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Облачные вычисления Алексей Ивлев Консультант по облачным технологиям IBM Global Technology Services [email_address]
Взрывной рост количества информации  Рост цифровой информации в период  с  2007  по  2011 Объем передаваемых данных в Интернет к  2013 Количество подключенных устройств к Интернет к  2011 CIO  планируют значительные изменения в ИТ-инфраструктуру в течение ближайших трех лет 10x 1  трлн 83% 500,000 Гб 3
... при этом Распределенные ресурсы простаивают до  85 % времени Руководителей признают наличие уязвимостей в безопасности, но не могут их быстро устранить В среднем  70 % ИТ бюджета расходуется на поддержку существующей инфраструктуры CIO  хотят улучшить порядок использования и управления ИТ-инфраструктурой 85 %  простоев 70 ¢  из   $1 83% 82% 4
Cloud computing  – новый подход 1990 2009+ ПО как услуга ( SaaS) Вычисления по запросу Grid -вычисления Облачные  вычисления “ Cloud computing поменя ет  облик IT-индустрии...  радикальным образом изменит то, как работают люди и компании ” Масштабируемые ресурсы, доступные отовсюду Упрощение доставки сервисов Ускоренный вывод идей и бизнес-моделей на рынок Динамическая инфраструктура для дата-центров нового поколения Новый уровень виртуализации
Вчера - сегодня Банки  переводят часть операции в банкоматы для улучшения обслуживания и снижения стоимости В  машиностроении  используются роботы для достижения высокого уровня качества и снижения стоимости Телекоммуникационные компании  используют цифровые технологии для высокого уровня сервиса и снижения стоимости
Что такое  Cloud Computing? Cloud Computing Banking  Retail IT  Самообслуживание Каталог услуг Модель предоставления Стандартизованные ИТ-услуги Быстрое предоставление « Pay   per   Use »  –  оплата по факту Повсеместный доступ Инфраструктура Виртуализация ресурсов Централизованное управление «Эластичность» ресурсов Использование
Традиционная инфраструктура Заполнение бумажных форм запросов Постоянные звонки в ИТ  Возможно, необходимое оборудование отсутствует Сложность осуществления закупок Cloud computing  и управление услугами Портал самообслуживания Отслеживание статусов запросов онлайн Услуги предоставляются по необходимости Перераспределение ресурсов Онлайн запросы и отслеживание услуг * На основании исследования  IBM  2009 г. Что изменяется ?  Услуги  предоставляются дешевле и быстрее * Заполнение требуемых форм
Инфраструктура должна стать  более гибкой  … Задачи Бизнеса = ВИРТУАЛИЗАЦИЯ + СТАНДАРТИЗАЦИЯ АВТОМАТИЗАЦИЯ + …  для новых  ИТ-инвестиций  и быстрого запуска  новых возможностей Затраты   Гибкость
Использование Облачных вычислений ведет к значительному увеличению эффективности Традиционная организация Использование Cloud Computing Cloud computing  увеличивает эффективность бизнеса во множестве областей Область До После Нет Само-обслуживание Фикс. стоимость Измерение и биллинг Недели Предоставление услуги  Период окупаемости новых услуг Управление релизами Управление изменениями Использование  серверов /  систем хранения Годы  Недели Месяцы 10-20% Неограниченно За использование Минуты Месяцы Минуты Дни / часы 70-90%
Модели предоставления Облачный Вычислений УПРАВЛЕНИЕ Публичное облако … Услуги предоставляются внешним провайдером через Интернет Инфраструктура  принадлежит провайдеру Доступ по подписке Частное облако … Услуги предоставляются внутри компании Инфраструктура принадлежит компании (может быть внешний хостинг) Доступ к облаку определяется заказчиком Облачные услуги   Модель облачных вычислений Гибридное облако  … Совместное  предоставление “внутренних” и “внешних” услуг
Основные модели использования...   as a Service   Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Servers Networking Storage Middleware Collaboration Financials  CRM/ERP/HR Industry  Applications Data Center  Fabric Shared virtualized, dynamic provisioning Database Web 2.0 Application Runtime Java Runtime Development Tooling Business Process-as-a-Service (BPaaS) Employee  Benefits Mgmt. Industry-specific Processes Procurement Business Travel
Архитектура   Облачных вычислений Автоматизация Управление запросами Предоставление  доступа Уровни обслуживания Учет потребления Безопасность Планирование ресурсов Физический уровень Виртуальные приложения и ПО   Виртуальные рабочие места   Виртуальная сеть Виртуальные системы хранения Виртуальные сервера Виртуализация Управление услугами Каталог услуг Портал самообслуживания Пользователи Биллинг IBM and other storage Networking IBM System x ® , BladeCenter ® IBM System z ® , Power systems™ Non-IBM servers
Консолидация Консолидация, управление и мониторинг Снижение расходов на обслуживание Повышение утилизации ресурсов Виртуализация Простота развертывания и внедрения ресурсов Увеличение гибкости использования ресурсов Снижение совокупной стоимости владения Автоматизация Каталог стандартных ИТ-услуг Быстрое и автоматизированное предоставление услуг Интегрированное управление виртуальными ресурсами Самообслуживание   Централизованный портал самообслуживания Повышение производительности качества услуг Мониторинг, управление, поддержка и биллинг Simplified Shared Dynamic Переход на облачные технологии
Примеры применения  Cloud computing Хорошо вписываются в модель  Cloud Тестирование и разработка  – тестовая инфраструктура для разработчиков, тестирование обновлений и патчей, безопасный переход на новые версии решений и т.д. Средства коллективной работы  – почта ,  календарь, веб-конференции, документооборот и т.д. ( LotusLive ,  Gmail) Среда разработки  – готовое преинтегрированное решение для разработчика ( Rational, DB2, Websphere, Azure, Google Apps…) Пиковые нагрузки  -  Computing on demand Desktop   решения –  Desktop as a Service Storage   решения  -  Storage as a Service Backup   решения -  Backup & Restore as a Service Software   решения – Изначально разработанные для модели  SaaS Преинтегрированные  SW/HW  решения  (virtual appliances) Обработка больших объемов данных   требуют от провайдера услуг гибкого предоставления дискового пространства Высоконагруженные вычислительные задачи  –  Grid  вычисления,  High Performance computing Возможны ограничения  при переходе на  Cloud Обработка  высокритичных данных  – персональные данные, секретные данные и гос.тайна Требования  стандартов и законов  в области ИТ и ИБ (Персональные данные, СТО БР ИББС,  PCI DSS, SOX  и т.д.) ПО может быть  не   адаптировано под виртуальную среду или под лицензирование  в  cloud  архитектуре
IBM  рекомендует практический подход Перевод всей инфраструктуры в облако  (private/public) Постепенный перевод всей ИТ в частное облако Public cloud IaaS, PaaS, SaaS Расширение Начать с построения частного облака Выбрать область с низким риском  (напр, разработка и тестирование) Стандартизация приложений и систем Внедрения портала самообслуживания Внедрение Определение плана и стратегии Выбрать области применения Оценить  TCO  и  ROI Разработать стратегию и архитектуру облака Использование текущей инфраструктуры Оценить возможность использования и перевода на облако Консолидация Виртуализация Каталог ИТ-услуг Планирование
Ключевые предложения  IBM   Cloud Computing IBM’s Infrastructure Strategy & Planning for Cloud computing   Формирование стратегии, архитектуры облачных вычислений, планирование  проектов .  IBM Smart Business Test Cloud Implementation   Проектирование и реализация  частной ( private)  облачной среды разработки и тестирования  IBM  CloudBurst TM   including  CloudBurst TM   QuickStart Services   «Коробочное» решение , включающая в себя программное обеспечение, оборудование, систему хранения данных и услуги по внедрению частного облака IBM’s Smart Business Desktop Cloud   Проектирование и реализация виртуальной рабочей среды пользователей  IBM Smart Business Storage Cloud   Решение для хранения данных - масштабируемое и виртуальное
IBM CloudBurst  –  “ все в одном ” IBM CloudBurst  – готовое облачное   решение 4   варианта аппаратной конфигурации Предустановленное программное обеспечение Сервис по установке и настройке решения Обучение администраторов Вы получаете: Портал самообслуживания Каталог стандартных ИТ-услуг Возможность автоматического создания и предоставления ИТ-услуг Готовые шаблоны для создания новых с ИТ-услуг Встроенная виртуализация  VMWare (Hyper-V,KVM, Xen) Встроенный механизм учета потребления ИТ-услуг  Разграничение доступа к ИТ-услуг и другие функции безопасности За  5  дней вы получаете облачную   архитектуру, готовую к работе в вашей ИТ инфраструктуре DEMO
Преимущества облачной архитектуры ? «Какие выгоды  cloud  являются наиболее  приоритетными?» – ответы руководителей ИТ: Снижение расходов 77%  и более Аппаратное обеспечение Лицензии на ПО ИТ поддержка инфраструктуры ИТ персонал Получение выгоды 72%  и более Снизить нагрузку на ИТ персонал Упростить ИТ процессы и процедуры Ускорить внедрение Планирование ИТ ресурсов, исходя  из реальных потребностей Что дает  cloud computing : Снижение расходов на предоставление ИТ услуг Гибкость и масштабируемость Быстрое предоставление ИТ услуг Ориентированность на самообслуживание
Спасибо ! For more information, please visit: http://www.ibm.com/cloud/developer
Appendix Additional Resources and Product Information
Desktop cloud Public Desktop Cloud Service  keyboard, mouse, display, network Thin Client / Repurposed PC Blades or Rack-based Servers User User User User Virtual Client Virtual Machines   Опции для  VM Предопределенная архитектура ( IBM Cloud) Возможность развертывания либо в ЦОД  IBM,  либо в ЦОД заказчика Shared Services  До  250:1 (user/blade) Одна ОС Публикация приложений Не все приложения могут быть развернуты Лучшее значение  TCO Published Desktop keyboard, mouse, display, network Virtual Client До  100:1 user/blade Персональная среда Публикация приложений Отдельная ОС для каждого пользователя/группы Хорошая безопасность и  TCO Virtual Machines keyboard, mouse, display, network Blades or Rack-based Servers Blades or Rack-based Servers Virtual Client User User User Shared  Services Streaming Services Отдельная ОС для каждого пользователя/группы Один образ Публикация приложений Возможность офф-лайновой работы Streaming keyboard, mouse, display, network Streaming Service Thin  Client Thin Client Thin Client X3550, x3650 Servers Users Streaming Private Desktop Cloud Service
Web/J2EE Development Software Engineering Requirements Management Software Architecture Database Management Web Infrastructure Quality Management Collaborative Software Development Software Delivery Automation Rational Requirements Composer Rational Asset Manager Rational Team Concert Rational Insight Rational Build Forge Agent Rational Application Developer Rational Build Forge Rational Asset Manager Rational Quality Manager Rational Software Architect WebSphere sMash  WebSphere Application Server and Rational Agent Controller Informix Dynamic Server DB2 Express-C V9.7  IDS 11.50.xC5 DE Lotus Turbo Forms SUSE Linux Image Library Self Provisioning Personalized Control Panel Community Forums Getting Started Guides Getting Started Demos Академическая программа  IBM http://www.ibm.com/cloud/developer Academic Skills Cloud
Доступ к академической программе  IBM Регистрация Create Account IBM Development Cloud Watch Demonstration 1 Выбор решения Identify Image(s) of interest  Identify Product Review default topology 2 Использование Add an Instance Create Virtual Server Provision Server Access and Test Getting Started Materials Demo Video Samples 3 http://www.ibm.com/cloud/developer
IBM Cloud offerings today Smart Business  on IBM Public Cloud Standardized services  on the IBM Cloud Smart Business  Private Cloud Private cloud services,  behind you firewall, built  and/or managed by IBM Smart Business  Systems Pre-integrated workload  optimized systems IBM Smart  Analytics  System IBM Smart  Analytics  Cloud IBM  CloudBurst IBM Smart  Business  Test Cloud Analytics Collaboration Development  and Test Desktop and  Devices Infrastructure  (compute ) Business Services Infrastructure  (storage ) IBM Smart  Business  Storage  Cloud IBM  CloudBurst  1.2, WebSphere  CloudBurst  Appliance IBM Smart  Business for  SMB  (backed  by the IBM  Cloud) IBM  Information  Archive IBM  LotusLive IBM  Information   Protection  Services IBM  Compute  On Demand IBM Smart  Business Expense  Reporting on the  IBM Cloud IBM BPM  Blueworks (Design Tools) IBM Smart  Desktop on  IBM Cloud IBM Smart  Business End   User Support IBM Smart  Business  Dev & Test  on the IBM  Cloud IBM Smart  Business  Cube IBM Smart  Business  Desktop IBM Smart  Business  Desktop  Cloud
Cloud Consulting Cloud Implementation Cloud Delivered Infrastructure Strategy & Planning (GTS) Strategy & Change Services for Cloud Adoption (GBS) Strategy & Change Services for Cloud Providers (GBS) Testing Services for Cloud (GBS) Networking Strategy & Optimization (GTS) Data Center strategy (GTS) Vulnerability Management (GTS) Managed Email and Web Security (GTS) Smart Business Test Cloud Smart Business Desktop Cloud Smart Business Storage Cloud Smart Analytics Cloud Smart Analytics System IBM CloudBurst LotusLive Computing on Demand Information Protection Services Self Enablement Portal Smart Business Development & Test on the IBM Cloud Smart Business Desktop on the IBM Cloud Smart Business Expense Reporting on the IBM Cloud Security and Threat Mgmt IBM products on Amazon EC2 Cloud Technology Components WebSphere Hypervisor Edition DB2/Informix VMWare Images Tivoli Service Automation Manager IBM Solution Edition for Cloud Computing (System z) OSS (Operations Support Services0 BSS (Business Support Services) Proventia Virtualized Network Security Platform iDataPlex systems IBM WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance WebSphere Portal Server WebSphere sMash Mashup Center Rational Tools for the Cloud Cognos 8 Growing portfolio of IBM cloud computing products and services Helps clients address biggest issues: time, money and value to their customers Strategy Address expected adoption patterns with a range of Cloud services Existing services will be augmented with new services targeted at the most acute client pain points and which also yield the most attractive revenue and profit Extend portfolio with more application and industry-oriented services (e.g., storage repository for healthcare) We will coalesce around a common technology platform and integrated delivery infrastructure
IBM Cloud Offerings available today IBM Smart Business Test Cloud IBM Smart Business Test on the IBM Cloud  Pre-packaged & pre-configured hardware & software to quickly and easily create a private cloud in support of development and test environments IBM CloudBurst Dev’t & Test  An automated request-driven infrastructure for delivering resources to in-house development and test teams for clients with on-premise development environment with application backlog and budget challenges  Dev’t & Test  Fully managed service providing automated data protection for servers and desktops/laptops; for enterprises with limited IT staffs with multiple remote sites and heterogeneous operating systems and/or bound by regulatory requirements to retain data  IBM Information Protection Services Infrastructure  Combines hardware, software and services to connect authorized users to platform-independent, centrally managed applications and full client images running in virtual machines from any simple device - a thin client or re-purposed PC - capable of running an Internet browser and connection protocol. Users are connected to applications or to a complete operating system image running in a virtual machine in the cloud in a pre-priced, pre-packaged subscription service. IBM Smart Business Desktop on the IBM Cloud Desktop & Devices  IBM Smart Business End User Support – Service Assist Offering Increase productivity and reduce costs with this self-help service desk portal for IT support. Ideal for supporting a mobile, geographically dispersed workforce.  Desktop & Devices Description Workload An automated request-driven infrastructure for delivering resources to development and test teams for clients with development environment with application backlog and budget challenges, hosted on the IBM Cloud Dev’t & Test 
IBM Cloud Offerings available today  Leverages services to create private clouds on System z behind the customer firewall, designed and optimized for business intelligence and analytics as a service that can be offered by the customer to their enterprise LoB tenants cost effectively and without sacrificing SLAs IBM Smart Analytics Cloud Analytics  The ultimate archiving system for all types of information and business needs (legal, regulatory, long term, etc). Control infrastructure costs, manage risk and improve productivity with this integrated hardware, software and services solution.  <  GA is 1Q10 > IBM Information Archive Information  The industry's first pre-integrated analytics system designed to deploy quickly and deliver fast time to value.  Includes: extensive analytic capabilities, a powerful data warehouse foundation, scalability and full integration with IBM servers and storage, set-up services and single point of support  (GA 9/29) IBM Smart Analytics System Analytics  Manage massive information demands while reducing costs with this robust storage cloud: - Enterprise-wide file sharing and collaboration. - Build cost-effective disaster recovery and business continuity solutions. - Reduce capital expense and enhance security. Reduce Total Cost of Ownership through server and storage consolidation. < Not Available in Japan > IBM Smart Business Storage Cloud Storage  Virtualize desktop computing resources to provide a logical, rather than a physical, method of access to data, computing power, storage capacity and other resources.  For clients facing significant and growing IT complexity and costs. IBM Smart Business Desktop Cloud Desktop & Devices Offering Description Workload  A portfolio of cloud-delivered services for security-rich email, web conferencing and collaboration, including new iNotes for a secure, web-based service for email, calendaring and contact management starting at $3 per user, per month. 30-day free trial also available. Cloud Advantage sales play deployed for 2H09. IBM LotusLive Collaboration
IBM Cloud Consulting Services  Helps organizations who are considering delivering public cloud services determine their overall Cloud provider strategy including a business model and operating strategy.  IBM Strategy & Change Services for Cloud Providers Consulting Services  Business and IT executive workshop to identify if cloud computing can drive business value. ROI value case and diagnostic assessment of the current environment to determine strengths, gaps and readiness. IBM-Research workload analysis tool in support of recommendations Strategy, plan, architecture, and roadmap to successfully design the selected cloud delivery model(s). IBM Infrastructure Strategy & Planning for Cloud Computing Consulting Services   Provides a comprehensive understanding of the business value of migrating Testing to a cloud-based environment. IBM Testing Services for Cloud Consulting Services Helps clients develop a cloud IT strategy and understand how they can capitalize on potential cost-savings and other benefits of adopting the services of cloud providers.  IBM Strategy & Change Services for Cloud Adoption Consulting Services Offering Description Workload
IBM Cloud Offerings – Upcoming Announcements The IBM Compute Cloud Offering  A pay-as-you-go virtual compute infrastructure service Enterprise ready with Standardized infrastructure and pre-configured software images – either Bare OS or IBM Software stack IBM Smart Business Compute on the IBM Cloud (Name may change) Enterprise Applications Offering Description Workload Availability
Landscape of current cloud providers BPaaS Direct providers (public and private) SaaS PaaS IaaS AppEngine SQS, CloudFront, MapReduce EC2, S3,  Simple DB Exchange Online CRM (IBM) (IBM) (Sun) (Microsoft) (IBM) Fulfillment Services (Red Hat) Products / services suppliers (sample) Other providers (sample) Source: &quot;Cloud Computing Services&quot;, Gartner, March 10, 2009; &quot;Visual Industry Map&quot;, Peter Laird OnDemand, http://peterlaird.blogspot.com, September 2008; company web sites Cloud infrastructure services (beta) vSphere as a service? ? = cloud offering areas = supporting services provided in-house Global Services

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  • 2. Взрывной рост количества информации Рост цифровой информации в период с 2007 по 2011 Объем передаваемых данных в Интернет к 2013 Количество подключенных устройств к Интернет к 2011 CIO планируют значительные изменения в ИТ-инфраструктуру в течение ближайших трех лет 10x 1 трлн 83% 500,000 Гб 3
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  • 7. Традиционная инфраструктура Заполнение бумажных форм запросов Постоянные звонки в ИТ Возможно, необходимое оборудование отсутствует Сложность осуществления закупок Cloud computing и управление услугами Портал самообслуживания Отслеживание статусов запросов онлайн Услуги предоставляются по необходимости Перераспределение ресурсов Онлайн запросы и отслеживание услуг * На основании исследования IBM 2009 г. Что изменяется ? Услуги предоставляются дешевле и быстрее * Заполнение требуемых форм
  • 8. Инфраструктура должна стать более гибкой … Задачи Бизнеса = ВИРТУАЛИЗАЦИЯ + СТАНДАРТИЗАЦИЯ АВТОМАТИЗАЦИЯ + … для новых ИТ-инвестиций и быстрого запуска новых возможностей Затраты Гибкость
  • 9. Использование Облачных вычислений ведет к значительному увеличению эффективности Традиционная организация Использование Cloud Computing Cloud computing увеличивает эффективность бизнеса во множестве областей Область До После Нет Само-обслуживание Фикс. стоимость Измерение и биллинг Недели Предоставление услуги Период окупаемости новых услуг Управление релизами Управление изменениями Использование серверов / систем хранения Годы Недели Месяцы 10-20% Неограниченно За использование Минуты Месяцы Минуты Дни / часы 70-90%
  • 10. Модели предоставления Облачный Вычислений УПРАВЛЕНИЕ Публичное облако … Услуги предоставляются внешним провайдером через Интернет Инфраструктура принадлежит провайдеру Доступ по подписке Частное облако … Услуги предоставляются внутри компании Инфраструктура принадлежит компании (может быть внешний хостинг) Доступ к облаку определяется заказчиком Облачные услуги Модель облачных вычислений Гибридное облако … Совместное предоставление “внутренних” и “внешних” услуг
  • 11. Основные модели использования... as a Service Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Servers Networking Storage Middleware Collaboration Financials CRM/ERP/HR Industry Applications Data Center Fabric Shared virtualized, dynamic provisioning Database Web 2.0 Application Runtime Java Runtime Development Tooling Business Process-as-a-Service (BPaaS) Employee Benefits Mgmt. Industry-specific Processes Procurement Business Travel
  • 12. Архитектура Облачных вычислений Автоматизация Управление запросами Предоставление доступа Уровни обслуживания Учет потребления Безопасность Планирование ресурсов Физический уровень Виртуальные приложения и ПО Виртуальные рабочие места Виртуальная сеть Виртуальные системы хранения Виртуальные сервера Виртуализация Управление услугами Каталог услуг Портал самообслуживания Пользователи Биллинг IBM and other storage Networking IBM System x ® , BladeCenter ® IBM System z ® , Power systems™ Non-IBM servers
  • 13. Консолидация Консолидация, управление и мониторинг Снижение расходов на обслуживание Повышение утилизации ресурсов Виртуализация Простота развертывания и внедрения ресурсов Увеличение гибкости использования ресурсов Снижение совокупной стоимости владения Автоматизация Каталог стандартных ИТ-услуг Быстрое и автоматизированное предоставление услуг Интегрированное управление виртуальными ресурсами Самообслуживание Централизованный портал самообслуживания Повышение производительности качества услуг Мониторинг, управление, поддержка и биллинг Simplified Shared Dynamic Переход на облачные технологии
  • 14. Примеры применения Cloud computing Хорошо вписываются в модель Cloud Тестирование и разработка – тестовая инфраструктура для разработчиков, тестирование обновлений и патчей, безопасный переход на новые версии решений и т.д. Средства коллективной работы – почта , календарь, веб-конференции, документооборот и т.д. ( LotusLive , Gmail) Среда разработки – готовое преинтегрированное решение для разработчика ( Rational, DB2, Websphere, Azure, Google Apps…) Пиковые нагрузки - Computing on demand Desktop решения – Desktop as a Service Storage решения - Storage as a Service Backup решения - Backup & Restore as a Service Software решения – Изначально разработанные для модели SaaS Преинтегрированные SW/HW решения (virtual appliances) Обработка больших объемов данных требуют от провайдера услуг гибкого предоставления дискового пространства Высоконагруженные вычислительные задачи – Grid вычисления, High Performance computing Возможны ограничения при переходе на Cloud Обработка высокритичных данных – персональные данные, секретные данные и гос.тайна Требования стандартов и законов в области ИТ и ИБ (Персональные данные, СТО БР ИББС, PCI DSS, SOX и т.д.) ПО может быть не адаптировано под виртуальную среду или под лицензирование в cloud архитектуре
  • 15. IBM рекомендует практический подход Перевод всей инфраструктуры в облако (private/public) Постепенный перевод всей ИТ в частное облако Public cloud IaaS, PaaS, SaaS Расширение Начать с построения частного облака Выбрать область с низким риском (напр, разработка и тестирование) Стандартизация приложений и систем Внедрения портала самообслуживания Внедрение Определение плана и стратегии Выбрать области применения Оценить TCO и ROI Разработать стратегию и архитектуру облака Использование текущей инфраструктуры Оценить возможность использования и перевода на облако Консолидация Виртуализация Каталог ИТ-услуг Планирование
  • 16. Ключевые предложения IBM Cloud Computing IBM’s Infrastructure Strategy & Planning for Cloud computing Формирование стратегии, архитектуры облачных вычислений, планирование проектов . IBM Smart Business Test Cloud Implementation Проектирование и реализация частной ( private) облачной среды разработки и тестирования IBM CloudBurst TM including CloudBurst TM QuickStart Services «Коробочное» решение , включающая в себя программное обеспечение, оборудование, систему хранения данных и услуги по внедрению частного облака IBM’s Smart Business Desktop Cloud Проектирование и реализация виртуальной рабочей среды пользователей IBM Smart Business Storage Cloud Решение для хранения данных - масштабируемое и виртуальное
  • 17. IBM CloudBurst – “ все в одном ” IBM CloudBurst – готовое облачное решение 4 варианта аппаратной конфигурации Предустановленное программное обеспечение Сервис по установке и настройке решения Обучение администраторов Вы получаете: Портал самообслуживания Каталог стандартных ИТ-услуг Возможность автоматического создания и предоставления ИТ-услуг Готовые шаблоны для создания новых с ИТ-услуг Встроенная виртуализация VMWare (Hyper-V,KVM, Xen) Встроенный механизм учета потребления ИТ-услуг Разграничение доступа к ИТ-услуг и другие функции безопасности За 5 дней вы получаете облачную архитектуру, готовую к работе в вашей ИТ инфраструктуре DEMO
  • 18. Преимущества облачной архитектуры ? «Какие выгоды cloud являются наиболее приоритетными?» – ответы руководителей ИТ: Снижение расходов 77% и более Аппаратное обеспечение Лицензии на ПО ИТ поддержка инфраструктуры ИТ персонал Получение выгоды 72% и более Снизить нагрузку на ИТ персонал Упростить ИТ процессы и процедуры Ускорить внедрение Планирование ИТ ресурсов, исходя из реальных потребностей Что дает cloud computing : Снижение расходов на предоставление ИТ услуг Гибкость и масштабируемость Быстрое предоставление ИТ услуг Ориентированность на самообслуживание
  • 19. Спасибо ! For more information, please visit: http://www.ibm.com/cloud/developer
  • 20. Appendix Additional Resources and Product Information
  • 21. Desktop cloud Public Desktop Cloud Service keyboard, mouse, display, network Thin Client / Repurposed PC Blades or Rack-based Servers User User User User Virtual Client Virtual Machines Опции для VM Предопределенная архитектура ( IBM Cloud) Возможность развертывания либо в ЦОД IBM, либо в ЦОД заказчика Shared Services До 250:1 (user/blade) Одна ОС Публикация приложений Не все приложения могут быть развернуты Лучшее значение TCO Published Desktop keyboard, mouse, display, network Virtual Client До 100:1 user/blade Персональная среда Публикация приложений Отдельная ОС для каждого пользователя/группы Хорошая безопасность и TCO Virtual Machines keyboard, mouse, display, network Blades or Rack-based Servers Blades or Rack-based Servers Virtual Client User User User Shared Services Streaming Services Отдельная ОС для каждого пользователя/группы Один образ Публикация приложений Возможность офф-лайновой работы Streaming keyboard, mouse, display, network Streaming Service Thin Client Thin Client Thin Client X3550, x3650 Servers Users Streaming Private Desktop Cloud Service
  • 22. Web/J2EE Development Software Engineering Requirements Management Software Architecture Database Management Web Infrastructure Quality Management Collaborative Software Development Software Delivery Automation Rational Requirements Composer Rational Asset Manager Rational Team Concert Rational Insight Rational Build Forge Agent Rational Application Developer Rational Build Forge Rational Asset Manager Rational Quality Manager Rational Software Architect WebSphere sMash WebSphere Application Server and Rational Agent Controller Informix Dynamic Server DB2 Express-C V9.7 IDS 11.50.xC5 DE Lotus Turbo Forms SUSE Linux Image Library Self Provisioning Personalized Control Panel Community Forums Getting Started Guides Getting Started Demos Академическая программа IBM http://www.ibm.com/cloud/developer Academic Skills Cloud
  • 23. Доступ к академической программе IBM Регистрация Create Account IBM Development Cloud Watch Demonstration 1 Выбор решения Identify Image(s) of interest Identify Product Review default topology 2 Использование Add an Instance Create Virtual Server Provision Server Access and Test Getting Started Materials Demo Video Samples 3 http://www.ibm.com/cloud/developer
  • 24. IBM Cloud offerings today Smart Business on IBM Public Cloud Standardized services on the IBM Cloud Smart Business Private Cloud Private cloud services, behind you firewall, built and/or managed by IBM Smart Business Systems Pre-integrated workload optimized systems IBM Smart Analytics System IBM Smart Analytics Cloud IBM CloudBurst IBM Smart Business Test Cloud Analytics Collaboration Development and Test Desktop and Devices Infrastructure (compute ) Business Services Infrastructure (storage ) IBM Smart Business Storage Cloud IBM CloudBurst 1.2, WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance IBM Smart Business for SMB (backed by the IBM Cloud) IBM Information Archive IBM LotusLive IBM Information Protection Services IBM Compute On Demand IBM Smart Business Expense Reporting on the IBM Cloud IBM BPM Blueworks (Design Tools) IBM Smart Desktop on IBM Cloud IBM Smart Business End User Support IBM Smart Business Dev & Test on the IBM Cloud IBM Smart Business Cube IBM Smart Business Desktop IBM Smart Business Desktop Cloud
  • 25. Cloud Consulting Cloud Implementation Cloud Delivered Infrastructure Strategy & Planning (GTS) Strategy & Change Services for Cloud Adoption (GBS) Strategy & Change Services for Cloud Providers (GBS) Testing Services for Cloud (GBS) Networking Strategy & Optimization (GTS) Data Center strategy (GTS) Vulnerability Management (GTS) Managed Email and Web Security (GTS) Smart Business Test Cloud Smart Business Desktop Cloud Smart Business Storage Cloud Smart Analytics Cloud Smart Analytics System IBM CloudBurst LotusLive Computing on Demand Information Protection Services Self Enablement Portal Smart Business Development & Test on the IBM Cloud Smart Business Desktop on the IBM Cloud Smart Business Expense Reporting on the IBM Cloud Security and Threat Mgmt IBM products on Amazon EC2 Cloud Technology Components WebSphere Hypervisor Edition DB2/Informix VMWare Images Tivoli Service Automation Manager IBM Solution Edition for Cloud Computing (System z) OSS (Operations Support Services0 BSS (Business Support Services) Proventia Virtualized Network Security Platform iDataPlex systems IBM WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance WebSphere Portal Server WebSphere sMash Mashup Center Rational Tools for the Cloud Cognos 8 Growing portfolio of IBM cloud computing products and services Helps clients address biggest issues: time, money and value to their customers Strategy Address expected adoption patterns with a range of Cloud services Existing services will be augmented with new services targeted at the most acute client pain points and which also yield the most attractive revenue and profit Extend portfolio with more application and industry-oriented services (e.g., storage repository for healthcare) We will coalesce around a common technology platform and integrated delivery infrastructure
  • 26. IBM Cloud Offerings available today IBM Smart Business Test Cloud IBM Smart Business Test on the IBM Cloud  Pre-packaged & pre-configured hardware & software to quickly and easily create a private cloud in support of development and test environments IBM CloudBurst Dev’t & Test  An automated request-driven infrastructure for delivering resources to in-house development and test teams for clients with on-premise development environment with application backlog and budget challenges Dev’t & Test  Fully managed service providing automated data protection for servers and desktops/laptops; for enterprises with limited IT staffs with multiple remote sites and heterogeneous operating systems and/or bound by regulatory requirements to retain data IBM Information Protection Services Infrastructure  Combines hardware, software and services to connect authorized users to platform-independent, centrally managed applications and full client images running in virtual machines from any simple device - a thin client or re-purposed PC - capable of running an Internet browser and connection protocol. Users are connected to applications or to a complete operating system image running in a virtual machine in the cloud in a pre-priced, pre-packaged subscription service. IBM Smart Business Desktop on the IBM Cloud Desktop & Devices  IBM Smart Business End User Support – Service Assist Offering Increase productivity and reduce costs with this self-help service desk portal for IT support. Ideal for supporting a mobile, geographically dispersed workforce. Desktop & Devices Description Workload An automated request-driven infrastructure for delivering resources to development and test teams for clients with development environment with application backlog and budget challenges, hosted on the IBM Cloud Dev’t & Test 
  • 27. IBM Cloud Offerings available today  Leverages services to create private clouds on System z behind the customer firewall, designed and optimized for business intelligence and analytics as a service that can be offered by the customer to their enterprise LoB tenants cost effectively and without sacrificing SLAs IBM Smart Analytics Cloud Analytics  The ultimate archiving system for all types of information and business needs (legal, regulatory, long term, etc). Control infrastructure costs, manage risk and improve productivity with this integrated hardware, software and services solution. < GA is 1Q10 > IBM Information Archive Information  The industry's first pre-integrated analytics system designed to deploy quickly and deliver fast time to value. Includes: extensive analytic capabilities, a powerful data warehouse foundation, scalability and full integration with IBM servers and storage, set-up services and single point of support (GA 9/29) IBM Smart Analytics System Analytics  Manage massive information demands while reducing costs with this robust storage cloud: - Enterprise-wide file sharing and collaboration. - Build cost-effective disaster recovery and business continuity solutions. - Reduce capital expense and enhance security. Reduce Total Cost of Ownership through server and storage consolidation. < Not Available in Japan > IBM Smart Business Storage Cloud Storage  Virtualize desktop computing resources to provide a logical, rather than a physical, method of access to data, computing power, storage capacity and other resources. For clients facing significant and growing IT complexity and costs. IBM Smart Business Desktop Cloud Desktop & Devices Offering Description Workload  A portfolio of cloud-delivered services for security-rich email, web conferencing and collaboration, including new iNotes for a secure, web-based service for email, calendaring and contact management starting at $3 per user, per month. 30-day free trial also available. Cloud Advantage sales play deployed for 2H09. IBM LotusLive Collaboration
  • 28. IBM Cloud Consulting Services  Helps organizations who are considering delivering public cloud services determine their overall Cloud provider strategy including a business model and operating strategy. IBM Strategy & Change Services for Cloud Providers Consulting Services  Business and IT executive workshop to identify if cloud computing can drive business value. ROI value case and diagnostic assessment of the current environment to determine strengths, gaps and readiness. IBM-Research workload analysis tool in support of recommendations Strategy, plan, architecture, and roadmap to successfully design the selected cloud delivery model(s). IBM Infrastructure Strategy & Planning for Cloud Computing Consulting Services   Provides a comprehensive understanding of the business value of migrating Testing to a cloud-based environment. IBM Testing Services for Cloud Consulting Services Helps clients develop a cloud IT strategy and understand how they can capitalize on potential cost-savings and other benefits of adopting the services of cloud providers. IBM Strategy & Change Services for Cloud Adoption Consulting Services Offering Description Workload
  • 29. IBM Cloud Offerings – Upcoming Announcements The IBM Compute Cloud Offering A pay-as-you-go virtual compute infrastructure service Enterprise ready with Standardized infrastructure and pre-configured software images – either Bare OS or IBM Software stack IBM Smart Business Compute on the IBM Cloud (Name may change) Enterprise Applications Offering Description Workload Availability
  • 30. Landscape of current cloud providers BPaaS Direct providers (public and private) SaaS PaaS IaaS AppEngine SQS, CloudFront, MapReduce EC2, S3, Simple DB Exchange Online CRM (IBM) (IBM) (Sun) (Microsoft) (IBM) Fulfillment Services (Red Hat) Products / services suppliers (sample) Other providers (sample) Source: &quot;Cloud Computing Services&quot;, Gartner, March 10, 2009; &quot;Visual Industry Map&quot;, Peter Laird OnDemand, http://peterlaird.blogspot.com, September 2008; company web sites Cloud infrastructure services (beta) vSphere as a service? ? = cloud offering areas = supporting services provided in-house Global Services

Editor's Notes

  1. The instrumentation, intelligence and interconnectedness of devices, people and nature is creating an information explosion that is driving new innovations, and new insights. It is these insights and innovations that are helping CIOs face the change and challenges needed to best support the business. Yet at the same time the CIO’s are being asked to do much more, better, with less. Their current infrastructure is at a breaking point, and they must find some way to break the mold and make dramatic game-changing choices.
  2. Yet at the same time the CIO’s are being asked to do much more, better, with less. Their current infrastructure is at a breaking point, and they must find some way to break the mold and make dramatic game-changing choices.
  3. So what is this thing called Cloud Computing? Cloud Computing has two aspects to it. It’s both an acquisition model so it’s very much focused on the end user experience and their ease of access, their ability to gain access to their information or resources very quickly. Their ability to have those resources grow elastically such that it can scale up or scale down based upon their specific needs and their ability to pay only for what they use. It’s also a delivery model. A delivery model that leverages virtualization of resources to be able to accommodate scaling and rapid provisioning. It also leverages automated management such that you can allow for changes to take place quickly and easily and also again manage the scaling that’s going to happen and the ability to unplug. It’s also about tracking and billing and the ability to know what a user is using for what amount of time. Cloud computing is taking many things that we are familiar with but also wrapping around them this end-user experience, this ease of access, this ease of use. Very similar to the self-service that we experience today with our banking and retail world.
  4. More than a technology shift, this is a radical new way of deriving IT services and one that is expected to produnfly change the IT industry. The change compared to traditional infrastructure is huge: You no longer need to fill out the paper based request, nor checking status of the service, nor care about hardware availability. In addition, you can rely on automated, instant and secure provisioning for the services, – The quotation from the Economist is very accurate: Clouds profoundly change the way people work and companies operate.
  5. Today we will cover some of the building blocks of cloud to show how Cloud computing can Build on advanced virtualisation technologies to increase HW utilization Build on automation which allows provisioning of resources in minutes instead of weeks Through virtualisation and automation, enable a new self service dimension (not possible in the current way of paper processes) and streamline IT service delivery processes Integrate and simplify Release management, Metering and/or Billing Achieve Payback period of months for new services
  6. (Suggestion) Add IBM Offering (e.g. Lotus Live, etc) on this diagram
  7. This slide shows how the cloud solution architecture is set up. There are four layers: workloads, service management, virtualization and physical test and pre-production. Software development and production are some of the many workloads that companies are redesigning to leverage cloud computing. The key building blocks of a cloud computing solution consist of a service management tier that allows access to physical resources through a virtualized layer. Because our approach is vendor-agnostic, IBM can integrate a test cloud solution with your existing environment. Workloads layer: Test and preproduction, software development, and production boxes Service management layer: Request UI and operations UI Service catalog and automation Provisioning Monitoring and metering Security Service level agreement management Capacity planning Virtualization: Virtual servers Virtual storage Virtual networks Virtual applications and middleware Virtual clients Physical layer: Non-IBM servers IBM System z IBM Power systems IBM System x and BladeCenter systems IBM and other storage Networking
  8. Though Cloud computing is relatively new concept, key building blocks for cloud are not new. The cloud delivery models builds on some of the key initiatives we have been and are promoting with clients under the Dynamic Infrastructure initiative and the idea that this transformation is a journey. A cloud computing delivery model requires a flexible and agile infrastructure. For this reason the roadmap to cloud begins with consolidation and virtualisation of the IT environment. While many clients have already taken this step, based on on IBM Cloud Computing research on 1000+ customers from July 2009, a third of those surveyed customers are not using virtualization technology at all. The next third (31%) are using virtualization only in a very limited fashion — and not in actual production environments unless on non-critical servers. So – this is huge opportunity for us to help prepare our clients for cloud. Once a virtualized infrastructure is in place, automation allows rapid redeployment of resources, integrated virtualisation management and huge productivity improvements. Self service puts the business user in control. So the only major new concept is to have self service consumption of IT Services. From a technology point of view (portal) this is certainly not a challenge, however a lot or planning and review of which services are offered and how they are standardized needs to take place…. Let’s look at workload first ======== Original from Miro, Miro I propose the above ========= You should all be familiar with the IBM vision for a Dynamic Infrastructure. You have heard and will still hear much about the dynamic infrastructure. I’m sure you’re familiar with the the major dynamic infrastructure initiatives – such as Consolidation, Virtualization, service management, security, etc. You’ll see, that some of these initiatives play an important role in the IT Transformation roadmap to Cloud. Before a company can moved to a cloud environment, IT needs to become consolidated, … virtualized, … and Automated, … with eventually enabled self-service. Based on on IBM Cloud Computing research on 1000+ customers from July 2009, a third of those surveyed customers are not using virtualization technology at all. The next third (31%) are using virtualization only in a very limited fashion — and not in actual production environments unless on non-critical servers. So – this is huge opportunity for us to help prepare our clients for cloud. In reality, the only new concept is to have self service consumption of IT Services available. From a technology perspective this is not difficult, but planning which services should be offered in this way and how they should be standardized needs some serious thinking…. Let’s look at workloads (type of services) suitable for cloud first….
  9. IBM has defined clear methodology in adopting cloud computing. You may be at the beginning of assessing cloud computing for your organization. We can help you assess your IT infrastructure and needs and develop a roadmap for transitioning to cloud-based workloads. Maybe you already have a strategy—we can help you pilot a private cloud and deploy cloud-based systems and services. And after deployment, we can help you extend and evolve existing cloud services, rolling out cloud across your enterprise and growing your cloud infrastructure.
  10. We asked IBM clients “To what degree would each of these factors induce you to acquire public cloud services?” 77 percent said that reducing costs would be a major factor in adopting cloud. That includes: Hardware savings Software license savings Lower labor and support costs Lower outside maintenance costs. Nearly as many, 72 percent, said that a faster time to value would induce them to adopt cloud to: Relieve pressure on internal resources Simplify updating and upgrading IT Speed deployment And be able to scale IT resources to meet needs. Why should you adopt cloud? To lower the costs of delivering IT services To deliver flexible IT Because your competitors are already thinking about cloud—and some are already implementing it Because cloud changes the economics of IT and offers competitive advantage
  11. To realize the potential of a smarter planet, organizations need to do three things.
  12. You’ve probably seen this chart many times before. It’s a matrix of our workload specific cloud offerings by deployment model. I’d like to focus on a few of our offerings that are either new or unique Its important to note that while we the three different deployment models, the underlying Cloud Service Platform is the same. That means that if a client starts in the IBM Cloud, the tools and technologies that they use are the same as on our private cloud and that we can move between the deployments models as needed without changing technologies. No other vendor provides that level of portability. This is very exciting because it waill allow us to create all sorts of new models that involve hosting or outsourcing, as our clients needs dictate. Keep in mind that this is an evolving chart and doesn’t even include all of our products that are available today. We will continue to update it and make it available to you as major new offerings are announced. I won’t go through each of the offerings, but I would like to talk about a couple of the offerings. The first is the Dev/Test offering on the IBM Cloud that had been in beta and will be in General Availability on 3/31. This is a very important announcement as its taking what will be our general compute platform and starting to offer if for public consumption. Throughout the year this will continue to evolve with capabilities. Intially, it will be for Linux on xSeries but quickly will be available for Windows and also pSeries environments, as well. We see the TestDev area as as one of the best payback areas with some of the quickest adoption. The Test/Dev area is one that shows the most dramatic reduction of cost by utilizing cloud computing, whether through the IBM Cloud, Private Cloud or CloudBurst purpose built solution. Its one that can be easily piloted and allows the client to see the benefits that they may uncover. Those benefits are: • Reduced high cost and deployment time of software development and test environment • Limit capital investment and significant software license savings • Reduce development and test provisioning cycle times from weeks to minutes • Improve quality with reduced defects due to faulty configurations • Improve governance and reduce risk of large software deployments Another to offering to explore with you clients that can be piloted fairly easily is the Desktop Cloud. The Desktop Cloud offering allows clients to standardize and virtualize their desktops, which allows them to continue to use their current hardware or even switch to lower cost-long life terminal solutions and dramatically reduce their support and operations costs. It can be done in the IBM cloud or in their own private cloud. We can do pilots on as few as 30 desktops using the IBM cloud and it’s a great way to develop the Value Proposition
  13. Cloud, as a new business model, presents a potential threat to our traditional services business but it is also a huge opportunity for us to have new conversations with clients and help shape the market and quickly attain mind and market share. Cloud Computing will change how IT services are delivered and used, which speaks directly to what are clients ask for: They want to reduce costs by only paying for what they use, They need a faster time to value, which means taking advantage of the latest tools to speed deployment of their offerings to their customers, And all with system scalability, reliability, availability and security. In other words, cloud is a new way for clients to tackle their biggest business challenges – time, money and value to their customers. Self-service, ease of provisioning and the ability to quickly scale up and down are also attractive attributes of a cloud environment. The Cloud offerings we are developing are applicable to both SO and ITS. We have had literally hundreds of client engagements over these last couple of years. Many of those through the Cloud centers that have been established around the world. Many of those through services engagements, as well as IBM Research collaborating with clients. And we&apos;ve had an extensive collaboration with universities, much of that in a program that we cosponsored with Google to build more skills coming out of the colleges and universities around Cloud. Our portfolio is in fact based on this experience with hundreds of customers in this arena over the last couple of years. And based on that experience, we&apos;re offering three choices. One is through IBM Smart Business Services where we deliver the service on the IBM cloud. IBM owns and provides the service in the cloud and provides the service through the cloud. A second Smart Business Services choice is we build you a cloud behind your firewall and then you can manage it or we can manage it, depending on what you want. And then the third option – Smart Business Systems. It&apos;s pre-integrated hardware, software and services that will be optimized for the workload that you&apos;re addressing. Three that we have recently announced are the Smart Business Storage Cloud, Smart Business Test Cloud and the Smart Business Desktop Cloud, also known as virtual infrastructure access, or VIA. We will continue to offer a Cloud Center of Excellence (COE) to accelerate skill development and market penetration of new cloud services. We are also looking at incorporating cloud attributes into the current SO business; for example, provisioning. Cloud computing is a great opportunity to upsell and expand scope in our outsourcing accounts.