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Doubled Haploid Technology in
Maize breeding: Status and prospects

   George Mahuku, Aida Kebede, Vanessa
   Prigge, Leocadio Martinez
• Introduction to Doubled Haploid (DH) technology

• Advantages of DH lines in maize breeding

• Steps in DH line development

• CIMMYT’s experience in DH line generation

• Challenges

• On-going activities
Doubled Haploid (DH) lines – What
           are they?
• Haploid: an individuals with the gametic
  chromosome number (n) in its somatic cells.

• A Doubled Haploid: is a genotype formed when
  haploid cells (n), i.e. egg or sperm cell undergo
  chromosome doubling (2n).

• The resulting individual is completely homozygous.
Conventional vs DH Inbred Line
• Produced by repeated generations of
• In each generation, heterozygosity
  reduces by 50%
• Resulting inbred lines s are highly
  homozygous but not 100%
• DH technique – a quicker method to
  obtain 100% pure inbred lines

   Generation             S1     S2     S3     S4       S5      S6      S7
   Homozygosity (%)        50    75     87.5   93.75   96.875   98.45   99.23
   Months                  6     12     18      24      30       36      42
Advantages of DH technique
              in hybrid maize breeding
 •    Acceleration of inbred line development
 •    Evaluation of putative hybrids at the beginning of the
      selection process
 •    Maximum additive variance available
 •    Reduction of masking effects which are caused by
      residual heterozygosity
 •    Reduction of costs for nursery & maintenance breeding
 •    Simplyfied logistics

Schmidt 2004; Röber et al. 2005
Doubled haploids – a valuable tool for
• Establishment of DH mapping populations
   – Improve the precision of genetic and mapping studies
   – Analysis of linkage disequilibrium
   – Analysis of haplotype/trait associations
• Accelerate gene pyramiding
• Evaluation, exploitation, and conservation of genetic
   – Extraction of individual gametes from heterozygous materials
     transforming them into DH lines
   – Detrimental effects are revealed to the full extent from the very
   – Conservation of germplasm in form of reproducible DH lines
Methods for Producing haploids
• In vitro - Tissue Culture Techniques
   – Anther Culture (microspore culture)
   – Highly complex & expensive
   – Low plantlet regeneration rate which is dependent on genetic
   – Greatly limited for application in breeding programs
• In vivo - Genetic induction
   – Widely used
   –   Involves use of inducer lines
   –   High frequency of haploid generation
   –   Simple to operate
   –   Relatively inexpensive
Two types of haploids

           Cytoplasm Chromosome Importance
                                Effective for
                                converting high
Paternal    Inducer     Donor   combining seed parent
haploids                        lines to isogenic CMS
                                Rapid development of
Maternal     Donor      Donor   completely
haploids                        homozygous inbred
Production of Maternal haploids
           using in vivo method
1) Induction of haploidy
2) Identification of haploids              DH-Donor/
                                   Source germplasm (Female)

3) Artificial chromosome               3

                                                                 doubled haploid
4) Self-pollination for seed                                       (DH) plants

   multiplication                  4

Doubled haploid video in youtube
                                                               Two new DH lines
Haploid Induction
                                 Table 1. Inducers and their haploid induction rate (HIR)

  Materials:
                                 Inducer              HIR (%)     Reference
                                 Stock 6                2.3       Coe 1959

          Haploid inducer       WS14                 2.0 - 5.0
                                                                  Lashermes & Beckert
          Heterozygous source   KEMS
                                                       8 - 23
                                                                  Shatskaya et al. 1994
                                                                  Röber et al. 2005
           germplasm             PK6                     ~6       Barret et al. 2008
                                                                  Prigge et al., in
                                 UH400                  >8        preparation

                                         Collect inducer pollen     Pollinate
                                                                    source germplasm

color marker
Induction in yellow
Harvesting induced ears   and white donors
Haploid Kernel Identification
     Triploid endosperm
     (purple aleurone)

                                  DH-Donor           Inducer (purple embryo
                                  (colorless)        & aleurone)

    Diploid embryo
    (purple scutellum)

R1-nj color marker system
for identification of
haploids (Coe and Sarkar,   Haploid seed               Regular (diploid) F1
                            - colorless embryo         seed purple embryo
1964; Sarkar and Coe,       - purple aleurone          - purple aleurone
Haploid Kernel selection in CIMMYT

                          Regular F1   Haploid
                  CAT 1   (CAT 2)      (CAT 3)
Step 3: Artificial genome doubling
  • 0.06% colchicine, 0.5% DMSO solution; 8 hours                              Gayen et al. (1994) MNL 68:85

  • Colchicine acts as mitotic inhibitor

  Germination of haploid seeds   Cutting of coleoptile on 3 consecutive days   Colchicine treatment over night

Transplanting to the field
                                    Planting into pots, recovery and
                                    establishing of treated plants
How does colchicine work?
• Colchicine is an alhkloid produced by Colchicum
• It works as mitotic inhibitor: by binding to tubulin
  during mitosis it inhibits spindle formation so that
  the cell cannot split into two daughter cells

    Haploid   Doubled
Chromosome doubling agents
• Colchicine is commonly used as doubling agent

          α and β

• Nitric Oxide (Kato and Geiger, 2002)
• Microtubule binding herbicides
   • Caused chromosomal doubling of root tip cells (Hantzschel
      and Weber, 2010)
Step 4: Self-pollination

Elimination of “false“plants
• vigor & tillering
• stalk color
• endosperm & embryo color
DH lines express uniformity within the
     line and diversity among the lines!

Cycle   DH                   Conventional
1       Generate F1          Generate F1
2       Cross F1 x inducer   Generate F2
3       Treat & self (D0)    Generate F2:3
4       Self & generate      Generate F3:4
5                            Generate F4:5
6                            Generate F5:6
DH line generation at CIMMYT-
CIMMYT GMP started its
        involvement in DH in 2007
• University of Hohenheim provided temperate inducer
  genotypes and technical support
• Various aspects under investigation:
   – Development of tropical adapted inducer lines
   – Induction rate of temperate inducers in tropical
   – Novel marker system for haploid kernel identification
   – Optimization of agronomic management to increase
     success rate of DH line development
Tropically adapted inducer line
          New tropical
          Inducer lines

        Induction rate

             Temperate inducer
Topically adapted Inducer lines

        TAIL           Temperate
        Line           Inducer
Progress in Haploid kernel induction
            Hand Pollination

                                 Isolation Block
 Hand Pollination

                    Inducer    Donor       Inducer
Harvest from Isolation block

                                Harvest of 2011

•Moving into production phase
•Increase the number of
inductions to 150 source
Optimizing Agronomic
Lack of flowering or synchronization
•   Lack of synchronization
•   Good female flowers (stigmas)
•   Little or no pollen
•   Use of shading
Insect pest problem -Ear worms
                     • Cipermetrina

  • Heliothis spp.
Progress: DH line development

                                       Goal : 5000 DH lines/year
                                       • 4350 DH lines generated in
                                       • >10 000 DH lines in 2012
                                       Cycle   DH               Conventional
                                       1       Generate F1      Generate F1
                                       2       Cross F1 x       Generate F2
(LPS C7-F180-3-1-1-1-BBB / CML-449 )           inducer
                                       3       Treat & self (D0) Generate F2:3
• Challenges
   • Agronomic management              4                        Generate F3:4
   • Haploid seed identification
   • Chromosome doubling               5                        Generate F4:5
                                       6                        Generate F5:6
Number of lines



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                                                      DH lines / population

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D1 seeds per line

Number of lines

                        1   2   3    4   5   6   7   8   9   10 11 to 21 to 51 to100>
                                                                 20 50 100

                                    # Quantity of seed
On-going activities
• Continue to optimize the DH production protocols
• Develop a detailed protocol on how to develop DH
• Finalize development of a tropically adapted inducer
• Look for new haploid seed identification phenotypic
• Develop alternative chromosome doubling agents
• Training partners in DH techniques
DH Group in Agua Fria

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S4.4 Doubled Haploid Technology in Maize breeding: Status and prospects

  • 1. Doubled Haploid Technology in Maize breeding: Status and prospects George Mahuku, Aida Kebede, Vanessa Prigge, Leocadio Martinez
  • 2. Outline • Introduction to Doubled Haploid (DH) technology • Advantages of DH lines in maize breeding • Steps in DH line development • CIMMYT’s experience in DH line generation • Challenges • On-going activities
  • 3. Doubled Haploid (DH) lines – What are they? • Haploid: an individuals with the gametic chromosome number (n) in its somatic cells. • A Doubled Haploid: is a genotype formed when haploid cells (n), i.e. egg or sperm cell undergo chromosome doubling (2n). • The resulting individual is completely homozygous.
  • 4. Conventional vs DH Inbred Line Development • Produced by repeated generations of selfing • In each generation, heterozygosity reduces by 50% • Resulting inbred lines s are highly homozygous but not 100% • DH technique – a quicker method to obtain 100% pure inbred lines Generation S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 Homozygosity (%) 50 75 87.5 93.75 96.875 98.45 99.23 Months 6 12 18 24 30 36 42
  • 5. Advantages of DH technique in hybrid maize breeding • Acceleration of inbred line development • Evaluation of putative hybrids at the beginning of the selection process • Maximum additive variance available • Reduction of masking effects which are caused by residual heterozygosity • Reduction of costs for nursery & maintenance breeding work • Simplyfied logistics Schmidt 2004; Röber et al. 2005
  • 6. Doubled haploids – a valuable tool for research • Establishment of DH mapping populations – Improve the precision of genetic and mapping studies – Analysis of linkage disequilibrium – Analysis of haplotype/trait associations • Accelerate gene pyramiding • Evaluation, exploitation, and conservation of genetic resources – Extraction of individual gametes from heterozygous materials transforming them into DH lines – Detrimental effects are revealed to the full extent from the very beginning – Conservation of germplasm in form of reproducible DH lines
  • 7. Methods for Producing haploids • In vitro - Tissue Culture Techniques – Anther Culture (microspore culture) – Highly complex & expensive – Low plantlet regeneration rate which is dependent on genetic background – Greatly limited for application in breeding programs • In vivo - Genetic induction – Widely used – Involves use of inducer lines – High frequency of haploid generation – Simple to operate – Relatively inexpensive
  • 8. Two types of haploids Cytoplasm Chromosome Importance Effective for converting high Paternal Inducer Donor combining seed parent haploids lines to isogenic CMS analogues Rapid development of Maternal Donor Donor completely haploids homozygous inbred lines
  • 9. Production of Maternal haploids using in vivo method 1 1) Induction of haploidy 2 2) Identification of haploids DH-Donor/ Source germplasm (Female) Inducer (Pollinator) 3) Artificial chromosome 3 Haploid seedlings doubling Two doubled haploid 4) Self-pollination for seed (DH) plants multiplication 4 Doubled haploid video in youtube http://blog.cimmyt.org/?p=5880. Two new DH lines
  • 10. Haploid Induction Table 1. Inducers and their haploid induction rate (HIR)  Materials: Inducer HIR (%) Reference Stock 6 2.3 Coe 1959  Haploid inducer WS14 2.0 - 5.0 Lashermes & Beckert 1988  Heterozygous source KEMS RWS 6.3 8 - 23 Shatskaya et al. 1994 Röber et al. 2005 germplasm PK6 ~6 Barret et al. 2008 Prigge et al., in UH400 >8 preparation Collect inducer pollen Pollinate source germplasm R1-nj color marker
  • 11. Induction in yellow Harvesting induced ears and white donors
  • 12. Haploid Kernel Identification Triploid endosperm (purple aleurone) DH-Donor Inducer (purple embryo (colorless) & aleurone) X Diploid embryo (purple scutellum) R1-nj color marker system for identification of haploids (Coe and Sarkar, Haploid seed Regular (diploid) F1 - colorless embryo seed purple embryo 1964; Sarkar and Coe, - purple aleurone - purple aleurone 1966)
  • 13. Haploid Kernel selection in CIMMYT Regular F1 Haploid CAT 1 (CAT 2) (CAT 3)
  • 14. Step 3: Artificial genome doubling • 0.06% colchicine, 0.5% DMSO solution; 8 hours Gayen et al. (1994) MNL 68:85 • Colchicine acts as mitotic inhibitor Germination of haploid seeds Cutting of coleoptile on 3 consecutive days Colchicine treatment over night Transplanting to the field Planting into pots, recovery and establishing of treated plants
  • 15. How does colchicine work? • Colchicine is an alhkloid produced by Colchicum autumnale • It works as mitotic inhibitor: by binding to tubulin during mitosis it inhibits spindle formation so that the cell cannot split into two daughter cells Haploid Doubled haploid (diploid)
  • 16. Chromosome doubling agents • Colchicine is commonly used as doubling agent α and β Tubulin • Nitric Oxide (Kato and Geiger, 2002) • Microtubule binding herbicides • Caused chromosomal doubling of root tip cells (Hantzschel and Weber, 2010)
  • 17. Step 4: Self-pollination Elimination of “false“plants • vigor & tillering • stalk color • endosperm & embryo color
  • 18. DH lines express uniformity within the line and diversity among the lines! Cycle DH Conventional 1 Generate F1 Generate F1 2 Cross F1 x inducer Generate F2 3 Treat & self (D0) Generate F2:3 4 Self & generate Generate F3:4 D1 5 Generate F4:5 6 Generate F5:6
  • 19. DH line generation at CIMMYT- progress
  • 20. CIMMYT GMP started its involvement in DH in 2007 • University of Hohenheim provided temperate inducer genotypes and technical support • Various aspects under investigation: – Development of tropical adapted inducer lines – Induction rate of temperate inducers in tropical environments – Novel marker system for haploid kernel identification – Optimization of agronomic management to increase success rate of DH line development
  • 21. Tropically adapted inducer line development New tropical Inducer lines Induction rate ≥10% Temperate inducer
  • 22. Topically adapted Inducer lines TAIL Temperate Line Inducer
  • 23. Progress in Haploid kernel induction Hand Pollination Isolation Block Hand Pollination Inducer Donor Inducer
  • 24. Harvest from Isolation block Harvest of 2011 inductions •Moving into production phase •Increase the number of inductions to 150 source populations
  • 25. Optimizing Agronomic Management
  • 26. Lack of flowering or synchronization • Lack of synchronization • Good female flowers (stigmas) • Little or no pollen • Use of shading
  • 27. Insect pest problem -Ear worms • Cipermetrina • Heliothis spp.
  • 29. Progress: DH line development Goal : 5000 DH lines/year • 4350 DH lines generated in 2010/2011 • >10 000 DH lines in 2012 Cycle DH Conventional 1 Generate F1 Generate F1 2 Cross F1 x Generate F2 (LPS C7-F180-3-1-1-1-BBB / CML-449 ) inducer 3 Treat & self (D0) Generate F2:3 • Challenges • Agronomic management 4 Generate F3:4 • Haploid seed identification • Chromosome doubling 5 Generate F4:5 6 Generate F5:6
  • 30. Number of lines 150 200 250 300 350 100 0 50 POP 1 POP 2 POP 3 POP 4 POP 5 POP 6 POP 7 POP 8 POP 9 POP 10 POP 11 POP 12 POP 13 POP 14 POP 15 POP 16 POP 17 POP 18 POP 19 POP 20 POP 21 POP 22 POP 23 POP 24 POP 25 POP 26 POP 27 POP 28 POP 29 POP 30 DH lines / population POP 31 POP 32 POP 33 POP 34 POP 35 POP 36 POP 37 POP 38 POP 39
  • 31. D1 seeds per line 350 300 250 Number of lines 200 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 to 21 to 51 to100> 20 50 100 # Quantity of seed
  • 32. On-going activities • Continue to optimize the DH production protocols • Develop a detailed protocol on how to develop DH lines • Finalize development of a tropically adapted inducer line • Look for new haploid seed identification phenotypic marker • Develop alternative chromosome doubling agents • Training partners in DH techniques
  • 33. DH Group in Agua Fria