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It is with a sense of great pleasure, I, Sanjib Kumar Parida
(01A/13), am presenting this report of village attachment
programme of Student Ready Programme 2016-17.
I feel honored to offer my sincere gratitude to all those people who
helped me in completing my Student Ready programme.
I am extremely thankful to Dr. L.M. Garnayak, Dean,College of
Agriculture for his cooperation and encouragement.
Expressing my deep gratitude to Dr. B. Parasar,Dean’s
representative, Dr. A.P.Kanungo, Chairman and Dr.B.P. Mohapatra,
Coordinator of RAWE programme, Programme Coordinator Mrs. Dr.
Tilottma Pattnaik madam,Other staffs of KVK, Jajpur and
supervisors Dr.K.C. Samal and Dr.M.K Mishra for their proper
guidance during orientation programme and for providing us
theoretical knowledge prior to village attachment programme and
also for their support during RAWE activities in both the village
I would also like to thank the supporting professors as our
supervisor on the Student Ready programme. They immensely help us
to remove all the obstacles throughout the programme.
Last, but not the least, I would also like to thank my beloved friends
who accompanied me in my tasks even during odd hours and made me
keep up the enthusiasm regarding my tasks.
Date: 07/11/16 Sanjib Kumar Parida
Place: Bhubaneswar 01A/13
Rural Agricultural Work Experience
1. Introduction 1
2. Students’ Ready Programme 2
3. RAWE 3
4. Jajpur at a glance 4-5
5. About KVK jajpur 5-8
6 Participatory rural appraisal 9-11
7. Participatory mapping 12
8. Orientation programme 13
9. Inauguration at KVK,Jajpur 14-15
10. Rapport building with the villagers 16
11. Rapport building with host farmer 17
12. Village at a glance 18-22
13. Transect Walk 22-24
14. Village Map 25-28
15. Social Map 28-29
16. Crop Map 29-30
17. Hydrology Map 30-32
18. Enterprise Map 32-33
19. Mobility Map 33-34
20. Daily Work Profile 34-36
21. Matrix Ranking 37
22. Wealth Ranking 37-39
23. Resource Flow Analysis 40-41
24. Venn Diagram 41-42
25. Timeline 43-44
26. Seasonality 45
27. Livelihood Analysis 46
28. ITKs 47-48
29. Problem Identification and
30. Problem Cause Analysis 49-51
31. SWOT Analysis of Achyutpur 51
32. Action Plan for Achyutpur 52-53
33. Activities done during RAWE 53-81
A. Crop Planning for Different Situation 53-55
B. Weed Management Practices 55-58
C. Fertilizer Management Practices 58-59
D. Post Harvest Technology 59-60
E. Soil Sampling 60-61
F. Use of Organic Manure and
G. Water Management Practices 63-65
H. Nursery Management 65-66
I. Fruit & Vegetable Management 66-67
J. Field Identification Of Pests & Diseases 68-72
K. Disease Management 72-74
L. Training & Demonstration 74-76
M. Socialization Sessions Of Students
With Villagers ,Progressive Farmers,
ContactFarmers&Local Representatives
34. AnExposure Visit to Darpani Farm 82
35. Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan 83
36. Experienced Gained During RAWE 84
37. Feedback 85
38. Conclusion 86
“Everything else may wait but not AGRICULTURE”
-Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
The rural agricultural work experience programme (RAWE) is being
conducted every year in the 7
semester. In this programme, all
students are divided into different groups and are assigned to carry
out different activities under the proper guidance of our respected
teachers known as supervisors and also with the coordinators
cooperation and participation of the villagers. Here, Participatory
Rural Appraisal (PRA) technique is conducted to gain experience. So,
we were required to carry out the exercises in the assigned village
with the help of the villagers and submit our report through
different maps.
During the PRA exercise, we were exposed to village situation and we
got a basic understanding of various on-farm activities. Each and
every student developed communication skills during the
presentation conducted regularly under this programme and during
training, demonstration and exhibition.
Various exercises under this project developed knowledge of the
student and revised all the courses that we studied for the last 3
years. We are now comfortable while communicating with the
I think the most important achievement of this RAWE program is
that it has generated interest in the minds of the students to do
something for the villagers because they have very closely observed
the real problems and difficulties faced by the poor farmers.
 The term READY refers to “Rural and Entrepreneurship
Awareness Development Yojana” and the programme was
conceptualized to reorient graduates of Agriculture and allied
subjects for ensuring and assuring employability and develop
entrepreneurs for emerging knowledge intensive agriculture.
 It is an essential prerequisite for the award of degree to
ensure hands on experience and practical training by adopting
the following components :
 Experiential learning
 Rural Agricultural Work Experience
 In Plant Training/ Industrial attachment
 Hands-on-training(HOT)/ Skill development training-24 weeks
 Students Projects- 10 weeks
All the above mentioned components are interactive and are
conceptualized for building skill in project development and
execution, decision-making, individual and team coordination,
approach to problem solving accounting, quality control,
marketing and resolving conflicts ,etc. with end to end approach
Agricultural education is an important tool in ensuring increased agricultural
productivity, sustainability and environmental and ecological security,
profitability, job security and equity. In India RANDHWA Committee (1992)
recommended the rural agricultural work experience (RAWE) programme for
imparting quality, practical and production oriented education for agriculture
degree programme. The World Bank (1975) stated that there was little emphasis
on curricular or agribusiness outside Government jobs. Therefore, the agenda
for the 21
century in agricultural education should be drawn on the basis of
challenges it has to meet in the near future. RAWE programme provides
significant hands on experience in acquiring knowledge & skill.
What is RAWE?
RAWE (Rural Agricultural Work Experience) is a programme for imparting
quality, practical & production oriented for agricultural degree.
Importance of RAWE Programme
Preparing agricultural graduates for better career in agriculture.
Preparing agricultural graduates oriented education to face the challenges by
acquiring knowledge & skill though hands on experience.
Objectives of RAWE
Understanding the rural life by students.
To get familiarize with the socio-economic conditions of the farmers & their
problems with reference to agricultural development.
To provide an opportunity to the students for practical training in crop
production through work experience.
To develop communication skills among students using extension teaching
methods in transfer of technology.
To develop the understanding regarding agricultural technologies being
followed by farmers and to prepare alternate farm plans to suit to the
local situation in consultation with farmers.
Geographical and Population details of the District
2,887.69 sq.km Area under Forest : 1453.22 sq.km
Area : %
Total : 1,826,275 in %
Male : 926,012 50.70
Female : 900,263 49.30
Rural : 1,731,950 94.84
Urban : 94,325 5.16
Population ( 2011 Census ) Scheduled Caste : 373,513 20.45
Scheduled Caste Male : 190,976 51.13
Scheduled Caste Female : 182,537 48.87
Scheduled Tribe : 125,989 6.90
Scheduled Tribe Male : 64,198 50.96
Scheduled Tribe Female : 61,791 49.04
630 (Per sq.km)
Density :
Total Literate : 1,302,292 80.44
Literate Male : 714,650 87.36
Literate Female : 587,642 73.37
Total Illiterate : 523,983 28.69
Illiterate Male : 0 0.00
Illiterate Female : 0 0.00
Total Households : 407,851
Rural Households : 378,645 92.84
Urban Households : 29,206 7.16
BPL Households ( 1997
169,595 --
Census) :
SC/ST Households ( 2011
-- --
Census) :
Administrative Setup :
Administrative setup of the District
No. of Sub-Divisions : 1 No. of Tehsils : 10
No. of
Municipalities/Corporation 2 No. of N.A.Cs : 0
No. of Blocks : 10 No. of Police Stations : 18
No. of Gram Panchayats : 280 No. of Inhabited Villages : 1575
No. of Uninhabited
203 No. of villages : 1781
Villages :
The Krishi Vigyan Kendra is a district level Farm Science
Center established by the Indian Council of Agricultural
Research (ICAR), New Delhi. The aim of Krishi Vigyan
Kendra is to reduce the time lag between Generation of
technology at the research institutions and it's transfer
to the farmer's field for increasing production,
productivity and income from the agriculture and allied
sectors on a sustained basis. In order to achieve this goal,
four mandates have been envisaged in the design of the
Krishi Vigyan Kendra.
KVK, Jajpur was established in 2002. It is located at Barchana,
Jajpur. It has some official staffs including one project coordinator
and 6 subject matter specialists. The SMSs are from different
disciplines such as Agronomy, Horticulture, Soil science, Ag.Engg,
Home Science & Veterinary Science. The present project
coordinator is Dr.(Mrs) Tilotama Pattanaik
The total farm area is 50 acre. But under use is 37 acre. Total
cultivable area is 25 acre and in rest 12 acre 2 ponds, quarters, KVK
building, farmer’s hostel and other infrastructure are present.
Units of KVK JAJPUR :
1. Medicinal Garden 8. Mushroom Unit
2. Poly house 9. Godown
3. Techno Park 10.Farm Machinery Unit
4. Net House 11.Apiculture Unit
5. Poultry house 12. Pot manure
6. Cowshed 13. Seed Sale centre
7. Watching shed 14. Threshing Floor
 Conducting on-farm testing to identify the location specificity
of agricultural technologies under various farming systems.
 Organizing frontline demonstrations to establish
production potential of various crops and enterprises on
the farmers, fields.
 Organizing need based training of farmers to update their
knowledge and skills in modern agricultural technologies
related to technology assessment, refinement and
demonstration, and training, of extension personnel to orient
them in the frontier areas of technology development.
 Creating awareness about improved technologies to larger
masses through appropriate extension programmes.
 Production and supply of good quality seeds and planting
materials, livestock, poultry and fisheries breeds and products
and various bio-products to the farming community.
 Work as resource and knowledge centre of agricultural
technology for supporting initiatives of public, private and
voluntary sector for improving the agricultural economy of the
 In techno park, organic banana cultivation is done and the
varieties used are G-9 (Dwarf) & Bantala (Tall).
 In medicinal garden the different species available are –
Aloevera, Stivia, Pasanavedi, Tulasi, Rauwolfia, Thalkudi,
Poodina, Pippali, Gudumari, Akarakara, Pasaruni, Bhuin Nimba,
Aswagandha, Antamula, Asoka, Kumkum, Guluchi.
 An agro shade nethouse is there, where different shade
loving ornamental plants & indoor plants are kept. A poultry
house for broiler chicks where at present only 160 are alive.
The farm machinery unit has the following agricultural implements
such as –
1. VST – Shakti Yanji
2. Paddy Reaper (Kamco Power Reaper)
3. Power Tiller
4. 8 row paddy transplanter
5. Mini seed processing unit
 In polyhouse, green leafy vegetables and other vegetables are
cultivated and it is covered by UV protected polythene. A seed
Testing Laboratory is under construction.
 The model organic farm is in 2 hectare area, where Swarna
variety of rice is cultivated organically.
 The seed production programme is undertaken in 8 hectare
area, but this year only in 6 hectare out of the total area,
upland = 2 ha, Medium & Lowland = 8 ha.
 The seed production programmer is for production of breeder
to foundation seed. In previous years, seed production was
carried out in chilli, onion, tomato.
 The total pond area is 0.66 ha. There are 2 ponds out of which,
one pond of 1 acre is present near the medicinal garden which
is meant for pisciculture, The fingerlings used are Rohu, Catla,
Grass carp.
 A lawn is present in front of the farmer’s hostel. The different
plant species grown are – Monley’s puzzle, rose, tuberose,
Tabernae montana coronaria, cycas, exora, thuja, alamanda.
 It has a library packed with different agricultural books,
journals, magazines, news letters, leaflets, folders etc. and
different CDs (44).
Total land available (ha) – 11.66
Land under infrastructure (ha) – 1.73
Ponds (2 nos.) (ha) – 0.66
Canal (ha) – 0.43
Cultivable land (ha) – 8.0
Low : Medium : Upland (ha) – 2 : 6 : 0
Irrigation provisions (ha) – Nil
Nursery, Kitchen & Herbal garden (ha) - 0.9
Soil type – Clay loam
Soil pH – 6.5
• Use of groundnut decorticator for drudgery reduction.
• Use of Aloukik variety of pointed gourd.
• Storage of groundnut seeds using CaCl2.
• Seedling of pointed gourd from vine cutting.
• IPM of Stem borer in paddy.
• IPM of okra.
• Mushroom cultivation.
• SRI method of rice cultivation.
PRA is a process of involving local people in the analysis and
interpretation of local situation. PRA is a methodology for
interacting with villagers, understanding them and learning from
them. It involves a set of principles, a process of communication and
a menu of methods seeking villager’s participation in putting forward
their points of view to make use of such learning. It initiates a
participatory process and sustains it. Its principles and the menu of
methods help in organizing participation.
PRA constitutes a process of involvement with rural people for
indigenous knowledge building exercise. It is a way of learning form
villagers and with their support to investigate, analyze and evaluate
constraints and opportunities. It helps to make informed and timely
decisions regarding developmental projects. The participation of
rural people can be facilitated through PRA for planning,
implementing and monitoring of rural developing programme.
 To generate information and collection of data for immediate
or future use.
 For greater and better involvement of villages by learning
about their perceptions, experiences and capabilities.
 For learning about the impacts of earlier or ongoing policies
and programme and to frame new ones.
 For validation and cross-checking of data collected from other
 For training of different categories of persons involved in the
development process, whether from Govt., NGOs, Banks,
Researchers, Extension Agents, Scientists, etc.
PRA Techniques
PRA is both an attitude and methodology. It is one of the tools of
surveying that helps outsiders to understand the village symbols,
systems, dynamics, and politics by using various techniques as well as
by methods of direct observation and discussion. The process of
understanding the agro system and the social organization can only
be successful with the total involvement of the village people & the
officials concerned.
Need For PRA
 Sustained change and the need for accurate and timely
 It advances that the people themselves are “solution agents”
for their problems.
 It cuts down the “Normal Professional Bias” and anti-poverty
bias towards people.
 Reduces down the normal time consuming long methods of
survey which consumes the most needed resources and that
gives results after a long time.
 The method is cost effective, accurate and timely.
Purpose of PRA
 To use farmer’s criteria, choices and understand the local
environment with clear local priorities.
 To learn farmer’s indigenous technologies.
 To achieve for triangulation using different methods &
involving various people to check and recheck the findings.
 To develop self-critical analysis and direct contact with local
needs and communities.
 Meet the villagers with an open and frank-mind. Tell them who
you are and why you have come.
 Build up personal rapport with villagers.
 Identify villagers who are willing to share their experiences.
 Always begin to interview by relaxing the tension of the
interviewer by asking general questions and setting the climate
for discussion.
 Select a suitable place for the interview. Sit down with the
villagers on the same floor.
 Listen carefully, show empathy and be patient.
 Intense and careful observation is most important.
 Don’t interrupt, suggest or prescribe.
 Be polite, gentle and accommodative.
 Head nodding during interview is avoided.
 Try to follow existing customs of the village.
 There is no point in getting impatient or becoming too much
inquisitive when the villagers discuss among themselves.
 At the end of the interview, all the interviews must be thanked
individually by the members of the group for giving time &
sharing their experience.
 Sit down with all the members and record all the information
collected and the process of information generation.
This is the construction of a village area using rangoli powders or
chalk on the ground or a cement floor for understanding the village
lay out ,main features such as housing, temples, stores and other
infrastructure and other resources like forests, lands, watersheds
 To get an impression of the social and physical layout of the
village as perceived by villagers themselves.
 To understand globally the social structure of the village, which
live there, which facilities is there, where they are located etc.
 To get an impression of the natural resource environment of the
village as perceived by the villagers.
Situation Where Applicable
Participatory maps are useful in identifying status of land holding
and animals of different households. In identifying beneficiaries of
various developmental programmes etc. Through participatory
mapping other items like dry land/ irrigated land, rivers, forest lands
and temple lands, tanks and nullahs and other water resources could
be identified. The participatory mapping can also be used to prepare
treatment plans for soil and water conservations, forestry and other
Before direct exposure to the village there was an orientation
programme in the college itself from31.08.2016-07.09.2016. The
motto of this programme was to aware the students about the works
which should be done during the whole semester. All the students,
dean sir, all the faculty members of Dept. of Extension Education
and 16 programme supervisors were present in this programme. The
programme was conducted by the Chairman of RAWE Dr. A. P.
During this week we were able to learn about the techniques of PRA.
All the faculty members of various departments helped us to
understand and to practice all the exercises regarding PRA.
During this programme all the students were grouped into 08 groups.
My group members were the all the boys of Section A and first 5
boys from Section B. We the group members had to do all the works
in the village together.
We were allotted one villages i.e. Achyutpur (Dharmasala Block,
Jajpur)(Irrigated) during this programme. Each student was
allotted two host farmers in that village. My host farmers were Mr.
Shyam Sundar Barik and Mr. Prabhat Lenka.We are really
thankful to our college and Dept. of Extension Education for
arranging this orientation programme which built confidence among
us to work with the farmers in the village.
Inauguration at KVK,Jajpur :
Inauguration is a ceremony to mark the beginning or introduction of
something’s. According to the 5th Dean’s Committee the RAWE
Programme was renamed as Student Ready Programme where all the
students of 4th Year were allotted to different KVK’s in their
respective groups. We were allotted to Jajpur, KVK. On the day of
inauguration (20
September, 2016), a grand arrangement was done
by the KVK family where many delegates were present to attend the
function. Out of them are as follows:
Sl.no Name Designation
1. Mr. Rajiv Lochan Das DDA, Jajpur
2. Mr. Pradeep Kumar Sahoo DAO, Dharmasala
3. Mr. Loknath Jena ADH, Jajpur
4. Mr. Bimalkanti Raptan DAO, Jajpur
5. Mr. Jyotindra Chandra Nayak AHO, Barchana
6. Miss. Bhanupriya Mishra AAO, Mangalpur
7. Miss. Samaptika Kar AAO, Kabatabandha
8. Miss. Sasmita Jena AAO, Danagadi
9. Mr. Ramesh Chandra Roy AAO, Rasulpur
10. Mr. Dilip Kumar Mohanty DPD, ATMA, Jajpur
11. Mr. Ajay Kumar Madali PPO, Dharmasala
12. Mr. Baikunanth Behera Agronomist, Jajpur Rd.
13. Mr. Debabrata Biswal AAO, Korei
14. Mr. Jajati Kehari Jena AAO, Rampa
15. Mr. Pradyumma Mall NGO Seeds
16. Mr. Alok Mohanty NGO Seeds
17. Mr. Pradyuta Kumar Pattnaik AAE, Jajpur
18. Mr. Tusharkanta Sethy AAO, Barchana
19. Dr. Sawat Kumar Rout AVAS,Barchana
20. Mrs. (Dr.) Tilottama Pattnaik Sr. Scientist & Head
21 Dr. K. C. Samal Assoc. Professor
22. Mr. Subhasish Dash Scientist (Soil Sc.)
23. Mrs. Dharitri Parta Scientist (HomeSc.)
24. Mrs. Babita Mishra Scientist (Horticulture)
25 Mrs. Bijayalaxmi Mohanta Scientist (Ag. Engin.)
26 Dr. Ananga Kumar Das Prof. Assist. (Vet. Sc.)
27. Dr. Trilochan Das CDVO, Jajpur
28. Mr. Niranjan Rout, Dihakuransa Farmer
29. Mr. Chandramani Panda, Khadipada Farmer
30 Mr. NIrantan Padhi, Choromuha Farmer
31 Mr. Laxmidhar Rout, Dihakuransa Farmer
Then our respectable DDA of Jajpur, Mr.R.L. Das addressed the
meeting and welcomed us. He explained many more things about our
journey. DAO, Programme Coordinator welcomed us respectively. All
the members of the KVK greeted us warmly. PC (Badchana) explained
the aim, goal and objective of “Student Ready Programme” along with
about KVK at a glance. She also cited the present information about
Jajpur including its climatic conditions, soil type, crop grown,
population, fertiliser consumption etc. Then we introduced ourselves
along with other dignitaries present in the meeting. Then we
attended the party which was organised by the KVK.
We were assigned to a particular village i.e. Achyutpur. That village
was almost 15km away from our Krishi Vigyan Kendra, albeit we
move to other villages like Choromuha, Dihakuransa, Bandareshwara
and Krishnapada still we are more connected with Achyutpur.Going
to a new place to do PRA was at first filled with excitement and
nervousness both.
In order to boost our confidence our KVK members like PC Madam –
Mrs (Dr). Tilottama Pattnaik , Mrs. Dharitri Madam,( Scientist,
Home Science), Bipra Sir (Farm Manager) and Dr. K.C Samal
accompanied us to that village on the first day of the visit (20th
September, 2016).We kept our vehicles beside the main road and
entered into the village. The villagers were busy with their works.
We addressed them with folded hands and head bowed in respect.
We introduced ourselves as 4th yr. B.Sc. (Ag) students from OUAT,
Bhubaneswar and described our motto of our visit. We put forward
numerous questions regarding the village history, crop grown,
standard of living of the people, organizations & institutions,
available resources, problems & opportunities. They listened
patiently to our politely posed questions and answered with great
interest. We arrived at sensitizes and important issues using open
ended questions. We requested them to help us in mapping, modeling,
matrix ranking, wealth ranking, transact walk and other PRA
activities and they showed enthusiastic & active participation.
Towards the end, we felt as if we belong to a single family. We knew
each other both personally and professionally. We got tremendous
cooperation from both the villages’ residents. On the last day of
completion of PRA, we thanked each villager individually for helping
us throughout by devoting their valuable time & sharing their
bountiful experiences.
In Achyutpur, I visited Mr. Shyam sundar barik’s (my host farmer)
home. I wished him with folded hands and gave my introduction in
brief.He greeted us happily into the house and addressed me to the
other members of the house. Then he offered chair to me. They
asked about my native place and about my family members. I also
interacted with them informally. Farming is his main occupation. He
has a joint family. He is of average economic status. He is literate
and his hand is good in farming operation. He has a great knowledge
about farming.I was very happy by interacting with my host farmer
family member. I took a good bye with a smiling face & they assured
me for their fully cooperation.
Mr. Prabhat lenka who lived in Achyutpur was also my 2
farmer. On the 1
day of my visit to the village I searched his home
by asking other villagers and finally I found it. When I entered my
host farmer house I knocked the door and after some time host
farmers wife came and open the door. Then I wished her with folded
hand and I introduce myself as a student of College of Agriculture
and here, we are allotted host farmers to learn more about
agriculture, crop production, and enhancing the practical
knowledge.My host wasn’t there. But his son met me who was a
genius in agriculture. They asked about my native place and about my
family members. I also interacted with them informally. I enquired
about him & his family by asking informal questionsand also he told
me that he will fully cooperativewith me and takes me to his crop
field next week and gives all practical knowledge. I was very happy
by interacting with my host farmer family member. After all
interaction I departed from his home with a cordial NAMASTE.
• Name of the village- Achyutpur
• Gp-avayapur
• Block – Dharmasala
• District – Jajpur
• Total Geographical area- 120ha
• Total cultivated area – 85ha
• Total population -1050
1) Total families in the village : 199
i) No. of farm families – 116
ii) No. of non-farm families- 83
2) Total population of the village :1050
i) Male- 550
ii) Female – 500
3) Literacy percentage : 60%
i) Male – 68%
ii) Female – 32%
4) Category of farm families :
i) Small
ii) Marginal
iii) Landless
5) Land use pattern of village :
i) Land under cultivation- 85Ha
ii) Land under fallow – NIL
6) Secondary Occupation :
1. Farming
2. Daily labour, wage earning
3. Service holder
7) Soil and Land type (Area in Acre) :
i. Type of land under cultivation
• Upland
• Medium Land
• Low Land
ii. Soil Type
• Loamy
• Sandy loam
• Clay loam
The average rainfall (in mm) – 1400 mm
8) Area under irrigation :
9) Cropping pattern :
Rice – pulses
Rice – vegetable
10) Crops grown in the village :
i. Paddy
ii. potato
iii. Colocasia
iv. Other vegetables
11) Others :
i. Type of fish cultured – Rohi, Bhakura, China Rohi, Grass
Carb, Silver carb
ii. Poultry – Desi bird,banraj
iii. Diary – Desi, Jersy
iv. Goat - Desi
12) Agricultural implements :
i. Desi plough – every farm family
ii. M.B. plough – Most farm family
iii. Sprayer – 100
iv. Tractor – 5
v. Pumpset – 22
vi. Powertiller – 3
vii. Winnower – 5
viii. Transplanter – 2
ix. Rice Mill - Nil
13) Agro Inputs used in the village :
i. H.Y.V. Seed Paddy – Swarna, Pooja, Jangalajata, Ranidhan
ii. Hybrid rice –
iii. Sented rice – Kudral, Sitabhog, Geetanjali
iv. Fertilizer – Urea, DAP, MOP, Gromor
v. Pestiside – Monocrotophos, Rogor, Chloropyriphos,
Malathion, Endosulfan.
vi. Organic Manure – FYM
vii. Bio-fertilizer : Azolla, Azotobacter, Rhizobium
viii. Fungicide : Thiram, Bavistin
14) List of Govt. and non-Govt. Organisation functioning in the
village :
i. K.V.K. (Krishi Vigyan Kendra)
ii. Govt. officials – Asst. Agriculture Officer
iii. Seed Sale Centre – SSC
iv. Avayapur cooperative society
15) Facilities available in the village :
i. Pucca road
ii. Electricity
iii. Water supply
iv. Market
v. Telephone facility
vi. Self Help Group
vii. School facilities
viii. Panchayat Office
16) Transport :
i. Bullock cart – 6
ii. Bicycle – 100
iii. Two-wheeler – 70
iv. Four wheeler - 6
17) Opportunities for villagers :
i. Water harvesting structure
ii. Improvement of irrigation system
iii. Mushroom unit
iv. Vermi compost unit
v. Honeybee rearing
vi. Diary unit
vii. Orchard
Transect walk is a kind of exploratory walk which is undertaken
by the team along with the villagers to observe and send in minute
details, the differences of a particular area.
It is an exploratory walk, with the help of key participants,
around the village for identification of different problems and to
know about features of the village like land type, resource,
topography land use and crop grown etc.
To get an idea about farming practices, cropping pattern the
physical layout, irrigation facilities etc. To know the agro
ecosystem of village
To get the cross sectional view of the village
Physical features :-
Topography, Hydrology, Soil types and problem such as erosion
etc. Locally involved technologies and management systems. These
include traditional indigenous technologies that farmers have
been using and their management.
Crops and Agriculture :-
Land are cropping practices and patterns crop relates problem
and various locally applied control measures crop productivity,
yield etc. are studied.
Particulars Up land Medium Land Low land Housing Forest land
Soil type Sandy Loam Loamy Clay loam Sandy loam Laterite &
Slope Moderate Low Low Low Moderate
Water Borewell Borewell Canal,pond Tubewell, rainfall
Resource borewell pond
Crops Vegetable Rice, sugarcane Rice, Mongo, -
colocasia cocoutn
Trees Eucalyptus Neem, Banyan Coconut Neem,bel Sall tree
tree Mango,
Fertility Medium High High Medium Low
Ground 40ft 30ft 20ft 25-30ft 40-50ft
Water Table
Paddy varity Khandagiri, Swarna, Swarna 1018,puja ---- -----
Udaygiri, sub-1
Weed Medium Low Low Low -----
Livestock Poultry Cow, Goat Duck, Cow ,
fishery poultry
Enterprise Dairy unit Dairy unit, Poultry Pisiculture Shop
Institution Temple, Temple,Anganwadi, Temple
School Youthclub
Land use Cultivation , Cultivation cultivation Habitation Plantation
institution ,enterprise unit
Problems Water Unavaility of Drainage Lack of Deforestation
scarcity agricultural inputs problem institution
Opportinuty Apiary, Straw can be used Pond can be Mushroom Afforestation
floriculture, for mushroom unit used for unit
forage land fishery
This is the construction of a map of village area using rangoli
powders or chalk on the ground or a cement floor for understanding
the village layout, main features such as housing, temples, stores and
other infrastructure and other resources like forests, lands,
watersheds etc.
To get an impression of the social and physical layout of the village
as perceived by villager s themselves.
To understand globally the social structure of the village, who live
where facilities are there, under they are located etc.
To get an impression of the natural resource environment of the
village perceived by the villagers.
Participatory maps are useful in identifying status of the land
holding and animals of different households. In identifying
beneficiaries of various developmental programmes etc. Through
participatory mapping other items like dry land / irrigated land,
forest land, river and temple lands, tanks and nullahs and other
water resources could be identified. The participatory mapping can
also be used to prepare treatment plans for soil and water
conservations, forestry and other treatments.
Barchana is a semi irrigated village situated at a distance of 200m
from the NH-5.
1) Natural Resources :-
i. Upland
ii. Medium land
iii. Low land
iv. Fallow land
v. Common area
vi. Paddy
vii. Pulses
viii. Vegetable
ix. Colocasia
x. Mango Orchard
2) Hydrological resources :-
i. No. of ponds – 3
ii. No. of tubewell –6
iii. No. of well –2
iv. Pisciculture unit – 3
v. Lift irrigation point –4
vi. High Level Canal – 1
vii. Area of water bodies – 15 Acre
viii. Largest pond—2.5 acre
ix. Smallest Pond – 0.8 acre
3) Livestock Resources :-
i. No. of Desi cows – 120
ii. No. of Jersey cows – 20
i. No. of bullocks –
ii. No. of Poultry –200
iii. No. of goats –50
iv. No. of sheeps –5
4) Man made resources :-
i. Religious institutions
Temples – 4
i. Social Organizations
a) Self Help Group (SHG) – 11
b) Youth club – 1
c) Farmer’s club - 1
d) Community centre - 1
5) Crop resources :-
i. Upland – Rice, Coconut, Drumstick
ii. Medium land – Rice, Green gram, black gram, Banana, Coconut
iii. Low Land – Rice, green gram, black gram, Colocassia, Vegetable
like Brinjal, Onion etc.
iv. Fruit Crops – Papaya, Guava, Mango, Tamarind, Date palm,
6) Human Resources :-
i. Marginal farmers (< 1 ha)
ii. Small farmers (1-2 ha)
iii. Medium Farmer (2-4 ha)
iv. Landless farmer
Social map is a map which depicts the different social structures
like caste structure, religious and social institutions. Social map is a
schematic diagram showing the socio-economic picture of the entire
village. The survey provides the following findings.
1. No. of households-- 200
2. Total population – 1050
3. Caste system of a village
i. General
ii. SC/ST
iii. OBC
4. Position of different institutions :
• Diha Sahi
• Lenka Sahi Barala Sahi
• Nayak Sahi
• Barika Sahi
• Sidheswar Temple
• Chandrasekhar Temple
• Gopinath Temple
• Gutumadevi Mandir
• Grama Devi Mandir
• Mandapa
• Self Help Group 11
• Youth Club – 1
• Anganbadi Centre –1
• Achyutpur U.G. U.P. School
• Achyutpur High School
• Farmer’s Club
• Old Age Home
• Community Centre
 Co-operative Society
• Crop map is a map of the village cropping area using rangoli
powders or chalk or any other really available materials on the
ground / a cement floor. Through this increase an
understanding of village layout can be obtained showing the
main features such as water availability, soil type, land
situation, topography, Fertility status and various crop grown
under those conditions.
• To know the main crop, verification, cropping system main
cropping area, potential crop etc. of village.
• To get all information regarding crops required for preparation
of action plan for a specific category or item.
• Upland – Sandy Loam
• Medium land – Sandy Loam soil
• Low land – clay loam soil
• Crop Grown –
• Pulses – Green Gram, Black gram
• Cereals – Paddy
• Commercial crop – Rice,vegetable
• Plantation Crop – Coconut, Mango, Banana, Papaya,drumstick
A hydrology map depicts the location of different water sources like
ponds, rivers, canals, wells, tube wells etc. It also contains the depth
of water table of different regions I.e. upland, medium land, lowland.
 To get an impression about different water sources and depth of
water table of different regions of the village.
We collected materials like rangoli powders, chalks, gravel, color
stones, sticks etc. for mapping. We purchased big size paper sheets
for redrawing the map which was drawn on the ground .Then we
organize the villagers and sat in the club verandah and enquired
them about the various water sources and their area in the village.
Particulars ACHYUTPUR
No. of ponds 3
No. of rivers 0
No. of wells 2
No. of tube wells 6
No. of lift pumps 4
Land Type ACHYUTPUR(Irrigated)
Upland 50-60ft
Medium 40-50ft
Lowland 20-25ft
 In village Achyutpur , there 1 river(lingara river) which can be
converted to commercial Pisciculture units. As the water table
depth is high, there is large scope of irrigation through well and
tube wells
 In village Achyutpur,as there is no ponds,there is scope for
digging 2-3 ponds which can also be converted to fishery unit for
fingerlings production. For irrigation very deep bore wells are
required as the water table is at very low depth.So more no of
tube wells can be dug which can provide drinking water and also
help in irrigation.
It contains various enterprises those are present in the village.
Enterprise is a small or large business which is started with the
venture of a person aiming to make profit in future. It includes
various enterprises like poultry unit, fishery unit, diary unit, goat
unit and various agro-industries.
 To know about various existing enterprises in the village
Particulars ACHYUTPUR(Irrigated)
Poultry Unit 1
Fishery unit No
Goatery unit No
Dairy Unit No
Retail shops 1
Rice Mill No
We collected materials like color powders, chalks, gravel,
colorstones, sticks etc. for mapping. We purchased big size paper
sheets for redrawing the map which was drawn on the ground .Then
we organize the villagers and sat in the club verandah and enquired
them about the various enterprises present in the village.
 In the village there is no mushroom unit. Training should be given
to build up mushroom units in Achyutpur villages to women.
 In the village processed food and value added product(chilly
sauce,tomato ketchup,squash) preparation can be adopted as small
enterprises through SHG.
 We can introduce rice mill in Achyutpur and cottage industry in
the village.
 In Achyutpur scope is there for digging 2-3 ponds. So those
ponds can be converted to Pisciculture unit,duckery unit.
The community can get goods and services from different places.
Some resources will be available within the PRA other on the
boundaries of the community. People are daily, weekly and
occasionally fetch for the resources in and out of their area.
The diagram is used to understand the place travelled, resources
collected and to identify the person travelling. The resources
could have problems the roads and the means of transportation
may not appropriate.
We collected materials like chalk for drawing of mobility map. On
the scheduled date we arrived and invited some male and female
members and told them in brief about the exercise. Then they
draw the mobility map and started discussing and gradually
opened up. We had drawn two different mobility maps for male
and female.
The PRA team and other information resources in short supply
and the reason for not having in community. The community action
plan includes ways and means to get critical resources in the
future. The difficulties faced on the road and resources center
taken due consideration for future development.
Daily work profile describes how villagers (male & female) spend a
day of 24 hours along with different kinds of activities and time
allotted for each activity. Daily work profile can be taken for men
& women in both categories of farmers and farm laborers.
Purpose :
To get an account of time spend by farmers & laborers men &
women for various activities in a day of 24 hours. Data on village
earning, rest & recreation hours.
Data on leisure time which can be utilized for development of
For Men :
Time Duration
5.00 AM to 6.00 AM
6.00 AM to 7.00 AM
6.30 AM to 7.30 AM
7.30 AM to 8.00 AM
8.00 AM to 11.30 AM
11.30 AM to 12.30 PM
12.30 PM to 1.00 PM
1.00 PM to 3.00 PM
3.00 PM to 5.00 PM
5.00 PM to 6.30 PM
7.00 PM to 9.30 PM
9.30 PM to 10.30 PM
10.30 PM to 11.00 PM
Waking up
Feeding the cattle
Field work
Taking bath
Field Work
Playing cards, shopping
Watching TV or attaining village
For Women :
Time Duration
3.30 AM to 4.00 AM
4.00 AM to 5.30 AM
5.30 AM to 6.30 AM
6.30 AM to 7.00 AM
7.00 AM to 7.30 AM
7.30 AM to 8.00 AM
8.00 AM to 12.00 PM
12.00 PM to 1.00 PM
1.00 PM to 1.30 PM
1.30 PM to 3.30 PM
3.30 PM to 5.00 PM
5.00 PM to 6.00 PM
6.00 PM to 6.30 PM
6.30 PM to 7.00 PM
7.00 PM to 8.00 PM
8.00 PM to 9.30 PM
9.30 PM to 10.30 PM
10.30 PM to 11.00 PM
Wake up
Household activities
Taking bath
Worshipping God
Breakfast preparation
Have breakfast
Washing utensils
Household activities
Worshipping God
Have tiffin
Watching TV
Villager’s preference & attitude towards a particular topic of
interest is revealed to us by this technique. It helps us to
understand farmer’s priorities in crop varieties, vegetables, tree
species, livestock categories, soil & water conservation
techniques, irrigation methods etc. The reason for their liking &
disliking & the suitable difference in choice & priority among the
villagers of different areas can also be understood which help us
to prioritize & determine the strategy.
• To get better understanding of farmer’s decision making
• To identify criteria used to prioritize & select certain items of
activities over others.
Situation where applicable :-
Matrix ranking can be used to study a range of subjects like soil,
crops, crop varieties, trees, fodder, types of cattle & breeds .
Wealth ranking is a method of ranking or grouping of households on
the basis of income, wealth and other local measures of wellbeing.
Different criteria can be used for wealth ranking based on rural
perceptions. Wealth ranking is based on the presumption that rural
people have the necessary knowledge to group households which
implies that they have knowledge of kinds and positions of household
assets, other items and attributes to the household concern.
To asses and identify the pattern of wealth possession by the
villagers based on their various criteria.
To identify resourceful and resource poor villagers through
general consensus.
How :
The decision group involving villagers follows different
system to categorize community members.
Sl.No. Category Criteria No. of Families
1 Very Rich a) Land 01
Area –
>30 acre
b) High
c) Two and
d) More
e) Business,
f) Self
g) More
h) Ability to
2 Rich a) Land area (20 acre) 15
b) More income
c) Govt employee
d) Two wheelers
e) more livestock
f) Self sufficient
3 Medium a) Land area(5-10acer) 25
b) less livestock
c) Low to medium income
d) less foodstock
4 Poor a) land area(1-5acer) 75
b) low incom
c) kaccha house
d) Very less livestock
e) Occasional labour
5 Very poor a) No land holding 83
b) No live stock
c)Yenanis & labourers
d) limited incom
Resource flow analysis means whatever inputs for cultivation or food products
either available within the village or import from the outside of village.
When these all resources are designed into a map form it is called as
resource flow map or inflow-outflow map.
For paddy :
1. Seed 30 bags of paddy
2. 1. 20 bags – consumption –
Fertiliser husk (Cattle feed) – milk –
(FYM, consumption – marketing
DAP, – milk (Rs.16/- per litre) &
Urea, curd and cheese.
Potash 2. 10 bags – Marketing –
& azolla) Money earned used for
3. Tractor farming
& other 3. Straw – 70% Cow feed –
equipm 30% other purpose
For live stock :
1. Cattle 5. milk
2. Chicks 6. meat (marketed)
3. Finger lings
4. feed
For Vegetables :
1. Seed (Amaranthus, 4. Vegetables –
Coriander, pumpkin, consumption –
Okra) marketing – money
2. Fertilizer earned used for
3. Organic manure farming and rest in
saving account.
• It is a method to find out who, what person or organizations
or institutions are important in a community.
• The venn diagram represents the relationship among the
various institutions, organizations, programmes or individuals
and with each other and with the village as per the
perceiveness of villager.
Purpose :
• To identify the groups and institutions operating in the
village and the interactions among them.
• To know the extent of co-operating and involvement in
developmental programmes.
• It indicates the relative importance or un-importance of
a particular institution / individual in a particular village.
• It helps in decision making in the community.
How :
This exercise is carried out by improving the villagers as key
informants such as elders, religious persons, extension persons
and other knowledgeous persons with the use of different
sizes of circles or paper contents indicating the importance of
institution and the extent of benefits gained by the villagers.
School, bank, Police Station, SHG, Market, College, Co-operative
society, station, Block, , Post Office, Farmer’s Club, K.V.K., Gram
Panchayat, Anganwadi, rice mill, fire station ,hospital, veterinary
CONCLUSION : From this venn diagram we may conclude
that they get benefitted from kvk, market ,rice mill ,block,
cooperative society, and hospital. They feel that fire station also
plays a measure role for them but they are not getting benefitted
from it. As compared to fire station they get more benefit in
post office but they don’t give too much importance to it.
It is chronology or sequence of events that have taken place in a
particular village or area or community. These may related
general historical events of the village, or to specify the subjects
or sectors such as health, education, agriculture, animal
husbandry and allied sectors etc.
Purpose :
• The time line helps on in remembering from back up to the
present date such as the year when road was build, adoption of
HYV seeds of different crops, fertilizer, pesticide, farm
inputs, occurrence of neutral calamities like flood, drought,
cyclone, epidemics, insect attack.
• This exercise can be applied to plan the objective
developmental programme on agriculture, health, nutrition,
animal husbandry along with helps to understand the trend
and changing need and interest of farming community.
How :
• Group discussion should be done by interviewing the key
individuals regarding the past events of the villager. The
elderly persons should be involved as they can remember the
events from the very beginning.
Sl. Year Historical Event
1 1518 Establishment of village
2 1955 Establishment of grampanchayat
3 1976 Establishment of abhayapur cooperative
4 1986 First use of TV in the village
5 1990 First use of sprayer
6 1991 Establishment of tubewell
7 1996 First use of motorcycle
8 1998 Availability of kisan credit card
9 2000 Indraawas facility
10 2001 First use of tractor
11 2004 Establishment of packka road
12 2006 First use of mobile phone
13 2007 Pragati krushak club
14 2007 Village was adopted by kvk
15 2007 First use of impliment
16 2008 Mushroom cultivation was adopted
17 2009 SHG organization in village
18 2010 Poultry unit in village
19 2011 Establishment of anganwadi
Seasonality is an exercise to determine seasonal patterns in rural
areas as related to farming practices, rainfall, labour availability
etc. It attempts to establish regular cycle or pattern of activity
and occurrences within a community over 12 months. It determine
the seasonal calendar as understood and practiced by the
villagers. This is determined in terms of odiya months, like
Baisakha, Jyestha etc. and then adjusted to the English calendar.
This is built upon using different lengths of sticks or numbers of
stores or seeds to quantify items such as employment, availability
of agri inputs, income, expenditure etc.
Purpose :
• A seasonal calendar helps to present large quantities of
diverse information in a common time frame. It compares
community activities for month by month across sectorial
boundary. It identifies cycles of activity that occur within the
life of community on regular basis and helps determining
whether there are common periods of excessive environmental
problems of opportunity over the course of normal year. These
yearly cycles are important in determining for example : labour
availability, timing for project activity, potential absorptive
capacity for new activities, times of diseases and food
shortage and employment generation.
• Data for seasonal calendar was collected from community
group. Effort was made to diversify informants from
community groups i.e. men and women, informal leader,
young and old residents.
Livelihood analysis reveals the sources of income for rural people
and the occupational and economic categories prevalent in the
 It is represented by the help of pie-chart.
 To identify major economic and occupational groups of the
village and their sources of income.
1.) Storage of rice by mixing turmeric powder :
• Turmeric powder mixed with rice to reduce the insect
damage in rice.
2.) Storage of rice with red chilly :
• Addition of 20-30 red chilly in 1 quintal of rice bag
prevent the attacked stored grain pest. The pungent
smell act as repellant.
3.) Cow urine acts as fungicide of vegetable diseases :
• Cow urine is stirred with water, then filtered 2-3 times in
white cotton. Then extract collected is then spread in
the field.
4.) Tulasi leaf extract control blast of rice :
• Leaf extract prevent blast disease in rice.
5.) Leaf eating insect of pointed gourd can be controlled by
neem oil
• Neem leaf oil can control insect of pointed gourd
• Also controls many diseases
6.) Control of Wilt in green gram by seed treatment with
kerosene :
• Green gram seeds are smeared with kerosene oil before
sowing to prevent wilt.
7.) Control of BLB in rice : Use of cow dung slurry in rice
8.) For control of foot and mouth disease in the cattle : Apply
mixture of coconut oil and camphor in affected areas.
9.) Control of gundhi bug in rice: Apply mixture of cow urine,
husk and kerosene.
10.) For the aphid control in country bean: Use of detergent
11.) For the control of different sucking pests: Use of 1k.g
of each neem, karanja, tulsi, arakha, bael and fresh cow urine
1lit mixed in 10 lit of water and is applied in the field after 7
12.) Little Leaf of Chili is controlled with the help of fish
13.) Bundles of wild tulasi are put in paddy plot to prevent
the attack of gundhi bug.
Problem is a condition or a situation that the people after
study with or without have decided need changing. Problem
are the barrier for achieving goal or objective.
To list out the problem present in village situation
For development of action plan
Severity of problems
Frequency of occurence
Distribution of problem
Identification of problem was done by discussing with a group
of farmer. All the problems in area were collected and
identified democratically through participation of village
people. The villagers were asked to identify the problem,
most felt & of widest concern affecting major people and
should related to family, community abd national situation.
The problems are given below that were being identified
in the village “ACHYUTPUR”.
1. Yellow stem borer in rice
2. Low yield in green gram
3. Failure in Govt. seed supply
4. FMD of cattle
5. Eryiophide mite attack in coconut
6. Irrigation problem in rabi season
7. Labour security
After identification and prioritization of problem the cause
analysis should be done in order to develop a particular action
The three main problems in village achyutpur are
• Yield loss of paddy
• Low yield of cauliflower
• Distress seal of potato
i. Yield loss of paddy :
• Primary causes
a) Pest attack
b) Improper fertilization application
c) Loss due to bull grazing
• Secondary causes
a) Mono cropping of rice
b) Heavy urea application
c) Lack of knowledge about soil fertility of their land
d) Improper drainage channel
• Tertiary causes
a) Higher percentage of low land
b) Risk of crop loss
c) Repeated use of same variety and chemical
d) Lack of soil testing facility
• Intervention
a) Facility of mobile testing van
b) Training about multiple cropping ,crop rotation and other
cropping system
c) Guidance on plant pest control by plant protection officer
d) Control of bull by local means and fencing
ii. Low yield of cauliflower :
• Primary causes
a) Insect pest attack
b) Frost effect
c) Bull grazing
• Secondary causes
a) Resistance of pest to insecticide and pesticide
b) Lack of fencing
• Tertiary causes
a) Use of same chemical and same variety year after year
b) Intervention
a) Proper pest and disease control
b) Protection of field by fencing
iii. Distress seal of potato :
• Primary causes
Lack of cold storage
• Secondary causes
Ignorant activity of government
• Intervention
a) Preparation of value added products
b) Establishment of cold storage by government
 Irrigation through canal, pond , bore well etc.
 Use of modern machinery in farm.
 Use of hybrid & HYV seeds.
 Availability of farm inputs like seeds, fertilizer , 2
 Cultivation of commercials plantation crop.
 Inadequate storage facility.
 Lack of Knowledge and information on various modern
technologies related to Agriculture .
 Some youth clubs are defunded.
 Established of storage structure.
 Promotion of IFS.
 Post harvest products and their sale .
 Mushroom unit , vermiculture and apiary unit .
 Water harvesting structures.
 Involvement of middle man and political interference.
 Migration of labour.
 Least linkage with credit institutions.
 Yield reduction due to monkey and OX .
For cropping area :
• Soil testing for judicious fertilizer management
• Seed treatment
• Use of bio-fertilizer
• Replacement of Swarna variety with Ranidhan and Pratikhya
• Introduction of flood resistant variety swarna sub-I and
scented rice variety sitabhoga
• Seed production programme
• IPM and INM can be undertaken
• Use of herbicides and Mechanical weeder
• Use of neem coated Urea
• Use of biopesticides
• Insitu moisture conservation, mulching and water harvesting
For Waterlogged area :-
• Proper drainage facility
• Pisciculture
• Rice and fish farming system
• Piggery
For Homestead Area :
• Mushroom
• Poultry
• Grafted Mango
• Diary
• Apiary
For women :
• Mushroom cultivation
• Enhancement of SHG
• Imparting training to the farm women on cottage industry such
as bamboo.
For Rural youth :
• Formation of youth club
• Formation of marketing co-operative society
• Impairing training on skill on non-agricultural sector
• Forming Farm science club
• Training on SRI method of cultivation
During rawe
• Crop planning allows us to generate an idea of what need to get
prepared, seeded or transplanted to meet the needs of the
marketing plan. Crop rotations, planned orders of specific crop
or crop families, reduce the impact of pests, pathogens and
weeds. Including cover crops in a farm rotation can add
significant fertility to the soil, build soil organic matter,
attract beneficial insects and reduce the weed pressure.
• It’s hard to defor a particular farm or village without a proper
• During our visit to Village Achyutpur which is a rice dominated
area and of which most of the farmers are marginal in land
holding where we came across various aspects of agriculture.
The RAWE programme was held at Krishi Vigyan Kendra,
Badchana, Jajpur where we came across various famers who
are very advanced in every aspect of farming and they know a
lot more than us . One such example is Kishori Kant Rout who
is an advanced farmer and knows about most of the schemes
and advancement in technology.
• They were mostly using cultivars of rice like khandagiri,
Udaygiri, Tejas, Tapaswini, Nadiaphula, Culture (Early
Duration Type), Swarna, Swarna sub – 1, Beena ( Medium
Duration Type), Pooja, 1018, Kalashree, Chakadola,
Sarchina (Long Duration Type) etc. Mostly it was an irrigated
area. In rice cultivation they were actually following the
recommended dose of fertiliser application like 40:20:20,
60:30:30 and 80:40:40 N2: P2O5:K2O kg/ha for early,
medium and long duration respectively. We also came across
some of the weeds like Avena fatua, Echinochola crus-gali,
Leptocloa chinensis etc. To control using implements like cono
weeder and the chemicals like pretilachlor, nomini gold,
hitcel, kalinga heera etc. Achyutpur is an advanced farm
mechanised village, most of the farmers were using latest farm
implements in the field like MB plough, Cultivator, Rotavator,
Cono weeder, Transplanter, Tractor, Seed cum fertiliser
drill, Combine harvester etc.
• A group of students started collecting information from
Kishori Kant Rout and fellow farmers about the crop plan
followed by them. From the info provided by them we got to
know that most of the farmers follow multiple farming, the
type of soil was basically clay loam and clay type, for
irrigation they mostly depend on bore wells and canal water
and the type of land was medium and low land. During Kharif
season the farmers cultivate rice and during the Rabi season
they grow mostly vegetables (Cabbage, cauliflower,
coriander, onion), pulses (green gram, black gram), sugar
crops basically sugarcane and even some crops like groundnut,
colocasia and potato. In the Kharif season they are practising
sowing of paddy in single row method (BGREI Scheme).
To adopt the multiple cropping system along with
the other allied sectors like poultry, mushroom .
Not to use the same varieties to avoid fluctuation in
the field. Apply herbicides and pesticides in time with
recommended dose.
It can be done by these methods:
• Summer ploughing, Crop rotation,Inter cropping, Line sowing,
Timely sowing, etc.
• These are :Hand hoeing, hand pulling, tillage, sickling, Mulching,
burning, digging etc..
 Rice (Direct Seeded Condition)
• Butachlor @ 1kg/ha and Pretilachlor @
0.75kg/ha. The Pretilachlor is also applied with
Safner. Anilophos and Pendimethalin is also
applied @ 0.3kg/ha & 1.0kg/ha respectively.
• 2, 4 D Ethyl Ester @ 0.5 kg/ha after 25 days of
the emergence of the crop along with Safner @
Transplanted Rice
• All is same as the direct seeded rice plant except
the application of Pendimethalin.
• On the other hand Oxadiazone in the name of Ronestar @
0.5kg/ha and Thiobencarb in the trade name of Saturn @
1.5kg/ha are applied as Pre emergence herbicide.
• In case of Nursery the herbicides applied are Soffit,
Thiobencarb and Propanil @ 0.5kg/ha, 1kg/ha and
3kg/ha respectively.
• Metachlor and Pendimethalin @ 0.75kg/ha are applied as pre
emergence that to 1-2DAS.
• On the other hand Fuzalfopethyl @ 0.05kg/ha is applied as
post emergence that to 20 days after emergence.
• Pre emergence application of Metrimuzin @ 0.75kg/ha and
Atrazine @ 1kg/ha 1-2 days after the planting of the setts.
• Post emergence application of 2,4 D ethyl ester @ 0.8 kg/ha
after 25-30 Days of the growth of the plant which is
generally planted in the Dec- Jan.
• Early post emergence of Glyphosate @ 1kg/ha after 60-
90 days after planting.
• Metrimuzin @ 0.05kg/ha and Pendinethalin @ 0.75 kg/ha are
applied as pre emergence application.
• Fuzalfopethyl @ 0.5kg/ha as Post emergence.
• In case of SUGARCANE, MAIZE & SORGHUM striga is an
important weed and to control it 2,4 D ethyl ester @ 1kg/ha is
• Pendimethalin @ 1kg/ha as pre emergence application and
Fluchloralin @ 0.75kg/ha is applied as Pre plant incorporation.
• Fuzalfopethyl @ 0.75kg/ha is applied as post emergence.
• We can control by biological means. There are some biological
entities which will suppress the weeds without harming our
• Like Zygogramma bicolorata a beetle which suppresses the
carrot grass, BIOHERBICIDE can be used. But is not popular.
When we went Achyutpur, we observed their cropping pattern ,crop
rotation, cropping sequence, their soil type, finally the soil health
card. Hence, we concluded a specified fertilizer dose for crops
grown in achyutpur village.
DIRECT SEEDED RICE:- 60:30:30 N2:P2O5:K2O Kg/ha, FYM: 5
t/ha; We advised them to apply Nitrogen in 3 splits i.e. 1/3
at tillering & remaining at P.I. stage. Full dose of P2O5
&K2O applied during sowing. 25 kg of Zn. Should be incorporated in
TRANSPLANTED RICE: 80:40:40 N2:P2O5:K20 Kg/ha And
all the recommended practices are same as above.
N2:P2O5:K2O Kg/ha. We suggested them to apply Azotobacter
which will reduce the nitrogen dose up to 20-30kg/ha.
N2:P2O5:K2O Kg /ha. 25 tractor loads of FYM is applied during land
Kg/ha. Different strains of Rhizobium are applied to
different leguminous crops.
• The instant a crop is removed from the ground, or
separated from its parent plant, it begins to deteriorate .
Post harvest treatment largely determines final quality .
• The most important goals of post harvest handling are keeping
the product .
• Post harvest technology is inter-disciplinary “Science and
Technology” applied to agricultural produce after harvest
for its protection, conservation, processing, packaging,
distribution, marketing and utilization .
• Importance of post harvest technology lies in the fact that it
has capability to meet the food requirement of growing
population .
The post harvest industry includes the following main components:
• Harvesting and threshing
• Drying and storage
• Processing (conservation and / transformation of the produce)
• Utilization by consumer including home processing.
We along with KVK scientist Miss Dharitri Mam had done the
demonstration about storage of pulses in Dihakuransa village with
insect and moisture proof polythene.
In our allotted KVK i.e. KVK, Badchana, Jajpur we had done soil
sampling along with determination of soil pH, EC, Organic carbon
content on 20
and 21
October 2016 under the proper guidance
of Subhasish Das sir .
Spade or auger
Wooden harmer
Sampling bag
• For irrigated condition one sample is collected from 2.5ha
and for non-irrigated condition one sample is collected from
10ha land.
• A site was selected in the KVK farm for sample collection.
• 1
sample collection was done with the help of spade and
khurpi and then with screw auger.
• A “V” shape cut of depth 30cm was given and a thin soil slice of
1inch was taken out with the khurpi.
• For collecting sample with auger; the auger was inserted to a
depth of 25-30cm and the soil was taken out.
• The collected soil was dried under shade and the materials like
roots, stone, pebbles were removed
• The dried soil aggregates were broken with a wooden hammer
and sieved through a 2mm sieve
• The bulk of soil was reduced to 1/2kg by quartering.
• This sample was collected in a sampling bag.
• The bag was labelled with informations like date of collection,
type of land, name of sampler,crop grown in field etc.
• Soil should not be collected from swampy area, near bund
or near compost pit. Soil should not be dried under sun or
near fire.
• The soil aggregates should not be broke with iron hammer.
• The soil should not be stored in fertilizer bag and godown.
• As maures and fertilizers are providing essential nutrients to
the plant through chemical fertilizers , there is a large need
for the awareness of organic manures and bio fertilizers.
• Organic manures mainly 2 types.
• 1- Bulky organic manures
• 2 - Concentrated organic manures.
• Bulky organic manure , low nutrient content but concentrated
organic manure have high nutrient content.
• We also provided information regarding collection of manure
which will help in less nutrient loss from the manures. We
provided information regarding why byre system of collection
is the best and suggested them. We also suggested them to
go bur covered pit method of storage which will cause less
nutrient loss.
• We also provided information regarding composting and vermin
composting. Those who did nit have cattle we suggest to go for
ADCO process of composting.
• Vermi composting is a method of making compost with the
use of earthworms .
• We all demonstrated them how to use bio fertilizers very
efficiently .
• Rhizobium : used in pulses
• Azatobacter: used in rice cotton and sugarcane
• Azospirilum: used in sorghum
• We also recommended them to use VAM and phosphorus
solubilising bacteria which enhance the performance of above
“N” fixing bacteria.
• We also suggested them to go for azola cultivation in their
standing rice field. Azolla pinnata grow very well in their
• As there is no such big forests nearby we suggested them to
go for ‘ insitu green manuring’. As they have mainly low lands
and medium lands , and KVK is also practicing Dhanicha in field
we recommended to go for Dhanicha atleast once in a year.
• Water management includes two aspects i.e. irrigation and
• It is the medium through which we can better manage the
distribution and optimum use of water.
• Village scenario
• Here as per as irrigation is concern the farming totally depend
on canal irrigation.
The status also says that Achyutpur has a great potential of ground
water exploitation
Total capacity Developed Undeveloped Potentiality
18596 13350 4548 Maximum
(Information of canal command Area of Achyutpur )
Jajpur is a rice dominated area.
• 1cm water is required per day in rice cultivation.
• At tillering stage 2cm standing water is required.
• At PI stage 5 + 2cm or 5 -2 cm water is required. It is the
most critical stage of rice. Shortage of water leads to chaffy
grain production.
• 10 to 15 days before maturity water is removed from the field.
• IW/CPE = 5 -7 cm /62.5mm. ASM = FC - PWP i.e. irrigate
the field up to 50%
• Un timely availability of water
• Not availability sufficient water continuously.
• Quality of water due to presence of more industries.
• Untimely sowing of crop.
Strategic action plan for water management.
• Irrigation point are more effective .
• Creation of awareness among the farmers.
• Correction of faulty irrigation points.
• Creation of irrigation water potential per annum
through PMSKY through ongoing state plan.
• Large scale conversion of rain fed area to irrigating areas
in next 5 yrs.
What do you mean by nursery?
A vegetable nursery is a place where young plants are cared for
during the early stages of growth.
Nursery Preparation at KVK, JAJPUR
• We all had done nursery preparation .The place selected was
well drained and proper lighted, and there was proper water
supply to that area. The soil selected was fertile and
healthy soil.
• The soil was covered with black polythene sheet and then
removed after 2 weeks.
• The size of the nursery bed taken was length-3m, width-1m,
and height- 15cm.
• A space of 30-40 cm is left in between two beds help in
weeding, care against insect pest and excess draining
off water.
• The seeds were covered with paddy straw in order to protect
them from birds and other animals.
• Regular watering was done but excess water was drained out.
• Thinning was also done to maintain plant population.
In village Achyutpur lots of fruit and vegetables are cultivated
by the farmers but they have no knowledge about different
problems and their management we provide some idea about
the solutions.
Location: ACHYUTPUR is situated at a distance of only
14 K.M.s from Chandikhol state highway .
Fruit Crops: Banana, Mango, Coconut , Lemon , Water
melon, Papaya etc.
Vegetables: Potato, Tomato, Onion, Brinjal , Colocasia ,
Cucumber, Snake gourd, Bottle gourd ,Ridge gourd ,Okra etc.
Leafy vegetables: Coriander leaves, Amaranthus,
Fenugreek leaves.
Spices: Ginger, Garlic, Turmeric.
Constraints in Fruits and Vegetable Production:
 Social Constraints:
• Irregular visit of extension workers,
• Lack of timely technical advice,
• Poor coordination among the grass root level workers,
• Non-uniform distribution of subsidies,
Technical Constraints
• Inadequate training program,
• Lack of soil testing facilities.
 Economical Constraints:
• Absence of storage facilities,
• Low risk bearing capacity & high cost of technology.
• There should be selection of good variety .
• For weed management weedicides to be applied and for
disease and pest management proper fungicide, bactericide,
insecticides are to be sprayed.
• Proper post harvest management .
• For vegetable, a good nursery bed should be prepared for
disease management.
• Nutrients should be applied on soil test basis.
• Harvesting should be done at right time
We had gone to the village Achyutpur for 6 weeks for our student
READY programme.
We came in contact with the pests and diseases of
the following crops :
IDENTIFYING CHARACTER : Front wings of this insect are yellow
.Two black spot in both the wings. Tuft anal hair present in female.
Catarpillar is yellowish white with a dark brown head and prothoracic
DAMAGE SYMPTOMS: Newly hatched larvae bores in the nodal
region .As result of formation of dead heart and white ear head in
vegetative and reproductive stage respectively which can be easily
pulled out .
MANAGEMENT: a)Application of Trichogama japonicum
20000/acre 10 times with in 6days interval .
b) Triazophus 40 E.C 400ml ,Phosalon 5E.C 400ml can be sprayed.
a) we can destroy the insect by using light trap during night
time because it can attract the insect.
IDENTIFYING CHARACTER : Fly is mosquito Female has bright
orange red Abdomen. Maggot which is pale reddish, apodous
moves down to the shoot apex without boring into plant tissue.
DAMAGE SYMTOMS: cylindrical tube in tillers known as gall
/ silver
shoot/onion shoot.
MANAGEMENT: a) larvae are naturally parasitized by
Platygaster oryzae.
b) Application of granules in the main field at 10-15 DAT: phorate 5
kg/ac or carbofuran 10 kg/ac in endemic areas.
IDENTIFYING CHARACTERS: 5 mm long and possesses two
black spots in the males
which extend up to the black distal portion of the forewings.
DAMAGE SYMPTOM : Yellowing, stunting and withering of plants,
leaves turning brown with small scratch like marks on leaf in severe
infestation, uniform yellowing from mid half of leaf.
MANAGEMENT: Early clipping of infested leaf tips to prevent virus
transmission. For immediate knockdown of high population
monocrotophos 2 ml/l + dichlorvos 1 ml/l.
A) Blast
Leaf blast: Spindle shaped spots with grey centre and dark brown
Node blast: irregular black areas that encircle the nodes can be
Neck blast: This symptom is same as dead heart of stem borer.
Management: Spray the main field with Edifenphos@0.1%
or Carbendazim@0.1% or Tricyclazole
@0.06% or Thiophanate Methylon @0.1%.
B)Brown Spot
Symptoms :
The disease appears first as minute brown dots, later becoming
cylindrical or oval to circular.
• Apply recommended doses of fertilizers.
• Spray twice with Carbendazim @0.1% or Benomyl@0.05%
or Mancozeb@0.2% or Chlorothalonil@0.2% at boot leaf
stage and 15 days later .
C) Sheath blight
Symptoms : The fungus affects the crop from tillering to heading
stage. Initial symptoms are noticed on leaf sheaths near water level.
#The presence of several large lesions on a leaf sheath usually
causes death of the whole leaf .
Management: Spray Propiconazole@0.1% or Hexaconazole@0.2% .
D) False smut
The fungus transforms individual grains into yellow or greenish
spore balls of velvety appearance.
Spray copper oxychloride@0.3% or carbendazim@0.1% at panicle
emergence stage .
IDENTIFYING CHARACTERS: Moths are medium in size
with white wings having large brown patches and red markings.
• Roping of tender shoots and wilting in vegetative stage
• Holes on the infested fruits filled with excreta .
MANAGEMENT: Three spraying with carbaryl 3 g/l or profenofos
2ml/l or cypermethrin 1 ml/l at 10 day interval from 3 weeks after
transplanting .
• Moth is with dark brown forewings with white club shaped
cross band along anterior margin and white hind wings
with dark brown border.
• The caterpillar with short hairs on black warts webs together
the flowers and feeds on them.
CONTROL MEASURE: Combination of chlorpyriphos 2.5 ml/l or
quinalphos 2 ml/l or novaluron 0.75 ml/l .
IDENTIFYING CHARACTERS: Show irregular yellow and green
patches alternating with each other.
Management : Treat seeds with Imidacloprid 70 WS @ 5ml/kg
to control vector.
Red rot: Reddening of the internal tissues. The presence
of cross-wise white patches
We strongly recommended ,for prevention, Hot water treatment of
setts at 520C for 30 min or 500C for 2 hours followed by steeping
in 0.1% carbendazim solution. Grow resistant varieties like CO 6907,
CO 721.
Tikka Disease: There are 2 stages, one, Early leaf spot (occurs
<35DAS) and Late Leaf spot (occurs >35DAS).. Both these
diseases are extremely damaging and reduce the effective
photosynthetic area and thus, yield.
We recommended Treat the seeds with Captan or Thiram at 4g/kg.
Spray Carbendazim@0.1% or Mancozeb@0.2%.
Anthracnose: The fungus produces leaf spots, blossom blight,
wither tip, twigs blight and fruit rot.
Spray carbendazim or Topsin M (0.1%) or Chlorothalonil (0.2 at 14
days intervals until harvest. Before storage, treat the fruits with
hot water (50-55°C), for 15 minutes or dip in Benomyl solution
(500ppm) or Thiobendazole (1000ppm) for 5 minutes or expose
them to ammonia and sulphur dioxide gases.
Yellow Sigatoka leaf spot: Small spindle shaped spots on foliage
with greyish centre leaves possess dark brown to black margin.
Spray zineb@0.25% or copper oxy chloride@0.3% .
Wilt: The earliest symptoms are faint yellow streaks on the petiole
of oldest, lower most Leaves.
We recommended them to Use of disease free suckers for planting.
Drainage was a problem there so to avoid ill drained soils, and prefer
slightly alkaline soils (7-7.5 pH) for cultivation. Go for Poovan, Basrai
,Moonjil,etc, Dipping of suckers in carbendazim (0.1%) solution
before planting. Soil drench with 0.1% carbendazim.
Damping off of vegetable seedlings
The Seedlings disintegrate before they come out of soil surface.
Seed dressing with Thiram or captan @ 2-3 g/Kg. Soil drenching
with 1% Bordeaux mixture or COC@ 0.3%. Biocontrol with
Trichoderma viride .
Training is a technique of imparting specific skills to a group of
people who need them by creating an appropriate learning situation.
This is an effective method of transfer of technology.
1. To impart the needed skills to a small group of people.
2. To motivate people to adopt new practices through skill
Demonstration is given before group of people to show how to carry
out an entirely new practice or an old practice in a better way. It is
essentially skill training,when the emphasis is an effectively carrying
out a job,hearing,participating and practicing in a group which shall
stimulate interest and action.
1. To teach skills and stimulate people to action.
2. To get rid of inefficient or ineffective movements.
3. To improve upon the results by doing a job in a better way.
4. To build up farmers confidence and satisfaction on the
During our village attachment programme we conducted some
training programmes in villages. In the training programme we
imparted training to villagers on different improved technology
related to agriculture. In selecting the topics emphasis was given on
technical feasibility and economic viability of the technologies. It
was taken care that the topics on which the training was imparted
suited to economy and culture of the village. The main objective of
the programme was to inculcate some of the low and no cost
technologies and profitable enterprises for the wholesome
development of the community.
We attended one training programmes in village ACHYUTPUR
.Around 30-40 villagers attended training and demonstration
programme. There was a good mix of old and youth, men and women
participants. The villagers keenly participated in those programmes
and there was a healthy interaction between them and us. We used
several extension teaching aids like banners and leaflets for better
understanding of the topics.
We collected all the information and materials required for our
training and demonstration. We made posters and folders on our
assigned topics to make our training programme successful.we
explain all the things during training and demonstration simply in
local languages and also we could able to clarify the queries of the
farmers. Our activities were evaluated by our programme
supervisors and snr.scientist and programme coordinator of
KVK,jajpur .we successfully completed our training and
demonstration programme.
VILLAGE – ACHYUTPUR ( 24-10-2016 )
TITLE : Integrated Farming System
Decline in Agriculture growth rate .
Decline in factor productivity.
Incresing malnutrition.
Low farm income .
Increasing unemployment .
Increasing cost of production .
 To identify existing farming systems in specific areas &
access their relative humidity.
 To maintain sustainable production system without
damaging resources/environment.
IFS Model
CONCLUSION : In concluding , I may add that ..
 Profit is sustainability enhanced when vegetables were
included in the system .
 Under Rice based cropping systems the profitability
gets reduced when area under rice is more.
 Hence, Priority on allied enterprises is necessary to
increase the farm income.
Socialization Sessions Of Students with
Villagers , Progressive farmers , Contact farmers
,Local representatives
What is Socialization?
Socialization is a term used by sociologists, social
psychologists, anthropologists, political scientists, and
educationalists to refer to the lifelong process of inheriting and
disseminating norms, customs, values and ideologies, providing
an individual with the skills and habits necessary for
participating within their own society.
We had allotted in Krishi Vigyan Kendra for Village attachment
programme for duration 6 weeks . In these 6 weeks we had to
increase our social relationship with
(1) Villagers
(2) Contact farmers
(3) Progressive farmers &
(4) Local representatives .
These were the first step towards the socialization sessions of
students with villagers:
• First day we reached at Krishi Vigyan Kendra nearly 4 p.m. .
After that , KVKs official had arranged an interactive session
between KVKs official & students. Among the discussion, KVKs
official told us about the adopted village, named Achyutpur .
• Tomorrow morning we had gone out for adopted village,
Achyutpur . After reached that village, A socialization
sessions occur between the students & villagers.
• Villagers viewed the students are in a very positive light
regarding attitude &behaviour and did not hesitate to
complement the personal character of the students. This set
the foundation for the remarkable rapport that was evident
between them.
• Often, villagers commented that by the time, the student
completed the module, they were considered as family. In
many instances, students helped the farmers and their
children to read and write
• Students would read letter for illiterate farmers as well as
tutor and assist children with school work .Especially the
farmers and students conversations had over a coffee.
• Most farmers never had the opportunity to travel and
experience other cultures and they realized that the students
were away to bring the culture of other place or cities to them.
• Since most of the farmers had no formal education, they were
appreciative of the students and took advantage of them to
gain knowledge.
• The farmers often discussed the importance of
combining theoretical and practical knowledge.
Socialization Sessions Of Students With Contact farmers &
Progressive farmers :
• After villagers interaction, we moved to find out the contact
farmers and we contacted many farmers , among them some
farmers appeared to be exceptionally progressive , but we
had to choose only 50 progressive farmers among them , so
that they will dedicatedly involve with our students.
• We Distributed 2 farmers to each students. Then , We
explained the purpose of visit to their village as well as Krishi
Vigyan Kendra.
• In this session , There were three basic data collection
procedures employed to achieve the objectives.
• The first method was a census survey ,using a quantitative
questionnaire .
• The second method utilized the same questionnaire as a
structured interview guide for interviews with farmers.
• Focus groups, among students and farmers, were utilized as
the third data collection procedure.
• Some farmers felt that the students taught the farmers,
while others felt as through the farmers were doing most of
the teaching. In terms of giving, the farmers viewed the
students as bringing knowledge and ideas and helping the
farmers to create a network.
• Farmers were aware that both theoretical and practical
knowledge were most effective when used as a community basis
and felt that the students contributed greatly to their base of
theoretical knowledge.
• Farmer felt that the students also contributed to knowledge in
the area of sustainable agriculture, waste management &
practices that reduce agricultural impacts on the environment.
• Farmers recognized that students were not experts, but
perceived them as their point of access to the experts & other
knowledgeable entities & sources of information
through OUAT.
• Farmers also mentioned that, if KVKs provided them with more
of the materials needed to experiments, they would do so
more often.
• Farmers also mentioned that ,the program should only focus on
individual farmers because trying to get the farmers to work
together is a “ Waste Of Time “
• Farmers reported the “Distrust & Corruption” among farmers
in the community & said that they were resistant to working
together ,illustrated by the following quote “I didn’t want to
be involved with the problems of the community as a whole
because they don’t know anything ”
• Then we also discussed about Use of vermicomposting & green
manure crops.
• Through farmer interviews, it also became evident that the
farmers didn’t realize that they could compost with crop
residues, kitchen waste or other organic outputs generated
from farm activities, other than animal manure.
• Then all 50 farmers agreed that their role should be to:
• Learn from the student
• Work well with the students to develop implement new ideas.
• Value & respect different opinions & ideas.
• Be a model of inspiration to the student.
• Next day , we had gone out to seen a very progressive farmers,
who had having a combine harvester, rotator, power tiller,
tractor, thresher etc. and also he had used nearly 100 acre
land for farm purpose.
Socialization Sessions of Students with Local Representatives:
• When we were at KVKs, That time, DAO & other AAO of
Jajpur District had visited to KVKs for giving
information regarding agriculture & other allied sector.
• T.V media like ETV news channel & other newspaper reporter
had also came to KVKs for reporting different activities doing
by Agricultural students.
• At the last day , AAO & AHO ,both visited to KVKs for giving
information regarding different schemes regulated by central
& state Govt. & these schemes are described below ...
• Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY)
• Mission of Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH)
• National Food Security Mission (NFSM)
• Soil Health Card
• Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)
• Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana
 An exposure visit is a tool that is used to facilitate the
learning process among the students. It encourages the
vision of the person along with his inherent skill.
 KVK, Jajpur had organised an exposure visit to Darpan farm on
4th October 2016.
 We all were accompanied by Babita Madam. It was basically
a nursery of Mango and Cashewnut.
 With the guidance of experts present there and madam we
also got to know the skill of grafting in Mango and Cashewnut.
 They taught us “ How to collect scion and how to prepare
a grafted plant”.
 We also visited the poly house and cashew nut. In case of
mango the poly house structure was shaw toothed type and
in case of cashew nut the structure was quinsent type.
 We also converted many normal plants into grafted ones
with the supervision of experts.
 We got to know various strategies to build a poly house along
with the operating principle of a nursery.
 At the end we took some of the photographs and thanked
the members of who were engaged in that farm.
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (SBA) is a national campaign
by the Govt. Of India. The campaign was officially launched on the
October 2014 at Rajghart, New Delhi by PM Narendra Modi. It
is India's biggest ever cleanliness drive
During our Student Ready Programme by the help of the PC,
KVK, Badchana organised the SBA programme at Choromuha Village on
September 2016. All the staff of KVK along with all the
students including some of the villagers attended the programme.
With the help of villagers we started our SBA programme from the
end of the village. Before the programme we were ready with our
equipment's like brooms, banners, placards etc.
With the help of the KVK members and villagers we continued
the programme smoothly. During the programme we made them
aware about the values of cleanliness. At the end we also informed
them that this time the SBA was about “Free Open Defecation”.
At the end we thanked all the villagers for their cordial
support for making the programme successful
• Student Ready Programme is an exposure programme
conducted to make the agricultural student acquainted with
the real field situation. To test the feasibility of knowledge
gained during class room teaching and its application in the
farmer’s field.
• From orientation programme to till submission of report every
moment in Student Ready Programme has been exciting,
exploring, enlightening, enriching, adventurous and
THE FOLLOWING ASPECTS OF student ready programme
• Improved communication skill by interaction with the host
farmer and other farmer during the village activities and also
during the presentation of maps in the classroom, training,
demonstration, exhibition, and other extension activities.
• Feedback and interaction with the farmers and guidance and
suggestions of our multidisciplinary team of supervisors help us
to redefine extension service necessary for all round
development of the village.
• It offers an opportunity to gain experience of rural area, rural
people, their social structure, values, livelihood and culture for
making extension work successful.
• It includes team spirit, working in group, cooperation between
group members, time management and logical approach to
 This Village Attachment Programme really helps us to know
about real practical field problem and village situation. The
knowledge and skill of both our and farmers developed.
 The training and demonstration programme help farmers to
know about new techniques and create venture for self-
 The farmers of all the villagers know many technologies, but
not adopting. Thus helps from block office or KVK benefited
them to a great extent for adoption of technologies.
 The villagers are loving towards us and also very supportive.
 And finally we convey our thanks to our Scientists and Head of
KVK as well as other faculty members and our both the
supervisors for their unconditional help and support.
 This village attachment programme to these five villages i.e.
Achyutpur, Choromuha, Dihakuransa, Bandareshwara and
Krishnapada provides a practical oriented opportunity and
hands on experience in acquiring knowledge and skill.
 The real socio-economic situation of village and problems at
field level known to us.
 The farmers of village Achyutpur are prosperous and
developed as they came in contact with government officials
frequently and their production is more due to more knowledge
and availability of some sort of irrigation water.
 The Farmers of village Choromuha are well developed due to
the proper management of the available resources. The
women’s are equally empowered like the men of that village just
because of their cooperation and dedication.
 The farmers of village Dihakuransa are well equipped with
their indigenous knowledge . In one word they are the adopter
of new technology of new era of farming.
 They are quite developed just because they properly utilize
the available resources and are in good contact with KVK.
 The farmers of village Bandareshwara has the opportunity to
get inspired by a large farmer like Ranjit Samal There farmers
are well managing the time .
 The farmers of village Krushnapada are quite underdeveloped
or knowledge about technology is of minimum level as they are
not in contact with Govt. or agricultural officials or KVK.
Rural Agricultural Work Experience

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Rural Agricultural Work Experience

  • 1. It is with a sense of great pleasure, I, Sanjib Kumar Parida (01A/13), am presenting this report of village attachment programme of Student Ready Programme 2016-17. I feel honored to offer my sincere gratitude to all those people who helped me in completing my Student Ready programme. I am extremely thankful to Dr. L.M. Garnayak, Dean,College of Agriculture for his cooperation and encouragement. Expressing my deep gratitude to Dr. B. Parasar,Dean’s representative, Dr. A.P.Kanungo, Chairman and Dr.B.P. Mohapatra, Coordinator of RAWE programme, Programme Coordinator Mrs. Dr. Tilottma Pattnaik madam,Other staffs of KVK, Jajpur and supervisors Dr.K.C. Samal and Dr.M.K Mishra for their proper guidance during orientation programme and for providing us theoretical knowledge prior to village attachment programme and also for their support during RAWE activities in both the village “ACHYUTPUR”. I would also like to thank the supporting professors as our supervisor on the Student Ready programme. They immensely help us to remove all the obstacles throughout the programme. Last, but not the least, I would also like to thank my beloved friends who accompanied me in my tasks even during odd hours and made me keep up the enthusiasm regarding my tasks. Date: 07/11/16 Sanjib Kumar Parida Place: Bhubaneswar 01A/13
  • 3. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE,OUAT,BBSR -3 SANJIB KUMAR PARIDA,01A/13 CONTENTS SL.NO CHAPTERS PAGE NO. 1. Introduction 1 2. Students’ Ready Programme 2 3. RAWE 3 4. Jajpur at a glance 4-5 5. About KVK jajpur 5-8 6 Participatory rural appraisal 9-11 7. Participatory mapping 12 8. Orientation programme 13 9. Inauguration at KVK,Jajpur 14-15 10. Rapport building with the villagers 16 11. Rapport building with host farmer 17 12. Village at a glance 18-22 13. Transect Walk 22-24 14. Village Map 25-28 15. Social Map 28-29 16. Crop Map 29-30 17. Hydrology Map 30-32 18. Enterprise Map 32-33
  • 4. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE,OUAT,BBSR -3 SANJIB KUMAR PARIDA,01A/13 19. Mobility Map 33-34 20. Daily Work Profile 34-36 21. Matrix Ranking 37 22. Wealth Ranking 37-39 23. Resource Flow Analysis 40-41 24. Venn Diagram 41-42 25. Timeline 43-44 26. Seasonality 45 27. Livelihood Analysis 46 28. ITKs 47-48 29. Problem Identification and Prioritization 48-49 30. Problem Cause Analysis 49-51 31. SWOT Analysis of Achyutpur 51 32. Action Plan for Achyutpur 52-53 33. Activities done during RAWE 53-81 A. Crop Planning for Different Situation 53-55 B. Weed Management Practices 55-58 C. Fertilizer Management Practices 58-59
  • 5. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE,OUAT,BBSR -3 SANJIB KUMAR PARIDA,01A/13 D. Post Harvest Technology 59-60 E. Soil Sampling 60-61 F. Use of Organic Manure and Biofertilizer 62-63 G. Water Management Practices 63-65 H. Nursery Management 65-66 I. Fruit & Vegetable Management 66-67 J. Field Identification Of Pests & Diseases 68-72 K. Disease Management 72-74 L. Training & Demonstration 74-76 M. Socialization Sessions Of Students With Villagers ,Progressive Farmers, ContactFarmers&Local Representatives 77-81 34. AnExposure Visit to Darpani Farm 82 35. Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan 83 36. Experienced Gained During RAWE 84 37. Feedback 85 38. Conclusion 86
  • 6. INTRODUCTION “Everything else may wait but not AGRICULTURE” -Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru The rural agricultural work experience programme (RAWE) is being conducted every year in the 7 th semester. In this programme, all students are divided into different groups and are assigned to carry out different activities under the proper guidance of our respected teachers known as supervisors and also with the coordinators cooperation and participation of the villagers. Here, Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) technique is conducted to gain experience. So, we were required to carry out the exercises in the assigned village with the help of the villagers and submit our report through different maps. During the PRA exercise, we were exposed to village situation and we got a basic understanding of various on-farm activities. Each and every student developed communication skills during the presentation conducted regularly under this programme and during training, demonstration and exhibition. Various exercises under this project developed knowledge of the student and revised all the courses that we studied for the last 3 years. We are now comfortable while communicating with the villagers. I think the most important achievement of this RAWE program is that it has generated interest in the minds of the students to do something for the villagers because they have very closely observed the real problems and difficulties faced by the poor farmers. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 1
  • 7. STUDENTS’ READY PROGRAMME  The term READY refers to “Rural and Entrepreneurship Awareness Development Yojana” and the programme was conceptualized to reorient graduates of Agriculture and allied subjects for ensuring and assuring employability and develop entrepreneurs for emerging knowledge intensive agriculture.  It is an essential prerequisite for the award of degree to ensure hands on experience and practical training by adopting the following components :  Experiential learning  Rural Agricultural Work Experience  In Plant Training/ Industrial attachment  Hands-on-training(HOT)/ Skill development training-24 weeks  Students Projects- 10 weeks All the above mentioned components are interactive and are conceptualized for building skill in project development and execution, decision-making, individual and team coordination, approach to problem solving accounting, quality control, marketing and resolving conflicts ,etc. with end to end approach COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 2
  • 8. RURAL AGRICULTURAL WORK EXPERIENCE(RAWE) Agricultural education is an important tool in ensuring increased agricultural productivity, sustainability and environmental and ecological security, profitability, job security and equity. In India RANDHWA Committee (1992) recommended the rural agricultural work experience (RAWE) programme for imparting quality, practical and production oriented education for agriculture degree programme. The World Bank (1975) stated that there was little emphasis on curricular or agribusiness outside Government jobs. Therefore, the agenda for the 21 st century in agricultural education should be drawn on the basis of challenges it has to meet in the near future. RAWE programme provides significant hands on experience in acquiring knowledge & skill. What is RAWE? RAWE (Rural Agricultural Work Experience) is a programme for imparting quality, practical & production oriented for agricultural degree. Importance of RAWE Programme  Preparing agricultural graduates for better career in agriculture.   Preparing agricultural graduates oriented education to face the challenges by acquiring knowledge & skill though hands on experience.  Objectives of RAWE  Understanding the rural life by students.   To get familiarize with the socio-economic conditions of the farmers & their problems with reference to agricultural development.   To provide an opportunity to the students for practical training in crop production through work experience.   To develop communication skills among students using extension teaching methods in transfer of technology.   To develop the understanding regarding agricultural technologies being followed by farmers and to prepare alternate farm plans to suit to the local situation in consultation with farmers.  COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 3
  • 9. JAJPUR AT A GLANCE Geographical and Population details of the District Geographical 2,887.69 sq.km Area under Forest : 1453.22 sq.km 50.32 Area : % Total : 1,826,275 in % Male : 926,012 50.70 Female : 900,263 49.30 Rural : 1,731,950 94.84 Urban : 94,325 5.16 Population ( 2011 Census ) Scheduled Caste : 373,513 20.45 Scheduled Caste Male : 190,976 51.13 Scheduled Caste Female : 182,537 48.87 Scheduled Tribe : 125,989 6.90 Scheduled Tribe Male : 64,198 50.96 Scheduled Tribe Female : 61,791 49.04 Population 630 (Per sq.km) Density : Total Literate : 1,302,292 80.44 Literate Male : 714,650 87.36 Literate Female : 587,642 73.37 Literacy Total Illiterate : 523,983 28.69 Illiterate Male : 0 0.00 Illiterate Female : 0 0.00 Total Households : 407,851 Rural Households : 378,645 92.84 Urban Households : 29,206 7.16 Households BPL Households ( 1997 169,595 -- Census) : SC/ST Households ( 2011 -- -- Census) : COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 4
  • 10. Administrative Setup : Administrative setup of the District No. of Sub-Divisions : 1 No. of Tehsils : 10 No. of Municipalities/Corporation 2 No. of N.A.Cs : 0 : No. of Blocks : 10 No. of Police Stations : 18 No. of Gram Panchayats : 280 No. of Inhabited Villages : 1575 No. of Uninhabited 203 No. of villages : 1781 Villages : ABOUT KVK JAJPUR The Krishi Vigyan Kendra is a district level Farm Science Center established by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi. The aim of Krishi Vigyan Kendra is to reduce the time lag between Generation of technology at the research institutions and it's transfer to the farmer's field for increasing production, productivity and income from the agriculture and allied sectors on a sustained basis. In order to achieve this goal, four mandates have been envisaged in the design of the Krishi Vigyan Kendra. KVK,JAJPUR: – KVK, Jajpur was established in 2002. It is located at Barchana, Jajpur. It has some official staffs including one project coordinator and 6 subject matter specialists. The SMSs are from different disciplines such as Agronomy, Horticulture, Soil science, Ag.Engg, Home Science & Veterinary Science. The present project coordinator is Dr.(Mrs) Tilotama Pattanaik COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 5
  • 11. The total farm area is 50 acre. But under use is 37 acre. Total cultivable area is 25 acre and in rest 12 acre 2 ponds, quarters, KVK building, farmer’s hostel and other infrastructure are present. Units of KVK JAJPUR : 1. Medicinal Garden 8. Mushroom Unit 2. Poly house 9. Godown 3. Techno Park 10.Farm Machinery Unit 4. Net House 11.Apiculture Unit 5. Poultry house 12. Pot manure 6. Cowshed 13. Seed Sale centre 7. Watching shed 14. Threshing Floor MANDATES OF KVK  Conducting on-farm testing to identify the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming systems.  Organizing frontline demonstrations to establish production potential of various crops and enterprises on the farmers, fields.  Organizing need based training of farmers to update their knowledge and skills in modern agricultural technologies related to technology assessment, refinement and demonstration, and training, of extension personnel to orient them in the frontier areas of technology development.  Creating awareness about improved technologies to larger masses through appropriate extension programmes.  Production and supply of good quality seeds and planting materials, livestock, poultry and fisheries breeds and products and various bio-products to the farming community.  Work as resource and knowledge centre of agricultural technology for supporting initiatives of public, private and voluntary sector for improving the agricultural economy of the district. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 6
  • 12. INFORMATION ABOUT KVK JAJPUR :  In techno park, organic banana cultivation is done and the varieties used are G-9 (Dwarf) & Bantala (Tall).   In medicinal garden the different species available are – Aloevera, Stivia, Pasanavedi, Tulasi, Rauwolfia, Thalkudi, Poodina, Pippali, Gudumari, Akarakara, Pasaruni, Bhuin Nimba, Aswagandha, Antamula, Asoka, Kumkum, Guluchi.   An agro shade nethouse is there, where different shade loving ornamental plants & indoor plants are kept. A poultry house for broiler chicks where at present only 160 are alive. The farm machinery unit has the following agricultural implements such as – 1. VST – Shakti Yanji 2. Paddy Reaper (Kamco Power Reaper) 3. Power Tiller 4. 8 row paddy transplanter 5. Mini seed processing unit  In polyhouse, green leafy vegetables and other vegetables are cultivated and it is covered by UV protected polythene. A seed Testing Laboratory is under construction.   The model organic farm is in 2 hectare area, where Swarna variety of rice is cultivated organically.   The seed production programme is undertaken in 8 hectare area, but this year only in 6 hectare out of the total area, upland = 2 ha, Medium & Lowland = 8 ha.   The seed production programmer is for production of breeder to foundation seed. In previous years, seed production was carried out in chilli, onion, tomato.   The total pond area is 0.66 ha. There are 2 ponds out of which, one pond of 1 acre is present near the medicinal garden which COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 7
  • 13. is meant for pisciculture, The fingerlings used are Rohu, Catla, Grass carp.  A lawn is present in front of the farmer’s hostel. The different plant species grown are – Monley’s puzzle, rose, tuberose, Tabernae montana coronaria, cycas, exora, thuja, alamanda.    It has a library packed with different agricultural books, journals, magazines, news letters, leaflets, folders etc. and different CDs (44). KVK INSTRUCTIONAL FARM : Total land available (ha) – 11.66 Land under infrastructure (ha) – 1.73 Ponds (2 nos.) (ha) – 0.66 Canal (ha) – 0.43 Cultivable land (ha) – 8.0 Low : Medium : Upland (ha) – 2 : 6 : 0 Irrigation provisions (ha) – Nil Nursery, Kitchen & Herbal garden (ha) - 0.9 Soil type – Clay loam Soil pH – 6.5 KVK ACHIEVEMENTS :- • Use of groundnut decorticator for drudgery reduction. • Use of Aloukik variety of pointed gourd. • Storage of groundnut seeds using CaCl2. • Seedling of pointed gourd from vine cutting. • IPM of Stem borer in paddy. • IPM of okra. • Mushroom cultivation. • SRI method of rice cultivation. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 8
  • 14. PARTICIPATORY RURAL APPRAISAL (PRA) PRA is a process of involving local people in the analysis and interpretation of local situation. PRA is a methodology for interacting with villagers, understanding them and learning from them. It involves a set of principles, a process of communication and a menu of methods seeking villager’s participation in putting forward their points of view to make use of such learning. It initiates a participatory process and sustains it. Its principles and the menu of methods help in organizing participation. PRA constitutes a process of involvement with rural people for indigenous knowledge building exercise. It is a way of learning form villagers and with their support to investigate, analyze and evaluate constraints and opportunities. It helps to make informed and timely decisions regarding developmental projects. The participation of rural people can be facilitated through PRA for planning, implementing and monitoring of rural developing programme. Objectives  To generate information and collection of data for immediate or future use.   For greater and better involvement of villages by learning about their perceptions, experiences and capabilities.   For learning about the impacts of earlier or ongoing policies and programme and to frame new ones.   For validation and cross-checking of data collected from other sources.   For training of different categories of persons involved in the development process, whether from Govt., NGOs, Banks, Researchers, Extension Agents, Scientists, etc. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 9
  • 15. PRA Techniques PRA is both an attitude and methodology. It is one of the tools of surveying that helps outsiders to understand the village symbols, systems, dynamics, and politics by using various techniques as well as by methods of direct observation and discussion. The process of understanding the agro system and the social organization can only be successful with the total involvement of the village people & the officials concerned. Need For PRA  Sustained change and the need for accurate and timely information.   It advances that the people themselves are “solution agents” for their problems.   It cuts down the “Normal Professional Bias” and anti-poverty bias towards people.   Reduces down the normal time consuming long methods of survey which consumes the most needed resources and that gives results after a long time.   The method is cost effective, accurate and timely. Purpose of PRA  To use farmer’s criteria, choices and understand the local environment with clear local priorities.   To learn farmer’s indigenous technologies.  To achieve for triangulation using different methods & involving various people to check and recheck the findings.   To develop self-critical analysis and direct contact with local needs and communities. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 10
  • 16. GUIDELINES FOR CONDUCTING INTERACTION IN PRA: Before  Meet the villagers with an open and frank-mind. Tell them who you are and why you have come.   Build up personal rapport with villagers.  Identify villagers who are willing to share their experiences.  Always begin to interview by relaxing the tension of the interviewer by asking general questions and setting the climate for discussion.  Select a suitable place for the interview. Sit down with the villagers on the same floor. During  Listen carefully, show empathy and be patient.  Intense and careful observation is most important.  Don’t interrupt, suggest or prescribe.  Be polite, gentle and accommodative.  Head nodding during interview is avoided.  Try to follow existing customs of the village.  There is no point in getting impatient or becoming too much inquisitive when the villagers discuss among themselves. After  At the end of the interview, all the interviews must be thanked individually by the members of the group for giving time & sharing their experience.  Sit down with all the members and record all the information collected and the process of information generation. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 11
  • 17. PARTICIPATORY MAPPING/MODELLING This is the construction of a village area using rangoli powders or chalk on the ground or a cement floor for understanding the village lay out ,main features such as housing, temples, stores and other infrastructure and other resources like forests, lands, watersheds etc. Purpose  To get an impression of the social and physical layout of the village as perceived by villagers themselves.   To understand globally the social structure of the village, which live there, which facilities is there, where they are located etc.   To get an impression of the natural resource environment of the village as perceived by the villagers. Situation Where Applicable Participatory maps are useful in identifying status of land holding and animals of different households. In identifying beneficiaries of various developmental programmes etc. Through participatory mapping other items like dry land/ irrigated land, rivers, forest lands and temple lands, tanks and nullahs and other water resources could be identified. The participatory mapping can also be used to prepare treatment plans for soil and water conservations, forestry and other treatments. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 12
  • 18. ORIENTATION PROGRAMME Before direct exposure to the village there was an orientation programme in the college itself from31.08.2016-07.09.2016. The motto of this programme was to aware the students about the works which should be done during the whole semester. All the students, dean sir, all the faculty members of Dept. of Extension Education and 16 programme supervisors were present in this programme. The programme was conducted by the Chairman of RAWE Dr. A. P. Kanungo. During this week we were able to learn about the techniques of PRA. All the faculty members of various departments helped us to understand and to practice all the exercises regarding PRA. During this programme all the students were grouped into 08 groups. My group members were the all the boys of Section A and first 5 boys from Section B. We the group members had to do all the works in the village together. We were allotted one villages i.e. Achyutpur (Dharmasala Block, Jajpur)(Irrigated) during this programme. Each student was allotted two host farmers in that village. My host farmers were Mr. Shyam Sundar Barik and Mr. Prabhat Lenka.We are really thankful to our college and Dept. of Extension Education for arranging this orientation programme which built confidence among us to work with the farmers in the village. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 13
  • 19. Inauguration at KVK,Jajpur : Inauguration is a ceremony to mark the beginning or introduction of something’s. According to the 5th Dean’s Committee the RAWE Programme was renamed as Student Ready Programme where all the students of 4th Year were allotted to different KVK’s in their respective groups. We were allotted to Jajpur, KVK. On the day of inauguration (20 th September, 2016), a grand arrangement was done by the KVK family where many delegates were present to attend the function. Out of them are as follows: Sl.no Name Designation 1. Mr. Rajiv Lochan Das DDA, Jajpur 2. Mr. Pradeep Kumar Sahoo DAO, Dharmasala 3. Mr. Loknath Jena ADH, Jajpur 4. Mr. Bimalkanti Raptan DAO, Jajpur 5. Mr. Jyotindra Chandra Nayak AHO, Barchana 6. Miss. Bhanupriya Mishra AAO, Mangalpur 7. Miss. Samaptika Kar AAO, Kabatabandha 8. Miss. Sasmita Jena AAO, Danagadi 9. Mr. Ramesh Chandra Roy AAO, Rasulpur 10. Mr. Dilip Kumar Mohanty DPD, ATMA, Jajpur 11. Mr. Ajay Kumar Madali PPO, Dharmasala 12. Mr. Baikunanth Behera Agronomist, Jajpur Rd. 13. Mr. Debabrata Biswal AAO, Korei 14. Mr. Jajati Kehari Jena AAO, Rampa 15. Mr. Pradyumma Mall NGO Seeds COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 14
  • 20. 16. Mr. Alok Mohanty NGO Seeds 17. Mr. Pradyuta Kumar Pattnaik AAE, Jajpur 18. Mr. Tusharkanta Sethy AAO, Barchana 19. Dr. Sawat Kumar Rout AVAS,Barchana 20. Mrs. (Dr.) Tilottama Pattnaik Sr. Scientist & Head 21 Dr. K. C. Samal Assoc. Professor 22. Mr. Subhasish Dash Scientist (Soil Sc.) 23. Mrs. Dharitri Parta Scientist (HomeSc.) 24. Mrs. Babita Mishra Scientist (Horticulture) 25 Mrs. Bijayalaxmi Mohanta Scientist (Ag. Engin.) 26 Dr. Ananga Kumar Das Prof. Assist. (Vet. Sc.) 27. Dr. Trilochan Das CDVO, Jajpur 28. Mr. Niranjan Rout, Dihakuransa Farmer 29. Mr. Chandramani Panda, Khadipada Farmer 30 Mr. NIrantan Padhi, Choromuha Farmer 31 Mr. Laxmidhar Rout, Dihakuransa Farmer Then our respectable DDA of Jajpur, Mr.R.L. Das addressed the meeting and welcomed us. He explained many more things about our journey. DAO, Programme Coordinator welcomed us respectively. All the members of the KVK greeted us warmly. PC (Badchana) explained the aim, goal and objective of “Student Ready Programme” along with about KVK at a glance. She also cited the present information about Jajpur including its climatic conditions, soil type, crop grown, population, fertiliser consumption etc. Then we introduced ourselves along with other dignitaries present in the meeting. Then we attended the party which was organised by the KVK. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 15
  • 21. RAPPORT BUILDING WITH THE VILLAGERS We were assigned to a particular village i.e. Achyutpur. That village was almost 15km away from our Krishi Vigyan Kendra, albeit we move to other villages like Choromuha, Dihakuransa, Bandareshwara and Krishnapada still we are more connected with Achyutpur.Going to a new place to do PRA was at first filled with excitement and nervousness both. In order to boost our confidence our KVK members like PC Madam – Mrs (Dr). Tilottama Pattnaik , Mrs. Dharitri Madam,( Scientist, Home Science), Bipra Sir (Farm Manager) and Dr. K.C Samal accompanied us to that village on the first day of the visit (20th September, 2016).We kept our vehicles beside the main road and entered into the village. The villagers were busy with their works. We addressed them with folded hands and head bowed in respect. We introduced ourselves as 4th yr. B.Sc. (Ag) students from OUAT, Bhubaneswar and described our motto of our visit. We put forward numerous questions regarding the village history, crop grown, standard of living of the people, organizations & institutions, available resources, problems & opportunities. They listened patiently to our politely posed questions and answered with great interest. We arrived at sensitizes and important issues using open ended questions. We requested them to help us in mapping, modeling, matrix ranking, wealth ranking, transact walk and other PRA activities and they showed enthusiastic & active participation. Towards the end, we felt as if we belong to a single family. We knew each other both personally and professionally. We got tremendous cooperation from both the villages’ residents. On the last day of completion of PRA, we thanked each villager individually for helping us throughout by devoting their valuable time & sharing their bountiful experiences. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 16
  • 22. RAPPORT BUILDING WITH THE HOST FARMER In Achyutpur, I visited Mr. Shyam sundar barik’s (my host farmer) home. I wished him with folded hands and gave my introduction in brief.He greeted us happily into the house and addressed me to the other members of the house. Then he offered chair to me. They asked about my native place and about my family members. I also interacted with them informally. Farming is his main occupation. He has a joint family. He is of average economic status. He is literate and his hand is good in farming operation. He has a great knowledge about farming.I was very happy by interacting with my host farmer family member. I took a good bye with a smiling face & they assured me for their fully cooperation. Mr. Prabhat lenka who lived in Achyutpur was also my 2 nd host farmer. On the 1 st day of my visit to the village I searched his home by asking other villagers and finally I found it. When I entered my host farmer house I knocked the door and after some time host farmers wife came and open the door. Then I wished her with folded hand and I introduce myself as a student of College of Agriculture and here, we are allotted host farmers to learn more about agriculture, crop production, and enhancing the practical knowledge.My host wasn’t there. But his son met me who was a genius in agriculture. They asked about my native place and about my family members. I also interacted with them informally. I enquired about him & his family by asking informal questionsand also he told me that he will fully cooperativewith me and takes me to his crop field next week and gives all practical knowledge. I was very happy by interacting with my host farmer family member. After all interaction I departed from his home with a cordial NAMASTE. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 17
  • 23. VILLAGE- AT A GLANCE VILLAGE-ACHYUTPUR (IRRIGATED): • Name of the village- Achyutpur • Gp-avayapur • Block – Dharmasala • District – Jajpur • Total Geographical area- 120ha • Total cultivated area – 85ha • Total population -1050 1) Total families in the village : 199 i) No. of farm families – 116 ii) No. of non-farm families- 83 2) Total population of the village :1050 i) Male- 550 ii) Female – 500 3) Literacy percentage : 60% i) Male – 68% ii) Female – 32% 4) Category of farm families : i) Small ii) Marginal iii) Landless 5) Land use pattern of village : i) Land under cultivation- 85Ha ii) Land under fallow – NIL COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 18
  • 24. 6) Secondary Occupation : 1. Farming 2. Daily labour, wage earning 3. Service holder Business 7) Soil and Land type (Area in Acre) : i. Type of land under cultivation • Upland • Medium Land • Low Land ii. Soil Type • Loamy • Sandy loam • Clay loam The average rainfall (in mm) – 1400 mm 8) Area under irrigation : 9) Cropping pattern : Rice – pulses Rice – vegetable 10) Crops grown in the village : i. Paddy ii. potato iii. Colocasia iv. Other vegetables COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 19
  • 25. 11) Others : i. Type of fish cultured – Rohi, Bhakura, China Rohi, Grass Carb, Silver carb ii. Poultry – Desi bird,banraj iii. Diary – Desi, Jersy iv. Goat - Desi 12) Agricultural implements : i. Desi plough – every farm family ii. M.B. plough – Most farm family iii. Sprayer – 100 iv. Tractor – 5 v. Pumpset – 22 vi. Powertiller – 3 vii. Winnower – 5 viii. Transplanter – 2 ix. Rice Mill - Nil 13) Agro Inputs used in the village : i. H.Y.V. Seed Paddy – Swarna, Pooja, Jangalajata, Ranidhan ii. Hybrid rice – iii. Sented rice – Kudral, Sitabhog, Geetanjali iv. Fertilizer – Urea, DAP, MOP, Gromor COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 20
  • 26. v. Pestiside – Monocrotophos, Rogor, Chloropyriphos, Malathion, Endosulfan. vi. Organic Manure – FYM vii. Bio-fertilizer : Azolla, Azotobacter, Rhizobium viii. Fungicide : Thiram, Bavistin 14) List of Govt. and non-Govt. Organisation functioning in the village : i. K.V.K. (Krishi Vigyan Kendra) ii. Govt. officials – Asst. Agriculture Officer iii. Seed Sale Centre – SSC iv. Avayapur cooperative society 15) Facilities available in the village : i. Pucca road ii. Electricity iii. Water supply iv. Market v. Telephone facility vi. Self Help Group vii. School facilities viii. Panchayat Office 16) Transport : i. Bullock cart – 6 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 21
  • 27. ii. Bicycle – 100 iii. Two-wheeler – 70 iv. Four wheeler - 6 17) Opportunities for villagers : i. Water harvesting structure ii. Improvement of irrigation system iii. Mushroom unit iv. Vermi compost unit v. Honeybee rearing vi. Diary unit vii. Orchard TRANSECT WALK INTRODUCTION: Transect walk is a kind of exploratory walk which is undertaken by the team along with the villagers to observe and send in minute details, the differences of a particular area. It is an exploratory walk, with the help of key participants, around the village for identification of different problems and to know about features of the village like land type, resource, topography land use and crop grown etc. PURPOSE :- To get an idea about farming practices, cropping pattern the physical layout, irrigation facilities etc. To know the agro ecosystem of village To get the cross sectional view of the village COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 22
  • 28. IMPORTANT THINGS THAT ARE TO BE OBSERVED ON TRANSECT :- Physical features :- Topography, Hydrology, Soil types and problem such as erosion etc. Locally involved technologies and management systems. These include traditional indigenous technologies that farmers have been using and their management. Crops and Agriculture :- Land are cropping practices and patterns crop relates problem and various locally applied control measures crop productivity, yield etc. are studied. TRANSECT MAP OF VILLAGE ACHYUTPUR Particulars Up land Medium Land Low land Housing Forest land land Soil type Sandy Loam Loamy Clay loam Sandy loam Laterite & loam Slope Moderate Low Low Low Moderate Water Borewell Borewell Canal,pond Tubewell, rainfall Resource borewell pond Crops Vegetable Rice, sugarcane Rice, Mongo, - colocasia cocoutn Trees Eucalyptus Neem, Banyan Coconut Neem,bel Sall tree tree Mango, Eucalyptus Fertility Medium High High Medium Low COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 23
  • 29. Ground 40ft 30ft 20ft 25-30ft 40-50ft Water Table Paddy varity Khandagiri, Swarna, Swarna 1018,puja ---- ----- Udaygiri, sub-1 Tapaswani Weed Medium Low Low Low ----- problem Livestock Poultry Cow, Goat Duck, Cow , fishery poultry Enterprise Dairy unit Dairy unit, Poultry Pisiculture Shop unit Institution Temple, Temple,Anganwadi, Temple School Youthclub Land use Cultivation , Cultivation cultivation Habitation Plantation institution ,enterprise unit Problems Water Unavaility of Drainage Lack of Deforestation scarcity agricultural inputs problem institution Opportinuty Apiary, Straw can be used Pond can be Mushroom Afforestation floriculture, for mushroom unit used for unit forage land fishery COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 24
  • 30. VILLAGE MAP This is the construction of a map of village area using rangoli powders or chalk on the ground or a cement floor for understanding the village layout, main features such as housing, temples, stores and other infrastructure and other resources like forests, lands, watersheds etc. PURPOSE :- To get an impression of the social and physical layout of the village as perceived by villager s themselves. To understand globally the social structure of the village, who live where facilities are there, under they are located etc. To get an impression of the natural resource environment of the village perceived by the villagers. SITUATION WHERE APPLICABLE :- Participatory maps are useful in identifying status of the land holding and animals of different households. In identifying beneficiaries of various developmental programmes etc. Through participatory mapping other items like dry land / irrigated land, forest land, river and temple lands, tanks and nullahs and other water resources could be identified. The participatory mapping can also be used to prepare treatment plans for soil and water conservations, forestry and other treatments. Barchana is a semi irrigated village situated at a distance of 200m from the NH-5. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 25
  • 31. RESOURCES BASES OF ACHYUTPUR :- 1) Natural Resources :- i. Upland ii. Medium land iii. Low land iv. Fallow land v. Common area vi. Paddy vii. Pulses viii. Vegetable ix. Colocasia x. Mango Orchard 2) Hydrological resources :- i. No. of ponds – 3 ii. No. of tubewell –6 iii. No. of well –2 iv. Pisciculture unit – 3 v. Lift irrigation point –4 vi. High Level Canal – 1 vii. Area of water bodies – 15 Acre viii. Largest pond—2.5 acre ix. Smallest Pond – 0.8 acre COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 26
  • 32. 3) Livestock Resources :- i. No. of Desi cows – 120 ii. No. of Jersey cows – 20 i. No. of bullocks – ii. No. of Poultry –200 iii. No. of goats –50 iv. No. of sheeps –5 4) Man made resources :- i. Religious institutions Temples – 4 i. Social Organizations a) Self Help Group (SHG) – 11 b) Youth club – 1 c) Farmer’s club - 1 d) Community centre - 1 5) Crop resources :- i. Upland – Rice, Coconut, Drumstick ii. Medium land – Rice, Green gram, black gram, Banana, Coconut iii. Low Land – Rice, green gram, black gram, Colocassia, Vegetable like Brinjal, Onion etc. iv. Fruit Crops – Papaya, Guava, Mango, Tamarind, Date palm, Lemon COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 27
  • 33. 6) Human Resources :- i. Marginal farmers (< 1 ha) ii. Small farmers (1-2 ha) iii. Medium Farmer (2-4 ha) iv. Landless farmer v. SOCIAL MAP Social map is a map which depicts the different social structures like caste structure, religious and social institutions. Social map is a schematic diagram showing the socio-economic picture of the entire village. The survey provides the following findings. 1. No. of households-- 200 2. Total population – 1050 3. Caste system of a village i. General ii. SC/ST iii. OBC 4. Position of different institutions : SAHI :- • Diha Sahi • Lenka Sahi Barala Sahi • Nayak Sahi • Barika Sahi COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 28
  • 34. RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION :- • Sidheswar Temple • Chandrasekhar Temple • Gopinath Temple • Gutumadevi Mandir • Grama Devi Mandir • Mandapa SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS : • Self Help Group 11 • Youth Club – 1 • Anganbadi Centre –1 • Achyutpur U.G. U.P. School • Achyutpur High School • Farmer’s Club • Old Age Home • Community Centre  Co-operative Society CROP MAP • Crop map is a map of the village cropping area using rangoli powders or chalk or any other really available materials on the ground / a cement floor. Through this increase an understanding of village layout can be obtained showing the main features such as water availability, soil type, land COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 29
  • 35. situation, topography, Fertility status and various crop grown under those conditions. • To know the main crop, verification, cropping system main cropping area, potential crop etc. of village. • To get all information regarding crops required for preparation of action plan for a specific category or item. CROP RESOURCES :- • Upland – Sandy Loam • Medium land – Sandy Loam soil • Low land – clay loam soil • Crop Grown – • Pulses – Green Gram, Black gram • Cereals – Paddy • Commercial crop – Rice,vegetable • Plantation Crop – Coconut, Mango, Banana, Papaya,drumstick HYDROLOGYMAP A hydrology map depicts the location of different water sources like ponds, rivers, canals, wells, tube wells etc. It also contains the depth of water table of different regions I.e. upland, medium land, lowland. Purpose  To get an impression about different water sources and depth of water table of different regions of the village. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 30
  • 36. Process We collected materials like rangoli powders, chalks, gravel, color stones, sticks etc. for mapping. We purchased big size paper sheets for redrawing the map which was drawn on the ground .Then we organize the villagers and sat in the club verandah and enquired them about the various water sources and their area in the village. Particulars ACHYUTPUR (Irrigated) No. of ponds 3 No. of rivers 0 No. of wells 2 No. of tube wells 6 No. of lift pumps 4 WATER TABLE DEPTH Land Type ACHYUTPUR(Irrigated) Upland 50-60ft Medium 40-50ft Lowland 20-25ft COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 31
  • 37. INTERVENTIONS:  In village Achyutpur , there 1 river(lingara river) which can be converted to commercial Pisciculture units. As the water table depth is high, there is large scope of irrigation through well and tube wells   In village Achyutpur,as there is no ponds,there is scope for digging 2-3 ponds which can also be converted to fishery unit for fingerlings production. For irrigation very deep bore wells are required as the water table is at very low depth.So more no of tube wells can be dug which can provide drinking water and also help in irrigation. ENTERPRISE MAP It contains various enterprises those are present in the village. Enterprise is a small or large business which is started with the venture of a person aiming to make profit in future. It includes various enterprises like poultry unit, fishery unit, diary unit, goat unit and various agro-industries. Purpose  To know about various existing enterprises in the village Particulars ACHYUTPUR(Irrigated) Poultry Unit 1 Fishery unit No Goatery unit No Dairy Unit No Retail shops 1 Rice Mill No COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 32
  • 38. Process We collected materials like color powders, chalks, gravel, colorstones, sticks etc. for mapping. We purchased big size paper sheets for redrawing the map which was drawn on the ground .Then we organize the villagers and sat in the club verandah and enquired them about the various enterprises present in the village. INTERVENTIONS  In the village there is no mushroom unit. Training should be given to build up mushroom units in Achyutpur villages to women.   In the village processed food and value added product(chilly sauce,tomato ketchup,squash) preparation can be adopted as small enterprises through SHG.   We can introduce rice mill in Achyutpur and cottage industry in the village.   In Achyutpur scope is there for digging 2-3 ponds. So those ponds can be converted to Pisciculture unit,duckery unit. MOBILITY MAP The community can get goods and services from different places. Some resources will be available within the PRA other on the boundaries of the community. People are daily, weekly and occasionally fetch for the resources in and out of their area. PURPOSE- The diagram is used to understand the place travelled, resources collected and to identify the person travelling. The resources could have problems the roads and the means of transportation may not appropriate. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 33
  • 39. PROCESS- We collected materials like chalk for drawing of mobility map. On the scheduled date we arrived and invited some male and female members and told them in brief about the exercise. Then they draw the mobility map and started discussing and gradually opened up. We had drawn two different mobility maps for male and female. APPLICATION- The PRA team and other information resources in short supply and the reason for not having in community. The community action plan includes ways and means to get critical resources in the future. The difficulties faced on the road and resources center taken due consideration for future development. DAILY WORK PROFILE Daily work profile describes how villagers (male & female) spend a day of 24 hours along with different kinds of activities and time allotted for each activity. Daily work profile can be taken for men & women in both categories of farmers and farm laborers. Purpose : To get an account of time spend by farmers & laborers men & women for various activities in a day of 24 hours. Data on village earning, rest & recreation hours. Data on leisure time which can be utilized for development of workers. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 34
  • 40. For Men : Time Duration 5.00 AM to 6.00 AM 6.00 AM to 7.00 AM 6.30 AM to 7.30 AM 7.30 AM to 8.00 AM 8.00 AM to 11.30 AM 11.30 AM to 12.30 PM 12.30 PM to 1.00 PM 1.00 PM to 3.00 PM 3.00 PM to 5.00 PM 5.00 PM to 6.30 PM 7.00 PM to 9.30 PM 9.30 PM to 10.30 PM 10.30 PM to 11.00 PM Activities Waking up Refreshing Feeding the cattle Breakfast Field work Taking bath Lunch Rest Field Work Playing cards, shopping Watching TV or attaining village meetings Dinner Sleep COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 35
  • 41. For Women : Time Duration 3.30 AM to 4.00 AM 4.00 AM to 5.30 AM 5.30 AM to 6.30 AM 6.30 AM to 7.00 AM 7.00 AM to 7.30 AM 7.30 AM to 8.00 AM 8.00 AM to 12.00 PM 12.00 PM to 1.00 PM 1.00 PM to 1.30 PM 1.30 PM to 3.30 PM 3.30 PM to 5.00 PM 5.00 PM to 6.00 PM 6.00 PM to 6.30 PM 6.30 PM to 7.00 PM 7.00 PM to 8.00 PM 8.00 PM to 9.30 PM 9.30 PM to 10.30 PM 10.30 PM to 11.00 PM Activities Wake up Household activities Taking bath Worshipping God Breakfast preparation Have breakfast Cooking Lunch Washing utensils Rest Gossiping Household activities Worshipping God Have tiffin Watching TV Cooking Dinner Sleep COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 36
  • 42. MATRIX RANKING Villager’s preference & attitude towards a particular topic of interest is revealed to us by this technique. It helps us to understand farmer’s priorities in crop varieties, vegetables, tree species, livestock categories, soil & water conservation techniques, irrigation methods etc. The reason for their liking & disliking & the suitable difference in choice & priority among the villagers of different areas can also be understood which help us to prioritize & determine the strategy. PURPOSE :- • To get better understanding of farmer’s decision making process. • To identify criteria used to prioritize & select certain items of activities over others. Situation where applicable :- Matrix ranking can be used to study a range of subjects like soil, crops, crop varieties, trees, fodder, types of cattle & breeds . WEALTH RANKING Wealth ranking is a method of ranking or grouping of households on the basis of income, wealth and other local measures of wellbeing. Different criteria can be used for wealth ranking based on rural perceptions. Wealth ranking is based on the presumption that rural people have the necessary knowledge to group households which implies that they have knowledge of kinds and positions of household assets, other items and attributes to the household concern. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 37
  • 43. Purpose To asses and identify the pattern of wealth possession by the villagers based on their various criteria. To identify resourceful and resource poor villagers through general consensus. How : The decision group involving villagers follows different system to categorize community members. WEALTH RANKING OF ACHYUTPUR VILLAGE : Sl.No. Category Criteria No. of Families 1 Very Rich a) Land 01 Area – >30 acre b) High income c) Two and four wheeler d) More foodstoc k e) Business, service f) Self sufficien t g) More risk bearing ability h) Ability to help other COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 38
  • 44. 2 Rich a) Land area (20 acre) 15 b) More income c) Govt employee d) Two wheelers e) more livestock f) Self sufficient 3 Medium a) Land area(5-10acer) 25 b) less livestock c) Low to medium income d) less foodstock 4 Poor a) land area(1-5acer) 75 b) low incom c) kaccha house d) Very less livestock e) Occasional labour 5 Very poor a) No land holding 83 b) No live stock c)Yenanis & labourers d) limited incom COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 39
  • 45. RESOURCE FLOW ANALYSIS Resource flow analysis means whatever inputs for cultivation or food products either available within the village or import from the outside of village.  When these all resources are designed into a map form it is called as resource flow map or inflow-outflow map.  For paddy : INPUT OUTPUT 1. Seed 30 bags of paddy 2. 1. 20 bags – consumption – Fertiliser husk (Cattle feed) – milk – (FYM, consumption – marketing DAP, – milk (Rs.16/- per litre) & Urea, curd and cheese. Potash 2. 10 bags – Marketing – & azolla) Money earned used for 3. Tractor farming & other 3. Straw – 70% Cow feed – equipm 30% other purpose ents COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 40
  • 46. For live stock : INPUT OUTPUT 1. Cattle 5. milk 2. Chicks 6. meat (marketed) 3. Finger lings 4. feed For Vegetables : INPUT OUTPUT 1. Seed (Amaranthus, 4. Vegetables – Coriander, pumpkin, consumption – Okra) marketing – money 2. Fertilizer earned used for 3. Organic manure farming and rest in saving account. VENN DIAGRAM • It is a method to find out who, what person or organizations or institutions are important in a community. • The venn diagram represents the relationship among the various institutions, organizations, programmes or individuals and with each other and with the village as per the perceiveness of villager. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 41
  • 47. Purpose : • To identify the groups and institutions operating in the village and the interactions among them. • To know the extent of co-operating and involvement in developmental programmes. • It indicates the relative importance or un-importance of a particular institution / individual in a particular village. • It helps in decision making in the community. How : This exercise is carried out by improving the villagers as key informants such as elders, religious persons, extension persons and other knowledgeous persons with the use of different sizes of circles or paper contents indicating the importance of institution and the extent of benefits gained by the villagers. LIST OF INSTITUTIONS INVOLVED IN VENN DIAGRAM : School, bank, Police Station, SHG, Market, College, Co-operative society, station, Block, , Post Office, Farmer’s Club, K.V.K., Gram Panchayat, Anganwadi, rice mill, fire station ,hospital, veterinary dispensary. CONCLUSION : From this venn diagram we may conclude that they get benefitted from kvk, market ,rice mill ,block, cooperative society, and hospital. They feel that fire station also plays a measure role for them but they are not getting benefitted from it. As compared to fire station they get more benefit in post office but they don’t give too much importance to it. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 42
  • 48. TIME LINE It is chronology or sequence of events that have taken place in a particular village or area or community. These may related general historical events of the village, or to specify the subjects or sectors such as health, education, agriculture, animal husbandry and allied sectors etc. Purpose : • The time line helps on in remembering from back up to the present date such as the year when road was build, adoption of HYV seeds of different crops, fertilizer, pesticide, farm inputs, occurrence of neutral calamities like flood, drought, cyclone, epidemics, insect attack. • This exercise can be applied to plan the objective developmental programme on agriculture, health, nutrition, animal husbandry along with helps to understand the trend and changing need and interest of farming community. How : • Group discussion should be done by interviewing the key individuals regarding the past events of the villager. The elderly persons should be involved as they can remember the events from the very beginning. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 43
  • 49. TIME LINE OF ACHYUTPUR VILLAGE: Sl. Year Historical Event No. 1 1518 Establishment of village 2 1955 Establishment of grampanchayat 3 1976 Establishment of abhayapur cooperative society 4 1986 First use of TV in the village 5 1990 First use of sprayer 6 1991 Establishment of tubewell 7 1996 First use of motorcycle 8 1998 Availability of kisan credit card 9 2000 Indraawas facility 10 2001 First use of tractor 11 2004 Establishment of packka road 12 2006 First use of mobile phone 13 2007 Pragati krushak club 14 2007 Village was adopted by kvk 15 2007 First use of impliment 16 2008 Mushroom cultivation was adopted 17 2009 SHG organization in village 18 2010 Poultry unit in village 19 2011 Establishment of anganwadi COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 44
  • 50. SEASONALITY Seasonality is an exercise to determine seasonal patterns in rural areas as related to farming practices, rainfall, labour availability etc. It attempts to establish regular cycle or pattern of activity and occurrences within a community over 12 months. It determine the seasonal calendar as understood and practiced by the villagers. This is determined in terms of odiya months, like Baisakha, Jyestha etc. and then adjusted to the English calendar. This is built upon using different lengths of sticks or numbers of stores or seeds to quantify items such as employment, availability of agri inputs, income, expenditure etc. Purpose : • A seasonal calendar helps to present large quantities of diverse information in a common time frame. It compares community activities for month by month across sectorial boundary. It identifies cycles of activity that occur within the life of community on regular basis and helps determining whether there are common periods of excessive environmental problems of opportunity over the course of normal year. These yearly cycles are important in determining for example : labour availability, timing for project activity, potential absorptive capacity for new activities, times of diseases and food shortage and employment generation. • Data for seasonal calendar was collected from community group. Effort was made to diversify informants from community groups i.e. men and women, informal leader, young and old residents. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 45
  • 51. LIVELIHOOD ANALYSIS Livelihood analysis reveals the sources of income for rural people and the occupational and economic categories prevalent in the village.  It is represented by the help of pie-chart. Purpose  To identify major economic and occupational groups of the village and their sources of income. OCCUPATION ACHYUTPUR(IRRIGATED) VILLAGERS PERCENTAGE FARMING 65% BOTH FARMING 25% AND PRIVATE SECTOR PRIVATE SERVICE 3% SKILLED LABOUR 3% GOVT.SECTOR 2% BUSINESS 2% COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 46
  • 52. INDIGENOUS TECHNOLOGIES (ITKs) 1.) Storage of rice by mixing turmeric powder : • Turmeric powder mixed with rice to reduce the insect damage in rice. 2.) Storage of rice with red chilly : • Addition of 20-30 red chilly in 1 quintal of rice bag prevent the attacked stored grain pest. The pungent smell act as repellant. 3.) Cow urine acts as fungicide of vegetable diseases : • Cow urine is stirred with water, then filtered 2-3 times in white cotton. Then extract collected is then spread in the field. 4.) Tulasi leaf extract control blast of rice : • Leaf extract prevent blast disease in rice. 5.) Leaf eating insect of pointed gourd can be controlled by neem oil • Neem leaf oil can control insect of pointed gourd • Also controls many diseases 6.) Control of Wilt in green gram by seed treatment with kerosene : • Green gram seeds are smeared with kerosene oil before sowing to prevent wilt. 7.) Control of BLB in rice : Use of cow dung slurry in rice field. 8.) For control of foot and mouth disease in the cattle : Apply mixture of coconut oil and camphor in affected areas. 9.) Control of gundhi bug in rice: Apply mixture of cow urine, husk and kerosene. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 47
  • 53. 10.) For the aphid control in country bean: Use of detergent water. 11.) For the control of different sucking pests: Use of 1k.g of each neem, karanja, tulsi, arakha, bael and fresh cow urine 1lit mixed in 10 lit of water and is applied in the field after 7 days. 12.) Little Leaf of Chili is controlled with the help of fish scales. 13.) Bundles of wild tulasi are put in paddy plot to prevent the attack of gundhi bug. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION AND PRIORITISATIONS Problem is a condition or a situation that the people after study with or without have decided need changing. Problem are the barrier for achieving goal or objective. OBJECTIVE : To list out the problem present in village situation For development of action plan Severity of problems Frequency of occurence Distribution of problem PROCESS : Identification of problem was done by discussing with a group of farmer. All the problems in area were collected and identified democratically through participation of village people. The villagers were asked to identify the problem, most felt & of widest concern affecting major people and should related to family, community abd national situation. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 48
  • 54. The problems are given below that were being identified in the village “ACHYUTPUR”. 1. Yellow stem borer in rice 2. Low yield in green gram 3. Failure in Govt. seed supply 4. FMD of cattle 5. Eryiophide mite attack in coconut 6. Irrigation problem in rabi season 7. Labour security PROBLEM CAUSE ANALYSIS After identification and prioritization of problem the cause analysis should be done in order to develop a particular action plan. The three main problems in village achyutpur are • Yield loss of paddy • Low yield of cauliflower • Distress seal of potato i. Yield loss of paddy : • Primary causes a) Pest attack b) Improper fertilization application c) Loss due to bull grazing • Secondary causes a) Mono cropping of rice b) Heavy urea application c) Lack of knowledge about soil fertility of their land d) Improper drainage channel COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 49
  • 55. • Tertiary causes a) Higher percentage of low land b) Risk of crop loss c) Repeated use of same variety and chemical d) Lack of soil testing facility • Intervention a) Facility of mobile testing van b) Training about multiple cropping ,crop rotation and other cropping system c) Guidance on plant pest control by plant protection officer d) Control of bull by local means and fencing ii. Low yield of cauliflower : • Primary causes a) Insect pest attack b) Frost effect c) Bull grazing • Secondary causes a) Resistance of pest to insecticide and pesticide b) Lack of fencing • Tertiary causes a) Use of same chemical and same variety year after year b) Intervention a) Proper pest and disease control b) Protection of field by fencing iii. Distress seal of potato : • Primary causes Lack of cold storage • Secondary causes Ignorant activity of government COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 50
  • 56. • Intervention a) Preparation of value added products b) Establishment of cold storage by government SWOT ANALYSIS OF ACHYUTPUR (IRRIGATED) 1.STRENGTH  Irrigation through canal, pond , bore well etc.  Use of modern machinery in farm.  Use of hybrid & HYV seeds.  Availability of farm inputs like seeds, fertilizer , 2 nd pesticides.  Cultivation of commercials plantation crop. 2.WEAKNESS  Inadequate storage facility.  Lack of Knowledge and information on various modern technologies related to Agriculture .  Some youth clubs are defunded. 3.OPPORTUNITIES  Established of storage structure.  Promotion of IFS.  Post harvest products and their sale .  Mushroom unit , vermiculture and apiary unit .  Water harvesting structures. 4.THREAT  Involvement of middle man and political interference.  Migration of labour.  Least linkage with credit institutions.  Yield reduction due to monkey and OX . COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 51
  • 57. ACTION PLAN OF VILLAGE ACHYUTPUR (IRRIGATED) For cropping area : • Soil testing for judicious fertilizer management • Seed treatment • Use of bio-fertilizer • Replacement of Swarna variety with Ranidhan and Pratikhya • Introduction of flood resistant variety swarna sub-I and scented rice variety sitabhoga • Seed production programme • IPM and INM can be undertaken • Use of herbicides and Mechanical weeder • Use of neem coated Urea • Use of biopesticides • Insitu moisture conservation, mulching and water harvesting For Waterlogged area :- • Proper drainage facility • Pisciculture • Rice and fish farming system • Piggery For Homestead Area : • Mushroom • Poultry • Grafted Mango • Diary • Apiary COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 52
  • 58. For women : • Mushroom cultivation • Enhancement of SHG • Imparting training to the farm women on cottage industry such as bamboo. For Rural youth : • Formation of youth club • Formation of marketing co-operative society • Impairing training on skill on non-agricultural sector • Forming Farm science club • Training on SRI method of cultivation ACTIVITIES THAT WERE DONE During rawe A. CROP PLANNING FOR DIFFERENT SITUATION • Crop planning allows us to generate an idea of what need to get prepared, seeded or transplanted to meet the needs of the marketing plan. Crop rotations, planned orders of specific crop or crop families, reduce the impact of pests, pathogens and weeds. Including cover crops in a farm rotation can add significant fertility to the soil, build soil organic matter, attract beneficial insects and reduce the weed pressure. • It’s hard to defor a particular farm or village without a proper map. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 53
  • 59. • During our visit to Village Achyutpur which is a rice dominated area and of which most of the farmers are marginal in land holding where we came across various aspects of agriculture. The RAWE programme was held at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Badchana, Jajpur where we came across various famers who are very advanced in every aspect of farming and they know a lot more than us . One such example is Kishori Kant Rout who is an advanced farmer and knows about most of the schemes and advancement in technology. • They were mostly using cultivars of rice like khandagiri, Udaygiri, Tejas, Tapaswini, Nadiaphula, Culture (Early Duration Type), Swarna, Swarna sub – 1, Beena ( Medium Duration Type), Pooja, 1018, Kalashree, Chakadola, Sarchina (Long Duration Type) etc. Mostly it was an irrigated area. In rice cultivation they were actually following the recommended dose of fertiliser application like 40:20:20, 60:30:30 and 80:40:40 N2: P2O5:K2O kg/ha for early, medium and long duration respectively. We also came across some of the weeds like Avena fatua, Echinochola crus-gali, Leptocloa chinensis etc. To control using implements like cono weeder and the chemicals like pretilachlor, nomini gold, hitcel, kalinga heera etc. Achyutpur is an advanced farm mechanised village, most of the farmers were using latest farm implements in the field like MB plough, Cultivator, Rotavator, Cono weeder, Transplanter, Tractor, Seed cum fertiliser drill, Combine harvester etc. • A group of students started collecting information from Kishori Kant Rout and fellow farmers about the crop plan followed by them. From the info provided by them we got to know that most of the farmers follow multiple farming, the COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 54
  • 60. type of soil was basically clay loam and clay type, for irrigation they mostly depend on bore wells and canal water and the type of land was medium and low land. During Kharif season the farmers cultivate rice and during the Rabi season they grow mostly vegetables (Cabbage, cauliflower, coriander, onion), pulses (green gram, black gram), sugar crops basically sugarcane and even some crops like groundnut, colocasia and potato. In the Kharif season they are practising sowing of paddy in single row method (BGREI Scheme). Recommendations: To adopt the multiple cropping system along with the other allied sectors like poultry, mushroom . Not to use the same varieties to avoid fluctuation in the field. Apply herbicides and pesticides in time with recommended dose. WEED MANAGEMENT PRACTICES MANAGEMENT OF WEEDS : It can be done by these methods: • CULTURAL METHOD • MECHANICAL METHOD • CHEMICAL METHOD • BIOLOGICAL METHOD COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 55
  • 61. 1.CULTURAL METHOD : • Summer ploughing, Crop rotation,Inter cropping, Line sowing, Timely sowing, etc. 2.MECHANICAL METHOD: • These are :Hand hoeing, hand pulling, tillage, sickling, Mulching, burning, digging etc.. 3.CHEMICAL METHOD:  Rice (Direct Seeded Condition)  • Butachlor @ 1kg/ha and Pretilachlor @ 0.75kg/ha. The Pretilachlor is also applied with Safner. Anilophos and Pendimethalin is also applied @ 0.3kg/ha & 1.0kg/ha respectively. • 2, 4 D Ethyl Ester @ 0.5 kg/ha after 25 days of the emergence of the crop along with Safner @ 0.5%. Transplanted Rice • All is same as the direct seeded rice plant except the application of Pendimethalin. • On the other hand Oxadiazone in the name of Ronestar @ 0.5kg/ha and Thiobencarb in the trade name of Saturn @ 1.5kg/ha are applied as Pre emergence herbicide. • In case of Nursery the herbicides applied are Soffit, Thiobencarb and Propanil @ 0.5kg/ha, 1kg/ha and 3kg/ha respectively. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 56
  • 62. PULSES: • Metachlor and Pendimethalin @ 0.75kg/ha are applied as pre emergence that to 1-2DAS. • On the other hand Fuzalfopethyl @ 0.05kg/ha is applied as post emergence that to 20 days after emergence. SUGARCANE • Pre emergence application of Metrimuzin @ 0.75kg/ha and Atrazine @ 1kg/ha 1-2 days after the planting of the setts. • Post emergence application of 2,4 D ethyl ester @ 0.8 kg/ha after 25-30 Days of the growth of the plant which is generally planted in the Dec- Jan. • Early post emergence of Glyphosate @ 1kg/ha after 60- 90 days after planting. POTATO • Metrimuzin @ 0.05kg/ha and Pendinethalin @ 0.75 kg/ha are applied as pre emergence application. • Fuzalfopethyl @ 0.5kg/ha as Post emergence. • In case of SUGARCANE, MAIZE & SORGHUM striga is an important weed and to control it 2,4 D ethyl ester @ 1kg/ha is applied. COLE CROPS • Pendimethalin @ 1kg/ha as pre emergence application and Fluchloralin @ 0.75kg/ha is applied as Pre plant incorporation. • Fuzalfopethyl @ 0.75kg/ha is applied as post emergence. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 57
  • 63. 4.BIOLOGICAL CONTROL : • We can control by biological means. There are some biological entities which will suppress the weeds without harming our crops. • Like Zygogramma bicolorata a beetle which suppresses the carrot grass, BIOHERBICIDE can be used. But is not popular. FERTILISER MANAGEMENT PRACTICES When we went Achyutpur, we observed their cropping pattern ,crop rotation, cropping sequence, their soil type, finally the soil health card. Hence, we concluded a specified fertilizer dose for crops grown in achyutpur village. FERTILISER DOSE FOR RICE: DIRECT SEEDED RICE:- 60:30:30 N2:P2O5:K2O Kg/ha, FYM: 5 t/ha; We advised them to apply Nitrogen in 3 splits i.e. 1/3 RD during sowing,1/3 rd at tillering & remaining at P.I. stage. Full dose of P2O5 &K2O applied during sowing. 25 kg of Zn. Should be incorporated in soil. TRANSPLANTED RICE: 80:40:40 N2:P2O5:K20 Kg/ha And all the recommended practices are same as above. FERTILISER DOSE FOR SUGARCANE: 250:100:150 N2:P2O5:K2O Kg/ha. We suggested them to apply Azotobacter which will reduce the nitrogen dose up to 20-30kg/ha. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 58
  • 64. FERTILISER DOSE FOR POTATO: 200:100:150 N2:P2O5:K2O Kg /ha. 25 tractor loads of FYM is applied during land preparation FERTILISER DFOSE OF PULSES: 20:40:40 N2:P2O5:K2O Kg/ha. Different strains of Rhizobium are applied to different leguminous crops. FERTILISER DOSE OF OKRA: 40:20:20 N2:P2O5:K2O Kg/ha POST HARVEST TECHNOLOGY • The instant a crop is removed from the ground, or separated from its parent plant, it begins to deteriorate . Post harvest treatment largely determines final quality . • The most important goals of post harvest handling are keeping the product . POST HARVEST TECHNOLOGY • Post harvest technology is inter-disciplinary “Science and Technology” applied to agricultural produce after harvest for its protection, conservation, processing, packaging, distribution, marketing and utilization . • Importance of post harvest technology lies in the fact that it has capability to meet the food requirement of growing population . COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 59
  • 65. POST HARVEST INDUSTRIES The post harvest industry includes the following main components: • Harvesting and threshing • Drying and storage • Processing (conservation and / transformation of the produce) • Utilization by consumer including home processing. We along with KVK scientist Miss Dharitri Mam had done the demonstration about storage of pulses in Dihakuransa village with insect and moisture proof polythene. SOIL SAMPLING In our allotted KVK i.e. KVK, Badchana, Jajpur we had done soil sampling along with determination of soil pH, EC, Organic carbon content on 20 th and 21 st October 2016 under the proper guidance of Subhasish Das sir . MATERIALS USED: Spade or auger Khurpi Wooden harmer Sieve Sampling bag COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 60
  • 66. PROCEDURE: • For irrigated condition one sample is collected from 2.5ha and for non-irrigated condition one sample is collected from 10ha land. • A site was selected in the KVK farm for sample collection. • 1 st sample collection was done with the help of spade and khurpi and then with screw auger. • A “V” shape cut of depth 30cm was given and a thin soil slice of 1inch was taken out with the khurpi. • For collecting sample with auger; the auger was inserted to a depth of 25-30cm and the soil was taken out. • The collected soil was dried under shade and the materials like roots, stone, pebbles were removed • The dried soil aggregates were broken with a wooden hammer and sieved through a 2mm sieve • The bulk of soil was reduced to 1/2kg by quartering. • This sample was collected in a sampling bag. • The bag was labelled with informations like date of collection, type of land, name of sampler,crop grown in field etc. PRECAUTIONS: • Soil should not be collected from swampy area, near bund or near compost pit. Soil should not be dried under sun or near fire. • The soil aggregates should not be broke with iron hammer. • The soil should not be stored in fertilizer bag and godown. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 61
  • 67. USE OF ORGANIC MANNURE AND BIO-FERTILIZERS • As maures and fertilizers are providing essential nutrients to the plant through chemical fertilizers , there is a large need for the awareness of organic manures and bio fertilizers. CONCEPT: • Organic manures mainly 2 types. • 1- Bulky organic manures • 2 - Concentrated organic manures. • Bulky organic manure , low nutrient content but concentrated organic manure have high nutrient content. • We also provided information regarding collection of manure which will help in less nutrient loss from the manures. We provided information regarding why byre system of collection is the best and suggested them. We also suggested them to go bur covered pit method of storage which will cause less nutrient loss. • We also provided information regarding composting and vermin composting. Those who did nit have cattle we suggest to go for ADCO process of composting. VERMICOMPOSTING • Vermi composting is a method of making compost with the use of earthworms . COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 62
  • 68. • We all demonstrated them how to use bio fertilizers very efficiently . • Rhizobium : used in pulses • Azatobacter: used in rice cotton and sugarcane • Azospirilum: used in sorghum • We also recommended them to use VAM and phosphorus solubilising bacteria which enhance the performance of above “N” fixing bacteria. • We also suggested them to go for azola cultivation in their standing rice field. Azolla pinnata grow very well in their climate. • As there is no such big forests nearby we suggested them to go for ‘ insitu green manuring’. As they have mainly low lands and medium lands , and KVK is also practicing Dhanicha in field we recommended to go for Dhanicha atleast once in a year. WATER MANAGEMENT PRACTICES • Water management includes two aspects i.e. irrigation and drainage. • It is the medium through which we can better manage the distribution and optimum use of water. • Village scenario • Here as per as irrigation is concern the farming totally depend on canal irrigation. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 63
  • 69. The status also says that Achyutpur has a great potential of ground water exploitation Total capacity Developed Undeveloped Potentiality 18596 13350 4548 Maximum (Information of canal command Area of Achyutpur ) Jajpur is a rice dominated area. RICE • 1cm water is required per day in rice cultivation. • At tillering stage 2cm standing water is required. • At PI stage 5 + 2cm or 5 -2 cm water is required. It is the most critical stage of rice. Shortage of water leads to chaffy grain production. • 10 to 15 days before maturity water is removed from the field. • IW/CPE = 5 -7 cm /62.5mm. ASM = FC - PWP i.e. irrigate the field up to 50% Constraints: • Un timely availability of water • Not availability sufficient water continuously. • Quality of water due to presence of more industries. • Untimely sowing of crop. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 64
  • 70. Strategic action plan for water management. • Irrigation point are more effective . • Creation of awareness among the farmers. • Correction of faulty irrigation points. • Creation of irrigation water potential per annum through PMSKY through ongoing state plan. • Large scale conversion of rain fed area to irrigating areas in next 5 yrs. NURSERY MANAGEMENT What do you mean by nursery? A vegetable nursery is a place where young plants are cared for during the early stages of growth. Nursery Preparation at KVK, JAJPUR • We all had done nursery preparation .The place selected was well drained and proper lighted, and there was proper water supply to that area. The soil selected was fertile and healthy soil. • The soil was covered with black polythene sheet and then removed after 2 weeks. • The size of the nursery bed taken was length-3m, width-1m, and height- 15cm. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 65
  • 71. • A space of 30-40 cm is left in between two beds help in weeding, care against insect pest and excess draining off water. • The seeds were covered with paddy straw in order to protect them from birds and other animals. • Regular watering was done but excess water was drained out. • Thinning was also done to maintain plant population. FRUIT AND VEGETABLE MANAGEMENT In village Achyutpur lots of fruit and vegetables are cultivated by the farmers but they have no knowledge about different problems and their management we provide some idea about the solutions. Location: ACHYUTPUR is situated at a distance of only 14 K.M.s from Chandikhol state highway . Fruit Crops: Banana, Mango, Coconut , Lemon , Water melon, Papaya etc. Vegetables: Potato, Tomato, Onion, Brinjal , Colocasia , Cucumber, Snake gourd, Bottle gourd ,Ridge gourd ,Okra etc. Leafy vegetables: Coriander leaves, Amaranthus, Fenugreek leaves. Spices: Ginger, Garlic, Turmeric. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 66
  • 72. Constraints in Fruits and Vegetable Production:  Social Constraints: • Irregular visit of extension workers, • Lack of timely technical advice, • Poor coordination among the grass root level workers, • Non-uniform distribution of subsidies, Technical Constraints • Inadequate training program, • Lack of soil testing facilities.  Economical Constraints: • Absence of storage facilities, • Low risk bearing capacity & high cost of technology. MANAGEMENT OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLE: • There should be selection of good variety . • For weed management weedicides to be applied and for disease and pest management proper fungicide, bactericide, insecticides are to be sprayed. • Proper post harvest management . • For vegetable, a good nursery bed should be prepared for disease management. • Nutrients should be applied on soil test basis. • Harvesting should be done at right time COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 67
  • 73. FIELD IDENTIFICATION OF PESTS AND DISEASES We had gone to the village Achyutpur for 6 weeks for our student READY programme. We came in contact with the pests and diseases of the following crops : (1)RICE (2)BRINJAL (3)PULSES RICE A)YELLOW STEM BORER : IDENTIFYING CHARACTER : Front wings of this insect are yellow .Two black spot in both the wings. Tuft anal hair present in female. Catarpillar is yellowish white with a dark brown head and prothoracic shield. DAMAGE SYMPTOMS: Newly hatched larvae bores in the nodal region .As result of formation of dead heart and white ear head in vegetative and reproductive stage respectively which can be easily pulled out . MANAGEMENT: a)Application of Trichogama japonicum 20000/acre 10 times with in 6days interval . b) Triazophus 40 E.C 400ml ,Phosalon 5E.C 400ml can be sprayed. a) we can destroy the insect by using light trap during night time because it can attract the insect. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 68
  • 74. B)GALL MIDGE : IDENTIFYING CHARACTER : Fly is mosquito Female has bright orange red Abdomen. Maggot which is pale reddish, apodous moves down to the shoot apex without boring into plant tissue. DAMAGE SYMTOMS: cylindrical tube in tillers known as gall / silver shoot/onion shoot. MANAGEMENT: a) larvae are naturally parasitized by Platygaster oryzae. b) Application of granules in the main field at 10-15 DAT: phorate 5 kg/ac or carbofuran 10 kg/ac in endemic areas. C)LEAF HOPPER: IDENTIFYING CHARACTERS: 5 mm long and possesses two black spots in the males which extend up to the black distal portion of the forewings. DAMAGE SYMPTOM : Yellowing, stunting and withering of plants, leaves turning brown with small scratch like marks on leaf in severe infestation, uniform yellowing from mid half of leaf. MANAGEMENT: Early clipping of infested leaf tips to prevent virus transmission. For immediate knockdown of high population monocrotophos 2 ml/l + dichlorvos 1 ml/l. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 69
  • 75. MAJOR DISEASES OF RICE A) Blast Symptoms; Leaf blast: Spindle shaped spots with grey centre and dark brown margin. Node blast: irregular black areas that encircle the nodes can be noticed. Neck blast: This symptom is same as dead heart of stem borer. Management: Spray the main field with Edifenphos@0.1% or Carbendazim@0.1% or Tricyclazole @0.06% or Thiophanate Methylon @0.1%. B)Brown Spot Symptoms : The disease appears first as minute brown dots, later becoming cylindrical or oval to circular. Management: • Apply recommended doses of fertilizers. • Spray twice with Carbendazim @0.1% or Benomyl@0.05% or Mancozeb@0.2% or Chlorothalonil@0.2% at boot leaf stage and 15 days later . C) Sheath blight Symptoms : The fungus affects the crop from tillering to heading stage. Initial symptoms are noticed on leaf sheaths near water level. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 70
  • 76. #The presence of several large lesions on a leaf sheath usually causes death of the whole leaf . Management: Spray Propiconazole@0.1% or Hexaconazole@0.2% . D) False smut Symptoms; The fungus transforms individual grains into yellow or greenish spore balls of velvety appearance. MANAGEMENT Spray copper oxychloride@0.3% or carbendazim@0.1% at panicle emergence stage . MAJOR PESTS OF BRINJAL A)BRINJAL SHOOT AND FRUIT BORER IDENTIFYING CHARACTERS: Moths are medium in size with white wings having large brown patches and red markings. DAMAGE SYMPTOMS: • Roping of tender shoots and wilting in vegetative stage • Holes on the infested fruits filled with excreta . MANAGEMENT: Three spraying with carbaryl 3 g/l or profenofos 2ml/l or cypermethrin 1 ml/l at 10 day interval from 3 weeks after transplanting . COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 71
  • 77. DISEASES AND PESTS OF PULSES A) SPOTTED POD BORER IDENTIFYING CHARACTERS: • Moth is with dark brown forewings with white club shaped cross band along anterior margin and white hind wings with dark brown border. • The caterpillar with short hairs on black warts webs together the flowers and feeds on them. CONTROL MEASURE: Combination of chlorpyriphos 2.5 ml/l or quinalphos 2 ml/l or novaluron 0.75 ml/l . B) YELLOW MOSAIC: IDENTIFYING CHARACTERS: Show irregular yellow and green patches alternating with each other. Management : Treat seeds with Imidacloprid 70 WS @ 5ml/kg to control vector. DISEASE MANAGEMENT Sugarcane Red rot: Reddening of the internal tissues. The presence of cross-wise white patches We strongly recommended ,for prevention, Hot water treatment of setts at 520C for 30 min or 500C for 2 hours followed by steeping in 0.1% carbendazim solution. Grow resistant varieties like CO 6907, CO 721. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 72
  • 78. Groundnut Tikka Disease: There are 2 stages, one, Early leaf spot (occurs <35DAS) and Late Leaf spot (occurs >35DAS).. Both these diseases are extremely damaging and reduce the effective photosynthetic area and thus, yield. We recommended Treat the seeds with Captan or Thiram at 4g/kg. Spray Carbendazim@0.1% or Mancozeb@0.2%. Mango Anthracnose: The fungus produces leaf spots, blossom blight, wither tip, twigs blight and fruit rot. Spray carbendazim or Topsin M (0.1%) or Chlorothalonil (0.2 at 14 days intervals until harvest. Before storage, treat the fruits with hot water (50-55°C), for 15 minutes or dip in Benomyl solution (500ppm) or Thiobendazole (1000ppm) for 5 minutes or expose them to ammonia and sulphur dioxide gases. Banana Yellow Sigatoka leaf spot: Small spindle shaped spots on foliage with greyish centre leaves possess dark brown to black margin. Spray zineb@0.25% or copper oxy chloride@0.3% . Wilt: The earliest symptoms are faint yellow streaks on the petiole of oldest, lower most Leaves. We recommended them to Use of disease free suckers for planting. Drainage was a problem there so to avoid ill drained soils, and prefer slightly alkaline soils (7-7.5 pH) for cultivation. Go for Poovan, Basrai ,Moonjil,etc, Dipping of suckers in carbendazim (0.1%) solution before planting. Soil drench with 0.1% carbendazim. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 73
  • 79. Damping off of vegetable seedlings The Seedlings disintegrate before they come out of soil surface. Seed dressing with Thiram or captan @ 2-3 g/Kg. Soil drenching with 1% Bordeaux mixture or COC@ 0.3%. Biocontrol with Trichoderma viride . TRAINING & DEMONSTRATION Training Training is a technique of imparting specific skills to a group of people who need them by creating an appropriate learning situation. This is an effective method of transfer of technology. Objectives 1. To impart the needed skills to a small group of people. 2. To motivate people to adopt new practices through skill training. Demonstration Demonstration is given before group of people to show how to carry out an entirely new practice or an old practice in a better way. It is essentially skill training,when the emphasis is an effectively carrying out a job,hearing,participating and practicing in a group which shall stimulate interest and action. Objectives 1. To teach skills and stimulate people to action. 2. To get rid of inefficient or ineffective movements. 3. To improve upon the results by doing a job in a better way. 4. To build up farmers confidence and satisfaction on the practice. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 74
  • 80. During our village attachment programme we conducted some training programmes in villages. In the training programme we imparted training to villagers on different improved technology related to agriculture. In selecting the topics emphasis was given on technical feasibility and economic viability of the technologies. It was taken care that the topics on which the training was imparted suited to economy and culture of the village. The main objective of the programme was to inculcate some of the low and no cost technologies and profitable enterprises for the wholesome development of the community. We attended one training programmes in village ACHYUTPUR .Around 30-40 villagers attended training and demonstration programme. There was a good mix of old and youth, men and women participants. The villagers keenly participated in those programmes and there was a healthy interaction between them and us. We used several extension teaching aids like banners and leaflets for better understanding of the topics. We collected all the information and materials required for our training and demonstration. We made posters and folders on our assigned topics to make our training programme successful.we explain all the things during training and demonstration simply in local languages and also we could able to clarify the queries of the farmers. Our activities were evaluated by our programme supervisors and snr.scientist and programme coordinator of KVK,jajpur .we successfully completed our training and demonstration programme. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 75
  • 81. TOPICS ON WHICH TRAINING WAS IMPARTED VILLAGE – ACHYUTPUR ( 24-10-2016 ) TITLE : Integrated Farming System PROBLEM IDENTIFIED :  Decline in Agriculture growth rate .   Decline in factor productivity.   Incresing malnutrition.   Low farm income .   Increasing unemployment .   Increasing cost of production .  OBJECTIVES :  To identify existing farming systems in specific areas & access their relative humidity.  To maintain sustainable production system without damaging resources/environment. TRAINING MATERIAL :  Leaflet   Flex   IFS Model  CONCLUSION : In concluding , I may add that ..  Profit is sustainability enhanced when vegetables were included in the system .  Under Rice based cropping systems the profitability gets reduced when area under rice is more.  Hence, Priority on allied enterprises is necessary to increase the farm income. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 76
  • 82. Socialization Sessions Of Students with Villagers , Progressive farmers , Contact farmers ,Local representatives What is Socialization? Socialization is a term used by sociologists, social psychologists, anthropologists, political scientists, and educationalists to refer to the lifelong process of inheriting and disseminating norms, customs, values and ideologies, providing an individual with the skills and habits necessary for participating within their own society. We had allotted in Krishi Vigyan Kendra for Village attachment programme for duration 6 weeks . In these 6 weeks we had to increase our social relationship with (1) Villagers (2) Contact farmers (3) Progressive farmers & (4) Local representatives . These were the first step towards the socialization sessions of students with villagers: • First day we reached at Krishi Vigyan Kendra nearly 4 p.m. . After that , KVKs official had arranged an interactive session between KVKs official & students. Among the discussion, KVKs official told us about the adopted village, named Achyutpur . COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 77
  • 83. • Tomorrow morning we had gone out for adopted village, Achyutpur . After reached that village, A socialization sessions occur between the students & villagers. • Villagers viewed the students are in a very positive light regarding attitude &behaviour and did not hesitate to complement the personal character of the students. This set the foundation for the remarkable rapport that was evident between them. • Often, villagers commented that by the time, the student completed the module, they were considered as family. In many instances, students helped the farmers and their children to read and write • Students would read letter for illiterate farmers as well as tutor and assist children with school work .Especially the farmers and students conversations had over a coffee. • Most farmers never had the opportunity to travel and experience other cultures and they realized that the students were away to bring the culture of other place or cities to them. • Since most of the farmers had no formal education, they were appreciative of the students and took advantage of them to gain knowledge. • The farmers often discussed the importance of combining theoretical and practical knowledge. Socialization Sessions Of Students With Contact farmers & Progressive farmers : • After villagers interaction, we moved to find out the contact farmers and we contacted many farmers , among them some farmers appeared to be exceptionally progressive , but we COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 78
  • 84. had to choose only 50 progressive farmers among them , so that they will dedicatedly involve with our students. • We Distributed 2 farmers to each students. Then , We explained the purpose of visit to their village as well as Krishi Vigyan Kendra. • In this session , There were three basic data collection procedures employed to achieve the objectives. • The first method was a census survey ,using a quantitative questionnaire . • The second method utilized the same questionnaire as a structured interview guide for interviews with farmers. • Focus groups, among students and farmers, were utilized as the third data collection procedure. • Some farmers felt that the students taught the farmers, while others felt as through the farmers were doing most of the teaching. In terms of giving, the farmers viewed the students as bringing knowledge and ideas and helping the farmers to create a network. • Farmers were aware that both theoretical and practical knowledge were most effective when used as a community basis and felt that the students contributed greatly to their base of theoretical knowledge. • Farmer felt that the students also contributed to knowledge in the area of sustainable agriculture, waste management & practices that reduce agricultural impacts on the environment. • Farmers recognized that students were not experts, but perceived them as their point of access to the experts & other COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 79
  • 85. knowledgeable entities & sources of information through OUAT. • Farmers also mentioned that, if KVKs provided them with more of the materials needed to experiments, they would do so more often. • Farmers also mentioned that ,the program should only focus on individual farmers because trying to get the farmers to work together is a “ Waste Of Time “ • Farmers reported the “Distrust & Corruption” among farmers in the community & said that they were resistant to working together ,illustrated by the following quote “I didn’t want to be involved with the problems of the community as a whole because they don’t know anything ” • Then we also discussed about Use of vermicomposting & green manure crops. • Through farmer interviews, it also became evident that the farmers didn’t realize that they could compost with crop residues, kitchen waste or other organic outputs generated from farm activities, other than animal manure. • Then all 50 farmers agreed that their role should be to: • Learn from the student • Work well with the students to develop implement new ideas. • Value & respect different opinions & ideas. • Be a model of inspiration to the student. • Next day , we had gone out to seen a very progressive farmers, who had having a combine harvester, rotator, power tiller, COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 80
  • 86. tractor, thresher etc. and also he had used nearly 100 acre land for farm purpose. Socialization Sessions of Students with Local Representatives: • When we were at KVKs, That time, DAO & other AAO of Jajpur District had visited to KVKs for giving information regarding agriculture & other allied sector. • T.V media like ETV news channel & other newspaper reporter had also came to KVKs for reporting different activities doing by Agricultural students. • At the last day , AAO & AHO ,both visited to KVKs for giving information regarding different schemes regulated by central & state Govt. & these schemes are described below ... • Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) • Mission of Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) • National Food Security Mission (NFSM) • Soil Health Card • Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) • Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 81
  • 87. AN EXPOSURE VISIT TO DARPANI FARM  An exposure visit is a tool that is used to facilitate the learning process among the students. It encourages the vision of the person along with his inherent skill.  KVK, Jajpur had organised an exposure visit to Darpan farm on 4th October 2016.   We all were accompanied by Babita Madam. It was basically a nursery of Mango and Cashewnut.   With the guidance of experts present there and madam we also got to know the skill of grafting in Mango and Cashewnut.   They taught us “ How to collect scion and how to prepare a grafted plant”.   We also visited the poly house and cashew nut. In case of mango the poly house structure was shaw toothed type and in case of cashew nut the structure was quinsent type.   We also converted many normal plants into grafted ones with the supervision of experts.   We got to know various strategies to build a poly house along with the operating principle of a nursery.   At the end we took some of the photographs and thanked the members of who were engaged in that farm. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 82
  • 88. SWACHH BHARAT ABHIYAN Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (SBA) is a national campaign by the Govt. Of India. The campaign was officially launched on the 2 nd October 2014 at Rajghart, New Delhi by PM Narendra Modi. It is India's biggest ever cleanliness drive During our Student Ready Programme by the help of the PC, KVK, Badchana organised the SBA programme at Choromuha Village on 29 th September 2016. All the staff of KVK along with all the students including some of the villagers attended the programme. With the help of villagers we started our SBA programme from the end of the village. Before the programme we were ready with our equipment's like brooms, banners, placards etc. With the help of the KVK members and villagers we continued the programme smoothly. During the programme we made them aware about the values of cleanliness. At the end we also informed them that this time the SBA was about “Free Open Defecation”. At the end we thanked all the villagers for their cordial support for making the programme successful COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 83
  • 89. EXPERIENCE GAINED DURING RAWE • Student Ready Programme is an exposure programme conducted to make the agricultural student acquainted with the real field situation. To test the feasibility of knowledge gained during class room teaching and its application in the farmer’s field. • From orientation programme to till submission of report every moment in Student Ready Programme has been exciting, exploring, enlightening, enriching, adventurous and unforgettable. THE FOLLOWING ASPECTS OF student ready programme HELP ME A LOT • Improved communication skill by interaction with the host farmer and other farmer during the village activities and also during the presentation of maps in the classroom, training, demonstration, exhibition, and other extension activities. • Feedback and interaction with the farmers and guidance and suggestions of our multidisciplinary team of supervisors help us to redefine extension service necessary for all round development of the village. • It offers an opportunity to gain experience of rural area, rural people, their social structure, values, livelihood and culture for making extension work successful. • It includes team spirit, working in group, cooperation between group members, time management and logical approach to problems. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 84
  • 90. FEEDBACK  This Village Attachment Programme really helps us to know about real practical field problem and village situation. The knowledge and skill of both our and farmers developed.    The training and demonstration programme help farmers to know about new techniques and create venture for self- employment.    The farmers of all the villagers know many technologies, but not adopting. Thus helps from block office or KVK benefited them to a great extent for adoption of technologies.    The villagers are loving towards us and also very supportive.    And finally we convey our thanks to our Scientists and Head of KVK as well as other faculty members and our both the supervisors for their unconditional help and support. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 85
  • 91. CONCLUSION  This village attachment programme to these five villages i.e. Achyutpur, Choromuha, Dihakuransa, Bandareshwara and Krishnapada provides a practical oriented opportunity and hands on experience in acquiring knowledge and skill.   The real socio-economic situation of village and problems at field level known to us.   The farmers of village Achyutpur are prosperous and developed as they came in contact with government officials frequently and their production is more due to more knowledge and availability of some sort of irrigation water.   The Farmers of village Choromuha are well developed due to the proper management of the available resources. The women’s are equally empowered like the men of that village just because of their cooperation and dedication.  The farmers of village Dihakuransa are well equipped with their indigenous knowledge . In one word they are the adopter of new technology of new era of farming.   They are quite developed just because they properly utilize the available resources and are in good contact with KVK.   The farmers of village Bandareshwara has the opportunity to get inspired by a large farmer like Ranjit Samal There farmers are well managing the time .   The farmers of village Krushnapada are quite underdeveloped or knowledge about technology is of minimum level as they are not in contact with Govt. or agricultural officials or KVK. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, OUAT, BBSR-3 Page 86