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Tango between a corrupt format and its user.                                             !      !      !      !
                                                                                         Contents          ! the
 There is not sufficient data. Please enter data art is a practice that studies and researches
                                                                                         ! Static!
                                                vernacular of file formats in exploitative manners to       ! !
 You have too Noise Art > Filter art > when Cool becomes Hot >>>>>>>
                                                                                         ! ! Uncompressed!!
                                                deconstruct and create new, brutalist (audio)visual works.
 m u c h
                                                However, glitch artists often the ! ! Lossless! ! !
 c h a r a c t e r ! Glitches are hot; proof can be found on MTV, Flickr, in go beyond this formal
                                                approach; coffee table that the glitch Lossy! not exists
 A p p l y club and in the bookstore. While thethey realize book Glitch:
                                                                                         ! ! does          ! !
                                                                                         ! Moving image!       !
 g a u s s i a n Designing Imperfection without human perception and therefore have a more
                                                  (2009) has introduced the glitch
                                                inclusive approach to digital material.  ! ! MOV !         ! !
 blur.               design aesthetic to the world of latte drinking designers, and
                                                                                         ! ! DV !          ! !
                                                The materiality of glitch art is constantly mutating; it exists
                     Kanye West used glitches to sing about his imperfect love
                                                                                         ! ! WMV! hand the
                     life, the awkward, shy and physically ugly celebrate underrelies on the one
                                                as an unstable assemblage that the
                                                                                         ! ! AVI!      !
 You still have header "Glitched: Nerdcore for life". operation and content of the apparatus (the
                                                                                         ! ! ! the writer/artist,
                                                                                                       !       !
 quirks! Clone Glitch has transformed from cool and on Its no more then a work,
                                                medium) to hot. the other hand the
 s t a m p f o r brightly colored bubblegum wrapper that doesn't by the any
                                                and the interpretation ask for reader and/or user (the
 s m o o t h involvement, or offers any stimulus. Inside I find gum that I
 surface             keep chewing, hoping for some new explosion of good taste.
                     But the more I chew, the less tasty / rubbery it gets. Glitch
                     design fulfills an average, imperfect stereotype, a filter or
 Your file has commodity that echoes a "medium is the message" standard.
 i n v a l i d
 m a r k e r s . Luckily (or naturally?), the "No Content - Just Imperfection"
 E n t e r n e w slogan of this kind of hot glitch design is complimented by
 markers             cool glitches. In The Laws ofthe materiality of the glitch art is not (just) the digital
                                                Thus, Cool (2004), Alan Liu asks
                     himself What is "Cool"? He describes follows the vernacular of file formats, nor the
                                                material that that cool is the ellipsis
                     of knowing whats cool ...and withholding that idea. Those that constantly changing
                                                machine it appears upon, but a
 Y o u r insist on asking, are definitely uncool. depends on the interactions between text,
                                                construct that
 dimensions                                     social, esthetical, political and economic dynamics and the
 do          n o t Unruly and defiant as it point is, I viewgive my which on cool
                                                 thus of will from take the different actors make
 correspond. glitches. Cool glitches are the glitches that do not just focus
 C h a n g e on a static end product, Digital artists a exploit theirpersonal materials thus also
                                                 but (also) on process, a digital
 dimensions          exploration or a narrative element (that or reflects (showing
                                                metaphorically oftencritically critically the medium in a
                     on a medium).              critical state or criticizing the medium and its inherent
                                                norms) and not just formally.
 ERROR               Cool is in a constant state of and moreis the genre starting to use the term "glitch
                                                more flux, as people are of "cool
                     glitch art", which finally exists as think it has become apparent that the question of
                                                genre", I an assemblage that relies
                     on first of all the construction,constitutes and content of how a genre should be
                                                what operation a genre, and the
 G o t o d a t a apparatus (the medium)studied needs to bework, the in Glitch Studies. Also, in the
                                                  and secondly the included writer/
 therapy and artist, and the interpretation by a "glitch genre", I think there is a need to research
                                                case of the reader and/or user (the
 repair your meaning). In the end, there processone stylization of cool” -- the point where the
                                                the is “no of definition of glitch
 registry            glitch art.                formal creation of glitches are not unknown, new
                                                utterances but are becoming stabilized, new commodities
                                                and even filters.
                     In an effort to make what was once cool now hot, and visa
 Y o u r versa, and to take what kind of study involves more then just a vernacular of
                                                This happened in the Designing
                                                file formats or a research into technology but also includes
 k e y f r a m e s Imperfection book a step further, I made this Vernacular of
 are missing. File Formats, in which I study ways to exploit and deconstruct the history of the
                                                culture, individuals, politics and
 Your codecs the organizations of file formats into new, brutalist designs.
 are         not
 supported.                                     But I still wonder if there is really anything consistent within
                     …I am waiting for the first "Glitchs not dead" hoodie in H&M.
                     And because fans are as bad as the ignorant, If so, then I think it is the critical use
                                                the glitch art "genre". for the sake of
                     being bad, I will definitelyof error, perceivedHoera! perceived, real or designed. And
                                                  wear the hoodie. or non
 Please                                         I think when I watch a glitched video, or any other glitch
 respect the software. Now it is too little too late - youwhat not try most interesting to look for: what
                                                work, this is did I find hard
 enough - you are just not good enough. [system shut downplay a role in the work - does the work
                                                critical elements indefinitely]
 Dear mr compression I write a 1000 poems to you Is this whator does it show the technology in a
                                                criticize something, they call
                                                critical state?
 progress? Warmly yours, the noxious angel of history                                                      2


<-- Photoshop .RAW

               3channel, 2020x1138. (with
               scan lines from the original

               Raw image files contain
               minimally processed data

               (pixels) from the image
               sensor of either a digital
               camera, image scanner, or
               motion picture film scanner.
               The file header of a RAW
               image typically contains
               information concerning the
               byte-ordering of the file, the
               camera sensor information
               and other image metadata like
               exposure setting, camera/
               scanner/lens model, date (and,
               optionally, place) of shoot/
               scan, format, size, number of
               colors, and other information
               needed to display the image.
               It is possible to save a
               RAW image file without a
               header (choose header=0).
               When the interleaved RAW
               image is saved without a
               header the computer
               doesnʼt know the
               dimensions or any other
               crucial information that is
               needed to reconstruct the
               image out of the image

               <-- Photoshop .RAW, (h=0)
               I opened a 3 channel
               interleaved RAW document
               as a 1 channel (1 color)
               interleaved document.
               (reversible databend)

               When you open the image,
               softwares like for instance
               photoshop will ask you for this
               data, giving you the
               opportunity to
               “bend” (reversible) the image.

               At this moment, you will be
               able to choose the dimensions,
               the amount of channels and if
               the image will be displayed
               interleaved or non-interleaved.
               By entering another value then
               the original, the image will be
               displayed in a distorted way.

               <-- Photoshop .RAW, (h=0)
               interleaved, I opened
               a 3 channel interleaved
               but entered a           3
               slightly smaller
               value for the width.
               (reversible databend)


In the case of a RAW image
file, interleaving and non-
interleaving refer to the order in
which the RGB color values of
every pixel are stored.
In an interleaved Raw
image, the data is stored in
a RGBRGBRGB sequence.

<-- Photoshop .RAW, (h=0)
I opened the 3 channel
interleaved RAW document
as a 3 channel non-
interleaved 8 bit document.
(reversible databend)

<-- Photoshop .RAW, (h=0)
I opened a 3 channel
interleaved RAW image in
Microsoft Word (Convert to
Text Only) and saved it. This
technique reformats the
image data into a Microsoft
Word document, changing
some of the values and
adding / deleting some extra
data. In the image this shows
by abrupt discolorations, and
image general image shifts.
(Stallioʼs Wordpad effect)
(irreversible databend)

<-- Photoshop .RAW, (h=0)
I opened a 3 channel non-
interleaved raw document
with smaller hight
(databend, reversible)

When the image is saved in
non-interleaved array, the RGB
values are not ordered
sequentially but have their own
ʻlayersʼ with



<-- Photoshop .RAW, (h=0)
I opened a 3 channel non-
interleaved document but
entered a slightly smaller
value for the width (1 pixel)
(reversible databend)

<-- Photoshop .RAW, (h=0)
I opened a 3 channel non-
interleaved RAW document
with a much smaller width
(reversible databend)

<-- Photoshop .RAW, (h=0)
I opened a 3 channel non-
interleaved RAW image in
Microsoft Word (Convert to
Text Only) and saved it
(wordpad, textpad and
other text editors could also
work). This technique
reformats the image data
into a Microsoft Word
document, changing some
of the values and adding /
deleting some extra data.
In the image this shows by
abrupt discolorations, and
image general image shifts.
(Stallioʼs Wordpad effect)
(irreversible databend)



<-- Bitmap (.bmp)
      bend by copy pasting a bit of

BMP   the image data over and over.
      (irreversible databend)

      The BMP file format is
      uncompressed; every bit that
      indexes a bitmap pixel value
      is packed within a linear row,
      "upside-down" with respect to
      normal image raster scan
      order, starting in the lower
      right corner, advancing row
      by row from the bottom to the

      <-- Low quality Bitmap (.bmp)
      Random data replacement
      changed the values of the
      indexed colors in the color
      palette (irreversible databend)

      This is why, when you copy-
      paste some of the image data
      the lower part of the image
      will still be intact, while the
      upper part of the image only
      shifts (and sometimes

      In BMP files, and many other
      bitmap file formats the color
      palette consists of a block of
      bytes (a table or palette)
      listing the colors available for
      use in a particular indexed-
      color image.
      Each pixel in the image is
      described by a number of bits
      (1-32 bit color depth) that
      index a single color from the
      color palette, that is described
      right after the header.

      The BMP color palette uses
      the interleaved RGB color
      model. In this model, a color
      depends on different
      intensities (from 0 to 255) of
      the primary RGB colors. A
      color is thus defined by the
      final intensities of R+G+B.
      When you copy-paste the
      image data, the intensity data
      From B can (for instance)
      shift to the R, creating sudden

      <-- .BMP Wordpad effect
      In comparison to the RAW
      image, the image now waves
      towards the right. This is
      because the BMP
      raster format is         6
      saved from left to
      right, top to bottom.
      (irreversible databend)


<-- Graphics Interchange

           Format (.gif), 8 colors
           restricted pattern
           (with dither)

           Graphics Interchange Format
           is a bitmap image format that

           supports 8 bits per pixel and
           can therefore consist of no
           more then 256 colors.
           The format supports
           Dither (the grainy blocky
           artifacts) is an intentionally
           applied form of noise used to

           “randomize quantization
           error”; the difference between
           the actual analog value and
           quantized digital value. This
           error is caused by truncation
           (the discarding of less
           significant information).
           Dither thus helps to prevent
           from large-scale patterns
           such as "banding" (stepwise
           rendering of smooth
           gradations in brightness or
           hue). Moreover, the not
           available colors are
           approximated because the
           human eye perceives the
           diffusion as a mixture of the
           colors. This creates the
           illusion of color depth.

           <-- Graphics Interchange
           Format (.gif), non-interlaced,
           8 colors, restricted pattern
           (with dither)
           (irreversible databend)

           <-- Graphics Interchange
           Format (.gif), interlaced,
           animated 8 colors, restricted
           pattern (with dither)
           (irreversible databend)

           The gif format uses a 4 pass
           one dimensional interlacing
           strategy. This means that one
           half of the image, consisting of
           every other row of pixels is
           rendered after the other half.
           In the image on the left this
           shows through a gradual
           displacement during weaving
           (the putting together of the two
           layers), which resulted in a
           second “ghost image” (or
           combing artifacts with jagged



<-- Portable Network

      Graphics (PNG). interlaced
      (irreversible databend)
      pre-compression: filtering
      1-2 of the 7 stages before the
      image is reconstructed.
      (irreversible databend)

      Like GIF PNG is a lossless
      compressed raster format,
      which means that it
      represents an image as a
      two-dimensional array of
      colored pixels.

      PNG is a bitmapped image
      format that employs lossless
      data compression and offers
      a 7-pass 2-dimensional
      interlacing scheme—the
      Adam7 algorithm.

      This is more sophisticated
      than GIF's 1-dimensional, 4-
      pass scheme, and often
      allows for a clearer low-
      resolution image to be
      visible earlier in the transfer.
      This is visible in image 1
      which just passed its first
      stage of the 7 part
      interlacing scheme. In this
      stage a part of the image is
      rendered almost flawless,
      while the further it gets
      rendered, the more the
      corrupted data becomes

      <-- PNG. interlaced. stage
      3/4. (irreversible databend)

      <-- PNG. interlaced. stage
      5/6.(irreversible databend)


<-- PNG. interlaced
(irreversible databend)

The 7-pass de-interlacing
of the corrupted image
sometimes stops early (as
early as the first pass).

<-- PNG. interlaced
(irreversible databend)

<-- PNG. non-interlaced
(irreversible databend)



<-- Truevision Advanced

        Raster Graphics Adapter;
        (.TGA) is an initialism for
        Truevision Graphics Adapter.
        (can be lossy or lossless)
        16 bits Lossless RLE
        (irreversible databend)

        Targa recognizes
        over half a dozen image file
        formats, some of which are
        more widely used than
        I have databend a Tagra
        compressed file by searching
        and replacing + adding some
        data. Apparent are shifts of
        some blocks and some small
        color shifts.
        To understand how these
        shifts went the way they went,
        is however to complex and I
        am not going to try to
        understand or explain this in
        this pdf.

        <-- Targa (.tga)
        24 bits Lossless RLE
        (irreversible databend)

        <-- Targa (.tga)
        32 bits Lossless RLE
        (irreversible databend)



<-- Targa (.tga)
       32 bits Lossless RLE
       (irreversible databend)

         <-- Tagged Image File
       Format (.TIF) or in short

TIFF   TIFF, with white
       background layer
       (irreversible databend)

       Just like Targa, TIFF is a
       very complex compression.
       I have had some really
       interesting diverse
       experiences with this file
       format, but I find it very had
       to get grips on the reason
       why they come to the
       surface the way they do.
       Thats why these are real
       glitch bends to me.

       <-- TIFF
       With white background
       (irreversible databend)



<-- TIFF
interleaved macintosh Save
Image Pyramid
(irreversible databend)

<-- TIFF
interleaved macintosh Save
Image Pyramid
(irreversible databend)

<-- TIFF
interleaved macintosh Save
Image Pyramid
(irreversible databend)



<-- PSD document

      (irreversible databend)

      Color channel shift

      <-- PSD document
      (irreversible databend)

      <-- PSD document
      (irreversible databend)



<-- Joint Photographic
             Experts Group (.JPG)

LOSSY JPEG   (lossy)
             severely downsampled so
             that the 8x8 macroblocks
             (and quantization error)
             are apparent.
             (irreversible databend)

             A JPG compression
             consists of 6 subsequent

             1. Color space
             2. Downsampling
             3. Block splitting
             4. Discrete cosine
             5. Quantization
             6. Entropy coding

             1. Initially, images have to
             be transformed from the
             RGB color space to
             another color space (called
             Y′CbCr), that consists of
             three components that are
             handled separately; the Y
             (luma or brightness) and
             the Cb and Cr values
             (chroma or color values,
             which are divided into hue
             and saturation).

             2. Because the human eye
             doesnʼt perceives small
             differences within the Cb
             and Cr space very well,
             these elements are

             3. After the color space
             transformation, the image
             is split into tiles or
             macroblocks. Rectangular
             regions of the image that
             are transformed and
             encoded separately.

             <-- 8 × 8 DCT basis
             patterns of a JPG.

             4. Next, a Discrete Cosine
             Transform (which works
             similar to the Fourier
             Transform function,
             exploited in datamoshing
             and macroblock studies) is
             used to create a frequency
             spectrum, to transform the
             8×8 blocks to a
             combination of the 64 two-
             dimensional DCT basis
             functions or patterns (as
             differentiated by the red



5. During the Quantization
step, the highest brightness-
frequency variations become
a base line (or 0-value), while
small positive and negative
frequency differentiations get
a value, which take many
fewer bits to represent.

<-- high frequency mapping
from which basic values are

6. finally, entropy coding is
applied. Entropy coding is a
special form of lossless data
compression that involves
arranging the image
components in a "zigzag"
order. This allows the
quantized coefficient table to
be rewritten in a zigzag order
to a sequence of frequencies.
A run-length encoding (RLE)
algorithm groups similar
frequencies together and after
that, via "Huffman coding"
organizes what is left.

Because the RGB color
values are described in such
a complex algorithms, some
random data replacement
often results into dramatic
discoloration and other

<-- low res JPG, Baseline
(irreversible databend)

<-- low res JPG, Progressive
(irreversible databend)

The very high compression
ratio of this jpg effects the
quality of the image and the
size of the artifacts.

When using quantization with
block-based coding, as in
these JPEG-compressed
images, several types of
often unwanted artifacts can
appear, for instance ringing or
ghosting. In the bend image to
the left, the low quality and
corruption have made these
artifacts more apparent.



<-- low res JPG, Progressive
(irreversible databend)

Ringing is (often) the result of
the loss of high frequency
components, but can also be
used to “enhance” the image,
because this artifact put an
emphasis on the edges (in
moving image these artifacts
can also be referred to as
mosquito noise).

Ghosting is an artifact that
appear when a part of the
image is somehow doubled
(often by refraction of a
television signal within the

'Blocking' / Staircase artifacts
appear most clearly along the
curving edges, as a result of
the 8×8 jpg blocks.
Blockiness in "busy" regions is
sometimes also referred to as
quilting or checker-boarding.

The JPG to the left shows
some typical color distortion
(color mismatching) after
random data replacement.

It also shows some less
typical JPG artifacts called
"Jaggies" is the informal
name for artifacts in raster
images. They are often the
result from poor aliasing,
which happens when a JPG
signal reconstruction after
downsampling has
produced only high
frequency outcomes.

<-- JPG, Progressive
(irreversible databend)

<-- JPG, Progessive
(irreversible databend)



<-- JPG, Baseline standard
            (irreversible databend)

            <-- JPG, Baseline
            (irreversible databend)

            <-- Joint Photographic

JPEG 2000
            Experts Group committee in
            2000; low res JPEG 2000.
            (irreversible databend)

            The JPEG 2000 standard was
            mainly developed because of
            the many edge and blocking
            artifacts of the JPG format.
            JPEG 2000 has improved
            scalability and edit-ability.
            In JPG 2000, after the color
            transformation step, the
            image is split into so-called
            tiles, rectangular regions of
            the image that are
            transformed and encoded
            Tiles can be any size, and it is
            also possible to consider the
            whole image as one single
            tile. This results into
            a collection of         17
            sub-bands which
            represent several
            approximation scales.


<-- JPEG 2000.
(irreversible databend)

A sub-band is a set of
coefficients that represent
aspects of the image
associated with a certain
frequency range as well as a
spatial area of the image.
The quantized sub-bands are
split further into precincts,
rectangular regions in the
wavelet domain.
A wavelet is a wave-like
oscillation with an amplitude
that starts out at zero,
increases, and then
decreases back to zero. It
can typically be visualized as
a "brief oscillation" like one
might see recorded by a
seismograph or heart
Precincts are split further into
code blocks. Code blocks are
located in a single sub-band
and have equal sizes.

The chrominance
components can be, but do
not necessarily have to be,
down-scaled in resolution;
in fact, since the wavelet
transformation already
separates images into
scales, downsampling is
more effectively handled by
dropping the finest wavelet

<-- JPEG 2000
(irreversible databend)

<-- Low quality JPEG 2000
(irreversible databend)



<-- Quicktime movie (.mov)

MOVING IMAGE   Compression: none
               256 colors,
               least quality

               The low quality and the
               compression to fewer colors

MOV            introduced posterization

               Posterization of an image
               means the conversion of a
               continuous gradation of
               tones to several regions of
               fewer tones, with abrupt
               changes from one tone to
               the another.

               Posterization may be
               deliberate or may be an
               unintended artifact of color

               <-- Quicktime movie (.mov)
               Compression: Animation
               256 greys, least quality

               displaced scan lines and
               posterization artifacts.
               (I donʼt know why the scan
               lines displaced themselves)

               <-- Quicktime movie
               (.mov) Compression:
               Animation 1000 colors,
               least quality codec

               "Banding artifacts," or “false
               contours” result from color
               quantization within digitally
               compressed images.

               The lines in the image can
               also be referred to as 10-bit
               Banding artifacts.



<-- DV (Digital Video) tape

     rewind (shows macroblocks)

     The artifact to the left shows
     the macroblocks the footage
     consists of. This artifact is
     also referred to as screen
     tearing (a video artifact that
     appears when information
     from two or more different
     frames is shown a single
     screen draw).

     The lossy compressed video
     image is framed
     fundamentally different from
     analog or RAW video footage.
     First of all, the frames no
     longer rely upon raw pixels.
     Instead, macroblocks have
     become one of the
     elementary components of the
     lossy compressed moving
     image (at least under current
     standard codecs).

     Lossy compressed video
     often depends on luminance
     (brightness) and chrominance
     (coloring) thresholds arranged
     within 16x16 pixel (more or
     less) macroblocks within the
     keyframes (the I-frames) of an
     image sequence. The
     thresholds (or frequencies) of
     chrominance and luminance
     depend on an oscillating
     cosine function (following
     Fourier Transform).

     The exploitation/bending of
     this FFT and its chrominance
     and luminance values shows
     in the discolored macroblocks,
     that now show the otherwise
     mostly obscured macroblock
     structures of digital video.

     <-- DV, pro50 DV,
     macroblock bend
     (rearranged macroblock data)

     <-- DV pro50 DV,
     compression: pro50 DV
     bend luminance (brightness)
     and chrominance (coloring)

     Re-organizations of color
     (chrominance) structures.
     The matrix of macroblocks is
     still completely intact but the
     chrominance values are off.
     Also referred to as
     “mosaicking”, “pixelating” or
     “quilting” artifacts.



<-- Windows Media Video

      (.wmv) compression: two
      pass VBR Constrained
      bitrate: 5kbps (datamoshed)

      The handling of space and
      time within video is
      significantly different between
      the linear analog or RAW
      footage and lossy
      compressed footage. Besides
      the macroblock structures
      within digital film material, the
      footage is also no longer
      based on a linear series of
      discrete images (a
      sequence); instead the video
      consists of different kinds of
      frames (I-frames or
      reference/key frames, P-
      frames or forward-predicted
      frames and B-frames or bi-
      directional frames), of which
      only the keyframe possesses
      a complete matrix of

      When a video is encoded,
      each frame is stored as an I
      frame (the keyframce) or a P/
      B frame. An I frame is like a
      JPEG image, it holds the still
      image in its entirety. P and B
      frames are the smart frames
      that allow videos to be
      compressed. They store only
      the differences between the
      current frame and the last
      A motion prediction algorithm
      is used to calculate the
      difference between the P-
      and B-frames. These frames
      consist of motion vectors that
      index only the difference in
      position (the offset) of the
      macroblocks between the
      original and the next frame.

      <-- Windows Media Video
      (.wmv) compression: two
      pass VBR Constrained
      bitrate: 5kbps (datamoshed)

      <-- Windows Media Video
      (.wmv) compression: two
      pass VBR Constrained
      bitrate: 5kbps (datamoshed)

      A recently popularized wave
      of video artworks was based
      on the deletion of keyframes
      and the exploitation of the
      vector motion of P-frames.
      Which was also referred to
      as“datamoshing”, “pixel
      bleeding” or simply
      “compression art”.

      The effect you see in the
      datamosh videos is what
      happens when you store only
      the differences between
      frames, ie. when all I-Frame
      or keyframe references
      have been
      deleted.               21


<-- Windows Media Video
      (.wmv) Compression: two
      pass VBR Constrained
      bitrate: 5kbps (datamoshed)

      In this type of compression,
      artifacts tend to remain on
      several generations of
      decompressed frames, and
      move with the optic flow of
      the image, leading to a
      peculiar effect, part way
      between a painting effect r
      smear that moves with
      objects in the scene.


      The DIVX file compression
      follows a similar encoding
      as the WMV compression.
      And is more often used.

      <-- AVI (.avi)
      Compression: DIVX

      <-- AVI (.avi)
      Compression: DIVX



<-- AVI (.avi) compression:
none, 16 colors, least quality

Color quantization performs a
multi-scale analysis on the
neighborhood of each pixel, to
determine the presence and
scale of banding artifacts, and
probabilistically dithers the color
of the pixel. The overall effect is
to "break down" the false

<-- AVI (.avi) compression:
Cinepak, 256 colors
lowest quality

Color quantization

decreasing color depth

<-- AVI (.avi) compression:
none, black and white
best quality

The image shows a lot of




<-- AVI (.avi) compression:
none, 16 grays
least quality

 <-- AVI Cinepak
 compression 256 grays,
 lowest quality.

 Cinepak is my most favorite
 compression. The
 compression is based on
 vector quantization, which
 results in blocky artifacting
 at low bitrates.

 Cinepak divides a movie
 into key images and intra-
 coded images. Each image
 is divided into a number of
 horizontal bands which
 have individual 256-color
 palettes transferred in the
 key images. Each band is
 subdivided into 4x4 pixel
 blocks. The compressor
 uses vector quantization to
 determine the one or two
 band palette colors which
 best match each block and
 encodes runs of blocks as
 either one color byte or two
 color bytes plus a 16-bit
 vector which determines
 which pixel gets which color.

 The cinepak compression is
 not widely supported
 anymore, and this is why,
 when opening the image in
 a player, the indexed colors
 of the image are often
 associated with an incorrect
 color palette, which results
 into very unexpected
 colorations of the image.

 <-- AVI Cinepak
 compression, 256 grays,
 lowest quality. Opened in
 VLC player that
 associated the
 video with a          24

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Rosa Menkman - A Vernacular of File Formats

  • 2. Type to enter text Tango between a corrupt format and its user. ! ! ! ! Contents ! the ! There is not sufficient data. Please enter data art is a practice that studies and researches Glitch ! Static! vernacular of file formats in exploitative manners to ! ! You have too Noise Art > Filter art > when Cool becomes Hot >>>>>>> ! ! Uncompressed!! deconstruct and create new, brutalist (audio)visual works. m u c h However, glitch artists often the ! ! Lossless! ! ! c h a r a c t e r ! Glitches are hot; proof can be found on MTV, Flickr, in go beyond this formal approach; coffee table that the glitch Lossy! not exists A p p l y club and in the bookstore. While thethey realize book Glitch: ! ! does ! ! ! Moving image! ! g a u s s i a n Designing Imperfection without human perception and therefore have a more (2009) has introduced the glitch inclusive approach to digital material. ! ! MOV ! ! ! blur. design aesthetic to the world of latte drinking designers, and ! ! DV ! ! ! The materiality of glitch art is constantly mutating; it exists Kanye West used glitches to sing about his imperfect love ! ! WMV! hand the ! life, the awkward, shy and physically ugly celebrate underrelies on the one as an unstable assemblage that the ! ! AVI! ! You still have header "Glitched: Nerdcore for life". operation and content of the apparatus (the construction, ! ! ! the writer/artist, ! ! quirks! Clone Glitch has transformed from cool and on Its no more then a work, medium) to hot. the other hand the s t a m p f o r brightly colored bubblegum wrapper that doesn't by the any and the interpretation ask for reader and/or user (the meaning). s m o o t h involvement, or offers any stimulus. Inside I find gum that I surface keep chewing, hoping for some new explosion of good taste. But the more I chew, the less tasty / rubbery it gets. Glitch design fulfills an average, imperfect stereotype, a filter or Your file has commodity that echoes a "medium is the message" standard. i n v a l i d m a r k e r s . Luckily (or naturally?), the "No Content - Just Imperfection" E n t e r n e w slogan of this kind of hot glitch design is complimented by markers cool glitches. In The Laws ofthe materiality of the glitch art is not (just) the digital Thus, Cool (2004), Alan Liu asks himself What is "Cool"? He describes follows the vernacular of file formats, nor the material that that cool is the ellipsis of knowing whats cool ...and withholding that idea. Those that constantly changing machine it appears upon, but a Y o u r insist on asking, are definitely uncool. depends on the interactions between text, construct that dimensions social, esthetical, political and economic dynamics and the do n o t Unruly and defiant as it point is, I viewgive my which on cool thus of will from take the different actors make meaning. correspond. glitches. Cool glitches are the glitches that do not just focus C h a n g e on a static end product, Digital artists a exploit theirpersonal materials thus also but (also) on process, a digital dimensions exploration or a narrative element (that or reflects (showing metaphorically oftencritically critically the medium in a on a medium). critical state or criticizing the medium and its inherent norms) and not just formally. ERROR Cool is in a constant state of and moreis the genre starting to use the term "glitch more flux, as people are of "cool glitch art", which finally exists as think it has become apparent that the question of genre", I an assemblage that relies on first of all the construction,constitutes and content of how a genre should be what operation a genre, and the G o t o d a t a apparatus (the medium)studied needs to bework, the in Glitch Studies. Also, in the and secondly the included writer/ therapy and artist, and the interpretation by a "glitch genre", I think there is a need to research case of the reader and/or user (the repair your meaning). In the end, there processone stylization of cool” -- the point where the the is “no of definition of glitch registry glitch art. formal creation of glitches are not unknown, new utterances but are becoming stabilized, new commodities and even filters. In an effort to make what was once cool now hot, and visa Y o u r versa, and to take what kind of study involves more then just a vernacular of This happened in the Designing file formats or a research into technology but also includes k e y f r a m e s Imperfection book a step further, I made this Vernacular of are missing. File Formats, in which I study ways to exploit and deconstruct the history of the culture, individuals, politics and technology. Your codecs the organizations of file formats into new, brutalist designs. are not supported. But I still wonder if there is really anything consistent within …I am waiting for the first "Glitchs not dead" hoodie in H&M. And because fans are as bad as the ignorant, If so, then I think it is the critical use the glitch art "genre". for the sake of being bad, I will definitelyof error, perceivedHoera! perceived, real or designed. And wear the hoodie. or non Please I think when I watch a glitched video, or any other glitch respect the software. Now it is too little too late - youwhat not try most interesting to look for: what work, this is did I find hard enough - you are just not good enough. [system shut downplay a role in the work - does the work critical elements indefinitely] Dear mr compression I write a 1000 poems to you Is this whator does it show the technology in a criticize something, they call critical state? progress? Warmly yours, the noxious angel of history 2
  • 3. <-- Photoshop .RAW UNCOMPRESSED 3channel, 2020x1138. (with scan lines from the original video) Raw image files contain minimally processed data RAW (pixels) from the image sensor of either a digital camera, image scanner, or motion picture film scanner. The file header of a RAW image typically contains information concerning the byte-ordering of the file, the camera sensor information and other image metadata like exposure setting, camera/ scanner/lens model, date (and, optionally, place) of shoot/ scan, format, size, number of colors, and other information needed to display the image. It is possible to save a RAW image file without a header (choose header=0). When the interleaved RAW image is saved without a header the computer doesnʼt know the dimensions or any other crucial information that is needed to reconstruct the image out of the image data. <-- Photoshop .RAW, (h=0) I opened a 3 channel interleaved RAW document as a 1 channel (1 color) interleaved document. (reversible databend) When you open the image, softwares like for instance photoshop will ask you for this data, giving you the opportunity to “bend” (reversible) the image. At this moment, you will be able to choose the dimensions, the amount of channels and if the image will be displayed interleaved or non-interleaved. By entering another value then the original, the image will be displayed in a distorted way. <-- Photoshop .RAW, (h=0) interleaved, I opened a 3 channel interleaved document but entered a 3 slightly smaller value for the width. (reversible databend)
  • 4. In the case of a RAW image file, interleaving and non- interleaving refer to the order in which the RGB color values of every pixel are stored. In an interleaved Raw image, the data is stored in a RGBRGBRGB sequence. <-- Photoshop .RAW, (h=0) I opened the 3 channel interleaved RAW document as a 3 channel non- interleaved 8 bit document. (reversible databend) <-- Photoshop .RAW, (h=0) I opened a 3 channel interleaved RAW image in Microsoft Word (Convert to Text Only) and saved it. This technique reformats the image data into a Microsoft Word document, changing some of the values and adding / deleting some extra data. In the image this shows by abrupt discolorations, and image general image shifts. (Stallioʼs Wordpad effect) (irreversible databend) <-- Photoshop .RAW, (h=0) I opened a 3 channel non- interleaved raw document with smaller hight (databend, reversible) When the image is saved in non-interleaved array, the RGB values are not ordered sequentially but have their own ʻlayersʼ with 4
  • 5. <-- Photoshop .RAW, (h=0) I opened a 3 channel non- interleaved document but entered a slightly smaller value for the width (1 pixel) (reversible databend) <-- Photoshop .RAW, (h=0) I opened a 3 channel non- interleaved RAW document with a much smaller width (reversible databend) <-- Photoshop .RAW, (h=0) I opened a 3 channel non- interleaved RAW image in Microsoft Word (Convert to Text Only) and saved it (wordpad, textpad and other text editors could also work). This technique reformats the image data into a Microsoft Word document, changing some of the values and adding / deleting some extra data. In the image this shows by abrupt discolorations, and image general image shifts. (Stallioʼs Wordpad effect) (irreversible databend) 5
  • 6. <-- Bitmap (.bmp) bend by copy pasting a bit of BMP the image data over and over. (irreversible databend) The BMP file format is uncompressed; every bit that indexes a bitmap pixel value is packed within a linear row, "upside-down" with respect to normal image raster scan order, starting in the lower right corner, advancing row by row from the bottom to the top. <-- Low quality Bitmap (.bmp) Random data replacement changed the values of the indexed colors in the color palette (irreversible databend) This is why, when you copy- paste some of the image data the lower part of the image will still be intact, while the upper part of the image only shifts (and sometimes discolors) In BMP files, and many other bitmap file formats the color palette consists of a block of bytes (a table or palette) listing the colors available for use in a particular indexed- color image. Each pixel in the image is described by a number of bits (1-32 bit color depth) that index a single color from the color palette, that is described right after the header. The BMP color palette uses the interleaved RGB color model. In this model, a color depends on different intensities (from 0 to 255) of the primary RGB colors. A color is thus defined by the final intensities of R+G+B. When you copy-paste the image data, the intensity data From B can (for instance) shift to the R, creating sudden discoloration. <-- .BMP Wordpad effect In comparison to the RAW image, the image now waves towards the right. This is because the BMP raster format is 6 saved from left to right, top to bottom. (irreversible databend)
  • 7. <-- Graphics Interchange LOSSLESS Format (.gif), 8 colors restricted pattern (with dither) Graphics Interchange Format is a bitmap image format that GIF supports 8 bits per pixel and can therefore consist of no more then 256 colors. The format supports animation. Dither (the grainy blocky artifacts) is an intentionally applied form of noise used to “randomize quantization error”; the difference between the actual analog value and quantized digital value. This error is caused by truncation (the discarding of less significant information). Dither thus helps to prevent from large-scale patterns such as "banding" (stepwise rendering of smooth gradations in brightness or hue). Moreover, the not available colors are approximated because the human eye perceives the diffusion as a mixture of the colors. This creates the illusion of color depth. <-- Graphics Interchange Format (.gif), non-interlaced, 8 colors, restricted pattern (with dither) (irreversible databend) <-- Graphics Interchange Format (.gif), interlaced, animated 8 colors, restricted pattern (with dither) (irreversible databend) The gif format uses a 4 pass one dimensional interlacing strategy. This means that one half of the image, consisting of every other row of pixels is rendered after the other half. In the image on the left this shows through a gradual displacement during weaving (the putting together of the two layers), which resulted in a second “ghost image” (or combing artifacts with jagged edges). 7
  • 8. <-- Portable Network PNG Graphics (PNG). interlaced (irreversible databend) pre-compression: filtering (prediction) 1-2 of the 7 stages before the image is reconstructed. (irreversible databend) Like GIF PNG is a lossless compressed raster format, which means that it represents an image as a two-dimensional array of colored pixels. PNG is a bitmapped image format that employs lossless data compression and offers a 7-pass 2-dimensional interlacing scheme—the Adam7 algorithm. This is more sophisticated than GIF's 1-dimensional, 4- pass scheme, and often allows for a clearer low- resolution image to be visible earlier in the transfer. This is visible in image 1 which just passed its first stage of the 7 part interlacing scheme. In this stage a part of the image is rendered almost flawless, while the further it gets rendered, the more the corrupted data becomes visible. <-- PNG. interlaced. stage 3/4. (irreversible databend) 8 <-- PNG. interlaced. stage 5/6.(irreversible databend)
  • 9. <-- PNG. interlaced (irreversible databend) The 7-pass de-interlacing of the corrupted image sometimes stops early (as early as the first pass). <-- PNG. interlaced (irreversible databend) <-- PNG. non-interlaced (irreversible databend) 9
  • 10. <-- Truevision Advanced TARGA Raster Graphics Adapter; (.TGA) is an initialism for Truevision Graphics Adapter. (can be lossy or lossless) 16 bits Lossless RLE compressed (irreversible databend) Targa recognizes over half a dozen image file formats, some of which are more widely used than others. I have databend a Tagra compressed file by searching and replacing + adding some data. Apparent are shifts of some blocks and some small color shifts. To understand how these shifts went the way they went, is however to complex and I am not going to try to understand or explain this in this pdf. <-- Targa (.tga) 24 bits Lossless RLE compressed (irreversible databend) <-- Targa (.tga) 32 bits Lossless RLE compressed (irreversible databend) 10
  • 11. <-- Targa (.tga) 32 bits Lossless RLE compressed (irreversible databend) <-- Tagged Image File Format (.TIF) or in short TIFF TIFF, with white background layer (irreversible databend) Just like Targa, TIFF is a very complex compression. I have had some really interesting diverse experiences with this file format, but I find it very had to get grips on the reason why they come to the surface the way they do. Thats why these are real glitch bends to me. <-- TIFF With white background layer (irreversible databend) 11
  • 12. <-- TIFF interleaved macintosh Save Image Pyramid (irreversible databend) <-- TIFF interleaved macintosh Save Image Pyramid (irreversible databend) <-- TIFF interleaved macintosh Save Image Pyramid (irreversible databend) 12
  • 13. <-- PSD document PSD (irreversible databend) Color channel shift displacement <-- PSD document (irreversible databend) <-- PSD document (irreversible databend) 13
  • 14. <-- Joint Photographic Experts Group (.JPG) LOSSY JPEG (lossy) severely downsampled so that the 8x8 macroblocks (and quantization error) are apparent. (irreversible databend) A JPG compression consists of 6 subsequent steps: 1. Color space transformation 2. Downsampling 3. Block splitting 4. Discrete cosine transform 5. Quantization 6. Entropy coding 1. Initially, images have to be transformed from the RGB color space to another color space (called Y′CbCr), that consists of three components that are handled separately; the Y (luma or brightness) and the Cb and Cr values (chroma or color values, which are divided into hue and saturation). 2. Because the human eye doesnʼt perceives small differences within the Cb and Cr space very well, these elements are downsampled. 3. After the color space transformation, the image is split into tiles or macroblocks. Rectangular regions of the image that are transformed and encoded separately. <-- 8 × 8 DCT basis patterns of a JPG. 4. Next, a Discrete Cosine Transform (which works similar to the Fourier Transform function, exploited in datamoshing and macroblock studies) is used to create a frequency spectrum, to transform the 8×8 blocks to a combination of the 64 two- dimensional DCT basis functions or patterns (as differentiated by the red lines). 14
  • 15. 5. During the Quantization step, the highest brightness- frequency variations become a base line (or 0-value), while small positive and negative frequency differentiations get a value, which take many fewer bits to represent. <-- high frequency mapping from which basic values are derived. 6. finally, entropy coding is applied. Entropy coding is a special form of lossless data compression that involves arranging the image components in a "zigzag" order. This allows the quantized coefficient table to be rewritten in a zigzag order to a sequence of frequencies. A run-length encoding (RLE) algorithm groups similar frequencies together and after that, via "Huffman coding" organizes what is left. Because the RGB color values are described in such a complex algorithms, some random data replacement often results into dramatic discoloration and other effects. <-- low res JPG, Baseline standard. (irreversible databend) <-- low res JPG, Progressive (irreversible databend) The very high compression ratio of this jpg effects the quality of the image and the size of the artifacts. When using quantization with block-based coding, as in these JPEG-compressed images, several types of often unwanted artifacts can appear, for instance ringing or ghosting. In the bend image to the left, the low quality and corruption have made these artifacts more apparent. 15
  • 16. <-- low res JPG, Progressive (irreversible databend) Ringing is (often) the result of the loss of high frequency components, but can also be used to “enhance” the image, because this artifact put an emphasis on the edges (in moving image these artifacts can also be referred to as mosquito noise). Ghosting is an artifact that appear when a part of the image is somehow doubled (often by refraction of a television signal within the atmosphere). 'Blocking' / Staircase artifacts appear most clearly along the curving edges, as a result of the 8×8 jpg blocks. Blockiness in "busy" regions is sometimes also referred to as quilting or checker-boarding. The JPG to the left shows some typical color distortion (color mismatching) after random data replacement. It also shows some less typical JPG artifacts called jaggies. "Jaggies" is the informal name for artifacts in raster images. They are often the result from poor aliasing, which happens when a JPG signal reconstruction after downsampling has produced only high frequency outcomes. <-- JPG, Progressive (irreversible databend) <-- JPG, Progessive (irreversible databend) 16
  • 17. <-- JPG, Baseline standard (irreversible databend) <-- JPG, Baseline (irreversible databend) <-- Joint Photographic JPEG 2000 Experts Group committee in 2000; low res JPEG 2000. (irreversible databend) The JPEG 2000 standard was mainly developed because of the many edge and blocking artifacts of the JPG format. JPEG 2000 has improved scalability and edit-ability. In JPG 2000, after the color transformation step, the image is split into so-called tiles, rectangular regions of the image that are transformed and encoded separately. Tiles can be any size, and it is also possible to consider the whole image as one single tile. This results into a collection of 17 sub-bands which represent several approximation scales.
  • 18. <-- JPEG 2000. (irreversible databend) A sub-band is a set of coefficients that represent aspects of the image associated with a certain frequency range as well as a spatial area of the image. The quantized sub-bands are split further into precincts, rectangular regions in the wavelet domain. A wavelet is a wave-like oscillation with an amplitude that starts out at zero, increases, and then decreases back to zero. It can typically be visualized as a "brief oscillation" like one might see recorded by a seismograph or heart monitor. Precincts are split further into code blocks. Code blocks are located in a single sub-band and have equal sizes. The chrominance components can be, but do not necessarily have to be, down-scaled in resolution; in fact, since the wavelet transformation already separates images into scales, downsampling is more effectively handled by dropping the finest wavelet scale. <-- JPEG 2000 (irreversible databend) <-- Low quality JPEG 2000 (irreversible databend) 18
  • 19. <-- Quicktime movie (.mov) MOVING IMAGE Compression: none 256 colors, least quality The low quality and the compression to fewer colors MOV introduced posterization artifacts. Posterization of an image means the conversion of a continuous gradation of tones to several regions of fewer tones, with abrupt changes from one tone to the another. Posterization may be deliberate or may be an unintended artifact of color quantization. <-- Quicktime movie (.mov) Compression: Animation 256 greys, least quality codec displaced scan lines and posterization artifacts. (I donʼt know why the scan lines displaced themselves) <-- Quicktime movie (.mov) Compression: Animation 1000 colors, least quality codec "Banding artifacts," or “false contours” result from color quantization within digitally compressed images. The lines in the image can also be referred to as 10-bit Banding artifacts. 19
  • 20. <-- DV (Digital Video) tape DV rewind (shows macroblocks) The artifact to the left shows the macroblocks the footage consists of. This artifact is also referred to as screen tearing (a video artifact that appears when information from two or more different frames is shown a single screen draw). The lossy compressed video image is framed fundamentally different from analog or RAW video footage. First of all, the frames no longer rely upon raw pixels. Instead, macroblocks have become one of the elementary components of the lossy compressed moving image (at least under current standard codecs). Lossy compressed video often depends on luminance (brightness) and chrominance (coloring) thresholds arranged within 16x16 pixel (more or less) macroblocks within the keyframes (the I-frames) of an image sequence. The thresholds (or frequencies) of chrominance and luminance depend on an oscillating cosine function (following Fourier Transform). The exploitation/bending of this FFT and its chrominance and luminance values shows in the discolored macroblocks, that now show the otherwise mostly obscured macroblock structures of digital video. <-- DV, pro50 DV, macroblock bend (rearranged macroblock data) “checkerboarding” <-- DV pro50 DV, compression: pro50 DV bend luminance (brightness) and chrominance (coloring) values. Re-organizations of color (chrominance) structures. The matrix of macroblocks is still completely intact but the chrominance values are off. Also referred to as “mosaicking”, “pixelating” or “quilting” artifacts. 20
  • 21. <-- Windows Media Video WMV (.wmv) compression: two pass VBR Constrained bitrate: 5kbps (datamoshed) The handling of space and time within video is significantly different between the linear analog or RAW footage and lossy compressed footage. Besides the macroblock structures within digital film material, the footage is also no longer based on a linear series of discrete images (a sequence); instead the video consists of different kinds of frames (I-frames or reference/key frames, P- frames or forward-predicted frames and B-frames or bi- directional frames), of which only the keyframe possesses a complete matrix of macroblocks. When a video is encoded, each frame is stored as an I frame (the keyframce) or a P/ B frame. An I frame is like a JPEG image, it holds the still image in its entirety. P and B frames are the smart frames that allow videos to be compressed. They store only the differences between the current frame and the last frame. A motion prediction algorithm is used to calculate the difference between the P- and B-frames. These frames consist of motion vectors that index only the difference in position (the offset) of the macroblocks between the original and the next frame. <-- Windows Media Video (.wmv) compression: two pass VBR Constrained bitrate: 5kbps (datamoshed) <-- Windows Media Video (.wmv) compression: two pass VBR Constrained bitrate: 5kbps (datamoshed) A recently popularized wave of video artworks was based on the deletion of keyframes and the exploitation of the vector motion of P-frames. Which was also referred to as“datamoshing”, “pixel bleeding” or simply “compression art”. The effect you see in the datamosh videos is what happens when you store only the differences between frames, ie. when all I-Frame or keyframe references have been deleted. 21
  • 22. <-- Windows Media Video (.wmv) Compression: two pass VBR Constrained bitrate: 5kbps (datamoshed) In this type of compression, artifacts tend to remain on several generations of decompressed frames, and move with the optic flow of the image, leading to a peculiar effect, part way between a painting effect r smear that moves with objects in the scene. AVI The DIVX file compression follows a similar encoding as the WMV compression. And is more often used. <-- AVI (.avi) Compression: DIVX (datamoshed) <-- AVI (.avi) Compression: DIVX (datamoshed) 22
  • 23. <-- AVI (.avi) compression: none, 16 colors, least quality (dither) Color quantization performs a multi-scale analysis on the neighborhood of each pixel, to determine the presence and scale of banding artifacts, and probabilistically dithers the color of the pixel. The overall effect is to "break down" the false contours <-- AVI (.avi) compression: Cinepak, 256 colors lowest quality Color quantization decreasing color depth <-- AVI (.avi) compression: none, black and white best quality The image shows a lot of jaggies. ! 23
  • 24. <-- AVI (.avi) compression: none, 16 grays least quality <-- AVI Cinepak compression 256 grays, lowest quality. Cinepak is my most favorite compression. The compression is based on vector quantization, which results in blocky artifacting at low bitrates. Cinepak divides a movie into key images and intra- coded images. Each image is divided into a number of horizontal bands which have individual 256-color palettes transferred in the key images. Each band is subdivided into 4x4 pixel blocks. The compressor uses vector quantization to determine the one or two band palette colors which best match each block and encodes runs of blocks as either one color byte or two color bytes plus a 16-bit vector which determines which pixel gets which color. The cinepak compression is not widely supported anymore, and this is why, when opening the image in a player, the indexed colors of the image are often associated with an incorrect color palette, which results into very unexpected colorations of the image. <-- AVI Cinepak compression, 256 grays, lowest quality. Opened in VLC player that associated the video with a 24 purple/black/turquoise palette.