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Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours)
UCM 60102
STUDENT ID NO.: 0315919
1.1 Background and History of Rumah Charis 1
1.2 Scope of Duties 2-4
1.3 Task Involved 5-8
2.0 Personal Journal Report 9-11
3.0 Personal Reflection 12
4.0 Appendix 13
Communityservice isasubjectwhere tounderstand andcherishthe people aroundinthisworldand
alsocare to the personwhichbringthe relationshipcloser.Inthisassignment,we are requiredtovisit
an orphanage andwrite a reportabout the whole processof thisassignment.
Rumah Charis is a non-profit Christian based organization which was founded in 1988 by Reverend Teo
How Ken as a home to serve the old and the aged (Home For The Aged). Since our inception, our
ministries have expanded to include the children and the youth (Home For The Children). For more than
25 years, Rumah Charis has offered social services that provide spiritual guidance, shelter, education and
healthy community activities. Rumah Charis was officially registered as a social welfare home with the
Registrar Society of Malaysia (ROS) in Year 1993.
March 2017
On thisparticularday,our lecturerMissTay has brief usand run throughthe assignmentthatwe are
goingto performinthissubject.Afterthat,MissTay have shown ussome example how seniorhave
done theirvisitation invideoandtheirreport.MissTayalsoguide us how to planand alsowhat we need
to prepare forthiswhole assignment.MissTayhave mentionwhethertodivide twogroupsorone
groupto performthisassignment.Afterdiscussion,we have decidedtostickwithone group.
List of Meeting
Time:10.00 a.m. - 11.00a.m.
In thismeeting,we will be selectaleaderforthisprojectandalsogroup leaderof the eachof the group.
We will alsodiscusssome ideaof the projectandalsothe wayto conduct the projectthroughoutthis
Duringthe firstmeeting,we choose fewof the nominationandwe have chosenNaYeow Singas our
leaderof thisassignment.Afterthat,differentpositionwaslistedouttomake sure the projectrun
smoothlyandreduce anyobligationof thisproject.The restof the positionare listedbelow:
The positionare:
 DeputyCommander
 Secretary
 Financial controller
 TransportationManager
 Human ResourcesManager
 ProcurementManager
 Programme Master/Games
 FirstAids
 Photographer
 VideoEditor
 Master of Ceremonies
 AudioTechnician
Each of the positionhave theirownresponsibilitiesandtheyhave toperformdiligentlyandthe member
of eachgroup have to assistthe leadertohelpthe projectrunsuccessfully.
Afterall the positionof the groupleaderselectedbythe member,the commanderwhich isourleaderof
thisprojectexplaineachgroupresponsibilitiesandalsothe positionforeachcategory.Forexample,
Joanne isa secretaryof this soher responsibilities are tojotdownevery informationforeachmeeting
and herresponsibilitiesistoreportto the commandertoknow the statusof the project.Ihave been
chosento be workingtogetherwithmytransportationmanager.Mytransportation managerisLim
ChernYie,he has roughlybrief usaboutthe thingwe needtodo.
Time:10.00 a.m.- 11.00 a.m. 12 April
 Vote fordate andthe locationof the orphanages
 Brief of all the leaderproposal
 Claims
On the secondmeeting,we were discussingaboutthe locationandthe date of the visitation.
Throughoutthe discussionourcommanderhasfew optionforusto choose.Ourcommanderrequired
us to use votingsystemto vote whichorphanage we prefer.Aftereveryone hasvote,we have chosen
RumahCharis as our visitationforthisassignment.
Next,the groupleaderwill come outandpresentthe brief informationof the gamesthatare goingto
conduct andalsodiscussthe programedthroughoutthe meeting.We alsoprovide someideaforthe
gamesto ensure the activitiescarryoutwithfunandjoy withthe kids. Procurementteamleaderalso
speakup the dutiesandalsoroughideaabouthow theyare goingto setup and plan.The dutiesof
procurementare to searchfor sponsorship,donations,fruitsandvegetablesandfood.
Since the technologyeraissomodern,we have usedFacebookpoll systemtodecide whichdate that
mostpeople canattendthe visitationtothe orphanages.There isdifferentdate hasbeenstatedbut
mostof the people were onlyavailable onthe Fridaywhichisfall on26th
May 2017. Initiallywe have
planthat we are goingto the orphanagesat the morning,butdue to the kidsare back onschool at
1p.m. sowe decidedtoreach at orphanagesat 12p.m. to dothe setupbefore the childrencome.
Aboutthe claims,eachstudenthasto pay rm50 for initial expensestoAbbie.The expensesislike
stationary,fruits,vegetables,foodsandbeveragesandalsothe needsof the orphanagesexample like
cookingoil andmany more. Anyexternal expensesmustbe show the receiptinordertoclaim.
Final Meeting
Date: 25th
May 2017
Time:11.00 p.m. – 12.00p.m.
Matters that are goingtobe discussedare inthe following:
 Schedule of the visitation
 Gamesthat are goingto be propose forthisassignment
 Dressing
The final meetingislocatedatE3.09. The purpose of thismeetingistofinalizedall the groupmember
proposal andalsomake sure the studentknow whatare theygoingto do tomorrow inthe orphanages.
Firstbefore ourcommandergo throughthe schedule,Abbie have passaroundthe scheduleof the
activities. Onthatdaythere are a fewof activitieswhichare HandicraftBookmark,GroceryRole-play
and Doctor/nurse role play.Each of the game will have a teamleader.The teamleaderwill explainhow
the activitiesare goingtobe to make sure everyone isenjoyingthroughoutthe activitiesespeciallyfor
the kids. Dressingalsoplay a part of role for thiswhole project,sowe decidedtostickwithour Taylor’st
shirtor quantity surveyingsocietytshirt.
I have beeninvolvedintransportationsection.Undertransportationsection,ourleaderLimChernYie
alwaysupdate inWhatsAppif there isnecessarytohelpontransportingsome stuff tothe orphanage.
Our responsibilitiesare tomake sure safetyandalsotransportitemmustbe inwell care. Afterthat,
ChernYie createda google file foreveryoneto choose whichcartheywouldlike tofollow.Parvesh,
CalvinChinandChinTze Wei have chosento sitmy car on the day of eventtothe orphanage.To claim
our car fuel,we doneedtoresetourmileage meterstartfromschool andback to school.Thisisto make
sure that our mileage metercalculatesaccurately.Afterthat,we needtorecorddownthe formthat is
prepare byone of our financial member.Soshe cancalculate whatis the total travel distance andthe
correct claimthat we shouldneedtoreceive.
I am incharge grocerysection.The responsibilitiesistobuythe fruitsand vegetables.There are few
fruitsvegetableswe have boughtwhichare dragonfruits,orange,apple,cucumber,potatoesandetc.
Roleplayforgroceryisone of stationwhichhave planinthe stationgame.InitiallyIdoesn’thave any
role playbut due to shortage of people inthisstation,Ihave volunteertojointhisteam. Ourteam
leaderisKhooXinYee.Forthisgame,the memberinvolvedare myself,Algel,ChinTze Wei,XinYee,Pui
Sun,Yun Shi and Symin.
So the game for the grocery stationisfirstwe have distribute outapaperwhichcontainedof differents
fruitsandvegetableslist.Nexttheywillreceive 50dollarfromus to getsome fruitsand vegetablesfrom
the shelves.Aftertheyhave chosenthe fruitstheycanchoose one of the vegetablesorfruits.The
purpose of thisgame is to helpthe childrentoenhance andalsogetmore exposure indifferentkindof
Grocery Day
Date: 26th
May 2017
On the 26th
May at 10pm, I leave myhouse topick upone of the memberYongSeenYee.AfterIpicked
herup, we have discussaboutthe distributionof worksowe can make itshort withoutwastingany
time. We are goingto NSKPetalingJayatogetsome vegetablesandfruits.The reasonwe chosento
wentthere isbecause the groceryprovide cheapandalsofreshoutfrom the box.
At 10:30p.m. We reach NSKPetalingJaya.Thenwe take one of the trolleyandpushtowardsto the
grocery.The groceryare full of people evenitisatlate as 10:30p.m. We have to go three different
section.The sectionare vegetablessection,dryfoodsection andfruitssection.SeenYee andme goto
the fruitssectionfirst.We followthe listthatthe itemthatwe needandwe recordthe price aftereach
itemthat we have took. The obligationthatIalwaysencounteredwastotearthe plasticand openthe
plastic.Afterwe have finishpickingupthe fruits,Imove the trolleytoweighingcountermeanwhileSeen
Yee will continue tovegetablessectiontochoose thatwe needtouse forour stationgame. The people
that workedinthe weighingcounterare veryfriendlyandalwayssmile tocustomers.
NextafterI have done weighingthe fruitsImove todry sectiontochoose the dry foodwhichare ginger,
onion,sweetpotatoesandetc.AfterIdone packing,Iwentto the weighingmachineforthe drysection
counter.ThenI move onto the vegetablessectiontohelpmyfriendsout.Ihelpmy friendtopickthe
restof the vegetables.Pickingvegetablesalsoneedsomeknowledge whetherthe vegetablesisfresh.
One of the ladiestaughtme howto choose a goodcucumber.A goodcucumbermust be slimandshort
so itwon’tbe have muchseedsinside the cucumber.
Finallywe finishpackingthe stuff we needthenwe gotothe lastcounterwhichisthe paymentcounter.
The queue isverylong,we have waitalmost20minutes.Afterthatwe walkto car and move the stuff
intothe car. Thisday ismy happy day because Ihave learnedsomethingnew inthe grocery.Sonext
time,Ican go togrocery to helpmyparentsto buythe stuff theyneedinthe future.
Day of the visit
Location:Rumah Charis
Adress:Lot10064, JalanAwanPintal,TamanYarl,58200 KualaLumpur
Date: 26th
May 2017
On the day of the visitation,all of the memberhave towearTaylorsT shirtor any quantitysurveying
societyshirt.Ileftmyhouse at 11.15 a.m.and reach school around11.30 a.m. Initially the planistowait
at Taylor’sroundaboutbutthe police askedusto move to the opposite of busstopto waitthe restof
the member.Thenourtransportationleaderaskedustomove to the busstop to pickup the member.
Deepesh,Tze Wei andCalvinwill be followingmycar accordingto the listthat theyhave fill in.
At sharp12 we leftouruniversityandgotothe orphanages.Inthe journeytothe orphanage,we have
talkeda lotaboutthisprojectand alsopersonal life.Thishave bringustobecome closerandalsoknow
each otherbetter.We reachat sharp12:30 in frontof Rumah Charis.Thenwe helptomove the stuff
and propsinside the orphanages.Afterourteamhave settle down,the personincharge forthis
orphanage toldusabout the backgroundand historyof the orphanage.He alsotoldus that we have to
keepourphone andalso make sure our stuff doesnotsimplyplace anywhere.Beside thathe toldus
that the mainthingis to talkwithchildrenandalsounderstandthem.Afterthe personincharge have
endthe speech,we startedtomove the stuff inthe upperfloor andsetupthe station.Wilsonteamwill
incharged to setupthe audiosystem.Abbieteamwill be setupthe medicstation.Xinyee teamwillbe in
chargedto setupthe grocery store.
I have volunteermyself tojoingroceryteamdue toshortage of people. Xinyee alsodistributeintotwo
team,one teamwill be settingupthe fruitsand veggie store.The otherteamwill be settingupthe
cashiercounter.I have chosentosetup the fruitsand veggie store.Firstwe have totake few of
vegetablesandfruits outto separate themintofew basket.Eachbasketwill stickthe price andtype of
food.Nextwe place all the foodinside the basketandplace theminthe aluminumshelf.Few plasticbag
will be prepare forthe kidsto puttheirfruitsandvegetables.
Around1:30p.m. Kidsare turningupto the upperfloorand joinus.Some of the kidsare hyperactive and
some of themare quietandsit aroundthe corner.I have approach one of the teenage studentandsat
downand talkedwithhim. We have the same topicand same interesttotalkaboutit.We both lovesto
playvideogamesandalsobuildpc.We share our familybackgroundtoeachother.We alsoshare about
the occupationthat we wouldlike tobecome.He like tobecome asinger,same goestome.But I did
toldhimonce I wantedto become a singerbecause Iwouldlike people toknow me how greatam I but
singerdoesnotprovide longtermlivingif youare notfamousplusyouhave to follow the fashiontrend
whichcan leadup tobig pocketof money.Thisteenage boyslove mathematicsalot,nonethelessI
recommendhimtotake up quantitysurveyingaftergraduate fromsecondaryschool.Afterthat,Darren
came overandaskedthe boy name and have some conversationonit.
At sharp2p.m. we gatherall the kidsandthe teenage student.ThenDarrencalledupthe 4 teamleader
to start to groupthemup intofour group.Each group have differentname whichare TeamFireRed,
SkyWhite,EarthGreenandWaterBlue.Eachof themwill stickthe logowhichisprepare byour artist
talentWilson. Aftergrouphave beendivided,the kidswill have the coloringsessionandalsoDIY
bookmark.The purpose of this isto have a chance for the membertobondwiththe kids.Thisis tohelp
to understandthe kids.Afterthatthe kidsproceed toplaythe stationgames.The stationgamesthatI in
chargedwhichare Grocery store.Iam in chargedto helpthe childrentochoose theywantto buy.When
the gamesstarted,we are a little bitina messwhenwe findthe fruitsandvegetablestheyneeded.The
kidsare pushingintoget the itemstheywanted.SoIcame outa solutionwherethe kidshave toline up.
On the otherstationwhichisHospital station.Thisiswhere the kidslearnedhow toputbandage and
alsolearnedwhata doctor do.
After3.30p.m. the stationgameswill startto closedandthe kidwill proceedtoQ&A sessionwhere they
can winsome prize.Theneachgroup leaderwill receive aprice anddistribute tothe kidsandteenager.
Around5:30p.m. We serve McDonalds andKFC foodsto the childrenfordinner.Beforewe backhome
we and the kidshavinga groupphoto as a memory. Thenwe shiftourstuff to the car and backto our
university.Thisisone of my mostunforgettableexperienceinmylife.
Communicationwithone of the
teenage boys
Separate all the fruitsandvegetables
and place intothe small baskets
Overall GroceryTeamStationGames
In thisassignment,Ilearnedthroughalotof stuff.Care and understandingtoeachotherisimportant.
Back to the passage whenI talkedtoa teenage boy,hisname isJoey.Inthe Early stage whenhe was
justnewbornbaby.The doctor foundoutthat this babyhave lungin a hole.The fatherbecause worry
aboutmedicationfee,he decidedtosendhimtograndparenthouse. Whenthe grandparenthas
difficultiestowalk,theypassthisteenage boytothe orphanage. Afterthathisfatherdoesnotcame up
to orphanage to lookafterhim.Hermotheroftencame up to orphanage tovisithim.Butthisteenage
knowhowto justifyandalwaysstaypositive.He didtoldme thathe wantedto become successful
personsohe can take care her grandparentwhichtake care of him all the time.Afterall thisstorythat
he have beentoldme,I startedto regretwhatI have done all the time inmy life.Life isshort,if you
doesn’tcherishthe peoplewholovedyou,whentheyleftthese worldyouwouldnotable togetback
the loved thatonce theygave you. ThanksMiss Tay forgivingusa chance to do thisassignment.Lastly,I
wouldlike tothanksmyfamilysupportme all the time.
Name Tags
Meetingtodiscusswitheachotherand alsoshare
Photosessionwiththe teamGrocery

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Rumah charis-finalize

  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background and History of Rumah Charis 1 1.2 Scope of Duties 2-4 1.3 Task Involved 5-8 2.0 Personal Journal Report 9-11 3.0 Personal Reflection 12 4.0 Appendix 13
  • 3. 1.0 INTRODUCTION Communityservice isasubjectwhere tounderstand andcherishthe people aroundinthisworldand alsocare to the personwhichbringthe relationshipcloser.Inthisassignment,we are requiredtovisit an orphanage andwrite a reportabout the whole processof thisassignment. 1.1 BACKGROUND AND HISTORYOF RUMAH CHARIS Rumah Charis is a non-profit Christian based organization which was founded in 1988 by Reverend Teo How Ken as a home to serve the old and the aged (Home For The Aged). Since our inception, our ministries have expanded to include the children and the youth (Home For The Children). For more than 25 years, Rumah Charis has offered social services that provide spiritual guidance, shelter, education and healthy community activities. Rumah Charis was officially registered as a social welfare home with the Registrar Society of Malaysia (ROS) in Year 1993.
  • 4. 1.2 SCOPEOF DUTIES 31st March 2017 On thisparticularday,our lecturerMissTay has brief usand run throughthe assignmentthatwe are goingto performinthissubject.Afterthat,MissTay have shown ussome example how seniorhave done theirvisitation invideoandtheirreport.MissTayalsoguide us how to planand alsowhat we need to prepare forthiswhole assignment.MissTayhave mentionwhethertodivide twogroupsorone groupto performthisassignment.Afterdiscussion,we have decidedtostickwithone group. List of Meeting Meeting:No1 Time:10.00 a.m. - 11.00a.m. Venue:LT5 In thismeeting,we will be selectaleaderforthisprojectandalsogroup leaderof the eachof the group. We will alsodiscusssome ideaof the projectandalsothe wayto conduct the projectthroughoutthis process. Duringthe firstmeeting,we choose fewof the nominationandwe have chosenNaYeow Singas our leaderof thisassignment.Afterthat,differentpositionwaslistedouttomake sure the projectrun smoothlyandreduce anyobligationof thisproject.The restof the positionare listedbelow: The positionare:  DeputyCommander  Secretary  Financial controller  TransportationManager  Human ResourcesManager  ProcurementManager  Programme Master/Games  FirstAids  Photographer  VideoEditor  Master of Ceremonies  AudioTechnician Each of the positionhave theirownresponsibilitiesandtheyhave toperformdiligentlyandthe member of eachgroup have to assistthe leadertohelpthe projectrunsuccessfully. Afterall the positionof the groupleaderselectedbythe member,the commanderwhich isourleaderof thisprojectexplaineachgroupresponsibilitiesandalsothe positionforeachcategory.Forexample, Joanne isa secretaryof this soher responsibilities are tojotdownevery informationforeachmeeting
  • 5. and herresponsibilitiesistoreportto the commandertoknow the statusof the project.Ihave been chosento be workingtogetherwithmytransportationmanager.Mytransportation managerisLim ChernYie,he has roughlybrief usaboutthe thingwe needtodo. Meeting:No2 Time:10.00 a.m.- 11.00 a.m. 12 April Venue:E7.18  Vote fordate andthe locationof the orphanages  Brief of all the leaderproposal  Claims On the secondmeeting,we were discussingaboutthe locationandthe date of the visitation. Throughoutthe discussionourcommanderhasfew optionforusto choose.Ourcommanderrequired us to use votingsystemto vote whichorphanage we prefer.Aftereveryone hasvote,we have chosen RumahCharis as our visitationforthisassignment. Next,the groupleaderwill come outandpresentthe brief informationof the gamesthatare goingto conduct andalsodiscussthe programedthroughoutthe meeting.We alsoprovide someideaforthe gamesto ensure the activitiescarryoutwithfunandjoy withthe kids. Procurementteamleaderalso speakup the dutiesandalsoroughideaabouthow theyare goingto setup and plan.The dutiesof procurementare to searchfor sponsorship,donations,fruitsandvegetablesandfood. Since the technologyeraissomodern,we have usedFacebookpoll systemtodecide whichdate that mostpeople canattendthe visitationtothe orphanages.There isdifferentdate hasbeenstatedbut mostof the people were onlyavailable onthe Fridaywhichisfall on26th May 2017. Initiallywe have planthat we are goingto the orphanagesat the morning,butdue to the kidsare back onschool at 1p.m. sowe decidedtoreach at orphanagesat 12p.m. to dothe setupbefore the childrencome. Aboutthe claims,eachstudenthasto pay rm50 for initial expensestoAbbie.The expensesislike stationary,fruits,vegetables,foodsandbeveragesandalsothe needsof the orphanagesexample like cookingoil andmany more. Anyexternal expensesmustbe show the receiptinordertoclaim. Final Meeting Venue:E3.09 Date: 25th May 2017 Time:11.00 p.m. – 12.00p.m. Matters that are goingtobe discussedare inthe following:  Schedule of the visitation  Gamesthat are goingto be propose forthisassignment
  • 6.  Dressing The final meetingislocatedatE3.09. The purpose of thismeetingistofinalizedall the groupmember proposal andalsomake sure the studentknow whatare theygoingto do tomorrow inthe orphanages. Firstbefore ourcommandergo throughthe schedule,Abbie have passaroundthe scheduleof the activities. Onthatdaythere are a fewof activitieswhichare HandicraftBookmark,GroceryRole-play and Doctor/nurse role play.Each of the game will have a teamleader.The teamleaderwill explainhow the activitiesare goingtobe to make sure everyone isenjoyingthroughoutthe activitiesespeciallyfor the kids. Dressingalsoplay a part of role for thiswhole project,sowe decidedtostickwithour Taylor’st shirtor quantity surveyingsocietytshirt.
  • 7. 1.3 TASK INVOLVED Transportation I have beeninvolvedintransportationsection.Undertransportationsection,ourleaderLimChernYie alwaysupdate inWhatsAppif there isnecessarytohelpontransportingsome stuff tothe orphanage. Our responsibilitiesare tomake sure safetyandalsotransportitemmustbe inwell care. Afterthat, ChernYie createda google file foreveryoneto choose whichcartheywouldlike tofollow.Parvesh, CalvinChinandChinTze Wei have chosento sitmy car on the day of eventtothe orphanage.To claim our car fuel,we doneedtoresetourmileage meterstartfromschool andback to school.Thisisto make sure that our mileage metercalculatesaccurately.Afterthat,we needtorecorddownthe formthat is prepare byone of our financial member.Soshe cancalculate whatis the total travel distance andthe correct claimthat we shouldneedtoreceive. Grocery I am incharge grocerysection.The responsibilitiesistobuythe fruitsand vegetables.There are few fruitsvegetableswe have boughtwhichare dragonfruits,orange,apple,cucumber,potatoesandetc. RoleplayGrocery Roleplayforgroceryisone of stationwhichhave planinthe stationgame.InitiallyIdoesn’thave any role playbut due to shortage of people inthisstation,Ihave volunteertojointhisteam. Ourteam leaderisKhooXinYee.Forthisgame,the memberinvolvedare myself,Algel,ChinTze Wei,XinYee,Pui Sun,Yun Shi and Symin. So the game for the grocery stationisfirstwe have distribute outapaperwhichcontainedof differents fruitsandvegetableslist.Nexttheywillreceive 50dollarfromus to getsome fruitsand vegetablesfrom the shelves.Aftertheyhave chosenthe fruitstheycanchoose one of the vegetablesorfruits.The purpose of thisgame is to helpthe childrentoenhance andalsogetmore exposure indifferentkindof fruitsandvegetables.
  • 8. Grocery Day Location:NSKPetalingJaya Date: 26th May 2017 On the 26th May at 10pm, I leave myhouse topick upone of the memberYongSeenYee.AfterIpicked herup, we have discussaboutthe distributionof worksowe can make itshort withoutwastingany time. We are goingto NSKPetalingJayatogetsome vegetablesandfruits.The reasonwe chosento wentthere isbecause the groceryprovide cheapandalsofreshoutfrom the box. At 10:30p.m. We reach NSKPetalingJaya.Thenwe take one of the trolleyandpushtowardsto the grocery.The groceryare full of people evenitisatlate as 10:30p.m. We have to go three different section.The sectionare vegetablessection,dryfoodsection andfruitssection.SeenYee andme goto the fruitssectionfirst.We followthe listthatthe itemthatwe needandwe recordthe price aftereach itemthat we have took. The obligationthatIalwaysencounteredwastotearthe plasticand openthe plastic.Afterwe have finishpickingupthe fruits,Imove the trolleytoweighingcountermeanwhileSeen Yee will continue tovegetablessectiontochoose thatwe needtouse forour stationgame. The people that workedinthe weighingcounterare veryfriendlyandalwayssmile tocustomers. NextafterI have done weighingthe fruitsImove todry sectiontochoose the dry foodwhichare ginger, onion,sweetpotatoesandetc.AfterIdone packing,Iwentto the weighingmachineforthe drysection counter.ThenI move onto the vegetablessectiontohelpmyfriendsout.Ihelpmy friendtopickthe restof the vegetables.Pickingvegetablesalsoneedsomeknowledge whetherthe vegetablesisfresh. One of the ladiestaughtme howto choose a goodcucumber.A goodcucumbermust be slimandshort so itwon’tbe have muchseedsinside the cucumber. Finallywe finishpackingthe stuff we needthenwe gotothe lastcounterwhichisthe paymentcounter. The queue isverylong,we have waitalmost20minutes.Afterthatwe walkto car and move the stuff intothe car. Thisday ismy happy day because Ihave learnedsomethingnew inthe grocery.Sonext time,Ican go togrocery to helpmyparentsto buythe stuff theyneedinthe future.
  • 11. 2.0 PERSONAL JOURNAL REPORT Day of the visit Location:Rumah Charis Adress:Lot10064, JalanAwanPintal,TamanYarl,58200 KualaLumpur Date: 26th May 2017 On the day of the visitation,all of the memberhave towearTaylorsT shirtor any quantitysurveying societyshirt.Ileftmyhouse at 11.15 a.m.and reach school around11.30 a.m. Initially the planistowait at Taylor’sroundaboutbutthe police askedusto move to the opposite of busstopto waitthe restof the member.Thenourtransportationleaderaskedustomove to the busstop to pickup the member. Deepesh,Tze Wei andCalvinwill be followingmycar accordingto the listthat theyhave fill in. At sharp12 we leftouruniversityandgotothe orphanages.Inthe journeytothe orphanage,we have talkeda lotaboutthisprojectand alsopersonal life.Thishave bringustobecome closerandalsoknow each otherbetter.We reachat sharp12:30 in frontof Rumah Charis.Thenwe helptomove the stuff and propsinside the orphanages.Afterourteamhave settle down,the personincharge forthis orphanage toldusabout the backgroundand historyof the orphanage.He alsotoldus that we have to keepourphone andalso make sure our stuff doesnotsimplyplace anywhere.Beside thathe toldus that the mainthingis to talkwithchildrenandalsounderstandthem.Afterthe personincharge have endthe speech,we startedtomove the stuff inthe upperfloor andsetupthe station.Wilsonteamwill incharged to setupthe audiosystem.Abbieteamwill be setupthe medicstation.Xinyee teamwillbe in chargedto setupthe grocery store. I have volunteermyself tojoingroceryteamdue toshortage of people. Xinyee alsodistributeintotwo team,one teamwill be settingupthe fruitsand veggie store.The otherteamwill be settingupthe cashiercounter.I have chosentosetup the fruitsand veggie store.Firstwe have totake few of vegetablesandfruits outto separate themintofew basket.Eachbasketwill stickthe price andtype of food.Nextwe place all the foodinside the basketandplace theminthe aluminumshelf.Few plasticbag will be prepare forthe kidsto puttheirfruitsandvegetables. Around1:30p.m. Kidsare turningupto the upperfloorand joinus.Some of the kidsare hyperactive and some of themare quietandsit aroundthe corner.I have approach one of the teenage studentandsat downand talkedwithhim. We have the same topicand same interesttotalkaboutit.We both lovesto playvideogamesandalsobuildpc.We share our familybackgroundtoeachother.We alsoshare about the occupationthat we wouldlike tobecome.He like tobecome asinger,same goestome.But I did toldhimonce I wantedto become a singerbecause Iwouldlike people toknow me how greatam I but singerdoesnotprovide longtermlivingif youare notfamousplusyouhave to follow the fashiontrend whichcan leadup tobig pocketof money.Thisteenage boyslove mathematicsalot,nonethelessI recommendhimtotake up quantitysurveyingaftergraduate fromsecondaryschool.Afterthat,Darren came overandaskedthe boy name and have some conversationonit.
  • 12. At sharp2p.m. we gatherall the kidsandthe teenage student.ThenDarrencalledupthe 4 teamleader to start to groupthemup intofour group.Each group have differentname whichare TeamFireRed, SkyWhite,EarthGreenandWaterBlue.Eachof themwill stickthe logowhichisprepare byour artist talentWilson. Aftergrouphave beendivided,the kidswill have the coloringsessionandalsoDIY bookmark.The purpose of this isto have a chance for the membertobondwiththe kids.Thisis tohelp to understandthe kids.Afterthatthe kidsproceed toplaythe stationgames.The stationgamesthatI in chargedwhichare Grocery store.Iam in chargedto helpthe childrentochoose theywantto buy.When the gamesstarted,we are a little bitina messwhenwe findthe fruitsandvegetablestheyneeded.The kidsare pushingintoget the itemstheywanted.SoIcame outa solutionwherethe kidshave toline up. On the otherstationwhichisHospital station.Thisiswhere the kidslearnedhow toputbandage and alsolearnedwhata doctor do. After3.30p.m. the stationgameswill startto closedandthe kidwill proceedtoQ&A sessionwhere they can winsome prize.Theneachgroup leaderwill receive aprice anddistribute tothe kidsandteenager. Around5:30p.m. We serve McDonalds andKFC foodsto the childrenfordinner.Beforewe backhome we and the kidshavinga groupphoto as a memory. Thenwe shiftourstuff to the car and backto our university.Thisisone of my mostunforgettableexperienceinmylife.
  • 13. DAY OF THE EVENT Communicationwithone of the teenage boys Separate all the fruitsandvegetables and place intothe small baskets Overall GroceryTeamStationGames
  • 14. 3.0 PERSONAL REFLECTION In thisassignment,Ilearnedthroughalotof stuff.Care and understandingtoeachotherisimportant. Back to the passage whenI talkedtoa teenage boy,hisname isJoey.Inthe Early stage whenhe was justnewbornbaby.The doctor foundoutthat this babyhave lungin a hole.The fatherbecause worry aboutmedicationfee,he decidedtosendhimtograndparenthouse. Whenthe grandparenthas difficultiestowalk,theypassthisteenage boytothe orphanage. Afterthathisfatherdoesnotcame up to orphanage to lookafterhim.Hermotheroftencame up to orphanage tovisithim.Butthisteenage knowhowto justifyandalwaysstaypositive.He didtoldme thathe wantedto become successful personsohe can take care her grandparentwhichtake care of him all the time.Afterall thisstorythat he have beentoldme,I startedto regretwhatI have done all the time inmy life.Life isshort,if you doesn’tcherishthe peoplewholovedyou,whentheyleftthese worldyouwouldnotable togetback the loved thatonce theygave you. ThanksMiss Tay forgivingusa chance to do thisassignment.Lastly,I wouldlike tothanksmyfamilysupportme all the time.
  • 15. 4.0 APPENDIX Name Tags Meeting Meetingtodiscusswitheachotherand alsoshare informationtoeachother Photosessionwiththe teamGrocery