly young people there (the small cafГ© was so full, several people were standing to wait on their drinks) , but there were also two (from what I saw) different groups of adult ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Samuel s Controversy Samuel s hereditary succession The Israelites want to set a monarchy like all nations, but Samuel, the judge of Israel, does not want to establish the monarchy. Why is Samuel unpleasant to the request of the Israelites to set a King? 1 When Samuel became old, he made his sons judges over Israel. 2 The name of his firstborn son was Joel, and the name of his second, Abijah; they were judges in Beer sheba. 3 Yet his sons did not follow in his ways, but turned aside after gain; they took bribes and perverted justice. 4 Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah, 5 and said to him, You are old and your sons do not follow in your ways; appoint for us, then, a king to govern us, like other nations. 6 But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, Give us a king to govern us. Samuel prayed to the Lord, (1 Samuel 8:1 6, NRSV) Samuel attempts to pass on his position to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, Saul is soon abandoned by God because of his disobediences. Yet, Saul s disobedience is controversial. Patricia K. Tull, the author of 1 and 2 Samuel in Theological Bible Commentary, argues, Saul s exact offense is unclear, and commentators struggle to reconstruct it, augmenting the impression that he was given a test with no correct choices. In contrast, Marvin Sweeney, the professor of the Hebrew Bible in Claremont School of Theology, asserts, Although the narrative can hardly be considered anti monarchic, it takes care to raise concerns about the character of kingship and its costs to the nation at large and it demands that proper kingship in Israel must be exercised in accordance with the divine will. In this view, Saul has not been accorded with God s will. Then, is this God s intentional choice? If it is true, why he does this? If God did not choose Saul as the king, it would be possible that he is not deserted from God. Bible ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Social Civilization In Korea The Japanese colonization of Korea made Koreans an easy target of exploitation. Since Japan was in a great need of cheap labor, Korean workers were recruited during 1920s. In this essay, I am going to discuss the significance of institutional racial discrimination targeted towards Korean workers in interwar Japan as a tool of alienation and exploitation. One of the abiding discernments formed in Karl Marxs Capital is that in the colonies of capitalist nation states the apparitions of the law of the supply and demandof labor are crushed. In the home country, the magnificent allurement of capitalist production can be found in its capability to reproduce the wage laborer by regularly setting him or her free, firing him or her and by creating a surplus population that rests in approximate exteriority to capitalist manufacturing as the prerequisite for the commodification of labor power. Regularly handling labor power as a expendable commodity is hence the way capitalist manufacturing can assure that its most nonexpendable commodity labor power is constantly there by the time capitalist manufacturing encounters so called labor shortages during industrial expansion. It is this reproductive apparatus that enables the smug knavery of the Japanese colonial policymaker to envision and to formalize into normalized principles of economic shift, that owners of labor power who are de facto impelled to enter into a relationship of reliance with the wage form can take part in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. In Today’S World The Business Environment Is Rapidly Changing In today s world the business environment is rapidly changing so the strategy formulation and implementing it should me the vital key role in any organization. Hence Strategy management is defined as the process of making strategies and implementing strategies to meet the long term goal and sustain in the competitive world (Schermerhorn, 2012).It involves the environmental factors (both internal and external), strategy formulation and implementation, analysis and control. The organization chosen is Samsung in which the critical evaluation will be done in reference with the Porter s five forces. Samsung was founded in 1969 in Korea, since then it is rapidly growing in the global information technology. The company has many home appliances... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Samsung also has a strong customer loyalty to its brand which can be a strong barrier to the new entrant. According to the (Anonymous, 2009) Mikah Martin Cruz,marketing director of Samsung Electronics UK claims that nurturing the customers brand loyalty to samsung is the main pillars of marketing direction. The threat of substitute for Samsung may be due to the similar phones with more advanced feature that are usually of competitor brands like the Apple iphone,Huawei etc.Price also may play a role in chances of substitution when a competitor brand provides the same feature with a relatively low price. Due to the rapid growth in technology the smart phones are likely to be substituted more advanced technologies. (Boult, 2015) claims that smart phones may not exist in another five years as consumers are getting interested in Virtual Reality VR.The power of consumers is high as there are varieties of smart phones available in the market. In case of Samsung too consumer has the power to bargain and have choices of different varieties of phone with same features and relatively low prices. The Power of supplier is low for Samsung because Samsung has its own supplier for most of the components. Samsung supplies its own raw material and also manufactures its own processor and its components. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Warren Smith Thermometer The thermometer isn t the only thing reaching the century mark this summer. A week ago Saturday there was a celebration at First Baptist Church that was a century in the making the 100th birthday of Dumas resident Oleta Smith. Smith s milestone birthday celebration was a well attended event. She received so many birthday cards, it took her several days to read them all. There were guests from 13 states, she said. Those guests included her daughter, two grandchildren and two great grandchildren, lots of nieces and nephews, as well as many other family members and friends. Two guests who made the trip to Dumas for the celebration were men who served alongside her son, Warren Smith, in Vietnam. Smith s son lost his life while saving the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She was selected by the state of Utah to gauge fallout from bombs. She lived in Texas City during the industrial accident of 1947. Smith went into a missile hole during the Vietnam War. She visited 17 states and two foreign countries within six weeks time in 1968. She s been to two World Fair events (1968 and 1982). She lived on a Navajo reservation for 17 years. She walked atop Alaska s Mendenhall Glacier in 1992, and, most recently, she went zip lining in Branson, Missouri, at the age of 98. I ve had lot of fun, interesting experiences, she said. In her spare time, Smith enjoys a good game of dominoes or cards, and she s an avid Texas Rangers baseball fan. In fact, she s watched the Rangers play at Wrigley Field and in Oakland, and she s planning a trip to see the Rangers play the Braves in their new stadium this September. Smith said she is not aware of any generation in her family living to the age of 100. She said she attributes her longevity to living a clean life and God s grace. Her granddaughter, Debra, said Smith also eats a lot of chocolate . It s apparent Smith discovered a formula that has afforded her a long and eventful life. She truly is living up to the words in Rep. Price s resolution and is a Texas ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Review of Ordinary Resurrections by Jonathan Kozol Essay In his book, Ordinary Resurrections: Children in the Years of Hope, Jonathan Kozol pulls back the veil and provides readers with a glimpse of the harsh conditions and unrelenting hope that exists in a community located in the South Bronx called Mott Haven. Mr. Kozol provides his own socially conscious and very informative view of the issues facing the children and educators in this poverty ravaged neighborhood. Just his commentary would paint a very bleak picture of the future. It is the words of the children that give this book optimism and meaning. The courage and care exhibited by the volunteers of St. Ann s after school program and the creativity of the teachers at P.S. 30 are utterly inspiring. They work long hours and go beyond... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Teachers in wealthier schools are paid as much as $20,000 more than those working in the South Bronx. P.S. 30, the best of Mott Haven s primary schools, runs short on the most basic supplies and operates with little to no funding for a library, music, or art education. The average class contains 31 students. Given these conditions, somehow P.S. 30 still manages to retain talented, generous and energetic teachers who are dedicated to providing their students with the education that they deserve. As a teacher himself, Kozol understands the demands of the classroom and conveys how very difficult it can be to simply manage a group of children, much less instruct with creativity and grace. One seemingly tireless young teacher wins Jonathan s heart with her joyful manner and, more specifically, gentle command of her students. He highlights a few beautiful moments in her classroom when she guides the children from growing distraction back into order and focus. At the first sign of chaos, Mrs. Gamble rises to her feet, lifts her hands to mime playing a flute, trills a little, and soon the children, too, have risen eyes on her, all improvising the flute section of an orchestra until their leader places the invisible instrument back into its case and silently glides back into the lesson. Spontaneity, creativity and an element of playfulness are elements that raise teaching to an art form. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. US Embassy To Jerusalem Research Paper Why the United States Should Move its Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem In every country of the world, the United States is required by law to have an embassy in the capital except for one crucial area, the country of Israel. Since the nation s existence, Israel has had a noticeable drought of embassies in its capital city of Jerusalem, including its strongest and most important ally in the United States. This is because both the Israelis and Palestinians claim this land as their own, and has led to conflict for decades. Countries choose not to put an embassy in Jerusalem because they do not wish to take a side in the matter. While some may say that establishing its embassy to Jerusalem would incite violence in the region, the United States should move forward with this relocation in order to promote... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Perhaps the greatest reason for moving the embassy to Jerusalem is the fact that the United States could actively oversee peace talks between the Israeli people and the Palestinians in an area that both sides claim to own. This important benefit of the move is laid out by Robert Stearns in his article, Moving the Embassy to Jerusalem shows that the U.S. is Committed to Peace when he explains, It would signal that the U.S. is serious about ending this conflict, which would be a benefit to Israelis and Palestinians, (Stearns 4). Being able to be a part of the talks to resolve decades of tension and war is in a large sense, the biggest benefit of moving the embassy to the capital city. The absence of an embassy in Jerusalem has gotten the peace talks nowhere, and only a move of this magnitude could rejuvenate those ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. John Dos Passos Essay John Dos Passos Almost every one writer can say that they are influenced by their childhood and past. Memories flood back to them as they encounter a similar experience or similar situation in their earlier years. No doubt a significant factor in their writing, the past from a specific writer s life usually adds more depth and complexity to their works. Because these previous experiences are from the author s actual life, the scenes and subjects related to the theme are more accurate and realistic, and may even be more appealing to read. These past voices may appear either consciously through the author s works, or sometimes unconsciously, guided maybe by some early childhood memory. Well, whatever the case, John Dos ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Dos Passos first attended school in the District of Colombia. As he grew up, he spent some of his childhood in Tidewater Virginia. He began attending Choate School where his first published writings were articles for the Choate School News. Upon completing Choate School at the age of fifteen, he entered Harvard University in 1912. At Harvard, he continued his journalism by joining the Harvard Monthly. While at Harvard, he developed a close, long lasting friendship with E.E. Cummings. During this time at Harvard, the spirit of idealism swept the country. Dos Passos was stirred by ideas of idealism and began to write short autobiographical tales for the Harvard Monthly, which showed vague idealism. He later graduated in June of 1916. Out of college now, Dos Passos choose to volunteer for ambulance duty overseas but his father rejected his idea. So instead, he decided to make his first long visit to Spain, a country which held fascination for him all his life, to study architecture. With the death of his father lather in 1917, he joined the Norton Harjes Ambulance Group and sailed for France. During his tour of duty as an ambulance driver, he collaborated with a friend, Robert Hillyer, on alternate chapters of a novel, and after several revisions, it became One Man s Initiation 1917. This book was based largely on his own wartime experiences in France and Italy. His second novel, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Nature Methaphors in The Battle of Issus and Starry Night... Since the beginning, nature has been one of mans many inspirations. It is used to convey emotions and bring meaning in many ways in art. During the Northern Renaissance Albrecht Altdorfer was one of the most distinguished painters known for his expressively detailed landscapes. The Battle of Issus done by Altdorfer focused on nature to further amplify Alexander s victorious battle. Three hundred and sixty years later, the Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh creates a work that also showed how nature can bring emotion and significance to his painting Starry Night. Albrecht Altdorfer s The Battle of Issus in one of the artist most famous works depicting the exploits of historic heroes. [1] It was created in 1529 on commission for the Munich... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Above the battle, in the sky nature seems to have it own dramatic conflict that elaborately mirrors the historical battle of Issus. The Post Impressionism artist Vincent Van Gogh created his masterwork Starry Night in 1889. Unlike the painting of Altdorfer, this painting was more personal and had the conflict of man vs. himself. The painting of Starry Night took place in France while he was in the care of the Saint Remy of Provence Psychiatric Hospital. Van Gogh yearned for a life that was calm and harmonious during his seemingly never ending depressive state. In Starry Night Van Gogh s point of view is omniscient as well but, he detaches himself even further. He Van Gogh creates a night sky embellished by the swirling of its clouds and the illuminating blaze from its stars. He uses lines that are arabesque in continuation that creates a fluid like design over the work making it harmonious. Located below the dynamic sky is a row rolling hills in which the artist used different tones to create a sense of depth in his work by the use of atmospheric perspective however, the painting still has a look of flatness. The hills lead the eyes to a small calm inviting town created using simple shapes. The church in the valley towers over all the homes as if it was a guardian. The tall steeple of the church is not able to touch the magnificent sky however, there is an eerie cypress tree in the foreground it is able to touch the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. General Mclellan Dbq General McClellan was a famous general during the civil war who lead the Army of the Potomac. President Lincoln wanted him to move forward towards Richmond but General McClellan would hold back until he was finally ordered to move. Him being removed can be considered a loss but it also was a victory for the people back in Washington. George McClellan was somewhat of a perfectionist he would not do anything till the time he didn t have it all figured out, also he was never sure and doubted himself. Another thing that caused him issues is that he overestimated the abilities and manpower of his enemies. George McClellan was considered to be a perfectionist and would never take the next step until everything else wasn t all figured out. He wanted more reinforcements but President Lincoln had to explain to him that this would not be a wise move. The amount of time it would take President Lincoln to get him reinforcements would be enough for the rebels or the confederates to gain upon him and be able to take him on easily. Even though President Lincoln stayed calm he was still impatient, he ordered McClellan and said he must move. This is because if the orders were not given McClellan would have stayed back and would doubt him self upon when to move. [Document A and B]... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He can be considered one of the reason to make the union wait longer for its victory. McClellan kept fearing the amount of soldiers that Lee would bring and was slowing down instead of moving towards the Confederate capital in Richmond. He slowed down because he thought that his army was unfit for battle and wanted more reinforcements. President Lincoln even tried to assure him and helped him strategize by telling him that he must think like his enemy and if he continues to do what he is instructed to do he will achieve his goal in no time. [ Documents G and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Kim Jong Il Was The Supreme Leader Of North Korea Anthony Gallo 29 April 2015 Whitt Tyrants, Dictators, and Democrats Kim Jong il Kim Jong il was the supreme leader of North Korea from July of 1994 until his untimely death on December 17th, 2011. His reign as dictator is defined by most as successful but he will go down as one of the most dangerous dictators the world has ever seen. The people of North Korea looked up to Kim Jong il as a god like figure. No one really knows the exact year that Kim Jong il was born. He was born in either 1941 or 1942 in Vyatskoye, Soviet Union. His birth name is actually not Kim Jong il it is Yuri Irsenovich Kim. His father, Kim Il sungwas a commander of the Soviet 88th brigade. Kim Jong il did not move to Pyongyang, North Korea until 1945 after World War II has ended. Kim Jong il s rise to power began in July of 1961 when he joined the Workers Party, which is the official ruling party of North Korea (Biography). The beliefs of the Workers Party were based off of Stalinst Russia before Kim Jong il and Kim Il sung expanded on those beliefs. Kim Jong il eventually was elected as head of the Workers Party Central Committee. His main job as head of the committee was to lead a revolt against the revisionists and to keep the beliefs of the party. This is where Kim first took control of the military as he used them to kill disloyal officers. His main goal was to keep the military on the Workers Party side. Another big part of Kim Jong il s rise to power was that he oversaw the propaganda ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Corporate Tax, Cost of Debt, Cost of Equity and Capital... Corporate Tax, Cost of Debt, Cost of Equity and Capital Structure: A case study of REITs and conventional real estate firms in the UK University of Groningen Faculty of Economics and Business BSc International Business January 2013 Table of contents 1. Introduction4 2. REITs7 3. Literature Review9 3.1 Capital Structure Irrelevance9 3.2 Present Models10 4. Data and Methodology12 4.1 Regression12 5. Findings and Discussion16 6. Conclusion20 7. Appendix21 8. Bibliography30 Abstract In January 2007 the UK adopted the globally successful real estate investment trust (REIT) regime, allowing real estate firms to adopt the REIT status with the benefit of immediate exemption from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Furthermore, I expect that REITs use relatively less debt for financing, because of the relatively higher cost of debt. Already in 1958, Modigliani and Miller have pointed the discussion of capital structure towards the cost of debt and equity. According to their first proposition, in a world of no corporate taxes and with perfect markets, financial leverage has no effect on a firm s value. In their second proposition, they state that the cost of equity equals a linear function defined by the required return on assets and the cost of debt (Modigliani and Miller, 1958). As negative aspects of debt, e.g. personal tax loss and bankruptcy costs however do exist in reality, Miller (1977) elaborates that leverage will either have no or a negative effect on the firm s value, hence untaxed firms should favor equity. Nevertheless, firms have used leverage even before corporate taxes have been introduced (Maris and Elayan, 1990). This implies the existence of some market imperfections, which benefit the use of debt financing, thus enable a trade off of the cost and benefits of debt resulting in an optimal