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Routa Distillery is a Finnish distillery crowdfunding now to carry on the tradition and work of the most famous Finnish
moonshine distillery, Kiteen Pontikka.
Routa aims to revitalise the classic moonshine for the Finnish market and also launch the awesomeness of Finnish
Moonshine to an unsuspecting global audience.
The story or Routa Distillery begins with the 2014 retirement announcement of
Aate Laukkanen, the grand old man of Finnish moonshine, founder and owner of
Kiteen Pontikka. Suddenly The future of Finnish Moonshine was in jeopardy.
A worried group of Finnish enthusiasts and experts in various fields decide that
something needs to be done. The legacy of Finnish moonshine needs to be
preserved and developed. A core team is quickly assembled including the driving
forces behind the global crowd-funded movie phenomenon Iron Sky, the most
known moonshine salesman in Finland, marketing & event gurus who have worked
with global brands such as Nokia and an art director / graphic designer whose work
has been used by Burton snowboards and numerous skateboard- and surf-brands
around the world.
Routa Distillery is formed and plans are set it motion to buy Kiteen Pontikka and
continue and expand its operations both in Finland and globally.
snsivtnrnriivtnn tiiy&u llin 0n kl s lto ln ki,
du iol,tti snlruolttoun Wynntiknn
lagen, synty*issen,
9)nffiiuonnil, 1995 tdrndn yorintuen
int k@',,,,,,,," lni l li s t
KL"[VÅ: h4ikk* Ahvsrral*en
Kiteelåisen pontikkaperinteen jatkaja
Aate Laukkanen turvaa perimätiedon
lisäksi nykyaikaiseen tekniikkaan.
Kiteen Pontikka is the most famous Finnish moonshine distillery with tens of
thousands of bottles sold yearly still without any investment into marketing. If you
ask a Finn to name a moonshine brand it will be the flagship product of Kiteen
Pontikka - the legendary Kiteen Kirkas. It is almost synonymous with Moonshine in
In addition to the strong brands and heritage Kiteen Pontikka has a fully functioning
modern distillery and the required rights to distill and distribute / sell alcohol
products in the Finnish market and internationally.
In addition to the solid foundation created by Kiteen Pontikka the core team of Routa
adds a fresh layer of expertise with global experience from the beverages industry,
brand development, marketing, design and logistics to sales.
KIRK !Kolmesti Kirkastettu
eXl te eru eXt, kns - y on ti kka ;
ya llo te ttua,s ao.vnn lais ta
y erinn e tta y ar h airnrn i l/aan
kas keny o lttaiien aioi lta
9)a hn is te t;tu t kruan h a lla
salaisella aeseytillä
,saornn lais es ta u i lias ta
kay tmrnä llä, tis laarrua lla
kohnesti ia " tiyuttarualla"
katen se on aina te/aty,
Alkoholipitoisuus 40 t-%
Pullokoot 200ja 500 mt
Kirkas viina ruokaryypyksi
ja juomasekoituksiin.
Pakkauskoot: 20 x 200 ml
12 x 500 ml
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KTRKolmesti Kirkastettua
40% Yol500 ml
firesn il ponilhha
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fiitssn .il pontihha
From the start it was clear that a modern distillery needs a modern structure and a fresh new way of running the business.
We at Routa believe in the power of ideas and recognise that ideas can come from anywhere. So the more ideas and people
creating ideas for us the better. The more passionate owners we have who can “poke the box” and help improve every
aspect of what we do the stronger we are.
That’s why we want you onboard. To help us build a global success story based on a strong tradition dating back hundreds if
not thousands of years.
As a Routa Distillery owner you can actively take part in the development of the company, our brands and our products via
the Routa owner community. The community is an open platform where all aspects of our business are discussed and
developed openly. New product ideas are tested, branding of new products can be commented on and new marketing
schemes are being developed - together with our owners from around the world.
In essence each owner can truly affect the success of Routa and through that the profitability of their investment. In
addition to this each owner will of course be entitled to dividends and various other owner benefits.
Routa Pitch
The first step on the Routa journey is to revamp and relaunch Finland’s most iconic and known moonshine brand and take
back a top spot in the the Finnish hard liquer market.
Next we will take this classic Finnish brand to a global market and in addition develop more products for various audiences
around the globe the first being a brand new Moonshine brand inspired by the crowd-funded global hit movie Iron Sky and
it’s sequel Iron Sky: The Coming Race launching in 2017.
In addition, the milder alcoholic beverages are part of the company’s product development strategy while not excluding
non-alcoholic products. We also have active collaboration with Finnish breweries, vineyards and other companies producing
alcoholic products.
This is just a start and as an owner you will be a part of the team developing, working on and helping us create these and
other new products.
Routa Pitch
Routa Distillery aims to create long-lasting and timely alcoholic beverage brands targeted to both domestic and
international markets.
In Finland, the objective is to get 1-3 of our products to be among the ten most sold products in their own product category
and one to be among the top five. Additionally, the aim is to develop an international beverage brand, that will be the most
successful and sold Finnish alcoholic beverage export of all time.
Routa Distillery has a strong foundation in the values of the Finnish people - honesty, hard work and respect for nature.
We will use Finnish labour whenever possible, use local pure ingredients from Finland and ensure the most ecological
methods possible are used in every step of the production, packaging, distribution, sales and marketing of Routa products.
Our core team is a multi talented group of passionate experts with talents ranging from selling and production of alcoholic
beverages to marketing and brand creation giving us a clear advantage in both domestic and global markets.
And with the help of our active investors, stakeholders and partners we are more than well equipped to keep on pushing the
envelope and re-inventing the industry continuously.
Visa Haikarainen

Head of Sales
Visa has a long track-record in the beverage industry -
ranging from sports drinks to selling moonshine.
Previously he has worked with Maratonic, Olvi,
Hermannin viinitila and Kiteen pontikka.
Visa is responsible of sales and marketing in Finland.
He is also actively in touch with our investors,
stakeholders and partners.
Jussi Solja

Head of Marketing, Founding Partner
Jussi has over 20 years of global experience in
online marketing, brand development and strategy.
At Routa Jussi will focus on crafting our marketing
strategy, community development and product /
brand development.
Over the years Jussi has been working both on the
agency and client side. He ran the global digital
marketing for Nokias flagship Nseries phones, was
a founding partner of one of Finlands most
succesful advertising agencies and helped create
Petri Nygård - a pop culture phenomenon with more
than 30 million video views on YouTube.
Tero Kaukomaa

Head of Business Development, Chairman of the Board,
Founding Partner
Tero has a long and awarded career in movies through
which he has extensive experience in crafting stories,
building unique IP’s and getting them seen by the
Tero studied marketing and business in Helsinki and
graduated in 1987. In 1997 Tero founded Blind Spot
Pictures and has produced or co-produced more than
20 feature films around the world including Lars Von
Triers Dancer in the Dark, Jan Troells Everlasting
Moments, AJ Annilas Saunia and Jade Warrior, Pernilla
Augusts Beyond and Timo Vuorensolas Iron Sky.
Timo Vuorensola

Head of Product Innovation, Founding Partner,
Timo is an internationally known movie director and
a globally respected pioneer of the crowdfunding
movement. At Routa he will inject his considerable
global expertise and creative vision to product
development, community creation and crowd-
Timo directed his first movie Star Wreck: In the
Pirkinning when he was 25 years old. The movie
went on to be a global online phenomenon and Timo
followed it up with the globally released indie-hit
Iron Sky. In addition to directing Timo is and has
been involved in developing the crowdfunding
model, marketing, community development and
promotion of all his films.
Jari Salo

Creative Director, Member of the Board, Founding
Jari has more than 20 years of experience in marketing
and graphic design. Jari has been a founding partner in
multiple agencies and among his various credits has
worked with beverage brands such as Jaloviina, Olvi,
Red Bull and Koskenkorva.
Jaris core strength is brand identity development and
graphic design and naturally that is exactly what he’ll
focus on at Routa.
Sanna Siitonen

Head of Production, Member of the Board, Founding
Sanna has been making a career in academic world
and holds an M.Sc. (Industrial engineering and
management) and a D.Sc. (Economics and Business
Administration) but at Routa she will be responsible
for production of moonshine as well as other
products. She will also take actively part in product
Staffan Nyström

Head of Logistics and International Operations,
Founding Partner
Staffan has more than 15 years of experience in
international marketing, event management and also
has years of experience in the restaurant business.
At Routa Staffan leads our international expansion
and also handles logistics.
ONE SHARE (180€)
• Membership in the Routa Online Community and access to offers from future partners & free entrance to a
yearly owner event.
• A dedicated spot in the Routa Distillery conservation forest (luonnonperintosaatio.fi)
• 25€ voucher to the Routa online store and 25% discount from all non-alcoholic products in the Routa online
• The possibility to buy products only targeted to shareholders and a first refusal on new launches in the online
5–9 SHARES (900-1620€) - all previous perks and
• Finnish Ukkomatti pocket flask made of wood with a leather handle. The flask will have a Routa shareholder-
logo and serial number on it.
• Routa owner t-shirt.
10-19 SHARES (1800-3420€) - all previous perks and
• Finnish Koivu Ukko shot glasses made of steel with a silver birch box and a Routa engraving on it.
• Routa-trucker hat, owner edition.
20 SHARES (3600€) - all previous perks and
• Oak barrel with Routa logo. Barrel can be used for the maturing and serving of moonshine. (Barrel is empty).
Invest now at invesdor.com/routa

More Related Content

Routa Pitch

  • 2. ROUTA? Routa Distillery is a Finnish distillery crowdfunding now to carry on the tradition and work of the most famous Finnish moonshine distillery, Kiteen Pontikka. Routa aims to revitalise the classic moonshine for the Finnish market and also launch the awesomeness of Finnish Moonshine to an unsuspecting global audience.
  • 3. OURSTORY The story or Routa Distillery begins with the 2014 retirement announcement of Aate Laukkanen, the grand old man of Finnish moonshine, founder and owner of Kiteen Pontikka. Suddenly The future of Finnish Moonshine was in jeopardy. A worried group of Finnish enthusiasts and experts in various fields decide that something needs to be done. The legacy of Finnish moonshine needs to be preserved and developed. A core team is quickly assembled including the driving forces behind the global crowd-funded movie phenomenon Iron Sky, the most known moonshine salesman in Finland, marketing & event gurus who have worked with global brands such as Nokia and an art director / graphic designer whose work has been used by Burton snowboards and numerous skateboard- and surf-brands around the world. Routa Distillery is formed and plans are set it motion to buy Kiteen Pontikka and continue and expand its operations both in Finland and globally. snsivtnrnriivtnn tiiy&u llin 0n kl s lto ln ki, du iol,tti snlruolttoun Wynntiknn lagen, synty*issen, 9)nffiiuonnil, 1995 tdrndn yorintuen int k@',,,,,,,," lni l li s t .g tt,{,i.in",, KL"[VÅ: h4ikk* Ahvsrral*en Kiteelåisen pontikkaperinteen jatkaja Aate Laukkanen turvaa perimätiedon lisäksi nykyaikaiseen tekniikkaan.
  • 4. BUILDINGONASTRONGFOUNDATION Kiteen Pontikka is the most famous Finnish moonshine distillery with tens of thousands of bottles sold yearly still without any investment into marketing. If you ask a Finn to name a moonshine brand it will be the flagship product of Kiteen Pontikka - the legendary Kiteen Kirkas. It is almost synonymous with Moonshine in Finland. In addition to the strong brands and heritage Kiteen Pontikka has a fully functioning modern distillery and the required rights to distill and distribute / sell alcohol products in the Finnish market and internationally. In addition to the solid foundation created by Kiteen Pontikka the core team of Routa adds a fresh layer of expertise with global experience from the beverages industry, brand development, marketing, design and logistics to sales. KITEEN KIRK !Kolmesti Kirkastettu eXl te eru eXt, kns - y on ti kka ; ya llo te ttua,s ao.vnn lais ta y erinn e tta y ar h airnrn i l/aan kas keny o lttaiien aioi lta alkaen, 9)a hn is te t;tu t kruan h a lla salaisella aeseytillä ,saornn lais es ta u i lias ta kay tmrnä llä, tis laarrua lla kohnesti ia " tiyuttarualla" katen se on aina te/aty, Alkoholipitoisuus 40 t-% Pullokoot 200ja 500 mt Kirkas viina ruokaryypyksi ja juomasekoituksiin. Pakkauskoot: 20 x 200 ml 12 x 500 ml vatmis!$j ,r,Kltp pontil<na oy KI g oNrIKK4 PONTIKKA ffi=*ll :: .. i iL,i :::,t,:t:j,r: :'ll,:::::.i:: TEfiN ,ä'H $ ..FIHF ,å$'.å. å=* * H,:&, ,,nr . :9* Y j c I KTRKolmesti Kirkastettua 40% Yol500 ml firesn il ponilhha ffiff##
  • 5. %ito -9ngnnda 99eal tngnnd t:lh:;l;",furiÅcr,r,t, *n ,tir.,rdll/ai:,i G,:-tr ,-li,,.r;äö i;ii,tfa Åul!iui:ri:*,'.tå,ruro t !'r: /#rr*'1'^# r,!;1r'r-rirr,.riri tt{{te "f 'iili}- !# t;# lfs.. dj,*rrrjr*rlr:rur* pxr+l:l{,I,* la.{r ';if,*nrl-"l}; *ut'f,t, it',li*!r rnui::f*iiitii .rnil/r?#å/i?rir :ligf:pllptittiunt: #h:lliitr $trinfirylgslpi;, /*,er,'zp1xr,.;1, i;i';i?r.ril,ni,,ir;,t, r1'ri.rl.{'/"lir'#:pirl, fultiryr$;rtq. l+ir*l;ttt-tigpltU, {r:,';vÅ,ic:* ,.ilir:q.i1q. ,-!ir#i:i?/tu?#11:i:lr:i ryrlillplljJ 7.,r,irdn1ry.;1,v,r:.E. i,iå/ori;3;p;n1,'n irirgar,l# ti--,:;sL'brusr ?i,,r.':,:,:,#*lln rytppilä iri *trrlfir. {fiu,l:t*r e'i*r,*ii{År:i sl,jd;#i}:i il.r,,r.ra*l',:nrr*r;u* ji.:lti;1 1,.,3rt'j,rlr'rr;,i:rl "w.ry /$,**+i,rlj,il-vsrJ #J!,Jlij'/rÅfm-,,t.,f* .il ,rr;,*firililr*ri-r61g,13 r:lrirjrli5,h* ,'ltiir::cl,1jh .xr/tr*rl*hu,.,:ridr:s. {.}li' eit'År:;h. 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  • 6. INTRODUCINGACROWD-OWNEDDISTILLERY From the start it was clear that a modern distillery needs a modern structure and a fresh new way of running the business. We at Routa believe in the power of ideas and recognise that ideas can come from anywhere. So the more ideas and people creating ideas for us the better. The more passionate owners we have who can “poke the box” and help improve every aspect of what we do the stronger we are. That’s why we want you onboard. To help us build a global success story based on a strong tradition dating back hundreds if not thousands of years. As a Routa Distillery owner you can actively take part in the development of the company, our brands and our products via the Routa owner community. The community is an open platform where all aspects of our business are discussed and developed openly. New product ideas are tested, branding of new products can be commented on and new marketing schemes are being developed - together with our owners from around the world. In essence each owner can truly affect the success of Routa and through that the profitability of their investment. In addition to this each owner will of course be entitled to dividends and various other owner benefits.
  • 8. THEBRANDS,THEPLAN The first step on the Routa journey is to revamp and relaunch Finland’s most iconic and known moonshine brand and take back a top spot in the the Finnish hard liquer market. Next we will take this classic Finnish brand to a global market and in addition develop more products for various audiences around the globe the first being a brand new Moonshine brand inspired by the crowd-funded global hit movie Iron Sky and it’s sequel Iron Sky: The Coming Race launching in 2017. In addition, the milder alcoholic beverages are part of the company’s product development strategy while not excluding non-alcoholic products. We also have active collaboration with Finnish breweries, vineyards and other companies producing alcoholic products. This is just a start and as an owner you will be a part of the team developing, working on and helping us create these and other new products.
  • 10. OURTARGET Routa Distillery aims to create long-lasting and timely alcoholic beverage brands targeted to both domestic and international markets. In Finland, the objective is to get 1-3 of our products to be among the ten most sold products in their own product category and one to be among the top five. Additionally, the aim is to develop an international beverage brand, that will be the most successful and sold Finnish alcoholic beverage export of all time.
  • 11. OURVALUES Routa Distillery has a strong foundation in the values of the Finnish people - honesty, hard work and respect for nature. We will use Finnish labour whenever possible, use local pure ingredients from Finland and ensure the most ecological methods possible are used in every step of the production, packaging, distribution, sales and marketing of Routa products.
  • 12. OURTEAM Our core team is a multi talented group of passionate experts with talents ranging from selling and production of alcoholic beverages to marketing and brand creation giving us a clear advantage in both domestic and global markets. And with the help of our active investors, stakeholders and partners we are more than well equipped to keep on pushing the envelope and re-inventing the industry continuously.
  • 13. OURTEAM Visa Haikarainen
 Head of Sales Visa has a long track-record in the beverage industry - ranging from sports drinks to selling moonshine. Previously he has worked with Maratonic, Olvi, Hermannin viinitila and Kiteen pontikka. Visa is responsible of sales and marketing in Finland. He is also actively in touch with our investors, stakeholders and partners. Jussi Solja
 Head of Marketing, Founding Partner Jussi has over 20 years of global experience in online marketing, brand development and strategy. At Routa Jussi will focus on crafting our marketing strategy, community development and product / brand development. Over the years Jussi has been working both on the agency and client side. He ran the global digital marketing for Nokias flagship Nseries phones, was a founding partner of one of Finlands most succesful advertising agencies and helped create Petri Nygård - a pop culture phenomenon with more than 30 million video views on YouTube. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jussisolja
  • 14. OURTEAM Tero Kaukomaa
 Head of Business Development, Chairman of the Board, Founding Partner Tero has a long and awarded career in movies through which he has extensive experience in crafting stories, building unique IP’s and getting them seen by the world. Tero studied marketing and business in Helsinki and graduated in 1987. In 1997 Tero founded Blind Spot Pictures and has produced or co-produced more than 20 feature films around the world including Lars Von Triers Dancer in the Dark, Jan Troells Everlasting Moments, AJ Annilas Saunia and Jade Warrior, Pernilla Augusts Beyond and Timo Vuorensolas Iron Sky. https://www.linkedin.com/in/terokaukomaa Timo Vuorensola
 Head of Product Innovation, Founding Partner, Director Timo is an internationally known movie director and a globally respected pioneer of the crowdfunding movement. At Routa he will inject his considerable global expertise and creative vision to product development, community creation and crowd- funding. Timo directed his first movie Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning when he was 25 years old. The movie went on to be a global online phenomenon and Timo followed it up with the globally released indie-hit Iron Sky. In addition to directing Timo is and has been involved in developing the crowdfunding model, marketing, community development and promotion of all his films. https://www.linkedin.com/in/leonblank
  • 15. OURTEAM Jari Salo
 Creative Director, Member of the Board, Founding Partner´ Jari has more than 20 years of experience in marketing and graphic design. Jari has been a founding partner in multiple agencies and among his various credits has worked with beverage brands such as Jaloviina, Olvi, Red Bull and Koskenkorva. Jaris core strength is brand identity development and graphic design and naturally that is exactly what he’ll focus on at Routa. http://www.jarisalo.com Sanna Siitonen
 Head of Production, Member of the Board, Founding Partner Sanna has been making a career in academic world and holds an M.Sc. (Industrial engineering and management) and a D.Sc. (Economics and Business Administration) but at Routa she will be responsible for production of moonshine as well as other products. She will also take actively part in product development. Staffan Nyström
 Head of Logistics and International Operations, Founding Partner Staffan has more than 15 years of experience in international marketing, event management and also has years of experience in the restaurant business. At Routa Staffan leads our international expansion and also handles logistics. https://www.linkedin.com/in/staffannystrom
  • 16. SHAREHOLDERPERKS ONE SHARE (180€) • Membership in the Routa Online Community and access to offers from future partners & free entrance to a yearly owner event. • A dedicated spot in the Routa Distillery conservation forest (luonnonperintosaatio.fi) • 25€ voucher to the Routa online store and 25% discount from all non-alcoholic products in the Routa online store. • The possibility to buy products only targeted to shareholders and a first refusal on new launches in the online store. 5–9 SHARES (900-1620€) - all previous perks and • Finnish Ukkomatti pocket flask made of wood with a leather handle. The flask will have a Routa shareholder- logo and serial number on it. • Routa owner t-shirt. 10-19 SHARES (1800-3420€) - all previous perks and • Finnish Koivu Ukko shot glasses made of steel with a silver birch box and a Routa engraving on it. • Routa-trucker hat, owner edition. 20 SHARES (3600€) - all previous perks and • Oak barrel with Routa logo. Barrel can be used for the maturing and serving of moonshine. (Barrel is empty). INADDITIONTODIVIDENDSALLSHAREHOLDERSAREENTITLEDTOTHEFOLLOWINGPERKS